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A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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it as a great benefit and tooke it as an high blessing and said it was good for him Was it good for him and ill for vs was it profitable to him and hurtfull to vs No and therefore Paul was not ashamed of his crosses for crosses make vs the companions of the blessed Children of God nay they make vs the more like to our elder brother Christ Jesus who finished our Redemptions through the Crosse and made the way to the ioyes of heauen through afflictions and he that is ashamed to follow him that way he cannot come to him at all hée will not know him and therefore he shall neuer enter into that holy place hée shall neuer attaine vnto that rest that shall be endlesse and most ioyfull in the heauens How vnsauory therefore soeuer our troubles séeme wée must be patient and neuer giue ouer to cry vnto our helping Father nor to vse our best endeauours in our callings which God will blesse staying our selues in hope vpon his promises Let vs neuer dismay for God that maketh this little wound without doth it to cure a greater within and while hée séemeth to kill vs it is that wée may liue euer and while hée suffereth vs to be here ignominious it is that wée may become all glorious with him in heauen The poore man cryeth and the Lord heareth him and saueth him out of all his troubles Psal. 34. 6. The Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them Vers. 6. Taste ye and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him Vers. 8. A Prayer to be vsed of a sicke man O Almighty and euerlasting God who although thou art still in thy iudgement yet art thou a mercifull God to the soule that séeketh théeth infinite in thy mercy and plenteous in redemption for though thou send sicknesse yet wilt thou shew pitty according to the multitude of thy compassions for thou dost not willingly chastice and afflict the children of men therefore I poore wretched sinner which am but dust earth and ashes vnworthy the least of thy fauours doe fréely confesse to thy glory and mine owne shame that I am conceiued and borne in sinne that originall corruption stayning and infecting my whole nature hath depriued mée of all holinesse and left in mee an inclination to all euill and that I haue by mine innumerable transgressions in thought word and déede broken all thy holy Commandements and therefore besides all other euils I haue iustly drawne this sickenesse and these diseases vpon me yet not withstand séeing that thou such is thy excéeding great mercy hast no pleasure in the miseries and destruction of thy Children but doest onely by affliction try correct humble and reforme them for there present and euerlasting good I doe therefore most dear and louing Father most humbly beséech thy heauenly Maiesty to pardon my sins the onely causes of my misery and affliction increase and perfect in me all graces that concerne saluation assist mée with the counsell and comfort of thy sacred Spirit and conuert this my visitation to mine amendment and saluation of my soule in Christ. If it be thy good pleasure and will O Lord restore me to my perfect and former health that I may not onely performe my good purposes and pay my vowes which my lips haue promised and my mouth hath spoken in my affliction but also henceforth grow vp in grace in obedience in holinesse vntill I come to the end of mine hope which is the saluation of my Soule But if it be thy will and decrée by this chastisement to finish my dayes I most humbly and earnestly intreat thée O my God as the outward man decaieth to renew in me the inner man and to grant that as the body dyeth so thy grace may liue and reuiue in me Shut not the eies of my mind but open them and make mee vnderstand what the hope of my heauenly calling is and what is the riches of the glorions inheritance that thou hast prepared for me that I may liue in thy faith and obedience and end my life in thy fauour and when this life endeth remaine and raigne with thée in glory for euer Uouchsafe to be a Father to my family kinsfolke and posterity plant thy feare in their hearts confirme them in thy grace and giue them all things competently necessary for the maintenance of this present life Harken O Lord to these my prayers and grant me all other things which thy heauenly wisdome séeth necessary for my soule or body for thy dearly beloued Sons sake To whom with thy Maiesty and God the holy Ghost be rendred and ascribed all honour and glory now and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Patience in sicknesse and truely to expresse sorrow for sinne O My most louing and mercifull Father God omnipotent who art nigh vnto all those that call vpon thée in truth thou art a present helpe in time of trouble all powerfull full of wisdome and compassion wonderfully surpassing all earthly Parents I poore miserable wretch long troubled with grieuous sickenesse and so sore vexed with paine and torment that neither my body can take any sleepe or rest nor my Spirit feele any ease or comfort doe here in the onely merit and mediation of Jesus Christ present and humble my selfe before thée humbly begging and intreating for fauour and mercy at thy hands Worke in my heart by thy holy Spirit godly sorrow and repentance for all mine offences impute none of them vnto mée but let mée féele and be assured in my conscience that the guilt and punishment of them are remoued Be thou my Physition to cure and heale mée auert and turne this present sicknesse into a soueraigne medicine and this vehement and grieuous paine into a fatherly and gentle visitation let thy strength appeare in my weakenesse let thy power be perfected in mine infirmity and so arme mée in this my temptation with the gift of Patience and long-suffering that I be not with-drawne from the constant practice of holy dueties neither yéelde vnto mine owne passions and the suggestions of Sathan To this end powre downe thy blessed and sacred Spirit into mine heart ●each assist and direct mée that hée may open to the eyes of my minde the righteousnesse of thy Judgements that I may in all willingnesse a●… knowledge the equity of the same that he may bring to my remembrance the cruell and most bitter paines and torments of my mercifull Lord and Sauiour Jesus who by his death hath swallowed the very dregges of thy wrath and by the merit and vertue of it hath so tempered and swéetned the Cup of affliction vnto ● manifest vnto mée the glorious and heauenly happinesse and holinesse of thy Saints and Seruants in heauen that the certaine assurance hope and expectation thereof may abundantly excéede and take away all my present gri●ie and torment I beséech thée O Lord according to
so to walke before thée in this present life as becommeth thy Saints O continue thy word of truth amongst vs euer to our comfort Let the séede thereof now sowne in our hearts take such déepe roote that neither the burning heate of persecntion cause it to wither nor the thorny cares of this world riches or voluptuous liuing choake it but as séede sowne in good ground it may bring forth fruit according to thy pleasure O Father giue vs grace that when we heare or ●●nde by thy word any sinne that is in vs we may striue and study without delay willingly to reforme it Kéepe vs good God that wée neuer swarue for the feare of man from our owne true knowledge becomming seruers of time and deuiers of thée Kéepe vs from all hardnesse of heart contempt of thy word and from all dissembling of sinceritie Increase true loue amongst vs more and more Blesse thy whole Church O God with graces necessary this parcell of it our natiue Land and Country deare Father blesse it still with continuance of thy truth Iessen in it daily the number of blinde and ignorant Papists prophane Atheists and increase the number of thy true children Preserue vnto vs long aliue good Lord if it please thée our gracious King and Gouernour multiply thy Spirit vpon him and all his that still more and more he and they may séeke and set forth thy glory in maintaining Christian religion in all purity suppressing all vice superstition and Idolatry with all seuerity Giue vnto him an honourable Counsell giue them graces necessary for such a calling Blesse all other Nobles Magistrates and the whole body of this Realme with true hearts to thée and to this Countrey Increase in this our Israel the number of true Watchmen whose hearts may séeke thée and thy people and not their owne glory and commodity Bring to thy fold by them such wandring remnants as are thine And O Lord be gracious to our kindred and friends in the flesh lighten their hearts with the Sunne of vnderstanding that they and wée acknowledgeing one truth may glorifie thée in the true and constant profession of the same all the dayes of our life Comfort O Christ thy afflicted members wheresoeuer or howsoeuer troubled and grant vs peace in our dayes if it be thy pleasure Finally because the night is now vpon vs and we ready to take our rest let the bed O Lord strike into our hearts a consideration that the graue is almost ready for vs. Which of vs can tell whether these eies of ours once closed vp shall euer open any more againe or no Lord therefore receiue vs into thy hands we all here now commend our selues bodies soules vnto thy holy protection and prouidence kéepe vs this night and euermore ready for thée when thou shalt call vs. Heare vs O Lord O God and Father mercifull in these our petitions for thy Sonne Jesus Christ his sake our Sauiour in whose name we altogether begge these mercies saying as Christ our Sauiour hath taught vs Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy word our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance towards vs this night and euermore Amen A Prayer to be vsed in priuate Families Morning and Euening Leuit. 26. 6. If yee truely serue God yee shall sleepe and none shall make you afraid Lord prepare our hearts open our lips sanctifie our prayers and increase our Faith O Most mighty Lord God and our most mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ we thy poore creatures and vnworthy children humbly present our selues in his name before thy glorious maiesty acknowledging that we be most vnworthy to appeare in thy presence by reason not onely of our originall but also of our continuall actuall sinnes and déepe disobedienee being originally borne the children of wrath and the least of our actuall transgressions is sufficient to cast vs into hell and vtter perdition if thou shouldest deale with vs according to the measure of our manifold iniquities We therefore doe humbly beséech thée O mercifull Father in the merits of Jesus Christ fréely to pardon and forgiue our manifold offences both in that wée haue committed and done those things thou hast forbidden and left vndone the things thou hast commanded Lord forgiue vs and remember our sinnes no more let them neuer good and gracious Father rise vp in Judgement to our condemnation Giue vs a full assurance of thy mercies and frée forgiuenesse in Jesus Christ and let thy holy Spirit from henceforth euermore so sanctifie our hearts minds and bodies that wée neuer hereafter giue consent to the corrupt motions of our fleshly affections and vnclean desires and let the liuely light of thy continuall presence so illuminate our dark vnderstandings that we may still search for thy will in thy word reuealed and giue vs will and power to practise and performe all godly seruice duties and obedience to thée giue vs féeling hearts that we may finde out our own weakenesse and confesse vnto thée our infirmities and that we may boldly in the Name of thy Sonne Christ Jesus fall downe before thée calling faithfully and sincerely vpon thy holy name for pardon for our former euils for grace to reforme so the rest of our wicked liues that thou maist be pleased to accept vs anew into thy fauour and fatherly protection Grant that we may continually féele in our hearts and consciences more and more the virtue and power of the death resurrection of our Lord and Sauior Jesus Christ that we may continually striue against and mortifie our grosse sins and foule corruptions and grow more strong against all euill motions and temptations in thought word and déede and be more and more renewed in the spirit of our mind and féele a continuall increase of ioy and comfort in the reading hearing and meditating of thy holy and heauenly word and a feruency of true zeale to séekethy glory by encreasing more and more in knowledge and in the hatred of sinne in our selues rebuking it in others especially in those of whom we haue charge and in a happy and faithfull going forward in all godly obedience vnto thy will all the dayes of our liues Direct and strengthen vs that we may with all faithfulnesse labour to
let him come to this holy Table let him eate the Bread and drinke the Bloud of that Lambe that taketh away his sinnes and will present him pure vnto the Lord. The Lords eye is pure and can abide no wickednesse The Sacrament is holy touch it not rashly If thou haue not on the wedding Garment of sincerity come not the Lord will finde thee out and thrust thee forth of his presence among the vnbeleeuers whose portion shall be with the Diuell and his Angels Let vs therefore search and examine our wayes let vs lift vp our hands with our hearts vnto God in the Heauens and feede on this holy mysterie the life of our soules in remembrance of Christs death vntill his second comming O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be said at the receiuing of the holy Communion OH most gracious Lord God mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ my Redéemer in whom thou art also my Father by Adoption in and by thy Sonne my soule O Lord which was lost in Adam bought and redéemed by the Death and Passion of Jesus Christ doth earnestly long and entirely desire to be more and more assured that I am fully and really vnited vnto thée againe in him and therefore I doe hunger and thirst to partake of those meanes whereby that sweete and precious vnion may be confirmed in mée Increase my knowledge more and more of thy sauing truth reuealed vnto vs in thy word and increase my faith to beléeue what thou hast taught for our saluation let me take perfect and assured hold of my regeneration wrought in me by Baptisme the seale of thy promise set vpon mée when I knew not thy Law wherein as I promised to forsake sinne and cleaue vnto righteousnesse so Lord let the operation of thy holy Spirit then promised worke in my soule a true detestation of the workes of darknesse and loue vnfained to thy celestiall and diuine light And for that thou in Christ hast left vnto vs a second seale of thy loue and our adoption the Sacrament of the body and bloud of that immaculate Lambe who for a remembrance of his death our frée adoption by him instituted the same at his last supper with his Disciples and commanded thy Saints dispersed through the world through all generations to this day and for euer to the end of the world to communicate of this holy Sacrament in commemoration of that high and most preuailing sacrifice the offering of thy Son vpon the Crosse for our redemption and attonement with thée And therefore most louing Father I come in the name of him thy Son not of my selfe presuming but in all humblenes through his merits vnto this holy Table to partake with the rest of thy Saints by adoption here at this time gathered together of this holy and heauenly banquet humbly begging at thy hands for his sake that it may please thée to prepare my heart which of it selfe is not onely dull but prophane teach me being of my selfe not onely ignorant of this sacred mystery but too much knowing sinne Sanctifie me by thy holy Spirit who of my selfe am not onely corrupt but wholly prone to euill euermore consequently vnworthy to eat at this holy Table to partake of thy loue so vnspeakable Oh forgiue me Father in thy Christ here represented vnto vs ingraft in me a liuely assurance that my sinnes are done away by his bloud giue me faith to beléeue in him who by faith is made ours and we in him thine by adoption elected euen of thy frée mercy and made heires with Christ Jesus of eternall glory whereof this holy mystery is the most assured pledge Oh make me a worthy partaker of so precious a benefit And for that sinners Lord are not admitted to this sacred banquet of sauing foode where shall I appeare whose sinnes drew downe from heauen him whom thou most dearely louedst and betraid him to the Crosse how then shall I presume to appeare in this holy assembly appointed for thy Saints onely a Table of sanctitie whereof none partake but such as are frée from sinne Who then Lord dare presume to eate of this bread or to drinke of this Cup onely those whom thou hast called who though sinners by nature yet are they thy children by grace and so their sinnes are not imputed vnto them for whom Christ by his death hath satisfied apprehended by faith shewed forth in newnesse of life and wrought in vs by his righteousnesse in whose name accept me good Father and let the garment of his innocency couer my sinnes and so let me come to this holy Table And as a new man shaped in holinesse and righteousnesse let mée euermore henceforth walk before thée and more delight in thy Commandements then in any or in all worldly things let me by thy power be powerfull ouer Satan let his instigations neuer preuaile in me and let all corrupt affections die in me and let mee wholly die to sinne and liue to righteousnesse and true holinesse And for that I liue among men of diuers dispositions giue me grace to loue all but to couet to conuerse onely with such as are thine as néere as I may to reuenge me of none but to forgiue all wrongs and iniuries and so farre to forget them as I may studie and endeuour to doe good vnto all especially to such as are of the communion of Saints And enlighten mine vnderstanding more and more that I may seé and consider alwayes mine owne weakenesse wants and imperfections that I may so much the more beare with others by how much I cannot but confesie I come farre short of my duty to theé who so offendeth mee most I offend thée much more And therefore good Father frame in my heart loue vnfained true patience and liuely obedience Leaue me not either to the dulnesse peruersenesse or pride of mine owne nature or to mine owne corrupt will make mée little and lowly in mine owne eyes and giue me humblenesse of spirit and indue me with all heauenly vertues that I may rrsemble my first estate of innocency and let my present estate of grace come neere to resemble thy dearest children yea thy selfe who as thou forgauest vs in him that was Lord of all and for vs became as a seruant by his bloud washed away our sins offering his most innocent body a sacrifice for our sinnes whose rent body and spilt bloud being here represented vnto vs by bread and wine I doe most humbly pray theé that wée may be accepted worthy receiuers of his true body and bloud signified thereby and that we may féele euen instantly a renewing of our mindes our hearts to be changed from all corrupt affections and our soules swallowed vp with the due contemplation of this most sacred mystery wherein thou giuest vs not onely thy visible creatures of bread and wine to refresh our weake bodies but thine owne Sonne to saue our soules and bodies Oh who is worthy to open the
them there will be much required and that our sinnes will be the greater and our iudgement the more heauy if we make not right vse of this thy mercy And concerning the Watch-man whom thou hast appointed ouer our soules wée beséech thée to inlarge his heart to increase his gifts and to replenish him yet with a fuller measure of thy Graces Giue him O Lord the true zeale and spirit of Paul that he may with all boldnesse of spéech giue vnto vs thy Gospell and publish euen the secrets thereof for the edifying and comfort of our soules Make him powerfull in the holy Scriptures like Apolloes that by the power thereof hée may both conuict our consciences and stoppe the mouthes of all gaine-sayers Powre into him thy holy Spirit the word of wisedome and knowledge that he may rightly iudge of our estates and vnderstand what things are most expedient and necessary for vs and so may speake to our consciences finding vs out in our speciall sinnes and directing vs in those holy courses from which wée haue chiefely strayed Let his words pricke our hearts forward that wée may not be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne Make him firme and constant in the best courses that he may not be as a Réede shaken with the winde but as a sure foundation that by his perseuerance in good workes our hearts may be the better established And wée beséech thée O Christ who commandest the Starres and holdest them in thy right hand to defend him from vnreasonable and euill men and from the wrongs and iniuries of the wicked enemies of thy truth for doubtlesse men of corrupt mindes will resist the Truth with all their power Therefore good Lord blesse his labour to the calling and conuerting of those which are elected vnto saluation Make our hearts flexible to yéelde true obedience to thy Word deliuered from his mouth that wée may receiue it not as the word of a man but as it is indéede thy Word and make it also effectuall in vs that wée may not onely be professors and hearers of thy holy will but also practisers and continuall performers of the same And teach vs to reuerence him wée beséech thée and to loue him for his profession and workes sake not sparing our goods to relieue him knowing it is a small thing for him to ●eape our earthly things who soweth amongst vs spiritual food for our soules In all our Supplications make vs mindefull of him without ceasing that his studies may be directed his endeauours guided and his labours in thy worke blessed to the glory of thy holy name and the saluation both of him and of vs which heare him All which we humbly and earnestly begge at thy fatherly hands for thy deare Sonnes sake who hath ordained Pastors and Teachers for the gathering together of his Saints and who is the supreme and soueraigne Bishop of all our soules to whom be all praise honour and glory now and for euermore Amen O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer for the true obseruation of the Commandements of the Lord. O Omnipotent and euerlasting God maker of heauen and earth who hast frō the very beginning promised to be our Lord and our God our fortresse our buckler and defence our castle refuge who hast brought vs with a mighty and strong hand with an out-stretched arme out of the land wherein we were strangers and liued in bondage vnder the yoake and tyranny of Antichrist and Satan into the land that floweth with milke and hony and of true Religion wherewith thou feédest the Soules of the faithfull ones to their vnspeakeable comfort grant that as through thy mercy and loue thou vouchsafest to bring vs into this world and to frame vs to thine owne image and likenesse so wée may account thée as our onely God worshipping none other besides thée making our selues none image of any likenesse either of things aboue or things beneath nor to séeke helpe at the hands of any as a God beside thée who as by thy mighty power thou broughtest the children of Israel out of Egypt by the hands of Moses and Aaron where they were in bondage and were continually oppressed with sundry kinds of vexations both of body and minde so thou hast vouchsafed to bring vs and deliuer vs from a greater bondage and slauery euenfrom the power of Sathan vnder whose tyranny wée rested and now escaped not by any other pollicie strength or power but by the bloud-shedding of thine only Sonne Jesus Christ who tooke vpon him the death of the Crosse for our sakes to bring vs from darkenesse wherein we walked according to the wil of the flesh vnto the true knowledge of thée againe and to redéeme vs out of the bondage of sin into the land of righteousnes from blind ignorance to the bright shining day-starre of thy heauenly will who art not onely a most louing and most gentle Father but also a most sharpe punisher and reuenger who art not onely desirous that we should come vnto thée but art also most iealous ouer vs lest wée should séeke or follow any other gods besides thée yea in all our afflictions and troubles thou wilt that wée séeke onely thée and being relieued to attribute the onely meane thereof vnto thy selfe whereby thou hast promised to be mercifull vnto thousands that ●oue thée feare thée séeke thée and truely take hold of thée as their onely God and againe threatnest vengeance on the third and fourth generation of them that hate thee and follow strange gods neglecting thy Commandements O God vouchsafe that wée neuer put our féete towards any strange gods appeare their helpe neuer so likely and plentifull but that it may both now and euer continue in our harts to confesse both in word conuersation that there is none other God besides thée who art a most gracious and louing Father Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord haue mercy vpon vs and so vouchsafe to direct vs in all our doings cogitations and words as we may alwayes and in all things fulfill thy will without taking thy most holy and most glorious Name in vaine by blasphemous spéeches dishonouring the same kéepe vs most louing Father not onely from the most detestable sinne of periurie whereby thy holy Name is often defaced and as it were trodden vnder-foote as in making it the author of abhominable falshoods and lyes but from all friuolous and vaine eathes which to the great griefe of thy Children and dishonour of thy Name are most vncomely in the mouthes of such as vnreuerently and rashly vse it euen in common spéeches without any vrgent cause whereby they fall into the most hainous sinne of taking thy most glorious Name in vaine O Lord forgiue vs and grant that we may vse such a reuerent manner and godly order in triall of matters in controuersie as we may be alwayes true hallowers and not abusers of thy Name therein And forasmuch as thou within sixe dayes didst finish all things in the
importunate with mee for that which I cannot performe and resting in danger of their cruelties haue no other refuge but to depend on thy mercy and prouidence wherein as in a safe sanctuary I shall rest euermore preserued vntill these dangers be ouerpast Many doe looke vpon me to sée and consider what will become of my miseries and I continually pleade thy frée mercy in Christ wherein thou promisest to couer the multitude of my sins for which I am thus afflicted the righteous thereby take hold of hope and in my behalfe wish a prosperous and happy end of my destres encouraging mee to perseuere for that thy word euer sure warranteth a timely deliuery of all such as are penitent patient and faithfull vnto the end But alas good Father in Christ Jesus I a most sinfull man doe challenge no comfort ease or reliefe in mine owne right but in the merits of him in whom thou art well pleased and in whom thou shewest mercy vnto sinners among whom I am the greatest Yea Lord I am ignorant of good things and wander as a beast by nature in the vast wildernesse of this worlds vanities hauing little or no taste of thy sauing truth or féeling of future dangers but of thée onely I haue knowledge of my selfe I am weake but from thee I haue all strength of my selfe is misery from thée is mercy of my selfe I am altogether vnperfect but from thée is all perfection both inward tending to the consolation of my said soule and outward to the reliefe of my distressed body Therefore teach me O Lord teach me thy truth shew me thy wayes and leade mee in thy pathes continually withhold my heart from euery euill thought my hands that they commit no euill kéepe mine eyes sincere and my tongue that it speake no vnséemely thing and my féet from falling Regard moe not as I am in mine owne selfe nor deale with me as I deserue by mine owne wayes but according to thy tender mercies and louing kindnesse banish my sinnes as a mist driue away my imperfections as a cloud and supply my wants with timely reliefe Thou art righteous and gracious and reformest sinners and forgiuest their sins Be mercifull therefore vnto mine iniquities for they are very great Kéepe my soule and deliuer me let mee not be confounded nor perish vtterly for I trust in thée Thou art the light of my saluation the strength of my life and my refuge and sure defence in trouble In the time of my greatest dangers thou shalt hide mee in thy tabernacle namely in the secret places of thy prouidence which no man can finde out thou shalt kéepe me and hide me from them that couet my destruction thou shalt set me vpon a rock against which man shall not preuaile Harken therefore O Lord harken vnto my voyce when I cry vnto thée haue mercy vpon mee and comfort mee Thou sayest Seeke yee my Face And what is it O Lord but to séeke thy helpe in distresse and danger to craue thy fauour and succor in the time of néede O Father my soule by the priuiledge of thy frée Spirit which teacheth truth in the inner parts is ready my heart also is prepared to séeke thée my tongue speaketh vnto thée as vnto the liuely helper of all that are oppressed Hide not therefore thy face in displeasure which in loue thou willest me to seeke be vnto me as heretofore thou hast béene my succour and shield and leaue me not vnto the end My naturall father indéede that begat me and my mother that bare mee may forget mée my friends that pretend to fauour mee may forsake mee when thou rebukest me but thou canst not forget mée nor forsake mee for thou in thy Word hast promised the contrary and therefore I will not feare to flye vnto thée who giuest what earthly fathers cannot giue and supplyest my wants that neither my most familiar and my dearest friends can supply I should vtterly faint did I not verily trust in thée and assuredly know that thou hast no respect of persons and that thou acceptest not of men as the world doth by the outward habite and externall glory but the inward parts decked with faith feare and obedience thou likest and embracest the poorest for pietie and in the proud whom the world doth reuerence thou hast no delight Frame thou therefore mine inward zeale and let not my outward basenes ouer-much depriue me of some comfort among the children of men and when I cry vnto thée be not as men who regard not the poore but with spéede heare and consider and refuse not to answere me with timely reliefe And let not the vnsauorie miseries of this life accompanied with the naturall we akenesse of my flesh draw me into the way of the wicked but let me rather hold fast by thy promised protection as by the Altar of a liuely ●●fuge ●ow downe thine eare I ●ay O Lord and let me not for euer cry vnto thée in vaine Draw me out of the net that is laid for mée deliuer me from the dangers prepared against me Thou hast séene my troubles and hast knowne my soule in the bitternes of distresse and yet thou hast not vtterly forsaken mée but in mercy hast mightily preserued mee from infinite perils And now Lord euen now séeing my life wasteth in heauinesse and my yéeres consume in forrow sith I am a reproach euen among my neighbours and all my friends faile me and sith I am euen at the point to perish be pleased to thinke of my miseries and send me spéedy reliefe As thy goodnesse O Lord is great which thou hast laid vp as in a treasury for all that feare thee so let thy mercy appeare and thy prouidence and power toward me be séene among such as thinke indéede thou hast forsaken me vtterly O Lord increase my Faith The Motiue to the fift Prayer VVHerein the poore man appealeth vnto God being stricken with a kinde of despaire because there be that say of him There is no helpe for him in God he therefore not onely cryeth vnto God that he will consider it but he himselfe also entreth into the cause why they so say and findeth it to be for that they see his store consumed and his basket emptied and his foes furious against him but hee herewith not dismayed reasoneth against these mens infidelity who in these their allegations seeme to deny that either there is a God or that he careth for or will or can helpe the poore And yet hee presumeth not vpon his owne integrity but confesseth God to be iust and rightly may punish sinners among whom he is the greatest and hee finding this temptation to be very grieuous he prayeth God to second his feeble nature by his free grace and that he will stay him with his staffe while he correcteth him with his rod because he is but a weake man may easily be burdened aboue his owne strength But being assisted by God hee assureth himselfe
wicked innocent but rather to visit their iniquities yet haue wée this comfort that thy mercy to the humble euer rests vnmeasurable and vnmoueable though thou spakest to the Prophet against thine own people being disobedient to thée saying Though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet haue I no heart to this people Driue them away that they may goe out of my sight some vnto death some to the sword and some to captiuity yet we know O our good God that when as Ephraim was heard ●amenting and praying heartily in his distresse thou thoughtest then vpon mercy as a Father pittying his owne children This thy clemency to others incourageth vs to cry for thy mercies in this our misery vpon our repentance both for vs ours and the whole Land Uouchsafe O louing Sauiour to represse the vehement heate of thy fire with godly pitty stay thine hand from our destruction thou art long suffering good gracious and vnwilling sinners should perish Be intreated therefore O Lord most glorious to bid th ne Angels cease from punishing looke forth-with vpon this Land good Father pitty the infected people thereof that wée altogether may say The Lord liueth for euer worthy of praise because hee hath béene mercifull vnto sinners Amen O Lord increase my Faith If not Infected pray thus IT pleased thée O heauenly Father who art Lord of life and death once to plague the Egyptians and yet to spare the Israelites in the borders of Gosen onely because thou plaguest where thou pleasest So with the pestilence now hast thou infected euen from Dan to Beersheba yet my selfe and diuers others in this place rest safe from this so pestilent an Infection protected and kept as yet safe therefrom onely by thy hand onely by thy goodnesse for our sinnes we confesse stand vp as rampired walls against vs and deserue no lesse then theirs whom already thou hast bruised with a iust measure of thy Judgements O gracious Lord God stirre vs vp to ●hew our hearts throughly thankefull vnto thée that in thankesgiuing and praise we may go before others which in paines and plagues doe goe before 〈◊〉 And as in mercy thou hast drawne ●…knesse from our bodies so in lo●e to our soules make vs loath the vaine delights of this life that we may faithfully se●ue and séeke thée in these our dayes of health wherein wée obtaine thy mercy inioy thy fauour and rest preserued from the pestilence wherewith many of our Brethren lie perplexed beside sundry thousands whom the gra●t hath swallowed Blesse vs still O Lord our God blesse vs O Father without within be thou our guard thy Word our guide thy Spirit our comfort and thy Son our Sauiour Lord stand by vs for our good continually that when the world repineth at thy Judgements when the wicked swell in their impatiency when the vnregenerate grudge and murmure at thy plagues and punishments wherewith thou chastisest and correctest thy deare Children that euen then wée may haue and inioy quietnesse of heart and peace of conscience neuer to be dismaied or to distrust thy prouidence ouer vs but still to lea●e stedfastly vnto thée and rest vpon thée and the rock of thy Truth This confidence Lord grant vs and thy protection from this couragious disease that raigneth that wée may chearefully ●ound forth thy diuine praises amongst men vnto the praise of thy grace in Christ Jesus To whom our Sauiour and Redéemer with thée the blessed Father of vs all and the holy Spirit the Sanctifi●r of our soules thrée persons yet one diuine essence be giuen all la●d glory and thankes in this world and in that to come for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer in the time of Tempests and vnseasonable Weather God bringeth vp the cloudes from the ends of the earth and maketh the lightnings with the raine he draweth forth the wind●s out of his treasures Psal. 135. 7. Hee commandeth and raiseth the stormie windes and it lifteth vp the waues of the se● Psal. 107. 25. But he ariseth and rebuketh the windes and the sea and maketh them calme Mat. 8. 26. Marke 4. 39. By his word he stilleth the winde and by his counsell appealeth the deepe Ecclus 43. 23. O Most mighty and mercifull Lord God let all the powers of the earth blesse thée and praise thee their euer-liuing God in thine holy and heauenly habitation for thou O Lord sittest on high in the Throne of thy Maiesty and makest thy strength and might knowne to all Nations thy voyce is vpon the waters From thée O God procéedeth Thunder thy voyce maketh the Wildernesse to tremble yea thou makest the mighty hils to tremble and shake the Earth trembleth and quaketh the foundations also of the Mountaines moue and shake when thou art displeased there commeth out of thy nostrils smoke and out of thy mouth a consuming fire thou makest darkenesse thy secret place and at the glory of thy presence the Clouds passe away thou thunderest from the heauens and giuest out thy voyce thou drawest forth the Windes out of thy treasures and commandest them backe againe to their places all things are in subiection vnto thée thy workes magnifie thée O Lord yea they tremble at thy presence the Mountaines and Hils dread thée when thou art displeased yea the whole world is afraid The Waters O God know thée and are afraid yea the depths tremble thy voyce O Lord diuideth the fiery flames O Lord thy voice maketh the Wildernes to tremble Thou remainest King foreuer thou wilt giue strength vnto thy People and blesse them with peace O most mercifull God shaddow vs from thy displeasure which is too vehement and intollerable let thy countenance shine vpon vs and haue mercy on vs protect thou our houses and vs that we be neither consumed by fire nor drowned by waters send not vpon the earth such vntemperate or vntimely Showres or any other vnseasonable weather whereby the Fruits thereof may be hurt or our soules harmed O God the Father which diddest send thy onely Sonne to die the death of the Crosse for my sake preserue mée and grant vnto me a blessed end O God the Son which didst suffer for my sake the heauy death of the Crosse defend me and O God the holy Ghost comfort mée blesse and kéepe mée from all dangers from this time forth and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Peace in true RELIGION Behold saith the Lord I will extend peace vpon my Church like a floud as one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and yee shall be comforted in Ierusalem Esay 66. 12. 13. These things haue I spoken to you saith Christ that yee in mee might haue peace in the world yee shall haue affliction but be of good comfort I haue ouercome the world Iohn 16. 33. O Most high and glorious God who art the Authour of Peace from whom doe procéede holy counsels and righteous destres giue vnto vs thy Seruants that Peace
in righteousnesse Pro. 25. 5. VVE render and yéelde vnto thée all possible thanks O Lord of mercy King of all Kings and Kingdomes of the Earth for as a great blessing vnto vs thou hast placed ouer vs in this Realme so ●ure a guide of true Religion IAMES by thy heauenly prouidence our gracious King vnder whom enioying frée liberty of the true seruice of thée wée rest in a quiet estate both of body and minde wée humbly beséech thée to behold with thy eyes of mercy the same thy Seruant our Soueraigne Lord and Gouernour to replenish his heart with the grace of thy holy Spirit that hee by the working thereof being inclined to the setting forth of thy Word may walke according to the truth of the same sincerely that wée thy Seruants and vnder thée his Subiects séeing his godly examples may be ashamed to fall from that true forme of honoring thy Name which for thy glory through thy grace by the rule of thy holy Word is prescribed vnto vs and vouchsafe to stir vp in him zeale of thy glory a desire to establish whatsoeuer wanteth in this Church of England for the increase of true and sincere Discipline Let no ignorance abide in his Royall heart but inrich him with diuine and heauenly Knowledge giue him an obedient minde abounding with all humility towards thy diuine Maiestie saue and defend him from the tyranny of forraigne Powrr and Authoritie and from all such as professe not inwardly vnfaigned zeale of thy Gospell giue him godly Counsellors and such zealous and true hearted Ministers of thy Will that hee and wée may sincerely serue thée in this life and in the end for euermore raigne with thée in thy heauenly Kingdome for Jesus Christ his sake our onely Aduocate Amen A Prayer for obedience vnto God Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as when his voy●e is obayed Behold to obay is better then sacrifice to harken is better then the fat of Rams 1 Sam. 15. 22. Paul commendeth the obedience of the Romans Rom. 16. 19. Obay my voyce saith God and I will be your God and ye shall be my people Ier. 7. 23. O God the Gouernour of Heauen and Earth thou that rulest in the highest that only canst doe all things and raignest for euer at whose becke the Pillers of Heauen shake and all Creatures tremble I miserable creature framed of the earth do with great feare and trembling prostrate my selfe before the ●hrone of thy Maiesty acknowledging and confessing my wickednesse and wayes abhominable in thy sight Without thée I thinke not a good thought without thée I doe no good worke without thée I am worse then a worme of the earth yea a beast in thy sight I render vnto thée thanks O God that thou hast vouchsafed mée that knowledge that I may sée and know that I am nothing and vnable to doe any thing without thée Thou art the Potter I the Clay such as thou pleasest to haue me be such canst thou form and fashion me if thou makest me blessed thou shewest thy mercy and grace if thou cast me into hell thou shewest thy iustice executest thy iudgement neither is it my duty to contradict thée why or for what reason thou doest it for thou hast mercy vpon him whom thou louest These things I consider with my selfe O Lord and I feare thy iudgmēts depend only on thy mercy Forasmuch therefore as all my safetie and saluation relieth wholy on thee and consisteth in thy hand and power and thou hast shewed thy selfe a mercifull long-suffering God to the whole world hast testified the same indéede in that thou wouldest thy onely Sonne Christ Jesus the innocent should die for our offences should wipe away our sins with his bloud on the Crosse and since thou hast taught vs in al our perturbations and afflictions to call vpon thée craue thy grace and mercy for that thou wilt giue vs althings which we shall aske in the name of thy Sonne I come vnto thée being drosse and clay O mercifull and celestial Father humbly beséeching thée that thou wilt in thy mercy make of this vnworthy carkasse of mine an habitation for thy holy spirit that though I line in the earth I may haue my conuersation holy as in the Heauens O mercifull and most louing Father grant me forgiuenesse of all my sinnes through the death of thy beloued S●n Jesus Christ make me to please thée increase in mee all heauenly vertues and grant that I may perseuere in the same to the end increase in mee that faith and loue towards thée which thou hast begun in me kindle my affections towards thée more and more in liuely obedience that by thy helpe and presence of thy grace I may obtaine euerlasting life which thou hast promised vs of thy méere goodnesse to the end I may praise thée and giue thée thanks in thy celestiall Kingdome for euer and euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be confirmed in the way of Righteousnesse God is the fountaine of righteousnesse and he that giueth himselfe to righteousnesse is knowne to be borne of him 1 Iohn 2. 29. O Gracious Lord God louing in Jesus Christ Redéemer of mankinde who is the Way the Truth and the Life I humbly begge at thy hands that I may neuer wander nor goe astray from thée who art the way neither at any time to distrust thy promises who art the truth performest whatsoeuer thou dost promise thou art eternall Life more to be destred then any thing in heauen or in earth by thée wée haue learned the true and direct way to eternall saluation thou diddest instruct and teach vs readily how to beléeue what to doe what to hope and in whom we ought to trust by thée we haue learned how vnhappy wée were borne through our first Father Adam by thée we are taught that there is no hope of saluation except by faith in thée we take hold of our frée redemption and adoption in Christ. Thou art the onely light that sh●nest to all Creatures in the Desert of this World conduding them through the ignorance of their minds from the Egyptian darknes to that blessed Land which thou promisest vnto the méeke and such as follow thée in humility For in vs was nothing but vtter darknesse who neither could discerne our calamitie neither knew from whence to séek the remedy of our misery Thou didst enter into the World in the shape of a Seruant and didst take vpon thée our nature that thy brightnesse might disperse the cloud of our ignorance that by thy precepts thou mightst directour féet in the way of peace by the examples of thy life in thy humility thou didst limit out a path for vs to immortality making it easie for vs to tread in by thy heauenly way so becamest thou vnto vs a way that leadeth to Life in which lest we should be wearied thou hast assured vs by
O Father of mercy for thy deare Sonne Christ Jesus sake our Lord and Sauiour Amen O Lord increase our Faith and blesse our labours A Thankes-giuing or Prayer to be vsed after a mans labour is finished O My gracious Lord God I yéeld vnto thée harty thankes because thou hast preserued me from imminent and infinite dangers which might otherwise haue happened to oppresse and vtterly ouerthrowne me if thou Lord hadst not carefully regarded and kept me from many inconueniences Therefore now O most louing Father I humbly intreate and beseech thée for Jesus Christs sake to pardon all the faults wherein I haue offended thée in the time of my labour or otherwise correct me not in thine anger nor punish me in thy heauy displeasure worke in me so by the power of thy holy Spirit that hence forth I may walke in greater integrity and carefully performe those duties which are required in my vocation and calling to the end that though I labour with my body yet in spirit I may be led by thy spirit to loue serue and glorifie thy name in all my doings words and thoughts Direct and guide me by thy holy Word in all truth and honest conuersation among men neuer swaruing from thy commandements that in the end I may attaine euerlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen Lord euermore increase and confirme my Faith in thee A generall Confession of sins and of the vanities of carnall delights If we acknowledge our sinnes God is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sins and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lyer and his word is not in vs 1 Iohn 1. 9. 10. O God Almighty and al-knowing Father the fountaine of all comfort and consolation I confesse against my selfe as euermore I haue done that I haue grieuously offended thée by my manifold transgressions and haue thereby drawne downe a most heauy waight of thine importable iudgements vpon me vnder the burthen whereof I cannot but faint and fall vnlesse thou set to thy helping hand of mercy in Jesus Christ to support mée for good Father I am weake and cannot beare thy displeasure I am ignorant and know not which way to turne mée vnlesse thou point out the way vnto me by thy holy Spirit directing mée within as thy Word teacheth me without For it is not euery one that heareth that vnderstandeth not euery one that vnderstandeth that can practise and performe what thou commandest for who so is not guided by a better line then that of flesh and bloud mistaketh the right path and treadeth the way of vanitie whose end is death yet for the time it is most swéete and pleasing to the outward man the man vnsanctified and vnregenerate because hee loueth to be sed with the dainties of this life as with honor preferment riches health friends and worldly delights estéeming these the earnest-penny here of Heauen to come and that wants and pouerty and sicknesse and enemies and imprisonments and crosses are euen here the entrance into Hell it selfe So foolish are they O Lord and ignorant whom thou guidest not in thy way And this hath béene my foolishnesse and my misconceit of the seuerall estates of men in this life euen vnto this day But hauing now found by due triall and experience the foolishnesse of such as put their delight in these transttory fickle and vncertaine vanities doe disclaime all confidence in them and doe heartily and most vnfainedly abhorre and detest the deceiuing baits of temporall and carnall delights and doe wholly betake me vnto the swéet sauing sanctuarie of thy wisedome and prouidence wherein howsoeuer the worldly minded doe contrarily iudge is truest safety happinesse and securitie for therein beare Father is the true feéling and founded hope of future eternall felicitie thy wisedome O Father is the wisedome of the Spirit the Spirit the sanctifier of the Soule the minde and affections which being sanctified begetteth true feare of thée and that feare is the beginning of that sacred wisedome which guideth and gouerneth the whole man in the blessed way the way to life euen vnto Christ himselfe who is the Way the Truth and the Life O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer for humiliation and sorrow after sinne committed O Lord my God and most louing Father in Jesus Christ I confesse and acknowledge that mine offences are increased and my sinnes are growne vp vnto the heauens that I am ashamed to lift vp mine eyes to thée admiring at thy influite mercy in forbearing to punish me knowing that I am worthy to be swallowed vp or swept away with some extraordinary and sudden iudgement And now O Lord especially hauing so grosely sinned against thée and done so great euill in thy sight how haue I vile wretch that I am wounded mine owne conscience how h●ue I laid my selfe open to the malice and enuy of the Diuell what a disgrace and slander haue I brought vpon my Profession what an offence and scandall haue I giuen vnto others what a toy will this be to the wicked that they haue now by mē gotten something to speake euill of But aboue al O Lord how haue I dishonoured thée whose fauours haue béene so many and so innumerable towards me I know not how to expresse my detestable sinnes and the hainous and hideous natures of them when I thinke vpon thy patience vpon the meanes of grace which thou hast afforded mee vpon the light of knowledge which thou hast giuen mee vpon the good motions which thou hast from time to time stirred vp in mee vpon the profession which I make vpon the sundry vowes and promises of better obedience with which I haue linked my selfe vnto thy Maiestie vpon the diuers admonitions which by thy prouidence I know haue béene vsed to mée by thy Seruants purposely to preuent and stop this euill in mée mée thinketh I may call it rebellion which is as the sinne of witchcraft or presumption in the highest degrée O Lord I sée my sinnes and know them to bée exceeding great neuerthelesse I cannot so lament them so grieue for them so detest and abhorre them as I should Striue O gracious God strike I beséech thée my flinty heart make it euen to melt within mée at the sight of mine owne transgression Settle in it that godly sorrow which causeth Repentance vnto saluation Humble my soule vnder thy mighty hand and suffer me not to fréeze in the dregges of mine owne corruptions make my head full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares which may runne downe like a Riuer day and night O let me take no rest nor suffer the apple of mine eye to cease cause me to powre out my heart like water before thy face that I may by all meanes testifie the vnfained griefe of my Soule that I haue so displeased thée And grant O Lord that I may not sorrow so much because of hell condemnation which J haue
made to be due to me but that my chiefe vexation may be to thinke how I haue abused thy mercy and requited thy excéeding loue with so foule a trespesse Withall most mercifull God séeing there is mercy with thée and that thou desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turne from his wickednesse and liue giue me leaue to become a suter vnto thy grace not in mine owne name but in the name of thy dearest Sonne the onely Mediator Intercessor of his chosen I most humbly beséech thée for his sake to haue mercy on me O Lord one drop of his most precious bloud shall be a soueraigne Medicine to cure my running ●ore his stripes and wounds are of an healing nature O then I pray thée purgeme cleane from mine intquitie and according to the multitude of thy mercy wipe away all my vncleannesse let the apprehension of my sinne be tempered with a comfortable application of thy mercy that I may hold an euen course betwixt fearlesse security and faithlesse despaire beholding at once both my vilenesse to humble me and the riches of thy grace to reuiue me And Lord permit me not I humbly pray thee to thinke it sufficient that I haue once made some shew of humiliation and sorrow for my fal● but grant I may endeuor my selfe in the performance of these dueties and may euery day renew and increase my repentance with a déepe detestation of my sinnes and with a feruent desire more and more earnestly striue to be renewed in the spirit of my minde that being so cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit I may attaine vnto perfect holinesse in thy feare through our Lord Jesus in whose name I commend vnto thée my Petitions and for whose sake thou hast promised to deny nothing to thy Seruant So be it Amen Lord increase my Faith A preparation to the Receiuing of the holy Communion of the Body and Bloud of IESVS CHRIST ADAM the first man was forbidden to eate of one fruit which was fore-shewed to be mortall and hee did hasten to eate thereof Wee the Children of the second Adam are commanded to eate of the liuely and sauing fruit the Body and Bloud of Christ to our saluation yet how slacke are we to prepare vs thereunto and to partake thereof The first step therefore of true preparation thereunto is to search the Scriptures who teach the Mysterie of this holy Communion and the institution of the same as also the signification of the outward signes which are Bread and Wine the things signified the Body and Bloud of Christ shed for all beleeuers the end of the receiuing whereof is to retayne the remembrance of the Death Passion of Christ which he suffered for our sins By the true receiuing of this Sacrament we are vnited vnto the loue of God in and by the death of Christ the second Adam being separated from him by the fall of the first We are made heires by adoption of eternall saluation in by and with Christ which we lost in by Adam The true receiuing of this blessed Sacrament must be in sincerity with a repentant heart and faith vnfained And because it is not prouided for sinners who comming thereunto vnworthily receiue their owne damnation wee must before we repaire thereunto cleanse our soules from all sinne which cannot be done without diuing into our own soules with an impartiall search to finde out our owne corruption and truely to repent our sinnes Therefore saith the Apostle Let a man try and examine himselfe before he presume to come to this holy Table c. It is not fit that wee should come to this holy Banquet abruptly ●s men doe to their ordinary feasts where they Pharisaically and ceremoniously will wash their hands before they eate but to this most holy Supper we are not to come without inward washing of the soule from sinne for if vnwashed hands prophane the meat for the belly how much more an vnwasht heart this sacred Sacrament the foode of the Soule Inward examination impartiall accusation and an absolute condemnation of our selues for sinne is the best preparation to this holy Table For hee that looketh into and examineth the hidden prophanenesse lurking in the heart cannot but vpon due view of the same accuse himselfe of deepe disobedience to God which deserueth death Finding this he cannot but iudge himselfe worthy to be reiected from this communion of Saints and so condemne himselfe that he be not condemned of the Lord for he that confesseth his sinnes to God couereth them and he that coueteth to hide them increaseth them Therefore the Apostle willeth all men to trye and examine themselues which importeth repentance and so to eate This caueat is no inhibition but a terrifying of the soule not to presume to come to this holy Table without purification and sanctification Herein doth the Lord Iesus discouer his wonderfull loue towards vs who before hee inuite vs to come to this Table to eate doth instruct vs how wee should come and how we should feede He layes not this Table to snare vs as Absalom did Amnon and yet forewarnes vs that there is danger in receiuing it namely with polluted hands with hands full of bribery and extortion to take it with lips defiled with blasphemy cursing and lying to put it into a stomacke gorged with drunkennesse and gluttony and with a heart making no difference of the Lords body We must therefore lay aside all our old sinnes and put on the new man a Righteous a Holy and Christian conuersation and disposition Wee must be holy and heauenly minded towards God we must be louing to our Neighbours slow in taking aduantages or reuenging wrongs wee must be lowly and little in our owne eyes meeke and sober in all our actions And because things of so wonderfull value are herein exhibited and offered to the worthy Receiuers wee must consider who wee are how wee are cleansed of our spirituall Leprosie before we presume into the company of the Saints to communicate Wee must consider well whether vpon tryall made as afore is said wee can assure our selues that we are of the number of those to whom these holy things doe appertaine For who so is prophane in his person and an vnsanctified Creature let him forbeare to come to this holy Table and let him first vse the meanes of better assurance namely repentance for his sinnes amendment of his corrupt and sinfull life let him vse often zealous prayer to God for remission of his omissions and transgressions let him craue the assistance of his holy Spirit to assist him in the beating downe and mortifying sinne in him and that his Heart and Conscience may be sanctified And when he is cleansed let him shew himselfe to the Priest his Pastor and let him take knowledge by his outward Confession of his inward Contrition not by particularising of his sinnes but by manifesting his repentance and then in all reuerence
vnlesse thou maiest be pacified with mée I cry in vaine I séeke and finde nothing and knocke and féele no comfort I haue nothing to giue thée to redéeme thy fauour towards mée for if I had Mountaines of gold if I had Riuers of Oyle or ten thousand Sacrifices to bestow vpon thée it booted me nothing they are all thine owne Accept therefore the Calues of mine vn●ained lips and the simple zeale of my sorrowful soule and be at peace with mée in the mediation of thy all-sufficient Peace-maker thy beloued Sonne in whom thou delightest Oh heare mee for him and reléeue me in him without whom there can be no helpe for my soule no case for my heart nor reliefe of mine estate neither can inward comfort nor outward aide appeare vntill thou be appeased with me in him O vnhappy wretch that I am that euer I offended so louing a God that worketh all good for them that feare him so wise a God that can finde man out in his most secret waies so watchfull a God that considereth whatsoeuer man thinketh heareth whatsoeuer man speaketh and séeth whatsoeuer he doth a God most powerfull that for sinne can hurle downe the loftiest and in loue can exalt the lowliest O Lord increase our Faith A fit and comfortable Meditation when God seemeth most angry with vs. ALas that euer I offended this great God this God of all gods this high King of all Kings that God that preuaileth against mightiest mortall men This God alas haue I offended this God haue I stirred vp against me and he in recompence of my sinnes maketh all his Creatures as it were displeased with me also and hardeneth the hearts of men against mee The blessings and good things of the earth he with-holdeth from me and instead thereof he sendeth me a troupe of euils to afflict me Alas what shall I say vnto thée deare Father what course can I take to helpe this by this are my sorrowes encreased and one euill followeth another as waues in the Sea I am weary to beare the burthen of so many calamities and still I cry to mine offended God in hope of helpe but my hope quarleth and I despaire all my comforts are crossed with continuall troubles as if I were onely the man that had deserued to be punished aboue all other men I would yet gladly appeale vnto my God but I feare to be reiected againe But shall I thinke it a fruitlesse worke to repaire vnto my God that of his owne accord calleth sinners to come vnto him Is it bootlesse to fall downe before his Throne of mercy in prayer may not mine vnfained cries at last preuaile with him that is full of pitty I will frame my heart to meditate and my tongue to vtter what may please him though I be a Sinner I will goe vnto him in the Name of him that he dearely loueth that hée may be appeased and looke vpon me againe in loue He is a God all-sufficient and can aswell behold and consider my inward faithfull desires as hée séeth and obserueth what I haue done by ignorance or negligence what I haue done contrary to his will All that I thinke speake or doe amisse hée noteth and writeth it vp in his remembrance as with a Pen of Iron Oh why should he not also mercifully consider what I intend iustly to doe though I cannot doe it who hath promised to accept the Will for the Déede Hée knoweth that I am but flesh and what is flesh but frailty it selfe and what is man but a lumpe of naturall corruption and frailty And wil this high Iehouah this God so strong and powerfull set hisforce so fiercely against a weak Worme What conquest can there be in God against a silly man But why reason I thus with my Maker Why rather doe I not lay my selfe do ●ne vnto his will if hée will afflict mée more let it be so if hée will punish me further let it be so if he will kill me let it be so for I am his and he will doe with mée what hée listeth there is no reasoning against him there is no pacification of his displeasure by Art or Flatterie It is not words that will worke my welfare with him friends cannot defend me from his furie nor take me out of the hands of so powerfull a God no shield nor backler can preuent the stroake of his Rod. I will yéeld me ●…erefore to his wil I will say vnto him Lord doe with me what thou wilt turne me whither thou wilt I will wait thy leasure till the time shall come wherein I may sée the issue of thy determinate purpose with me And in the meane time I will consult with thy Word I will therein exercise my selfe and take comfort through hope I will refresh my dulled spirits with the dew of thy swéete promises and laying aside all vaine expectation of fleshly aide I will onely rest my selfe vpon thy protection and in an assured resolution I will séeke thée being the Way wherein who so walketh shall at length attaine vnto perfect happinesse the Truth which who so imbraceth shall neuer erre and the Life wherein who so liueth shall neuer die eternally O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer against Despaire O God of mercy for as much as many wayes I h●… transgressed thy holy Precepts contemned thée our Lord and maker offended thy diuine Maiestie greatly am I grieued in minde and stand wonderfully in feare of thine euerlasting displeasure And although thine holy Word doth tender vnto mée pardon and remission of my sinnes freely through thy méere grace and mercy yet haue I not grace as yet to apprehend the same for busie is our most cruell and crafty aduersary and doth labour to bring vs from all hope and comfort of saluation The only remedy which wee haue against this our deadly aduersary is that wee neuer doubt of thy grace and readinesse to forgiue our sinnes Comfort vs at all times especially at the houre of death and giue vs grace to fasten all our confidence and trust on thee and neuer to thinke my offence greater then thou canst and wilt pardon O louing and euer-liuing God the liuely Fountaine of all grace ouer-flowing the whole World with the Riuers of thy mercy inlighten mine vnderstanding increase my Faith that I may truly know and assuredly beléeue the Death and Merits of Christ thy Son the least drop of whose most precious bloud shed for me is of more efficacy and power to saue me then all my enormities and hainous sinnes to condemne me Looke vpon me O my Sauiour with those Eyes of pitty and fatherly compassion wherewith thou diddest behold Peter after hee denied thée le●t otherwise I despaire and so commit the sin against the holy Ghost Giue mée Lord the holy helpe of thy sacred Spirit that when Satan doth accuse mée and my Conscience beare witnesse against mée when the cogitations of Hell and Death doe dismay me when the snares of Death
perils crosses and afflictions that now doe assatle mée on the right hand and on the left within mée and without me and am neuer frée from one calamity or other But it is good for me to be here humbled that I may be there aduanced where I wish spéedily to come It is good that I was in want here that I might séeke heauenly necessaries It is good that the World did discourage me that I might flie to God that comforteth me It is good that I am daily killed here that I might liue continually there Now therefore O my soule stand vp feare not faint not at this worlds crosses but giue glory to this great God praise this high and helping God séeke him while it is to day driue not off to pray to this God notwithstanding any hope thou hast in mortall men nor reiect not his gracious means who in fauour infinite and mercy endlesse moueth the hearts of men in this life to doe good vnto such as hée séeth distressed he can finde out and afford infinite meanes to succour them that are his and will not leaue them forsaken in danger for hée euen here giueth mée his blessings as pledges of his neuer-failing lout that being visited in his mercy with timely comforts here I may assure me of greater blessings in Heauen where they are prepared beyond all that I can aske or thinke O Lord God of Hosts who is like vnto thee who hast established thy Kingdome with truth and equity with mercy and iudgement thou hast a mighty arme strong is thine hand and high is thy right hand who so is vnder thy protection he is safe and hée that trusteth in thée mercy imbraceth him on euery side Oh blessed art thou O my soule if thou canst reioyce in the Lord he is thy Father he is thy helper walke therefore in the light of his countenance and be patient wait in hope till these stormes be past and then shalt thou haue that quiet rest that he hath ●repared in heauen for thée O Lord increase my Faith Our conuersation is in heauen from whence also we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus If yee be risen with Christ seeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Col. 3. 1. Set your affections on things which are aboue and not on things which are on the earth Vers. 2. A consideration of the dangerous estate of the impenitent wicked ones after this life notwithstanding their wealth and power and great glory which they haue here where they seeme to triumph ouer poore ●istressed men Read and consider yee Rich and Poore IT is a strange temptation vnto a man when he findeth himselfe still afflicted notwithstanding he séeketh helpe continually at the hands of God and the more when he séeth that such as neither serue God or feare God such as are wanton and wicked and hardened in sinne to prosper and to flourish in this life and to haue all things that their hearts can desire Dauid beholding this began a little to stagger and was ready to giue ouer his godly beginning and to end with the wicked and as long as he tooke no better regard but onely as naturall wisdome led him he commended their estates because they were rich and wanted nothing they were healthfull and lusty and their goods did increase which Worldlings hold true happinesse But when Dauid considered their greatnesse as it was discouered vnto him by the light of true knowledge hée then altered his conceit of these Men and renounced their wayes and hated their workes and auoided their company and betooke himselfe to prayer as the thing whereby hee should preuaile better then with all the wealth the world could yéelde him And surely the present time affordeth vnto vs that now liue no lesse cause of vigilent regard that we be not carried away with the World whose glory is imbraced whose power is practised whose policy is preferred and whose happinesse is had in greatest esteeme insomuch as who so is poore or helplesse or distressed or endangered in the World by worldlings is censured a cast-away a reprobate a man forsaken of God It is not vertue nor godly life nor inward zeale nor any good quality of the spirit that hath any fauour in the World but the rich and glorious and men of countenance and of power and of office and of gay attire that be accounted Gods fauourites As for such as are ragged they are not regarded such as are base in shew are accounted base in déede So that Gods children haue the least share of the worlds liberality and the impudent and shamelesse and wicked and worst men are they that possesse and vsurpe the earth and earthly glory But alas short and slippery is this glorious shew of theirs they are as Ceda●s that ouer-shaddow the low bushes for a while but they shall be as stubble in the Furnace when the ●re is put to their rootes They are now as deuouring shée Beares and as raging Lyons but the time commeth wherein the Lord will smite them vpon their iaw-bones and will pull out the téeth of these mercilesse wretches They haue set themselues in glory but God shall turne it to shame they haue fastened their footing as they thinke neuer to be moued but the Lord will make their standing vnsure and their wayes slippery and their dayes short and their end horrible And howsoeuer they now make boast of their owne hearts wickednes and though they séeme to contend with God and subdue his members and make no reckoning of his Saints or thinke there is no God God will finde them out and he wil rebuke them with a perpetuall rebuke and put out their name for euer not onely out of the Earth which they hold their Heauen but euen out of Heauen and his Booke of life Who yet are commended and estéemed and aduanced and reuerenced but these men of least merit Onely their riches and their bribes and their flattery win them dignity and preferment and honour and fauour and what may fill them full of all tokens of perdition But this is a heauy weight of temptation to the poore that deserue to be made rich for vertues for the low that ought to be raised for praise-worthy qualities when they sée that the worst are preferred for reward and the best reiected for want Surely this World may be compared to the Poole of Bethesda into which what diseased person stept first was healed but the strongest and best limmed and hée that had best helpes had alwayes the benefit of the healing so now in this Puddle of worldly partiality not the first that commeth is preferred nor the most fit but the most liberall giuer But there is a Judge that sitteth and séeth how the Worlds wealthy ones make others wealthy not for worthinesse but for gaine What striuing and strugling and working and inuenting and swearing and paines-taking is there about the Phylosophers stone Many a man
rich in godly zeale And be not grieued though by this alteration you become poore for a messe of portage to one fearing God is better then all the riches of the wicked Hée is not poore who loueth God for God loueth him and in his loue is life and liberty and liuely reliese But who so feareth not God haue be neuer so great abundance is a begger a cast-away and a reprobate from the ioyes of heauen the least of which cannot be purchased with millions of kingdomes the least of them more worth then all your gold and siluer and lands and possessions and offices and honour and what else the whole world which deceiueth you can afford The Booke of God is full of terrible and sharpe threates against mercilesse rich men and many woes the Lord that loueth the lowly pronounceth against the proud And what a iudgement it is that their hearts are shut vp that they cannot consider their end to be as the Oxe that is fattened for the slaughter who delighteth in the déepe féedings while the Butcher determineth his death as the couetous and wanton and wicked ones take pleasure in their vanities while their death and destruction commeth without redemption But if these men will not heare nor conceiue nor consider the perill of their estate if they will not while the Lord may be found séeke to returne that they may be saued their iudgement and destruction and reprobation will be the more iust O Lord increase my Faith Why boastest thou thy selfe in thy wickednesse O man of power Psalme 52. 1. The Lord shall destroy thee for euer he shall take thee and plucke thee out of thy tabernacle and roote thee out of the land of the liuing Verse 5. An exhortatiue Conclusion wherein the afflicted are stirred vp to patience and not to be ashamed of their miseries and base estate so long as they endeuour to doe their duties in their seuerall callings and stay themselues vpon Gods prouidence AS the man that is borne blinde cannot iudge of colours nor the dease man distinguish of sounds no more can a man that hath béene kept blinde and muffled with the mask of this worlds pleasures and become dumbe with his secure estate here discerne the things of God hée cannot distinguish betwéene Woe be vnto you rich because you haue your consolation here And Blessed are the poore for they shall receiue comfort These things are not so heard nor so regarded of Worldlings as might bring them to a true and liuely consideration that there is a woe and a blessing pronounced that there is fire and water set before them and life and death offered them But as Children that haue no more discretion then Moses being an Infant who refused a Crowne and tooke burning coales doe reiect the better things as drosse and imbrace the worst as most d●are and precious and therefore preferre their Oxen and their Farmes and their heapes of transitorie vanities before the swéete banquet of a contented estate And so farre they are from the true conceit of Gods purpose in punishing man that they censure crosses that light vpon other men as curses and the glory and riches and mucke and pelfe of their owne to be giuen them because they and none else are blessed whereby many times the deare Children of God are put to a déepe agony when they heare and perceiue the taunts and reproofes that the world and worldlings cast at them for their pouerty and base estates sake They stand before the worlds Gallant-ones as Dauids men that had the shirts of their garments cut to their buttocks as men derided and scoffed and as cast-awayes and men forlorne and forsaken of all men and cast downe and confounded by God himselfe in regard whereof many times the poore though indéede the very Children of God are so ashamed of their estate as they be forced not onely to auoide the familiarity of the wealthy but euen to be séene of them a farre off nay rather they hide themselues as men cast off or drosse from the gold where indéede the Word of Truth findeth them out and approueth them the refined gold and the worldly-minded straw and stubble prouided withall that hée that is cast downe must not so iustifie himselfe as to argue himselfe the childe of God because hée is cast downe because hée is made poore or because hée hath enemies or sicknesse or want or persecution for all these things may happen also vnto the reprobate for as sin is the ground of all our afflictions and our offences the cause of Gods displeasure and Gods displeasure powreth forth crosses and curses too vpon sinners So must euery man carefully consider how hee standeth in his troubles whether hee haue fallen into the same by his own riot or lasciuious and wanton life by his vngodly conuersation and neglect of the feare of God for which things sake the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience and he powreth out of the cup of his indignation vpon them either in iudgement because their condemnation shall here begin and so be perpetuall or else to reclaime them from their wicked waies that they may be saued And he that findeth himselfe in his conceit lest deseruing afflictions because he either féeleth not or findeth or will not acknowledge that he is such a sinner that deserueth so great punishment as many times lighteth vpon other men let him think that he in thus iustifying of his owne wayes is in a dangerous state It is the pride of the heart which God that searcheth it well séeth and considereth that such a one is in a perillous way if hée be not humbled And surely godly Dauid himselfe was gone a little that way and God saw that hée must pull downe this chosen vesell of his before hée would tread his steps as he should for as he confesseth himselfe Before I vvas corrected I vvent avvry So that our troubles and miseries and all the aduerse things that may befall vs are Gods corrections to his children to reforme them but his iudgements are messengers of his vtter renunciation to the obstinate who by his punishments waxe worse and worse and who murmure and grudge at the course that hée taketh with them to amend them as did the rebellious Israelites whom hée often visited in mercy before hée entred into iudgement against them So that none that standeth may say hée cannot fall none that are high may say they cannot be brought low for all haue sinned and all haue néede of correction all are sicke and all haue néede of Physicke all haue gone astray and therefore all haue néede to be reclaimed Who then will be ashamed of Gods visitation who will be impatient when afflictions come Surely none but the man that knoweth not God none but hée that loueth this world more then heauen and the pleasures of this life more then the ioyes of the life to come Dauid was not ashamed of Gods corrections for hée praised