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A12570 A looking glasse for maried folkes Wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake. By R. S. Snawsel, Robert. 1610 (1610) STC 22886; ESTC S106906 42,687 118

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as the weaker vessels And againe that man and wife make but one body and againe that they should draw the yoke equally together Eul. Your wish is very good Abigail for want of due consideration is the neglect of true practise of all duties Ezer And truely neighbours it comes to my minde now that the Lord laid these duties of louing honoring their wiues vpon men partly because they are stronger and more able to beare and support the infirmities and weakenesses of their wiues then the wiues are of the husbands And againe that the husbands should not swell too much with their authority that they should not make their poores wiues as slaues but should account of them as themselues For the Lord knew very well that men are of such natures for the most part that if hee gaue thē power they would stretch it to the vttermost and therefore he abates their superiority and makes it in some measure equal with the wiues And further he would haue mā to know that this is his dignity to giue honour vnto the woman lest shee through the loftinesse of his minde should bee vsed crosly and vnkindly Eul. Lo neighbour lo yonder comes your wife Ezer Why how now wife where haue you bene all this while Xant Forsooth husband I haue bene about some speciall businesse that concerns you and me Ezer Why didst thou stay so long Xant I pray you good husband be not offended with mee and I will tell you Ezer I am glad that you are so humble and courteous if you hold on thus Xantip I hope that wee shall neuer fall out Xant I hope that I shall not onely continue but increase in doing my duty both to God and you Ezer And then I make no doubt but my loue shall be more and more extended vnto thee come and sit downe here and tell me where hast thou bene Xant If it shall please you husband I haue bene much troubled in my mind since I went foorth for some iars that haue bene betwéene vs. Ezer And I haue bene much quieted and comforted in my mind wife since thy comming in for the peace which I hope shall be betweene vs but proceede and say one Xant As I was comming home I spied a solitarie place which I went vnto there powred forth my complaints to the Lord praying his maiesty for pardon of my disobedience towards you al my abusing of you with my tong by railing speeches and that wee might more quietly liue together then we had done for I felt such horrible gripings within me that I thought my heart would haue burst and then came the trifling occasions of my falling out into my minde which made such horrible broiles and hurly burly betweene vs the which at the first I might haue stopt with a patient word but sinfull wretch that I was I rather opened a fountaine by my railing tong And thus as I was bewailing my miserable estate thinking what a hell it was for man wife to be at ods there comes by Maister T who seeing me all alone asked me what I did so solitary I could scarce speake to him for wéeping He oftē asked me what I ailed saying merrily it was more strāge to sée me wéepe thē fight further askt if we had faln out now I had got the foile I told him no we were not falne out but I was much grieued that we could kéepe no more in at which words he wondred and yet reioyced to sée me mourne And when hee perceiued that I was much afflicted in spirit for my offences he comforted me with these and such like words saying Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted Blessed are they that go on their way weeping for they shall returne and bring their sheaues with them And applyed vnto me the swéete promises of God in Christ Iesus saying Christ saith Come vnto me ye that are thirsty buy of me wine without siluer And againe If any mā sin we haue an aduocate with the Father Christ Iesus the righteous And whē I cryed I haue sinned against my husbād more against God what shall I doe what shall I doe he would bid me possesse my soule in patience and beléeue in the Lord Iesus and take hold of his mercies by the hand of Faith and then though my sins were as redde as scarlet they should bee as white as woolle and that the Lord tooke no pleasure in the destruction of sinners but if they would turne from their euill wayes vnto him and continue in well doing vnto the end they should vndoubtedly be saued And when he had somwhat pacified my wounded spirit hee perswaded me to go with him to a Sermon I paused a little but at last went with him in a blessed howre I thank my God for I reaped more profit and comfort thereat then euer I did at any before Abig. The cause neighbour Xantip or rather the fault I may say hath bene in your selfe heretofore in that you haue not gone so humbled and with an vnfeigned desire to know and doe your duty Xant I acknowledge it to be so good neighbour Abigail and I pray God forgiue me that and all my other sins Abig. God hath promised to forgiue all that vnfeignedly repent of whom I make no doubt by that I haue now heard from your owne mouth that you are one Eul. What did the Preacher handle Xant He spake of the mutuall duties of man and wife and of both their duties towards God Ezer That was most excellent doctrine for vs wife Xant Yea indeede husband I thanke God it was most profitable and comfortable I wished you many a time there Ezer I thanke God and our good neighbours we haue bene well exercised here this afternoone also for I hope they haue done me more good then euer I thought women could haue done to man in that kinde Xant I thanke God also for it and I reioyce at it in my soule Ezer Well wife here is my hand and giue me thine and let vs renew our couenant which wee haue broken with God and toward each other And now let vs here vow both before God and our good neighbours Abigail and Eulalie through his grace to keepe the same inuiolate while we liue Xant Here husband here is both my hand and my heart Abig. Blessed praised bee our gracious God for his excéeding mercy now shewed to you both and I beséech his Maiestie that you may both kéepe your couenant with him and one with another while breath is in your bodies that when it shall be his pleasure to take you hence hee may receiue your soules and bodies into his glorious kingdome Ezer And blessed are you which through Gods mercy haue bene speciall instruments to do vs good and I with my wife accordingly as we are bound will not ceasse to praise God and to pray to him for you that hee would of his rich grace preserue and blesse you both with vs and all the rest that loue the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ to whom be all praise and thanks for euer Amen
so I might become one with him and an heire of his kingdome Abig. With all my heart The first step is repentance and faith in Christ Iesus Eul. What is repentance Abig. The Diuines doe define it in two words mortification and viuification that is a dying to sin and liuing to righteousnesse Eul. And by what meanes must this be wrought in vs. Abig. By the powerfull preaching of the word of God which breaketh and softeneth the hard stony heart humbleth the soule and woundeth the conscience for sinne which it hath committed against the God of heauen and causeth it vnfeignedly to desire peace and reconciliation with him in his Sonne Christ with a detestation of all the sins which he hath committed and a resolution to leade the rest of his life holy and vnblameably as in the sight of God Eul. What is Faith It is the worke of the Spirit of God in vs which doth assure vs of the free pardon of our sins and of the loue and fauour of God in Christ Iesus with all the benefites that come with him as it is written It is the Spirit of God that beareth witnesse vnto our spirits that we are the sonnes of God and so it is that spirit which causeth vs to apprehend and apply the mercies of God in Christ and our selues to the obedience of his word Eul. I pray God that we may so do Abig. If you haue an vnfeigned desire as you seemed to me to haue God hath promised to giue you power if you will giue your endeuour therewithall and so I commit you to his grace Xant Yea but Gossip I pray you tell me who gaue you this new gowne Eul. Your minde is more set vpon my gowne then vpon those heauenly matters which Abigail spoke of Marg. I will lay twenty shillings that Abigail hath almost made her a Puritane Eul. You thinke you may now talke your pleasure when shée was here you had not a word she tooke you downe I trow Xant I hope if you haue a new gowne we may without offence speake of it Eul. Shal I tel you how it is with me Marg. Yea. Eul. Truly Abigails words were so gracious that I could willingly haue heard her though she should haue sate with vs all this day her words are so sauoury to my soule that me thinkes we should not put them out of our remembrance with these outward things Xant Well Margery if she will not tel me who gaue her her new gown do you tel me what cost your neckerchiefe a yard Eul. I thinke your minde runs thus vpon these outward things when you are at praier and at Sermons Xant It is good to speake the truth it doth so indeed Eul. That ought not to be by no meanes for thereby you much dishonor God and hinder your selfe that the word cannot profite you Xant Yea but will you tell me who gaue you your gowne Eul. Why who I pray you should giue honest wiues any such things but their husbands Xant And I pray you Margery who gaue you yours Marg. My husband also Xant O happy women that happen on such husbands For my part I would I had bene married to a toad-stoole when I maried with my Ben-ezer Eu. O fie woman what a wish is that if Abigail had bene here you would haue vext her to the heart and I tell you truly that you grieue me not a little For I remember well what she said and I hope shall do whiles I liue namely that we which professe our selues to be Christians should adorne the Gospell of Christ by our holy conuersation And againe she said that the Apostle exhorts that our words should be gracious and poudred that they might minister grace to the hearers Xant Yea you are happy you haue no cause to speake or complaine that haue all things you stand in need of Eu. I thanke God we two do agrée and I am sorry that you two cannot but that euery foote you are falling out Xant I thinke I shall neuer fall in with such a fellow you see how raggedly he lets me go I would I were dead if I be not ashamed many times to go out a doore when I see how finely other women are dressed that are married to farre poorer husbands then mine is Eu. Well Xantip well I pray thée be contented and if thou louest me nay if thou louest God or thy selfe marke well what our good neighbour Abigail hath said out of the Apostle Paul that the woman ought to be in subiection to her husband And againe the ornamēt of a woman lies not in gay apparell or in any setting out of herselfe to sight as S. Peter teacheth for I remember that I heard awhile ago at a Sermon that the ornament of a woman consisted in chaste and honest conditions and that the ornament of the minds or soules of godly women was loue méeknesse faith and patience c. And further that it is the guise of drabs harlots to prancke and pricke vp themselues to inueigle mens affections Now then as for vs that would be counted honest religious matrons we are neat inough if we be cleanly and can please our husbands Xant Yea but this good man of mine is such a niggard that he will not allow me wherwithall I may go handsome but prodigally he spends my portiō which though I say it was no little one Marg. If I were as thou art I would haue better things or else the house should be too hot for him My husband would not willingly let me haue such and such a thing but I trow hee shall neuer goe to praier quietly nor haue a cheerefull looke till I haue it Xant Yea but my husband doth not only keepe me without such trim attire as you haue but he will not let me haue that which is necessary but spend that we haue in tipling and swilling at dice and cards and amongst whores and harlots Eu. Good words good words I think you surmise and say more then is true Xant It is too true which I say and moreouer when hee comes home well whitled in drinke at mid-night after he hath bene a long while waited for hee snorts like a swine when he is laied and sir reuerence casts vp his drunken gorge in the bed to say no more Eu. O Xantip you make my heart ake to heare you Therefore marke this that when you doe thus disgrace your husband you shame you selfe Xant I would I were dead if I had not rather sleepe with a sow then lye by his side Marg But do you rattle him vp at his comming home Xant Yes I handle him as hee deserues I make him know that I haue a tongue in my head Marg. And what saith he againe Xant At the first he is as loud as I thinking to beare mee downe with great words Marg. But do you neuer fall from scolding to scuffling Xant Once wee were fallen out so farre that a little more would haue