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mercy_n judgement_n sin_n sinner_n 2,057 5 7.5058 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10578 A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. Translated out of D. Vrbanus Regius, into English and newly recognized by Iohn F.; Instruccyon of christen fayth Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1579 (1579) STC 20848; ESTC S106076 25,574 62

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knowne to be my disciples if ye haue loue one to another Agayne he that taketh not vp his crosse and foloweth me he is not my disciple Where there is no repentance nor any amendment of life and studye of good workes verery there is no true faythe True faythe can not bee without good woorkes no more then a good tree with out fruite or the sunne without hys heat thys is vndoubted Therefore let euerye man examine and searche himselfe well least he deceiue himselfe Many men ther be whiche saye they beleeue when they haue no beleife as it may appeare by their vicious and wicked lyfe For this is certaine where soeuer true faith is there is also the feare of God ther is repentance there a true and a Christian mans life foloweth there the olde sinfull man is put off and a newe put on For because this is the vertue and operation of our holy baptisme that fayth doth clean renue transforme a christian into a new man which walketh not afte flesh but after the spirit Rom. viii Then where the grace of god wor●keth in vs good fruite and wee begin to folow the commandementes of God our old man is not all mortified straight way but wild and wanton flesh wyth her lustes dothe striue againste vs all our lyfe long and neuer ceaseth prouoking vs to sinne and euer rebelleth agaynste oure spirite letting and hindering vs in all honeste vertues whereby we bee not able to liue so vprightlye after Gods commandements as we would Wherefore when our sinfull conscience or the feare of death doth come vpon vs we can not trust to our works nor finde any comfort therein but if we will bee saued we must needes cry with the holy king Dauid Enter not Lord into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight no liuing flesh shall be iustified Our good workes thoughe they bee neuer so holye and excellent yet the value of them is not such neither oughte wee to doe them for any such purpose neither doth God require them to be done of vs for that in tent that we should be iustified and saued by them For no man can trust anye thing to his workes neither be they able to deliuer vs from our death That thing only the works of Iesus Christe is able to doe and nothing els This glory and honoure is onely dewe to him and to no man else to be a Iesus that is by interpretation a Sauiour For hee onelye taketh away our sinnes iustifieth and saueth vs by his workes passion This is his office his worke duty onely for the which hee was sent hither of his Heauenlye Father and oures to doe Therefore if the holye workes and commandements of God can bring no peace of conscience then what shall a miserable sinner doe in the distresse of hys tentation Whether shall he goe whether shall he turne himselfe Wher shall he find helpe and succour and comforte so then if we looke for any saluation we must firmelye beleeue and perswade our consciences that our sinnes be pardoned vs and cleane taken away But now howe shall we be so certified in our mindes I answere in such tentations a man must needes sette aparte the lawe and all his good deedes that euer he hath done all his strength all his power and merites and let them all stande a side in this case For here nothing can succoure vs but onely the workes and passion of Iesus christ And therefore we must appeale from the law streighte to the riche and mercifull promise of our Father in his sonne Christ as vnto a sure succour and a sanctuary of eternall security and peace and holde it fast in a firme and a sure fayth And thus shall we find comfort and quietnes ynough and more then we can desire then neyther sinne nor death nor hell shall be able to hurt vs. The promise of God is this Almightye GOD hath promised vs damnable sinners in his onely begotten sonne Iesus Christe without any maner of exception or condition of our owne merites clearely● of his owne free grace and goodnes full remiss●on of al our sins his holy spirite and euer lasting life and that he will euermore be our Father and that he wil vouchsafe to receiue vs to his children giue vs perpetuall saluation These things stand true firme eternal vnfalible sure and stedfast for euer God which is almighty which can not lye hath so promised to vs and hath sworne depely by himself that he wil performe thē This is the newe testament and the euerlasting couenant of grace made to vs in Christ betwixt him and vs and confirmed with his bloud wherof his prophe●s so greatly speake Christe the sonne of God hath confirmed this testament by his death and is a sure gage or a pledge of this promise of god The truth and grace of God is layd and reposed for vs in Christ in him we be sure to finde it as God speaketh of his sonne Christe our true Dauid in the psalme lxxxix My truth and my mercie shall eueruermore be with him in my name hys power shall be exalted he shall call me Thou art my father my god the rescue of my health And I shal set him to bee mine heire first begotten auance him abaue al the kinges of the earth I shall euermore reserue my mercy to him and my faithful testamēt vpon him And I shal set vp his seede for euermore hys throne like the dayes of the firmament And if his children transgresse my preceptes wil not walke in my iudgemēts I shall visite chastice their iniquities with my rod their sinnes with stripes but I will neuer take away my mercye cleane from him my truth shall neuer fayle him I will neuer breake my testament that I make neither wil I euer go frō my words that procede out of my lyps Once haue I sworn in my holines see if euer I breake mine appointmēt with my leruant Dauid his sede shal remaine for euer his thron like y son in my sight c. This promise is also read in the ii Reg. vii Here in this prophesie God speaketh of that eternal kingdom of Christ which perpetuall mercy peace and quietnes is for in Christe he hath reposed layd vp his truth and mercy Therefore in no other thinge can this promise of grace be found or obtained saue onely in christ In him God hath promised to vs saluation freely through his mighty mercye Therefore who soeuer beleeueth in Christe without any more a doe to bee bolde vpon it he hath al thinges And thoughe there be in Christes kingdome weake and infirme-infirme-sinners which slippe and fall many times yet this priuiledge and prerogatiue they haue their sinnes shall not be imputed to damnation All their offences be offences of children not of seruants We haue a salue-conducie a passeporte throughe all the
perills of death and damnation And though we fall neuer so hainous●ye yet shall wee not perish therefore for our christian faythe doth so fasten vs vnto our Dauid Christ that we be made o●e spirite with hym In Christ we haue the veritie of Goddes promise and his mercye euermore to continue our heauenly father will not punishe his weake children in his wrath for euer but will chastice them with fauour in this temporall lyfe call vs again to repentance Thus the grace of God shall euer abide firme and stable whiche we bee sure shall not fayle vs so that wee beleue this Dauid Christe to be our king and cast all our trust on him And here is to be noted and considered where he sayth My truth and mercy alwayes goe with him if it bee his truthe then it cannot lye nor deceiue vs if it be his mercy and grace then it standeth not by our workes nor the lawe wherefore al these things shal happē to vs in Christ and for Christes sake which by his workes passion hath purchased boughte all thinges for vs. Bowe downe your eare and come to me heare me and your soule shall liue I shall strike a bargaine with you perpetuall the sure mercies which I promised to Dauid This shall be the bargaine that I shall strike with the house of Israell After those dayes I shall giue my law within their bowels and will write it in their hearts and I wil be their god and they shall bee my people for I will pardon all their iniquities and will no more remember their offences c. So doth the Apostle in his epistle to the Hebrues alledge the same place wher he approueth that this bargaine of grace or this newe Testament betwixt God and vs is nowe confirmed and sealed vp by the death of christ And that god is now no more a streight iudge but a most tēder father to all the faithfull of Christ that he will pardon all their offences Likewise to the Gala. S. Paul calleth this eternall bargayne of grace a testament that shall stand for euer where as he writeth No mā breketh or addeth vnto y wil or testamente of a man being once confirmed and ratified Then if mens testaments ones made and confirmed abide firme and sure how much more the testament of God once confirmed and ratified shall abide firme These testimonies doe proue euidently and stronglye that Gods grace promised in Christ is firme sure so that nowe no beleuer oughte ne can doubt of the fauour of God and remission of his sinnes But vndoubtedly and constantly oughte to sticke to the promise of God which cannot neither shal be found false What heart nowe is so hard or stonye that will not relent nor bee stirred vp by thys firme and sweete promise of god to take a bold faith a confident trust vpō the grace fauor of almighty God being so promised to vs Will not these wordes make vs certified yea also secure as it were a bond a bargaine a testamēt promise othe mercy And al these doth no mā which may deceiu vs but god eternal our father in heauen promise which is truth it selfe Yt is an horrible blindnes in vs y whē god himselfe doth call vs to his grace doth promise freely to vs for his mercy sake cleare remissiō of our sins for y same purpose hath sent to vs his onely begotten sonne into the world to be a sure token or pledge of his heauenly fauor and grace and yet we leane hold more to our own stinking workes then to the true and euerlasting truthe of god Ah for pitie how many precious soules most pituously haue we brought to ruine doubtful desolation through these works doing The lawe onely hath bene vttered vnto them and nothing els beatē into their heades but thys what God requireth of vs howe greate sinners wee were what vengeance of God did fall vpon sinne what tormen●s what fire and brimstone we shoulde suffer in hell But none taught the people faithfully the promises of God the go●pell of Christ in the which sorowful and vexed consciences of sinners might be refreshed and learn the infinite and vnlearchable grace whiche God of his vnknowen mercye hath promised that is to say hath giuen vs freely in Christ with the which promises seelye consciences might be reliued and confirmed strongly against all the gates of hel We blynd and wretched creatures wold rewarde God with ou●s and deserue of him all thinges that we haue we woulde not be in his debt or danger we disdayned to haue his liberty come freely vnto vs and nothing woulde take of him by grace An● that was the cause why Christ was not rightly preached but onlye Moses So it alwayes commeth to passe when the commandementes onely be set forth after the manner of y Iewes and the promises of God nothing spoken of ther can be none other but that mens consciences muste needes bee vexed and disquieted with miserable sorow and perplexitie so that they can receiue almoste no consolation But whosoeuer wil bring men to God in deede and will quiet their consciences muste alwayes teach these two together the lawe and the promyse as the prophets Christ and the Apostls euer did By the lawe they broughte men to the knowledge of their sinfulnes their vnworthines their infirmitie and vnability to goodnes their duety what they oughte to doe and their damnation which therof folowed And so brought them to humiliate themselues before God whereby they being iustly stroken with the feeling of Gods right iudgement might ernestly forethinke them of their sinnes call for mercye They taughte not the lawe so as though it were ynough to know what were to be done or not to be done or as thoughe of our strengthe wee coulde doe good and eschewe yll and so by the lawe and by our owne workes be founde iuste before God and put away sinne They taughte not the lawe I say for no suche end and purpose neyther was the lawe geuen therfore that we should be iustified thereby before God but it was giuen for this to require of vs all righteousnes and to threaten vs that by the requiring of this righteousnes we being nothing able to performe it we mighte the better learne thereby our vnright●ousnes and naughtines so finally to acknowledge and confesse our owne wretchednesse to thintent y being thus contrite humiliated in heart we might seeke to Christe for succoure the which by his works and passion doth onely iustifie vs. We bee nothing able to deserue anye saluation by the law or our works That is an higher and a more excellent thinge then that our rotten workes bee able to procure God hath promised to giue vs that freelye by his mercye for Christes sake and dooth giue it of grace to them that beleeue in Christe as S. Paul to the Romaines