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A19694 A treatise of faith wherein is declared how a man may liue by faith and finde releefe in all his necessities : applied especially vnto the use of the weakest Christians / by Ezekel Culvervvell. Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1623 (1623) STC 6113.5; ESTC S4074 171,849 534

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euery man out of himselfe for happinesse seeing God iustifieth the vngodly verse 5 and to draw all that shall bee saued to looke for saluation onely in Gods free mercy forgiueing their iniquitie and couering their sinne and not imputing to them their sinne Vnder which speeches is contained the way and meanes how the righteous God who will not let one sinne and breach of his Law to escape vnpunished without deserued condemnation doth yet set free poore sinners from their sinne and punishment which is onely by the satisfaction which Christ hath made for them in bearing their punishment wherwith God being satisfied doth fully and freely forgiue all those who by Faith accept this mercie offered vnto them To this end throughout the Scripture is this great benefite of forgiuenes of sinne by Christ so plentifully proclamed vnto vs miserable sinners I wil cite a few for many When Iohn the Baptist was sent to prepare way for Christ first seeing Christ cōming vnto him Ioh. 1. 29. hee cried out Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Our Sauiour himselfe after his resurrection appearing to two of his Disciples going to Emaus Luk 24. 45. hauing opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures 46. said vnto them Thus it is written 47. and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day and that Repentance and Remission of sinnes should bee preached in his name among all nations beginning at Ierusalem Likewise the Apostle Paul preaching at Antioch to the Iewes in their Synagogues said vnto them Be it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man meaning Christ is preached vuto you forgiuenesse of sinnes Act. 3. 38 39. And from all things from which yee could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Rom. 4. 25. by him euery one that beleeues is Iustified Gal. 1. 4. And so all the rest of the Scriptures Tit. 2. 14. in which it is said Heb. 1. 3. that Christ was Deliuered to death for our sinnes 1. Pet. 2. 24. And gaue himselfe to redeeme vs from all iniquitie And hath by himselfe purged our sinne Reu. 1. 5. That he bare our sinnes on the tree That hee loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes And to shut vp all with that worthie saying of Saint John If any man sinne 1 Ioh. 2. 1 2. wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Christ the righteous And he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole world In all of which what can any man thinke to be Gods meaning Vse but to prouide a meanes to saue vs sinners And therefore whosoeuer feeles his sinne and feares Gods wrath may boldly come to Christ and stedfastly beleeue that God for Christs sake will forgiue him and remember his sinnes no more And so much the more may and ought euery one to whom this good newes of pardon is brought by the preaching of the Gospell lay claime to this pardon and so shall hee please God and saue his owne soule otherwise as his sin shall bee exceeding great so shall his damnation bee more grieuous I doe therefore againe exhort euery poore soule who faine would beleeue not to make his sinne greater then Gods mercy but seeing Christ hath borne the punishment of his sinne and fully appeased Gods wrath for him and doth expresly call him and proclaime this pardon vnto him therefore that hee commit himselfe to Christ and so giue glorie to God in beleeuing that through Christ his debt is discharged and he freed from condemnation so that neither God will nor the deuill nor his owne conscience shall be able to lay any thing to his charge then which what can bee more comfortable to a distressed sinner I know not This might content vs if wee were not so full of vnbeleefe but the Lord both knowing and pittying our distrustfull hearts hath said much more to perswade vs of our saluation in and by our Lord Christ Iesus And whereas wee haue learned that to the iustifying of a sinner there is required not onely that his sinne and punishment bee quite taken away but that hee haue perfect righteousnesse 2. part of Iustification without which there can be no life for although these two bee neuer parted no more then soule and body in a liuing man yet they be not both one Imputation of righteousnesse but necessarily distinguished and both required in him that is iustified in Gods sight The Lord therefore hath graciously prouided a meanes whereby we who since the fall of our first parents haue vtterly lost our originall righteousnesse and bee no way able to attaine such righteousnesse as God in iustice requires at our hands may recouer our losse be made perfectly righteous such as God will allow and for which hee will in his iustice grant eternall life As Paul in his glorious triumph before his departure did boldly professe 2 Tim. 4. 6. For I am now readie to be offered 7. and the time of my departure is at hand 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the Faith Henceforth is laid vp for mee the crowne of righteousn●sse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but to all that loue his appearing Which one Scripture might suffise to perswade vs to looke for this righteousnesse and eternall life which by due debt through Gods mercie and the merit of Christ is made ours But because this is not so easily seene much lesse beleeued that such as we shall euer attaine to this high dignitie the Lord hath reuealed his good will towards vs sinners in this behalfe that he hath prepared such a perfect righteousnesse for vs and made a faithfull free grant therof vnto vs that so wee may make it our owne by Faith This is most manifest in that heauenly comparison betweene the first Adam and the second Adam Christ Iesus set forth at large and in many degrees Rom. 5. 12 to the end The summe of all is this that the benefite we haue in Christ doth euery way exceede all the hurt we had in Adam as the Apostle himselfe saith verse 20. Where sinne abounded grace did much more abound v. 21. That as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Where wee see that as sinne through Gods iustice brought death so by Gods mercy the righteousnesse of Christ brought to vs eternall life As is expresly said verse 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Wherin it is cleere that as Christ by his obedience was perfectly righteous so by it many that is all that by Faith receiue Christ are made
our spirit by the second our sanctification by the third our iustificatiō that in the mouth of so many witnesses this truth which of al others is the greatest yet most hardly receiued may stand sure for the consolation of all beleeuers and conviction of all vnbeleeuers c. To which is further added vers 10. Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe he that beleeueth not God hath made him a lyar because hee beleeued not the record which God witnesseth of his sonne The selfe same word of life is in sundry other Scriptures published vnto vs because the Lord knoweth we haue neede to heare of it continually wee are so full of doubting in time of temptation therefore our Sauiour himselfe proclaimeth this glad tydings Ioh. 3. 16. For God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life and verse 17. For God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him might bee saued So likewise Ioh. 12 47. I came not to condemne the world but to saue the world Againe Ioh. 2. 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the Iust vers 3. And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours only but for the sinnes of the whole world And Ioh. 1. 29. Behold the lambe of God which taketh away the sins of the world So the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 5. 19. For God was in Christ reconciling the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation In all which and many other Scriptures this is manifest that God in his word hath made a generall offer of saluation in Christ and inuiteth all to whom hee sendeth his seruants the preachers of his Gospell to come to Christ that they might bee saued as is plaine in the parable of the wedding Mat. 22. 1. which is therefore called the Gospell that is good newes because it bringeth foorth this glad tydings of great ioye that shall be to all people as the Angels of the Lord tolde that the sheepheards of the birth of Christ Luk. 2. 10. And this is the same which our Lord Iesus himselfe after hee had finished his whole work of mans redemption here on earth and was to ascend vp to his father to prepare a place for all his members commanded his Apostles and so consequently gaue in commission to al their successours the preachers of the Gospell to proclaime and publish this Gospell to euery creature that is to euery man and woman that so euery soule to whom the sound of the Gospell should come might haue sufficient ground whereon to build their faith and be saued or be made without excuse for neglecting so great saluation which at the first began to bee preached by the Lord and afterward was confirmed by vs that heard him Heb. 2 3. This then is the only ground whereon sauing faith is builded Namely this generall pardon proclaimed in the Gospell to poore sinners which I haue very plentifully prooued for that it is not well considered by many who faine would beleeue yet being ignorant hereof doe long time pine away with griefe for that they see nothing which might make them being so vile in their owne eyes so bold as to beleeue that there is any such loue in God towards them as to giue Christ vnto them Others more dangerously presume of Gods fauour without any such ground whereon they build their perswasion but onely on the outward change of their life which often is found deceitfull as was before shewed Now followeth how a poore sinner yet voide of sauing grace How to build faith on the word and finding nothing in himselfe which may make him bold to beleeue may builde vpon this ground that so he may attaine to true faith whereunto these three considerations bee necessary Three considera●ions First what is said Secondly to whom Thirdly by whom that so hee may haue good warrant to beleeue that he shal enioy this mercy offered For the former What is said the poore distressed sinner is to weigh with himselfe that in this Gospell and glad tidings of saluation is proclaimed and freely offered forgiuenesse of sins through Christ as is plaine by the Apostle Paul his preaching to them at Antioch Act. 13. 38. Bee it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you forgiuenesse of sinnes where as in all the former Scriptures and in many others Christ and all his benefits for our iustification sanctification and full glorification is the matter offered which beeing that which euery humbled sinner most desireth how can it be but welcome newes to heare that there are such things prepared and offered as hee most desireth which must needes mooue him oft to sigh for the same and say Oh that I might once haue my part in this vnestimable treasure but presently comes into his minde his owne vnworthinesse which driues him as farre backe from all hope that euer any such as hee should haue part therein wherin many a poore soule doth remaine a long season because he cannot see any thing which might make him bold to beleeue that there is any such benefite prepared for him For remedy wherof he is in the second place deeply to weigh this wonderfull mercy of God 2. To whom who so freely offers this great benefit of Christ and all his merits not to the righteous but to sinners yea to all without exception to whom the Gospell commeth as wee haue seene in the former Scriptures where the ground of faith was laide and because such as haue most feeling of their sinnes are most fearefull and hardliest brought to beleeue that this is tendered to them therefore are they more especially called as appeareth Matthew 11. 28. Where Christ himselfe hauing proclaimed that all things are deliuered to him of his Father Mat. 28. 18. meaning as els where Heb. 7. 27. that all power is giuen to him whereby he is perfectly able to saue all them that come vnto God by him inuiteth all that labour and are heauy laden to come vnto him promising that he will ease them wherby euery poore sinner who feeles his woefull estate by reason of his sinne and Gods curse hanging ouer his head for the same may certainely know that hee is the party whom Christ calleth to come to him and to whom this benefite of Christ and saluation in him is freely offered that so he may be somewhat more raised vp to conceiue hope that hee shall in due time enioy the same to which end euery one who faine would beleeue is to consider that as there is no grace in any why hee should hope for such fauour at Gods hand for Gods mercy in preparing and offering his Sonne a redemption for sinners is altogether
free and vndeserued so on the other side there is no sinne which ought to hinder any one from receiuing pardon so freely offered vnto him but rather as the greatnesse of the disease should more hasten the sick to seek to such a physitiō as can cure al diseases not keep backe such as be called to bee cured 〈◊〉 so no heinousnesse of sinne should driue any from comming to Christ which is able and willing to cure all that come vnto him but rather hasten the poore sinner more speedily to come to Christ and so much the more for that Christ shall haue greater glory in pardoning great offenders and more loue from them beeing pardoned As a Physition shall haue more credit in curing great then small diseases So then the maine thing that must mooue and draw a poore sinner to come to Christ to be eased is the free mercy of God offering Christ without exception to all that beeing laden would bee eased which euery one must apply to himselfe that seeing it hath so pleased God to send these glad tydings to him to call him command and beseech him to receiue this grace offered therefore hee neede not feare but may boldly beleeue and receiue Christ offred to him as wee shall further heare by and by For our further helpe Who promiseth wherein in the third place it shall bee highly needfull well to weigh who it is that maketh this great offer vnto vs miserable sinners euen God himselfe who is both 1. able and 2. willing and 3. as faithfull to performe what hee promiseth all which are so manifest that they need no proofe for the truth of them But wee haue neede oft to set them before vs for our vse to strengthen our faith in making vs more boldly to relye on Christ To this end are specially these testimonies of Gods power mercy and truth so often repeated in 1. Gods power the scriptures that wee might haue them euer before vs to vpholde vs against our doubtings and feares whereof our nature is full for though in generall none will deny but God is Almighty yet it may appeare in al ages not onely the wicked but euen Gods children haue doubted of Gods power as though hee were not able to helpe them as it is euident in Gods people in the wildernesse in their often murmurings through their distrust of Gods power Psal 78. 19. Can God furnish a table in the wildernesse For this cause was the Lord so often constrained to oppose his Almighty power against their distrust As for Sarahs laughing thinking it impossible she should haue a child the Lord saide to Abraham Is any thing hard or impossible to God Gen. 18. 14 And againe to Moses obiecting Whether al the fish in the sea should bee gathered for foode for Israell in the wildernes Num. 11. 23 The Lord answered Is the Lords hand waxed short thou shalt see whether my words shall come to passe or not The like many whereby it appeares to be a great cause of vnbeliefe that looking too much vpon the impossibilities which are apparent to vs and not opposing to them Gods power wee so despaire of helpe as is most sensible to bee seene in poore afflicted consciences whose chiefest feare and doubts are that their sinnes are greater then can be forgiuen and they thinke it an impossibilitie for such as they are to bee saued Who now knowing by Gods owne word that saluation in Christ is freely offered and proclaimed euen to them though neuer so vilde and vnworthy and that by God himselfe Psal 115. 3. 135. 6. who is of all power in heauen and earth to do whatsoeuer he will and to whom nothing is impossible this may bring the afflicted and despairing ner at least thus farre as to say then it may be God will be mercifull vnto mee wherein I doubt not may be found some true faith in apprehending the mercy offered though so weak as cānot be discerned or felt by the beleeuer himselfe and this I should take to be the lowest degree of faith For the further strengthening whereof it shall be much auaileable for all such as yet feele not not their faith Weakest faith and for euery weake beleeuer Goodnesse and mercy of God to cast their eies vpon the wonderfull mercy and goodnesse of God which alone maketh him so loath to cast away any poore sinner and so willing to saue euen his enemies and ranke traytours against his high Maiestie Here if euer is a fitte place for all such scriptures as set out Gods mercy to poore sinners the more to perswade them to beleeue as that of Ezechiel 33 11. where the Lord sweareth by himselfe saying As I liue saith the Lord I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turne from his way and liue turne yee turne yee from your euill wayes for why will yee dye oh house of Israel 2. Pet. 3. 9. And to like effect is that of Saint Peter That God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance which scriptures and many the like are not to bee vnderstood of Gods determining will and decree but of his reuealed and approouing will which hee would haue vs to know and beleeue thar thereby wee might bee drawne to rest our selues vpon him for saluation which whosoeuer though neuer so great sinner shall doe he shall not perish but haue euerlasting life This then is that sure foundation of faith whereon all that truely beleeue doe build namely the rich and free mercy of God reuealed in the Gospell whereby all that shall be saued be drawne thankfully to accept this mercy so freely offered to them beeing yet starke dead in their sinnes and voide of all sauing grace and therefore all they who looking into themselues and finding nothing to draw them but all to driue them from hope of life are often and much to set before them this vnspeakeable and vnualuable mercy of Almighty God as in preparing such a remedy for all our misery so in making so free a grant therof in the Gospell to all sinners excepting none And now more specially in ●endring it to them so that they may boldly accept this mercy in Christ offered to them and shall not sinne but please God therin that thereby they may be drawn on in a further degree to beleeue to finde mercy at Gods hands wherunto if one thing be added I see not what can be wanting to make the sinner bold to lay hold vpon Christ with all his merits so freely offred to him by God who is so able and willing to bestow Christ euen vpon his enemies This one thing I meane Gods truth is Gods truth and faithfulnesse in performing with his hand whatsoeuer commeth out of his mouth as Dauid and Solomon oft professed which howsoeuer as before I spake of Gods power it is confessed of all that God is both faithfull and iust
of the old man and weapons of vnrighteousnesse but rather yeelding themselues vnto God as those that are aliue from the dead and their members as instruments of righteousnesse vnto God And wheras this might iustly bee obiected Alasse how shall wee who by nature are so vnable to resist so mighty a Tyrant as sin is who hath ouercome all mankinde Christ onely excepted euer be able so to withstand sin For answer whereto the Apostle brings a most comfortable promise vnto all that be not vnder the Law Verse 14. but vnder grace that is who be not still vnder the condemnation and tyranny of the Lawe whereby it reignes ouer all vnregenerat but by true receiuing of Christ by faith are now deliuered from that bondage so brought into the liberty of Gods children which he saith is to be vnder grace whereof the Apostle speaks more fully Rom. 6. 1. Of these he saith That sinne shall not haue dominion ouer them meaning that although these doe still carry sinne that is corruption of nature which continually fights against the grace of God in thē yet the corruption and sinnefull nature shall neuer any more reigne as in times past it did and so haue the full victory ouer them But they by the grace of Gods Spirit reigning in them shall daily more and more ouercome this their sinnefull nature and in the end get a glorious conquest ouer it and all other their spirituall enemies This one Scripture if there were no more is sufficient if it be truelie weighed and beleeued to comfort euery childe of God ouer all his sinnes that though they bee neuer so many or neuer so great and of long continuance yet being here assured the roote of sinne shall be killed ver 18. 22. hee may then quietly rest his soule in peace that all the fruits and branches shall in time quite wither for certainety whereof this is twise repeated But the Lord knowing how hardly we be brought to be perswaded hereof especially when we be vnder captiuity of any sin as of vnbeliefe pride anger worldlinesse and the like hath much laboured in his word to comfort vs herein that though the battell be sore and our strength small yet his grace shall bee sufficient for vs and his power shall bee made perfect in weakenesse 2. Cor. 12. 7 8 9. as was said to Paul in his wrestling against some priuie corruption which he felt a pricke in his flesh to be sent as a messenger of Sathan to buffet him least he should be exalted aboue measure by the aboundance of reuelations which though spoken to him yet indeede belongs to all in his case and therefore euery poore soule who feeles his sinne too hard for him that when he would doe well euill is present with him hee is to lay holde on this promise that Gods grace shall bee sufficient for him and Gods strength shall bee made perfect in his weakenesse That so complaining with the Apostle O wretched man that I am Rom. 7. 24. who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death hee may comfortably cheere vp his heart with him saying verse 25. I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lord that through the power of the Spirit of Christ he shall subdue that body of sin which otherwise would carry him headlong to death and destruction both of body and soule for euer This the Prophet Micah notably expresseth Mich. 7. 18 hauing highly magnified the mercy of God in pardoning iniquity and passing by the transgression of his people hee addeth this He wil turne again he will haue compassion vpon vs he wil subdue our iniquities c. The Apostle also layeth out this matter at large how the Christian souldiour being armed with the whole armour of God Eph. 6. may bee able to stand in the euill day and hauing done all to stand that is being furnished with those excellent graces of the Spirit which he afterwards names he may manfully fight the Lords battell against sinne and Sathan and so hold out to the end of the battell that he shall stand vp as conquerour when sinne and Sathan shall fall as vanquished Beholde what encouragements the Lord giues against all our fearefulnesse in our spiritual battell which if wee could remember would put more spirit into vs to fight against our sinnes like men and not to faint or flye like cowards And yet these bee not the tenth of these gracious promises which the Lord hath made to this end that wee faint not when we see the force of the enemy Of this sort be all those Scriptures which setting out the rich benefites wee receiue in Christ among the rest mention our sanctification by him whereby is meant that Christ hauing taken our humane nature and sanctified it by his holy Spirit we being made one with him doe receiue the selfe same spirit though in measure to sanctifie vs Ioh. 17. 29. that is to make vs holy Whereunto these two be necessary first the killing of all sinne in vs and secondly the quickning of vs to newnesse of life 1. Cor. 1. 30 Of the latter more in the next point of the former heere concerning which this is oft repeated that Christ shall saue his people from their sin Mat. 1. 21. which as it is true in the matter of our iustification for the forgiuenesse of our sinne so it is also true in this point of our sanctification for deliuering vs from the power of sinne And so are all those generall speeches to be vnderstood that Christ is the lambe of God Ioh. 1. 29. 39. which taketh away the sinne of the world That hee hath loued vs Reu. 1. 5. and washed vs from our sinnes in his owne blood 1 Ioh. 1. 7. That the blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all our sinne Act. 3. 26. That God hath sent his Sonne Iesus to blesse vs in turning euery one of vs from our iniquities And the like many in all which this must needes bee contained that one great benefite wee enioy by Christ is that we who bee members of him are cleansed as from the guiltinesse of sinne that it shall not bee imputed so from the filthinesse of sinne that it shall not preuaile ouer vs. For more manifest proofe whereof this grace of mortification is expresly promised in sundry places Gal. 5. 16. as Walke in the Spirit and yee shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Likewise the Apostle Iohn ioyning together both our iustification and sanctification 1 Ioh. 1. 9 sayeth If wee confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse so doth the Apostle Paul to Titus Tit. 2. 11. hauing shewed that the grace of God which bringeth saluation doth also teach men to deny vngodlines and worldly lusts he addeth this that Christ gaue himselfe for vs 14. that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purifie
God the father mooued by nothing but his free loue to mankinde lost hath made a deed of gift and grant of his Sonne Christ Iesus vnto mankinde that whosoeuer of all mankinde shall receiue this gift by a true and liuely faith hee shall not perish but haue euerlasting life which the same Apostle expresly saith 1. Ioh. 5. 11. This is the record that God hath giuen to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne meaning that this it is which God hath witnessed for vs to beleeue which hee that doth not makes God a lyar and shall most iustly be condemned therefore this then is the first thing in true faith to be considered that euery soule to whom God sendeth this message of the Gospell doe truely beleeue and giue credit vnto it to bee true that God hath made grant of Christ to sinners so that if he accept this grant he shall bee saued This is that faith which in schooles is called historicall because it goeth no further then to giue assent and credit to the story of that which God speaketh to be true which one may beleeue for another and therefore this cannot be true iustifying faith and this may be in those that knowe they are bidden to the wedding yet refuse to come So that though this bee necessary to true iustifying faith yet it is not sufficient therfore in iustifying faith there is required another and more speciall work namely to receiue Christ and life in him offered in the Gospell which was the second generall point to bee considered in the nature of this iustifying faith Namely that beside the assent of the mind and iudgment to the truth of the Gospell The second speciall worke of faith is to receiue Christ offered vs in the Gospell wee giue consent with our heart and will and so willingly and gladly accept Gods gift of Christ whereby indeede he is become ours and we his and so we in him be made partakers of all things pertaining to life and godlinesse 2. Pet. 1. 3. as the Apostle Peter speaketh where I would haue this specially to be marked that hee saith this is by the knowledge or acknowledging of him which I vnderstand to be by true faith whereby we know and acknowledge Christ to be ours This I the rather obserue for that I see some honestly minded herein beguiled to imagine that a man may be a true member of Christ and so be iustified before he thus actually beleeue and thereby apprehend Christ I deny not but that some weake in faith may feare that they do not beleeue and that they haue not apprehended Christ when in deede they haue apprehended him though they feele it not who may be discerned partly by their heauinesse for want of sense of faith but especially by their loue they beare to God shewed manifold waies whereof we shall here more in the triall of faith But that he who neuer apprehended Christ by beleeuing should ordinarily bee a member of Christ I cannot see sure I am the Scripture constantly speaketh otherwise as Iohn 12. As many as receiued him Gal. 3 26. to them hee gaue power to bee the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Gal. 2. 20. And to like effect often that we are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus That wee liue by faith of the Sonne of God That Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Eph. 3. 17. In which and the like many it is euident that faith is the Instrument whereby wee receiue Christ our righteousnes and life And this is the constant opinion of all found Diuines so farre as I know Thus then we see that the very nature of faith consisteth in the true acceptation of Christ proclaimed in the Gospell How faith is gotten Now followeth to be considered how this faith is to be obtained and increased that so we may liue by it wherein wee haue these two points to be obserued 1. First 2. point what is the ground of faith 1. 2. Secondly 2. how faithis hereon builded But before this blocke at which so many stumble is to be remooued That wee yet speake not how a man that hath faith may know it to bee so whereof more in his place but how one that indeede hath not apprehended Christ by faith may attaine vnto it So that here onely we seeke the causes which beget this faith not the effects of faith which only prooue we haue it Many not discerning this difference doe much mistake Causes and effects of faith differing and being asked what caused them to beleeue they say because they haue truely repented and changed their course of life which if it proceede not from faith is not so much as a sound proofe of faith much lesse can it bee any cause to drawe them to beleeue By which mistaking it comes to passe that such persons building their faith vpon their life which is subiect to many changes can neuer haue sound and stedfast faith but a staggering vnconstant opiniō at the best We haue neede therefore to looke for a more sure ground whereon to build our faith which must stand against so many and mighty stormes wherewith it is so vsually assaulted The onely firme ground of this sauing faith is Gods truth reuealed in his word The onely ground of faith is Gods truth Reason why as is plainely taught Rom. 10. 17. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God And so likewise it is saide of the Ephesians 1. 13. That they by hearing the word of truth the Gospell of saluation beleeued which is as manifest to reason in that there is not any thing in heauen or in earth which can testifie to vs such good will in God to saue vs but wee must haue Gods owne word to witnesse this vnto vs and all little enough It is a matter so incredible that the holy and iust God who cannot abide any iniquity Heb. 2. 2. but will certainely giue to euery sinne his due punishment yet of his owne free mercy hath giuen and granted to poore sinners eternall life Therefore hath the Lord so often and so euidently spoken no lesse that hee might thereby mooue vs to beleeue as 1. Ioh. 5. 11. expresly affirming This is that which is testified That God hath giuen vs eternall life and this life is in his sonne For our further confirmation wherein it is saide vers 7. that this is witnessed both by three witnesses in heauen The first the father the second the word that is the sonne of God the second person in Trinity the third the holy Ghost which three be one diuine nature and testifie the same things as also by three witnesses on earth all which be in euery true beleeuer and none els The first the spirit the second the water the third the blood which agree in one witnessing the same things wherby are meant By the first
Faith for our saluation by Christ For our strengthening in both of these assurances the Lord maketh diuers promises In all of which wee shall finde vsually these two things Matter what First what bee the excellent benefites and vnsearchable riches which be brought to vs in Christ which bee set forth vnto vs sometimes generallie all in a lumpe that hee will saue vs and sometimes more particularlie that hee will forgiue and cleanse vs all to this end to draw vp our earthly mindes and affections so to hunger and thirst after them as neuer to be at rest till wee doe in some measure enioy them Secondly Persons to whom the persons to whom these bee in the Gospell proclamed that so euery one may applie them to himselfe by Faith and be assured they be his Both which shall now better app●are in the particular promises And first concerning Christ and the benefites brought by him Christ promised wee may well begin with that which was the first promise made to man and the foundation of all others where the Lord denouncing his vengeance against the Serpent the deuils instrument in seducing mankinde said Gen. 3. 15. And I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and her seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heele In which besides sundrie other things there intended this is chiefe for our purpose that Christ the promised seed of the woman should fullie conquer Sathan and his whole kingdome howsoeuer Sathan would continually molest the seede of the woman till hee were quite vanquished The selfesame matter is more plainelie taught Heb. 2. 14. that Christ tooke our nature That through death hee might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Deuill And deliuer them who for feare of death were all their life subiect to bondage Which if God had made no other promise might bee a sufficient word to perswade euery soule that heareth it not onely to desire and seeke this deliuerance by Christ but to beleeue that hee shall enioy it seeing God hath so faithfully said it For the further confirmation of the faith of gods people in this point in all ages the Lord renewed this promise of sending Christ the promised seede As immediatly after the flood Noah by Prophesie blessing his two sonnes said God shall enlarge Iaphet and hee shall dwell in the tents of She●● Gen. 9. 27. Which intendeth that wee Gentils Gal. 3. 16. should be called to bee one body with the Iewes in Christ The same was afterwards oft renewed to Abraham 22. 18. In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed 26. 4. 28. 14 Act. 3. 25. The like to Isaacke and to Iacob also In all which Christ was promised the true seede in whom alone all families be blessed And so forward in all succeeding ages Moses and all the Prophets in their times foretold of Christ as we reade Act. 3. 24. 10. 43. So that it is needelesse to write all the scriptures tending to this point All this serues thus to strengthen the faith of all that will giue credit to God Vse that seeing the Lord nourished the faith of his Church from Adam to Christ with those promises of saluation by Christ the promised seede we therfore may boldly rest hereupon much the rather seeing we vnder the Gospel haue all things fulfilled which they vnder the former Testament sawe a farre off Heb. 11. 13 and were perswaded of them and embraced them To passe ouer then all the promises of the olde Testament concerning Christ his benefits to come to the new Multitude of promises concerning Christ wherein all things which were foretolde are fully accomplished and wee may with open face beholde as in a glasse 2. Cor. 3. 17 the glory of the Lord. Here be so many promises wherein Christ and his benefites bee set foorth vnto vs that the bare rehearsing of them without any further opening of them would make a sufficient book and longer I feare then any of our idle professours would once reade ouer I intend therefore to range these into some order and to make choice of some principall of euery sort and by them to shew how wee may make vse of the rest that are of the same kind Now all these promises concerning this first point for the strengthening of our faith in the assurance of our saluation by Christ be propounded either generally or more specially as was before said Generall Matter Generally Persons in respect of the matter promised as that Christ shall saue vs and the like as also of the persons to whom these promises be performed that is generally to all mankinde Both which be for the most part ioyned together what is promised and to whom therefore we will handle them together for breuity sake least otherwise wee should be faine to alleage the same scriptures againe to sundry purposes which would bee tedious which I desire to auoide To begin then with the very names which throughout the new Testament bee giuen to our redeemer Iesus Christ they are both of great force to confirme our faith When the angell Gabriel was sent from God to the Virgin Mary with that heauenly salutation he told her That she should conceiue in her wombe and bring foorth a Sonne and she shall call his name Iesus Iesus Whereof the Euangelist Mat. giues this reason Luk. 1. 26. 31 for hee shall saue his people from their sinne Mat. 1. 21. and to like effect oft All flesh shall see the saluation of God Luk. 3. 6. 1 When Christ came to Zacheus he saide This day is saluation come to this house 19. 9 10. for as much as he also is the sonne of Abraham for the Sonne of man is come to seek and to saue that which is lost Christ himselfe saide Ioh. 3. 17. God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him should be saued And againe I came not to iudge the world 12. 47. but to saue the world And to heape vp no more of this sort to this end is Christ to oft called our Sauiour In all which we ought to reason thus Vse Seeing the eternall Son of God did take mans nature and so was Immanuel God with vs Mat. 1. 23. as the Euangelist Matthew Esa 7. 14. sheweth out of the Prophet and that to this end to saue vs being lost and not to condemne the world but to saue the world therefore vnlesse we will thinke all this is but a fable we are vndoubtedly to beleeue that there is in this Iesus and in him alone saluation for vs sinners Act. 4. 12. For there is no other name vnder heauen giuen among men whereby wee must bee saued And further if wee will not despise this wonderfull mercy of God in sending his Sonne and of
be acceptable to God now by this all sufficient sacrifice of Christ all that lay hold on Christ by faith and so apply his sacrifice to themselues they shall bee accepted of God and their obedience pleasing to God in his perfect obedience Which alone is a sufficient meanes by the operation of the Holy Ghost to drawe any that heare and conceiue this to cast themselues wholy vpon Christ and to seeke for Gods fauour and all the fruits thereof onely in this sacrifice of Christ Besides these there bee many other Scriptures which in generall set out Christ and his benefits to vs but if they be well marked it will appeare they be contained vnder these As for example where Christ compares himselfe to a Vine Ioh. 15. 1. to teach that as the branch hath his whole life from the stocke so wee haue all our life from him so doth hee call himselfe the bread of life and is said to bee the head of the body Ioh. 6. 35. That he is full of grace and truth Ioh. 1. 14. Againe Hee that spared not his owne Sonne Rom. 8. 32. but deliuered him vp for vs all how shall hee not with him also Esa 55. 3. freely giue vs all things Againe I will giue you the sure mercies of Dauid Act. 13. 34. that is all those good things which were promised in Christ who was the seede of Dauid In all these and many moe Vse we see the intent of the Holy Ghost was to giue vs in one view a sight of all that good which Christ hath brought vs that heereby euery one who hears hereof may both wonder at Gods vnspeakeable mercy in prouiding so many and so great blessings in Christ for vs his enemies and hereby also bee drawne to labour by all meanes to be made partakers of them And this shall suffise to haue set out some of the generall promises and the vse of them how wee are to strengthen our faith by them Onely this I will adde concerning these When speciall want make vse of generall that if at any time in our doubts and feares for any particular distresse wee cannot readily remember some particular promise whereby wee might bee comforted then wee may safely runne to one of these generall promises which doe containe all particulars and so apply it to our present neede As for example if any poore soule should fall into great doubtings of Gods fauour by reason of some great affliction that lay heauy vpon him or some corruption which he could not master and in this perplexity could not thinke of any speciall promise whereout hee might gather some comfort then may he boldly lay hold vpon any one of these generall promises and rest thereupon for comfort in this maner O Lord thou hast said in thy holy word which is the word of truth that the Sonne of man is come to saue that which is lost Luk. 19. 10. Lord I am lost and see nothing in my selfe to helpe mee therefore I do wholly rest vpon Christ and looke for helpe only by him The same may bee said of all the generall promises the least of which contain matter enough to support vs in all our feares if we could fitly apply them Wherein I doe againe forewarne euery one who desires to beleeue in God Looke for nothing in thy selfe to cause thee to beleeue and so to liue by his faith aboue all to deny himselfe and not to looke for any thing in himselfe why he should beleeue which I haue obserued to bee a maine hinderance from true beleeuing but to cast all our thoughts vpon God First how mercifull hee is to prouide such helpe for poore sinners in Christ and freely to offer it vnto them in his word and secondly how faithfull hee is to performe all that he hath said that by this meanes the poore sinner may bee mooued to beleeue in God that he will surely succour and comfort him in due season and measure Thus would I now passe from these generall promises For the persons to whom first to all and come to the speciall but that I feare I haue not sufficiently cleared one point concerning these generals namely for the persons to whom God preacheth and proclaimeth these mercies that they may beleeue I speake not here who shall enioy these who be only beleeuers and their seed but to whom these bee offered From whence be raised the greatest doubts in many for their saluation that they know not themselues to bee of that number to whom God doth truely offer these mercies and no maruell For as it is not possible for a rebell against his Soueraigne to beleeue he shall be pardoned vnlesse he be sure that hee is contained vnder the Princes pardon so no sinner can beleeue to haue pardon till he know that he is in the number of those to whom the pardon is proclaimed by God in the Gospell for the knowledge wherof either there must be some special marke of difference wherby it may be knowne to whom the pardon is proclaimed and to whom not or els it must bee generall to all But there is no such speciall certaine difference between sinners before faith wherby one may know the pardon is granted to him and such as he is and not to any other for then might some know themselues to bee vnder Gods speciall fauour that is elected before he beleeue which is impossible by any ordinary meanes therfore of necessity the onely way whereby anie may know himselfe to be contained vnder the pardon is this that he heares that God in his Gospel doth proclaime forgiuenesse of sinne in Christ without exception to all sinners that whosoeuer heareth and beleeueth shall bee saued the rest shall bee condemned for not beleeuing and not accepting this mercy offered to them Hauing in the former part of this Treatise sufficiently prooued by many Scriptures this point that Christ and all his benefites be freely offred without exception to all mankinde as that one place Mark 16. 15. expresly sheweth I only now aduise euery one who is kept from beleeuing by this that he knowes not whether he bee contained vnder the pardon or no not to looke to Gods secret will but to attend to Gods reuealed will in his word wherein it is expresly said That God would haue no man to perish 2. Pet. 3 9. but would haue all men to come to repentance Ezek. 18. 23. 32. and so oft That he desires not tht death of a sinner that hereby hee may bee mooued to seeke and hope for that mercie which God is so willing to bestow vpon vpon him if the fault be not in his owne selfe as it was in the vnbeleeulng Iewes in Ierusalem Mat. 23. 37 of whom our Sauiour complained saying How often would I haue gathered thy children as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings and yee would not A further manifestation of this willingnesse in God to saue
sinners Mat. 22. 9 10 may be seene in his gracious inuitation of the vnworthiest to come to the wedding of his Son yea more by his beseeching sinners to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5. 20 and by the many and weighty arguments he vseth to perswade men to beleeue by the great rewards earthly and spirituall temporall and eternall which all beleeuers shall enioy and by the fearefull woes which shall fall on all vnbeleeuers both in this life and that to come Ioh. 7. 38. 3. 18. as plentifully is to bee seene throughout the Scriptures Out of all this mee thinkes a poore distressed sinner might thus stirre vp himselfe to beleeue If this bee certaine Note that God would not haue me perish but is very willing to saue me and therfore hath not onely prouided all sufficient meanes to bring mee thereto and made such a generall pardon as may assure mee I am contained vnder it yea seeing I now know that I am inuited and called to come to Christ and intreated to bee friends with God then may I be bold to come and assure my self I shal be welcome Yea further if I will not forgoe all these rich rewards tendered vnto me and pull vpon my selfe most iustly all those woes which God hath threatned against all despisers of his mercies then must I gladly accept Gods mercy offered to mee and if I finde my vnbeleeuing heart to draw back then must I ply the Lord with feruent and constant prayers that hee would draw mee by his Spirit to come to Christ and so to rest vpon him for my saluation And thus much for the generall promises both in regard of the matters promised and of the persons to whom they bee proclaimed that euery one who heares them may claime his part in them Speciall benefits Now to come to those speciall benefites which we receiue in Christ which belong to this first point how our faith is to bee strengthened in the assurance of our saluation by Christ I intend to referre all that I haue to say herein to these two 1. our Justification and 2. the fruites immediately growing from thence which I gather out of the Apostle Rom. 5. 1. to bee these three 1. Reconciliation 2. Adoption 3. Hope of Glory Concerning Iustification Iustification it is euident by the Scripture that all our saluation depends vpon it that whosoeuer shall bee saued must be iustified and therefore of necessity he that is not iustified must needs bee condemned it behooueth then euery one who lookes for saluation well to conceiue what it is to be iustified in Gods sight and then to make sure worke that hee may attaine it yea and know it also that hee is iustified without which is no comfort or hope of happinesse To be iustified before God is to be made righteous that is not onely without all sinne but hauing all that righteousnes which God in his holy law requireth as Rom. 2. 13. So was Adam and Eue by creation Eccl. 7. 31. God made man righteous Heb. 7. 26. So was Christ Such an high Priest it became vs to haue who is holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the heauens Besides these not one of the whole stocke of mankinde was thus righteous but euery soule young and old was is and euer shall be in this world voyde of this righteousnesse and full of all vnrighteousnesse As Rom. 3. 20. Therefore by the workes of the law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight It followeth then that all that shall be saued must bee iustified another way and that is this by hauing that perfect righteousnes which was in Christ alone to bee accounted theirs as if it had been in themselues Not intending to enter into any further discours hereof which may bee seene in sundry Treatises written of this argument all our care must bee to get this grace in Christ whereby we shal assuredly be saued The Scripture is cleare that this is obtained by faith and no way else as besides sundry other scriptures the Apostle both soundly and plentifully prooueth Rom. 3. Gal. 3. reade the places in which wee shall see not onely the truth of the doctrine but many motiues to beleeue and imbrace this grace wrought by Christ for vs and by him freely offered vnto vs that we might receaue it to our comfort To this purpose is that which is said Rom. 3. vers 21. 22. But now is the righteousnesse of God made manifest without the Law hauing witnesse of the Law and the Prophets to wit the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And so forward to the end of the chapter wherein for our purpose this is chiefly to be considered That as none are partakers of this benefite of Iustification in Christ but beleeuers so seeing none can beleeue to enioy this but such as know that God freely and faithfully offers it to them therefore it is here and elsewhere oft reuealed that as all haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of God so are they iustified feeely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus Which as I said cannot bee vnderstood that all doe receiue this mercie of Iustification purchased by Christ but that as Christ hath wrought it so God doth indifferently offer it in the Gospell to all which is more manifested by the words following verse 25. Whom God hath set forth to bee a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of sinnes that are passed c. The vse to bee made of these Vse and the like for the strengthening of our Faith in the assurance of our saluation by Christ is this that euery one who would beleeue doe set before him on the one side his owne sinfulnesse and cursednesse to be such that he is no way able to make any satisfaction whereby he might be deliuered on the other side that Christ hath made a full satisfaction vnto his Father for him a miserable sinner and freely offers it to him which if hee beleeue it shall be accepted for him and he thereby saued that this may draw him to renounce all hope in himselfe and so to relie vpon Christ for his Iustification and saluation This shall be more manifest in the parts of Iustification Parts of iustification which are forgiuenesse of sinnes Forgiuenes of sinne and imputation of righteousnesse and more especially in the former forgiuenesse of sinne which so vnseparably bringing in the latter imputation of righteousnesse the Scripture doth most labour to assure vs of And for this cause all blessednesse is worthily placed herein both by the Prophet Dauid and the Apostle Paul saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen Psal 32. 1 2. and whose sinnes are couered Rom. 4. 7 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne That it may driue
c. which God promiseth to those that walke vprightly c. sayth vers 24. And the inhabitant thereof shall not say I am sicke the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquitie The place is worth the reading To the same intent is bodily strength so oft promised as Iob 17. 9. The righteous also shall hold on his way and he that hath cleane hands shall be stronger and stronger So Psal 29. 11. The Lord will giue strength vnto his people the Lord will blesse his people with peace Psal 103. 5. This is numbred among Gods mercies for which the Prophet prayseth God who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renued like the Eagle And Elihu Iob 33. shewing Gods mercy to a sinner truly converted adds this vers 25. His flesh shall be fresher then a childes he shall returne to the dayes of his youth Psal 84 7. They goe from strength to strength every one of them appeares before God in Sion These and many moe be the promises which God hath made vs concerning bodily health Application strength whereby we may be able to performe the duties of our places and callings and more comfortably enjoy all other the good blessings of this life which doth sufficiently commend the great and most needfull vse we haue of these as our daily experience sheweth And therefore these are so much esteemed and by great cost sought for even by meere naturall men though oft in vaine all which not onely commends Gods fatherly affection to his children in providing and promising these vnto them but ought in speciall manner to comfort vs in all our bodily infirmities and sore diseases that how or whensoever the Lord shall visite vs with sicknesse and weaknesse whereby we be hindered from many duties both toward God and man which he never doth but when need requires and then also for our greater good then we may remember some of these promises and so lay hold vpon them by faith that we faint not nor murmur as men without hope but comfortably quiet our selues that the Lord will in due season rayse vs vp to our former health and strengthen vs that we may with more watchfulnes and chearfulnes serue him Such as never or seldome haue felt the want of this blessing of health cannot so prise it or be thankfull for it as they ought but they whom God hath much exercised with long and tedious paines and bodily infirmities will make no common reckoning of health but prefer it before wealth and honour which be so much set by and they be they who will prise these promises and who beleeving them shall patiently waite for the accomplishment of them They shall reape the fruit of them both more comfort and conscience to hold out their holy profession vnto the end Among whom seeing it is well knowne to all that haue liued with me for these last ten yeares at least that I haue had my part in much bodily infirmitie so much as my experience may be vsefull to others in like case I do acknowledge to Gods praise that I haue had good proofe of the truth of this which I haue written and doe daily expect more both for my comfort and strengthning to hold out to the end And so much for this blessing of health which God hath promised to his obedient children The next is wealth Wealth that is abundence of earthly goods such as be needefull for our more comfortable living in this world which seeing they be many wher of we stand in neede and which our nature doth exceedingly desire therefore the Lord is most plentifull in promising these that hereby hee might win our hearts to more chearefull obedience for this purpose that might suffice which is written Levit. 26. from verse 3. to 14 Deut. 28. from verse 2. to 15. 7. 12. to 17. I leaue svch as desire to see these to reade the places so likewise the 128. 23. psalms in which is as much said as may be desired and more then is wel beleeved For did wee beleeue that in hearkning to the voyce of the Lord to obserue and doe all his commandements we should be every way so abundantly blessed it could not but make vs much more afraid to offend so bountifull a Father and as carefull to please him in all things But to cite some of many Prov. 3. 9. Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruites of all 〈◊〉 increase vers 10. so shall thy bar●es bee filled with plenty and thy presses ●urst with new wine verse 16. setting out the incomparable commodities of wisedome he adds this Length of dayes is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour v. 17. Her wayes are wayes of pleasantnesse and all her pathes are peace verse 18. Shee is a tree of 〈◊〉 to them that lay hold vpon her and happy is every one that retaynath her Againe Chap. 8. 18. 19. 〈◊〉 and ●onour are with me yea durable riches and righteousnesse My fruit is better then gold yea then fine gold and my revenue then choice silver Prov. 10. 22. The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and hee addeth no sorrow with it Chap. 15. 6. In the house of the righteous is much treasure c. Iob 22. 23. If thou reiurne to the Almighty c. verse 24. Then shalt thou lay vp gold as dust and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooke Notable is that promise concerning these earthly blessings made to the people of Israel at their returne Iere. 31. 12. Therfore they shall come and sing in the height of Sion and shall flow together to the goodnes of the Lord for wheate and for wine and for oyle and for the young of the flocke and of the heard and their soule shal be as a watred garden and they shall not sorrow any more at all c. The like Mala. 3. 10. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house c. If I will not open vnto you the windowes of heaven and poure you a blessing that there shall not bee romme enough to receiue so the Apostle exhorting to liberalitie to the poore Saints sayth 2. Cor. 9 verse 6. He that soweth bountifully shall reape bountifully verse 8. And God is able to make all grace abound towards you that yee alwayes having all sufficien●y in all things ●●y abound to every good worke c. I finde my selfe wearior in writing out these promises I feare many will be more weario● in reading them over then any of vs would be weary of receiving and enioying these things so promised And yet I may boldly affirme I haue not see downe one quarter of those which I haue gathered out of the Scriptures for how often doth the Lord promise plenty that the land shall yeel● her fruit that he will giue them 〈◊〉 in d●● season that there should bee none barren but he would increase them in all their
to beleeue and for an example to set before them Gods dealing with the Ephesians of whom the Apostle saith Eph. 2. 3. That when they were dead in trespasses and sinnes which is as bad as may bee yet hee heapes more of their wofull condition verse 2. 11. 12. yet these were quickned in Christ so likewise the Colossians Col. 1. 21. being before their conuersion strangers and enemies because their mindes were set on euill workes were reconciled to God c. And to say the truth so is it with all that bee conuerted as Paul testifieth of himselfe and all other beleeuers before their effectuall calling that they had their conuersation in times past in the lusts of their flesh in fulfilling the will of the flesh of the minde and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others All which if a poore sinner shall consider that others in as bad a state as he and many farre worse were receiued to mercy and that God doth in mercy as freely offer it to him as them and is as faithfull as euer to performe what he saith this doubtlesse will in time moue him to expect like mercy at Gods hands if hee shall with patience waite the Lords leisure and neuer giue ouer earnest supplication to God to draw him and daily meditation on Gods mercy Thus will I leaue this point hauing said more then I purposed Peace only I desire to be considered that vnder this reconciliation I containe that peace which Christ makes betweene God and vs whereof Rom. 5. 1. Eph. 2. 17. and elsewhere oft that it may bee referred to this head Now we come to the second fruite of our Iustification which is Adoption Adoption whereby I vnderstand that high fauour of God whereby hee maketh those who be iustified by Christ and so reconciled his owne children and heires of all his blessings If Dauid thought it no small preferment to bee sonne in Law to King Saul 1 Sam. 18. 23. what may bee thought of this And therefore the Apostle Iohn calleth all to an admiration of that vnspeakeable loue of God in calling vs to be the sonnes of God 1 Ioh. 3. 1. Wherein we haue to consider not only the excellencie of this estate but the certainetie of it without which we could haue no comfort by it This certaintie appeares as in this that God hath called all true beleeuers to be his sonnes so further in the next verse where he saith Dearely beloued now are we the sonnes of God though as he saith is appeares not what wee shall bee To this purpose well serueth that gracious promise which the Apostle citeth out of the Prophet Hosea And it shall be in the place where it was said vnto them Rom. 9. 26. yee are not my people that there they shall bee called the children of the liuing God So likewise when the Lord promiseth to such as shall separate themselues from the wicked And I will bee a Father vnto you 2 Cor. 6. 18. and yee shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie Reu. 21. 7. Againe Hee that ouercommeth shall inherit all things And I will be his God and hee shall be my sonne these promises must be the cause of our faith and our faith the cause of our obedience as hath beene said And therefore it is said Yee are all the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus Gal. 3. 26. And yet much more to our present purpose is that excellent Scripture Gal. 4. 4 5 6 7. which containes much for the strengthening of our faith in this whole point of the assurance of our saluation therfore I rehearse it all But when the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Law that hee might redeeme them which were vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts which cryeth Abba Father Wherein to passe ouer all the rest this is euident that a maine end why God sent his Sonne to redeeme vs miserable sinners who are by nature vnder the curse of the Law was this that wee might by this redemption by Christ bee made Gods children and as the Apostle saith Rom. 8. 17. If children then also heires euen the heires of God and coheires with Christ as it followeth in the former Scripture Gal. 4. 7. Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne now if thou bee a son thou art also an heire of God through Christ If this be so as the deuill himselfe cannot denie who can sufficiently admire and magnifie the bountifulnesse and loue of God to man Vse by so great a price to purchase so high a dignitie Tit. 3. 4. as the Apostle John calls it that wee should be the sonnes of God Ioh. 1. 12. and partakers with Christ of all his glory in his Fathers kingdome But me thinkes I heare some one say It is true this is a most blessed estate if a man might bee assured it were his owne but seeing the Scripture oft witnesseth that they be but few who attaine this fauour Obiection how may I who am so vnworthy so full of sinne and voide of grace euer hope to bee a partaker hereof This beeing so great an obiection and so common whereby many be kept from beleeuing it is meete to be well answered It hath two partes first that so fewe come to bee Gods children to which I answer first the fault hereof is not in God who as oft hath beene said hath so largly proclaimed life in the Gospel to euery sinner Again if there were an almes of great value cast among many which a few onely could enioy what scrambling is there who could get it A memorable story of late yeares I will relate to be a witnes against all such wicked seruants Mat. 25. 26 and slothfull as our Sauiour calls them who hearing that a few shall bee saued will let others striue for it and be content to goe without it themselues which is indeede and so the Lord will count it a flatte despising of his mercy offered vnto them A rich woman gaue at her death a dole of sixe pence to the poore that came to Leaden Hall in London for which there was such striuing that many were troden to death how shall these rise in iudgement against our dainty idle ambitious couetous and voluptuous worldlings who euery one in their kinde striue extreamely for their desires but take no paines to be saued But to leaue these and to come to the second part of the obiection which concerns a better sort and farre neerer saluation who be kepr backe by their vnworthinesse whom as I much pitty for their vncomfortablenesse so can I no lesse blame for their ignorance that after so long preaching of the Gospell wherein all the mercies of God be
proclaimed vnto yea bestowed vpon sinners yea great and all vnworthy as in the last point before this was shewed yet theese poore soules doe sticke so fast in the mudde of their naturall pride of Popery as to seeke for some worthinesse in themselues for which God should make them his sonnes To conclude then this point seeing God is a free giuer of this high fauour of Adoption and no seller of it and seeing he so freelie offers it to thee in Christ beware that neither by idlenesse nor proud ignorance thou depriue thy selfe of it but thankfullie accept it so shalt thou bee saued The last speciall benefit which we receiue from Christ Hope of glory as a fruit of our iustification seruing for strengthening of our faith in the assurance of our saluation is the Hope of Glory whereby I vnderstand that God hath prepared for vs sinners this singular comfort that wee may enioy in this life such a hope and expectation of euerlasting glorie as may both inwardlie cheere our hearts and cause vs outwardlie to professe the same to the glorie of God encouragement of other faithfull people of God amazing of the wicked and strengthening of our selues to hold out to the end against al discouragements whatsouer That God hath prouided such a stay to support vs in all the changes of this life may sufficiently appeare by that which we reade Hebr. 6. 17. 18 19. a Scripture containing great force for the strengthening of our faith in the certaintie of our saluation as we shall see Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the immutability of his coūsell confirmed it by an oath That by two immutable things in which it was not possible that God should lye wee might haue a strong consolation who haue fled for refuge to lay holde vpon the hope set before vs which hope we haue as an anker of the soule both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that which is within the vaile whither the forerunner is for vs entered euen Iesus made an high Priest after the order of Melchisedech Wherein bee these heauenly matters contained which I wil only laie open so gather out that which makes most for our presentintention to make vs more sure of this grace the hope of glorie 1. Gods decree and euerlasting counsell concerning our saluation is vnchangeable 2. It was Gods good pleasure to make this exceedinglie manifest 3. The persons to whom God would thus manifest his counsell were the heires of promise 4. The meanes whereby God would thus manifest his counsell was this That what he promised he bound with an oath 5. These two euidences of Gods counsell bee sure and vnchangeable 6. It is impossible that God should lye in these 7. By these wee may haue strong consolation 8. They who shall haue strong consolation must make hope their refuge that is holde fast on ir 9. That hope is set before them to hold fast by 10. This hope is to our soules in tentations as an Anker to a ship in stormes 11. This Anker which will holde it is sure and stedfast 12. It is entred vpward into heauen as our earthlie ank●●●e cast downewards 13. Christ our forerunner is gone to heauen for vs. 14. Christ is our euerlasting high Priest Behold what store of heauenlie matters be here contained which when I did consider so closelie folded vp and so well furthering the point in hand I was drawne thus to vnfold them Among all this is speciall for our purpose that Almighty God as a louing Father hauing prouided for his children a good estate was very carefull to make it sure vnto them and therefore hath giuen two such euidences as cannot deceiue his promise and oath that wee being perswaded heereby might in all our feares for out refuge cast our hope vpon his fidelitie so shall we bee safe and haue strong consolation Wherein we see the singular vse of this hope of eternall life that it is hope which makes vs not ashamed Rom. 5. 5. as the Apostle speaketh and the Prophet Dauid exceeding oft the same Psal 25. 3. Yea that we are saued by hope that is Rom. 8. 23. we are so assured of our saluation as if wee possessed it already and therefore doe with patience waite for it There is much in this Scripture to this end that as the whole Creation as it were groaneth and trauelleth in paine with earnest expectation waiting for the manifestation of the sonnes of God what time they shall bee deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God So all true beleeuers who haue the first fruites of the spirit groane in themselues waiting for the Adoption to wit the redemption of their bodies that is for a full glorification of soule and body This is to bee seene in the liues and deaths of Gods faithfull seruants Heb. 12. 2. who for this hope endured the crosse and despised shame as is testified of our Sauiour himselfe and of Moses that hee did choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God Heb. 11. 26. then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season esteeming the reproch of Christ greater riches then the treasures in Egypt for hee had respect to the recompence of reward The same is to be seene in all that honourable company mentioned Hebr. 11. And so in all the holy Martyrs in all ages what was it but this hope of glory after a short suffering which made them willingly to endure so great and sore persecutions I might bee long in this for the Scripture speakes much hereof exhorting vs to reioice in hope making it th' end of our vocation and regeneration God hath called vs to his kingdome and glory 1 Thes 2. 12. God according to his mercy hath begotten vs againe to a liuely hope 1 Petr. 1. 3. by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible vndefiled that fadeth not away reserued in the heauens for vs c. And more to like effect as doth follow well worth our reading and carefull consideration seruing much for the comfort of Gods children Out of all which this is that I gather Vse seeing this hope of glory is so sure an Anker in all storms so strong a helmet in all our battailes that we therefore carefully prouide our selues of this grace yea rather seeing God hath so plentifully prouided it for vs and giuen vs so many promises hereof and hath called vs hereunto and so oft exhorteth vs to reioyce in this hope of glory all this should mooue vs to hold fast the profession of our hope without wauering For hee is faithfull that promised Heb. 10. 23 as the Apostle exhorteth otherwise we shal call Gods truth and faithfulnesse into question which is a high degree of tempting God and no lesse prouocation of his high displeasure whereas on the other side by casting this anker in