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A67926 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,159,793 882

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Phil. 3. for great is your reward in heauen For we suffer with him that wee may also be glorified with him who shall chaunge our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working wherby he is able euen to subiect al things vnto him Dearely beloued be of good courage and comfort your soule with the hope of this hye reward and beare the image of Christ in your mortall body Boldnes of spirite that it may at his comming be made like to his immortall and followe the example of all youre other deare breethren which choose to suffer in hope of a better resurrection Keepe your conscience pure and vndefiled and say against that nothing Sticke at necessary things and remember the blasphemies of the enemies of Christ Wo●nde not Conscience Standing ●pon things necessarye saieng they finde none but that wil abiure rather then suffer the extremitie Moreouer the death of them that come againe after they haue once denied though it bee accepted wyth God and all that beleeue yet is it not glorious for the hypocrites say he must needes dye denyeng helpeth not But might it haue holpen they would haue denied fiue hundreth times Death after denying euil spoken of by the aduersaryes but seeing it would not helpe them therefore of pure pride and meere malice together they spake with their mouthes that their conscience knoweth false If you geue your selfe cast your selfe yeeld your selfe commit your selfe wholy and onely to your louing father then shall his power be in you and make you strōg and that so strong that you shall feele no payne which should be to another present death and his spirite shall speake in you and teach you what to aunswere Obedience to God according to his promise He shall set out his truth by you wonderfully and worke for you aboue all that your hart can imagine Yea and you are not yet dead though the hypocrites all To looke for no mans helpe bringeth Gods helpe Con●tancye in standing Patience in suffering with all they can make haue sworne your death Vna salus victis nullam sperare salutem To looke for no mans helpe bringeth the helpe of God to them that seeme to be ouercome in the eyes of the hypocrites Yea it shall make God to carry you through thicke and thinne for his truthes sake in spite of all the enemies of hys truth There falleth not an heare till his houre be come and when his houre is come necessitie carieth vs hence though we be not willing But if we be willing then haue we a reward and thanke Feare not threatening therefore neyther be ouercome of sweet words Bilney with which twayne the hypocrites shall assayle you Neyther let the persuasions of worldly wisedome beare rule in your hart Perseuerāce to the ende no though they be your friends that counsayle you Let Bilney be a warning to you Let not their visure beguile your eyes Let not your body faynt He that endureth to the end shall be saued If the payne be aboue your strength Math. 22. remember Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name I will geue it you And pray to youre father in that name and he shall cease your payne or shorten it The Lord of peace of hope and of fayth be with you Amen William Tyndall TWo haue suffred in Antwerpe In die sanctae Crucis vnto the great glory of the Gospell Two Martirs at Antwerpe Foure Martyrs in Flaūders one at S. Luke Persecution at Roane Fiue Doctors at Paris taken for the Gospel four at Rysels in Flanders and at Luke hath there one at the least suffered and all the same day At Roane in Fraunce they persecute And at Paris are fiue Doctors taken for the Gospell See you are not alone Be cheerefull and remember that among the hard harted in England there is a number reserued by grace for whose sakes if neede be you must be ready to suffer Sir if you may write how short soeuer it be forget it not that we may knowe howe it goeth with you for oure harts ease The Lord be yet againe with you with all his plenteousnes and fill you that you flowe ouer Amen If when you haue read this you may send it to Adrian do I pray you that he may knowe howe that our harte is with you George Ioy at Candlemas being at Barrow printed ij leaues of Genes in a great forme and sent one copy to the King and another to the new Quene with a letter to N. for to deliuer them and to purchase licence that he might so go through all the Bible Out of this is sprong the noise of the new Bible and out of that is the great seeking for English bookes at all printers and bookebinders in Antwerpe and for an English Priest that should print This chaunced the 9. day of May. Sir your wyfe is well content with the will of God and would not for her sake haue the glory of God hindred William Tyndall Another notable and woorthy letter of Maister William Tyndall sent to the sayd Iohn Frith vnder the name of Iacob ¶ The grace of our Sauiour Iesus his pacience meekenesse humblenesse circumspection and wisedome be with your hart Amen DErely beloued brother Iacob mine harts desire in our Sauiour Iesus is An other letter of W. Tindal that you arme your selfe with pacience and bee cold sober wyse and circumspect and that you keepe you alowe by the ground auoiding hie questions that passe the common capacitie But expound the law truly and open the vayle of Moses to condemne all flesh High questions to be auoyded proue all men sinners all deedes vnder the law before mercy haue taken away the cōdemnatiō therof to be sinne and damnable and then as a faythfull minister set abroche the mercy of our Lord Iesus All deedes before they be iustified by faith are sinne Preaching the lawe of God mercy of Christ. Sacraments without significations to be refused and let the wounded cōsciences drinke of the water of him And then shall your preaching be with power not as the doctrine of the hypocrites and the spirite of God shall worke with you and all cōsciēces shall beare record vnto you and feele that it is so And all doctrine that casteth a miste on those two to shadow and hide them I meane the law of God and mercy of Christ that resist you withall your power Sacramentes without signification refuse If they put significations to them receiue them if you see it may helpe though it be not necessary Of the presence of Christes body in the Sacrament meddle as little as you can M. Tindall here beareth with tyme. that there appeare no diuision among vs. Barnes will be whote agaynst you The Saxons be sore on the affirmatiue whether constant or obstinate I omitte it to God Phillip Melancthon is sayd to be with the
Queene Mary and her childe turned out of Latin into Englishe and ineuitable malediction and hast enioyned them that they should conceiue in sinne and beyng conceiued should be subiect to many and grieuous tormentes and finally be deliuered with the danger and ieopardy of their lyfe We beseech thee for thine exceeding great goodnes and bottomlesse mercy to mittigate the straightnes of that law Asswage thine anger for a while and cherish in the bosome of thy fauour and mercye our most gracious Queene Mary beyng now at the poynt of her deliuerance So helpe her that without danger of her lyfe she may ouercome the sorow and in due season bring forth a chyld in body beautifull and comely in mynd noble and valiant So that afterward she forgetting the trouble may with ioy laude prayse the bountifulnesse of thy mercy Anno 1554. Ianuary and together with vs praise and blesse both thee and thy holy name world withouten ende This Oh Lord we desire thee we beseeche thee and most hartily craue of thee Heare vs oh Lord and graunt vs our petition Let not the enemies of thy faith and of thy Church say Where is theyr God ¶ A solemne prayer made for king Phillip and Queene Maries childe that it may be a male chylde welfauoured and wittie c. A deuout prayer made by the Catholickes for Q Mary being great quicke with childe O Most mighty Lord God which regardest the prayer of the humble and despisest not their request bowe downe from thine high habitation of the heauens the eies of thy mercy vnto vs wretched sinners bowing y e knees of our hartes and with many and deepe sighes bewayling oure sinnes offences humbly with eyes intent hands displayed praying beseeching thee with the shield of thy protection to defend Mary thy seruant and our Queene who hath none other helper but thee and whom through thy grace thou hast willed to be conceiued with chyld and at the time of her trauaile graciously with the helpe of thy right hand deliuer her and from all danger with the child in her conceiued mercifully preserue It hath seemed good in thy sight mercifull Father by thy seruaunt Mary to worke these wōders that is to say in her hands to vanquish and ouerthrow the stout enemy to deliuer vs thy people out of the hands of * The Papistes call the Protestantes hereticks and enemies to the crosse of Christ euen as Achab called Elias the disturber of ●sraell when he was onely the disturber himselfe heretikes Infidels enemies to thee and to the crosse of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ that of thy seruaunt thou mightest speake in farre countreys Therefore for these wonderfull workes which thou doest to thy seruaunts thou art magnified Lord God for euer and we thy people blesse thee the God of heauen which hast wrought vpon vs this great mercy and hast excluded from vs the heretike the enemy of truth the persecuter of thy church We know we know that we haue grieuously Lord sinned that we haue bene deceiued by vanitie and that we haue forsaken thee our God Our iniquities be multiplied on our head and our sinnes be increased vp to heauen and we our selues haue offended and our princes our priests for these our sinnes haue deserued an hypocrite to our prince our sinnes haue deserued a Tyrant to our Gouernour that should bryng our lyfe to bitternes We be not worthy to haue so gentle and mercifull a Queene so godly a ruler finally so vertuous a prince at the very beginning of whose raigne a new light as it were of Gods religion seemed to vs for to spring rise Q. Mary compared of the Papistes to Q. Iudith The Iews did blesse y e widow Iudith with one voice saying Thou art the glory of Ierusalem thou art the ioy of Israell thou art the honor of our people for that thou hast loued chastity and thou shalt be blessed for euer And we the English people with one agreeable consent do cry Make how forgetting his prayer he falleth to the praysing of Q Mary Thou Mary art the glory of England our ioy the honour of thy people for that thou hast embraced chastitie thine heart is strengthened for the hand of our Lord hath comforted thee and therfore thou shalt be blessed for euer But bow downe O most mercifull Father thine eare and open thine eyes and behold our affliction and our humble confession Thou knowest Lord that against Phillip not by humane but by thy ordinaunce our king and against thy seruaunt Mary by thy prouidence our Queene the restorers and maintainers of thy Testament of the faith most constāt defenders of thy church thou knowest I say that against these our two gouernors the enimies of thy holy * The Testamēt setteth vp onely the glory of Christ. Testament of the Church thy spouse be most ranke Rebels and spitefull murmurers walking after their lustes whose mouth speaketh wordes of pride to the end they may set vp the kingdome of heretikes schismatikes By the power of their handes they would * If the chaunging of Gods promises destroying his inheritance stopping the mouthes of Gods people if contentions warres and schismes be tokens of heretickes who so great heretickes as the papists be chaunge thy promises and destroy thine inheritaunce and stop and shut vp the mouthes of them y t praise thee and extinguish the glory of thy catholike Church and aultar It is manifest and plaine how many contentiōs how many conspiracies and seditions how great wars what tumults how many how great troublesome vexations how many heresies schismes for these be the most ready deuises and euident tokens of heretickes for our sinnes do hang ouer vs if thy seruant be taken from this life for we acknowledge that our Lord is omnipotent who hath pitched his dwellyng place in the midst of his people to y e intent to deliuer vs out of y e hands of our enemies Turne therfore thy countenance vnto vs shew vnto vs O Lord thy face Punish vs for our sinnes according to thy will pleasure onely now deliuer vs. We bowing the knees of our hart beseech thee that thou wilt not reserue vnto vs punishment for euer we shall prayse thee all the days of our life Heare our cry and the praier of thy people open to them the treasure of thy mercy thy gracious sauour the spring of liuely water Thou that hast begon make in the hand of the seruaunt a perfect worke Suffer not we pray thee the * Cry 〈◊〉 lowder 〈◊〉 Priest● 〈…〉 your God a sleepe The Lord● gaue a 〈◊〉 to S●●ra 〈◊〉 Eli●zabeth so did he no● to Q Ma●● faythlesse rebels to say of thy seruaunt and her Counsellours that they haue deuised matters which they cannot performe And graunt vnto thy seruant an happy and an easie trauail For it is not impossible to thy power nor indecent to thy
of the other Lordes what he had promised You shall commend me sayd he to the Kyng and tell hym By that he hath so well tryed and throughly prooued you as I haue done hee shall finde you as false a man as euer came about hym Syr Rafe Sadler the L. Crōwels trusty frend Besides this he wrote also a letter from the Tower to the kyng whereof when none durst take the cariage vpon him sir Rafe Sadler whom he also had preferred to the kyng before beyng euer trusty faythfull vnto hym went to the king to vnderstand his pleasure whether he would permit him to bring the letter or not Which when y e kyng had graunted the sayd M. Sadler as he was required presented the letter vnto the king which he commaunded thrise to be red vnto him in so much the kyng seemed to be mooued therewith Notwithstanding by reason of the Acte of parliament afore passed the worthy and noble Lorde Cromwell oppressed by his enemies and condemned in the Tower and not comming to his answer the 28. day of Iuly an 1541. was brought to the scaffold on Tower hill where he sayd these words followyng I am come hither to die and not to purge my selfe The L. Cromwel brought 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 as some thinke peraduenture that I will For if I should so do I were a very wretch and a miser I am by the law cōdemned to die and thanke my lord God that hath appointed me this death for myne offence For sithens the tyme y t I haue had yeares of discretion I haue lyued a sinner and offended my Lord God for the which I aske him hartelie forgiuenes And it is not vnknowne to many of you that I haue bene a great traueller in this world being but of a base degree was called to high estate and sithens the tyme I came thereunto I haue offended my Prince for the which I aske him hartily forgiuenes and beseech you all to pray to God with me that he will forgiue me And now I pray you that be here to beare me record I dye in the catholike fayth not doubting in any Article of my faith no nor doubting in any sacrament of the church Manye haue slaundered me and reported that I haue bene a bearer of such as haue mainteined euill opinions which is vntrue But I confesse that like as God by his holy spirit doth instruct vs in the truth so the deuill is ready to seduce vs I haue bene seduced A true Christian confession 〈◊〉 the L. Crom●wel at his death but beare me witnes that I die in the catholike faith of the holy church And I hartily desire you to pray for the kings grace that he may long lyue with you in health and prosperitie and that after him his sonne prince Edward that goodly impe may long raigne ouer you And once again I desire you to pray for me that so long as life remaineth in this flesh I wauer nothing in my faith And so making his prayer kneling on his knees he spake these words the effect whereof here followeth A prayer that the Lord Cromwell sayd at the houre of his death O Lord Iesu which art the onely health of all men liuing The prayer of the L. Cromwel at his death and the euerlasting life of them which die in thee I wretched sinner do submit my selfe wholy vnto thy most blessed will and being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed vnto thy mercy willingly now I leaue this fraile and wicked fleshe in sure hope that thou wilt in better wise restore it to me agayne at the last day in the resurrection of the iust I beseech thee moste merciful lord Iesus Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make strōg my soule against all temptations and defend me with the buckler of thy mercy against all the assaults of the deuill I see and knowledge that there is in my selfe no hope of saluation but all my cōfidence hope and trust is in thy most mercifull goodnesse I haue no merites nor good works which I may alledge before thee Of sinnes and euill workes alas I see a great heape but yet thorough thy mercy I trust to be in the number of them to whome thou wilt not impute their sinnes but wilt take and accept me for righteous and iust and to be the inheritour of euerlasting lyfe Thou mercifull lord wast borne for my sake thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake thou didst teach pray and fast for my sake all thy holy actions and workes thou wroughtest for my sake thou suffredst most grieuous paines and tormentes for my sake finally thou gauest thy most precious body and thy bloud to be shed on the crosse for my sake Nowe most mercifull Sauior let al these things profit me that thou frely hast done for me which hast geuen thy selfe al so for me Let thy bloud cleanse and wash away the spots and foulenes of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide and couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merites of thy passion and bloudsheding be satisfaction for my sinnes Geue me Lord thy grace that the faith of my saluation in thy bloud wauer not in me but may euer be firme and constant That the hope of thy mercy and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that loue waxe not cold in me Finally that the weaknes of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me mercifull Sauiour that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my body yet the eyes of my soule may still behold and looke vpon thee and when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue yet my heart may cry and say vnto thee Lord into thy hands I commend my soule Lord Iesu receaue my spirit Amen And thus his prayer made after he had godly louingly exhorted them that were about him on the scaffold The death of the ● Cromwel he quietly committed his soule into the hands of God and so paciently suffred the stroke of the axe by a ragged and butcherly miser which very vngodly performed the office ¶ Of the Bible in English printed in the large volume and of Edmund Boner preferred to the Bishoprike of London by the meanes of the Lord Cromwell ABout the time and yere when Edmund Boner bishop of Hereford ambassadour resident in Fraunce begā first to be nominate preferred by the meanes of the lord Cromwel to the bishoprike of London The Bibles of the 〈…〉 Paris which was anno 1540. it happened that the said Thomas Lord Cromwell and Erle of Essex procured of y e king of england his gracious letters to the French king to permitte and licence a subiect of his to imprint the Bible in English within the vniuersitie of Paris because paper was there more meete and apt to be had for the doing therof then in the realme of England also that there were more store of good workmen for the readie dispatch of
benefite and grace offred from the apostolick sea vntill the abrogation of such lawes wherby you haue disioined and disseuered your selues from the vnity of Christes Church It remayneth therefore that you like true christians prouident men for the weale of your soules bodyes ponder what is to be done in this so weighty a cause and so to frame your actes and procedings as they may tend first to the glory of God and next to the conseruation of your cōmon wealth surety and quietnes The next day after the 3. Estates assembled agayne in the great chamber of the Court at Westminster where the king and queenes maiesties and the Cardinall being present they did exhibite sitting all on theyr knees a supplication to theyr highnesses the tenor wherof ensueth * The Copy of the supplication and submission exhibited to the king and Queenes maiesties by the Lordes and Commons of the Parliament WE the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commōs of this present parliament assembled The supp●●●catiō ●●●●mission o● the Lo●● and Com●mons to the king 〈◊〉 Queenes maiesties representing the whole body of the realme of England and dominions of the same in our own names particularly and also of the sayd body vniuersally in this supplicatiō directed to your maiestyes with most hūble sute that it may by your gracious intercession and meane be exhibited to the most reuerend father in God the Lord Cardinall Poole Legate sent specially hither from our most holy father Pope Iulius the third and the Sea Apostolick of Rome do declare our selues very sorye and repentaunt for the schisme and disobedience committed in this realme and the dominions of the same against the sayd sea Apostolicke either by making agreing or executing any lawes ordinaunces O great s●●row and deepe repentaunc● or commaundementes agaynst the supremacye of the sayde sea or otherwise doing or speaking that might impugne the same Offring our selues promising by this our supplication that for a token and knowledge of our sayd repentance we be and shal be alway ready vnder and with the authorities of your Maiesties to the vttermost of our power to doe that shal be in vs for the abrogation and repealing of the sayd lawes and ordinaunces in this present parliament as well for our selues as for the whole body whom we represent Whereupon we most humbly beseech your maiesties as persons vndefiled in the offence of his body towardes the sayde Sea which neuerthelesse God by his prouidence hath made subiecte to your maiesties so to set forth this our moste humble sute The Pop● absolutio● cānot 〈◊〉 but by in●tercessio● of kinge Queene The supp●●●cation 〈◊〉 vp by the king and Queene 〈◊〉 the Ca●●●●nall that we may obteine from the sea Apostolicke by the sayd most reuerent father as wel particularly as vniuersally Absolution release and discharge from all daunger of such Censures and sentences as by the lawes of the church we be fallen in and that we may as children repentant be receiued into the bosome vnity of Christes church so as this noble Realme with all the members therof may in vnity and perfect obedience to the Sea Apostolicke and Popes for the time being serue GOD and your Maiesties to the furtheraunce and aduancement of his Honour and Glorye Amen The Supplication being read the king and Queene deliuered the same vnto the Cardinall who perceiuing y e effect thereof to aunswere his expectation did receiue the same most gladly from theyr Maiesties and after he had in fewe wordes geuen thankes to God and declared what great cause he had to reioyce aboue all others that his cōming from Rome into England had takē most happy successe He by the Popes authority did geue them this absolution folowing ¶ An absolution pronounced by Cardinall Poole to the whole Parliament of England in the presence of the King and Queene OUr Lord Iesus Christ which with his most precious bloud hath redemed and washed vs frō all our sinnes and iniquities that he might purchase vnto himselfe a glorious spouse without spot or wrinckle whō the Father hath appoynted head ouer all his church he by his mercy absolue you And we by apostolick authority geuen vnto vs by the most holy lord Pope Iulius the 3. his Uicegerent in earth do absolue deliuer you and euery of you with the whole Realme and the Dominions therof from all Heresy and Schisme and from all and euerye iudgement Censures and paynes for that cause incurred also we do restore you agayn vnto the vnity of our Mother the holy Church as in our Letters more playnely it shall appeare In the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost When all this was done they went into the Chappell and there singing Te Deum with great solemnity declared the ioy and gladnesse that for this reconciliation was pretended The reporte of thys was with great speede sent vnto Rome as well by the king and Cardinals Letters which hereafter folow as also otherwise Wherupō the pope caused there at Rome processions to be made and thankes to be geuē to God with great ioy for the conuersion of England to his Churche and therefore praysing the Cardinals diligence and the deuotion of the king and queen on Christmas euen by his Buls he set forth a generall pardō to all such as did truely reioyce for the same ¶ A copy of king Philips Letter written with his owne hand to Pope Iulius touching the restoring of the Realme of England MOst holy Father I wrote yesterday vnto Don Iohn Maurique Nouember 30. K. Phillips letter to the Pope tran●uted out of Spanish into English that he shoulde declare by worde of mouth or els write to your holynes in what good state the matter of religion stoode in this Realme and of the submission to your holinesse as to the chiefe As this day which is the feast of S. Andrew late in the euening we haue done God that seruice to whose onely goodnesse we must impute it and to your holynes who haue taken so great payne to gayne these soules that this realme with full generall consent of all them that represent the state being very penitēt for that was past and well bent to that they come to doe submitted themselues to youe holynes to that holy Sea whom at the request of the Queene and me your Legate did absolue And forasmuch as the sayd Don Iohn shall signify vnto your holinesse all that passed in this matter I will write no more therof but onely that the Queene I as most faythful deuout children of your holynes haue receiued the greatest ioy and comfort hereof that may be expressed with tong Considering that besides the seruice done to God hereby it hath chaunced in the time of your holynes to place as it were in the lappe of the holy Catholicke churche such a kingdome as this is And therfore I thinke I cannot be thankefull enough
comming into his house saluted him frendly pretending as though their comming had bene to make good cheare for he was a good housekeeper and the Gentlemen of the Countrey thereaboutes vsed oftentimes to resort vnto his house familiarly This priest made ready for them in short space a very sumptuous banket whereof they did eate and drinke very cheerefully After dinner was ended and that the Priest was yet at the table thinking no hurt Vngentlenes in a gentleman the Gentleman said to his seruants take ye this priest our host and hang him and that without delay for he hath wel deserued to be hanged for the great offence he hath committed agaynste hys Prince the seruaunts were marueylously astonied wyth his words and abhorring to do the deede sayd vnto theyr maister God forbid that we should cōmit any such crime to hang a man that hath intreated vs so gently for y e meate which he hath geuen vs is yet in our stomackes vndisgested It wer● a wicked acte for a noble man to render so great an euill for a good turne but especially to murder an innocent Briefly the seruaunts sought no other occasion but only to geue him way to flee that they might also auoide the execution of that wicked purpose As the Gentleman and his seruants were thus contending the priest said vnto them I beseech you shewe no such crueltie vpon me rather leade me away captiue vnto my prince where I may purge my selfe I am falsely accused and I trust to pacifie his anger which he hath conceiued against me At least remember the hospitalitie which I haue euer shewed to you and all Noble mē at al times resorting to my house But principally speaking to the Gentleman he aduertised him of y e perpetuall sting which would follow vpon an euill conscience protesting that he had faithfully and truely taught them the doctrine of the Gospell and that it was the principall cause why he had such euill will whiche long time before he had foreseene would come to passe for so much as he had oftentimes in the pulpit reproued sharply and openly the horrible vices of the Gentlemen Many thinges ma● be pretēded but religion is euer the cause why good men goe to wracke which mainteined their people in their vicious liuing and they themselues were geuen vnto blasphemie and drunkennes whereas they should shewe example of faith true religion and sobernes but they had oftentimes resisted him sayeng that it was not his part to reprooue them for so much as they were his Lordes and might put him to death if they woulde that all things which they did was allowable and that no man ought to gaynesay it also that he went about some things in hys Sermons that would come to an ill ende This good man whatsoeuer he coulde saye coulde not make his matter seeme good for the Gentleman continued in his wicked enterprise and pricked forth his seruants still to accomplish their purpose for it was resolued by the Prince that he shoulde be put to death and turning hymselfe vnto the Priest he said that he could gaine nothing by preaching in such sorte Kindnes vnkindly rewarded with vnkindnes but that he shoulde fully determine himselfe to die for the prince had geuen expresse commaundement to hang him whose fauour he woulde not loose for to saue his life At the last the seruants after great sorrow and lamentation bound their hoste hanged him vpon a beame in his owne house the Gentleman standing by looking vpon This good man seeing no remedy spake none other wordes but onely Iesus haue mercy vpon me Iesus saue me This is the truth of this most cruell acte which a Turke would scarsely haue committed against his mortall enemie Now let euery man iudge with himselfe which of them haue the greatest aduantage either they which commit the crueltie against the good or the good men which do suffer the same vniustly The first sorte haue a continuall gnawing in their conscience and the other obtaine an immortall crowne ¶ The like historie of the death of a certaine Minister named M. Peter Spengler which was drowned in the yeare of our Lord 1525. collected by Oecolampadius IN a certaine village named Schlat in the countrey of Brisgois there was a vigilant minister a man very wel learned in the Scriptures of a good name for that he liued a godly a blamelesse life hauing lōg time faithfully done his office and dutie being also courteous and gentle A descriptiō of a good minister or curate and wel beloued of mē but specially of the Bysh. of Constāce with whom he was in great authority peaceable and quiete with all men that he had to doo withall He quieted discordes and contentions with a marueilous prudencie exhorting all men to mutuall charity loue In al assembles wheresoeuer he came he greatly commended honest lyfe amendment of maners When the purity of the gospell began to shine abroad he began to read with great affection the holy Scriptures which long tyme before he had read but without any vnderstanding When he had recouered a litle iudgement and came to more vnderstanding by cōtinuall reading being also further grown in age he begā to consider with himselfe in how great darckenes and errors the whole order of priests had bene a long time drowned O good God sayd he who would haue thought it that so many learned and holy men haue wandred out of the right way and could haue so lōg time bene wrapped in so greate errors or that the holy Scripture coulde haue bene so deformed with such horrible abuses for he neuer wel vnderstood before he sayde that the Gospell was the verity of God in that order wherein it is written seeing it conteyned so much touching the Crosse persecution and ignominious death The crosse discerneth betweene true Christians and counterfeit and yet the Priestes liued in great prosperity and no man durste mayntayne any quarrell agaynst them without great daunger He also saw that the howre was come that the Gospell should be displayd that persecution was at hand that the enemies of the truth beganne now to rage that the wicked and proud lyfted vppe theyr heades on high He that seeketh to lyue godly in Christ shall suffer persecution and feared not to enterprise and take in hand all kynde of mischiefe and wickednesse agaynst the faythfull that the Byshops which ought by theyr vertue and power to defend the word were more barbarous and cruell then any tyrauntes had bene before He thus considering the present estate of the world ● Tim. 4. put all doubte from his hart and sawe presently before hys eyes that Iesus Christ had taught the trueth seeing so many bodyes of the faythful were dayly so tormented beaten exiled and banished drowned and burned For who can report the great tormentes which the innocent haue endured these yeares passed euen by those which cal themselues Christians and for no
he answered The constāt behauiour of George Carpenter at his death this shall be my signe and token that so long as I can opē my mouth I wil not cease to call vpon the name of Iesus Behold good reader what an incredible cōstancy was in this godly man such as lightly hath not bene sene in any man before His face countenaunce neuer chaūged colour but chearefully he went vnto the fire In the middest sayth he of the towne this day will I cōfesse my God before the whole world When he was layd vpon the ladder and that hangman put a bagge of gunnepouder about his necke he sayd let it so be in the name of the Father and of the Sonne The death and martyrdome of George Carpenter and of the holy Ghost And when as the two hangmen lifted him vp vpon the ladder smiling he bad a certayne Christian farewell requiring forgeuenes of him That done the hangman thrust him into the fire He wyth a loud voyce cryed out Iesus Iesus Then the hangman turned him ouer and he agayne for a certayne space cryed Iesus Iesus and so ioyfully yelded vp his spirite ¶ Leonard Keyser HEre also is not to be passed ouer the maruellous cōstācy of M. Leonard Keyser of the countrey of Bauaria The history of Leonard Keyser who was burned for the Gospel This Keyser was of the towne of Rawbe .4 miles frō Passaw of a famous house This man being at his study in Wyttēberge was sent for by his brethren which certified him that if euer he woulde see his father aliue he should come with speed which thing he did He was scarsly come thither when as by the commaundement of the Bishop of Passawe he was taken by his mother his brethren The Articles which he was accused of for y e which also he was most cruelly put to death shed his bloud for the testimony of the truth were these That fayth onely iustifieth That workes are the fruites of fayth That the Masse is no sacrifice or oblation Item for confession satisfaction the vow of chastitye Purgatory differēce of daies for affirming only two Sacramentes and inuocation of Sayntes He also mayntayneth 3. kindes of confession The first to be of fayth which is alwayes necessary Articles against Leonard Keyser The second of charity which serueth when any man hath offended his neighbour to whom he ought to reconcile himselfe agayne as a man may see by that which is written in Math. 18. The third which is not to be despised is to aske counsel of the auncient Ministers of the Church And for so much as all this was contrary to the bull of Pope Leo Vid. su pag. 844.845 and the Emperours decree made at Wormes sentence was geuen agaynst him that he should be disgraded and put into the hands of the secular power The persecuters that sate in iudgement vppon him Persecutors were the Byshop of Passaw the Suffragans of Ratisbone of Passaw also Doctour Eckius being garded about with armed men His brethren and kinsfolkes made great intercession to haue his iudgement deferred and put of that the matter might be more exactly knowne Also Iohn Fridericke Duke of Saxony and the Earles of Schauuēburge and of Schunartzen wrote to the Byshoppe for him but could not preuayle After the sentence was geuen he was caryed by a company of harnessed men out of the Citty agayne to Schardingham .13 of August Where Christopher Frenkinger the ciuile Iudge receiuing him Hasty iudgemēt against Leonarde Keyser had letters sent him from Duke William of Bauaria that forthwith tarying for no other iudgement he should be burned aliue Whereupon the good and blessed Martyr early in the morning being rounded and shauen and clothed in a short gowne and a blacke cappe set vpon his head all cutte and iagged so was deliuered to the officer As he was led out of the town to the place where as he should suffer he boldly and hardily spake in the Almayne tongue turning his head first on the one side and then on the other saying O Lord Iesu remayne with me sustayne and helpe me and geue me force and power The martyrdome of Leonard Keyser Then the woode was made ready to be set on fire and he began to cry with a loud voyce O Iesus I am thine haue mercy vpon me and saue me and therwithall he felt the fire begin sharply vnder his feet his hands and about his head and because the fire was not great enough the hangman plucked the body halfe burnt with a long hooke from vnderneath the wood Then he made a great hoale in the body through the which he thrust a stake and cast him agayne into the fire and so made an end of burning This was the blessed end of that good man which suffered for the testimony of the truth the 16. day of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1526. Ex 6. Tomo operum Lutheri Wendelmuta widow and Martyr IN Holland also the same yeare .1527 was Martyred and burned a good and vertuous widow W●ndelmuta widow Martyr named Wendelmuta a daughter of Nicholas of Munchendam Thys widow receiuing to her hart the brightnes of Gods grace by the appearing of the Gospell was therfore apprehēded and committed to custody in the Castle of Werden shortly after from thence was brought to Hage the 15. day of Nouember there to appeare at the general sessions of that country Where was present Hochstratus Lord Presidēt of the sayd countye who also sat vpon her the 17. day of the foresayd moneth Diuers Monkes were appoynted there to talke with her to the end they might conuince her and wyn her to recant but she constantly persisting in y e truth wherin she was planted would not be remoued Many also of her kindred other honest womē were suffred to persuade w t her Amōg whō there was a certein noble matrō who loued and fauored dearely the sayd wydow beyng in prison This matron comming and commoning with her in her talke sayde My Wendelmuta why doest thou not keepe silence thinke secretly in thine hart Religion would be professed as wel with toūge as with hart Rom. 10. these thynges which thou beleuest that thou mayest prolonge here thy dayes and life To whom she aunswered agayne Ah sayd she you know not what ye say It is written With the hart we beleue to righteousnesse with toung we confesse to saluation c. And thus she remayning firme stedfast in her beliefe and confession the 20. day of Nouember was condemned by sentence geuen as agaynst an heretick to be burned to ashes and her goodes to be confiscate she taking the sentence of her condemnation mildely and quietly After she came to the place wher she should be executed Wodden Gods not to be worshipped and a Monke there had brought out a blinde Crosse willing her many times to kisse and worship her God I worship sayd she
hys speach And so these two after they had confirmed manye in Gods truth gaue their lyfe for Christes Gospell Ibidem Ioan. Andreas Promoter Tho. Sanpaulinus martyr Peter Liset President of the Counsel of Paris Mailardus Doctor Sorbonius Aubertus Consiliarius Thomas Sanpaulinus At Paris An. 1551. This Thomas a yong man of the age of 18. yeares commyng from Geneua to Paris rebuked there a mā for swearing For the which cause he being suspected for a Lutheran was followed and watched whether he went and was taken and broughte before the Counsaile of Paris and put in prisō where he was racked and miserably tormented to the intēt he should eyther chaunge his opinion or confes other of hys profession Hys tormentes and rackinges were so sore through the setting on of Maillard and other Sorbonistes that the sight therof made Aubertus one of the counsayle a cruell and vehement enemy against y e Gospel to turne hys back and weepe The yoūg man when he had made the tormenters weary with racking and yet woulde vtter none at last was had to Maulbert place in Paris to be burned Where he being in the fire was pluckt vp agayn vpon y e gybbet and asked whether he would turne To whome he sayd that he was in hys way toward God and therfore desired them to let him go Thus this glorious martir remayning inexpugnable glorified the Lord with constant confession of his truth Ibid.   Mauricius Secenat In Prouince An. 1551. He first hauing interrogations put to hym by the Lieuetenaunt of that place Mauryce Senenat martyr made hys aunsweres thereunto so as no great aduantage could be taken thereof But he being greatly compuncted and troubled in hys conscience for dissembling with the truth and called afterward before the Lorde chiefe Iudge aunswered so directly that he was condemned for y e same and burned in Prouince Ex eodē A Cittizen of Vzez Ioannes Putte or de Puteo surnamed Medicus At Vzez in Prouince An. 1551. This Medicus beyng a Carpenter and vnlettered Ioannes de Puteo martyr had a controuersie about a certaine pitte withe a Citizene of the towne of Uzez where he dwelled He to cast thys Medicus in the lawe from the pitte accused him of heresie bringing for his witnesses those labourers whome Meddicus had hyred to work in his vineyard wherfore he being examined of the Sacrament of y e Lords Supper was condemned and burned At Uzez in Prouince Ex eodem The gouernour of Lyons The Official of the Archdeacon of Lyons Claudius Monerius At Lyons An. 1551. This man being well instructed in y e knowledge of Gods worde for the whiche he was also driuen from Auernia came to Lyons Claudius Monerius martyr and there taught children He hearing of y e Lord Presidents comming to the citie went to geue warning to a certain familiar friend of hys and so conducted him out of y t town In returning agayne to comforte the mans wife and children he was taken in hys house and so he confessing that which he knew to be true and standing to that whiche he confessed after muche affliction in prison and doungeons was condemned and burned at Lyons He was noted to be so gentle and milde of conditions and constant withall and also learned that certayne of the Iudges coulde not forbeare weeping at his death The sayd Monerius being in Prison wrote certeine letters but one specially very comfortable to all the faythful which the Lorde willing in y e ende of these histories shal be inserted He wrote also y e questiōs interrogatories of y e Official w t his aunsweres likewise to the same which summarily we haue here contracted as followeth Officiall What beleue you of the Sacrament The Sacr●ment is the bodye of Christ in the bread or no The Martyr I worship Iesus Christ in heauen sitting at the right hand of God the Father Officiall What say you by purgatory The Martyr Forsomuch as there is no place of mercy after thys life therefore no neede there is of any purgation but necessary it is that wee be purged before wee passe hence Officiall Supremacie Of the Pope what thinke you The Martyr I say he is a Bishop as other Bishops are if he be a true folower of S. Peter Officiall Vowes What say you of vowes The Martyr No man can vow to God so much but the lawe requireth much more then he can vow Officiall Praying to Saintes Are not Sayntes to be inuocated The Martyr They can not pray without fayth and therfore it is in vayne to call vnto them And againe God hath appoynted his Aungels about vs to minister in our necessities Officiall Is it not good to salute the blessed virgine wyth Aue Maria The Martyr When she was on this earth she had then need of the Aungels greeting for then she had need of saluation as well as other but now she is so blessed that no more blessing can be wished vnto her Officiall Images Are not Images to be had The Martyr For that the nature of man is so prone to Idolatry euer occupyed and fixed in those thinges whych lye before his eies rather then vpon those which are not seene Images therefore are not to be sette before Christians You know nothing is to be adored but that which is not seene with eies that is God alone which is a spirit and him we must worship onely in spirit and truth Officiall What say you by the canonicall or ordinary houres for prayer The Martyr To houres and times prayer ought not to be tied But when so euer Gods spirit doth mooue vs or when any necessity driueth vs thē ought we to pray Then the Officiall asked what he thought of holy oyle salt with such other like To whome the Martyr aunswered that all these thinges were a meere * Maranatha is an Hebrue word mentioned 1. Cor. l 6. and signifieth curse or malediction to the losse of all that a man hath and thereof commeth Matanismas vid. Nic. Lyr. Renate Poyet martyr Maranismus that is sauoured of the law of Maranorū and of the superstition of the Iewes   Renate Poyet At Salmure in Fraunce An. 1552. Renate Poyet the sonne of William Poiet which was Chauncellour of Fraunce for the true and syncere profession of the word of GOD constantly suffered Martyrdome and was burned in the Citty of Salmure an 1552. Ex Crisp.   Iohn Ioyer and his seruant a young man Ioh. Ioyer with his seruaunt martyrs At Tholouse An. 1552. These twoe comming from Geneua to theyr Countrey with certayne bookes were apprehēded by y e way and at length hadde to Thoulouse Where the mayster was first condemned The seruaunt beyng young was not so prompt to aunswere them but sent them to his mayster saying that he should answer them When they were brought to the stake the yong man first going vp began to weep The mayster fearyng least he would geue ouer ranne to
not after Christ c. And thus much out of M. Sanders letter so much as remained thereof The residue because it was rent away I could not adioine hereunto Notwithstāding by this alredy expressed it is sufficient to vnderstand how good was y e cause estate of this blessed child of god being prisoner for Christes cause Ann. 1555. February For y e defence wherof he wholy bestowed resigned himself in such sort as he forbad his wife to sue for his deliuery whē other of his friends had by suite almost obtained it he discouraged them so that they did not folow their suite as by this letter following may appeare ¶ A letter of M. Saunders to his wife GRace mercy and peace in Iesus Christ our Lord. Entirely beloued wife euen as vnto mine owne soule and body so do I dayly in my harty prayer wish vnto you for I doo dayly twise at the least in this sort remember you And I do not doubt deare wife but that both I and you as we be written in the booke of life so we shall together enioy the same euerlastingly through the grace and mercy of God our deare father in hys sonne our Christ. And for this present life let vs wholy appoynt our selues to the will of our good God to glorifie him either by life or by death and euen that same mercifull Lord make vs worthy to honour him either way as pleaseth him Amen I am mery I thanke my God and my Christ 1. Tim. 4. in whome and through whome I shall I knowe be able to fight a good fight and finishe a good course and then receiue the crowne which is layde vp in store for me and all the true Soldiours of Christ. Wherefore wife let vs in the name of our God fight lustely to ouercome the flesh the deuil and the world What our harnesse and weapons be in this kind of fight looke the 6. vnto the Ephesians and pray pray pray I would that you make no suite for me in any wise M Saunders would haue no suite made for him Thanke you knowe whome for her most sweete and comfortable putting me in remembrance of my iourney whether I am passing God send vs all good speede and a ioyfull meeting I haue too fewe suche frends to further me in that iourney which is in deede the greatest friendship The blessing of God be with you all Amen A prisoner in the Lord Laurence Saunders This his constancie is sufficiently commended and declared by his valiant buckling with two mighty enemies Antichrist and death two enemies Antichrist and death To neither of these did he geue place but by suffering their malice got y e victory ouer them both One of the conflictes which he had with Antichrist hys members I haue gathered out of a letter of his own hand writing It was with Doctour Weston a man whome though I should prayse yet would all good and godly mē worthely disprayse Of this the said Laurence Saunders thus writeth in a letter which he sent to one of his frends which wrote to him to knowe what Doct. Weston dyd at the Marshalsey whereunto he thus aunswereth M. Weston came to conferre with M. Grimoald What he hath cōcluded with him This Doct. Weston and M. Gri●moald dyed both about the Coronation of Q. Elizabeth I know not I wish it may be to Gods glory Amen Amen M. Weston of his gentlenes visited me of●red me frendship in his worldly wily sort c. I had not so much good maner as to take it at his hād for I said that I was well inough and ready cherefully to abide the extremity to keepe thereby a good cōscience You be a sleepe in sin said he I would awake quoth I and do not forget Vigilate orate i. Watch pray What church was there The church goeth not alwayes by number said he 30. yeres past What church was there quoth I in Helias time Ioane of Kent sayd he was of youre Church No quoth I we did cōdemne her as an heretick Who was of your Church sayd he 30. yeares past Such quoth I as that Romish Antichrist and his rabble haue reputed and condemned as heretickes Wicklife sayd he Thorpe Old castle c. Yea quoth I with many moe as storyes do tell The B. of Rome hath sayd he long tyme played a part in your tayling sermons but now be ye sure he must play another maner of part The more pitie quoth I and yet some cōfort it is to see how that the best learned Winchesters booke De Vera Obedientia wisest holiest of you all haue heeretofore had him to play a part likewise in your sermōs writings though now to please the world you do turne with the weathercocke Did you euer said he heare me preach against the Bishop of Rome No quoth I for I neuer heard you preach But I trowe you haue ben no wiser then other c. with more about the Sacrament Pray pray God keepe your family blesse it What a blessed taste thys good man had of Gods holy spirit by diuers and sondry his letters may right wel appeare to him that is disposed to peruse the same What a blessed taste of M. Sanders had of christes comforts whereof certayne we haue here thought good the Lord willing to expresse first beginning with that whiche he wrote out of the Marshalsey to D. Cranmer Ridley and Latimer prisoners for the like cause of Christ in Oxford To the Archbishop Cranmer Bish. Ridley and M. Latimer being prisoned in Oxford IN my most humble wise I salute you most reuerend fathers in Christ Iesus our Lord M. Saunders writeth to D. Cranmer Ridley c. Coloss. 1. Immortall thanks and euerlasting prayses be geuen vnto that our father of mercies Whiche hath made vs meete to be pertakers of the inheritaunce of Saintes in light whiche hath deliuered vs from the power of darckenes and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his beloued Sonne by whome we haue redemption through his bloud c O most happy estate that in an vnspeakable wise our life is hid with Christ in God Coloss. 3. But whensoeuer Christ which is our life shall shew himselfe then shall we also appeare with him in glory In y e meane season as our sight is but in a glasse euen in a darcke speaking 1. Cor. 13. so wee walke in fayth not after outward appearaunce the which fayth although for want of outward appearaunce reason reputeth but as vaine yea the chosen of God do know the effect thereof to bring a more substanciall taste and liuely fruition of very felicitie and perfect blessednes then reason can reach or sences receaue By this fayth we haue in our profession all good thinges yea euen them whiche the eye hath not seene and the eare hath not heard neither hath entred the hart of man c. Esay 54. 1. Cor. 2. Then
there were no more Reedes and that burned at the neather partes but had small power aboue because of the winde sauinge that it did burne his haire A new fire made to M. Hooper and scorch his skinne a litle In the time of which fire euen as at the first flame hee prayed saying mildely and not verye loude but as one wythoute paynes O Iesus the sonne of Dauid haue mercye vpon me and receiue my soule After the seconde was spente he did wipe both his eyes with his hands and beholding the people he sayde with an indifferent loud voyce For Gods loue good people let me haue more fire M. Hooper calle● 〈◊〉 for more fire And all this while his nether partes did burne for the fagottes were so fewe that the flame did not burne strongly at his vpper partes The third fire was kindled within a while after which was more extreeme then the other two and then the bladders of gonnepouder brake which did him small good they were so placed and the winde hadde suche power In the whych fire he prayed with somewhat a loude voyce Lorde Iesu haue mercye vppon me The last wordes of M. Hooper Lorde Iesu haue mercy vppon mee Lorde Iesus receiue my spirite And these were the last woordes hee was heard to vtter But when he was blacke in the mouth and his tongue swolne that he coulde not speake yet hys lippes went till they were shronke to the gummes and he knocked his breast with his handes vntill one of his armes fell off and then knocked still with the other The blessed Martyr long tormented in the fire what time the fat water and bloud dropped out at his fingers ends vntill by renuing of y e fire his strength was gone and his hande did cleaue fast in knocking to the yron vpon hys brest So immediately bowing forwardes he yelded vp his spirite In clarissimi Doctrina pietate viri Iohannis Hoperi Martyrium Conradi Gesneri carmen AVreus Hoperus flammis inuictus igni Atque suum Christum confessus ad vltima vitae Momenta integritate sua praeclarus ardens Exterius flammis diuinus Martyr at intus Eximio fidei feruore accensus ad astra Spiritus ascendit coelesti luce beatus In terris cineresque manent fama corusca Flammae instar lucens lucebit dum stabit orbis Vtcunque immanes Boreae magnaeque procellae Flatibus aduersis tam clarum abrumpere lumen Nitantur frustra Nam quae Deus ipse secundat Quis prohibere queat mortalia facta sed vltro Et commenta ruunt vastaque voragine sidunt Hoperi exemplo quotquot spiratis Iesu Doctrinam Christi discrimina temnere vitae Durare vosmet rebus seruare secundis Discite Namque dabit Deus his meliora nec auris Audijt vlla oculus vel vidit sed neque captus Humanae mentis potuit complectier vnquam Qualia quanta Deus seruet sua bona beatis Thus was he three quarters of an houre or more in the fire Euen as a Lambe paciently he aboade the extremitie therof The patient end of this holy martir neither mouing forwardes backwards or to any side but hauing his nether partes burned and his bowels fallen out he died as quietly as a childe in his bedde and hee nowe raigneth as a blessed Martyr in the ioyes of heauen prepared for the faithfull in Christ before the foundations of the worlde for whose constancie all Christians are bound to praise God A letter which M. Hooper did wryte out of prison to certaine of his frendes THe grace of God be with you Amen I did write vnto you of late A letter exhortatory of M. Hooper to certayne of his friendes and told you what extremity the parlament had concluded vpon concerning Religion suppressing the truth and setting foorth the vntruth intending to cause all men by extremitie to forsweare them selues and to take againe for the head of the Churche him that is neither head nor member of it but a very enemie as the word of God al ancient wryters do record and for lacke of lawe and authoritie they wil vse force and extremitie which haue bene the arguments to defend the Pope and Poperie sith thys wicked authority began first in the world But now is the time of triall The popes religion standeth onely vpoon force and extremitie to see whether we feare more God or man It was an easie thing to holde with Christ whiles the Prince and world held with him but now the world hateth him it is the true triall who be his Wherefore in the name and in the vertue strength and power of his holy spirit prepare your selues in any case to aduersitie and constancie Let vs not runne away when it is most time to fight Remēber none shal be crowned but such as fight manfully and he that endureth vnto the end shal be saued Ye must now turne al your cogitations from the pearil you see and marke the felicitye that foloweth the pearil either victorie in this world of your enemies Neither 〈◊〉 felicitie 〈◊〉 the misery of this world is 〈◊〉 be looked vpon or else a surrender of this life to inherite the euerlastinge kyngdom Beware of beholding too much the felicitie or miserie of this worlde for the consideration and too earnest loue or feare of either of them draweth from God Wherefore thinke with your selues as touching the felicitie of the worlde it is good but yet none otherwise then it standeth with the fauour of God It is to be kept but yet so farre foorth as by keeping of it we loose not God It is good abiding and tarrying still among our friendes heere but yet so y t we tary not therewithall in Gods displeasure and hereafter to dwell with the deuils in fire euerlasting There is nothing vnder God but may be kept so y t God being aboue all things we haue be not lost Of aduersitie iudge the same Imprisonment is painfull but yet libertie vpon euell conditions is more painful Aduers●ti● compared with adu●●●sitie The prisons stincke but yet not so much as sweete houses where as the feare and true honour of God lacketh I must be alone and solitary It is better so to be and haue God w t me then to be in company with the wicked Losse of goods is great but losse of Gods grace fauour is greater I am a poore simple creature can not tel how to answer before such a great sort of noble learned wise men It is better to make answere before the pompe pride of wicked men then to stand naked in the sight of all heauen and earth before the iust God at the latter daye Antithesi● betweene ioyes and p●ynes in this world and in the world to come I shall die then by the handes of the cruell man he is blessed that looseth thys life full of miseries and finedeth the life of eternall ioyes It is
if it were to do againe W. Flower intending at Paules to haue done the lyke whether I coulde doe it againe or no for I was vp verye early at Paules church so called vpon Christes day in the morning to haue done it in my ielousie but when I came in place I was no more able to doe it then nowe to vndoe that is don and yet now being compelled by the spirit not onely to come ouer the water and to enter the churche but being in minde fully content to die for the Lord gaue ouer my flesh willingly without all feare I praise God Wherfore I can not learne you to doe the like Firste because I knowe not what is in you Secondly because the rules of the Gospell commaundeth vs to suffer wyth pacience all wrongs iniuries yet neuerthelesse if he make you worthy y t hath made me zealous ye shall not be letted iudged nor condemned for he doth in his people hys vnspeakable workes in all ages which no man can cōprehend I humbly beseech you to iudge the best of the spirit and cōdemne not Gods doings for I can not expresse wyth my mouthe the great mercies y t God hath shewed on me in thys thing which I repent not Smith Are ye not assured to haue death ministred vnto you for the same act committed and euen with extremitie Flo. I did before the deede committed adiudge my bodye to dye for the same W. Flower prepared himselfe to death before the fact committed whereuppon I caryed aboute mee in wryting mine opinion of God and the holy Scriptures that if it had pleased God to haue geuē them leaue to haue killed my body in the church they might in the sayde wryting haue seene my hope which I praise God is layde vp safe within my brest notwithstanding any death that may be ministred vnto my body in thys worlde being ascertained of euerlasting life throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde and being most heartily sorie for al mine offences committed in this flesh and trusting shortly through hys mercye to cease from the same Smith It is no neede to examine or commune with you of the hope that yee haue any further for I perceiue God be praised ye are in good estate therefore I beseeche God for his mercies spreade his wings ouer you y t as for his loue you haue ben zelous euen to the losse of this life so he may geue you his holy spirite to conduct you out of thys death into a better life which I thinke wil be shortly Flo. I hunger for the same deare frend being fully ascertained that they can kill but the bodye which I am assured shall receiue life againe euerlasting and see no more death entirely desiring you and all that feare the Lorde to praye wyth me to almightye God to performe the same in mee shortly And thus Robert Smith departed leauing him in the dungeon and went againe to hys warde And thys gentle Reader is the truthe as neare as the saide Smyth coulde reporte it And thus muche concerninge the talke betweene hym and Robert Smith in Newgate concerning hys facte in striking the Priest Nowe to returne againe to the matter of his examination where we leaft we shewed before how thys William Flower after hys striking the Prieste firste was layde in the Gatehouse then being examined before Boner had articles ministred against him the copy wherof heere followeth Articles obiected and ministred by Boner against William Branch alias Flower late of Lambeth in the Countie of Surrie Articles obiected agaynst W. Flower by B. Boner FIrst that thou being of lawful age and discretion at the least of 17. yeare old wast professed a Monke in the late Abbey of Ely wherin after thy profession thou remainedst vntill the age of 21. yeares vsing all the meane tyme the habit and religion of the same house and wast reputed and taken notoriously for such a person In the latter dayes certayne shall depart frō the ●ayth forbidding mariage and eating of meates 1. Tim. 4. Item that after the premisses thou wast ordered and made prieste according to the laudable custome of the Catholike Church and afterward thou didst execute and minister as a priest and was commonly reputed named and taken for a priest Item that after the premisses thou forgetting God thy conscience honestie and the laudable order of the Catholike church diddest contrary to thy profession and vow take as vnto thy wife one woman commonly called Alice Pulton in the parish churche of Tewkesbury in the Dioces of Gloucester with whom thou haddest mutuall cohabitation and carnall copulation as man and wife and begatest of her two children Item that thou being a religious man and a Priest diddest contrary to the order of the ecclesiastical lawes A great heresie take vpon thee to practise in diuers places within the dioces of London Phisicke and Surgerie when thou wast not admitted expert nor learned Item that vpon Easter day last past that is to witte the 14. day of thys present moneth of Aprill within the parish Church of S. Margarets at Westminster wythin the Countie of Middlesex and Diocesse of London thou dydst maliciously outragiously and violently pul out thy weapon that is to wit thy Woodknife or hanger And wheras the priest and minister there called sir Iohn Cheltam was executing his cure and charge especially in doing hys seruice and ministring the sacramēt of the aultar to the communicants then didst thou wickedly abhominably smite with thy said weapon the said priest first vpō the head very sore afterwards vpon his hands or other parts of his b dy drawing bloud abundantly vpon him the sayd priest then holding the sayd sacramēt in his hand and geuing no occasion why thou shouldest so hurte him the people greeuously being offended therwith and the said church polluted thereby so that the inhabitantes were compelled to repaire to an other Churche to communicate and to receyue the sayde sacrament Item that by reason of the premisses thou wast and art by the ecclesiastical lawes of the churche amongst other penalties excommunicate and accursed ipso facto and not to be companied withal neither in church nor otherwhere but in speciall cases Item that thou concerning the veritye of Christes naturall body and bloude in the sacrament of the aultar haste ben by the space of these yeares and 1. or any one of them and yet art at this present of the opinion that is to say that in the sayd sacrament of the aultare His fayth in the Sacrament after the wordes of consecration there is not really truely and in very dede contained vnder the formes of bread the very true and naturall body of our sauiour Iesus Christ. Item that thou for the hatred and disdaine that thou hadst didst beare against the said sacrament and the vertue thereof and against the said priest ministring the same as before did smite wound and hurte him in maner
I haue preached before him It is Gods truth I haue taught It is that same infallible word whereof he sayd Heauen and earth shall passe but my word shall not passe The masse and such baggage as the false worshippers of God and enemies of Christes Crosse the Papistes I say haue brought in agayne The Masse is a poyson to the Church to poyson the Church of God withall displeaseth God highly and is abhominable in his sight Happy may he be whiche of conscience suffereth losse of life or goodes in dissalowing it Come not at it If God be God follow him If y e Masse be God let them that will see it heare or be present at it Comparisō betweene the Lordes supper and the Masse go to the deuill with it What is there as God ordayned His supper was ordayned to be receiued of vs in the memoriall of his death for the confirmation of our fayth that his body was broken for vs his bloud shed for pardon of our sinnes but in the masse there is no receiuing but the p●iest keepeth all to himselfe alone Christ sayth Take eate No sayth the Priest gape peepe There is a sacrificing yea killing of Christ agayne as much as they may There is Idolatry in worshipping the outward signe of bread wyne there is all in Latine you cannot tell what he saith To conclude there is nothing as God ordeyned Wherefore my good mother come not at it Oh will some say it will hinder you Doubtes obiections aunswered Math. 19. if you refuse to come to masse and to do as other do But God wil further you be you assured as you shall one day find who hath promised to them that suffer hinderaunce or losse of anye thing in this world his great blessing here and in y e world to come life euerlasting You shall bee counted an hereticke but not of others then of heretickes whose prayse is a disprayse You are not able to reason agaynst the Priestes but God wil that all they shall not be able to withstand you No body wil do so but you onely In deede no matter for ●ewe enter into the narrow gate which bringeth to saluation Howbeit you shall haue with you I doubt not Father Traues and other my brothers and sisters to go with you therein but if they will not I your sonne in God I trust shall not leaue you an inche but go before you pray that I may geue thankes for me Reioyce in my suffering for it is for your sakes to confirme the truth I haue taught How soeuer you do beware this letter come not abroad but into father Traues his handes For all this caueat yet this letter came to the Earle of Darbyes knowledge for if it should be knowne that I haue pen and inke in the prison then would it be worse with me Therfore to your selues keep this letter commending me to God his mercy in Christ Iesus who make me worthy for his names sake to geue my life for his Gospel and Church sake Out of the Tower of London the sixt day of October 1553. My name I write not for causes you know it well enough Like the letter neuer the worse Commend me to all our good brethren and sisters in the Lord. Howsoeuer you do be obedient to the higher powers that is no point either in hand or tongue rebell but rather if they cōmaund that which with good conscience you cānot obey lay your head on the blocke and suffer what soeuer they shall do or say By pacience possesse your soules After the time that M. Bradford was condemned and sent to the Counter it was purposed of his aduersaryes as ye heard before that hee shoulde be had to Manchester where he was borne and there be burned Whereupon he writeth to the Cittye of London thinking to take his last Vale of them in this letter ¶ To the Citie of London TO all that professe the Gospell and true doctrine of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ in the Cittie of London A fruitefull letter of M. Bradford 〈◊〉 the citye o● London Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruaunt of y e Lord now not onely in prison but also excommunicated condemned to be burned for the same true doctrine wisheth mercy grace peace with increase of al godly knowledge and pietie from God the father of mercy through the merites of oure alone and omnisufficient Redeemer Iesus Christ by the operation of the holy spirite for euer Amen My dearely beloued brethren in our Sauiour Christ although the tyme I haue to liue is very little for hourly I looke when I shoulde be had hence to be conueyed into Lankeshyre there to be burned and to render my lyfe by the prouidence of God where I first receaued it by y e same prouidence and although the charge is great to keepe me from all things wherby I might signifie any thing to the world of my state yet hauing as now I haue pen inke through Gods working maugre the head of Satan and his souldiours I thought good to write a shorte confession of my fayth and thereto ioyne a little exhortation vnto you all to liue according to your profession First for my fayth I do confesse and pray all the whole Congregation of Christ to beare witnesse with me of the same that I do beleue constantly through the gift goodnes of God for fayth is Gods onely gifte all the 12. articles of the Symbole or Creede commonly attributed to the collection of the Apostles This my faythe I woulde gladly particularly declare and expound to the confirmation and comfort of the simple but alas by starts stealth I write in maner that I write and therfore I shall desire you all to take this breuitie in good part And this fayth I holde not because of the Creede it selfe but because of the word of God the which teacheth and confirmeth euery Article accordingly This worde of God written by the Prophetes and Apostles left and contayned in the Canonicall bookes of the whole Bible I do beleue to containe plentifully all thinges necessary to saluation so that nothing as necessary to saluation ought to be added thereto and therfore the Church of Christ nor none of his congregation ought to be burdened with any other doctrine thē which hereout hath his foundation and ground In testimony of this fayth I render and geue my life being condemned as well for not acknowledging the Antichrist of Rome to be Christes vicar generall and supreme head of his Catholicke and vniuersall Church here or els wherevppon earth as for denying the horrible and idolatrous doctrine of Transubstantiation and Christes reall corporall and carnall presence in his supper vnder the formes and accidences of bread and wine To beleeue Christ our Sauiour to be the head of hys Churche and kinges in their Realmes to be the supreme powers to whom euery soule oweth obedience and to beleue that
or rise agaynst the magistrates Auenge not your selues but commit your cause to the Lord to whome vengeance pertayneth and he in his tyme will reward it If you feele in your selues an hope and trust in God that he will neuer tempt you aboue that he will make you able to beare Patience be assured the Lord will be true to you and you shall be able to beare all bruntes But if you want this hope flee and get you hence rather then by your tarying Gods name should be dishonored In summe cast your care on the Lorde knowing for most certayne that he is carefull for you with him are all the heares of your head numbred so that not one of them shall perish without his good pleasure and wille muche more thē nothing shall happē to your bodies which shall not be profitable how soeuer for a time it seeme otherwise to your sences Hang on the prouidence of God We ought to depend vpon Gods prouidence alwayes not onely when you haue meanes to helpe you but also when you haue no meanes yea when all meanes be agaynst you Geue him this honour which of all other thinges he most chiefly requireth at your handes namely beleeue that you are his children through Christ that he is your father and God through him y t he loueth you pardoneth you al your offences he is with you in trouble and will be with you for euer When you fall he will put vnder his hande you shall not lye still before you cal vpon him he heareth you out of euill hee will finally bryng you and deliuer you to his eternall ioy Doubt not my dearly beloued hereof doubt not I say this will God your father do for you in respect not of your selues but in respect of christ your Captayne your Pastor your keeper out of whose hands none shal be able to catch you All our hope is only in Christ for his sake to be receaued in him be quiet oftē cōsider your dignitie namely how that ye be Gods children the saints of God citizens of heauen temples of the holy Ghost the thrones of God members of Christ and Lordes ouer all Therfore be ashamed to think speake or do any thing that should be vnseemely for Gods children Gods saynts Christes members To beare the Crosse. c. Marueile not though the deuil and the worlde hate you though ye be persecuted here for the seruaunt is not aboue his mayster Couet not earthly ryches Mortification feare not the power of man loue not this world nor thinges that be in this world but long for the Lord Iesus his comming at whiche time youre bodies shall be made like vnto his glorious body when he appeareth you shall be like vnto him when your lyfe shall thus be reuealed then shall ye appeare with him in glory In the meane season liue in hope hereof Let the lyfe you lead be in the faith of the sonne of God For the iust doth liue by fayth which fayth fleeth from al euill followeth y e word of God as a Lanterne to her feete and a light to her steppes her eyes be aboue where Christ is shee behouldeth not the thinges present but rather thinges to come she glorieth in affliction she knoweth that the afflictions of this life are not like to be compared to the glory whiche God will reueale to vs We must liue in the fayth of Christ. The property of fayth and in vs. Of this glory GOD graunt vs here a liuely taste then shall wee runne after the sent it sendeth forth It wil make vs valiaunt men to take to vs the kingdome of God whyther the Lorde of mercy bryng vs in hys good tyme through Chryste oure Lorde to whome with the father and the holy ghost three persōs and one God be al honour and glory world without end Amen My dearly beloued I woulde gladly haue geuen here my body to haue bene burned for the confirmation of the true doctrine I haue taught here vnto you But that my Countrey must haue Therefore I pray you take in good part this signification of my good will towardes euery of you Impute the want herein to tyme and trouble Pardon me mine offensiue and negligent behauiour when I was amongest you With me repent labour to amend Continue in the trueth whiche I haue truely taught vnto you by preaching in al places where I haue come Gods name therefore be praysed Confesse Christ when you be called whatsoeuer commeth therof and the God of peace be with vs all Amen This xi of Februar an 1555. Your brother in bondes for the Lordes sake Iohn Bradford To the vniuersitie and towne of Cambridge TO all that loue the Lorde Iesus and his true doctrine being in the vniuersitie and towne of Cambridge An other letter of M. Bradford to the vniuersity of Cambridge Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruaunt of the Lord nowe not onely prisoned but also condemned for the same true doctrine wisheth grace peace and mercye with increase of all godlines from God the father of all mercy through the bloudy passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christ by the liuely working of the holy spirite for euer Amen Although I looke hourely when I should be had to the stake my right dearely beloued in the Lord and although the charge ouer me is great and strayt yet hauing by the prouidēce of God secretly pen and an ynke I could not but something signifie vnto you my solicitude which I haue for you and euerye of you in the Lord though not as I woulde yet as I may You haue often and openly heard the truth speciallye in this matter wherein I am condemned disputed and preached that it is needeles to do any more but onely to put you in remembraunce of the same but hitherto haue you not heard it confirmed and as it were sealed vp as now you doe and shall heare by me that is by my death and burning For albeit I haue deserued through my vncleannes hypocrisie auarice vainglory idlenes vnthankfulnes and carnalitie wherof I accuse my selfe to my confusion before the world that before God through Christ I might as my assured hope is I shall find mercy eternall death and hell fire much more then this affliction and fire prepared for me yet my dearly beloued it is not these or any of these thinges wherfore the prelates do persecute me but Gods verity and truth yea euen christ him selfe is the onely cause and thing wherefore I nowe am condemned The Martyrs persecuted of the prelates not for their sinnes but onely for Christ. and shal be burned as an hereticke for because I will not graunt the Antichrist of Rome to be Christes vicar generall and supreme head of his churche here and euery where vppon earth by Gods ordinaunce and because I will not graunt suche corporall reall and carnall presence of Christes body bloud in the sacrament as doth transubstanciate the
tell more of this then I can write Therfore deare mother receiue some admonition of one of thy poore children nowe goyng to be burned for the testimonye of Iesus Come agayne to Gods truth come out of Babilon confesse Christ and his true doctrine repent that whiche is past make amendes by declaryng thy repentaunce by the fruites Remember the readings and preachinges of Gods Prophet and true Preacher M Bucer Call to minde the threatninges of God nowe something seene by the children Leauer and others Let the exile of Leauer Pilkinton Grindall Haddon Horne Scorye Ponet c. something awake thee Let the imprisonmēt of thy deare sonnes Cranmer Ridley and Latimer moue thee Consider the Martyrdome of thy chickens Rogers Saunders Taylor And nowe cast not awaye the poore admonition of me goyng to be burned also and to receiue the like crowne of glorye with my fellowes Take to harte Gods calling by vs. Be not as Pharao was for then will it happen vnto thee as it did vnto hym What is that hardnes of hart And what then destructiō eternally both of body and soule Ah therefore good mother awake awake repent repent buskle thy selfe and make hast to turne to the Lord. For els it shal be more easie for Sodome and Gomorra in the daye of iudgement then for thee Oh harden not your hartes Oh stop not your eares to day in hearyng Gods voyce though it be by me a most vnworthy messenger Oh feare the Lord for his anger is begon to kindle Euen now the axe is layd to the roote of the tree You know I prophecied truely to you before the Sweate came what would come if you repēted not your carnall Gospelling And now I tel you before I depart hence that the eares of men will tingle to heare of the vengeaunce of God that will fall vpon you all both Towne and Vniuersitie if you repent not if you leaue not your Idolatrie if you turne not speedely to the Lord if you still be ashamed of Christes truth which you know Oh Perne repent Oh Thomson repent Oh you Doctors Bachelers Maisters repent Oh Maior Aldermen Towne dwellers repent repent repent that you may escape the nere vengeaunce of the Lord. Rent your hartes come apace calling on the Lord. Let vs all say Peccauimus we haue all sinned we haue done wickedly we haue not hearkned to thy voyce O Lord. Deale not with vs after our desertes but be mercifull to our iniquities for they are great Oh pardon our offenses In thine anger remember thy mercy Turne vs vnto thee O Lord God of hostes for the glory of thy names sake Spare vs and be mercifull vnto vs. Let not the wicked people say where is now their God Oh for thine owne sake for thy names sake deale mercifully with vs. Turne thy selfe vnto vs and vs vnto thee and we shall prayse thy name for euer If in this sort my dearely beloued in hart and mouth we come vnto our father prostrate our selues before the throne of his grace then surely surely we shall finde mercie Then shall the Lord loke merely vpon vs for his mercy sake in Christ then shall we heare him speake peace vnto his people God● mercy 〈◊〉 to Cambridge if it repent For he is gracious mercifull of great pitie compassion he can not be chiding for euer his anger can not last long to the penitent Though we weepe in the morning yet at night we shall haue our sorow to cease For he is exorable and hath no pleasure in the death of a sinner he rather would our conuersion and turning Oh turne you now and conuert yet once agayne I humbly besech you and then the kingdome of heauen shall draw nigh The eye hath not seane the eare hath not heard nor the hart of man is able to conceiue the ioyes prepared for vs if we repent amende our liues and hartely turne to the Lord. But if we repent not but be as you were and goe on forwardes with the wicked following the fashion of the world the Lord will leade you on with wicked doers you shall perish in your wickednes your bloud will be vpon your owne heades your part shal be with hypocrites where shal be weepyng gnashyng of teeth ye shal be cast from the face of the Lord for euer and euer eternall shame sorrow wo and miserie shal be both in body and soule to you world without end Oh therefore right deare to me in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you amende amende your liues depart from euill do good follow peace and pursue it Come out from Babilon cast of the workes of darkenesse put on Christ confesse his truth be not ashamed of his Gospell prepare your selues to the Crosse drinke of Gods cup before it come to the dregges and then shall I with you and for you reioyce in the day of Iudgement which is at hand and therefore prepare your selues thereto I hartely beseche you And thus I take my vale in aeternum with you in this present life myne owne deare hartes in the Lord. The Lord of mercie be with vs all and geue vs a ioyfull and sure meetyng in his kyngdome Amen Amen Out of prison the 11. of Februarie Anno. 1555. Your owne in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To Lankeshire and Cheshire TO all those that professe his name and true Religion of our sauiour Iesus Christ in Lankeshyre and Chesshyre An other letter of M. Bradford to Lankeshire Cheshire and specially to Manchester and specially abiding in Manchester and therabout Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruaunt of the Lorde now not onely in boundes but also condemned for y e same true religion wisheth mercy and grace peace and increase of all godlines from God the father of all pitty through y e desertes of our Lord Iesus Christ by the working of the most mighty and liuely spirite the comforter for euer Amen I heard it reported credibly my dearely beloued in the Lord that my heauenly father hath thought it good to prouide that as I haue preached his true doctrine and Gospell amongest you by worde so I shall testifie confirme the same by deede That is I shall with you leaue my life whiche by hys prouidence I first receaued there for in Manchester was I borne for a seale to the doctrine I haue taught with you and amongest you so so that if from henceforth you wauer in the same you haue none excuse at all I know the enemies of Christ whiche exercise this crueltie vpon me I speake in respect of myne offence which is none to themwardes thinke by killing of me amongest you to affray you and others least they shoulde attempt to teach Christ truely or beleue his doctrine hereafter But I doubt not but my heauenly father will be my death more confirme you in his truth for euer And therefore I greatly reioyce to see sathan and his souldiours supplanted
of armes for we are not so able to withstand hym muche lesse to preuayle agaynst him but to beseeche hym to mercifull vnto vs and according to his wonted mercye to deale wyth vs. Rising with Dauid Let vs arise with Dauid and saye Ne intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo c. i. Enter not into iudgement O Lorde with thy seruaunt for in thy sight no fleshe liuyng shal be iustified Let vs send Embassadours with the Senturion Suing with the Centurion and saye Lorde we are not worthye to come our selues vnto thee speake the word and we shall haue peace Let vs penitently with the Publicane loke downe on the earth Repenting with the Publican knocke our hard hartes to burst them and crye out Oh GOD be mercifull vnto vs wretched sinners Let vs with the lost Sonne returne and saye O Father we haue sinned agaynst heauen and earth Retur● with th● lost 〈◊〉 and before thee we are vnworthy to be called thy children Let vs I say do on this sorte y t is hartily repent vs of our former euill lyfe vnthankfull gospelling past conuert and turne to God w t our whole hartes hoping in his great mercy thorough Christ and hartily calling vppon his holy name and then vndoubtedly we shall finde and feele otherwyse then yet we feele both inwardly and outwardly Inwardly we shall feele peace of conscience betweene God and vs whiche peace passeth all vnderstanding and outwardlye we shall feele muche mittigation of these miseries if not an vtter taking them away Therefore my dearely beloued in the Lorde I youre poorest brother now departing to the Lord Bradfo●● vltimu● vale for my vale in aeternum for this present lyfe praye you beseeche you and euen from the verye bottome of my harte for all the mercies of God in Christ shewed vnto you most earnestly begge and craue of you out of prison as often out of your Pulpies I haue done that you wil repent you leaue your wicked and euill life be sorye for your offences and turne to the Lorde whose armes are wide open to receaue and embrace you whose stretched out hande to strike to death stayeth that he may shew mercy vpon you For he is the Lord of mercy and God of all comforte hee will not the death of a sinner but rather that yee shoulde returne conuert and amend He hath no pleasure in the destruction of men The day 〈◊〉 Gods 〈◊〉 at hand his long sufferyng draweth to repentaunce before the tyme of vengeance and the day of wrath which is at hand doth come Now is the axe layd to the roote of the tree vtterly to destroy the impenitente Wanton Gospell Proud P●●●testantes False C●●●●stians Nowe is the fire gone out before the face of the Lorde and who is able to quenche it Oh therefore repent you repent you It is enough to haue liued as we haue done It is inough to haue pleased the wanton Gospellers the proude Protestantes Hypocriticall and false Chrystians as alas wee haue done Now the Lorde speaketh to vs in mercy and grace Oh turne before hee speaketh in wrathe Yet is there mercye with the Lorde and plenteous redemption yet hee hath not forgotten to shewe mercye to them that call vppon him Oh then call vpon him while he may be found For hee is riche in mercy and plentifull to all them that call vpon hym So that hee that calleth on the name of the Lorde shal be saued If your sinnes be as redde as scarlet the Lord sayeth he will make them as white as snow He hath sworne and neuer will repent hym thereof that he will neuer remember our iniquities but as hee is good faithfull and true so will he be our God and wee shall be his people his law will he write in our hartes engraffe in our myndes and neuer will he haue in mynde our vnrighteousnesse Therefore my deare heartes in the Lorde turne you turne you to y e Lord your Father to the Lord your Sauiour to the Lord your comforter Oh why doe you stoppe your eares and harden your harts ●o day Bradford prophe●● of these plagues 〈◊〉 whē you heare hys voyce by me your poorest brot●●● Oh forget not how that the Lord hath shewed hymsel●● true and me hys true preacher by bringyng to passe th●●lagues which at my mouth you ofte heard before they came to passe specially when I entreated of Noes floud and when I preached of the 22. chapter of Saint Mathews Gospell on S. Steuens day the last tyme that I was with you And nowe by me the Lord sendeth you worde deare countrey men that if you will go on forwards in your impenitency carnalitie hypocrisie idolatry couetousnesse swearing gluttony dronkennesse whoredome c. Wherewith alas alas our countrey floweth if I say you will not turne and leaue of seyng me now burned amongst you to assure you on all sides how God seeketh you Destruct●●● threatn●● them 〈◊〉 repent and is sory to doe you hurt to plague you to destroy you to take vengeance vpon you oh your bloud wil be vpon your owne heades you haue bene warned and warned againe by me in preaching by me in burning As I sayd therefore I say agayne my deare harts and dearlings in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you cease from doyng euill study to do well Preceptes of lyfe away with idolatry flye the Romish God and seruice leaue of from swearing cut of carnalitie abandon auarice driue away dronkennesse flie from fornication and flattery murther and malice destroy deceiptfulnesse and cast away all the works of darkenes Put on pitie and godlines serue God after his word and not after custome vse your tongs to glorifie God by prayer thankesgeuing and confession of his truth c. be spirituall and by the spirit mortifie carnall affections be sober holy true louyng gentle mercyfull and then shall the Lordes wrath cease not for this our doyngs sake but for his mercies sake Goe to therefore good country men take this counsell of the Lorde by mee nowe sente vnto you as the Lordes counsell and not as mine that in the daye of iudgement I maye reioyce wyth you and for you the which thing I hartely desire and not to be a witnes agaynst you My bloud will crye for vengeaunce as agaynst the Papistes Gods enemies whome I beseech God if it be his will hartely to forgeue yea euen them which put me to death and are the causers therof for they know not what they do so will my bloud cry for vengeaunce agaynst you my dearely beloued in the Lord if ye repent not Bradfordes 〈◊〉 will agaynst 〈…〉 amend not and turne vnto the Lord. Turne vnto the Lord yet once more I hartely besech thee thou Manchester thou Ashton vnderline thou Bolton Bury Wigme Lierpoole Mottrine Stepport Winsley Eccles Priestwich Middleton Radcliefe and thou City of Westchester where I haue truely taught and
preached the worde of GOD. Turne I saye vnto you all and to all the inhabitours there aboutes vnto the Lord our God and hee will turne vnto you he will saye vnto his Aungell It is enough put vppe the sworde The whiche thyng that he will doe I humblye beseeche his goodnesse for the precious bloudes sake of hys deare Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Ah good brethren take in good parte these my last wordes vnto euery one of you Pardon me myne offences and negligences in behauiour amongest you The Lorde of mercye pardon vs all our offences for our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen Out of Prison readye to come to you the eleuenth of February Ann. 1555. ¶ To the Towne of Walden 〈…〉 of M. Bradford to 〈◊〉 towne 〈◊〉 Walden TO the faythfull and such as professe the true doctrine of our Sauiour Iesus Christ dwelling at Walden and thereaboutes Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruaunt of the Lorde nowe in bandes and condemned for the same true doctrine wysheth grace mercy and peace with the encrease of all godlynesse in knowledge and liuing from GOD the Father of all comforte through the desertes of our alone and full redeemer Iesus Christ by the mighty working of the most holy spirit the comforter for euer Amen When I remember how that by the prouidence and grace of God I haue bene a man by whome it hath pleased him through my ministery to call you to repentaunce and amendment of life something effectually as it seemed and to sowe amongest you his true doctrine and religion least that by my affliction stormes now arisen to trye the faythfull and to conforme them lyke to the Image of the sonne of GOD into whose companye wee are called you might be faint harted I could not but out of prison secretly for my keepers may not know that I haue penne ynke write vnto you a signification of the desire I haue that you should not only be more cōfirmed in the doctrine I haue taught amongest you which I take on my death as I shall answere at the day of dome I am perswaded to be Gods assured infallible and playne trueth 〈…〉 answe●● with 〈◊〉 bloud 〈◊〉 his doc●●●ne but also should after your vocation auow the same by confession profession and liuing I haue not taught you my dearely beloued in the Lord fables tales or vntruthe but I haue taught you the verity as now by my bloud gladlye praysed bee God therfore I do seale the same In deed to confesse the truth vnto you and to all the Churche of Christ I doe not thinke of my selfe but that I haue moste iustly deserued not onely this kinde but also all kindes of death and that eternally ● Bradford 〈…〉 his 〈◊〉 lyfe for myne hypocrisy vayneglory vncleannesse selfe loue couetousnesse idlenesse vnthankefulnesse and carnall professing of Gods holy Gospell liuing therein not so purely louyngly and paynefully as I should haue done The Lord of mercy for the bloud sake of Christ pardon me as I hope yea I certainely beleue he hath done for his holy names sake thorowe Christe But my d●arely beloued you and all the whole world may see and easely perceiue that the Prelates persecute in me an other thing then mine iniquities euen Christ himselfe Christes verity and trueth because I canne not dare not nor wyll not confesse Transubstantiation and howe that wicked menne ye Mise and Dogges eating the Sacrament which they terme of the aultar thereby ouerthrowing Christes holy Supper vtterly do eate Christes naturall and reall body borne of the virgine Mary To beleue and confesse as Gods worde teacheth the primatiue Church beleued and all the Catholicke and good holy Fathers taught fiue hundreth yeares at the least after Christ that in the Supper of the Lord which the Masse ouerthroweth as it doth Christes Priesthoode sacrifice death and passion the ministerye of his word true ●ayth repentance and all godlines whole Christ God and man is present by grace to the fayth of the receiuers but not of the standers by and lookers on as bread and wyne is to theyr sences will not serue and therefore I am condemned shall be burned out of hand as an hereticke Wherefore I hartelye thanke my Lord God that will and doth vouch me worthy to be an instrument in whome he himselfe doeth suffer For you see my affliction and death is not simply M. Bradford persecuted for confessing the truth because I haue deserued no lesse but muche more at his handes and iustice but rather because I confesse his verity and trueth and am not affrayd through his gift that to do that you also might be confirmed in his truth Therefore my dearely beloued I hartely do pray you and so many as vnfaynedly loue mee in God to geue with mee and for mee most harty thankes to our heauenly Father through our sweete Sauiour Iesus Christ for this his exceeding great mercy towardes me and you also that your fayth wauer not from the doctrine I haue taught and ye haue receiued For what can you desire more to assure your cōsciences of the verity taught by your preachers then theyr owne liues Goe to therefore my deare hartes in the Lord wauer not in Christes religion truely taught you and set forth in king Edwardes dayes Neuer shall the enemies be able to burne it to prison it and keepe it in bondes Vs they may prison Gods truth can neuer be kepte vnder by the aduersaryes they may bynde and burne as they doe and will doe so long as shall please the Lord but our cause religion and doctrine which we confesse they shall neuer be able to vanquish and put away Theyr Idolatry and Popish religion shall neuer bee builte in the consciences of menne that loue Gods trueth As for those that loue not Gods truth that haue no pleasure to walke in the wayes of the Lord in those I say the Deuill shall preuayle For God will geue them strong illusion to beleue lyes Therefore deare brethren and sisters in the Lord I humbly beseech you and pray you in the bowelles and bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu● Christ He exhorteth them to loue Gods truth and to liue therafter now goyng to the death for the testimony of Iesus as oftētimes I haue done before this present out of your Pulpitte that you woulde loue the Lordes trueth loue I saye to loue it and frame your liues thereafter Alas you know the cause of all these plagues fallen vp vs and of the successe which Gods aduersaryes haue dayly is for our not louing Gods word You knowe how that we were but Gospellers in lippes and not in life We were carnall concupiscentious idle Gods Gospell abused· vnthankfull vncleane couetous arrogant dissemblers crafty subtle malicious false backebiters c. and euen glutted with Gods word yea we lothed it Gods Gospell lothed as did the Israelites the Manna in the wildernes and therefore as to them
the cognisaunce of the Lorde of hostes This cognisaunce of the Lorde standeth not in forked cappes The Lordes cognisaunce standeth not in forked caps c. but in suffering for the Lordes sake typettes shauen crownes or such other baggage and Antichristian pelfe but in suffering for the Lordes sake The world shall hate you sayth Christ. Loe ●here is the Cognisaunce and Badge of Goddes children The world shall hate you Reioyce therefore my dearely beloued reioyce that God doth thus vouchsafe to beginne to conforme you and make you like to Christ. By the tryall of these dayes yee are occasioned more to repent more to pray more to contemn this world more to desire life euerlasting more to be holy for holy is the end wherefore God doth afflict vs and so to come to Gods companye Whych thing because we can not doe as long as this body is as it is therfore by the dore of death we must enter with Christ into eternall life and immortality of soule and body whiche God of his mercy send shortly for our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ To Maystres A. Worcup THe euerlasting peace of Christ be more and more liuely felte in our hartes Another letter of M. Bradford to Mistres Warcup by the operation of the holy ghost now and for euer Amen Although I knowe it bee more then needeth to write anye thing vnto you good Sister being as I doubt not you be diligently exercised in readinge of the Scriptures in meditating of the same and in harty prayer to GOD for the helpe of his holy Spirite to haue the sense and feeling especially of the comfortes you reade in Gods sweete booke yet hauinge such oportunity and knowing not whether hereafter I shall euer haue the like as this bringer can declare I thought good in few wordes to take my farewell in writinge because otherwise I canne not And nowe me thinkes I haue doone it For what else canne I or shoulde I saye vnto you my dearely beloued in the Lorde but farewell Farewell deare Sister farewell howbeit in the Lorde our Lord I say farewell In him shall you farewell Bradford 〈◊〉 farewell Ma●stres Warcup so much the better by howe muche in your selfe you fare euill and shall fare euill When I speake of your selfe I meane also this worlde thys life and all thinges properly perteining to this life In them as you looke not for your welfare so be not dismayed when accordingly you shall not feele it To the Lord our GOD to the Lambe our Christ which hath borne our sinnes on his backe is our Mediatour for euer do I send you In him looke for welfare and that without all wauering because of his owne goodnesse and truth which our euilles and vntrueth can not take away Not that therefore I would haue you to flatter your selfe in any euill or vnbeliefe but that I woulde comfort you that they should not dismay you Yours is our Christ wholy Christ is wholy 〈◊〉 with all that euer hath yours I say he is with all that euer he hath Is not this welfare trow you Moūtaynes shall moue and the earth shall fall before you finde it otherwise say that liar Sathan what he list Therefore good Sister farewell and be mery in the Lorde bee mery I say for you haue good cause If your welfare ioy and saluation hanged vpon any other thing then onely Gods mercy truth then might you well be sad heauy and stand in a doubt but in that it hangeth onely vpon these two tel Sathan he lyeth How to aunswere Sathan when he moueth vs to doub●● Gods 〈◊〉 How to looke vpo● Christ. How to looke 〈◊〉 our selue● In case o● iustificati●● let no 〈◊〉 looke vpo● himself 〈◊〉 onely vp●● the good●●● of God i● Christ. whē he would you to stand in a mammering by causing you to caste your eyes which onely in this case should be set on Christ your sweet Sauior on your selfe In some part in deede looke on your selfe on your fayth on your loue obedience c. to wake you vp from security to stirre you vp to diligence in doing the thinges apperteyning to your vocation but when you would be at peace with God and haue true consolation in your conscience altogether looke vpon the goodnes of God in Christ. Thinke on this commaundement which precedeth all other that you must haue no other Gods but the Lord Iehouah which is your Lord God the which he could not be if that he did not pardon your sinnes in very deede Remember that Christ commaundeth you to call him father for the same intent And hereto call to minde all the benefites of God hitherto shewed vpon you and so shall you fele in very deede that which I wish vnto you now and pray you to wish vnto me Farewell or welfare in the Lord Iesus with whom he graunt vs shortlye to meete as his children for his name and mercies sake to our eternall welfare Amen ¶ To mine owne deare brother M. Laurence Saunders prisoner in the Marshalsee MY good brother I beseech our good and gracious Father alwayes to cōtinue his gracious fauor loue towards vs by vs as by instruments of his grace to work his glory the cōfusion of his aduersaryes A letter of M. Bradford to M. Sau●●ders Ex ore infantium lactentium fundet laudem ad destruendum inimicum c. Amen 1. Out of the mouth of infantes and babes he will shew forth his prayse to destroy the enemy c. I haue perused your letters to my selfe and haue read them to others For aunswere whereof if I should write what Doctor Taylor and Mayster Philpot doe thinke then must I say that they thinke the Salt sent vnto vs by your * This frie●● moued 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 to the Pa●pistes art●●cles with this cond●●tion so 〈◊〉 as they 〈◊〉 agaynst Gods word being in deede cleane co●●trary to 〈◊〉 and yet shortly 〈◊〉 he valiant●● suffred death for refusing 〈◊〉 same Psal. 54. Psalm 36 Psalm 3● Math. 10. 1. Cor 10 2. Pet. 1. Nahum ● frende is vnseasonable And in deede I thinke they both will declare it hartely if they shoulde come before them As forme if you woulde knowe what I thinke my good and most deare brother Laurence because I am so sinnefull and so conspurcate the Lord knoweth I lye not with many greuous sinnes which I hope are washed away Sanguine Christi nostri I neither canne nor woulde bee consulted withall but as a sypher in Agrime How be it to tell you how and what I minde take this for a summe I pray GOD in no case I may seeke my selfe and in deede I thank● GOD therefore I purpose it not Quod reliquum est Domino Deo meo committo spero in illum quod ipse faciet iuxta hoc Iacta in Dominum curam c. Omnis cura vestra coniecta sit in illum c. Reuela Domino
so many thowsandes it pleaseth his mercy to choose me to be one in whome he will suffer For although it be moste true that iuste patior i. I iustly suffer for I haue bene a great hypocrite and a greeuous synner the Lorde pardon me yea hee hath done it he hath done it in deede yet hic autem quid mali fecit i. What euill hath he done Christ whome the Prelates persecute his verity which they hate in me hath done no euill nor deserueth death Therefore ought I most hartely to reioyce of this dignation and tender kyndnesse of the Lord towardes me This is a singular mercy of God to haue death which is a due punishment for sinne ● turned into a demonstration testification of the Lordes tru●he 4. Reg. 2. which vseth the remedy for my sinne as a testimoniall of hys Testament to his glory to my euerlasting comfort to the edefying of his Church and to the ouerthrowing of Antichrist and hys kingdome O what am I Lorde that thou shouldest thus magnifye me so vile a man and miser as alwayes I haue bene Is this thy wont to sende for suche a wretche and an hypocrite as I haue bene in a fiery Charyot as thou diddest for Helias Oh deare Fathers be thankefull for me and pray for me that I styll may be found worthy in whom the Lord would sanctify his holy name And for your part make you readye for we are but your gentlemen hushers Nuptiae agni paratae sunt venite ad nuptias 1. The mariage of the Lambe is prepared come vnto the mariage I now go to leaue my flesh there where I receiued it He meaneth that he should be conueyed by the Queenes Garde into Lankeshire to be burnte as the aduersaryes had once determined lyke as Ignatius was by a company of soldiours conueyed to Rome and cast to the Leopardes I shall be cōueied thither as Ignatius was at Rome to Leopardis by whose euill I hope to bee made better God graunt if it be his will that I aske it may make them better by me Amen For my farewell therfore I write and send this vnto you trusting shortly to see you where we shall neuer be separated In the meane season I will not cease as I haue done to commende you to our father of heauen And that you would so do by me I most hartely praye euerye one of you You knowe nowe I haue moste neede But fidelis Deus qui nunquam sinet nos tenta●i supra id quòd possumus i. Faythfull is God which will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength He neuer didde it hytherto nor now I am assured he will neuer do Amen A dextris est mihi non mouebor Propter hoc laetabitur cor meum quia non derelinquet animam meam in inferno nec dabit me sanctum suum per gratiam in C●risto videre corruptionem E carcere raptim expectens omni momento carnificem i. He is on my righte hand therefore I shall not fall Wherefore my hart shall reioyce Psalme 16 for he shall not leaue my soule in hell neither shall suffer me his holy one by his grace in Christ to see corruption Out of prison in haste looking for the Tormentour The 8. of February Ann. 1555. Iohn Bradford * To the honourable Lord Russell now Earle of Bedford being then in trouble for the verity of Gods Gospell THe euerlasting and most gracious God and Father of our Sauiour Iesu Christ A letter of M. Bradford to the Lord Russell now Earle of Bedford ●lesse your good Lordshippe with all maner of heauenlye blessinges in the same Chryst our onely comfort and hope Amen Praysed be God our Father which hath vouched you worthye as of fayth in his Christ so of his Crosse for the same Magnifyed be his holy name who as he hath deliuered you from one crosse so he hath made you willing I trust and ready to beare another whē he shall see his time to lay it vpon you for these are the most singular giftes of God geuen as to few The excellencye of fayth and what it worketh so to none els but to these few whiche are moste deare in his sight Fayth is reckoned and worthely among the greatest gyftes of GOD yea it is the greatest it selfe that we enioy for by it as we be iustified and made Gods childrē so are we temples and possessours of the holy spirite yea of Christ also Eph. 4. And of the Father hymselfe Iohn 14. By fayth we driue the Deuill away 1. Peter 5. We ouercome the world 1. Ioh. And are already Citttizens of heauen and fellowes wyth Goddes deare Sayntes But who is able to reckon the riches that this fayth bringeth with her vnto the soule she sitteth vpon No man or Aungell And therefore as I sayd of all Gods giftes she may be set in the top and haue the vpmost seate The which thing if men considered in that she commeth alonely from Goddes owne mercy seat Fayth commeth by hearing the word and not by hearing Masse by the hearing not of Masse or Mattyns Dyriges or such drasse but of the worde of God in such a toung as we canne and doe vnderstand as they would be diligent and take greate heede for doyng or seeyng any thyng whiche might cast her downe for then they fal also so would they with no lesse care read and heare Goddes holy word ioyning thereto most earnest and often prayer aswell for the more and better vnderstanding as for the louing liuyng and confessing of the same mauger the head of the deuill the worlde our fleshe reason goodes possessions carnall frends wife children and very life here if they should pull vs backe to harken to the voyce and counsell for more quiet sure and longer vse of them Philip. 1. Now notwithstanding this excellency of fayth in that we read the Apostle to matche therewith yea as it were to preferre suffering persecution for Christes sake I trowe no man will be so fond as to thinke otherwise but that I and all Goddes children haue cause to glorify and prayse God whiche hath vouched you worthye so greate a blessing The efficacy of the crosse and what it worketh in Gods children For though the reason or wisedome of the worlde thinke of the Crosse according to theyr reach and according to theyr present sence and therefore flyeth from it as from a most great ignominye and shame Yet Gods Scholers haue learned otherwise to thinke of the Crosse that is the frame house in the which God frameth his children lyke to his sonne Christ the Fornace that fineth Gods golde the high way to Heauen the Sute and Liuery that Gods seruauntes are serued withall the earnest and beginning of all consolation and glory For they I meane Gods scholers as your Lordshyp is I trust doe enter into Goddes sanctuary Psalme 72. least theyr fecte slippe They looke not as beastes do on thinges
with co●●rage Cast you selues on Christ who careth for you Kepe company with him now stil to the ende he is faithfull and wil neuer leaue you nor tempt you further then hee will make you able to beare yea in the middest of the temptation hee will make an outscape Nowe pray vnto him heartely be thankefull of his indignation reioyce in hope of the health you shall receiue and be mindefull of vs whych are in the vawarde and by Gods grace trust in Christ to be made able to breake the Ise before you that you followynge may finde the way more easie God graunte it may so be Amen Amen Out of prison by your brother in Christ Iohn Bradford To Maistresse Wilkenson ALmighty God our most louing father increase in your heart my good mother deare maistresse in the Lord his true knowledge and loue in Christe A letter M. Bradf●●● to 〈◊〉 Wilkins●● to y e encouraging and comforting of your faith in these stormy dayes as necessary vnto vs so profitable if we per●iste vnto the ende which thing God graunt to vs. Amen My righte dearely beloued I knowe not what other thing to wryte vnto you then to desire you to be thankfull vnto the Lord in that amongst thee not many of your calling and state it pleaseth him to geue you his rare blessing I meane to keepe you from all the filthe wherewyth on●e Countrey is horribly defiled Thys blessing assuredly is rare as you see But nowe if he shall blesse you with an other blessing which is more rare I meane to cal you foorth as a Martyr and a witnesse against this filth I hope you will become double thankefull For a greater token commonly we haue not to iudge of our election and saluation next to Christe and faith in him then the crosse especiallye when it is so glorious as on this sorte to suffer any thing The 〈◊〉 a great of Elect●●● but chiefly losse of this life which in deede is neuer founde til it be so lost except the graine of wheate fall and be dead it remaineth fruitlesse You know how that he which was rapt into the third heauen and did knowe what he wrote doeth say That as the corne liueth not except it be dead and cast into the earth 1. Cor. ●● so truely oure bodies And therefore the crosse shoulde so little feare vs that euen death it selfe shoulde altogether be desired of vs as the Tailour which putteth off oure ragges and araieth vs with the Royall Roabes of immortalitie incorruption and glory Great shame it shoulde be for vs ●om 8. that all the whole creatures of God shoulde desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie and wee our selues to loath it as doubtlesse we doe if for the crosse yea for death it selfe we with ioy swallow not vp all sorrow that might let vs from following the Lordes calling and obtaining the Lordes prouidence whereby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chance In consideration whereof right deare Mother that this prouidence stretcheth it selfe so vnto vs and for vs that euē the hair of our heads are numbred with God not one of them to fall to our hurte surely we declare our selues very faint in faith if we receiue not such comfort that we can willingly offer our selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him with this honour that he is and euer will be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare children Be therfore of good cheare euen in the middest of these miseries be thankful to the Lord and prepare your selfe for a further triall which if God sende you as I hope so do you beleeue that God therein wil help comfort you and make you able to bear whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauing this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying God our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to mee especially and to many others both in this time of trouble and alwaies heeretofore Your owne in the Lord Iohn Bradford An other letter wrytten to certaine godly persons encouraging them to prepare them selues with pacience to the crosse GRatious God and moste mercifull Father for Iesus Christes sake thy dearely beloued sonne graunte vs thy mercy grace wisedome and holy spirite to counsaile comforte and guide vs in al our cogitations woordes and woorkes to thy glorye and our euerlasting ioy and peace for euer Amen In my last letter you might perceiue my coniecturing to be no lesse towards you then now I haue learned But my dearely beloued I haue learned none other thyng then before I haue told you would come to passe if ye cast not away that which ye haue learned I do appeale to both your consciences whether herein I speake trueth as well of my telling though not so often as I might and should God forgeue mee as also of your learning Nowe God will trie you to make others to learne by you that whych ye haue learned by others and by them which suffred thys day ye might learne if already yee had not learned that life and honour is not to be set by more then Gods commandement They in no poynt for all y t euer their ghostly fathers could do hauing doctour Death to take their part would consent or seeme to consent to the popish masse and papisticall God otherwise then in y e daies of our late king they had receiued And this their faith they haue confessed with their deathes to their great glorye and all our comfortes if we follow them but to our confusion if we starre backe from the same Wherfore I beseeche you to consider it as well to praise God for them as to goe the same way with them if God so will Consider not the things of this life whyche is a verye prison to all Gods children but the things of euerlasting life which is our very home But to the beholding of thys geare ●●ample of 〈…〉 goe with 〈…〉 ye must open the eyes of your mind of faith I shuld haue sayde as Moses did which set more by trouble wyth Gods people then by the riches of Egypt and Pharaos Court Your house home and goodes yea life and all that euer yee haue God hath geuen you as loue tokens to admonish you of his loue to win your loue to him againe Nowe will he trie your loue whether ye set more by hym then by his tokens or no. If ye for his tokēs sake that is for your home house goods yea life will goe w t the world least ye should loose them then be assured your loue as hee can not but espie it to be a strumpets loue ● strumpet 〈◊〉 more her 〈◊〉 then by ●ouer so will he cast it away with the world Remember that he which will saue his life shall loose it if Christ be true but he which aduentureth yea
open our eyes to see his hi● Manna heauenly Ierusalem the congregation of the first borne the melodie of the Saintes the tabernacle of God dwelling with men then shuld we runne and become violent men and so take the kingdome o● heauen as it were by force God our father geue vs for hys Christes sake to see a litle what and howe great ioy he hath prepared for vs he hath called vs vnto most assuredly geueth vs for his owne goodnes and truthes sake Amen My dearely beloued repent be sober and watche in prayer be obedient and after your vocations shewe your obedience to the higher powers in all thinges that are not against Gods word therein acknowledging y e soueraigne power of the Lorde howbeit so that ye be no rebels or rebellers for no cause but because wyth good conscience you can not obey be pacient sufferers and the glorye and good spirit of God shall dwel vppon vs. I pray you remember vs your afflicted brethren being in the Lordes bondes for the testimonie of Christ and abiding the gracious houre of our deare and most merciful father The Lord for Christes sake geue vs merry hearts to drinke lustely of his sweete cuppe which daily we grone and sigh for lamenting that the tyme is thus prolonged The Lorde Iesus geue vs grace to be thankeful and to abide paciently the prouident houre of his most gracious good will Amen Amen From the Counter in the Poultrie Yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To my good brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the kings Benche THe father of mercie and God of all comfort visite vs with his eternall consolation according to his great mercies in Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen A lette● 〈◊〉 M. Brad●●●● to I. Ca●●●les My very deare brother if I shall reporte the truthe vnto you I can not but signifie that sithen I came into prisone I neuer receaued so much consolation as I did by your last letter the name of God be most heartely praised therefore But if I shall reporte the trueth vnto you and as I haue begonne speake still the veritie I must confesse that for mine vnthankefulnes to you wardes and to God especially I haue more neede of Gods mercifull tidinges then I hadde euer heeretofore Ah that Sathan enuieth vs so greatly Ah that our Lorde woulde treade his head vnder our feete shortly Ah that I mighte for euer both my selfe beware and be a godly example to you and others to beware of vnthankefulnesse Good brother Careles After a lightni●● take 〈◊〉 of a 〈◊〉 we hadde more neede to take heede after a lightening of a foile then before God therefore is to be praised euen when he hideth and that not of long a chearefull countenaunce from vs least we being not expert howe to vse it as we shoulde doe doe hurt more oure selues thereby so great is our ignoraunce and corruption This my good brother ryght deare to my very heart I wryte vnto you as to one whom in the Lorde I embrace and I thanke God that you doe me in like manner God our father more and more geue vs both his good spirit that as by faith we may fele our selues vnited vnto him in Christ so by loue we may feele our selues linked in the same Christ one to an other I to you and you to me we to al the children of God and all the children of God to vs Amen Amen Commende me to our good brother Skelthrop for whome I heartely praise my God which hath geuen him to see hys trueth at the length and to geue place to it I doubt not but that he will be so heedie in all his conuersation that hys olde acquaintaunce may euer thereby thinke them selues astray Woe and woe againe shoulde be vnto vs if we by our example should make menne to stumble at the trueth Forgette not salutations in Christe as you shall thinke good to Trewe and hys fellowes The Lorde hath his time I hope for them also although we perchance thinke otherwise A drop maketh the stone hollowe not with once but wyth often dropping so if with hearty praier for them and good example you stil and drop vppon them as you can you shall see Gods worke at the length I beseeche God to make perfect all the good he hath begun in vs all Amen I desire you all to pray for me the most vnworthy prisoner of the Lorde Your brother Iohn Bradford To M. Iohn Hall and his wife prisoners in Newgate for the testimonie of the Gospell ALmightye God oure heauenly Father through Iesus Christ be w t you both my dearely beloued as with hys deare children for euer so he blesse you with his holy spirite that you may in thys your crosse for his cause doubtles reioyce and gladly take it vp to beare it so long as hee shall thinke good I haue heard my good brother sister how that god hath brought you both into his scholehouse whereas you were bothe purposed by his leaue to haue pla●ed the trewands that thereby you might see his carefulnes loue towarde you For if it be a token of a louing and careful father for his children to preuent the purpose and disappoynt the intent of his children purposing to depart a while from the schoole for feare of beating whych thing they woulde not doe if they did as much consider the commodity of learning which there they might get how should you take this worke of the Lorde preuenting your purpose but as an euident signe of loue and fatherly carefulnes that he beareth towardes you If he shoulde haue winked at your willes then would you haue escaped beating I meane the crosse but then should you haue lost the commoditie of learning which your father will now haue you to learne and feele and therfore hath he sent to you his crosse Hee I say hath brought you where you be and though your reason and wit wil tell you it is by chance or fortune or otherwise yet my dearely beloued knowe for certaine that what so euer was the meane God your father was the worker heereof and that for your weale although otherwise your old Adam doth tel you you fele yet I say of truth that your duty is to thinke of this crosse that as it is of Gods sending and commeth from him so although your deserts be otherwise it is of loue fatherly affection for your weale and commodities sake What commodity is hereby you wil perchance obiect You are now kept in close prison you wil say your family and children be without good ouerseers your substance diminisheth by these meanes pouertie will approche and perchance more peari●s also yea and losse of life too These are no commodities but discommodities and that no smal ones so that iustly you would be glad to know what commoditie can come to you by this crosse whereby commeth so great discommodities To these things I answer that in deede it is true you
it musty our selues yet must we beleue it is sweete and then pay them well for theyr so saying and all is safe But I might saye agayne What sir be ye wiser then Christ and God hys father or the holy Ghost What wiser then the Prophetes and the holy Apostles and all the holye Martyrs I pray you sir where had you your high learning It is higher thē God being in heauen is able to teache or haue ye set it lower in hell then euer Christ durst to venter For it is some straunge learning belike that Christ nor his Apostles could neuer attaine to the knowledge of it But vayne men are neuer without some shift For peraduenture they will not be ashamed to saye that Christ cōming on his fathers message did forget half his errād by the way For I dare say the greater halfe of theyr ceremonyes were neuer commaunded by Christ Yea I doubt it would bee hard to finde one in the Churche perfectly as hee lefte so Romishly hath Antichrist turned the church vpsidedown for lukers sake Beloued Mother as I oftentymes sayde vnto you euen so now I beseeeche you from my very hart roote in Christ to consider your owne soules health is offered you doe not cast it off we haue not long time here Why should we deceiue our selues either for ease of our fleshe or for the winning of this worldes treasure I know that some will say to you why should wee condemne our fathers that liued thus God forbid that wee shoulde condemne any that did according to their knowledge But let vs take heede that they condemne not vs for if they had hearde the word as we haue and had bene warned as wee haue it is to bee thought that they would more thankefully haue receaued it thē we do The fathers that heard no better are not to be condemned but rather will condemne vs that heare and receaue it not yea they were more faythfull in that they knewe then many now are Therefore they shall be our condemnation if wee doe not embrace this grace offered vs. And surely looke how many of them God will accept and saue those shall wee neuer see nor haue any part among them for our disobedience is more great then their ignoraunce Wherefore if we will meete our fathers in blisse and ioye let vs not refuse his mercye offered more largely to vs then to them euen according to Christes promise which sayd after such great ignoraunce as to seek hym from country to country and finde him not Yet shall the Gospel sayth he be preached in all the world and then shall the ende come And now let vs knowe the time of our visitation and not turne backe agayne seeing we are once deliuered for surely God will not beare it at our handes to turne backeward Gods visitation not to be refused Oh remember Lots life God must needes punish out of hand our shamefull backesliding eyther with induration and hardnes of hart so that they shall persecute his Churche and true seruauntes or els reward it with open vengeaunce and plagues And therefore good mother accept this my simple letter as a fruite of my loue obedience to you Would God we might be so knitte in fayth trust in Gods word and promises here in this lyfe as wee myght together enioye the blisse and consolation of eternall lyfe which I desire and seeke aboue all worldly treasure as ye partly know If I woulde seeke the good will of men contrarye to my conscience I could make some my frendes whiche now peraduenture are ielous ouer me amisse Experience how Gods Martyrs seeke not the world But I thanke God let them waye the matter betweene God and theyr consciences and they haue no iust cause so to do neuerthelesse I would they would yet refrain and put theyr matter and myne into the euen ballaunce of gods most holy worde there to be wayed by the mynde of the holye Ghost expressed vnto vs by the holy Patriarckes and Prophetes and by Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour and Mediatour and by his holy Apostles and then I doubt not but our matter shall be ended with peace and ioyfulnes of hart whiche God graunt vs for his mercies sake Amen Your owne childe Nicholas Shetterden prisoner for the trueth in Westgate 1555. A letter to his brother VVater Sheterden My vncle hath bene with me made great promises and great threates also I Wishe you healthe in Christe true knowledge of hys word a faithful obedient hart vnto y e same It is shewed me my brother y t yee willed me by a letter made to a frend of yours to perswade with me that I shoulde be ruled by mine Uncle which saith he wil bestow his goods very largely vpon me If I shoulde not stand to highe in mine own conceipt But my good brother I trust ye doe not iudge so euill of me that I should haue a fayth to sell for money For though he or you were able to geue me the treasure of the whole countrey yet I thanke my Lorde God I do iudge it but an heape of dongue in respecte of y e treasure hid w tin yet I do esteme a buckle of your shoe if it come with good wil. And for to be counselled and ruled by him or you or any other my frends I do not neither haue refused it if they require no more of me then my power that which belongeth to mortall men But if they require of me any thing which pertayneth to God onely there is neither high nor low frend nor foe I trust in God shall get it of me nor yet the Aungels in heauen For though I be not learned as the vayne men of the world call learning yet I thanke my Lorde God So should he haue 2. bodyes at once one glorified and an other mortall No order nor reason in the popes doctrine I haue learned out of Gods booke to know God from his creatures and to know Christ from hys sacramentes and to put a difference betweene the merites of Christes Passion and hys Supper a difference betwene y e water of Baptisme and the holy Ghost and not to mixe and mingle all thinges confusely together so that if one aske me a question or a reason of my fayth I must say thus I beleeue as holy Church beleeueth if he aske me what is the order of that fayth I should be so ignoraunt that I could not discerne God from his creatures nor Christ from his sacramentes If I should so monstrously vtter my faythe that I were not able to iudge betweene Christes byrth and his buriall nor which were first of his mortification and hys glorification who would beleue that my faith wer sound For some affirme that Christ did not geue to his Apostles a mortall and a passible bodye but an immortall glorified body so that he should haue a glorified bodye before his death so his glorification was before
the same constancie as dyd the other and therfore were both deliuered vnto the sheriffes who were there present but afterwards were conueyed to the places aboue named there moste ioyfully gaue their houses to bee burned in the fire and their soules into the handes of Almighty God by Iesus Christ who hath assured them to a better hope of life This Diricke was a man whome the Lorde had blessed as well with temporall riches as with hys spirituall treasures which riches yet were no clogge or let vnto hys true professing of Christe the Lord by his grace so woorking in him of the which there was such hauocke made by the greedye raueners of that time that hys poore wyfe and children had little or none thereof During his imprisonment although he was well stricken in yeares and as it were past the time of learning yet he so spente his time that being at hys firste apprehension vtterly ignoraunt of any letter of the booke he coulde before his death read perfectly any Printed English Whos 's diligence and zeale is worthy no small commendation and therefore I thought it good not to lette it passe ouer in silence for the good encouragement and example of others Moreouer at his comming into the towne of Lewes to be burned the people called vpon him beseeching God to strengthen him in the faith of Iesus Christe Hee thanked them and prayed vnto God that of hys mercye hee woulde strengthen them in the lyke Faith And when hee came to the signe of the Starre the people drew neare vnto hym where the Sheriffe sayde that he had founde him a faithfull man in all hys aunsweres And as he came to the stake hee kneeled downe and made hys prayers and the Sheriffe made haste Then hys Booke was throwne into the barrell and when he had stript him selfe as a ioyfull member of God he went into the barrell him selfe And as soone as euer hee came in he tooke vp the booke and threw it among the people and then the Sheriffe commaunded in the Kynge and Queenes name in paine of death to throw in the booke againe And immediately that faithful member spake with a ioyfull voyce saying Deare brethren and sisterne witnes to you all that I am come to seale with my bloude Christes Gospell for because I know that it is true it is not vnknowen vnto all you but that it hath bene truely preached heere in Lewes and in all places of Englande and nowe it is not And for because that I wil not deny heere Gods Gospel and be obedient to mans lawes I am condemned to die Dear brethren and sisterne as many of you as doe beleeue vpon the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste vnto euerlasting life see you do the woorkes appertaining to the same And as many of you as doe beleeue vppon the Pope of Rome or any of his lawes which he sets foorth in these daies you do beleeue to your vtter condēnation and except the great mercy of God you shall burne in hell perpetually The Martyrdome of Diricke Caruer And then spake hee againe to all the people there present with a loude voyce saying deare brethren Horrible prouoking of Gods iudgement and all you whom I haue offended in woordes or in deede I aske you for the Lordes sake to forgeue mee and I heartely forgeue all you which haue offended me in thought word or dede And he sayd further in his praier Oh Lord my God thou hast wrytten Hee that wil not forsake wife children house Dirickes prayer at his death and all that euer he hath and take vp thy crosse and folow thee is not woorthy of thee But thou Lorde knowest that I haue forsaken all to come vnto thee Lord haue mercy vppon me for vnto thee I commend my spirit and my soule doth reioyce in thee These were the last wordes of that Faythfull member of Christe before the fire was put to hym And afterward that the fire came to him he cried Oh Lorde haue mercy vpon me and spronge vp in the fire calling vppon the name of Iesus and so ended Thomas Iueson Martyr AT Chichester Tho. Iueson of Euerson apprehended with Diricke and other suffered at Chichester about the same moneth was burned one Thomas Iueson of Godstone in the Countie of Surrey Carpenter whose apprehension examination and condemnation for as much as it was at one time and in one forme with Diricke Caruer and Iohn Launder I doe here omit referring the reader to their hystorie processe before mentioned sauing onely this his seuerall confession and priuate answers made before B. Boner at hys last examination in the Consistorie I thought not to pretermit who being examined vppon the foresayd Articles answered as followeth The aunsweres of Thomas Iueson to the obiections of Boner bishop of London in a chamber at his house in the moneth of Iuly 1. FIrst that he beleued that there is but one Catholike Aunsweres of Thomas Iueson vniuersall and whole Church of Christ thorough the whole worlde which hathe and holdeth the true faith and all the necessarye Articles of Christen beliefe all the Sacraments of Christe with the true vse and administration of the same 2. Item that he is necessarily bounden to beleeue geue credite in all the sayd faith Articles of the beliefe religion and the Sacraments of Christe and the administration of the same 3. Item that that faithe religion and administration of Sacraments which now is beleeued vsed taught and set forth in this our church of England is not agreeing wyth the truth and faith of Christ nor with the faith of the sayde Catholicke and vniuersall Church of Christ. 4. Item concerning the Sacrament of the aultar he beleueth that it is a very Idol and detestable before God as it is now ministred 5. Item that the Masse is nought and not of the institution of Christ but y t it is of mans inuention and demaunded whether any thing vsed in the Masse be good he sayde that he would answere no further 6. Item that hee had not receiued the Sacrament of the aultar since it hath ben ministred as now it is in England neither was confessed at any time within this seuen yeres nor he hath not heard Masse by the same space 7. Item that auricular confession is not necessarye to be made to a priest for that he cānot forgeue nor absolue him from sinnes 8. Item concerning the Sacrament of Baptisme that it is a signe and token of Christe as circumcision was and none otherwise and he beleeueth that his sinnes are * He meaneth not by the mere vertue of the element Two Sacramentes not washed away thereby but his body onely washed for his sinnes be washed away onely by Christes bloud 9. Item that there be in the Catholike Church of Christ onely two Sacraments that is to saye the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord and no
viam tuam spera c. Sperantem in Domino misericordia circundabit i. That which remayneth I commit to my Lord God and I trust in him that he will doe according to this Cast thy care on the Lord. c Cast all your care vpon him c. Reueale vnto the Lord thy way and trust c. Who that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall compasse him about I didde not nor do not knowe but by your Letters quod cras wee shall come coram nobis Mine owne heart stick still to dabitur vobis Fidelis enim est Dominus dabit in tentatione euentum quo possumus sufferre Nouit Dominus pios é tentatione ●ripere c. O vtinam pius ego essem Nouit Dominus in die tribulationis sperantes in se. c. i. It shall be geuen you c. For the Lorde is faythfull He will in tentation make away that ye may be able to beare it The Lord knoweth how to rid out of tentation the godly c. O woulde God I were godly The Lord knoweth howe to deliuer out of tentation suche as trust in him c. I canne no● thinke that they will offer any kinde of indifferent or meane conditiōs for if we wil not adorare bestiā we neuer shal be deliuered but agaynst theyr will thinke I God our father gracious Lord make perfecte the good he hath begunne in vs. Faciet mi●●●ter charissime frater quem in intimis visceribus habeo ad conuiuēdum commoriendum O si tecum essem Hee will doe it my brother my deare brother whom I haue in my inward bowels to liue and dye with O if I were with you Pray for me mine owne hart roote in the Lord. For euer your owne Iohn Bradford ¶ An other Letter to Mayster Laurence Saunders GOds sweete peace in Christ be with you my good brother in the Lord Iesus and with al your concaptiues Amen I was letted this morning from musing on that whiche I was purposed to haue thought on by reason of you agaynst whome I saw my selfe guilty of negligence euen in this poynt that I would not write I should say that I had not written vnto you as yet therefore out of hande in maner I prepared my selfe to purge my selfe hereof not that I will go about to excuse my faulte for that were more to loade me but by asking both GOD and you pardon to get it no more layed to my charge Now then as I was thus purposing and partly doyng commeth there one with a letter from you for the which as I haue cause to thanke GOD and you howbeit not so that you should thinke I geue not the whole to God so I see my selfe more blame worthy for this long holding my peace Howbeit good brother in this I haue geuen a demonstration to you to behold my negligence in all other thinges and especially in praying for you M. Bradford 〈…〉 and for the Churche of GOD which for my sinnes and hypocrisy hypocrisye in deede euen in this writing GOD deliuer me ●rom it haue deserued to be punished Iust is God for we haue deserued all kindes of plagues at his handes but yet mercifull is he that will on thys wyse chastise vs wyth this world ne cum mundo condemnemur i. That we should not be condemned with the worlde He might otherwyse haue punished vs I meane he might haue for other causes cast vs in prison me especially then for his Gospell and wordes sake Praysed therefore be his name whiche voucheth vs worthye this honour Ah good GOD forgeue vs our sinnes and worke by this thy fatherly correction on vs on me especially affectually to loue thee and thy Christ and with ioyfulnesse vnto the end to carry thy Crosse through thicke and thinne Alwayes set before our eyes not this gallowes on earth if we will sticke to thee but the gallowes in Hell if wee denye thee and swarue from that we haue professed Ah good Brother if I could alwaies haue GOD his Maiestye mercy heauen hell c. before mine eyes then should I obdurare as Paul writeth of Moses Heb. 11. Obdurauit inquit perinde quasi vidisset eum qui est inuisibilis i. He endured sayth he as he that saw him which is inuisible Pray for me as I know you doe and geue thankes also for In Domino spero 〈◊〉 22. non nutabo Si ambulauero per vallem vmbrae mortis non tim●bo quia tu Domine mecum es c. Amen i. In the Lord I trust I shall not wauer If I walk by the valley of the shadowe of death I will not feare for thou art with me O Lorde I thinke we shall be shortly called forth for now legem habent secundum legem c. otherwise will they not reason with vs and I thinke theyr shootanker will be to haue vs to subscribe The which thing if we doe though with this condition so farre as the thing subscribed to repugneth not agaynst Gods worde yet thys will be offensiue Therefore let vs vadere planè and so sanè I meane let vs all confesse that we are no chaungelings but reipsa are the same we were in religion and therefore can not subscribe except we wil dissemble both with God our selues and the world Haec tibi scribo frater mi charissime in Domino Iam legam tuam Epistolā i. These things I write to you deare brother in the Lord. Now I will read your Epistle 1. Iohn 13. Ah brother that I had practicam tecum scientiam in vite illa quam pingis roga Dominum vt ita verè sentiam Amen i. The practical vnderstanding with you in that vine whiche you describe Pray the Lorde that I may so thinke in deed God make me thankefull for you Salutant te omnes concaptiui gratias Domino pro te agun● idem tu facies pro nobis ores vt c. i. All our felow prisoners salute you geue thankes to God for you The same do you for vs pray that c. Your brother in the Lord Iesus to liue and dye with you Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare Fathers D. Cranmer D. Ridley and D. Latimer IEsus Emanuell My deare fathers in the Lord I beseech GOD our sweete Father through Christ An other letter of M. Bradford to D. Cranmer D. Ridley and D. Latimer to make perfect the good hee hath begunne in vs all Amen I had thought that euery of your staues had stande nexte the dore but now it is otherwise perceiued Our deare Brother Rogers hath broken the I se valiauntly and as this day I thinke or to morow at the vttermost harty Hooper sincere Saunders and trusty Taylour end theyr course and receiue theyr crowne The nexte am I whiche hourely looke for the porter to open me the gates after them to enter into the desired rest GOD forgeue me mine vnthankefulnesse for this exceeding great mercy that amongest