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mercy_n judgement_n sin_n sinner_n 2,057 5 7.5058 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02792 The solace for the souldier and saylour contayning a discourse and apologie out of the heauenly word of God, how we are to allow, and what we are to esteeme of the valiant attempts of those noblemen and gentlemen of England, which incurre so many daungers on the seas, to cut off or abridge the proude and haughtie power of Spayne. By Simon Harward. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1592 (1592) STC 12923; ESTC S112564 30,044 56

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together for themselues which they may afterward lauish out on prodigall riot and filthinesse of life And it may be sayd of many of them as is in the Poet Nulla fides piet asque viris qui castra sequuntur Venalesque manus ibi ●as vbi manima merces No faith no godlinesse no good in those that follow Souldiers trayne They set their hands to sale for blood all's right with them that yeeldeth gayne Though I say many of them be thus prophane and wicked yet our hope is that as often heretofore so hereafter still for the good Princes sake the Lord will blesse the labours of Ioab Deus operatur per malos non in malis God worketh by the euill though not in the euill When wicked Pharao exalted godly Ioseph when Achab maintained that good Obadiah when Daniel was aduaunced by Nabuchadnezzar when many Saints were in the house of Nero GOD wrought by the hands of the wicked a benefite vnto his children he wrought by the euill but not in the euill Howsoeuer many Souldiers and Mariners haue not their affections sanctified yet those that truly feare God ought not to be discouraged but rather to striue by their godly exhortations and good examples to reforme the imperfections of them and to seeke by all meanes so to increase the number of the true repentant that for their sakes also some mercie may bee shewed to Sodome We may lawfully enioy the spoyles of the Lords enemies as did Dauid Asa and others we may also lawfully desire to maintaine our selues by our vocation as Paul sayth Who goeth at any time to warfare on his owne cost But our chiefest intent and purpose ought to be to promote the glorie of God to doe good and acceptable seruice to our gracious Soueraigne to procure peace vnto Sion to break or weaken the power of Antichrist to turne aside that course of the Indian fountaine of gold the nurse of all those warres and troubles that are now amongst our neighbours and confederates in France and Flanders to take the sworde out of the mad mans hand and to plucke downe that lustie Nimrod that so eagerly hunteth for the kingdomes of the whole earth which affections if we cary then no doubt the Lorde will so blesse our labours that liuing we shall be most profitable mēbers of our Christian common wealth and if death doe take vs away we are assured that ending our liues either in or for the faith of Iesus Christ we shall be partakers of a farre more blessed estate in the world to come euen of that immortall crowne of glory which Christ Iesus hath prepared to al that loue him and to those that for his sake haue not loued their liues vnto death God saue and preserue our most noble Soueraigne Lady Queene ELIZABETH and grant vnto her many ioyfull and happy yeares GOD gouerne all her Maiesties most honourable priuie counsaile with the grace of his holy spirit God preserue amongst vs the ministerie of his holy worde and continue his Gospel and truth to vs and to our posteritie for euermore God defend the Realmes of England Ireland from all daungers of their enemies as well forraine as domesticall God blesse and prosper all her Maiesties forces and munitions as well by sea as by land God conuert the hearts or confound the practises of all her aduersaries God breake the power of Antichrist giue an vtter ouerthrow vnto all his sworn souldiers and namely the Spaniard euen GOD for his Sonne Christ Iesus sake happily and speedily confound him that he neuer may bee able to lift vp himselfe against the Lord and against his annointed and let all English hearts that doe feare GOD and loue his truth euen heartily and faithfully say Amen Amen Imperet viuat regnet vincatque triumphet Emineat vigeat floreat Elisabeth A Prayer for the Souldier and Saylour in time of seruice O Most mercifull God and gracious father we humbly praise thy glorious name for all thy vnspeakeable mercies which of thy bountifull goodnes thou hast hitherto vouchsafed to bestow vpon vs thy poore and vnworthie seruants as well on our soules as on our bodies and namely for that thou hast not onely allotted vnto vs thus to be daylie sustained by a lawfull vocation agreeable to thy blessed ordinance but also doest mercifully preserue vs in the same from all those dangers which in thy iudgement thou mightest iustly lay vpon vs and into which others of our brethren oftentimes haue fallen O Lord we haue heard of and partly seene and knowne of diuers whom thou hast suffered to be ouerwhelmed with tempestuous winds in the gulfes of the outragious seas others pinched with extreame famine and penurie others taken captiues led to most miserable thraldome others brought to their end by loathsome diseases and sundrie kindes of death We acknowledge O Lord that our sinnes are as huge as theirs and our iniquities as grieuous Those Galilaeans whose blood Pilate spilt and those eighteene on whom the tower of Silo fell were not greater sinners then the rest in Israel and those on whom in our time thou hast shewed thy heauie iudgements seeing that we haue followed them and ouertaken them in their sinnes we had deserued rather to haue been made examples vnto them then they vnto vs. But it is thy mercie good Lord thus to spare vs to giue vs a larger time of repentance We confesse our selues O blessed father to be vnworthie the least of all thy benefites if we consider our owne deseruings we haue so manifold waies transgressed thy most holy commandements by our vncleane thoughts by our vngodly words by our vnrighteous deedes that wee are not onely become worthie to be depriued of all thy gracious benefites and blessings but also we haue deserued to haue all thy iudgements in full measure to be powred vpon vs not onely in this world but also in the world to come But O Lord we appeale to thy throne of mercie beseeching thee to looke vpon vs not as we are in our selues polluted stayned with sinne and wickednesse but to behold vs in the face and person and obedience of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ accepting his death and passion as a full recompence for all our transgressions Good Lord clothe vs with his righteousnes ingraft vs truely as liuely members of his bodie and for his sake continue all thy mercies and louing kindnes which so many waies we haue tasted of from our tender youth vntil this present day O Lord increase our faith daylie more and more grant that we may be fully perswaded of thine eternal election that thou good Lord of thy infinite fauour goodnes hast elected and chosen vs to be saued before the foundation of the world was layd giue vs that applying faith whereby we may be assured that we are of the number of them for whom Christ dyed vpon the Crosse giue vs that iustifying faith whereby thy
spirit may speake comfortably to our spirits that all our sinnes are forgiuen vnto vs giue vs that sanctifyng faith which may bring forth all good fruites of amendement of life and true repentance O Lord pardon our huge grieuous sinnes which we haue heretofore cōmitted agaynst thy diuine Maiestie let our former wickednes be no hinderance to thy mercie Lord remember not the iniquities and offences of our youth but according to thy mercie think vpon vs in thy great goodnes Remember not how vnthankfull we haue been vnto thee for thy manifold preseruations and benefites all the course of our life Thou hast been rich in mercie towards vs but we haue been poore in thankfulnes to thee agayne Lord pardon all our former vnthankfulnes and make vs daylie more and more thankfull not onely in word but also in holines of life that we neuer be found to be of the number of those which confesse thee with their mouth but denie thee with their workes In all our affayres of our outward warfare Lord grant vs grace especially to be zelous in our inward combate agaynst sinne and wickednesse that we may mortifie the roote of our carnall and corrupt affections that we may haue the true strife of the spirit against the flesh wrastling agaynst all sinnes but especially agaynst those whereunto we finde our selues most inclined Ayd vs good Lord especially in our spiritual battaile against the world the flesh and the diuell put vpon vs the sword-girdle of truth the breastplate of righteousnes Arme vs with the shield of faith wherby we may quēch al the fierie darts of the wicked and so deliuer to vs and guide in vs the sword of thy spirit that we may ouercome and triumph by the blood of the Lambe and the word of his testament And for as much as the euents of our estate and vocation are sundrie and variable O Lord we pray thee so gouerne vs with thy good grace that in all our trauailes we may ioyfully say Thy will be done and not ours that neither our prosperitie doe cause vs to forget thee nor aduersitie doe prouoke vs to murmur agaynst thee that with contented mindes we may cast all our care on thee for thou carest for vs that in troubles we may assure our selues that thou doest not plague vs as a iudge but correct vs as a father and that in euery good successe we may humbly acknowledge thee the author and giuer thereof and neuer lift vp ourselues to accompt it the worke of our owne hands We that thus goe downe in shippes and occupie our busines in great waters doe daylie see thy manifold workes and thy wonders in the deepe how thou liftest vp the waues of the sea and hast made the Leuiathan to take his pastime in them with innumerable beasts as Dauid speaketh both small and great Lord graunt vs alwaies to make true vse of these thy creatures that wee may learne thereby to acknowledge thy Maiestie to reuerence thy power to feare thy iudgements and to trust in thy mercies Thou hast promised that those which crie vnto thee in their trouble thou wilt deliuer them from their distresse and bring them to the hauen where they would be Thou onely art he that commandeth both the windes and the seas Lord so gouerne them both in these our attempts against the professed enemies of thy truth as may be most for the glory of thy name for the benefit of thy Church for the good and welfare of our natiue soyle and for the sauegard and honour of our most gracious Soueraigne Blesse our labours prosper our voyage let thy enemies so fall before vs as that thou maist haue all the praise and we all the comfort Teach our hands to warre and our fingers to fight couer our head in the day of battaile giue vs thy holy angels to assist vs grant vs to be true and faithfull amongst our selues obedient to those whom thou hast placed ouer vs couragious against thy enemies hold thy holy hand ouer vs sanctifie our affections that we may not so much seeke our selues as endeuour to doe that seruice which may be most agreeable to thy holy will and most for the prosperous estate of our Prince and Countrey whom we beseech thee O Lord to blesse and protect now and euer We know O Lord that the obtaining of victorie doth not consist in number of men it is all one with thee to saue with many or with no power in the defence of thy trueth we goe against the open vpholders and sworne vassals of Antichrist good Lord let not thy aduersaries preuaile against vs let not the wicked say where is now their God Strike a terror into the enemies let the shield depart from them confound that proud and haughtie power of that Haman that doth so insolently oppose it selfe against the Gospel of Iesus Christ Goe before our armie good Lord and be our buckler and shield to defend vs from all daungers both of bodie and soule Lord remember thy wonted mercies and louing kindnes which haue been euer of old and for thy Churches sake euen for that remnant which thou hast amongst vs let it be thy mercifull pleasure to blesse our endeuours grant vs to repose our trust and confidence stedfastly vpon the experience of thy power and goodnesse giue vs such assurance of faith and such continuance in true mortification that we being thy children and our lamps of repentance alwaies burning death may neuer be sodaine vnto vs and when it shall be thy good will to take vs out of this vale of miserie be it in or out of those battailes which to our profession doe appertaine we beseech thee O Lord that our soules may so fight a good fight and finish their course with ioy that they may be partakers of the crowne of euerlasting triumph in the world to come These and all other graces needful for vs and for thy whole Church and euery part and member of the same we craue at thy hand in the mediation of thy sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour in that prayer which he hath taught vs in his holy Gospell Our Father c. FINIS Prou. 15.15 Prou. 28.1 Rom. 14.22 1. Ioh. 3.20 Lawfulnesse of Militarie profession Ioh. 8.39 Gen. 14.18 Deut. 23.18 Matth. 27.6 Iudg. 5.23 2 Chro. 20.15 Psal 144.1 Nehem. 4.14 vers 20. Deut. 20.2 Deut. 20.10 Warre the last remedie Luc. 3.14 1. Cor. 9.7 Luc. 7.9 Act. 10.2 and 48. Obiection against pietie in Souldiers Respons Reuel 12.12 Abuses of war ought not to abrogate the lawful vse thereof Rom. 13.2 Verse 4. 1. Tim. 2.2 Matth. 26. An. Dom. 1512 August lib. 22. contr Faustum Manichaeum cap. 70. Warre against the Spaniard how to be allowed 2. Chron. 19.2 2. Chron. 20. v. vlt. 2. Chron. 25.6 2. Chron. 22.5 2. Chron. 21.13 Exod. 32. Exod. 32.4 Psal 106.16 2. Thes 2.4 Apoc. 17 9. Apoc. 14.8 Iohn 15.21 Heb. 10 14. Heb. 7. v. vlt. 1. Tim. 2.5 Heb. 1.1 Rom. 1.16 Heb. 2.16 Heb. 4.15 1. Cor. 15.20 Col. 1.18 Rom. 8.33 Rom. 8.1 Psal 32.2 Psal 103.12 Mich. 7.19 1. Iohn 1.7 Iosua 9.15 2. Sam. 21.4 2. Reg. 25.7 Iere. 39.1 K of Spayne Luc. 4.6 Ioh. 8.48 Prou. 8.15 Matth. 8.28 K. of Spayne Reuel 19.15 Reu. 18.6 9 Of warre to be proclaimed 1. Cor. 3. vers vlt. Psal 105. vers 44. Psal 105.44 Rom. 12.19 Matth. 5.39 Rom. 13.4 Matth. 18. vers vlt. Deut. 25.17 Deut. 23.20 Matth. 10.16 1. Pet. 2.2 Iosua 8.4 2. Reg. 10. Hieron vt citatur decret causa 22. quaest 2. cap. vtilem Luc. 3.14 1. Sam. 30.26 Psal 24.1 Libr. 2. de bello vandalico Goods of Papists that liue with vs. Aug. lib. 22. contr Faustum Manichaeum cap. 70. Rom. 13.2 Ier. 27. v. 6 7.8 Gen. 14.4 Gen. 14.17 1. Pet. 3.9 Math. 5.44 Psal 83.14 Psal 52.11 Psal 28.3 Psal 10.4 Psal 35.5 Psal 59.6 Iosu 8 4. 2. Reg. 10. Exod. 18.8 Iob. 1.19 Numb 26.64 Titus Liuius in 28. ab vrbe condita Luc. 16.8 Iosua 11.4 2. Chron. 14.9 2. Chro. 14.14 1. Sam. 17. Iudg. 15.15 2. Sam. 15.31 Prou. 21.30 Prou. 21.31 Psal 61.3 Iam. 1.17 Iohn 13.1 Psal 7.15 2. Sam. 17.36 Verse 45. Psa 6● ver 21 Rom. 13.1 The difference of the English gouernment as it is now from the Spanish In the English the rebel dieth and the subiect liueth In the Spanish the subiect dieth and the rebel liueth 2. Cor. 11.14 The reuerend father Master Nowel shewed one of these kniues to diuers Noblemen of England Tul. Offic. 1. Xenophon Psal 68.21 Par. 3. max. 1. pag. 346. Reuel 13.17 Abac. 2.11.6 1. Sam. 17.3 Psal 7.6 Gen. 18 32. 1. Reg. 2.29 2. Sam. 3.27 2. Sam. 10.7 Lucan Gen. 41.40 1. Reg. 18.3 Phil. 4. 1. Thess 5.11 Gen. 18.32 1. Sam. 30.26 2. Chro. 14.14 1. Cor. 9.7 Psal 107.30