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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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terrified by this voice that reprooueth sinnes then let it heare th● peculiar promise of the gospel touching the Sonne of God and let him be assured that his sinnes are freelie remitted f●● the Sonne of God hissake our Lord Iesus Christ who is our attonement and that of mercie not for any 〈◊〉 or loue of ours OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the lawe CHAP. 6. WE acknowledge that the l●w of God whereof the 10. commaundementes are an abrigedment doth commaund the best the most iust and moste perfect workes and that man is not onelie bounde to obeie the morall precepts of the lawe but also if he should doe the workes of the 10. commaundements in such perfection and integritie as the lawe requireth that he should indeed be counted iust before God for his workes and should obtaine eternall saluation by his merites But whereas some men doe thinke that man can come to that state in this life as to be able by his works not onelie to fullfil the 10. commaundements but also to doe more and greater workes then are commaunded in the lawe which they call works of supererogation it is contrarie to the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles and it is repugnant to the iudgement of the true Catholike Church For the lawe was not giuen to this end to signifie that man might perfectlie fullfill the commaundements thereof in this life but to shew to man his imperfection to testifie of the vnrighteousnes of man and of the wrath of God against all men to stirre them vp to seke remission of their sinnes righteousnes and saluation by faith in the only Sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Christ Rom. 3. By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And Rom. 7. The law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne And Rom. 8. The wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against God For it is not subiect to the lawe of God neither indeede can be And Galat. 3. Curssed is euerie man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe to doe them Augustine saith This first commaundement of iustice wherein we are commaunded to loue the Lorde with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde whereupon followeth that other commaundement of louing our neighboure we shall fullfill in that life where we shall see him face to face But therfore it is euen now also commaunded vnto vs that we might be admonished what it behoueth vs to require by faith whether to send our hope before hand and by forgetting those thinges which are behinde what fore thinges we should stretch our selues vnto And hereby so far as I can iudge he hath profited much in this life in that righteousnes which is to be perfited who by profiting doth knowe how far he is from the perfection sf righteousnes And againe Charitie is a vertue whereby that is loued which is to be beloued This is in some greater in others lesser and in some none at all But the moste absolute loue which now cannot be increased so long as a man liueth here is not to be founde in anie man For so long as it may be increased that which is lesse then it ought to be commeth of our corruption by reason of which corruption there is not a iust man in the earth that doth good and sinneth not by reason of which corruption no flesh liuing shall be iustified in the sight of God for which corruptions sake If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs for the which also though we profit neuer so much yet it is necessary for vs to saie Forgiue vs our debtes although all our wordes deedes and thoughtes are alreadie forgiuen vs in baptisme And againe All the commaundements of God are counted as done when as whatsoeuer is not done is notwithstanding pardoned And Ierome saith This is onelie perfection vnto men if they know that they are vnperfect This is the true wisedome of man to know that he is imperfect and that I maie so speake the perfection of all iust men in the flesh is imperfect Of the Gospell of Christ CHAP. 8. ALthough manie preceptes of the law of God be conteined in the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles and Christ himselfe doth teach that we must not rend●● euill for euill nor looke vpon a woman wantonlie and such like yet we must not think that the Gospel of Christ is a new law whereby as the fathers in times past were saued vnder the olde testament by the olde law so now men vnder the new testament should be saued by a new law For except a man take the name of the law generallie for doctrine as the Prophets now and then do vse the name of the law certainlie the Gospell of Christ is not properlie a law as Paull doth commonlie vse the name of the law but it is a good and ioyfull message touching the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ that he onelie is the purger of our sinnes the appeaser of the wrath of God and our redeemer and sauiour Neither are the commaundements of the law which are conteined in the Apostles writings any new law but they are an interpretation of the olde law according to the iudgement of the holie Ghost which also were to be seene before and that not obscurelie in the writinges of the Prophets But they are repeated in the preaching of the gospell of Christ that the seueritie of the law of God and the corruption of our nature beeing declared we might be stirred vp to seeke and embrace Christ reuealed in his Gospell and that we maie know after what rule we are to frame our life through faith in Christ Wherefore if we will speake properlie of the law of God and Gospell of Christ as of Christ we are not to make a new lawgiuer seeing that he neither hath made a new law nor instituted a new politi●e kingdome in this earth so must we not make a new law of the Gospell which by more harde and seuere commaundements doth bring eternall saluation to the doers thereof But we thinke it to be most certaine that the naturall or morall law of the olde and new Testament is one and the same and that neither the men which liued vnder the olde Testament nor those which liue vnder the new Testament doe obteine eternal saluation for the merit of the workes of the law but onelie for the merit of our Lord Iesus Christ through faith Christ out of Isaiah doth recite his office for the which he was sent into the earth The spirit of the Lorde saith he is vpon me because he hath annointed me he hath sent me to preach the Gospell to the poore c. Here Christ teacheth that his proper office is not to make a new lawe which should terrifie and kill miserable sinners but to preach the Gospell which might comfort and quicken sinners Gal. 4. When the
Christ is and that afterward in the daie of resurrection this soule shall be ioyned againe with the bodie to take full possession of that ioy and eternall glorie which can not be expressed in words For they shall not c●●e into condemnation but by making a waie through it they shall passe from death into life The epistle to the Hebrewes to stirre vs vp to vse such exhortations saieth Exhort your selues among your selues exhort ye one another dailie so long as it is said to daie Let no man among you be hardned by the deceit of sinne For we enter into the rest which haue beleeued that is which haue obeied the voice of God while wee had time giuen vs. On the other side we must also holde this moste assuredlie that if anie man beeing polluted with sinnes and filthie deedes manifestlie contrarie to vertue do in dying departe out of this worlde without true repentance and faith that his soule shall certainlie goe into hell as did the soule of that rich man who wanted faith in the bottomeles pit whereof there is no droppe of grace and that in the daie of iudgement that moste terrible voice of the Sonne of God sounding in his eares shall be heard wherein he shall saie Departe from me ye curssed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Deuill and his Angells for they which haue done euill shall come forth to the resurrection of iudgement Therefore in teaching they doe continuallie vrge this that no man differ repentance and turning vnto God till he come to be olde or till he lieth sicke in his bed and in the meane time doe boldelie practise his wantonnes in sins and in the desires of the flesh and the world because it is written Doe not saie The aboundant mercie of the Lord will purge my sinnes for mercie and wrath doe hasten with him and his indignation shall lie vpon the sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not of from daie to daie For suddenlie shall the wrath of the Lorde breake forth and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed and thou shalt perish in time of vengeance But that especiallie is a moste daungerous thing if anie man after he hath receiued the gift of the grace of God and that in the testimonie of a good conscience doth of set purpose and wantonlie sinne and contemne and make no account of all those exhortations and allurements proceeding ou● of a louing heart and that to this ende that he maie in time thinke on that which is for his health and repent and moreouer doth persist in a bold and blind perswasion of the mercie of God and trusting thereto doth sinne and doth confidentlie abuse it and goeth forward in that sort withou● repentance euen vnto the last pinch and then beginne●h being forced thereunto by the terrours of death and the feare of infernall punishments so late to conuert himselfe and to call for the mercie of the Lorde as when the seuere and intollerable anger of the Lord wa●eth hot●● and punishments rush and breake foorth as doth the great violence of floodes which can not be resisted Therefore of such a man which thing we speake with sorowe it is hard to beleeue that he can trulie repent and therefore it is to be doubted lest that be fulfilled in him which the Lord doth threaten by the Prophet Micheas That insteed of grace he shall feele the wrath of God and that it will come to passe that the wrath of God shall sley him For in a fearefull speach doth he saie thus Then shall they crie to the Lord but he will not heare them but he will hide his face fo● them at that time because they haue continuallie liued wickedlie Yea the Lord himselfe saith Although they crie in mine 〈◊〉 with a loude voice yet will I not heare them seeing they would no● heare my voice when as all the daie long I spread out my hands to them and gaue them large time and space for grace For the which cause the holie Ghost crieth out and saith Todaie if ye will heare his voice harden not your hartes as in the gi●uing in the daie of that tentation in the wildernes Therefore according to all these thinges our men doe diligentlie and out of the groundes of the Scripture exhort that euerie man do in time vse and follow this faithful counsell and necessarie doctrine that so he maie turne awaie the feare of this moste heauie daunger yea that he doe not betraie the health of his owne soule For vndoubtedly this horrible daunger is greatlie to be feared lest whatsoeuer here that doth rashlie or stubbornelie condemne or neglect this time of grace so louinglie graunted of the Lord he doe receiue and that worthelie that rewarde of eternall punishment which is due thereunto euen as saint Ambrose also amongst manie other thinges which he handleth diuerslie to this purpose doth thus write and in these wordes If any man at the verie point of death shall repent and be absolued for this could not be denied vnto him so departing out of this life dieth I dare not saie that he departeth hence in good case I do not affirme it neither dare I affirme or promise it to anie man because I would deceiue no man seeing I haue no certeintie of him Doe I therefore saie that be shall be damned neither doe I saie that he shall be deliuered For what other thing I should say I know not Let him be commended to God Wilt thou then O brother be freed from doubting repent whiles thou art in health If thou will repent when thou canst not sin thy sinnes haue left thee and not thou thy sinnes Yet that no man maie dispaire they teach this also that if anie man in the last hower of his life shew out signes of true repentance which thing doth fall out verie seldome for that is certainlie true which is written in the epistle to the Hebrues And this will we also doe so that God giue vs leaue to doe it that such a one is not to be depriued of instruction comforte absolution or remission of sinnes For the time of grace doth last so long as this lise doth last wherfore so long as we liue here it is meete that we should thinke of that Propheticall and Apostolicall sentence To daie seeing yee haue heard his voice harden not your heartes Now herein doe our men labour and endeuour them selues moste earnestlie that all men maie obeie this louing commaundement and counsell and that they speedelie repent before the sunne be darkened after a strange manner and the hilles be ouerwhelmed with darknes that laying sinne aside they would turne them selues to god by flying vnto him in true confidence and with a constant inuocation from the bottome of the heart and that they do their faithful indeuour that they be not repelled from the glorie of eternall life but that they maie liue with Christ
we should thinke that then onelie we obteine remission of sins when we had deserued it by our former workes or when our repentance were well worthie of it For in true terrours the conscience findeth no worke which it maie oppose against Gods wrath but Christ is giuen and set forth vnto vs to appease the wrath of God This honour must not be transferred from Christ vnto our owne works therefore Paull saith Yeare saued freelie Againe Therefore by faith freelie that the promise might be sure that is thus shall remission be certaine when we know that it dependeth not vpon the condition of our vnworthines but is giuen vs for Christ his sake This is a sure and necessarie comfort to all godlie mindes that are terrified with the conscience of their sinnes And thus doe the holie fathers teach and there is a notable sentence in Saint Ambrose worthie the remembring in these wordes This God hath appointed that he which beleeueth in Christ should be saued without any work by faith alone receiuing the remission of sinnes Now this worde Faith doth not onelie signifie a knowledge of the historie of Christ but also to beleeue and assent unto this promise that is proper vnto the Gospell wherein remission of sinnes iustification and life euerlasting are promised vnto vs for Christs sake For this promise also doth pertaine to the history of Christ euen as in the Creede vnto the historie is added this article I beleeue the remission of sins And vnto this one the other articles touching the history of Christ are to be referred For the benefitte is the end of the historie therefore did Christ suffer and rise againe that for him remission of sinnes and euerlasting life might be giuen vnto vs. These things are found thus in an other edition ALso they teach that men cannot be iustified before God by their owne power merites or workes but are iustified for Christs sake thorough faith when they beleeue that they are receiued vnto fauour and their sinnes forgiuen thorough Christ who by his death hath satisfied for o●● sinnes This faith doth god impute for righteousnes vnto them before himselfe Rom. 3. 4. For this cause Christ hath appointed the ministerie of teaching the gospel which preacheth repentance remission of sinnes and the preaching of either of these is general and laieth open the sinnes of all men and promiseth remision of them vnto al that beleeue for to the end that remission might not be doubted of but that all distressed mindes might know that they ought to beleeue that remission of sinnes is vndoubtedlie granted vnto them for Christ not for their owne merits or worthines All these doe certainlie obtaine remission of sinnes And when as we doe in this sort comfort our selues by the promise of the gospell and doe raise vp our selues by faith therewithall is the holie spirit giuen vnto vs. For the holie spirit is giuen and is effectual by the worde of god and by the Sacraments When as we do heare or meditate of the gospell or doe receiue the Sacraments and comforte our selues by faith therewithall the spirit of god is effectuall according to that of Saint Paull Gall 3. That the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue And to the Cor. The Gospell is the ministerie of the spirit And to the Rom. Faith commeth by hearing When as then we doe comforte our selues by faith and are freed from the terrours of sinne by the holie spirit our hearts do conceiue the other vertues acknowledge trulie the mercie of god and conceiue the true loue and the true feare of god trust and hope of gods helpe praier such like fruites of the spirit Such therefore as teach nothing concerning this faith whereby we receiue remission of sinnes but will haue mens consciences stand in doubt whether they obteine remission or no and doe adde further that this doubting is no sinne are iustlie condemned And these also doe teach that men maie obteine remission of sinnes for their owne worthines but they doe not teach to beleeue that remission of sinnes is giuen freelie for Christ sake Here also are condemned those phantasticall spirites which dreame that the holie ghost is giuen or is effectuall without the worde of god Which maketh them contemne the ministerie of the gofpel and sacraments and to seeke illumination without the word of god and besides the gospell And by this meanes they draw awaie mens mindes from the worde of god vnto their owne opinions which is a thing verie pernitious and hurtfull Such were in olde time the Manichees and Enthusiasts And such are the Anabaptists now a daies These and such like frensies we doe most constantlie condemne For they abolish the true vse of gods worde and doe falslie imagine that the holie spirit may be receiued without the word and sticking too much to their owne fancies they inuent wicked opinions and are the cause of infinite breaches These things are found thus in another edition FOr the obteining of this faith the ministery of teaching the gospell and ministring of the sacraments was ordeined For by the word and Sacraments as by certaine instruments the holie ghost is giuen who worketh faith where and when it pleaseth god in those that heare the gosspell faith I saie to beleeue that god not for our owne merites but for Christ doth iustifie such as beleeue that they are receiued into fauour for Christs sake They condemne the Anabaptists and others who are of opinion that the holie ghost is giuen vnto men without the outward word thorough their preparations and workes Also they teach that when we are reconciled by faith the righteousnes of good workes which God hath commaunded must follow of necessitie euen as Christ hath also commaunded If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements But for somuch as the infirmitie of mans nature is so great that no man can satisfie the lawe it is needfull that men should be taught not onelie that they must obey the lawe but also how their obedience pleaseth God lest that their consciences sinck downe into despaire when they see that they doe not satisfie the law This obedience therefore pleaseth god not because it satisfieth the lawe but because the person that performeth it is reconciled by Christ through faith and beleeueth that the reliques of sinne which remaineth in him be pardoned Wherfore we must alwaies holde that we do obtaine remiss● no of sinnes and that a man is pronounced iust freelie for Christ through faith And afterward that this obedience towardes the law doeth also please god and is accounted a kinde of iustice and deserueth rewards For the conscience cannot oppose it owne cleannes or workes vnto the iudgement of God as the Psal witnesseth Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man shall be iustified in thy sight and Iohn saith If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selue● if we confesse
our obedience doth please god euen in this our so great infirmitie Now for any man to dispise or mislike this doctrine whereby both the honour of Christ is extolled and most sweete sure comfort offered vnto godlie mindes and which conteineth the true knowledge of gods mercie and bringeth forth the true worship of God and eternall life it is more then Pharisaicall blindnes Before time when as this doctrine was not set forth many fearefull consciences assaied to ease themselues by workes some fled to a monasticall life others did chuse out other workes thereby to merit remission of sinnes and iustification But there is no sure comforte without this doctrine of the gospell which willeth men to beleeue that remission of sinnes and iustification are freelie giuen vnto vs for Christs sake and this wholl doctrine is appointed for the true conflict of a terrified conscience But we will adde some testimonies Paull Rom. 3. We are iustified freelie by his grace through redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome god hath set forth to be a reconciliation thorough faith in his bloode Rom. 4. But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes Ephes 2. By grace ye are saued through faith and not of your selues In these and such like sentences Paull doth plainlie teach that remission of sinnes and iustification are giuen vs freelie and not for the worthines of our workes And in the 4 to the Rom. he disputeth at large why this consolation is needefull for vs for if the promise did depend vpon the worthines of our works it should be vncertaine Wherefore to the end that we may haue sure and firme comforte against the feares of sinne and death and that our faith maie stand fast it is needefull that it leane onelie vpon the mercie of God and not vpon ou● worthines Therefore Paul saieth Therefore it is by faith according to grace that the promise might be sure For our works cannot be set against the iudgement of God according to that saying If thou markest our iniquities who shall indure●t And therefore Christ is giuen for a Mediatour to vs and this honour is not to be transfered vnto our workes When therefore we doe saie that we are iustified by faith we do not meane that we are iust for the worthines of that vertue but this is our meaning that we doe obteine remission of sins and imputation of righteousnes by mercie shewed vs for Christs sake But now this mercie can not be receiued but by faith And Faith doth not here signifie onelie a knowledge of the historie but it signifieth a beleefe of the promise of mercie which is graunted vs through our Mediatour Christ Iesus And seeing that faith is in this sorte vnderstoode of a confidence or trust of mercie Saint Paull and Saint Iames doe not disagree For where as Iames saith The Deuills beleeue and tremble he speaketh of an historicall faith now this faith doth not iustifie For the wicked and the deuill are conning in the historie But Paull when he saith Faith is reckoned for righteousnes he speaketh of a trust and confidence of mercie promised for Christs sake and his meaning is that men are pronounced righteouse that is reconciled through mercie promised for Christs sake whome we must receiue by faith Now this noueltie of this figuratiue speach of Saint Paull We are iustified by faith will not offend holie mindes if they vnderstand that it is spoken properlie of mercie and that herein mercie is adorned with true and due praises For what can be more acceptable to an afflicted and fearefull conscience in great greefes then to heare that this is the commaundement of God the voice of the bridgrome Christ Iesus that they should vndoubtedlie beleeue that remission of sinnes or reconciliation is giuen vnto them not for their owne worthines but freelie through mercie for Christs sake that the benefite might be certaine Now Iustification in these sayings of Saint Paull doth signifie remission of sins or reconciliation or imputation of righteousnes that is an accepting of the person And herein we doe not bring in a new found opinion into the Church of God For the scripture doth set downe at large this doctrine touching faith and Saint Paul doth especially handle this point in some of his epistles the holie fathers also doe teach the same For so saith Ambrose in his booke de ●●at Gent. If so be that iustification which is by grace were due vnto former merittes so that it should not be a gift of the giuer but a ●warde of the worker the redemption by the bloode of Christ would growe to be of small account and the prerogatiue of mans works would not yeald vnto the mercies of God And of this matter there be many disputations in Saint Augustine And these are his wordes Forsomuch as by the law God sheweth to man his infirmitie that flying vnto his mercie by faith he might be saued For it is saide that he carieth both the law and mercie in his mouth The law to ●onuict the proude and mercie to iustifie those that are humbled Therefore the righteousnes of God through saith in Christ is reuealed vpon al that beleeue And the M●leuitan Synode writeth I● not this sufficientlie declared that the Law worketh this that sinne should be knowen and so against the victorie of sinne men should flie to the mercie of god which is set forth in his promises that the promises of God that is the grace of God might be sought vnto for deliuerance and man might beginne to haue a righteousnes howbeit not hi●●●ne but Gods Of good works WHen as we do teach in our Churches the most necessary doctrine and comforte of faith we ioyne therewith the doctrine of good workes to wit that obedience vnto the law of God is requisite in them that be reconciled For the Gospell preacheth newnes of life according to that saying I will put my lawes in their heartes This new life therefore must be an obedience towardes God The Gospell also preacheth repentance and faith cannot be but onlie in them that doe repent because that faith doth comfort the heartes in contrition in the feares of sin as Paul saith Being iustified by faith we haue peace And of repentance he saith Rom. 6. Our olde man is crucified that the bodie of sinne might be abolished that we might no more serue sinne And Esaie saith Where will the Lorde dwell In a contrite and humbled spirit c. Secondly among good works the chiefest that which is the chiefest worship of God is faith which doth bring forth manie other vertues which could neuer be in men except their hearts had first receiued to beleue How shall they call 〈◊〉 him in whome they doe not beleeue So long as mens mindes are in doubt whether God heareth them or not so long as euer they thinke that God hath reiected them they doe neuer truelie call vpon God But
of the lawe the office of Christ and his blessed Euangell his corrupted doctrine concerning original sinne our naturall inab●l●ti● and rebellion to Gods law our instification by faith onelie our imperfect sanctification and obedience to the lawe the nature number and vse of the holie Sacraments his fine bastard sacraments with all his rites ceremonies and false doctrine added to the administration of the true Sacraments without the word of God his cruell iudgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament his absolute necessitie● Baptisme his blasphemous opinion of transsubst antiatio● or reall presence of Christes bodie in the elements and receiuing of the same by the wicked or bodies of men his dispensations with solemne othes periuries and degrees of mariage forbidden in the word his crueltie against the Innocent diuorced his deuilish Masse his blasphemous Priesthood his prophane sacrifice for the sinnes of the dead and the quick his Canonization of men calling vpon Angells or Saintes departed worshipping of Images reliques and crosses dedicating of Churches Altars Daies Vowes to creatures his Purgatorie praiers for the dead praying or speaking in a strange language with his processions and blasphemous Letany and multitude of Aduocates or Mediatours his manifolde orders Auricular confession his dispersed vncertaine repentance his generall and doubt some faith his satisfactions of men for their sinnnes his iustification by workes Opus Operatum woorkes of supererogation merites pardons peregrinations and stations his holie water Bapti●●ng of Belles Coniuring of spirites Crossing Sa●ing Annointing coniuring Hallowing of Gods good Creatures with the superstitious opinion ioyned therewith his worldlie Monarchie and wicked hierarch●e his three solemned vowes with all his sha●eli●gs of sundrie sortes his erronious bloodie decrees made at Trent with all the subscribers and approouers of that cruell and bloody band coniured against the Church of God And finallie ●e detest all his vaine allegories rites signes and traditions brought in the Church without or against the worde of God and doctrine of this true reformed Church to the which we toyne our selues willinglie in doctrine faith religion discipline and vse of the holie Sacraments as liuelie members of the same in Christ our head promising and swearing by the great name of the Lord our God that we shall continue in the obedience of the doctrine and discipline of this Church and shall defend the same according to our vocation and power all the daies of our liues vnder the paines contained in the law and danger both of bodie and soule in the date of Gods fearefull iudgement And seeing that manie are stirred vp by Satan and that Romane Antichrist to promise s●●are subs●r●●● and for a time vse the holy Sacraments in the Church deceitfully against their owne conscience minding hereby first vnder the externall cloake of Religion to corrupt and subuert secretlie Gods true Religion within the Church and afterward when time maie serue to become open enemies and persequuters of the same vnder vaine hope of the Popes dispensation deuised against the word of God to his greater confusion and their double condemnation in the daie of the Lord Iesus We therefore willing to take away all suspition of hypocrisie and of such double dealing with God and his Church protest and call the s●archer of all heartes for witnes that our mindes and heartes do fully agree with this our confession promise oth and subscription So that we are not moo●ed for anie worldlie respect but are persuaded onelie in our conscience through the knowledge and loue of Gods true religion printed in our heartes by the holie spirit as we shall answer to him in the daie when the secrets of all heartes shall be disclosed And because we perceiue that the quietnes and stabilitie of our religion and Church doth depend vpon the safetie and good behauio●r of the Kings maiestie as vpon a comfortable Instrumen● of Gods mercie graunted to this countrie for the manteining of his Church and ministration of Iustice amongst vs we protest and promise with our heartes vnder the same oth hand writ and paines that we shall defend his person and authoritie with our goods bodies and liues i● the defence of Christes Euangell Libertie of our countrie ministration of iustice and punishment of iniquity against all enemies within this realme or without as we desire our God to be a strong and mercifull defender to vs in the daie of our death and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ To whome with the father and the holy spirit b● all honour and glory eternallie Amen THE ESTATES OF SCOTLAND VVITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE SAME PROfessing Christ Iesus and his ho lie gospell To their naturall countrie men and to all other Realmes and nations professing the same Christ Iesus with them wish grace mercie and peace from God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ with the spirit of righteous iudgement of saluation LOng haue wee thirsted deare brethren to haue notified vnto the worlde the summe of that doctrine which wee professe and for the which we haue sustained infamie and daunger But such hath beene the rage of Sathan agaist vs and against Christ Iesus his eternall veritie latelie borne amongest vs that to this daie no time hath beene graunted vnto vs to cleare our consciences as moste gladlie we would haue done For how we haue beene tossed at times heretofore the moste parte of Europe as we suppose doth vnderstand But seing that of the infinite goodnes of our God who neuer suffereth his afflicted vtterlie to be confounded aboue expectation we haue obtained some rest and libertie we would not but set forth this briefe and plaine confession of such doctrine as is proponed vnto vs and as we beleeue and professe partlie for satisfaction of our brethren whose hearts we doubt not haue beene and yet are wounded by the despitefull railing of such as yet haue not learned to speake well and partlie for stopping of the mouthes of the impudent blasphemers who boldelie damne that which they haue neither heard nor yet vnderstoode Not that we iudge that the cankred malice of such is able to be cured by this our simple confession No we knowe the sweete sauour of the Gospell is and shall be death to the sonnes of perdition but we haue chiefe respect to our weake and infirme brethren to whome we woulde communicate the bottome of our hearts lest that they be troubled or carried awaie by diuersitie of rumours which Satan spreads abroad against vs to the defacing of this our moste godlie enterprise protesting that if anie man shall note in this our confession anie article or sentence repugning to Gods holie worde and doe admonish vs of the same in writing we by Gods grace doe promise vnto him satisfaction from the mouth of God that is from his holie Scriptures or else reformation of that which he shall prooue to be amisse For God we take to record in our consciences that from our hearts we abhorre all sectes of heresie and all teachers of
he saith Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name that is acknowledging and naming o● calling vpon me as the redeemer high Priest and intercessor this high Priest alone goeth into the holiest place that is into the secret counsell of the deitie and seeth the minde of the eternal father and maketh request for vs and searching our hearts presenteth our sorrowes sighes and praiers vnto him It is plaine that this doctrine of the Mediatour was obscured and corrupted when men went to the mother Virgine as more mercifull and others sought other Mediators And it is plaine that there is no example to be seene in the Prophets or Apostles where prayer is made vnto men heare me Abraham or heare me O God for Abrahams sake but prayer is made vnto God who hath reuealed himselfe to wit to the eternall father to the sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ and to the holie Ghost that he would receiue heare and saue vs for the sonnes sake It is also expresselie made to the sonne as 2. Thess 2. Our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and God and our father who hath loued vs strengthen you c. and Gen. 48. Iacob nameth God and the sonne the Mediator when he saith God before whome my fathers walked and the Angell that deliuered me out of all troubles that is the promised Sauiour blesse these children Therefore we vse these formes of inuocation I call vpon the O Almightie God eternall father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of heauen earth together with thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and thy holie spirite O wise true good righteous moste free chaste and mercifull God haue mercie vpon me and for Iesus Christes sake thy sonne crucified for vs and raised vp againe heare and sanctifie me with thy holie spirit I call vpon the O Iesus Christ the sonne of God crucified for vs and raised vp againe haue mercie on me pray for me vnto the euerlasting father and sanctifie me with thy holie spirite In these forme we know what we praie vnto And seing there are testimonies of Gods word to be seene which shewe that this praying pleaseth God and is heard such praying maie be made in faith These thinges are not to be found in that inuocation which is made vnto men Some gather testimonies out of Augustine and others to shewe that the Saintes in heauen haue care of humane affaires This may more plainlie be shewed by Moses and Elias talking with Christ And there is no doubt but that such as are in happines praie for the Church but yet it followeth not thereupon that they are to be praied vnto And albeit we teach that men are not to be praied vnto yet we propound the histories of those that are in blessed state vnto the people Because it is necessary that the history of the Church be by some meanes knowne vnto all by what testimonies the Church is called together founded and how it is preserued and what kinde of doctrine hath ben● published by the fathers Prophets Apostles and Martyrs In these histories we commaund all to giue thankes vnto God for that he hath reuealed himselfe that he hath gathered togither his Church by his son that he hath deliuered his doctrine vnto vs and hath sent teachers and hath shewed in them the witnesses of him selfe we commaund al to consider of their doctrine to strengthè their faith by those testimonies which God hath shewed in them That they likewise consider the examples of iudgement and punishments that the feare of God may be stirred vp in them we commaund them to follow their faith patience and other vertues that they learne that in God is no respect of persons and desire to haue themselues also receiued heard gouerned saued and helped as God receiued Dauid Manasses Magdalene the theefe on the Crosse We also teach how these examples are to be followed of euerie ma● in his vocation because error in imitation and preposterous zeale is oft times the cause of great euills We also commend the diligence of the Saintes themselues who tooke heede of wasting Gods giftes in vaine And to conclude they that are moste fooles maie gather great stored doctrine out of these histories which doctrine is profitable to be published to the people so that superstition be ●e● aside OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WITTEMBERG● CHAP. 1. WE beleeue and confesse that there is one onel● God true eternall and infinite almightie ma●● of all thinges visible and inuisible and that in this one 〈◊〉 eternall godhead there are three properties or persons of them selues subsisting the Father the sonne and th● holie Ghost As the Prophetical and Apostolicall scriptures teach and the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius declare Of the sonne of God CHAP. 2. VVE beleeue and confesse that the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was begotten of his father from euerlasting true and euerlasting God consubstantiall with his Father c. Looke the rest in the 6. diuision Of the holie Ghost CHAP. 3. VVE beleeue and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from God the Father from euerlasting that he is true and eternal God of the same essence maiestie glorie with the Father and the sonne as the holie Fathers by authoritie of the holie scripture wel declared in the Councel of Constantinople against Macedonius Of Inuocation of Saints CHAP. 23. THere is no doubt but the memorie of those Saintes who when they were in this bodelie life furthered the Church either by doctrine or writings or by miracles or by examples and haue either witnessed the trueth of the gospell by Martyrdome or by a quiet kinde of death fallen on sleep in Christ ought to be sacred with al the Godlie and they are to be commended to the Church that by their doctrine and examples we maie be strengthned in true faith and inflamed to follow true godlines We confesse also that the Saintes in heauen doe after their certaine manner pray for vs before God as the Angels also are carefull for vs and all the creatures doe after a certaine heauenlie manner groane for our saluation and trauell togither with vs as Paull speaketh But as the worship of inuocation of creatures is not to be instituted vpon their gronings so vpon the praier of Saints in heauen we may not alow the inuocation of saints For touching the inuocating of them there is no commaundement nor example in the holy scriptures For seeing al hope of our saluation is to be put not in the saints but in our Lord god alone through his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ it is cleere that not the Saints but God alone is to be praied vnto How shall they call one him saith Paul in whome they beleeue no t but we must not beleeue in the saints how then shal we pr ay vnto them And seeing it must needes be that he who i● praied vnto be a searcher of the heart the Saints ought not to be praied vnto because they
of life if we communicate with Christ and he be oures and we his by a true faith Let this comfort vs in the temptation touching predestination then which there is none more daungerous that the promises of God are generall to the faithfull in that he saith Aske and ye shall receiue Euerie one that asketh receiueth and to conclude in that we praie with all the Church of God Our father which art in heauen and for that in baptisme we are ingrafted into the bodie of Christ and are fedde in his Church often times with his flesh and bloode vnto euerlasting life Thereby we being strengthned we are commaunded to worke our saluation with feare and trembling according to that precept of Paul OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL HEreupon we confesse that God before he had created the worlde had chosen all those to whome he would freelie giue the inheritance of eternall blessednes OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that out of this vniuersall corruption damnation wherein by nature all men are drowned God did deliuer and preserue some whome by his eternall and immutable counsell of his owne goodnes and mercie without anie respect of their workes he did chuse in Christ Iesus and others he left in that corruption and damnation in whome he might as well make manifest his iustice by condemning them iustlie in their time as also declare the riches of his mercie in the others For some are not better then others til such time as the Lord doth make a difference according to that immutable counsell which he had decreed in Christ Iesus before the creation of the worlde neither was anie man able by his owne strength to make an entrance for himselfe to that good seeing that of our nature we can not haue so much as one right motion affection or thought till God do freelie preuent vs and fashion vs to vprightnes OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that God after that the wholl ofspring of Adam was cas●e headlong into perdition and destruction thorough the fault of the first man hath declared and shewed himselfe to be such a one as he is indeed namelie both mercifull and iust Mercifull by deliuering and sauing those from condemnation and from death whome in his eternall counsell of his owne free goodnes he hath chosen in Iesus Christ our Lord without any regard at all of their worke but Iust in leauing others in that their fall and perdition whereinto they had throwen themselues headlong OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE THe confession of Auspurge doth so mention predestination in the 20. article the title wherof is De fide Of faith that it affirmeth it to be a needles thing to dispute of predestination in the doctrine of iustification by faith Which in what sorte it may be said we haue declared in the. 6. obseru vpon this confess sect 9. where these wordes of the confess are rehearsed Also the SAXON CONFESSION Doth in the same sense by the way make mention of Predestination and Election about the end of the third Article where it treateth of faith which parte we haue therefore placed in the 9. section THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE REPAIRING OR DELIVERANCE OF MAN FROM HIS FALL BY IESVS CHRIST ALONE AND OF HIS PERSON NATVRES OFFICE and the workes of Redemption THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of Iesus Christ being true god and man and the onely sauiour of the world CHAP. II. MOreouer we beleuee and teach that the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was from all eternitie predestinated and foreord●ined of the father to be the Sauiour of the world And we beleeue that he was begotten not onely then when he tooke flesh of the Virgine Mary nor yet a litle before the foundations of the world were laide but before all eternity that of the father after an vnspeakeable manner For Isaiah saith Who can t●l his generation And Micheah saith Whose egresse hath bin from euerlasting For Iohn saieth In the beginning was the worde and the worde was with God and God was the worde c. Therefore the Sonne is coequall and consubstantiall with the father as touching his diuinitie true God not by name onelie or by adoption or by special fauour but in substance nature Euen as the Apostle saith elsewh●re This is the true God and life euerlasting Paul also saieth He hath made his sonne the heire of al things by whom also he made the world The same is the brightnes of his glorie the ingraued f●●me of his person bearing vp al things by his migh●●e worde Likewise in the Gospell the Lorde himselfe saith Father glorifie 〈◊〉 me with thy selfe with the glorie which I had with the before the worlde was Also else where it is written in the Gospeli The ●ewe● tought how to kill Iesus because he saide that God was his father making himselfe equal with God We therefore doe abhorre the blasphemous doctrine of Arrius and all the Arrians vttered against the Sonne of God And especiallie the blaspemies of Michaell Seruetus the Spanyarde and of his complices which Sathan by them hath as it were drawen out of hell moste boldelie and impiouslie spread abroade throughout the worlde against the Sonne of God We teach also and beleeue that the eternal sonne of the eternall God was made the sonne of man of the seede of Abraham Dauid not by the meane of any man as Hebion affirmed but that he was moste purely conceiued by the holie Ghost and was borne of Marie who was alwaies a Virgine euen as the historie of the Gospel doeth declare And Paul saith He took in no sort the Angels but the seed of Abraham And Iohn the Apostle saith He that beleeueth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of god The flesh of Christ therefore was neither flesh in shew onelie nor yet flesh brought from heauen as Valentine and Marcion dreamed Mo●eouer our Lord Iesus Christ had not a soule without sense and reason as Apollinaris thought nor flesh without a s●●le as Eunomius did teach but a soull with it reason and flesh with it senses by which senses he felt true griefes in the time of his passion euen as he himselfe witnesseth when he said My soule is heauie euen to death And My soule is troubled c. We acknowledge therfore that there be in one the same Iesus Christ our Lord two natures the deuine and the humane nature we say that these two are so conioyned or vnited that they are not swallowed vp confounded or mingled together but rather vnited or ioyned together in one person the proprieties of ech nature being safe and remaining still so that we do worship one Christ our Lord and n●● two I say one true god man as touching his diuine nature of the same substance with the father as touching his humane nature of the same substance with vs
by his latter kinde of presence being not visible but spirituall is present in the ministers of the Church in the word and in the sacraments euen so also by the selfe same ministers worde and sacraments he is present with his Church and by these meanes doe the elect receiue him through inwarde faith in their heart and doe therefore ioyne themselues together with him that he maie dwell in them and they in him after such a sorte as is not apparent but hidden from the world euen by that faith spirituallie that is to saie in their soules and hearts by the spirit of truth of whome our Lord saith He abideth with you and shall be in you And I will come againe vnto you This iudgement declaration of our saith is not new or now first deuised but verie ancient Now that this was commonhe taught and meant in the Church of olde it is plaine and euident by the writinges of the auncient Fathers of the Church and by that decree wherein it is thus written and they are the wordes of Saint Augustine Our Lorde is aboue vntill the end of the worlde but the trueth of the Lorde is here also for the bodie of the Lorde wherein he rose againe must of necessitie be in one place but his truth is dispersed euerie where OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that whatsoeuer is requisite to our saluation is offered and communicated vnto vs now at length in that one Iesus Christ as he who beeing giuen to saue vs is also made vnto vs wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption in so much as whosoeuer doth swarue from him doth renounce the mercie of the Father that is our onelie refuge We beleeue that Iesus Christ being the wisdome and eternall sonne of the father tooke vpon him our nature so that he is one person God and man Man I saie that might suffer both in soule and also in bodie and made like vnto vs in all things sinne onelie excepted for that his flesh was indeede the seede of Abraham and Dauid howbeit by the secret and incomprehensible power of the holie Ghost it was conceiued in doe time in the wombe of that blessed Virgin And therefore we detest as contrarie to that truth all those heresies wherewith the Churches were troubled in times past and namelie we detest those deuillish imaginations of Seruetus who gaue to our Lord Iesus Christ an imaginarie deity whom he said to be the Idea patterne of al thinges and the counterfeit or figuratiue sonne of God to conclude he framed him a bodie compacted of three elements vncreated and therfore he did mingle and ouerthrow both his natures We beleeue that in one and the same person which is Iesus Christ those two natures are truelie and inseperablie so conioyned that they be also vnited either of those natures neuertheles retaining it distinct proprietie so that euen as in this diuine coniunction the nature of the word reteining it proprieties remained vncreate infinite and filling all places so also the humane nature remained and shall remaine for euer finite hauing it naturall forme dimension and also proprietie as from the which the resurrection and glorification or taking vp to the right hand of the father hath not taken awaie the trueth of the humane nature Therefore we do so consider Christ in his deitie that we doe not spoile him of his humanitie We beleeue that God did declare his infinite loue and goodnes towards vs in this that he hath sent his sonne who should die and rise againe and fullfill all righteousnes that he might purchase eternall life for vs. We beleeue that by that onelie sacrifice which Iesus Christ offered on the crosse we are reconciled to God that we maie be taken for iust before him because we can not be acceptable to him nor enioy the fruite of our adoption but so farre foorth as he doth forgiue vs our sinnes Therefore we affirme that Iesus Christ is our entire and perfect washing in whose death we obteine full satisfaction whereby we are deliuered from all those sinnes whereof we are guiltie and from the which we could not be acquitted by anie other remedy OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE beleeue that Iesus Christ the onely sonne of the eternall Father as long before it was determined before all beginnings when the fulnes of time was come did take of that blessed and pure virgine both flesh and all the nature of man that he might declare to the worlde the secret and hid wil of his father which wil had bene laide vp from before al ages and generations and that he might finish in his humane bodie the Mysterie of our redemption and might fasten our sinnes to the crosse and also that handwriting which was made against vs. We beleeue that for our sakes he died and was buried descended into hell the third daie by the power of his godhead returned to life and rose againe and that the fourth daie after his resurrection whiles his disciples beheld and looked vpon him he ascended into heauen to fullfill all things and did place in Maiestie and glorie the selfe same bodie wherewith he was borne wherein he liued on earth wherein he was iested at wherein he had suffered most painfull torments and cruell kinde of death wherein he rose againe and wherein he ascended to the right hand of the father aboue all rule aboue all power all force all Dominion and aboue euerie name that is named not onelie in this worlde but also in the worlde to come And that there he now sitteth and shall sit till all things be fully perfited And although the Maiestie and godhead of Christ be euerie where abound antlie dispersed yet we beleeue that his body as Saint Augustine saith must needes be still in one place and that Christ hath giuen Maiestie vnto his bodie but yet hath not taken awaie from it the nature of a bodie and that we must not so affirme Christ to be God that we denie him to be man and as the Martyr Vigilius saith That Christ hath left vs touching his humane nature but hath not lefe vs touching his diuine nature and that the same Christ though he be absent from vs concerning his manhead yet is euer present with vs concerning his godhead From that place also we beleeue that Christ shall come againe to execute that generall iudgement as well of them whome he shall finde aliue in the bodie as of them that shal be alreadie dead And therfore that our onelie succour and refuge is to flie to the mercie of our father by Iesus Christ and assuredlie to perswade our mindes that he is the Obteiner of forgiuenes for ●●r sinnes And that by his bloode all our spots of sinne be washed cleane That he hath pacified and set at one all things by the bloode of his crosse That he by the same one onely sacrifice which he once offered vpon the Crosse hath brought to
submission of the minde by their confession and inuocation to turne vnto the Lord and by faith in Iesus Christ our Lorde to conceiue sure and vndoubted trust in his mercie to hold fast the apprehended promise and to relie whollie thereon and seeing they haue no righteousnes of themselues earnestlie and faithfullie to desire of the diuine grace that God would haue mercie on them vouchsafe of his grace to forgiue them their sinnes for the Sonne and his pretious merites sake who was made an attonement or reconciliation for sinne yea also a cursse that he might make or consecrate vs as holie vnto God For to such men that they may be stirred vp to the greater confidence that sure and pretious promise is propounded and by preaching ought to be propounded whereby the Lord doth saie Call vpon me i● the daie of trouble and I will deliuer thee and this they ought to doe as often as they haue neede and so long as they liue Hereof the iudgement of Saint Augustine is extant Lib. 1. de Penitentia Cap. 1. No man can well meditate of repentance except he be perswaded of the mercie of God toward him or as he saith but he that shall hope for indulgence Now al men which do truelie repent them of their sinnes in regarde thereof are sorowfull and mislike themselues ought to cease from the cōmitting of euil learne to do that which is good for so writeth Esai in that place wherin he exhorteth to repentance And Iohn Baptist in the like sort admonishing the people saith See that you bring forth or do the 〈◊〉 worthie of repentance which doth chieflie consist in mortification or putting of the old man in putting on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes c. as the Apostolike doctrine doth signifie Moreouer the penitent are taught to come to the Phisitians of their soules and before them to confesse their sinnes to God yet no man is commaunded or vrged to tell and reckon vp his sinnes but this thing is therefore vsed that by this meane euerie one maie declare their griefe wherewith they be troubled and how much they mislike them-selues for their sinnes and maie peculiarlie desire and know that they obteine of their God counsell and doctrine how they maie hereafter auoid them and get instruction and comfort for their troubled consciences and absolution by the power of the Keies and remission of sinnes by the ministerie of the Gospell instituted of Christ and when these things are performed to them of the ministers they ought to receiue them at their handes with confidence as a thing appointed of God to profit and to doe seruice vnto them for their sauing health without doubting to enioy the remission of their sinnes according to the word of the Lord whose sinnes you remit they are remitted And they relying vpon this vndoubted faith ought to be certaine and of a resolute minde that through the ministerie of those keies concerning the power of Christ and his word all their sinnes be forgiuen them And therfore they which by this meanes and order obteine a quiet and ioyfull conscience ought to shew them-selues thankfull for this heauenlie bountifullnes in Christ neither must they receiue it in vaine or returne againe to their sinnes according to that faithful exhortation of Christ wherein he commaundeth vs to take heede Beholde then art made wholl sinne nomore lest a worsse thing happen vnto thee And see that thou sinne no more Now the foundation whereon the whol vertue and efficacie of this sauing repentance doth stay it selfe is the merit of the torments of the death and resurrection of our Lord and sauiour whereof he him selfe saith These thinges it behooued Christ to suffer and to rise againe the third daie and that repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name to all people And againe Repent and beleeue the Gospell Also they teach that they whose sinne is publike and therefore a publike offence ought to giue an externall testimonie of their repentance when God doth giue them the spirit of repentance and that for this cause that it maie be an argument and testimonie whereby it may be prooued or made euident that the sinners which haue fallen and do repent do truelie conuert them selues also that it maie be a token of their reconciliation with the Church and their neighbour and an example vnto others which they maie feare and reuerence Last of all the wholl matter is shut vp with this or such like clause of admonition That euerie one shal be condemned whosoeuer he be which in this life doth not repent in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ according to that sentence pronounced by Christ Except ye repent ye shall al in like sort perish as they did who were slaine with the fall of the tower of Silo. Hitherto also perteineth that parte of the same confession which treateth Of the time of grace CHAP. 20. FVrthermore among all other thinges they teach concerning the time of grace and the fatherly visitation that men maie learne to consider that all that time of age they lead in this life is giuen them of God to be a time of grace in the which they maie seeke their Lord and God his grace and mercie and that they maie be loued of him and by this meanes obteine here their saluation in Christ whereof the Apostle also made mention in his sermon which he preached at Athens saying God hath assigned vnto man the times which were ordeined before and the bandes of their habitations that they should seeke the Lord if so be they might haue groped after him and found him And by the Prophet Esaie the Lorde saith In an acceptable time h●●e I heard thee and in the daie of saluation haue I helped thee Beholde now saith Saint Paull is the acceptable time no● 〈◊〉 the daie of saluation Therefore at all times the people be admonished that whilest they liue on the earth and are in good health and haue in their hands and do presentlie enioy the time of grace offered by God they would truelie repent and beginne the amendment of their life and reconcile themselues to God that they would stirre vp their conscience by faith in Christ and quiet it by the ministerie of the Gospell in the Church and herein confirme themselues that God is mercifull vnto them and remitteth all their sinnes for Christ his sake Therefore when they are confirmed in this grace which is offred them to establish confirme their calling do faithfullie exercise themselues in good works then at the length they are also in an assured hope to looke for a comfortable end they must certenlie persuade thēselues that they shal assuredlie be caried by the Angels into heauen eternall rest as was the soule of that godlie Lazarus that they maie be there where their Lord and redeemer Iesus
iustifie to them he doth giue the holie Ghost and by him he doth first regenerate them as he promiseth by the Prophet saying I will giue them a new heart and I will put my spirit in the middest of them that as before sinne had reigned in them to death so also then grace might reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ And this is the communion or participation of the grace of God the father of the merit of Iesus Christ our Lorde and of the sanctification of the holie Ghost this is the lawe of faith the lawe of the spirit and life written by the holie Ghost But the liuelie and neuer drying spring of this iustification is our Lorde Iesus Christ alone by those his sauing workes that is which giue saluation from whome all holie men from the beginning of the world as well before the law was published and vnder the lawe and the discipline thereof as also after the lawe haue and doe drawe haue and doe receiue saluation or remission of their sinnes by faith in the moste comfortable promise of the gospell and doe applie and approper it as peculiar to themselues onelie for the sole death of Christ and his bloodshedding to the full and perfect abolishing of their sinnes and the clensing from them all whereof we haue manle testimonies in the Scripture Holie Peter before the wholl councell at Hierusalem doth prooue by sound arguments that Saluation is not to be found in any other then in Christ Iesus alone that vnder this large cope of heauen there is no other name giuen vnto men whereby we maie be saued And in another place he appealeth to the consenting voyces and testimonies of all the Prophets who spake with one minde and by one spirit as it were by one mouth and thus he saide As touching this Iesus all the Prophets beare witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes And to the Hebrwes it is written He hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and againe We haue redemption through his blood euen the remission of sins And S Iohn saith we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation or attonement for our sinnes and not for ours onlie but also for the sinnes of the wholl world And againe to the Hebrewes We are sanctified by the offering of the bodie of Iesus Christ once made and a litle after he addeth with one onlie offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified namely of God by the spirit of God Therfore al sinners and such as are penitent ought to flie incontinentlie thorough their wholl life to our Lord Christ alone for remission of their sinnes and euerie sauing grace according to that in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Seeing that 〈◊〉 haue a great high Priest euen Iesus the Sonne of God which is entered into heauen let vs holde fast this profession which is concerning Christ our Lord and straight way he addeth Let vs therefore goe boldlie vnto the throne of grace that we maie receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Also Christ him selfe crying out saith He that thirsteth let him come to me and drinke And in an other place He that commeth vnto me shal not hunger he that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst Now they that attaine to this iustification by Christ our Lord are taught to take vnto themselues true and assured comfort out of this grace bountie of God to enioy a good quiet conscience before God to be certaine of their owne saluation and to haue it confirmed to them by this meanes that seeing they are here the sonnes of God they shall also after death in the resurrection be made heires In the meane time they ought both to desire to be brought to this that they maie receiue the fruit of perfect saluation and also cheerefullie to looke for it with that confidence according to the promise of the Lord that such shall not come into iudgement but that by making awaie they haue alreadie passed from death into life Of al other points of doctrine we account this the chiefest and weightiest as that wherein the summe of the Gospell doth consist Christianitie is founded and the pretious and most noble treasure of eternall saluation the onelie and liuelie comforte proceeding from God is comprehended Therefore herein our preachers doe labour especiallie that they maie well instruct the hartes of men in this point of doctrine so sowe it that it maie take deepe root Of good workes and a Christian life CHAP. 7. IN the seuenth place we teach that they whoe are made righteous and acceptable to God by faith alone in Christ Iesus that by the grace of God without any merits ought in the wholl course of their life that followeth both all together iointlie euerie one particularlie according as the order condition age and place of euery one doth require to performe and exercise those good works and holie actions which are commaunded of God euen as God commaundeth when he saith Teach them to obserue all thinges which I haue commaunded you Now these good workes or holie actions are not certaine affections deuised of flesh and bloode for such the Lorde forbiddeth but they are expresselie shewed and propounded vnto vs by the spirit of God to do the which God doth binde vs the rule and chiefe square whereof God himselfe is in his word for so he saith by the Prophet Walke not in the commaundements of your Fathers and keepe not their iudgements and defile not your selues with their Idoles I am Iehouah your God walke ye in my commaundementes and keepe my iudgements and doe them Likewise Christ saieth Teach them those thinges which I haue commaunded you Therefore the 10. commaundements and loue which by faith worke●h righteousnes on the right hand on the left hand as well toward God as toward our neighbour is a certaine summe a most streight square a most artificiall shaping or description of all good workes Now an example of this square is the moste holie life of Christ whereof he himselfe saith Learne of me because I am meeke and humble in heart And what other thing would he teach by vttering those eight sentences of happines then to shewe what manner of life the true children of God ought to lead and what be the works which God hath commaunded Therefore according to these thinges they reach with all care and diligence touching the difference which is to be knowen and kept betwixt those works which are deuised and taught of men and those which are commaunded of God Those workes which are commaunded of God ought not to be interrmitted for humane traditions For Christ doth grieuoslie reprehend this in them that doe otherwise in the Pharises saying Why doe you transgresse the commaundements of God for your traditions And
againe In vaine doe they worship me seeing they do only teach the commaundements of men But such works as are taught of men what shew soeuer they haue euen of goodnes are in no case to be so highly esteemed as those which are commaunded of God Yea to saie somewhat more if they be not of faith but contrary to faith they are of no value at all but are an abomination and filthines before the face of God Now all good workes are deuided first generallie into those which pertaine to all true Christians according to the vnitie of faith and catholicke saluation Secondly they are deuided particularly into those which are proper to the order age and place of euery man as the holie Ghost doth seuerallie teach Elders Masters the common sorte Parentes children the maried the vnmaried and euerie one what be their proper bonds and workes Moreouer in this point men are diligentlie taught to know how and wherein good workes doe please God Truelie they please God no otherwise then in the onelie name of our Lord Iesus Christ in whose name they ought to be done to the glorie of god according to the doctrine of Paull the Apostle who speaketh thus Whatsoeuer you doe in wordes and in deedes doe all in the name of our Lord Iesus And the Lorde himselfe saith Without me ye can doe thing that is nothing that maie please God and be for your saluation Now to doe good workes in the name of Christ is to doe them in a liuelie faith in him whereby we are iustified and in loue which is poured forth into our hearts by the holie Ghost in such sorte that God loueth vs and we againe loue him and our neighbour For the holy Ghost doth sanctifie mooue and kindle the hearts of them which are iustified to doe these holie actions as the Lorde saieth He shall be in you And the Apostle The anoynting of God teacheth you These two Faith and loue are the fountaine and square of all vertues and good workes according to the testimony of the Apostle The end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith not feigned And againe Without faith it is not possible to please God Also without loue nothing doth profit a man In the next place they teach why and to what purpose or end such good workes as pertaine to Christian godlines ought to be done to wit not in this respect that men by these workes should obtaine iustification or saluation and remission of sins for Christ saith When you haue done all those thinges which were commaunded you saie we are vnprofitable seruants Also Paull saith Not for the workes of righteousnes which we haue done but through his mercie hath he saued vs wherewith al those words of Dauid agree when he praieth Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruant because that in thy sight shall no flesh liuing be iustified But Christians are to exercise themselues in good works for these causes following First that by this meane they may prooue and declare their faith by these workes be knowne to be true Christians that is the liuelie members and followers of Christ whereof our Lorde saith Euerie tree is knowen by his owne fruites In deede good workes are assured arguments and signes and testimonies and exercises of a liuelie faith euen of that faith which lieth hidde in the heart and to be shorte of the true fruit thereof and such as is acceptable to God Paull saith Christ liueth in me for in that I now liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God And trulie it can not be otherwise but that as sinne doth bring forth death so faith and iustification which ariseth therout doth bring forth life inwardlie in the spirit and outwardlie in the works of charitie Secondlie we must therefore doe good workes that Christians might confirme and build vp their Election and vocation in themselues and preserue it by taking heed that they fall not in mortall sinnes euen as Saint Peter teacheth among other thinges writing thus Wherefore brethren endeauour rather to make your election and vocation sure or to confirme it And how this maie be done he doth brieflie declare a litle before Therefore giuing all diligence thereunto ioyne vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance pacience with pacience godlines with godlines brotherlie kindnes and with brotherlie kindnes loue For if these thinges be among you and abound in you they will make you that ye neither shall be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lorde Iesus Christ In which place Saint Peter doth euidently shew that we must endeuour to exercise ourselues in good workse first for this cause lest that the grace of faith a good conscience which we haue be either lost or defiled but that it maie rather be preserued For the holie Ghost doth flie from Idolaters and departeth from prophane men and the euill and vnpure spirit doth returne into an emptie and idle house Also whosoeuer doth either loose or defile a good conscience what commendable thing or what worke can he do that is pretious and acceptable to God how shall he giue himselfe to prayer Secondlie for this cause that we maie profitte and increase more and more in this grace and that we maie gaine vnto the Lorde by occupying those talents which are committed to our trust whereof Saint Paull saith Now we all beholding as in a mirrour the glorie of the Lord with open face are changed into the same Image from glorie to glorie that is we beholde Christ who is the image and glorie of the Father herein we indeauour that we maie be conformed to the likenes of this Image by the holie ghost which doth kindle vs therunto til this Image doth get her perfection by the blessed resurrection Thirdly we must do exercise our selues in good workes as well for the promises of this life as also for the reward of eternall life whereof mention is made verie often and at large in the holie scripture that by faith in Christ wee maie haue a more easie entrance to the attaining of those rewards and to the eternal kingdome of heauen as S. Peter testifieth saying If ye doe these thinges ye shall neuer fall For by this meanes an entring shal be ministred vnto you abundantlie into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ But chiefelie we must doe the workes of mercie whereby we maie benefit our neighbour whereby we prouide and doe for him and whereof he standeth in neede such as these be to giue almes to visite the sicke to haue a care of them or to be at hand to doe them seruice to teach the simple by counsell and labour to helpe others to pardon offences and such like which all haue the promises of the bountifullnes of
farre disagree from the Apostolike and Catholike doctrine who teach that man is made acceptable to God and accounted iust before god for those vertues and that when we come to stand before god in iudgement we must trust to the merittes of these vertues For man is made acceptable to god and counted iust before him for the onelie sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ through faith and when we appeare before the iudgement seate of God we must not trust to the merit of anie of those vertues which we haue but onelie to the merit of our Lorde Iesus Christ whose merit is ours by faith And because that before the tribunall seat of God where the question is of true and eternal righteousnes and saluation there is no place at al for the merites of men but onelie for the mercie of god and the merites of our Lord Iesus Christ alone who is receiued of vs by faith therefore we think that the auncient Fathers our Elders said truelie that we are iustified before god by faith alone Rom. 3. All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloode Galat. 3. The Scripture hath concluded al vnder sinne that the promise by the Faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beleeue And Cap. 5. We thorough the spirit waite for the hope of righteousnes through faith For in Christ Iesus neither Circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Hilarie saieth It offendeth the Scribes that man should forgiue sinne for they beheld● nothing but man in Iesus Christ and that he should forgiue that which the law could not release For faith alone doth iustifie Ambrose saith They are iustified freelie because that workeing nothing nor requitting any thing by faith alone they are iustified by the gift of God And againe They are euidentlie blessed whose iniquities are forgiuen without any labour or work and whose sins are couered no helpe of repentance beeing required of them but onelie this that they beleeue Manie places might be alledged as well out of the writinges of the Prophettes and Apostles as out of the holie Fathers whereby it is prooued that not onelie in the beginning through the free mercie of god these vertues to wit Faith hope and loue are giuen vnto vs but also afterward throughout our wholl life and that in our extreame necessitie we are not able to stand before the seuere tribunal seat of god but in the confidence of the onelie free fauour of god shewed vnto vs in Christ the Sonne of god For this is that both which Paul teacheth and the Ecclesiasticall writers doe interpret That we are iustified before god by faith alone Of good workes CHAP. 7. WE saie that good workes commaunded of god are necessarilie to be done and that through the free mercie of god they do deserue certaine their own either corporal or spiritual rewardes But we must not think that in the iudgement of god where the question is concerning the purging of our sins the appeasing of the wrath of god and the merit of eternall saluation we should trust to those good works which we do For al the good works which we do are vnperfect neither cā they susteine the seuerity of the iudgement of god but al our confidence is to be placed in the onelie mercie of god for his Sonne our Lord Iesus 〈…〉 his sake Psalm 142. Enter not into iudgement with 〈…〉 no flesh liuing shall be iustified in thy sight Galat. 5. 〈…〉 lu●●eth against the Spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to the other so that ye cannot doe those 〈…〉 ●e woulde Rom. 7. I know that in me that is in my flesh there dwelleth no good Don. 9. We doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnes but for thy great tender mercies Augustine saith Woe to the life of man be is neuer so ●omm●ndable if thou examine i● setting thy mercie aside And againe All my hope is in the death of my Lorde His death is my meri●te my refuge saluation life and my resurrection The mercie of the Lorde is my meri●te I am not without merit so long as the Lorde of mercies is not wanting And if the mercies of the Lorde he manie I abound in merittes Gregorie saith Therefore our righteous Aduocate shall defend vs in the daie of iudgement because we know and accuse our selues to be vniust Therefore let vs not trust to our teares nor to our actions but to the alledgeing of our Aduocate Bernard saith Our reioycing is this the testimonie of our conscience not such a testimonie as that proude Pharisie had his thought being seduced and seducing him giuing witnes of himselfe and his witnes was not true But then is the witnes true when the spirit beareth witnes with our spirit Now I beleeue that this testimonie consisteth in three thinges For first of all it is necessarie to beleeue that thou canst not haue remission of sinnes but through the fauour of God Secondlie that thou canst haue no good worke at all except the also giue it to thee Lastlie that thou canst not deserue eternall life by anie workes except that also be giuen thee freelie OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of Iustification and of Faith CHAP. 3. OVr preachers doe somewhat differ from the late receiued opinions about those things which the people were commonly taught concerning the meane wherby wee are made partakers of the redemption wrought by Christ and touching the dueties of a christian man Those points which we haue followed we will indeauour to lay open moste plainely to your sacred Maiestie and also to declare verie faithfullie those places of Scripture by which we were forced hereunto First therefore seeing that we were taught of late yeares that workes were necessarily required to iustification our preachers haue taught that this wholl iustification is to be ascribed to the good pleasure of God and to the meritte of Christ and to be receiued by Faith alone To this they were mooued especiallie by these places of Scripture As manie as receiued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name which are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Ioh. 1. Verilie verilie I saie vnto you except a man be borne againe a new he cannot see the kingdome of God Ioh. 3. No man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth anie man the Father but the Sonne and he to whome the Sonne will reueale him Mat. 11. Blessed ar● thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hath not reuealed this vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen Mat. 16. No man can come to me except my Father draw