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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29747 Christ in believers the hope of glory being the substance of several sermons / preached by John Brown. Brown, John, 1610?-1679. 1694 (1694) Wing B5027; ESTC R27231 99,108 212

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he is still carrying on ●h● work of these Offices untill he hath deliverd up the Kingdom to GOD even the Father Cor 15.24.8 That he for the carring on of this work of Redemption was well satisfyed to endure the Cross dispising the shame Heb 12.2.3 c. To be assaulted with and tempted of the Devil Ma 4.1 2 3 c. Luk 4.2 c. Heb 4.15 to be persecuted unto death yea to the death of the Cross Isa 53.9 10. Yea and to bear the wrath and curse of GOD Almighty which we had deserved Gal 2.13 Lu● 22 44 Isa 53 5.6 10. How may men an● Angels stand astonished at these Mysteries o● love that he undertook and all for such unto whom he was never can never be obliged yea even for his enemies Rom 5.10.9 Tha● he as a publick person head and Representative of the Elect which were given unto him to be saved after that he had remained unde● the power of Death until the third day Act 2.24 25.26 R●se again from the dead by hi● own Power Joh 10 18 And thereby with powe● declared himself to be the Son of GOD Rom 1 4 And that he had satisfied Justice having payed the price and come out of Prison Rom 8.34 Heb 2.14 here are Mysteries full of hope soul consolation 10. That he as head and representing his ransomed Ones should ascend up unto Heaven triumphing over principalites powers leading captivetycaptive to take possession in their Name prepare a place for them Heb 6 20 Ephs 4.8 Joh 14 3 The Apostles stood gazing on him and so do ye lift up your heart● to gaz● on him by fai●h and view him in that act as p●ssing along unto Heaven as leading sin hell death and devils in triumph at his Chario● wh●els when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive then he led captive all our Spiritual enemies that would have ruined ensl●ved and captivated us Now leading of captives is alwayes after a compleat Victory And therefore whereas at His Death He had conquered them at His Rising scattered them now at His Ascension He leads them Captive O what a Mystery of Hope and of full Assurance is here 11. That even when exalted to that high state of Honour Power and M●jesty having got a Name which is above every Name Phil. 2.9 And glorified with the Father Himself with ●hat Glory which He had wi●h the Father be●ore the World was Ioh. 17.8 He should not ●orget His poor Members on Earth but that He daily now appears in the presence of GOD ●or them Heb. 9 12.24 7.25 Rom 8.34 An●wering all the particular Accusations brought ●n against them 1 Ioh. 2 1. T●king care that ●hey and their Performances be accepted ●phes 1.6.1 Pet. 2.5 Revel 8.3 How shall ●e attain unto the knowledge of these Heart-●omforting Cordials and Soul-strengthening Mysteries but alone through the Gospel 12. That He by His Word and Spirit should make real and effectual Application of the good and great Things that are purchased by giving them Saving Grace Repen●ance and Remission of Sins Act. 5.31 and Faith Tit. 3.5 6. Ephes. 2.8 2 Cor. 4.13 Ephes. 1.17 18 19. And His Spirit establishing and strengthe●i●g their Faith Ioh. 14 16 17 26. And bringing the begun work unto perfection through the continual I●fluences of His Spirit And at l●st ●●owning them with G●ory Psal. 110.1 1 Cor 15.25 Who thô such as the Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entered into th● Heart of Man to take up Isa. 64.4 1. Cor. 2 9 Neither doth it yet appear 1 Ioh. 3.2 Nevertheless is the Revelation of these unknow● tran●cending Mysteries of Glory only mad● known to us by the Gospel The Third principal Point is of these Mysteries which the Gospel reveal● to us of GOD These are also many we shall name but a fe● of them As 1. His Love and Goodness i● finding out a way of Salvation and for th● end sending His own Son unto the World Well might Iohn say Chap. 3 16. For God solved the World that He gave His only ●egotten 〈◊〉 that whosoever believeth in Him should not peris● but have everlasting Life For who can say● express what sort of Love or how great th● Love was Heathens without the Churc● may observe and see much of His Love in th● common tract of Dispensations and His Goo●ness should lead them to Repentance Act 1● 17. But thereby they can never attain suc● length as to see and understand this Lov● this everlasting Fountain of Love This Lo●● and Goodness o● GOD is only manifested u●to Men through the Gospel Tit. 3.4.2 H●● Eternal Purpose and Decree of Saving 〈◊〉 Sinners in a way unspeakably tending to 〈◊〉 Praise of His glorious Attributes especia● of His Justice Mercy and Wisdom Nature ●hereat must sing dumb Nature can discover nothing how He has chosen some of us in Christ before the foundation of the World having predestinated them unto the Adoption of Children by Iesus Christ according to the good pleasure of Hes Will To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace Ephes. 1 4 5 6. Only the Gosp●l doth this Vers 9. Natu●e cannot learn us how the Children unb●rn not having as yet don● either Good or Evil should h●ve it said unto them the Elder serve the Younger That the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of works but of Him that calleth Rom 9 11 12 13 3 His Soveraignity is in this matchless Remedy in choosing o● some and not all in undertaking for some and not for others sending the glad Tydings of the Gospel to some and not to others reaching the Heart of some through the Preaching of the Gospel and not of others 4. His Justice in pun●shing of Sin even in His own Son when standing in the place and room of Sinners which is a greater Demonstration of GOD's Justice than ever could be obta●ned by all the Plagues and Judgements whereby He hath ever punished the greatest of Sinners Rom. 3.21 22 25.26.5 His Mercy in pardoning passing by Sinners according to the satisfaction of Christ and in accepting such as believe as Righteous according to ●he good pleasure of His Will Ephes. 1.6 7 8. Can there be a greater Evidence of Mercy than this A grea●●● cannot be imagined Therefore the Gospel 〈◊〉 called the Grace of GOD. 6. His infinit Wisdom is herein discovered in so ordering th● whole work of our Salvation that Just●ce should be fully satisfied and Mercy hav● place so that Mercy Truth should k●ss ea●h other This is called His manifold W●sdom ●phes 3.10 All Wisdom Ephes. 1.8.7 H●● Truth in letting loose all His Threa●nings upon the Cautioner when the principal Debter was spared From all which it is more than evident tha● the Gospel holds sorth the great Plot of Salvation more clearly and distinctly than all ●he works of Creation and Providence could have done But 10. The Gospel is called a Mysteey
which we have done but according to His Mercy He saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost That being Iustified by his Grace we should be made Heirs according to the hope of eternal Life Ti● 3 4 5 7.5 How pro●tigate Sinners who have their hearts full of enmity against GOD ●eing enemies in their mind by wicked works Col 1.21 And who hate Christ and his Fa●her Iohn 7.7 and 15.18.23 24. Are made willing to lay hold on Christ for their LORD and King and to take on his yoke to believe in him and to rest on him By the Gospel is only made known what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his Mighty Power Ephes. 1.19 And how the Sinner is convinced humbled broken and brought off from his vain hope false grounds and unsound imaginations and perswaded to deny himself and his own Righteousness and to flee to Christ that he may be preserved under the shaddow of his Wings from the tempests and storms of GOD's wrath This Mystery of Godlyness manifesteth unto us how that Limbs of Satan are married unto Christ as their husband Ephes 5.23.6 How the sinner being altogether foul and ugly polluted within and without is made meet to be partaker of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light Col 1.12 And sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the word That Christ might present it to himself not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish Ephes 5.26.27 The Gospel only manifesteth this real Evangelick way of Sanct●fication 7. How cometh it to pass that such a wonderfull chang is wrought in the creature who sometimes was foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lust● and pleasures living in malice envy hatefull and hateing one another How now they are tame as Lambs seeking peace with all men crucified to the World dead to the pleasures and vanities which formerly they were drowned being now taught to deny ungodlyness and worldly lusts they live soberly righteously and Godly in their present world Tit 2.12 The Gospel only Discovers to us the right ground of this wonderfull change and lets us see that this is the fruit of his Reigning who i● th● R●d out of the stem of Iesse the girdle of whose Ioy●● is righteousness and faithfulness the girdle of his reins That the wolf shall dwell with the Lamb and the Leopard shall lay down with the kid and the calf and the young Lyon and the fa●ling together and a litle Child shall lead them c. Isa 11.1 5 6 7.8 How it is that such as were the curse of the Law heirs of hell under the sentence of condemnation are made heirs o● Glory have a sure and Covenanted right to Everlasting Salvation have the lively hope and certain expectation thereof are Coheirs with Christ have the same sealed which he as the head of the Body hath The Gospel brings this eternall Mystery of love to Light and maketh the eternal purpose of GOD and his decre● of predestination manifest whereby he hath ordained unto li●e his Elect through Jesus Christ here is the Mystery of his will made known unto us according to ●is good pleasure which he had purposed in himself Ephes 1.9 The second principal head is of such Mysteries as relate unto Christ And here is a bundle of Mysteries Revealed and made known by the Gospel which shall be matter of wondering ●or the Redeemed through all Eternity Take but some few instances for his Name is Wonderful Isa. 9.6 And he is answerable to his Name For he is wholy a wonder And 1 That he became a man that God is made man made fl●sh and made manifest in the flesh 1. Tim 3.16 And dwelt among us Joh. 1.14 That the Creator of the ends of the earth is become a Creature how may the Angels stand astonished thereat that GOD taketh on mans Nature Uniting it in a personal union with himself Who can ●each the ground of this Mystery And how should we have attained the knowledge thereof but through the Gospel 2. That he should not only take on him man● Nature but also take upon him the form of a servant though he being in the form of GOD thought it no robbery to be equal with G●D yet notwithstanding should make himself of no reputation Phil 2 6.7 That he should take upon him our infirmities and be made like unto us in all things except sin Heb 2.17 That he should become poor as a servant not haveing whereupon to lay his head and being born had no better intertainment than a manger And that all the dayes of his life he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief And meeting with many injures and reproaches from the hands of friends and foes great and smal from Relations and others What a Mystery of love compassion tenderness and Condescendency is here 3. That he should be GOD and man in two distinct Natures and one person for ever so that it was realy he who was GOD that same Person who suffered all that was laid ●pon him to suffer Therefore are we said to be purchased with his own Blood Act. 20.28 This was the true Emmanuel GOD with us Isa 14.7 Mat 1.23 Luk 1.31 And he is GOD and man at this day and for ever 4 That he should come under the Law who was the great Law-giver Gal 4 4. And that he subjected himself unto the commands of the moral Law and to the Institu●ion of the Ceremonial Law that he might fullfill all righteousness Matt ● 15 and 5.17 and migh● Redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption o● Sons Gal 4.5 What a bottomless depths of love is here 5. That this Person should come as the Fathers servant with his orders and Comission Isa 53.11 and 42.1 Zech 3. ● Joh 6.38 and 10.18 and 15.10 and 17.4 and 20.21 And that he took upon him the Offices of a King Priest and Prophet Psal 2.6 Heb and ● 14 15. Act 13. Luke 18. and alone for our behoove that he might be a compleat Saviour 6 ly That He who was all fullness condescended to receive a fullness as Head and Saviour of His Body that we all of his fulness might receive and Grace for Grace Iohn 1.16 Thus was He anointed with the Holy Ghost above measure Iohn 3.34 Psalm 4 5.7 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Col. 2.3 It pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell Col. 1.19 Yea in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the God ●ead bodily Col. 2.9 And for that end that he might be compleatly furnished for saving of His people What could make known unto us such a compleat ordained Mediator but this Gospel alone 7. That he fully and faithfully performed the word which he undertook exercising punctually the Offices whice he took upon himself and that