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A81387 The devout communicant exemplified, in his behaviour before, at, and after the sacrament of the Lords Supper. More practical, useful, and sutable to all the parts of that solemn ordinance than any yet extant. : In this impression is added a prayer before, and another after the sacrament; together with more particular directions and meditations for the time of receiving. Seller, Abednego, 1646?-1705. 1675 (1675) Wing D1244AB; ESTC R174542 89,361 247

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passing by so many offences and requirin● no satisfaction from us for such insufferable wrongs but transferring the punishment from us unto his own Son who● love also was so great that he woul● bear our iniquities that we might be saved Oh how could he chuse a mo●● ●●liging way of Redeeming us that hath ●us displayed the severest Justice and ●ghest Mercy the greatest hatred of sin ●●e greatest love to sinners since by those ●equalled and unvaluable sufferings to ●hich he delivered up for us that Son ●ho is so near unto him that he is one ●ith him at once manifesting both how ●uch he hated sin which he so heavily ●nished in the person he most loved ●●d how much he loved sinners by gi●●ng up what he so loved for a ransom 〈◊〉 those that were guilty of what he so ●●ted And oh the miracle the amazing ●odigic of this Love that Heaven ●ould so condescend to Earth and that ●an should be so united to God! that ●●od should dwell in flesh and that this ●sh should be our food That the Son of ●od should love us better then his life and 〈◊〉 the meat of Worms of Sinners of Ene●es that he should make himself pre●nt to our Faith and as if he would do ●●re then die for us desires to live for ●●er in us and to be united to us Was ●●er kindness like unto this was ever ●●ch a furnace of love burning in any ●east can any heart freeze over such a fire Oh! who can abide the heat of th● love who can dwell in such flames a●● not be consumed who can abide in 〈◊〉 great sense of this love and abide in th● body what instances can parallel wh● words can be expressive what appr●hensions can commemorate what r●ptures can be sufficient for the admiratio● of this so infinite love Be thou sw●● lowed up O my Soul in this depth 〈◊〉 Divine love and hate to spend thy though any more upon other things that hast su●● a Saviour to take them up Oh! I shake I tremble am altogether confounded 〈◊〉 the approach of so great guest The Minister coming towards him Lord I am not w●● thy that thou shouldest come under 〈◊〉 roof or to eat the crums that fall fro● my own much less thy Table Oh w●● am I that I should dare with my orignally actually desiled hands to recei●● those high those holy Mysteries th● thou desirest to to come unto me be e●tertained by me what findest thou 〈◊〉 me that so much delights and invites th● to me art thou ignorant of my m●●vile beginning and original I am not ●heruhim Seraphim or of the number of ●hat Celestial Hierarchy but dust and shes polluted dust and ashes Lord ●●adst thou rather be at another mans ●cuse with dishonour then at thy own ●ith honour or if thou hast no respect ●o thine own honour if thou castest under ●ot all praise and renown if thou takest ●nto thee every vile sinner yet hast thou ●o regard to thy Greatness and Majesty Thou knowest my poverty my need my ●mpurity this poor place is a far un●eet habitation for thee Whence is this 〈◊〉 me that my Maker my Redeemer ●hould come unto mee thus favour thus ●ignifie me that thou shouldest be so ●elow thy self as to look upon so low so ●ain so miserable a thing as Man such a ●ead Dog as I am Why have I found grace in thy sight that thou shouldest take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger Lord what am I that thou shouldest remember me be mindful of me visit me ●ast thine eye set thine heart upon me ●ome to marry thy self with me Whence ●omes it that thou who art in Heaven ●mongst them that know so well how to ●ove and serve thee shouldest vouchsafe to descend to me who know little e●●● but how to offend thee Canst thou 〈◊〉 be content to be without me Did 〈◊〉 meer love draw thee from Heaven 〈◊〉 my sake and give thy self for me to 〈◊〉 deem me from my sins and dost thou s●● give thy self to me to be the strength an● health of my Soul As if thou could● never give thy self enough or be ne●●● enough mine Oh how am I astonish●● at this inconceivable love oh that I we● able to comprehend it Oh that I had 〈◊〉 thousand hearts to correspond with i● oh stay my gracious Lord for the ●●mcasure of my love till thou hast ma●● me able to do nothing else but love the● But since thou art pleased to come an● offer thy self to me my soul thirsteth 〈◊〉 thee I humbly stretch out my hands u●to thee my longing gasping desires a● after thee I open my heart with a● humble thankfulness to receive thee n●ver to be separated from thee for ever 〈◊〉 adhere unto thee Oh enter in and st●● with me satisfie my soul with thy sel● say This day is Salvation come unto t● house Oh be not now offended at th● loathsom sights in a soul so sick and diea●e● ●ased so full of filth of rottenness and ●orruption into which thou art entering Do not disdain me for those many Mala●ies but come and cure me The Bread SEE my soul thy Saviour in the Minister and the benefits that come by ●im in the Bread and Wine believing ●hose with himself are given thee by him ●●s really as the Elements by his Embassa●our saying Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you by Faith re●eive apply appropriate me unto thy ●elf This Bread consecrated by me is ●he Sacrament of my Body offered as an Expiatory Sacrifice for you Hereby I ●mpute my righteousness impart my lo●ing kindness make over and give un●o you my whole self God and Man as Mediator in my Blood and Merits Gra●es and Spirit Virtue and Benefits Obe●ience Satisfaction Expiation Doings ●nd Sufferings in all I have am or have ●urchased for you I make yours by gift ●nd you by Faith as truly as if put into your very hand and mouth Mine were the pains the sufferings of Death yours the benefit mine the stripes yours the balm mine the thorns yours the Crown These are the holes in my hands and side the blood that issued from them yours the price mine yours the purchase See here in my wounds your safety in my stripes your healing in my anguish your peace in my Cross your Triumph I came out of my Fathers bosom that thou mightest lie in Abrahams Own me for thy Lord who have thus bought thee out of slavery accept me for thy Redeemer who have paid so dearly for thee follow me in the way I have shewen thee that I may bring thee to him I have reconciled to thee Do this in and for a remembrance of me who what for whom why for what end with what mind I suffered what I have done for yon and am unto you Dear Saviour biddest thou me Remember thee How should I forget thee how can I but remember but celebrate thee But oh that I could more affectionately
ratifie and confirm every Article of these Indentures and do actually deliver into thy hand this glorious Charter with all its Royalties and Priviledges as your own for ever Amen Hallelujah Oh be it unto thy servant according to thy Word But who am I and what is my Fathers house that thou hast brought me hither What shall thy servant say unto thee I am silenced with wonder and must sit down in astonishment for I cannot utter the least tittle of thy praise Oh what meaneth the height of this strange love that the Lord of all should enter into Covenant with his dust and take in to his bosom the viperous brood that have so often spit their venom in his face I am not worthy to wash the feet of the servants of my Lord how much less to be one with thee and to be made partaker of those blessed priviledges setled upon thy Sons but for thy goodness sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done this even so Father because it seemed good unto thee Wonder oh Heavens and be moved oh Earth at this great thing Rejoyce oh Angels shout oh Seraphims strike up ye Celestial Quires help Heaven and Earth sing unto the Lord oh ye his Saints prepare an Epithalamium oh all ye Friends of the Bridegroom be ready with the Marriage song for Heaven and Earth God and Man are reconciled a Covenant of Peace entered and sealed Jehovah hath betrothed himself to his hopeless Captives and owns the Marriage before all the world he is become one with us and we with him he hath bequeathed to us Heaven and Earth with the fulness thereof and kept back left us nothing to ask at his hands but what he hath already freely granted Oh had I the tongues of Men and Angels all were too little for my single turn the whole Quire is not sufficient to utter his praise And will the Lord be mine hath he laid aside the controversie and concluded a peace will he receive his Rebel to mercy and open his door to his Prodigal I will bow my self before his footstool and say Oh Lord I have heard thy words and do here lay hold on thy Covenant I subscribe to thy Conditions and close with my Mediator I accept thy kindness I adventure my self upon thy fidelity and trust my whole happiness here hereafter upon thy promises Oh my God I subject my whole Soul unto thee Oh my Rock in thee will I build all my hopes and confidence Oh staff of my life strength of my Soul Life of my Joys and the joy of my Life I will sit and sing under thy shadow with great delight and glory in thy Salvation I here take thee at thy word thou God of Truth thou requirest but my consent and acceptance and here thou hast it in token whereof I receive this pledge thou hast left me believing thou wilt establish for ever thy word unto thy servant and do as thou hast said In this blood of thine oh Saviour I believe I receive it as mine I thirstily drink down and heartily apply with a comfortable expectation of all those blessed benefits purchased secured sealed by it I am more loathsom and abominable then the croaking Toad or most venomous Serpent but This Blood was shed to make me pretious before thee which I durst not have thought but that I hear thee say since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee And oh how truely mayst thou call us a dear e precious people who are bought with that Blood a drop of which is of worth to purchase Heaven and Earth I owe the suffering of the penalty due for breaking thy Law violating thy Covenant and wronging thy Justice But was not this Blood shed for our good and in our stead hath not our surety made full satisfaction undergone the curse of our sins born them all in his own Body upon the tree endur'd as much as they deserved as thy Justice demanded was he not once offered up to bear the sins of many became he not subject to the Law for us 〈◊〉 our nature and representatively in our stead setting us right with reconciling us again to thee hath he not made satisfaction for the injury we had done thee as our Judge and performed that service we owed thee as our Maker Is not ●he Creditor satisfied when the debt is ●aid will thy Justice suffer thee to de●and the same debt twice of the surety ●nd debtor is not thy wrath appeased ●ith him made so miserable a spectable 〈◊〉 dear unto thee is not the least drachm ●f this Blood of God of greater value then Sea of mine of value to ransom as ●any worlds of men as men in this a ●ufficient satisfaction for all my sins an ●ll-sufficient price for my redemption ●eing justified freely by his Grace through ●he Redemption that is in Jesus Christ ●hom God hath set forth to be apropitia●●on through Faith in his blood to declare ●●is righteousness for the remission of sins ●hat are past through the forbearance of God to declare I say his righteousness ●hat he might be just and the justifier of ●im that believeth in Jesus If we confess ●ur sins he is faithful and just to forgive ●●s our sins and to cleanse us from all un●●gh teousness I am guilty of many hainous sins a●ainst love and light mercies and Judg●ents my own conscience and the ●●ght of nature and without shedding of ●ood is no remission But here is that which procures it for and seals the promise of it to us to the praise of the glory of thy grace thou hast made us accepted in the Beloved once in the end of the world he hath appeared to put away sin by the Sacrifice of himself in whom we have Redemption through his Blood even the forgiveness of sins Thy word assures it to all that take him for their Saviour which I find my self by thy grace enabled and thou hast bound thy w●●● with thy oath and to both added thy Sacraments as seals this threefold cord cannot be broken At the day of Judgment thou wilt own thy hand and seal an● solemnly acquit me whom thou no● pardonest by thy deed of gift the Gospel there is no condemnation to them that a● in Christ Jesus I am naturally and by evil works at 〈◊〉 distance from at enmity with thee an 〈◊〉 my unto thee But God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself h●● Blood was given to make an Atoneme●● for our souls thy wrath is turned from 〈◊〉 thou art become propitious to believer Christ our Passeover is Sacrificed for us the propitiation Propitiatory Sacrifice● ●or our sins that thou mightest pass over ●nd look upon us with a pleasing aspect ●●e satisfied for sin and pacified to sinners ●n expiated and thou appeased and we 〈◊〉 well ingratiated brought into favour ●f enemies made friends as pardoned ●aving made up the breach and made ●eace through the blood
him who hath saved us and called us with an Holy Calling quickened us who were dead in trespasses and sins opened our Eyes bowed our Wills spiritualiz'd our Affections changed us from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that we might receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by Faith in Jesus Christ To him who forgives our iniquities covers our sins justifies the ungodly healeth all our diseases imputeth not our trespasses but his Righteousness unto us redeemeth our life from death and destruction crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies To him who hath adopted us and looks upon us and provides for us and deals with us as Sons Heirs of God and Coheirs with Christ Fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God To him who hath not lately begun or will suddenly cease is neither inconstant or mutable in his Affections but from everlasting continues and will to eternity persevere immutable in his intentions to do us good that hath delivered doth deliver and will deliver and never leave us nor forsake us To him whom no ingratitude undutifull carriage or disobedience of ours could one minute wholly remove or divert from his steady purpose of caring for us who regards us though we do not attend to him procures our welfare though we neglect his concerns imploys his restless thoughts extends his watchful eye exerts his powerfull arm is always mindfull and busie to do us good watches over us when we sleep remembers us when we forget our selves in whom t is infinite condescension to think of us placed so far beneath his thoughts to value us dust and dirt and inconsiderable nothings not to despise and hate us so really despicable and unworthy To him that is as merciful and gracious as liberal and munificent that not only bestows on us more gifts but pardons us more debts then we live minutes that with infinite patience endures not only our manifold infirmities imperfections but our petulant follies and obstinate perverseness careless neglects wilful miscarriages trecherous infidelities who puts up the exceeding many outrageous affronts injuries and contumelies continually offered to his supreme Majesty by us base worms whom he hath always under his feet and can crush to nothing at his pleasure To him that hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God his Father a note the Angels cannot sing who have many strains of praise we are unacquainted with To him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of his Glory with exceeding great joy To him that vouchsafes us hearts and abilities to wait upon free access unto a constant intercourse and familiar acquaintance with himself to esteem and style us his friends and children to invite us frequently and entertain us so kindly with these incomparable delightful delicacies of spiritual repast with an affection as great as our fare is costly yea to invite us often at our home and if we admit to abide and dwell with us indulging us the enjoyment of that presence wherein the life of all joy and happiness consists and to behold the light of his all-chearing countenance To him who giveth freely and upbraideth no man with former unkindnesses and neglects of his love we are heartily ashamed of who calls us neither very frequently nor over strictly to account who exacts of us no impossibity no difficult burthen or costly return being satisfied with the chearful acceptance of his favours the hearty acknowledgments of his goodness the sincere performance of such duties to which our own welfare comfort advantage rightly apprehended would otherwise abundantly dispose us To him whose Benefits to acknow●edge is the greatest Benefit of all to be ●nabled to thank him who deserves our ●●eatest thanks to be sensible of whose ●eneficence to meditate on whose good●ess to admire whose excellencies to ●elebrate whose praise is Heaven it self ●he life of Angels the quintessence of Joy ●he supreme pitch of Beatitude To him ●hose benefits are immensely great innu●●●●ably many inexpressibly good and ●●recious be Glory Majesty and Dominion ●●w and for ever And oh thou the blessed Fountain of all ●ercy and goodness Inspire our hearts ●ith thy Heavenly Grace and thereby in●ble us rightly to apprehend diligently to ●onsider faithfully to remmeber worthily 〈◊〉 esteem to be thankfully affected with 〈◊〉 render all due acknowledgment praise ●●ve and thankful obedience for this and 〈◊〉 thy great and manifold favours and ●●nefits confer'd upon us And blessed 〈◊〉 the Lord God of Israel from everlast●●g to everlasting and blessed be his Glo●●ous name for ever and let the whole ●arth be filled with his Glory and let all 〈◊〉 People say Amen Going Home O How great a Lord hath my Soul entertain'd How glorious a guest do●● thou now harbour How pleasant a Companion how faithful a Friend hast tho● now taken in How dear a Husband do●● thou now enjoy Oh the inestimable benefits receiv'd in these high and holy Misteries what am I O Lord or what is i● me that thou shouldest do this great honour and Glory unto me and reveal 〈◊〉 thy heart and love which is secret unto others he might have prepared torment but behold priviledges for me I am unworthy to touch the threshold of th● house and thou hast taken me to th● Table not worthy to stand among th● servants and thou hast made me sit wit● my Saviour not worthy to fall dow● before thy foot-stool and thou hast smil● upon come in to me and made my hea●● thy Throne while others eat the brea● of violence and drink the wine of decei● what am I that I should eat the body an● drink the blood of thy own Son I a● not worthy to eat the bread of men an● thou hast given me the bread of Angels What they admire I have receiv'd whom they adore I have entertain'd their mirror is my meat Christ and they are two I and my Saviour are one oh unspeakable mystery oh incomparable mercy This is he who came from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah whom we have seen glorious in his apparel travelling in the greatness of his strength returning in triumph from the slaughter and conquest of all his and our enemies mighty to save us from our sins that were mighty to condemn And he hath on his vesture the title is conspicuous and on his thigh the place of strength King of Kings and Lord of Lords Wherefore art thou red in thy apparel and thy garments like him that treadeth the wine fat I have trodden the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of God and of the people there was none with me I have discomfited my peoples enemies and trodden them down like grapes in a wine-press their blood is sprinkled upon my garments and I have stain'd all my garments Oh I beheld his blood streaming down through the
entertain Thee love Thee remember Thee serve Thee express my gratitude towards Thee and that I have so often offended Thee Now I know thou lovest me seeing thou hast not with-held thy Son thine onely Son from me By his Merits and bloody Sacrifice I hope to be received into the Communion of his Sufferings here and hereafter into the Communion of his Glorie THis is the Sacrifice the Righteousness in which I trust and by which I am justified and saved from the Curse of Thy violated Law As Thou hast accepted it O Father for the World upon the Cross behold it still on the behalf of Sinners and hear his Blood that cries unto Thee for mercie to the miserable and for his sake pardon us and accept us 〈◊〉 thy reconciled Children This was my doing It was I ●nd such other Sinners that deserv'd to bear the punishment who were guilty of the Sin And can a Murderer of Christ be a small Offender Shall I ever have a dull a lifeless apprehension of Thy Love or a favourable thought of Sin more O that I may sufficiently detest and never more commit those Offences that delivered my Redeemer to Death that pierced my Saviours Hand● and side that Crowned his Head with Thorns and filled his Sou● with Grief O Thou who in thine anger revenged our Sins upon thy Son in thy merce correct and destroy them also in me And besto● upon me such a measure of th● Spirit through which He offere● Himself without Spot unto Thee as may sanctifie for ever the Bod● and Soul which now I offer u● unto Thee and help me to discharge the Service I promise unto Thee O Blessed Lord Jesus who hast ordained this mystery for a communion of thy Body for a means of advancement and proficiency in Holiness and for an infallible Pledge of eternal Salvation which Thou hast purchased by thy Sufferings and preparest Thy people for by Thy Grace make this Ordinance of a true sign an effectual means of the same that it may be efficatious to settle me in the communion of Thy Sufferings which it sheweth forth to feed me with that living Bread which it presents and to sanctifie me for that eternal happiness which it promises and secures Take the Cup from the Minister as from Christ saying This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for Thee for the remission of Thy Sins O The depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable is his Goodness and his Love past finding out How hast Thou surpassed all Humane Apprehensions What a matchless Gift is this and unto what unworthy Sinners Will God stoop so low to Man And come so near him and thus reconcile his provoking Enemy Will He freely pardon all I have done and take me into His Family and Love and feed me with the Flesh and Blood of his Son Such a guilty Soul might expect the destroying Angel that Thou wouldst have charg'd upon me all my Sin and Folly But while I condemned my self Thou hast justified me and given me the Seal of my Pardon in the blood of Thy gracious Covenant and surprised me with the surest Tokens and Pledges the sweetest Embracements of Thy Love O The unmerited the distinguishing goodness of the great and holy God of Heaven and Earth in making me a reasonable Creature his Servant his Son In providing so plentifully for my Body and my Soul temporal and spiritual bread to eat and Rayment to put on In giving me a heart in any measure to discharge my Duty unto Thee whilst others are neglecting Thee or expressing their enmity against Thee Innumerable are thy Creatures that cannot take notice of thy Benefits Yea how great a part of mankind made at first after thine Image live and die in Darkness and perish for want of Vision That cannot or will not enjoy these happy Opportunities are unavoidably kept from them or wilfully sinfully separate and exclude themselves How few of those that draw near to Thee sincerely wait upon Thee faithfully serve Thee are graciously accepted by Thee With what an unvaluable price hast Thou Redeemed a worthless Sinner that deserved Thy everlasting Vengeance with how precious a Feast entertainest Thou me that deserves to be cast out with the Workers of Iniquitie into the ever-flaming Pit in that I have been so careless of serving Thee so wilfully offended Thee so often preferred things displeasing unto Thee before Thee and provoked Thee to call back thy goodness and mercie from me HOw dearly hast Thou purchas'd my Love How strangely hast Thou deserved and sought it O what shall I say unto Thee or do or suffer for thee which way shall I express my gratitude towards thee O what an addition an answerable Heart would be to thy Love and Mercie and Invitation Make O make such deep and lasting Impressions upon my Soul of Thy care and kindness and condescention towards me that I may alwaies affectionatelie remember Thee faithfully serve Thee never offend Thee eternally enjoy Thee O That I could love thee as much as I should as I would as I shall love Thee when I shall do nothing else but praise Thee and serve Thee and love Thee without ever offending Thee or doubting of thy Love unto me In the mean time O that it may be the delight of my Soul to think of Thee and thy loving-kindness to reverence and worship Thee to pray unto Thee and praise Thee to wait upon Thee in Thine Ordinances at Thy Table to be ordered and guided by Thee I Offer up unto Thee my Soul and Body all I am and have to he ruled and disposed of by thee O that I may be full of zeal to follow Thee and rejoyce in being loved of Thee and humbly confide in Thee and absolutely resign my self unto Thee and be filled with constant devotion towards Thee and earnest breathings after Thee O Father of everlasting compassion forsake not in this Wilderness a feeble Israelite whom Thou hast brought thus far out of Egypt and let not the Soul Thou hast blessed with some desires and helped thus far with some tendency towards eternal happiness ever faint or fall from the right way O Son of God and Life of those that believe quench not but cherish and inflame the smoaking Flax break not but support and strengthen the bruised Reed Feed with thy Divine Influences this tender Branch this weak Member of Thine which without thee cannot but wither cannot but die cannot but perish Despise not the slender beginnings of Grace in me but carry it on with power until Thou hast made me meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Life Blessed Spirit of all Grace cleanse me from all my Sins keep and set forward in me notwithstanding all my Infirmities Thine own Work and carry it on unto Perfection Seal up unto me the Covenant of Pardon which is sealed and delivered to me in this Ordinance FIll our Hearts most gracious God with
powder For my going aside from thee and defiling my self the wine that comforts and makes worthy Receivers fruitful in grace may be unto me as the water of Jealousie bitter within my bowels causing my belly to swell and my thigh to rot nd I may be a curse among the people His blood might be lay'd to my charge for my condemnation sealing up all my other fins instead of being sprinkled upon my Conscience to humble me for and cleanse me from all sin Behold I am vile viler then the earth but look upon me in thy Son and thou wilt love me and be well pleased with me mine only hope is in that grace and mercy made known in and thorow him I have broken thy commands but he hath fulfil'd them affronted thy Justice but he hath satisfied it deserved thy wrath but he hath endur'd it the chastisement of my peace was upon him let the merit of his righteousness be upon me and by his stripes let me be healed His Blood is my onely refuge oh let it be my Attonement or I perish eternally Wherefore didst thou shed it but to save sinners Remember not what I have done against thee but what he hath done and suffered for me Oh when I consider thy greatness and my unworthiness thy purity and my uncleanness thy glorie and my shame I am confounded and discouraged but when I consider thy mercy and wisdom bountie and goodness readiness to forgive and desire to impart thy self unto thy servants then I am encouraged to come with boldness unto thee Thou never despis'd him that call'd upon thee or forsook any that abode in thy fear It was never known that any who trusted in thee were ever confounded Oh respect not the greatness of my offences but of thy goodness though I have so often broken my part of that Covenant the Sacrament Seals yet be thou pleased to make good thine to be merciful to my unrighteousness and to remember my sins my iniquities no more Thou knowest how intolerable a thing it is to lie under thy wrath to all eternitie and therefore lovest to do miracles of mercie because thou lovest not that a sinner should perish Have mercie upon me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me throughly from mine iniquities and cleanse me from all my defilements with the merit and virtue of that Blood which thou hast so abundantly shed for penitent sinners that I may with an undefiled soul eat of the purest sacrifice the Lamb slain from the beginning so I shall have no spot in me for which thou wilt judge me at thy Table or condemn me at thy Tribunal Being in Christ reconciled unto me oh give further evidences of thy fatherly affection by bestowing a double portion of thy grace upon me now thou callest me to this Ordinance and who is sufficient for these things I have neither a meet Sacrifice to offer nor a meet vessel to receive thee I know not what to say or do how to pray or receive prepare or behave my self not sufficient of my self to think any thing as of my self but my sufficiency is of thee the preparation of the heart and answer of the tongue is from thee the God the promiser the Giver of grace as well as glory that invites all to come unto thee with assurance of finding with and receiving from thee whatsoever is requisite for their refreshment support and comfort ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk without monie and without price Thou preparest a table for us in this wilderness where we eat of thy own Bread and drink of thy own Cup omittest no expression of tender love to treat us as a most indulgent Father But shall the time of receiving come before thou come into my soul to stir up thy graces in me Ganst thou that so loved me who was of no worth while yet in my sins as to die for me neglect me in thee shall I whose only hope is to be saved by Christ be sent away with the guilt instead of the comfort of his Blood Oh of his fulness let me receive and grace for grace let thy Spirit help mine infirmities thy grace be sufficient for me thy strength be made perfect more eminently manifest in weakness Array me with the righteousness of the Saints put upon me the Lord Jesus let me be found having on the Wedding-garment at the Wedding-supper such a preparation of Soul as may qualifie me for it such a degree of reverence and humility saving knowledge godly sorrow renewed repentance new obedience lively faith unfeigned love joy and thankefulness holy desires self-denial sutable solemn heavenly meditations as becomes a worthy Communicant Oh thou true food of my Soul receive me who am to receive thee quicken me with thy Spirit feed me with thy Flesh satisfie me with thy Blood vouchsafe me thy Grace communicate to me thy Nature let me receive life from thee to act and live unto thee who measurest not thy gifts by our petitions or desertss but our wants and thy own mercy Earnest Supplication for Requisite Qualifications TO go to that Ordinance which requires all imaginable liveliness and activity with dull and cloudy affections will be my sin and an aggravation of it if through want of diligent endeavour to get my Soul affected and inflam'd by stirring up the graces of God in me and whither shall I go for this but unto thee the author and finisher of them how shall I do it but by thee Oh do it for me Holy Reveronce and Humility Affect my heart with an awful reverence and selfbasement upon my so near approach unto thee in this solemn Ordinance towards the greatness of thy Majestie with whom I there come to renew my Covenant towards the excellencie of thy Son whom I come to receive into my Soul towards the holiness of thy Spirit whose assiance I hope for and by whom I come there to be establisht in my Union and Communion with Christ and his Members Oh how durst I who am nothing but folly and infirmitie misery and sin shame and death presume to come so nigh for behold the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee unless thou hadst invited and commanded it If so much Sanctity Reverence and Devotion was requisite as to the Ark the Temple the receiving thy Law Oh how shall I behave my self now I go to receive thy very self or Communicate with thee that deserves not to come before thee Oh how Humble should I be who am to receive a gift of Free Grace Was he Humble that was all Purity and shall I be proud who am so defiled The high and lofty One dwells not in a haughty heart but with him that is of a contrite humble spirit not will he that humbled himself to the death be taken into a proud Soul Oh that I
my Duty walked unanswerable to those multiplied obligations laid upon me broken all thy holy Commandments by many and great transgressions made and judged my self unworthy of everlasting life * Here mention your particular failings so that nothing might remain unto me but a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation to devour me But thou delightest in mercy and not in the death of a sinner art not willing any should perish but that all should come to repentance Oh take not counsel of thy just indignation but of thy native goodness thy satisfi'd justice Wilt thou destroy him that presents himself to be punished and thy Son to have satisfied that desires not to live unless it be by the benefit of thy mercy and his sufferings Wilt thou not spare me for thy Son who sparedst not thy Son for me Is there not enough in his Merits and Sacrifice to expiate all my sins and to justifie my person in thy sight O suffer not thy self to be deprived of the glory of my forgiveness and salvation as well as of my creation and redemption Save me whom thou hast hitherto spared and forgive me eternal death which I have so often merited by my great offences Bury them all in the bottomless Ocean of thy own Mercy and forgetfulness and my Saviours Blood lay them upon him who is able to bear them and cloath me with his righteousness that is able to cover me Oh free me from the guilt and stain the power and penalty the reign and dominion of sin that nothing may separate me from thy love nor from the sensible discoveries of it at thy Table That I may be a meet and worthy Receiver accept me into thy favour let thy mercy pardon my sins thy grace sanctifie my soul thy goodness supply my wants thy merits inrich my poverty thy precious blood wash away all my spots thy Holy Spirit prepare and direct and assist me Take away my filthy garments my spiritual filthiness and cloath me with the best robe the Lord our righteousness Oh think me worthy for his sake and make me worthy for thy mercy-sake Deal not with me according to my deserts but thy great goodness and my great necessity Let me so remember my sins that thou mayest forget them set them so before my face that thou mayest cast them behind thy back Give me such a lively steadfast Faith in Christ for forgiveness that thou mayest seal it up unto my soul Let me love him and all his members with a pure heart fervently at thy holy Communion and ever after without dissimulation So enlarge my Soul with spiritual affections and desires that it may even break for the longings it hath unto that Ordinance and unto thy Testimonies at all times Remove far from me all blindness of mind hardness of heart unrelenting affections deadness and indisposedness earthliness and distraction irreverence unbecoming apprehensions whatsoever may hinder the blessing and efficacy of that soul-nourishing refreshing Ordinance thy gracious presence my eternal salvation Create in me an understanding heavenly clean heart O God and renew an humble contrite right spirit within me prepared for thee Oh be not as a stranger unto me hide not thy self from me lift up the light of thy countenance upon me Let me feel the comfortable breathings of thy Holie Spirit in my Soul at thy Ordinance sanctifie it to me and me to receive it acceptably with due preparation and apprehensions reverence and humility repentance and faith love and charity joy and thankfulness a deep sense of thy inexpressible love and my own unworthiness And oh that all of us who this day approach thy Table may so eat his flesh which he hath given for the life of the World that we may live for ever and so drink his blood that it may be to us for remission of sins Meet us not in our selves in thy justice as a consuming fire but a reconciled Father in thy righteous and beloved Son whom thou gavest who gave himself for us when we were thy enemies Let us depart thence more under the power of thy love and grace and under greater resolutions and abilities to do thee faithful service all our dayes through Jesus Christ our Sacrifice and Redemption Hope and Confidence Surety and Advocate the Food and Health the Life and Salvation of our Souls who hath taught us when we pray to say Our Father c. As soon as ever the Sermon is ended look towards the Lords Table and say within your selves THis Sacrament I am going to is a standing Memorial of my Saviour's Passion wherein he once offered up Himself to God and a Sign of that nourishing and strengthning Grace which he now offers to me under the notion of Food It is the true meanes and instrument of conveying on me those Blessings and signifies that which by its proper Institution it represents In the making and ordering of those Elements see consider O my Soul the heavy Blows and Bruises the Pressures Piercings Pains and Sufferings of thy Saviour from his Father and wicked men The malice and violence of his Murderers crucified Him as a Malefactor and the fierie wrath of God made him a Burnt Sacrifice and under both these Sufferings He is become to me Meat indeed and Drink indeed the stay and support the comfort refreshment and life of my Soul nourishing and preserving it to eternal life That Bread and Wine could never sustain and nourish me if the one had not fallen into the Earth under the Sickle the Flail the Mill-stone and the Fire the other under the Hook and the Press of the Husbandman nothing less then the Cross the Wounds the Death of my Lord my God of his dearest Son made me a Saviour and by this Sacrament assures me I shall be kept up and fed with a supplie of all necessarie Blessings as certainlie as he gives me to taste that Bread and Wine the ordinarie meanes for preserving my life and strength Whilest we condemned Creatures were passing on to our Execution the Son of God looked upon us and took our Condemnation upon Himself and under it died in our stead Thus by the death and satisfaction of this Sacrifice Justice gave way to my Release God the Father forgave my Sin and God the Son procured my Life Then fall upon your Knees with all imaginable Reverence and say LEt the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer Most gracious God who of thy great goodness hast ordained this Ordinance for a continual Remembrance of● hat ever prevailing Sacrifice which thy infinite Wisdom and Love hast appointed and accepted upon the Cross for us vile helpless wretched Sinners make us truely sensible of all our offences against thee and of his Love and Sufferings for us and accept us in Him to the Praise of thy Grace Rebuke all unseasonable thoughts and imaginations stir up and act in us