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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30522 The everlasting gospel of repentance and remission of sins ... by ... Edward Burrough. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing B6001; ESTC R14681 25,766 33

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after Covetousness and the love of this World they have gone though there hath been a great profession of Worship and Religion in thee much Preaching and Praying Sabbath-keeping and professed Church-fellowship Ministry and Ordinances and a Sect here of one sort and there another that have cryed Lord Lord and have made a shew of Worships and Duties towards him yet notwithstanding Hypocrisie False-heartedness Covetousness Double-mindedness and the spirit of Pride and Ambition and vain Glory have possessed the hearts of both Teachers and People in all the false Sects and divers kinds of Religion though they have had a shew as if they were the Lords People and a pretence of Worship and conformity of Church-fellowship c. yet their hearts have not been right before the Lord but of these it may be said even they have professed God with their mouths and with their lips honoured him and in the very time their hearts have gone after Covetousness and been far departed from the Lord and though they have cryed The Temple of the Lord and we are the Church of Christ and Members of him and have Gospel and Ministry and Ordinances yet these people have walked in Pride and Arrogancy and Covetousness and their hearts have been Corrupted in the sight of the Most High and all their Religion hath been but as the fig-leaves by which they have sought to cover themselves but it cannot be For behold ye Professors and People of Ireland God hath beheld your Hypocrisies and the Deceitfulness of your hearts and your nakedness doth appear for though you have professed much of the Spirit and Spiritual Things yet you have walked in the Flesh and brought forth the fruits thereof and your garments of feigned Prayers and Practices and your profession of Church and Ordinances will not cover nor hide you from the Wrath of the Lamb Oh People of Ireland many of you have been corrupted in your hearts and polluted in your minds and from the highest of you to the lowest you are sound Transgressors against God even from the Professor to the Porphane the Lord hath found no good fruit amongst you well-pleasing to him but four grapes and bitter fruit have you brought forth even fruit of a bad tast and loathsom smel unto the Lord and now the Lord hath found you out in your wickedness and the cry of your Iniquities call for Vengeance for of you it may be said Ah Nation laden with Iniquity ah sinful People a seed of Evil-doers corrupted from the crown of the heal to the soal of the foot these things are so and they cannot be hid But now the Lords purpose is to deal with thee because of thy sins seeing he is provoked against this People by their Iniquities who have been disobedient to the living God Therefore will he renew his Judgments of old and withdraw his Mercies and he will plead with the People in his Justice his Judgments are at the door and he will punish the stout-hearted and proud and arrogant till they learn meekness and humility he will correct the Transgressors with his Rod of heavy Wrath till they turn to him by Repentance and all that will not bow and kiss the Son and cease from evil and learn to do well they shall be broken and cut off and perish in his anger and he will never heal them even the Feller will come upon thy People O Nation who will hew down thy Cedars and cut up thy strong Oaks the Fanner is coming upon thee to sift thee to preserve the good Grain and to separate the Chaff into the fire thy Strength will be made weak and thy Crown will be toden down and thy Beauty shall be marred and all thy Glory and Might shall fade like a flower in that day when the Lord of Hosts pleadeth with thee and when he rewards thee for thy Wickedness Then Wo unto thee and unto all the Wicked and workers of Iniquity and he will cause them to remember what they have done thy Sins O Nation shall be set in order before thee and thy Persecution of the Lords Servants shall be charged to thy account and the Rod of Affliction shall reach close unto thee because thereof and as thy Rulers have done to others so shall it be done to them into Captivity shall they go and the Spoyler shall come upon the Land for Iust is the Lord and his Iudgments altogether equal and though he be long-suffering and of great forbearance yet he forgets not to plead with his Enemies and to plague the Ungodly nor to shew mercy to them that trust in him And doubtles there is a Cup of Wrath prepared for the Wicked to drink and it seemeth to be near even a day of great Wrath Tribulation upon Sinners and Transgressors who have rejected the Lord and despised his Reproofs and would not receive the Message of the Light of the World that they might be healed Wherefore Repeat Repent all sorts of People all Sinners and Transgressors tremble before the Lord ye stout-hearted and rebellious Children Wo unto ye unjust Rulers and Judges that have exercised unjust Judgment in the Land that have judged for Gifts and Rewards and that have turned aside just Judgement Mercy and Truth and that have persecuted the Innocent without just cause Wo unto you that have been Oppressors of the Poor and Needy ye that have not judged for the Lord as ye ought to have done but have been ambitious and vain-glorious and puffed up in the flesh by high Titles and Places of Honour ye that have exalted your selves above your Brethren and sought Honour of Men and loved the Honour of this World more than the Honour of God Wo unto you for the day of the Lords Judgment is at hand and an account of your Stewardship must you give Ye that should have judged in Mercy and Truth and Equity but have perverted just Judgment and made the Innocent Offenders and have not been a praise to them that do well nor a terror to evil-doers as ye ought to have been Wo unto you and to the Oppressing and Falshearted Lawyers and that Train who have been greedy of Gain and served your own Ends and sought Riches to your selves and the Cause of the Poor hath not been freely pleaded by you Wo unto all ye that have made a Trade of doing Judgment and Justice and have been exercised in the Laws for your own Ends and not singly for the Lord Tremble ye sons of Wickedness ye that have exercised the Power of Antichrist and the Beast for the Judgments of the Lord are at hand to be executed upon you Wo unto you Great and Rich men ye covetous and earthly Worldlings ye that have made your selves rich by Oppression and grinding the faces of the Poor that have got Gain by hard dealing and added Land to Land and Field to Field and that have over-reached the Ignorant and oppressed the Widows and Fatherless and that have exercised Cruelty and
THE Everlasting Gospel OF REPENTANCE AND Remission of Sins Held forth and Declared to the Inhabitants of the Earth That they may Turn and be Converted to the Living GOD lest they perish in the Day of Vengeance which is near at hand And this is A MESSAGE of RECONCILIATION to All PEOPLE every where in General but more particularly to the Inhabitants of IRELAND and to all sorts of People therein even to the Rich and to the Poor to the Professors and to the Prophane that every one may be stirred up to seek the Lord by Repentance With Certain PROPOSITIONS of FAITH laid down which every one must believe or else they cannot be saved And Certain OBJECTIONS Answered relating to the Present Dayes With the Way of a Hapyy and Blessed GOVERNMENT discovered in the Kingdoms of this World c. By one that seeks the Good of all men Edward Burrough London Printed for Robert Wilson in Martins Le Grand The Everlasting Gospel of Repentance and Remission of Sins held forth and declared c. OH IRELAND the day of Gods visitation of Love and tender Mercy hath been upon thee to try thee and to prove thee and the Lord would have gathered thy People into Covenant and Fellowship with himself to live in Love Unity and Peace and the Lord would have made thy Inhabitants blessed but they would not but many have refused the Day of his Love and they have neglected his Loving-kindness and have chosen their own wayes of Iniquity and Unrighteousness rather than the way of Truth and Peace though the Lord hath often smitten and caused his Judgments to be known in the Land and suffered great destruction in dayes past even Plague Sword and Famine were sore upon thee Have thy Inhabitants forgotten the dealings of the Lord towards thee Are his Judgments and Mercies clean gone out of remembrance which the Lord shewed in thee not many years since And because of thy Iniquities and Transgressions which were grown very great against God he was angry with thee and provoked against thee and did give up thy Inhabitants to hardness of heart and cruelty of mind one against another so that they were given up to destroy and cut off one another and thousands of them fel through the malice wickedness of each others hearts and hands and cruel Murders Robberies Treacheries and a very great destruction was commited amongst thy People and this was because Iniquity at that day was full Pride and Oppression Drunkenness and Whoredom Double-dealing and Preachery and all manner of Unrighteousness was grown to the height and therefore did the Lord suffer a very great Rebuke in the Land and by Sword Plague and Famine did he plead with thy Inhabitanas for some years together even that he might humble thee and correct thee and that thy People might turn unto him and forsake their Iniquities Oh! why hast thou forgotten the dealings of the Lord running into the same abominations for since the Lord stayed his Judgments Iniquity is incre●●●● even as before though the Lord hath given thee Rest and Peace for divers years and healed thee of thy Sorrows and Miseries and replenished thee with People and this hast had Peace and Fulness for a good season but yet thou hast not made a right use of these mercies as thou oughtest to have done though the Lord hath shewed Love and Favour towards thee in delivering of thee from thy former Troubles and Miseries yet thou hast turned to thy own hurt his Blessings into a Curse through thy abuse of them and now through Rest and Peace and Fulness thy Inhabitants are corrupted and become abominably sinfull and they have loaden themselves with transgressions and heaped up wrath against the day of wrath even wrathful matter for the wrath of God and former Judgments and Mercies seems to be both forgotten many having abused them to their hurt though the Lord intended them for their good and thy Inhabitants are as before many of them hardened in Iniquity rather than turned from it and they are turned into their old paths and drinks of the same Cup of Abominations and Pride and Oppression and all Unrighteousness in every part of it is grown as high as ever it was in thee Oh how doth Wickedness abound Drunkenness Wantonness vain Pleasures Envy Wrath Contention Heart-burning Covetousness and Earthly-mindedness Double-dealing False-heartedness Idolatry and Hypocrisie and all fruits of the Flesh how do they abound in thee even as high as ever before as though thou hadst never felt Judgment because of thy sins and as though thou hadst never tasted of Mercy that thou shouldest live a better life but both Judgment and Mercy by-past are neglected and the remembrance of them worn out and thou hast said in thy heart We love this World its Pleasures and Vanities and after our wayes will we go Oh Nation and Kingdom this is thy condition and thy present state thou drinkest up Iniquity as an Ox drinketh water and thou addest sin to sin as if all thou couldst do were too little and like as if thou wert appointed for no other end but to commit sin and thou hatest Reproof and despisest Correction and him that reproves thee thou countest thy Enemy for the whole pleasure of many of thy People is in sinning against God and thus thou thinkest to serve him with thy sins and requitest the Lord evil for his good towards thee and his Judgments and Mercies have no place in thy heart Though yet thou hast been warned for these divers years that thy people should turn from their Inquities and serve the living God Repentance and forsaking of sin hath been preached thorow thee and warning hath been given of the Judgments of God that are to come but hereof hast thou taken no notice as thou oughtest to have done but thy Inhabitants have despised the Lords Servants and persecuted them and thou hast held in derision and under great afflictions the People of the Lord and persecuted them for good Conscience-sake And this is the fulfilling of Wickedness in thee and the hight of thy Inhabitants Transgressions in that they have persecuted such who have warned them and despised the Lords Reproof and would not hearken to the Advice of his People but do alwayes reject the Message of Gods Light which reproves People in their own Consciences because of Sin that they should turn from it and be saved this Message hath been proclaimed thorow the Land even for some years together wherein the Lord hath visited thee with his Love that he might gather thy People and condemn their Iniquities and save their Souls but thy People have rejected this Message and would not be turned from their Idolatrous wayes and worships nor from the Hypocrisie of their ways that they might be healed but thy People have forsaken the living God and rebelled against the Light and the way of Peace they have refused and turned their backs towards the Lord and not their face and
cease and there appears to be at this day as great if not far more Dissatisfactions in the minds of some People than hath been heretofore and it appears to be as far from Settlement and true Peace in an happy Union in Government as for many years though it hath been expected by many that we should have Peace and Settlement in Government yet behold it cannot be for there are Discontents and Murmurings in the minds of men and Unsettlement in their spirits and the Foundation of a happy Government is not yet discovered unto many nor do the people walk in the way of Peace but Iniquity is abounding Oppression and Cruelty yet lives Hard-heartedness and Envy Pride and Ambition are not yet cut down neither in all the Governours nor in the Governed and this is not the way of Peace and true Settlement but it is the way of Troubles and Distractions and the very Foundation of greater Distractions and Wars rather than of Settlement and happy Government These things are so and therefore true Peace and Settlement in good Agreement who can expect because the ground of Distractions and Unsettlement is continued and increased rather than abated and removed amongst many and the true Foundation of Peace and Settlement in happy Government is not yet raised up amongst men but because Injustice and Oppression are continued therefore will God be provoked to bring Distractions Wars and Tribulations upon the Kingdoms of all the World and God will confound and dash in pieces Powers Authorities Rulers Nations and Peoples and He will break one Potsherd against another and overthrow one Mountain against another and the hands of cruel men will God suffer to devour one another and ambitious and malicious hearts shall be suffered to finish one anothers end because of their own wickedness and therefore be not deceived Blessedness in the Kingdoms of this World can never be except Iniquity and Transgression be departed from except Oppression and Hard-heartedness dye and except the Foundation of War and Strife be removed and the Foundation of Peace and happy Government be raised up amongst men Again True Peace and Settlement in good Government can never be except the Lord alone be owned as Judge and Law-giver and his righteous Laws to be executed in the Earth that Justice and true Judgment may flow down and all the contrary may be stopped and limitted by the just Laws of God and all unjust and unequal Laws made and established in the Ignorance of men which have not been justly according to the Law of God nor depended thereupon such Laws must also be made void judged and cast out and the Law of God must enter This must be accomplished if ever true Settlement in a happy Peace be amongst us the Laws must be changed the unjust and unequal cast out and just and equal Laws brought in for because hereof while unjust and unequal Laws have been executed in Judgment therefore have we wanted Settlement and Peace in a happy Government and the contrary hath been and will continue till all unjust unequal and oppressive Love be discontinued Again If ever true Peace and Settlement in a happy Government be amongst men Governours Rulers and Executors of the Law must be Iust persons and Righteous men Men that fear God and hate Covetousness and that depart from every evil way and all ambitious self-seeking and unjust men must be cast out even all they that have sought themselves and not the Lord in their places of Trust such as have perverted Justice and true Judgment for their own corrupted ends and such as have been cruel and hard-hearted Oppressors all such as these must be cast out and the Law must not be committed to such to execute neither must such sit in Judgement over the People for because hereof and while such men have ruled and governed and executed the Laws no true Settlement in a Just Government but the contrary hath been even Distractions and Tribulations and while such men do continue to rule and judge and execute the Laws in any part of the world we shall never have a happy Government nor Settlement in it in this world nor till Just men that have the Spirit of God and sound Judgment that are humble and meek patient and merciful and such as fear the Lord and walk in his wayes be called to rule and judge and execute the Laws and the Laws must be just and holy and the Executors of them equal and upright men Till these things be accomplished a happy Settlement in this Worlds Kingdoms can never be but God will dash one Mountain against another and throw one Hill upon another and he will give no Peace among the Kings of the Earth but stain the Glory of all the Worlds Governments till Truth and Righteousness come to reign and till Just Laws be executed by Just men and till Mercy and Justice Truth and Equity flow forth abundantly Therefore all Nations you have been deceived while you have turned up and down from one way and manner and kind of Government to another and from one sort of Governours to others sometimes you have been for a Parliament sometime for a Protector and sometime for neither from each of these to others you have changed thinking to have Peace and Settlement in a happy Government but it could not be for there are continual Distractions until this day in the minds of men and they are yet unsetled in their spirits and there are Heart-burnings and Envyings and seeking of Revenge and while these things are nothing but Distractions and Tribulations not Peace but Troubles even till these things be removed And till we have just and equal Laws according to the Law of God established over us and Just and Holy and Righteous men to execute them in Judgement upon us and till we have Truth and Righteousness sit on the Throne until this be no true Settlement in a happy Government but Distractions and Contentions and woful Tribulations in the Kingdoms of the World and amongst men and this is certain and according unto the Will of the Lord and in the justness of his Judgements these things come to passe for it is Injustice and Oppressions and want of Mercy and Truth which is the Foundation of Contentions and Distractions and it is Justice and Equity Truth and Righteousness that is the only Foundation of Peace and Settlement and a happy Government for a perpetual continuance To all False Christia●● THere are many false wayes in the world and many false kinds of Religions and people are in much disagreement about their Church Worship and Ministry Papists are opposing the Protestents and the Protestants the Papists and there is a great contention in the World But the Papists are in a wrong way and so are the Protestants too and their Religions are both false in many things for whilst they profess Christ and Christianity and make a shew of Righteousness in outward appearance yet many of them live in sinful wayes and bring forth the fruits of Iniquity against the living God and Pride Cheating and Double-dealing Covetousness and Envy Drunkenness and Whoredom and all Wickedness is abounding and brought forth both by the Apostate Christians though they cry up the Name of Christ and the Profession of Godliness yet are they wicked in the sight of God and they are not changed in heart and mind nor do they know the New Birth and all such are out of the right way in the way of Errour if they have the Form of Godliness but want the Power though they may have Masse or say Common-prayer once a week or oftner yet all this is but Abomination and Deceit whilst they practise Iniquity Hatred Back biting Lying Drunkenness and the like they that act these things the Plagues of God will be their portion and Misery their end and their Profession in Religion will not save them The Day of the Lord is at hand ye Hypocrites ye false Christians ye that profess God with your lips and your hearts are far away Therefore repent ye and tremble before the Lord lest he smite you with Vengeance and forsake your false Religions both your Masse and your Forms of Prayer and be not Idolaters in professing love in your mouthes and honour with your lips whilst your hearts are departed from the living God and now come to learn the true Religion Depart from all Iniquity and do not lye nor swear nor be drunk nor steal nor murder nor envy but love the Lord with all your hearts and your Neighbour as your selves And this is the true Religion in which man may be saved and live in Soberness Meekness and Honesty and speak every man Truth to his Neighbour and live in love one with another and be kind and gentle and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit of God Cease to do evil and learn to do well and depart from all Iniquity and follow after Righteousness This is true Religion and in it you may be saved this is the right way all that walk in it shall have Peace and Blessing from God and all that walk contrary Damnation is their portion Therefore you Papists and Protestants so called turn from your Hypocrisie and learn this way and cease from your false worships that are after the Forms and Traditions of men and not after the Spirit of God and learn to worship God in the Spirit that you may be saved You have a Light from Christ in your consciences which lets you see what sins ye are guilty of and it reproves you for your sin If you belie●e in the Light and walk in it that is the right way then you will deny what is evil and follow what is good in your Coversations but if you follow what is evil and act contrary to the Light in your Consciences and repent nor Vengeance in flames of fire will be your portion This is the day of your Visitation the Army of the Lamb is gone forth and the Sword of the Spirit is drawn amongst them that will wound your Consciences and God will smite you with the words of his mouth ye Rocks and Hils and Bryars and Thorns and fruitless Trees the God of Heaven will hew you to pieces and pluck you up and oast you into the fire to be consumed Repons for the Day of the Lord is at hand THE END