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A17125 Instructions for the vse of the beades conteining many matters of meditacion or mentall prayer, vvith diuerse good aduises of ghostly counsayle. VVere vnto is added a figure or forme of the beades portrued in a table. Compiled by Iohn Bucke for the benefit of vnlearned. And dedicated to the honorable good lady, Anne Lady Hungarforde, sister to the duchesse of Ferria. Bucke, John. 1589 (1589) STC 4000; ESTC S112699 27,910 90

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euer studie to establish our affiance and trust in God against all tentacions And one speciall good mean therunto is a patient and quiet mynd neyther too negligent and recheles nor too anxious and carefull about our temporall affayrs As for example touching our bodily sustentacion and necessities vve must not be ouer solicitous but rest vpon this grounde that sithe it is true that the geuer of all good thinges doeth nourish the byrdes of the eyr fishes in the sea and beastes on the earth euerie one in his degree and qualitie to vvhom yet he hathe made no promis therof hovv muche more cause haue vve to hope that he vvill prouide for vs to vvhome his promys is past as appeareth in the sixt of Seynt Mathevv vvhere he deliuereth vs of all suche care an sayth in expresse vvoordes Be not carefull sayeing what shall we eat or what shall we drinke or were with shall we be couered Seek first the kingdome of God and all these thinges shal be geuen you besides And too muche care for other temporall thinges is forbidden as a very daungerous tentacion As vvell for that in this vvorlde vve are but as pilgrimes or vvayfayring men hauing here no place of certein abyding but are to remoue vpon many suddain occasions and to clogge and ouer lode our selues vvith superfluities vver mere solye As all so and specially for that suche carefullnes is seldome or neuer vvithout sinne and vvithdravveth our myndes from prouiding for thinges of mere necessite and of great importance touching our soule And it argueth in vs a greater loue and affection tovvardes thies vanities than tovvardes the vvealth of our soul Agayn vvhere they are not got vvithout great labour nor kept vvithout care they are quickie lost and notvvithout great greefe Therfore this carefullnes and loue to vvorldlye thinges is to be eschevved For as S. Gregorie sayeth That whiche is possessed without great loue or affection therto ye also lost without any great greefe Let vs then forsake the care of transitorie thinges and setle our trust in God vvho neuer failed those that put their affiance in him Examples vve haue infinite to proue the same An other preseruatiue is a mature and rype discrecion and Iudgement in vveighing and considering our sinnes For many curiouse simple men as vvell as the sinfull and vvicked vpon repentance looke so farre in to theyr lyfe only as they forget the mercie of God and fall into despare and blasphemye It is ther fore good and verie necessarie euer with all consideracions of our sinnes to call to mynde the article of our faith touching remission of sinnes and the promises of God for the same vvherof holy scripture hath great plentie As vvhere the Prophet sayeth In vvhat hovvre a sinner is sory and confesseth his sinnes they are all put out of mynde God is bothe hable and vvilling to forgeue a penitēt sinner be his sinnes neuer so great But no man can haue true repentance nor doe right pennance vvhiche doeth it not vvith a firm hope of forgeuenes and vvithout all mistrust and diffidence of the promis of God Accused ther fore at the desperat before our Sauiour vvhiche sayeth I vvil not the death of a sinner but rather that he be conuerted and liue Another good assurance vve haue to confirme our hope in god and that is his faithfull promis that he is vvillinge and reddie graciouslie to hear vs in all our petitions vvhiche are for our good For our Sauiour sayeth Matth. 7. Aske and it shabbe geuen you seeke and you shal finde knocke and it shall be opened to you for euerie one that asketh receiueth c. And we know that he heareth vs saith Seynt Iohn what soeuer we shall aske accordinge to his will Alwayes prouided that we aske in fayth nothing doubting as Seynt Iames byddeth vs For the asker of lavvfull thinges may not either mistrust gods povver and habilitie or be in despair of his mercie but that the doubte vve haue be onely in our ovvne vnvvoorthinesse or vndue asking A fouerth good staye vve haue to lean vpon and to preserue our hope and confidence And that is the faithfull promise of eternall lyfe geuen vs by God if vve liue here according to his vvill and commaundement doeing pennance for our sinnes and leaning to his mercye in faith hope and Charitie for God is most faithfull and euer keepeth his promisse vvith all men Therfore if vve vvil not be lyke to the vvaues of the fea vvhiche are caried about vvith the vvinde let vs flee from too muche care of transitorie thinges and keep in our minde and memorie the promise of God euer offering his grace to vs reddie to hear and help vs. So shall vve preserue the hoope and confidence that God requireth of vs to vvhom be all honor and glorie for euer Amen A prayer to our blessed lady made by the most holy and auncient Ephrem MOther of God vndefiled Queen of al the hope of them that despair my lady most glorious higher than the heuenly spirites more honorable than the Cherubines holier than the Seraphines and vvithout comparison more glorious than the supernall hostes the hoope of the fathers the glorie of the Prophets the praise of the Apostles by thee vve are recōciled to Christ my God thy sonne thou art the helper of sinners the hauen for them that are tossed vvith stormes the solace of the redempcion of captiues vouchesafe me thy seruant to praise thee Haile Lady Marie full of grace Haile Virgin most blessed among vvomen An other prayer made by Seynt Cirill PRaise and glorie be to thee o holie Trinitie to thee also be praise o holy mother of God for thou art the precious pearle of the vvorlde thou art the cādel of vnguensheble light the croune of virginitie the scepter of the Catholique faithe By thee the Trinitie is glorifyed and adored in all the vvorlde by thee heauen reioyceth Angels and Archangels are glad diuels are put to flyght and man is called again to heauen and euery creature that vvas held vvith the errors of Idols is turned to the knovvleidge of truthe by thee Churches are founded through the vvorlde thou being their helper the Gentiles come to pennance O blessed Marie vvho can be hable vvor thelie to praise or thanke thee receiue our prayers obtanie our requestes for thou art the speciall hoope of sinners by thee vve hoope for perdone of our synnes and in thee o most blessed is the expectacion of our revvardes An admonicion for the vnlearned touching the vse of the figure of the beades here after portrued THou hast here gentle reder a figure or forme of the beades vvith certein matters of meditacion to be vsed vvhen thou art disposed to recite the crovvne of our ladie vpon the beades vvhiche matters haue not bene before this tyme put into englishe meter for the beter memorie and delectatiō of deuout persons Therfore if thou hast bene here to fore delited vvith vain ballads and sonets thou may novv vpon better aduise please thy selfe vvith songes and ditties more profitable And of vvhat good trade occupacion or qualiue so euer you are vvhiles you goe about your necessarie businesse in your vocation or vvhiles you are traualing by the vvaye or in tillinge or plovvinge the grovvnd that hit may bring great increase you may not vvithstanding some tyme among call vpon our Sauiour or vpon the blessed virgin mary eyther in vvorde or in thought and vvith great comfort yea and profit also both spirituall and temporall repeat or thinke vpon the Pater noster and Aue Mary or some part ther of and of the verses or of some of them set dovvne in the table folovvinge And ther vpon may you take occasion to muse and thinke lesse or more of the matters conteyned in the verses or any of them VVher vpon you by Gods grace shall be induced in to a svvete cogitacion vvhat speciall graces God hath bestovved vpon you from vvhat euells he hath preserued you to vvhat good ende he hath created you vvhat good reward he hath prouided for you yf you come to that end and to come vnto it you are assured if you be so vvilling as you ought to be Thus shall you also take occasion to kepe your self vvell occupied auoyde idle thoughts the snares of sathan and so kepe your self in the vvay tovvardes heauen WHer as I haue seen your Ladiship accept such holy and verteus exercises and holde them in great estimacion and conster all faultes escaped by the print to verteus interpretacion taking the meaning and not the letter so I hoope your holy vse vvilbe a meane that I shall not be altogeither disliked of such vvhos handes hit cometh vnto But as I ashure my selfe all banished parsons liuing for one cause vvil not dispise good thoughtes procedinge of holy desiers and especially thos vvhos vvisdoms knovv hovv hard it is to print our languaig in a strāge countrie vvith out faultes vvich maketh me so farre presume apon all holy Catholicke persons especially such of honorable consideracion and haue so long lyued à banished lief for true religions sake as your honor hath donne this 17 Yeres In this consideracion I presume of all good Catholickes that they vvill esteme of my meaning and not the letter as I shall not cease dayly and orderly to praye for all estates trusting in IESV he vvill hear a poor pilgrome and banished parson for his righteousnes sake that hit shal please him to conuert our poor countery vvher vve maye praye togeither liue togeither and die togeither to the end vve maye be partakers of his heauenly kingdoome vvher God the father God the sonne God the holy ghost is glorefied vvher the blessed Viren is crouned vvher Angels Saints and marters reioys at our repentance for wich I daily praye to be geuen to all sinners sayinge Pater noster Aue Maria. CREDO Good reder remember me in the like I. B. Hic liber nihil mali aut erronei continet conducit autem ad deuotionem pietatem imperitiorum Anglorum GILBERTVS BVRNEFORDVS GVLIELMVS CLIDERO Angli Sacerdotes Horum duorum eruditorum fide dignorum virorum iudicio ego subscribo H. CVYCKIVS Apostolicus Regius librorum censor
the good vvoorkes that he hath doen shal be put out of memorie Secondly he is resembled to a dogge that svvalovveth his ovvn filthy vomit In that he resumeth his olde sinnes that vvere ones caste ovvt by the sacrament of pennance Thirdly he falleth again in to the handes of his greatest enemie against vvhose vvill he vvas delyuered and geueth to him greater povver ouer him selfe than he had before For as Seynt Augustin sayeth he vvhiche heapeth sinne vpon sinne maketh a roope to bynde him selfe vvithall Fovverthly he is made more impotēt and lesse hable to arise agayn For as a skarre in a mans bodie is harder to be cured after the place be vvounded agayn so is a sinner after he returne to his olde folie Therfore our Sauiour sayd to the man vvhome he had healed Iohn 5. Beholde thou art made whole sinne no more lest some worse thing chaunce to thee And of this mischefe he vvarneth vs in an other place vvhere he shevveth that the vnclean spirit returneth in to the house vvhence he departed and bringeth seuen other spirites vvorse than him selfe and dvvelleth there And the last of that man be made worse than the first Fiftlie he is accompted a derider and mocker of God and abuseth the mercie and clemencie of his redemer Sixtlie as muche as in him lyeth he causeth the Angels and blessed Seyntes in heauen to be pensiue and sade for as of their charitie they reioyse at the repentance of a Synner so it may vvell be thought that they are forie for the fall of the Iust Seuenthly his soule is compared to a drie and wethered braunche cut of from the tree vvhiche receiueth no moysture nor norishement of the tree Euen so is he secluded from the benefite of all good mens prayers and from the merites of Christes passion And here vve may call to mynde à notable punishement of suche as after reconcilement haue fallen from God in to their former sinfull practizes There vvas a company of certein youg men vvhiche at the time of easter repared to the churche craued the benefit of the Sacrament of pennance vvere absolued and receiued the blessed Sacramēt of Christ his bodie and bloudde But they vvere no soner departed from that holie place thā they dyd fall again to their olde vvicked Ryot dronkinnes and filthy lyfe VVherupon they were greuouslie punished by the Iust Iudgemēt of God For they were sodeinlie smitten vvith a greuous disease and driuen in to suche an extreme vomiting as they dyd cast out of their mouthes great abundāce of corrupt bloudde vvith their ovvn excremētes verie lothesomelie contrarie to the course of nature Their corne and other fruites vvere consumed vpon the grounde and destroyed som vvith vvater and some vvith fier Serpentes and venomous beastes dyd breed abundantly in their groundes in suche sort as theyr persones were in great daungier And thus brought in miserable distresse many lamented theyr case Emong vvhome one deuout holie man vpon compassion prayed to God earnestlie for them till at last an Angell of God appearing to him dyd demaund of him vvhat punishement he deserued that dyd put in to a filthie presone the Innocent sonne of a mightie Emperour the good man ansvvered that he deserued greuous punishement Yea sayd the Angel but vvhat punishement deserueth he vvhiche in the sight of all men doeth cast the blessed bodye and blood of Christ in to a filthy myre he is to be brent as an heretique sayd the good man And euen suche felovves are all they sayd the Angel for vvhom thou hast so long prayde Therfore it is expedient for euery good Christian vvhen he hath receiued the blessed Sacrament and is reconciled to God then and euer after to take good heed of relapse and often to calle to memorye these seuen miseries and inconueniences of relapse here mencioned Certein signes and tokens Thereby a Christian after he hath receiued the blessed sacrament may probablie coniecture that he is in the fauour of God all framed to the similitude of a syk man THe first signe and token of Gods fauour is compunction or harti sorow for sinne committed For as the sicke man so long as he yeeldeth breth be he neuer so sick geueth good hope of lyfe euen so a Christian after he haue receiued the Sacramēt of our Redempoion if he cōceiue or cast ovvt sorocofull sighes for his sinnes by past in respect that therby he had offended god may vvell hope that the blessed sacrament doeth vvoork in him many good spirituall effectes for as Seynt Barnard sayeth the more seeling a man hath of sinne the greater sobbes and sighes he casteth out of his sorovvfull harte The secounde signe or token is laudable conuersacion of lyfe vvith good example For as a freshe naturall colour in a sikman is good argument of amendement so is modesty and temperance a speciall signe of Gods grace And good example is so necessarie that Seynt Gregorie sayeth sinnefull men could neuer return to true repentance if good example of lyfe vvere taken avvaye And blessed is the soule of that persone sayth Seynt Chrisostom vvhose humilitie doeth confounde the pryde of an other For as Seynt Leo sayeth so many as thou shalt vvinne by example of humilitie and charitie vvith them shalt thou possesse eternall revvarde in heauē And for cōmendacion of good exāple I haue redde of a good Abbot whiche hearing that there vvas not farre of his Abbey a notable great theefe and robber vvhiche spoyled and mordered many passing by the common vvayes had great compassion of this theefe for his sinfull lyfe and studied hovv he might reclame hym At last he thought the best vvay to be first to talke vvith him And though he knevv no mean to doe it vvithout personall danger to him selfe yet he purposed to geue a proofe And taking a Monk in company vvith hym aduentured to passe through the place vvhere the theefe haunted It so fell ovvt that the theefe met the Abbot and according to his profession spoyled the Abbot and his companion of all that they had After a vvhile the theefe hauing gotten his pray vvaxed somevvhat more colde than before for the Abbot vsed him selfe vvith all humilite in vvorde and countenance tovvardes him And the Abbot perceiuyng the rage of the theefe to be assuaged vsed the matter so as they tvvo fell in to familiar talke of common matters As of the great paynes that the theefe indured and of his continuall perill and of the commodities of securitie and suche like At last the Abbot asked him if he could be content to leaue that paynfull daungerous and disordered course of lyfe for a filthie and vncertein gayn And to goe home vvith the Abbat vvhere he should be assured of a sufficient liuing vvith great credit and honesty After some discourse vpon the Abbots vvoord the theefe yeeldeth and home he cometh vvith the Abbat to the Abbey vvhere he syndeth all thinges that the Abbot had promised and more Novv this good