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A10909 An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers. Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580.; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21180; ESTC S116065 74,007 215

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which only depende on reuelations And you which brag of your Author which is as he saye●h taught frō god his own mouth hath hard y soūd of his voice Thus miserably are you car●ed away by illusiōs herin you deceiue your selues and many others Out of the wisdome of the flesh sprange all Christopher Vitelles ●rrors Note I pray thee Reader that this Libeller acknowledgeth to haue bin in him many errors comprehended in this word ●all and anon● thou shall finde him saying he was in no error In deede the church of Christ hath felt to much expe●●ence of your heret●call head fraught full of heresies so that if any newer deuice should by Sathan be stirred vp you are as apte an instrument to broach the same as any that I know in England From no other mans bookes did this man sucke his errors and were you in error thē and by the same meanes may you not still remayne in error haue you any further priuiledge now then you had before Of necessity you must sly vnto your perfection that you cannot erre nor sinne there is no ether excuse to be had here is a mistery For you thinke it an absurde thing that your errors sp●ang from any other fountaine then the flesh of sinne No bookes no conference were meanes to bring you to this ●rro● Lo●ke well into your selfe and you shall fi●de in ●ou now more errors and he● esi●s then euer you held heretofore ●ou imagined your selfe cleansed and your h●use swept but now are s●uen morse spirites entered into you as app●areth by your doctrin and you are become ten solde the child of destruction more now th●n be●●r● And except you repent your ende will be far worse then your beginning Vitell. NEither ●an I blame any man for min● own sinnes were g●eater and horrible● in my sight ▪ then all other menne● for although I had ●ed certayne bookes of sundry wryte●s yet was I moued to sea●●h ●hether they were grounded vpon the Lo●ds promyses or no and humbling my self● befo●e the Lo●d a● desi●ous to doe his will ●o gaue he me to vnde●stand that I knew nothing of all his waye● but the troble that I ●as in whereout the Lord delyue●ed me ●s not to be exp●●ssed And i● the Lo●d of his goodnes had not comf●rted me with his holy spi●ite through hi● most holy seruice of his loue broght forth through HN. his elected minister I should haue remained without hope of life Answere NOw commeth this Vitell to declare a tragedy of himself which no man can ga●nsay being a thing secret and vnknowen to the world For our secret conflictes are troublesome I graunt when our conscience shall pres vs with the greatenes of our sinnes but whether it were so or no who can controll him or els who will beleeue his own wordes speaking so many things contrary to truth already But I must certifie that this is a speciall point of practise in the Family that when any in conference doe require how they could so easily leaue the certainty of doctrine which once they earnestly imbraced then shall you heare them tell you of marueilous conflicts much trouble and veration of minde and could neuer attaine to any quietnes vntill by the doctrine of ●● they found rest vnto their soules But may not this be an illusion of Sathan as otherwise being rightly examined for Sathan is so suttle that if he may get possession of any setled mindes who instructed in godlynes by the scriptures resist his perswasions and so cōmeth to conslict of minde in such troubles ▪ where Sathan ▪ by the Lord his permission preuayleth then worketh he in his a certayne security or peace and then they thinke all is well when ind●de neuer in worse case then so captiued in Sathans tyranny Now this man when he hath set abroad some of his troubles you shall see how he was deliuered by which we may gather what marke he shootes at namely in all troubles and agonyes of minde all must resort to the seruice of Loue set forth by his elected Minister HN. For this man if he had not taken that course he had remained without hope of lyfe certaynly great is the honor wherewith they aduaunce this their priest and prophet aboue all that is called God but my hope is that with the blast of the Lord his mouth which he hath published in the scriptures he shall be confounded and ouerthrowne so low that the fall of him which so exalted himselfe shall be to the comfort of all the Lord his children for whose ●ake he now beginneth to mani●est this lying Prophet and will I hope rayse vp to his Church men of zelous mindes which will both write and speake agaynst this wicked man of sinne which is in such credit with deceaued people which the Lord in mercy spedely bring to passe to the glory of thy name the comfort of thy church and the spoyle of Sathan and his ympes Vitell. BVt he gaue me to vnderstande there through that he would be mer●ifull vnto all penitent sinners how horrible sinnes soeuer they had cōmitted therefore I may say a medicine master getteth gretest pray●e by those that haue the filth●est and corruptest disea●es as a leprous person and such like ●uen so haue I the gretest cause to land the Lord and must confes that he wh●ch is mighty hath done great things on me and holy is his name Answere NOw after this man hath shewed his conflict of minde and how he was delyuered through the seruice of loue ministred by HN. Now he telleth that by that same he vnderstood that God would be mercifull to al sinners and I pray you did you not know of this mercy but by HN Were you ignoraunt ●of the Scriptures before you came acquainted with him his bookes His mercy and compassion is plentifully declared in the gospell which it seemeth you were ignorant of This medicine m●ster HN. hath wrought a great cure vpon this man For as one of your schollers haue written in his defence He teacheth with power and it may be the power of Sathan which leadeth men into errors and heresies Although you imagine that this is wrought by the mighty hand of the Lord abusing the words of the ●anticle which the blessed virgine did set forth magnifying the name of y Lord thereby Touching your diseases which you count to be cured it is out of dout that you are more full of infirmities and desperate diseases then euer you were although you feele them not For a body that feeleth no sicknes yet infirme and weake is hard to be cured yea irrecuperable as Phisitions prescribe Looke therfore more rightly into your selfe and you that are so whole clene you shall finde matter of corruption in you whereupon the true Phisition of our soules Christ Iesus shall if you acknowledge your sicknes and infirmity worke therby such an alteration in you as heretofore you neuer had the lyke but if you stand
trueth they seeke but singularitye For although in other matters there be difference opinions yet in ma●s election saluation redemption and regene●ation being the pillers and foundations of our fayth whosoeuer erreth herein cannot be saued I am also Christian reader to desire thee to amend and correct with thy pen certaine faultes escaped in this trea●ise by the Printer and to amend the sence of some sentences being not rightly poynted which I refer vnto thy learned Iudgement The Lord our God blesse thee and graūt vs his holy spirite that we may persist and abide in the vnitye of his holy Church and patiently abide the Lord his leasure in rooting out errors and heresies which disquiet thy little flocke They are exercises of our fayth but yet blockes whereat the wicked stumble and hinderaunces of many a mans conuersion which the Lord our God foretold vs of that in the latter dayes such should come and such daungerous dayes should be that if it were possible the elect should be deceiued The complaint of a Regenerate man vnto God the Father shewing the sorrowfulnes of his ha●t O Lord God heauenly Father tho● that art not only our God but the God of all the world we thy creatures the worke ●f thy hands make our humble prayers and supplications b●fore thy excellent maiesty ●eseeching thee O Lord not to consider vs as we a●e of our selues ea●th ashes and whatsoeuer is 〈◊〉 but as we are in Christ Iesus our Lord thy sanctified people whom thou hast chosen before all worlds to witnes thy ●ame in earth And to whom t●ou hast made manifest thy Sonne ou● Sauiour with an vncouered face to our great comfort ●et alas we vnworthy wretches finde in our selues such heapes of sinnes and such lumpes and loades of impieties that were we not stayed in thy promyses wee should perish with mistrust in thy mercies For we know that thou art a iust God and doest visite the offences of thy childrē with rods and their sinnes with whips Yet thy mercy doth neuer faile vs Yea although we sinne yet are we thine We haue O Lord tasted greatly of thy mercies Many yea●es we haue been fed with heauenly meate Long time we haue enioyed the benefite of thy gospel a blessi●● of blessinges our own conscience doth witnes yea our sinnes are so ripe and so outragious that they are ascended vp vnto the heauens and 〈◊〉 for thy iustice which we haue sore prouoked with multyplying sinne vpon since We haue not obayed thy voice We haue not harkened vnto thy seruants whom thou hast s●●t We haue propbaned thy holy Sabaoth with vaine spectacles vngodly tragedies We professe thy name in our word but deny it in deedes Our vanity is too too manifest in our apparrail Our excesse appeareth in our banquets Our small reuerence towardes thy holy name in our vayne other Our merciles charitie towards thy mēbers is too too manyfest Yea our whole life is nothing els but abuse of thy creatures with ingratitude for thy benefites So that we thy children are to expect and looke for nought els but thy heauy hand yea thy iudgements in displeasure We and our for fathers haue sinned Our Princes and Rulers our Priestes our Prophets and teachers Yea from the greatest to the least all haue followed the bypath of their own imagination deuice ▪ and haue not harkned vnto thy word to make it the lanthorne to our feete and the light to our steps Our own wayes and deuises haue preuayled We therfore O Lord our God prostrate our selues before thy maiesty beseeching thee for thy deere Sonne our Sauyour Christ Iesus sake turne not away thy face from vs in displeasure Bring not vpon vs wretches the due punishments our sinnes haue deserued Looke not vpon vs as we are of our selues but as we belōg to Christ Iesus for whose sake thou hast promised to deny vs nothing we aske in his name Looke vpon thy wonted mercies of old although the cry of our sinnes be great before thee yet the righteousnes of our Lord and Sauyour Christ Iesus is greater whom we interpose and put betweene thy iustice and our deserts Yea by him we appeare with boldnes before thee this day as childrē not as strangers saying O Our Father sanctified be thy holy name Let thy kingdome be inlarged in vs thy children Let thy will be performed in vs most obediētly euē as thy saints holy ones do fulfill the same before thee Geue vnto vs O Lord all earthly blessings this day that we may vse them to our comfort and not abuse them in pleasure Forgeue vs O Lord we beseech thee our dayly sinnes that we commit against thy diuine Maiesty And geue vs thy holy spirite that we may forgeue all such as by any degree 〈◊〉 trespas against vs Leade vs not not O Lord into tryall nor temptation aboue our strength for then our weakenes will appeare Delyuer vs O Lord from all those euils our sinnes dayly prouoke And frō all those plagues and punishments which thou hast threatned to bring vpon vs at this time Delyuer vs from the mouthes of cruell Lions which dayly ga●e to deuour vs From blondy Papistes which lye in wayte for vs and d●ly conspire to bereaue vs of the most comfortable benefit of thy word and seeke to make our liues a pray vnto their greedy desires Bring O Lord their deuises to nought Let th● li●le flock enioy the sweete comfort of thy gospell that we may praise thy holy name in our own land Roote out all sec●es and heresies which are among vs which Sathan hath stirred vp to disquyet thy church And Lord if it be thy will either to conuert them or put them to silence for euermore Preserue O Lord God our gracious Queene Elizabeth in thine own bosome Deliuer her O Lord from all conspiracies treso●s and trecheries which Sathan in his members shall deuise against her Make void their cou●cels that consult against her and let vs O Lord enioy thy blessing in her long prosperous and happy dayes Geue O lord vnto her Councellors wisdome fortitude and courage to preuent all dangers and vnto our bishops and teachers geue truth in do●trine boldnes to publish the same without 〈◊〉 And to vs thy people geue O lord humble hartes and obedyent minds that we thy children may now at the last be warned to reuerence and regard thy holy gospel and feare thy pu●●shmēt● forsaking our vain delites in earthly things so that our whol life may be a dayly watch and looking for thy glorious coming So that in our hartes we may dayly sa● Come Lord Iesus come quikly that we maybe losed f●ō th● woful vale wherein we doe nothing but prouoke thee with our sinnes ▪ Graunt O Lord we beseech thee that thy church may long enioy the liberty of thy word and geue constancy to thy members our bretheren which suffer any crosse or tribulatiō●●her in body or minde as witnesses of thy trueth Geue
the word are you your selues as is before shewed that euery one thinketh that he hath the best part as you say For mens thoughtes we referre to his knowledge that is Scrut●tor cordium remum Also you affirme that man is plaged with such a miserye and burthen but we rather say oh miserable man out of whose corrupt nature springeth such presumption and wickednes to be vnder the obedience of the Loue of Christ Iesus is our whole care and study● to him onely we cleaue on him we call vpon his mercy we depend and carefully seeke indeuour to be obedient to his will for he is our hope our anker hold our mercy seate our only cōfort in all distresse of mind our phisitiō in sicknes our gouernour in health our peacemaker the onely purchaser of our health and saluatiō he is all in all with vs and wée enioy all in all by him and through him and if this sayth were also planted in you then would your HN. be banished out of your hartes and your perfection would soone quaile and in humilitye of spirite you would ●ith v● fall downe before this méeke Lambe Christ Iesus and say peccauimus cum patribus nostris c. We haue sinned with our Fathers without which Christ no flesh that is no creature liuing is iustified in his fathers sight and Christ his death is proper to none nor b●longeth to none but sinners and such a● feele sinne or are laden with sinnes What shall then become of you Iusticiaryes with your perfite state which sinne not to follow brotherly loue is also to be wished both in you and vs and I pray you doe euen the same thē shall you not séeke out y simple people whose capaciti is lyke vnto ware which will easely receiue any print or marke seek not with your fly and suttle perswasions to seduce thē with your corrupt doctrine ▪ vnder pre●ence that you seeke onely the godly lyfe which Christians should follow whereas in déede you séeke to leade thē from Christ to HN. from the ●omfort of the holy scriptures which sheweth how mercy is offred to all penitent sinn●rs vnto a perfite state of lyfe which must be attained in this world which neuer any Christ Iesus except could attayne vnto and so you corruptly leade them away from all comfort in Christ Therefore we will not let to desire the Lord in mercy to preserue his childrē from your infected poyson Vitel. THerfore speketh the lord through his Prophet Zac●ary Iudge righteously and let euery one shew goodnes and mercifulnes vnto his brother and let no man deale vnrightly with another nor with the widowes fatherles s●●angers and poore And let no man imagine any euill against his brother in his ha●t but alas they will not haue ●●gard hereupon but ●u●ne the● backs saith the Lord vnto me and stop their eares that they heare not and harden their ha●●es as hard as a diamont For that they should not be obedi●t to the law the word which the lord sendeth in his spirite through his prophets Aunswere TOuching the saying of ●achary we wish the very same that euery one shew mercy and deale rightly with his brother with the widow and fatherles strangers and poore c. But can you alleadge these places haue no regard to folow the exhortatiō your selues how rightly do you deale with your brethren that being required to vtter your faith which you hold you deal suttelly and deceitfully with such as with well vnto you and seeke your health and delyuery from error Now regard you that no man imagine euill in his hart against his brother when as you call vs free ●nes Liberti●es and wicked blasphemers c. Who turnes their backs who stoppes their ●ares who harden their harts Haue not you turned from Christ to HN Haue not you stopt your eares against all holesome admonition which the holy Ghost hath plentifully in the holy scriptures set forth and only bent your harts vpon the bookes and wrytyngs of HN Haue you not hardened your harts and bent your faces against a manifest truth and placed HN. a prophet priest by whō God wil receiue all vnto mercy On whom may this propheticall speach or exhortation be better applyed then vpon your selues and yet will not I goe about to excuse my selfe and others that we do therein what is required but only let y world see that these men of the Family cry out and apply the sayings of the Prophets against vs and for themselues they su●pose it belongeth not to them to take wa●ning thereby in so perfecte a state do they remaine Vitell. O God prepare the harts of the people to the lowlyn●ss● that they might stand minde● in humility to the Loue and loue the comming of thy Christ in his lordl●nes through whom the whol earth shal be ●udged with righteousnes which shall moue all might and violence and bring it vnder his obedience and render vnto thee O almighty God the kingdom all power and glory to the end that thou mayest be all in all O god geue this into the harts of the gouernors that they may see it And illuminate all kinges princes Lords and potentates with thy godly wisdome that they may feare thy holy name stand submitted vnto thy Loue and her seruice and might turne them from all violence and misuse and that the world may be inhabited to thy praise in the Loue and in all righteousnes and that all men in true repentance for their sinnes might be turned vnto thee And the horrible plagues of vngodlynes which are come ouer the world for their sin●es cause cease and haue an end Answere THis part cōtaineth a prayer which this man maketh for all that they might sta●d minded in humility to the loue as I haue often complayned of the confounding this word Loue and the signification therof so here I will t●ke it in y best part to signifie God to whom we craue continually his grace to hū●le our harts that we may euer stand● obedyent to his will and that we may look for that ioyfull cōming of Christ Iesus whose appearing shal be to the comfort of his elect to their surpassing ioy but as a terrible iudge to the wicked despisers of his mercy offered and to such as haue s●t vp in their harts any other besides him or follow any other but him or delite in any other sauing h●m No violence can resist him no strength preuail with him but as you say all shall be brought vn●er his ob●d●ence ●here as you pray that all kings princes c. may ●ea●e thy holy name and stand submitted to thy loue ●ere is loue takē in another sence therfore you intricatly vse this word Loue wherby your meaning can not easily be found out For here loue and her seruice is meant such doctrine and seruice ●s you teach which you wi●h all princes were partakers of if your doctrine were a truth in d●●de then were your prayer
passion hath purchased freely for me and all others whome he chose before all worldes to be heyres and sonnes of the same inheritaunce by adoption and grace which promise or assurāce I holde ●●rmely by fayth Notwithstanding this his louing kindenes and mercy shewed towardes me if the Lord my God did not s●ill protect me guide me and de●end me I should anihilat and make voyd this mine estate or assuraūce therfore hath he geuen vnto me the participatiō of his holy spirite renewing me working in me regeneration which is a detestation lothing and hate of sinne and a minde will to serue the lord Yet so as there is a kinde of rebellion in me So that the good thinges I would doe I doe not but the euill I hate that doe I yet not I but sin that dwelleth in me I feele my flesh lusting agaynst the spirite and the spirite agaynst the flesh continually so that I cannot doe the same thinges I would ▪ I fele the law of my members striuing and rebelling agaynst the law of my minde And further to make my state and condition more throughly knowen I feele often tymes sinne and the mostons thereof so strong in me that I am for a season led captiue therewith yea without remorse so that the spirite semeth in me vtterly quenched or as ●ire raked vnder ashes that is not seene and sometime I wallow and for a season as it were forget my God notwithstanding this my backslyding I feele agayne the goodnes of my God and the working of hys spirite renewing me agayne then in sorrowfulnes and teares I bewaile my selfe in prayer y I haue so long estraunged my self offended my God then doe I féele the cōfort of his spirite which bringeth to my remēbraunce the promises of the Lord pronounced in his word videliz Though thy sinnes were as redde as scarelet yet will I make them as white as woole looke how far the heauē is from the earth so farre haue I set thy sinnes frō thee Lyke as a Father hath compassiō on his children euen so the Lord will shew mercy on me for he dealeth not with vs after our sinnes no● rewardeth vs after our iniquityes ▪ All the day long he standeth with stretched out armes ready to receaue those that turne vnto him c. Then when I feele this the Lord my God comforting me by his promises I am driuen by the working of the same his holy spirite to be partaker of the holy sacrament of his death which is to me a seale and pledge cognizaunce of my redemption which to my great comfort I receaue as a token of his loue and kindenes shewed to me and so more and more I feele sinne and Sathan weaker and by resisting him dayly I finde him and his baytes Idle my fleshe and ●he a●lurementes of the world lesse able to hurt me or to preuaile agaynst me And ● feele in my sel●● through the working of the same spirite a redynes to all good exercises of pietie as hearin● of the word Prayer A●stinence Charitie towards Christes members Loue Peace Io● c. But yet still I féel finne with her motions neuer ce●sing a fresh to assay me and try me with new assaults and sifting me euery way againe and agayne charging me oftē with the dexterity of the law with the greatnes of my sinnes laying them particularly before me with great horror preparing such bookes and baites for me that if I were not preserued by the great goodnes of my God I should vtterly dispaire and fal away but the Lord doth comfort me still saying My grace is sufficient for thee My grace is made strong through thy weaknes Be of good cheare I haue ouercome the world In such case I am and such is my battaile continually and alwaies fighting this vnder my graund captayne I preuayle and am not vāquished nor vtterly ouercomed yet agayne I prepare for a newe skirmish place my selfe in y formost rāk to abyde the brunt of the next incoūter so that I neuer looke for any rest nor peace whilst I am in this vale of misery for my lyfe is a cōtinuall warfare Yet in this exercise or continuall skirmish I am at peace in minde and conscience knowing and firmely beleeuing that my redeemer liueth who hath trod the wine presse alone and hath offered me the cup of Saluation and sealed in my hart the pledge of hy● loue so that with confidence and boldnes I haue accesse vnto my God and by the mediation of my Lord and Sauiour Christ I obtaine what soeuer is necessary or behou●full for me for I beyng thus knit vnto my God do boldly make my prayers vnto hym yet in trem●ling and feare I acknowledge my offences say O Lord my God I dayly confesse mine offences my sins are euer before me Enter not into Iudgemēt with thy seruaunt for no flesh is righteous in thy sight ●f thou O Lorde obserue●t myne iniquities who is able ●o abide it For thy holy name sake O Lord be mercifull vnto myne iniquitie for it is grea● Remember not the faults of my youth Shew vnto me thy mercy and graunt me thy salvatiō Thus dayly and nightly I bewaile my misery confesse my ●●nnes vnto the Lord my God and acknowledge that ●f the Lord should con●ond with me in iustice I were not able to answere For what is man that he should be cleane or he that is borne of a woman that he should be iust For he founde no sted●astnes in his saints yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight How much more man which is abhominable and filthy and drinketh iniquitie like water Whose very righteousnes is like a cloth defiled with the vn●●mely b●●th of a woman Thus considering my state and condition I rest qu●et in mind and by faith in the sonne of God Christ Iesus I dout nothing of my saluation but accept gladly the battaile warfare I haue with sinne and Sathā continually as tokens of his great mercy and pl●dges of his loue in f●eling the redy help and speedy deliuery of y lord who in time to me vnknowen will visite mine offences in this life with whips and my sinn●s with scourges but his mercy he wil● neuer take from me And thus being chosen call●d and prepared he sanctifieth me by death maketh a wa● and entrance vnto an happy life where I shall behold that ioyfull sight euen the Lamb that was 〈◊〉 for me And shall follow him wh●resoe●er he goeth Singing praise and thankes to him for euer and euer Amen The state and condition of a Regenera●● man af●er the doctrine and ●eaching of HN. in the pretended ●amily of Loue. BEloued in the beginning when God made all things well then was ●he Lord one Lord of his kingdo●e and one God of his workes There was also no more but one
godly or learned man in all Christēdome will allow your HN. and his bookes for true doctrine you for your part haue trauelled the most part of this 10. yeares and yet I cannot vnderstād of any godly ●r learned man that imbraceth your doctrine onely some erroneus spirites whose heddes haue bin intox●●ated with other horrible heresies doe ioyne with you in these your wicked attempes also certay●● vnlearned country people with whom by your sugred speaches and fayre wordes you haue not a little preuailed to the destructiō of their soules If you would choose any godly and learned men to heare your reasons and argumentes th● matter might quietly be debated you doe but in wordes make a shew a● though you would stand to indifferent and vnp●rciall iudgement But when it commeth to tryall you will be iudged onely by your selues which is the safest way to cloke your impietyes Vitel. THerefore consider what you haue done for I am sure you are not appoynted a iudge by the Lord but Christ will come with his Saintes and iudge the world and all nations with righteousnes and he will send his Aungells for to kepe and to gather the corne together and they shall bring the corne into the Barne but the weedes shall be cast into the vnquen●hable fire therefore iudge you nothing before the Lord come whilest you cannot as yet discerne the hearbes from the weedes nor the corne from the chaffe for with the same iudgement that you iudge shall you be iudged in asmuch as you are guilty ▪ in the same which you falsely iudge ouer others Aunswere I Am not appoynted a Iudge but Christians must not be lyke Horse and Moyle that haue no vnderstanding I onely admonish you as is euery mās duty of such doctrine as you teach to the poore people which is corrupt and therefore knowing the same I haue manifested it to the world that your cause might sooner if you be disposed come to tryall and that trueth might appeare where it is You further discourse of the second comming of Christ I hope you meane it not otherwise but in the resurrection of all fle●● I writ this because HN. in the preface of his booke called a good Instruction of the vpright sayth the 2. division sayth these wordes For as much thei● as that now in this same newest day the comming of Iesus Christ as a Lord in his maiestye from the right hand of God his Father appear●th and becommeth manifested vnto 〈◊〉 with full clearenes of his heau●nly illumination ●ccording to the scrip●●●e c. Here HN. telleth that Iesus Christ is come and is manefest to you of his Familye and that he is come from the right hand of God his father Our fayth is that he shall come from thēce in the end of the world but HN. telleth his Familye that he is come therefore your wordes and your Authors agree not this is very suspitious doctrine touching the resurrection and this augmenteth more suspition that one of your Family being asked before many witnesses touching Christes comming to iudgement did aunswere playne that he was already come meaning his second comming I could name the partye yet my hope is that you teach not so heathnishly of our resurrection and of Christ his glorious comming to Iudgement Vitell. MOreouer you affirme in your wrighting that you and all that are as your are whome you ●all God his children doe feele your selues wounded with sin vnto death but by grace geuen from aboue that wholesome medecine Christe Iesus whose passion hath purged whose bloud hath clēsed whose death hath cured all your diseases and maladies c. So you confesse you neede not any more for you are clensed and cured of al your diseases wherefore do you then condemne HN. which doth teache none other doctrine where through men shal come to lyfe euerlasting but through the passiō death and bloud of Iesus Christ but you are clensed as you say and therefore haue you no more neede of Christ nor of hys safemaking oyle of the godly saluation for you affirme that ye are all cleane and I would ye were clensed through Iesus Christ for then coulde yee neither slaunder nor lye Aunswere I Haue sayd that all God his Children feele themselues wounded with ●h● vnto death c. the remedy I hau● also shewed as you haue set down but your conclusion is false and cannot bee collected of my wordes that I neede not anye more because I am clense● and cured for we need his prouidenc● still to protect vs and his grace to defend vs in all our actions for wee ar● stil subiect to ●all into sinnes not withstanding in the purpose of God we bee hys elect and to our comfort do feele the Lorde worke in vs a hate of sinne which is a testimony to our conscience that we pertayne vnto the Lord Iesu● yet so as the dregges of sinne with the motions thereof lurke in our bodye● although you deny it our battayle against ●inne is continuall and shal neuer haue end vntill our earthly tabernacle shal be turned to dust contrar● to your doctrine of perfection you ask● why I blame HN. whiche teacheth no other doctrine I would be nor you did not but how contrary you speake vnto the truth doth mani●estly appeare You charge me agayne vntruely that because we are clensed wee neede no more of Christ this woulde you haue but our need● wee still acknowledge our wantes we vtter and yet doubt nothing of our deliuery from sin hell and death and although wee acknowledge this our redemption and forgeuenes of our sinnes yet so as the remembraunce thereof still worketh repentaunce in vs and also wee often feele the law to presse vs the iustice of God to terrefie vs our cōscience to accuse vs in such trouble are often the children of God but stil by grace giuen vs through fayth wee acknowledge Christe Iesus who hath interposed himselfe betweene vs and the law betwene vs and the Iustice of God c. with such conflictes doth the Lord still exercise hys Childrē and so doth hereby schole vs that feeling our want or neede and our miseries we might flee to him for strēgth for mercy for help but I doubt whether you in your Family with your presumtuous doctrine of perfectiō do féel any of these exercises the godly Christian is partaker of ▪ Now you wishe that I were clensed through Iesus Christ for then coulde I neither slaunder nor lye ●oe here appeareth vnawares that you when you are clensed can sinne no more but for my owne part I acknowledge and I doubt not but verely beleue through Christ that my sinnes by his death are clensed and yet subiect both to lye and slaunder Although I know not neither is it yet manifest vnto me that I haue wittingly either belyed or slaundered either you or your Aucthor or maliciously haue written any thing agaynst you yet it may be that I haue bin informed otherwise then trueth in
will not ioy nor rest in peace vntill all your errors be disclosed and ●ou and your fellowes be brought to ●umble your selues before the Lord without your HN. which the Lord bring spedely to passe Amen Vitell. NOw must I for want of tyme passe ouer and omit many thinges and submit my cause vnto the almighty desiring him of his goodnes for to try our cause in his ballaun●e of equitye euen with the Loue and trueth for so shall there then be expressed and testified by the light or Christ that Gods honour is declared with the Loues seruice most sincerely Aunswere THis Libel was not long enough but he mu●● o●●t much matter and so as he sayth submit his cause vnto the almighty c. ●ut if you did as becōmeth a true Christian you should not onely submit your cause vnto the Lord who in patience su●freth Ipocrites to trouble his Church but also submit your doctrine to be tryed and iudged by his holy word which is a iust iudge in all causes of controuersy For if your protestation shall be admitted without exception thē euill doers and blasphemers of God and Christ may haue liberty to referre their cause vnto the Lord but since almighty God hath in earth a knowen Church it is requisite that euery one being required should geue account of his fayth and hope as the scriptures doe teach you would haue your cause tryed in the ballaunce of equitye a truer ballance is not then his law which is without blot or wrinkle if you would abide the tryall thereof your doctrine and your patrone HN. should be found lighter then vanitye it selfe Where you adde with the Loue trueth the Loue you so often confound that you know not your selues the meaning thereof sometyme you wil signifie Christ by that name loue sometime a vertue procéeding sometyme a qualitye of the minde sometyme for the exercise which you priuately vse where to finde the exposition of this word Loue you leue it as vncertaine then it shall be expressed you say by the light or Christ that by you God his honor is declared with the Loues seruice sincerely here is Loue agayne ioyned with seruice which cannot meane as I thinke any thing ●lls but God his seruice I take it in the best part if you haue any other more secret misterye therein I leaue to your selues but touching any seruice you doe to God it is Ipocrysye so long as you serue him without Christ or with any other and Christ for he will admit no other to haue place in mens hartes but himselfe he made all he requireth all Vitell. OH what a daūgerous tyme is it presently in these last dayes and how vnrightly haue many vnregenerated men set vp themselues to geue iudgement with their good thinking For whatsoeuer euery one mindeth thinketh good and electeth ●ther falleth to that same prayseth and iudgeth he for the most best and for a righteousnes thereto also he wresteth the scripture according to his will for the scripture is seruiceable vnto euery one euen as he is minded be it whatsoeuer to be high minded in pleasant lustes either to be debased in misery to be mer●y or sorowfull with sighing either with thankes to be despised and persecuted or to persecute and despise one an other and many such lyke c. Answere OF the daūgerous tyme we are not ignorant of and more we tell you that you and your fellowes make the tyme much more daungerous and troublesome with your errors which HN. and you haue raysed vp Now you complayne that vnregenerat men haue set vp themselues you meane by vnregenerat men all others which are not illuminat nor deif●ed as your Elders are The children of God for whome Christ dyed whose names are written in the booke of lyfe are regenerate although as I haue sayd before you account none to be regenerat but such as haue no motions of sinne or sinne not but you say that the same vnregenerat men with their good thinking ▪ that same he prayseth and iudgeth for righteousnes but who might worse alledge the same then you who c●mm●nd without reason or cause your Au●hor and his mōstrous do●trin● which hath in it such grosse absurd●●yes and most contrary to God and his word and you are they that pe●uert the scripture to set vp your Prophet and his doctrine and what is spoken of Christ doe you not wickedly apply the same to your HN. doe you not apply this place of Malarhy chap. 3. which our Sauiour Christ verefied to be propesied of Iohn behold I will send my messenger which shall prepare the way before me Againe Math. 11. he shall turne the hart of the Fathers to the children and the hartes of the children c. doe you not I say apply these places to signifye your HN. and that it is ment by him therefore there are none found such wresters of the scriptures as you And where as you affirme that the scripture is seruiceable vnto euery one therein you shew what reuerence you haue vnto y same for although you such others do abuse the scripture contrary to y purpose of y holy ghost yet are the scriptures y wisedome of God reuealed to man and is a perfit law of righteousnes and not as you vngodly and vnreuerently tearme it seruiceable vnto euery one Your companions the Papistes haue as you doe called the scripture a nose of ware a shipmans hose c. but most wickedly and falsely to both your confusions it is the power of God vnto saluatiō Vnto them that beleue the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe but vnto such as you are which so vnreuerently speake thereof it is the sauor of death vnto death the scriptures doe not maintayne pleasant lustes nor high mindes as you vnreuerently suppose but they are to comfort and lift vp the sorrowfull and broken mindes and to beate downe and correa the hauty and proud stomackes If vngodly men such as you are abuse them to other purposes the fault is in the persons not in the word Vitell. WHereunto euery one wresteth the scripture and defendeth his cause therewith insomuch that euery one thinketh that he for his part hath the most best Behold with such a misery is the man plagued such manner of good thinking and vnprofitable burthen hath he taken vpon him oh that we left all such and gaue ouer our vnderstanding captiue ether suffred it to be plu●kt vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesu Christ and followed after the cōmon brotherly loue innocently or vndeceitfully and continued concordably in prayer vnto God ●l that God receiued vs to mercy released vs frō the sin of the ignorant knowledge and established his promise on vs to the laud prayse and honor of his holy name and to our saluation Aunswere YF euery one wrest the scripture where shall wee finde Christ his Church who is led by the spirite of trueth according to his promise th● greatest wresters of
good but forasmuch as your doctrine is false wicked and fantasticall therfore your prayer is corrupte and abhominable and to be despised and all princes that fear the Lord wil become vtter enemies to you ● your doctrine and seek diligently to amend if it be possible your corruptions and I doute not but the Lord hath in his Church men of zealous mindes who will not see the glory of our immortall God nor the death passion and resurrection of Christ Iesus our Lord so defaced dar●kned and shadowed And that his Church may be purged of such corrupt weedes which spring vp séeking to destroy that good corn which is sowed already O Lord God we humble sinners abiding in the vnity of thy holy Church doe most humbly hartely pray thee euē for thy sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus sake that thou wilt in m●rcy looke vpon thy poore afflicted Church and the members thereof that by no malice of Sathan no pretence of collored speach nor no vanity of minde any of thy children be caryed away as straying from thy fould but that O Lord they may agayne be ioyned to thy flock so that so many as pertayne vnto that good shepherd of our soules Christ Iesus may laud and prayse thy name with one voyce and O Lord we most humbly beseech thee to clense thy Church from the filthy dregges of doctrine which wicked mē through the malice of Sathan haue deuised to disquiet thy peaceable Sion conuert thou them O Lord wée beseech thee mollify their stony hartes which haue set vp a Prophet whome thou O Lord hast not sent let them O Lord behold how farre they haue declyned from thy wayes and followed the doctrine of deceaueable men let them see from whome they haue departed to whom they clea●e fast And although we O Lord by our offences and the manyfold transgressions wherwith we prouoke thy merci●ull goodnes who doe know thy will and yet are so slow performer● therof wherby thou O Lord doest punish our offences so that wicked men now set vp thēselues against vs accusing vs and that worthely of the breaking of thy holy lawes So O Lord although we haue thus sore prouoked thy goodnes by our offences yet we beseech thee consider thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour whose obedience righteousnes to thy will ▪ thou hast by promise made it ours so that belōging to thy sonne we are shadowed vnder his righteousnes and couered vnder his winges in safety from eternall destruc●ion But such is thy goodnesse O mercifull God to try thy children here in earth how stedfast we will bid batta●le against Sathan and his impes and how constant we will abide therein so that no blast nor inuation of enemies shall I hope shake that foundation of faith that thou hast pl●nted in vs which we most humbly desire thy maiesty to increase and that we may perseu●re and continue in the vnity of thy holy church in this life and after we may inioy t●e fruition of thy godly mai●stye and sing pr●yses vnto thee world without end Vitell. O Lord let vs finde grace before thine eyes and heare ou● humble s●pplication which we make vnto thee in the sorrowfulnesse of our ha●ts For a broaken hart and a sorrowfull sp●●ite wilt thou O Lord not despise ▪ for euen there wilt thou enter 〈◊〉 and therby m●●e thine habitation and sanctifie thy name from gen●ration t●●en●●●tio● 〈◊〉 in euerlastingnes It is very true Answere O Lord we b●seech thée turne the harts of thes● deceaue● people and graunt them thy hol● s●irit y they may discern thy truth tau●ht in thy holy word and not geue ea●e vnto an●e which teach cōtrary therto ouerthrow their deuices brig to light their de●●●ts for thy holy names sake That we thy childrē may rei●yce ouer their t● uersiō so together with one voice magnifie praise thy glorious name ▪ and that those straying sh●●p may be brought in to thy fold again 〈◊〉 it be thy bles●●d wil Reueale vnto them O Lord we beseech thee the office and death of thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour that they tasting the swetenes thereof may ●orsake the confidence they haue in their perfection and that we may all acknowledge onely Christ Iesus to be per●ite and we our selues dust and dung and whatsoeuer is vile let n●t Sathan lead thē captiue but O Lord we besech thee pull them out of the Lyons mouth and conioyne them to thy holy Church out of which they haue wandred ouer long in doctrines of men Let thy strength appeare O Lord and let our weakenes be made open to them let the effect of thy Gospell breake into their hartes of stone that they may tast féele how sw●ete the Lord is in mercy towardes sinners and how seuere to such as iustify thēselues And if it stand with thy good will pleasure thus to cōuert thē at the sute of our earnest prayers we shall for the same geue thankes in thy Church euermore But if thy Churche shall haue thereby their tryall made knowē to the world herein O Lord kéepe thy children and such as loue th● Lord Iesus embrace the ioyfull tidinges of the Gospell in thine owne bosome that they be not led away with any pretences of pietye into error or corruption but defend them as thou hast promised that what pittye a Father hath ouer his childrē lyke pittye thou O Lord wilt shew vnto thē which we besech thee graunt vs for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake to whome with the holy ghost be honor land prayse power and dominion from euerlasting to euerlasting So be it The state and condition of a regenerate man by the rule of holy scripture compared with the state of a regenerat man by the doctrine of HN. in the Familye of Loue. I Being in my creation at the first in most excellent state and happines hauing by diuine prouidēce in my selfe frée choyse will to choose the good and refuse the euill described by fire and water I willingly and of mine owne accord gaue place to euill and so worthely by iustice brought vpon my selfe the heauy hand of my God and the dexteritye of his law ▪ with malediriō cursse where in ● had remained euerlastingly had not the Lord my God in mercy and of his speciall grace beholding my woe●●●l ●ase without any desert of mine prouided and promised a deliuerer a Sauiour euē the Lord Iesus which in ●ulnes of time came whome the Patriarches hoped after whome the Prophets foretold of which died for my sinnes and rose agayne for my iustification who put out the hand writing of the law pronounced agaynst me ●astened it to his crosse who suffered for me y I might raigne with him who left me an example that I should ●ollow his steppes And which is more without cōdition promis●d me eternall lyfe which by the onely sacrifice of his death he hath obtayned and by his paynefull
vpon your perfection integrity he commeth to such a as terrible Iudge to your confusion where on the contrary we reioyce in his mercy still acknowledging our sinnes our wantes crying calling vpon him all the dayes of our ly●es with the Prophet Dauid and saying if thou O Lord looke straightly vpon our sinnes Lord Lord who shall abide it c. Correct vs O Lord but yet in thy mercy not in thy fury least we should be consumed c. thus we still call vpō the Lord for our deliuery acknowledge our continuall transgressions which are euer before vs as prickes to prouoke vs forward to doe therein our duety that is to aske mercy of the Lord our God who willeth vs to call vpon him in the day of our trouble Vitell. FVrthermore cōcerning Christophers being at Paules Crosse and the cause why he came there that can my Lord Byshop doctor Grindall declare best For he knoweth he found me in no error and so he there sayd neither had he any law to compell me to come the●her but he desired me to come cōfesse that I held no such opiniō or error wherby the false brute might be stayed which went of me so I accomplished his request therein albeit I cōfessed that I had in some poyntes bin deceiued by certayne straungers c. now I wish that you would inquire of my Lord doctor Grindall for I thinke he will testify the matter euen as it was Answere COncerning Christopher Vitells being and recanting at Paules Crosse there are many yet liuing that were presēt doe verefy what I haue sayd touching my L. of Cant. whom you appeale vnto if y case be so as you haue affirmed then is he worthy great blame to desire any mā to recāt which is in no error ● come to such a famous place as Paules Crosse is Before in the 35. section you confesse that out of the wisedome of the flesh sprang all Christoffer ●itells errors and now you affirme that you were in no error agayne in this tractation you confesse that in some poyntes you had bin deceaued by certayne straungers and in an other place you a●ouch that by no other mens counsell or bookes you were deceiued such a gift you haue to say ▪ and vnsay to affirme and to deny but the trueth is that you were prisoner in the counter in woodstret by commaundement of the Byshop that then was and there is your name regestred and your comming was not voluntary as you vntruely affirme but coacted by the law Mages●rates vse not to desire men to come to publick place to confesse their heresies but the law it selfe doth vrge it and you according to the law for your releasement out of prison did recant at the Crosse and named your error to be Arrianisme whether you did it from the hart that the Lord God knoweth Now consider this man for his credit sake among his deceaued Familye would perswade that such a péece of iniustice was shewed vnto him as he sayth but he is proued a lyer not onely in this but in many other matters verefying the olde prouerb mend●cem memorem esse oporte● a lyer had neede to haue a good memory And where as you so confidētly affirme that you were in no error whē you were at the Crosse the contrarye whereof is manifest I will put you in minde of the disputations and conferēce that diuers mē had with you in Queene Maryes dayes M. Ro. Crowley a reuerent and godly preacher yet liuing who affirmeth that seueral times he disputed with you concerning the blasphemy of Arryus and you cōtinually denyed Christ Iesus to be God equall with his Father and immoueably you remained all her raigne of that minde and this M. Crowley is redy to auouch agaynst you whensoeuer you or any for you will require to be certafied Also one Ione Agar an olde mayde which wayted on those in office for the Cittye as Mayors and shrieffes did declare to M. Fulkes the Elder and others that you Christopher Vitell whome she named to be hyr cosin had taught her playnely that Christ was not God but onely a good man and a Prophet and that there were men that shee did know liuing that were as good and as holy men as he was and further that Maister Latimer Maister Ridley and others which gaue their lyf● for Christes cause were starke fooles and did not well in suffering death such wickednes haue you bin the Aucthor of yet now to hould your credit with your Familye you would haue the world beleue that you were in no error but you are worthy the reward of a lyer which is that when he speaketh trueth he is not beleued This man is chosen and found to be the aptest person to be an illuminat Elder in HN. his Family of greatest credit among those deceiued soules a fitter instrument to beare record of HN. and his doctrine then to declare the ioyfull message of Christ our redeemer whome he hath blasphemed denying his diuinitye worthely are they deluded that follow such a deceiuer That man that once hath made shipwrack of fayth good conscience and is possessed with error it is hard to reclayme him but that some spice of that maladye will lurke in him or a worse as is proued true by you you confessed then you were deceaued by certayne straungers and haue you not as great cause to suspect your selfe deceaued now by HN. a straunger in nation and estraunged from God and Christ in his doctrine published contrary to his will reuealed in the holy scriptures if you would consider with indifferency you were neuer so notably deceiued then as you are now for looke into all the workes of HN. what doe they tend to but that he is a prophet raysed vp by God and an elected minister a priest in office by whome God wil receiue all men in mercy With such lyke testimonyes doth he vtter of himselfe and his Familye doe beleue the same I would his credit were not so great with you but that you could cōpare his sa●ings with the scriptures and haue an eye vnto ●s collections of the same and how he followeth the grossest ●raslation of the Bible delighting in that most specially and his allegations applyed so farre from the sence of the holy ghost that a man meanely exercised ●n the scripture may playnely see his corruption Many brutes haue bin of you touching your erronious spirite and in deede they that haue truely noted your disposition doe affirme that you could neuer lyke of any publick doctrine which was taught but had alwayes a desire of singularitye such a troubler of Christ his Church haue you bin but blessed be the name of y Lord who hath made manifest your her●sies although you will not scarcely acknowledge thē so that the simplest among many thowsandes is sufficiētly ass●sted by the Lord to bewray and display your manifest impietye and the Lord hath in store of his Church that