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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10770 An exposicion in Englishe vpon the Epistle of .S. Paule, to the Colossians wherin the letter is purely declared, with many good exhortations to flee vice, and to take vertue, as shall appere clerely to the faithfull reader throughout all this epistle: written by Lancelot Ridley of Cantorbury. Anno salutis humanæ M.D.XLVIII.; Exposicion in Englishe upon the Epistle of. S. Paule to the Colossians. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1548 (1548) STC 21039; ESTC S104540 65,741 282

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Ephe. v By God inwardly workyng by his spirite that cutteth from the harte all euil thoughtes carnal lustes and affeccions and this is called the circumcision of the harte signified in the olde lawe by the outward Circumcision of the flesh And this our baptisme is come to vs in the stede of circumcision to the Iewes and is as necessarie and more profitable to vs then was Circumcisiō to the Iewes in the tyme of the old law And as it was necessary by Gods cōmaundement Gene. xvii That all young men children should be Circumcised the eighte daie So it is no lesse necessarie that all young children should be Baptised for without Baptisme none can bee saued Ihon .iii. Math .xxviii. Marke .xvi. Therfore the Anabaptistes are greatly to bee blamed that would not haue young children Christened or Baptised in the water and in the holy Ghost Of Baptisme of young children I haue spoken Ephe. iiii Therfore I do not speake of it in this place any more And you whē you wer ded by synne and by the vncircūcisiō of your flesh together with hym he hath quickened you again forgeuyng to you all youre synnes and put awaie that hand writyng that was against vs conteined in the lawe writtē with the decre that was contrary to vs and that toke he clere awaye and fastened it to the crosse hath spoyled Rule and power and hath made a shewe of theim openly and hath triūphed ouer thē in his awne persone The Apostle here sheweth the thyng that he shewed more at large Ephe. ii That is what we are of our selfes mightes and powers what we be by Christ By our awne nature receiued of Adam we wer ded by synne originall and of our selfes by actuall synne but by Christe alone we be restored again to life and God hath forgeuen vs our synnes frely without our merites or deseruinges for Christes sake onely and where we wer Gentiles vncircumcised now bee Circumcised in oure hartes haue cutte awaie from our hartes all carnall affeccions lustes appetites contrary to the spirite of GOD. And where as the hande writyng was against vs that is where as the law written called hand written did conuince vs of synne that wee could not deny but we wer synners and for our synne had deserued death and we wer worthie death yet it pleased God onely of his mere mercie and grace to forgeue vs our synnes and to make vs heires of the heauenly inheritaūce and partakers of his glory by Iesus Christe Also where as the lawe did condempne vs for our syn to death it pleased God of his mercie not onely to forgeue vs our synnes but also to take awaie that hande writyng that condēpneth vs for synne to deth and that writyng was the lawe of God written that shewed all men to be synners in the sight of GOD and no man to bee iuste Christe onely excepted in the sight of God and for sinne worthie death The Apostle here vseth a Metaphor of a writyng or of an obligacion made where men be bound to fulfill the writyng or obligacion made This writing is the lawe of God it requireth that all men should fulfill the lawe no manne fulfilled the lawe Christ onely excepted wherefore al men was found by the lawe gyltie worthie death because thei fulfilled not the law that thei were bounde to kepe This lawe Christ not onely for himself but for all them that beleue in hym or shall beleue in hym to the worldes ende did fulfill that it shall not bee imputed to theim that beleue in Christe any trasgression of the lawe for Christ is the fulfiller of the law and we by hym in hym Christ is the perfeccion of the lawe to al thē that beleue in hym Ro. x. 2 He hath fastened it to the crosse Now he sheweth when he deliuered vs from synne and brake in peces the Obligacion that condempneth vs to death for synne it was whē he suffered death vpon the crosse for vs and toke our synnes vpon his backe Esay liii And in that suffryng he ouercame the deuill and all our enemies synne death and hell and the deuill and all wicked spirites whom he calleth here rule and power and in token of victorie he sprede abrode banners of victorie and the spoyles of enemies diuided and did triumph noblely ouer his enemies and that by no other power or mighte but by his awne power and might and strength that al honor and glory should be geuē to God alone and to none other for all victories had ouer our enemies to declare vnto vs by whom and in whose name and power wee shall ouercome oure enemies the deuill the worlde and the fleshe that is in the name of Christe and by Christe alone and not by holy water sprynkelyng or by the sound of an holy bell by a palme crosse holy candle or other sorcery or witcherie as some folishly and supersticiously hath thought for these cānot driue awaie the deuill but rather the deuill is kepte and mainteined by suche false trustes vain hope lies for Christ droue not away the deuill when he was tēpted of the deuill Mat. iiii With holy water holy candle palmes or crosses but by the woorde of GOD resistyng all temptacions of the deuil and so by the woorde of God muste we resist and ouercome the deuill Ephesi vi Therefore let no man iudge you in meate or drynke or in parte of the holy daie as the newe Moone or Sabboth dayes which are shadowes of thynges to come the body verely is of Christ The Apostle semeth here to gather a conclusion of the wordes and sentences goyng before after this maner forasmuche as Christ hath restored you ded to life again and hath circumcised your hartes and forgeuen you all your synnes and takē awaie that hande writyng that condēpned you to death for sin in you ye and also hath ouercomed all your aduersaries that was against you or would haue accused yon and hath had victorie ouer thē And also you in Christ haue all iustice holines wisedome forgeuenes of synne redempcion saluacion life and all perfeccion fredom from al captiuitie of the deuill synne death or hell fire from all seruitude and bondage of the lawe and that by Christe onely that you hauyng and possessyng Christe by true faithe haue no nede of the lawe or workes of it that you should not thynke the lawe necessary to saluacion that is that you should not thynke that without you kepe the lawe and all the Ceremonies of it you could not bee saued as some thought no man could be saued without he were Circumcised in the fleshe accordyng to the old lawe Gene. xvii Commaunded to Abraham and his posteritie duryng the tyme of the law but against that opinion saincte Paule throughout all his Epistles laboreth and sheweth plainly that Circumcision is not necessary to saluaciō but that without Circumcision and workes of the lawe such as beleue in Christe shal bee saued although