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A00930 The conduit of comfort Containing sundrie comfortable prayers, to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. By Abr. Fleming. Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1624 (1624) STC 11037.5; ESTC S120667 45,799 367

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because this world is like a Wildernesse replenished with wild beasts or rather Monsters vices I meane diuelish and damnable as pride adulterie flatterie idolatrie blasphemie disobedience stubbernesse extortion vsuries hipocrisie dissimulation enuie rancour malice murther letcherie surfetting wantonnesse and an infinite number of the like hellish rable whereto we are dayly endangered insomuch that oftentimes we are ready to be deuowred Stretch out O swéete Iesus the arming sword of thy Spirit cut them off by the wast that they may haue no power to assault vs and after this conquest wrought in vs frame vs anew by the word of regeneration that our liues being amended we may like Sheaues of pure Corne be bound vp brought into thy Barne Heare our Prayers O Christ and let our cries come vnto thée for thy name sake Amen A Prayer against vaine delights and worldly pleasures From vaine delights Lord turne mine eyes And saue my soule in losse which lyes LOrd God Creator of all things illuminate my heart with the Lampe of true vnderstanding and knowledge that although mine outward eyes slumber and sléep in the shadow of death yet the eyes of my soule may he kept waking in the way of life Direct me O Lord in thy feare guid me by thy grace turne mine eies from all vaine delights of this world preserue me from al the sweet entismēts of the flattering flesh fortifie strengthen me against all the craftie temptations of Satan And wheras my soule lieth vpō losse is not like but to be lost if if be left vnto it selfe I beseech thee O Father of mercy God of all consolation to take vpon thée the safety of the same that neither Satan my subtile aduersary nor the flesh the alluring harlot nor the world that foule ill fauor'd monster may preuayle against it but by thy power may vtterly be vanquished put to shame confusion Grant this O God for thy sonnes sake Iesus Christ my Sauiour Amen A prayer of a penitent sinner lamenting his former life so ill spent My life misse-led I doe lament And of my sinnes I mee repent LOoke on mée O heauenly Father and gracious God with thy fauourable countenance and in the fulnes of thine euerlasting compassion comfort mée which am swallowed vp with heauinesse And though my Sinnes surmount in thy sight the Sandes of the Seas yet I beséech thee haue an eye to thy Son Iesus Christ whom thou didst send into the world to take vpon his shoulders the whole burden of our sinnes and by his death to make satisfaction vnto thee for the same And albeit O Lord by my deserts I am the child of wrath of death and condemnatiō yet notwithstanding I beseech thée O God giue eare vnto the voyce of my Mediatour Christ Iesus who maketh continuall intercessiō vnto thee not only for mee but also for al such as constantly beleeue in him make him the sure ground work of their saluation Looke not Lord vpon my deformities but vpon his innocencie not vpon mine iniquitie but vpon his righteousnes not vpon the multitude of my misdeedes but vpon the manifoldnesse of thy mercies Remember the bleeding stripes and woundes of thy Sonne my Sauiour in whom alone by the increasing of a liuely iustifying fayth I am a new creature regenerate and made cleane not with Water but by Grace thy Mercie O Father being the fountayne of this Heauenlie benefit O heare the praier of thy poore seruant and for thy Sonnes sake Iesus Christ grant my petition Amen A Prayer of a sorrowfull sinner laying his heart open praying for a firme fayth My heart O Lord wide ope I lay And vnto thee for Faith I pray I Beséech thée O Father of endles mercy to looke vpon me thy poore creature poore indeed and desolate naked and bare of spirituall riches I lay my heart wide open before thee which hath no good thing dwelling in it Lord I beseech thee plough it vp with the Plough of thy Spirit and sow therein the seeds of a true Christian faith such a fayth as may haue attending and wayting vpon it Hope and Charitie as handmaides Also O Lord GOD I humbly beseech thee that as thou hast made me thy Steward and put mee in trust with a Talent of thy blessing namely Riches worldly Wealth transitory Treasures so I may be furnisht with the instrument which is able to informe me how to imploy the same aright euen faith not an idle faith barren and vnfruitfull but a busie fayth flowing full of good workes that thereby I may be as a Citie builded vpon an Hill amiable and beautifull and like a Lanterne of light vnto all men who seeing my good works may glorifie thee O Father to whom all glory belongeth both in Heauen and in Earth Amen A Prayer desiring mercy and forgiuenesse Of thee O Lord Mercy I craue For Iesus sake his life which gaue AS thou art a gracious God O thou Iudg of Israel as thou art faythfull in thy promise and iust in thy word so I beseech thee deale fauourably with me poore sinner who bend the knees of my heart before thee crauing that with teares which if I obtaine not alas what shal become of me but death damnation In thee is my hope in thee my trust in thée my confidence let me not be ashamed let me not be forsaken nor confounded but for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake who suffered a reprochfull death in the face of his sworne and deadly enemies haue mercy vpon me haue mercy vpon me vpon mee miserable soule on whom vnlesse thou haue mercy Satan with his whole power is ready to ouerrun me In time therefore O Lord helpe me in time assist me in time succour me or else I am a cast-away and the child of reprobation Let thy mercy stand betweene my sinnes and thy iudgement for Iesus sake my sweete Sauiour succour mee miserable sinner who neuer cease crying O Father which art in Heauen O our Father which art in Heauen haue mercy O haue mercy Lord in time Amen A Prayer to be prepared against the houre of death Lord at my death the iewell chiefe Which I desire is true beliefe MOst mightie God and mercifull Father as thou hast created and made me of the mould of the earth and inspired into the grosse lumpe of my body a liuing and quickning soule so O Lord I beseech thee to indue me with such knowledge and vnderstanding yea with such an earnest zeale burning desire of thy heauenly dwelling and immortall mantion that I may loath this life which is but a span long and thirst after death which is the entrance to endlesse ioy and happinesse Also O Lord I most humbly beseech thee when it shall please thee to visit me with sicknesse or otherwise to call me out of this life that I may féele working in my heart an vnfained Fayth and a true Christian Beliefe whereby euen in the nipping agonies and pinching
infinite goodnes thou soueraigne Law-giuer to arme our harts with the ful furniture of obedience that we may first and principally feare thée which art our Creatour and in thée thy Sonne our Redéemer and in both the holy Ghost our Comforter This if we do as it is not vnlike we shal if thy grace gouerne vs our wils wits shal be brought into such subiection that whatsoeuer duties earthly Magistrates bind vs vnto by Law commandement so the same be not to thy dishonour there shall want no readinesse in vs to fulfill and accomplish Vouchsafe therefore O heauenly Father to keepe vs in thy feare to limit vs within the bounds of true obedience both to thée O our GOD and also to our superiours and betters that whatsoeuer is required of vs in the way of godly submisson and reuerence we murmur not thereat but doe our endeauours therin with all zeale and earnestnesse Amen A Prayer for true and hearty repentance Repentance for our foule misdeeds Graunt vs O God whose grace exceeds WE wretched outlaws O Lord God cast our selus along before thy mercie seate beséeching thée to inspire our minds with perfect wisedome and to arme vs with the true and liuely knowledge of thy Law that both in body also in soule we may walke the way of thy Commandementes and Testimonies So gouerne vs by thy Grace O God and so conduct vs by thy louing kindnesse that being throughly informed and reformed to thy Law we may be stricken inwardly with a godly feare and Christian trembling of transgressing thy preceptes which thou hast appoynted vnto vs in this darke palpable time of securitie and wickednes when all people and nations for the most part stumble at the blockes of their owne sinnes to be a lanterne to lighten our féete and the day starre to direct all our doings And though wée can not of our selues such is the infirmitie of our nature and weaknes of our flesh but fall into the snares of sinne yet wée humbly beséech thée for thy beloued Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Sauiour to touch our guiltie consciences with the finger of thy grace that through a sorrowfull féeling of them we may by fayth take sure and fast hold of the staffe of thy promises who made a vow to haue mercy on the ssnner repenting him of his lewd life and forsaking his iniquity Grant this O God for the comfort of thy chosen and for thy Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Mediatour and Aduocate Amen A prayer to the Lord to turn his wrathfull displeasure away from vs. Thy wrath O Lord remember not Though such desert my sinnes allot IVdge me not O Lord in the heate of thine indignation O consume me not in the furie of thy rage I confesse that mine offences cry out for vengeance euen as a dry sandy soyle gapeth for raine Howbeit O most mercifull Father remember thy mercy and let not sentence passe in iudgement to my condemnation my sinnes haue laid out my lot euen thy vengeance O Lord I cannot say the contrary but thou hast Mercy in store which pleadeth against Iustice so that thy Wrath I hope shall not ouerthrow me though my wickednesses like waues ouerwhelme my soule O Lord heare my prayer and for the honour of thy name turne from me the punishments which thou hast denounced against mee in iudgement I am a worme and no man yea the off-scowring of men a wretch and forsaken an outcast and an alien frō the Common wealth of Israel my sinnes haue made a separation of thy fauour from me but the death of thy Sonne hath put out the handwriting and broken downe the partition wall betwixt thée and mee And therefore I come with boldnesse and confidence to thee hoping to taste the swéetnes of thy Mercy though I haue deserued the sharpnes of thy Iustice. As thou wilt O Lord so be it Amen A Prayer for a cleare and quiet Conscience A Conscience cleare from all vnrest Graunt vs O God whose name be blest LEt the light of thy coūtenance shine vpon vs most mercifull Father let the comfort of thy spirit drop into our hearts let thy fauour louing kindnesse be vnto vs a pauilion in the warfare of this life Bee thou vnto vs a gracious God and a Father inclined to compassion that whereas the horror of our sinnes and their haynousnesse together with the manifoldnesse of our offences kindleth in vs a kind of feare vnto death disquieting our consciences and raising vp within vs accusers to giue in euidence against vs for the violating breaking of thy commaundements it would please thee like a Father tenderly to deale with vs as with thy children and not like a seuere Iudge to handle vs as guilty persons giuing vs ouer and leauing vs to the spoyle of our mortall enemies Our conscience indeed layeth dayly to our charge that we haue playd the back-sliders that we haue not kept vs within the compasse of thy holy precepts that wee haue withstood thy heauenly will and like stubborne rebels denied thée the honour due vnto thy Name neuerthelesse O Lord God cast vs not off into confusion neither leaue vs to continuall torment and vexation of conscience for our sinnes but looke vpon vs with the eyes of mercy that the terrour of conscience which we feele for sinne may bee turned into rest and quietnesse least if it happen otherwise wee be driuen with Iudas into desperation From the which we beseech thee to deliuer vs for the honour of thy name O GOD Almighty Amen A Prayer to be Zealous in the hearing of the word of God To heare thy Word and loue the same Vouchsafe O Lord our hearts to frame LOuing Father gracious God forsomuch as thy word is the rule of life and the high way to happines we beséech thee to kindle in vs an earnest desire to heare the same and that not only with the outward eares of the body but with the inward eares of the heart which is the hearing in deed whereby profit and comfort is gathered Thy Word is the Sword to cut downe sinne thy Word is the weapon which thy Ministers vse to conquer the kingdome of Satan It is the felicitie of the faithfull in this life it is the stumbling blocke of offence to the wicked yea to the vncircumcised Philistine it is the sauour of death vnto death but to the circumcised Israelite it is the sauour of life vnto life Vouchsafe therefore O bountifull God to kindle in mee the fire of zeale vnto thy word that I may so estéeme and count thereof as of the chiefest treasure of a Christian in this vale of misery hauing mine eares alwayes open to heare it and my hart ready to receiue it my tongue plyant to speake of it and my mind earnest to meditate in it so shall I reape such profit thereby as thou hast prepared for them that come reuerently therunto This and all things néedfull for this life graunt O
me vile créeping worme of the earth who in comparison of thée am much woorse than stinking doung and filthy offscowring of the earth Thou dayly assistest me thou cōtinually regardest me thou euermore defendest me from dangers both bodily and ghostly for had not thy hand ouershadowed me I had sunke long since in mine owne shame and confusion And because Lord manifold are the calamities belonging to this life hurtful to the outward man noisome to the inner man I beséech thée stretch out the shield of safty in full breadth ouer me that I may walke without feare not troubled with wicked thoughtes not tempted with euill words not prouoked to deedes of darknes but keeping my feete in the path of light looking alway to the lampe of thy word which shineth vnto sinners sitting in the shadow of death and leadeth the righteous and true repentant to life euerlasting Amen A Prayer against slaunderous and euill tongues From euill Tongues which poyson spit Vouchsafe O Lord thy flocke t'acquit MOst truely spake thy seruant Saint Iames O my swéete Sauiour that the Tongue being but a little member was notwithstanding a world of wickednesse Which to be so thou knowest in thy secret counsell and thou thy selfe haddest proofe thereof whiles thou keptst thy standing in the faire of this life It pleased thée therefore to instruct and teach thine Apostles before hand what they should be subiect vnto in time to come namely to backbitings slanders acursed spéeches tauntes controlments yea to reuilings buffettings imprisonments For if they spared not the Lord and Master much lesse will it sinke into their hearts to fauour the Seruāts whom they hate vnto the death for their masters sake From euill Tongues therefore O Lord wee beseech thee to saue vs not from suffering the bitternesse which procéedeth from them for we are content to tast that which thou hast tasted before vs but from offending in our tongue which oftentimes woundeth the very soule O Lord giue vs grace to set a watch before our Tongue that we trip not in our talke hurt not onely them against whom wee are maliciously minded but also our selues whom we cānot but greatly annoy whiles we séeke either in thought word or deed to wreake our wrath vpon others considering that thou hast reserued all vengeance to thine owne selfe O Lord be gracious vnto vs and as thou art the Shepheard of our soules feeding vs in the sweete pastures of thy grace so we beséech thee to kéepe vs from all manner of spirituall diseases vs wee say which are thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture Amen A Prayer for Peace in time of Warre or other vexations In time of Warre to pray for Peace A zeale in vs O Lord increase BOuntiful Sauiour thou Sonne of the eternall God thou God of peace-vnitie and concord thou that in stead of Peace plaguest men with Warre tumultes and vprors We beseech thee to prolong peace quietnesse amongst vs not onely peace betwéene people and people but peace of Conscience that precious peace which who so wanteth he is no member of the Common-wealth of Christianitie Not onely for this peace of minde but for the other also of body we beséech thée O Lord frame our heartes aright to pray vnto thee knowing that by Prayer that thing is obtained at thine hands which is not else where to bee sought And because thou art the Author of peace without whom the whole world is set on Warre we humbly beseech thée to prosper that peace which thou hast planted in all Christian kingdomes which because thou hast for our sinnes sake taken from vs for a time sending vs in place thereof Warres and Tumults Wée giue thee thankes notwithstanding acknowledging the same to bee a punishment layd vpon vs for our sinnes and specially for abusing that Peace the benefite whereof whiles we might haue vsed to our true comfort we turned the same as we feele by due proofe at this present into bitternesse Neuerthelesse to thee we come and before thy face we fall not onely praying for the withdrawing of Warre and the restoring of our former Peace but also beséeching thée to kindle increase in vs a zeale to pray not only for Peace but for all other thy good Giftes needfull and belonging to this life to the honour and glory of thy name Amen A Prayer for deliuerance from Foes spirituall and temporall From feare and force of all our Foes Preserue vs Lord and them depose EVerlasting God whose right hand is the shield of safegard to the faythfull we beséech thée of thine vnspeakable goodnesse to looke vpon vs who are incompast round about with enemies not onely of the body but also of the soule Of the body as with swearers backbiters slaunderers fighters brawlers quarellers murtherers c Al which we that are Christians account our Foes insomuch as they are the enemies of Christ thy beloued Sonne and sworne aduersaries of thy holy Gospell Of the Soule as with Satan sinne the flesh the world the Diuell Hel death and damnation and that which we through our weakenesse cannot fulfill doe thou by thy strength supply and bring to passe that we may not onely be defended from theire force but that they and euery of them féeling the weight and greatnes of thy power may lie vanquished vnder foote cease their further assaultes for Iesus Christes sake our onely Sauiour and Redeemer Amen A prayer of a penitent soule ouerburdened with sinne A silly soule to sinne in thrall For mercy Lord to thee doe call WOunderfull wise excéeding righteous art thou in thy iudgments O God a punisher of the vngodly and a iust rewarder of the faithfull O looke vpon mée silly soule ouerwhelmed with wickednes looke vpon mée O Lord. and deliuer me For I am in thrall yea in thrall am I vnto sinne the wages whereof is death O succour me succour me Oh assist me assist me Oh saue me saue me Bitterly I complaine and am sorry for my misdeedes heauily I lament for mine iniquities vnfeignedly I repent me of my life wickedly ledde Appease thine anger O God asswage thy wrath Oh let mee be reconciled vnto thee Cast me not away whom thou hast created let not Satan triumph ouer me whom thy Son hath redeemed Be gracious O be gracious most mercifull Father and let the moystning riuer of thy Mercy quench the boyling fornace of thy Iustice that I being comforted in this life with assured taste of thy clemency may glorifie thy name with consent of heart and voice and that by mine example others may do the like Graunt this O God in Christ thy Sonne mine onely Sauiour Amen A Prayer to be freed from all Vices From Vices all defend vs Sweet Iesus and amend vs. IEsus Christ thou immaculat Lambe which wast slaine for the sinnes of the whole world that by thy death we might all be deliuered from death yea from eternall death due vnto vs by deserte of sinne And
in heart and mind with the sweetenesse of thy word wherein the comfortable promises of life saluation are conteined that wee may exercise our selues therein day and night that wee may reuerently vse it as the healthfull foode of our soules that we may bring vp our children seruants in the knowledge of the same being fully perswaded that there is nothing in the world comparable thereunto for it exceedeth al treasure whē al things are consumed thy word shall continue in glory brightnesse perfection O Lord heare our praiers and for the honour of thy name heare the suites of thy poore seruants euen for thy beloued Sonne his sake Iesus Christ our Sauiour vnto whom with thee and the holy Ghost one Deitie in Trinitie be all laude honour prayse dominion power glory and maiestie both now and world without end Amen The Contemplation of a Christian. The misery of euery man Through Satans guile by sinne began But Christ vouchsaft mans thrall t' asswage His power supprest old Satans rage WHen Sinne had blemished the happy estate of our first Parents their whole race felt the smart of their punnishment and are at this day subiect vnto miserie Iniquitie made a gappe for many calamities sundry kinds of sicknesses manifold maladies infinite tribulations which we had neuer tasted if our first Parents had not offended Lamentable is our case by theire meanes for the Lord of life hath punished their sins in their posteritie by degrees of generaons throughout many ages Little hope of health is in our selues nay there is in vs no hope of saluation at all for by the subtiltie of Satan sinne got dominion ouer vs by sin death Iustly therefore are we subiect to so many miseries in that we feele the heauy hand of God laying load vpon vs it is for our offences and our disordered life According as our deserts haue beene so GOD hath dealt with vs nay he hath handled vs far better then we deserued who by nature are the children of wrath and confusion Most mercifully hath he looked vpon vs and of his plentifull compassion hee sent his boloued Sonne Christ Iesus into the world that he by his bloodshed might worke our releasement Like reprobates and condemned persons wee had been plunged into the déep pit of hell had not the death of Christ made full satisfaction for vs wrought our Redemption A Lion of the tribe of Iuda a brāch springing from the stocke of Iesse pittying vs poore desolate soules by the vertue of his power suppressed Satans rage Maruelous mightily did he vanquish the Diuel our mortall enemy who intended our destruction and vtter ouerthrow had not he in time brought our deliuerance to passe Be ioyfull therefore all nations and lift vp your heads extoll this Lambe of God whose innocencie tooke away our iniquitie and whose heauinesse was our hapinesse Euerlasting prayse and thankes be ascribed vnto his name by whose death we are receiued to life yea to eternall life O prayse his glorious name for euer Amen Death ouer vs possest such power That meanes he sought vs to deuower But Iesus Christ did set vs free To whom all prayse and thankes giue wee WEe are iustly subiect vnto death for death is the reward of sinne and iniquitie Iniquitie hath changed our order of creatiō which was perfect and Angeilcal Life vnto vs through sinne is turned vnto death and the mercy of God into iudgement Lord haue mercy vpon vs for in vs there is no hope of health for Death hath power ouer vs. Increase of new calamities doe light vpon vs dayly and we see our selues forsaken Among our enemies we walke continually euen in the face of the Flesh the World and the Diuell Miserable were wee if Iesus Christ with the shield of safetie should not ouershadow vs. Little should wee differ from the children of wrath nay our case were as comfortlesse as theirs A most mercifull Sauiour art thou O Christ A most mercifull Redeemer and Aduocate Make vs thankfull vnto thee for thy goodnesse for thou didst set vs free from all misfortune Blessed be thy name and great be thy glory through out all the world for this thy kindnesse Early late thou art to be praysed yea in the assemblies cōgregations of the faythfull righteous thou in thy greatnes O God shalt be gloryfied Amen The World is vaine and all therein Yea man is vile because of sinne Yet Iesus Christ redeemed all To Death and Hell that were in thrall WOe be to this world for it is as vaine as smoke yea it is more vaine then vanitie it selfe In riches there is shame and in pleasure there is punishment because of sinne and iniquitie Like a dreame is the life of man his dayes are but a spanne long and his time tarryeth not Like a Fansie or a May-game which hath but an houres delight recreatiō In the world there is nothing more common then wickednesse in the world there is no goodnesse Al are bent vnto mischiefe and villanie the sonnes of men haue set their heartes vpon euill Mightie men and poore slaues all haue troden the path of sinne and vanitie is in all their wayes Like Sheepe without a Shepheard they are gone astray and had beene lost if Christ had not holpen All were in the mouth of Hell gates and had sunke in their owne shame and destruction Miserably had they perished if that good shepheard of our soules had not taken vpon him our deliuerance Bring Frankinsence vnto his Altas O ye people prayse him who is prayse worthy for his power and magnificence Enter into his Temple and Sanctuary sing songs all with one consent to the honour of his name for all the benefits and goodnesse which hee hath plentifully bestowed vpon vs at all times let al the faithfull answer and say Amen Gods prouidence is wonderfull He shewes himselfe most merciful In all our wayes defending vs And by his grace amending vs. WIthout th' assistance of Gods spirit miserable were the condition of all mankind yea most miserable In sinne we are conceiued in sin we are brought vp and the whole course of our life is full of iniquitie Like a menstruous cloth so is our conuersotion in the sight of God and his holy Angels Like a filthy and loathsome Sinke so is our behauiour before the face of the faithfull Iudgment is more méete for vs then mercy yet it hath pleafed God to deale with vs in mercy And that doth daily experience testifie for we sée manifest proofes of his prouidence Meate and cloathing and whatsoeuer is necessary toward the maintenance of man he hath giuen vs. Like a Father he tendereth vs and esteemeth vs as Children begotten a new by free Grace As a Henue hoouering ouer her Chickens so doth he defend vs in all our wayes day by day Mercie is on his right hand Mercie goeth before him and vpon Mercy is the seate of his Maiestie built Be glad therefore
increase the same making thy glory the marke wherat to direct all my doings and thy word the rule to kéepe me within the compasse of thy will O Christ heare me O heare me sweet Sauiour which art the Well of life whereof whosoeuer tasteth hee shall neuer see Death Heare me O gracious Redéemer and let me féele inwardly the fruits of my faithfull prayer Amen A Prayer for Loue and Vnitie with all men To liue in loue all men among Giue grace O Christ to old and young LOrd Iesus thou Patterne of true and vnfeined loue yea of loue leading to life euerlasting without whom there can bee no loue or concord amōg men I beseech thee to heare the prayer of me thy poore seruant and that which I aske in spirit vouchsafe to giue me of thy free mercy And because loue is the fulfilling of the Law and the seale of saluation to the consciences of all Christians Furthermore for so much as thou hast commaunded vs to doe good to all men which cannot be vnlesse loue be the lampe to giue vs light I beséech thée to fill my heart with that loue yea to poure that loue abundantly into the hearts of all both old and yong that we may first and principally loue Almightie God the Father thée O Christ the Sonne and the holy Ghost with such a loue as is loath to turne the fauor of God into displeasure his gentlenesse into rigour his mercy into iudgement and his forbearance into vengeance Secondly to loue my Soueraigne Prince whom I am bound in conscience to obey to loue my superiors to loue mine equals to loue mine inferiors to loue mine enemies Finally to loue all and hate none that by this meanes I may dwel in God the Fountaine of loue who of méere loue for the saluation of the soule of man sent thee O my Sauiour into the world to suffer death vp on the crosse euen in the face of his enimies and persecutors Grant this O Christ to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all praise and glory for euermore Amen A Prayer for the hearing and true vnderstanding of the word of God To heare thy word and liue therein Vs to renew O Lord begin LIghten my heart O Lord GOD with the lampe of thy holy and blessed word which is the weapon of euery true Christian souldier and the sword of the spirit to cut off all the temptations of the Diuell the world and the flesh if it be vsed according to thy wil O Lord which art the giuer and author of the same And for so much O Lord as thy worde is the rule whereby wée are bound to direct all our doings and the square whereat to frame the whole course of our life I beséech thée to circumcise my heart that all carnall cogitations and thoughtes expelled and driuen out I may betake my selfe wholy vnto the reading hearing studying folowing of thy word which is the food of our soules the comfortable bread which killeth hunger and the pleasant drinke which quencheth thirst not the hunger thirst of the body against the which it hath pleased thée to prouide most healthfull remedies but the hunger and thirst of the soule which are no way else asswaged but by the vertue and heauenly working of thy word This word O Lord vouchsafe to make florish and fruitifie in vs that thereby wee may bée wonne to the worshipping of thée in true feare vnfained faith and perfect holinesse of life through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen A Praier to God for forgiuenesse of manifold and grieuous sinnes My heart vncleane Lord circumcise And make my soule thy sacrifice IN sinne O Lord was my conception in sinne my education in sinne the whole course of my life Nothing is cleane and vnspotted in mée nothing is sound nothing perfect nothing holy nothing sanctified I am full of sinne and iniquitie my thoughts desires are attainted with sinne my labours and handy works are defiled with wickednes my words and communications are tempered with the leauen of iniquity my hart is corrupt putrified there is nothing sound in me but all mine entrails are infected and poysoned with sin the high way to euerlasting shame death and condemnation O miserable wretch that I am to whom shall I run for succour To whom shall I make my sorrowes knowne Before whom shall I powre my plaintes Art not thou the Samaritane which with the oyle of mercie souplest my festered woundes Art not thou the good Sephearde which bringest home the straying Shéepe to the shéepefold Art not thou the good Captaine which fightest in defence of thy Souldiers O yes Lord thou art euen he and doubtlesse had not the oyle of thy mercy healed my filthy Botches had not thy hand fetcht me home to the flocke had not thy loue and grace ouer shadowed me in danger I had rotted in my filthinesse I had perished in my wandering and I had béen vtterly ouerthrowne in combate O Lord my God circumcise my heart and clense it from all euill thoughts deuises imaginations consentes to sinne Sanctifie my soule renew my spirit and garnish mée with the garment of regeneration that I may become a swéete smelling sacrifice before thée a sacrifice of acceptable incense a sacrifice of holines righteousnes so shall I prayse thée in the assemblie of the iust extoll thy glorious name among thy people Amen A Prayer for to be setled in the Truth Thy Truth send downe Lord from aboue And giue me grace the same to loue ACcording to thy louing kindnesse O Christ heare the praiers of thy seruant that request which Hope inboldeneth mee to make vouchsafe in mercy to grant And because the Deuill is the father of all falshood and lying and thou the fountaine of all truth and righteousnes as thou saiest of thy selfe I am the Way the Truth and the Life therefore I beseech thee O gracious God Sauiour to plant in me the Trueth without the which all entrance into heauenly ioy is stopt vp to banish out of my heart which by nature is a nest of wickednesse all maner of sinne resisting the Truth And for so much as Truth is a pearle of price and a Iewell of great value to the godly the ornament of the faythful and the treasure of the true Christian therefore I beséech thée O Christ giue me grace to thirst after truth to hunger after the taste of that heauenly foode that my desiring soule may be succoured my longing heart refreshed euen with the fulnes of the same And wheras by nature we are bōdslaues of sinne and by that meanes vtter enemies of truth we beseech thee notwithstanding to make vs partakers of mercy and not of iudgement remembring that thy death and bloodshed paid the price of redemption for all mankinde Thou God of truth heare my prayer and let the suite of me thy poore Seruant come before thy presence and that which I haue asked with
passions of death I may lay fast hold vpon Iesus Christ my Sauiour hoping in him to liue who by his death purchased euerlasting life for all the faythfull O heare my prayer O God and let my cry come vnto thee for Iesus sake vnto whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all laude honour and prayse for euermore Amen A Prayer to leade our liues according to the law and will of God Giue me O Lord a mind and will To loue thy Law and it fulfill LOuing Lord and most mercifull Father thou that art righteous in thy workes iust in thy iudgements faithfull in thy words true in thy promises make me I heartily beseech thee alwayes plyant like Waxe both in mind and will to loue thy Law and to liue after the same Giue my heart the cleere light of true Christian knowledge that I hauing the eies of my soule broad waking may discerne betweene light and darknesse Christ and Beliall God and the Diuell Hell and Heauen the Flesh and the Spirit Guide thou O Lord all my goings by thy grace that all my thoughtes may rest vpon thée Gouerne thou my will and all mine affections that they may keepe within the limits of thy holie Law and Commaundements that all my endeauour may be directed to the accomplishment and fulfilling of thy Statutes and Ordinances so farre foorth as my weaknesse can wade through the rough waues of this most wicked world let thy spirit lead me to doe those things that please thy diuine maiestie that at the last day whē thou shalt sit vpon the Raine bowe treading the Cloudes of the skies vnder thy féete and compassed round about with legions of Angels Cherubim and Seraphim armies of Saintes and holy Martyres I may be receiued into the number of the elect and enter into possession of that inheritaunce which neither Gold nor Siluer but the precious Blood of thy beloued Sonne my swéete Sauiour Iesus Christ bought and purchased Grant this most mercifull Father for thy mercies sake which are vnmeasurable and for thy kindnesse sake which is vnsearchable and for thy tender loue sake which is vnspeakable Amen A Prayer to keepe our tongue from speaking ill From an ill tongue Lord make me cleane To great and small good fayrh to meane ALmighty God which canst not away with a double heart and to whom an euill tongue is fowle dishonour giue me grace I beséech thée to speake nothing but that which is true right and iust not hurting any with my tōgue which thou hast giuen mee to doe all men good and to vse as an instrument for the sounding foorth of thy prayse and glory And be cause a lying and an euill Tongue draweth the soul into death and destruction put backe I beséech thée from my lippes all guilefull speaches all deceitfull communications and al lying wordes Moreouer because thou O Lord art truth it selfe and therefore delightest in truth innocencie giue me grace alwayes to enure my tongue vnto truth abhorring all such talke as may offende thy diuine Maiestie and diminish the honour due vnto thy holy name Let thy sanctifying Spirit take charge ouer my heart that I may doe good vnto all and hurt vnto none vttering that with tongue which I meane in heart purposing as well in déede as in word nothing but good fayth true christianitie Grant this O God for Iesus Christs sake Amen A Prayer to fast and pray aright To Fast aright teach vs the way O Sauiour Christ we humbly pray MOst bountifull Iesu most sweet Iesu most louing Iesu which by thine example diddest teach vs to Faste aright not after the painted fashon of Pharisies and Hypocrites but according to the plaine manner of vnfeigned Christians I heartily humbly beséech thée to giue me grace to exercise my selfe in godly Fasting Prayer that the man of sinne may be subdued and brought vnder that my heart may be cleansed from all sinne and vnrighteousnesse that my thoughtes and cogitations may be scoured from corruption and filthinesse that my wordes may not smell of Heathenish vnholinesse wickednesse that my déedes may not be leauened with beastly wantonnesse but that the course of my whole life may be seasoned with the sauorie salt of sanctification that whatsoeuer I thinke whatsoeuer I say or whatsoeuer I do it may carry with it some signe of the true Fast namely the fast from sin vnto which fast whosoeuer apply themselues they are sure to be thy children and are builded vpon a stedfast hope to inherite that place of endlesse happinesse which thou boughtest with thy precious blod This fasting I beseech thee O sweete Sauiour giue me grace to exercise so shall my sinfull flesh bee kept in awe as a seruant and my Spirit shall beare rule ouer it and kéepe it in subiection This O Christ and whatsoeuer else is necessary vouchsafe of thy goodnesse to grant vnto me thy poore creature who aske it euen in zealous and hearty prayer Amen A Prayer against wilfull sins and snares of Satan From wilfull sinne Lord saue vs That Satan may not haue vs. Be vnto vs a brasen wale most mercifull Father against all the assaults of sinne specially preserue vs from wilfull offences and from transgressing of very malice which is a wheting of thy wrath against vs and a kindling of our owne confusion without hope of mercy at thy heauenly hands O Lord let vs not be so farre estranged from obedience as of set purpose to runne into contempt of thy glorious name let not our hearts become so flintie as to be void of all feeling of sorrow for sinne yea as to be emboldened to heape sinne vpon sinne to our vtter shame We know this is Satans séeking we are assured this is the Diuels drift we cannot be ignorant that this is Belsebubs intent therby to haue vs wiped in thy wrath out of the Booke of life and so he to haue full sway ouer vs as children of condemnation But thou O Lord art mercifull thou art gratious thou art carefull ouer vs defend vs therefore from all sinn and chiefely from the sin of wilfulnes and malice for the honour of thy name Amen A Prayer for the feare of the Lord and loue of his word Increase in me O Lord thy feare That to thy word I may giue eare ETernall God omnipotent Creatour whose word layd the foundation of the whole world furnished the same with all things behoofefull for the maintenance of man wee humbly beseech thee increase in vs a louing feare of thee and thy word that whatsoeuer we are inioyned and commanded to doe therein wee may rather neglect life lands goods all precious possessions then to leaue it vndone knowing that by hearing thy word wee vnderstand thy will which who so kéepeth they are assured in spirit to be thy faithfull seruants So fill vs therefore O God with this godlie feare that we stopping our eares and waxing dull against all worldly vanities may bee rauished
of God is not meat nor drink but righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 But rather séeke ye after the kingdome of God all these things which are but accessaries and common as wel to the wicked as the godlie shal be ministred vnto you Luke 12.31 Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome which is the chefest thing that can be giuen Luke 12.32 In my Fathers house are manie dwelling places I goe to prepare a place for you So that there is not onely a place for Christ but for all that are his John 14.2 3. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen IN the roll of the booke it is written of me I desired to doe thy good will O my God yea thy law is within my hart Psal 40.7.8 That seruant that knew his Maisters will prepa red not himselfe neither did according to his will shal be beaten with many stripes Luk. 12 47. For this is the will of God euen your sanctification and that ye should abstaine from fornication And dedicate your selues wholy to God that euery one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour His body that is prophaned by such filthinesse 1. Thes 4.3 4. And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be ye chāged by the renewing of your mind that ye may prooue what is the good will of GOD and acceptable and perfect Whatsoeuer is not agreeable to Gods will is euill displeasant vnperfect Rom. 12.2 Wherefore be ye not vnwise but vnderstand what the will of the Lord is Ephes. 5.17 4. Giue vs this day our daily bread BEhold the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him he worketh that in mercy which man by no meanes can compasse and vpon them that trust in his mercie to deliuer their soule from death and to preserue them in famine Psal. 33 18.19 The eyes of all waight vpon thee and thou giuest them their meate in due season thou openest thine hand and fillest all things liuing with thy good pleasure Gods prouidence stretcheth both to man and beast Psal. 145.15 Man shall not liue by bread only but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD. The order that God hath ordeined to maintaine his creatures by is here ment Deut. 8.3 Matth 4.4 The cheefe thing of life is water bread clothing lodging to couer thy shame Eccles. 29.23 Two things haue I required of thee denie mee them not before I die Remoue far from me vanitie lies giue me not pouerty nor riches feede me with foode conuenient for mee least I bee full deny thee and say Who is the Lord For Riches make men forget their Maker Or least I be poore and steale take the name of my God in vaine Prou. When we haue foode and raiment let vs therwith be content 1. Tim. 6.8 5. And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. FOrgiue thy neighbour the hurt that hée hath don to thee for man ought not to seeke vengeance so shall thy sinnes be forgiuē thée also when thou prayest Should a man beare hatred against a man and desire forgiuenesse of the Lord He will shewe no mercy to a man which is like himselfe and will hée aske forgiuenesse of his owne sinnes Eccles. Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged condemne not and ye shall not be condemned forgiue and ye shall be forgiuen Giue and it shall be giuen vnto you a good measure pressed downe shaked togeather and running ouer shal men giue into your bosome For with what measure you meate with the same shall men meate vnto you againe Luke 6.37.38 Loue your enemies doe well to them which hate you Luke 6.27 There shall be iudgement mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercy and mercie reioyceth against iudgement and feareth it not Iam. 2.13 6. And lead vs not into temptation BE sober and watch for your aduersarie the Diuell as a roring Lion walketh about séeking whom he may deuour 1. Pet. 5.8 In whom the God of this world euen Satan hath blinded the mindes that is of infidels that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God in respect of his office should not shine vnto them 2. Cor. 4.4 Whensoeuer a man heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euill one commeth euen the Diuell and taketh away that which was sowen in his hart Mat. 13 19. The Prince that ruleth in the aire euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience Ephes. 2.2 Loue not the world as it is aduersarie to God neither the thinges that are in the world If any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him c. 1. Iohn We know that we are of God the whole world lieth in wickednesse al men as of them selues lie as it were busied in euill 1. Iohn 15.19 Know ye not that the amitie of the world is the enmitie of god Whosoeuer therefore will be a friend of the world maketh himselfe the enimie of God Iam. 4.4 For all that is borne of God ouercōmeth the world and this is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen our fayth Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but hee which beleeueth that Iesus is the sonne of GOD 1. Iohn 5.4.5 That the righteousnesse of the law that which the law requireth might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit For they that are after the flesh sauour the thinges of the flesh their will vnderstanding reason wit all is fleshlie The wisdome of the flesh is death it is enmitie against God They that are in the flesh can not please God Rom. 8·4 7. But deliuer vs from euill Amen HElpe vs O GOD of our saluation seeing we haue none other Sauiour for the glory of thy name and deliuer vs. Psal. 69.8 In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thée for thou hearest me Psal. 86.7 There shall none euill come vnto thée He shall giue his Angels charge ouer thée to keepe thee in all thy wayes they shall beare thee in their hands that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone Because he hath loued me Gods protection promised therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because he hath known my name He shall call vpon me and I will heare him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and glorifie him c. Psal. c. O Lord giue vs grace to learne this and liue thereafter Amen The beliefe of a Christian commonly called the Apostles Creede diuided into twelue Articles and expounded 1. I beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauen and earth HEare O Israel the LORD our God is Lord onely Deut. 6.4 Blessed be GOD euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ
the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort 2. Cor. 1.3 Thou Lord in the begining hast stablished th' earth and the heauens are the works of thine hands Psal. 102.25 Heb. 1.10 Haue we not all one Father Hath not one GOD made vs Malach. 2.10 By the word of the Lord were the heauens made and all the hoast of them by the breath of his mouth Psal 33.6 2. And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord. THere is but one GOD which is the Father of whom are all things and we in him And one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him 1. Cor. 8 6. If we walke in the light as he is in the light we haue fellowship one with another Christ with vs and we with our selues the blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne cleanseth vs from all our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.7 Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknes and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare Sonne in whom wée haue redemption through his blood that is the forgiuenesse of sinnes Colos. 1.13.14 This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am wel pleased Math. 3.17 3. Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary BVt when the fulnesse of time was come God sent foorth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law or subiect to the law that he might redéeme them which were vnder the Law that wee might receiue the adoption of the sonnes Galat. 4.4.5 And the Word was made flesh Christ was formed and made man by the operation of the holy Ghost without the working of man and dwelt among vs and we saw the glory thereof as the glorie of the onely begotten sonne of the Father full of grace and truth Ioh. 1.14 The holy Ghost shall come vpon thée This was spoken to Mary and the power of the most high shal ouershadow thée it shall be a secret operation of the holy Ghost therefore also that holy thing which shall be borne of thée shall be called the Sonne of God Hee must be without sinne which must take away sinne Luke 1.35 Behold a Virgin shal be with child and shal beare a Sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretation God with vs. Matth. 1.23 Esaie 7.14 When Marie was betrothed to Ioseph before they came togeather before he tooke her home to him she was found with Child by the holy Ghost Math. 1.18 4. Suffred vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried and descended into Hell FOr Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steps Who his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the trée that we being deliuered from sinne should liue in righteousnesse by whose stripes we are healed 1. Pet. 2.21.24 They scourged Iesus they stripped him they put vpon him a Scarlet robe to deride and mocke him because he called himselfe a King they gaue him Vineger to drinke mingled with Gall to open his veines so to hasten his death this was giuen him hanging vpon the crosse they crucified him betwéen two théeues they cast lots for the parting of his garments they set a scornefull writing ouer his head they reuiled him ceassed not till he gaue vp the Ghost Matth. 27.26 28 29 30 34 35 37 50. So Ioseph tooke the body and wrapped it in a cleane Linnen cloth and put it in his new Tombe Christs burying doth so much the more verifie his death and resurrection which he had heawen in a rocke and rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre and departed Matth. 27.59 60. I know that ye seeke Iesus which was crucified he is not heere for he is risen as he sayd Come see the place where the Lord was layd c. Matth. 28.5.6 God made him to be sinn for vs which knew no sinne a sacrifice for sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him By inputation when wee shall bee clad with Christes righteousnesse 2. Cor. 5.21 Hee destroyed through death him that had the power of death that is the Diuell and that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death and Gods anger were all their life time subiect to bondage Heb. 2.14.15 Christ hath abolished death brought life and immortalitie to light through the Gospell 2. Tim. 1.10 Death is swallowed vp in victory O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory 1 Cor. 15.55 5. And the third day he rose againe from the dead IEsus Christ was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen againe for our iustification to accomplish and make perfect our iustification Rom. 4.25 Goe quickly and tell his Disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilie there ye shall see him loe I haue told you The Angell assureth the women that come to see Christes Sepulchre of his resurrection Math. 28.7 Mark 16.6.7 Luke 24.6 Joh 1 20.1 Act 1.21.22 But now Christ is risen from the dead was made the first fruites of them that sleept by his resurrection being the first we are all assured of our resurrection 1 Cor. 15.20 Destroy this Temple and in three dayes I will rise it vp againe This he meant of his body which should die and did rise againe the third day after his death Iohn 2.19.21 First of all I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued or learned by Gods worde how that Christ died for our sinnes according to the scriptures and that he was buried rose againe the third day and was seene of Cephas then of the twelue though Iudas wanted yet they were so called still after that of more then fiue hundred brethren at once c. 1. Cor. 6. He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie ANd it came to passe that as he blessed them he departed from them and was caried vp into heauen Luke 24.51 So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into Heauen and sate at the right hand of God Mark 16.19 And when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken vp whereby they knew certainely whither he went for a cloude tooke him vp out of their sight Act. 1.9 It is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs. Rom. 8.34 7. From thence he shall come againe to iudge the quike and the dead THis Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come as ye haue séene him go into heauen euen the true Redeemer to gather vs vnto him Acts. 1.11 And when the Sonne of man commeth in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall hee fit vpon the throne of his glorie Math. 25.31 And then shall they see the Sonne of man comming in the cloudes with great power and glorie Mark 13.26 And when these thinges begin