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mercy_n judgement_n sin_n sinner_n 2,057 5 7.5058 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05394 A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the xiiii day of December by Thomas Leuer. Lever, Thomas, 1521-1577. 1550 (1550) STC 15546.3; ESTC S102380 35,517 124

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shoulde so rebuke theyr manifest euyll dedes as myght geue theym occasion to be ashamed of theym selues and leue iudgynge of other Lette vs not wrest the places of Paule and of other scripturs vnto a wrong purpose They wrest the saying of Paule vnto a wrong meanynge when as the mercye of God whyche passeth all hys works is denyed of theym vnto anye penytente synnet by theyr allegynge of the tenth of Paull vnto the Ebrues Then is that place not well applied but wronge wrested For when it is sayde that yf we synne wylfullye after that we haue receiued the knowe ledge of the trueth there remayneth no more sacrifice for synne but a fearefull lookynge for iudgemente and violente fyer it is a meante that there is remaynynge and leafte in the scriptures no mencyon of sacrifyce for the forgeuenesse of synnes but terrible threatnynges of vengeaunce to punyshe synners too bee preached vnto wylfull synners Howbeit there is no condemnacion but alwayes mercye to be preached vnto theym that grafted in Christe Iesu be penitent synners how sore ofte soeuer they fall ▪ For his mercy is aboue all hys workes Therefore whensoeuer he suff●…eth the Deuyll to tempte menne to ●…o synne or too plage them for synne or whensoeuer by hys worde wrytten or preached he doth aggrauate synne all is done to dryue menne vnto mercye The deuyll hathe caused here in England muche synne and abhominacion greuous plages and sore miseries God hath sent wonderous plenty of hys confortable word And now brethren all this is euen the worke of god for it is God that worketh al thynges in all men Deus est qui operatur omnia in omnibus And yet take good hede to ●…he true interpretacion of thys place least that ye make God to be the author of syn Qui non nouit peccatum nec est inuentus dolus in ore eius whyche know●…th no synne by experience of doyng it nor hathe no gyle founde in hys mouthe But euen as it was God that dyd both geue and take awaye Iobs goodes So is it God that doth al thyngs both good and euyll And as he dyd make Iob ryche by geuinge him goodes and poore b●… suffering the d●…uill to destroy those goodes so doethe he good deedes of hys owne goodnes and euyll dedes in sufferynge the deuyll to do theym Yea it is euen God that hathe concluded al mē vnder synne that hath suffered the deuyl to tempt al men to do synne yea and scriptura conclusit omnia sub peccato y ● scriptur of God hath cōcluded al mē vndersyn or as ●…aul speaketh in a nother place more plan li 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We haue concluded or proued allegynge good reason that both the grekes and the Iewes be vnder synne So nowe all ye by GOD be cōcluded vnderneth sinne that is by goddes suffraunce the deuil hath caused you to commit sinne By Gods ordinaunce the scriptures and the preachers of God do open and declare that ye be all synners And this is all done ut omnium mis●…riarctur that he myght haue mercye vpon all that all mighte receyue the pardō of his mercy without y ● which none can be saued none cā escape vēgeaunce For non est in aliquo alio salus there is no health in anye other ●…ec aliud nomen datum sub Celo in quo opor●… nos s●…luos fieri nor none other name geu●… vnder heauen in the which we shuld be saued So y ● he whyche wyl haue anye healthe muste come vnto Christ shewyng him selfe wounded with sin to stand in nede of a Phisic●… on He y ● wil be saued must shew him selfe a penytente synner vnto Christe which came not to cal the righteous but synners to amendmente But he y ● regardeth the flattery of the worlde or the parcialitie of his owne consciēce therby taketh occasion to glory in his own doynges he shal finde no mercy he cā receiue no pardon or for geuenes sent frō god to be deliuered only vnto those y ● fele acknowlege them selues to be sickely vnrighteous siners Thei therfore that fele acknowledge y ● greatest sins wickednes abhominaciōs in theim selues ▪ being sory therfore entend amendmēt be most wortht sure to receiue y ● great pardon of gods mercy whyche certenly wil deliuer thē out of all daūger kepe thē in safti bryng thē to prosperity Heare therfore and I wil now read my cōmissiō by y ● whiche ye shall wel perceyue y ● I speake nothyng vpō my own head but euery thyng according to the cōmaūdement of the Lorde your god whyche hath sent me vnto you hys people The exāple of this proclamaciō Es. lviii Clama Make proclamaciō opēly y ● al mē maye heare n●… cesses Ceas not for feare of thē that may kyll the body can not hurt the soule quasi 〈◊〉 exalta uoc●… tu●… Lifte vp thy voyce as a trūpet geuinge men knowledge of the commyng of the ennemyes in the tyme of war So geue thē knowlege of the swerd of vengance which shal folow immediatli after this warnig Et annuncia populo meo scelera ●…orū And shew thē their fautes y t in bering of my name professinge my religion wil be my people Et domui Iacob peccat●… sua vnto the house of Iacob their own sins vnto all sortes of men euē those syns which they thē selues do vse Unto the clergy the sinnes of y ● clergy vnto the laitye the synnes of the layte and vnto euery degre y ● sin nes y ● be of that degre vsed Shew y ● clergi that thei fede thē selues fat w t many liuings let my flocke be sca tered vnfed because ther is few pre ching pastors y ● can wil fede them Shew the clergy that they cā neyther teach nor requyre the king la itye to prouide new liuings for pre chers vntill they do restore forth of their own hands those which be pro uided alredy shew such of the cleargy as be fatlings puft vp w t pluralities that they neyther haue fed do fede or can fede my flocke yet haue spoyled do spoyle wyl spoyle my lā bes y ● kynges subiectes theyr own brethren so lōg as thei vse their pluralities Shew the laity y ● thei haue robbed me theyr lord god of double honour due vnto my mynisters for they haue taken awaye the fodder that was prepared for the laborynge oxe and bene disobedyent vnto my law pronounced by theim that sate in Moyses cheire Shewe the nobilitie that they haue oppressed the comminaltye Kepyng theim vnder in feare ignorauce by power aucthoritye which myght should haue bene louyngly learned their obedience duty to both God the kyng by preachyng of the gospel Shew the nobility y ● they haue extorted famished the cōmynalty by the heigthening of fynes rentes of fermes decaying of hospitality good house kepyng Shew the cōminaltye y ● they be both traytoures rebelles murmuryng grudgyng agaynst myne ordinaūces tel the cō minalty y t the oxe draweth the horse beareth y ● tre bryngeth forth frutes the earthe corne and grasse to the profyte and comforte of man as I haue ordained them but they of the comminaltye in England bye and sel make bargaynes and do al thyn ges to the grefe and hynderaunce of manne contrary to my commaundemente Tell the commynaltye that they take one anothers ferme ouer their heades they thruste one an other oute of their houses they take leases vnto theim selues and lette theym dearer vnto other they bye cornes and wares to make other paye more dere for it they hurte and trouble eate vp and deuoure one an other Tell all Englande hye and low riche and poore that they euerye one prowlynge for them selues be seruaunts vnto Mammon enne ●…es vnto god disturbers of common wealth and destroyers of them selues And for all this lette theim knowe that I haue no pleasure in y ● death of a siner Sed magis ut c●…uer t●…tur et uiuat but rather I geue him respit send him warning y ● he may turne liue comfortably here vpō earth ioifully in heauen for euer Therefore if any in Englande do tourne amende he shal saue hym selfe But they which wyll not repent amend shal not be saued by theyr fathers or frendes which by repentaunce be as sure them selues to be accepted vnto me as was Noe Danyel Iob but and if all or the moost parte of thē in Englād turne amēd thē ▪ say vnto Englād delectaberis super domino Frō●…enceforth y ● shalt haue delite plesure in y ● lord et sustoll●… te super altitudines terre I wil lift the higher in honour welth power then any other realme in or vpō the earth et albabo te heredita●…e Iacobi p●…tris tui and so wyll I fede the with the inheritaunce of Ia cob thy ●…ather I will restore vnto y ● whatsoeuer land or holds in Scotlād or in Fraūce dyd at any tyme be longe vnto Iacob thy father vnto the kings of this realme os enim domini locutum est for the Lordes owne mouth hath spokē it which is a better assurāce vnto this cōmission thē though it were signed seled wyth ten thousande mens handes Now al you y ● entēd to be saued by the mercies of God in our sauioure Iesu Christ come when ye be calle●… frō gredy couetousnes wherwyth ye haue bene blinded to wreake Gods wrath receyue mercy grace which be now frely offred to make you frō henceforth holy ministers of Christ faithfull disposers of y ● manifolde gyftes of Gods grace goodnes now for fere of forgetfull negligēce when ye depart hēce replenish your minds with y ● cōfortable remēbranc●… of your own greuous myseries and of gods great mercies in secrete meditacion of the lords praier here tarying together in quyetnes a littell for to receyue the Lordes blessyng The god of peace that brought againe frō death our Lord Iesus the greate shepeheard of the shepe thorow the bloud of the euerlastyng testament make you perfit in all good workes to do hys wyll workyng in you that which is plesāt in his syght through Iesus Christ. Amen God saue the Kynge Imprynted at London by Ihon Day dwellyng ouer Aldersgate Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Per septennium