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A18688 The Ordenarye for all faythfull Chrystiãs to leade a vertuous and Godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie / translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Anthony Scoloker. A Right goodly rule howe all faithfull Christians shall occupie and exercise them selves in their daily prayers Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 5199.7; ESTC S3070 33,919 114

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Iesus christ our lorde and Sauiour So be it Afther that thou hast praied on this maner seīg that we be all sinners it shal be expedient if thou hast conuenient leasure therunto to confesse thy selfe on this maner vnto God the father The confessyon of our synnes vnto God the father O Almightie God ād heauenlie father / maker of heauen and earth / I confesse my selfe vnto the / euen from the very harte / that I am a miserable / wretched and abhominable synner Ande haue wickedlie transgressed all thy holy commaundementes / and the diuine preceptes of thy Godlie will The synnes alas which I haue cōmitted in my flesh against the are so great and so excedingly encreased / that they are no lesse innumerable then the sandes of the sea And they thrust me downe euen as an intollerable burden In these wicked synnes oh lorde God haue I hitherto walked according to the wil of the prince of the world / whiles I dyd that that was pleasaunt to the flesh ande euell lustes / thorough vayne thoughtes / the blindnes of my harte / the outwarde pretence of Godlynes and fained faith This came to passe Ah wretche that I am because that I dyd neuer aernestly stryue against the suggestiōs of Sathan / nor the concupiscences or desyres of the world / nor yet the lustes of my flesh But fylthilie obeied them a thousād tymes more / than the admonicions of thy holie spirite O lorde my God It came to passe also / that I dyd set nought by thy Godly counsell / despised thy holie name / and feared thy vengeaunce and heauy displeasure nothing at all But what soeuer I haue in this behalf offended thy moost Godly maieste / it sore repēteth me / ād the faulte greueth me euē vnto the very harte And if it were not o moost mercifull father that thou haddest layde vp mercy in the bowelles / bloude ād woundes of Iesus Christ thy sonne ande our lorde / for so manie as vnfainedly repent and trulie beleue be their synnes neuer so great and manie / I shulde see none other waye / but throwe my selfe downe headlong through desperation into the bottomles pit of hell But for as moche as thou haste sett thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ / to be our mediatour and mercie stocke And haste promised grace / mercy and forgiuenes of synnes to as many as aske it in his name / through faith in his bloude Therfore in this tyme of grace and mercye / I myserable synner come nowe vnto the / ande desire the my lorde God that thou wilt graunt me / thorowe that our lorde Iesus Christ / a right ande true faith And for his sake / forgiue me all my synnes / and make me to walke dayly more and more in a newe harte / and in the frutes of the holy ghoost / that I maye vtterly despise all the vngodly lustes of this worlde / and that I maye be founde continent / pure of liuing temperate / good rightuous / honest / diligent in all goodnes / meke / mercifull / modest / humble and ready to forgiue soche as offend me / euen from the very harte And so lyue all the dayes of my lyue accordyng to thy dyuine wyll and true feare That I maye die to the world / to all sinne and to my selfe And with a good confydence and mery harte / loke for the comminge of the lorde / ād my sauiour Iesus Christe To whome with the and the holy ghoost / be all honour ande glorie for euer and euer So be it Thou mayest if thou wilt after thy confessyon / saye the lordes prayer called the Pater noster And so commending thy selfe vnto God fall to some honest ād vertuous exercyse / according vnto thy calling But what so euer thou doest / do it with purenes of harte / and with synglenes of eye Yea so do it / as though God were present / and loked vppon the / as vndoubtedly he doth The prayer to be sayde when thou goest to bedde O God the almightie lord / by whose ordre ande wyll the night ande darknes do nowe approche / wherin we shal giue our selues to quiet and slepe We moost instauntly desyre the / that thou graciously receaue vs into thy tuicion ande kepinge / that the prince of darkenes do not hurte vs with his terrous and feares And although we must slepe / because of oure feblenes / yet let oure harte and minde wacche vnto the. Go thou before vs / and shewe vs the waye as a piller of fyre / that we maye followe the so well in rest / as in busynes ande occupations of this lyfe And graunt that we be not founde in thy syght / children of nyght ād darkenes / but of daye and lyght / through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it An other Prayer THys our mortall body / whiche through synne daylye decayeth ād diminissheth / must at the last altogether perish ād become earth / wherof it is come and made ād then shall our vanitie / whiche we through our owne ignoraunce / haue made vnto our selues / take an ende But moost mercifull creatour and maker of all thinges / vouchsafe so to breake / deuide and dyssolue me / thy poore creature who am gathered / knyt and made of the / and graunt that I maye alwayes haue in minde / thy dissolution / and of whome I am knit together / hauing an eye to what place I must go to thintēt that I / not being prepared / be no brought without nuptiall or brydall garment / before thy iudgement seate For like as whē the daye is ones past / we giue our selues to rest / euē so must we / this life being ended / rest in the death Nothing is more lyke vnto life / then the daye / ande nothing more like vnto death / then the night And nothing so lyke the graue or sepulchre as the couche bedde or bedsteade Thus / good keper ād defēder frō all euell / graūt vs / nowe lying in impotencie and feblenes / of our selues / that / through the / we maye be preserued this night from all the assaultes of the deuell of hell AMEN Whan thou goest to thy labour or worke Prayer O Moost kinde and gentle heauenly father / thou knowest / and hast also taught vs / howe great the weakenes of mā is / so that man without thy Godly helpe can do nothing Thus vouchsafe to sēde vs thy holie spirite / that he may strengthen / stirre ande moue our vnderstanding and reason / in all thinges that we this daye outwardely shall go aboute and take in hande / or of that we inwardlie shall thinke or haue in minde / to the intent that it may all be done to thy glorie / ād to the proffyt of our neighbour So be it Whan a man is bounde towardes anye Iourney Prayer THys our lyfe / most mercifull lorde / is nothing els but a pilgrimage and through fare / for we haue here
no abyding or dwelling place We are come from the / and we must returne agayne vnto the. But amōgest or betwene all the trappes / assaultes / pittes and snares which the deuell hath laide oute and spred abrode / for vs / blinded in sinne / vouchsafe thou / o lorde Iesu Christ / to leade vs with thy righthande / for thou art a true / trustie / and sure frende Open our eyes / to thintēt that we misse not the way which thou thy selfe art but leade vs / through ād by thy selfe vnto the father / to the intēt that al we may be made one with the and him / euen lyke as thou arte one with him O moost mercifull lorde / lyke as thou doest sende thy holy Anngels to be defenders of as manye as serue ande please the with a symple / innocent ande pure harte / by the which / they be ledde / lyke yong children are ledde of them which are elder and stronger than they And like as thou diddest vouchsafe to sende thyne A●ngell Raphaell / to be a guide vnto the sonne of that reuerent man Toby / vouchesafe euen so / o lorde / to send vs the same A●ngell / although we are not so worthy / as the same Toby was / that he maye encourage and leade vs through that way / whych is not pleasaunt vnto vs / but vnto the. So be it Whan a man commeth home or at his iourneys ende Thankesgiuing and prayer I Thanke the / o heauenly father / for thy great grace and mercy / whiche thou haste shewed vnto me / in going forth ād in returning or comming againe through thy holy blessyng / whiche thou geuest vnto all them that kepe thy holy worde and do therafter Graunt us / o gracious God / here / where we haue no abiding or dwelling place / a pure ād quiet consciēce / through thy sonne Iesus christ who is our onely rest So be it For Kinges Princes and Rulers Prayer O Lorde of lordes Iesus Christe / thou art an exempel and glasse or myrrour of them which gouuerne and beare rule of Realmes / countreis ād cities / whome they ought to followe / for thou art the best and the wysest / and therfore canst thou not erre / nor do ony other thinge but wel Vouchsafe with the light of thy clerenes and wyth the fyre of thy loue / to kindle the hartes of al soch / as thou / through thy Godlye prouidence / hast instituted ād ordeined to be rulers ouer the people / to the intent that they through the as through or by a foregoing light / maye see / and perceaue what is best to be done / and fulfill the same / and that they / taking thy alwayes for a sure marke of their eye / do not that thinge whiche onelye semeth good in their syght / but that which maye be to thy honour / to our proffyt ande to their health ād saluacion / to thintent also / that they maye iustly and duelye minister and execute thir offyce / geuen vnto them of the / so that we with them ād they with vs may leade a peaceable / vertuous ande quiet lyfe So be it For all teachers and Preachers of the moost holie worde of God Prayer O mercyfull priest / chefe Bisshoppe ande true good hearde Iesus Christe vouchsafe / through thy holie spirite / to strengthen all preachers and teachers which thou hast called ande sent to be labourers in thy holy haruest / for to breake and distribute the breade of thy holy worde to thintent that they may boldely ād earnestly set their soules in the defēce of thy holy word / ād for their shepe / agaīst all the threatnīgs and false entreprises of the rauenīg wolues ād false prophetes / which go about to seduce ād bring vs oute of the right waye / for their bellies sake / through their false doctryne To the intent that they may so teache ād declare vs thy holy lawes and Gospell / that we maye be taught and edified / and that also thy Godly honour may daily more ande more be magnifyed therby Amen For all them which lye in the extreme panges of death / or otherwyse O Pytyfull Phisitian ande healer both of soule and body / Christ Iesu Vouchsafe to cast thyne eyes vppon thy poore synnefull creature N. who lieth here captiue ād bounde with sicknes / turning his weakenes to thy glorie ād to his health And vouchsafe / good lorde / to send him pacient sufferaunce / that he maye stedfastly contynue to the ende / and that he maye with a true ande parfet fayth / fyght manfully against all temptations of the deuell when he maye no longer continue So be it For all womē bound with the Lordes bandes Prayer GOd ●●●harted Lord Iesu christ Lyke as thou diddest comforte ād delyuer thy dysciples and all electe and chosen holie men and women in all their nede / martirdome ād paines which they suffred of the tyraūtes wrongfully / and diddest also cure ande heale them of theyr woundes / paines and smarte / thorowe hope of the crowne of euerlastinge lyfe Euen so vouchsafe thou which arte a helper of all them that call on the in all trouble ād nede to deliuer this pore weake vessell / whiche is here bounde with a frute after thyne owne symilitude and lykenes notwithstanding that she hath deserued in transgressyng of thy holy commaundement / to bring forth her children in paine and woo that she maye be made a glad and ioyful mother / through the newe creature with good spede / that the childe maye haue name and Christendome / and that the mother may be purifyed to thy honour and to hyr health So be it Prayer O Good father ād geuer of all goodnes / God almightie / we poore sely wormes of the earth labour ād take paines / digge and delue / til ād plowe / plante and sowe / and can do no more But thou onelye mayest ande wylt geue the encrease in due time Therfore most best / yea / onelye good father ād God / vouchesafe through thy deuyne prouidence to preserue ande kepe all the frutes of the earth / ād suffer the same to growe and encrease to a parfect grouth / although we are not worthy of it but for thy names sake / to thintent we may vse them to our necessyte and sustinaunce / with thankesgeuing / and alwayes to thy glorye So be it A generall confessyon Rom. iii. Gene. vi and .iii. v. O Lorde God almightie / father of mercy and God of all cōforce / we thy pore creatures resort vnto the knoledging and confessyng our selues before thy glorious maiestie / that we all are greuous synners ande can of our selues do nothinge but synne For all our ymaginacions / intents ād thoughtes are enclined and desposed vnto euyll from oure youth vp O see xiii ii Cor. ii Philii ii Gene. iii. Ephes ij Ps l. lxij Iohn xv E●a lxiii● Iere. xiij Oure dampnaciō commeth