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B00290 The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1553 (1553) STC 16288A; ESTC S123394 285,183 443

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he thou mercyfull vnto our synnes Blessed is the man whom thou chosest and receauest vnto thee he shall dwell in thy court and shal be satisfyed with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shalt shew vs wonderful thinges in thy righteousnes O god of our saluacion thou that art the hope of al the endes of the earth and of them that remayne in the broade sea Which in his stength setteth fast the mountaynes and is gyrded about with power Whiche stilleth the ragyng of the sea and the noyse of hys waues and the madnes of his people They also that dwel in the vttermost partes of the earth shal be afraid at thy tokens thou that makest the outgoinges of the morning and euening to prayse thee Thou visitest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The ryuer of God is full of water thou preparest theyr corne for so thou prouidest for the earth Thou watrest her forowes thou sendest raine into the litle valleys therof thou makest it softe with the droppes of rayne and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yeare with thy goodnesse and thy cloudes droppe fatnes They shal drop vpon the dwellinges of the wildernes and the litle hylles shall reioyce on euery syde The foldes shal be ful of shepe the valleys also shall stand so thicke with corne that they shall laugh and syng Iubilate deo psal lxvi O Be ioyefull in god all ye landes syng prayses vnto the honer of his name make his praise to be glorious Say vnto god O howe wonderfull art thou in thy workes thorowe the greatnes of thy power shal thine enemyes be founde lyers vnto thee For al the world shal Worship thee syng of thee and praise thy name O come hither and beholde the woorkes of God howe wonderfull he is in his doing towarde the children of men He turned the sea into drye lande so that they went thorowe the water on foote there did we reioyce therof He ruleth with his power for euer hys eyes beholde the people and such as wil not beleue shal not be able to exalte themselues O prayse oure God ye people and make the voice of hys prayse to be heard Which holdeth our soule in lyfe and suffereth not our fete to slyp For thou O god hast proued vs thou also hast tryed vs lyke as siluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into the snare and layd trouble vpon our loynes Thou sufferedst men to ryde ouer our heades we wente thorow fyre and water and thou broughtest vs oute into a welthy place I will goe into thy house with burnt offerynges and wil pay thee my vowes which I promysed with my lippes and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I will offre vnto thee fat burnte sacrifices with the insence of rammes I wil offre bullockes and goates O come hither and harken al ye that feare god and I wil tell you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto him with my mouth and gaue him praises with my tongue If I encline vnto wickednes with my heart the lord will not heare me But god hath heard me and consydered the voyce of my prayer Praised be god which hath not cast out my praier nor turned hys mercy fro me Deus miscreatur nostri Psal lxvii GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyghte of hys countenaunce and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy waye maye be knowen vpon earth thy sauyng health among al nacions Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let the nacions reioice and be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpon earth Let the people prayse thee O god let al the people prayse thee Then shal the earth bryng furthher increase and God euen our own god shall geue vs hys blessing God shal blesse vs and al the endes of the world shal feare hym Exurgat deus Psalm lxviii Mornīg prayer LEt God aryse and let hys enemyes be scatered lette them also that hate hym flye before hym Lyke as the smoke vanisheth so shalt thou dryue them awaye and lyke as waxe melteth at the fier so let the vngodly peryshe at the presence of god But let the righteous be glad and reioice before God let them also be mery and ioyfull O sing vnto god and syng prayses vnto hys name magnifie him that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse prayse him in his name yea and reioice before hym He is a father of the fatherles and defendeth the cause of widowes euen god in his holy habitacion He is the god that maketh men to be of one mynde in an house bringeth the priesoners out of captiuitie but letteth the runneagates continue in scarcenes O god when thou wentest furth before the people when thou wentest through the wildernes The earth shoke and the heauens dropped at the presence of Ood euen as Sinay also was moued at the presence of god which is the god of Israel Thou O god sendest a gracious rayne vpon thine enheritaunce and refreshedst it when it was wery Thy congregacions shall dwell therein for thou O God hast of thy goodnes prepared for the poore The Lord gaue the worde greate was the companye of the preachers Kinges with their armies did flie and were discomfited and they of the housholde deuyded the spoile Though ye haue lyen among the pottes yet shall ye be as the winges of a doue that is couered wyth syluer wynges and her fethers lyke golde When the almightie scattered kynges for theyr sake then were they as white as snowe in Salmon As the hill of Basan so is gods hill euen an highe hill as the hyll of Basan Why hop ye so ye high hilles this is gods hil in the which it pleaseth hym to dwell yea the Lorde wyll abide in it for euer The charettes of god are .xx. M. euen thousandes of Angels and the Lorde is emong them as in the holy place of Sinay Thou art gone vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and receiued giftes for men yea euē for thine enemies that the Lorde God might dwell among them Praised be the lord daily euen the god which helpeth vs and powred his benefites vpon vs. He is our god euen the god of whom commeth saluaciō god is the lord by whom we escape death God shal wounde the head of hys enemyes and the heary scalpe of such a one as goeth on styll in his wyckednes The Lord hath sayd I wil bring my people again as I did from Basan myne own wyll I bryng agayne as I did some tyme from the depe of the sea That thy fote may be dipped in the bloud of thine enemiesand that the tongue of thy dogges maye be redde throughe thesame It is wel seen O god how thou goest how thou my god and kyng goest in the sanctuary The fingers goe before the minstrels folowe after in the
sparowe hath found her an house and the swallowe a nest where she may lay her yong euen thy aulters O Lord of hostes my king and my God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will be alway praysing thee Blessed is that man whose strength is in thee in whose heart are thy wayes Whiche goyng through the vayle of miserye vse it for a well and the pooles are filled with water They will goe from strength to strength and vnto the God of Gods appeareth euery one of them in Syon O Lord God of hostes heare my prayer hearken O God of Iacob Behold O God our defender and loke vpon the face of thine annoynted For one daye in thy courtes is better then a thousande I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my god then to dwel in the tentes of vngodlines For the lorde god is a light and defence the Lorde will geue grace and worship and no good thyng shall he withhold from them that liue a godly life O Lorde God of hostes blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee Benedixisti domine psal lxxxv LOrd thou art become gracious vnto thy land thou hast turned a way the captiuitie of Iacob Thou hast forgeuen the offence of thy people and couered all theyr sinnes Thou hast taken a way all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathful indignacion Turne vs then O God our sauiour and let thine angre ceasse from vs. Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generacion to an other Wilt thou not turne again and quicken vs that thy people may reioyce in thee Shewe vs thy mercy O Lorde and graunt vs thy saluacion I wil hearken what the lord god wil say concerning me for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his sainctes that they turne not agayne For his saluacion is nye them that feare him that glory may dwel in our lande Mercye and trueth are met together righteousnes and peace haue kissed eche other Truth shal florish out of the earth and righteousnes hath loked down from heauen Yea the lord shal shew louing kindnes and our land shal geue her encrease Righteousnes shal goe before him and he shal direct his going in the waye Inclina domine aurem psal lxxxvi Mornīg prayer BOw downe thine eare O Lorde and heare me for I am poore and in misery Preserue thou my soule for I am holy my god saue thy seruaunt that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O lord for I will call dayly vpon thee Comfort the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto thee O lord doe I lift vp my soule For thou lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto al them that call vpon thee Geue eare Lord vnto my prayer and ponder the voyce of myne humble desyres In the time of my trouble I will call vpon thee for thou hearest me Among the gods there is none like vnto thee O Lord there is not one that can doe as thou doest All nacions whom thou hast made shal come and worship thee O Lord and shall glorifye thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone Teache me thy waye O Lorde and I will walke in thy truth O knit my heart vnto thee that it may feare thy name I wil thanke thee O lorde my God with all my heart and will prayse thy name for euermore For great is thy mercy towarde me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell O God the proud are riesen against me and the congregacion of naughty menne haue sought after my soule and haue not set thee before theyr eyes But thou O Lord God artful of compassion and mercy long suffering plenteous in goodnes and trueth O turne thee then vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunte and helpe the sonne of thyne handmayd Shewe some good token vpon me for good that they whiche hate me maye see it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforted me Fundamenta eius Psal lxxxvii HEr foundacions are vpon the holy hilles the Lorde loued the gates of Syon more then all the dwellinges of Iacob Very excellent thinges are spoken of thee thou citie of God I wil thinke vpon Rahab and Babilon with them that knowe me Beholde ye the Philistines also and they of Tyre with the Morians loe there was he borne And of Syon it shal be reported that he was borne in her and the most high shall stablishe her The Lord shal rehearse it when he wryteth vp the people that he was borne there The syngers also and Trumpetters shal he rehearse all my freshe springes shal be in thee Domine deus salutis psal lxxxviii O Lorde God of my saluacion I haue cryed day and night before thee O lette my prayer enter into thy presence encline thine eare vnto my calling For my soule is ful of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell I am counted as one of them that goe downe vnto the pyt and I haue been euen as a man that hath no strength Free among the dead like vnto them that be wounded and lye in the graue whiche be out of remembraunce and are cut away from thy hand Thou hast layd me in the lowest pit in a place of darkenes and in the diepe Thine indignacion lyeth harde vpon me and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes Thou hast put a way myne acquayntaunce farre fro me and made me to be abhorred of them I am so fast in prieson that I can not geat furth My sight fayleth for very trouble Lord I haue called daily vpon thee I haue stretched out my handes vnto the. Doest thou shewe wonders among the dead or shall the dead rise vp agayn and prayse thee Shal thy louing kindnes be shewed in the graue or thy faythfulnes in destruccion Shal thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke thy rightousnes in the land where al thinges are forgottē Vnto thee haue I cryed O Lorde and earely shall my prayer come before thee Lorde why abhorrest thou my soule and hydest thy face fro me I am in misery and like vnto him that is at the poynt to dye euen from my youth vp thy terrours haue I suffred with a troubled mind Thy wrathful displeasure goeth ouer me and the feare of thee hath vndone me They came round about me dayly lyke water and compassed me together on euery syde My louers and frendes hast thou put a way fro me and hid myne acquaintaunce out of my sight Misericordias domini psal lxxxix Euening prayer MY s ong shal be alwaye of the louyng kindnes of the Lorde with my mouth will I euer be shewing thy trueth from one generacion to another For I haue sayde mercy shal be set vp for euer thy truth shalt thou stablishe in the heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen I haue
Lord that made the heauens Glory and worship are before him power and honour are in hys Sanctuary Ascrybe vnto the Lorde O ye kynredes of the people ascribe vnto the Lorde worship and power Ascribe vnto the Lorde the honoure due vnto hys name bring presentes and come into hys courtes O worship the Lorde in the beautie of holynesse lette the whole earth stande in awe of hym Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is kyng and that it is he which hath made the rounde world so fast that it cannot be moued and howe that he shall iudge the people righteously Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad lette the sea make a noyse and all that therein is Let the field be ioyful and al that is in it then shall all the trees of the wood reioyce before the Lorde For he cometh for he cometh to iudge the earth and wyth righteousnes to iudge the worlde and the people wyth hys trueth Domimus regnauit Psal xcvii THe Lord is king the earth may be glad therof yea the multitude of the Isles may be glad therof Cloudes and darkenes are roūd about him righteousnes and iudgemente are the habitacion of his seate There shall goe a fyre before hym and bunre vp his enemies on euery side Hys lyghtenynges gaue shyne vnto the worlde the earth saw it and was afrayd The hilles melted lyke waxe at the presence of the lorde at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth The heauens haue declared his righteousnesse and al the people haue seen hys glory Confounded be all they that worship carued ymages and that delight in vaine goddes worship hym al ye goddes Syon heard of it and reioised and the daughters of Iuda were glad because of thy iudgement O Lord. For thou lorde art hier then all that are in the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes O ye that loue the Lord se that ye hate the thing whyche is euill the Lorde preserueth the soules of hys saynctes he shall deliuer them from the hande of the vngodly There is sprong vp a light for the righteous and a ioyefull gladnes for such as be true hearted Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and geue thankes for a remembraunce of hys holynes Cantate domino Psal xcviii Euening prayer O Sing vnto the Lorde a newe song for he hath done marueylous thynges With his own right hand and with his holy arme hath he gotten hymselfe the victory The Lorde declared hys saluacion his righteousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heathen He hath remembred hys mercye and trueth towarde the house of Israel and al the endes of the world haue seen the saluacyon of our god Shewe pour selues ioyefull vnto the Lorde al ye landes syng reioyce and geue thankes Psrayse the Lorde vpon the harpe syng to the harpe with a Psalme of thankesgeuing With trumpettes also and shawmes O shew your selues ioyefull before the Lorde the Kyng Lette the Sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round worlde and they that dwell therein Let the fluddes clappe theyr handes and lette the hylles be ioyfull together before the Lorde for he is come to iudge the earth With rightousnes shall he iudge the worlde and the people with equitie Dominus regnauit psalm xcix THe Lorde is kyng be the people neuer so vnpaciente he sytteth betwene the Cherubins be the earth neuer so vnquiet The Lorde is great in Sion and hye aboue all people They shal geue thankes vnto thy name whiche is great wonderfull and holy The Kynges power loueth iudgemente thou haste prepared equitie thou hast executed iudgemente and righteousnesse in Iacob O magnifye the Lorde oure God and fall downe before his footestole for he is holy Moyses and Aaron among his Priestes and Samuel among suche as call vpon hys name these called vpon the Lorde and he hearde them He spake vnto them oute of the cloudye pyller for they kepte hys testimonies and the law that he gaue them Thou heardest them O Lorde our God thou forgauest them O God and punishedst theyr owne inuencions O magnifye the Lorde our God and worshyp him vpon his holy hyll for the Lorde our God is holy Iubilate deo psalm c. O Bee ioyefull in the lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnesse and come before hys presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God it is he that hathe made vs and not we our selues we are hys people and the shepe of his pasture O goe your way into his gates with thankesgeuyng and into hys courtes with prayse bee thankefull vnto hym and speake good of his name For the lorde is gracious his mercye is euerlastyng and his trueth endureth from generacion to generacion Misericordiam psalm ci MY song shal be of mercy and iudgemente vnto thee O lorde will I syng O lette me haue vnderstandyng in the waye of godlynes When wilt thou come vnto me I will walke in my house with a perfect hearte I will take no wicked thyng in hand I hate the synnes of vnfaythfulnes there shal no such cleaue vnto me A froward hearte sall depart from me I will not know a wicked person Whoso prieuely slaundreth his neighbour hym will I destroye Whoso hathe also a proude loke and hye stomake I will not suffer him Mine eyes looke vpon suche as bee faithful in the lande that they may dwell with me Whoso leadeth a godly lyfe he shal be my seruaunte There shal no disceytful person dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shall not tary in my sight I shal soone destroye al the vngodly that are in the land that I maye roote oute all wicked dooers from the cytie of the Lorde Domine exaudi oracionem meam psalm cii Mornīg prayer HEare my prayer O Lorde and let my crying come in vnto thee Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble enclyne thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that ryght soone For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke and my bones are brent vp as it were a fyrebrand My hearte is smitten downe and withered lyke grase so that I forgeat to eate my bread For the voyce of my groning my bones will scante cleaue to my fleshe I am become like a Pellicane of the wildernes and lyke an Owle that is in the deser te I haue watched and am euen as it were a sparowe that sitteth alone vpon the house toppe Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together agaynst me For I haue eaten asshes as it mere bread and mingled my drynke with weping And that because of thyne indignacion and wrathe for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am withered lyke grasse But thou O lorde shalt endure for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generacions Thou shalte aryse and haue mercy vpon
the Lorde commaunded them But were mingled among the Heathen and learned their workes Insomuch that thei worshipped their ydols which turned to their own decay yea thei offred their sonnes and daughters vnto deuilles And shed innocente bloud euen the bloud of their sonnes and of their daughters whom thei offered vnto the ydols of Canaan and the lande was defiled with bloud Thus were they stayned with their owne woorkes and went a whoring with their own inuencions Therfore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people insomuch that he abhorred hys owne enheritaunce And he gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen and they that hated them were Lordes ouer them Their enemyes oppressed them had them in subieccyon Many a tyme did he deliuer thē but they rebelled against him with their owne inuencions and were brought downe in their wyckednesse Neuerthelesse when he saw their aduerstie he heard their complaynte He thoughte vpon his couenaunt and pitied them according vnto the multitude of his mercies yea he made all those that had led them awaye captiue to pitie them Deliuer vs O lord oure god and gather vs frō among the Heathen that we may geue thankes to thy holy name and make our boast of thy prayse Blessed be the Lord god of Israel from euerlasting and worlde without ende and let all people saye Amen Confitemini domino Psal cvii. Mornīg prayer O Geue thankes vnto the lord for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Let them geue thankes whom the Lorde hath redemed and deliuered from the hande of the enemye And gathered them out of the landes from the East and from the west from the North and from the South They went astraye in the wildernes out of the way and founde no citie to dwel in Hungry and thirstie their soule faynted in them So they cryed vnto the lord in their trouble and he delyuered them from their distresse He led them furth by the ryght way that they might goe to the citie where they dwelt O that men would therfore praise the lorde for his goodnes and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men For he satisfied the emptie soule and filleth the hungrye soule with gladnes Such as sit in darkenes and in the shadow of death being fast bounde in miserye and yron Because they rebelled against the wordes of the lord and lightly regarded the counsayle of the most high He also brought down their heart thorow heauines they fell down and there was none to helpe them vp So when they cryed vnto the lord in their trouble he deliuered them out of their distresse For he brought them out of darkenes and out of the shadowe of death and brake their bondes in sundre O that men would therfore prayse the lord for his goodnes and declare the wonders that he doth for the childrē of men For he hath broken the gates of brasse and smytten the barres of yron in sundre Foolysh men are plaged for their offence and because of their wickednes Their soule abhorred al maner of meate and they were euen hard at deathes dore So when they cried vnto the lord in their trouble he deliuered them out of their distresse He sent hys worde and healed them and they were saued from their destruccion O that mē would therfore praise the lord for his goodnes and declare the wonders that he dooeth for the chyldren of men That they would offer vnto hym the sacrifice of thankes geuing and tell out hys workes with gladnes They that goe down to the sea shippes and occupy their busynes in great waters These men see the workes of the lord and his wonders in the depe For at hys worde the stormy winde aryseth which lifteth vp the waues therof They are caryed vp to heauen and downe agayne to the depe theyr soule melteth away because of the trouble They rele to and fro and stacker like a dronken man and are at their wyttes ende So when they crye vnto lord in their trouble he deliuereth them out of their distresse For he maketh the storme to ceasse so that the waues therof are styll Then are they glad because they be at rest and so he bringeth them vnto the hauen where they would be O that men would therefore prayse the lorde for his goodnes and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men They that would exalte hym also in the congregacyon of the people and prayse hym in the seate of the elders Which turneth the fluddes into a wildernes and drieth vp the water sprynges A fruitefull land maketh he barren for the wickednes of them that dwell therein Againe he maketh the wyldernes a standing water and water sprynges of a drye grounde And there he setteth the hungry that they may build them a citie to dwell in That they may sowe their lande and plante vineyardes to yelde them fruites of encrease He blesseth them so that they multiply excedingly and suffereth not their cattell to decrease And agayne when they are minished and broughte lowe through oppression through plage or trouble Though he suffre them to be euil intreated through Tirantes let thē wander out of the waye in the wildernes Yet helpeth he the poore out of miserye and maketh hym housholdes like a flocke of shepe The righteous will consider thys and reioyce and the mouth of al wickednes shal be stopped Whoso is wise will ponder these thynges and they shall vnderstand the louing kindnes of the Lord. Paratum cormeum psal cviii Euenīg prayer O God my heart is ready my heart is ready I will syng and geue prayse with the best member that I haue Awake thou lute and harpe I my selfe wil awake right early I wil geue thankes vnto thee O Lord among the people I wil sing prayses vnto thee among the nacions For thy mercy is greater then the heauens and thy truth reacheth vnto the cloudes Set vp thy self O god aboue the heauens and thy glory aboue al the earth That thy beloued may be deliuered let thy righte hand saue them and heare thou me God hath spoken in his holines I wil reioyce therfore and denide Sichem and mete out the valey of Sucoth Gilead is mine and Manasses is mine Ephraim also is the strength of mine head Iuda is my lawe geuer Mcab is my washepot ouer Edom will I cast out my shoe vpon the Philistines will I tryumphe Who wyll leade me into the strong citie and who wyll bring me into Edom Hast not thou forsakē vs O god and wilt not thou god goe furth with our hostes O helpe vs against the enemy for vain is the helpe of mā Through god we shall doe great Actes and it is he that shall treade down our enemies Deus laudem psal cix HOld not thy tong O god of my prayse for the mouth of the vngodlye yea and the mouth of the deceitfull is opened vpon me And they haue spoken against me with false
thou Iordan that thou wart dryuen backe Ye moūtaines that ye skipped like Rammes and ye little hilles lyke yong shepe Tremble thou earth at the presence of the lord at the presence of the god of Iacob which turned the harde rocke into a standing water and the flinte stone into a springing well Non nobis domine Psal cxv NOt vnto vs O Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the prayse for thy louing mercy and for thy truethes sake Wherfore shal the heathen say where is now their God as for our god he is in heauen he hath done whatsoeuer pleased hym Their Idols are syluer and gold euen the worke of mens handes They haue mouth and speake not eyes haue they and see not They haue eares and heare not noses haue they and smel not They haue handes and handell not fete haue they and walke not neyther speake they through their throte They that make them are lyke vnto them and so are all such as put their trust in them But thou house of Israel truste thou in the Lorde he is their succour and defence Ye house of Aaron put your trust in the lorde he is theyr helper and defender Ye that feare the Lorde trust ye in the Lorde he is theyr helper and defender The Lorde hath been myndfull of vs and he shall blesse vs euen he shall blesse the house of Israel he shal blesse the house of Aaron He shall blesse them that feare the Lorde both small and greate The Lorde shall encrease you more and more you and your chyldren Ye are the blessed of the Lorde whiche made heauen and earth All the whole heauens are the Lordes the earth hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The dead prayse not thee O Lorde neither al they that goe down into the sylence But we wyll prayse the Lord from thys tyme furth for euermore Dilexi quoniam Psal cxvi Mornīg prayer I Am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voyce of my prayer That the hath enclyned hys care vnto me therfore wyll I call vpon hym as long as I lyue The snares of death compassed me rounde about and the paynes of hell gate holde vpon me I shall fynde trouble and heauines and I shall call vpon the name of the lorde O lorde I beseche thee delyuer my soule Gracyous is the lord and righteous yea out god is mercyfull The lord preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne agayne then vnto thy rest O my soule for the lord hath rewarded thee And why thou hast deliuered my soule from death myne eyes from teares and my fete from fallyng I wil walke before the lord in the land of the lyuing I beleued and therefore wyll I speake but I was sore troubled I sayd in my hast all men are lyers What rewarde shall I geue vnto the Lord for al the benefytes that he hath done vnto me I wil receiue the cup of saluacion and cal vpon the name of the lorde I wyl paye my vowes now in the presence of all his people right deare in the sight of the Lorde is the death of hys saynctes Behold O lord how that I am thy seruaunte I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handmayd thou hast broken my bones in sunder I wil offer to thee the sacrifice of thankesgeuing and wyl call vpon the name of the Lorde I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord in the sight of al his people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the middest of thee O Ierusalem Prayse the Lorde Laudate dominum psal cxvii O Prayse the Lorde all ye heathen prayse hym all ye nacions For his mercifull kindnes is euer more and more towarde vs and the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer Prayse the Lorde Consitemini domino psal cxviii O Geue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious because hys mercy endurerth for euer Let Israel nowe confesse that he is gracyous and that hys merry endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Yea let them nowe that feare the Lorde confesse that his mercy endureth for euer I called vpon the Lord in trouble and the lorde heard me at large The lord is on my syde I wil not feare what man dooeth vnto me The lord taketh my part with them that helpe me therfore shall I see my desyre vpon myne enemyes It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confidence in man It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confidence in Princes All nacions compassed me rounde about but in the name of the lorde wyll I destroye them They kept me in on euery syde they kept me in I say on euery syde but in the name of the lord I wyll destroy them They came about me lyke Bees and are extinct euen as the fyre emong the thornes for in the name of the lord I wil destroye them Thou hast thrust sore at me that I myghte fall but the lorde was my helpe The lord is my strength and my song and is become my saluacion The voice of ioye and health is in the dwellynges of the ryghteous the ryght hande of the lord bringeth myghty thynges to passe The right hand of the lord hath the preheminence the right hand of the lord bringeth mightie thinges to passe I wil not die but liue and declare the workes of the lord The lorde hath chastned and corrected me but he hath not geuen me ouer vnto death Open me the gates of righteousnes that I may goe into them and geue thankes vnto the lord Thys is the gate of the lord the righteous shall enter into it I wil thanke thee for thou hast heard me and art become my saluacion Thesame stone which the builders refused is become the head stone in the corner Thys is the lordes doing it is marueilous in our eyes This was the day which the lord hath made we will reioyce and be glad in it Helpe me now O lord O lord sende vs now prosperitie B1essed be he that cometh in the name of the lord we haue wisshed you good lucke ye that be of the house of the lorde God is the lorde which hath shewed vs light binde the sacrifice with coardes yea euen vnto the hornes of the altare Thou art my god and I wyll thanke thee thou arte my God and I wil prayse thee O geue thankes vnto the lord for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Beati immaculati psal cxix Euenīg prayer BLessed are those that bee vndefyied in the waye and walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies and seeke hym wih theyr whole heart for they which doe no wickednes walke in hys wayes Thou hast charged that we shal diligently kepe thy commaundementes O that my waies were made so directe that I might kepe thy statutes So shal I not be confounded whyle I haue respecte vnto
or hys deputie shall appoynt the place the chauncels shall remayne as they haue done in tymes past And here is to be noted that the Minister at the tyme of the communion and at all other tymes in hys ministracion shall vse neyther Albe Vestment nor Cope but beeyng Archebisshop or Bisshop he shall haue and weare a rochet and being a Priest or Deacon he shal haue and weare a surples onelye ¶ An ordre for Morning prayer daylye throughoute the yeare At the beginning both of Morning praier lykewise of Euening prayer the Minister shal reade with a loude voyce some one of these sentences of the scriptures that folowe And then he shall saye that whiche is wrytten after the sayde sentences Ezechiel xviii AT what tyme soeuer a sinner dooeth repente hym of his synne frō the bottome of his heart I wyll putte all hys wickednes out of my remembraunce sayeth the Lorde Psal li. I doe knowe myne owne wickednes and my synne is alwaye agaynst me Psal li. Turne thy face awaye from oure synnes O Lorde and blot out all oure offences Psalm li A sorowfull spirite is a sacrifice to God despyse not O Lorde humble and contryte heartes Ioel. ii Rente youre heartes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lord youre God because he is gentle and merciful he is paciente and of muche mercy and suche a one that is sory for youre affliccyons Dani. ix To thee O Lorde God belongeth mercy and forgeuenes for we haue gone awaye from thee and haue not harkened to thy voyce wherby we might walke in thy lawes whyche thou hast appoynted for vs. Ierem. ii Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy furye leste we shoulde be consumed and brought to nothing Math. iii Amend your lyues for the kyngdome of God is at hand Luke xv I wyll goe to my father and saye to him father I haue synned agaynste heauen and agaynste thee I am no more worthy to bee called thy sonne Psa cxlii Entre not into iudgement with thy seruauntes O lorde for no fleshe is righteous in thy sighte i. Iohn i. Yf we saye that we haue no synne we deceyue our selues and there is no trueth in vs. DEarely beloued brethren the scripture moueth vs in sondrye places to acknowledge and confesse our manifold sinnes and wickednes that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of almyghtie God oure heauenly father but confesse them with an humble lowely penitent and obedient heart to th ende that we may obtayne forgeuenes of the same by his infinite goodnes and mercy And although we oughte at all times humbly to knowledge our sinnes before God yet ought we most chiefly so to do whē we assemble and mete together to rendre thankes for the greate benefites that we baue receyued at his handes to set foorth his moste worthy prayse to heare his most holy worde and to aske those thinges whych be requisite and necessarie aswell for the body as the soule Wherfore I praye and beseche you as many as be here present to accompanie me with a pure heart and humble voyce vnto the throne of the heauenly grace saying after me ¶ A generall confession to bee sayde of the whole congregacion after the Minister kneelyng ALmighty and most merciful father we haue erred straied from thy waies lyke lost shepe We haue folowed to much the deuises desires of our own heartes We haue offended against thy holy lawes We haue lefte vndone those thynges whiche we oughte to haue done and we haue done those thynges whyche we oughte not to haue done and there is no healthe in vs but thou O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs myserable offendours Spare thou them O God which confesse theyr faultes Restore thou them that be penitent accordyng to thy promyses declared vnto mankynde in Christe Iesu oure Lorde And graunt O most mercyfull father for hys sake that we may hereafter lyue a godly ryghteous and sobre lyfe to the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ The absolucion to be pronounced by the Minister alone ALmightye God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that he may turne from hys wyckednes liue and hath geuen power and commaundement to hys ministers to declare pronounce to hys people being penitent the absolucion and remission of theyr synnes he pardoneth and absolueth all them whyche truely repent vnfaynedly beleue hys holy ghospell Wherfore we beseche him to graunte vs true repentaunce and hys holy spirite that those thynges maye please hym whiche we doe at thys presente and that the rest of our lyfe hereafter may bee pure and holy so that at the last we may come to his eternall ioye through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The people shall aunswere Amen Then shall the Minister begyn the Lordes prayer with a loude voyce OVre father which arte in heauen halowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll bee done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs thys day our dayly bread And forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not into temptacion But delyuer vs from euell Amen ¶ Then lykewyse he shall saye O Lorde open thou oure lippes Aunswer And our mouth shall shewe foorth thy prayse ¶ Priest O God make spede to saue vs. ¶ Aunswer O Lorde make hast to helpe vs. ¶ Priest Glory be to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghoste As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shall bee worlde without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ Then shal be sayd or song this Psalme folowyng O Come let vs syng vnto the Lord let vs hartely reioyce in the strength of oure saluacyon Let vs come before hys presence with thankesgeuyng and shewe oure selfe glad in hym with Psalmes For the Lorde is a great God and a great kyng aboue al Goddes In hys hand are all the corners of the earthe and the strength of the hylles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and his handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worship and fall downe and knele before the Lorde oure maker For he is the Lorde oure God and wee are the people of his pasture and the shepe of hys handes To daye yf ye wyll heare hys voyce harden not youre heartes as in the prouocacion and as in the day of temptacyon in the wyldernes When your fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my workes Fortie yeares long was I grieued with this generacion and sayde it is a people that doe erre in theyr heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrathe that they shoulde not entre into my reste Glory be to the father and to the sōne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be worlde wythout ende Amen Then
Prophete of the highest for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare hys wayes To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remission of theyr synnes Through the tender mercy of our God wherby the daye spryng from an high hath visited vs. To geue light to them that sit in darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guide our fete into the way of peace Glorye bee to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. Or els thys Psalme Iubilate deo psa c O Be ioyfull in the lord al ye landes serue the lord with gladnes and come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the lord he is god it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the shepe of his pasture O goe youre waye into hys gates with thankesgeuing and into his courtes with prayse be thankefull vnto hym and speake good of hys name For the Lord is gracious his mercy is euerlasting and hys trueth endureth from generacion to generacion Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the. c. As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without ende Amen Then shal be sayd the Crede by the Minister and the people standing I Beleue in god the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Chryste hys onely sonne our Lorde Which was conceiued by the holy goste borne of the virgin Marye Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buryed he descended into hell The thyrd daye he rose agayn from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father almightye From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holye goste The holye Catholyke Churche The communyon of Saynctes The forgeuenesse of synnes The resurreccyon of the body And the lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ And after that these prayers folowyng aswel at Euenyng prayer as at Morning prayer all deuoutely knelyng The Minister first pronouncyng with a loude voyce The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite The Minister ¶ Let vs pray Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Then the Minister Clerkes and people shall saye the Lordes prayer in Englishe with a loude voyce ¶ Our father which art in heauen c. Then the Minister standing vp shal saye O lorde shewe thy mercy vpon vs. Aunswere And graunt vs thy saluacion ¶ Priest O Lorde saue the kyng Aunswere And mercifully heare vs when we call vpon thee ¶ Priest Indue thy ministers with righteousnes Aunswere And make thy chosen people ioyfull Priest O lord saue thy people Aunswere And blesse thyne enheritaunce Priest Geue peace in our tyme O Lorde Aunswere Because there is none other that fighteth for vs but onely thou O God Priest O God make cleane our heartes within vs. Aunswere And take not thyne holy spirite from vs. Then shall folowe three Collectes The first of the day which shal be the same that is appointed at the Communion The second for peace The third for grace to liue wel And the two last Collectes shal neuer alter but dayly be said at Morning prayer throughout all the yeare as foloweth The second Collecte for Peace O God whiche arte aucthour of peace and louer of concorde in knowledge of whom standeth oure eternall lyfe whose seruice is perfecte freedome defende vs thy humble seruauntes in al assaultes of our enemies that we surely trustyng in thy defence may not feare the power of any aduersaryes through the might of of Iesu Christ our lord Amen The thyrd Collect for grace O Lord our heauenly father almightie and euerlasting god which hast safely brought vs in the beginning of thys daye defende vs the same with thy mightie power and graunte that this day we fall into no synne neither runne into any kinde of daunger but that all our doynges maye be ordered by thy gouernaunce to doe alwayes that is righteous in thy syghte throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen ¶ An ordre for Euening prayer throughout the yeare The Priest shall saye ¶ Our father which art c Then lykewyse he shall saye O Lorde open thou our lyppes Aunswere And our mouth shall shewe foorth thy prayse Priest O God make spede to saue vs. Aunswere Lord make hast to helpe vs. Priest Glory bee to the father to the sonne to the holy goste As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be world without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde Then Psalmes in ordre as they be appoynted in the Table for Psalmes excepte there be proper Psalmes appoynted for that daye Then a Lesson of the olde Testamente as is appoynted lykewyse in the Kalender except there be proper Lessons appoynted for that day After that Magnificat in Englishe as foloweth Magnificat MY soule doeth magnifie the Lorde and my spirite hath reioysed in God my Sauioure For he hath regarded the lowelines of his handmayden For behold from henceforth al generacions shal cal me blessed For he that is mightie hath magnified me and holy is hys name And hys mercy is on them that feare hym throughout al generacions He hath shewed strēgth with hys arme he hath scattered the proude in the ymaginacyon of theyr heartes He hath put down the mightie from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meke He hath fylled the hungrye with good thynges and the riche he hath sente emptye awaye He remembryng his mercy hathe holpen hys seruaunte Israel as he promised to our forefathers Abraham and hys seede for euer Glory bee to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen ¶ Or els this Psalme Cantate domino psa xcviii O Syng vnto the Lorde a newe song for he hathe done merueylous thynges With his owne ryght hand and with hys holye arme hath he gotten hymselfe the victory The Lorde declared hys saluacyon hys ryghteouseness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen He hathe remembred hys mercye and trueth towarde the house of Israel and all the endes of the world haue seen the saluacyon of oure God Shew youre selues ioyfull vnto the Lorde all ye landes sing reioyce and geue thankes Prayse the Lorde vpon the harpe syng to the harpe with a Psalme of thankesgeuyng With trompettes also shawmes O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the Lorde the kyng Let the sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round worlde and they that dwell therein Let the floudes clappe theyr handes and let the hylles be ioyfull together before the Lorde for he is come to iudge the earthe With righteousnes shall he iudge the world and the people with equitie Glory be to the father c. As it was in the
God we haue heard with our eares and oure fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble woorkes that thou dydst in theyr dayes and in the olde tyme before them O Lord aryse helpe vs and delyuer vs for thyne honor Glory bee to the father and to the sonne and to the holye gost as it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be worlde without ende Amen ¶ From our enemyes defende vs O Christ Graciously loke vpon our affliccions Pietifully beholde the sorowes of our heart Mercifully forgeue the sinnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Chryst Graciously heare vs O Christ graciously heare vs O lord Christ ¶ The versicle O Lorde let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. ¶ The aunswere As we doe put our trust in thee Let vs pray WE humblye beseche thee O father mercifullye to looke vpon oure infirmities and for the glorye of thy names sake turne from vs al those euils that we moste righteously haue deserued and graunte that in all our troubles we may put our whole truste and confidence in thy mercy and euermore serue thee in holines and purenes of liuing to thy honour and glory Throughe oure onely mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our lord Amen For rayne if the tyme require O God heauenly father which by thy sonne Iesu Christ hast promised to all thē that seke thy kyngdome and the ryghteousnesse thereof all thinges necessary to their bodyly suffenaunce sende vs we beseche thee in this our necessitie such moderate raine and showres that we may receyue the fruytes of the earth to oure comfort and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen For fayre weather O Lorde god whiche for the synne of man didst once drown all the world except eight persōs and afterward of thy great mercy didst promise neuer to destroye it so agayne we humbly beseche thee that although we for our iniquities haue wortheli deserued this plague of raine and waters yet vpō our true repentaunce thou wilt sende vs suche weather whereby we may receiue the fruites of the earth in due seasō and learne both by thy punishment to amende our lyues and for thy clemencye to geue thee praise and glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen In the tyme of dearth and famyne O God heauenly father whose gift it is that the rain doeth fall the earth is fruitefull beastes increases and fishes doe multiply beholde we beseche thee thaffticcions of thy people and graunte that the scarcitie and dearthe whiche we dooe nowe moste iustelye suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnesse be mercifullye turned into cheapenes and plentie for the loue of Iesu Christ our Lorde to whome with thee and the holye ghoste c. Or thus O God mercifull father whiche in the time of Heliseus the Prophete didst sodaynly turne in Samaria great scarcitie and dearth into plentie and cheapenes and extreme famine into abundaunce of victuall haue pitie vpon vs that nowe bee punisshed for our synnes with lyke aduersitie encrease the fruites of the earth by thy heauenly benediccion And graunte that we receyuing thy bountifull liberalitie may vse thesame to thy glory our comforte and reliefe of oure nedye neyghbours through Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen In the tyme of Warre O Almightie god king of al kinges and gouernour of all thinges whose power no creature is hable to resist to whom it belongeth iustely to punyshe synners and to be mercyfull to them that truely repent saue and delyuer vs we humbly beseche thee from the handes of our enemyes abate their pride asswage their malice and confounde their deuises that we beeyng armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from al perils to gloryfye thee whiche art the onely geuer of all victorye throughe the merites of thy onely sonne Iesu Chryste oure Lorde In the tyme of any common plague or sickenesse O Almightie God whiche in thy wrath in the tyme of king Dauid didst slea with the plague of pestilence .ix. and ten thousande and yet remembryng thy mercy didst saue the reste haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with great sickenes and mortalitie that like as thou didst then commaunde thy Aungell to ceasse from punishing So it maye nowe please thee to withdraw from vs this plague and greuouse sickenes through Iesu Christ our Lorde ¶ And the Letany shall euer ende with thys Collecte folowyng ALmightie God whiche haste geuen vs grace at thys tyme with one accorde to make oure common supplicacions vnto thee and dooest promise that when two or three be gathered in thi name thou wilt graunte their requestes fulfyll nowe O Lorde the desyres and petycyons of thy seruauntes as maye be moste expedyente for them grauntyng vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy trueth and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlastyng Amen The Collectes Epistles and Gospelles to be vsed at the celebracyon of the Lordes supper and holy Communion through the yeare The first Sundaye of Aduente ¶ The Collecte ALmightie god geue vs grace that we may cast away the workes of darkenes and put vpon vs the armour of lyght now in the tyme of thys mortall life in the whiche thy sōne Iesus Christ came to visite vs in great humilitie that in the last day when he shal come agayne in hys glorious maiestie to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead we maye ryse to the lyfe immortall throughe hym who lyueth and reygneth with thee and the holy gost nowe and euer Amen ¶ The Epistle Rom. xiii OWe nothyng to any man but this that ye loue one another For he that loueth another fulfylleth the lawe For these commaundementes Tou shalte not commytte adulterye Thou shalte not kyll Thou shalte not steale Thou shalt beare no false witnes Thou shalte not luste and so foorth yf there be any other commaundemente it is all comprehended in thys saying namely loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Loue hurteth not his neighbour therfore is loue the fulfilling of the law Thys also we knowe the season howe that it is tyme that we should nowe awake out of slepe for nowe is our saluacion nerer then when we beleued The nyghte is passed the daye is come nie let vs therefore caste awaye the dedes of darkenesse and let vs put on the armour of lyght Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lighte not in eatyng and drinkyng neyther in chaumbouring and wantonnes neither in strife and enuying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christe and make not prouision for the fleshe to fulfyll the lustes of it ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxi ANd when they drew nigh to Ierusalem and were come to Bethphage vnto Mounte Oliuete then sente Iesus two of hys disciples saying vnto them goe into the towne that lieth ouer agaynste you and anone you shal fynde an Asse bound and a colte with her looce thē and bryng them vnto me And if
ryghteousenesse and am of power to helpe Wherfore then is thy clothyng redde and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wyne presse I haue troden the presse my selfe alone and of all people there is not one with me Thus will I treade down myne enemies in my wrath and set my feete vpon them in myne indignacion And theyr bloud shall bespryng my clothes and so will I stayne all my rayment For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart and the yeare whē my people shal be delyuered is come I loked aboute me and there was no man to shewe me any helpe I merueiled that no man helde me vp Then I helde me by myne owne arme and my feruentnes sustayned me And thus will I treade downe the people in my wrathe and bathe them in my displeasure and vpon the earth will I lay theyr strength I will declare the goodnes of the Lord yea and the prayse of the Lorde for all that he hath geuen vs for the greate good that he hath done for Israel whyche he hathe geuen them of hys owne fauor and accordyng to the multitude of hys louing kindnes For he sayd these no doubt are my people and no shrinking children and so he was theyr sauiour In their troubles he was also troubled with them the Aungel that went furth from his presence deliuered them Of very loue and kindnes that he had vnto them he redemed them He hath borne them and caryed them vp euer sence the worlde began But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed hys holy mynde he was theyr enemy and fought agaynst them himselfe Yet rememberd Israel the olde time of Moyses and his people saying where is he that broughte them from the water of the sea with them that fede hys shepe where is he that hath geuen hys holye spiryte among them he ledde them by the ryghte hād of Moses with his glorious arme deuiding the water before them wherby he gat himselfe an euerlastyng name he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playne that they should not stumble as a tame beaste goeth in the fielde the breath geuen of God geueth hym reste Thus O god haste thou led thy people to make thy selfe a glorious name withall Loke downe then from heauen behold the dwellyng place of thy sāctuary and thy glory How is it that thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes and thy louyng kindnes will not be entreated of vs yet art thou our father For Abrahā knoweth vs not neither is Israel acquaynted with vs. But thou lord art our father redemer and thy name is euerlastyng O lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy way wherfore hast thou hardned our heartes that we feare thee not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake and for the generacion of thyne heritage Thy people haue had but a lytle of thy Sanctuary in possessiō for our enemies haue trodē downe the holy place And we were thyne from the beginning when thou wast not theyr Lorde for they haue not called vpon thy name ¶ The Gospell mar xiiii AFter two dayes was Easter and the dayes of swete bread And the hie priestes the Scribes sought how they might take hym by craft and put hym to death But they said not in the feast day lest any busines aryse among the people And when he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper euen as he sat at meate there came a woman hauing an Albaster boxe of oyntment called Narde that was pure and costly she brake the boxe and powred it vpon his head And ther were some that were not contente within themselues and said what neded this waste of oyntmente for it might haue been solde for more then three hundreth pence and haue been geuen vnto the poore And they grudged agaynst her And Iesus sayde lette her alone why trouble ye her She hath done a good woorke on me for ye haue poore with you alwayes and whensoeuer ye wyll ye may doe them good but me haue ye not alwayes She hath done that she coulde she came aforehande to annoynte my body to the burying Verely I saye vnto you wheresoeuer thys Gospell shal be preached throughout the whole world this also that she hath done shal be rehearsed in remēbraūce of her And Iudas Iscarioth one of the twelue went a way vnto the hie Priestes to betraye hym vnto them When they hearde that they were glad and promised that they woulde geue hym money And he sought how he might conueniently betray hym And the fyrst day of swete bread when they offered the Passeouer his disciples said vnto hym where with thou that we goe and prepare that thou mayst eate the Passeouer And he sente furth two of his disciples and sayde vnto them goe ye vnto the citie and there shall mete you a manne bearyng a pitcher of water folow hym And whithersoeuer he goeth in say ye vnto the good mā of the house the master saith where is the geast chaūber where I shall eate the Passeouer with my disciples And he will shewe you a great parlor paued and prepared there make ready for vs. And hys disciples went furth and came into the citie and found as he had sayd vnto thē and they made ready the Passeouer And when it was now euentide he came with the twelue And as they sate at borde and did eate Iesus sayd vereley I saye vnto you one of you that eateth with me shall betraye me And they beganne to be sory and to saye to hym one by one is it I and an other sayd is it I he aunswered and sayd vnto them it is one of the .xii. euen he that dippeth with me in the platter The sonne of man truly goeth as it is writtē of him but woe to that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed good were it for that manne yf he had neuer been borne And as they did eate Iesus tooke bread and when he had geuē thankes he brake it and gaue to them and said Take eate this is my body And he toke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he toke it to them they al dranke of it And he sayd vnto them This is my bloud of the new testament which is shed for many Verely I say vnto you I wil drink no more of the fruite of the vine vntil that day that I drinke it newe in the kyngdome of God And when they had sayde grace they went out to the mount Oliuete And Iesus saith vnto them all ye shal be offended becausse of me this nyghte For it is wrytten I wyll smyte the shepeheard the shepe shal be scattered but after that I am rysen agayne I wyll goe into Galile before you Peter said vnto hym and though all men bee offended yet wyll not I. And Iesus sayeth vnto hym verely I say vnto thee that this day euē in this night before the
Trinitie ¶ The Collect. GRaunt Lorde we beseche thee that the course of thys world may be so peaceably ordred by the gouernaūce that thy congregacion may ioyfully serue thee in all godly quietenes through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle i. Pet. iii BE you all of one mynde and of one hearte loue as brethren be pietifull be curteous meke not renderyng euyll for euyll or rebuke for rebuke but contrarywyse blesse knowyng that ye are thereunto called euen that ye should bee heyres of the blessyng For he that dooeth long after lyfe and loueth to see good dayes lette hym refrayne his tongue from euil his lippes that they speake no gyle Let him eschew euil and doe good let him seke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous his eares are open vnto their prayers Again the face of the Lord is ouer thē that do euil Moreouer who is he that wil harme you if ye folowe that which is good yea happye are ye if anye trouble happen vnto you for righteousnes sake Be not ye afrayd for any terrour of them neither be ye troubled but sanctifye the Lord God in your heartes ¶ The Gospell Luke v. YE came to passe that when the people preaced vpon hym to heare the woord of God he stoode by the lake of Genazareth saw two shippes stand by the lakes side but the fishermen were gone out of them were washyng their nettes And he entered into one of the shippes which pertained to Simon and prayed him that he woulde thrust out a little from the lande And he sate down taught the people out of the shyp When he had left speakyng he sayde vnto Simon launche out into the depe let slip your nettes to make a draught And Simon aunswered and sayd vnto him Maister we haue laboured al nighte and haue taken nothyng Neuerthelesse at thy commaundemente I will looce furth the nerre And when they had so done they inclosed a greate multitude of fysshes But theyr nette brake and they beckened to theyr felowes which were in the other shyppe that they shoulde come and helpe them And they came and fylled bothe shippes that they souke agayn When Simon Peter sawe this he fell down at Iesus knees saying Lorde goe from me for I am a sinnefull man For he was astonied and all that were with him at the draughte of fishes whiche they had taken and so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of zebede whiche were parteners with Simon And Iesus sayde vnto Simon feare not from hencefurth thou shalte catche men And they brought the shippes to lande and forsoke all and folowed him The sixth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. GOd Which hast prepared to them that loue thee suche good thinges as passe al mās vnderstanding Powre into our heartes suche loue towarde thee that we louing thee in all thynges may obteyne thy promises whiche excede all that we can desyre through Iesus Christ our lord ¶ The Epistle Rom. vi KNowe ye not that all we whiche are baptised in Iesus Christ are baptised to dye with him We are buried then with hym by baptisme for to dye that likewise as Christ was raysed frō death by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe For if we bee graft in death like vnto him euen so shall we be partakers of the holy resurrecciō Knowing thys that your olde man is crucifyed with him also that the body of sinne myght vtterly be destroyed that hencefoorth we shoulde not bee seruautes vnto sinne For he that is dead is iustified frō sinne Wherefore if we be dead with Christe we beleue that we shal also liue with him knowing that Christ beeing raysed from death dyeth no more Death hath no more power ouer him For as touching that he dyed he dyed concernyng sinne once And as touchyng that he liueth he liueth vnto God Lykewyse considre ye also that ye are dead as touching sinne but are aliue vnto God through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Gospell Math. v. IEsus sayd vnto his disciples except your righteousnes exceade the ryghteousnes of the Scribes and Phariseis ye cannot entre into the kingdom of heauen Ye haue heard that it was sayde vnto them of olde time Thou shalte not kyll whosoeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I saye vnto you that whosoeuer is angry with hys brother vnaduisedlye shal be in daunger of iudgement And whosoeuer saye vnto his brother Racha shal be in daūger of a coūsel But whosoeuer faith thou foole shal be in daūger of hel fyer Therefore if thou offrest thy gifte at the altare and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst thee leaue there thyne offering before the altare and goe thy way first and be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift Agree with thine aduersarye quickelye whyles thou arte in the waye with him lest at any tyme the aduersary deliuer thee to the iudge the iudge delyuer thee to the minister and then thou be cast into prieson Verely I saye vnto thee thou shalte not come out thence tyll thou haue payde the vttermost farthing The seuenth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrd of al power and might whiche art the auctour geuer of al good thinges graffe in our hartes the loue of thy name increase in vs true religion nouryshe vs with all goodnes and of thy greate mercye kepe vs in the same through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ The Epistle Rom. vi I Speake groslye because of the infirmitie of your fleshe As ye haue geuē your membres seruaūtes to vnclennes and to iniquitie from one iniquitie to an other euen so now geue ouer your mēbres seruauntes vnto righteousnes the ye may be sanctifyed For when ye wer seruauntes of sinne ye were voyde of righteousnes What fruite had you then in those thinges whereof ye are now ashamed for the end of those thinges are death But now are ye deliuered frō synne made the seruaūtes of God haue your fruite to be sanctified the ende euerlasting life For the rewarde of sinne is deathe but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ The Gospell mar viii IN those dayes when there was a very great cōpanye and had nothyng to eate Iesus called his disciples vnto him said vnto them I haue compassion on the people because thei haue been now with me three dayes and haue nothyng to eate And yf I sende them awaye fastyng to theyr owne houses they shall faynt by the waye for diuers of them came from farre And his Disciples aunswered hym where shoulde a man haue bread here in the wildernesse to satisfye these And he asked them howe many loaues haue ye They sayd seuen And he commaunded the people to sitte downe on the grounde And he toke the seauen loaues And when he had geuen thankes he brake
sente me Yf I had not come and spoken vnto them they should haue had no sinne but now haue they nothing to cloke their synne withall He that hateth me hateth my father also Yf I had not done amōg thē the workes whiche none other man did they should haue had no synne But now haue they both seen and hated not onely me but also my father But this happeneth that the saying myghte be fulfilled the is written in their law They hated me without a cause But when the comforter is come whom I wyll send vnto you frō the father euen the spirite of trueth which procedeth of the father he shal testify of me And ye shal beare witnes also because ye haue been with me frō the beginning ¶ All Sainetes ¶ The Collect. ALmightie God whiche hast knit together thy elect in one Communion felowship in the mistical body of thy sonne Christ our Lord graunt vs grace so to folow thy holy Sainctes in al vertues and godly liuing that we maye come to those inspeakeable ioyes which thou hast prepared for them that vnfainedly loue thee Through Iesus Christe our Lord. The Epistle Apoc. vii BEholde I Iohn sawe another Aungell ascende from the rising of the Sunne which had the seale of the liuing God and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure Aungels to whō power was geuen to hurt the earth and the sea saying Hurt not the earth nether the sea nether the trees tyll we haue sealed the seruauntes of our God in their foreheades And I heard the numbre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and .xliiii. thousande of all the trybes of the children of Israel Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Ruben were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed .xii. M. Of the trybe of Aser were sealed .xii. M. Of the trybe of Neptalim were sealed .xii. M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed .xii. M. Of the trybe of Simeon were sealed .xii. M. Of the trybe of Leui were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Isachar were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Beniamin were sealed .xii. M. After this I beheld and loe a great multitude whiche no man can numbre of all nacions and people and tonges stode before the seate before the lambe clothed with long white garmentes and Palmes in their handes and cryed with a loude voyce saying saluacion be ascribed to him that sitteth vpon the seate of our God and vnto the lambe And all the Aungels stode in the compasse of the seate and of the Elders and the foure beastes and fell before the seate on theyr faces and worshipped God saying Amen Blessyng and glory and wisdome and thanke and honor and power and might be vnto our god for euermore Amen ¶ The Gospell Math. v. IEsus seing the people went vp into the mountayn and when he was set his disciples came to him after that he had opened his mouth he taught them saying Blessed are the poore in spirite for theirs is the kingdom of heauen Blessed are they that mourne they shall receiue coumforte Blessed are the meke for they shall receiue the enheritaunce of the earth Blessed are they which hunger thyrste after righteousnes for they shal be satisfied Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtayn mercy Blessed are the pure in heart for they shal see god Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God Blessed are they whiche suffre persecucion for ryghteousnesse sake for theirs is the kyngdome of heauen Blessed are ye when menne reuile you and persecute you and shall falsely saye al maner of euill sayinges against you for my sake reioyce and be gladde for greate is youre rewarde in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophetes which mere before you ¶ The ordre for the administracion of the Lordes Supper or holy Communion SO many as entend to be partakers of the holy Communion shall signifie their names to the Curate ouernight or els in the morning afore the beginning of morning prayer or immediatly after And if any of those be an open and notorious euyll liuer so that the congregacion by him is offended or haue done any wrong to his neighbours by worde or dede The Curate hauing knowledge therof shal ral him and aduertise him in any wise not to presume to the Lordes Table vntil he haue openly declared himself to haue truly repented amended his former naughty lyfe that the congregacion may therby be satisfied whiche afore were offended and that he haue recompensed the partyes whom he hath done wrong vnto or at the least declare himselfe to bee in full purpose so to doe as sone as he conueniently maye Thesame ordre shall the Curate vse with those betwixt whom he perceiueth malice and hatred to raygne not suffering them to be partakers of the Lordes Table vntill he knowe them to be reconciled And if one of the parties so at variaunce be content to forgeue from the bottome of his heart al that the other hath trespassed against hym and to make amendes for that he himself hath offended and the other partie wil not be perswaded to a godly vnitie but remayne styll in hys frowardnes and malyce The minister in that ease ought to admytte the penitente person to the holy Communion and not hym that is obstinate ¶ The Table hauing at the Communion tyme a fayre whyte lynnen cloth vpon it shall stande in the body of the Churche or in the chaunsell where Morning prayer and Euening prayer be appointed to be sayed And the Pryest standyng at the Northsyde of the Table shall saye the Lordes prayer with this Collect folowyng ALmightie god vnto whom al heartes be open all desyres knowen and from whom no secretes are hid clense the thoughtes of oure heartes by the inspiraciō of thy holy spirite that we may perfectly loue thee and worthely magnifie thi holi name through Christ our Lorde Amen Then shall the Priest rehearse distinctly all the .x. commaundementes and people kneling shal after euery Commaundement asake Gods mercy for their transgression of the same after thys sorte Minister God spake these wordes and sayd I am the lord thy god Thou shalt haue none other Goddes but me People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our heartes to kepe thys lawe Minister Thou shalte not make to thy selfe any grauen ymage nor the likenes of any thyng that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth Thou shalte not bowe downe to them nor worshippe them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelous God and vistte the synne of the fathers vpon the children vnto the thyrd and fourth generacyon of them that hate me and shewe mercye vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes People Lord haue mercy vpon
vs and encline our heartes to kepe thys lawe Minister Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy god in vayne for the lord wil not hold him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Remembre that thou kepe holy the Sabboth daye Syre dayes shalt thou laboure and doe all that thou haste to doe but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the LORDE thy God In it thou shalt doe no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy doughter thy manseruaunt and thy mayde seruaunte thy Catell and the straunger that is within thy gates for in vi daies the lorde made heauen and earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye Wherfore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and halowed it People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Honoure thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy god geueth thee People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt doe no murther People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not commit adultery People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not steale People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neyghbour People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our heartes to kepe this lawe Minister Thou shalte not couete thy neighbours house Thou shalte not couet thy neighbours wyfe nor his seruaunte nor hys mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thyng that is hys People Lorde haue mercye vpon vs and write all these thy lawes in our heartes we beseche thee ¶ Then shall folowe the Collect of the day with one of these two Collectes folowing for the Kyng the Prieste standing vp and saying Priest ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie God whose kyngdome is euerlasting power infinite haue mercye vpon the whole congregacion and so rule the heart of thy chosen seruaunte Edwarde the sixth our king gouernour that he knowyng whose minister he is may aboue all things seke thy honour and glory that we his subiectes duly considering whose autoritie he hath may faythfully serue honor humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed woord ordinaunce Through Iesus Christe our Lorde who with thee and the holy gost liueth and reygneth euer one God world without end Amen ALmightie and euerlasting god we be taughte by thy holy woord that the heartes of kinges are in thy rule and gouernaunce that thou doest dispose and turne them as it semeth best to thy godly wisdom we humbly beseche thee so to dispose gouerne the hearte of Edward the sixth thy seruaunt our king and gouernour that in al his thoughtes wordes and workes he may euer seke thy honor and glory and study to preserue thy people committed to hys charge in wealth peace and godlines Graunte thys O mercyfull father for thy deare sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Immediately after the Collectes the Priest shall reade the Epistle beginning thus ¶ The Epistle written in the. 〈◊〉 Chapter of 〈◊〉 ¶ And the Epistle ended he shall saye the Ghospell begynnyng thus ¶ The Ghospell written in the. 〈◊〉 Chapter of 〈◊〉 ¶ And the Epistle and Ghospel beeing ended shal be sayde the Crede I Beleue in one god the father almightie maker of heauē and earth and of al thinges visible and inuisible And in one lord Iesu Christ the onely begotten sonne of god begotten of his father before al worldes God of God light of light very god of very god begotten not made being of one substaunce with the father by whom all thinges were made who for vs men and for our saluacion came down from heauen and was incarnate by the holy gost of the virgin Mary and was made man was crucified also for vs vnder Pōcius Pilate He suffred and was buried and the third day he arose again according to the scripture and ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the father And he shall come againe with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead Whose kyngdome shall haue none ende And I beleue in the holy gost the lord and geuer of life who procedeth from the father the sonne who with the father and the sōne together is worshipped glorified who spake by the Prophetes And I beleue one Catholyke and Apostolike churche I acknowledge one Baptisme for the remissiō of synnes And I loke for the resurreccion of the dead and the lyfe of the worlde to come Amen After the Crede yf there bee no sermon shall folowe one of the homelies already set forth or hereafter to be sette forth by common auctortie After such sermon homely or exhortaciō the Curate shal declare vnto the people whether there bee any holy dayes or fasting daies the weke folowing and earnestlye exhorte them to remember the poore saying one or moe of these sentēces folowing as he thinketh most conuenient by his discrerion Math. v. Lette youre lighte so shine beefore menne that they maye see youre good workes and glorifie youre father whyche is in heauen Math. vi Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpō the earth where the rust and moth doeth corrupte and where theues breake through and steale But lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen where neither ruste nor mothe doeth corrupte and where theues doe not breake throughe and steale Mat. vii Whatsoeuer you woulde that men shoulde doe vnto you euen so doe vnto them for thys is the law the Prophetes Mat. vii Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doeth the wil of my father which is in heauen Luke xix Zache stode forth and said vnto the Lord behold lord the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and if I haue done any wrong to any man I restore foure folde i. Cor. ix Who goeth a warfare at any tyme of his owne cost who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruite thereof Or who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke i. Cor. ix If we haue sowē vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thynges i. Cor. ix Doe ye not knowe that they which minister aboute holy thynges lyue of the sacrifice They whiche waite of the altare are partakers with the altare Euen so hath the lorde also ordayned that they whyche preache the gospell should lyue of the gospell ii Cor. ix He whiche soweth litle shall reape little and he that soweth plenteouslye shall reape plenteouslye Let euery man doe according as he is disposed in his heart not grudgeing or of necessitie for God loueth a cherefull geuer Gala. vi Let hym
Drink ye all of thys for this is my bloud of the newe Testamente which is shed for you and for many for remissyon of sinnes doe thys as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembraunce of me Then shall the Minister first receyue the Communion in bothe kyndes himselfe and nexte delyuer it to other Ministers yf anye be there presēt that they may helpe the chiefe Minister and after to the people in theyr handes kneelyng And when he delyuereth the bread he shall saye Take and eate thys in remembraunce that Christe dyed for thee and fede on him in thy heart by fayth with thankes geuyng And the minister that deliuereth the cup shall saye Drinke this in remembraunce that Christes bloud was shed for thee and be thankefull Then shal the Priest saye the Lordes prayer the people repeating after hym euery peticyon After shal be sayde as foloweth O Lorde and heauenlye father we thy humble seruauntes entierly desyre thy fatherly goodnesse mercyfullye to accepte thys oure Sacrifyce of prayse and thankes geuyng moste besechyng thee to graunte that by the merites and death of thy sonne Iesus Christe and throughe faith in hys bloud we and all thy whole churche may obtayne remissiō of our sinnes and al other benefites of his Passiō And here we offer and prsēt vnto thee O lord our selues our soules and bodies to bee a reasonable holye and lyuely Sacrifice vnto thee humblye besechyng thee that all we whyche bee partakers of thys holye Communion maye bee fulfylled with thy grace and heauenlye benediccion And althoughe we bee vnworthy throughe oure manyfolde synnes to offre vnto thee any sacrifyce yet we beseche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and seruice not weyghing our merites but pardonyng oure offences throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord by whom and with whom in the vnitie of the holye ghost all honour and glory bee vnto thee O father almyghtie worlde without ende Amen Or this ALmightie and euerliuing god we most hartely thanke thee for that thou doest vouchesafe to fede vs whyche haue duely receyued these holy misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precyous body and bloud of thy sonne our Sauyour Iesus Christe and doest assure vs thereby of thy fauoure and goodnesse towarde vs and that we bee verye membres incorporate in thy mistycall bodye whyche is the blessed companye of all faythfull people and bee also heyres through hope of thy euerlastyng kyngdome by the merites of the most precyous deathe and Passyon of thy deare sonne we nowe moste humblye beseche thee heauenlye father so to assiste vs with thy grace that we may continue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good workes as thou hast prepared for vs to walke in throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all honour and glory worlde without ende Amen Then shal be sayd or song GLorye bee to GOD on hyghe And in earthe peace good wyll towardes menne We prayse thee we blesse thee we woorshyp thee we gloryfy thee we geue thankes to thee for thy great glorye O Lorde GOD heauenly kyng God the father almyghtye O Lorde the only begotten sonne Iusu Chrysse O Lorde God Lame of God sonne of the father that takeste awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs Thou that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs. Thou that takeste awaye the sinnes of the worlde receyue our prayer Thou that fittest at the righte hand of God the father haue mercye vpon vs For thou onely arte holy Thou onely are the Lorde Thou onely O Christe with the holy ghost art most highe in the glory of God the father Amen Then the Priest or the Bishop yf he be present shal let them departe with this blessing THe peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstānding kepe your heartes and myndes in the knowledge and loue of God and of his sonne Iesu Christ our Lorde and the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne and the holy ghost bee amongest you and remayne with you alwayes Amen Collectes to be sayd after the Offertorie when there is no Cōmunion euery such daye one And the same maye be sayde also as often as occasion shall serue after the Collectes eyther of Morning and Euening prayer Communion or Letany by the discrecion of the Minister ASsist vs mercifully O Lorde in these our supplicacions and prayers and dispose the waye of thy seruauntes towarde the attaynemente of euerlastyng saluacyon that among all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall lyfe they maye euer be defended by thy moste gracyous and ready helpe throughe Christe oure Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerliuyng God vouchsafe we beeseche thee to directe sanctifye and gouerne bothe oure heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the workes of thy commaundemētes that through thy most mightie proteccyon both here and euer we maye be preserued in body and soule through our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche we haue hearde this daye with oure outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardlye in oure heartes that they may bryng for the in vs the fruite of good lyuing to the honour and prayse of thy name throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde Amen PReuent vs O Lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracyous fauoure and further vs with thy contynuall helpe that in all oure workes begon continued and ended in thee we maye glorifye thy holy name and fynally by thy mercye obtayne euerlastyng lyfe throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen ALmightye God the fountayne of all wysdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and oure ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassyon vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnworthinesse we dare not and for oure blindnes we cannot aske vouchesafe to geue vs for the worthynesse of thy sonne Iesus Christe oure Lourde Amen ALmightie God whiche haste promised to heare the peticyons of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beeseche thee mercifully to enclyne thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe oure prayers and supplycacyons vnto thee and graunte that those thynges whiche we faithfully asked accordyng to the wyll may effectually bee obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitie and to the settyng foorth of thy glorye through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Vpon the holy dayes yf there be no Communion shal be sayde al that is appoynted at the Communiō vntill the ende of the Homelye concludyng with the generall prayer for the whole state of Christes church militant here in earth one or moe of these Collectes beefore rehearsed as occasion shall serue And there shal be no celebracion of the Lordes supper except there bee a good noumbre to commnunicate with the priest according to his discrecyon And yf there bee not aboue twentye persons in the Parishe of discrecion to receiue Communion yet there shal be no Communiō except foure or three at the
then shall it bee to late to knocke when the dore shal be shut and to late to crye for mercye when it is the tyme of iustice O terrible voyce of moste iuste iudgemente whyche shal be pronounced vpon them when it shal be sayde vnto them goe ye cursed into the fyre euerlastyng whiche is prepared for the deuill and hys Aungels Mat. xxv therefore brethren take we hede betime while the day of saluacion lasteth ii Cor. vi for the night cometh when none can woorke Ioh. ix but let vs whyle we haue the lyght beleue in the lyghte and walke as the chyldren of the lyght that we bee not cast into the vtter darknes where is weping and gnashyng of teeth Mat. xxv Let vs not abuse the goodnes of God whyche calleth vs mercyfully to amendmente and of hys endlesse pietie promiseth vs forgeuenesse of that which is past yf with a whole minde and true heart we returne vnto hym for though our sinnes bee redde as scarlet they shal be as whyte as Snowe Esai i. Ezechiel xxviii and thoughe they be lyke purple yet shall they be as whyte as wolle Turne you clene sayth the Lorde from all your wickednesse and your sinne shall not bee your destruccion Cast awaye from you al your vngodlines that ye haue done make you new heartes and a newe spirite wherefore wyll ye dye O ye house of Israel Seeing that I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the lord god i. Iohn ii Turne you then you shall liue Althoughe we haue sinned yet haue we an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous Esai liii and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure sinnes for he was wounded for oure offences and smitten for oure wyckednes Let vs therfore returne vnto hym who is the mercifull receiuer of al true penitent sinners assuryng our selfe that he is readye to receue vs and moste willing to pardon vs if we come to hym with faytfull repentaunce If we wyll submyt oure selues vnto him from hencefurth walke in his waies If we wil take his easy yoke light burden vpon vs to folow hym in lowlines pacience and charitie Math. xi be ordred by the gouernaunce of his holy spirite seking alwayes his glory scruyng him duelye in our vocacion with thankes geuyng This yf we doe Christe will deliuer vs from the curse of the lawe and from the extreme malediccion whiche shall light vpon them that shal be sette on the left hand Mat. xxv and he wyll sette vs on his ryghte hand and geue vs the blessed benediccyon of hys father cōmaunding vs to take possession of his glorious kingdome vnto the whiche he vouchsafe to bryng vs all for hys infinite mercy Amen Then shal they al knele vpon theyr knees the Priestes and Clerkes knelyng where they are accustomed to saye the Letany shall saye thys Psalme Miserere mei deus Psalm li HAue mercye vpon me O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercyes doe away myne offences Washe me throughly fro my wickednes and clense me from me synne For I knowledge my faultes and my synne is euer beefore me Agaynst thee only haue I sinned and done this euil in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hathe my mother conceyued me But loe thou requirest trueth in inwarde parties shalt make me to vnderstande wisedome secretly Thou shalte purge me with Isope and I shal be cleane thou shalt washe me and I shal be whyter then Snowe Thou shalte make me heare of ioye and gladnesse that the bones whiche thou hast broken may reioyce Turne thy face from my sinnes and putte oute al my misdedes Make me a cleane hearte O God and renewe a righte spirite within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne and stablishe me with thy free spirite Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Deliuer me from bloudguiltinesse O God thou that art the God of my health and my tongue shall syng of thy righteousnesse Thou shalte open my lippes O Lorde my mouthe shall shewe thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els woulde I geue it thee but thou delitest not in burnt offerynges The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite hearte O God shalt thou nor despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion build thou the walles of Hierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightousnes with the burnt offerings and oblacions then shal they offer yong bullockes vpon thyne altare Glory be to the father and to the sonne and. c. As it was in the beginnyng and is now c Amen Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c And leade vs not into temptacyon Aunswere But delyuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lorde saue thy seruauntes Aunswere Which put theyr truste in thee Minister Sende vnto them helpe from aboue Aunswere And euermore mightely defende them Minister Helpe vs O God our sauiour Aunswere And for the glory of thy names sake delyuer vs be merciful vnto vs sinners for thy names sake Minister O Lorde heare our prayers Aunswere And let our crye come vnto thee ¶ Let vs praye O Lord we beseche thee mercifully heare oure praiers and spare all those which confesse theyr sinnes to thee that they whose consciences by sinne are accused by thy mercifull pardon may be absolued Throughe Chryste oure Lorde Amen O Most mightie god and merciful father which hast compassiō of al men and hatest nothing that thou hast made whiche wouldest not the death of a sinner but that he should rather turne from sinne be saued mercyfully forgeue vs our trespasses receyue and comfort vs which bee greued and weryed which the burthen of our sinne Thy propertie is to haue mercy to thee onely it apperteineth to forgeue sinnes spare vs therfore good lord spare thy people whom thou haste redemed Entre not into iudgement with thy seruauntes whiche bee vyle earth and miserable sinners but so turne thy yre frō vs which mekely knowledge our vilenes truly repent vs of our faultes so make haste to helpe vs in this worlde that we may euer lyue with thee in the worlde to come through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen Then shall the people saye thys that foloweth after the Minister TVrne thou vs O good Lorde and so shall we bee turned be fauourable O lorde bee fauourable to thy people which turne to thee in weping fastyng and praying for thou arte a mercifull God full of compassion long sufferyng and of a great pietie Thou sparest when we deserue punishment and in thy
wrath thinkest vpon mercye Spare thy people good Lorde spare them and lette not thy herytage bee brought to confusion heare vs O lord for thy mercy is great and after the multytude of thy mercyes loke vpon vs. Here endeth the boke of common praier The psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the trāslacion of the greate Byble poynted as it shal be sayed or song in Churches ☞ ¶ The Psalmes of Dauid Beatus vir qui non abiit psal i. Mornīg prayer BLessed is that man that hath not walked in the coūsel of the vngodly nor stande in the way of sinners and hath not sit in the seate of the scornefull But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law wil he exercyse hymselfe daye and night And he shall be like a tree planted by the water side that wil bryng furth hys fruite in due season Hys leafe also shall not wyther and loke whatsoeuer he doeth it shall prosper As for the vngodly it is not so with them but they are lyke the chaffe which the wind scattereth awaye from the face of the earth Therefore the vngodly shall not bee hable to stande in the iudgement neither the sinners in the congregacyon of the ryghteous But the lord knoweth the way of the righteous and the way of the vngodly shall peryshe Quare fremuerunt gentes psal ii WHy doe the Heathen so furiously rage together and why doe the people ymagine a vayne thyng The kinges of the earth stande vp and the rulers take counsayle together agaynst the Lord and against hys annoynted Let vs breake their bandes a sunder and cast away their cordes from vs. He that dwelleth in heauen shal laugh them to scorne the lord shall haue them in derision Then shall he speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in hys sore displeasure Yet haue I set my kyng vpon my holy hyll of Syon I wil preache the lawe wherof the lord hath sayed vnto me thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Desyre of me and I shall geue thee the heathen for thine enheritaunce and the vttermost part of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt bruise them with a rodde of yron and breake them in pieces lyke a potters bessell Be wyse now therefore O ye kynges be learned ye that are iudges of the earth Serue the Lorde in feare and reioyce vnto hym wyth reuerence Kisse the sonne left he be angry and so ye perishe from the ryght waye if his wrath be kiendled yea but a little blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym Domine quid multiplicati psal iii. LOrd how are they encreased that trouble me many are they that ryse aganst me Many one there be that say of my soule there is no helpe for hym in hys God But thou O Lord art my defendour thou art my worship and the lifter vp of my head I did call vpon the Lord with my voice and he heard me out of hys holy hyll I layed me downe and slepte and rose vp agayne for the Lord sustayned me I wil not be afraid of ten thousandes of people that haue set themselues against me round about Vp Lorde and helpe me O my God for thou smytest all myne enemyes vpon the cheke bone thou haste broken the teeth of the vngodly Saluacion belongeth vnto the Lord and thy blessing is vpon the people Cum inuocarem psal iiii HEare me when I call O God of my ryghteousnesse thou haste set me at libertie when I was in trouble haue mercye vpon me and hearken vnto my prayer O ye sonnes of men how long wyll ye blaspheme myne honor and haue suche pleasure in vanitie and seeke after leasyng Knowe thys also that the Lorde hath chosen to hymselfe the man that is godlye when I call vpon the Lorde he wil heare me Stande in awe and synne not comen with youre owne hearte and in your chambre and be styll Offre the sacrifice of righteousnesse and put your truste in the Lorde There bee manye that wyll saye who wyll shewe vs any good LORD lyfte thou vp the lyghte of thy countenaunce vpon vs. Thou haste putte gladnes in my hearte sence the tyme that theyr corne and wyne and oyle increased I wyll laye me downe in peace and take my reste for it is thou Lorde only that makest me dwel in safetie Verba mea auribus Psalm v. POnder my wordes O LORDE consyder my meditacyon O herken thou vnto the voyce of my callyng my kyng and my God for vnto thee wyl I make my prayer My voyce shalte thou heare betimes O Lorde earlye in the mornyng wyll I directe my prayer vnto thee and wyll loke vp For thou arte the God that hathe no pleasure in wickednesse neyther shall any euyll dwell with thee Suche as bee foolyshe shall not stande in thy syghte for thou hatest all them that worke vanitie Thou shalte destroye them that speake leasyng the Lorde wyll abhorre bothe the bloudthirstye and deceytfull man But as for me I wyll come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercye and in thy feare wyl I worshyp towarde thy holy temple Leade me O lord in thy righteousnes because of myne enemies make thy waye playne before my face For there is no faithfulnes in his mouth theyr inwarde partes are very wickednes Theyr throte is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue Destroye thou them O God let them peryshe throughe theyr owne ymaginacyons cast them out in the multitude of theyr vngodlynes for they haue rebelled agaynst thee And let all them that put theyr truste in thee reioyce they shall euer be geuyng of thankes because thou defendest thē they that loue thy name shal be ioyefull in thee For thou Lorde wylte geue thy blessyng vnto the ryghteous and with thy fauourable kyndnesse wilt thou defend him as with a shielde Domine ne in furore Psalm vi Euening prayer O Lorde rebuke me not in thyne indignacion neyther chasten me in thy displeasure Haue mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexed My soule is also sore troubled but Lorde howe long wilte thou punishe me Turne thee O Lorde and delyuer my soule oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth thee and who wil geue thee thankes in the pitte I am wearye of my gronyng euery night washe I my bedde and water my couche with my teares My beautie is gone for verye trouble and worne awaye because of all my enemies Awaye fro me all yet that worke vanitie for the Lorde hath hearde the voyce of my wepyng The Lorde hath hearde my peticyon the Lorde wyll receyue my prayer All myne enemyes shall bee confounded and sore vexed they shal be turned backe and put to shame sodeynly Domine deus meus psalm vii O Lorde my God in thee haue I put my trust saue me from all them that persecute me and delyuer me Left he
thereto To helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto theyr ryghte that the manne of the earthe bee no more exalted agaynste them In domino confido psalm xi IN the Lorde putte I my truste howe saye ye then to my soule that she shoulde flye as byrde vnto the hyll For loe the vngodly bende theyr bowe and make readye theyr arrowes within the quyuer that they maye prieuelye shoote at them whiche are true of heart For the foundacions wyll be caste downe and what hath the righteous done The Lorde is in hys holy Temple the Lordes seate is in heauen His eyes consydre the poore and his eye liddes tryeth the children of men The LORDE aloweth the ryghteous but the vngodly and hym that delighteth in wickednesse dooeth hys soule abhorre Vpon the vngodlye he shall rayne snares fyre and brimstone storme and tempeste thys shal bee theyr porcyon to drynke For the righteous Lorde loueth righteousnes hys countenaunce wyll beholde the thyng that is iuste Saluum me fac domine Psalm xii Euening prayer HElpe me Lorde for there is not on godly manne lefte for the faythfull are minished from among the chyldren of men They talke of vanitie euerye one with hys neyghboure they doe but flatter with theyr lippes and dissemble in theyr double hearte The Lorde shall roote out all disceytfull lippes and the tongue that speaketh proude thynges Whyche haue sayde with oure tongue wyll we preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is Lord ouer vs Nowe for the coumforteles troubles sake of the nedye because of the depe sighing of the poore I wyll vp sayeth the Lorde and will helpe euerye one from hym that swelleth agaynste hym and wyll sette them at reste The wordes of the Lorde are pure woordes euen as the siluer whych from earth is tryed and purifyed seuen times in the fyre Thou shalte kepe them O Lorde thou shalte preserue hym from thys generacyon for euer The vngodlye walke on euery syde when they are exalted the chyldren of men are put to rebuke Vsquequo domine Psalm xiii Howe long wylt thou forgeat me O Lorde for euer how long wilt thou hyde thy face from me Howe long shall I seeke counsayle in my soule and bee so vexed in my hearte howe long shall myne enemyes triumphe ouer me Consydre and heare me Lorde my God lighten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Leste myne enemie saye I haue preuayled agaynste him for yf I bee caste downe they that trouble me wyll reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my hearte is ioyeful in thy saluacion I wyll syng of the Lord because he hath delte so louingly with me yea I wyll prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hygheste Dixit incipiens psal xiiii THe foole hath sayd in hys heart there is no God They are corrupte and become abhominable in their doinges there is not one that doeth good no not one The Lord loked down from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that woulde vnderstande and seke after God But they are al gone out of the way they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doeth good no not one Theyr throte is an open sepulchre with their tongues they haue deceiued the person of aspes is vnder their lippes Their mouth is ful of cursyng and bitternesse their feete are swyfte to shedde bloude Destruccion and vnhappinesse is in their wayes and the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of god before theyr eyes Haue they no knowledge that they are all such workers of mischiefe eating vp my people as it were bread And call not vpon the Lorde there were they brought in great fear euen where no feare was for God is in the generacion of the righteous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the counsayle of the poore because he putteth hys trust in the Lorde Who shall geue saluacion vnto Israel out of Sion whē the Lord turneth the captiuitie of his people then shal Iacob reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit psal xv Morning prayer Lorde who shall dwel in thy tabernacle who shal rest vpon thy holy hyll Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupte life and doeth the thing which is ryght and speaketh the trueth from hys hearte He that hath vsed no deceste in hys tongue nor done euill to hys neyghbours and hath not slaundered hys neyghbours He that setteth not by hymselfe but is lowlye in hys own eyes and maketh much of them that feare the Lorde He that sweareth vnto his neigbboure and dysapoynteth hym not though it were to his own hinderaunce He that hath not geuen his money vpon vsury nor takē rewarde against the innocent Whoso doth these thynges shall neuer fall Conserua me domine psal xvi PReserue me O god for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my god my goodes are nothing vnto thee At my delight are vpon the Saintes that are in the earth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after another God shal haue great trouble Their drinke offeringes of bloud will not I offer neyther make mencion of their names within my lyppes The lord himselfe is the porcion of mine enheritaunce and of my cup thou shalt mayntayne my lot The lot is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde yea I haue a goodly heritage I wil thanke the Lord for geuing me warning my reines also chasten me in the night season I haue set god alwayes before me for he is on my right hand therfore I shall not fall Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory reioysed my fleshe also shall rest in hope For why thou shalte not leaue my soule in hell neyther shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion Thou shalt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hande there is pleasure for euermore Exaudi domine iusticiam psal xvii HEeare the right O lord consider my complaint and hearken vnto my prayer that goeth not out of fained lyppes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thyne eyes loke vpon the thyng that is equall Thou hast proued and visited myne hearte in the nyghte season thou hast tried me and shal finde no wickednes in me for I am vtterlye purposed that my mouth shall not offende Because of mennes workes that are done agaynste the wordes of thy lyppes I haue kepte me from the wayes of the destroyer O hold thou vp my goynges in thy pathes that my fotesteppes slyp not I haue called vpon thee O god for thou shalte heare me incline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my wordes Shewe thy marueilous louing kindnes thou that art the sauioure of them that trust in thee from suche as resiste thy ryght hande kepe me as the apple of an eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wynges From the vngodly that
shadow of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staffe comfort me Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that trouble me thou hast annointed my head with Oile and my cup shal be full But thy louing kindnes and mercy shal folow me al the daies of my life I wil dwel in the house of the lord for euer Domini est terra psal xxiiii Mornīg prayer THe earth is the lordes and al that therein is the compasse of the world and they that dwel therein For he hath founded it vpon the Seas and prepared it vpon the sloudes Who shall ascende into the hil of the lord or who shall ryse vp in hys holy place Euen he that hath cleane handes and a pure hearte and that hath not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceiue his neighboure He shal receiue the blessyng from the lord and ryghteousnes from the God of hys saluacion This is the generacion of thē that seke him euen of them that seke thy face O Iacob Lift vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlastyng doores and the king of glory shall come in Who is the king of glory it is the lord strong and mightie euen the Lorde mightie in battayl Lifte vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lyfte vp ye euerlastyng dores and the kyng of glory shall come in Who is the kyng of glory euen the Lorde of hostes he is the kyng of glory Ad te domine psal xxv INto thee O Lord wil I lift vp my soule my God I haue put my trust in thee O let me not be cōfounded neyther let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me For al they that hope in thee shal not be ashamed but such as transgresse without a cause shal be put to confusyon Shewe me thy waies O lord and teache me thy pathes Leade me furth in thy trueth and learne me for thou art the god of my saluacion in thee hath been my hope al the day long Cal to remembraunce O Lord thy tender mercyes and thy louing kindnes which hath been euer of olde Oh remember not the synnes and offences of my youth but accordyng to thy mercy thinke thou vpon me O Lorde for thy goodnesse Gracious and righteous is the lord therfore wil he teache synners in the waye Them that be meke shal he guide in iudgement and such as be gentle them shall he learne hys waye Al the pathes of the Lord are mercy and trueth vnto such as kepe hys couenaunt and his testimonies For thy names sake O Lord be merciful vnto my sinne for it is great What man is he that feareth the lord him shal he teache in the way that he shall chose Hys soule shal dwel at ease and hys seede shall enherite the lande The secretes of the Lord are among them that feare him and he wyll shewe them hys couenaunt Mine iyes are euer lokyng vnto the lord for he shal plucke my fete out of the nette Turne thee vnto me and haue mercy vpon me for I am desolate and in misery The sorowes of my hearte are enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Loke vpon mine aduersitie and misery and forgeue me all my synne Considre mine enemies how many they are they beare a tyrannous hate agaynst me O kepe my soule and delyuer me let me not be confounded for I haue put my trust in thee Let perfectnes and righteous dealing waite vpon me for my hope hath been in thee Deliuer Israel O God out of al hys troubles Iudica me domine Psal xxvi BE thou my iudge O lord for I haue walked innocētly my trust hath been also in the lord therfore shall I not fall Examine me O Lord and proue me trye out my reynes and my heart For thy louing kindnes is euer before mine eyes and I wyll walke in thy trueth I haue not dwelt with vayne persones neither wyll I haue felowship with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregacion of the wicked and wyll not sit emong the vngodly I wil washe my handes in innocencie O Lord and so wil I goe to thyne altare That I may shewe the voyce of thankesgeuing and tell of al thy wonderous workes Lorde I haue loued the habitacion of thy house and the place where thine honor dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloud thyrstie In whose handes is wickednes and their righte handes are full of giftes But as for me I will walke innocentlye O deliuer me and be mercifull vnto me My foote standeth right I wyll prayse the Lorde in the congregacions Dominus illuminacio psal xxvii Euening prayer THe lord is my light and my saluaciō whom then shal I feare the lorde is the strength of my lyfe of whom then shal I be afrayde When the wicked euen mine enemies and my foes came vpon me to eate vp my fleshe they stombled and fell Thoughe an host of men were layed against me yet shall not my heart be afrayd and though there rose vp warre agaynst me yet wil I put my trust in hym One thing haue I desyred of the Lord whiche I wyll require euen that I may dwel in the house of the Lord al the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre bewty of the lord and to visite his temple For in the tyme of trouble he shall hyde me in his Tabernacle yea in the secret place of his dwelling shal he hide me and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone And nowe shall he lyft vp my head aboue myne enemyes rounde about me Therfore will I offre in his dwelling an oblacyon with great gladnes I wil sing and speake praises vnto the lord Hearken vnto my voyce O lorde when I crye vnto thee haue mercy vpon me and heare me My hearte hath talked of thee seke ye my face thy face lorde wyll I seke O hyde not thou thy face fro me nor cast thy seruaunte away in dyspleasure Thou hast been my succour leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluacion When my father and my mother forsake me the lord taketh me vp Teache me thy way O lord and leade me the ryght way because of mine enemyes Deliuer me not ouer into the wil of mine aduersaryes for there are false witnesses risen vp againste me and suche as speake wrong I should vtterly haue faynted but that I beeleue verely to see the goodnes of the lord in the lande of the liuing O tary thou the lordes laisure be strong and he shal comfort thine heart and put thou thy trust in the Lorde Ad te domine clamabo psal xxviii VNto thee will I crye O lord my strength thinke no scorne of me lest if thou make thee as thoughe thou hearest not I become like them that goe downe into the pytte Heare the voyce of my humble peticions when I cyre vnto thee when I hold vp my handes towarde the mercye
the lorde and so thou forgauest the wyckednes of my sinne For this shall euery one that is godlye make hys prayer vnto thee in a tyme when thou mayest be founde but in the great water fluddes they shall not come nighe hym Thou arte a place to hyde me in thou shalte preserue me from trouble thou shalte compasse me rounde aboute with songes of delyueraunce I wyll enforme thee and teache thee in the way wherein thou shalt goe and I wyll guyde thee with myne eye Be ye not lyke horse and mule whyche haue no vnderstaning whose mouthes must be holden with bitte and bridle lest they fall vpon thee Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but whoso putteth his trust in the lord mercy embraceth him on euery syde Be glad O ye righteous and reioyce in the Lord and bee ioyfull all ye that are true of hearte Exultate iusti in domino Psalm xxxiii REioice in the lord O ye righteous for it becommeth well the iust to be thankefull Prayse the lorde with harpe syng Psalmes vnto hym with the lute and instrument of ten strynges Syng vnto the Lorde a newe song syng prayses iustlye vnto hym with a good corage For the worde of the Lord is true and al his workes are faithfull He loueth righteousnes and iudgemente the earthe is full of the goodnes of the lorde By the worde of the Lord were the heauens made and al the hostes of them by the breath of hys mouth He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpō an heape and layeth vp the depe as in a treasure house Let all the earth feare the lorde stand in awe of him al ye that dwell in the worlde For he spake and it was done he commaunded and it stode faste The lord bryngeth the counsell of the heathen to naught and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect and casteth out the counsailes of princes The counsayll of the Lorde shall indure for euer and the thoughtes of hys hearte from generacion to generacion Blessed are the people whose god is the Lord Iehouah blessed are the folke that haue chosen hym to bee theyr inheritaunce The lorde loked downe from heauen and behelde all the children of men from the habitacion of his dwellyng he cōsidereth all them that dwell in the earth He fashioned all the heartes of them and vnderstandeth all theyr workes There is no king that can be saued by the multitude of an host neither is any mightie man deliuered by much strēgth A horse is coumpted but a vayne thyng to saue a man neither shall he deliuer any man by hys great strength Beholde the iye of the lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put theyr trust in his mercy To delyuer theyr soules from death and to feede them in tyme of dearth Our soule hath paciently taried for the lord for he is oure helpe and our shielde For our heart shall reioyce in him because we haue hoped in hys holy name Let thy mercifull kyndnesse O lorde be vpon vs like as we haue put our trust in thee Benedicam dominum Psalm xxxiiii I Wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the Lord his praise shall euer be in my mouth My soule shal make her bost in the lord the humble shal heare therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnifye hys name together I sought the Lorde and he hearde me yea he deliuered me out of all my feare They had an eye vnto hym and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed Loe the poore cryeth and the Lord heareth hym yea and saueth hym out of all his troubles The Aungel of the Lord tarieth round aboute them that feare hym and deliuereth them O taste and see howe gracious the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in hym O feare the Lord ye that be hys sainctes for they that feare hym lacke nothing The lyons doe lacke and suffre hunger but they whyche s eke the Lorde s hall want no maner of thyng that is good Come ye children and hearken vnto me I wyll teache you the feare of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth to lyue and woulde fayne see good dayes kepe thy tongue from euill and thy lippes that they speake no guyle Eschewe euyll and doe good seke peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and hys eares are open vnto theyr prayers The countenaunce of the Lord is againste them that doe euil to roote out the remēbraunce of them frō of the earthe The righteous crye and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all theyr troubles The lorde is nygh vnto them that are of a contrite heart and wyll saue suche as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth hym out of all He kepeth all hys bones so that not one of them is broken But misfortune shal staye the vngodly and they that hate the righteous shal be desolate The Lorde deliuereth the soules of hys seruauntes and all they that put theyr truste in hym shall not bee destitute Iudica domine nocentes Psalm xxxv Mornīg prayer PLeade thou my cause O Lorde with them that striue with me and fight thou againste them that fighte agaynst me Lay hand vpon the shielde and buckeler and stand vp to helpe me Bring furth the speare and stoppe the way against them that persecute me saye vnto my soule I am thy saluacion Let them be confounded and put to shame that seke after my soule let them be turned backe and brought to confusiō that ymagine mischiefe for me Let them be as the dust before the wynde and the aungel of the Lorde scattering them Let their way be darke and slippery and let the Aungell of the Lorde persecute them For they haue prieuely layde theyr nette to destroye me without a cause yea euen without a cause haue they made a pytte for my soule Let a sodaine destruccion come vpon him vnawares and hys net that he hath layde priuely catch himself that he may fall into hys owne mischiefe And my soule be ioyfull in the Lord it shall reioyce in his saluacyon And my bones shall saye Lorde who is lyke vnto thee whiche deliuerest the poore from hym the is to strong for hym yea the pore him the is in misery from him the spoyleth hym False witnes did rise vp they laid to my charge thynges that I knowe not They rewarded me euill for good to the great discoumforte of my soule Neuerthelesse when they wer sicke I put on sackeclothe and humbled my soule with fasting my prayer shall turne into myne owne bosome I behaued my self as though it had been my frend or my brother I went heuely as one the mourneth for his mother But in myne aduersitie they reioysed gathered them together yea the verye abiectes came together agaynste me vnawares makyng mowes at me and ceassed not With the flatterers
trouble And the Lord shal stande by them and saue them he shall deliuer them from the vngodly and shal saue them because they put theyr trust in him Domine ne in furore psal xxxviii Mornīg prayer But me not to rebuke O Lord in thyne anger neyther chasten me in thy heauy displeasure For thine arowes sticke fast in me and thy hande presseth me sore There is no health in any flesh because of thy dispeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sinne For my wickednesses are gone ouer my head and are like a sore burthen to heauy for me to beare My woūdes stinke are corrupt through my foolishnes I am brought into so great trouble and miserye that I goe mourning all the day long For my loynes are filled with a fore disease and there is no whole part in my body I am feble and sore smitten I haue roared for the very disquietnes of my heart Lorde thou knowest all my desyre and my groning is not hydde from thee My heart panteth my strength hath fayled me and the light of mine eyes is gone from me My louers and my neighbours dyd stande loking vpon my trouble and my kinsmen stode afarre of They also that sought after my life layd snares for me and they that went about to doe me euil talked of wickednes and ymagined deceit all the day long As for me I was lyke a deafe man and hearde not and as one that is domme which doeth not open his mouth I became euen as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reprofes For in thee O Lorde haue I put my trust thou shalte aunswere for me O Lord my God I haue required that they euen myne enemies shoulde not tryumphe ouer me for when my foote slipt they reioysed greatly agaynst me And I truely am set in the plage my heauines is euer in my sight For I will confesse my wickednesse and be sorye for my synne But mine enemies liue and are mightye and they that hate me wrongfully are many in number They also that rewarde euill for good are agaynst me because I folow the thing that good is Forsake me not O Lord my God be not thou farre fro me Haste thee to helpe me O Lord God my saluacion Dixi cuftodiam vias psal xxxix I Sayd I wil take hede to my wayes that I offende not in my tongue I wil kepe my mouth as it were with a brydle whyle the vngodlye is in my sight I helde my tongue and spake nothyng I kept sylence yea euen frō good wordes but it was payn griefe to me My heart was hote within me and while I was thus musyng the fyre kiendled and at the laste I spake with my tongue Lorde let me knowe myne ende and the number of my dayes that I may be certifyed how long I haue to liue Beholde thou hast made my dayes as it were a spanne long and mine age is euen as nothyng in respecte of thee and verely euery man liuing is altogether vanitie For man walketh in a vayne shadowe and disquieteth himselfe in vayn he heapeth vp riches and cannot tel who shall gather them And now lord what is my hope truely my hope is euen in thee Deliuer me from all myne offences and make me not a rebuke vnto the foolishe I became domme and opened not my mouthe for it was thy doing Take thy plague away from me I am euen consumed by the meanes of thy heauy hande When thou with rebukes doest chasten man for sinne thou makest his beauty to consume awaye like as it were a mothe fretting a garmente euerye man therefore is but vanitie Heare my prayer O Lorde and with thyne eares considre my calling hold not thy peace at my teares For I am a straunger with thee and a soiourner as all my fathers were Oh spare me a little that I maye recouer my strengeth before I goe hence and be no more seen Expectans expectaui Psalm xl I Wayted paciently for the lorde and be enclined vnto me and heard my calling He brought me also out of the horrible pit oute of the myre and claye and set my fete vpon the rocke and ordered my goinges And he hath put a new song in my mouth euē a thankes geuing vnto our God Many shall see it and feare and shall putte their trust in the Lorde Blessed is the man that hath set hys hope in the Lorde and turned not vnto the proude and to suche as goe about with lyes O Lord my God great are thy woonderous woorkes which thou hast done lyke as be also thy thoughtes which are to vsward and yet there is no man that ordereth them vnto thee If I would declare them and speake of thē they should be moe then I am hable to expresse Sacrifice and meateofferyng thou wouldest not haue but mine eares hast thou opened Burnte offeringes and sacrifice for sinne hast thou not required then sayd I loe I come In the volume of the Booke it is written of me that I should fulfill thy will O my God I am content to doe it yea thy lawe is within my heart I haue declared the ryghteousnes in the great congregacion loe I will not refrayue my lippes O Lorde and that thou knowest I haue not hydde thy righteousnes within my heart my talking hath been of thy trueth and of thy saluacion I haue not kepte backe thy louyng mercye and trueth from the great congregacion Withdraw not thou thy mercy fro me O Lord lette thy louing kindnes and thy trueth alway preserue me For innumerable troubles are come about me my sinnes haue taken suche holde vpon me that I am not hable to loke vp yea they are moe in number then the heere 's of my head and my heart hath fayled me O Lord let it be thy pleasure to deliuer me make hast O Lorde to helpe me Let them be ashamed and cōfounded together that seke after my soule to destroy it let them be drieuen backeward and put to rebuke that wishe me euill Let them be desolate and rewarded with shame that say vnto me fye vpon thee fye vpon thee Let all those that seke thee be ioyful glad in thee let such as loue thy saluacion say alway the lorde be praysed As for me I am poore and nedye but the Lorde careth for me Thou art my helper and redemer make no long tarying O my God Beatus qui intelligit Psalm xli Euening prayer Blessed is he that considereth the poore nedye the Lord shall deliuer him in the tyme of trouble The Lorde preserue hym and kepe him aliue that he may be blessed vpon earth and deliuer not thou him into the will of his enemies The Lorde coumfort hym when he lyeth sicke vpon hys bed make thou all his bed in his sickenesse I sayd Lord be merciful vnto me heale my soule for I haue sinned agaynst thee Mine enemies speake euil of me when shall he dye
and tremblyng are come vpon me and horrible dreade hath ouerwhelmed me And I sayd O that I had winges lyke a doue for then would I slie a waye and be at rest Lo then would I geat me a waye farre of and remayne in the wildernes I would make hast to escape because of the stormy winde and tempest Destroie theyr tonges O Lorde and deuide them for I haue spied vnrighteousnes and stryfe in the citie Day and night goe they aboute within the walles therof mischiefe also and sorowe are in the middest of it Wickednes is therin deceipt and guile goe not out of their stretes For it is not an open enemie that hath done me this dishonor for then I coulde haue borne it Neyther was it myne aduersarye that did magnifie himselfe agaynst me for then paraduenture I would haue hid my selfe from hym But it was euen thou my companion my guide and my owne familier frende We toke swete counsaile together and walked in the house of god as frendes Let death come hastely vpon thē and let them goe downe quicke into hel for wickednes is in their dwellinges and among them As for me I will call vpon god and the Lorde shall saue me In the euenyng and morning and at noone daye will I pray and that instantlye and he shall heare my voyce It is he that hathe deliuered my soule in peace from the battaile that was against me for there were many with me Yea euen God that endureth for euer shall heare me and bryng thē downe for they will not turne nor feare god He layed his handes vpon suche as be at peace with hym and he brake his couenaunt The wordes of his mouth were softer thē butter hauing warre in hys heart hys wordes were smother thē oyle and yet bee they very swordes O cast thy burthen vpon the lord and he shall norish thee and not suffer the righteous to fall for euer And as for them thou O God shalt bring them into the pit of destruccion The bloudthyrstie deceitefull men shal not liue out halfe theyr dayes neuertheles my trust shall be in thee O lord Miserere mei deus quoniam Psalm lvi Mornīg prayer Be mercifull vnto me O god for man goeth about to deuoure me he is dayly fightyng and troubling me Myne enemies are dayly in hand to swalowe me vp for they be mani the fight against me O thou most highest Neuertheles though I am somtyme afrayd yet I putte my trust in thee I wil prayse god because of his word I haue put my trust in god and will not feare what fleshe can doe vnto me They dayly mistake my wordes all that they imagine is to doe me euill They holde all together and kepe them selues close and marke my steppes when they laye wayte for my soule Shal they escape for theyr wickednes thou O god in thy displeasure shall call them downe Thou tellest my flittinges put my teares into thy bottel are not these thynges noted in thy boke Whensoeuer I call vpon thee then shall mine enemyes be put to flyght this I knowe for God is on my syde In gods wordes wil I reioyce in the lordes word wil I comfort me Yea in God haue I put my truste I will not bee afraide what man can doe vnto me Vnto thee O God wyll I paye my vowes vnto thee wil I geue thankes For thou haste deliuered my soule from deathe and my feete from fallyng that I may walke before god in the light of the liuing Miserere mei deus psalm lvii BE mercifull vnto me O god be mercifull vnto me for my soule trusteth in thee and vnder the shadow of thy wynges shal be my refuge vntill this tirannye bee ouerpast I will call vnto the most hygh God euen to the God that shall perfourme the cause which I haue in hand He shall send from heauen and saue me from the reprofe of him that would eate me vp God shall sende foorth his mercy and trueth my soule is among Lyons And I lye euen among thee chyldren of men that are set on fyer whose teeth are speares and arowes and theyr tongue a sharpe sweorde Set vp thy self O god aboue the heauens and thy glory aboue all the earth They haue layde a nette for my feete and pressed downe my soule they haue digged a pyt before me and are fallen into the middes of it them selues My heart is fixed O God my heart is fixed I wil sing and geue prayse Awake vp my glorye awake lute and harpe I my selfe will awake right early I will geue thankes vnto thee O Lord among the people and I will sing vnto thee among the nacions For the greatnesse of thy mercye reacheth vnto the heauens and thy trueth vnto the cloudes Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens and thy glory aboue all the earth Si vere vtique iusticiam Psalm lviii ARe youre myndes set vpon righteousnes O ye congregacion and doe ye iudge the thyng that is ryght O ye sonnes of men Yea ye imagine mischiefe in youre heart vpon the earthe and your handes deale with wickednes The vngodly are froward euē frō theyr mothers wōbe as sone as they be borne they goe astray and speake lyes They are as venemous as the poyson of a serpente euen lyke the deafe Adder that stoppeth her eares Which refuseth to heare the voyce of the charmer charme he neuer so wisely Breake their teethe O God in theyr mouthes smite the chawe bones of the Lyons O Lorde let them fall awaye like water that runneth a pace and when they shote theyr arrowes let them be rooted oute Let them consume awaye like a snayle and bee lyke the vntimely fruite of a woman and let them not see the sunne Or euer our pottes be made whote with thornes so let indignacion vexe him euen as a thyng that is rawe The righteous shal reioyce when he seeth the vengeaunce he shall washe his fotesteppes in the bloud of the vngodly So that a man shal say verely there is a rewarde for the righteous doutles there is a God that iudgeth in the earth Eripe me de inimicis Psalm lix Euenīg prayer DEliuer me from mine enemies O God defende me from them that ryse vp agaynst me O deliuer me from the wicked doers and saue me from the bloudthyrstie men For loe they lye waytyng for my soule the mightie men are gathered together agaynste me without any offence or faulte of me O Lorde They runne and prepare themselues without my faulte arise thou therfore to helpe me and beholde Stand vp O lorde God of hostes thou God of Israel to visite all the hethen and be not merciful vnto them that offend of malicious wickednes They goe too and fro in the euenyng they grinne lyke a dogge and runne about through the citie Behold they speake with theyr mouthe and sweordes are in their lippes for who doth heare But thou O Lord shalt haue them in derision and thou shalt laugh
euen vnto the grounde Yea they said in their heartes let vs make hauocke of them altogether thus haue they brent vp all the houses of god in the lande We see not oure tokens there is not one Prophete more no not one is there among vs that vnderstandeth any more O god how long shal the aduersary doe this dishonor how long shal the enemy blaspheme thy name for euer Why withdrawest thou thy hande why pluckest thou not thy right hand out of thy bosome to consume the enemy For God is my king of olde the helpe that is done vpon earth he doeth it hymselfe Thou dyddest deuyde the Sea throughe thy power thou brakest the heades of the dragons in the waters Thou smotest the heades of Leuiathan in pieces and gauest hym to be meate for the people in the wildernesse Thou broughtest out fountaynes and waters out of the hard Rockes thou driuedst vp mightie waters The day is thyne and the nyght is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sunne Thou hast set al the borders of the earth thou hast made somer and wynter Remember this O lord how the enemy hath rebuked and how the foolish people hath blasphemed thy name O deliuer not the soule of the Turtle Doue vnto the multitude of the enemyes and forgeat not the congregacyon of the poore for euer Loke vpon the couenaunt for al the earth is ful of darkenes and cruel habitacions O let not the simple goe away ashamed but let the poore and nedy geue prayse vnto thy name Arise O god maintaine thine own cause remembre howe the foolysh man blasphemeth thee dayly Forgeat not the voice of thyne enemies the presumpcion of them that hate thee encreaseth euer more and more Confirebimur tibi psal lxxv Mornīg prayer INto thee O god doe we geue thankes vnto thee doe we geue thankes Thy name also is nyghe and that doe thy wonderous workes declare When I receiue the congregacion I shal iudge according vnto ryghte The earth is weake and all the inhabitours thereof I beare vp the pillers of it I sayd vnto the fooles deale not so madly and to the vngodly set not vp your horne Set not vp your horne on high and speake not with a stiffe necke For promocion cometh neither from the East nor from the West nor yet from the South And why god is the iudge he putteth down one and setteth vp another For in the hande of the lord there is a cup and the wine is red it is full mixte and he powreth out of thesame As for the dregges therof al the vngodly of the earth shall drinke them and sucke them out But I wil talke of the god of Iacob praise him for euer All the hornes of the vngodly also wil I breake and the hornes of the righteous shal be exalted Notus in Iudea Psal lxxvi IN Iewry is god knowen his name is greate in Israel At Salem is hys tabernacle and hys dwellyng in Sion There brake he the arowes of the bowe the shielde the sweord and the battayle Thou art of more honour and might then the hilles of the robbers The proude are robbed they haue slepte their stepe and al the men whose handes were mightie haue found nothing At thy rebuke O god of Iacob both the charret and horse is fallen Thou euen thou art to be feared and who may stande in thy sight when thou art angry Thou didst cause thy iudgement to be heard from heauē the earth trembled and was styll When god arose to indgemente and to helpe al the meke vpon earth The fearcenes of man shal turne to thy prayse and the fearcenes of other shalt thou restrayne Promise vnto the lorde your god and kepe it al ye that be rounde about hun bring presentes vnto hun that ought to be feared He shal restrayne the spirite of Princes and is wonderfull emong the kinges of the earth Voce mea ad dominum Psal lxxvii I Will crye vnto God with my voyce euen vnto God wil I crye with my voice he shal hearkē vnto me In the time of my trouble I sought the lord my sore ran and ceassed not in the nyght season my soule refused comfort When I am in heauines I will thynke vpon god when my heart is vexed and wil complayne Thou holdest mine eyes wakyng I am so feble that I cannot speake I haue considered the dayes of olde and the yeres that are past I cal to remembraunce my song and in the night I common with mine own heart and searche out my spirites Will the Lorde absent himselfe for euer and wil he be no more entreated Is his mercye cleane gone for euer and is hys promise come vtterlye to an ende for euermore Hath God forgotten to be gracious and wil he shut vp his louing kindnes in displeasure And I said it is mine own infirmitie but I wil remember the yeres of the right hand of the most hyghest I wil remember the workes of the Lord and call to mind thy wonders of olde tyme. I wil thinke also of al thy workes and my talking shal be of thy doinges Thy way O God is holy who is so great a god as our God Thou art the God that doth woonders and hast declared thy power emong people Thou hast myghtelye deliuered thy people euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph The waters saw thee O God the waters saw thee and were afrayd the depthes also wer troubled The cloudes powred out water the ayre thundred thine arowes went abrode The voyce of the thunder was heard rounde about the lightninges shone vpon the ground the earth was moued and shoke withall Thy way is in the sea and thy pathes in the great waters and thy foote steppes are not knowen Thou leddest thy people like shepe by the hande of Moses and Aaron Attendite popule psal lxxviii Euenīg prayer HEare my law O my people encline your eares vnto the woordes of my mouth I will open my mouth in a parable I will declare hard sentences of olde Which we haue heard and knowen and suche as our fathers tolde vs. That we should not hide thē from the children of the generacions to come but to shewe the honor of the lorde his mighty and wonderful workes that he hath done He made a couenant with Iacob and gaue Israel a law which he cōmaūded our forefathers to teache their childrē That theyr posteritie myght knowe it and the children which were yet vnborne To the intent that when they came vp they might shew theyr children thesame That they might put theyr trust in God and not to forgeat the workers of god but to kepe his commaundemētes And not to be as theyr forefathers a faithles and stubburne generacion a generacion that set not their hearte aright and whose spirite cleaueth not stedfastly vnto God Like as the children of Ephraim which being harnessed and carying bowes turned themselues backe in the day of battayle They kepte not the couenante of
sworne vnto Dauid my seruaunt Thy seede will I stablishe for euer and set vp thy throne from one generacion to another O Lorde the very heauens shall prayse thy wonderous workes and thy trueth in the congregacion of the sainctes For who is he among the cloudes that shal be compared vnto the Lorde And what is he among the Goddes that shal be lyke vnto the Lorde God is very greatly to bee feared in the counsayle of the Sainctes and to bee had in reuerence of all them that are about hym O Lord God of hostes who is lyke vnto thee thy trueth most mighty Lorde is on euery side Thou rulest the rageing of the sea thou stillest the waues therof when they arise Thou haste subdued Egipte and destroyed it thou haste scatered thyne enemyes abroade with thy mighty arme The heauens are thyne the earth also is thyne thou hast layd the foundacion of the round world all that therin is Thou haste made the North and the South Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy name Thou hast a mighty arme strong is thy hand and hygh is thy right hand Righteousnes and equitie is the habitacion of thy seate mercy and trueth shall goe before thy face Blessed is the people O Lorde that can reioyce in thee they shall walke in the light of thy countenaunce Theyr delite shal be dayly in thy name and in thy ryghteousnes shall they make theyr boaste For thou arte the glorye of theyr strength and in thy louyng kindnes thou shalt lift vp our hornes For the lorde is oure defence the holy one of Israel is our Kyng Thou spakest sometyme in visions vnto thy Sainctes and saydste I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mightie I haue exalted one chosen out of the people I haue founde Dauid my seruaunte with my holye oyle haue I annoynted hym My hand shall hold him faste and my arme shall strengthen him The enemie shall not bee hable to doe hym violence the sonne of wickednes shall not hurt hym I shall smyte downe hys foes before hys face and plage them that hate hym My trueth also and my mercy shall bee with hym and in my name shall hys horne be exalted I wyll sette hys dominion also in the sea and hys ryghte hand in the floudes He shall call me thou arte my father my God and my strong saluacyon And I wyll make hym my firste borne hygher then the Kynges of the earth My mercy will I kepe for hym for euermore and my couenaunt shall stand fast with hym Hys seede also wyll I make to endure for euer and hys throne as the dayes of heauen But yf his children forsake my law and walke not in my iudgementes If they breake my statutes and kepe not my commaundementes I wyll visite theyr offences with the rodde and theyr synne with scourges Neuerthelesse my louing kindnesse wil I not vtterly take from hym nor suffre my trueth to fayle My couenante wyll I not breake nor alter the thyng that is gone oute of my lippes I haue sworne once by my holynes that I will not faile Dauid His sede shall endure for euer and his seate is like as the sunne before me He shall stande fast for euermore as the mone and as the faithfull witnes in heauen But thou hast abhorred and forsaken thine anoynted and art displeased at hym Thou hast broken the couenaunt of thy seruaunt and cast hys croune to the grounde Thou hast ouerthrowen al his hedges and broken downe hys strong holdes Al they that goe by spoyle hym and he is become a rebuke to hys neyghbours Thou haste sette vp the ryght hand of hys enemyes and made all hys aduersaries to reioyce Thou hast taken away the edge of hys sweord and geuest hym not victory the battayle Thou hast put out his glory and cast his throne downe to the grounde The dayes of hys youth hast thou shortened and couered hym with dishonour Lorde howe long wilt thou hide thy selfe for euer shall thy wrath burne like fier O remember howe short my tyme is wherfore hast thou made all men for nought What man is he that lyueth and shall not see death and shall he delyuer his owne soule from the hand of hell Lorde where are thy olde louyng kindnesse whiche thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy trueth Remembre Lorde the rebuke that thy seruauntes haue how I doe beare in my bosome the rebukes of many people Wherewith thyne enemies haue blasphemed thee and slaundered the fotesteppes of thine anoynted praysed be the Lorde for euermore Amen Domine refugium psalm xc Mornīg prayer LOrde thou hast been our refuge from one generacyon to another Before the mountaynes were broughte foorthe or euer the earth and the worlde were made thou arte god fro euerlastyng and world without ende Thou turnest man to destruccion agayne thou sayest come agayne ye children of men For a thousand yeares in thy sight are but as yesterday seyng that is past as a watche in the night Assone as thou scaterest them they are euen as a slepe fade away sodainly lyke the grasse In the morning it is grene and groweth vp but in the euenyng it is cut downe dried vp and withered For we consume away in thy displeasure and are afrayd at thy wrathfull indignacyon Thou haste set our misdedes before thee and oure secrete synnes in the light of thy countenaunce For whē thou arte angry al our daies are gone we bring our yeares to an ende as it were a tale that is tolde The dayes of oure age are therescore yeares and ten and though mē be so strong that they come to fourescore yeares yet is theyr strength thē but labour and sorowe so sone passeth it awaye and we are gone But who regardeth the power of thy wrath for euē therafter as man feareth so is thy displeasure O teache vs to noumbre oure dayes that we may applye our heartes vnto wisdome Turne thee agayne O lorde at the last and be gracious vnto thy seruauntes O satisfye vs with thy mercy and that sone so shal we reioyce and be glad all the dayes of our lyfe Comforte vs agayne now after the tyme that thou haste plagued vs and for the yeares wherin we haue suffered aduersitie Shew thy seruauntes thy marke and theyr chyldren thy glory And the glorious maiesty of the Lorde our God bee vpon vs prosper thou the worke of our handes vpon vs O prosper thou our handy worke Qui habitat Psalm xci WHoso dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hygh shall abide vnder the shadowe of the almightie I wyll say vnto the lorde thou art my hope and my strong holde my God in him will I trust For he shall delyuer thee from the snare of thy hunter and from the noysome pestilence He shall defende thee vnder hys wynges and thou shalte be safe vnder his fethers his faithfulnes and trueth shal be thy shield and buckeler Thou shalt not be afrayde for any terrour by nighte nor for
the arrowe that flieth by daye For the pestilence that walketh in the darkenes nor for the sickenes that destroyeth in the noone daye A thousande shall fall besyde thee and ten thousande at thy ryght hand but it shall not come nigh thee Yea with thyne eies shalte thou beeholde and see the rewarde of the vngodly For thou lorde arte my hope thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye There shall no euyll happen vnto thee neyther shall anye plague come nie thy dwellyng For he shall geue his Aungels charge ouer thee to kepe thee in all thy wayes They shall beare thee in theyr handes that thou hurt not thy fote agaynst the stone Thou shalte goe vpon the Lion and adder the yong Lyon and the dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy feete Because he hath set his loue vpon me therefore shall I delyuer hym I shall set hym vp because he hath knowen my name He shall call vpon me and I wyll heare hym yea I am with hym in trouble I will deliuer hym and bryng hym to honour With long life wil I satisfye him shew him my saluaciō Bonum est confitere Psalm xcii IT is a good thyng to geue thankes vnto the lorde to syng prayses vnto thy name O most high To tel of thy louyng kindnes early in the morning and of thy truth in the night season Vpon an instrument of ten stringes and vpō the lute vpon a loude instrument and vpon the harpe For thou Lorde hast made me glad through thy workes and I wil reioyce in geuing praise for the operacions of thy handes O lord how glorious are thy workes and thy thoughtes are very depe An vnwise man dooeth not well consider this and a foole doth not vnderstande it When the vngodlye are grene as the grasse and when all the workes of wickednes doe storyshe then shall they be destroyed for euer but thou lord art the most high for euermore For loe thyne enemies O Lord lo thyne enemies shal perishe and all the workers of wickednes shal be destroyed But my horne shal be exalted like the horne of an vnicorne for I am anoynted with freshe oyle Myne eye also shall see his lust of mine enemies and mine eare shall heare his desire of the wicked that rise vp against me The righteous shall florishe lyke a Palme tree and shall spreade abrode lyke a Cedre in Libanus Suche as be planted in the house of the lorde shall florish in the courtes of the house of our God They shall also bryng forth more fruite in theyr age and shal be fat and well lykyng That they may shewe how true the Lord my strength is and that there is none vnrighteousnes in hym Dominus regnauit Psalm xciii Euening prayer THe Lord is kyng hath put on glorious apparell the lorde hath put on his apparel and girded him selfe with strength He hathe made the rounde worlde so sure that it cannot be moued Euer sence the world began hath thy seate been prepared thou art from euerlastyng The floudes are rysen O Lorde the floudes haue lift vp theyr noyce the floudes lift vp their waues The waues of the sea are mightie and rage horribly but yet the Lorde that dwelleth on hie is mightier Thy testimonies O Lorde are very sure holynes becommeth thyne house for euer Deus vltionum Psal xciiii O Lord god to whom vengeaunce belongeth thou god to whom vengeaunce belongeth shewe thy selfe Arise thou iudge of the worlde and rewarde the proude after their deseruing Lorde how long shall the vngodly how long shall the vngodly triumphe How long shall wycked doers speake so disdaynefully and make suche proude boastyng They smite down thy people O Lord and trouble thine heritage They murther the widdowe and the straunger and put the fatherles to death And yet they say tushe the Lord shal not see neyther shall the god of Iacob regarde it Take hede ye vnwise among the people O ye fooles when wyll ye vnderstande He that planted the eare shal he not heare or he that made the eye shall he not see Or he that nurtereth the Heathen it is he that teacheth man knowledge shal he not punishe The Lord knoweth the thoughtes of man that they are but vayne Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O lorde and teachest in thy lawe That thou mayest geue hym pacyence in tyme of aduersitie vntil the pyt be digged vp for the vngodly For the Lord wyl not fayle his people neyther wyl he forsake his enheritaunce Vntil righteousnes turne agayn vnto iudgement all such as be true of heart shall folowe it Who wyl ryse vp with me against the wicked or who wyl take my parte against the euyll doers Yf the Lorde had not helped me it had not failed but my soule had been put to silence But when I saied my foote hath slipped thy mercye O lord helped me vp In the multitude of the sorowes that I had in my heart thy comfortes haue refreshed my soule Wilt thou haue any thyng to doe with the stole of wickednes which ymagineth mischiefe as a lawe They gather them together against the soule of the righteous and condemne the innocent bloud But the lord is my refuge and my god is the strength of my confydence He shall recompence them their wickednes and destroye them in their own malice yea Lorde oure God shal destroye them Venite exultemus psal xcv Mornīg Prayer O Come let vs sing vnto the lorde let vs hartely reioyce in the strength of our saluacion Let vs come before his presence with thankes geuing and shewe our selues glad in hym with Psalmes For the Lord is a great God and a great kyng aboue all Goddes In his hand are al the corners of the earth and the strength of the hilles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and hys handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worship and fall downe and knele before the Lord our maker For he is the Lord our god and we are the people of his pasture and the shepe of hys handes To day if ye wil heare his voice hardē not your heartes as in the prouocacion and as in the day of temptacion in the wyldernesse When your fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my workes Fortye yeres lang was I greued with that generacion and sayde it is a people that door erre in their heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrath that they shoulde not entre into my rest Cantate domino canticum psal xcvi O Sing vnto the lord a new song syng vnto the lord all the whole earth Sing vnto the Lord and prayse hys name be telling of his saluacion from daye to daye Declare his honour vnto the Heathen and hys wonders vnto all people For the lord is great and cannot worthely be praised he is more to be feared then all goddes As for all the gods of the Heathen they be but Idols but it is the
Syon for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the time is come And why thy seruauntes thynke vpon her siones and it pietieth them to see her in the dust The Heathen shall feare thy name O Lorde and all the Kynges of the earth thy Maiestie When the Lorde shall build vp Syon and when his glory shall appeare When he turneth hym vnto the prayer of the poore destytute and despyseth not theyr desyre This shal be written for those that come after and the people whiche shal be borne shall prayse the Lorde For he hathe loked downe from his sanctuary out of the heauen did the lord bebold the earth That he mighte heare the mourninges of suche as bee in captiuitie and delyuer the children appoynted vnto deathe That they maye declare the name of the Lorde in Syon and hys woorship at Ierusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngedomes also to serue the Lorde He brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortned my dayes But I sayd O my God take me not awaye in the middest of mine age as for thy yeares they endure througeout all generacions Thou Lorde in the beginning hast layd the foundacions of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy handes They shall perishe but thou shalte endure they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shal bee chaunged but thou art thesame and thy yeres shall not fayle The children of the seruauntes shall continue and theyr seede shall stand fast in thy sight Benedic anima mea psalm ciii PRayse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me prayse his holy name Prayse the Lorde O my soule and forgeat not al his benefites Whiche forgeueth all thy synne and healeth all thyne infirmities Whyche saueth thy lyfe from destruccyon and crouneth thee with mercy and louing kindnes Whiche satisfyed thy mouth with good thyges makyng thee young and lusty as an Eagle The Lorde executeth rygteousnes and iudgemente for all them that are oppressed with wrong He shewed his wayes vnto Moyses his woorkes vnto the children of Israel The lorde is full of compassion and mercy long suffryng and of great goodnes He will not alway bee chyding neither kepet he his angre for euer He hathe not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our wickednesses For loke how hie the heauen is in comparisō of the earth so great is hys mercy also toward them that feare hym Loke howe wyde also the East is from the West so farre hath he set our snnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercyfull vnto them that feare hym For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but duste The dayes of man are but as grasse for he florisheth as a floure of the fielde For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it it is gone and the place therof shall know it nomore But the mercyfull goodnes of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare him and his righteousnesse vpon chylders children Euen vpon suche as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to doe them The Lorde hathe prepared his seate in heauen and hys kyngdom ruleth ouer all O prayse the Lorde ye Aungels of hys ye that excell in strength ye that fulfyll his commaundement and hearken vnto the voyce of hys wordes O prayse the Lord all ye his hostes ye seruauntes of his that doe his pleasure O speake good of the Lord all ye workes of his in al places of his dominion prayse thou the Lord O my soule Benedic anima mea psalm ciiii Euening prayer PRaise the Lord O my soule O Lord my God thou art become exceding glorious thou art clothed with maiestie and honour Thou deckest thy selfe with lighte as it were with a garment and spredest out the heauens lyke a curtaine Whych layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his charet and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde He maketh hys Aungelles spirites and his ministers a flamyng fyre He laied the foundacions of the earth that it neuer should moue at any tyme. Thou coueredst it with the depe lyke as with a garment the waters stande in the hilles At thy rebuke they stye at the voyce of thy thunder they are afrayde They goe vp as hye as the hylles and downe in the valleyes benethe euen vnto the place whiche thou hast appointed for them Thou hast sette them theyr bondes whiche they shall not passe neyther turne agayne to couer the earth He sendeth the sprynges into the ryuers whiche runne among the hylles Al beastes of the fielde drinke thereof and the wild Asses quenche theyr thirst Beside them shall the foules of the ayre haue theyr habitacyon and syng among the braunches He watereth the hylles from aboue the earthe is fylled with the fruite of thy workes He bringeth foorth grasse for the cattell and greene herbe for the seruice of menne That he maye bring fode out of the earth and wyne that maketh glad the hearte of man oyle to make him a cherefull countenaunce and bread to strength mans hearte The trees of the Lord also are full of sappe euen the Ceders of Libanus whiche he hath planted Wherin the birdes make theyr nestes and the firre trees are a dwellyng for the Storke The hye hylles are a refuge for the wylde goates and so are the stony rockes for the Conies He appoynted the Moone for certayne seasons and the Sunne knoweth his goyng downe Thou makest darkenes that it may bee night wherin all the beastes of the forest doe moue The Lyons roaryng after theyr praye dooe seeke theyr meate at God The Sunne ariseth and they geat them away together and laye them downe in theyr dennes Man goeth forthe to his worke and to his labour vntyll the euenyng O Lorde how manifold are thy workes in wysdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy ryches So is the great and wide sea also wherein are thynges crepyng innumerable both small and great beastes There goe the shippes and there is that Leuiathan whō thou hast made to take his pastyme therein These wayte all vpon thee that thou mayste geue them meate in due season When thou geuest it them they gather it and when thou openest thy hand they are fylled with good When thou hidest thy face they are troubled when thou takest awaye theyr breath they dye and are turned agayne to theyr duste When thou lettest thy breath goe forth they shal be made and thou shalt renew the face of the earth The glorious maiestie of the Lorde shall endure for euer the Lord shall reioyce in his workes The earthe shall tremble at the loke of him yf he doe but touche the hilles they shall smoke I wyll syng vnto the Lorde as long as I lyue I wyll prayse my God whyle I haue my beyng And
tonges they compassed me about also with wordes of hatred fought against me without a cause For the loue that I had vnto them lo they take now the contrary part but I geue my selfe vnto prayer Thus haue they rewarded me euill for good and hatred for my good will Set thou an vngodly man to be ruler ouer hym and let Sathan stand at his right hand When sentence is geuen vpon him let him be condemned and let his prayer be turned into sinne Let his dayes be fewe and let an other take hys office Let his children be fatherles and his wife a wiedowe Let his children be vagabondes and begge their bread let them seke it also out of desolate places Let the extorcioner consume all that he hath and let the straungers spoyle his labour Let there be no man to pietie hym nor to haue compassion vpon his fatherless children Let his posteritie be destroyed and in the next generacion let his name be cleane put out Let the wickednes of hys fathers be had in remēbrance in the sight of the Lord and let not the sinne of his mother be done away Let them alwaye be before the lorde that he may roote but the memoriall of them from of the earth And that because his mind was not to doe good but persecuted the poore helpeles man that he might slay him that was vexed at the heart His delight was in cursing and it shal happen vnto him he loued not blessyng therefore shall it be farre from hym He clothed himselfe with curssing like as with a rayment and it shall come into his bowelles like water and like oile into hys bones Let it be vnto hym as a cloke that he hath vpon hym and as the gyrdel that he is alwaye girded withall Let it thus happen from the Lord vnto myne enemies and to those that speake euill agaynst my soule But deale thou with me O lord god accordyng vnto thy name for swete is my mercy O deliuer me for I am helples and poore and my heart is wounded within me I goe hence lyke the shadow that departeth and am dryuen awaye as the Grashopper My knees are weake through fasting my flesh is dried vp for want of fatnes I became also a rebuke vnto them they that loked vpon me shaked their heades Helpe me O Lorde my God Oh saue me accordyng to thy mercy And they shall know how that this is thy hande and that thou Lorde hast done it Though they cursse yet blesse thou and let them be confounded that rise vp agaynst me but let thy seruaunt reioice Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame and let them couer themselues with theyr owne confusyon as wyth a cloke As for me I wyll geue great thankes vnto the lord with my mouth and prayse hym emong the multitude For he shall stande at the right hande of the poore to saue hys soule from vnryghteous iudges Dixit dominus domino meo Psal cx Mornīg prayer THe lord sayd vnto my lord syt thou on my right hand vntyll I make thyne enemyes thy fotestole The lord shal send the rod of thy power out of Sion be thou ruler euen in the middest emong thyne enemies In the day of thy power shal the people offer the free wyl offeringes with an holy worship the dewe of thy birth is of the wombe of the morning The lord sware and wil not repent thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech The lorde vpon the righte hande shall wounde euen kinges in the daye of hys wrath He shall bee iudge emong the heathen be shall fyll the places with dead bodyes and smite in sunder the heades ouer dyuerse couutreies He shall drinke in the broke of the way therfore shall he lyft vp hys head Confitebor tibi domine psal cxi I Wil geue thākes vnto the lord with my whole hearte secretly emong the faithfull and in the congregaciō The workes of the lord are great sougt out of all them that haue pleasure therein His worke is worthy to be praysed and had in honoure and his righteousnes endureth for euer The merciful and gracious lord hath so done his merueylous workes that they ought to be had in remembraunce He hath geuen meate vnto them that feare hym he shall euer be myndfull of hys couenaunt He hath shewed his people the power of his workes that he may geue them the heritage of the heathen The workes of his handes are veritie and iudgement al hys commaundementes are true They stande fast for euer and euer and are doen in trueth and equitie He sent redempcion vnto hys people he hath commaunded hys couenaunt for euer holy and reuerent is hys name The feare of the lord is the beginning of wisedome a good vnderstanding haue al they that doe thereafter the praise of it endureth for euer Beatus vir psal cxii BLessed is the man that feareth the lord he hath great delight in hys commaundementes His sede shal be mightie vpon earth the generacion of the faythfull shal be blessed Riches and plenteousnes shal be in his house and his rightteousnes endureth for euer Vnto the godly there aryseth vp light in the darknes he is mercifull louing and ryghteous A good man is mercyfull and lendeth and wil guyde hys wordes with discrecion For he shal neuer be moued and the righteous shal be had in an euerlastyng remembraunce He wil not be afrayd for any euil tidinges for his hearte standeth fast and beleueth in the Lorde His heart is stablished and wil not shrinke vntil he see his desyre vpon hys enemyes He hath dispersed abroade and geuen to the poore and his righteousnes remayneth for euer hys horne shal be exalted with honoure The vngodly shall see it and it shall greue hym he shall gnashe with hys teeth and consume awaye the desire of the vngodly shall peryshe Laudate pueri psal cxiii PRaise the lord ye seruauntes O praise the name of the lorde Blessed be the name of the Lord from thys tyme furth for euermore The lordes name is praised frō the rising vp of the Sunne vnto the goyng downe of thesame The lord is high aboue al heathē and his glory aboue the heauens Who is lyke vnto the lord our god that hath his dwelling so high and yet humbleth hymselfe to beholde the thynges that are in heauen and earth He taketh vp the simple out of the dust and lifteth the pore out of the myer That he may set him with the princes euen with the princes of hys people He maketh the barren woman to kepe house and to bee a ioyfull mother of chyldren In exitu Israel Psal cxiiii Euenīg prayer WHen Israel came oute of Egipte and the house of Iacob from emong the straunge people Iuda was hys sanctuarye and Israel hys domynyon the sea saw that and fled Iordan was driuen backe The mountaines skipped like Rammes and the litle hilles lyke yong shepe What ayleth thee O thou sea that thou steddest and
all the commaundementes I wil thanke thee with an vnfained heart when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnes I will kepe thy Ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly In quo corrigit WHerwith shall a yong man clense hys waye euen by ruling hymselfe after thy worde With my whole heart haue I soughte thee O let me not goe wrong out of thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd within mine heart that I should not synne agaynste thee Blessed art thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes With my lippes haue I been telling of al the iudgementes of thy mouth I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of riches I wil talke of thy commaundementes and haue respecte vnto thy wayes My delight shal be in thy statutes and I wil not forgeat thy worde Retribue seruo I Do wel vnto thy seruant that I may liue and kepe thy woord Open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonderous thinges of thy lawe I am a straunger vpon earth O hyde not thy commaundementes My soule breaketh out for the very seruent desyre that he hath alway vnto thy iudgementes Thou hast rebuked the proude and cursed are they that doe erre from thy commaundementes O turne fro me shame and rebuke for I haue kept thy testimonies Princes also did sit and speake agaynst me but thy seruaunt is occupyed in thy statutes For thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellers Adhesit pauimento MY soule cleaueth to the dust O quicken thou me according to thy woord I haue knowledged my waies and thou heardest me O teache me thy statutes Make me to vnderstande the way of thy commaundementes and so shal I talke of thy wonderous workes My soule melteth away for very heauines comfort thou me according to thy woord Take fro me the way of lying and cause thou me to make much of thy lawe I haue chosen the waye of trueth and thy iudgementes haue I layd before me I haue sticken vnto thy testimonies O Lord confounde me not I will runne the waye of thy commaundementes when thou hast set my heart at libertie Legem pone Mornīg prayer TEache me O Lorde the waye of thy statutes and I shall kepe it vnto the ende Geue me vnderstanding and I shal kepe thy law yea I shal kepe it with my whole heart Make me to goe in the path of thy commaundementes for theirin is my desyre Encline my heart vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnes O turne awaye mine iyes lest they beholde vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way O stablish thy word in thy seruaunte that I maye feare thee Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of for thy iudgementes are good Beholde my delyghte is in thy commaundementes O quicken me in thy righteousnes Et veniat super me LEt thy louing mercy come also vnto me O lord euē thy saluacion according vnto thy woord So shal I make aunswere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy woord O take not the woorde of thy trueth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgementes So shall I alway kepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer And I will walke at libertie for I seke thy commaundementes I will speake of thy testimonies also euen before kinges and wil not be ashamed And my delight shal be in thy commaundementes which I haue loued My handes also wil I lift vp vnto thy cōmaundementes which I haue loued and my studye shal be in thy statutes Memor esto verbi tui O Thinke vpon thy seruaūt as concerning thy word wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust Thesame is my coumforte in my trouble for thy word hath quickened me The proude haue had me exceadynglye in derision yet haue I not shrinked from thy lawe For I remēber thine euerlasting iudgementes O lord and rececyued comfort I am horriblye afraide for the vngodly that forsake thy lawe Thy statutes haue been my songes in the house of my pilgrimage I haue thoughte on thy name O Lord in the night season and haue kept thy lawe This I had because I kept thy commaundementes Portio mea domine THou art my porcion O lord I haue promised to kepe thy lawe I made mine humble peticion in thy presence with my whole heart O be merciful vnto me according vnto thy worde I called mine owne waies to remembraunce and turne my fete into thy testimonies I made hast and prolonged not the time to kepe thy commaundementes The congregacion of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue not forgotten thy lawe At midnight I will rise to geue thankes vnto thee beecause of thy righteous iudgementes I am a companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy commaundementes The earth O Lorde is full of thy mercy O teache me thy statutes Bonitatem fecisti O Lorde thou hast dealt graciously with thy seruaunt according vnto thy woorde O learne me true vnderstanding and knowledge for I haue beleued thy commaundementes Before I was troubled I went wrong but now haue I kept thy worde Thou arte good and gracious O teache me thy statutes The proude haue imagined a lie againste me but I wyll kepe thy commaundementes with my whole hearte Their hearte is fat as brawne but my delyghte hathe been in thy lawe It is good for me that I haue ben in trouble that I may learne thy statutes The law of thy mouth is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde and siluer Manus tue fecerunt me Euening prayer THy handes haue made me and fashioned me O geue me vnderstandyng that I may learne thy commaūdementes They that feare thee will be glad when they see me beecause I haue put my trust in thy worde I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgementes are right and that thou of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled O let thy mercifull kyndnes be my comforte according to thy worde vnto thy seruaunt O let thy louyng mercies come vnto me that I may lyue for thy law is my delight Let the proude bee confounded for they goe wickedlye about to destroy me but I will be occupied in thy commaundementes Let such as feare thee and haue knowen thy testimonies be turned vnto me Oh let my heart be sounde in thy statutes that I be not ashamed Defecit anima mea MY soule hath longed for thy saluacion and I haue a good hope because of thy woorde Mine iyes long sore for thy woorde saying O when wilt thou comfort me For I am become like a bottel in the smoke yet doe I not forgeat thy statutes How many are the daies of thy seruaunt when wylt thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proude haue digged pittes for me whiche are not after thy lawe Al thy cōmaundementes are true they persecute me falsly O be thou my helpe They had almost made an ende of me vpon earthe but I forsoke not thy commaundementes O quickē me after thy louing kindnes
vnperfectly but then shall I know euen as I am knowen Now abideth faith hope and loue euen these three but the chiefe of these is loue ¶ The Gospell Luk. xviii IEsus toke vnto hym the .xii. and sayde vnto them beholde we goe vp to Ierusalem and all shall bee fulfylled that are wrytten by the Prophetes of the sonne of manne For he shall bee delyuered vnto the Gentiles and shal bee mocked and despitefully intreated and spitted on And whē they haue scourged hym they wyll putte hym to deathe and the third day he shal ryse agayne And they vnderstode none of these thynges And thys saying was hyd from them so that they perceyued not the thynges whiche were spoken And it came to passe that as he was come nyghe to Hieritho a certayne blynd manne satte by the hye waye syde beggyng And when he heard the people passe by he asked what it mente And they sayde vnto hym that Iesus of Nazareth passed by And be cryed saying Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me And they whyche wente before rebuked hym that he shoulde bolde hys peace But he cryed so muche the more thou sonne of Dauid haue mercye on me And Iesus stode styll and commaunded hym to bee broughte vnto hym And when he was come nere he asked hym saying what wylte thou that I doe vnto thee and he sayde Lorde that I myghte receyue my syghte And Iesus sayde vnto hym receyue thy syghte thy faythe hathe saued thee And immediately he receyued hys syght and folowed hym praysyng God And all the people when then saw it gaue prayse vnto God ¶ The firste daye of Lent ¶ The Collecte ALmighty and euerlastyng God whiche hatest nothing that thou hast made and doest forgeue the synnes of al them that bee penitente Create and make in vs newe and contrite heartes that we worthelye lamentyng oure sinnes and knowledging oure wretchednes may obtayne of thee the God of all mercye perfecte remission and forgeuenesse throughe Iesus Christe ¶ The Epistle Ioel. ii TVrne you vnto me with al your heartes with fastyng weping and mourning rente your heartes and not your clothes Turne you vnto the Lorde youre God for he is gracious and merciful long suffering and of great compasson and ready to pardō wickednes Then no doubt he also shal turne and forgeue and after his chastening he shall let youre encrease remayne for meate and drinke offeringes vnto the lord your god Blow out with the trompet in Sion proclaime a fastyng call the congregacion and gather the people together warne the congregacyon gather the elders bryng the chyldren and suckelynges together Let the bridegrome goe forth of hys chambre and the bride oute of her closet Let Priestes serue the Lorde betwene the Porche and the alter weping and saying bee fauourable O Lorde bee fauourable vnto thy people let not thyne heritage be brought to such confusion lest the Heathen be Lordes thereof Wherefore shoulde they say among the Heathen where is nowe theyr God ¶ The Gospell Math. vi WHen ye faste bee not sad as the Hipocrites are for they diffigure their faces that it maye appeare vnto men how that they fast Verely I saye vnto you they haue their rewarde But thou when thou fastest annoynt thyne head washe thy face that it appeare not vnto men howe thou fastest but vnto thy father which is in secret thy father which seeth in secret shal reward thee openly Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpon earth where the rust and moth both corrutp and where theues breake through and steale But lay vp for you treasures in heauen where neither ruste nor moth doeth corrupt and where theues doe not breake throughe nor steale For where youre treasure is there wyll your heartes be also ¶ The first Sunday in Lent ¶ The Collect. O Lord which for our sake didst fast fortye dayes and fortie nightes Geue vs grace to vse such abstinence that our fleshe being subdued to the spirite we maye euer obey thy Godly mocions in righteousnes and true holines to thy honour and glory which liuest and reygnest c. ¶ The Epistle ii Cor. vi WE as helpers exhorte you that ye receyue not the grace of God in vayne For he saith I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the dai of saluacion haue I succoured thee Beholde nowe is that accepted tyme beholde now is that day of saluacion Let vs geue none occasion of euill that in our office be founde no faulte but in all thynges let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God In muche pacience in affliccions in necessities in anguishes in stripes in prisonmentes in stryfes in labours in watchinges in fastinges in purenes in knowledge in long sufferyng in kyndnes in the holy gost in loue vnfayned in the worde of trueth in the power of God by the armoure of ryghteousnes of the righte hande and of the left by honour and dishonour by euill report and good reporte as deceyuers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we lyue as chastened and not kylled as sorowing and yet alway mery as poore and yet make mani riche as hauing nothing and yet possessing all thynges ¶ The Gospell Mat. iiii THen was Iesus led away of the spirite vnto wildernesse to be tempted of the deuill And when he had fasted fortie dayes and forty nightes he was at the last an hungred And when the tempter came to hym he sayed yf thou bee the sonne of God commaunde that these stones bee made bread But he aunswered sayed it is written man shall not liue by bread onely but by euery woorde that procedeth oute of the mouth of god Then the deuil taketh hym vp into the holy citie and setteth hym on a pinacle of the temple and saith vnto hym yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe down headlong For it is written he shall geue hys Aungelles charge ouer thee and with their handes they shal holde thee by leste at any tyme thou dashe thy foote against a stone And Iesus sayd vnto hym it is written agayne Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Agayne the deuil taketh him vp into an exceading highe mountayne and shewed hym all the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them and sayeth vnto him all these will I geue thee yf thou wilt fal downe and worship me Then sayeth Iesus vnto him Auoyde Sathā for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy god and him only shalt thou serue Then the deuil leaueth hym and beholde the Angels came and ministred vnto hym The second Sunday in Lent ¶ The Collecte ALmightie god which doest see that we haue no power of oure selues to helpe oure selues kepe thou vs both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our soules that we maye be defended from al aduersities which may happen to the body and from al euil thoughtes whiche maye assaulte and hurte the soule hrough Iesus Chryste
sufficient correccion for al her sinnes A voice cried in wildernesse prepare the way of the lord in the wyldernes make streight the path of oure God in the deserte Let al valleyes be exalted euery moūtaine hil be layed low whatso is croked let it be made strayght let the rough be made playne fieldes For the glory of the Lorde shal appeare and al flesh shal at once see it for why the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it Thesame voice spake Now crye And the Prophet aūswered what shal I cry that al fleshe is grasse that al the goodlines therof is as the floure of the field The grasse is withered the floure falleth awaye Euen so is the people as grasse whē the breath of the lorde bloweth vpō thē Neuertheles whether the grasse wither or the the floure fade away yet the word of our god endureth for euer Go vp vnto the hie hil O siō thou that bringest good tidinges lifte vp thy voyce with power O thou preacher Ierusalem lifte it vp without feare and say vnto the cities of Iuda Beholde your god beholde the lord god shall come with power beare rule with his arme Beholde he bryngeth hys treasure with hym his workes goe before him He shal fede his flocke like an heardmā He shal gather the lambes together with hys arme and cary them in hys bosome and shal kindly intreate those that beare yong ¶ The Gospell Luke i. ELizabethes time came the she suould bee deliuered and she broughte foorth a sonne And her neyghbours and her cosins heard how the lord had shewed great mercy vpon her and reioised with her And it fortuned that in the eight day thei came to circumcise the childe and called his name zachary after the name of his father And his mother aunswered and sayd not so but his name shal be called Iohn And they sayed vnto her There is none in thy kynred the is named with thys name And they made signes to his father howe he woulde haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote saying hys name is Iohn And they meruayled all And hys mouth was opened immediatlye and his tong also and he spake praised god And feare came on all them that dwelt nye vnto hym And all these sayinges was noised abroade throughout al the hie countrey of Iewry and they the heard them layd them vp in their heartes saying what maner of child shal this be And the hand of the lord was with hym And his father zacharias was filled with the holy gost and prophecied saying Praised be the lord God of Israell for he hath visited redemed his people And hath raised vp an horne of saluaciō vnto vs in the house of his seruāt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were sence the world began That we should be saued frō our enemies and frō the hand of al the hate vs. That he would deale mercifully with our fathers and remembre his holy couenaūt And he would perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abrahā for to forgeue vs. That we beyng delyuered out of the handes of our enemies myghte serue hym without feare al the dayes of our life in such holinesse righteousnes as are acceptable for him And thou child shalt be called the Prophete of the hiest for thou shalt goe before the face of the lord to prepare his wayes To geue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remissiōn of synnes Through the tender mercy of our god whereby the day spring frō an high hath visited vs. To geue light to thē that sate in darkenes and in the shadow of death to guide our fete into the way of peace And the child grew waxed strong in spirite and was in wyldernes til the daye came when he should shewe hymselfe vnto the Israelites Sainct Peters daye ¶ The Collect. ALmightie god whiche by the sonne Iesus Christ hast geuen to thy Apostle Saincte Peter many excellente giftes and commaundest hym earnestly to fede thy stocke make we beseche thee al Bisshops and Pastours diligently to preache thy holy worde and the people obedientlye to folowe the same that they may receyue the crown of euerlastyng glory though Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Actes xii AT the same time Herode the king stretched forth hys handes to vexe certaine of the congregaciō And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the sweord And beecause he sawe it pleased the Iewes he proceded farther and tooke Peter also Then were the dayes of swete bread And when he had caught him he put him in prieson also delyuered hym to foure quaternions of souldiers to be kepte entending after Easter to bring him forth to the people And Peter was kept in prieson but prayer was made without ceasing of the congregacyon vnto god for hym And whē Herode would haue broughte hym out vnto the people thesame nyghte slepte Peter betwene two souldiers boūd with two chaines and the kepers before the dore kept the prieson And behold the Aungel of the lorde was there present and a light shined in the habitacion And he smote Peter on the side and styrred hym vp saying arise vp quickely And his chaines fel from his handes And the Aungel s ayd vnto hym gyrd thy selfe and binde on thy sandales And he so did And he sayth vnto him cast thy garment about thee folow me And he came out folowed him and wist not that it was trueth whiche was done by the Aungel but thought he had seen a vision When they were past the first second watche they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the citie whiche opened to them by the own accord And they went out passed thorow one strete and forth with the Angel departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayd nowe I know of a suretie that the lord hath sent his Aungell and hath deliuered me out of the hande of Herode and from all the wayting of the people of the Iewes ¶ The Gospell Mat. xvi WHen Iesus came into the coastes of the Citie which is called Cesarea Philippi he asked hys disciples saying whom doe men say that I the sonne of man am They sayed Some saye that thou art Iohn Baptist some Helias some Ieremias or one of the prophetes He saith vnto thē but whō say ye that I am Simō Peter aunswered and said Thou art Christ the sōne of the liuing god And Iesus aūswered and sayd vnto hym Happy art thou Simō the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloud hath not opened that vnto thee but my father whiche is in heauen And I say vnto thee the thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I wil build my cōgregaciō And the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it And I wil geue vnto thee the keies of the kyngdome of heauen And whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shall be bounde in
shal begin the Communion and after the Gospel shal be said a sermon wherein ordinarely so oft as there is any mariage thoffice of a man wyfe shal be declared according to holy scripture or yf there be no sermon the Minister shall reade thys that foloweth Al ye which be maryed or which entende to take the holy estate of matrimonie vpon you heare what holy scripture doeth say as touching the duetie of husbandes toward their wiues and wiues toward their husbandes Saincte Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians the fifth Chapiter doeth geue thys commaundemente to all maryed men Ye husbandes loue your wiues euen as Christe loued the church hath geuen himselfe for it to sanctifie it pourging it in the fountayne of water throughe thy worde that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious congregacion not hauing spotte or wrinkel or any suche thyng but that it should be holy blameles So men are bound to loue their owne wyues as theyr own bodyes He that loueth his own wyfe loueth himfelse For neuer dyd any man hate his own fleshe but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the lord doth the congregacion for we are membres of his bodye of hys fleshe and of hys bones For thys cause shal a man leaue father and mother and shall bee ioyned vnto hys wife and they two shall bee one fleshe This misterie is great but I speake of Chryste and of the congregaciō Neuertheles let euery one of you so loue hys own wyfe euen as hymselfe Lykewyse thesame sainct Paul writing to the Colossians speaketh thus to al men that be maried Colo. iiii Ye men loue your wyues and be not bitter vnto them Heare also what Sainct Peter the Apostle of Chryste which was himselfe a maried man sayeth vnto al mē that are maryed i. pete iii Ye husbandes dwel with your wyues according to knowledge Geuing honoure vnto the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as heyres together of the grace of lyfe so that your prayers be not hyndered Hertherto ye haue heard the duetie of the husband toward the wife Now lykewyse ye wiues heare learne your duetie towardes your husbandes euen as it is playnely set forth in holy scripture SAincte Paule in the forenamed Epistle to the Ephesians teacheth you thus Ephesi v Ye women submit youre selues vnto your owne husbandes as vnto the lord for the husbande is the wyues head euē as Christ is the head of the Church And he is also the sauioure of the whole bodye Therefore as the church or congregacion is subiect vnto Christe so likewise let the wiues also be in subiecciō vnto their own husbandes in all thinges And agayne he saieth Let the wife reuerence her husband And in his Epistle to the Collossians Sayncte Paul geueth you this short Lesson Colos iii Ye wiues submit youre selues vnto your own husbandes as it is conuenient in the Lorde SAinct Peter also doeth instructe you very godly thus saying i. pete iii. Let wiues bee subiecte to their owne husbandes so that yf any obey not the worde they may be wonne without the worde by the conuersacion of the wiues while they behold your chast conuersacion coupled with feare wbose apparell lette it not bee outward with broided heere and trimming about with golde either in putting on of gorgeous apparel but let the hid mā whiche is in the heart be without al corrupcyon so that the spirite be milde and quiet which is a precious thing in the sight of god For after this maner in the olde time dyd the holy womē which trusted in god apparel themselues being subiect to their own husbandes as Sara obeyed Ibraham calling hym Lorde whose daughters ye are made doyng well and being not dismaide with any feare ¶ The new maried persons thesame day of their mariage must receiue the holy Communion ¶ The ordre for the visitacion of the sicke The Priest entering into the sicke persons house shall saye Peace be in this house and to all that dwell in it When he commeth into the sicke mans presence he shall saye knelyng downe REmembre not lord our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers Spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thy moste precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lorde saue thy seruaunte Aunswere Whiche putteth his trust in thee Minister Sende hym helpe from thy holy place Aunswere And euermore mightely defende hym Minister Let the enemy haue none aduauntage of hym Aunswere Nor the wicked approche to hurt hym Minister Be vnto hym O Lorde a strong towre Aunswere From the face of his enemie Minister Lorde heare our prayers Aunswere And let our crye come vnto thee The Minister O Lord loke downe from heauen behold visite and releue this thy seruaunt Loke vpon him with the eyes of thy mercy geue him comfort and sure confydence in thee Defende him from the daunger of the enemy and kepe hym in perpetuall peace and safetye through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen HEare vs almightie and most merciful god and sauioure Extende thy accustomed goodnes to thys thy seruaunt which is grieued with sickenes Visite hym O Lorde as thou diddest visite Peters wiues mother and the Captaines seruaunt So visite and restore vnto this sicke person his former health yf it be thy wyl or els geue him grace so to take thy visitacion that after this painful life ended he may dwel with thee in lyfe euerlasting Amen Then shall the Minister exhorte the sicke person after thys fourme or other lyke DErely beloued know thys that almightie God is the Lord of life and death and ouer all thinges to them perteining as youth strength health age weakenes and sickenesse Wherefore whatsoeuer your sickenes is know you certainly that it is gods visitacyon And for what cause soeuer thys syckenes is sente vnto you whether it bee to trie youre pacience for the example of other and that your fayth maye be founde in the daye of the Lorde laudable glorious honourable to the encrease of glorye endles felicitie Or els it be sente vnto you to correcte and amend in you whatsoeuer doeth offend the eies of our heauenly father know you certaynly that yf you truely repente you of your sinnes and beare your sickenesse paciently trustyng in Goddes mercy for his dere sonne Iesus Christes sake and rendre vnto him humble thākes for his fatherly visitaciō submitting your selfe wholy to his will it shall turne to your profite and helpe you foreward in the right way that leadeth vnto euerlasting life ¶ If the person visited be very sicke then the Curate may ende his exhortacion in this place ¶ Take therefore in good woorth the chastement of the Lorde For whom the Lorde loueth
whole study care in keping of thy holy lawe And that we may laboure and trauaile for oure necessities in this lyfe like the birdes of the ayre and the lilies of the fielde without care For thou hast promised to bee carefull for vs and hast commaunded that vpō thee we should cast all our care which liuest and reignest world without end Amen A prayer necessarye for all persones O Mercifull God I a wretched bed sinner reknowledge my selfe bounde to kepe thy holy commaundementes but yet vnable to perfourme them and to bee accepted for iuste without the righteousnes of Iesu Christe thy onely sonne who hath perfectly fulfilled thy lawe to iustify al men that beleue and trust in him Therefore graunt me grace I beseche thee to bee occupyed in dooynge of good woorkes whyche thou commaundeste in holye Scrypture all the dayes of my lyfe to thy glorye and yet to truste onelye in thy mercy in Christes merites to be pourged from my sinnes and not in my good workes be they neuer so many Geue grace to loue thy holy word feruently to searche the Scritptures diligentlye to reade them humblye to vnderstand them truely to liue after them effectually Order my life to O Lorde that it be alway acceptable vnto thee Geue me grace not to reioyce in any thing that displeaseth thee but euermore to delyte in those thynges that please thee be they neuer so contrarye to my desyres Teache me so to praye that my peticions may be graciously hearde of thee Kepe me vpryghte among diuersitie of opinions and iudgementes in the worlde that I neuer swarue from thy trueth taught in holye scripture In prosperitie O Lorde saue me that I waxe not proude In aduersitie helpe me that I neither dispayre nor blaspheme thy holye name but taking it pacientlye to geue thee thankes and trust to be deliuered after thy pleasure When I happen to fall into synne thorowe frayltie I beseche thee to woorke true repentaunce in my hearte that I may be sorye withoute desperacion trust in thy mercye without pres umpcion that I maye amende my lyfe and become truely religious without hipocrisie lowlye in hearte without faynyng faythfull and trustie withoute deceitpte merye withoute lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without slouthfulnes content with mine owne without couetousnes To tell my neighbour his faultes charitably without dissimulacion To instructe my housholde in thy lawes truelye To obeye oure Kyng and all gouernours vnder him vnfaynedlye To receiue all lawes and cōmon ordinaunces which disagreeth not from thy holy woord obediently To paye euerye man that which I owe vnto him truely To backebyte no man nor slaunder my neyghboure secretlye and to abhorre all vyce louing all goodnes earnestlye O Lorde graunte me thus to doe for the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ A prayer necessary to be sayd at all tymes O Bountiful Iesu O swete sauiour O Christ the sonne of God haue pietie vpon me mercifully heare me and despyse not my prayers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redemed me frō the bondage of synne death and hell neither with golde nor siluer but with thy most precious body once offered vpō the crosse thine own blud shed once for al for my raūsome therfore cast me not away whō thou by thy great wisdom hast made despise me not whom thou hast redemed with such a precious treasure Nor let my wickednes destroy that which thy goodnes hath builded Now whiles I liue O Iesu haue mercye on me for if I dye out of thy fauour it wil be to late afterwarde to call for thy mercy whiles I haue time to repent loke vpon me with thy merciful eyes as thou didst vouchsafe to loke vpon Peter thyne Apostle that I maye bewayle my sinfull life and obtein thy fauour and dye therin I reknowoledge that if thou shouldest deale with me according to verye iustice I haue deserued euerlasting deathe Therefore I appeale to thy high throne of mercy trusting to obteyn Gods fauoure not for my merites but for thy merites O Iesu who hast geuen thy selfe an acceptable sacrifice to thy father to appease his wrath and to bring all sinners truely repenting and amending theyr euil life into hys fauour agayn Accept me O lorde among the number of them that shal be saued forgeue me my sinnes geue me grace to leade a godly innocēt life graūt me thy heauēly wisdō inspire my heart with fayth hope charitie geue me grace to bee hūble in prosperitie paciēt in aduersitie obedient to my rulers faithful vnto thē that trust me dealing truely with al men to liue chastly in wedlocke abhorre adulterye fornicacion al vnclēnes to do good after my power vnto al mē to hurt no man the thy name may be glorified in me during this presēt life that I afterward may obtein euerlasting life thorow thi merci the merites of thi passiō amē ¶ Certayne prayers taken oute of the seruice dayly vsed in the Quenes house Mondai ALmighty god the father of mercy god of al comfort the which onely forgeuest sinne forgeue vnto vs our synnes good Lorde forgeue vnto vs our sinnes that by the multitude of thy mercies they maye be couered not imputed vnto vs by the operacion of the holy ghoste we maye haue power and strength herafter to resist synne by our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Tuesday O Lord God which despysest not a contrite heart forgeattest the sinnes and wickednes of a sinner in what houre soeuer he doth mourne lament his olde maner of liuing Graunt vnto vs O lord true contricion of heart that we may vehemently despyse our synneful life past and wholely be conuerted vnto thee by our Sauiour and Lord Iesus Christ Amen Wednesdaye O Mercifull father by whole power strength we may ouercome our enemies both bodely gostly graunte vnto vs O Lorde that accordyng to oure promyse made in baptisme we may ouercome the chief enemies of our soule that is the desires of the world the pleasures of the flesh the suggestions of the wicked spirit so after leade our liues in holines righteousnes the we may serue thee in spirit in trueth that by our sauiour lord Iesus Christ Amen Thursdaye O Almightie euerlasting god which not onelye geuest euerye good and perfite gifte but also encreasest those giftes the thou hast geuē we most humbly beseche thee mercifull God to encreafse in vs the gifte of faith that we maye truly beleue in thee in thy promises made vnto vs that neither by our negligence nor infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greuousnes of temptacion nether by the subtil craftes assaultes of the deuil we be drieuen from fayth in the bloud of our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Fryday GRaunt vnto vs O mercifull God we most hartely beseche thee knowledge and true vnderstandyng of thy word that all ignoraūce expelled we may knowe what thy wil pleasure is