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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51247 Anōthekrypta, or, Glorious mysteries wherein the grand proceedings betwixt Christ and the soule ... : is clearly laid open ... / by S.M., minister of the Gospel of God. Moore, Samuel, b. 1617. 1647 (1647) Wing M2586; ESTC R9458 79,159 237

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spirituall out of troubles into peace In the world babes of Christ shall have trouble but in him they shal have peace which passeth Ioh. 16. understanding Now tell me you wise virgins whether Martha or Mary ha's chosen the better part Whether Heavens quietnesse bee not better then earth's cumbrances whether interest in Christ and by that a right title to the creatures bee not better then a portion in the creatures by usurpation without Jesus Christ By the spirituall birth priviledge you inherit all things by the naturall nothing although you possesse something You have seen what the spirituall birth is by its likenesse and vnlikenesse to the naturall wee 'l now shew you how God brings in and brings up returning sinners Thus. First He principles them Secondly acts them Thirdly builds them And fourthly confirmes them First God is said to principle man when by uniting himselfe to the soule by his Spirit he do's invisiblie sow the seeds of all grace in the heart at once grace is called the seed of God Union disposeth for communion communion corroborates union Ioh. 3. 9. 'T is a passive reception of Christ that now I meane that whereby a principle is begotten in the will Christ joynes the meanes and end together so should the godly doe Election vocation Justification Sanctification Humiliation then comes the end which is glorification Secondly Christ acts them drawes out those principles also First his first act is illumination he shines out from Heaven with a cleare light upon the hearts of men and upon their wayes Light was the first thing that appeared in the old Creation and 't is the first that appears in the new Creation also Light Gen. 1. 1. was the first ornament of the world wherewith the Lord decked it as with a garment * Answ and this light is Christ For yee were once darkn●sse but are now Light in the Psal 104. 2. Eph. 5. 8. Lord Light discovers darknesse Regeneration is a translation from darknesse into light True Converts how like you that his light discovers sinne all the closest secrets of closest hearts and Justice incensed against the sinner Light discovers the unevenesse of a mans way and what it is in the account of Justice it selfe Ioh. 1. 9. This light 's immediate Christ in you the hope of glorie it ha's no meanes of conveyance but acts like it selfe scrutinously the light of this Sunne like the wise mens starre never leaves a soule till 'tas lead it to a Saviour a meanes of escape from all sinnes evill Divine light informs men on whom the Lord hath laid help 2 Cor. 4. 6. even on one that 's mighty and able to save that 's the next act of illumination viz a discovery of the sufficiencies as well as the efficiencies of a Jesus that he 's able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him and that he can in no wise cast out them that come unto him it brings glad tidings to sad soules sinne may bee mightie but Christ is mightier will subdue it sins may be many but Christ's mercies are more sinnes may be greatlie incensing but Christ is greatlie pleasing unto an offended Majestie and sinners in the Sonne cannot bee displeasing unto the Father he loves light for hee dwells in it this divine light reveales 1 Tim. 6. 16. all Returning sinner why droopest thou Can thy sinne undoe thee when 't is laid on Christ sad soule why weepest thou as one without hope canst thou bee worse then whom God ha's pardoned and Christ ha's purchased cleansed and sav'd Thinke not so least thou sinne against the remedie it selfe Light from Heaven will reveale Christ to thee and thee to thy selfe thou sinking soule thy wants and Christ's supplies shall meet together then doe not distrust of that Secondly Chri'sts second act in man by which hee drawes out his owne principles is humiliation begetting in the subject low thoughts of selfe and all selfes worth shall I tell you what they say sincerelie whom God and Christ by the Spirit ha's humbled 't is this I am a worme and no man I am not worthie to be call'd a sonne make me as a hired servant I am the least of all the Saints yea the least of all thy mercies Oh! that I were but a doore keeper in thy house Christ humbles whom hee will exalt Gods method is first to lay low and after to set aloft yet note you 't is truth in the inward parts he chiefly aimes at some are so graduall in putting upon much that they prove irregular in discouraging little though truth of grace selfe-loathing also for selfe-defilements joynes hands with this grace would you know how Christ humbles breakes the heart kindlie 't is thus by setting himselfe with his wounds open before their eies as peirced by their sinnes I will powre upon my people a spirit of grace and supplication marke that and then they shall looke on him whom they have pierced and mourne for him as one mournes for the losse of a first borne Can you looke on a pierced Zech. 12. 10. Christ you flintie hearts and not be broken pierced your selves if you doe 't is because the Spirit of grace is not poured out upon you When Peter set forth a crucified Christ were not Acts 2 36.37 his hearers pricked at the heart when they beleeved through grace given that they were the verie men the preacher meant Could his lookes fetch teares from Peters eyes and will not his wounds doe the like to others what hinders This is Christ's way to abase men kindlie and who more kindled in love to Christ than such who are so laid low you see his acts and his wayes to effect his blessed will on man Christ ha's his ends too in humbling such as he 'l save we 'l shew what his ends be as briefly as may be First Christ humbles that hee may inhabit he dwells in the highest Heavens with him also that is o● a contrite humble and low spirit to revive him And as it is uncomfortable not Isa 57. 15. to dwell in God so in like manner 't is disconsolate not to have a God dwelling in us are not Cities and Kingdomes without Inhabitants verie solitarie even so is a soule without God verie dismall verie uncheerefull Christ's presence is reviving this Christ knowes and thus hee humbles that hee may inhabit make the heart his mantion dwelling place God dwells in highest heavens and lowest soules Secondly Christians are humbled to make them lovely in the sight of the Lord An humble soule is a comelie one meeknesse is a great inward ornament is in the sight of God of great price a 1 Pet. 3. 4. proud heart is void of Christ's comelinesse weares not his robe of graces Consider Do's God prize greatly prize the meeke in heart the quiet in spirit then you that studie to bee esteem'd of him covet to bee humbled by him Thirdly Christ humbles
Christ will carrie thee through Christ did not give himself for thee in vain that he should give thee up in thy last greatest triall give thee into the hands of Satan Why then leane on him who 's a stay of strength and you 'l not miscarrie He that hath and is had of a good Christ shall bee sure of a good death with strength and peace Thirdly by giving his a through taste of that heavenly joy heartie holinesse and reall happinesse that themselves shall possesse in the fruition of Christ when once they are changed This the Scripture calls first fruits of the Spirit and of glory And is' t not this that makes the Saints themselves groane within themselves waiting for the Redemption of their bodies Rom. 8. 23. The Lord ha's said it Oh how do's the taste of Heavens joy and of the powers of the world to come strengthen a renewed Christian leaning on Christ to lie under the stroake of death yea even to long that so great a worke were over and thus God sweetens death to the good gives it a good savour when they come to taste it it being the same cup which Christ himselfe did first drinke of Now you have heard how it fares with the good at their last change and how good such a change is to them But alas for the bad the Christ-lesse man 't is bitter unto him These things imbitter death to the gracelesse 1. The biting and tumifying sting of death that indisposeth to dying well 'T is biting oh how will the wofull thoughts of a mispent life of by past sinnes of slighting Jesus and his holy waies like fiery darts and scorching Scorpions peirce through the soule and Spirit Then uncleane sinners as James speakes of James 5. 3. the rust of ill gotten and ill kept gold the guilt of your sins shall eat your flesh as it were fire Then even then all scruing deceivers shall be forced to say of their own unlawfully acquir'd goods as Israel of Idolls get you hence But alas these are thy workes and they will follow thee flow faster into thy mind then thou canst get them out and make thy soule wearie even to the death Secondly Death's sting tumifies also Judas sinn'd betraid his Master improved the reward But what was his end hee fell head-long burst asunder in the midst and all his bowells gushed out Death had stung him and the sting made him swell so that his tumour being great the world could not hold him and for hast that hee might the sooner bee at his owne place he betrayed himselfe into the hands of Satan was his owne executioner There 's a time when stoutest sinners shall burst asunder under the hand of austeerest Justice If the Lord's love makes not breaches on mans Spirit drawes him not up towards Heaven his wrath will breake it beat it even to powder and cast it downe into the lowest Hell O sinners Learne then while a Saviour teaches what an evill sinne is Secondly the sudainnesse of an Heb. 4. 27. approaching Judgement After death comes Judgement and what 's the Judgement Christ-lesse man or woman I have sad newes for thee thou thy selfe and all thou art must bee presented before a Holy most Just and mighty God And with thee shalt thou bring all thy vaine thoughts will thou nill thou idle words uncleane and sinfull workes mispent time and Talents In a word all the secrets of thy heart shall then bee torne in pieces reveal'd and unfolded yea those secrets which no eye hath seen but his which is ten thousand times brighter then the Sunne yea even those secret sinnes which have been cover'd here by restraint from God or men shall be uncover'd there so that thou wilt bee fill'd with astonishment to see that which thine eies never did nor ever would behold There the hearts closest corners darkest depths shall then bee laid open made visible before the face of God Christ Angels and men A meere discourse of Righteousnesse and Judgement to come God being in it and Foelix hearning of it what effects did it worke in him thinke you why the Text tells you it made him to tremble and to bid Paul be gone hee could not endure to heare on 't So Belshazzar Dan. 5. 5 6. saw but the writing of Judgement upon the wall which did but import a temporall scourge And his countenance was changed his thoughts troubl'd him so that the joynts of his Ioines were loosed and his knees smote one against another And what 's any carnall man more then sensuall Belshazzar or carnall Foelix that he should thinke himselfe secure from Judgement You then that put this evill day farre from you beare in mind this thing A sonne of Love could not indure that hee prayed Enter not into Judgement with thy servant ô Lord How then can a child of wrath abide it who is by nature nothing else It 's called in Scripture the day of the Lord his great day his terrible day 'T is the day of Christs's comming Ioel. 2. 11. saith the Prophet Malachie And who shall stand when Mal. 3. 2. he appeareth for he is like a Refiners fire and fullers sope Thus you have seen things that imbitter the change to some even all that know not Christ and obey not his Gospel Thirdly the certaine standing before an impartiall Judge of quick and dead who cannot will not connive at sinne and sinners When all flesh shall appeare before the Judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things 2 Cor. 5. 10 11. done in his bodie according to that he hath done whether it bee good or evill knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord We perswade men saith the Apostle Oh! how terribly intollerable are the thoughts of this surely words cannot utter it then he who said Lord depart from me I le have none of thy wayes shall find that God ha's said Amen to his prayers Adde to this that though he stand to be judged yet hee shall fall in the Judgement For the ungodly shall not stand in the Judgement as the Psal 1. 5. Psalmist notes You then whose destruction is of your selves if your precious soules miscarrie Consider sensibly in whom your helpe lies make out towards a Jesus betime for there 's no mercie shewed on the other side the grave one drop of water which is but a verie small thing if mis'd and desir'd cannot be obtain'd Then if ever you 'le owne free grace and fellowship with Christ Doe it now even while 't is called Heb. 4. 11. to day heare his voice and harden not your hearts for this day let slip you may ne'r have another Resisting sinners I wish you well my bowells are troubled for you oh pitie your selves and let not sinlive to kill your soules as it hath serv'd others who are gone to their owne place Remember and forget not Jerusalems fall and follie least sweet Christ hide the day of