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A19522 The conuerted mans new birth describing the direct way to go to heauen: wherein all men may clearely see, whether they shall be saued or damned. Shewing the principall care, and vehement desire, which euery one ought to take, in seeking their saluation. With the spirituall battle betweene the regenerate man and Sathan. Heere is also layd open the true estate of the regenerate man, with the certainty of his saluation: with an excellent marke, to know the childe of God, which hath truely repented; and concluding with a right zealous and godly prayer, out of the pure fountaine of the holy Scripture. Dedicated vnto all the elect children of God, which truely repent. Newly published by Iohn Andrewes Preacher of Gods Word. Being first seene and allowed. Andrewes, John, fl. 1615. 1629 (1629) STC 595; ESTC S116760 16,233 48

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Lord haue mercy spare vs O spare vs we beseech thee whereby we may see that God regards not the clamour of sinne so much as hee doth the crye of a true repentant sinner But England O sinnefull England there was neuer any Nation in the World that hath such store of Heauenly Manna as his Word his Will his Truth his Gospell which wee haue receiued Iugentia beneficia infinite benefits much knowledge of the Truth so much Preaching of the Word and so much glorious light of the Gospell And yet Mirandum est degeneres nos it is wonder and a great wonder that such a degenerate generation as this such a corrupt and sinnefull Nation as wee should so liue in such a blessed and illuminated a time But our sinnes our sinnes our vnrepented sinnes are more then can bee numbred by any Arithmetition and greater then can be measured by a Geometrition As our swearing and forswearing our prophatning the Lords Sabaoth our contempt of Gods Word our couetousnesse our drunkennes our deceite our whoredome our pride our vnthankfulnes and our waxing worse worse with many moe which crye to Heauen for Gods vengeance against vs. Oh therefore let vs with all expedition seeke for our saluation by speedy repentance Let vs not onely wéepe but powre foorth our teares for our sins like Dauid Wrestle with GOD like Iacob Crye like Esay That our heads may be full of water and our eyes a Fountayne of teares like Ieremiah Let vs be clad in Sacke-cloath like the Niniuites Humbled vnto the ground like Abraham Mourne like a Doue with Ezechia Rore out our griefe with Iob Powre out our Soule with Hanna Rent our hearts with the penitent lament with Peter Sorrow with Mary And crye out with the Iewes Men and Brethren what shall we doe to bee saued For there is nothing more needefull then the saluation of our soules The vehement desire of their saluation caused the Patriarks Prophets and the Saints of the old World to long for and desire that eternall sweete and most ioyful inheritance Regnum Dei the Kingdome of God It caused Abraham to forsake his owne naturall Countrey and his Fathers House and t● go● he knew not whither It caused Moses to forsake Aegypt and refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs daughter it caused Toby Iob Elias and Paul to wish To be dissolued and to bee with Christ It caused the carelesse Niniuites to beléeue Ionas Preaching The desperate souldiers to heare Iohns Sermon The obstinate Israelites to heare Peters perswasion The Euenuch to giue eare to Phillip Cornelius the Captayne with a great multitude to heare Peter and the Macedonians to continue Paules Doctrine vntill midnight When Iohn the Baptist first Preached Primitiua quidem Ecclesia The Primitiue Church did most clearely shine in so much that the Kingdome of Heauen suffered violence That is there was such forwardnesse and zeale in those that heard him Preach to procure their saluation in the Kingdome of Heauen that they stroue most earnestly to goe in and this affection our Sauiour requireth when he sayth Striue to enter in at the straight Gate For Dominus vobiscum dum vos cum Domino The Lord is with you while yée heare his voyce The Prophet Dauid lamented that hée was so long kept from the ioyes of his Saluation Woe is me sayth hee that I am constrained to dwell with Mosech and to haue my habitation among the Tents of Keder And agayne Like as the Hart desireth the water brooke so longeth my soule after thee O God And agayne hée sayth That hee should vtterly haue fainted but that hee did rest in hope of a better Kingdome and beleeued verily in short time to see the ioyes of his Saluation in the land of the liuing And many others counted their Country but a cursed vale of misery their worldly glory but vanity their dwellings but a Prison their pleasure but sorrow mourning and teares and all their doings were to this end that they might ioy in their saluation in the kingdome of Heauen CHAP. II. The second Chapter entreateth of the shortnesse and vncertainty of mans life and how it may be a motiue to induce vs to returne vnto the Lord by repentance because no man knowes the time thereof nor when God will call him ALl Creatures waxe olde with this aged World although Methusela liued 969. yeares yet in our age if we reach to 80. it is with sorrow and labour mans dayes are but a span saith Dauid and all flesh is grasse sayth the Prophet Esay So that man is scarce entred into the World but he is admonished to remember to depart out of the same for as all the world is mutable so of all the things in the world man is most mutable wee are all but Tenants at will and know not how long we shall remayne in this earthly Tabernacle and as our dayes are but short and euill and many cut off suddainly that they haue scarce time to thinke on God or once crye Lord helpe me therefore we ought alwaies so to liue that wee may euer bee prepared for the Lord. Let the memory of death bee euer the looking-glasse of our life and seeing the young must depart from the World as well as the old Let vs imagine that the Spring of our dayes are past our Summer is spent and that wee are arriued at the Autumne or fall of the leafe So that in euery moment wee are in the waning The date of our poore Pilgrimage almost expired and the Lamp of our liues lyeth twinckling vppon the snuffe our forces enféebled our sences impayred and on euery side our tottering and ruinous cottage of our faint flesh ready to fall It were now high time therefore to leaue our owne wayes and with all expedition looke towards our Caelestiall home lest wée bée like those which are tossed with many sturdy stormes and cannot ariue at their desired Port ride little way but are much turmoyled So these that passe many yeares in their vnrepented sins and purchase but small profit to salue their sicke soules should haue a long lyuing in destruction but a short life in conuersion besides that where sinne raignes there goes Gods curse also There is no peace to the wicked But howsoeuer whether in youth or in age wée would leaue our sinnes and returne vnto the Lord by Repentance wee must know this that it is not in our owne power No man can leaue his sinnes when he would nor no Pope or Potentate can pardon them but God neyther is any man capable of grace necessary to saluation before God cals him as our Sauiour sayth No man can come vnto me except my Father draw him The labourer receiued his peny as well that came in the last houre
the Shoes of knowledge and peace in the holy Ghost the girdle of truth well buckled with patience and constancy the Cannon shot of deepe sighes proceeding from a true penitent heart the Arrowes of bitter teares brought forth by remorse of conscience and the two edged Sword of the eternall word of GOD For it standeth vs vppon to keepe our continuall battle ready and orderly To sight valiantly hope assuredly endure constantly to march on charitably and cheerefully To watch and stand fast in our fight for the quarrell is GODS and the Victory ours euen the very saluation of our owne soules If wée resist the Diuell in the power of Iesus Christ He will flye from vs So often as wee resist him so often we ouercome it will make the Angels glad and glorifie GOD which exhorts vs to fight and helpes vs in our extreamity and time of néede GOD beholds our striuing and helpes vs vp that we should not faint and will crowne vs with glory and honour when we ouercome therefore the greater our Temptations are the more noble must bee our Resistance and the more godly our liues and conuersations are the greater shal bee our Crowne and Glory in the kingdome of Heauen CHAP. V. The fifth Chapter entreateth of the true estate of the Rege●erate man with the certainty of his saluation REgeneration is our new birth whereby wee are borne and renewed agayne by Repentance And as the Merchants sold all that hee had and forsaketh his Worldly wealth to gayne one precious pearle So the Regenerate man leaueth and forsaketh his sinnes and all worldly vanities for to obtayne eternall life And doth not onely dislike and forsake his sinnes but also from the tender bowels of his heart incessantly with all humility powre out his daily prayers vnto Almighty God to giue him his grace to suppresse and mortifie them and so sheweth the powre of Gods grace working in him And by returning vnto God by his true Repentance God giueth him a new heart and a new Spirit not in substance or quantity but in quality which is a true and faythfull witnesse giuing Testimoney not to GOD for that it needes not not to others for that it cannot but to the man who hath it for that it must of th● Truth of those things which it knoweth to bee in him concerning Gods will and his owne eternall wellfaire Seeing then A faithfull witnesse will not lye and the Spirit of the Penitent testifie the Truth of his Repentance why may not he then be as firmely perswaded of the certainty of his saluation as his heart witnesseth the sincerity of his conuersion Yes surely St. Paul proues it Know yee not your owne selues how Iesus Christ is in you except yee be Reprobates Wee may surely know that if wee haue truely repented and are heartily sorry for our sinnes with a full and determinate purpose to continue in newnesse of life That Christ is in vs if Christ be in vs then wee are in Christ if wee bee in Christ wee cannot be condemned For there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus For sinne legally considered is mortall But Euangelically is veniall except the sinne against the Holy Ghost mortall by his owne merrit but veniall by Chirst his mercy Mortall to the naturall vnregenerated man For hee that beleeueth not is condemned already but veniall to the Regenerate though still sinne By the couenant of grace it dissolueth not the loue and league betweene God and man and so is veniall in all other sinne is mortall by his owne nature Agayne by nature man and his flesh are all one but by grace they are seperated By nature when the flesh doth sinne the man also sinneth because hee is in subiection vnto it but in the estate of grace although the flesh be in him and doe sinne yet he sinneth not because they are di●orsed a sunder For man assoone as hee is in the estate of grace is newly married vnto Christ In this case although the flesh beget sin yet the regenerate man shall not be condemned Yet one thing let vs consider That he which neuer doubted of his saluation scarce euer beleeued to be saued For it is not euery little sob or sigh that brings Repentance sufficient to please God or a little while to crye Lord helpe Lord helpe I am a sinner but God is mercifull c. and so lightly daube them ouer as though Gods mercy were gayned in a moment Let no man deceiue himselfe It will cost him many a prayer and many a teare before he can be certayne or sure to haue pardon for his sinnes For as no man can repent vntill hee know his sinnes so no man can know his sinnes vntill hee search himselfe Therefore you must with King Dauid Seach your spirits and examine your conscience strictly trye it throughly search it narrowly to proue dilligently who and what manner of person yee are and in what case yee feele your selues to set and know how deeply your conscience is wounded with sinne And then if you find your wayes dangerous and your case fearefull you must thereuppon resolue to take a new course and withal to seek how and which way you may come agayne into fauour with God As Dauid did Who cryed vnto God agayne and agayne and you must neuer leaue the Lord vntill you obtayne his mercy and fauour that you may get some comfortable perswasion of Gods loue in Christ for the pardon of your sinnes vntill you do so you shall neuer haue any peace or quietnesse of conscience nor any sound comfort of Gods holy Spirit in you Therefore Vnum necessarium This one thing is necessary whatsoeuer wee leaue vnknowne let vs labour to know this That wee are the Lords Qui Christum discit satis est si caetera nescit He may without danger be ignorant of those things that truely knoweth Iesus Christ The best haue desired to make their Saluation sure as I the vnworthiest of all other do dayly labour to doe the same Dauid which knew that God loued him entreateth to know it more I know thou fauourest me yet hee cryed Dic animamcae Say vnto my soule I am thy Saluation The Scripture hath many proofes of the certainty of our saluation and Dauid would neuer pray for that which could not be neyther would St. Peter charge vs with a duty which could not possibly be performed Make your election sure which must bee done by the true and proper worke of Faith that giueth the true beleeuer a stedfast and vnmooueable assurance of the loue of God that hee may fully enioy the comfort of his Saluation And whereas St. Paul sayth Know yee not how Iesus Christ is in you except yee be reprobates Here the Apostle giueth vs to vnderstand that all which beleeue haue the spirit of discerning to know certainely
that they doe beleeue And sheweth that to prooue a mans selfe whether he be in the faith which is to prooue whether Christ bee in him because the Faith of which he speaketh is that liuely saith whereby Christ dwelleth in our hearts Hee therefore that knoweth himselfe to bée in the true Faith knoweth Christ to bee in himselfe As St. Paul sayth I know whom I haue beleeued And agayne by this wee know hee dwelleth in vs euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs It is manifest that the property of true faith guides the assurance of our saluation and the greater our faith is the greater is our assurance And consequently the true beléeuer knoweth and is assured of his election and saluation for Faith is the Faith of Gods elect So many beleeued as were ordayned vnto saluation And I am perswaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come shall bee able to seperate mee from the loue of God Therefore the Apostle was fully perswaded of his saluation And agayne Henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse So the Virgin Mary called Christ her Sauiour and the Théefe upon the Crosse sayd Lord remember me The like sayd St. Paul That Christ gaue himselfe for me If you bee demanded how long you may be assured of your saluation you may answer so long as you haue truely repented and continue in newnesse of life your sure trust confidence is that God will neuer forsake them that put their trust in him for Euery one that beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed And this promise God hath made to all that beleeue in him I will put my feare in their hearts that they shal not depart from me And agayne There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus because sayth the Apostle they walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Lastly the most excellent Faith sheweth not it selfe most glorious when wee haue most sence or feeling but rather when we feele or discerne the contrary Iob when he apprehended nothing but Gods wrath and displeasure euen then he shewed a most victorious Faith Loe though he slay me yet will I trust in him The like of Iacob in his tedious conflict where hee sayd I will not let thee goe except thou blesse mee And the woman of Canaan who although shee receiued diuers repulses and earnest deniall yet continued her suite and is commended for her Faith by the Author and finisher of our Faith To conclude wee are not to build the assurance of our saluation vppon our owne sence or feeling but vppon Gods vnchangeable and gracious promises made vnto vs in Christ Iesus CHAP. VI. The sixt Chapter sheweth an excellent marke to know the child of God which hath truely repented HE that hath earnestly Repented and is truely conuerted from his sinnes hath this special marke in him Hee is none of those fruitlesse hearers barren beleeuers vnregenerate knowers or verball Professors but he is the faithfull doer of the will and word of God Whosoeuer keepeth Gods word in him verily is the loue of God perfected Hereby know we that we are in him hee that abideth in God ought also to walke euen as he hath walked That is as St. Iohn sheweth vs Euery man that hath this hope in him purifieth himselfe euen as hee is pure And seeketh the present time to returne vnto the Lord because hee hath a bleeding and a tender heart it trembleth at the Word It is pricked when it is rebuked and inflamed with burning zeale when it is instructed The Regenerate man desireth nothing so much As hee desireth God Therefore he maketh himselfe fit for him Blessed the friend of God and doth count all things but dung that he may winne Christ Hee reioyceth in forgiuing them that hurt him and loueth them that hate him and rendreth good for euill he dispiseth none but loueth all and is not rash in words but reasonable not hasty but seasonable not grieuous but gracious not prouoking but appeasing not offensiue but to good purpose Sober in censuring faithfull in answering milde in reproouing carefull in defending and fearefull of offending imitating the Godly shunning the wicked imbracing the vertuous and flying sinne For the Spirit of God assures no man pardon of his sinnes but such as be humbled for them repent and confesse them to God leaue and forsake them and withall to become new Creatures and walk in newnesse of life All those that walke in newnesse of life are such as our Sauiour Christ called his Mother Sister and Brother his Seruants his Friends his Sonnes and his Spouse All those bee tearmes of loue and that from Christ himselfe to requite the Regenerate man that returneth vnto him by vnfeigned Repentance Non tam audire quam obedire requirit Deus God regards more an obedient heart than an attentiue eare what should I say more seeing the whole course and cannon of Scripture runneth that all Christians in their returning vnto the Lord by Repentance should bee Attents vigilantes soliciti instantes seruentes perseuerantes sine intermissione That is attentiue vigilant carefull instant feruent and perseuerant without intermission of the seruice of God That they may attayne Fontem vitae radicem prudentiae coronam plenitudinem sapientiae gloriam gaudium quod est faelicissimum donum The fountayne of life the roote of Prudence the crowne and ful esse of wisdome the glory and ioy of God which is the most happ●est estate that can bee giuen vnto man a blessed gift Who can desire more to mooue him to returne vnto the Lord by Repentance A Right Zealous and Godly Prayer taken out of the pure fountaine of holy Scripture Very necessary for all repentant sinners to vse daily vppon their knees vnto Almighty God MOst gracious high and most mercifull Sauiour as thou art in promises true in workes holy in mercies rich and towards the penitent sinner most mercifull haue mercy vpon me and indue me good Lord with thy feare with sorrow of hearr for my sinnes with humility of minde with a true Faith and pure conscience that I may by thy helpe seriously enter into my selfe descend into my owne conscience and make a true suruey of my inward man and withall helpe me O Lord my life to correct my present sinfulnesse erect my further weaknesse and direct my future frailty that I neuer fall againe into sinne least I perish in my wickednesse Behold O sweete Iesu they creature sighs after thee thou art my Creator O make me new againe behold
THE Conuerted Mans New Birth describing the direct way to go to Heauen wherein all men may clearely see whether they shall be saued or damned ●hewing the Principall care and vehement desire which euery one ought to take in seeking their Saluatio● With the Spirituall battle betweene the regenerate Man and Sathan Heere is also layd open the true estate ●f the Regenerate Man with the certainty ●● his Salu●●ion With an excellent marke to know the Childe of God which hath truely repented And concluding with a right zealous and godly Prayer out of the pure Fountaine of the holy Scripture Dedicated vnto all the Elect Children of God which truely Repent Newly Published by Iohn Andrewes Preacher of Gods Word Being first seene and allowed LONDON Printed by N. O. and I. N. 1629. Christian Readers I haue Dedicated and directed this my Booke vnto all You the Elect Children of God desiring through Iesus Christ your health in the LORD GEntle Readers or Hearers whosoeuer yee are that are the Children of GOD vnto whom this my Booke is Dedicated I desire you all as good and ●ouing Patrons which shall eyther heare or peruse this my labour to grant me these two requests First to beleeue that in making it I haue made it according vnto the Truth wherein I ayme not at mine owne profit but at the setting forth of Gods glory the discha●ge of my conscience and the benefit of you the Children of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Secondly to reade it attentiuely with all sedulity and censure as you shall finde accept as you like and deale therein towards me the Author as God shall mooue your mindes And with all I most earnestly desire you and euery one of you tha● shall gather any spirituall comfort to cure your soules out o● these my Labours to receiue my instructions willingly treasur● them in your hearts carefully an● meditate thereon zealously tha● yee enter not into temptatio● carelesly And further I intirely beseec● you to pray vnto our Lord Iesus Christ for me to giue me his Grace guide mee with hi● Word and direct mee by hi● Holy Spirit that what I eythe● Preach or Write I may both i● life and Doctrine expresse an● performe the same vnto my liu● end That whilst I endeauour t● rayse others I may rayse m●selfe from all my sinnes vnto the Glory of GODS Holy name and the saluation of my owne soule in the great day of our Lord And so doe for mee an earnest repentant sinner euen as you your selues towards your selues expect from Iesus Christ Vale in Christo Yours towards you as I would you should be for me Iohn Andrewes Preacher of Gods Word The Contents of the Booke THE first Chapter entreteth of the principall care zeale an vehement desire which ●uery one ought to take in seking their saluation p. ● The second Chapter entreate● of the shortnesse and vncertainty of mans life an● how it may be a motiue to induce vs to returne vnto t●● Lord by repentance p. 1● The third Chapter describeth short and caelestiall view ●● the place whereunto wee a● called p. 1● The fourth Chapter entreateth of the spirituall battle in which no doubt but euery regenerate man oftentimes fighteth against Sathan before hee attaine eternall life p. 16 The fifth Chapter entreateth of the true estate of the regenerate man with the certainty of his saluation page 23 The sixt Chapter sheweth an excellent marke to know the childe of God which hath truely repented pag. 33 Lastly a right zealous and godly Prayer taken out of the pure Fountaine of the Holy Scripture pag. 38 THese parts are al● Authenticall an● exactly comprise in a short and compend●ous Method briefly to be reade that it may be effectually practised THE Conuerted Mans new Birth Describing the direct way to goe to HEAVEN CHAP. I. This first Chapter entreateth of the principall Care Zeale and vehement desire which euery one ought to take in the seeking their saluation THere is nothing in the World that we ought so to affect and desire as to seeke to haue our soules saued in the Kingdome of Heauen And if there bee any thing in the Booke of GOD from the Alpha of Genesis vnto the Omega of the Reuelation that is able to draw a sinner vnto Repentance sure it is the remembrance of his Saluation And as the Lord of Hosts hath drawne his sword by forraigne Nations shewing the miseries that are like to ensue vppon vs by reason of our sinne and security Let vs now therefore with all expedition bestow our short and troublesome time in seeking our saluation and with all Humility returne vnto the Lord by speedy Repentance for if we loose the life of our bodies by defending the Gospell in seeking our saluation wee may find it againe but if we loose our soules for want thereof it will be irreuokeable and neuer recalled againe Oh too too many now a dayes in this declyning age seeme to bee carelesse of their saluation And although England neuer liued so long in peace and security nor the Gospell neuer so generally Preached amongst vs yet I feare neuer did men make so ill vse of so good a blessing miranda miserecordia Gods mercy is to be wondred at that he hath spared vs so long it is his mercy and nothing but his mercy that wee are not consumed our sinnes is In ultimo gradu in the highest degree that may bee so that Laetantur cum malefecerint they reioyce and take pleasure when they haue done euill wherefore I doubt not but the iniquity of the whole World is come to maturity which causeth our sinnes to crye louder then the sinnes of Sodome and ascend higher then the sinnes of Niniuch Wherefore if all our Nauie were ready all our Ports fortified all our Coasts guarded all our men strongly armed and our Land inuironed with a wall of Brasse yet it is to be feared that wee haue a Traytor within vs euen our long continued and vnrepented sinnes that will draw Gods vengeance vppon vs and cause him to whet his sword and vtterly confound vs Except wee repent God would haue spared Sodome i● there had beene but twenty nay but ten Righteous therein So no doubt it is for some good peoples sake that holds vp their hands like Moses and grieue for the sinnes of our time like Lot that God hath spared vs so long Agayne Gods sword was once drawne agaynst Niniueh agaynst whom a fearefull doome was pronounced Yet forty daies and Niniueh shall bee destroyed The King and the Nobility with all his Subiects presently fell to Repentance they fasted they prayed and incessantly with all humility humbled themselues in Sacke-cloath and Ashes their sinnes cryed for vengeance but their Repentance for mercy their sinnes ascend vp to Heauen and clamours loud in the eares of Gods iustice for vengeance vengeance O reuenge with vengeance Their Repentance ascends higher and cryes louder into the eares of Gods mercy Good