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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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motion and as they are selfe taught but it is God that giueth it and that of an especiall goodnes I will not the death of a sinner saith the Lord but that hee conuerte and liue Eze. 18.23 33 And how is that possible If we were able to turne our selues vnto the Lord it were a more excellent worke then to create vs and experience it selfe doth sufficientlye condemne vs. It is moreouer an vndoubted doctrine throughout the whole scripture For in euery place our Lord Iesus Christ giueth himselfe the prayse of turning vs shewing that he will soften our stonie hearts Eze. 11.19 20. Phil. 2.3 and make them bowe to obey him and it is his worke not onely to giue vs that we may but that we will and desire to obey his commandementes and to bee shorte there is nothing that the faithfull ought to doe so much as in this behalfe to giue God the glorie confessing that it is in him onely to turne vs that it is he onely that hath adopted vs in such sort that he must needes draw vs by the grace of his holy spirite The Lorde must open our eyes and eares also before we can attayne to this woonderfull wisedome which is conteyned in the gospell Deu. 29.4 Ro. 8.7 because the natural man vnderstandeth not any part of the secrets of God therefore it followeth that it is an especial gift of the holy ghost when he lighteneth our hearts in the faith of his truth 212 Howe we ought to repent THe true preparatiue to repentāce is to be pricked so nearely as we may feele the euill that is in vs condemne our selues for it we must learne to streine our selues to hold our selues as prisoners although the same fall out contrarie to our desire yet neuerthelesse wee must goe on still further that God may winne the vpper hand of vs. We must learn to hate our selues to take displeasure against ourselues and to be reuenged of our owne naughtinesse 2 Co. 7.11 according as the Apostle sayeth 2. Cor. 7. For repentance importeth that men should condemne thēselues and take vengeance on themselues when they see their whole life corrupted and that they should vse an holy anger against it In steede of desiring to bee reuenged of our enemies when they haue doone vs any harme wee should be chafed and angry with our selues yea and punish our selues for faultes when wee cannot frame our selues vnto the will of God Wee should euery man enter into his owne conscience acknowledge howe corrupt and damnable sinners wee are of our selues Mar. 1.15 confesse our sinnes and when we haue doone so let vs enter from them and behold the great mercie of God 213 The qualities of repentance ONe speciall qualitie of repentance is alwayes to bring with it remission of sinnes for where true repentance goeth before there remission of sinnes must necessarily followe after not that repentance deserueth remission of sinnes but because where God worketh repentance there he pardoneth sinne because of his promise Eze. 18.27 When the wicked sayth the Lorde turneth away from his wickednesse that he hath committed and doth that which is lawful and right Esay 55.7 he shall saue his soule a liue And againe let the wicked forsake his wayes and the vnrighteous his own imaginations and returne vnto the Lorde and he will haue mercy vpon him Here we see to whom forgiuenes of sinnes the mercie of God belongeth as namely to the penitent sinners to those that leaue sinne imbrace godlinesse to those that forsake their owne waies and imaginations and turne vnto the Lorde And as for such as walke on in their own waies and folowe the delightes of sin without any sorrowe or purpose to leaue them they haue nothing to doe with the mercie of God and though Iesus Christ had suffered an hundred deathes which could not be yet shall no vnpenitent sinner haue remission of sinnes by his death nor any other benefites of his passion for they belong onely to his Church and chosen people here vpon the earth He therefore that is not of the church he that is not grafted into Christ by faith he that is not a member of his misticall bodie can enioy nothing by Christs death If a mā abide not in me saith our Sauiour Christ he is cast foorth as a branch and withereth Io. 15.6 and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they burne We may reade also in an other place howe God barreth all stubborne sinners from his mercie Deu. 29.18.19 and doth most terriblie shoot out against them He that heareth the words of this curse and blesseth himselfe in his heart saying I shal haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornenesse of my owne heart thus adding drunkennesse to thirst the Lorde will not be mercifull vnto him but then the wrath of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoke against that man euery curse that is written in this booke shal light vpō him 214 Of Sacraments and what a Sacrament is THE Lorde hath added vnto the preaching of the Gospell most holy Sacramentes as namely Baptisme and the supper of the Lorde The Sacramentes are holy actions of the faithfull in the church of Christ ordeyned by the Lorde himselfe to be signes and seales of true doctrine first doubtlesse bearing witnesse that we are receaued of God into grace and into the couenaunte and that he is our God that he clenseth vs from our sinnes regenerateth and reneweth vs and adopteth or chuseth vs as sonnes and receaueth vs vnto the partaking and fellowship of all good thinges which of vs must bee kept holy and we must liue godly and innocently before him They are also testimonies that the true Messias in times past promised vnto the old Fathers from the beginning of the worlde is nowe exhibited or giuen of God vnto the Church of Christ I meane Christ our Lorde who truely gaue his flesh and bloud vnto death to redeeme vs with his flesh bloud to nourish vs vnto eternall life that we againe as the Church by him redeemed Lu. 22.19 should keepe in continuall memory the death of our Lord 1. Cor. 11.26 praise him extoll him and giue thankes vnto him The Sacraments are also to admonish vs of our duties that wee should lead our liues in true godlines brotherly loue hold that one religion with whose sacramentes we are separated also frō al other religions 215 A Sacrament consisteth of three partes SAcramentes doe consist of three partes the first is the outwarde signe the seconde is the spirituall or inwarde grace and the thirde part is the worde of Christes institutiō or promise which is as it were the life and soule of the Sacrament Water in Baptisme signifieth that as water naturally hath a propertie to wash and clense the filth from the bodie Io. 1.7 so doth the grace of God through Christes bloude wash away
the secrets of God And that they may serue God in truth in holines righteousnes all the dayes of their life And now to returne to your worships I most humbly beseech you to accept this my poore labour which I offer vnder your names to the whole church of God The which as I know it commeth vnlooked for not only in respect of your selues but also of diuers other that knowe me aswel in that countrey where I was born as also in other places so also it may seem very rash and needles For who am I that I should take vpon me to publish any thing The vnworthiest of many hundreds the vnablest of many thousands And yet seeing many things more simple lesse needful profitable are both permitted and suffred to come abrode I am not altogether discouraged neither hath any man iust cause to accuse me in this my simple enterprise I knowe these be the dayes of learning knowledge that there be great store of learned deuines in our land whom I beseech the Lorde to blesse Mar. 12.42.43 Luk. 21.2.3 and yet the two mites of the poore widowe cast into the treasurie amonge the great giftes of the welthy are not to be refused The causes that moued me to dedicate this first fruit of my simple trauaile vnto your worships aboue al other are these First your great goodnes from time to time shewed towards me and my friendes the which called vpon mee contitually to shewe some token of thankefulnesse for the same For I must needes confesse that it hath vttered it selfe many and sundry ways and that not without a certaine friendly or rather fatherly care of my well dooing Secondlie that it might be a meane through the assistaunce of Gods spirite to kindle and inflame your heartes with an earnest zeale to the glorious gospell of the sonne of God by dayly and continuall exercise and practise wherein you might be sufficiently furnished with spirituall armur to endure constantly vnto the ende as good souldiers of Iesus Christ against all the assaults of Sathan and his wicked instruments which doe or may come in sheepes clothing to deceaue you and to betray your soules from the way of saluation For of this am I certaine that there will not want false prophets entycing you from Christ and that many stumbling blockes wil be cast namely and especially in your way Master Mistresse I efferis as once hertofore I presumed to aduertise you priuately by letter to the ende you might be discouraged from the way of the Lorde But beware I beseech you againe of their Angelicall or Seraphicall shewe of heauenly life Haue not by and by their doctrine in admiration but carefully looke vnto the clawes of these spirituall wolues and indifferently without affection examine the grounde of their profession by the rule and touchstone of the worde of God and you shall prooue that they deale deceitefully with guile that they be false Apostles and deceitefull workers that they goe about to beguile your senses and to blinde your eyes that they call you to worship an Idoll in steed of the true and liuing God and that they would lead you out of light into darknesse from truth into error from knowledge vnto ignorance If you shall vouchsafe to reade this little booke and to examine it throughly indifferently by the word of God and then it beeing effectually confirmed by the same to make your profit accordingly and as it is committed to your protection so to maintaine and defende it I shall not onely be satisfied and thinke my payes sufficiently recompenced but also be greatly encouraged hartily to pray vnto the Lorde to encrease the giftes of his holy spirite in you that you may goe forwarde more and more to performe that dutie in obedience which he requireth at your handes that you may ouerleape all the lets that Sathan can cast in your way continue in the certainty of true faith and that you may be fully setled vppon the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ being assured that the same onelie is of sufficient abilitie to drawe you out of the dungeon of death And I beseech your worshippes that as God in aboundant measure hath mercifully endued you with all thinges necessarie for this life whereof many thousandes feele the want so without ceasing you would prayse and magnifie him for the same And as you are so nearely ioyned together not onely by reason of your possessions but especially by the bonde of mariage that you are brethren sisters that so you would ioyne togeather in the sincere profession of the glorious gospel of the sonne of God and so goe forward more and more in practise therof that the gospel being rooted in your heartes it may bring foorth sanctification the true seale of your adoption that you may feele his goodnesse in the assurance of that euerlasting and heauenly truth Beware of these two cankers I beseech you that corrupt the whole world I meane pride and couetousnesse Let them not once be named among you as becommeth sainctes Eph. 5.3 Col. 3.5 A day will come when the Lorde will fill your hope with better things then al this world can giue you Stande fast in his trueth in these slippery dayes and aboue all let his glorye and the aduancement of his worde be deare and precious vnto you In Gods matters let his will bee the rule thereof and not your owne wisedome and affections Examine your selues often by it and neglect not the pure preaching of the same Delight in the lawe of the Lord and be good examples to others Care not for the contempt of the worlde but holde fast a good conscience that you may be approued of God And our Lorde Iesus Christ giue you the forgiuenesse of all your sinnes and the peace and comfort of your conscience The Lorde let all his blessinges fall vppon you that you may see the riches and treasures of his mercie that you may be filled with all fulnesse with the spirit that you may behold the glory of the kingdome of god those thinges be reuealed vnto you by his spirite which hee hath prepared for them that loue him Amen The third day of December Anno. 1586. Yours for euer to cōmand in the Lorde Iohn Frewen To the Christian Reader THE matter substance of this booke as I nothing feare to offer and commende vnto thee gentle Reader for thy profitte and instruction in the wayes of the Lorde beeing fully assured that it is the sincere trueth of God and the perfect path way vnto saluation firmely grounded vppon the rocke Christ and sufficiently warranted according to the writinges of the holy Prophetes and Apostles so the Methode manner of setting some part of it downe is not I must needes confesse so exquisite and orderly as I my selfe desire and as thou being learned maiest easily perceaue and discerne One especiall cause of this want is this when I wrote
seconde Table of the lawe pag. 61 Talent VVe must not hide our Talent vnder the grounde pag. 372. Tribulation Tribulation bringeth foorth patience pag. 194 Tribulation Seeke affliction Time looke Season V Vnitie The Vnitie of essence is not taken away by the distinction of persons pag. 219 Vertue and Vice We can neither attaine vertue nor vice by our freewill pag. 254 The worde of God is a great vertue pag. 356 Vocation Vocation after purpose pag. 269 Vsurie seeke couetousnesse VV. Will. The VVill of God must bee our direction pag. 135 147 Our will is vtterly blinde til God hath changed vs. pag. 257 Of Freewill pag. 250 The doctrine of Freewill is an arrogant doctrine pag. 251 The doctrine of Freewill is blasphemous pag. 253 Opinion of Freewill is vnthankefulnesse pag. 255 We can neither attaine vertue nor eschue vice by our owne Freewill pag. 254 Man hath no freewill to do good pag. 258. 260 Freewill ouerthrowen pag. 179. 265 Freewill and the lawe without grace can doe nothing pag. 262 Freewill highly extolled of the Papistes pag. 264 Wisedome The perfection of wisedome pag. 10 The feare of God is true wisdom pag. 364 Witnesse Of true and false witnesses pag. 109 VVhat it is to beare false witnesse pag. 104 Worde The word of God abideth for euer pag. 131 VVe must worshippe God according to his worde pag. 39 Popish satisfactions are not warranted by Gods worde pag. 179 The worde of God is a great vertue pag. 356 The cause why the worde of God is despised pag. 357 Wrong VVee must absteine from wrong and iniurie pag. 72 Against wronge and oppression pag. 92 FINIS FRVITFVL INstructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God 1 The foundation of our saluation THE holye Ghoste saith by the mouthe of the Apostle Paule in his seconde chap. vnto the Ephesians Eph. 2.8 Col. 1.19 that wee are saued by faith For we know not that God is our father we knowe not that we are reconciled to him but onelye by the preaching of Faith whereby we lay holde on the promises of the gospell and wherein God sheweth that he is well pleased toward vs through our Lord Iesus Christ And thus we attain to the possession of our saluation by faith and yet there is none that giueth vs faithe but God onelie Phil. 1 29. the reason wherfore he giueth it vnto vs is this because it hath pleased him to chose vs before we were made yea before the worlde it selfe wa● made as the Apostle sheweth in the firste vnto the Ephesians In which place vers 3.4 1. Pet. 1.2 he setteth that before vs which is or ought to be most familiar and knowne vnto vs as namelie that God hath made vs pertakers of heauenly blessings in Christ Iesus and that forgeuing vs our sinnes he sheweth that we are acceptable vnto him and that hee hath taken vs to bee hys children 2 The cause of our saluation is the mercie of God IN the saluation of the godlie there is nothing to be sought for aboue the goodnesse of God For seeing we are all comprehended in this race of Adam whiche hath nothing in it but corruption and sinfulnesse and therefore wholly subiect vnto Sathā what goodnesse is it that God canne finde in vs And what can hee fores● in vs but onlye sinne Eph. 2.3 So that is is certaine that God doeth not choose men to take them into the number of his children because hee foresaw them to be better then those whiche he forsooke and reiected Deu. 4.37 7 8 Psal 44.3 Io. 15.16 Act. 13.48 but it muste needes be that his goodnes and mercie bare the cheefest swaie herein without any other consideration Of his owne free mercie and grace of his owne will in Christ his sonne he hath chosen and preferred vnto life whom hee will haue to bee saued and accompted among the iust Before the children were borne and when theye had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of God might remain according to election not by workes Ro 9.11.12 but by him that calleth it was saide vnto her The elder shall serue the younger Hee hath chosen vs in himself Eph. 1 4.5 1. Pet. 1.2 before the foūdation of the world was laid that we should be holie without blame before him in loue c. Seing then that the mercy grace of God do go before election as the cheefest cause thereof it is manifest that all the works of the Law and deserts whatsoeuer are excluded Iam. 3.8 Mat 3.9 whether they go before faith or followe after The Lorde your God is God of gods and Lorde of Lordes Deu. 10 17. Act. 10.34 Iob. 34.9 Eph. 6.9 a greate God mighty and terrible which accepteth no persons nor taketh reward Howe much lesse to him that accepteth not the persons of Princes and regardeth not the rich more then the poore for they be al the workes of his hāds 3 God hath not elected euery one THe Lord is debtor vnto no mā It is of his free mercye whatsoeuer he giueth vnto man He may bestow his benefits vpon whom he wil. I wil shew mercy vnto whom I will shewe mercie Ex. 33.19 and I wil haue compassion on whom I wil haue cōpassion In the which wordes he noteth the highest cause of bestowing grace namelie his voluntary decree and withall hee insinuateth that hee hath appointed his mercy peculierlie for certaine and yet God in reiecting whom he will is not onelye without blame but also wonderful in his wisdome and iustice Ro. 9.17 Ro. 9.21 Hath not the potter power of the claye to make of the same lumpe one vessel to honour and another to dishonour The causes of reprobation are hidde in the eternall and vnsearchable counsel of God the righteousnesse whereof we ought rather to worship thē curiously to seeke after Whatsoeuer is in any creature it is the ministerie of the power of God The faithfull being vessels of mercie are made instruments to set forth the mercy of the Lorde and the reprobate being vessels of wrath are predestinate to shewe forth the iudgements of God and both the one and the other to his euerlasting glorie 4 Gods election muste not bee a cause of negligence IF God hath bestowed any grace vppon vs and hath assured vs of our saluation in Christ by meanes of his holye spirit yet must wee not thereby take occasion to be secure and negligent Eph. 2.10 1. Pet. 1.13 14.15 1. Thes 4.7 Tit. 2.11 12. but rather bee stirred so much the more earnestly to walke in holinesse and to attaine vnto that whereunto God calleth vs. And although it consisteth not in any mortal mans power to disapoint the councel which God hath established from aboue yet if wee be carelesse we do asmuch as lieth in vs to make of none effect the purpose of God 5 Sathan is a continuall enemie to them that feare God IT
no outwarde deede at all 118 The blasphemy of the Papistes concerning sinne THE Papistes can say well ynough that if a man consent vnto euill that is to say if be lust after it in such wise as he would faine doe it if occasion serued they graunt that such a consent is a damnable sinne But if a man haue anie euill liking so hee consent not throughly to it the Papistes saye it is no sinne at all which is false It is sayde thou shalt loue the Lorde thy GOD Deut. 6.5 Mat. 21.37 Mar 12.30 Luk. 10.27 with all thy heart and with all thy strength What is meant by minde and strength God hath not limited the loue that wee owe vnto him that it should be onely in our heartes and mindes but he sayeth that our witt reason and vnderstanding and all our strength that is to saye all our powers and abilities that wee haue in our nature must bee also thoroughly applyed thereunto Nowe then if a man conceaue anye euill although he consent not to it nor yeelde his affection fully thereunto can he bee sayde to loue God with all his mind No if a man haue neuer so little a peece of himselfe inclyning to corruption although with all the rest hee endeuour himselfe to accomplish the lawe yet doeth hee loue GOD as he ought to doe No vndoubtedly for sinne is nothing else but a transgressing of Gods lawe Therefore wee may conclude that all the vayne thoughtes which prouoke vs vnto euill are sinne and that we are guiltie of them to God warde vnlesse he beare with vs of his infinite goodnesse But he forgiueth them to those that are his Neuerthelesse it be hooueth them to acknowledg it for sinne and whosoeuer doth flatter himselfe hee doeth but prouoke Gods wrath and couer the mischiefe to his owne damnation For in the ende his hypocrisie must be discouered and made manifest to be punished with all the rest 119 Sinne doth bring death with it WHere sinne raigneth we shall finde nothing but the wrath of God which bringeth with it death Therefore it is only mercie which reconcileth vs vnto God that therewithall we might be restored to life God so loueth the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne Io. 3.16 that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Ro. 5.10 If any demand in whom this loue is founded the Apostle Paule answereth that it is founded in the purpose of his will Notwtstanding this maner of speech seemeth to be contrarie to many places of the scriptures Eph. 1.5 which place the first principall foundation of Gods loue towardes vs in Christ and doe shewe that without him we are displeasing and hatefull vnto God But we must remember that the hidden secret loue with which God hath loued vs because it springeth from his eternall purpose is aboue all other causes but that his grace which hee would haue to be made manifest vnto vs and by which we haue assurance of saluation beginneth at the reconciliation made by Christ For seeing we must needes graunt that hee hateth all sinne and wickednesse howe can we assure our selues to be in his loue and fauour vntill our sinnes are cleane put awaye for the which he is iustly angrie with vs Thus the bloud of Christ must be the meane to make God fauourable vnto vs before wee can haue any maner of feeling of his fatherly loue and clemency 120 We must confesse our sinnes vnto God GOd it is alone whom wee haue and do offende who knoweth our hearts deedes and determinations remitteth or punisheth sinnes and hath giuen his sonne vnto vs an high priest and one eternal sacrifice Therefore must we come to God the Father through Christ and that with the same wordes which hee hath giuen vs teaching vs to confesse our sinnes saying Mat. 6.12 Luk. 11.4 Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And after this sorte may all the faithfull in all their trobles and at all times and in euery place confesse themselues to God both secretly and openly Secretly when ech man prayeth alone and confesseth his sins to God Openly when anye man in the Church togeather with the whole congregation prayeth and confesseth the same And there are manye examples in the holye Scriptures of those who confessed themselues vnto God and not onely craued but also obteyned of him forgiuenesse of their sinnes But on the contrary part there are no examples of anye which confessed themselues to Laye men or Priestes for this honour belongeth to GOD alone whiche hath giuen vs his sonne to bee our highe Priest who heareth sufficiently the confession of all the faithfull so that there is no neede to substitute any in his roome to heare them For who so euer with a true fayth from the bottome of his heart confesseth his sinnes in this manner to God the Father and to his sonne our only chiefe Priest Christ Iesus crauing his grace and mercye they vndoubtedly receaue ful remission of all their sinnes If wee confesse our sins 1. Io. 1.9 sayeth S. Iohn he is mercifull to forgiue vs our sinnes Wherefore seeing it is thus as by the truth it is confirmed they then which confesse their sinnes to God and to his sonne our Lorde haue obteyned full remission of the same so there is no neede to vse the Popish confession of the romish Synagogue 121 Faith is the meanes whereby remission of sinne is promised FOrasmuch as God hath promised remission of sinnes to the repentant sinner by no other meanes nor condition but only faith in christ therfore excluding al other meanes conditions of mans working we saye that what repenting sinner soeuer beleueth in Christ hath already to himselfe and needeth not to seeke to any preist perpetuall assurance of remission not for this time or that time onely but for euer Ro 8.1 For the promise saith not he that beleeueth in Christ shal be pardoned this time so he sin no more neither doth say that the law is staied or the sentence repriued but saith plainly that the lawe with the condemnation thereof and sentence is condemned shall neuer ryse again to them that be in C. Iesus Act. i0 43 and promiseth indeterminatly without limitation forgiuenes of sins to all that beleeue in his name And likewise in an other place the scripture speaking absolutelye saieth sin shal not haue dominion ouer you and addeth the reason why saying Ro. 6.14 for ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Adding this lesson withall as it followeth in the same place not that sinners shoulde sin more therefore beecause they are vnder grace but onely that weake infirmity might bee relieued broken censciences conforted and repenting sinners holpen from desperation to the praise of Gods glory for as God forgeueth not sinners because they should sin so neither doeth infirmity of falling diminish the grace of Christ but rather
13 39 and iustifieth him in the sight of God both in couering his euill deedes and in making his good deedes acceptable to God clyming vp to heauen and there wrastling with GOD and his iudgement for righteousnesse for saluation and for euerlasting life Workes and charitie followe faith and are exercised here vpon the earth and glorieth onely before men but not before God in shewing foorth obedience both to God and to man Further then this our good woorkes doe not reach nor haue any thing to doe in the iudgement of God touching saluation I speak of our good works as S. Paul speaketh Rom. 7. Ro. 7.18 as they be ours and imperfect For else if our works coulde be perfect according to the perfection of the lawe Leu. 18.5 and as Christ wrought them in the perfection of the flesh that is if wee could performe them without any transgression so might wee liue in them but seeing the weakenesse of our flesh cannot attaine thereto it followeth that all glory of iustifying is taken frō works and transferred vnto faith 169 The meaning of being iustified by Faith IF Abraham had beleeued no more but that there was a God in heauen that would not haue serued to haue iustified him for the Heathen do beleeue so much Againe if Abraham had beleeued that god was iudg of the worlde that woulde not also haue serued his turne But when as God saide vnto him I am thy exceeding great rewarde Ge. 15.1 17.7 and I will be thy God and the God of thy seede after thee and moreouer in thee shall all Nations of the earth bee blessed by accepting such promises wherein GOD acquainted himselfe with him and witnessed to him that he tooke him for one of his housholde and as his owne childe and became his Father Abraham was iustified by accepting that promise For assoone as God offered him his goodnesse and grace he beleeued the word and receaued it and then was hee full sure of his saluation To bee iustified therefore by fayth is not a confused opinion of beleeuing that there is a GOD but a holding of him for our Father and Sauiour and that because he sheweth himselfe to be so by his woorde and also giueth vs a good pledge and earnest penny of it in our Lord Iesus Christ insomuch that there he sheweth himselfe to be ioined and vnited with vs and that although wee bee wretched creatures and haue nothing in vs but all mischife Eph. 2.3 yet he faileth not to take vs for his owne and to admit vs into his fauour the reason whereof is because our Lorde Iesus Christ is the meane betwixt him and vs Therfore when we haue that promise and rest wholly vppon it and doubt not but that God doeth and will shewe himselfe gratious to vs vnto the end and therewithall call vpon him and resorte onelye vnto him giuing ouer this worlde and continuing in the hope of the heauenly life then be we sure that wee haue faith and are iustified and that was the manner of our Father Abrahams beleeuing and without that let vs assure our selues that there is no Christianitie at all in vs. For as S. Paule sayth vntill wee knowe what the Gospell is Ro. 10.14 we cannot call God our Father Wee cannot call vppon God except sayth he we knewe him and beleeued in him And howe is it possible for vs to knowe him till he be reuealed vnto vs Therefore faith must needes go before Ro. 10.17 And whereof commeth faith Faith commeth by hearing sayth S. Paule wherefore we must be trayned in the gospell or else we can haue no faith 170 Of free iustification by faith without workes WHen we say that we be iustified by faith it is not ment that there is any worthinesse or desert in our faith as who should say that god were bound to vs and therefore receued vs for it but that because God hath shewed himselfe mercifull towardes vs and promised to be our sauiour we being first bereft of al trust in our vertues do come vnto him by faith knowing wel that if bee cōsider vs in our selus he must neds curse abhorre vs Esay 2.3 seing then that faith bringeth not any thing on mans behalfe but receueth all thinges of Gods meere and free goodnesse there is no questioning what worthinesse there is in vs. For faith not onely helpeth vs to the attainment of our saluation but also bringeth vs all perfection If GOD haue respect to our workes woe will bee vnto vs. Therefore hee muste bee faine to turne away his countenance from the considering of our personnes and to receaue vs alonely in our Lord Iesus Christ or else in his looking vppon vs to marke nothing but our miseries that he may be moued and prouoked to mercy So then GOD hath a double respect in iustifiing vs. The one is that he beholdeth our miseries for inasmuch as he seeth vs so plunged in all confusion he is moued to pitie Againe to the intent he may no more be against vs which are sinners he must be fain to look vpon our Lord Iesus Christ and vpon his righteousnesse that the same may do away all our offences 171 Of Freewill AS concerning Freewill as it may peraduenture in some case bee admitted that men without the grace may doe some outwarde functions of the Law and keepe some outward obseruaunces or traditions so as touching thinges spirituall and pertayning to saluation ● Cor 3.5 the strength of man being not regenerate by grace is so infirme and weake that he canne performe nothing neither in doing well nor willing well Who after he be regenerate by grace may woorke and doe well but yet in such sorte that still remaineth notwithstanding a great imperfection of flesh and a perpetuall resisting between the fleshe and the spirit From this truth of doctrine the Church of Roome doeth degenerate which holdeth and affirmeth that men without grace may performe the obedience of the Lawe and prepare them selues to receaue grace by working so that these works may be meritorious and e congruo obtaine grace But as for the infirmity which stil remaineth in nature that they nothing regard nor once speake of 172 The doctrine of freewill is an arrogant doctrine THe vnderstanding and Freewil of man not being regenerated is so fowly blotted and defaced in him by his firste transgression so wrapped in sinne and wickednesse that euen by nature he is caried head long vnto all manner of euill so as he is made very vnfitte and vnapt to goodnesse And then what libertie or freewil can be attributed to such a mā Saint Paule saith The wisedom 〈◊〉 the flesh is enemy to God Ro. 8.7 For it is not subiect to the Law of God neither in deede can be But whosoeuer is borne anewe by grace through the operation of the holye Ghoste of him is this saying of Christ to be vnderstood Io. 8.34 36. whosoeuer committeth
themselues The same is witnessed in Ezechiell And in the Acts of the Apostles the couenaunt made with Abraham for blessing al nations in his seede is said to be performed in Christ in turning euery one of his from their iniquity Act 3.26 Vnto you saieth the holy Ghost hath God raised vppe his sonne Iesus and him hath he sent to blesse you in turning euery one of you from your iniquities The Iews had this speciall ceremonie of rest to exercise them in the doctrine and practise of mortification the trueth of which ceremony is fulfilled in Christ For by the power of his death it is brought to passe Rom. 6.8 that sinne dieth in his It was necessary they should be acquainted with this doctrine for the Lord hath no seruice of vs that he wil accept of if we learne not to renounce and deny our affections Neither can we go truely to the obedience of him but in the deniall of our selues 48 How wee ought to profite by the Saboth THe Saboth day ought to serue vs as it were for a tower to make vs moūt on high to view the workes of the Lord from a farre when we are neither hindered nor occupied with any thing but that wee may applie all our senses and all our whole vnderstāding to reknowledge the gracious giftes and benefites which he hath bestowed vpon vs. And when wee shall haue well practised this on the Saboth daye that is to say when we shall haue deepelie considered the works of God we shall verilie all the rest of our time be giuen hereunto and these meditations shall so fashion and adorne vs that the next day Ex. 20.8 Deu. 5.12 and all the rest of the weeke we shall be ledde to thanke our God when so before hande wee shall haue premeditated on his workes to make our profit therein But when the Saboth day is spent not only in vnlawful games pastimes ful of vanitie but in things with are altogether cōtrarie vnto God that men thinke they haue not celebrated the same except God therein be by many and sundrie waies offended when men vnhallowe in this sort this holy day which God hath instituted to leade vs vnto himselfe it is no marueile if wee become brutish and beastly in our doinges all the rest of the weeke Wherefore let vs know that it is not sufficient to come to church on the Saboth day to receaue some good doctrine and to call vpon the name of the Lord but we must digest those things which we heare and receaue apply al our senses to the better vnderstanding of those benefites which God bestoweth vpon vs Mat. 7.24 Luk. 11.28 Ia. 1.22 c. and that by this meanes we bee so formed and fashioned to the same that the Monday and all the rest of the weeke following coste vs nothing to come and aspire to our God and that wee neede but call to minde that which wee haue learned before at good leasure when our mindes be as it were vnwrapped from all those thinges which hinder vs to receiue the workes of God 49 Of the second table of the law AS the Lord in the fower commaundements of the first table doth perfectlie instruct vs in al the dueties that appertaine directly vnto his worship and seruice euen so in the second table he doth giue vs rules and precepts for the duties that we do owe vnto men The dueties vnto God do admonish vs that al our doings towardes men are nothing where Gods glorie doth not goe before As it is written by S. Iohn In this we know that we loue the children of God when we loue God and keepe his commaundements As like as our dealing with men is nothing when the true seruice of God 1. Io. 5.2 is either not knowne or not regarded so that seruice that is giuen vnto God is not accepted when our brethren are neglected of vs. And therefore our sauiour Christ chargeth vs that whē our neighbour hath any thing against vs we should not presume to offer anie gift vnto God before we be recōciled Mat. 5.23 24. So greatly doth the Lord esteeme of this louing conuersation with men that the holy Ghost maketh it the proofe of our blessed estate We know saith S. Iohn that we are translated from death to life 1. Io. 3.14 Ex. 20 12. Ier 19.3 Col. 3.20 because wee loue our brethren Concerning that which we do owe vnto men the honoring of father and mother hath the first place To honour our parents is to yeelde vnto them all obedience reuerence and gratefulnes Children saith S. Paule Eph. 6.1 obey your parents in all thinges for that is well pleasing vnto the Lord. And our Sauiour Christ Math. 15 so likewise Mark 7. doth declare out of this commaundement how children ought to behaue themselues towardes their parents By father and mother all those are vnderstood who are the conueiers of any speciall goodnes of God vnto vs whom because he hath vouchsafed to be his meanes in conueying of the grace that we do enioy by him he cānot abide that they should be without honour at our handes 50 We must obey our Superiours GOd will proue our obedience and the loue we beare him whē he commandeth vs to walke in all equitie and vprightnes with our neighbours and that wee liue together in such loue and vnitie that anie one be not giuen vnto himselfe but that we communicate together and that euery one according to his abilitie to do well imploy and force himselfe thereunto This way God proueth vs to know whether we worshippe him vnfainedly and from our heart And this is the cause why our Lorde Iesus Christ saieth that the weightier matters of the lawe is iudgement Mat. 23.23 mercy fidelitie Therefore when we liue with men without hipocrisiy and dissimulation when wee are not geuen to our subtill sleightes nor malicious practises when wee studie to minister and to serue euery one in his commoditie when we maintaine right and resiste wrong as much as lyeth in vs wee then shall accomplish the chiefe and principall part of the lawe Not that the seruice of God ought in the meane time to be forgotten or that it is of lesse importaunce but because it is vnpossible that men acquite themselues in their duties towardes their neighbours except they be lead therevnto by the feare of God And although mention bee here expresselye made of father and mother yet there is no doubt but God meant to deliuer a generall doctrine Rom. 13.1 of hauing al superioritie in honour For if it had not touched any thing of the duetie we owe to other superiours as Princes Magistrates and those which haue the sword of Iustice if it had deliuered nothing concerning Masters it woulde haue seemed to haue bene vnperfect Therefore we must conclude that God hath commaunded that all they which are in honour and authority be honored and obeyed Neither ought we to
hope charitie or any other kind of faith and beleeuing be it neuer so true except it apprehend the body of Christ the sonne of God it serueth not to iustification And that is the cause why wee ●dde this word only to faith and say that faith onely in Christ iustifieth ●s to exclude all other actions qualities giftes or workes in man from the cause of iustifying for as much as there is no other knowledge nor gifte giuen of God to man be it neuer soe excellent that can stand before the iudgement of God to iustification or whereunto any promise of saluation is annexed Io. 3.14 but onely this faith loaking vp to the brasen Serpent that is to the body of Christ Iesus crucified for vs. 165 We cannot deserue grace by our workes IF we wil be true christiās we must first acknowledge our selues by the law to be sinners that it is impossible for vs to do any good worke For the lawe saith wee are euill and therefore all that we thinke speake or do is against god We cānot therfore deserue grace by our works which if we go about to doe wee double our offence For seeing wee are euill trees we cannot but bring forth 〈◊〉 fruites Mat. 7.17 Ro. 14.23 that is to saye sinnes F●● whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Wherefore hee that woulde deser●● grace by workes going before faith goeth about to please God with 〈◊〉 which is nothing else but to 〈◊〉 sinne vpon sinne to mocke God and to prouoke his wrath Secondly if we● will be saued we must not seeke saluation by workes 1. Io. 4.9 For God hath sent his onelye begotten sonne into the world that wee might liue through him he was crucifyed and dyed for vs and offered vp our sinnes in 〈◊〉 owne body Ro. 3.20 The law doth nothing else but vtter sinne terrifie and humble and by this meanes prepareth vs vnto iustification and driueth vs to Christ For God hath reueiled vnto vs by his word that he will be vnto vs a merciful father and without 〈◊〉 desertes seeing we can deserue nothing will freely giue vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes and 〈◊〉 euerlasting for Christ his sonnes sake For God geueth his giftes fre●ly vnto al men and that is the prayse and glory of his diuinity 166 Saluation commeth onely by faith WHosoeuer studieth to bee accepted with God and to bee found righteous in his sight let him learne diligently by the doctrine of S. Paul to make a difference and a separation as far as from heauen and earth betwene the righteousnesse of workes and righteousnes of faith in any wise beware he bring no other meanes for his iustification or remission of his sins but only faith apprehending the bodye or person of Christ Iesus crucified For as there is no waye into the house but by the doore so is there no cōming vnto god but by christ alone which is by faith And as the mortall body without bodily susteinance cannot but perish so the spirituall soule of mā hath no other refreshing but onely by faith in the body and bloud of Christ whereby to be saued Ro. 9.30 With this faith the Idolatrous Gentiles apprehended Iesus Christ receaued thereby righteousnesse Act. 10.44 Cornelius a baptized Romain so soone as hee heard Peter preach Christ Mat. 16.16 receaued foorthwith the holy Ghost Zacheus receaued the person of Christ into his house withall receaued saluation both to him his whole housholde Luk. 19.6.9 What a sinner was Marie which had no lesse in hee then seauen Deuils Luk. 7.47 and yet because she set her heart and affection vppon that person many sinnes were forgiuen her Lu. 23.43 The right hande Theefe howe farre was he from fulfilling of the lawe and yet by faith entered he iustified into Paradyse the same day with Christ In like maner although the poore Publican came to the temple with lesse showe of holinesse after the lawe Lu. 18.14 yet went he home to his house more iustified then the Pharisie with all his workes and all by reason of faith The parable of the prodigall sonne that was lost Luk. 15. also of the lost grote of the lost sheepe which went astray and was founde againe what doe these declare but that which is lost by the lawe to bee recouered by fayth and grace And thus as the passion of Christ is onely the formall cause of our saluation so is faith only the instrumentall cause that maketh the merites of Christ auayleable vnto vs. 167 The Papists can not be perswaded of free iustification THe Papists cannot be perswaded that we become righteous through the meere fauour of God in our Lorde Iesus Christ they cannot receiue the doctrine of free iustification whereby wee are taught that GOD receaueth vs of his owne meere mercie and that his accepting of vs is not for anye respect of our owne workes which are altogeather sinnefull 1. Io. 1.7 but because it pleaseth him to washe vs and clense vs in the bloud of his onely Sonne and to holde vs and acknowledge vs for his children Eph. 2.3 notwithstanding that by nature there is nothing in vs but wretchednesse and cursednesse For what shall become of merits say they and of the good workes wherein the saluation of men consisteth And why do they stand vpō their merits are so besotted with them but onely because they looke not vppe to god They dispute in their scholes whether good workes deserue recompence and wages but it appeareth howe they fall a sleepe vpon this disputation and yet in the meane while God ceaseth not on his behalfe to playe the Iudge not in iudging according to their lawes but in behauing himselfe according to his owne maiestie that is to saye in finding out that thing in men which we cannot perceaue But if our vertues were godly in deede that is to saye such as might goe for payment before God then might we haue some colour to boste but when wee shall haue prised them to the vttermost they shall be but smoke Let men not therefore flatter their heartes in vanitie Iob. 9.2 but consider as the trueth is that no man shall be iustified through his owne vertues seeme they neuer so excellent in the sight of God 168 Faith doth iustifie three manner of wayes FAith first doth iustifie the person in making him accepted and the childe of God by regeneration before he beginne to doe anye good worke Secondly it iustifieth a man from sinne in procuring remission and forgiuenesse for the same Thirdly it iustifieth the good deedes and workes of man not onely in bringing foorth good fruites but also in making the same works to be good acceptable in the sight of God which otherwise were impure and accursed in his sight The office therefore of faith and workes is diuers and must not bee confounded Faith first goeth before and regenerateth a man to God Act.
our heart is bent to euill 2. Co. 3.5 and that wee haue not so much as a good thought of our selues vntill such time as hee hath made vs to profit in his schole we be all fooles yea euen they that thinke themselues to be most wise And so is al our foolish cōfidence beaten down and men must be faine to vnderstand that vntill God haue called them to his truth they be void of al reason wisedome there is no other meane to make vs walke in the right waye then the vtter bereauing of vs of all our vaine flatteringes 182 Free will ouerthrowne SO long as we are without Christ we bring foorth no good fruite acceptable vnto GOD because we are not apt to doe good for without me sayeth Christ you can doe nothing Io. 15.5 In which woordes hee speaketh most plainely against free-will and against al humaine strength be it neuer so stronge and also vtterly ouerthroweth the same For as the braunch being cut from the vine bringeth foorth no frute but withereth away euen so man can doe nothing at all to attaine to righteousnesse and saluation if so be through vnbeleefe he be separated frō Christ Nowe although the Papistes in worde onely doe confesse that wee can doe nothing without Christ 2. Cor. 3.5 yet notwithstanding they faine a certain power in vs which of it selfe is not sufficient to worke except it be holpen with the grace of God For they will not abide that a man shoulde be so emptie and free frō power strength to worke that which is good but that he may do somewhat of himselfe But the wordes of our Sauiour Christ so plainly spoken cannot in such wise be coloured Such therefore is the imagination of the Papists that they affirme that without Christ we can do nothing and yet notwithstāding being holpen by him that wee can doe somewhat of our selues without his grace But Christ pronounceth the contrary as that we can do nothing of our selues Io. 15.4 For the branch sayth he can not bring foorth fruite of it selfe 183 Of grace election vocation faith iustification glorification free will c. IN them that be chosen to life first Gods mercie and free grace Ro. 10.17 bringeth foorth election election woorketh vocation or gods holy calling which vocation thorough hearing bringeth knowledge and fayth of Christ fayth thorough promise obteyneth iustification iustification through hope wayteth for glorification Election is before time vocation and faith commeth in time Iustification and glorification is without ende Election depending vppon Gods free grace and will excludeth all mans will blinde fortune chance and all peraduentures Vocation standing vppon Gods election excludeth all mans wisedome cunning learning intention power and presumption Faith in Christ proceeding by the gifte of the holye ghost and freely iustifying man by Gods promise excludeth all other merites of men all condition of deseruing and all workes of the lawe both Gods lawe and mans lawe withal other outward meanes whatsoeuer Iustification comming freely by grace standeth sure by promise without doubt Tit. 2.12 feare or wauering in this life Glorification pertayning onely to the life to come by hope is looked for Grace and mercie preuenteth election ordeineth vocation prepareth and receaueth the woorde whereby commeth faith faith iustifieth and iustification bringeth glorie 184 Howe wee may be assured of our election and howe faith doth worke the same WHosoeuer wil be certain of his election in God let him looke to his faith in Christ which if he find in him to stand firme be may be sure and nothing doubt but that hee is one of the nūber of Gods elect Secondly they saie faith and nothing else is the only condition and means wherupon gods mercy grace election vocation all gods promises to saluation do stay according to the words of the holy Ghost Col. 1. Col. 1.23 If yee abide in the faith Thirdly this faith also is the immediate next cause of our iustification simply without any other condition annexed For as the mercie of God his grace election vocation other former causes doe saue iustifie vs vpon condition if wee beleeue in Christ so this faith onely in Christ without condition is the next immediate cause which by gods promise worketh our iustification according as it is written Act. 18.31 beleeue in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saued thou and all thy whole house 185 Election and vocation after purpose THe cause only of gods election is his own free mercy the cause in some manner of our iustification is our faith in Christ nothing else As for example First concerning election if the question bee asked why Abraham was chosen and not Nathor why was Iacob chosen and not Esau Why was Moses elected and Pharao hardened Why Dauid accepted and Saule refused why fewe chosen and the most forsaken It can not be answered otherwise then thus because it was so the good will of God In like manner touching vocation and also faith if the question be asked why this vocation and gifte of faith was giuen to Cornelius the Gentile not to Tertullius the Iewe Why to the poore little ones of this worlde of whom Christ speaketh Mat. 11.25 I thank thee father which hast hid this from the wise c. why to the simple vnwise outcastes in this worlde of whom speketh S. Paul saying 1. Cor. 1.26 ye see your calling my brethren howe not many of you c Why to the sinners not to the iust Why the beggars by the high wayes were called Ma. 11.26 and the bidden gestes excluded We can goe to no other cause but to gods purpose election Lu. 18.14 say with Christ our sauiour yea father for so it was thy good pleasure And so for iustificatiō likewise if the question be asked why the Publican was iustified Mat. 21.31 and not the Pharisei Why harlots Publicans go before the Scribes Pharisies in the kingdome why the sonne of the free woman was receaued Ge. 21.12 the bondwomans sonne being his elder reiected Why Israel which so long sought for righteousnesse found it not and the Gentils which sought not for it foūd it We haue no other cause hereof to render but to say with S. Paul Ro. 9.32 because they sought for it by workes of the law not by faith which faith as it cōmeth not by mans will but only by the free gift of God so is it onely the instrumentall cause whereunto the promise of our saluation is annexed According as we reade Ro. 4.16 Therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seed vers 5. Also in the same chap. he saith that his faith is counted for righteousnesse which beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly 186 Diuers kindes of faith THere be many kindes of fayth as a man may
measure of knowledge as other haue There is difference in giftes among vs at this day as there was among the apostles yet they all sufficiently preached They which haue any measure of those giftes which the Lord requireth in his ministers 1. The. 5.19 they must not quench the spirit but vse the meanes to encrease their measure if they be painefull carefull watchfull and faithfull in their ministerie with a holye and pure affection the Lord will blesse them Mat. 25.29 To him that hath shall be giuen we cannot at the first come to perfection Apollos a learned doctor seruent in the spirit Act. 8.26 and mightie in the scriptures yet was he ignorant in some thinges and receiued instruction from Aquila and Priscilla Some haue more then others some haue ten talents some fiue and some but one yet let vs alwaies remember and let it neuer slip out of our minds that the slothful and vnprofitable seruant Mat. 25.15 30. shall be cast into vtter darknes there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth 208 Of the Gospell and how it must be preached VNder the voyce of the Gospell is comprehended the whole historie of Iesus Christ in the flesh and also the fruit and vse of the same historie The story of Christ is briefly comprehended vnder his passion and resurrection the vse and ende wherof is that we should haue repentance and remission of sinnes in his name And this doth Christ himselfe witnes when as he said to his Apostles after his resurrection Luk. 24.46 thus it is writen and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe the third day and that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde bee preached in his name among all nations To this agreeth the Apostle Peter when as he saith with other the Apostles to the Counsell and chiefe Priestes The God of our Fathers hath raysed vp Iesus whom ye slue and hanged on a tree Act. 5.30.31 him hath GOD lifte vp with his right hande to bee a Prince and a Sauiour to giue repentaunce vnto Israell and remission of sinnes By this we may see how the Gospel must be preached the people must be taught what Christ hath done for them The whole storye of his Incarnation conception birth sufferinges resurrection and ascention must be oftentimes and effectually preached vnto them as they are set downe by the Euangelistes and Apostles but yet this is not inough to shewe what Christe hath done and to rehearse the storie of his incarnatiō but also the minister must be careful to preach the ende the vse and fruite of the same which is that the people may repent be turned vnfaynedly vnto God and so by faith made pertakers of remission of sinnes through Iesus Christ 209 What repentaunce is REpentance is a true turning vnto God a chaunging of the outward and inwarde man a dying to sinne a liuing to righteousnesse and amendment of the whole life Hee which is returned vnto God ought first necessarily to know and vnderstand how he fell from him and to know what God is how we fall from him and how we ought to turne to him againe Mat 9.12 So that he which must repent ought to know his own noughtines and wickednes and also by what meanes the same may be amended which is broken and spoyled but these thinges can in no wise be done of any wretched sinner vnlesse they be drawne hereunto and therein instructed by the spyrit and word of God Mar. 1.15 which they must also stedfastly beleue Io. 6.44 For these thinges are so necessarilye required that vnlesse God by grace through his spirit open and draw the heart of the sinner and by his worde shew vs the perfect way gouerne and keepe vs in the same giue vs true faith whereby to quicken and iustifie vs vnlesse I say he giue vs these all repentance how hard or greeuous so euer it seeme is no true repentance Example hereof maye bee taken of Iudas who repenting for his sinnes confessed the same to the Priestes in the temple saying I haue sinned in betraying the innocent bloud Mat. 27.3.5 yea and he in this prate made satisfaction in that he threw the vnrighteous price of bloud into the temple But this repentance did nothing at all profite him although he had in it contrition confession and satisfaction and because he lacked true faith he dispayred and hanged himselfe On the other side Luk. 22.61.62 the Lord looking backe vpon Peter and the Cocke crowing he remembred his wordes and beleeuing them departed from the wicked companie wept for his sinnes and amended his faultes and this his repentaunce was true and perfect The prophet Ieremy also confirmeth this doctrine ver 18.19 when he prayeth vnto the Lord in his 31. chap. whereby it is euident that true repentaunce and the sorrowing for our sinnes must proceede from God stirring vp the same in vs by faith so as it must not be a repentance or sorrowe according to the world but after the will of God 210 Repentance is necessarie to make pure the conscience and it is not a worke of man THe filth and infection which defileth and corrupteth the person is of the heart and the principal care we ought to haue of our selues is that we be pure and cleane in our heartes and consciences which thing we cannot attaine vnto but by faith and repentaunce And wee must beware that wee resemble not the Scribes and Pharesies to whom our sauiour Christ obiecteth their hypocrisie Furthermore when calling vs to repentaunce God promiseth vs his holye spirite we must vnderstand that repentaunce is not a worke of man but of God who regenerateth vs and reneweth vs by his holy spirit as appeareth by the witnes of Ezechiell Eze. 36.26 a newe hart saith the Lord I wil geue you a new spirite will I put within you c. and so consequentlye it is not of our freewill that wee repent but of the onely mercy of God which will not the death of a sinner The which also Ieremy confesseth saying Ez. 33 11. Ier. 10.23 O Lorde I knowe that the waye of man is not in himselfe and therefore he prayeth on this wise conuert thou me and I shal be conuerted We may learne also in an other place that the wordes of God are hidden from vs Pro. 1.23 if the holy Ghost be not giuen vs to instruct and sanctifie vs. Wherefore we must pray with Dauid Create in mee O Lord a cleane heart and renewe a right spirite within me Ps 51.12 Finally seeing that in bidding vs repent God promiseth vs the knowledge of his word we may perceaue whoe are the true repentantes and whoe are not and lykewyse that they which make not account to repent doe not vnderstand the worde of God although they make neuer so faire a shew to the contrarie 211 Repentance is the gifte of God MEn cannot haue repentance of their own
hardened against the grace of God yet let him heare this worde of God and let it often fall into his eares Ier. 3.29 for it is as the Prophet saith a hammer which breaketh the stone in peeces and is able in the power of God to mollifie his heart or if the sinner be suncken downe so deepe that he will not rise it will crush him downe deeper that he may perish in sinne and so God saith to his Prophet Ieremie I will put my words into thy mouth and it shall be as fire Ier. 5.14 and this people shall be as wood and it shall deuour them And this is it S. Paule expresly witnesseth to be the onely meanes to glorifie God to preach the truth of his word vnto all for so saith hee we are alwaies a sweet smelling sauour of Christ vnto God as well in those that perishe as in those that be saued 2. Cor. 2.16 to the one a sauour of life vnto life to the other of death vnto death 237 The cause why the worde of God is despised BEcause the word of God is simple and teacheth vs not high and excellent thinges in the opinion of the world for this cause it is despised and men make no accompt to follow the way which it teacheth thinking it a great dishonour to be conformable to the same and that they should be scarce woorthy to liue Likewise men persecute at all times those that followe it as wicked and esteeme them vnworthy of life But those which despising the worde seeke out thinges which are in price with the worlde and follow them are reputed honest men and are placed alwayes in the most honorable place amonge worldlinges Which is the cause that they thinke themselues to be in good estate and of such force as they shall neuer perish Wherein they deceaue themselues Deu. 4.6 Leu. 18.5 Mat. 22.32 Mar. 12.27 for seeing the worde of God is our wisedome and vnderstanding and that he which doeth the thinges appointed by the same shal liue it foloweth that without this wisedome there is nothing but death 238 It is not for vs to knowe the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power BY the woorde of God wee are taught and instructed that the day of the Lorde shall come vpon vs as a theefe in the night When the light of the trueth is taken away when the heart of the good man of the house is at rest and his eyes are darkened that they cannot see and all his sences drowned in worldlye pleasures When wee care for nothing that is godly when we saye peace and rest then will the sonne of man come to iudgement then shall destruction sodainely fall vppon vs. Act. 1.7 1. Thes 5.2 Therefore let vs be readie for in the houre that wee thinke not will the Sonne of man come Of that daye and houre knoweth no man sayeth our Sauiour Christ no not the Angelles which are in heauen Mar. 13.32 neither the sonne himselfe but the Father What may wee thinke then of them that write Bookes and Almanackes and say and teach expresly that such a yeare and at such a time Christe shall come and with these speeches fraye and mocke the worlde Let men know that they are but mortall and that by nature they are vtterly blinde God hath giuen vs knowledge in measure we can not know asmuch as we would Let vs know that which is fitte for vs and speake that that is lawfull to be spoken Let vs thinke vpon the commandements of God to followe them and not search into his workes Luke 21.25 Esa 13.10 Eze. 32.7 Ioel. 2.31 3.15 to be curious in them for he that is curious in searching the maiestie of God otherwise then he hath reuealed in his word shall be oppressed and confounded by his glory Thus much we may well know that the Lorde will come that all fleshe shall appeare before him that the worlde the heauen and the earth the Sunne and the Moone shall haue an end Math. 24.29 42. that the day of the Lord shall come sodenly as a theife in the night This warning God hath giuen vs that we should not be taken vnawares but that we repent and stand in readinesse continually watching and praying euery minute of an houre that we may be caught vp into the cloudes to meete our Redeemer 239 Of the second comming of Christ THe Sonne of God shall come downe with maiesty from heauen the Trumpet of God shal sonnde and be hearde from the one end of the heauen to the other Then shall he be the iudge ouer al flesh Then shall hee shewe himselfe to be king of kinges Lord of Lordes Then shall he not come in humilitie meekenesse and mercye but with dread terror of iudgement and iustice Not with 12. poore Apostles but with so many thousande Angelles to attende vpon him Not in the preaching of the gospel and calling sinners to repentance but in the sound of a trumpet wherwith all the corners of the earth shall be amazed Then shall hee not saye Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden Mat. 11.28 Mat. 15.24 and I will refresh you I am sent to the lost sheepe of the house of Israell He shall not say Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe but he will saye you haue beene ashamed of mee and my worde before men therefore now wil I be ashamed of you before my heauenly Father Then shall they that despised the woorde of God knowe what they despised and the blasphemers shall reape the fruite of their blasphemy Then the carelesse Shepheard and idle Minister which hath not to his power fedde the Lordes sheepe but neglected them and left them at al aduentures which folowing the lustes of his owne heart hath betrayed his flocke and giuen them to be a pray vnto the wolfe shall receaue a iust recompence for his treason Then the aduterer oppressour and vsurer shall haue their life layde open before them They shall see him whome they pearced thorough Reu. 1.7 They shall see his sworde readie drawne to slaye all his enemyes and shall fall downe for feare of him that sitteth vpon the throne But the hearts of the righteous shall reioyce They shall lift vp their heades see him in whom they haue trusted Then shall they say This is the day which the Lorde hath made Ps 118.24 let vs reioyce be glad in it Let vs reioyce vnto the Lorde let vs come before his face with praise let vs sing loud vnto him with Psalmes Such shal be the state and countenance honor maiestie of our God when he shal come down from heauen for our deliuerance 240 Christ is the Apostle and high Priest of our profession IF we be Christians we must learn to professe no other teacher nor no other Sauiour but Iesus Christ onely 1. Cor. 1.30 We must beleeue and