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A10180 The Church of Englands old antithesis to new Arminianisme VVhere in 7. anti-Arminian orthodox tenents, are euidently proued; their 7. opposite Arminian (once popish and Pelagian) errors are manifestly disproued, to be the ancient, established, and vndoubted doctrine of the Church of England; by the concurrent testimony of the seuerall records and writers of our Church, from the beginning of her reformation, to this present. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitij Lincolniensis. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1629 (1629) STC 20457; ESTC S115281 150,664 200

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Wherefore wee beseech him to grant vs true repentance and his holy Spirit that those things may please him which wee doe at this present c O God make cleane our hearts within vs. O God from whom all holy desires all good counsels and all good workes doe proceed c. That it may please thee to giue vs an heart to loue and dread thee and diligently to walke after thy Commandements That it may please thee to giue vs true repentance and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy Spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy Word Though wee be tyed and bound with the chaine of our sins yet let the pittifulnesse of thy great mercy loose vs c. Almighty God giue vs grace that wee may cast off the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of light c. O Lord raise vp thy power and come among vs and with great might succour vs that whereas by our sinnes and wickednesse wee be sore let and hindered thy bountifull grace and mercy may speedily deliuer vs c. See the Collects on the 1. 4. 5. Sundayes after the Epiphany O GOD create in vs new and contrite hearts c. Almighty God who doest see that of our selues wee haue no power to helpe our selues keepe thou vs both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our soules c. Almighty God wee humbly beseech thee that as by thy speciall grace preuenting vs thou doest put into our hearts good desires so by thy continuall helpe wee may bring the same to good effect God the strength of all those that trust in thee mercifully heare our prayers and because the weakenesse of our mortall nature can do no good thing without thee grant vs the helpe of thy grace that so we may please thee both in will and deede Lord of all power and might which art the onely author and giuer of all good things grasse in our hearts the loue of thy name increase in vs true Religion nourish vs with all goodnesse and of thy mercy keepe vs in the same Grant vs O Lord wee beseech thee the spirit to thinke and to doe alwayes those things as bee righteous that wee which cannot be without thee may by thee be able to doe according to thy will c. Lord wee pray thee that thy grace may alwaies preuent and follow vs and make vs continually giuen to all good workes O God for asmuch as without thee wee cannot please thee graunt that thy mercy may alwaies direct and rule our hearts See the 2. 6. 13. 15. and 22. Sundaie after Trinitie to the same effect Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts to keepe this Lawe Preuent vs O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious fauour and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in all our workes begunne continued and ended in thee c. My good childe know that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the Commandements of God and to serue him without his speciall grace Almighty God who makest vs both to will and to doe the things that bee acceptable vnto thy Maiestie c. Turne vs O good God and so shall we be turned Thirdly that Christ Iesus dyed sufficiently for all mankinde but effectually for none but the Elect and true beleeuers who alone are saued by his death The sufficiency of Christs death for all mankinde is expressed in these seuerall places O God the Sonne redeemer of the World haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners Aboue all wee must giue humble and hearty thankes to God the Father c. for the redemption of the world by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ c. Almighty God our heauenly Father which of thy tender mercy diddest giue thine onely Sonne Iesus Christ to suffer death vpon the Crosse for our Redemption who made there by his owne oblation once offered a full perfect and sufficient sacrifice oblation and satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world c. O Lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the world haue mercy vpon vs. thou that takest away the sinnes of the world receive our prayers Secondly in God the Sonne who hath redeemed mee and all mankinde O Sauiour of the world saue vs which by thy Crosse and Passion hast redeemed vs All this must bee vnderstood onely of the sufficiency and merit of Christs death not of the efficacie benefit and application of it which belongs to none but to the true Church of Christ euen the Elect and true beleeuers as these passages ensuing will informe vs. When thou hadst ouercome the sharpnesse of death thou diddest open the Kingdome of heauen to all beleeuers We pray thee helpe thy seruants whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloud O Lord saue thy people and make thy chosen people ioyfull Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and Redeemed his people To giue knowledge of Saluation to his people for the remission of their sins His mercy is on them that feare him throughout all generations He remembring his mercy hath holpen his seruant Israel c. Spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloud This is the bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many for the Remission of sinne Grant that by the merits and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ through faith in his bloud we and all thy whole Church may obtaine remission of our sinnes and all other benefits of his passion Now the Church the mysticall body of Christ is the blessed company of all faithfull and elect people and none else but they as the next prayer the Collect on good Fryday and the places quoted in the first Position prooue And whereas the Minister in distributing the Bread and wine saith particularly to euery man take this in remembrance that Christ dyed for thee drinke this in remembrance that Christs bloud was shed for thee it cannot imply that Christ dyed effectually for all men but the contrary that hee dyed only thus for the Elect and faithfull because our Church prohibites all such as want true faith and repentance or liue in any grosse and knowne sinnes to come to the Sacrament admitting none but true and faithfull penitents to it so that the Minister and our Church doe alwayes looke vpon all Communicants as the elect and chosen Saints of God endued with true faith and repentance and so they may well apply at leastwise in the iudgement of Charity the efficacy and merits of Christs death vnto them I will conclude this point with the passage of A Prayer necessary for all men Iesus Christ thy onely Sonne hath perfectly fulfilled thy Law to iustifie all men that beleeue and trust in him And thus much for our Common Prayer Booke Certaine Homilies appointed
or breaking of Gods commandements without repentance● pertaineth not euerlasting life but euerlasting death Therefore let vs set our whole faith and trust in GOD and neither the world the deuill nor all the power of them shall preuaile against vs. Let vs by such vertues as ought to spring out of faith shew our election to be sure and stable as S. Peter teacheth Endeuour your selues to make your calling and election certaine by good workes If you feele and perceiue such a faith in you reioyce in it and be diligent to maintaine it and keepe it still in you let it bee daily increasing and more and more by well working and so shall you be sure that you shall please GOD by this faith and at the length as other faithfull men haue done before so shall you when his will is come to him and receiue the end and finall reward of your faith as S. Peter nameth it the saluation of our soules But euerlasting● thankes bee to Almighty GOD for euer there is neuer a one of all these causes no nor yet them altogether that can make a true Christian man afraid to die who is the very member of Christ the Temple of the holy Ghost the Sonne of God and the very inheritour of the euerlasting kingdome of heauen but plainely contrary he concieueth great and many causes vndoubtedly grounded vpon the infallible and euerlasting trueth of the word of GOD which mooueth him not onely to put away the feare of bodily death but also for the manifold benefits and singular commodities which ensue vnto euery faithfull person by reason of the same to wish desire and long heartily for it For death shall bee to him no death at all but a very deliuerance from death from all paines cares and sorrowes miseries and wretchednesse of this world and the very entry into rest Why then shall wee f●ere to die considering the manifold and comfortable promises of the Gospel and of holy Scriptures GOD the Father hath giuen vs euerlasting life saith S. Iohn and this life is in his Sonne Hee that hath Sonne hath life and he that hath not the Sonne hath not life And this I write saith S. Iohn to you that beleeue in the Name of the Sonne of GOD that you may know that you haue euerlasting life and that you doe beleeue vpon the Name of the Sonne of GOD. And our Sauiour Christ saith Hee that beleeueth in me hath life euerlasting and I will raise him from death to life at the last day All those therefore haue great cause to bee full of ioy that bee ioyned to Christ with true Faith stedfast Hope and perfect Charitie and not to feare death nor euerlasting damnation For death cannot depriue them of Iesus Christ nor any sinne can condemne them that are graffed surely in him which is their onely ioy treasure and life Let vs repent our sinnes amend our liues trust in his mercy and satisfaction and death can neither take him from vs nor vs from him For it is of the free grace and mercy of GOD by the mediation of the blood of his Sonne Iesus Christ without merite or deseruing on our part that our sinnes are forgiuen vs that we are reconciled and brought againe into his fauour and are made heires of his heauenly kingdome Grace saith S. Augustine belonging to GOD who doth call vs and then hath he good workes whosoeuer receiued grace Good workes then bring not foorth grace but are brought foorth by grace The wheele saith he turneth round not to the end that it may be made round but because it is first made round therefore it turneth round So no man doth good works to receiue grace by his good workes but because he● hath first receiued grace therefore consequently he doth good workes For the Scripture doeth acknowledge but two places after this life The one proper to the elect and blessed of GOD the other to the reprobate and damned soules The onely Purgatory wherein wee must trust to be saued is the death and blood of Christ which if wee apprehend with a true and stedfast faith it purgeth and cleanseth vs from all our sinnes euen as well as if hee were now hanging vpon the Crosse. The blood of Christ saith Saint Iohn hath cleansed vs from all sinne The blood of Christ saith Saint Paul hath purged our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing GOD Also in another place hee saith Wee bee sanctified and made holy by the offering vp of the body of Iesus Christ done once for all Yea hee addeth more saying With the one oblation of his blessed body and precious blood he hath made perfect for euer and euer all them that are sanctified Noe in his drunkennesse offended GOD highly Lot lying with his daughters committed horrible incest Wee ought then to learne by them this profitable lesson that if so godly men as they were which otherwise felt inwarldly GOD sholy Spirit inflaming in their hearts with the feare and loue of GOD could not by their owne strength keepe themselues from committing horrible sinne but did so grieuously fall that without GODS great mercy they had perished euerlastingly How much more ought we then miserable wretches which haue no feeling of GOD within vs at all continually to feare not onely that wee may fall as they did but also be ouercome and drowned in sinne which they were not though through infirmity w●e chance at any time to fall yet wee may by hearty repentance and true faith speedily rise againe and not sleepe and continue in sinne as the wicked doeth All men haue not faith This therefore shall not satisfie and content all mens mindes but as some are carnall so they will still continue and abuse the Scriptures carnally to their greater damnation The vnl●arned and vnstable saith Saint Peter peruert the holy Scriptures to their owne destruction Iesus Christ as S. Paul saith is to the Iewes an offence to the Gentiles foolishnesse But to Gods children aswell of the Iewes as of the Gentiles he is the power and wisedome of GOD. The holy man Simeon saith that hee is set foorth for the fall and rising againe of many in Israel As Christ Iesus is a fall to the reprobate which yet perish through their owne default so is his word yea the whole booke of GOD a cause of damnation vnto them through their incredulitie And as he is a rising vp to none other then those which are GODS children by adoption so is his word yea the whole Scripture the power of GOD to saluation to them onely that doe beleeue it Christ himselfe the Prophets before him the Apostles after him all the true Ministers of GODS holy word yea euery word in GODS Booke is vnto the reprobate the fauour of death vnto death Christ Iesus the Prophets the Apostles
Article to be sound and Orthodox warranting no totall nor finall Apostasie from the state of Grace as Papists or Arminians would from thence collect but onely a lapse into some criminall or scandalous act of sinne which may and doth sometimes befall the very best and deerest of Gods Saints Since then these seuerall Orthodox members and learned Writers of our Church haue anciently and lately made this authentique Exposition of this Article which none but Papists or Arminians haue hitherto oppugned and since the Articles of Lambheth Artic. 5. together with the Articles of Ireland Artic. 38. which doubtlesse would neuer vary from the genuine and natiue meaning of this Article haue wel explaned and ratified it with these two termes yet neither finally nor totally I hope all English Protestants will subscribe to this Construction onely and reiect all others as spurious and vnsound ARTIC 17. PRedestination to life is the euerlasting purpose of God whereby before the foundations of the World were layd hee hath constantly decreed by his counsell secret to vs to deliuer from curse and damnation those whom hee hath chosen in Christ out of mankinde and to bring them by Christ to euerlasting saluation as vessells made to honour Wherefore they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to Gods purpose by his Spirit working in due season they through grace obey the calling they bee iustified freely they bee made the Sonnes of God by adoption they bee made like the Image of his onely begotten Sonne Iesus Christ they walke religiously in good workes and at length by Gods mercy they attaine to euerlasting felicitie As the godly consideration of Predestination and our Election in Christ is full of sweet pleasant and vnspeakable comfort to godly persons and such as feele in themselues the working of the Spirit of Christ mortifying the workes of the flesh and their earthly members and drawing vp their minde to high and heauenly things aswell because it doth greatly establish and confirme their Faith of eternall Saluation to be enioyed through Christ as because it doth feruently kindle their Loue towards God So for curious and carnall persons lacking the Spirit of Christ to haue continually before their eyes the sentence of Gods Predestination is a most dangerous downefall whereby the Deuill doth thrust them either into desperation or into rechlesnesse of most vncleane liuing no lesse perillous then desperation c. From this Article solid and learned Doctor Whitakers in his Cygnea Cantio pag. 16. 17. Master Thomas Rogers in his authorized Analisis on the 17. Article commonly solde and bound vp together with the Articles Reuerend Bishop Carlton in his examination of Master Mountagues Appeale cap. 10. Edit 2. Pag. 99. Master Yates in his Ibis ad Caesarem Part. 1. cap. 1. 2. 3. part 2. cap. 1. Sect. 5. pag. 35. c. Master Henry Burton in his Answere to an Appeale pag. 28. 36. 37. 42. 44. 49. Master Francis Rouse in his Doctrine of King Iames. pag. 43. to 48. Master Wotton in his Dangerous Plot Discouered cap. 19. 20. pag. 126. 127. Together with Doctor Thysius in his Comment or Collation on the Articles of Lambheth Hardrouici 1613. c. who haue copiously analised and explained this 17. Article haue raised these Orthodoxe Anti-Arminian Conclusions which are directly grounded on and warranted by this Article as they there affirme 1 That there is a Predestination of certaine men vnto aeternall life and a praeterition or Reprobation of others vnto death 2 That this Praedestination both to life and death are from aeternity 3 That they are altogether immutable and vnchangeable 4 That not all men but certaine onely are Praedestinated to be saued 5 That these who are Praedestinated vnto Saluation can neuer perish nor yet fall finally or totally from the state of grace 6 That in Christ Iesus some are Elected to Saluation and not others not of any fores●ene ●aith or Works or Will or Merit in themselues but out of the meere good will and pleasure of God himselfe 7 That they who are Elected to Saluation are in their due time called according to Gods purpose both outwardly by the Word and inwardly by the Spirit which call they all obey and not resist 8 That the Predestinate are both freely iustified by Faith and sanctified by the holy Ghost heere and shall likewise be glorified in the life to come 9 That the consideration of Praedestination and its Doctrine is to the godly wise most comfortable an● ioyfull and dangerous to none but curious and carnall persons All which Conclusions are Diametrally repugnant to the now Arminian Tenents ARTIC 18. THey also are to bee had accursed that presume to say that euery man shall bee saued by the Lawe or Sect which he professeth so that hee bee diligent to frame his life according to that law and the light of nature For holy Scripture doth set out vnto vs onely the Name of Iesus Christ whereby men must be saued ARTIC 29. THe wicked and such as be voide of a liuely faith although they doe ca●nally and visibly presse with their teeth as St. Augustine saith the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ yet in no wise are they partakers of Christ but rather to their condemnation doe eate and drinke the signe or Sacrament of so great a thing ARTIC 31. THe Offering of Christ once made is that perfect redemption● proputation and satisfaction for all the sinnes of the whole World both originall and actuall and there is none other satisfaction for sinne but that alone The nine Assertions or Articles of Lambheth composed and agreed vpon at Lambheth-House on the 20. day of Nouember in the yeere of our Lord 1595. by Iohn Archbishop of Canterbury Richard Bishop of London Richard elect Bishop of Bangor Doctor Tyndall Deane of Elie Doctor Whitaker professor of Diuinitie in Cambridge and sundry other Reuerend and learned Diuines there present with the concurrent approbation of the right Reuerend and learned Prelate Mathew Archbishop of ●ork● for the determining of certaine Arminian points of Controuersie that then arose in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1 DEus ab Aeterno Praedestinauit quosdam ad vitam quosdam Reprobauit ad Mortem 1 GOD from Eternitie hath Praedestinated certaine men vnto Life certaine men he hath Reprobated vnto Death 2 Causa mouens aut efficiens Praedestinationis ad Vitam non est praeuisio Fidei aut perseuerantiae aut bonorum operum aut ullius rei quae insit in personis Praedestinatis sed sola voluntas beneplaciti Dei 2 The moouing or efficient cause of Predestination vnto Life is not the foresight of Faith or of perseuerance or of good-workes or of any thing that is in the persons Predestinated but onely the good will and pleasure of God 3 Praedestinatorum praefinitus certus est numerus qui nec augeri nec minui possit
working in due season and through grace they obey the calling they be iustified freely they be made sonnes of God by adoption they be made like the image of his onely begotten Son Iesus Christ they walke religiously in good workes and at length by Gods mercy they attaine to euerlasting felicitie But such as are not predestinated to saluation shall finally be condemned for their sinnes 16 The godly consideration of Predestination and our election in Christ is full of sweete pleasant and vnspeakeable comfort to godly persons and such as feele in themselues the working of the spirit of Christ mortifying the workes of the flesh and their earthly members and drawing vp their mindes to high and heauenly things as well because it doth greatly confirme and establish their faith of eternall saluation to be enjoyed through Christ as because it doth feruently kindle their loue towards God and on the contrary side for curious and carnall persons lacking the spirit of Christ to haue continually before their eies the sentence of Gods predestination is very dangerous 22 By one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men for as much as all haue sinned 23 Originall sinne standeth not in the imitation of Adam as the Pelagians dreame but is the fault and corruption of the nature of euery person that naturally is ingendered and propagated from Adam whereby it commeth to passe that man is depriued of originall righteousnes and by nature is bent vnto sinne And therefore in euery person borne into the world it deserueth Gods wrath and damnation 25 The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turne and prepare himselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes to faith and calling vpon God Wherefore we haue no power to doe good workes pleasing and acceptable vnto God without the grace of God preuenting vs that we may haue a good will and working with vs when we haue that good will 26 Workes done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of his spirit are not pleasing vnto God for as much as they spring not of faith in Iesus Christ neither doe they make men meete to receiue grace or as the Schoole Authors say deserue grace of congruitie yea rather for that they are not done in such sort as God hath willed and commanded them to be done we doubt not but they are sinfull 31 They are to bee condemned that presume to say that euery man shall bee saued by the Law or Sect which he professeth so that he bee diligent to frame his life according to that Law and the light of nature For holy Scripture doeth set out vnto vs onely the name of Iesus Christ whereby men must be saued 32 None can come vnto Christ vnlesse it bee giuen vnto him and vnlesse the Father draw him And all men are not so drawne by the Father that they may come vnto the Sonne Neither is there such a sufficient measure of Grace vouchsafed vnto euery man whereby he is enabled to come vnto euerlasting life 33 All Gods Elect are in their time inseperably vnited vnto Christ by the effect all and vitall influence of the holy Ghost deriued from him as from the head vnto euery true member of his mysticall body And being thus made one with Christ they are truely regenerated and made partal●ers of him and a● his benefits 37 By iustifying ●aith wee vnderstand not onely the common beliefe of the Articles of Christian Religion and a perswasion of the trueth of Gods word in generall but also a particular application of the gracious promises of the Gospell to the comfort of our owne Soules whereby we lay hold on Christ with all his benefits hauing an earnest trust and confidence in God that hee will be mercifull vnto vs for his onely Sonnes sake So that a true beleeuer may bee certaine by the assurance of faith of the forgiuenesse of his sinnes and of his euerlasting saluation by Christ. 38 A true liuely iustifying faith and the sanctifying spirit of God is not extinguished nor vanisheth away in the regenerate either finally or totally THE BOOKE OF Common Prayer IN this Booke of Common prayer established by Act of Parliament in our Church there are sundry passages to prooue these seuerall Anti-Arminian Positions First that God from eternity hath freely of his own accord chosen out of mankinde a certaine select number of men which can neither bee augmented nor diminished whom he doth effectually call saue and bring to glory so that none of them can perish or fall off from him and that these onely are the true Church This Conclusion wee shall see confirmed by these seuerall passages And make thy chosen people ioyfull Almighty GOD which hast knit together the Elect in one Communion and fellowship in the mysticall body of thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord grant vs grace so to follow thy holy Saints in all vertuous and godly liuing c. Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who sanctifieth me and all the Elect people of God Almighty God with whom do liue the spirits of them who depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that bee elected after they bee deliuered from the burthen of the flesh be in ioy and felicitie c. Wee beseech thee of thy gracious goodnesse shortly to accomplish the number of thine Elect c. O Almighty and mercifull Lord which giuest vnto thy Elect people the holy Ghost as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kingdome grant vnto vs this holy spirit that he may beare witnesse with our spirits that wee be thy children and heires of thy Kingdome and that by the operation of this spirit wee may kill all carnall lusts c. Honour and praise bee giuen vnto thee O Lord God almighty most deare Father of heauen for all thy mercies and louing kindnesse shewed vnto vs in that it hath pleased thee freely and of thine owne accord to elect and chuse vs to saluation before the beginning of the world c. Almighty God c. grant that all thy seruants which shall bee baptized in this Water may receiue the fulnesse of thy grace and euer remaine in the number of thy faithfull and elect children c. See the Collect on good Fryday on the first Sunday after the Epiphany and one the 2. 15. and 22. Sundaies after Trinitie to this purpose Secondly that there is no such free-will or vniuersall and sufficient grace giuen vnto all men by which they may conuert repent beleeue and be saued if they will and that it is Gods speciall preuenting grace which must change mens hearts and giue repentance faith and all other graces to them This Orthodoxe position which ouerturnes Free-will and vniuersall grace the very center and ground work of Arminianisme is aboundantly prooued by these ensuing Prayers