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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06799 An amulet or preservative against sicknes and death in two parts : the first containing spirituall direction for the sicke at all times needfull, but especially in the conflict of sicknes and agonie of death : the second, a method or order of comforting the sicke ... / collected and set forth ... by A.M. minister of the Word of God in Henley vpon Thames ; whereunto is annexed a most pithie and comfortable sermon of mortalitie, written by the blessed martyr S. Cyprian Bishop of Carthage, translated into English by A.M. ; together with sundry prayers needfull in time of sicknesse. Man, Abraham.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. 1617 (1617) STC 17238.5; ESTC S2803 74,681 345

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able to rest and relie vpon the word of God and therein to apprehend and lay hold vpon that infinite inestimable treasure and riches belonging to Gods deare children to wit the forgiuenesse of all their sinnes through Christ the resurrection of their bodies at the last day that most wished for and most sweet and ioyfull communion with the Saints in glorie comfortable societie and fellowship of the elect of God Meanes of strengthning our faith and life euerlasting and all these freely giuen and bestowed vpon them in Christ and through Christ Wherefore in these and other articles of our Christian faith Continuall meditation on the articles of our faith in time of sicknesse very needfull it behooueth vs daily and continually to exercise our selues and diligently to meditate thereupon But especially in time of sicknesse and agonie of death we are seriously and earnestly to meditate in our minds and to inculcate repeate often those foure last articles of our Creed Namely concerning the communion of Saints in which number we beleeue and trust stedfastly that we our selues are and shall be reckoned concerning the Remission of all our sinnes through the bloud of Christ Iesus concerning the resurrection of our bodies at the last day and life euerlasting Now vnto the serious meditation of these articles of our faith there must be adioyned 3 other things First of all feruent and continuall prayer for the increase Prayer and strengthning of our faith praying with the Apostles of our Sauiour Luk. 17.5 Luk. 17.5 O Lord increase our faith and with the father of the child that had the dumbe spirit Mar. 9.24 Marke 9.24 Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe Vnto prayer ioyne carefull studie and diligence in reading and hearing of the word of God Reading hearing the word of God Rom 10.17 Esa 57.19 For faith is both wrought and also increased by hearing of the word Rom. 10. whereupon it is called the fruite of the lips that is of the words of God Esa 57.19 And Acts the 10.44 it is said that while Peter spake those words Act. 10.44 the holy Ghost fell vpon all them that heard the word Yea hereupon it is called the arme of the Lord Esa 53.1 Esa 53.1 and the power of God vnto saluation Rom. 1.16 Rom. 1.16 See therfore that the word of God dwell plenteously in thee Col. 3.16 which alone is able to make thee wise vnto saluatiō through faith in Christ Iesus 2 Tim. 3.15 2. Tim. 3.15 And let thy heart and mind be euermore possessed with the meditation and consideration of those three maine pillars and grounds of thy faith whereof thou hast assurance in the same word namely First the infinitenesse of Christ his merites which thou shalt oppose vnto the infinitenesse and greatnesse of thy sinnes Next the omnipotencie of Gods power and his natural inclinatiō vnto mercy and to pardon and forgiue sins and sinners Eze. 18.32 And lastly the vniuersalitie and generality of his gracious promises made vnto all in which number thou art to reckon thy selfe Vnto the carefull and diligent studie and meditation in the word of God and prayer Oft receiuing the Sacrament adde this also to frequent and to haue often accesse vnto the holy Sacramen● of the bodie and bloud o● Christ while yet thou ar● in sound perfect health But beware that thou come vnto it rightly instructed prepared and that thou presume not to handle the same with defiled hands nor to receiue it with an vnpure and vnsanctified heart And indeed it is an horrible and feareful thing and much to be lamented that for so many yeares this holy Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ hath bene so vnworthily receiued The vnreuerēt handling of the Sacrament dangerous and so vnreuerently handled and of many contemned and lightly regarded Wherein how greeuously dangerously men offend euen the iudgements and punishments which the Lord sendeth euery day among vs do more then sufficiently witnesse testifie as S. Paul hath foretold should come to passe 1 Cor. 11.30 1 Cor. 11.30 For euen for this cause many are weake and sicke and many sleepe and are dead It is verily an exceeding great and a sure signe and token of singular and incomprehensible loue toward vs The benefit offered in the Sacrament that in this Sacrament of his Supper Christ will haue it plainly confirmed vnto vs that he hath giuen and bestowed himselfe wholly vpon vs knitting and ioyning vs vnto himselfe as members to the head to the end we may know and bee assured that we are regarded and loued defended and saued by him Thus ought all godly minds to esteeme and make account that Christ is effectuall and powerfull in them And it were to bee wished that we would at length consider deepely of the greatnesse and worthinesse of so excellent a gift that so we might be thankfull and might stirre vp our wauering and languishing faith remembring how heynous and horrible a sin vnthankfulnesse is in this kinde and how fearefull punishments must needs follow the prophanation of so holy a mystery Neither indeed are we to imagine that the grieuous threatnings vsed by S. Paul are in vaine for God is true yea truth it selfe and certainly we are to thinke that the greatest part of those plagues iudgments both publike and priuate which befall in these last times is to be imputed vnto the prophanatiō of this most holy mysterie It behooueth vs then with godly care and zeale to haue often accesse vnto that holy Sacrament wherin our soules being refreshed and comforted with that heauenly food our faith and our repentance our hope and our confidence may be more more strengthned and increased CHAP. III. Of three things which in the agonie of death do most greeuously torment terrifie and trouble our minds The remembrance of our sinnes the feare of death and the horror of hell together with the seuerall remedies thereof FIrst the sinnes which in our whole life time we haue wickedly and wretchedly committed Sinne. and wherby we haue most greeuously offended both against God and against our neighbours these when on the bed of sicknesse they come vnto our remembrance must needs greatly terrifie vs and much vexe torment vs remembring that saying of S. Paul Rom. 2.9 Rom. 2.9 That indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish shall be vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill Againe inasmuch as this old Adam and flesh of ours is most vnwiliing to die Death therof it is that when death approcheth mens hearts begin to quake and tremble and are readie to faile them through exceeding great sorrow and griefe For this our fearefull nature or naturall man is miserably afraid lest being once dead buried in the earth it shall neuer returne no● come againe to the forme state but thinketh now tha● it is past all helpe and hop● of recouerie
Hell and damnation These things being thu● offered vnto our sight the at length a man begins t● feare lest haply he be qui● cast out from the face fauor of God beholding nothing else but eternal dead and condemnation He● therefore men haue need 〈◊〉 be couragious of a co●stant heart and mind th●● they faint not nor giue a● place vnto despaire Pra● we therfore in this manne● A prayer O most gracious God ● most mercifull Father gra●● we beseech thee that by thy grace and helpe while we are yet in health and prosperitie we may learne to feare thee to loue thy holy word to beleeue and embrace thy sweete and cōfortable promises to set thee before vs as the scope end of all our actions and that remembring alwaies this sharpe conflict and encounter which we are to vndergoe we may fortifie and arme our selues against this day of triall and so be saued preserued and defended that seruing and fearing thee we may direct all our doings to thy glorie and at the length obtaine and enioy eternall life which thine owne Sonne hath purchased for vs Amen CHAP. IIII. A Remedie against the feare and remembrance of our sinnes VVHensoeuer thy sins shall torment and trouble thee or terrifie thy conscience consider how that the Son of God himselfe for thy sake and for the purging and taking away of thy sinnes came downe from heauen and humbled himselfe to the lowest estate that may be that he being made man took vpon him thy sins and the sinnes of the whole world and of his owne voluntarie● will dyed for them vpon the crosse and made full satisfaction for them all by suffering most grieuous punishments in thy name and for thy sake This most precious bloud of Christ was shed euen for thee and for thy saluation Of this his death art thou also made partaker if onely thou shalt beleeue that he dyed as wel for thee as for Peter and Paul and others Neither oughtest thou any whit to doubt but that he died as well for thee as for Paule for in that thou art a sinner euen in this respect thou mayest and oughtest to bee comforted Math. 9.13 For Christ came not to call the righteous but to call sinners to repentance Mat. 9.13 and 1 of Tim. 1.15 1 Tim. 1.15 It is a true saying saith Saint Paul and by all meanes worthie to be receiued That Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners Yea admit thou were one of the greatest sinners in the world yet doubt nothing for such a one was Paule as he witnesseth of himselfe in the same place euen the greatest and chiefest among sinners an oppressor a persecutor and blasphemer Moreouer this may and ought to comfort thee and to confirme and settle thy mind Rom. 6.3 that thou art baptized into the death of Christ For seeing thou art baptized into the death of Christ Christ his death shall saue and helpe thee by Christ his death thou shalt die vnto thy sinnes by Christ hi● death thou shalt receiue vndoubted remission and forgiuenesse of all thy sins finally by Christ his death thou shalt rise againe vn●o a new life here and to a life eternall and euerlasting in the world to come Th● remission of our sins confirmed in Baptisme and in the Lords Supper For Baptisme is a sure token and pledge and a certaine couenant as it were of Gods mercie and fauour in which thou art reconciled vnto God So that by meanes of it thou mayest euermore haue a quiet and chearefull conscience by reason of the forgiuenesse and pardoning of all thy sins through the death and resurrection of Iesus Christ Verily it is vnto thee also that Christ speaketh in the institution of his holy Supper wherein he professeth and witnesseth that his bloud was shed for the remission of sinnes Now therefore howsoeuer the life which thou hast led hath not bene altogethe● faultlesse blamelesse no● in all respects pure and free from sinne yet despaire not but without delay flie for refuge succour vnto that bloud of his which was thus shed for thy sinnes and without ceassing call vpon his Name and thou shalt be saued according to his promise Rom. 10.13 Rom. 10.13 Cri●● out vnto him therefore and call vpon him in these o● the like words A Prayer O most mercifull God and father of al● mercies father of our Lord Iesus Christ be fauourable and mercifull vnto me a sinner Take pittie and compassion vpon me miserable wretch and speedily helpe me euen for that most bitter but yet most precious death and passion of Iesus Christ thy only Son our redeemer and onely Sauiour Amen Amen Enter not into iudgement O Lord with thy seruant Deale not with me after my deserts neither do vnto mee according to my sinnes and iniquities but for thy infinite and endlesse goodnesse and mercie receiue me vnto thy grace I miserable wretched weake and feeble creature am in thy hands in thy power and at thy disposing to do with me what it pleaseth thee ● most mightie and yet mos● meeke most gentle most gracious God and mercifull father leaue me not neither reiect and cast mee off as a wretch that is quite forlorne and forsaken I am thine whatsoeuer I am and there is none can comfort me none can helpe me none can deliuer me but thou onely Thou art the true preseruatiue and remedie against all euils and mischiefes and against all infirmities and sicknesses both of bodie and soule Thou art the surest and most present helpe refuge and succour a strong hold and a fortresse and castle in all necessities Psal 46. Thou ô Lord art our hope and strength in troubles Psalme 46. In thee O my God I put my trust Psal 71. 31. let me not be confounded nor ashamed as being frustrate and disappointed of my hope but deliuer me in thy righteousnesse Incline thine care vnto me and saue me and make haste to deliuer me be thou vnto me a strong rocke and house of defence that thou mayest saue me For thou art my rocke my fortresse thou art my Lord and my God Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me ô Lord God of truth Let the light of thy countenāce shine vpō thy seruant saue me for thy mercie O Lord my God Moreouer here thou must especially be admonished to take heed that the suffer not thy selfe to much to be possessed wi●● the cogitation and remembrance of thy sinnes in pa●ticular But rather if th● same shall at any time stan● vp against thee set befor● thine eye● the remembranc● of that most inestimab● price of Christ his death suffering and fasten th● same into thy minde diligently according to the aduice and counsell of Sain● Augustine Inspice vulner● pendentis sanguinem morie●tis precium redimentis Capa● habet inclinatum in cruce a● osculandum brachia extens● ad amplexandum totum
denque corpus expositum ad redimendum Haec quanta sint cogitato haec in statêra cordis appendito vt totus tibi figatur in corde qui totus pro te fixus est in cruce Behold and looke stedfastly vpon the wounds of him that hanged on the crosse for thee vpon the bloud of him that dyed for thee vpon the price of him that redeemed thee He hath his head bowed downe on the crosse to kisse thee his armes stretched out wide to embrace thee and finally his whole bodie exposed and offered to redeeme thee Cōsider of how great price and of how great weight and moment these things are and weigh well and ponder the same in the ballance of thine owne heart that the same Christ may be wholy fixed and fastened in thy heart who was wholy fixed and fastened vpon the crosse for thee And assuredly perswade thy selfe that not thou but Christ is charged with the sinnes which haue bene committed by thee and that they are all laid vpon his shoulders who hauing taken them vpon himselfe hath discharged vs and made ful satisfaction and payment for vs so as he will neuer impute them vnto vs not lay them to our charge but will freely forgiue them all as in our Creed we professe and say I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes CHAP. V. Here it will be very necessarie and profitable for the comfort of the patient or sicke partie to vrge and repeate often some testimonies of the word of God concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes by and through Christ as these and the like IOhn the 1.29 Ioh. 1.29 Iohn the Baptist crieth out maketh this proclamation Ecce Agnus Dei Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Saint Peter likewise 1 Epist Chap. 1.18 Know this 1 Pet. 1.18 that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from your vaine conuersation but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and withou● spot Let these things deare brother sinke deepe into thy minde to confirme and comfort thee Thou hast no cause to doubt of the remission and forgiuenesse of thy sinnes for in as much as thou hast professed the Name of Christ and puttest confidence in his mercie he will also take away thy sinnes And if thou nothing doubt but stedfastly beleeue this thou art alreadie freed and discharged from all thy sins and art alreadie become the child of God there is no cause for thee to wauer or to feare But yet heare and hearken vnto further testimonies and so heare them that thou imprint them throughly in thy mind Iohn 3.16 Ioh. 3.16.18 God so loued the world saith our Sauiour that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And againe Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be condemned c. And againe Mat. 9.13 I am not come saith he to call the righteous Mat. 9.13 but sinners to repentance and Math. 11.28 and 11.28 Come vnto me all ye that are weary and laden and I will ease you Marke how that he calleth al vnto him he refuseth none he reiecteth and casteth off none In this word All he concludeth thee And therefore call thou and crie vnto him for mercie and he will assuredly accept thee and will refresh thee Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.8 God setteth on● herein his loue toward vs t● that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs much more then being now iustified by his bloud we shall be saued from wrath through him This ioyfull tydings full of singular comfort deare brother almightie God thy most tender and louing father will haue to be preached and proclaimed vnto thee for thy comfort For euē for thee it is that Christ was sent for thee it was that he died Only beleeue and commit thy selfe vnto Christ thy redeemer and sauiour Likewise in the same Chap. to the Romans verse 10. If when we were enemies Rom. 5.10 we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saued by his life And 1. Cor. 1.30 Christ Iesus is made vnto vs of God 1 Cor. 1.30 wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption Now then deare brother lift vp thine heart and comfort thy selfe Albeit thou art neuer so great and grieuous a sinner no cause there is wherefore thou shouldst therefore be discouraged but acknowledge and confesse thy selfe before God to be such a one beg and craue for mercie in and through Christ aske pa●don and forgiuenesse an● beleeue Christ to bee th● onely Sauiour thy righteousnesse and saluation And he will euermore 〈◊〉 thine and will hide and couer all thy sinnes and vtte●ly abolish them so as tha● shalt not need to feare the● by any hurt or danger Againe 2 Cor. 5.21 2 Cor. 5.21 God hat● made him who knew no sinn● to be sinne for vs that 〈◊〉 might be made the righteousnesse of God in him Like wise Gal. 1.4 Galat. 1.4 Christ hat● giuen himselfe for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world according to the will of God euen our father And Ephes 1.7 Ephe. 1.7 By Christ we haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of our sinnes according to his rich grace And 1 Tim. 1.15 Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners saith Saint Paule of whom I am chiefe Now then brother haue thou also good hope and beleeue these words as Saint Paule did and then shalt thou assuredly be in the number of them that are iustified and saued 1 Tim. 2.6 S. Paul saith That Christ Iesus gaue himselfe a ransome for all 1 Tim. 2.6 Beleeue this then stedfastly and without controuersie thou art now one of them alreadie that are ransomed and redeemed Furthermore Math. 26.26 Thou hearest Christ in 〈◊〉 last Supper talking w● thee and thou seest h●● nourishing feeding th● with his body and also o●fering and giuing vnto th● his bloud to drinke vnto ●uerlasting life Math. 26.26 whē he sait● Take eate this is my bod● which is giuen for you do t● in remembrance of me Lik● wise also after he had suppe● he tooke the cup and said 1 Cor. 11.25 Th● cup is the bloud of the 〈◊〉 Testament which is shed ● you and for many for the r●mission of sinnes Do this often as ye shall drinke it remembrance of me These words deare br●ther it behooueth thee 〈◊〉 fixe fast in thy memorie 〈◊〉 to thinke thē spoken to th● selfe For when as he speaketh vnto all he speaketh vnto thee also And all the things which Christ did or suffered shall be auaileable vnto thee and shall turne to thy saluation and to thy benefit no lesse then they did to Peter or Paul 1 Pet. 2.24 it is said That Christ his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his bodie on the tree 1 Pet. 2.24
faith is the ground or expectation of things that are hoped for to wit being promised not of things that are sensible or conceiued by sense and it is the euidence of things not seene that is a sure and certaine knowledge and proofe of the things that appeare not Hebrews 11.1 It standeth thee vpon therefore with the holy and faithfull Patriarch Abraham euen beside hope and aboue hope 〈◊〉 beleeue vnder hope Rom. 4.18 Thy faith thy hope must set it self to resist all those things which either blinde rea●on shall suggest vnto thee 〈◊〉 that cunning and craftie ●nemie the diuel who lieth ●n waite to destroy shall seeke to infuse and put into thee Here therefore thou ●●t to learne and obserue 1 Pet. 5.8 for thy cōfort Gods manner and custome in sauing those that are his whom he will lift vp into heauen him ●e doth commonly first of all bring downe to hell Whom he will quicken and make aliue him he doth first bring downe to the gates of death Vpon whom he will shew his greatest mercie kindnesse in sauing and deliuering him him he suffereth before to be tempted and maketh as if he would condemne him Wherefore euen then when thou feelest nothing else but present death when God seemeth most of all to be angry with thee whē he seemeth to be furthest from thee yea and to haue wholly and altogether forsaken thee cast thee off as one reproued and condemned euen then is he nearest vnto thee to protect defend and deliuer thee then he most of all loueth thee and then he ●ath greatest care ouer thee For in the middest of trouble and affliction God remembreth mercie as the Prophet in many places beareth witnesse Psal 30.5 His wrath endureth but the twinckling of ●n eye but in his fauour is life Weeping may abide at night but ioy cometh in the morning Lam. 3.31 And againe He will not forsake or be angry for euer yea rather As a father pi●ieth his owne children so is the Lord mercifull to them that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust Now Psal 103.13 the mercie of the Lord is for euer and euer vpon them that feare him The Lord is gracious and full of compassion Psal 145.8 slow to anger and of great mercy yea our God is good vnto all how much more to his children to them that loue and feare him and his mercy is ouer all his workes as the same Prophet witnesseth Psalme 145.8 And therefore closing vp the eies both of thy mind and also of thy senses and vtterly casting off the iudgment of reason submit and giue ouer thy selfe wholy vnto Christ and take it in good part howsoeuer he shall deale with thee Thou must not esteem and iudge of death or of the horror and paines of death according to the iudgement of outward sight or of sense and reason but according to the word of God and the censure and iudgement thereof Dauid saith That Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Psal 116.15 And the voyce of God himselfe from heauen cryeth in the Reuelation of S. Iohn Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord. Apoc. 14.13 And Christ himselfe saith Iohn 8.51 He that beleeueth in me shall not taste of death Wherefore if any thing be presented vnto thee which may seeme to turne thee away from Christ cast the same wholly out of thy mind Sticke fast vnto the word of God which abideth for euer Meditate still vpon it and by often repeating the same imprint it stedfastly in thy mind For thou canst not indeed euer conceiue by the quicknesse sharpnesse of thine own reason how al this may be that thou shouldest passe thorough death vnto the true life how thou shouldst die and depart this world by breathing out thy soule how thy soule should bee kept safe in the Lord and should abide and rest with him vnto the last day and how also thy body being putrified and eaten vp of wormes and consumed to dust and ashes could rise again in the last day of iudgment and come forth in so fresh and glorious a forme maner This reason in no wise is able to conceiue onely faith can comprehend it And therefore still meditate vpon the Articles of thy faith and diligently weigh and consider in thy mind all the seuerall parts of the same with a particular application thereof vnto thy selfe CHAP. III. How the sicke partie is to be called on and comforted being ready to giue vp the Ghost NOw deare brother is the time that thou must fight that good fight and lay hold on eternal life Now therefore fight manfully and couragiously keep thy standing diligently lay hold fast on Christ Iesus that none take away thy Crowne Fixe stedfastly in thy mind the promises of Christ thy Redeemer I am saith he the resurrection and the life Ioh. 11.25 He that beleeueth in me shall liue and shall not dye for euer Christ hauing taken our nature vpon him with all those defects and infirmities whereto we are subiect and dying vpon the altar of his Crosse hath offered vp himselfe a full and perfect sacrifice oblation and satisfaction for all our sinnes He it is that by his most precious blood hath purged away the sinnes of all that truly and vnfainedly beleeue in him And this thy Sauiour Iesus Christ wil in no wise forsake thee He it is that vndoubtedly careth for thee to saue protect and deliuer thee Nothing therefore shall touch thee nor preuaile against thee to hurt thee The foundation of God remaineth sure hauing this seale 2. Tim. 2.19 The Lord knoweth who are his Christ saith My sheepe Iohn 10.27 heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any be able to take them out of my hand My Father that gaue them vnto me a greater then all and none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand I and my father are one Wherefore deare brother beloued in Christ commend thy soule into the hands of God thy heauenly Father who for his Son his sake doubtles doth entirely loue thee hauing ransomed and redeemed thee with so great a price as the death and bloodshedding of his only sonne Cry out therefore confidently with thy elder brother Christ O heauenly Father into thy hands I commend my spirit which thou hast redeemed with so great a price Lord Iesus receiue my soule Now the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort and consolation confirme and strengthen thee conduct and leade thee and by the ministery of his holy Angels transport and carrie thee as they did Lazarus into the bosome of Abraham euen into euerlasting life and finally preserue and keepe thee vnto that most ioyfull resurrection at the last day Amen A SERMON OF MORTALITIE