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A07085 A potacio[n] or dri[n]kynge for this holi time of le[n]t very co[m]fortable for all penitent synners, newly prepared by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1749; ESTC S109686 59,968 178

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the great cōsolacion conforte of all faythfull penitent synners Therfore lette vs runne to this Sacrament as vnto a stronge Bulwarke and sure asyle Let vs flye vnto it as vnto an holy Anckere Let vs delyght in it as in an hauen of helthe Lette vs not dispayre but beleue with a sure fayth that yf we vnfaynedly repente and turne vnto God desyrynge mercys for Iesus Christes sake he wyll sure ly remitte our iniquite and take vs agayne vnto his fauour CHRI Bles sed be God for it PHIL. I haue spoken sufficiently for this tyme of Penaunce I wyll nowe declare some what of the partes therof to you For they are also necessary to be kno wen. EVSE I praye you let it be so ¶ Of Contricion PHILEMON PPenaunce consisteth in thre partes Contriciō Confession Satisfaccion or amendement of lyfe Fyrst as concernig Contriciō ye shall vnderstande that it consysteth in two speciall partes which must alwayes be cōioyned togyther cā not be disseuered THEO I praye you what are they PHIL. The fyrst is a very sorowe or mournynge of the herte for the synnes cō mytted agaynst the wyll of GOD. The seconde is a constant faythe to beleue that be the synnes neuer so great manifolde yet yf we repent aske mercye God the father wyll not for the worthynes of ony merite or worke done by vs but for y ● onlye merytes of the bloud and passion of our Sauioure Iesus Christ vndou tedly forgyue vs our synnes repute vs iustifyed of y ● nōber of his electe chyldren The contricion of suche a penitent synner pleaseth God great ly yea it is an acceptable Sacrifyce vnto hym as Dauid sayth a Sacri fyce to God is a troubled spyryte a cōtryte and humble herte God wyll not despyse God saythe S. Austen wyll not the Sacryfyce of a slayne beast but of a slayne herte An herte that is humbled with the knowlege of the filthynesse abhominacion of her owne synnes slayne with the feare of God and yet trusteth in the moost confortable promyses of God the father made vnto vs in Christes moost blessed bloude thyrstynge for strēgth to do the wyll of God canne none otherwyse but haue God mercyfull vnto her God fylleth thē that are hūgry with good thynges sayth the mooste gloryous virgyn but he letteth go the rytch emptye God resisteth the proud but to y ● humble he gyueth grace Blessed are they that hunger thyrst after ryghteousnes for they shalbe filled Who euer hath this godly contricion in hym canne neyther presume nor yet despayre For if he be vnfaynedly cōtryte and sorowfull for his synnes he must ne des graunte hym selfe to be synfull miserable voyd of all goodnes bent vnto euell prone to noughtynesse whiche thynge vtterly subdueth pre sumpcion engraffethe in the harte submission obedyence humilite of mynde Agayne yf he be trulye contryte be his synnes neuer so great innumerable yet casteth he his eyes on Gods mercy set forth to all penitent synners in Christe Iesus that wyll laye hand on it with a sure and vndouted sayth which lykewyse ma keth hym that by no meanes he can dispayre For though his synnes be great yet he knoweth that the mercy of God is greater therfore can not his synne condemne hym Why is Christe called a Phisicion but bycause he is able to heale synners If our Phisicion be wyse sayth Flugētius than can he heale all infyrmities If our God be mercyful thā can he forgyue all synnes For ther is no perfecte goodnes of whom al nough tynes is not ouercome There is no perfecte medicine to whome any dis ease is foūde incurable Thus se we y ● where perfecte contricion is there is neyther presumpcion nor despera cion EVSE I praye you hawe maye we come by this true perfecte contricion PHIL. Uerelye by the worde of God For fayth commeth by hearynge and hearynge by the worde of God Ye shall note that y ● holy scripture is deuyded īto two partes that is to saye the lawe the promyses the knowledge wherof is ryght necessary for the obtaynynge of true perfecte Contricion Ye knowe that a mannes face shalbe longe defyled spotted deformed before he shal per ceyue it except it be eyther told him of other or els that he him selfe seeth it euidētly ī some myrrour or glasse Semblably the soule of a christē mā shall be spotted wyth synne a great space before he perceyueth it and be truly contryte sorye for it excepte it be eyther tolde hym of other by de clarynge the lawe of God to hym or els he hymselfe loketh in the glasse of trueth whiche is the lawe of God by that menes perceyueth his owne deformite misery and wretchednes For by the lawe cōmethe the knoweledge of syn The cōmaundement is a lanterne and the lawe is a lyght waye of the lyfe sayth Salomō Da uid also saythe O LORDE thy worde is a lanterne to my feete a lyghte to my pathwayes So that y ● nexte waye to haue the knowledge of oure synnes whereby we shoulde be moued to be cōtryte sorowfull in our hartes for our wickednesses offences to stond in feare of Gods rygh teousnes is euer to haue the lawe of God before our eyes I haue hydden thy speches in my herte saythe Dauid that I maye not offende the. CHRI Nowe I praye you how shall we do concernynge the second parte of Contricion PHIL. Whā ye are vn faynedly stryken wyth this Contriciō so y ● your hartes do truly feare y ● iustyce of God ye abhorre synne euen to y e vttermoost of your power longynge greatly for strength to do the wyll of God that ye maye walke innocently before the eyes of the diuyne maieste than for the consolacion of youre consciences and the reioysynge of your hertes oughte ye to consyder the moost swete mooste ioyefull moost confortable promises of God made to vs frely in Christes moost precious bloud Nowe to put awaye desperacion doth conueniēt time require that ye cleue stedfastly w t all mayne to the promyses which laye forth Gods mercy before your●… eyes Therfore loke where so euer ye heare or se ony confortable promyse of God in the holy scryptures that declareth mercy to penitēt synners beleue without doubtyng that that pertaineth vnfaynedly to you Whā so euer ye heare or read that Christe is a sauyoure streyghte wayes laye hande on that beleue that he also is your sauyour Whan the Scrypture shall saye to you Iesus Christe came into y e world to saue synners euery one y t calleth on the name of the LORDE shall be saued beleue you streyghte wayes that ye are of that nōber which shal be saued by Christ. Whan the scrypture shall saye God wyll not the deth of any synner but rather that he tourne lyue beleue you
shall not dy I wyll not remember all his iniquities which he hath wrought In his righteousnes whiche he hathe wroughte shall he lyue Is it my wyll sayth y ● LORDE God that the wycked should dye not ra ther that he shoulde turne from his wayes lyue Agayne in that same Chapter turne repent ye from all your iniquities your īiquite shall worke you no displesure Cast away frō you al your wickednesses wherī ye haue offended make you a newe hart a new spiryte wherfore wyl ye dye O ye house of Israell For I wyll not that any man shoulde dye sayth the LORDE god Returne and lyue Also by another Prophette he sayth Returne O thou rebell Israell sayth the LORDE and I wyll not turne awaye my face from you for I am holy saythe the LORDE and I wyll not be angrye for euermore Agayne in another place the Prophet sayth turne to the LORD your God for he is gentle mercyfull pa cient of much gentlenes redy to forgyue his malyce Do not all these sētēces proue manifestli y ● gods mer cy lyeth bent out for all māner of siners at all tymes yf they repent turne CHRI I meruayle howe they coulde fynde in theyr hertes to establysh such hereticall doctryne seyng they fyght so euidently wyth the dy uyne scriptures EVSE They refuse the authorite of the olde Testamēt onlye cleaue to the newe PHIL. I knowe that ryght well yet is y ● olde Testament of neuer the lesse authorite therfore THEO They gather theyr sinistrall opinion as I heare saye of S. Paule to the Hebrues wher he sayth it is not possible that they●… whiche were once lyghtened haue tasted the heauenly gyfte and were pertakers of the holye Ghoste haue tasted the good word of God the vertues of the worlde to come yf they do faull could be renued agē by Penaunce Agayne yf we synne wyllyngely after we haue receyued the knoweledge of the trueth there remayneth no more sacrifyce for syn nes but a fearfull lokyng for iudgemēt violēt fyre which shall destroy y ● aduersaries PHIL These textes sta blysshe nothynge theyr opinion but rather manifestly condemne it As touchynge y ● fyrst sentence of Paule S. Ambrose vnderstādeth it not of Penaunce but of Baptisme The renouaciō or renuynge sayth he by the fonntayne of holy Baptisme can not be made the second tyme. To be renued he sayde that is to be made newe For it is the offyce of holy bap tisme to make a man newe And a ly tle after he saythe as Christe dyed once on the crosse as concernynge y ● flesh so do we dye once in Baptisme not in flessh but in synne And as he can not dye agayne so can not we be baptised agayne excepte peraduenture with the teares of Penaunce not wyth the regeneracion of y ● foun tayne What than wylte thou saye is there no Penaunce There is Pe naunce verely but not another bap tisme There is vndoutedly Penāce it hath much vertu and strength yea euen for hym also that is verye much drowned in synne Thus se you that they that sinne after Baptisme can not be made a newe by Baptisme for y ● is no more reiterated yet is not here Penaūce denied vnto them but synne they ne uer so greatly yet yf they repente turne to our LORDE God they shall surely fynde mercy and be saued And as concernynge the seconde texte saynt Ambrose vpon the same place sayth that Christ dyed once for our synnes shall no more for them be offered For w t one oblacion hathe he made them perfecte for euermore that are sanctifyed Thou art made cleane thou arte free from synnes y ● arte made the sonne of God If thou returnest to thy fyrste vomite another iudgement taryethe for the excepte thou be renued by Penaunce Therfore lette euerye one whyle he hath tyme flye vnto the medicine of Penaunce vnlesse he be commytted vnto euerlastynge fyre These wordes declare opēly that so ofte as we repent and turne so ofte shall we be forgyuē Only we ought not to loke for another Sacrifyce For Christe alredy hath suffered once for all Do ye not perceyue nowe howe greatly both the olde Heretykes also these theyr newe Apes be deceyued EVSE Yies verely THEO It is easy to per ceyue for hym that lokethe vpon the textes with a syngle eye wyth an vncorrupted herte But I pray you rehearse some textes of the newe Te stament that maye euidently shewe y t they which synne after Baptisme maye be renued by the holy Sacrament of Penaūce that gods mercy is redy for them whā so euer they repent turne PHIL. That synners maye receyue remission of theyr syn nes though they syn after they haue knowen the trueth are baptysed it is manifeste by diuers places of y ● newe Testament who doubteth but that Peter was bothe baptysed and knewe the trueth when he confessed Christ to be the sonne of the lyuynge God THEO No mā For Christ sayde vnto hym thou arte blessed Symō Flessh bloud haue not shewed this vnto the but my father whiche is in heauen PHIL. Uery well Yet dyd he faull agayne after that when he denyed Christe EVSE Ye saye trueth PHIL. Dyd not he afterwarde when he repented obtayne mercye at the hande of God CHRI No man wyll de ny that I am sure PHIL. Uery well Hereof doth it followe that remissiō of sinnes is not denyed vnto siners yf they repent beleue Agayne dyd not one amonge the Corinthians af ter he was baptised commytte a gre uous and detestable offence in as muche that he was excōmunicate put oute of the christen congregacion and yet when he repented was he not receyued agayne among the faythfull If his synne hadde bene irremissible could not haue ben for gyuen by no meanes would Saynt Paule haue cōmaunded y t he should haue bene taken agayne into the cōpany of the Christianes EVSE It is to be thoughte naye PHIL. Ye maye be sure he woulde not S. Iohn also sayth my lytle chyldrē these thinges haue I wrytten to you that ye shoulde not synne But yf ony man shall synne we haue an aduocate w t God the father Iesus Christ y ● rygh teous one Is not the loste sonne receyued whan he repenteth knowled geth his faulte commethe home agayne Is not the wandrynge shepe fetched home agayne vpō shulders Is not the woūded man cured and made whole Dothe not Christ day ly crye come vnto me all ye that labour are ladē I shal refresh you Came not Christe to call synners to repentance Is not Christ a ꝑpetuall sauiour THEO O moost swete confortable sayenges PHIL. Theyse authorities vtterly cōdēne the opinion of the aforesayde Heretykes set for the hyghly the blessed Sacrament of Penaūce vnto