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mercy_n judgement_n sin_n sinner_n 2,057 5 7.5058 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50402 The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1674 (1674) Wing M1450; ESTC R33505 161,259 298

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Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all If the whole Congregation sinned they were to bring a young Bullock to be offered for their sin and before it was killed the Elders of the Congregation representing all the people under the Government were to lay their hands on the head of the Bullock before the Lord It seemeth b● this Ceremony they did as it were put off the sins of all the people from the guilty sinners upon the Sacrifice So the Lord Christ before he suffered for the sins of his people first took upon himself the guilt of all their sins for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him the guilt of mens sins was imputed unto him and put upon his account as his righteousness is imputed to Believers and accounted theirs 4. He subjected himself to the Curse of the Law due to men for their sins against the Law for it is written Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them then it followeth ver 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us for it is written Cursed is every on that hangeth on a tree Thus he exposed himself to the flames of divine wrath which would have been a consuming fire to a meer Creature but as the wood of the Altar for burnt offering was overlaid with Brass that it might not be devoured by the fire so his humane nature being united to the God-head was so fortified to endure the burning heat of the wrath and Curse of God that it was not consumed by it but although the God-head was inseparably united to the manhood and did not leave it for a moment yet it did so withhold its divine influence from the Manhood for a time that it suffered extream and unconceivable torments in body but especially in soul as appeareth in the holy story for though God the Father loved him infinitely as his Son and as one that was perfectly holy and righteous in his own person yet he executed his justice upon him to the full as he presented himself before him burdened with the guilt of mans sins against the Law It pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief Saith the Apostle He spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us He spared not his own Son He found him engaged to satisfie the Law for the sins of men and therefore he executed the severity of the Law upon him and spared him not but delivered him up for us all saith the Text. He did as it were deliver him up with his own hand for sinners delivering him up by the hand of his love towards sinners to the hand of his justice to be punished for their sins so that I conceive it may be said that Christ had judgement without mercy that through him mercy might glory over judgment toward repenting and believing sinners Fifthly He actually suffered death He did shed his most precious blood He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross. He poured out his soul unto death Iesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yeilded up the Ghost When they came to Iesus and saw that he was dead already they brake not his leggs but one of the Souldiers with his Spear pierced his side and forthwith came thereout blood and water Lastly That it might be manifest that the Prince of life was really dead for the satisfaction of the Law He suffered his body to be caried to Prison to be shut up in the grave and held under the power of death untill the third day Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the Garden a new Sepulchre wherein was never man yet laid there laid they Iesus Thus ye see the Lord Jesus Christ satisfied the Law to the full endured the rigour and bare the penalty of it Secondly by satisfying the Law and endruing the severity of it he established the Law I suppose it is not necessary to speak much of this particular because the opening of the former giveth light unto it breifly thus 1. The Law required perfect obedience as ye heard the full performance of every branch and tittle of it 2. In case of disobedience transgression defect and failing in obedience the Law denounced a grievous penalty a Curse death and destruction as was noted also yea the Law given to mankind in Adam had the sentence of death annexed In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die 3. Hence it followeth that if neither the Law be fulfilled in a way of obedience nor satisfied by the inflicting of the punishment then it is made void and declared to be of no force to have lost its authority its vigour and to be frustrated of its end 4. Thereupon we may infer by the rule of contraries that the Lord Jesus Christ having in the nature of man born the full penalty severity and Curse of the Law due to the sins of men against the Law and by his God-head to which his humane nature wherein he suffered is personally united gave sufficient value and worth to his sufferings to make full satisfaction to the Law to the uttermost that the Law in its greatest rigour could require hence it clearly followeth that Christ established the Law This was a reall and full acknowledgement of the Authority of the Law the wonderful abasement the grievous sufferings of the Son of God were signal evidences infallible demonstrations of the force and authority of the Law the Lord of glory appearing in the form of a Servant to make way for satisfying the Law he that is the brightness of the Fathers glory enduring the shame of the Cross did abundantly witness to the world the Authority of the Law The Lord Jesus Christ spared not his most precious blood but freely poured it forth to satisfie the Law for the sins of his people and thereby ratified and sealed the Authority of the Law How should this be improved to stir up poor souls without delay to turn to the Lord and flee to Christ For in as much as the Lord Jesus did both perform perfect obedience to the Law and bear the full penalty and curse of the Law and by both these establish the Law it sheweth clearly that the Law standeth in full force against all that are out of Christ they being guilty of sin against the Law are subject to the Curse of the Law for being not found in Christ they have no part in his perfect righteousness and full satisfaction and therefore are every moment in danger of the sentence of condemnation denounced by the the Law It is true that Christ hath fully satisfied the Law But what doth this help them that remain in their natural estate
them as are brought forth into outward act defile the body also some of them more some less according to their natures and degrees Now there is a severe threatning formerly mentioned If any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy As ye desire the salvation of your souls and bodies to prevent the destruction of both take heed of defiling these Temples of God make a through search and cast out all the filth which ye find there by sincere repentance and reformation watch against all future defilements and as atonement was made for the Tabernacle by the blood of the sin-offering so seek to clear your selves from the guilt of your sins by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus applied by faith Seventhly Next to the Tabernacle or Temple ye may take notice of the Altar of burnt-offering and as the sacrifices offered up on this Altar and High-priest who was the principal officer were Types of Chirst so it seemeth was the Altar We have an Altar whereof they have no right to eat that serve the Tabernacle 1. It was commanded to be made of Shittim Wood which is thought to have been a choice kind of wood that would not rot and so fit to resemble the precious body of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom it is said He whom God raised again saw no corruption The Lord Christ though he freely laid down his life for his people and suffered death yet He rose again in so short a time as to prevent all putrefaction and rottenness He saw no corruption and as he preserved his own natural body from corruption so he shall deliver his mystical body his Church and the members of it out of corruption and raise them incorruptible But 2. The Altar was to be over-laid with Brass for though the wood might be free from rotting and corrupting yet I conceive it could not endure the force of that fire which was to burn upon it and therefore it was to have a brazen covering This seemeth to note unto us the Godhead of Christ united to his manhood or that strength which the Godhead thus united gave to the manhood whereby it was so mightily for●ified that the wrath of God due to the Sons of men did not consume it as the wood of the Alta● was not consumed by the fire wherewith the Sacrifices were burnt 3. This Altar was placed by the door of the Tabernacle of the Tent of the congregation it seemeth this was set in the open Court that all the people might see it and behold the Sacrifices offered upon it that their hearts might be raised in expectation of that great and all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ which alone satisfieth for sins so now Christ in the preaching of the Gospel is set forth as it were crucified before the eyes of believers The Altar upon which the sacrifices were offered was set by the door of the Tabernacle at the entrance into it whosoever will have a place in the Courts of the Lord and abide in his house for ever must get entrance by Christ and his sacrifice sin shutteth the door against all only Christ makes way for those that truly come to him and by him to God Saith the Lord Christ I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved And again I am the way c. No man cometh unto the Father but by me whosoever will come to God enjoy his favour enter into Covenant and have communion with him must come to him by Christ. 4. There was an Altar to burn Incense upon of the same wood with the former but overlaid with pure Gold Christ is the Golden Altar upon whom the prayers and other services of his people are offered up as sweet Incense unto God by whose merit and intercession they find acceptance 2. No strange Incense was to be offered thereon so no strange worship must be offered to God in the Name of Christ of mans deviseing only such services are to be presented to him as the Lord himself hath appointed in his word In vain do they worship me teaching for doctrine the traditions of men The Lord alloweth not any strange Incense to be offered up to him Eighthly There was the Ark overlaid with pure Gold into which was put the Testimony by which I understand the Tables of stone wherein the Law was written by the finger of God This Ark was a special token of God his presence with his people and upon the Ark was placed a mercy-seat of pure Gold and the mercy seat was put above upon the Ark. As the mercy seat was set above upon the Ark wherein the Law was so the Lord in dealing with repenting and believing sinners in Christ exalteth and magnifieth his mercy and covereth their sins whereby they have transgressed his holy Law He sitteth upon a mercy-seat to receive poor sinners that fly from the curse of the Law for refuge to the riches of his grace in Christ. Let all poor souls without strive and hasten to escape from the severity of Gods dreadful justice to his mercy-seat through Christ whose blood hath opened a way unto it They that are sincerely willing to renounce their dearest sins and to yeild subjection unto Christ may have free access to the mercy-seat and receive an answer of peace in Christ. This Ark wherein the Tables of the Law were written and the mercy-seat was of the same measure for breadth and length so they that will have their hearts assured of the saving mercy of God in Christ must have the Law of God written by the finger of God in their hearts they must be regenerate and renewed by the spirit of Christ and conformed to his holy Law Poor souls pursued with the guilt of their Consciences and curse of the Law must flee to the mercy-seat of God in Christ though as yet they do not find any such work in themselves but they cannot have their hearts established in the assurance of this priviledge that their sins are forgiven until they find this gracious work wrought in them and therefore the Lord in d●c●aring his Covenant joyneth these two together This is the Covenant c. I will put my Laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more The Lord promiseth to the same pr●sons to pardon their sins and to write his Laws in their hearts As for those that go on securely in sin and yet rely upon the mercy of God in Christ for pardon of sin they deceive themselves The Ark wherein the Law was put and the mercy-seat were just of the same size and repentance which is a change of heart and life is always joyned with forgiveness of sins There were two Cherubims of beaten Gold at the two ends of the mercy-seat with their faces one
Father in the forehead and face of his beloved Son readeth such an inscription of perfect holiness and righteousness that beholding his people in him he accepteth them as perfectly righteous through him that as this golden plate with this inscription was placed so eminently on Aarons forehead that it was visible and obvious to the bodily eyes and sight of the people of Israel so the perfect righteousness and holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ is eminently visible to the spiritual eye of his peoples faith that they may receive sweet comfort in the assurance that their iniquities are taken away through him and may behold the Fatherly love and kindness of the Father towards them and his gracious acceptance of their sevices in the face of Jesus Christ. One thing more was to be added before as belonging to the breast-plate of Judgement scil Vrim and Thummim concerning which there is a great question What it was Wherein it seemeth that neither Iewish nor Christian writers are yet agreed Whether it were these words engraven upon a golden plate and put upon a breast-plate or whether the twelve precious stones upon the breast-plate were so called or what other thing it might be Howsoever the meaning of the words is plain which being both of the plural number signifie Lights and Perfections These may point out unto us the fulness of heavenly Light wisdom and knowledge and perfection of grace that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Saith he I am the light of the World again I am the Truth And the Apostle saith In him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bedily This may shew that all by nature are darkness and imperfection and therefore needing such a Saviour who is fullness of Lights and Perfections Ye were sometimes darkness but now are Light in the Lord. God who is rich in mercy for his great Love wherewith ●e loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sins hath quickned us together with Christ. And ye are compleat in him who is the head of all principality and power They that are natur●lly full of spiritual death darkness imperfection receive spiritual life light and grace from Christ when once they are truly united to him and so are compleat not in themselves but in him upon whose breast are Vrim and Thummim in whom is fullness of Lights and Perfections And Malachy who seemeth to be one of the last Prophets before Christs coming to raise up the hearts of the godly in expectation of Christs appearing in the flesh told them or rather God speaking by him assured them thus But unto you that fear my Name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing under his wings with light to deliver you from darkness and with healing graces the influences of his heavenly perfections to cure the diseases defects distempers of your souls Sixthly The High priest was appointed for men in things pertaining to God to offer gifts and Sacrifices for sins so the Lord Christ was ordained for men in things pertaining to God to offer Sacrifice for sins Christ hath loved us and given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God Where it is manifest that he is both the High-Priest and the Sacrifice both the offerer and the offering as he is the offering or sacrifice so he was figured by such sacrifices as those formerly spoken of As he is the offerer or High-priest so he is figured by the High-Priest of the old Testament None was worthy to offer this sacrifice of infinite value but Christ himself and the infinite worth of Christ God and man who as the High-Priest or Sacrificer presented this offering to God the Father and the infinite worth of the same Christ presented as an offering may assure the greatest sinners which truly turn to the Lord and come to him that there is enough done to make atonement and reconciliation between God and them only take heed least by neglecting so great salvation the infinite worth of the High Priest and sacrifice prove in the Issue an aggravation of your guilt and condemnation Seventhly The High-Priest having killed the Bullock of the sin-offering was to take a Censer full of burning coals of fire from off the Altar before the Lord and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small and bring it within the Vail scil into the holy of holies and then fire the Incense that the cloud of the Incense might cover the mercy-seat and then to sprinkle of the blood of the bullock upon the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat seven times● so first the Lord Christ having sacrificed himself entred with his own blood scil with the merit and virtue of his blood into the most holy place within the vail that is into Heaven it self into the second sci the most holy place went the High priest once every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errours of the people but Christ being being become an High-Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of Goats and Calves but by his own blood he entred once into the holy place having obtained eternal Redemption so that the merit and virtue of Christ his most precious blood is always presented before God in Heaven in behalf of those that truly lay hold on Christ. Also the sweet incense put upon the fire in the Golden Censer and resting as a cloud upon the mercy-seat may teach us that the sweet incense of Christ his sacrifice and offering make way for the Persons Prayers and services of Gods people that so they may approach to the mercy-seat or gracious presence of God in Heaven The blood also sprinkled upon and before the Mercy-seat may note unto us that the blood of Christ procures mercy with God for repenting and believing sinners and maketh way for them to draw nigh unto God And so much for this eminent Type of Christ. The High-Priest of the old Testament figuring Christ the eternal High-Priest In the next place somewhat might be spoken of the inferiour Priests which were of the posterity of Aaron These I take to have been Types of the Members of Christ of whom it is said that Christ hath loved them and washed them from their sins in his own blood and made them Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to whom also Peter saith Ye are are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar people And these are first to offer themselves as sacrifices to God I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of