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A78090 The gospels glory, without prejudice to the law, shining forth in the glory of God [brace] the Father, the Sonne, the Holy Ghost, for the salvation of sinners, who through grace do believe according to the draught of the apostle Paul in Rom. 8.ver. 3.4. Held out to publick view. / By the ministerial labours of Richard Byfield, M.A. Pastor in Long-Ditton; and teaching on Thursedayes weekly in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey. Byfield, Richard, 1598?-1664. 1659 (1659) Wing B6390; Thomason E1864_1; ESTC R210230 171,900 401

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the first is justified by faith freely of free-grace through the righteousnesse and redemption which i● in Jesus Christ and in his blood this is most true the great truth of the Gospel and it is of the same Gospel-truth that the ●ust the justified sinner now made just and righteous by faith and whose heart God hath purified and sanctified by faith the just shall live by his faith for the righteousnesse ●phes 1 6 2. 8 9. whereby he stands righteous i● revealed from faith to faith and not first to faith and then afterwards to works and he is still by free-grace accepted in Christ the beloved and is what ever he is by the free-grace of God We are saved by grace through faith and that is not of our selves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast Salvation is by faith that it might be of grace were it of works it were no more of grace Will any say grace is not grace Why sayest thou I but I can do nothing I have done nothing I still sinne after forgivenesse I have upon me a very necessity oh my dayly sinnes and debts what will become of me for my sinnes since God hath graciously visited and called me Do we not see the Answer live by faith upon free-grace and upon the redemption which is in Christ as thou didst at first when thou wast nothing but sinne God hath begun thy salvation by faith and he will never turn thee over to the Law again to be perfected by it Wilt thou begin in the Spirit and then go to be made perfect by the flesh Fourthly That all that is required of us even repentance faith and uprightnesse as well as perseverance is promised given undertaken for and wrought by God the Father and by Jesus Christ the Sonne of the Father and by the Holy Ghost the Spirit of the Father and of the Sonne Why sayest thou despondingly I cannot repent I cannot believe I have a deceitful heart I cannot be rid of hypocrisie vain-glory and secret self-confidence art thou sensible of these condemn them judge thy self for them and go to him as a child to a father through Christ by the Spirit according to his Word for power to repent believe and to walk uprightly Owning thy disability look to him who whiles and in the bidding exhorting and promising giveth and worketh what he commands Say Turn thou me and I shall be turned Lord I desire to believe help thou mine unbelief accomplish in me all the good pleasure of thy goodnesse and the work of faith with power Take out of me the heart of stone and give me an heart of flesh give me a new heart and a new spirit and put thy holy Spirit into me which shall cause me to walk in thy Statutes and to do them Lift up thy drooping soul and say Let him command what he will who gives what he Commands and gives by commanding Fifthly That free-grace is the ground of all and abounds through all and reignes above all to eternal life Why sayest thou as one discouraged The sense of my sinne and guilt abounds how then can I have comfort In thy self thou canst not loath thy self upon the account of thine own righteousnesse thou canst not but in God in Christ upon the account of his free-grace thou mayest and mayest the more for all the mercy of this Covenant of loving kindnesse peace and salvation was and is for sinners guilty sinners chief sinners that were under sinne and death in their power and for no other that where sinne abounds grace might super-abound and was and is from free-grace above and against desert Sixthly That Jesus Christ is the second Adam and the Covenant is within and in him with us Why sayest thou How can it be that Christs righteousnesse should be mine how can any be perswaded of this Why sayest thou not How can the Rom. 5 12 and forwards to the end of the Chapter first Adam involve me in sinne and death is not the answer clear and full He is the first Adam and is not the answer as clear and full Jesus Christ is the second Ad●m this he is to all who are in him thou findest the first Adam's disobedience hath made thee sinful and brought in death upon thee place thy self under the Word of faith receive what God there testifieth to be true and why not for God is true and thou shalt feele that the obedience of Christ will make thee righteous the f●ee-gift will come upon thee unto justification of life In this thing Adam was a f●gure of him that was to come even or the Lord Jesus Christ the second Adam SECT 4. In the third place Mark well The sinnes 3. Falls and backslidings though repeated shall not condemne the spiritual walker of those that walk after the Spirit shall not hinder the benefit of Christs salvation from them no not their falls in their walk not their back-slidings nor their relapses into the same iniquity again The Apostle boldly affirms there is ro condemnation to them t●ey are in Christ and to them that are in Christ there is no con●emnation They that are in Christ have the benefit of all the salvation which is in him salvation is full where there is no condemnation They sinne but Christ is their Advocate with the Father 1 Joh. 2. 1. Jer. 31. 18 19 20. Christ is their prop●t●at●on They bemoan themselves for their untractable hearts God owns them for children dear by Adoption in Christ Jesus he spares and pities with fatherly yearning bowels as Ps 103. 13 14. Their falls was said before And as for their falls their falls are with rising again with as it were another conversion with a new setting in joynt again They grow better by their falls as did David and Peter not that it is ere the better that they fall or that they are better than those that hold on their way and walk in uprightnesse without falls but thus they are better than they were before they fell they recover the fall and walk on with the more self-denial watchfulnesse holy jealousie speedy stedfastnesse and redoubled zeal and power they were over-taken in a fault and they run the faster tread the streighter and surer They did the Lord dishonour and disservice they now mind the more his honour and some higher service if none fall in their way they will make famous to his honour their own shame owned in repentings but nevet more come near the very appearance of commission or perpetration of such sin by their good will Their falls therefore shall not hinder their salvation No nor their back-s●idings I distinguish Their back-slidings them thus A fall into some particular sinne A back-sliding is a departing from the faith or from the holy way back-sliding is of the nature of Apostasie in doctrine or practice there is a new Religion and another frame of conversation in back-sliding As Apostasie is
the saved may have no other grounds in themselves to look for mercy but their doings and ways abominable and loathsome and they might be loathing and abhorring themselves as they look to receive mercy that it might be for ever known and acknowledged by them that God doth all not for their righteousnesse but for his own names sake Mark there also how God layeth down this as the reason and ground of making Covenant with any taking them to be his people and promising to be their God For I will saith God be merciful to their transgressions and I will Heb. 8. 9 12. remember their sinnes no more Likewise this is evident from the manner of disposing the heart of the federate of him whom God receiveth into Covenant he is brought to this frame even to smiting on his breast standing aloof off not lifting up so much as his eyes to heaven in sense of unworthinesse and conscience of guilt and filth and to say God be merciful to me a sinner To be ashamed Luk. 18. 13 14. Ezek. 16. 62 63. M●t. 11. 28 1 Joh. 1. 7 9. and confounded and never open his mouth any more because of his shame when God is pacified towards him for all that he hath done So also the promises made to confession of sinnes the invitations of the Gospel to the sinneburdened and sick with sin The prayers and arguments used in prayer by Gods people such as this for thy names sake O Lord pardon mine iniquity Psa 25. 11. for it is great This were strange Logick a strange art of reasoning but that this is all that in us doth move God to pardon even that which deserveth damnation our sinnes our sinfulnesse and this is that only thing besides his own bowels of tender compassions which causeth him to will our salvation and to will the giving of a Saviour and to will the appointing of all means and effectual workings in and by those means useful to salvation Our lost estate by sin moved Christ to come to seek and save and moved God the Father to send him to seek and save Mark the arguings of the godly the bottome on which they fasten their foot when they sue for justification and cry for mercy Enter not into judgement for no flesh Psa 142. 2 Psa 130. 1 2 3. Jer. 14. 7. living can be justified in thy sight And out of the depths of the guilt and filth of sinne have I cried unto thee c. And Do thou it though our iniquities testifie against us for we have sinned against thee for our back-slidings are many So runs the Gospels summe This is a faithful saying and worthy of all 1 Tim. 1. 15. acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners And the subjects of the grace of the Gospel Publicans Sinners Harlots A Manasseh A Mary Magdalene 6. The pattern of gospel-Gospel-mercy Saul 1 Tim. 1. 16. with ver 12. 13. Phil. 3. 4 5 6. made a Paul Saul the pattern in what he was before conversion obtaining mercy a Persecutor a Blasphemer injurious full of Pharisaical confidence of his own righteousnesse which held his eyes blind-fold ignorant of Christ and his heart malignant to all that was of Christ and so the chief of sinners this Saul obtained mercy for a pattern these were his meritorious works his previous dispositions his free-will power to the obtaining of saving mercy the pattern in the grace abounding in his conversion the grace of 1 Tim. 1. 14. faith and love which is in Christ Jesus that is which is truly Christian the pattern in the work upon him remaining after Gal. 2. 19 20 21. Phil. 3. 5. 6 7 8. 1 Tim. 1. 15 Rom. 7. 7. to the end of the ch conversion the pattern of mercy to all sinners that shall afterwards believe in Jesus Christ to eternal life in all these through the conflicts they shall sustain in their spiritual warfare SECT 3. Be informed and directed hence in four Rom. 8. 2. The use 1. To inform us things 1. In the right use of the Law in respect of life and justification which is this first that righteousnesse cannot be had by the Law but the curse and therefore secondly Gal. 3. 10. Rom. 7. 13 look upon it that sinne may be known that sinne may become to thee exceeding sinful when thou findest that it worketh death in thee even that Law kills thee which is good holy just and spiritual thirdly make use of it to conclude Gal. 3. 23. Gal. 3. 24. Phil. 3. 8 7 9. thee under sinne and shut thee unto faith in Christ and fourthly that thou mayest be schooled unto Christ fifthly that thou mayest renounce thine own righteousnesse which is by the Law as losse and dung as offalls and dogs-meat that thou mayest winne Christ and be found in him who is true food riches and the best gain sixthly that by the body of Christ Jesus crucified for sinners thou mayest be delivered from the Law of thy first husband legally inasmuch as he is dead even Rom. 7. 4. the Law as it is a Covenant that so tho● mayest be free to be married unto another even to the Lord Jesus Christ risen from the dead that thou mayest bring forth fruit unto God and no more bring forth fruit unto thy self dead fruit that hath self-ability for the principle and spring and self-glorying for the end which must needs make the best of works done after the holy Law to be dead fruit carrion-like stinking and abominable 2. In the right use of the disability thou findest in the Law to help and deliver this is by accident Lay the blame altogether upon thy self for there lyeth the cause thereof let thy corrupt nature thy flesh be charged with it that the Law may be magnified and kept honourable in thy esteem and that God the holy Law-giver may be justified and cleared when he therein judgeth thee Say with blessed Rom. 7. 10 14. Paul the Law is holy and the Commandment holy and just and good the Law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin 3. In the right use of the weaknesse and wickednesse of the flesh when thou feelest Phil. 3. 3 4 the same Have no confidence in the flesh in thy natural abilities priviledges performances Place no confidence in them for ever for flesh defiles them and makes to it self-advantage of them Never trust thine own heart any more for Prov. 28. 26. this is the property of the fool that is not wise towards God the more thou feelest the motions of sinne in thy members look out and betake thy self to Christ to free-grace so much the more Is there not a cause hast thou not weakned the holy perfect Law bring out thy sick and weak thy blinde and halt thy deaf and dumb thy leprous and dead bring them out before this Lord Messiah The great miracles he wrought in the perfect powerful present
foundation of the Apostles argumentation this is taken for granted that God of his infinite goodnesse was resolved to save some sinnets out of fallen mankind and to give unto them eternal life Of this the beloved disciple speaketh in 1 Joh. 5. 11. This is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and the reason thereof is nothing in the creature but it is that in them whom he shall save Ephes 1. 6 7. 2. 7. Ephes 3. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 12. Gen. 17. 1. Heb. 6. 18. he might shew forth the glory of his mercy love and grace the glory of his manifold wisdome of his power of his holinesse and justice while his grace doth superabound Rom. 3. 24. and in all the glory of his immutable counsels and decrees which no length of time wickedness and unfaithfulness of man power and policy of Satan cords of death depth of the grave and hell can hinder from taking full effect and accomplishment The summe is this sinne is sinne the Law is the Law God is God the persons to be saved as miserable vile filthy and guilty as any and yet Gods mercy magnified Christs grace exalted the sinner saved and while saved not left carnal but all that is done for him hath its holy and blessed work in him These things premised consider now the six particulars expressed by the Apostle and then you will see here omnimodas salutes all sorts of salvations salvation from sinne the curse of the Law death the grave and the wrath to come salvation of the soul and of the body salvation eternal salvation to the uttermost salvation full and attaining its end CHAP. IV. Containeth the fulnesse of salvation by Jesus Christ expressed by the Apostle in the person who is the first efficient cause he that provides this salvation which is God even God the Father SECT 1. THe first truth the Apostle fixeth us upon 2. By six truths expressed as 1. God is he that provides this salvation expresly demonstrating the fulnesse of salvation for sinners to be had in Jesus Christ is this God is the first mover the primary efficient of the wonderful work of saving a sinner God sent his own Son Here begins the excellency and fulnesse of salvation for sinners through Jesus Christ that it is God that provides it Isa 43. 13. If he work who shall let it what God doth is for ever what God doth is done Eccles 3. 14. indeed his work is perfect nothing can be put to it nor can any thing be taken from it upon this word GOD must we must put our accent it is written with emphasis as the Apostle in ver 33. of this Chapter fastens us upon this thought saying it is GOD that justifieth so here GOD sending his Sonne condemned sinne this then is of high and serious thought What hath this of consideration in it and what conclusions flow from hence dwell awhile on these two 1. What matter of due and high What matter of highest conside●●tion is in this seven fold Ps 83. 18. Rev. 1. 4 8 Exod. 3. 14 consideration is there in this that GOD is the worker here this word GOD carrieth our thoughts 1. To the true God Jehovah the one only God whose name alone is J●hovah the force of which name is delivered thus in the New Testament which is which was which is to come who is I am that I ●m who hath his being of himself and giveth to all things their being who gives a being to all his words which he speaketh and to his gracious promises in their season so that no tittle of 1 King 18. 39. them shall fall to the ground this Jehovah he is the God he is the God All other whom men call God are not God by nature they are but either the creatures or the inventions of their own braines the work of their own hands they are Idols and an Idol is nothing in the world it hath no deity at all and therefore as such 1 Cor. 8. 4 5. it hath no being at all and having no being it can do neither good nor evil it is profitable and good for nothing God Jehovah he who is and none besides him he gives this Saviour and therefore his who are taken into this Covenant of Mal. 3. 6. salvation are not consumed nor can ever perish 2. To God as the Majesty offended as he against whom all our sinnes are who might have glorified in his justice upon the sinner but mercies to forgivenesse and to eternal life do please him Who can of right remit because the wrong is against him against him onely if he acquit and justifie who can lay any thi●g to their charge if he be for the sinner Psal 51. 2. Rom 8. 33 31. who can be against him 3. To God as cloathed with all his Attributes with all his Essential glory In this salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ look upon his Almightinesse or All-sufficiency he cometh forth and saith to his poor cteature the sinner whom Gen. 17. 1. he calleth I am God Almighty I am God All-sufficient to me nothing is hard nothing impossible have me and thou hast enough thou hast all thou needest not go out to any other nor be to seek and at a losse for any thing or in any estate look upon his Infinity or Infinitenesse the Alpha and Omega who hath Phil. 1. 6. begun and will perfect his work Behold his Eternity is he not from everlasting Hab. 1. 12. the Lord their God the●r holy one they shall not dye All the greatest enemies the mighty Lord God hath ordained and established but for the correction of his people Behold his Vnchangeablenesse Heb 6. 17. Numb 23. 19 20. the immutable God is willing here to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his Counsel by interposing himself by an oath he will not repent of this his Word and no conjuration can reverse it hear what he saith I will ransome them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction Repentance shall be hid from Isa 64. 5. mine eyes this unchangablenesse causeth continuance in his saving wayes when his people raise his wrath against them and they ought to say thereupon we shall be Jer. 31. 20. saved this unchangeablenesse shines in the sounding of his bowels towards them repenting and though their provocations are such as would weary and tire out Hos 11. 8 9. any created patience yet he is God and not man the thoughts of giving them up turn his heart within and his immutable counsel makes his repentings to be kindled together so far is repentance from God his gifts and calling are without repentance Rom. 11. 29. Mat. 3. 17. 17. 5. Zeph. 3. 17 Tit. 1. 2. Isa 54. 9 10. Jer. 31. 35 36. Psal 89. 33 34 35. Isa
work sutable to Gods dealing with us he sends his Sonne we are to receive him whom God hath sent and believing is receiving he tells and testifies this unto the world we are to believe his Word and Testimony there is no other work left Christ hath done and suffered all for us believing is the acceptable work it gives glory to God and destroyes boasting utterly this faith doth all the work by faith Christ is revealed conceived formed born lives and dwells in the heart faith makes the sinner mourn pray wait at wisdomes gates confesse Christ contemn and overcome the world deny himself exalt God lay under the creature resist the Divel live holily and heavenly and dye in hope peace and joy faith purifieth the heart worketh by love circumciseth the heart to love God makes to fear the Lord and his goodnesse frames to the life of a pilgrim and stranger on earth and enables to do and suffer and labour and grow vigorous in the midst and strength of all that opposeth like men heaven-born born from above as men heaven-aspiring as bound for and tending to the Countrey above This is the will of God the Father that sent Jesus Christ his Sonne that every one that seeth Joh. 6. 40. Joh. 17. 3. the Sonne and believeth on him should have everlasting life This is Eternal life 2. Meditate Say with thy self Lord what is sinne what is man who art thou sinne it is the mischief that which destroyes the work of Gods own hand and that which ruines the choicest creature which no holy Law can abolish which no sacrifice but that of Gods own Sonne can expiate that which condemns the Sonne of God and can never be condemned in it self and in the heart of the sinner but by such a way and as for man what is he even dust and clay at his first and best raised out of the dust of the earth a very rebellious lump a masse of rebellion a lump of rebellious clay a leprous heap a putrified sore a hateful and hating enmity proud conceited brutish foolish sinful flesh that is not subject to the Law of God nor can be unlesse mortified crucified and created again but as for Thee O Lord God what is this name of Father what is this thy Sonne what is thy Sonnes name Oh that we could tell dost thou make thine own Sonne to be sin and condemn him as a sinner and condemn sin in his flesh is this the manner and Law of thy love to the sonnes of men to sinful man what manner of love is this Now stay make up what is wanting in thy conceiving of these things in admiration in the administration of faith which makes us draw near to God which transforms us into the image of Gods love 3. Fasten thy thoughts know thy self and God in Christ more behold his glory to make thee like him in this his love Take the Gospel glasse and while in the glasse of the Law thou seest thy self to just detestation and shame of face with open face behold the glory of God in his grace in Christ his Sonne crucified in that mitrour view it freely to transform thee into the image of this his love and grace from one degree of glory to another degree of glory Let Gods love work in thee such love to thy own soul first and then such love to the souls of others their salvation dearer to thee then thy own things temporal than thy temporal life A pure love sinne the enemy and the sinner the object of thy love sinnes against thee not hindering thee seeking of their good Love that is in deed and in truth love to die for the brethren love making willing to part with lay down lay out expose to the utmost of sufferings whatever is dearest willing to be counselled appointed and sent no envy no ambition nothing of self The greatest and lowest service proves the greatest love love bearing one anothers infirmities and temptations Behold this love to the espousing of thy soul to Christ for ever and adjure all not to disquiet him who is the love Cant. 2. 7. 3. To convince 3. Suffering the Word of exhortation Consider also how this doctrine is full of conviction It convinceth of the great sinne and misery of all men yea of all Christians that refuse Jesus Christ their refusal is of the onely remedy of a poor guilty sinner it 's the refusal of the Son manifesting the greatest love 't is the refusal of God the Father coming to undone man in a way of salvation as mysterious as salvifical as full of glory as of grace the more exalted in lofty height the more it is matchlesse in lowest condescensions of free grace their refusal is a Prov. 8. 36 degree of hatred of Christ and this hatred of the Sonne is the hatred of the Father they love death they love to be damned they love to go to hell they love that which will bring them thither they passe not for that which would deliver them thence they have not the Word nor the love of the Father abiding Joh. 5. 38 42. 8. 41 42. in them for then they would receive him whom the Father hath sent and all this hath the greater aggravation in that every one so knows his sicknesse and seels his wound that he will go out for some or other and any one that comes in his own name whom God the Father never sent nor sealed him he will receive every one will have his way of Religion but this way of God he will not own 4. This doctrine also giveth ground of 4. To humble deep humiliation even to the godly who do believe yet are guilty of much neglect of three things 1. Of the riches of assurance both of full assurance of understanding to the acknowledging of this mystery of God even Col. 2. 2. of the Father and of Christ and of the full assurance of faith that they might in God all day long and night glory in the Lord Christ alone and rejoyce in him for evermore 2. Of enjoying God in Christ in all other their enjoyments 3. Of the high valuations of Jesus Christ when you hear these reproofs say Is not this a part of that love in Christ to the Elect Vessels of mercy that God condemns my sinne but yet he condemns not me he condemns my sinne that he might save me 5. Lastly This ministers strong consolation to the humbled every one that 5. To comfort desires to be found in Christ that seeks his righteousnesse that owns his own want of all righteousnesse and takes his own sins as the detestable and deadly thing to thee is this Saviour sent for thee did he come into the world to thee doth God come in every step of this way to thee belongs this grace of God bringing salvation Go over the whole of this truth and put in thy self thy name thou art the man or woman for whom God took all
creatures and so are subject to change we should have found so much weaknesse and changeablenesse The holy Angels stand before God through Christ as their Mediator of Confirmation who need no Mediator of Reconciliation and Redemption because they never sinned 9. This raiseth the heart to an exclusive 2 King 7. 34. resolution like the Lepers in the book of the Kings in this manner If we stay in our natural estate we are sure to perish if we come into Christ we can but perish perhaps we may finde favour and grace for there is enough in him yea and it begets in the soul the positive resolution of the Prodigal there is bread enough in my Fathers house and I perish Luk. 15. 15 16 17 18. here and starve with hunger I will arise and go to my father and say father I have sinned 10. Lastly The blessednesse of a sinner consisteth and cannot possibly consist in any Rom. 4. 6 7 8. other thing than in forgivenesse and in a non-imputation of sinne in the merci●ul covering of iniquity for what shall become of him that hath sinned if hi● sinne be charged upon him he must passe under the eternity of the wrath to come which sinne hath justly subjected him unto and then where will be the time and place for blessednesse what can be beyond everlasting if forgivenesse of sinnes be the blessednesse of a sinner then here is nothing in man to move God but this here is a sinner a man undone by his own sin but I will be his God and will be Heb. 8. 10 12. merciful to his transgressions and I will remember his sinnes no more This this is the Covenant by which we sinners can live and stand in the sight of God SECT 2. But wherein may it be made to appear Illustrated six wayes that the weaknesse of the Law made weak through the sinfulnesse of man moved God to give his Son Answ 1. Because this is the main reason why God left the Gentiles to themselves for above two thousand years upholding them neverthelesse in the utmost of natural abilities which are in man since the fall and giving them all the blessings of Creation continued in his Providence with goodnesse and long-suffering that all the world might see man cannot by his wisdome finde out the true God finde out the way of reconciliation and salvation man cannot do ought but wander from God he understands not and will not ask after Christ and then God will say Behold me to them that asked not Isa 65. 1. after him and that shall be verified I Isa 41. 27. Junius in locum 1 Cor. 1. 21. am found of them that sought me not then God giveth Christ the first that saith to Zion behold behold the things which none could tell of he that is the one the only one that bringeth good tydings Paul to the Corinths opens this saying After that in the wisdome of God who wisely disposeth of all things in his providence governing the ages of the world and the generations of men upon the earth the world by wisdome their wisdome of the light of nature with which they came into the world indued of God the Creatour having the book of the creature open before them and time afforded to improve it to the utmost of which wisdome even in the things of God they grew conceited professing themselves to be wise neverthelesse the truth is they by wisdome know not God much lesse could ever so much as dream of Christ It pleased God in his infinite eudoky or good pleasure by the foolishnesse so esteemed by the wise of the world of the preaching of Christ crucified for the Redemption of a sinner to save them that believe 3. The reason why the Jewes were left of God to doat about the establishing of their own righteousnesse to which thing all men by nature stand enclined neither can they by the utmost abilities of reason in man arise higher or seek any thing else that the Jews I say went about Rom. 9. 31 32. this to their cutting off was this that all men being concluded in unbelief from the Reign of which they cannot deliver themselves when the Gospel of Christ is told them never so plainly and all that they will drive that Gospel unto is but this to seek the more to establish thereby their own righteousnesse It might appear that salvation cometh only then unto men when the Lord will of his own free-grace take hence the occasion to have mercy upon them all whether they be Jews or Gentiles and there the Gentiles sooner attained the righteousnesse which is by faith in Christ Jesus than the Jews who had the Scripture which the Gentiles had not and the Jews cannot get over this evil of going about to establish their own righteousnesse and do make to themselves Christ Jesus A stumbling Rom. 11. 3● 33. stone and a Rock of offence to this day nor will it ever be otherwise untill God glorifie the riches and power of his grace to have mercy upon them When Paul that heaven-measuring soul knowing in Gospel-mysteries through the Revelations which Christ gave unto him entred into the discourse of these wayes of God he is rap't in admiration and breaks out thus Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgements and his wayes past finding out 3. This was the reason why the Law was given that the Jews having the Law in a perfect draught from God himself by the glorious ministery of the holy Angels in the hand of a Mediator Moses might Gal. 3. 19. 20 21 22 find that thereby they could not have life given them because they could not get righteousnesse thereby but were all concluded under sinne that so the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe and not to them that would stand by their works by which with the help of the holy Law to the uttermost they could never attain to righteousnesse although they sought it zealously thereby 4. The first proposing of the Gospel to Adam fallen proveth that mans destruction by disobedience was the rise and ground of the exhibiting of the Messiah It was proposed in a threatening to the Tempter when Satan had through subtlety destroyed Gods workmanship and in these words was it first Preached It shall break thine head that is the womans s●ed shall break thine head she that brought in sin upon mankind by thy seducement shall be the instrument to bring forth that man that seed that shall dissolve the Devils works the ruined workmanship of God shall be reared and restored by flesh of the woman by which it was ruined 5. The manner of disposing of the Covenant of grace teacheth this for therein Ezek. 36. 25 31. God promiseth to work all the work even by a new Creation out of worse then nothing against all impossibilities to any created strength that