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A06445 A paradise of prayers containing the purity of deuotion and meditation / gathered out of all the spirituall exercises of Levves of Granado ; and Englished for the benefit of the Christian reader. Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625. 1614 (1614) STC 16916.7; ESTC S2798 125,023 356

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pilgrimes and strangers Thou art not ignorant of mine infirmity O sweet Iesus thou knowest how weake fraile a fortresse this is thou knowest it must needs fall beeing shaken with so many volleyes except thou O Christ rampaire it by thy might To thee therefore do I cry from the depth of my heart giue me grace that I follow not the concupiscence of my flesh that I prouoke not my vnbridled senses with liberty but that I may strongly resist them Helpe me that I may tame my body and bring it in subiection lest my flesh growing too proud make me offend and breake my appointed limits lest my heart and body bee stained with carnall concupiscence lust riot and vnlawfull pleasures Sanctifie mee and gouerne mee that mine eies may bee gouerned mine eares shut that I may touch no vnlawfull thing but ●…e from that which is hurtfull though I feele a sting yet let mee not giue cōsent so let me nourish my flesh that it rebell not and so bridle it that it allure not Grant that in all and through all I may so subiect my flesh to my spirit that at the last it may willingly obey her tyrannize ouer her no more is a mistresse but serue as a handmaid that betweene both there may bee an harmonious concent wished peace and perpetuall concord Amen When temptations are ouercome Giue thee thanks O Lord God ●…y whose bounty I am enabled 〈◊〉 such sort that this tēpest being ●…ed I enioy a destred calme To thee be the honor of the triumph by thee and not by mee this proue Goliah is ouercome to thee I attribute whatsoeuer good effect hath succeeded For in respect of mine owne forces I must needs be subdued but now am I conquerour because I grounded my assured hope of victorie on thee my strōg assister hauing this alwaies hanging before mine eies If God be with vs who can be against vs and I can doe all things in h●… that comforteth me And though I sing praises to thee O Lord for this victory yet for that we are taught that when wee haue done all those things which belong to or become a strōg Champion we should not returne to lusts and pleasures but by the assistance of thy holy Spirit stand strong in the battell against the continuall assaults of the dwell Therfore I flie vnto thee the helper of all those that hope in thee increase my trust in thee that dail●… more and more increasing in fait●… the power of our enemies may fa●… vntil thou hast setled vs in that security whereas there is no feare of battell perill or anguish but eternall security purchased by thee when thou shalt surrender thy kingdome to thy Farher with whom thou liuest and reignest God for ●…uer Amen Against the conflict of vices MOst mercifull Lord Iesus Christ behold me miserable wretched and vile sinner prostrate before the feet of thy mercy behold the wounds botches infirmities and vices of my soule which I my selfe ah lasse by my sinne haue inforced against my selfe and now present them to bee healed by the eies of thy mercy Most mercifull Iesus take pitty of my infirmity captiuity and infelicitie wherewith my wretched soule is drowned in transitorie things and distracted by diuers desires Most louing Iesus by that charity which deliuered thee bound into the hands of sinners and haled thee to the Crosse and there afflicted thee more than those nailes that pierced thy hands feet I beseech thee loose the yoake of my captiuitie and deliuer me from all vices concupiscences and euill inclinations and from all the assaults of mine enemies and euery tribulation defend me Extinguish and kill in me vtterly all pr●…ate loue all inordinate motions passions and affections each occasion all promptnes and inclination to pride wrath enuie vaine-glorie c. for from these thou onely canst deliuer me Sweet Iesus fill me with graces and most perfect charity keepe me in all goodnesse that I may 〈◊〉 all occasions of sinne ouercome all temptations constantly subiect my flesh to my spirit persecute and banish sin auoide the assaults and subtilties of the diuell neuer consent to any sinne neuer nourish that which displeaseth thee but that I may ardently thirst after thy glory faithfully further the same and addict my selfe wholly 〈◊〉 thy good liking Amen Against euill thoughts O Lord my God bee not farre from me O my God haste thee to helpe me because diuers cogitations are risen vp against mee and great feares afflicting my soule How shall I escape vnhurt how may I ouercome them I saiest thou will go before thee and will humble the mighty on earth Doe O Lord as thou speakest and let all euill cogitations flie from thy presence This is my hope and onely consolation to flie vnto thee in all tribulation to trust in thee to call vpon thee with my whole heart and patiently to expect thy consolation Amen Against diuerse sorts of sinnes GOD Father of our Lord God Sauior Iesus Christ lord of great might blessed nature effused goodnesse God and Lord of all things who art blessed for euer who art glorified by the Seraphins to whom thousands of Angels assist and whom infinite hoasts of Angels and Archangels attend for thy Christs sake and the coming of thy holy Spirit sanctifie we pray thee our soules our bodies and our spirits touch thou likewise our minds search our cōsciences and take from vs all euill cogitations all immodest talke al filthy destres al vndecēt thoughts all enuy pride and hypocrisie all lying all deceit all distraction of this life all auarice all vaine glorie all sloth all vice all wrath all ire all remembrance of iniurie all blasphemy all commotion of the flesh or spirit contrary to thy holy will Amen Against euill thoughts O Lord my God bee not thou estranged from me o God take me into thy protection for diuers cogitations are risen vp against me and great feares that afflict my soule How shall I escape vnhurt how shall I ouercome them I sayest thou will goe before thee and I will humble the mighty vpon earth Doe O Lord as thou speakest let all wicked thoughts fly from thy presence This is my hope and onely comfort to fly vnto thee in all tribulations to trust in thee to call vpon thee with my whole heart and patiently to expect thy consolation Amen A prayer against couetousnesse THe daily necessities of the body draweth and tieth the minde thereunto send vs O Lord who as wee know hast care ouer vs that daily Bread which thine onely Son Iesus Christ cōmanded vs to aske and hope for at thy hands Grant vs to liue cōtent with those things that are needfull to despise such things as are superfluous that neither vnauoidable necessitie ouercome vs neither affluence ouerwhelme vs so send vs those things that are necessarie for vs that we obtaine not the same to offend thy Maiestie So deliuered and discharged of all
occasion of my malice from the very same meanes which thou vsedst to kill sinne I tooke occasiō to quicken sinne in my selfe So so O Lord I haue peruerted thy counsels from thy mercy pickt out the method and meanes of my malignity Because y● wert so good I thought it was lawfull for me to be euill and because thou hadst bestowed so many benefits on mee I supposed it lawfull for mee to doe thee so many offences iniuries so that I conuerted the very medicines themselues which thou institutedst against sin to occasions of sinne and the sword which thou gauest me to defend my selfe with fight against mine enemies the same haue I whet against my selfe to endanger my own life Finally thou to the end that thou mightst rule the liuing the dead wouldst die as the Apostle witnesseth to the end that they which now liue shold not liue to themselues but to thee who dai●…edst to die for them and I like some Iesabel tooke the same death as a means wherby I might bereaue my selfe of thy benefits flying from thy seruice making my selfe the bondslaue of thine enemies O what deserued he that did those things If the dogs eate the flesh of that Iesabel for her sin how may mine remain vntouched that haue altogether done the like And if the Apostle so much exaggerateth the malice of mans heart because that from the law he tooke occasion to breake the law how much more greater shall the malice be of grace if any man take occasion thereby to offend grace it selfe O most patient Lord that sufferedst strokes for sinners but more patiēt that sufferedst sinners thēselues but shall that thy patience continue for euer I remember what thou saidst by thy Prophet I held my peace I was alwaies silēt I was patient I will speake like a womā wt●…hild I see y● earth that yeeldeth no fruit after it hath bin moistned with the raine to bee reprooued and accursed the vine that after it had bene well trim'd and yeelded no grapes but briers by thy commandement cut downe and laid waste Therefore O vnprofitable and vnfruitfull branch why fearest thou not the voice of that husbandman or Uine-heard that taketh away y● branches that beare no fruite and casteth them into the fire Euery tree that beareth not fruit saith he my Father will cut downe and cast it in the fire Will he euer feare that feareth not such a iudgement How deafe is he that heareth not such a voice How profoundly sleepeth he that is not wakened with such a th●…der This earthly habitation delighted me I tooke pleasure to walke among these thornes The fire of my passions b●…ned mee the thornes of my concupiscence pricked mee the distractions of my thoughts ●…d mee the wor●…e of my conscience bit mee and al these thought I to be liberty and sola●…e so many and so great e●…is did I ca●… pea●…e O how ignorant rude was I in the knowledge of my selfe and how hard vn●…actable to obey serue thee What shal I do my God what shall I do 〈◊〉 cōsesse I am vnworthy to appeare before thy presen●… vnworthy to lift vp mine eies to behold thee whither shall I goe whither shall I flye from thy presence Art thou not my Father yea the Father of mercies which neither haue end or measure for although I haue already desisted to be thy sonne yet thou hitherto ceasest not to be my Father and though I haue done many things for which thou mightest worthily condemne mee yet hast thou not lost the meanes wherby thou maist saue me What therefore shal I do but cast my selfe prostrate before thy feet and aske mercy Whom shal I cal vpon who shal helpe me but thou Art not thou my Creator my maker my gouernour my redeemer my king my shepheard my Priest and my sacri●… Whither therfore shall I go to whom shall I flie but vnto thee if thou repulse mee who shall releeue me if thou reiect mee who shall rescue mee Acknowledge O Lord this lost sheep behold I come vnto thee altogether wounded thou canst heale me altogether blinde thou canst giue mee sight altogether dead and thou canst reuiue me altogether leprous and thou canst clense me Sprinkle me O Lord with hysope and I shall be cleane wash me I shall be whiter than snow Greater is thy mercie than my iniquitie greater thy clemency than my malice and thou canst remit more than I can sin Repulse me not therefore O Lord repulse me not looke not vpon the multitude of my sins but on thine infinite mercy who liuest reignest world without end Amen An oblation of all the labours and passions of Christ for our sins WHat shal I render vnto thee O Lord for all the benefits thou hast bestowed vpon me with what signification of gratuity shall I recompence so many benefits what shal I giue thee for that thy so great mercy alasse how slenderly doe I requite the merits of so liberall and fauourable a benefactor I was alwaies vngrateful for thy benefits alwaies rebellious against thy commandements I alwaies shut vp my soule against thy inspirations heaping offence vpon offence and adding sinne to sinne I confesse O Lord that I am not worthy to bee called thy sonne although I acknowledge thee to be my Father For thou art truly my Father thou art my hope thou art the fountaine of mercy that repulsest not sinners that flie vnto thee but receiuest them washest them and feedest them Behold therefore my helper see how I the poorest of al thy creatures come vnto thee bringing no other thing with mee but the grieuous burthen of my sinnes I prostrate my selfe before the feete of thy mercy humbly asking pardon Forgiue me I beseech thee O my firme hope saue mee for thy infinite mercy sake O sweete Iesus in remission of my sinnes I offer vnto thee thy immeasurable charitie wherewith thou being God of infinite maiesty wert moued not to refuse for my sake to be incarnate to be made man and to be conuersant in this world thirty three yeares in many tribulations persecutions paines vexations labours 〈◊〉 offer vnto thee that thy deadly affliction y● bloody sweate and that agony which afflicted and pierced thy hear●… when praying in the garden pr●…ating thy selfe on the ground thou besoughtest the Father I offer vp vnto thee that a●●●nt charitie whereby thou desiredst to suffer for vs when as of thine owne accord thou offeredst thy selfe into the hands of thine 〈◊〉 as a wel pleasing sacrifice to thy Father for our sins 〈◊〉 offer vp vnto thee al 〈◊〉 iniuries blasphemies buffetings beatings spitt●…s al other tho●…e tormēts which in that miserable night thou sustainedst in the hou●…e of Ann●…s 〈◊〉 offer vnto thee O good 〈◊〉 al these things beseeching thine 〈◊〉 goodnes that by the merits therof tho●… w●…t pardon me all my sins thou wilt as wel remit the penalty as the crime and
the Father of light from whom all goodnesse proceeded I like the lost sheepe wandered far astray from the fold who lewdly consumed that grace which thou so liberally hadst imparted to me I left thee the Foūtaine of liuing water and digged me Ceste●…ns and drunke of troubled water full of bitter consolations such as in short time are dried vp For all consolations and al the pleasures of this world vanish away like smoke I left the tree of life and fed on mast cods which were spurned and trodden downe by the hogs following the passions and inordinate affections of my minde my beastly appetites I departed from thee the chiefest good and followed those earthly and transitorie pleasures which ouerthrew mee But now O father I beseech thee forget thou these iniuries which I haue committed against thy maiestie which I craue not for in respect of the multitude of my merits but by beholding the labours and dolours of thy onely begotten Son which he suffred for my sake And thou the onely begotten S●…nne of the eternall Father my Lord God and Sauior haue mercy vpon me I cast all mine iniquities all my iniurie ignom●…e ire pride auarice disobedience impudencie presumption with all my other sins wherby I haue prouoked thy wrath into thy lenitie clemency sacred wounds wide open to yeeld mee refuge I giue my selfe wholy vnto thee and commend my selfe wholy to thy grace for thou art my hope my helpe and my strength As much as my sins trouble and confound me so much doth thy goodnesse and the infinite merits of thy passion rei●…yce and comfort me My sins although in themselues they be grieuous in weight and infinite in number yet in comparison of thy mercies they are light and few Under this confidēce I come vnto thee and confesse my sinnes vnto thee hoping that thou wilt not destroy him whom thou hast created according to thine owne image similitude and for whose loue thou madest thy selfe partaker of our nature bloud and flesh I trust I shall not bee condemned by thee whom thou hast redeemed as it were with so incomparable a price with so many labours and dolors To thee be all honour and dominion for euer euer Amen Another most deuout praier for remission of sinnes O My best beloued Iesus I a●… that wretched vnhappy sin ner that hath inflicted thee so many woun●…s and crucified thee a●…ew by my sinnes ahlas too many and too mighty Behold yet how I pre sent my selfe before thee my father and iudge being guilty of so m●… crimes accountable for so ma●… sinnes beseeching thee through the bowels of thy mercy that all thy wounds may once more bee opened in the sight of the Father may flow into my miserable vncleane soule soiled and infected with so many sinnes not suffering them to be closed before they haue throughly washed and perfectly cleansed me O sweet Iesus turne not thy face from me but ouerflow me with thine infinite mercy and behold me with the eies of thy pitie wherewith thou beheldst Mary Magdalen at the feast time Peter in the Bishops palace the theefe on the Crosse. Giue mee the true knowledge of my sinnes giue me the iust griefe receiue me into the paradise of thy grace wash mee in thy reaking blood and quicken me by thy precious death pardon me and take from me whatsoeuer my heart wrongfully possesseth beecause thou thy selfe hast said if I bee exalted from the earth I will draw all things to me For which cause I pray thee O thou redeemer of my soule draw mee vnto thee and cleanse me from my hidden sins O true light illumine the darknes of my minde O consuming fire burne in me all my sinnes and iniquities Come and vi●…t my sick soule cleanse my conscience and make me thy gratefull Tabernacle O deerest beeloued Lord spred for my sake on the tree of the Crosse draw mee out of the suds of my sinnes embrace mee kisse mee being clensed from all s●…aine of my wickednesse O noble cluster of grapes pressed in the wine-presse of the Crosse hug my soule with thy naked but faire armes distained with bloud Grant also that thou maist bee embrac●… in like sort by the same and 〈◊〉 a handfull of Mirrhe thou ma●… rest betweene her teates O th●… nailed and pierced souldier ho●… cruelly wert thou wounded in t●… warre vndertaken in my behalfe How strongly didst thou fight fo me thou triumpher ouer the wor●… and the diuell who by thy death diddest conquer death and by t●… precious blood didst expiate f●… all the sinnes of mankinde O●… what shall I giue thee for all th●… which thou hast bestowed vp●… mee All that little that I haue I offer it wholly vnto thee name●… my spirit that thou maist rest 〈◊〉 the same my soule that it m●…●…oue thee my body that it m●… serue thee O noble Pellican that nou●… shest thy yong ones with thy hea●… blood so feed my soule faint●… for hunger and spirituall thirst nothing else may be sauourie vn●… the same neither that she may d●… sire to take any thing but to ea●… thy flesh and drinke thy blood O mellifluous riuer of celes●… delights ouerflow all my inward parts make me drinke and grant that I may bee dead to all other creatures and aliue to thee onely O glorious myrrour of the incomprehensible Trinitie on which all the Angels and Saints desire to contemplate alas how cruelly wert thou intreated for my sake There is neither forme nor beauty in thee thou becamest a by-word of men and the scorne of the multitude O make mee partaker of that incomparable treasure of thy precious ransome wherewith thou redeemedst mee open the treasurie of thy merits and pay all my debt make mee such a one in this world as thou woulddest haue me in the world to come where thou reignest with the Father and the holy Spirit God world without end Amen A most godly praier and oblation wherein man offereth himselfe vp vnto God requiring that the tyranny of his vices expelled God hereafter may reigne in his soule and dwell therein and so worke in it those fruits which pertaine to newnesse of life O My God O my loue O my hope O all my refuge and all my desire O Father of mercy and God of al consolation as oft as I cōsider with my selfe in what state I was somtime in how many dangers of perdition I haue escaped from how many euils thou hast deliuered me whē I was dead in my sinnes and lay buried and couered with the stone of my inueterate custome of offending such a hope is quickened in me that I cannot choose but aske at thine hands O Lord all such things as are necessary for my saluation For I am thy workmanship thy hands haue fashioned me O Lord despise not therefore the worke of thy hāds For why should I doubt that thou wilt giue mee all thy goods that hast
many blessings thy bounty and benignity hath done all this and I being insufficient to yeeld thanks for only one of them how can I requit so many thousands And how may darkenesse praise light how may vanity commend verity how 〈◊〉 a mortal man by nature fraile conceiue thine immortalitie how may a grosse substance comprehend him who is free from all weight of matter how may vncleannes praise puritie who then shal applaud thy works who shall resound thy praises but thou like a most mercifull Father receiuest our vowes and takest in good part thy childrens thāsgiuing whosoeuer Make me therfore worthy O good God to giue thee thanks to cleaue perpetually to thy charitie that I may praise thee for the many and mighty benefits wherewith thou hast honoured mee That I may pay thee thanksgiuing for the perils from whence thou hast deliuered me Finally that I may doe thee dutie for protecting mee both in prosperity aduersitie because thou hast done all things with discretion and for that thou art the Lord of our bodies and soules of life death of health and sicknes of felicity infelicity To bee short the moment of all things dependeth on thy hand Thou dost reioyce in vs by thy benefits thou dost amate vs by thy menaces thou differedst in chastising comfortest vs reclaming our frailty vnto thy self Glory be to thy wondrous power praise to thy vnsatiable loue to mankinde gouerne the rest of our life most mercifull guide and vigilant gouernour deliuer mee O Lord from all mine enemies visible and inuisible stretch out thy bounteous hand that may drawe vs out of the deepe waters of the roaring flouds of this world and that may relieue and lighten the dangers of our nauigation Gouerne y● the magistracy O King which thou hast committed to our charge for thou art the steersman we the rudder let thy hand therefore inuisibly rule this Rudder whither it please the and whither thou hast decreed it for neither wil I trust in my bow neither shal my sword saue me but thy right hand and thine arme and the cleare light of thy countenance Thy wil be done o King in vs as it is in heauen and earth if at any time wee shall run astray from the lawes of thy commandements conceiue not suddaine wrath O most mercifull God since thou art not ignorant how fraile and weak we are from our beginning if thou list thou canst saue mee vouch safe it may be accordant to thy wil. For vnlesse thy power strengthen mee I cannot do that which I would Consider my heart therefore with the vnspeakable sweetenes of thy bounty to the end that a little sense and taste of the future and eternall blessednesse which we shall enioy in thee may refresh our minds Lastly make nice worthie that after this present life I may hasten vnto thee my Lord God that I may behold the riches of thy kingdome and contemplate the beautie of thy looke which grant o most holy King my true God and maker for thy Sonnes sake our Lord Iesus Christ Amē A prayer vnto the Father wherein we demand sanctification THou that rulest in the highest reignest for euer onely canst doe all things God the gouernor of heauen and earth at whose becke all creatures tremble the pillars of heauen shake O heauenly God perfect workman and Potter I wretch made out of clay or rather of filthy mudde with feare and trembling come before the throne of thy maiestie I acknowledge confesse my wickednesse I know that I am nothing yea that I am meere abomination and horror in thy sight if thy grace and mercie do faile me without thee I thinke no goodnes without thee I do no good thing without thee I am a contemptible creeping worme I cannot be saued without thine assistance my saluation dependeth on thy hands I giue thee thanks O God in especiall for this for that thou hast giuen me that know ledge that I may see and know that I am nothing and vnable to do aniething without thee Thou art the Potter I the clay such as thou wilt haue mee bee such canst thou forme and fashion me if thou makest mee blessed thou shewest thy mercy grace if thou castest mee into perdition thou shewest thy iustice and executest thy iudgement neither is it my duety to contradict thee why or vnder what reason thou doest it For thou hast mercy vpon him whom thou louest these things I meditate with my selfe o Lord I feare thy iudgements Since therefore all my safety saluation dependeth on thee and consisteth in thy hand and power and sith thou hast shewed thy selfe a mercifull long-suffering God to the whole world and hast testified the same indeed in that thou woldest thy only son Iesus Christ the innocent should die for our offences and expiate our sinnes with his blood on the Crosse. Finally since thou hast taught vs in all our perturbations to cal vpon thee and aske thy grace and mercy for that thou wilt giue vs all things which wee shall aske in the Name of thy Sonne I come vnto thee being drosse and a lumpe of clay O mercifull and celestiall Potter beseeching thee most humbly that thou wilt vse thy mercie and make of this vnworthy matter a Uessell of eternall Glorie Uouchsafe also of thy meere grace to fixe my minde on perfect faith assured hope and chaste and holie loue that being iustified by these thy gifts I may become vpright perfect good and holy according to thy good will both in the midst and end of my life as also at the latter day of iudgement O mercifull Father grant mee pardon of all my sinnes through y● death of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ make me to please thee alone grant me to be thy gratefull sonne and heire increase in me that iustice whatsoeuer which is giuen me and granted from heauen that I may continue and end my life 〈◊〉 the same increase in me that faith which thou hast giuen mee kindle my loue of thee and make it more apparant that by thy helpe and the presence of thy grace and the accomplishment of thy holy will I may obtaine euerlasting life which thou hast promised vs to the end I may praise thee and giue thee thanks in thy kingdome for e●… and euer Amen A prayer to God the Sonne OThou maker and redeemer of makinde Iesus Christ who saiedst I am the way the truth and the life the way in doctrine precept and examples the truth in promises the life in reward I pray thee by thy vnspeakeable charitie wherwith thou daignest to imploy thy selfe wholly for our saluation suffer mee neuer to wander from thee who art the way neither euer to distrust in thy promises who art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou doest promise neither to repose or relie on any other thing because thou art eternall life than which there is nothing more to bee desired neither in heauen nor in earth
euen at that time when thou wert afflicted on the crosse with so many vnspeakeable dolours and anguishes Grant mee grace O Lord I beseech thee that remembring me of that humilitie and patience wherewith thou enduredst so many griefes and disgraces I also with the like sufferance may endure all whatsoeuer aduersities perseuering with thee on the crosse of patience till death Let no force of temptation no tempest of tribulation no stormes of iniuries leade mee from my intended good purpose let neither death nor life nor things present nor to come nor any other creature separate mee from thee I giue thee thanks honored Iesus who sparedst that theefe who blasphemed and mocked thee and to the other that confessed his sins and with a firme faith preached thine innocency promisedst the glorie of Paradise O blessed were I if euer I might be so happy as to deserue to be beheld by thine eies of mercie wherewith thou didst looke vpon that fortunate theefe and by the helpe of thy grace I might so innocently liue that in the end of my life I were worthy to here that most sweet word To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Our Father c. The sixt prayer of the life of Iesus I Giue thee as great thanks as is possible for me O Lord Iesus for that looking from the tree of the Crosse seeing thy mother full of griefes afflictions and drowned in her teares thou tookest cōpassion other estate and commendedst her to thy beloued Apostle Iohn and afterwards commended him to thy mother and vs all in his person Grant me Lord that I may suffer with her in griefe and trauell in teares til I behold thee I giue thee thanks sweetest Iesus for that with open wounds thy head crowned with thornes thy hands feete nailed to the Crosse thou saidst O God my God ●…hy hast thou forsaken me Effect O Lord in mee that in all my aduersities and temptations I may flie vnto thee my most mercifull Father and distrusting in my self trust only in thee resigne my selfe wholy into thy hāds I require thee O Lord to wound the entrals of my soule with the memorie of thy wounds cause them to bee imprinted in my secret thoughts and make mee so drunke with thy blood that I may thinke on nought else nor seeke any other but thee that seeking thee I may finde thee and possesse thee for euer I giue thee thanks o Lord Iesus Christ who hauing thy bodie weakned and dried through too grieuous torments and too much effusion of blood wert vehemently drie and burning with excessiue desire of our saluation saidst I thirst Grant me o Lord that I may ardently thirst after thine honor the saluation of al soules herein let me wholly conforme my selfe to thy holy will doing as much as lieth in mee in respect of my profession I pray thee that no loue of transitory things may intangle me that no creature may draw me into perilous snares but that I may loue all things for thy sake which ought to bee loued and thy selfe more than all that in thee alone I may onely finde rest I giue thee thanks O mercifull Iesu for that in the houre of thy death that thou mightest quench thy thirst thou wouldest apply to thy mouth a sponge full of Uinegar that tasting that bitter draught in that thy most afflicted state thou mightst satisfie thy eternal Father for all our intemperance and ryots mightst leaue vs a wonderfull example of pouertie Grant me grace that for the loue of thee I may contemne all delicious sauours and exquisit banquets and that I may bee content to eate and drinke that onely with temperance and moderation which sufficeth to sustaine this bodie yeelding thee infinite thanks for the same Puri●…e and heale the palate of my soule that that may be sweete vnto mee whatsoeuer is gratefull vnto thee and whatsouer displeaseth thee the same may not bee sauorie vnto me but rather loathsome I giue thee thanks O Iesus the feruent louer of mankinde for that so absolutely and with so excellent an order thou broughtst the worke of our redemption to end offering thy selfe a liuing sacrifice on the altar of the Crosse for the sinnes of the world I pray thee O my Redeemer that thou wilt only vouchsafe to be the seale of my heart and the scope of my thoughts words and works that in all things with a pure and chaste intention I may onely respect and doe that which thine honour requireth or that nothing without thee may please me or that I may desire any thing but thee Grant mee O Lord that hereafter I neuer wax sluggish or wearie in thy seruice but that the feruour of the Spirit renewed in mee daily my diligence may more and more increase in praising and seruing thee I giue thee thanks sweet Iesu who when it was thy pleasure calledst for death and bowing thy reuerēd head thou commandedst thy spirit commended to the hands of thy Father to forsake thy bodie wherein thou declaredst that thou wert the true Shepheard who lost his life for his sheepe Grant mee O Lord that being dead to all my sinnes and iniquities I may liue onely to thee that the course of this my life being finished in charitie I may presentlie enter into thee who art the true Paradise of our soules I giue thee thanks most meeke Iesus that thou wouldest haue thy diuine bodie opened with a launce of a certaine Souldier out of which blood and water issued to wash quicken our soules May it please thee O LORD so to strike my heart with the launce of thy holy loue that I may will nothing except that which thou willest O Lord let my soule enter the wound of thy breast and attaine euen vnto the seate of thy charitie and treasure of thy diuinitie that there I may adore thee my GOD crucified and dead for mee and casting from my memory all the figures of things visible I may onely respect thee and haue thee solely present in all things I giue thee thanks beloued Iesu who with the great lament of thy friends wert taken from the Crosse and embalmed with precious oyntments wrapped in a faire winding sheete and carried into a strāge Sepulcher O Lord burie with mee all my senses that beeing ioyned vnto thee by a strong bond of loue I may bee as it were dead in those things which displease thee and as it were rauished out of my selfe in all things contrary vnto thee And contrariwise in these things that please me let mee bee altogether liuelie prompt and swift and delight in thee alon●… my onely Redeemer and treasure of my soule Our Father c. The seuenth praier of the life of Iesus I Giue thee thanks sweete Iesu who of thy mighty power descendedst into hell and there subduedst sathans power conqueredst obscurity and death I pray thee O Lord that the reason of thy
body also O most sweete Iesus contaminate with many crime●… this night and al other times suc●… rest that I may neuer depart from thee who art eternal tranquillitie neither at any time forsake the●… or through the dulnesse and sluggishnesse of my slothfull flesh be●… forgetfull of thee and thereby be●… thrust into the perpetuall agitat●… on and damnation of incessa●… trouble For which cause O eternal an most mercifull Lord I comment my spirit into thy hands for tho●… our most mercifull Sauiour ha●… redeemed vs on the wood of th●… crosse suffer not my spirit O Lord to sleepe in sinne and saint therein lest I bee buried in eternall death ●…ut watch ouer mee and intend ●…y safety O most faithfull shepheard suffer mee not being desti●…ute of thy helpe to be swallowed 〈◊〉 the gulfe of my sinnes Protect me vnder the shadow of ●…hy wings and suffer me not to be ●…ntangled with extraordinary and ●…nnecessary sleepe but raise mee ●…n due time that wakened in that sort I may cheerefully endeuour my selfe to sing thy praises and intend thy seruice that I may thinke of thee and being raised by ●…hy power I may performe the ●…orks of iustice and seeke thy hea●…enly kingdome with my whole ●…eart that at length by thee with ●…hee in thee I may obtaine eter●…all light and celestial rest Amen Another praier before sleepe GRant vnto mee O my God the watching I may vigilantlie ●…and in thy presence as often as 〈◊〉 shall fortune me to sleepe let my sleepe bee without sinne and if in my waking I should commit any misdeed grant me O Lord pardō for thy mercy sake and if sinne in my sleepe let thy clemency pardon mee and by the memory of thy martyrdome giue mee a quiet time of sleepe and deliuer mee from euill dreames and filthy imaginations and for the whole night bouchsafe me a sleepe full of tranquillitie lest wickednesse haue the power ouer mee and euill cogitations ful of peruersnesse seduce mee Giue me thine Angel of light that may keepe all the members of my body and deliuer mee from cursed concupiscence by that liuing body that was cru●…ified for mee Let me lay me downe to rest and sleepe in peace and let thy blood bee the keeper of mee and my soule which is thine image Giue libertie to thy handiworke and let thy right hand defend the bodie which thou hast fashioned with thine owne hands and enuiron mee with the wall of thy mercies as it were an acceptable fortresse and bulwarke that when the body shall rest and sleepe it may bee defended by thy vertue and let my sleepe bee as a sweete sinelling incense before thy maiesty neither let the enemy approch my bed for thy mercie sake I will heare and execute thy will O my God who lodest the night with the tranquillitie of the iustice of our redeemer Iesus Christ. For thou art the true light and thy glorie dwelleth in the light and the children of light adore thee dwelling in the light Iesus the Word of the Father vnto life haue mertie on mee for thy mercie sake to whom with the Father that sent thee and the holy Ghost bee all praise for euer Amen Iaculatorie prayers to bee had alwaies in memorie When any sudden feare assaileth thee BE vnto mee O Lord a tower of strength against the face of mine enemy If the corrupt flesh prouoke thee PIerce my flesh with thy feare for I haue trembled at thy iudgments If an ill suspicion ouertake thee CReate in mee O Lord a new heart and giue me a new spirit If vndecent sadnesse ouer-hale thee GIue me the ioy of thy saluation and confirme mee with a principall spirit If vaine glory seduce thee NOt vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but to thy ●…ame giue the glorie If desperation molest thee GOd is my hope frō my youth from the wombe of my mother thou art my protector If thou be afflicted in minde HElpe me and I shall be safe I will meditate alwaies vpon thy iustifications If sloth assaile thee EXcite thy power O Lord and come conūrme mee in thy words lest I faile in the way If labour tire thee BEhold my humility and my labour forgiue mee all my sins If wrath disturbe thee GIue mee patience O Lord peace to thy seruant lest I lose the crowne of my soule in heauen For thou hast said In your patience you shall possesse your soules If desire of honour and promotion tempt thee INcline my hart O Lord to thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnesse turne away mine eies lest I see vanitie and quicken mee in thy way If gluttony sollicite thee THe kingdome of heauen is not meate drinke but peace and ioy in the holy Ghost It is the Spirit that quickneth the fiesh profiteth nothing Is euill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thee VVHose tinage and superscription is this And hearing that it is Ce●…ars that is the diuel of this world say let thy money bee with thee to thy perdition now the doore is shutte and our Lord careth his passe-ouer here I haue no leasure to open vnto thee If any blessing of God happen to thee VVHat shal I yeeld vnto our Lord for all the benefits he hath bestowed vpon mee How much ●…west thou m●… soule And tur●…g to the angels lay Come and heare and I wil show you all y●…e that ●…are God what hee hath 〈◊〉 to my soule And turning thine eies vnto God himselfe it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shalt thou say O Lord thy mercy is great toward me I●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 persecution IUdge them O Lord that hurt mee ouerthrow them that fight against mee Take the sword and shield and arise to do me helpe When thou seest thou art 〈◊〉 by God VVHerefore O Lord art 〈◊〉 departed farre from mee Doest thou turne thine eies aside in opportunities in tribulation Stay with vs O Lord for it waxeth night Against detractors SAue mee O God for the righteous faile and truth faileth amongst the children of men Let the Lord confound all deceitfuil lips and the tongue that speaketh great things For our enemies O Lord lay not this sin to their charge because they know not what thy do When we address●… our selues to studie BLessed art thou O Lord teach me to doe thy will open mine eies that I may consider the wonderfull works of thy Law A man may sometimes lift vp his heart by affection of repentance in these words TUrne thy face from my sinnes O Lord and blot out all my offences Create in mee O Lord a new heart Sometimes with an affection of gratitude BLesse the Lord O my soule and forget not his benefits Sometime with an affection of loue I Will loue thee O Lord my strength God is my foundation my refuge and my deliuerer God is my helper and I will hope in him Euen as the Hart desireth the
and no man can come vnto mee except my Father draw him All that therefore which I haue all that which I am it is of thy grace thy gift thy liberalitie and mercie so that but in thinking I could not preuent the gifts of thy good works by my vertue For we are not sufficient to thinke any thing of our selues as of our selues but all our sufficiencie is from thee What therfore shall I do wretched naked and poore that I am I am weake and lame but by thy gifts and benefits rich and wealthy I sailed by the sea but a tempest arising my ship was drowned m●… riches perished my wares at one misfortune l●…st By thy bounty although I suffered ship wrack I my selfe escaped my soule being saued by the helpe of one planke swam to land But what now shall I do I haue not whereon to liue and through infirmity I can get nothing The onely remedy that is lest me is to beg but who is so liberall that hee will or so rich that hee can helpe a caitife so miserably poore but thou onely O God ●…enigne and mercifull rich and omnipotent To thee therefore do I cry to thee do I cal at thy gate without ●…rmission will I beg But heere once againe my conscience terrifieth mee shame and modestie reclaimeth for what soeuer I possessed before and now haue lost all that was thine that thou hast trusted mee with for all that as yet I stand indebted vnto thee moreouer I offended thee I did thee wrong 〈◊〉 abused thy blessings to thy dishonor What impudency shall it therefore be in me to aske new fauours at thy hands shall I therefore despaire shall I therefore say with Cam my iniquitie is more than may be remitted shall I therefore bee a vagabond an outcast from the land of the liuing nothing lesse for I know that my God and my Lord is mercifull and compassionate long suffering and of great mercy I know that my Lord is bountifull and of much mercie fauourable to such as offēd I kn●…w that after he had seene his seruant that ought him ten thousand talents humbling himselfe he forgaue him the whole debt I will therfore say in like sort with that seruant Lord haue patience with me I will pay thee all But how shall I restore vnto thee O Lord except thou first giue mee and to whom shalt thou giue but to him that beggeth at thy hands and who dare not aske when as thou so liberally inuitest all men saying Come vnto mee all you that labour and are burthened and I will refresh you come all ye that thirst vnto the waters and those that want mony hasten buy and eate Come buy without money and without any exchange Wine and milke Incited by this so bountifull prouocation of thine behold I come vnto thee and beseech thee that thou wilt giue mee the meanes to satisfie all that which I ow thee and namely giue mee thy grace duely to adore thee serue thee praise thee and yeeld thee that due reuerence and honour that belongeth vnto thee that I may giue thee thankes for thy benefites loue thee with all my heart put all my trust in thee obey thy commaundements offer my selfe wholie vnto thee commend my selfe into thy hands and that I may learne to aske these or such like graces from thee that outwardly before mine eies and inwardly within my heart the glorie of thy Name and the saluation of my soule like a white or marke may continually bee prefixt before me I beseech thee also O Lord to graunt mee the remission of my sinnes true contrition and pennance giue mee grace that I neuer hereafter offend thee either in those sinnes which were hitherto familiar vnto mee or any other whatsoeuer But especially O LORD I require the grace and strength at thy hands that I may chastice my flesh refraine my tongue mortifie the inordinate appetites of my heart and recollect the dispersed and wandering thoughts of my imagination that so reformed both inwardly and outwardly and made a new Creature I may deserue to bee a liuing and gratefull Temple in the which thou maist rest and make thy biding place Giue mee those vertues also wherewith that thy habitatiō may not onely bee purged but also beautified such as are the holie feare of thy name firme hope perfect humility entire patience prudent discretion pouertie of spirit exact obedience continuall fortitude and diligent alacritie in all those things which appertaine to thy seruice and honour and aboue all ardent charitie as wel towards thee as towards my neighbour But because I know my self vnworthy of all these and vndeseruing any of them remember I pray thee O Lord thy old mercies remember that thou desirest not the death of a sinner as thou thy selfe testifiest but that hee bee conuerted and liue remember that thine onely begotten Sonne came not into this world to cal the iust but sinners remember what hee did and how much hee suffred from the day of his Natiuitie till the time hee died vpon the Crosse. Al which I offer vnto thee O most mercifull Father that they may be a sweete smelling sacrifice for my sinnes and not for my sinnes onely but for all other my necessities also For whatsoeuer I pray and whatsoeur I pleade for that do I aske in his not in mine owne name for it is said of thee that thou honourest the fathers in their children and sparest one for another euen as Dauid in times past honoured Mephiboseth for his Father Ionathans sake Honour thou thy onely begotten Sonne in like manner in me doing good vnto me for his sake because hee is my Father and my second Adam and I his sonne although disobedient ill-nurtured Looke vpon mee O Lord because I flie vnto thee come to the gate of thy mercie to thee doe I lay open my pouerty to thee shew I my wounds because thou art my true Physition I powre out my soule before thee and inflamed with the spirit of Dauid I crie vnto thee saying Incline thine eares O Lord vnto me and heare me because I am poore and in necessitie Keepe my soule because I am holy saue thy seruant O my God that putteth his trust in thee haue mercie vpon mee O Lord because all the day long I cry vnto thee glad y● soule of thy seruant because vnto thee O Lord lift I vp my soule for y● O Lord art sweete and mercifull and many are thy mercies to those that call vpon thee Open thine eares O Lord vnto my praier heare the voice of my cry In the day of tribulation I cried vnto thee and thou didst heare me leade me O Lord in the way and direct mee in thy truth let my heart reioyce that I may feare thy name I will confesse vnto thee O Lord my God with my whole heart and I will praise thy name for euer and euer Amen A most deuout meditation
onely recreateth and delighteth the iust but healeth also and purifieth sinners Let euery one come hither and take part of that which he thinketh most holsome for himselfe let the iust come and eate and reioyce in this table and let the voice of their confesson and praise sound in this holsome challice I can no waies be without this mystery I can no waies liue without the same and whatsoeuer I am I cānot be excused if I receiue it not for in euery place and in euery thing it is necessary for me If I be sicke here shall I be healed if aliue here shall I be comforted if dead here raised againe if I burne with diuine loue heere shall I bee more inflamed if I bee but luke warme here shall I be set on fire I will not feare although my LORD shall finde mee blinde because he giueth sight vnto mee I will not feare although I see that I am fallen for hee lifteth them vp that are fallen low I will not flie from his presence as once Adam did although I be naked for he can couer my wickednesse I wil not hide me although I seeme vncleane and full of sinne for hee is the fountaine of mercie I will not be ashamed although I am poore for hee is the Lord of all liuing things I am not much mooued if hee shall interpret my boldnesse to bee his iniurie but I thinke I shall giue him occasion of greater glory that beeing more wretched than al other liuing creatures y● greatnes of the diuine mercy may more cleerly appeare in mee in that that he will helpe me His darkenesse that was blinde from his birth attēded on the glory of God for he was borne blind to the end that the works of God might bee manifested so also the misery of my condition shall serue him because in the same the greatnesse of his bounty shall bee beheld namely if hee who is so mighty vouchsafe to succour so miserable and poore a creature that especially whereas heerein there is no regard had of mee but onely for the merits of our Lord Iesus Christ for which cause y● eternall Father giueth vs good things adopteth vs for his children taketh it in good part that th●…y are wont so to be esteemed I pray thee therefore most humbly beseech thee at this present my God y● Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that as that most holie King Dauid admitted Mep●…boseth weake and lame to sit at his table because he was the son of his great deerly esteemed friend Ionathan intending hereby to honor his son not for y● son himselfe sake but for the merits of the father so let it be pleasing likewise to thee O Father to admit me a poore and vncleane sinner to thy most royall banquet not for my sake but for y● merits and honour of thy singular friend ●…esus Christ our Lord and Sauior who hath regenerated vs on y● tree of the crosse which so many labours and dolors to thy glory and honour who liueth and reigneth with thee world without end Another prayer before the Communion I Praise thee thanke thee most sweet Lord Iesus my Sauior redeemer for thy so many benefits which thou hast vouchsafed to bestow on mee most vile and wretched sinner I yeeld thee thankes O Lord for all the mercies which thou vsedst towards man-kinde especially in the mystery of thy incarnation namely in thy natiuitie circumcisiō presentation in y● temple flight into Egypt in thy fasting and temptation in thy labors and many iournies in thy preachings persecutions in this world in the torments and dolors of thy bitter passion and for al that which thou sufferedst in the flesh for me But in especial I giue thee heartie thankes for thy vnspeakeable charitie which mooued thee to suffer for my sake which verilie amongst all thy works is the greatest without any comparison Moreouer I yeeld thee all thanks that is possible for that thou daignest to admit mee to thy most holy Table make mee partaker of thy selfe and all thy merits and the inestimable treasure of the passion O my GOD and Sauior with what offices of dutie shall I recompence this new and vnheard-of kinde of mercie Who art thou and who am I that thou the Lord of most high maiestie daignest to enter into dirt and this earthly tabernacle O Lord holinesse becommeth thy house for euer and euer why therefore commest thou into my house which is abundantly stored with iniquitie Heauen is thy house and thy seate and the earth the footstoole of thy feet because the glorie of thy maiestie filleth both heauen and earth how comes it therfore to passe that thou doest not abhorre to lodge in so vile an hospitall Is it therefore to bee thought saith Salomon that truly God dwelleth on earth For if the heauens and the heauen of heauens bee not able to containe thee how much lesse this house which I haue built O admirable thing hee that sitteth vpon the Cherubins and beholdeth the depths now humbleth himselfe euen vnto the lowest and maketh his seate in the lowest places It seemed little to thy goodnesse that thou didst appoint y● Angels to our ministerie but thy selfe wouldest come vnto vs enter into our soules that there with thine owne hands thou mightst worke the act of our saluation There dost thou visit the sick raise such as are fallen teach the ignorant reduce such as are straied out of the way What need many words Thou art he that curest our wounds and healest our infirmities not by an other mans hands but thine own not by medicines fet from afarre but with thine owne flesh and blessed blood dost thou medicine vs. O true Pastor how abundantly hast thou discharged thy promises which in times past thou madest by thy Prophet saying I wil feed my sheepe and I will make them rest But who shall bee worthy of this grace who can merit this benefite only thy mercy O Lord can make vs worthy of so infinite benefits And because without the same no man can bee worthy O Lord let the same bee fauourable vnto mee let it make me partaker of so many mysteries let it make mee thankefull for so inestimable a benefit O Lord with thy grace supply all my defects forgiue me all my sins thorow thy mercie Let thy spirit prepare my minde thy merits enrich my pouerty thy precious blood clense all the blemishes of my soule and wash out all the staines of my life that I may worthily receiue this most reuerend sacramēt My soule reioyceth is glad o my God as often as I remember that notorious miracle wherin in time past a dead man raised a dead body by the only means of touching For if the body of a dead Prophet could do so much what cannot the liuing bodie of the Lord of Prophets doe I am assured O Lord that thy power is not of lesse value than that of thy
much as thou maiest be beloued in this life by any man subiect to sinne and thrall to many necessities With that Leaper in the gospel O Lord I come before thy presence crying o Lord if thou wilt thou canst make mee cleane thou canst I say clense my soule from al her sinnes canst purge the same as it were gold in the fire of thy loue if thou wilt thou canst presently enrich this poore one if thou wilt thou canst make mee glad of all those that are in this world most blessed What will it hinder thee O Lord if thou yeeld me such a blessing what disprofite will it breede what losse will it bring thee So then O Lord since thou art the Ocean of infinite goodnesse liberality and riches why through thy wrath hidest thou thy mercies from mee Why are my sins more mightie than thy goodnesse Why shall my sins rather condemne me than thy mercies saue me If thou requirest contrition griefe for my offences behold I con●…eiue so much sorrow for my sinnes that I had rather haue endured a thousand sorts of death then once to haue offended thee If thou requirest satisfactiō loe I offer my bodie vnto thee powre thy wrath vpon it exercise what torments of thy displeasure thou 〈◊〉 vpon it so thou denie mee not thy mercie Grant therfore that I may loue thee my God my strength my refresher my redeemer my helper and my hope I onely seeke thee I onely desire thee I onely crie vnto thee my Lord God thou art ●…y first beginning my last end The things of this life satisfie mee not haue no sweetnesse in them no stability or strēgth whatsoeuer I see besides thee is but pouerty whatsoeuer is in any place without thee is but troubled and salt water vnto mee it cooleth not my thirst but kindleth it I onely seeke thee I onely will thee I onely desire to behold thy face I pray vnto thee beseeching thee not to separate thy mercy and loue from me I will possesse thee and will not let thee goe before thou hast blessed me I will cleane vnto thee and will not depart from thee before thou hast brought mee into thy Winecellar and ordered me in thy charity I will cry after thee neither will I hold my peace I will say with the Prophet I will loue thee O Lord my strength I will meditate vpon thee without ceassing I will thinke on thee in my sleepe in the night time for I am in health when I am with thee and sicke if I be from thee for thou onely canst blesse my soule thou art my God and my Lord for euer and euer Amen A second prayer for the loue of God O Good Jesu O the sweetnes of my hart O y● life and saluation of my soule when in all and through all things shall I please thee When shall I perfectly die vnto my selfe When shall I prefer thee before all other creatures when shall nothing liue in mee but thy selfe Haue mercy vpon me O Lord and helpe mee I salute thy wounds O Lord like vernall roses hide me O Lord in them and wash mee in y● same y● euery way I may bee cleane and inflamed with thy loue O Lord my God O admirable beginning O piety of amiable charity O clearest light of my vnderstanding O repose of my will when shall I ardently loue thee vouchsaf o Lord to pierce my soule with y● dart of thy loue vouchsafe to associate me with thy selfe that I may bee made one with thee O my desire O my hope O my reliefe Oh if my soule were woorthie of thy imbracings that all slownesse and lukewarmnesse were consumed in mee by the fire of thy loue O the soule of my soule O the life of my life I wholy desire thee wholie offer my selfe vnto thee one to one onely to thee onely O if that had place in mee which thou saidst to thy Father Blessed Father let thē be one as we are one I in them they in mee that they may bee consummate in one I wil no other thing I desire no other thing I expostulate no other thing at thy hands for thou onely suffisest me Thou art my Father thou art my mother thou art my defender thou art my guider thou art al my good thou art altogether amiable wholy delectable onelie faithful Who was euer so liberal as to forsake himselfe who euer so tenderly loued as to yeeld himselfe into y● hands of so bitter death for so vile a creature Who so humble that so much diminished and humbled his maiesty o Lord thou despisest no man thou disdainest no man thou repulsest no mā that seeketh thee nay rather thou callest excitest all men to come vnto thee for thou takest thy pleasure to bee conuersant among the children of men To thee O lord angels sing praises and what other thing hast thou foūd in vs but y● filth of our sins why wouldest thou be with vs till the end of the world was it not enough for thee that thou sufferedst death for vs and gauest vs also y● Sacraments for our medicine left vs the angels for our fellowes and tutors Truly although wee are vngratefull for these benefits yet wouldst thou dwell amongst vs for thou art so good that thou couldst not deny thine owne selfe Let vs therfore make a couenant if it so please thee O Lord take thou care of me I will haue care of thee loue thou me I will loue thee protect and preserue my bodie and soule and by thy assistance I will keepe thy law doe that with me O Lord which best pleaseth thee for thou knowest what I wāt and what is expedient for me I will be thine and no other mans Giue me the grace O Lord that I may not seek or desire any thing but thy selfe that I may whollie offer my selfe vnto thee O fire that kindlest me1 O charity that inflamest me o light that illuminatest me o my rest o my life O my loue that alwaies burnest and art neuer quenched when shall I perfectly loue thee againe when shall I embrace thee with y● naked armes of my soule when shall I despise my selfe and the whole world for thy sake whē shal my soule with all the powers and strength thereof bee vnited with thee whē shall it be swallowed vp in the bottomlesse pit of thy loue Most sweet louing ●…aire wise rich noble precious and worthy both to bee beloued and adored when shall I so loue thee that I may wholie be deuoured by thy loue O life of my soule that sufferedst death to giue mee life and dying sluest death kill mee also that is all my peruerse inclinations to euill my selfe-will whatsoeuer it bee that hindereth me from beeing liuing with thee And when in this sort thou hast slaine me make mee liue with thee through loue and charitable actions that I may faithfully obserue all thy cōmandements
healed my wounds by thy Sacraments thou hast satisfied by thy dolors for my defaults now in Heauen thou sittest on the right hand of thy Father as mine aduocate what neede many wordes Thou art made vnto me wisdome and iustice sanctification and redemption and therefore all goodnesse What impudence were it therefore in me not to loue my Lord who did all this for my sake to whom I am bound vnder so many titles benefits If men with the same loue where-with they affect them selues do also loue al those things which are their owne why should I not also loue thee O Lord if I would haue thee to bee mine and that by so many offices and benefits in things so pregnant And if for euery one of these benefits I owe thee my whole heart and not this one onely but more if I had them what shall I owe thee or what am I not indebted vnto thee if we ioyne all these benefits together What iniquitie therefore should it be not to giue one heart wh●…h I haue vnto him to whom I owe so many and other diuerse things And if euery one of these benefits be a goade or prouocation to loue yea and arrowes to pierce the hearts of men how shall I choose blit burne amids so many flames of loue How comes it to passe that I am altogether cold amidst so many weapōs how escape I from wounds How comes it to passe that I perseuer in the hardnesse of my heart as it were without sense O Lord I lament in thy presence the dulnesse insensibility of my heart I confesse the infidelity thereof for thou raining into it innumerable causes of loue yet receiuest nothing from y● came that deserueth so many fauours O heart more felon than furious beastes more insensible than stones more hard than Adamant that is not mollified by so many strokes I pray thee therefore O thou fairest amongst the children of men grant that I may desire thee loue thee as much as I list as much as I ought Thou art immeasurable and oughtest to be loued beyond measure especially of vs whom thou hast so loued so saued and for whom thou hast done so great and so many things O loue that alwaies burnest art neuer extinct sweet Christ good Iesu charity my God inflame me wholy with thy fire with thy loue with thy sweetnes with thy affection with thy desire with thy charitie with thy pleasure ioy which is holy and good which is chast and cleane that wholy filled with the sweetnes of thy loue wholy kindled with the flame of thy charity I may loue thee my most sweet Lord with my whole heart with all my soule with all my strength with al my intention and let nothing bee in me that doth not loue thee And for that to loue is to wish well to him wee loue and thou O Lord aboundest with so much goodnesse that I cannot wish thee more than thou hast that onely thing I wish that thou be possessed of my heart also and that all that is mine may be thine and for thine infinite glory I giue thee heartie thāks This likewise do I desire that al creatures should serue thee honor thee praise glorifie thee and that the whole earth should be filled with thy praises Let this be alwaies my desire this my meat this my dainties to praise thee alwaies let thy laudes be alwaies in my lips But because praise is not seemely in the mouth of a sinner let the Saints and all the spirits of the celestiall throne praise thee continually for to them praise belongeth O all ye works of that Lord therefore blesse yee the Lord praise yet and magnifie him for euer O yee Angels and Archangls blesse yee the Lord praise yee and magnifie him for euer O yee vertues dominations blesse ye that Lord praise him and magnifie hime for euer O ye prince-domes powers blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer c. Yee blessed thrones in which God sitteth an iudgeth blesse ye the Lord praise him c. O ye Cherubins Seraphins that burne altogether inflamed with the loue of your creator blesse ye the Lord praise him c. O yee Apostles and Euangelists founders of the Christiā Church blesse yee the Lord praise him c. O yee glorious hosts of Martyrs blesse yee the Lord praise him c. O all ye renownced and chaste virgins blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer Blessed is the God of our Fathers blessed bee the name of thy glorie holy and laudable and magnified for euer and euer Amen The first prayer vnto the holy Trinitie expressing the Maiestie thereof LOrd God without beginning immortall incomprehensible incircumscribed incorporall indefinite vnsearchable inuisible immutable euery where present but hidden euery where al but immeasurable who by thy neuer too much praised wisdome hast created this huge world and placed man in the same holy Trinity one God haue mercie vpon me If that Publican in the Gospel durst not lift vp his eies to heauē but standing afar off strooke his breast saying God be merciful vnto me a sinner if that holy penitent was affraid to appeare before the presence of our Lord but standing behinde neare his feete obtained remission of her sins by him teares flowing from her eies if that holy Patriarch Abraham willing to talk with thee o God said shal I speak vnto my Lord whereas I am but dust and ashes If all these were so humble and so reuerent in respect of thee comming before the sight of thy diuine maiestie thy most holy what shall a poore miserable sinner doe such as I am what shall dust and ashes doe what shal the Abysse of all miserie sins do But because o Lord I cannot obtaine that feare reuerence which is due to so great a maiesty except I fixe mine eies immediatly on the same giue mee leaue to dare to lift vp mine eies vnto thee neither let the brightnes of thy glorie bee an impediment to the frailty of my sight Truely I see that thou art that great God that transcendest al the reach of our vnderstanding I know that no vnderstanding created can comprehend thee and although this be thus yet can I not do any thing more profitable than to fire mine eies on thee Therefore O most high omnipotent merciful iust faire strong stable simple perfect incomprehensible secret and yet present withall inuisible and yet seeing all things immutable changing and renewing al things whom altitudes dilate not neither limits restraine nor variety changeth nor corruption wasteth nor affliction fasteneth on nor ioyes moue in his essence from whom neither obliuion detra●…h nor to whom memory addeth any thing to whom neither things that are past are past nor things to come shall succeed to whom nothing gaue beginning nor time augment neither any thing shall giue end for thou
place in all places without diuision In magnitude thou art infinite in vertue omnipotent in goodnesse chiefe in wisedome inestimable in counsels terrible in iudgements iust in thoughts secret in words true in works holy in mercy copious towards sinners patient toward penitents compassionate But what in especiall should I speake of thy wisedome but that which earst the Prophet aid O Lord thou knowest my thoughts afar off thou hast searcht my commings in and goings out and all my waies hast thou foreknowne because there is no speech in my tongue which thou knowest not Behold O Lord thou knowest al things both the first and the last Thou hast made mee and laid the hand vpon me Such knowledge is too wonderfull excellent for me I cānot attaine vnto it Whither shall I goe from thy spirit or whither shal I fly frō thy presence if I climbe vp to heauen thou a●… there if I goe downe to hell thou art there also if I take the wings of the morning and remaine in the vtmost parts of the sea euen there also shall thy hand leade mee and thy right hand shall hold me If I say the darkenes shall couer me then shall thy right hand bee turned to day yea the darkenes is no darknesse with thee but the night is as cleare as day the darkenesse and light to thee are both alike For his eies saith another are vpon the waies of men hee considereth all their steps there is no darknes nor shadow of death to hide them that work iniquity But what shal I say of the greatnes of thy power I wil say that in times past which the Prophet said saying For God is my king of old the helpe that is done vpon earth hee doth it himselfe Thou diddest deuide the sea through thy power thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters Thou smotest the heads of the dragons and gauest them for meate to thy people in the wildernesse thou broughtest out fountaines and waters out of the hard rockes thou driedst vp many waters The day is thine the night is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sun thou hast set all the borders of the earth thou hast made sommer and winter And in another place the same Prophet saith O Lord God of hoasts who is like vnto thee thy truth most mighty Lord is on euery side Thou rulest the raging of the sea thou stillest the waues therof when they arise thou hast subdued Egypt destroied it thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad with thy mighty arme The heauens are thine and the earth is thine thou hast laid the foundation of the round world and all that therein is Thou hast made the North the South ●…abor and Herm●… shall reioyce in thy name Thou hast a mighty arme strong is thy hand high is thy right hand Blessed Iob knew this thy power when he said With him is counsel strength wisedome vnderstanding Behold if he breake downe a thing who can set it vp again If he shut a thing who will open it Behold if he withhold the waters they ●…ry vp if he let them goe they destroy the earth with him is strength wisedome both the deceiuer and ●…ee that is deceiued are his hee carrieth away the wise men as it were a spoile and maketh that Iudges fooles hee looseth the rule of Kings guirdeth their loines with a band he leadeth away the great men into captiuity and turneth the mightie vpside downe he stoppeth the mouth of them that speake truth and disappointeth the aged of their vnderstanding hec poureth contempt vpon Princes and maketh the strength of the mightie weake Looke what lieth hid in darkenesse hee declareth it openly and the verie shadow of death bringeth he to light he increaseth the people and destroieth them he maketh them to multiply and diminisheth them These o Lord are testimonies of thy mightines but what shal I say of the riches of thy glory and the veine of thy felicitie If thou hast sinned saith the scripture what hast thou done against him if thy offences be many what hast thou done vnto him if thou bee righteous what giuest thou him or what wil he receiue at thy hands Thy wickednesse may hurt a man as thou art and thy righteousnes may profit the sonne of man But thou O Lord art such and so blessed as thou needest not another mans goods I confesse thee to be such a one for such a one I praise thee and glorifie thy most holy name Infuse thy light into my heart giue me words in my mouth that my heart may alwaies think of thy mightines and let thy praise be in my mouth for euer But for that thy laud is not seemely in y● mouth of a sinner I therefore require all the Angels of heauen and all the creatures of the world that they together with me may praise thee and may supply my defect inuiting them thereunto with that glorious song which the three children sung in the midst of the fierie furnace in Babylon saying Blessed bee the Lord God of our fathers bee hee praised magnified for euer And blessed be the name of his glorie holy and laudable and magnified for euer and euer Blessed art thou in the throne of thy maiestie to bee praised and magnified for euer Blessed art thou that beholdest the depths and sittest vpon the Cherubins to be praised and magnified for euer Blessed art thou in the firmament of heauen and praised and glorified world without end Amen The third prayer to the holy Trinitie GOD holy of holiest God omnipotent God eternall God that art strong God of spirits and all flesh at whose presence heauen and earth trembleth at whose beck the heauens and elements obey trinitie in vnitie and vnitie in trinitie Father Son holy Ghost thou being of my being life that quickenest me light that illuminatest me science that instructeth me yet aboue all essence light life and science all creatures adore and celebrate thee and I incited by the dutie I owe thee this day do bow the knees of my heart before the footstoole of thy Maiestie I giue thee thanks that thou not onely didst frame me when I was nothing but also didst fashion mee according to thine owne forme that is gauest mee a perfect shape that where I deserued no fauour thou hadst compassion on mee for that thou hast sanctified mee with the sacraments of y● Church that from my child-hood hitherto thou hast brought me vp in al goodnes But O thou maker of heauen of earth whereas I am not able to serue thee to any vse for whose cause didst thou so much bountie vpon me how commeth it to passe that thou louest mee so much for what haue I giuen thee to induce thee to recompence me yea where was I before I was made that I might shew thee a former curtesie Truly by thy benefit in times past I was made dignified with
that thou wilt prepare thy selfe a dwelling place in my heart to that end that thou adorne the same with all kinds of vertues to the end that thou perpetually maiest dwell in the same Would to God O Lord it might please thy bounty that my heart should bee such that I might not feare to inuite thee but that thou mightest come dwel with me and I might deserue to entertaine thee kindly thou in the same heart mightst rest contentedly for all eternities O that I might embrace thee with so powerfull armes of loue that neither in thought or affection I might euer bee drawne from thee I giue thee thanks most sweete Iesu for that after thou wert conceiued in the glorious wombe of the Uirgine Marie thou wouldst haue her passe the mountaines visite her Cousen Elizabeth to the end shee might salute her minister in her childbirth vnto her Thou didst not disdain to be inclo sed for nine moneths space in the glorious womb of thy mother And therefore I pray thee giue me the grace of true humility and vouchsafe that I may imprint the same in the bowels of my heart that by the benefit thereof thou maiest alwaies finde mee ready in matters which appertaine to thy seruice Grant O Lord that my heart may alwaies loath transitory things and alwaies desire to haue thee O Lord inhabitant therein I giue thee thanks most sweete Iesu that thou wert borne of the pure Uirgine thy mother without staine of her virginity who laid thee presently in a manger as a poore mortall creature and humbly adored thee as God and the creator of al things I beseech thy diuine mercy to vouchsafe to bee continually borne in mee by new heate of charity that thou maist be my onely destre my sole sacietie the firme hope of my heart That it may please thy bounty that I may onely and alwaies seeke thee alwaies think of thee alwaies loue thee with an ardent affection I giue thee alwaies thanks O sweet Iesu that being borne in the extremest horrour of winter thou diddest not refuse to be wrapped in most vile swathing bands and to suck milke from y● Uirginal breast of thy blessed mother as it were a simple innocent babe to draw the Uirgins teates where indeede thou wert God omnipotent Grāt me o Lord the in thy sight I may be alwaies a very infāt in humility truly poore in spirit Uouchsafe that for thy loue sake I may refuse to endure no tedious or laborous troubles whatsoeuer Grāt that I may loue nothing in this world but thee neither desire to possesse any thing in the same but thee I giue thee thanks most bountifull Iesu for that as soone as thou wert borne it pleased thee to bee praised by the Hymnes of Angels and to be adored by the shepheards with great ioy admiration Giue me the grace O Lord that I may perseuere likewise in thy praise with gladnes and that I may seeke thee in the societie of shepheards and seeking thee finde thee and finding thee possesse thee eternally Bee thou praised and glorified alwaies O good Iesu for that y● eight day according to the custome of other infants thou wouldest be circumcised for that in thy tender age thou beganst to shed thy blood for my loue and to the end thou mightst blesse mee with vnspeakeable consolation thou wert pleased to be called Iesus I beseech thee O Lord vouchsafe to reckō mee amongst the number of thy elect and to register my name in the booke of life that thou wilt circumcise my heart from al superfluitie that is idle and vndecent speeches and wicked works and roote out in me all impure and vaine cogitations My redeemer thou art called Iesus which is a Sauiour for to thee alone it appertaineth to giue saluation I therefore request thee O Lord that the sweet remembrance of this name may expell from mee all inordinate pustilanimity and sluggishnesse and may giue me the firme hope of thy mercie and defend me from all the persecutions of mine enemies I giue thee thanks most sweete Iesu who wert found by the wisemen who of entire deuotion and with sincere faith sought thee out and that by the meanes of a starre which conducted them who humbling them on their knees before thee offered thee gold frankencence and myrrhe Grant mee O Lord that in the company of these holy kings I may seeke thee not in Brthleem but in the hiue of my heart and that there finding thee I may adore thee in spirit truth Let me offer thee the gold of shining charitie the incense of deuotion and the perfect myrrh of mortification Finally giue me grace that I may imploy with a willing minde and alacrity all my forces and all the strength of my minde in imitating thy fortitude I giue thee thanks O Lord Iesu Christ who that thou mightst giue vs an example of obedience and humility wouldest be subiect to the law of our Lord and bee brought into the temple in the armes of thy holy mother haue an oblation not of a rich but of a poore man offered for thee for which cause iust and old Simeon with Anna the Prophetesse reioycing at thy presence gaue a famous testimonie of thy glory Let it bee pleasing to thy good will O Lord that neuer hereafter the least thought of vanity enter into my hart Ah how blessed shold I be if each kinde of presumption were banished from mee and each desire of worldly fauour together with all my inordinate loue were wholy extinct in me Uouchsafe to impart that grace vnto me that I may flie al worldly praise and subiect my selfe to all men and obey them willingly I giue thee thanks sweet Iesu for that being as yet yong thou beganst to suffer persecution in the company of thy deere mother neither didst disdaine to fly into Egypt Giue me the grace that in all y● tempests of my persecutions in all my tribulations and temptations I may flie vnto thee seeke thee only call vpon thee and as oft soeuer as any of y● aforesaid troubles shall bee inflicted on mee by thy hand grant O Lord that I may sustaine them with ioy and suffer them with a quiet heart yeelding thee continuall thankes for all things which it shall please thee to impose vpon me I giue thee also infinit thanks O Lord Iesu for that thy most deere mother sought thee with great griefe when thou remainedst in the Temple and after three daies with great ioy found thee sitting in the midst of the doctors whom thou heardest questionedst with wonderfull wisedome O Lord for thy meere mercie sake grant that I may neuer bee separated from thee nor thou from mee Expell from mee all idlenes and sluggishnesse banish the coldnesse of my minde which displeaseth thee so much giue mee perfect deuotion and ardent thirst of thy iustice which may