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A14923 The soules progresse to the celestiall Canaan, or heavenly Jerusalem By way of godly meditation, and holy contemplation: accompanied with divers learned exhortations, and pithy perswasions, tending to Christianity and humanity. Divided into two parts. The first part treateth of the divine essence, quality and nature of God, and his holy attributs: and of the creation, fall, state, death, and misery of an unregenerated man, both in this life and in the world to come: put for the whole scope of the Old Testament. The second part is put for the summe and compendium of the Gospell, and treateth of the Incarnation, Nativity, words, works, and sufferings of Christ, and of the happinesse and blessednesse of a godly man in his state of renovation, being reconciled to God in Christ. Collected out of the Scriptures, and out of the writings of the ancient fathers of the primitive Church, and other orthodoxall divines: by John Welles, of Beccles in the County of Suffolk. Welles, John, of Beccles. 1639 (1639) STC 25231; ESTC S119607 276,075 406

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Thus I wish to all in generall Of the Crosse of Christ and of his holy suffering for our sinnes BEhold thou faithfull soule the griefe of him that suffered Rom. 3.24 25 26. the wounds of him that hanged the torments of him that died on the Crosse that head at which the Angels tremble is crowned with thornes that face which was most beautifull above the sonnes of men is defiled by the spittings of the ungodly those eyes which were more brighter then the Sunne are darkned in death those eares which were wont to heare Angelicall praises did ring with the proud speeches and derision of wicked men Mat. 27 29 c. sinners that mouth which taught the Angels hath no other drinke but Gall and Vinegar those feete which are to bee adored those hands Iob 9.8 which stretcheth forth the Heavens are stretched forth and nayled on the Crosse that body which was the most sacred Temple of the Deity is whipped and wounded with the speare Iohn 19.34 37. neither remaines there any part in him whole save onely a tongue and that to pray for them which crucified him Christ declared himself to be the Sonne of God three manner of waies First by his power or working of miracles Secondly by the holy Ghost appearing in visible signes hee that raigneth with the father in the Heavens is grievously by sinners afflicted on the Crosse God suffers God dies God powreth forth his blood upon the Crosse and all for the redemption of man judge therefore the greatnesse of the danger by the greatnesse of the price judge the danger of the disease by the valew of the remedy Surely those wounds in sinfull man were great and dangerous indeed which could no otherwise be cured but by the wounds of the everliving and quickning flesh of Christ and the disease most dangerous which could not bee c●red but by the death of the Physitian Consider thou faithfull soule the heavie and fierce displeasure of God against us after the fall of our first Father Adam and his posterity after him that nothing could appease his anger for our sins but the ignominious suffering of his deare and only begotten Sonne upon the corsse Christ his eternall and well beloved Sonne became suter to God his Father for us yet his anger was not turned from us he by whom the world was made Hebr. 1.2 Thirdly by his resurrection from the dead interceded for us became our advocate and tooke the cause of us miserable sinners upon himselfe and yet his anger was not turned from us our Saviour tooke upon him our flesh that by the glory of the divinity communicated unto the humanity hee might expiate and purge our sinfull flesh Eph. 2.13 c. that by the saving vertue of his most perfect righteousnesse communicated unto our nature he might wipe away that venomous quality of our sin which cleaveth so fast unto us and in stead thereof conferre grace upon us Esay 9. 2 Cor. 5.21 and yet the anger of his father was not turned away from us our sins and the punishment due unto them he taketh upon himselfe his body is bound whipped wounded pierced crucified and buried Matth. 27. Luk 22.44 his blood like a dew most copiously distilled downe all his members at his passion his most holy soule is made sorrowfull above measure even unto death hee feeleth the paines of hell the eternall Sonne of God cryeth out that he is forsaken of God so great was his anguish Vers 46. so great was his bloody sweat that he that comforteth the Angels stood in need of an Angel to comfort him hee dyed for us sinners who is the authour and giver of life to every living thing 1 Pet. 3.18 If God be so highly offended with the most just and holy One what shall become of us sinners how will God punish us for our sins who is so wrathfully displeased with his owne Sonne for the sins of others and if his Sonne was so grievously punished for us shall we his servants thinke to escape unpunished what shall the Reprobate suffer if such be the sufferings of his best beloved Surely if our hearts be not harder then the Adamant and more flinty than a stone they must needs be wounded and bleed within us to thinke how Christ was wounded for our sakes For Christ truely tooke our infirmities upon himselfe Esay 53.4 and bare our griefes and healed our sicknesses that which in us merited eternall punishment and condemnation Mat. 8.16.17 thou Lord Jesus tookest upon thy selfe that burthen which would have pressed us downe into hell thou tookest our sins upon thy selfe Rom. 3.24 c. and bestowedst thy righteousnesse upon us death which is due unto us thou undertookest thy selfe and conferredst life upon us we cannot therefore by any meanes doubt of thy grace or despaire by reason of our sinnes therefore if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Rom. 10.9 10. and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for by faith we apprehend that Christ hath given satisfaction for us he bare the iniquities of those that are his he suffered for the sins of many he interceded for the transgressors Note 4 Esd 4.66 c. for he should have had very few just unlesse in mercy he had received sinners and remitted the sins of the unjust How then shall Christ judge according to severity the sins of the penitent which he hath taken upon himselfe how shall he condemne him that is guilty of sin for whom he dyed Joh. 15.13 will he condemne those whom hee loveth and calleth his friends will he condemne those for whom he hath intreated will he condemne those for whom hee dyed no Lift up thy selfe therefore Psal 42.14 43.5 Ezech. 18.22 O devout soule and forget thy sins for the Lord hath forgotten them hath forgiven them whom then dost thou feare as the punisher of thy sins but the Lord who himselfe hath made satisfaction for thy sins if any other had paid the price of my redemption I might have doubted Esay 53. whether the just Judge would have accepted of that satisfaction if either man or Angel had satisfied for my sins yet still I might have doubted whether the price of my redemption were sufficient but now there is no place for doubt all doubt is taken away and removed from the faithfull and penitent sinner how can it be that hee will not accept of that price which himselfe hath paid Psal 25.9 Psal 43.15 Psal 42.6 how can that but be sufficient which is from God himselfe Why art thou yet troubled O devout soule all the waies of the Lord are mercy and truth just is the Lord and just are his Judgements Why art thou so troubled O my soule let both the Mercy and Justice of God raise thee up if God be just hee will not exact double satisfaction for one
him in trouble and deliver him and bring him to honour and shew him my salvation Thus farre of the nominall Attributes The reall Attributes are of two sorts either absolute or relative the absolute Attributes cannot in any sort agree to any creature but to God alone these are two Simplenesse and Infinitenesse Simplenesse is that whereby God is voide of all composition division multiplication accidents or parts compounding either sensible or intelligible so that whatsoever hee is he is the same essentially it hinders not Gods simplenesse that hee is three because God is three not by composition of parts but by co-existence of persons Job 11.8 Infinitenesse is that whereby all things in God are void of all measure limitation and bounds above and beneath before and after From these two doe necessarily flow three other absolute Attributes Act. 7.48 49. 1 King 8.27 1. Unmeasurablenesse or Ubiquity whereby he is of infinite extension filling heaven and earth containing all places and not contained of any space place or bounds and being no where absent is every where present hee is universally present repletively every where inclusively no where Psal 19.1 by which God is said to be in heaven because that there his power wisedome Hos 2.21 Esa 40.22 c. and goodnesse is in a more excellent manner seene and enjoyed as also because that usually he doth from thence powre both his Blessings and Judgements upon us 2. Unchangeablenesse whereby God is void of all change both in respect of his Essence and Will 3. Eternitie whereby God is without beginning of daies or end of time and without all bounds of precession Thus farre of the absolute Attributes now of the Relative or such as have reference to the Creatures Those are five 1. Life 2. Understanding 3. Will. 4. Power 5. Majestie 1. The life of God is that by which as by a most pure and perpetuall act Psal 36.9 hee not onely liveth of himselfe but is also that ever and over-flowing Fountaine of life from which all creatures derive their lives so as that in him they live move breath and have their being and because his Life onely differs not from his Essence therefore God is said onely to have Immortality the second Tim. 6.16 is Understanding or Knowledge of God and is that whereby by one pure act he most perfectly knoweth in himselfe all things that ever were are or shall be yea the thoughts and imaginations of mens hearts 2. This knowledge of God is either generall by which God knoweth simply all things eternally the good by himselfe 1 King 8.39 Psal 139.2 c. the evill by the good opposite unto it imposing first things contingent the lot of contingence and to things necessary the law of necessity and thus knowing all things in and of himselfe Luk. 16.15 Hebr. 4.22 he is the cause of all the knowledge that is in all both men and Angells secondly the speciall knowledge called the knowledge of approbation Rom 11.33 by which hee particularly knoweth and graciously acknowledgeth onely his Elect for his owne 2 Tim. 2.19 Understanding also containes the wisedome of God by which hee most wisely ruleth them to serve his owne most holy purpose and glory 3. The Will of God is that whereby of necessitie he willeth himselfe as the soveraigne good and by willing himselfe willeth most freely all other good things which are out of himselfe though in it selfe the will of God be but one 1 Tim. 2.5 Rom. 9.15 16 as in his Essence yet in respect of the divers objects and effects it is called in the Scriptures by divers names 17 18. 1 Joh. 3.1 The first Love whereby is meant Gods eternall good will whereby hee ordaineth his Elect to be freely saved through Christ Psalm 45.8 Ephes 1.11 and bestoweth on them all necessarie graces for this life and in the life to come taking pleasure in their persons and service 2 Thes 1.6 The second Justice is Gods constant will whereby hee recompenseth men and Angells 2 Tim. 4.8 according to their works ' punishing the impenitent according to their deserts called the justice of his wrath Deut. 7.9 10. and rewarding the faithfull according to his promise called the justice of his grace The third mercy Psal 145.7 c. which is Gods mere good wil and ready affection to forgive a penitent sinner notwithstanding all his sinnes and ill deserts Mat. 16.18 19. The fourth goodnesse whereby God willingly communicateth his good with his creatures Psal 146.6 c. and because hee communicateth it freely Numb 23.19 20. it is termed grace The fifth truth whereby God willeth constantly those things which he willeth 2 Pet. 3.9 10. effecting and performing all things which hee hath spoken in his appointed time Rom. 2 4. The sixt is patience whereby God willingly forbeares to punish the wicked so long as it may stand with his justice 1 Thes 4.3 and till their sinnes be ripened The seventh holinesse Heb. 12.14 whereby Gods nature is separated from all prophanenesse and abhorreth all filthinesse 1 Pet. 1.5 and so being wholy pure in himselfe delighteth in the inward and outward purity and chastity of his servants Esay 6.2.3 which hee infuseth into them The eight Anger whereby is meant Gods most certaine and just will Psal 106.23.29 40 41. in chastning the Elect and in revenging and punishing the reprobate for the injuries they offer to him and his chosen Reve. 19.1 2. and when God will punish with rigor and severity Thes 1.1.10 then it is tearmed wrath temporall to the Elect and eternall to the reprobate Fourthly Gen. 17.1 Psal 115.3 Math. 11.26 Math. 8.2 Eph. 1.11 Math. 3.9 20.34 Rom. 9.17 18. the power of God is that whereby hee can simply and freely doe whatsoever hee will that is agreeable to his nature and whereby as he hath made so hee still ruleth Heaven and earth and all things therein This almighty power of God is either absolute by which he can will and doe more than he willeth or doth or actuall by which God doth indeed whatsoever he will and hindereth whatsoever he will not have done Psal 115.3 Fifthly Majesty is that by which God by his absolute and free authority raigneth and ruleth Chro 29.11.12 2 Sam. 7.22 Apoc. 5.12.13 Rom. 9.15 Luke 19.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 as Lord and King over all creatures visible and invisible having both right and propriety in all things as from whom and for whom are all things as also such a plenitude of power that he can pardon the offences of all whom he will have spared and subdue all his enemies whom hee will have plagued and destroyed without being bound to render to any creature a reason or account of his doings but making his owne most holy and just will his onely most perfect and eternall Law from all these Attributes ariseth
this is when men give themselves over to commit sin with affectation and greedy appetite and oppresse their conscience with the multitude of their committings so that such conscience doth not remember us our sins for the outragious conscience in the Reprobate is when the conscience of the Reprobate hath for a time beene silenced and hath given the sinner an unchaste liberty in his ungodlinesse yet so as that once apprehending the knowledge of his sin and knowing the state of condemnation wherein it is it breaketh out into violence which wanting moderation urgeth the sinne● to execute upon himselfe some desperate vengeance such was the conscience of Judas the traitor which slept all the time hee was plotting and practising his treason but when his sinne was brought into act then his conscience though evill did upbraid his sin with such violence as made the griefe unsupportable and the traitor not able to indure the torment of his conscience thought as Caine that his sin was greater then the mercy of God and so despairing of mercy he desperately hanged himselfe Mat. 27.3 4 5. such is the conscience of the Reprobate their conscience is sleepy and doth reprove but seldome yet when it doth reprove it is then most terrible and without all comfort and though conscience in this life never afflict for sin but seeme senslesse and dead in its appointed offices yet in the day of judgement Rev. 20.12 when the booke of every mans conscience shall be opened then will their consciences that in this life have beene most silent be most loud and terrible in their accusations denouncing judgement Wisd 17.9 10 11. and inflicting a greater torment on the soule then the damned can have patience to beare this is both the office and end of an evill conscience A good conscience Now the conscience of the childe of grace is in full opposition to the conscience of the Reprobate for when God shall please to call his servants to the knowledge of themselves How God moveth the conscience and to a detestation of their sin the grace of his holy spirit moveth in the hearts of such and first awaketh the conscience and giveth it sense to understand the calamity of the soule and spirit to reprove and admonish it in needfull directions and this grace of God giving the conscience sence to understand sinne and spirit to reprove it is the first degree of our reformation and a preparation to our spirituall conversion God himselfe being the prime and principall author thereof When God doth stirre our conscience it continueth that holy motion to our reformation for when our conscience is once touched with this godly desire to examine the errors of our life God doth not then leave us but giveth us assistance continually to finish that needfull care without despaire without fainting the conscience being once instructed by grace understandeth that the soule is in danger of Gods judgement this knowledge causeth a desire in the soule to examine the particulars of our life then doth it compare our severall actions The manner how a good conscience worketh with the severall duties of the Law and thereby is made manifest the many and great defects and transgressions of our life and that therefore our soules and bodies are guilty and stand in the danger of condemnation From this knowledge doth arise the griefe of a wounded conscience for the statute Law of God condemning us for the trespasse of our lives The cause of the griefe of conscience the conscience then whose office is to excuse or accuse upbraideth our sinne and denouncing the judgement of the Law against us which is eternall damnation neither can we free our soules from these extremities untill God who is the judge of all the world shall please to offer mercy and the benefit of his cleargy which is nothing else but the story of the meritorious sufferings of Jesus Christ the Lambe of God which is in spirituall characters upon the crosse of his death and this booke being the testament and writ with the blood of Christ the most righteous God presents to all the world all the world in respect of themselves being guilty and condemned by the Law doth promise remission of sinnes How to quiet the trouble of ● grieved conscience a generall pardon to all them that with their eyes or faith shall be seene and read in the booke of life and apprehend and apply Jesus Christ the contents thereof to their salvation Thus and but thus it is possible to quiet the trouble of a grieved conscience the conscience being never satisfied for sinne before the justice of God be satisfied by the apprehensive righteousnesse of Jesus Christ Rom. 5.1 and therefore saith Saint Paul Being then justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ for before we can live to God wee must die to our selves neither is there a spirituall regeneration where there is not first a spirituall mortification and where grace would enter sinne must avoyd for he that would follow Christ must deny himselfe therefore let no man presume to apprehend the mystery of the righteousnesse of the Crosse of Christ before hee hath reformed his actions quieted the clamour of his conscience and utterly denyed the strength of his owne nature for how shall hee beare the Crosse of Christ No man can be able to apprehend Christ before his conscience hath thus prepared him that is laden with his owne infirmities or how shall hee be benefited by the promise of the Gospell that doth not first judge himselfe by the Commandements of the Law for hee that knoweth not his disease seeketh no physicke and Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance This doth admonish all men carefully to watch the behaviour of their lives Revel 20.12 for if the conscience of every man be a book wherein is writ the records of all his actions good and bad and that seeing this booke must be read at the day of judgement in the audience of all the world before God and his Angels and Saints what manner of men ought all to be in godly conversation This ought to move in every one a double care First that they avoyd carefully all ungodlinesse both in thought and action whereby they may suffer disgrace before God and all his creatures at the generall day of judgement when the booke of their conscience shall bee opened to every ones eye Secondly it doth perswade a diligence in all godly exercise and that all men contend with a holy emulation to exceede in godly actions whereby they may receive applause and generall reputation in the generall assembly of God and all creatures for as in earthly affaires men covet most desirously to gaine reputation and a generall good name There is no ambition lawfull but the covetous desire of heaven because it argueth an extraordinary degree of desert in him that hath
the Apostle saith of Abraham that he believed in hope against hope Rom. 8. because hee knew that God is so mighty that he is able to performe whatsoever he promiseth faith commeth not of hope neither doth knowledge come of hope but hope is bred of the faith of the promises and knowledge of the might of God the Prophet saith They shall hope upon thee O Lord Psal 9. which have knowne thy name for that thou dost not forsake them which doe seeke thee and doe hope upon thy mercies in Christ But for as much as it is not possible that the heart of a sinner which is troubled for his sinnes and afflicted for Christ should be faithfull without hope whilest hee is in the very temptations and sufferings of his troubles the beginning of hope cannot come of proofe wherefore that which the Apostle saith Rom. 5.3 4. that proofe breedeth hope is to be understood not of the beginning but rather of the encrease of hope and maketh up and perfecteth it for the Apostle meaneth not that troubles laid upon men for Christs sake should decay the hope of the glory of the children of God God is our hope and strength a very present helpe in trouble but enforceth it the more making it therby more supreme and fast so then the beginning of hope comes of faith and the knowledge of God For as much as hope is of things invisible and to come and not of things visible and present it falleth out oftentimes that the hearts of them which live in hope be sore assaulted and their hope so impaired in their troubles miseries and afflictions that they need aid succour and strength whereby it may be cherished and encouraged lest it doe utterly decay and perish yea the very tarrying in the deferring of those things which we doe hope for is so troublesome irkesome and loathsome that though there be no temptation at all joyned with it yet it is alone sufficient to drive a mans hope unto desperation unlesse it be upholden by the divine assistance of Gods grace Prov. 13.12 this Salomon meant when he said the hope which is deferred and prolonged doth afflict and torment the soule who doth not see what great need wee have of the helps and ratifying of Gods grace especially if wee doe consider the weaknesse of our flesh ready to mistrust despaire and the understanding of our owne sins and unworthinesse according unto the which wee doe esteeme our selves as the refuse and cast-awaies of the people the very shame and filth of all men to stand steddy in assured hope but by the vertue and might of God therefore let us see whereby the hope of a Christian man is nourished and strengthened The Christian hope is nourished and confirmed from God Job 39. for it is a cleare case that both hope and faith are the speciall gifts of God so that the strength and nourishment thereof doth come specially from God in as much as he which giveth us the hope doth also nourish and confirme the same in our hearts God doth not forsake his gifts as wee doe reade of the Estrige in Job which departeth and leaveth her egges in the ground and careth not for them whether that they be saved or doe perish but hee doth nourish encrease and preserve all those gifts which hee hath once given unto any man Note and this hee doth by the operation of the holy Spirit whereby he doth cherish feed defend and strengthen both the fayth and hope in the hearts of the Elect. For this is the sure anker of our salvation which the divell may endeavour but never breake the cable hold thereof for God doth fasten and make it tough by his grace and vertue so that he doth preserve the same by his strength and ayd which could not bee wrought by all the power and might of man The party which is in hope when hee feeleth the strength of temptation Prov. 15 8. he flyeth immediately unto his Lord God by prayer earnestly requesting that he may be preserved and not to be overcome by temptations so the Lord warned his Disciples in the garden when the ppwer of darknesse was at hand saying Math. 26.41 Watch and pray that yee enter not into temptation indeed the spirit is willing but the flesh is weake and hee himselfe hath taught us in the Lords prayer to say Luke 11. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill In the Psalmes of David the Prophet had made such formes of prayers whereby he sought comfort and strength to his hope by praying and singing to bee delivered out of all his troubles Therefore the fayth of Gods promises and the knowledge of the truth and might of God to performe Rom. 4 13 15. doth minister much helpe and strength to the travelling hope for the hope of things to come is nourished by the milke of the same fayth which breeds it and the strength of fayth is made the strength of hope Augustin cha 14. Augustine in his booke of meditations writing in the confirmation of his hope saith There bee three things which doe strengthen and confirme my heart that no lacke of deserts no consideration of my owne basenesse no regard of heavenly blessednesse can thrust mee downe from the high expectation of my hope for my soule is fast rooted therein Now to know the matter why wee must consider and weigh three things in which our whole hope doth consist the love of adoption the truth of Gods promise and his power to performe what he hath promised and if thus to beleeve we may be assured that God in his exceeding great love hath adopted us his children Patience of afflictions Rom. 5.1 c. Againe the very sufferance also of afflictions wherewith the Christian man is tran●aled and tryed doth make hope lusty and strong as appeareth by the Apostle and on the contrary impatience doth decay that hope that is The example of godly persons and makes it unprofitable unto us the examples also of godly men which have holden on their hope firme and sure in all kind of their temptations and troubles even till the very end have received the crowne of immortall life as the reward of their hope Heb. 11. may profit much to the cherishing and establishing of our hope as is shewed in the Epistles to the Hebrews and straight addeth in the beginning of the twelfth Chapter Heb. 12.1 2. Therefore seeing that wee have so great a number of godly fathers our witnesses let us shake off that burthen of sinne which sticketh so fast unto us and would presse us downe and with joy and sufferance Vers 3. let us runne the race appoynted us ever looking unto Jesus the Captaine and finisher of our fayth and for the joy that is set before us let us with hope endure the crosse hope keepeth and stayeth the workeman in his worke and desperation is full
here in this world wherewith he seeth us apt to be intangled he doth as it were fetter us with the shackles of adversity that we should not have scope to daunce after the Musicke and sweet syrens tunes of this worlds happinesse which so enchaunteth men of liberty and lovers thereof that they are thereby led as it were by a golden line to the everlasting pit but for the truely penitent and faithfull believer he hath prepared and provided an endlesse rich and surpassing Diadem of absolute glory Rom. 8.17 18. a beautifull City the Kingdome of joy the Kingdome of eternall consolation If with patience they beare this moment of tryall and fatherly light yoake though to flesh and blood most sharpe and unsavory yet will hee mixe them with spirituall sweetnesse and inward consolation God dealeth most providently for his children and turneth even their teares into great joy and their lamentations into songs of melody and although his working seemes strange unto flesh and blood and hard measure to be crossed yet God seeth it necessary for us therefore take it not grievously to fall into troubles to sustaine miseries to endure crosses and to abide afflictions neither thinke it strange for as the Apostle Saint James saith James 5. it hath beene the portion of Gods dearest children from the beginning and will be for ever found true Psal 91.14 c that Great are the troubles of the righteous and as true it is that the Lord will delivers them out of all Dan. 3. What greater danger could there be then to be in the firie furnace as was Sidrach Misach and Abednego yet did the Lord so qualifie the force of the fire mortifying as it were the nature thereof that it nothing annoyed them yet it did consume the ministers of their execution What greater perill could there be then to be in the Lyons denne with Daniel Dan. 6.16 24. yet the Lord shut up the mouthes of the Lyons that they could not hurt him but yet they devoured his accusers It is much to be in misery in want in sicknesse 1 King 19. Judg. 15.18 Luk. 16.20 21. and full of sores with Job to be in hunger with Elias to thirst with Samson poore sore and naked with Lazarus imprisoned and accused with Joseph persecuted banished and in exile with David with Jeremy with Peter Gen. 3.9 1 Sam. 21.22 27. Acts 14.19 to be stoned with Paul and infinite others yet did the Lord deliver them out of all their troubles such is the force of a sound confidence and trust in the Almighty God who in mercy worketh by outward crosses the inward comfort of his children and sheweth compassion alwaies upon them according to the multitude of his mercies And as sin is the root from whence springeth all our afflictions crosses miseries and calamities both inward and outward and our offences is the cause of Gods displeasure against us and God in his displeasure powreth forth both crosses and curses upon sinners Temporary to the elect and eternall to the reprobate therfore it behooveth every man carefully to consider the cause of his troubles whether hee be falne into the same by his owne riot wanton lascivious or licencious life and by his ungodly conversation and neglect of the feare of God for which things sake Ephes 5.6 Col. 3.6 the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience and he powreth out of the cup of his indignation upon them either in judgement to their condemnation The reprobate cannot breath one thought of repentance and so to be perpetuall or else to recall and reclame them from their wicked waies that they may be saved and so to live for ever Therefore let every man acknowledge and confesse their sins unto God be truly penitent and crave pardon for them Esay 49.8 and fall downe before him in hearty prayer and he will heare them grant their requests and deliver them out of all their troubles and afflictions and give them the reward of everlasting life for we cannot be so ready to come unto God by prayers God accepteth of our desires in stead of performance but he is as ready to meete our petitions and in a most fatherly loving manner hee imbraces us and graciously accepteth of our humble desires so that the godly men have no cause to faint undet the burthen of their miseries but that they may thereby the rather gather unto themselves continually more and more strength through the benefit and supply of Gods continuall inward succour and comfort for even their adversities their bitter afflictions and their miserable calamities shall all turne to their blisse Psalm 32. and perpetuall commodity Great plagues remain for the ungodly but whose putteth his trust in the Lord mercy imbraceth him on every side Generall Rules directing a Christian in a godly life EVery day thou drawest neerer to thy death judgement and eternity therefore thinke every day how thou mayest be able to stand in that most strict and severe judgement of God and so live for ever keepe therefore diligent watch over all thy thoughts words and actions Eccles 12.13 14. Ephes 4.2 3. because hereafter thou must give an exact account for them at the last day of judgement whether it be good or evill be carefull to suppresse every sinne in the first motion before it be ripe in thee let sinne be to thy heart a stranger 1 Sam. 12.3 4. not a home-dweller take heed of falling oft into one and the same sin lest the custome of sinning take away the conscience of sinne and then shalt thou waxe so impudently wicked that thou wilt neither feare God nor reverence men which to avoid thinke every evening that thou shalt dye that night and thinke every morning that thou shalt dye that day doe not therefore deferre thy conversion and thy good workes till to morrow for to morrow is uncertaine but death is most certaine and every day hangs over thy head nothing is more contrary to godlinesse then delay If therefore thou contemnest the inward calling of the holy Spirit Ecclesiast 18.22 c. thou shalt never attaine to true conversion Deferre not therefore thy conversion and good workes till thy old age but offer unto God the flowre of thy youth for no age is fitter for Gods service then youth which flourisheth in strength both of body and mind and as thou tenderest the salvation of thy soule live not in any wilfull filthinesse for true faith and purpose of sinning can never stand together approve thy selfe to be a true servant of Christ and study alwaies to walke in the way of the Lord and thinke of the worlds vanity to contemne it of death to expect it of judgement to avoid it of hell to escape it and of heaven to desire it consider in every thing the end before thou dost attempt the action let thy conscience deterre thee to eschew every knowne sin
is guilty of injustice and must answer the fault at the barre of death for God hee maketh his Sunne to shine upon all indifferently and hee hath given the world and the Creatures therein to mankinde generally and not to one man one family or one kingdome this may both teach and judge the mercilesse who can see and not relieve the extremities of men distressed men their brethren The meditation of this power of this love of God in creating a world of Creatures for the service of man and seeing it hath pleased him to make a reasonable soule and a sharer of these infinite blessings I have resolved with my selfe to declare my selfe in all dutifull demonstrations to my God and to use the Creatures hee hath given mee with moderation as hee hath commanded I have made a covenant with my soule that I will not appropriate that to my private which God hath made common If God give mee abundance I will open my liberality Luk. 16.2 How to employ Gods Talents I will give as God doth to all but carefully to the wants of faithfull men distressed I will remember that what I have I must use what I use not I must bestow lest Gods talents be without imployments and so God discharge mee of trust if God give me wisdome and knowledge more then some others I will not be silenced How to occasion an holy meditation I will not obscure the grace and gift of God I will not deny my God I will not deny the world my service but in whatsoever God shall enable me in that I will be industrious if I can doe nothing of desert or common profit yet will I spend my houres in holy meditation I have resolved I will still travell in holy exercise when I cannot profit generally I will pray generally wee are all the Creatures of one God the Word of God gave forme to every Creature therefore every thing that presents my eye shall move my holy meditations When I shall behold the wonderfull frame of heaven I shall revise on the creation and admire God his Mercy his Majesty I shall remember the happinesse of heaven and refresh my selfe in adversity with hopefull confidence Where to repose our confidence When I consider the earth I shall remember the basenesse of my beginning what I was in sinne what I am in grace this shall teach me to deny my selfe and wholly to depend on the favour of my God When I see unreasonable noysome and evill Creatures I shall have cause of acknowledgement for God might have made me so or worse Lastly when I shall see wicked men pride themselves in their vanities Pitty can respect our enemies I shal both pity and glory pity the misery of their soules and glory in the fortune of my owne and thus with these and such meditations my soule shall breath content Of the Angels their Nature their Office their Fall Moses of purpose did leave to speake any thing of the creation of Angels because of the disposition of the people bent to Idolatry It is supposed they were Created the first day of the Creation as appeareth Job 38. THat the Angels were created is most certaine the time of their creation is not certaine but doubtfully and diversely believed many men have spent their judgements in conjectures all such are more curious than wise because the truth thereof cannot certainly be determined neither if it could the knowledge thereof were not necessary or materiall to salvation for whatsoever knowledge is necessary for the happinesse of our soules is by God himselfe taught in the testimony of holy Scriptures This knowledge of the time of the creation of Angels being not taught by God doth make the search thereof unprofitable unlawfull for God doth nothing at peradventure but all things in judgement and with the advice of his divine wisdome God having denied this knowledge doth forbid the search of this unknowne unprofitable knowledge that which I desire to know which I desire to make knowne is contained in the testimony of holy Scriptures the which denying me this knowledge of the creation of Angells I forbeare to search the knowledge of Gods secrets and rather to be thought ignorant than audaciously bold with forbidden knowledge That which is needfull to be knowne of Angells is their nature their office in their nature must be considered what they are in substance what in quality they be heavenly invisible Creatures pure and spirituall of the substance and nature of our soules eternall in respect of ending without corruption in their quality is considered their power being at all times and upon all occasions able and ready to performe the excution of Gods service their office is that they are Gods messengers their imployment is either in Judgements or Mercies this Compendium is the knowledge of them all in generall The good and evill Angells were all created in one nature before the fall and apostacy of Angels The Angells and those that now are divells being at the first creation of one quality of one power and one excellence of nature after the fall of Angells who for their unsupportable pride were cast from the presence of God into eternall darknesse 2 Pet. 2.4 and damnation the Angels divided themselves the better part keeping their first estate kept their entertainment with God Math. 18.10 and continued his favour and service Iude 6. the worst dividing themselves left the service of God and the fellowship of good Angels and bend their whole endeavour against God and against his blessed Angels and against the Saints that love and serve him this apostacie and division of Angels have divided them in their nature and in their offices The full opposition of the good and evill Angels the good Angels ever labouring the good of men the evill angels to hinder and prevent the goodnesse of God and his good Angels labouring by all meanes to bring mankind to their owne condemnation In their offices likewise they disagree for God doth commonly imploy his good Angels in his workes of mercy and favourable protection the divels hee imployeth in the execution of his judgements and corrections not that hee needeth their service but that hee forceth them against their will to his obedience God can enforce the divels in workes of his own glory These severall imployments of the good and evill angels are not alwaies of necessity though very common for God when hee pleaseth maketh good Angels destroy and inflict vengeance and the divels hee can and doth use in his workes of greatest mercy and this the divels doe not with consent but are either forced by the unresistable power of God or else deceive themselves in the end of their owne working God making that which they intend for evill to tend to a good end farre beyond and contrary to their purpose and expectation Iude 6. The good Angels have both liberty and pleasure in the service of
and hid himselfe from Gods presence If therefore wee compare his sin to the Commandements of the Law wee shall find it to be a direct breach of some and a consequent breach of all For Gods first Commandement saith Exod. 20. Thou shalt have no other Gods but mee Adams sin by the eating of the forbidden fruit by the temptation and perswasion of the divell doth contradict the Commandement of God and saith Nay but my wife and I will both be gods Gen. 3.5 Againe Caine the second man he committed murther and thereby directly broke the sixt Commandement which when God and his conscience made him to understand Gen. 4.8 hee made a most desperate acknowledgement of his sin Vers 13. so that the Law being nothing but a reasonable duty which the creature oweth to his Creator there was therefore a generall knowledge of this Law in the reasonable nature of man at his creation and so to the succession of them of the old world unto the time that the Law was given to Moses by the ordinance of Angels Gal. 3.19 the old world then from Adam to Moses were not lawlesse and free from the service of the Law but had the law of nature for their direction which being grounded upon reason was even the very same with the law of the ten Commandements and the law of the ten Commandements before it was given to Moses was in the ages before going commonly transgressed and that law did both judge and condemne them the which law God gave man when he gave him his nature every man having the knowledge of this law in the naturall use of his reason This was the state of the old world before Moses all sinned and all were judged by the law of nature Now when iniquity began to raigne and be strong in the hearts of men and that their conscience became senslesse of sin neither would they admonish and judge their transgressions then God thought convenient to publish to mankinde this law binding the consciences of men to a strict and dutifull observation of every particular statute of the law Baruch 4.1 denouncing the judgement of condemnation to all them that transgresse against the least breach and particular of those Commandements A second reason why God ordained the Law Reason 2 was that men might rightly understand themselves and thereby know in what degree of holinesse they were because that men are often partiall in their owne judgement and willingly blinde themselves in the view of their owne calamities wherefore then serveth the Law Gal. 3.19 it was added because of transgressions that by the Law men might know wherein they have transgressed A third reason of the ordination of the Law is Reason 3 to provoke men to endeavour themselves with all diligence in a holy course to travell in godly exercise and to avoid both evill actions and idlenesse the Law giving every man sufficient matter of imployments wherein he is bound to spend his houres 4. Esd 9.31 his daies nay his life in the carefull service of his God For behold I sow my Law in you that it may bring forth fruit in you and that yee may be honoured by it for ever Fourthly the reason that the Law was given Reason 4 is that by the severity thereof we might be disciplined and made fit for the mercy of the Gospell for the judgement of the Law will humble us make us understand our misery Gal. 3.24 and provoke us to implore mercy for by the documents and directions of the Law wee are led to salvation in Jesus Christ wherefore the Law is our Schoolemaster to teach and bring us to Christ that wee might be made righteous by faith in him Lastly the Law was given for the glory and Majesty of God that all the world might judge of his infinite mercy to mankind In this respect that notwithstanding all men are judged and condemned by the law of nature and by the Law of his Commandements yet in the greatnesse of his love hee is content to forgive the trespasse and the judgement therefore due unto mankind Gods admirable mercy and finally to entertaine these transgressors his enemies into the bosome of his mercy giving them Mercy in stead of Justice and eternall life Rom. 5.20 when they deserved death and damnation 21. Moreover the Law entered thereupon that the offence should abound neverthelesse Where Sinne abounded there Grace abounded much more that as Sinne had raigned unto death so might Grace also raigne by righteousnesse unto eternall life through Jesus Christ our Lord and this is an admirable degree of love in God that he will decline or lay by his Majesty and to miserable wretched nay sinfull creatures exercise his Mercy in restoring and advancing us that have so highly offended his Majesty and abounded in transgressions for these causes was the Law given and delivered to man Deut. 27.26 The matter of the Commandements God thereby commanding every mans absolute obedience upon forfeiture of his soule to the paines of everlasting condemnation In the Law of the ten Commandements is to be considered the substance which is the matter of the Law and the circumstance which is the manner of the delivering it The matter is contained in ten Commandements the first foure teacheth us directly our duty to God the six last our duties to our neighbour In the manner of giving the Law we may principally consider these circumstances First the principall giver of the Law God Secondly the servants attending this office the Angels Thirdly to whom it was given to Moses Fourthly for whom it was given for the children of Israel who were then the people of God and by consequence to every people that professe themselves the servants of God these are the maine particulars in the circumstance of giving the Law First Exod. 20.1 Exo. 19.18 c. God was the principall authour of this worke to give it countenance and authority for who dare quarrell his worke and the operation of his hands therefore did God himselfe speake all the words of the Commandements he also spake in a fearefull and terrible manner to gaine the businesse a fearefull estimation Vers 9. he spoke in the hearing of the people that they might know it was Gods owne act and to prevent the distrust they might have in his servant Moses Secondly the Angels attend this holy service to declare the most excellent Majesty of God who in all his occasions is served and attended by an infinite number of that excellent nature Againe the Angels were there because they are most desirous of the good of mankind Heb. 1.14 Luke 15.7 10. and doe willingly attend the service of our salvation having joy among themselves in Heaven at the conversion of a sinner they were also to be witnesses betweene God and his people that the covenants might remaine established for ever therefore S. Paul saith The Law was ordained by the
that as he hath performed the Law in all sincerity and righteousnesse so we should endeavour a strict imitation of his vertuous doings for such faith only hath the benefit of the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ as is proved by the testimony of holy life Workes the testimony of faith and hath the witnesse of vertuous living therefore it doth needfully behove all men carefully to endeavour in the exercise of the Law of God for though no man can be justified by the workes of the Law so no man can declare and approve himselfe to be justified but by the workes of the Law for it is God that doth justifie effectually faith doth justifie apprehendingly and good workes doe justifie declaringly Againe By the Law we may judge our selves the knowledge of the Law of God may give every man a true understanding of the state of his life whereby to know in what condition hee standeth whether in the favour or displeasure of Almighty God for the Law is the revealed Will of God to which all men owe conformity upon paine of grievous forfeit and therefore whosoever shall examine the behaviour of his life and compare his severall committings and omittings with the duties of the Law for all ought so to doe shall be well able to understand and judge himselfe The Law a patterne to a Christian life for the Law is the patterne of our lives to which wee ought to square our actions So then when wee find a dissimilitude betwixt the Law and our lives we cannot but judge our selves to be disobedient and rebellious to God and his Lawes and consequently to forfeit our soules to the state of damnation This judgement ought to cause humiliation in all men and so it will in them that God shall make gracious who when they know themselves to be in the disease of sin How the Law doth humble us and that the Law doth wound their consciences with guiltinesse and that themselves have a naturall pronenesse rather to cause then to cure their infirmities this maketh them to deny themselves and their owne power which is but weaknesse and with humblenesse to resort to the mercy and merits of Jesus Christ the Sonne of God and the Physician of our soules Christ the Physician of our soules who only hath beene able to satisfie the justice of the Law and who onely hath beene able to worke the Redemption of mankinde and to repossesse them of Gods favour who had lost it by their transgressions and this our Redeemer hath done by assuming our nature Christ hath fulfilled the Law for us that could not bearing our sins satisfying our contempts and finishing our neglects who in our nature hath fulfilled the Law for us that could not who hath triumphed over sin and made conquest of hell and by his death hath slaine death which but for him had seized our soules into everlasting condemnation Thus will the knowledge of the Law admonish us and thus it will remember us This knowledge presents our soules with matter of serious meditation wherein wee may have a full view of the miserable condition of our life what strength is in our nature what endeavour in our actions for when wee finde an impossibility of our dutifull and strict obedience to the Law wee shall then acknowledge our defects and the corruption of our nature when we examine the particulars of our life and compare them with our duties we shall acknowledge the neglect of our endeavours and that wee have failed not onely in the maine performance of the Law of God which our nature could not performe but in our desires and carefull endeavours to doe well The effects in the Reprobate issuing from the meditation of the Law which our nature might And from this meditation doth necessarily follow one of these two effects in the Reprobate and gracelesse it causeth desperation and a hopelesse distrust of their salvation for when the divell and their consciences expose before them the justice of God the severity of his Law and the infinite measure of their offence the extreme terror and sense of their wickednesse doe so confound their understandings that often they execute upon themselves torment and death despising and despairing of the mercy of Jesus Christ in whom if they had reposed trust The effect of grace in the Regenerate believed and apprehended his righteousnesse their sins had not beene imputed neither had their soules perished But in the children of grace this meditation doth produce a contrary effect for when they by the Law understand the misery whereinto their sins have brought them it causeth in them a wonderfull degree of feare but not desperate for though the divell presents their sinnes in most ugly formes and urge them to a desperate apprehension yet the Spirit of God in thē doth withstand this temptation God supporteth the Elect against temptation and giveth them holy motions to devise the meanes of their salvation presenting them in their spirituall sorrowes with the mercy and merits of Jesus Christ then giving them grace to understand the mysterie of his death and the promise of the imputation of his righteousnesse which when the grieved sinner understandeth he allayeth and mitigateth his sorrow and affieth in the mediation and merits of Jesus Christ his Redeemer The divers effects of the Law Thus the Law produceth contrary effects in contrary spirits it damneth the Reprobate without hope it condemneth the Elect but not damneth them but instructeth and giveth him hope them it judgeth without mercy these it teacheth admonisheth and bringeth them unto Christ therefore though the Law condemne us Resolution let it not condemne our hope for though wee cannot our selves performe the righteousnesse of the Law yet there is one hath done it for us our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ in whom let us confidently repose our hope and respire new life The worke of Faith because we know that his righteousnesse is ours by imputation and that our sins were nailed upon his crosse and suffered death with him when he wrought our redemption Let us therefore enlarge our love without limits to this our Saviour who for our salvation hath beene pleased to undergoe so great a travell Let us admire the admirable degree of his love that for our sakes did descend from his Majesty to take and dignifie the basenesse of our nature Christ hath freed us from the judgement of the Law let us with unspeakable joy meditate his most holy sufferings whereby we are released from the condemnation of the Law let us despise our selves and our owne righteousnesse and apprehend him the onely staffe of our confidence let us never despaire because we know our Redeemer liveth the hope of our salvation but in all the extremities of our life and in all the sorrowes of our conscience To whom repentant sinners should resort let us resort to Jesus Christ the Physician of our soules let
how to judge our selves which would prove much more terrible unto us the manner of this judgement is thus when the Spirit of God moves in any mans heart a desire to understand themselves the soule assembles the powers of his understanding and exerciseth the severall faculties in severall assignements and within himselfe by serious meditation can frame the order of a court the man body and soule hee is the prisoner at the barre hee is also both the witnesse and the judge the matter of his inditement is sinne his conscience is his accuser Conscience is our accuser his memory doth produce the witnesses his judgement doth pronounce the sentence and the divell attend the execution thus are the faculties of the soule disposed in judging of it selfe the soule against the soule producing the Law proving the forfeit and urging the penalty Now that which hath most busie care in this spirituall and most serious examination and judgement of our selves is the conscience by which the soule hath true intelligence and understanding in what condition it is 1 Cor. 11.31.32 and by whose authority the judgement of that spirituall Court is swayed the conscience giving testimony of all our actions good and evill whereby our judging part is directed without errour and to make a just proceeding without all parriality and therefore saith the wise man Eccles 14.2 Blessed is he that is not condemned in his owne conscience For if there be any just matter of condemnation against us there is no favour can bribe our conscience for that will to our selves accuse our selves of every sinne and reduce to memory many our sinnefull actions which but for our conscience we could not remember and therefore the Scribes and Pharises that brought the woman taken in adultery to Christ John 8.9 and demanded what judgement shee deserved were remembred and accused by their owne conscience of their owne guilt of sinne whereof they seemed to bee innocent or ignorant when ●s Christ said Let him that is without sinne Vers 7. cast the fi st sto●e at her so that they that were so busie in the c●●●demnation of another were condemned themselves by the testimony of their owne conscience their conscience making them apply their accusations to themselves which but then they had urged against anothe● And doubtlesse The spirituall power of the conscience it is a wonderfull degree of power the conscience hath in the spirituall triall of our soules in two respects First it knoweth all our sins both secret and open no man being able to hide them from the knowledge of his conscience Secondly it spareth no man neither any sin but without respect of any it urgeth all against all men yea the very sinnes of our thoughts are not privileged but are even in the knowledge and hatred of our conscience therefore saith Sai●t Paul Rom. 2.15 Their conscience bearing witnesse and their thoughts accusing or excusing one another and Almighty God when hee shall gather together all flesh to judgement and expose before the Saints and Angels the severall actions of every mans life whereby they may be judged accordingly either to mercy or justice He hath devised in his wisedome Our conscience shall reprove us in the day of judgement that every one should have a witnesse in himselfe which is their conscience the which in our life time doth register both our good and evill actions and at our judgement doth both witnesse and declare them and at that day the booke of every mans conscience is opened wherein is writ a true circumstance of every particular action of every mans life and these records these consciences are they that give evidence for and against our selves at the day of Gods generall judgement Rev. 20.12 c. And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the Bookes were opened that is all mens consciences wherein was writ the report of all their actions Thus wee may see what the office of our conscience is both in respect of our owne spirituall judgement which is our reformation and in respect of the generall judgement of God which must be to every one The manner of the accusation of conscience either eternall salvation or damnation Now the manner that conscience useth in this administration is worth our consideration that all men generally have a conscience the which God hath united inseparably to our reasonable natures And therefore not onely they that are of Christian beliefe and have the rules of Religion to teach them but men meerely naturall and ignorant of divine worship doe suffer the affliction of their wounded conscience which though it be in a farre inferiour degree of that of understanding Christians yet it doth in some proportion exercise a judgement on the soule and doth both remember and terrifie them that grossely offend against the Law of nature which to them is the Law of reason and Religion this is proved by the same place of Scripture before alledged that the Bookes of all the dead were opened Rev. 20.12 the word all excludes none from them the accusation of conscience all are then afflicted by conscience but not all alike effectually The Infidells that know not God The difference in the conscience of Christians and Infide●ls but onely as they are taught by the wisdome of nature their conscience doth but remember the offender his great sins only and that sparingly and with favour a Christian conscience is more severe for it remembers all men all their sins without favour without exception there is this difference also that of Infidels and wicked men doth often remember the offender his sin but afflicts him not A Christian conscience hath griefe neither provokes him to repentance but the conscience of Christians doth fearefully remember the sinner his sinne and doth wound the soule of the offender with sorrow and spirituall griefe making him pursue the meanes of his reformation and hate the cause for which his conscience doth so afflict him The difference of conscience among Christians this is the difference betwixt the conscience of a Christian and an infidell There is also great difference of conscience amongst Christians for as in the common sort that professe the Christian Religion the greater part is by much the worse and the choice particulars being the true worshippers of God are but few drawne out from an inf nite number of people so also though all that have a Christian name professe to have a Christian conscience The conscience of a Reprobate yet their conscience is no better then their Christianity onely a bare name whereof they have no spirituall use nor comfort Conscience in the Reprobate is either silent or outragious the silent conscience in the Reprobate is when custome and long continuance of sinning doth dull the sense of conscience Looke to your conscience what conscience yee have for conscience will damne and conscience will save and
that which is infallibly promised in Scripture to those that believe and walke in the 〈◊〉 of the Lord but when we come unto the future happinesse promised unto us then shall wee have full security for in this life Religion and feare are coupled together neither can the one be without the other therefore thinke upon the grievous spots of thy sins and feare him that according to justice will judge thee for the same What are the afflictions of the godly but bitter arrowes sent from the sweet hand of God for their correction many that escape unpunished in this life God thinkes them unworthy of punishment whom notwithstanding he reprobateth for ever Outward felicity is often times a signe of eternall damnation nothing is more unhappy than the happinesse of sinners and nothing more miserable then hee that knowes no misery Augustin Whatsoever thou beholdest with thine eyes thou seest cause of griefe which duly considered are remedies against security Behold God above whom we have offended thinke upon hell beneath which we have deserved thinke upon the sin behinde the which wee have committed thinke upon the judgement before which wee dread and stand in feare of thinke upon the conscience within the which wee have defiled and thinke upon the world without which wee have too much loved consider whence thou camest and be ashamed consider what thou art and be sorrowfull consider whither thou goest and tremble Let a man therefore lament and grieve and shake off all security lest in the just and secret judgement of God hee be forsaken and left in the power of the divell to be destroyed if thou hast grace so delight thy selfe in it and acknowledge it to be the gift of God and that thou dost not possesse it by any hereditary righteousnesse of thine owne Security is a pernicious sin Happy shalt thou be if thou labourest with all care and diligence to avoid security the mother of all evill God will not forsake thee but take heed thou dost not forsake him God hath given thee his grace pray thou earnestly unto him that he would also give thee perseverance in that grace God bids thee be certaine of thy salvation but he bids thee not be secure therefore thou must fight valiantly 2 Tim. 4.7 8. that thou maist at length triumph gloriously thy flesh within thee fighteth against thee and the enemy the neerer he is the more to be feared the world about thee fighteth against thee and the greater the enemy is the more to be feared the divell about thee fighteth against thee and the more potent the enemy is the more to be feared through the power of God feare not to encounter with these enemies through the power divine thou shalt be enabled to obtaine the victory but thou canst not overcome these so great and potent enemies by security but by assiduity in fighting then doe the enemies most gather their forces together when they seeme to grant truce they are vigilant and watchfull and thou sleepy and sluggish they make themselves ready to assault and hurt thee make thou thy selfe ready therefore to resist Many faint by the way and never come home into their countrey Deut. 1.35 how many Israelites did there die in the wildernesse and never came to the promised Land of Canaan how many spirituall sonnes of Abraham doe perish in the wildernesse of this world and never come to enjoy the promised inheritance of the Celestiall Canaan Let it be therefore our onely desire to attaine to the glory which is in heaven wee live in security as we were past the snare of death and the day of Judgement Matth. 24.44 Christ saith he will come to judgement at such an houre that wee thinke not of this saith Truth it selfe And againe he repeats it heare and feare for the Lord will come at an houre wee thinke ●o of Wee have therefore great cause to feare that we come not to judgement unprovided for how shall we be able to endure the strict examination at the day of judgement Seeing we cannot recover for ever that which is lost in this one moment in the shortnesse of this one moment judgement shall passe either to mercy or condemnation what we shall be for all eternity in this one moment life and death damnation and salvation punishment and eternall glory shall be appointed to every one Lord thou that hast given us grace to that which is good give us also grace to persevere in that goodnesse least wee fall into the ensuing danger prepared for the reprobates and the ungodly which is hell and damnation and the torments thereof Of the knowledge of mans corruption and state of his misery in this world and the miserable state and condition in the life to come without we be renovated by Christ which Lord God grant us all grace so to be O Wretched man where shall I begin to describe thy endlesse miseries who art condemnable as soone as conceived lyable to eternall death before thou wast born to a temporall life A miserable change hapned to all posterities by the fall of Adam A beginning indeed I finde but no end of thy miseries for when Adam and Eve being created after Gods owne Image and placed in paradise that they and their posterity might live in happy and blessed estate of life immortall having dominion and rule of all earthly creatures and onely restrained from the fruit of one tree as a signe of their obedient subjection to their Almighty Creator though God forbad them this one small thing under the penalty of eternall death yet they believed the divels word before the Word of God making God as much as in them lay a lyar and so being unthankefull for all his benefits which God bestowed upon them they became male-content with their present state as if God had dealt enviously or niggardly with them and believed that the divell would make them partakers of farre more glorious things then ever God had bestowed upon them and in their pride they fell into rebellion and committed high treason against the most high Almighty and disdaining to be Gods subjects they affected most blasphemously to be gods themselves equall unto God their maker hence till they repented loosing Gods Image they became like unto the Divell and so all their posterity like a traiterous brood whilst they remained impenitent like them Math. 13.42 are subject in this life to all cursed miseries and in the life to come to everlasting fire and damnation prepared for the divell and his angels Consider therefore thou faithfull soule the miserable condition of man and thou shalt easily avoyd all temptations man is vile in his ingresse miserable in his progresse and lamentable in his egresse he is assaulted by divels provoked by tentations allured by delights cast down by tribulations entangled by accusations bestripped of vertues snared in all evill customes and drowned in all manner of vices Lay aside then for a while thy
offence for our offences he hath smitten his Sonne how then can he smite his servants for them how can he punish our sinnes in us for which his Sonne hath already given satisfaction Psal 117.2 The truth of the Lord endureth for ever as I live saith the Lord I will not the death of a sinner Ezech. 33.11 but much rather that he may turne from his wickednesse and live Come saith our Saviour Mat. 11.28 unto me all you that are heavy laden and I will refresh you shall wee then make God a liar and labour with the weight of our sins to beare downe his mercy to make God a liar and deny his mercy is a greater sinne then all the sins of the whole world Mat. 27.5 Rom. 5.20 therefore Iudas sinned more in despairing of Gods mercy then the Jewes in crucifying Christ but rather where sin hath abounded there grace hath also much more abounded and over-weigheth our sins by infinite degrees Jude 21 c. for sins are but the sins of men but grace is the grace of God sins are but temporall but the grace of God is from eternity to eternity 2 Cor. 5.18 c satisfaction by Christ hath beene made for our sins and the grace of God is repaired in us by the death of Christ and is established in us through him for ever Of Repentance or sorrow of the Soule for sin VVHen Christian men have understanding by the Law of God of their miserable estate in respect of sin Joh. 15.22.24 Repentance what they were in innocency what they are in sin and what they shall be in judgement it bringeth a generall sadnesse on the soules of men dulleth the spirit and delight they have had in their prosperous fortunes for when God giveth grace to any one to examine his life God gives the first grace to repentance and to view his owne deformities consider his neglect in his dutifull and obedient service which hee oweth unto God the first knowledge thereof and apprehension of his miserie is most terrible because his conscience doth forcibly checke the former proceedings of his life and violently hale him against the currant of his owne affections for as rivers are not forced against their ordinary streame but by the tide which is more forcible than the streame it selfe so our sinfull actions The difficulty of repentance being in all men common and naturall motions is not reformed in us but by the spirit of God a power above our nature yet it is done with such contention and strife in our flesh and nature which for the time doth wonderfully distract the soule of the party repenting and needs it must for he that hath wasted and spent his time in the delicacie of fortune The reason glutting himselfe with variety of pleasures and in the hight of his vaine prosperity is admonished that he hath fed on poison and therby run himself into a desperate hazard wil doubtlesse hardly endure the extremity of griefe which sudden feare and amazednesse can lay upon him for so it is with sinfull man who not regarding the danger of their soule before they are warned and admonished by God and their conscience are taken unprovided with sudden griefe which doth alway inflict an unexpressible measure of sorrow The sorrow of a repentant soule and often times death and desperation when being taught by the Law to know our sinnes our miserable condition and the diseases of our soules so the Gospell teacheth us the cure both what and how to administer physicke to our sicke and diseased soules for else the knowledge of our sinnes were extreame misery without profit The sudden griefe is violent if wee should not also know the meanes of our recovery and to know also how to administer and apply them to our soules comfort for vertue hath no vertue but in use and that physicke which the sicke patient receiveth not cannot profit him bee it never so excellent or standeth never so neere him and as in corporall so in spirituall sicknesse the disease must first be knowne the physicke then administred for hee that ministreth before hee knoweth the cause or knoweth onely the cause and administreth not or administreth and taketh not away the cause of the disease can never recover his patient be he never so skilfull or industrious so in repentance and sorrow for sinne which is a sickenesse of the soule What must cure diseased soules must necessarily bee considered these two particulars the cause the cure The cause is either the materiall cause or the moving cause the materiall cause is sinne The cause of repentance that being the matter of our offence for which wee so sorrow and grieve at the time of our repentance This is proved in the examples of all men that have had the grace of true and unfeyned repentance every penitent child of grace having sorrow and affliction in his soule because of his sinne by which hee hath provoked his God and his Creator against him Thus did Iob and thus did David repent them and so doe and will doe all that would profit by their repentance Iob 42.6 2 Sam. 12 13. And here is necessarily to bee considered and observed that though our repentance have respect to the benefits of our owne estate as being a most necessary service in our salvation yet the maine respect we ought to have to God whose glory we must preferre God must be respected before our soules even before the salvation of our soules making him the principall and our selves but secondary respects of our repentance And herein appeareth the difference betweene true and false repentance for the false and Godlesse repentance sorroweth for their sinne onely because God doth punish and afflict them for their sinne Exod. 9.27 1 Sam. 15.24 25 King 21.27 Math. 27.3 4. and therefore their sorrow is chiefly for the punishment and but respectively for their sinne Thus did Pharaoh Saul Ahab and Iudas repent them and so doe all false and feyned repenters that feare God for their owne respects and not themselves for God Note A true and godly repentance sorroweth for sinne because it is sinne and not because it deserveth punishment and here the maine respect is to be had to God and to our selves onely for Gods sake for though the feare and dread of punishment be sufficient to move any mans repentance yet wee must not make that the cause of our spirituall sorrow but much rather because we have offended so gracious a God who hath declared himselfe to us in so many and great demonstrations of his love to mankind this ought to be more sensible to our wounded soules then the horror wee have of our condemnation thus are holy men moved in their griefe and passion of their repentance the maine difference then betweene true and false repentance is this Note true repentance is caused by reverence wee have of the love of
that wee are the elect of God for they are the fruits of his love and the workes of his spirit and therefore irrefragable testimonies and tokens of election the Sunne by his light shines upon us and by the same light wee view and behold the Sunne againe a man may be elected though for a time he live unconverted Acts 9.1 c. Luk. 23.40 41 42 43. and in his sins as wee may see by the examples of Saint Paul and the thiefe upon the crosse for it is true that whosoever is converted is elected yet whosoever is not converted the same may be elected because the elect may be aliens for a time from God Ephes 2.1 Cor. 6.10.11 Colos 2.13 1 Pet. 4.3 and unregenerated as were the Ephesians Corinthians Colossians yea all men are such by nature so one good and constant motion or resolution of grace is sufficient to prove a mans election unto glory By this we may know that wee belong to God if wee finde the impression of the grace of God constantly in us there is yet matter of true comfort but if all these signes be wanting that a man shall not alwaies finde all these things in himselfe yet must wee not despaire but commend our selves to the grace and mercy of God and use the best meanes of our salvation therefore O devout soule Rom. 4.25 as often as thou dost meditate upon thy predestination behold and thinke on Christ hanging upon the crosse dying for the sinnes of the whole world and rising againe for our justification Begin from Christ lying in a manger Ephes 1.4 5 c. and so thy disputation of predestination shall proceed orderly God the Father elected us in Christ before the foundations of the world were laid if therefore thou art in Christ by faith doe not doubt but that election belongeth unto thee if with a firme confidence of heart thou adherest unto Christ doe not doubt but that thou art in the number of the elect but if thou goest further beyond the limits of the Word of God and wilt search into the profundity of predestination it is greatly to be feared that thou wilt fall into the profundity of desperation God by the voice and severity of the Law accuseth all without Christs satisfaction take heed therefore that thou drawest not the mystery of predestination out of the Law search not into the reasons of Gods secret Counsell lest thy cogitations doe much seduce thee God dwelleth in the light that no man can attaine unto 1 Tim. 6.6 presume not therefore to come unto it rashly but God hath revealed it unto us in the light of the Gospel in this thou mayst safely inquire into the doctrine of this secret Psal 36.9 and in this light thou shalt see true light search not into the profundity of this eternall decree made from eternity but convert thy selfe to the clearenesse of the manifestation of the Gospel which was made in time and in the glasse of Justification thou mayest behold thy election made without time out of the Law take notice of the wrath of God for sins and repent out of the Gospel take notice of the mercy of God through the merits of Christ and apply that unto thy selfe by faith take notice of the nature of faith and shew it by thy godly conversation take notice of Gods fatherly castigation in crosses and endure through patience then at length thou shalt come to the doctrine of predestination Note but in this mysterie there are alwaies three things to be observed the mercy of God loving us the merit of Christ suffering for us and the grace of the holy Ghost by the Gospel sanctifying us Gods mercy is universall because hee loved the world Psal 33.5 6. the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord yea his mercy is greater then heaven and earth for he hath promised Ezech. 33.11 as truely as I live saith the Lord I will not the death of a sinner but much rather that he may turne from his wickednesse and live yea he hath confirmed it with an oath if therefore thou wilt not believe him for his promise yet believe him for his oath The merit of Christ is also universall because hee suffered for the sins of the whole world therefore doubt not of the universality of Christs merits Christ dyed and suffering prayed for them that crucified him and shed his most precious blood for them that persecuted him the promises of the Gospell are universall because Christ saith unto all them that labour and are heavie laden Come unto me and I will refresh you Math. 11.28 God denies his grace unto none but to them that thinke themselves not worthy of it by thinking that their sinnes are greater then the mercy of God is able to pardon forgive so despairing of mercy desperately cast away themselves Consider therefore thou faithfull soule these three props of predestination and rest upon them with a firme confidence of thy heart Consider also the benefits of Gods grace wonderful mercy towards thee that are past and thou wilt not doubt of his finall perseverance towards thee for when as yet thou wast not God created thee Rom. 1.16 when by the fall of Adam thou wast condemned he redeemed thee when thou livedst in the world out of the Church hee called thee by his word when thou wast ignorant of the truth hee instructed thee when thou wentest astray out of the way hee reduced thee home when thou sinnedst he gently corrected thee when thou wast falne hee lifted thee up when thou camest unto him hee most graciously received thee 2 Pet. 3.15 his long suffering appeared in that hee expected thee and his mercy in that he pardoned thee Gods mercy prevented thy destruction hope therefore firmely that his loving kindnesse and mercy will also follow thee Consider thou faithfull soule Psal 23.6 that we were elected of God in Christ by faith faith shews it selfe by love and love hath hope of the promise therefore where there is not love neither is there faith where there is no faith neither is there apprehension of Christ and where there is no apprehension of Christ there is not election and where there is no election there is no hope of salvation Of Mortification HE that is resolved to endeavour his godly repentance and labour the reformation of his sinfull life Note must labour two things principally and of necessity The first is mortification the next is regeneration he must first destroy his sinfull estate before hee can obtaine the estate of grace for God and the gifts of God are so absolutely holy that they cannot admit any mixture or cooperation with sinne and wicked actions For as in curing of bodies infected with poysonous diseases Note the Physitian by severity and strict dyet bringeth downe the body of his patient to extreme poverty and leanenesse and then in that extremity helpeth the weaknesse of
afflictions that wee must abide them not onely patiently but with joy also through faith and hope Whosoever is wretched and afflicted is to be pitied and relieved for that he is distressed and afflicted the Samaritan which is spoken of in the Gospel did pity Luk 10.30 c. relieve and helpe him that was falne into the hands of thieves having no respect of his Country or religion but in consideration that hee was a man himselfe hee had compassion and tooke pitty of the miserable case and perill of the man distressed therefore it is a good and charitable deed and to be used of all men towards their Christian brethren to relieve helpe succour and comfort the needy distressed and afflicted person not onely for that hee is afflicted but for his Saviour Christ his sake who hath commanded it wee ought to doe good to all men as the Apostle saith Gal. 6.10 Especially to them which are of the houshold of faith there must mercy also be shewed unto him that is chastened for his sinnes God is well pleased withall and doth require it as wee may perceive in Esay where he charged the Moabites lovingly to entreat the Israelites whom hee had scourged for their sinnes Hide the chased saith he Esay 16.3 4. and bewray not them that are fled let them that are persecuted dwell with thee and be thou their refuge Therefore seeing that it is a worke of true goodnesse to have pitty and mercy upon the distressed and afflicted wee ought not to enquire after their religion life and occasion of their affliction at what time wee ought to succour them but for compassion sake to bestow our ayd and reliefe upon them in their distresse and miseries as men afflicted for their misery and affliction doth sufficiently declare their wants and necessities but when the afflicted is thus perplexed vexed grieved and in anguish they must patiently suffer and beare them and not despairingly runne to desperation nor to rest dissolute and carelesse what become of them but they must in Christs Name repaire unto God who although he be offended will yet shew mercy for hee doth not cast off upon every offence nor revenge every wrong as the world doth Luke 15.20 but like the Father of that unthrifty sonne receiveth againe him that strayed and lovingly imbraceth him that returneth unto him by true and serious repentance faithfull prayer and holy contemplation and uprightnesse of living with the consideration of Gods purpose in afflicting him for hee may not censure these evils or the least of them to come by chance as the world often and most rashly and unadvisedly affirmeth or that they befall him by reason of the unfortunate Planet Psal 73.5 Esay 47.13 under which he was borne as the starre-gazer fondly maintaineth for the Lord God Almighty that high and incomprehensible Jehovah Revel 1.8 that everlasting Alpha and Omega He which was and is and is to come he is the former framer creator preserver and governour of all things and who but hee made and prepared those famous starres in the Firmament Iob 38. Esay 51.13 Psal 89.13 Arcturus Orion and Pleiades who spread forth the Heavens like a curtaine who limited the North and South climates who made the Sunne and Moone but hee and therefore let all men thinke that his creatures which he hath formed framed and placed for the use and behoofe of man for the distinction of times and seasons and to give light unto the earth and his creatures thereon keepe every of them his Sphere as a walke whereas unto a continuall taske they are tyed by the omnipotent Commander who keepeth them without variation in the first course doing their continuall service and labour for the behoofe of man as other creatures doe and are not as Gods or governours of mans nature neither can they dispose of their inclinations constitutions or affections or make them happy or unhappy but are ruled governed and commanded by God as other inferiour creatures are to stand and move at his pleasure the Sunne stood still in Gibeon and the Moone in the Valley of Aialon Iosh 10.13 2 King 20.10 and that for a whole day so the Sunne at the commandement of the Lord retyred ten degrees in the Firmament as a signe for Hezechias health which proveth that these creatures are as all other even subject to the will of the superiour Governour who needeth not the helpe of such weake meanes to worke the long or short life of man the happy or unhappy estate of man the poore or rich portion of man 1 Sam. 2.6 7 8 or any matter belonging to the soule or body of man but all cometh from his sacred wisedome and divine providence all men are in his hands as the clay in the Potters and he frameth and forgeth of all formes and fashions Rom. 9.21 some to honour some to dishonour some to bee high some to bee low some to bee rich some to be poore some to be reverenced and some to bee despised afflicted and persecuted and every man must rest contented with his portion bee it good or bad sweet or sowre And therefore bee not so hardy and voyd of reason as to dreame that thy constitution inclination good or bad successe in thy proceedings the prosperous or adverse issues of thine endeavours thine estate poore or rich or thy troubles and afflictions proceedeth from the influence dominion rule or power of these creatures but that a divine and supernaturall cause worketh that in thee which the wit of man cannot conceive wherein though the world afford thee no comfort All our afflictions troubles miseries and calamities which happen unto us commeth of our sinnes yet art thou bound by an inward bond of duty to acknowledge all thine infirmities all thine afflictions and all the crosses which happen and fall upon thee to proceed even from thine owne sinnes and filthy corruptions as buffets to rouze thee from the forgetfulnesse of thy duty to his sacred Majesty for thy roving and ranging astray after vaine and foolish things superfluous desires and overmuch negligence of thy calling and in great love and favour doth thy loving father give thee these gentle corrections even of mercy to reclaime thee from the way of sinne unto a more sincere and sacred course of life Heb. 12. So that the troubles and miseries and all the adverse things that can befall us are Gods gentle chastisements to his children to reforme them but to the obstinate and unbeleeving they are messengers of his judgements Numb 14.2 Judg 6. Judg. 10. and utter renunciation who by his punishments waxe worse and worse who doe murmure and grudge at the course he taketh to amend them as did the rebellious Israelites whom he did often visit in mercy before he entred into judgement with them hee calleth us by his punishments from perils to the end wee should not be subject to the dangerous security of a pleasing estate
infinite of himselfe yet all creatures being his owne it doth please him to force the obedience of every creature to give some proofe and testimony of his justice or mercy whereby God may receive glory in their acknowledgements God then is glorified in all his workes but in a double manner hee is principally glorified in the workes of his mercy he is also glorified in his judgements but the riches of Gods glory Rom. 9. ●5 Osee 1.10 Deut. 26.18 19 consisteth principally in the vessels of his mercy because thier glory is his glory and hee doth dignifie himselfe in their advancement Therefore did God choose the Israelites for his peculiar people that by his most powerfull delivering them and by their demonstrations of duty and service God might bee honoured in the memory of his greatnesse over all the world and receive glory in the report of his admirable protection God is also glorified in his judgements for though the reprobate and damned in their lives they rather care to dishonour God their Creatour yet will God be honoured in the punishment of their lives and force them to give demonstration of his justice and holinesse for God can turne their ends and purposes to his owne end and glory and make that set forth his glory which was intended to his dishonour and those that will not give him glory for his mercy his justice will in despight of ungodlinesse compell them to give him glory for judgement though God esteeme it the greater honour to be glorified in the witnesses of his mercy because in Gods nature mercy is preheminent and doth triumph yet it is much to the glory of God that the witnesses of his judgements shall be prompted by their lamentable experience to acknowledge that God is infinite both in power and justice therefore we ought both to glorifie God Iob 36.24 and to glory in God for if we glory in any thing but in God godlinesse we are condemned if we glorifie in any thing but God we are likewise condemned of him for he is our strength and light of our countenance he hath ordayned us for an holy end to his glory and if we glorifie him here on earth he will glorifie us with himselfe in Heaven but if we neglect to glorifie him that is our glory hee will glorifie himselfe in our destruction and make us in the feeling torments of our damnation glorifie him with this acknowledgement that he is God of most excellent soveraigne Majesty and that hee is most gracious in his mercy Vers 22 23 Psal 18. but most terrible in his judgements and with this acknowledgement will God bee honoured of the divels and damned creatures whose intollerable and unsufferable torments in their condemnation shall bee arguments of proofe to conclude Gods glory Seeing God hath created all things for his owne glory and seeing that hee will be glorified in the severall executions of his justice and mercy in the salvation or damnation of his creatures Job 37. 38. for in all sensible things there is a speciall nature in which they are obedient whereby they glorifie God in finishing the end of their creation for which they were ordayned God hath commanded the motion of the Heavens The purpose of Gods providence proceedeth without stay to the determinate end and effect which he had before ordained should come to passe the influence of the Starres the nature of the Elements and the severall nature of every severall thing to keepe their course all these continuing their course and nature give most notable demonstrations of Gods glory by whom they were created and thus disposed in nature if these things which are subject to time and must perish doe notwithstanding discharge the duties of their nature and so by consequence approve themselves to be the instruments of Gods glory shall men then whom God hath created for the like end of his glory and to whom hee hath given a soule divine and of most excellent understanding and for whom hee hath created the world the most admirable worke of his owne hands shall these bee carelesse in this high duty and shall the elements and unreasonable creatures be carefull shall men be exceeded of beasts in the execution of their reasonable service God hath not threatned their neglects with hell and the torments thereof nor promised to reward their diligence with Heaven and the joyes thereof but God doth both promise and threaten men yet are men lesse carefull then beasts This may worthily remember those men or rather those beasts who make a God of themselves and their unlawfull pleasures and then dedicate themselves their labours and the glory of their actions to a godlesse prophane and licencious trade of life those that will not glorifie God of choice must not doe it by force for the time will come when God will whip them for their prophane ungodly and licentious living with the roddes of his judgements and make them in despight of ungodlinesse to glorifie God in suffering of the torments of hell and their owne conscience and with horrour without profit or pitty to acknowledge God and the terrible justice of so great a Majesty This should remember all the children of God that in all the cares of this Christian life they have their maine respect to Gods glory and that God have the first place in their hearts even before the desire of their owne salvation and that their salvation be desired rather that God may be glorified thereby then to desire to glorifie God for their owne salvation that so God may bee first in all our cares that wee love him more then owne soules and preferre his honour before our owne salvation Therefore let all men love and honour God for his owne sake love him for his goodnesse love him for his truth love him for his mercy love him for his justice and let this love be so respectlesse of all by considerations as that neither heaven hell nor our owne soules perswade us so much as the reverence and zealous affection we have to the love of God for he that thus loveth God doth glorifie him and shall bee sure to be glorified of him eternally in the Heavens Let us therefore discharge the summe of all our actions into this Ocean of Gods glory let us propose and pursue that end onely let us not respect the vaine shews and purposes of men let us esteeme them light and value them lesse let us remember that they are transitory deceiving and destroying vanities and will leave vs flatter us and will deceive us let us reduce to memory the mighty Monarches of the world the most admirable in naturall enduments and the most fortunate in earthly prosperities Jerem. 2.3 when wee examine their worth wee shall find nothing but a bare remembrance of their names Eccles 9.5 6. and those neglected by the power of time themselves and their regards are vanished their acts are perished and all these