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A57615 The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us / faithfully translated into English. R. V.; T. D., 17th cent. 1683 (1683) Wing R1907; ESTC R27564 73,245 148

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Stones Rome maketh her best Saints And with fine Varnish her foul Idols paints Fit Saints indeed for such a Church as she Mock-Saints and Mock-Religion well agree In thirty four Churches at Rome onely and what 's that to the total there near 200 years ago were Reckon'd up by name 200 Reliques but yet in 13 of those Churches specified the Author concludes with besides others or and divers others or many others or others innumerable or an infinite Number Ex Libro a Stephano Planco de Patavia Romae Excúso Anno 1489. Now by Proportion what a numbe●rless Armado of these Reliques may be found in the other Churches at Rome and the rest of the Popifyed World The Monk of Charrovium Saint Laterane at Rome and Hildshein pretend to have the fore-skin of Christ cut off at his Circumcision This is a modest-Multiplication into three in comparison of the whiskers following yet Christ had but one ascended with his whole Body into Heaven The Chalice which Christ used when he said Mass forsooth the Platter in which the Paschal Lamb was eaten are to be seen in several places with these Papists sure they had good luck to scape the plunder of Jerusalem by Vespasian and the Priests must have notable skill to know them from other Plate for I never heard that Christ employed any Herald at Arms to Blazen his Coat or ingrave it on his Plate Besides it must be very durable to last so long as 1600 years Well suppose all these Doubts could be answered how comes it to pass that this Chalice is seen at Saint Mary's in the Isle of Lyons and in the Monastery of Austin-Fryars with the Helvians And the Platter to be at Rome Genoa and Orleance at the same time Here 's an increase of Multiplications In like manner they Multiply the Towel wherewith Christ washed his Disciples Feet the Pots in which he turned water into Wine to be seen at five places in three several Nations The Cross is multiplied to a whole Ship load no Town being so little but hath a piece of it The number of the Nails is also increased wonderfully at Millain Carpentras Rome Saint Helens Saint Crosses Churches at Sienna and Venice One at Colen in Germany one at Tryers at Paris in France with the Carmelites there another another at Saint Denis's and another at B●urges another at the Abbey called the Sheeres and another a● Dragminian more than a Bakers Dozen T●●y pretend to have the Garments of the Virgin Mar● as her Hair Kerchief Combs even he● very Shift Girdle Shoes Slippers and I know not what her very Milk beyond the quantity of what a●y Dayry-House can shew in a year And all these multiply'd as far as Popish Arithmetick will go It would be over tedious to number the rest respecting Saint John Baptists Head his Face Brains the tip of his Ear his Hair his Arm c. to be had at several places Yet the whole Head is at Saint Silvester's at Rome all the while VVhat a Cerberus do they make of the holy man yea more than a Cerberus for three times three heads won't do if this Romish Fantastical Figment were true At Rome they have Paul and Peters Bodies both their heads at Saint Lateranes and one of Saint Peters Teeth Yet Poictiers hath got Peters Jawbone and his Beard to boot Argenton in Berry has got Pauls Shoulder and in a word all Churches Dedicated to them have one p'ece or other of them Amongst them if you have Faith enough to believe them you may find Saint Peters Chair his Massing Garments his Altar the Sword with which he cut off Malchus his Ear his Crosier and sheep Crook and his Cudgel that he walkt with About which several places quarrel most fiercely each challenging his to be the right and makes all the rest Impostors Fine Catholick Doings It would require a Volume to particularize all and what a havock they make of the Saints Bodies who were to be single hearted in their lives yet these Wretches won't let 'm be single-Bodyed in their Deaths but multiply 'em and snarl about 'em as hungry Dogs do about a parcel of Bones c. If thou hast a Curiosity to peruse more se ee●●ook before mentioned viz. The Man of Sin Print●d for Mr. Boulter in Cornhill 1677. A very ingeni●ous and Excellent Book p. 1●2 c. CHAP. V. In the Entrance to the Mass let the Priest say OUr help is in the Name of the Lord who hath made both Heaven and Earth Blessed be the Name of the Lord from henceforth for evermore In the Name of the Father ✚ of the Son ✚ and of the Holy Ghost ✚ Amen Afterwards let him read the Introit of the Mass with his hands asunder and lifted up a little Here followeth the Mass of Corpus Christi Feast The Introit or Entrance 1 He fed them with the finest of the wheat Alleluja that is praised be God and filled them with the Hony of the Rock Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja Praise God Praise God Praise God The Psalm Rejoyce in God our Aid be glad in the God of Jacob. The Versicle Glory be to the Father c. Then let him begin and say again He fed them c. Then he must say Lord have mercy three times Christ have mercy three times and Lord have mercy three times Then let him go to the midst of the Altar and bowing himself a little and if it be to be said let him say Gloria in Excelsis Deo c. Glory be to God on High c. And here is to be be noted that at every to Morrow-Mass or Morrow-Mass he must always say Te Deum Laudamus Te Dominum c. We Praise thee O God we Confess thee O God c. Vnless it be said upon the Vigil or even of a Saints day or else in Lent or the Ember-days ye● upon Easter and Whitson-eve there must be said always what is set down in the Black Letter Glory be to God on high and in the Earth Peace to men of good will Et in terra pax hominibus bona voluntas We praise thee we bless thee we adore thee We give thee thanks for thy great glory Lord God Heavenly King God the Father Almighty Lord Jesus Christ the onely Son The Holy Ghost the Comforter of the Fatherless Lord God Lamb of God Son of the Father The First Begotten of Mary the Virgin Mother Thou which takest away the Sins of the World have mercy upon us Thou which takest away the Sins of the World receive our Prayers To the Glory of Mary Thou which sittest at the Right Hand of the Father have mercy upon us for thou onely art holy Sanctifying Mary Thou onely art the Lord. Which governest Mary Thou only art the most high Which Crownest Mary Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost in the Glory of the Father Amen Notes Now comes the Priest in his Massing-Garb out of the Vestry to Act his part which you
5 Notes 1 Before Transubstantiation they call it Wine VVine but after 2 Blood Blood for then say they 't is no more Wine 3 This is that that covereth the Chalice which must be removed by slight of hand for fear of Offence forsooth 4 Sure this Blood must be very cold when separated from the Body for Blood never freezeth in a mans Body unless the Body be stark Dead 5 This is no Drinking but Eating of Wine or rather Blood the Priest must have a notable wide Throat if he escapes choaking Poor Anacreon was choaked with a Grape-stone and one of the Popes with a Fly and Fabius the Pretor with a hair in his Milk but our Priest can gulp down a lump of bloody Ice Presto be gone CHAP. XXV ITem if there be any other thing requisite to this matter let them be sought for in the Breviary and Lecture of Hosteinsis in the Title of the Celebration of the Mass or rather in the Summaries of the New Doctors of the Civil and Canon Laws and of the Divines Note Reader here is the Conclusion of the Cautelae or Caveats of the Mass such a Medley of ridiculous Foppery and Superstition yea point black Idolatry that I profess I could have hardly believed that any men of sence could have heaped together such a parcel of monstrous absurdities had not I seen them in their own Books which are here carefully translated word for word Yet by this Conclusion it seems there are Cart loads of them and therefore who so pleases may rake that prodigi●us kennel Here is stinking stuff enough to nauseate any true Christian and so we leave them The Mass of the Body of Jesus Christ. The Preparation and Requisites of the Priest that is to say Mass And first of his Confession and Absolution CHAP. I. NOw to your Work Priest make Room there Well when they are to play their Part and remedy the mischances that might happen in the inte●lude the Priest prepares himself by saying hi● Confiteor by the appointment of Pope Innocent the third then he must be Combed Trimmed and must wash his hands and so put on his holy Garments-Look ye sirs here 's the first Scene The Preparation to the Mass Here is to be noted that he which will make Confession of his Sins must first say unto the Priest Bless me O Father ● The Priest The Lord be i● thy Heart and in thy Lips for the Confessing of all thy Sins In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost So be it Them let him make Confession of his 2 Sins and when he hath so do●● let the Priest say The God Almighty have mercy upon thee c. Indulgence and Absolution c. Let thy Sins be forgiven thee the through MERIT of our Lord Jesus Christ the SUFFRAGES of our Holy Mother the Church the GOOD DEEDS which thou shalt do hereafter by the Grace of God Then let him injoyn him his 3 Pennance saying And for an Especial Pennance thou shalt say this a●d this or do this and this Then let him absolve him saying Our Lord Jesus Christ the high Bishop of his most Pious Mercy absolve and forgive thee And I by the 4 Authority granted to me do first absolve thee from the sentence of the less Excommunication if thou hast need thereof And besides I absolve thee from ALL thy Sins in the name of the Father and of the Holy Ghost Amen Notes 1 First note that the Priest Blasphemes God and Christ at first dash by applying himself for a Blessing to his per antiphrasin Holy Father here 's like to be Holy Service indeed mark also that in the Absolution wha● stuff is joyned with the Merits of Jesus the sole and onely Mediator viz. Mother Church and his own good works making them joynt Saviours with Christ that is Mother Church one third viz. out of the store of works of Supererogation viz. good works which they are not commanded to do which indeed is that very Ethelothrekeia will worship co●demned Col. 2. 23. This is done by the Rabble of Shavelings Priests Monks Fryars c. Another third is to be fetcht out of the Shop of his own good Deeds so that one third onely is allowed to Christ and therefore these Blasphemers make him onely a third part Saviour 2 David prays to be purged from secret Sins because it is impossible to know all but the Priest it seems can do more than David who said Psal 19. 12. Who can understand his errors Cleanse thou me from secret faults 3 This Pennance they injoyn for sa●isfaction and by THIS and THIS is meant what the Confessor thinks fit to order him as three or four Pater Noster● Ave Marys or some such dreadful punishment and when he has fumbled them over he is like ●ur late Treason-plotters AS INNOCENT AS THE CHILD VNBORN Is not this fine satisfaction Certainly the Merits of Christ are Excommunicated by these fellows Yet the Scripture tells us that by the Travel of his Soul God saw and was satisfied that he made an end of sin and Transgression and by one sacrifice perfected for ever them that were sanctified made Peace by the Blood of his Cross on Earth and lives in Heaven to keep it and obtained Eternal Redemption for his People Believers are Pardoned and Justified by him c. Mourning for Sin Prayer for Pardon against the power thereof and Mortification of it are for quite other things then satisfaction for it But what ever the Scripture says must it seems truckle to the Infallible Dictates of the Romish Chair 'T was very pretty when a Popish Archbishop of Canterbury injoyned ten of his Tennants to do Pennance because they carried litter for his Horses very clownishly a dreadful sin 'T was thus de Cariando Litteram of carrying Litter monstrous Latine in the very Language of the Beast the Sunday following they were to go bare headed and bare footed leasurely before the Procession carrying every man hi● Sack full of Straw and Hay upon his Shoulder the mouth thereof so open that the lookers on may see it Good sport was it not More of these Pennances you●●●ay see in that excellent Book Intituled The Man of Sin Printed for Mr. Boulter in Cornhil 1677. p. 110. c. To which I refer you heartily wishing every Family in England had one of them 4 The Priest speaks like a Prince he has absolute Authority to absolve for sooth as if it could not be done by Christ without him O Blasphemous Absolution Before we proceed it may not be amiss to give a brief account of the Priests Massing Habit which differs from a Bishops when his Lordship gives himself the trouble of saying Mass The Bishop puts on nine several Vestments and a Meer Priest but six The Priest must be shod though he hath vowed to go bare footed for say they he is like a Warrier that fights with the Devil in Defence of Christians Ergo
he must be Armed to Duel that Dreadful Enemy Therefore he puts on his Shoes first which signify in their sense the Humility of Christ Then the Bishop attires his head with an Horned Mitre whereas the Priest wears onely a Coiff and Kerchief as they call it this Mitre is a kind of Spiritual H●lmet to keep his Lordships Patesafe and sound from Satans Attaque The Priests Coif denotes the Robe or Veil that Christs Face was covered with when the Souldier smote him Matth. 27. Mark 15. Luk. 23. Crying Who smote thee The Alb is a kind of shirt of Mail in their sense representing the Gown which Herod gave to Christ in mockery The Girdle with which he binds this Smock of the Whore of Babylon signifies the Bow with which these Archers kill Devils in this Holy War The little Cord wherewith the Stole is tyed denotes the Quiver wherein the Arrows are put The Stole is the Breast-plate which goes about the Neck and Crosses the Priests Belly like a Saint Andrew's Cross signifying the Cord with which Christ was bound when they scourged him The Manipule that is the Childs swadling Band is put about his Arms as a Bracelet is instead of a Mace or Courtleax denoting with all the Cord with which Christs Hands were bound The Chasuble is a loose Garment with a hole in the middle through which the Priest like a Monkey puts his head and so one part hangs before the other behind in which undermost part is always a Cross this signifies the Garment without Sean wherewith in mockery they attired Christ. They have abundance of other Fooleries and some mystical signification ridiculous enough to 〈◊〉 sure is attributed to each of them These m 〈…〉 suffice to shew what difference there is between these Sacrament-makers and Christs Institution 〈◊〉 which no such Habiliments were used but Christ without any super addition of Pontifical Robes wash his Disciples Feet O unspeakable Humility But these Fellows array themselves with a mock pageantry of Habit and happy is he that kisses then Tails Besides they have a kind of a Consecratione call it Conjuring if you will for all these Garments to keep all sawcy Devils away that dare to interrupt the sacred Comedy Every piece of the Priests spiritual Armor is attended with a Prayer which he must whisper to himself forsooth denoting the Magical Spell for which it was ordained which take from their own Book as follows Here follow the words which the Priest must say when he Apparelleth himself to say Mass first when he hath Crossed himself and taken his Amict let him say Lord put the Helmet of Salvation upon my head that I may vanquish and overcome all the Deceits of the Devil in the Name of the Father of the Son c. In girding himself with the strings of the Amict Lord make me clean both in Soul and Body to the end I may worthily perform thy holy Work through our Lord Jesus Christ In putting on of his Alb let him say Lord put on me the Vestment of Salvation and the Robe of Righteousness or Environ me evermore with the Robe of Gladness through Jesus Christ our Lord. When he puts on his Girdle let him say Lord Gird the Reins of my Heart and Body with the Girdle of Faith and quench in me all humours of Lechery and let the love of Chastity remain in me through Jesus Christ c. In taking the Manipule let him say O Almighty God I beseech thee that I may so de serve to bear my Manipule both going and weepig with patience and putting it off with Joy that I may with these have part through Jesus Christ c. When he putteth on his Stole let him say Environ my Neck with the Stole which is the Robe of Righteousness When he putteth on his Chasuble let him say Thy Yoke and Burden O Lord are sweet light and therefore make me able to bear them that I may obtain Mercy at thy hands O Saviour ef the World who Livest and Reignest one God in perfect Trinity World without End Notes O the Repeated Blasphemies of these Wretches what the Apostle ascribes to the true Spiritual Armor which defends us in and through Christ from the Assaults of the Devil is by this Mass Priest attributed to his Cursed Head-geer and the other appurtenances of his more Devilish Mass But for the exposition of that passage of Scripture Eph. 6. I refer my Reader to Mr. William Gurnal of Lavenham in Suffolk who upon that Subject Writ Largely and Learnedly CHAP. III. THe Priest being thus prepared let him approach the Altar saying the 43. Psalm Judge me O God c. Vnto the end with Glory be to the Father Then must he repeat the Versicle Introibc c. And I will go in to the 1 Altar of God to that God which makes glad my mouth The Verse Confess your selves unto the Lord because he is good The Answer For his Mercy endureth for ever And I guilty and unworthy Priest confess my self unto Almighty God 2 and to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all the Saints and to you my Brethren Because that I miserable Sinner have greatly sinned against the Law of my God in Thought Word Deed and by negligence and through my own fault my fault my most grievous fault And therefore I BESEECH MARY the most Blessed Mother of God and all the he-and-she-Saints of God omnes Sanctos Sanstas Dei and you my Brethren to pray for me wretched Sinner unto the Almighty Lord our God to have mercy upon me When he hath thus made his Confession with ● profound bending of his Body let him so stand still till the rest have Answered The Clerks shall answer Amen 2 Misereatur tu 〈…〉 Omnipotens Deus c. The Almighty God have mercy upon thee c. Notes How the places of Scripture here alleaged and misapplyed and God is mocked and Blasphemed any body may see that is not wilfully blind 1 The Table on which the Supper was Celebrated and whereon thanks were given to God which thanks indeed are Sacrifices of Praise by a Metaphorical or Allusive Phrase called an Altar by some of the Antients but Christians have no Material Altar but onely this Spiritual Altar whereon it is not lawful for them to eat that serve the Tabernacle viz. the Jews or Heathens who also had Altars and Sacrifices for their Idols So that the Pedigree of this Popish Altar must needs be derived from the Jews or Pagan Idolaters for it has no Sanction in the Gospel 'T is worth observing how these Mass-Mongers Massacre the Psalms picking on t here and there some Verses that have no coherence together expresly contradicting the second Councel of LAODICEA 'T was a pretty mistake of a Priest who neither understood nor could pronounce this Introibo to say constantly Introibo ad Tartara Dei that is I will go unto the Hell of God I am sure if he spoke not Truth yet