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mercy_n jesus_n sin_n sinner_n 3,659 5 7.4408 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13809 A sermon preached the 26. day of May. 1584. in S. Maries Church in Shrewesbury before the right honorable the Earle of Leicester, accompanied with the Earle of Essex, the Lorde North, diuers knightes, gentle-men of worshypfull callyng, the worshipfull bayliues, aldermen and burgesses of the towne of Salop. By Iohn Tomkys publick preacher of Gods word there: now first published by the authour. Seen, perused, and allowed accordyng to her Maiesties iniunctions. Tomkys, John. 1586 (1586) STC 24110; ESTC S118479 38,851 98

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being all figures of the sacrifice of Christ ordeined of god to bee f Leu. 4.2 offered for the sinnes of the people do euidenly prooue that Gods people for whome Christ was offered are all polluted with sinne It is true that the auncient Israelites were greuously a Exo. 1.11 c oppressed in Aegipt by the tiranny of Pharao from thence b Exod. 14.1 deliuered by the commaundement of God through the conduction of Moses but with all therby is prefigured that we bee all through sinne became slaues to Satan in this world and through the wil of God by the power of Christ deliuered from that spirituall captiuitie The Prophets Christ and the Apostles teache that they for whome Christ died are c Rom. 5.8 steined with sinne d 1. Tim. 1 15 transgressours of Gods lawe e Gal. 3 13. and subiect to his curse Esaye propheciyng of our redemption calleth vs f Esa 53 4. weake g 53.5 wounded and sinfull h 53.6 Christ speaking of the same matter pronounceth i Mat 9 12 That the whole need not a phisition but they that are sicke k Mat. 9.13 And that hee came not to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance And Paule speaking of the accomplishment of oure saluation leaueth it thus recorded l 1. Tim 1 15 This is a true saying and by all means worthy to be receaued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners * That christ saueth sinners teacheh vs two things our owne misery 2 gods mercye It may be the some wil demaund why I vrge so greatly thys point I answere Chiefly for two causes * 1. our own misery First to teach vs by acknowledging of our sinnes a Mat 23 12 to humble oure selues vnder the mightie hand of god that hee may aduaunce vs b Ioh. 3.16 and to seeke vnto christ by fayth that hee may deliuer vs knowing that c 11 32 God hath shut vppe all in vnbeliefe that hee might haue mercy on all And to this ende doth Paule dispute mightily in the Epistle to the Romaines prouing that d Rom 3 20 by the vvorkes of the law no flesh can be iustified in the sight of God But that e 24 wee are iustified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ concluding that f 28. a man is iustified by fayth without the workes of the law * 2 Gods mercy Then to sette before the eyes of our mindes the exceeding measure of the loue of God towardes vs g Io. 3 16 which so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him shuld not perish but haue eternall life But seeing h Rom 5 10 God hath thus loued vs when we were hys enimies that he reconciled vs vnto himself by the death of his Sonne ought not we then a Eph 5 1 to be followers of god as deare children 2. and to walk in loue as Christ hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour to god Hetherto concerning the persons for whome christ died euen for vs miserable sinners * 5 This sacrifice was offered to God The fifth circumstance in our redemption diligently to bee considered is vnto whome this holy sacrifice was offered by Christ for our reconciliation This doth Paule in this text euidently shewe when as hee teacheth that it was offered b Eph 5 2 to god When parties at vnitie growe to discorde then is there occasion offered of reconciliation whiche cannot be accomplished but by the good discretion of a dayes-man by whose meanes the partie offending is reconciled to the party offended So stoode the case betweene god and man continued in that perfection c Gen 1 26. wherein God had created him 5.27 But when Man had transgressed the lawes of his God d Gen 3 6.7 by eating of the forbidden fruite then grew there discorde betweene God and Man Man the creature Man the party offending God offended became the partie offending and God the creator the partie offended But such was the peril of this falling out a Gen 2 17 that Man became subiect to gods wrath and iudgment Hence grewe the occasion of an holy reconciliation wherein the fauour of God onely which was offended was to be obtayned for Man onely whiche had offended Christ the Dayesman But what fit days-man could than be found to reconcile man vnto God Onely Christ both God mā as more at large before I shewed And how then God woulde not that this reconciliation should be wrought by diminishing the least iote of his iustice * The iustice of God considered in two pointes 1 obedience punishment Heerein standeth the iustice of God vrged by him in this reconciliation 1. That mankinde keepe the lawe giuen 2. That man-kinde be punished for the law broken And thus was hee affected vnto whome the sacrifice of pacification was to be offered Marke now the discretion of christ our dayes-man In his Manhead hee b 2 Cor. 5 21 obeyeth Gods lawes In his man-head hee is c Pet 2 22 punished for the breache of Gods lawes hee obeyeth Gods law by his innocent life * Obedience yelded by Christs innocent life He is punished for the breache of Gods lawe by his dolorous death By his obedience he satisfieth Gods iustice By his suffering * punishmēt sustained by Christs dolourous death he pacifieth Gods wrath Thus did Christ our dayes-man offer himself obedient and patient to God the partie offended so to winne his fauour to Man the partie offending By thys meanes Christ a 2 Cor 5 21 which neuer committed sinne made himselfe to be reputed a sinner for vs that we which are ful of sin should be reputed in him righteous before God That b Gal 3.13 he becomming accursed for vs 14 we might become blessed thorough him So was it necessary that vnto God this sacrifice shoulde be offered that we therby vnto god might be recōciled Of this point this much may suffice * 6 This sacrifice wrought our full redemption The sixt and last circumstance of our redemption proposed by Paule in this text to oure consideration sheweth vvhat effect this sacrifice wrought and vvhat successe Christ had in this his attempt thus to recōcile mankinde vnto god This point is therfore the more deepely to bee considered because therein eyther is the rising againe into consolation or the downfall into desperation For if Christ preuailed in this his mediation then are wee saued but if hee fayled then are wee damned Paule therefore to heale the wounde of the conscience pearced with sin concludeth that this Sacrifice thus offered by Christ yeelded a Eph. 5 2 as a sweete smelling sauoure in the nose-therles of God By this metaphoricall speach borrowed from the manner of offering