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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B10040 The perfection of justification maintained against the Pharise the purity of sanctification against the stainers of it: the unquestionablenesse of a future glorification aganst the Sadduce: in severall sermons. Together with an apologeticall answer to the ministers of the new province of London in vindication of the author against their aspersions. / by John Simpson, an unworthy publisher of gospel-truths in London. Simpson, John, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing S3817A; ESTC R184177 253,105 558

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awake and sing and be happie in a more full enjoyment of God and this is the desire of those that are truly faithfull When Christ saith He will come and appeare What doe the Saints answer Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly Rev. 22.2 If a naturall carnall man should speake forth that which lies at the bottome of his heart when Christ saith He will come he would say O Lord never come I am not conformed to thine Image I am not made a new creature by hearing of thy Gospel O let me never see the face of Christ But the man that knows the love of God and truly understands the everlasting Gospel when he heares Christ say I come presently there is this eccho by which he answereth the Lord Christ in his owne Spirit Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly When the Judges are in their circuits malefactors tremble and quake but an innocent man that hath a good cause expects and desires to have it heard and is glad that they are come so wicked and ungodly men who are theeves robbers murtherers and malefactors guiltie of all sinnes and lie in imprisoned shackled in their own consciences when they heare that the Lord Jesus shall rid his circuit and appeare as a Judge unless● they have seared consciences they cannot but tremble and quake But the other when Christ shall be as a Judge to the wicked he shall be as a Saviour to them therefore they cannot but desire the coming and appearing of the Lord. Wherefore let us desire the appearing of the Lord Jesus let us not live as the men of the world that are afraid and tremble quake when they heare of a Judgement day Christ coming to judge every man according to his workes but let us continue in the assurance of Gods grace beleeving that our sinnes are pardoned Let not the coming of Christ be our feare but our desire let us desire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wait as one doth upon one that he would speake with for the Sonne who shall deliver us from the wrath to come and shall put a Crowne of glory on our heads which he hath promised to all those that love him Againe that I may draw to a conclusion let this sweeten all miseries troubles and afflictions that we shall meet with here below If wee meet with persecution with imprisonment with hatred in the world with reproaches from men let this be sufficient to sweeten all Consider the day is coming it is at hand Christ is at the dore Jam. 5.10 and you shall awake and sing while these that now rejoyce shall howle and lament Beloved Thinke it not strange concerning the fiery triall which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you But rejoyce in as much as yee are partakers of Christs sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed yee may be glad also with exceeding joy 1 Pet. 4.13 14. God leads his people to happinesse by straits Heaven is a Palace of glory a spacious place but the way to it is narrow the gate is straite by which wee must enter in unto it Let the joyes provided for us at the end of our journey sweeten unto us the troubles and difficulties of the way God intended to make Job a great man but before God brings him to his full height of greatnesse God first brings him to the dunghill So God will bring us first to the dunghill he will lay us in the dust and then make us such glorious creatures as you have heard the Saints shall be at the resurrection Joseph was to be ruler in Aegypt but first he must be laid in prison so God layes his first in prison he brings them to a low condition to be nothing in the world and afterward layes them in the prison of the grave and then hee raiseth them to be Kings Priests Rulers and Judges with the Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore let this meditation of the resurrection sweeten trouble and persume the grave unto us And let it likewise sweeten all the comforts that wee enjoy here by looking upon them as pledges of the joy which wee shall have at the resurrection Let it sweeten the mercies of this day which will have little relish in them without this Alas what is it to looke on Nationall deliverances mercies victories and conquests over our enemies unlesse you see your happinesse in the Lord Jesus What is it if the Land have peace if thou hast not peace of conscience by beleeving What is it if the enemies of thy body of the State and Kingdome be wholly routed and put under the feete of those that desire to stand for the liberties of the Subject if in the meane while thou be a vassall and a slave to the Prince of darknesse What is it for thee to be free from corporall enemies and yet to be under the power and led captive by the enemy of thy soule What is it if thou be a freeman in thy body and a slave in thy soule to all lusts filthinesse and ungodlinesse What is it to keepe such a day as this and to rejoyce in a carnall way for outward mercies when thou doest not spiritually rejoyce in the first place that God hath freed thee from the enemies of thy eternall salvation Rejoyce not onely as a Heathen may for nationall blessings but rejoyce as a Christian seeing God reconciled to thee in the Sonne of his love let the joy of the resurrection both sweeten thy troubles and adde spirituall fewell to the flame of thy joy for temporall mercies Truly wee then rejoyce in temporall things and in creature-comforts and mercies aright when we rejoyce in them in a spirituall way when wee see all sweetened to us in the Lord Jesus Therefore improve to the full this doctrine for the heightening of your joyes this day Let there not be an evill heart of unbeliefe in any to keepe him from rejoycing Though there were great plentie of Corne in Samaria yet the Lord that would not beleeve what the Prophet said though he saw it he did not taste of it 2 Kings 7.19 I tell you of great plentie and happinesse I have set it before your eyes as God hath enabled me but unlesse you beleeve you shall never taste of this heavenly Manna you shall never drinke of these rivers of pleasure Here is a cup of salvation you that have the lips of faith drinke and your soules shall be refreshed and comforted in the enjoyment of it but if you lie in unbeliefe you may want the joy and comfort that you might have of it here and you may want the enjoyment of it to all eternitie Therefore beleeve what hath been spoken what God hath promised and rejoyce in it here being confident that thou shalt enjoy what God hath promised And what thou hast in spe in hope here thou shalt hereafter have in re in full fruition serving God chearfully joyfully and comfortably in the assurance of
Sermon no preaching that will not open their mouths further then it is opened with a key of gold or silver yet they professe they are the people of God and make a great shew of Religion and blinde the eyes of poor ignorant people that conclude they are the only zealous holy men in the world though their covetousnesse basenesse and vilenesse in running after Livings and great preferments may appear evidently to children Ye see by this that people may lean upon God desire to be accounted his people and be confident that he is their Father Ioh. 8. And yet may have no true faith but may be self-imposters deceiving themselves with the perswasions of their own spirits whereas true faith is onely from God bestowed upon us by him as a free gift which let the good God worke in our hearts by his grace through Christ Amen SERMON V. Faith is the gift of God EPHES. 2.8 By grace ye are saved through faith not of your selves it is the gift of God THere is nothing doth lay the creature lower in the presence of God then a cleare apprehension of the Creators favour and goodnesse in giving all things freely to the creature The Apostle to beat down the pride of man in spirituall gifts doth make use of this quaere 1 Cor. 4.7 What hast thou that thou hast not received As if he had said if thou dost but seriously consider that thou enjoyest no spirituall gift but it hath been freely given unto to thee thou wilt not see any cause why thou shouldst be proud of it And in these words for the humbling and abasing of man and for the exalting of Gods grace in Jesus Christ he doth set downe this in the last place That true faith is the gift of God I shall illustrate this two manner of wayes First I will shew you that it is the gift of Gods power For this the Apostle drives at here when he opposeth faith as the gift of God to what he had said before maintaining that it was not of our seves Man being not able to believe of himselfe it will necessarily follow that it is onely the power of Almighty God that is able to enable a man truly to believe in his grace through Christ In the second place I shall shew you that faith is the gift of Gods grace As God alone by his almighty power is able to enable a man to believe so God alone can give us this excellent and precious gift of faith by which we are made partakers of the divine nature and carried to heaven to behold the glory of our God in the face of Jesus Christ First faith is the gift of the power of God and therefore Isaiah 53.1 we read of the arm of God which is to be put forth for the enabling of men to believe the Gospell Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord revealed The strength of a man doth usually lye in his arme wherefore God to shew that few doe believe John 12.38 doth prove it by this because his arme or strength ●s revealed to few The arm power strength of God must be put forth and revealed to men or else men will never be able indeed and in truth to believe what God hath related and reported concerning his glorious grace in Jesus Christ This will appeare by some few considerations First it is the prerogative of Gods powerful will to shew mercy by giving faith for salvation to whom he will and therefore it is not ●n the power of sinfull man effectually to will his owne salvation Rom. 9.18 Jam. 1.18 Of his owne will he begot us God is the God of salvation and therefore the creature cannot be a Saviour to himselfe Save me saith the Psalmist for thy mercy sake Psal 31.16 Why should the Psalmist have prayed unto God to save him if hee had beene able to save himselfe by working faith in his owne heart wee are all sinners saved by obtaining a Psalme of mercy And it is God that granteth us a psalm of mercy for the saving of our lives and giveth us learning by which wee are enabled for to ●ead it The will of God is the supream ruler and governour in all things and therefore in this for the giving of faith unto whom hee pleaseth for salvation Man lies under unbelief many yeares when God once comes and speakes the word to command light to shine then presently we are enlightned He created light by the word of his power and made the heavens so by the same omnipotent word and power of his he is pleased to create and set up new light in the understandings of those whom hee intends to save giving to them the knowledge of the sweetnesse of his grace and glory in the countenance of Jesus Christ Secondly It is the gift of his irresistable power His will and power cannot be resisted Rom. 9. If there were not such an irresistable power in grace no man could ever be made a partaker of grace All the strength of the naturall man doth fight against grace and taketh up armes against Jesus Christ so that if God did not work irresistably there would never bee wrought the work of grace in the heart of any man If God will perswade Japhet hee shall dwell in the tents of Shem Gen. 9.27 will worke saith God and who shall let it Isa 43.13 That is none shall let it All the Devils in hell cannot hinder the worke of faith when God intendeth to work it As many a● are ordained unto eternall life shall believe Acts 13.48 All Christs sheep shall hear his voyce Ioh. 10.16 The gathering of the people shall be unto Shilo Gen. 49.10 God hath determined the thing to be done before it is done And all his counsells of olde are faithfulnesse and truth Isa 25.1 He should be unfaithfull if his determinations should not come to passe The Apostle in the Ephes 1.11 saith that the Saints have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of God who worketh all things according to his owne will And if we consider the eternall Counsell and determination forgiving faith to some particular person we shall finde that it is impossible that these men should not believe in that moment in which God hath appointed to worke faith in their heart and therefore the Apostle doth acquaint us with the immutability of this counsell Heb. 16.17 And James saith Jam. 1.17 That with God there is no variablenesse nor shadow of turning Wherefore seeing God doth dispense the gifts of his grace unto his people according to his unalterable decrees and unchangeable counsells it will be evident that he worketh upon men irresistably God should erre in his prescience or fore-knowledge of things if he should fore-see and determine that a man should believe and that man at the same time should remaine in unbeliefe As an Astrologer would be deceived if he should fore-see and fore-tell that a thing should