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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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by the Reader who will think them rather too few than too many But considering that unless we well understand the design of our Saviours coming into the World we cannot read the History of his Life with any real advantage for since he did spake and suffered nothing but with a tendency to that end we can never have a true notion of them unless we know the true motive and the end which he himself aimed at I judged it necessary to propound a short History of the Fall of Man and the Wounds which Men have received by it before I present them with the Medicine to heal them and teach them in a few words the happiness of that Estate wherein God Created them the lamentable Miseries into which they have faln by Sin and the means which Gods infinite goodness makes use of to save them The Discovery of these Miseries will make them more desirous to know what Christ hath done to deliver them and by how much they perceive themselves more obnoxious to Gods Justice by so much they will the more eagerly lay hold upon Jesus by Faith to save them from it II. Mans Creation and Fall by Sin When God created the Heaven and the Earth in six days he being desirous not only to provide a Governour for all his Corporeal Creatures but to put some other Beings into the places of the faln Angels in Heaven Created a Man and Woman whom he called Adam and Eve which signifies the Mother of all Living God formed them in his own Image i. e. gave them an Immortal Soul endowed them with abilities to know and love him which are two of the most noble Actions of the Rational Creature which make up the whole Life and happiness of God which is to know and love himself from all Eternity Wherefore he filled their Minds with Knowledge and their Will with Love He Created them perfect and upright their Souls in perfect submission to God and their Body to their Soul There was no darkness or trouble in their minds because God was their Light and Peace and nothing in there Bodies which might make them ashamed because there was nothing disorderly for which reason it is that the Holy Scripture saith That they were Naked Gen. 2.25 and were not ashamed In this Holy and Happy Estate they had a sound Judgment and perfect freedom of Will furnished with all Graces necessary to do that good which God required of them and to purchase that Glory which should be the reward of their Virtue which is to have a clear Vision of God They knew so much of God as Creatures are capable of and if they made a good use of this knowledge upon Earth they should be Translated to the full fruition of God in Heaven Their Innocency exempted them from Death and all other Evils which are the effects of Sin And their privileges were not only for themselves but their Posterity to whom they should communicate not only their Nature but Innocency and all the priviledges of it For the continuance of all these Temporal favours and obtaining that eternal happiness which he hath promised them God required nothing but an entire submission to his Will which that he might have tryal of he gave them a Command to abstain from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil which was in the midst of Paradise threatning them with Death if they dared to Touch it Nothing was more easy than the observation of this Commandment but they kept it not long for the Devil envying their Happiness came to Eve under the Shape of a Serpent perswading her to Eat the Fruit which was forbidden and telling her that they should be so far from dying that they shall become as Gods By these promises she suffered her self to be seduced eat of the Fruit and gave it to her Husband who thro' a wicked Compliance made himself guilty of the Womans Sin As soon as they had thus broken the Command of their God they were made sensible of their Fault by the fearful Change in themselves for they perceived they were Naked and were filled with confusion because they felt in their Bodies the disorderly Motions of their Concupiscence God shewed himself to them no longer as a Father whose presence was their Joy and Happiness but as an offended Lord who reproved their disobedience and as a severe Judge to punish their Rebellion He Condemned the Man to Toil and Drudgery for his necessary Food the Woman to Pains in Child-bearing and drave them both out of the Terrestrial Paradise in which he had placed them he subjected them to all the miseries of this Life and passed the sentence of Death upon them which he had threatned condemning them not only to a Temporal Death of the Body but to the Second Death which is more terrible than the former the Death of the Soul which is to Live eternally with the Devils in Hell and be banished from the only cause and foundation of all Happiness God A just punishment saith St. Austin for their fault in disobeying so easy a Law of so great a God! All the Race of Adam being corrupted in him as in their Fountain and Root by his Sin was also lyable to the same punishment for as if he had continued in his Innocency all his Posterity had inherited it by their Birth and all the Advantages of it after the same manner since he hath sinned all Men naturally inherit his Crimes and all the Plagues which are consequent upon it This is the Sin which we call Original because we are guilty of it from our Original and Birth and this is the Sin which brings upon us all those Evils which we feel either in our Souls or Bodies for the darkness of the Understanding the corruption of the Heart the proneness of the Will to Evil and Opposition to Good the disorderly Motions of Concupiscence the turbulency of our Passions the excessive Love of our selves forgetfulness and Aversion to God all the Sins which we commit Hunger Thirst Weariness Griefs Death and Lastly Eternal Damnation are the sad Consequences and just punishments of this Sin which we come into the World with and which make us as St. Paul saith the Children of the Wrath of God Eph. 2.3 III. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ Out of the miserable condition into which Man had plunged himself and Posterity by Sin there was no way of Recovery had not God in his infinite Mercy been pleased to find out a way which none else could do He had compassion on his Creatures and contrived this means to save them the Word i. e. the Son of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity was made Incarnate assuming a Body and Soul like us and united to his Divinity in his own person the Humane Nature which he intended to redeem He became Man still being God and took upon him all the weaknesses and Infirmities of Man Sin and Ignorance only excepted He undertook
the Sea and therefore either because they did not think themselves worthy of Jesus's Presence or because they were afraid of greater Losses than they had already sustained they besought him to depart out of their Country The Man who had been possessed besought him who had been his Deliverer to suffer him to go along with him but Jesus answered him Return to thine own House and declare what great Things God hath done for thee He obeyed his Order and went through every City and through all that Country thankfully publishing and commemorating the great Favours that Jesus had done unto him VIII Jesus heals a Man sick of the Palsy at Capernaum Mark 2.1 2. The Son of God departing out of the Country of the Gadarens as they had desired him took Ship again and being arrived at the other Side of the Lake found a great Number of People waiting for him and they received him joyfully He returned to Capernaum where as soon as he was known to be a great number of People came unto him insomuch that not only the House where he was but even all the Space about the Door could not receive them Luk. 5.17 There were also sitting by him certain Pharisees and Doctors of the Law which were come out of every Town of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem To all these Jesus preached the Word of God and manifested that Power which God had given to him Mark 2 3-12 Luke 5 18-26 by Healing the Sick Among others that came to be healed there was brought unto him a Man sick of the Palsy lying in his Bed but not knowing how to carry him to him by reason of the Multitude they who brought him contrived to go up to the top of the House and to uncover the Roof and having made an Hole to let down the Bed on which the Sick Man lay and so place him before the Son of God Matth. 9 2-8 Jesus seeing their Faith saith unto the Sick of the Palsy Son be of good Cheer thy Sins be forgiven thee These Words much displeased the Pharisees and Lawyers which were present who thought in themselves That since God only can forgive Sins Jesus who assumed this Power to himself must needs be a Blaspheemer but he knowing the Thoughts of their Hearts saith unto them Why are your Minds busied about such evil Thoughts Which is easier to say to this Man who was sick of the Palsy Thy Sins be forgiven thee or to say Arise take up thy Bed and walk but that ye may know that the Son of Man hath Power on Earth to forgive Sins he saith unto the Sick of the Palsy Arise take up thy Bed and go unto thine House And the same Moment the Sick Man arose before the Multitude took up the Bed whereon he lay and went to his own House glorifying God All the Spectators were greatly amazed at this Miracle and although the Power of Healing be much less than that of Forgiving Sins yet because it is not so easy to make Men to believe a Cure falsly of which our Senses are Witnesses as Remission of Sin which is secret and invisible therefore all the People who were convinced by their own Sight of the Efficacy of these Words of Jesus Christ Arise and take up thy Bed were fully perswaded of the Truth of the former Thy Sins are forgiven thee For which Reason they glorified God which had given such Power unto Men and said in the Fear into which this Miracle had cast them We have seen strange things to day such as we never saw before IX Jesus commands a Publican to follow him Matth. 9 9-13 Mark 2 13-17 Luke 5 27-32 Jesus departing from this House walked by the Side of the Lake and seeth a Publican as he went along sitting in the Custom-House and he saith unto him Follow me This Man who was the Son of Alphaeus and named Levi or Matthew arose immediately left all and accompanied him that called him Not long after he made a great Feast in his House to which there came many Publicans and others of very wicked Lives and sat down at the Table with Jesus and his Disciples The Pharisees and Doctors of the Law could not endure that our Saviour should converse with Sinners or Publicans which the Jews detested and therefore they murmured greatly and demanded of his Disciples Why their Master and they did eat and drink with such sort of Persons Jesus hearing their Complaints said unto them They that are whole need not a Physician but they that are Sick I came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentence go ye and learn what these Words signify I will have Mercy and not Sacrifice Hosea 6.6 and ye will know that my charitable conversing with Sinners to convert them is more acceptable to God than all your Sacrifices and Ceremonies This Answer nevertheless did not appease the Murmurings of the Pharisees Matth. 9 14-17 Mark 2 18-22 Luke 5 33-39 but they came to him with the Disciples of John and put this Question to him Why do the Disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast often and make Prayers but thy Disciples fast not Jesus answered them Can the Friends of the Bridegroom fast or mourn so long as the Bridegroom is with them That were unfit but the Time will come when the Bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast To this Reason taken from the Presence of the Bridegroom which is the Name which S. John Baptist himself gave to Jesus the Son of God adds another taken from the Weakness of his Disciples who were yet in the Entrance upon his Religion and were very imperfect for he tells the Pharisees That to impose any rigorous Austerities upon Men who were as yet weak is to undo all and imitate the Imprudence of him who sews Pieces of new Cloath to an Old Garment or puts New Wine into old Bottles X. Jesus Christ cures a Woman of a Bloody Flux and raiseth a Maid from the Dead While Jesus was thus discoursing with the Pharisees and John's Disciples Jairus Matth. 9 18-22 Mark 5 22-34 Luke 8 41-48 the Chief Ruler of the Synagogue came and falling down at his Feet besought him to go to his House and lay his Hands upon his only Daughter who was about Twelve Years old and was then at the Point of Death Jesus went immediately along with him being accompanied with his Disciples and a great multitude of People At the same time it happen'd That a Woman who had been sick of a Bloody Flux for Twelve Years and had spent all her Estate to get a Cure of it and had endured much by Physicians and could get no help having heard the Fame of Jesus came behind him among the Multitude and touched him by the Border of his Garment for she had so great a Faith that she was throughly perswaded in her self If I can but touch his Garment I shall be
make of the Gifts of his Mercy and that we need fear but one thing which is to hide or not improve the Talent that God hath entrusted us withal XIX A Description of the Last Judgment After these Parables in which Jesus teacheth his Disciples the importance of watching always Matth. 25 31-46 that they may not be surprized by his Second Coming which must needs be very terrible as the Fathers say to those who have not laboured after Salvation in this Life and who suffer Death to overtake them without a due Preparation for eternal Life He then informs them What he will do upon the Earth when he shall come again in his Majesty accompanied with his Angels He tells them That he shall sit on the Throne of his Glory and all Nations of the World being assembled before him he will separate the Righteous from the Wicked as a Shepherd separateth the Sheep from the Goats That he will say to the Righteous on his Right Hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the World for I was an hungry and ye gave me Meat thirsty and ye gave me drink naked and ye cloathed me sick and ye visited me imprisoned and ye came unto me to see me These good Men being amazed will then ask him When he suffered these Wants and they thus assisted him And then he will answer them I say unto you that forasmuch as ye did it to any of these least of my Brethren ye did it unto my self Afterward he will say to the Sinners on his Left-hand Depart from me ye cursed into Eternal Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels And he will add That the Cause of their Condemnation is this that they did not afford him Relief in his need not giving to his Brethren Not that Sinners say the Fathers shall not be punished for their other Crimes of which they are found guilty and the Good shall not be rewarded for the other good Works which they have done but by assuring us That he will judge Men according to the Works of Mercy which they have done or omitted He endeavours to teach us That without this vertue all the Good we do will be unprofitable for our Salvation and that there is no Sin which Alms-giving done by the Spirit of God cannot blot out Sinners shall be damned because they have not given Alms as a Sick Man may be said to dye of his Disease because he would not use the Medicine which might cure him These Two Sentences shall be followed with different Executions the Sinners shall go into Eternal Torments prepared for them but the Just shall go up into Heaven to be enstated in Life and Eternal Glory XX. The Jews hold a Council against Jesus Matth. 26 1-5.14-16 Mar. 14.1 2 10 11 Luke 22 1-6 While Jesus was thus instructing his Apostles the Priests and Doctors of the Law were devising all ways to apprehend Jesus by Subtilty and put him to Death He did not hide himself from them because his Hour was come He appeared in the Temple in the Day-Time and the People came together early in the Morning to hear him and at Night he went into the Mount of Olives On Wednesday his Enemies met in the Hall of Caiphas the High Priest and held a Council against him But because they feared the People they sought to seize upon him by Craft and that not on he Feast-Day lest they should cause an Uproar among the People In the mean Time Satan entred the Heart of Judas Iscariot that covetous Apostle who being a Thief kept the Mony of Jesus Christ and inspired him with a detestable Resolution to betray and sell his Master This Traitor therefore goes to the Priests and Rulers and saith unto them What will ye give me and I will deliver him into your Hands This Proposition did please them wonderfully and they promised to give him Thirty Pieces of Silver which comes to about Three Pounds and Fifteen Shillings of our Mony Which Sum he accepted From that Time he sought Opportunity to betray him This Jesus warned his Disciples of Ye know that within Two Days is the Feast of the Passover and the Son of Man shall be delivered up to the Jews to be Crucified XXI What was the Jewish Passover The Passover was the greatest and most solemn of all the Jewish Festivals Exod. 12. and God himself appointed it as a notable Remembrance of the Favours he had done for his People and as a sensible Sign of those that he further intended to do for all Mankind by the Death of his Son The Word Pascha signifies a Passage and if we would understand why this Name was given to that Solemnity we must call to Mind the manner how the Israelites were delivered out of Aegypt and from the Slavery of Pharaoh God that he might oblige that Prince to free his People sent several Plagues upon him and his Kingdom and particularly slew all the First-Born in Aegypt both of Man and Beast But that the Jews might not be involved in this Massacre which was intended only to work their Deliverance they were ordered by Moses from God to do these Things On the Tenth Day of the Moon in March they took every one an He-Lamb according to their Families without Blemish or Spot which they Sacrific'd on the Full-Moon of the same Month at Even and struct the Blood of it upon the Lintel and Two Side-posts of their Houses The same Night they eat the Flesh roasted with Fire in haste with unleavened Bread and bitter Sauces having their Garments guirded and trussed up their Shoes on their Feet and a Staff in their Hands as being ready to depart In this Night which was from the Fourteenth to the Fifteenth Day of the Moon in March God laid this heavy Judgment upon all Aegypt in slaying all the First-born and because he passed over all the Houses of the Israelites which he saw dyed with the Blood of the Lamb which had been sacrificed the Night before he would have this Lamb called by the Name of Pascha or Passover The Aegyptians seeng this Slaughter urged the Jews to be gone themselves who being ready to depart as we have already seen went out of that Country carrying the Dough along with them which they had not Time to leaven In remembrance of this miraculous Deliverance God commanded them to celebrate a great Feast every Year called the Passover that they might have it as a Monument of this Passage of the Lord and he enjoyned them during this Solemnity which was to continue Seven Days That they should eat unleavened Bread and should begin on the Fourteenth Day of the Moon of March in the Evening to Sacrifice and Eat the Lamb in remembrance of their Deliverance out of Aegypt This Evening which began the Feast of Passover was called the First Day of Unleavened Bread and the Name of Passover was given equally to the
lost none Then he resigned himself to the power of his Enemies who layd Hands on him and took him His Disciples seeing this asked him Whether they should make use of the Sword to defend him and Peter drawing his Smote Malchus one of the High-Priests Servants and cut off his right Ear. But Jesus commanded his Disciples to be quiet and Touching Malchus's Ear healed it saying to Peter Put up thy Sword into the Sheath for all that use the Sword shall perish by the Sword Shall not I drink the Cup which my Father hath given me to drink of Think ye not that I am able to pray to my Father and he shall send me immediately more than Twelve Legions of Angels But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled that so it must be Then he speaks to them who came to take him and saith Ye are come Armed with Swords and Staves to take me as if I were a Thief I conversed every day among you and taught in the Temple Why did you not apprehend me then But this is your Hour and the Power of Darkness and the Scriptures must be fulfilled Then all his Disciples forsook him and fled only one Young Man followed him having nothing but a Linnen Garment upon him but the Soldiers laying hold upon him he left his Linnen Garment and fled from them Naked XXXI Jesus is Carryed to Caiphas's Palace Matth. 26 57-68 Mark 14 53-65 Luke 22 54-65 John 18 12-14 They that had taken Jesus bound him and led him first to Annas who was Father-in-Law to Caiaphas and Annas sent him back again to Caiaphas who was High-Priest that Year and who had told the Jews that it was expedient that one Man should dye for all the People At his House all the Priests Scribes and Elders were met who asked him concerning his Disciples and his Doctrin Jesus answered them I speak publickly to all the People I always Taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple where all the Jews assemble for Worship and in secret have I said nothing Why do ye ask me Ask them that heard me they know what I have Taught At these words one of the Officers which were there smote him on the Cheek saying Answerest thou the High-Priest so Jesus replyed If I have spoken amiss shew me the Evil I have spoken but if I have spoken well why smitest thou me In the mean time the whole Council sought false Witness against Jesus to put him to Death but could find none strong enough altho' several Witnesses came and Testified several Things At last came Two who accused him for saying That he would destroy the Temple and re-build another in three Days which should not be like the First made by Mans Hands But this Testimony was not sufficient Nevertheless Caiphas rising up in the middle of the Assembly said to Jesus Answerest thou nothing to that which these Men Testify against thee But because he made no Answer to this Question he put another to him in which they all joyned If thou art the Christ tell us plainly He answered them If I tell you you will not believe and if I ask you a Question ye will not Answer me nor let me go But hereafter the Son of Man shall sit on the Right Hand of the Power of God Whereupon they replyed Art thou the Son of God And he said unto them Ye have said that I am The High-Priest himself asked him also the same Question and adjured him by the living God to tell them Whether he were the Christ the Son of God Jesus repeated the Answer Thou hast said it I am He and added That they shall one day see him coming upon the Clouds of Heaven and sitting at the Right Hand of God The High-Priest hearing this rent his Cloaths saying He hath Blasphemed what need we any further Witness Ye have heard the Blasphemy your selves what do you judge of it They answered That he is worthy of Death and they condemn'd him immediately Then they did spit in his Face Smote him in derision blinded his Eyes and some gave him blows with their Fists saying in Mockery O Christ Prophecy who it is that smote thee To these insulting Speeches they added many other abuses and Blasphemies XXXII Peter denyeth Jesus Christ Matth. 26 69-75 Mark 14 66-72 Luke 22 54-62 John 18 25-27 VVhile Jesus passed the Night with the High-Priest being Treated in so outrageous a manner the People of the House and those that took him were below in the Hall when they had made a Fire and warmed themselves Peter also warmed himself with them for following his Master afar off to see what would befal him he met with a Disciple who was known to Caiphas's Family and had desired the Maid-Servant that kept the Door to let him into the Hall A short time after coming to the place where the Servants were warming themselves the same Servant saw Peter sitting at the Fire with the other Servants and looking seriously upon him knew him and said aloud This Man was also with Jesus of Nazareth And after said to himself Art not thou one of his Disciples But he denyed before them all and answered her Woman I know him not I am none of his Disciples nor do I know what thou sayest After this he went out of the Palace into the Porch and the Cock Crew As he was going out another Servant seeing him said to those that stood by This man was also with Jesus of Nazareth Peter returned and seated himself near the Fire where some asked him If he were one of Jesus's Disciples But he denyed it a Second time and swore that he knew him not About an Hour after another Officer of the High-Priests and Malchus's Kinsman whose Ear Peter had cut off bodly asserted pointing to Peter that he was a Galilean and one of Jesus 's followers and speaking to him said Wast not thou with this Man in the Garden Others also coming in at the same instant said to him Thou art certainly one of his company for thy very speech discovers it sufficiently that thou art a Galilean Then Peter deny'd it a Third Time with cursing and swearing and said with solemn protestations I know not what thou speakest of to me nor what ye say And immediately the Cock Crow'd again a Second Time Jesus then looking upon Peter brought to his mind what he had foretold of him and presently he went out and Wept bitterly for his Sin St. Austin observes that Jesus being above Stairs bound and in the Hands of his Enemies could not with his Bodily Eyes see his Disciple who was below in the Hall so that this Aspect which the Evangelist speaks of was an Aspect of Mercy and a secret Motion of Grace which open'd St. Peters Eyes to discover his own fault and which mollified his Heart to make him atone for his Sins by his Tears XXXIII The Despair of Judas In the Morning they that had condemned Jesus to Death having
of the Aegyptians and so forced Pharaoh to let his People go out of his Land By this obliging the Jews to keep this Benefit i● Remembrance for ever But because every thing consecrated to God was to be offered in Sacrifice to him he contented himself with the Sacrifices of Beasts and would have Children to be redeemed Not but that Children might have been devoted to God after another manner viz. to have ministred at his Altar But God having chose for this Service one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel viz. Numb 8 16-18 the Tribe of Levi instead of all the First-born of all the other Tribes so that the First-born of all that were not of the Tribe of Levi were to be redeemed as not being qualified either for Sacrifices or Priests In obedience to these two Laws when Forty Days were expired after her Delivery Luke 2 22-32 did the Holy Virgin and Joseph go up to Jerusalem to offer the Sacrifice prescribed by the Law for her Purification and the Gospel observes That she offered the Sacrifice commanded such as were poor viz. Two Turtle-Doves or Two Young Pigeons At the same Time they carried Jesus Christ along with them to present him to the Lord and they redeemed him being not of the Tribe of Levi but of the Tribe of Judah While they were in the Temple came in an Holy Old Man named Simeon by the Direction of the Holy Spirit He was an Holy Man and one that feared God who was filled with the Spirit and longed earnestly for the coming of the Redeemer by whom God had promised to comfort his People The same Spirit which inspired him with a Desire and Expectation of a Saviour had promised him That he should not dye till he had seen him wherefore when the Holy Virgin and Joseph brought Jesus into the Temple this Holy Old Man being excited by Divine Inspiration came in took the Child up in his Arms blessed God for the Accomplishment of his Promise made to him and begged that he might dye because his Eyes had seen the Saviour which God would shew to all the World to be a Light to the Gentiles and an Honour to his People Israel When Joseph and Mary had seen and heard these things they were taken with great Admiration till Simeon turning himself to them blessed them and said to the Holy Virgin That this Child which she had presented to God should be the occasion of the Misery or Happiness of many Israelites and a Mark for obdurate Sinners to level their malicious Obloquies and Contradictions at which though they should discover the evil Thoughts and Dispositions of several Persons yet like a cutting Sword they shall wound her own Soul with Grief and Sorrow In the same instant came in also an Holy Widow called Anna a Woman of about Fourscore Years old who had the Gift of Prophecy and abode continually in the Temple serving God with Fasting and Prayers Night and Day She also saw Jesus Christ and knew him by the same Inspiration that had discovered him to Simeon wherefore she gave Thanks to God for the Mercy he had bestowed upon the World in giving them a Saviour and made him known to be the Messias to all those that waited for his coming XI Jesus 's Flight into Aegypt Matth. 2. 12-23 The Holy Virgin and Joseph having performed all that was commanded by the Law returned from Jerusalem and went down to Nazareth But Herod who waited for the coming back of the Magi that he might know of them where the New King was and so get him into his own Power seeing himself disappointed of his Expectations because as it is said before they were gone home another way fell into an extreme Passion and resolved to slay all the Children in Bethlehem and in the adjoyning Villages that were not above Two Years old and accordingly put it in Execution thinking in this barbarous Massacre to include him whose Destruction he chiefly aimed at But God prevented the Cruelty of this Prince and so ordered it that of all the Children whose Blood was shed as Jesus was the only one that he sought to kill so he was the only one that escaped for God by his Angel warned Joseph in a Dream of the Designs that Herod had to take away his Life and commanded him To take the Child and his Mother and fly into Aegypt and remain there till further orders Joseph immediately obeyed this Command and fled into Aegpt where after the Death of Herod the same Angel appeared to him and bid him return because he that sought to destroy the Saviour of the World was himself dead Then did Joseph immediately go into the Land of Israel with Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin But hearing that Archilaus reigned in Judea in his Father Herod's stead he was afraid to go thither but being admonished of God in a Dream to go into Galilee he fixed his Dwelling in the City of Nazareth God thus accomplishing the Prophecies which did foretel That he should be called a Nazarene XII Jesus's Disputation with the Doctors In this Abode with his Parents at Nazareth Luke 2 40-52 the Child Jesus grew and waxed strong being full of Wisdom and Grace When he was Twelve Years old he went to Jerusalem with Joseph and the Holy Virgin who every Year went thither at the Passover and after the Feast he continued there without their Knowledge so that they returned without him supposing that he went along with some of their Company either behind them or before them But after they had gone a Day 's Journey and found him not neither among the Company nor yet with their Kindred and Acquaintance they turned back again to Jerusalem to seek him where after Three Days they found him in the Temple sitting in the midst of the Doctors both hearing them and asking them Questions and raising Admiration in all that heard him at his Understanding and Answers The Holy Virgin and Joseph were much surprized to see him in that Place and his Mother telling him how much they were troubled at the loss of him and the Pains they had taken to find him said to him Why hast thou dealt thus with us He answered them Why did ye seek me Did ye not know that I must necessarily be employed in promoting the Service of my Father They did not understand this Answer but the Virgin kept all these Words in her Heart Then Jesus went down to Nazareth with them and the Gospel says That he was subject to them and increased not only in Age but in Wisdom and in Favour both with God and with Man XIII The Preaching of John the Baptist. While John was in the Desert God enriched him with the Gifts of his Spirit Matt. 3.1 and in that Retirement fitted him for the great Employment he designed him as Jesus himself was secretly fitted for the Offices of his Ministry in Joseph's House They both waited with Patience for the Time
whole And indeed so she was for as soon as she had done it she felt the same instant that she was cured of her Disease But Jesus who knew as the Gospel says That Vertue was gone out of him turned himself about in the Throng and asked Who it was that had touched him Peter and the other Disciples answered him Master the People throng and press thee and dost thou ask who it is that touched me But Jesus said unto them Some Body hath touched me for I perceive that vertue is gone out of me and he looked all-round about him to see her who had touched him with so much Faith that by it she had received the Cure of her Distemper The Woman seeing her self discovered cast her self down at the Feet of Jesus with Fear and trembling and acknowledged before the Multitude what had happened unto her The Son of God comforted her and said unto her Daughter be not afraid thy Faith hath saved thee go in Peace and be perfectly whole of thy Disease Matth. 9 23-26 Mark 5 35-45 Luke 8 49-56 While he was thus talking with this Woman there came a Man to Jairus and told him That his Daughter was dead and therefore 't was needless for him to trouble Jesus to go any further Our Saviour having heard the Message that that Man brought said unto the Ruler of the Synagogue Fear not only believe and thy Daughter shall be healed When they were come to the House they found there Pipers and Mourners who lamented her with doleful Tunes and hideous Outcries according to the Custom of the modern Jews Jesus entring in said unto them Why make ye so much a do howling and lamenting the Maid is not dead but sleepeth At these Words of his they laughed and mocked knowing well that she was dead but being ignorant that it was as easy for Jesus to raise the Dead as it is for Men to awake those that are asleep He then put forth the People out of the Chamber and suffered only three of his Disciples viz. Peter James and John with the Father and Mother of the Child to go in with him Then he goeth to the Bed where she lay taketh her by the Hand and called to her saying Damosel arise By these powerful Words he restored her Life and she rose And when they had given her something to eat she walked to the Wonder of her Father and Mother At his departure he commanded them very strictly to tell no Man what was done but the Fame of this Miracle spread it self in all that Country XI Jesus healed Two Blind Men and a Dumb Man Going from thence Matth. 9 27-31 Jesus was followed by Two Blind Men who cryed after him Thou Son of David have mercy on us When he was come into the House they came unto him and he said unto them Believe ye that I am able to do this that ye desire They answered Yea Lord and immediately he touched their Eyes saying According to your Faith be it done unto you and their Eyes were opened that very Moment but Jesus charged them to tell no Man of the Cure to teach Men to labour in sincere Humility to conceal the good Actions that they do and yet he permitted them to spread abroad his Fame in all that Country To instruct us by their Example That one part of that Acknowledgment which we ought to pay to God for the Mercies which we receive of him is to publish them that he may be known praised and glorified by those to whom we declare them After the Blind Men were gone they brought unto him a Dumb Man Matth. 9 32-34 possessed with a Devil As soon as the Devil was cast out the Dumb Man spake and the People were ravished with Wonder and said We never saw any such thing in Israel But the Pharisees began again to say that which they often repeated afterward That he cast out Devils through the Prince of the Devils XII Jesus cures a Man that had been diseased Thirty and Eight Years After this Jesus went up to Jerusalem to solemnize the great Feast John 5 1-47 then kept which is evidently the Passover Now there was at Jerusalem a Pool called the Sheep's Pool that is to say a Pond for Sheep because it was near a Gate of the City called the Sheep's Gate but others say because it was used to wash the Sacrifices in Into this Pool did an Angel at a certain Season come down and moved the Waters of it and put such a Vertue into it that whosoever first after the Waters were troubled by the Angel entred into it was healed of whatsoever Disease he had For this Reason it was that the Five Porches or Cloysters of a certain Building adjoyning to the Pool called in the Hebrew Tongue Bethesda the House of Mercy were always full of Sick Persons who waited for the Moving of the Waters among them was a certain Man who had an infirmity Thirty and eight Years which Jesus knowing said unto him Wilt thou be made whole This Man answered Sir I have no Man when the Water is troubled to put me into the Pool and while I am going my self another who hath more Strength or better Help steppeth down before me Jesus saith unto him Take up thy Bed and walk and immediately his Disease was healed and he took up his Bed and walked It was on Saturday which the Jews call the Sabboth-day that is to say a Day of Rest because all Labour is forbidden them on that Day by the Law wherefore when the Jews saw him carrying his Bed they contended with him for breaking the Law but he said to them He that made me whole said unto me Take up thy Bed and walk They then asked him What Man it was but the Man knew not who it was for Jesus did immediately convey himself away from the Multitude of People that were in that Place Not long after Jesus met this Man in the Temple and saith unto him Behold thou art made whole sin no more hereafter lest a worse Plague be inflicted on thee The Man went to the Jews and told them That it was Jesus which had healed him The Jews for this Reason sought to persecute Jesus and so much the rather because in his Defence of this Action on the Sabboth Day he had said My Father worketh continually doing Good and preserving as well on your Sabboth as other Days and I work only as he doth Wherefore they had a greater hatred against him not only because he had broken the Sabboth but had called God his Father making himself equal with God Hereupon Jesus makes an excellent Discourse to them to prove his Divinity and shews them That he had received all Power of his Father to Act Judge and raise the Dead That he did not depend upon his own Assertions to clear this Truth but he had John's Testimony the Nature of the Works and Miracles themselves which he did yea the
tormented eternally That to secure themselves from these terrible Punishments we must take away every thing that is an occasion of Falling and if need require cut off Feet or Hands and pull out the Eyes i. e. deprive our selves of those things which may be most profitable and are most dear to us when they become Means and Instruments of making us fall into any Sin XVI Jesus gives Rules for Correcting and Pardoning The Son of God although he uses his utmost Endeavours to keep out Scandals and Offences out of his Church Matt. 18 15-35 Luke 17.3 4. yet he will have us keep a due Charity and Compassion in our Hearts for those that at any Time are the Causes of them And for this Reason it is that in the same Discourse made to his Disciples he gives us most excellent Rules to deal with such Offenders by both as to their Punishment and Pardon for in the first Place he orders That he by whom any Offence cometh shall be admonished in private by the Person offended that if it be possible he may be gained by this means but if a private Admonition have no effect upon him it must be repeated before Two or Three Witnesses and if this prove also unsuccessful and to no purpose we must accuse him to the whole Church and have no more Society or Commerce with him than with an Heathen and Infidel if he contemn the Church's as he hath all private Admonition And that the Church may separate all those from her Communion which may obstruct and hinder the Salvation of her other Children he hath promised her the Authority of Binding and Loosing assuring her That he will ratify and confirm in Heaven whatsoever she shall pronounce and declare upon Earth In the second place he commands when Admonition is successful to pardon the Offence received and that Seven times a Day if the offender repents of what he hath done so often i. e. that we must always forgive him who is penitent and sorry for his Fault for Peter having asked Jesus How often he ought to pardon his Brother whether he ought to do it Seven Times Jesus answered him I say unto thee not until Seven Times but until Seventy Times Seven And to shew him the Necessity and Advantage of such a merciful Temper which is always ready to pardon he propounds a Parable of a King who calling his Servants to an account found One that owed him so great a Sum that he was not able to pay it viz. Ten thousand Talents or a Million eight hundred and seventy five thousand Pounds whereupon he commanded him to be sold and his Wife and Children and all that he had But this Servant falling down at his Feet begged his Mercy and Patience and he forgave him the Debt This Wretch was no sooner gone out but he met one of his Fellow-Servants who owed him a small Debt viz. an Hundred Pence which is about Three Pounds Two and Six Pence of our Mony he takes him by the Throat and would give him no Time for Payment though he earnestly desired Patience but cast him into Prison The King hearing this called this ungrateful Servant reproved his Cruelty and delivered him to the Tormentors till he should pay all he owed Jesus himself made the Application of his Parable saying So shall my heavenly Father use every one of you if ye do not from your Hearts forgive his Brother the Offences which he hath suffered from him XVII Jesus goes to Jerusalem to the Feast of Tabernacles While Jesus thus instructed his Disciples in Galilee some of his Kindred John 7 1-19 that did not believe on him being uneasy that he confined himself so much to one Province urged him to shew his Miracles more publickly at Jerusalem the Capital City of Judea for which he could not have as they thought a fitter Opportunity than the present Feast of Tabernacles for the Jews had Three solemn Feasts every Year which they were all obliged to go to Jerusalem to celebrate upon which account an innumerable Multitude of People met together in that City upon those Days These Three Feasts were the Passover Pentecost Lev. 23.34 and the Feast of Tabernacles This last was kept on the Fifteenth Day of September and continued Eight Days in which the Jews dwelt in Tents made of the Boughs of Trees in remembrance of those Tents or Tabernacles in which they dwelt so long Time in the Desert when they came out of Aegypt This Feast drawing near Jesus's Kindred who were much disturbed that Jesus had never yet been at Jerusalem neither at the Passover nor at Pentecost endeavoured to perswade him to go thither at least at the Feast of Tabernacles to make himself known unto the World and not to deprive those Disciples of his that dwelt in that City of the happy Sight of his Miracles He answered them That they might go to Jerusalem when they pleased but as for himself he must be wary and cautious what he did because he had many Enemies that the World which had nothing to object against them hated him because he reproved their sinful Actions Go ye therefore saith he up to this Feast I will not go up yet with you i. e. so publickly for my Time to appear in that manner is not yet fully come He let them go therefore without him but he went himself soon after but as it were in secret taking his Way through the midst of Samaria XVIII Jesus heals Ten Lepers Jesus passing by a Town of Samaria Luke 17 11-19 saw Ten Lepers that stood afar off and lifting up their Voice said Jesus our Master have mercy on us And Jesus commanded them to go and shew themselves to the Priests Which they obeying were cured in the Way One of them who was a Samaritan and consequently a Stranger in respect of the Jews as we have already observed immediately returned back and glorified God casting himself upon his Face at Jesus's Feet to give him Thanks for the Restitution of his Health Jesus to make known the Gratitude of this Man the more said in a kind of Astonishment Were there not Ten cleansed Where then are the other Nine It is strange that none of them should return to give God Glory for so great a Mercy but this Stranger And he said unto him Arise and go thy Way thy Faith hath made the whole XIX Jesus teaches in the Temple In the mean time John 7 11-53 the Jews enquired after Jesus at Jerusalem at the beginning of the Feast and had much Discourse about him some saying That he was a good Man others that he was a Deceiver About the middle of the Feast he came to Jerusalem and taught in the Temple to the great Wonder of the Jews who could not imagine how he came to have so perfect a Knowledge of the Scripture because they had never seen him study it Whereupon he tells them That he speaketh not of himself and if
of the Pharisees having demanded of him whether they also were blind He answered them If ye were blind ye should have no Sin but because ye assert that ye see therefore your Sin remaineth As if he had said according to the explication of St. Austin If ye were sensible of your Blindness ye would desire Cure and he would pardon your Sins but your Sins remain because you are Wise and Holy in your own conceit and so think you have no need of any Person to Illuminate and Sanctify you XXIII Jesus proves himself the Good Shepherd John 10 1-21 Jesus having thus subdued the Vanity of those Proud Men who undertake to lead and guide others being Blind and Ignorant themselves he Propounds to them under the Parable of a Shepherd and his Sheep three different Characters of three different Persons who are engaged in the Government of Souls for he Teacheth them that there are some that instead of entring by the Door into the Sheep-fold enter in some other way like Thieves to Steal and Kill and Destroy And he explains this similitude which they did not understand by telling them that he was the Door by which we must enter upon the Government of the Flock There are others which being entred by the Door guide and rule the Flock as Mercenaries and Hirelings who forsake the Flock as soon as they see the Wolf coming because they love themselves only and not the Flock There are also the Good Shepherds who enter not of themselves into the Sheep-fold But the Porter opens to them who know the Sheep and are known of them and who love them so as to lay down their Lives for them upon Occasions Jesus then applies all the qualities of this last and proves himself to be the Good Shepherd by way of Excellence since he came to lay down his Life for the Sheep and that willingly and freely in Obedience to his Fathers Commandment For no Man can take it away from him and when he hath layd it down he can take it up again and none can hinder him Then he declares that the Jews were not the only Sheep for whom he would dye that he had other Sheep viz. the Gentiles whom he would bring into his Fold and out of both would make up one Flock consisting of such as hear his Voice of which he himself would be the Shepherd alone This Discourse raised a new difference among his Auditors some said that he was possessed with a Devil and mad others answered Men possessed can't speak such excellent things as he doth much less open the Eyes of the Blind XXIV Jesus chuseth seventy two Disciples Some time after Jesus chose him also Seventy two Disciples Luke 10.1 -24. and sent them two by two into all places whither he intended to go He gave them the same instructions which his Apostles had had before and the same power over Devils They met with good success in their Ministry and returned very Joyful saying Lord The Devils themselves are subject to us in thy Name But he teaches them not so much to rejoyce that the Devils are subject to them as that their Names are written in Heaven in the Book of Life as Heirs of Salvation In the same moment Jesus was transported with a sudden and extraordinary motion of the Spirit Matt. 11.25 -30. and addressing himself to God gave him thanks that he had revealed the great Mysteries of Heaven to Babes i. e. to the simple and mean but concealed them from the Wise Men of the World He adds That his Father had delivered all things unto him and no Man can know God but the only Son of God and he to whom the Son will reveal him Then turning to his Disciples he tells them That they were happy in seeing and beholding those things which so many Kings and Prophets have neither heard nor seen altho' they desired it greatly Lastly finding himself full of Love towards Men he cryed out Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy Laden and I will comfort you Take my Yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and humble in Heart and ye shall find rest to your Souls for my Yoke is easie and pleasant and my Burden is Light XXV Jesus teaches a Lawyer to love his Neighbour Luke 10.25 -37. Then a Doctor of the Law stood up and said unto him tempting him Master what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life Jesus having also put this Question to him What is commanded in the Law how readest thou He answered Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart with all thy Soul with all thy strength and with all thy Mind and thy Neighbour as thy self Then Jesus reply'd Thou hast well answered This do and thou shalt Live This Scribe being desirous to appear Holy and an exact observer of the Law demanded further of him Whom he ought to account his Neighbour Jesus answered him by a Parable of a certain Jew who was robbed and so much wounded by Thieves in his Journey that he was left almost Dead A Priest and Levite passed one after another this way just by him but would give him no help but Samaritan i. e. a Stranger in respect of the Jews saw him as he passed by him and had compassion on him And came unto him and poured Oyl and Wine into his Wounds and binding them up set the Wounded Man upon his Horse and carryed him to an Inn where he committed him to the care of the Host and left him Money to provide necessaries for him Jesus desirous that the Lawyer should make Application himself asked him Which of these three Passengers was Neighbour to him that fell among the Thieves He answered He that shewed mercy on him Jesus approving his answer said unto him Go and do thou likewise XXVI Jesus Lodges at Martha's House and Teaches his Disciples to Pray Jesus then goes on his Journey with his Disciples Luke 10.38 -42. and entred into a certain Village where a Woman named Martha entertained him joyfully in her House She had a Sister Named Mary and a Brother called Lazarus of whom we shall have occasion to speak in the following part of this History While she was busy in preparing all she could for her Divine Guest her Sister sat at Jesus's Feet and heard his Word Martha complained to him that her Sister Mary suffered her to take all the trouble upon her and prayed him to command her to help her Jesus answered her Martha Martha You cumber your self and trouble your self with many Worldly cares whereas there is but one thing necessary viz. to hear and receive my Word which since Mary had chosen to do she shall enjoy the Eternal advantage and happiness of it By which words Jesus doth not condemn the Hospitality of Martha but only teaches her to do it with less care and trouble and not to prefer an Action which tho' very pious in it self is of no
Wrong to any Man I will restore him Four-fold And Jesus answered This Day is Salvation come to this House And assures us That Zaccheus who was looked upon hitherto by the Jews as a Stranger and a Heathen was by Faith become a Child of Abraham as well as they and so was entituled to the Promises made to him L. Jesus condemns the Opinion of those who believed that the Kingdom of God would then appear All those who were present Luke 19 11-27 harkned unto Jesus with Attention and as they drew near to Jerusalem they thought that the glorious Reign of the Messias which they had fancied to themselves would immediately commence supposing that Jesus had undertaken this Journey to the Passover at Jerusalem for this End only to seat himself upon his Throne and to establish the Kingdom he had so often spoke of Jesus knowing their Thoughts condemned them by this Parable A certain great and Noble Man being about to take a Voyage into a far Country where he was to take Possession of a Kingdom fallen to him called all his Servants and gave them every one a Sum of Mony to trade withal and improve till he should return Some of his Countrymen who hated him sent after him and declared that they would not have him for their King But he notwithstanding this Opposition having obtained the Kingdom returned again and first calls the Servants to an Account to whom he had entrusted his Mony One of them had improved it Ten the Other Five Times by Trading whom he rewarded proportionably to their Diligence giving to the last the Government of Five Gities and the other of Ten But one there was among them who instead of trading with it had lock'd it up fearing as he said the great Severity of his Master and so not daring to hazard what he had entrusted to him But his Master condemned this Action and taking his Mony from him gave it to those whom he had already so bountifully rewarded This done he summoned those who had refused to accept him for their King and put them to Death in his Presence The Gospel doth not deliver the Explication of this Parable but since we know the Occasion that Jesus had to propose it it is very natural to explain it thus Jesus himself is the King here spoken of he is gone into Heaven and shall return in Majesty to judge both the Quick and the Dead He distributes his Graces here below and expects that we should improve them by a good Use of them At his coming again he will find Three several sorts of Persons some will make a good Use of the Grace that they have received to whom God will give greater portions of it Others will not improve it and therefore he will take it from them Lastly others will revolt from him and will not obey his Laws such as Infidels and Wicked Men but chiefly the Jews are meant in this Place who being God's People have nevertheless made the most vigorous Opposition to the Establishment of his Church and therefore he shall destroy them LI. Jesus Christ heals Two Blind Men. Matth 20 29-31 Mark 10 46-52 As soon as Jesus was departed from Jericho being followed by a great Company of People a certain Blind Man named Bartimeus he Son of Timeus who sat by the Way-Side begging being informed what the Multitude which he heard going by meant and hearing that Jesus passed by Luke 18 35-43 he cryed out with another Blind Man who sate in the same Road Jesus thou Son of David have Mercy on me The People which accompanied Jesus but chiefly those that went before him spake roughly to him to make him hold his Peace but he cryed out so much the louder as did also his Companion Thou Son of David have Mercy on me Then Jesus stopped and commanded him to be called which some did saying be of good Comfort arise he calleth you Then he immediately cast away his Coat arose and went with his Companion to Jesus who asked them both What would you have me to do for you They answered Lord that thou wouldest open our Eyes Then Jesus being moved with Compassion touched their Eyes and immediately they received Sight and followed him glorifying God as also did all the People who had been Witnesses of this Miracle LII Jesus Christ suppeth at Bethany Jesus drew every Day nearer and nearer to Jerusalem Matt. 26 6-13 Mark 14.3 ● 9. John 12.1 and Six Days before the Passover he came to Bethany where he had lately raised Lazarus the Brother of Mary and Martha from the Dead Here he was entertained at a Supper in the House of Simon the Leper Martha waited but Lazarus was one of those that supped with him While he sat at the Table Mary came to him having an Alabaster-Box containing a Pound of the Oyntment of Spikenard of great Value with which she anointed his Feet wiping them with her Hairs and afterward breaking the Box she poured the Residue of the Perfume upon his Head so that the whole House was filled with the Smell of it The Apostles but chiefly Judas Iscariot murmured at this waste and Judas said That this Oyntment might have been sold for Three hundred Pence which is about 9 l. 7 s. 6 d. of our Mony and so relieved many Poor People not that he had so much Care or Compassion for the Poor as the Gospel observes but because he was a Thief and kept the Mony which Jesus Christ had collected for his ordinary Expence and for the maintenance of the Poor upon which account it was that he was so very desirous to have gotten the Price of this Oyntment into his Hands that he might gratify his own Covetousness But Jesus himself undertook the Defence of Mary and told those that condemned her That she had done a good Work and had embalmed his Body before-hand for the Day of its Burial and that as for the Poor for whose Relief it was said that the Price of this Oyntment might have been better employed they were always with them and might receive Relief of them at any Time but they cculd not have him always with them to pay their Duty to him and give him the Marks of their Esteem and Affection And lastly That this Action of Mary's should in every Place where the Gospel is preach'd be spoken of in her Commendation In the mean while it being known at Jerusalem that Jesus was come to Bethany many of the Jews came to see him and not him only but more especially Lazarus whom he had raised from the Dead As for the Chief Priests they had determined to kill Lazarus because many Jews were converted to the Belief of Christ's Divinity by the Miracle of his Resurrection The End of the Third Book BOOK IV. An Account of what Jesus Christ did from his Triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven I. Jesus Christ goes in Triumph to Jerusalem THE next Day Jesus
it ibid. and for this counts us his Disciples 176. is discovered by the Help we afford him 114. we must love our Enemies 183. Lunaticks Healed by Jesus 39. M. MAgi Worship Christ 15. Malchus An Officer whose Ear Peter cut off 190. cured by Jesus ibid. Marriage not to be dissolved 132. Virginity better 133. God ordain'd it 132. not useful after the Resurrection 163. Mary the Mother of Jesus Of the Family of David espoused to Joseph 5. but lived in perfect Chastity with him ib. brought forth Jesus Christ at Bethlehem 10. went to the Temple to purify her self 17. observed his Sayings 20. stood at the Foot of the Cross 203. was given to S. John as his Mother and John to her as her Son ibid. Mary Magdalene is freed from Seven Devils 76. follows Jesus and ministred unto him ibid. stood at the Bottom of the Cross 203. saw him buried 205. and came to embalm him 206. saw the Sepulchre open and ran to tell Peter and John 207. wept at the Sepulchre ibid. saw Two Angels ibid. and after Jesus himself ibid. told his Apostles of his Resurrection 209. Mary the Sister of Martha Chose the good Part 115. poured the Oyntment on Jesus's Head and Feet 149. Mary the Mother of James The Sister of the Virgin a Follower of Jesus she stood with the other Women at the Cross and went to the Sepulchre with them 209. Martha Entertains Christ at her House 114 and was busy in preparing for him 115. S. Matthew His Conversion 46. made Jesus Christ a Feast ibid. is made an Apostle 74. Messias was to be born at Bethlehem 15. the Jews Error about his Kingdom 147. Mercy God is merciful to the merciful 55. loves mercy more than Sacrifice 47. Miracles Jesus did more than are written 218. were Proofs of Christ's Divinity and Purity of his Doctrin 122. John Baptist did none 124. Mountain Jesus's Sermon on the Mountain 14. a firm Faith removes Mountains 97. Mount Calvary 200. of Olives 187. Jesus was transfigured on a Mountain 94. shewed himself to his Disciples in a Mountain of Galilee 217. Moses Gave the Law 25. not obeyed by the Jews 133. appeared with Christ at his Transfiguration 94. he permitted divorce only for the hardness of the Jews Hearts 133. Murmuring Of the Pharisees against Christ for Eating with Sinners 46. against the Disciples for Eating with unwashen Hands 86. of the Jews against Jesus because he said He would give them his Flesh to eat 84. of the Disciples against Mary for wasting the Oyntment 150. N. NAin A City of Galilee where Jesus Christ raised the Widow's Son 62. Nativity of John Baptist 8. of Jesus both Divine and Human 12 13. Nathanael A true Israelite 27. Jesus's Discourse with him ibid. saw Jesus Risen 213. Nazareth A City of Galilee where the Angel first came to the Virgin 5. Jesus brought up there 19. preached there 74. did few Miracles there 75. called a Nazarene 19. Nicodemus Came to Jesus by Night 29. Jesus's discourse with him ibid. opposes those that would have condemned Jesus Christ 105. he buried Jesus Christ 205. Ninivites shall rise up in Judgment against the Jews 69. their Repentance 68. P. PAlsey several Persons cured of the Palsy by Jesus Christ 40 45 60. Pardon We must pardon others if we will obtain Pardon of God 101. before we go to our Prayers 157. be always ready to pardon 100. Parable What it is 70. why Jesus spake in Parables 71. Parables of the Two Debtors 65. armed Man 67. Seed 70. Treasure in the Field 73. Pearl of Price ibid. good Samaritan 114. rich Miser 119. barren Fig-tree 121. Marriage-supper 126. lost Sheep and Groat 128. prodigal Son 129. unjust Steward 130. unjust Judge and Widow 134. Pharisee and Publican 135. Labourers in the Vineyard 138. Talents 169. Ten Virgins c. 170. Passover What the Jewish Passover was 173. Jesus went to Jerusalem at this Feast 144. he staid in Galilee one Passover 88. he kept the Passover with his Disciples 175. Passion Of Christ foretold the first 92. second 97. and third Time 144. the History of it 189. Patience Necessary in Afflictions 55. the Soul is possessed by Patience 166. Pentecost One of the great Feasts of the Jews 102. Persecutions Shall befal the Just 76. it is their Happiness 56. they may fly 76. some Persecutors think they do God Service 184. prayer for Persecutors 57. Perseverance In Prayer 134. necessary for Salvation 166. Pharisees Who they were 21. reject S. John and Jesus Christ 64. preferred their Tradition before the Law of God 86. ignorant of the Messias's coming 90. their Doctrin and Hypocrisy compared to Leaven 91. blind Guides 87. were careful of the outside without cleansing their Hearts 116. their Error about Oaths 117. their Pride 116. ambition for the chief Places ibid. covetousness ibid. hatred of Jesus 132. seek to ensnare him by Questions 158. endeavour to take him 162. put him to Death 200. call him Impostor 206. set Guards about his Sepulchre ibid. the Parable of the Pharisee and Publican 135. S. Peter The Apostle was called Simon 26. went to Jesus with Andrew ibid. Jesus Christ named him Peter ibid. left all to follow Christ 37. was made an Apostle 54. Witness of Christ's Transfiguration 93. and Agony in the Garden 187. went on the Water and was reproved for his little Faith 82. he confesseth Christ to be the Son of God 92. for which he gave him the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven ibid. he attempts to keep Jesus from Suffering 93. he promises Christ not to deny him 180. but denies him Three Times 192. he laments his Fault 193. he runs with S. John to the Sepulchre 207. Jesus Christ appears to him 211. asks him Three times concerning his Love 214. and foretels his Martyrdom which he should suffer ibid. S. Philip Called by Jesus 26. called Nathanael ibid. is made an Apostle 54. the Greeks go to him to shew them Jesus 153. he desires Christ to shew him the Father 181. Pilate Governour of Judea slew the Galileans 121. questions Jesus 195. sends him to Herod 196. would have saved him 197. caused him to be scourged 198. shews him to the Jews crowned with Thorns ibid. condemning him 199. grants his Body to Joseph of Arimathea 205. Possessed with Devils Jesus cureth several 40. at Capernaum 38 a dumb Man 49. one blind and dumb 67. Two Men very fierce 42. the Woman of Canaan's Daughter 88. Mary Magdalene 76. Two other Women ibid. Potters Field 194. Prayer Rules for it 58. the Lord's Prayer ibid. the efficacy of Prayer and Fasting 97. and Faith 98. how we must pray 59. perseverance in Prayer 134. Prayer and Watching 114. Prayer against Temptation ibid. Prayer for Persecutors 58. Prayer of Jesus Christ after his Baptism 23. in the Desert 82. before he chose his Apostles 54. after he cured the Leper 60. when he was transfigured 94. when he taught his Disciples to Pray 50. after his last Supper when