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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A64670 The principles of Christian religion sumarily sett dovvne according to the word of God: together with a breife epittomie of the bodie of divinitie. By James Usher Bishop of Armaugh. Ussher, James, 1581-1656. 1645 (1645) Wing U202; ESTC R215733 23,176 121

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How doth He rule His Subjects Ans. By making the Redemption which He hath wrought effectuall in the Elect calling those whom by His Prophetical office He hath taught to embrace the benefits offered unto them and governing them being called both by these outward Ordinances which He hath instituted in the Church and by the inward operation of His blessed Spirit Having thus declared the Natures and Office of Christ the Mediator of the New Covenant What are you now to consider in the condition of mankinde which hold by Him Ans. Two things the perticipation of the grace of Christ effectually communicated by the operation of Gods Spirit unto the Catholike Church which is the Body and Spouse of Christ out of which there is no salvation and the outward meanes ordained for the offering and effecting of the same vouchsafed unto the Visible Church How is the Grace of God effectually communicated to the Elect of whom the Catholike Church doth consist Ans. By that wonderfull Union whereby Christ and His Church are made one so that all the Elect being ingrafted into him grow together into one Misticall Body whereof He is the Head What is the bond of this union Ans. The communion of Gods Spirit which being derived from that Man Christ Jesus upon all the Elect as from the Head unto the Members giveth unto them Spirituall life and maketh them pertakers of Christ with all His benefits What are the benefits which arise to Gods children from hence Ans. Reconciliation and Sanctification What is Reconciliation A. That grace wherby we are freed from Gods curse and restored unto His Fatherly favour What are the branches of this Reconciliation Ans. Justification and Adoption What is Iustification Ans. That Grace whereby we are freed from the gilt of sinne and accounted righteous in Christ Jesus our Redeemer How then must sinfull man looke to be justified in the sight of God Ans. By the mercy of God alone whereby he freely bestoweth His Sonne upon him imputing mans sinnes unto Christ and Christs Righteousnes unto man whereby the sinner being possessed of Jesus Christ obtaineth of God remission of sinnes and imputation of Righteousnesse What is Adoption Ans. That grace wherby we are not only made friends with God but also His Sons and heires with Christ. What is Sanctifica●●●n A. That grace wherby we are freed from that bondage of sin remaining in us and restored unto the freedome of Righteousnesse What be parts of Sanctification Ans. Mortification whereby our naturall corruption is subdued and vivification or quickning whereby inherent holinesse is renewed in us Is there no distinction to be made among them that thus receive Christ Ans. Yes for some are not capable of knowledge as Infants and such as we terme Naturals Othersome are of discretion in the former sort we are not to proceed further then Gods election and the secret operation of the Holy-Ghost In the other there is further required a lively faith bringing forth fruit of true holines Is it in mans power to attaine this Faith and Holinesse Ans. No but God worketh them in his children according to that measure which he in his children seeth fit What doe you understand by Faith Ans. A gift of God whereby man being perswaded not only of the truth of Gods Word in generall but also of the promises of the Gospell in particular applieth Christ with all his benefits unto the comfort of his owne soule How are we said to be justified by Faith Ans. Not as though we were just for the worthinesse of this vertue for in such respect Christ alone is our righteousnesse but because faith and faith only is the instrument fit to apprehend and receive not to worke or procure our justification and so to knit us unto Christ that we may be made per●akers of all his benefits What is that holinesse which accompanieth this justifying faith Ans. A gift of God whereby the heart of the beleever is withdrawne from evill and converted unto newnes of life Wherein doth this vertue shew it selfe Ans. First in unfained repentance and then in cheerfull obedience springing from the same What are the parts of repentance Ans. Two a true griefe wrought in the heart of the beleever for offending so gracious a God by his former transgressions And a conversion unto God againe with full purpose of heart ever after to cleave unto him and to refraine from that which shall be displeasing in his sight What is the direction of that obedience which God requireth of man A. The morall Law whereof the ten Commandements are an abridgement What is the summe of the Law Ans. Love What bee the parts thereof Ans. The love which wee owe unto God cōmanded in the first and the love which we owe unto our Neighbours commanded in the second Table How do you distinguish the foure Commandements which belong unto the first Table Ans. They doe either respect the conforming of the inward powers of the soule to the acknowledgement of the true God as the first Commandement or the holy use of the outward meanes of Gods worship as in the three following What are the duties which concerne the outward means of Gods worship Ans. They are either such as are to be performed every day as occasion shall require or such as are appointed for a certaine day What Commandements do belong unto the first kinde Ans. The second concerning the solemne worship of Religion and the third concerning that respect which we are to have of Gods honour in the common carriage of our life What Commandement belongeth to the second kinde Ans. The fourth injoyning the speciall sanctification of the Sabbath day How doe you distinguish the six Commandements belonging to the second Table Ans. The first five doe ordaine such actions as are injoyned with consent of the mind at least The last respecteth the first motions that arise in the heart before any consent be given What are the duties ●ppertaining to the first kinde Ans. They are either due unto certaine persons in regard of some speciall bonds or to all men in generall by a certaine rite the first sort is set down in the first Commandement the other in the foure next What is the outward meanes whereby the Gospell is offered unto mankinde A. The Ministry of the Gospell which is exercised in the visible Church of Christ. Of whom doth the visible Church cons●st Ans. Of publike Officers ordained to be Ministers of Christ and disposers of Heavenly things according to the Prescript of the Lord and the rest of the Saints who with obedience are to subject themselves to the Ordinance of God What are the parts of the outward Ministry Ans. The administration of the Word and of the Ordinances exercised thereunto which are especially Sacraments and Censures What is the Word Ans. That part of the outward Ministry which consisteth in the delivery
of Doctrine and this is the ordinary instrument which God useth in begetting Faith What order is there used in the delivery of the Word for the begetting of Faith Ans. First the Covenant of the Law is urged to make sin and the punishment therof knowne wherupon the sting of conscience pricketh the heart with a sense of Gods wrath and maketh man utterly to despaire of any ability in himselfe to obtain everlasting life after this preparation the mercies of the Gospell are propounded wherupon the sinner resuming hope of pardon sueth unto God for mercy and particularly applyeth unto his own soul those comfortable promises and hath wrought in him by the Spirit of God an earnest desire at the least to beleeve and repent What is a Sacrament Ans. A visible signe ordained by God to be a seal for confirmation of the promises of the Gospel unto those who perform the conditions required in the same How is this done by a Sacrament A. By a fit similitude between the signe and the things signified the benefit of the Gospell is represented unto the eye and the assurance of enjoying the same confirmed to such as are within the Covenant Wherefore as the preaching of the word is the ordinary meanes of begetting Faith so both it and the holy use of the Sacraments bee the instruments of the Holy-Ghost to increase and confirme the same How many kindes of Sacraments be there Ans. Two the first of Admission of Gods children into the Church there to be pertakers of an everlasting communion with them the second of his preservation or nourishment therin to assure him of his continual increase in Christ in which respect the former is once the lat●er often to be administred What doe you understand by Censures Ans. The Ordinance which God hath appointed for the confirmation of the threatnings of the Gospell against the disobedient How are these Censures exercised Ans. First by the word alone by admonition Secondly by afflicting a penaltie either by shutting up the offender in the Lords prison till such time as he shew tokens of repentance or by cutting off the rotten member from the rest of the body Hath this administration of the Gospell been alwayes after the same manner Ans. For substance it hath alwayes bin the same but in regard of the m●nner proper to certaine times it is distinguished into two kinds the old and the new What call you the old Ministry A. That which was delivered unto the Fathers to continue until the fulnesse of time wherein by the comming of Christ it was to be reformed What were the Properties of this Ministry Ans. First the Commandements of the Law were more largely and the promises of Christ more sparingly and darkly propounded these la●ter being so much the more generally and obscurely delivered as the manifesting of them was further off Secondly these promises of things to come were shadowes with a similitude of Types and Figures which when the truth should be exhibited were to vanish away What were the chiefe States and Periods of this old Ministry Ans. The first from Adam to Abraham the second from Abraham to Christ. What were the speciall Properties of the latter of these two Periods Ans. First it was more especially restrained unto a certain Family and Nation Secondly it had joyned with it a solemne repetition and declaration of the first Covenant of the Law Thirdly besides the Ceremonies which were greatly inlarged under Moses it had Sacraments also added unto it What were the ordinary Sacraments of this Ministry Ans. The Sacrament of Admission in the Church was Circumcision instituted in the dayes of Abraham The other of continual preservation and nourishment the Paschall Lambe instituted in the time of Moses What is the new Administration of the Gospell Ans. That which is delivered unto us by Christ to continue unto the end of the world What are the Properties thereof Ans. First it is indifferently propounded unto all people whether they be Jewes or Gentiles and in that respect is Catholique or Universall Secondly it is full of grace and truth bringing joyfull tydings unto mankinde that whatsoever was formerly promised of Christ is now accomplished and so in stead of the ancient types and shadowes exhibited the things themselves with a large declaration of all the benefits of the Gospell What be the principall points of the word of this Ministery Ans. That Christ our Saviour whom God by his Prophets had promised to send into the World is come in the flesh and hath accomplished the worke of our redemption That he was conceived by the Holy-Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified and dyed upon the Crosse That Body and Soule being thus separated his body was laid in the grave and remained under the power of death and his soule went into the place appointed for the soules of the righteous namely Paradise the Seat of the Blessed That the third day body and soule being joyned together againe he rose from the dead and afterwards ascended up into Heaven where he sitteth at the right hand of His Father until such time as He shall come unto the last Judgement What are the Sacraments of this Ministry Ans. The Sacrament of Admission into the Church is B●ptisme which sealeth unto us our Spirituall Birth the other Sacrament of our continuall preservation is the Lords Supper which sealeth unto us our continuall nourishment FINIS 2 Pet. 1.19 2 Tim. 3.15 ● Pet. 2.21 2 Tim. 3.16 Lu. 16.29 Gal. 1.8 Esay 8.20 2 Tim. 3.16.17 a Deut. 31 11.12 Iosh. 8.35 Ioh. 5.39 b Acts 17.11 1 Cor. 4.6 2 Principle a Iohn 4 24 b Apoc. 1.8 Act. 17.24 25. c Pro. 8.14 1 Tim. 1.17 Iob 9 1●.13 I●r 10.12 Exo. 34.6 7 Psal. 147.17 Col. 1.15 Rom. 1.23 Deut. 4.12 ver 12.16 1 Tim. 1.17 Eph. 4 5 6 1 Cor. 8.4 Deu. 4.35 39 Mat. 28.19 1 Ioh. 5 7. d Heb. 1.3 5 e Heb. 1.5 Heb. 1.6 Ioh. 1.14 Ioh 85.26 Gal. 4 6. 3 Principle Acts 2 22. cap. 15.18 Psal. 33.11 Gen. 1.1 Heb. 11.3 Exod. 20.11 Rev. 4.11 Heb. 1.7.14 Gen. 2.7 Heb. 12 9. Gen. 2.7 Gen. 3.19 Eccl. 12.7 Ma. 10 28. Rev. 6.9 2 Cor. 5.8 Gen. 1.26.27 cap 9.6 Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 Eccl 7.29 Gen. 1.26.27 Gen. 2.18 Act. 17 26 1 Tim. 2.13 4 Principle Ioh. 5.17 Neh. 9.6 Psa. 119.91 Heb. 1.3.11 Act 17.26 28 Mat. 20 30 Pro. 16.33 Mat. 25.31 ver 41. Iude 6. Ioh. 8 44. 1 Joh. 3.8 Mat 15.32 41 Ioh. 8 4● 〈◊〉 3.8 1 Tim. 5.21 Mat. 18.10 Lu. 20.36 2 ●et 2.4 Iude 6. Mat. 25.41 Rev. 20.10 Mal. 2.10 Gen. 2.17 Rom. 2.15 Luke 10.26.27 Rom. Gal. 3 10.12 2 Tim. 3.5 Gal. 3.12 Lu. 10·25 26.27.28 Rom. 7 10 cap. 10.5 Gen. 2.17 Gal. 3·10 ●ev Deu. 28.15.16 ●8 19.20 5 Principle Gen. 3.1.6 Eccl. 7 29. Io●n 8 44 Rom. 5.14 15 Rom.