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A68802 Iaphets first publique perswasion into Sems tents, or, Peters sermon which was the first generall calling of the gentiles preached before Cornelius / expounded in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further use of the Church of God. Taylor, Thomas. 1576-1632. 1612 (1612) STC 23830.5; ESTC S118155 214,432 413

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the more account of him it pleaseth him to deale herein as a mother with her child who although shee be tender enough ouer it will sometimes get her out of sight and behind a doore in the meane time the child falleth and getteth some knocks and all this to make the child perceiue it owne weakenesse and depend vpon her so much the more Example hereof we haue Cantic 3.4 when the Church had sought her beloued in her bed in the streetes among the watchmen and found him not at last after much seeking and sorrowing after him she findeth him whom her soule loued then shee tooke hold on him and would not let him goe till shee had brought him to the house of her mother Vse 1. Tedious and heauie afflictions may not be an argument of Gods hatred It is a simple opinion of simple people that God loueth not that man who is exercised with any strange crosse especially if it be more lasting and lingring vpon him Why dost thou not consider ignorant man that the Lord suffered his owne welbeloued sonne to lie in the graue till the third day before he raised him vp what sayest thou to the Israelites in Egypt did they cease to be the people of God or to be deare to God when the heauiest taskes were laid vpon them Whose blood was it that Manasseh made the streetes of Ierusalem runne with but the Saints In the persecutions of the Primitiue Church we read of thirty thousand of the deare Saints of God put to death in seuenteene dayes vnder the tyrant Maximinian and as many cheined vnder mettalls and mines Who was it that asked if the Lord would absent himselfe for euer and whether his mercie was cleane gone for euermore was not this the voice of Dauid a man after Gods owne heart wouldst thou heare the style of Gods children in the Scriptures thou hearest them called wormes of Iacob dead men of Israel Wouldest thou knowe their state neither is that vnanswerable to that stile read Heb. 11. from verse 35. to the 39. they wandred in sheepe skins and goat skinnes and they of whome the world was not worthy were banished the world as vnworthy to liue in it Impossible therefore it is as Salomon teacheth to knowe loue or hatred by any thing before a man A man may be a Diues and a deuil or little better another may be a Lazarus and a Saint Fatte pastures for most part threaten slaughter when leane ware neede nor feare the butcher 2. In tedious and heauie afflictions and graues of miserie prescribe not vnto God neither the time nor the manner of thy release but leaue all to him in whose hand times and seasons and meanes of deliuerance are We would not by our good wills lie one day no not one houre vnder affliction our spirits are as short as Iehorams was what shall I attend any longer vpon the Lord is not this euill from him And hence are all those murmerings and complaints oh neuer was any in such miserie or so long as I am But the Lord knoweth what hee doth and whom hee hath in hand Hee seeth perhappes 1. that thou hast strong hidden corruptions thy hard knots must haue hard wedges as hard bodies strong potions 2. It may be thou wast long in thy sinne before thy conuersion and thy crosse is the longer to be a meanes to bring thy old sinnes into fresh memorie that so thou maist renew thy repentance 3. It may be thou hast since giuen some great scandall to the Church and so thy correction abideth till thou hast testified thy repentance 4. Thy heart perhaps can tell thee that some other crosses of some other kind haue bin neglected or would not haue smarted halfe so much therefore the Lord will haue this to sticke by encreasing the smart and withdrawing his comforts till thy great heart be made to stoupe 5. Looke whether some lust as yet not denied lendeth not a sting to this crosse aboue all the former whether thy heart be ouer-maistered or fretfull and peeuish for euen so we deale with our children who when a little smart doth but set them on frowardnesse we meeken and ouercome with more stripes 6. Or else the Lord in mercie lingringly doth correct as thou art able to beare to bend thee and worke thee to good whereas if he should bring his chastisements roughly and at once it would breake thy heart great cause therefore hast thou to subscribe to his wisedome whose wayes are all iustice and mercie 3. Hence we fetch out assured comfort that as God deliuered his Sonne the third day so will he also seasonably deliuer vs. What if we seeme to be dead in our graues despised neglected and forgotten one day yea the second yet the third day commeth Hos. 6.2 After two daies hee will reviue vs and in the third day hee will raise vs vp and we shall liue in his sight This made Abraham hope aboue hope In wayting I wayted saith Dauid that is I continued wayting on God Iob after darknesse hoped for light It may be the third day is not yet come Thou art not yet come to the mountaine where God will prouide nor thou art not yet in that extremitie which is Gods opportunitie Isaak must not sit at home but take a iourney of three daies to be slaine hee must not be sent backe the first or second day but the third day yet not before he be bound on the altar and the stroke of death a fetching is hee taken from off the wood Is the Lord a killing thee yet trust in his mercie God seemeth indeed not to know his owne children sometimes but to be deafe at their prayers to haue broken the bottell wherein hee was wont to preserue their teares but hee knowes vs well inough saith Paul though we thinke our selues vnknown and therefore we are sometimes as dying but yet we liue chastened but not killed yea killed but not ouercome Hee seemeth now to know none better then the wicked but the third day commeth and putteth as great a difference betweene them as it did betweene Pharaohs baker and butler the third day shall lift vp the head of the one and restore him to his office but the same third day shall take the head from the other and shall hang the bodie on a tree for the birds to eate the flesh from it And caused that hee was shewed openly 41. Not to all the people but vnto the witnesses chosen before of God euen to vs which did eat and drinke with him after hee arose from the dead Now we come to the manifestation of Christ his resurrection Which is described first by the persons to whom hee was so manifested set downe 1. negatiuely not to all the people 2. affirmatiuely but to vs who were chosen of God to be witnesses Secondly by the facts of Christ towards these witnesses which are two the former in this verse in that hee
the spirit vpon good and badde as the former illumination and assent is but a speciall fauour and extraordinarie grace proper to the elect as wee haue heard and the stranger entreth not into this their ioy The second point to be considered is the benefit or excellent fruite of this grace 1. It is the first stone to be laid in the building of a Christian and therefore called a substance and foundation and the Colossians are said to be rooted and built and stablished in the faith this is that rocky foundation which shal beare vp the house against all winds and weathers It is the first worke of change in the heart and the first difference betweene man and man when God by faith purifieth the heart It is the foundation of all obedience for whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne It is the roote of all Gods worship for till we beleeue in God we can neither trust nor hope nor loue nor pray nor performe any other part of his seruice truely or acceptably It is the mother of all good workes the word is the seede of them which faith conceiueth and digesteth and so bringeth forth commanded and commended actions Generall faith knoweth the worke to be good in the kind of it and speciall iustifying faith beginneth it and maketh it good in the person and endeuour of the doer and layeth hold vpon Christ to couer the defects of it Hence is it that often in the Scriptures we reade it to bee the first commandement giuen by Christ and his Apostles to such as were desirous to know the way of life and how they might please God The Iewes come to our Sauiour and aske him what they might doe to worke the workes of God and Christ beginning here telleth them that this is the worke of God that they beleeue in him whome hee hath sent And 1. Ioh. 3.23 This is his commandement that we beleeue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another for we cannot performe any worke of loue before we beleeue In one word faith is the verie soule of all obedience without which the most sightly and glorious actions be it of almes prayer preaching hearing worship or miracles themselues all are but verie corpses and carkases of good workes dead and liueles Secondly faith exalteth it selfe aboue all other graces not onely in the excellent obiect of it which is Christ and saluation but also in the excellent worke of it aboue them all notwithstanding they all haue their speciall excellencies it espouseth vs vnto Iesus Christ and in these espousalls and contract for the present it assureth vs of our mariage with him hereafter And beeing the condition of the new couenant of life it tieth God himselfe vnto vs who is not further bound to any man then he is a beleeuer True it is that loue placeth it selfe vpon Christ but it is after faith for hee must be apprehended before he be loued Hope waiteth for saluation but faith first beleeueth it Trust leaneth vpon the promises but faith first laieth hold on Christ the author and accomplisher of them And though the Apostle say that of faith hope and loue loue is the cheifest himselfe interpreteth it to be in respect of durance and continuance but not in respect of our iustification or acceptation with God Loue indeed suruiueth and lasteth longest for our sight of God as hee is shall vanish faith but yet faith is before it and the mother of it Thirdly sauing faith is a liuing thing and maketh a man to liue by it It purgeth his owne dwelling by purifying the heart conscience it reneweth the spirit and mind it quickneth to all good duties for it beeing an instrument to vnite vnto Christ by it as by a bond of vnion wee receiue from him our head life and power to mooue and stirre in Christian duties yea it so gouerneth the whole life that we henceforth liue not but Christ liueth in vs. In our busines and labour it maketh men diligent in the worke but leaue the successe to God In temporall wants it saith with Abraham God will prouide at least in the mountaine it careth not so much for bread as the staffe of it if it haue meanes it blesseth God and vseth them but trusteth not in them if it haue them not it resteth on God but vseth no vnlawfull courses for them In afflictions it stablisheth the heart with assurāce of a good issue and still waiteth the Lords leasure without making hast In temptations it goeth against sence and feeling and resteth vpon the naked promise yea when it can scarse apprehend any thing but wrath it will vphold the heart and reare it euen when God seemeth to kill him to trust in his mercie In the vse of things spirituall as the word Sacraments prayer and other holy means onely faith draweth vertue from Christ and all of them are vnprofitable further then they are mingled with faith In the vse of temporall it is faith that weaneth the heart and keepeth it that earthly cares choake it not earthly pleasures possesse it not and earthly comforts oppresse it not but it holdeth the mind heauenly in the midst of earthly busines suffreth it not to loue pleasures more then God nor to enioy any comfort of the creature aboue or against the comforts of God and his word whom they acknowledge the verie life of their liues and the soule of their soules and bodies here and for euer Thus is faith euerie where diffused if wee walke we walke by faith if we liue we liue by faith in the Sonne of God if we stand we stand by faith if we die wee must die in faith as the Patriarks did Hebr. 11.13 4. This excellent grace only fenceth against temptation quieteth the distressed soule and keepeth it from sinking as once it did Peter Matth. 14.29 This is the only sheild which quencheth all the firie darts of the Deuill Eph. 6.16 and 1. Pet. 5.9 Your adversarie the Deuil goeth about like a roaring lyon whome resist stedfast in the faith This is the victorie also that ouercommeth the world euen our faith 1. Ioh. 5.4 This the conquest ouer the lusts of our owne flesh 1. Thess. 5.8 be sober and put on the brestplate of faith Againe as it moundeth and fenseth so it stilleth the heart disquieted and distressed when it seeth it selfe beset with spirituall wickednesses and lusts and euen almost drowned in the gulfs of sinnefull and earthly courses Therefore the poore Iaylor that could not tell what to doe with himselfe that of an vnhappie man now readie to kill himselfe he might become happie and an heire of saluation was sent no where else by the Apostle but to the doctrine and practise of this grace of faith This only resolueth fully the question Oh what shall I doe to be saued Beleeue in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued hee getteth no other answer of Paul because hee well knew
hee had done from Egypt till nowe And what was it the Lord had said which Moses taketh hold on namely in verse 34. of that 32. of Exod. Goe nowe bring the people vnto the place which I commanded thee behold myne Angel shall goe before thee but yet in the day of my visitation I will visit their sinne vpon them So as this place rightly interpreted yeeldeth no patronage to any such Popish and wicked collection Further for the second obiection that death remaineth though the sinne be pardoned I answer it remaineth not as any satisfaction to the iustice of God to beleeuers nor as a punishment of sinne to such as haue their sinnes remitted but it hath lost his sting which is the guilt of sinne is become a remedie rather then a punishment Phisicke rather then poison an end of their misery and an entrance into a better life So as it still abideth firme against all such detestable deuises of Poperie that remission of sinnes carrieth with it the remoouall of all the guilt and punishment of sinne to such as haue their parts in the same And it is lastly to be obserued in this description that I say the guilt and punishment of all sinne is taken away for if any be not remitted they be either greater sinnes or lesser to remit the lesser and not the greater what were wee the better how could our saluation be effected or perfected how could grace be euery way grace or doe we pray for remission of lesser and not of greater also seeing our selues must forgiue our brethren not only lesser offences but euen the greatest Again to remit the greater and retaine the lesser were to say that the Lord is either not so able or so willing to forgiue lesser sinnes as greater Shall a man frankly forgiue a debt of thousands of pounds and will hee not forgiue also to the same partie a few pence The Popish Church confidently auouch that many sinnes need no remission as concupiscence which they say is not properly a sinne albeit indeed it is the mother sinne of all And all the heape of their veniall sinnes which they say are not against but besides the commandement because they are not attended vnto or deliberatly done with full c●ensent of reason because they cannot hinder the habit of vertue but the act of it and that a verie little nor turne vs from our end but hinder so much as it is our progresse vnto it and because they though themselues displease God yet they make not God displeased with the partie committing them for they can stand with grace and haue not properly and simply the reason and respect of sinne or offence therefore are they not to be punished with eternall but only temporarie punishment These need not the blood of Christ nor grace nor confession in particular nor absolution nor any new habit of charitie but these are easily wiped away with a little holy water or any meritorious worke or by the Sacraments receiued or by generall confession or by a small humiliation as knocking the brest fasting almes the Lords prayer an ave Maria or by entring into a consecrated Church or by a Bishops blessing or if all these helpe but a little presently after death they are all consumed in the fire of purgatorie Oh horrible blasphemies derogatorie to the blood of Christ which purgeth vs from all sinne and to the truth of the Scriptures which teach vs that when we had nothing to paie our Master forgaue vs our whole debt But I haue followed them to farre were it not that the discouerie of their impieties may bring some profit to such as are not so well acquainted or exercised in their writings Thus much of the description of this Grace The second thing propounded is what it is to receiue remission of sinnes which because it implieth a gift or oblation therefore we must know that pardon of sinne is offred generally to all in the word of grace publickly preached and conferred vnto beleeuers not only in the beginning of their conuersion but through their whole life Now to receiue this remission is when a capable that is a contrite heart by faith which is an hand taking in receiueth Christ and all his benefits among which remission of sinnes is the cheefe preached and published in the Gospel And this it doth on this manner 1. Vpon a touch of sinne and sence that without this gratious pardon there is nothing but certaine perdition the heart beaten downe beginneth seriously to meditate of the promise of mercie in Christ and of the meanes of deliuerance from this wofull estate 2. It desireth to beleeue and wisheth that mercie to belong to it selfe it sendeth groanes to God it hopeth for pardon and weakly applieth the generall promises of grace 3. After such desires and grones of the heart the Lord most gratiously answereth by his spirit and by little and little setleth and quietteth the heart perswading it that Christ himselfe and consequently reconciliation with God doth indeed belong vnto him so as hee resteth in that assurance Thus the Lord will not only giue vs mercie but letteth vs know that hee doth so that our ioy and peace and boldnes in him might be more full Thirdly the persons receiuing this remission are all beleeuers Whosoeuer beleeue in his name whose faith intitles them to the maine promise of life and all other depending thereupon they must beleeue in his name For 1. there is no other name to be saued by In him alone is the matter of our saluation seeing remission is obtained by his blood Ephes. 1.7 2. Hee alone is God and man both which natures are necessarie to our suertie by the former he hath power by the latter a right to vs not only more generall of proprietie as the Father and holy Ghost also haue but more speciall of propinquitie beeing our brother and first borne of our family the next of our kinred and therefore of right belongeth to him to recouer our weake estate as was figured in that law Levit. 25.25 If thy brother be impouerished and sell his possession then his redeemer shall come euen his neere kinsman and buy out that which his brother sould 3. Hee only was deputed of God to deriue life and grace into vs as the head into the members and therefore most meete it is that whosouer would sucke and draw of his fulnesse should beleeue in his name Now from these words wee learne two instructions 1. What is the cheife thing which euery Christian must striue to obtaine while hee liueth in this world namely remission of sinnes 2. What is his estate and condition that hath attained it For the first it is grounded in the text because howsoeuer remission of sins is here only named yet in it are included al the other gracious mercies of God not only all deliuerances and freedome from the euills and punishments that attend vpon sinne but euen all our
world doe thus disquiet themselues who make their liues more vncomfortable then they need I answer this is indeed one of Satans greatest bolds but such a snare as God leadeth his children out of in safetie whome he teacheth that it is their happinesse to goe to heauen though alone rather then to hell with companie Marie will sit her downe though alone at Christs feete if shee cannot get her sisters companie shee knoweth it is the good part that shall neuer be taken from her And for those especially if they be Ministers who should most aduance this care but disgrace it as a needlesse vexation of the spirit let them know that the Lord Iesus was of another mind who pronounced blessednesse on those that mourne now and promised that they should be comforted and farre are they from the guidance of that spirit who hath taught vs that of all sacrifices none is comparable to that of a broken spirit and contrite heart which the Lord neuer despiseth IV. Now follow the helpes to the obtaining of remission of sins As 1. thou must become a member of the Church Isa. 33.24 The people that dwell there shall haue their sinnes forgiuen And Chap. 62.12 They shall call them the holy people the redeemed of the Lord. Now to know a mans selfe a true member of the Church the Prophet Dauid giueth two infallible notes Psal. 15.2 The former in regard of God to walke vprightly and sincerely as in Gods presence and vnder his eye and the latter in regard of men to exercise righteousnesse both in word and deed 2. Consider seriously of the nature of sinne how odious it is in it selfe how vile it maketh thy selfe in the sight of God how it keepeth away all good things how it procureth al euill how proa●e thy selfe art vnto it yea euen after grace receiued this will bring thee to the iudging and accusing of thy selfe to the confession and forsaking of thy sinne which is the high-way to find mercie Prov. 28.13 for the former Psal. 32. I said I will confesse my sinne and thou forgauest mee the iniquitie of my sinne And for the latter it is plainely implied in Christs reason Ioh. 5.14 Goe thy waies now thou art whole but sinne no more least a worse thing follow The fellon that hath beene in prison endured the miserie of his yrons hath beene condemned and with the rope about his necke in feare of present death if he haue escaped hee will take heed of comming into the like miserie againe and he that hath found this grace in truth cannot by turning againe to his sinne turne it vnto wantonnesse 3. Carefully vse the meanes which the wisedome of God hath left to beleeuers for the attaining and assuring of this grace of remission As namely 1. the Ministerie of the word which in the right vse of it is the ministrie of reconciliation in which the Lord offreth conditions of peace remission of sinnes and life euerlasting 2. As also of the holy Sacraments which are the seales of remission of sinnes to all beleeuers worthily receiuing the same Matth. 26.28 and 3. another speciall meanes is feruent prayer for pardon of sinne aboue all things in the world Drowsie Protestants esteemeth slightly of pardon of sinne euen as they doe of sinne it selfe which they thinke easily blowne off with a Lord haue mercie But the tender and distressed conscience that seeth and combateth with the danger sueth for pardon as one that would speed A poore fellon on the gallows readie to be turned off would thinke a pardon the welcomest thing in all the world but the hardnesse and drowsinesse of mens hearts euery where argue that they be a verie few that find this rare grace vnlesse we will say that the greatest blessednesse that liuing man is capable of can be giuen to him that sleepeth on both sides that neuer thinketh of it and neuer maketh means after it V. The companions of remission of sinnes whereby it may easily be discerned are fiue 1. The daily exercise of true repentance in all the parts of it as First in iudging ones selfe for sinne past and present and this was apparent in Paul himselfe who looking backe to his former estate reckoned himselfe a captaine sinner and the chiefe of all sinners he saw in himselfe many sinnes and great sinnes which needed great mercie and much forgiuenesse the which one consideration kept him vnder continually and fostered in him the grace of humilitie when as otherwise through his aboundance of gifts and revelations he might haue exalted himselfe out of measure Secondly in watchfulnes and feare of sinne in time to come according to our Sauiours holy counsell Thou art now made whole goe thy way and sinne no more Thirdly in daily purging and clensing from knowne and secret corruptions many are the places wherein the pardoning and purging of sinnes are ioyned as inseparable Ier. 33.8 I will cleanse all their iniquitie yea I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned against mee 1. Ioh. 1.9 If we confesse our sinnes faithfull is he to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all our vnrighteousnesse This was the summe of the baptisme that is the doctrine which Iohn preached euen amendement of life for the remission of sinnes neuer hope of remission vnlesse thou hungrest after this grace of repentance for the Lord will not be mercifull to that man that blesseth himselfe in his sinnes but if the wicked returne from his sinnes he shall liue and not die Ezech. 18.21 2. The second companion is gladnesse and cheerefulnesse of heart yea an vnspeakeable ioy that the Lord hath done so great things for his soule and made him so happie as to bring him from such extremitie of miserie to partake in the wisedome righteousnesse holinesse and redemption of Christ for can a man haue a gift bestowed vpon him of more price and vse then all the kingdomes of the world and neuer find his heart made glad in it or is it possible that he that findeth the pearle can goe away without ioy The Eunuch beeing conuerted went away reioycing and if euery beleeuer must reioyce in another mans conversion much more must he in his owne The third is loue and thankfulnesse to God which are enforced by this excellent grace Luk. 7.47 The poore woman that stood weeping behind Christ loued much because much was forgiuen her Psal. 116.1 I loue the Lord because hee hath heard my voice and wherein the Lord had thus gratiously dealt with him the whole Psalme teacheth especially vers 8. Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares my feete from falling Now if Dauid for a temporall deliuerance from Saul in the wildernesse did thus prouoke his heart to the loue of God how should the consideration of our spirituall deliuerance from sinne death and all hellish powers blow vp these heauenly sparkles in vs And what can so liberall a loue beget in a
made aliue euen in the instant of which he had spoken 2. The impotencie of his enemies who although they watched him sealed him vp laid an heauie stone vpon him were euery way cautelous to keepe him down till the third day was past and he not stealing away secretly in the dead time of the night but rose with noise and warning euen in the morning yet could they no more stay him then they could the sunne from rising and running his course 3. The benefit which the world of beleeuers obtaine by his rising againe set down by the Euangelist Luk. 1.78 Through the tender mercie of our God the day spring from an high hath visited vs 79. To giue light to them that sit in darkenesse and to guide our feete into the way of peace The Chronologers further obserue that this was the day wherein Moses lead the Israelites through the sea wherein all the troupes of Pharaoh and his hoast were drowned Euen so our Lord Iesus this third day lead all the Israel of God out of the spirituall Egypt of blindnesse and filthinesse but gloriously triumphed ouer all the bands of Satan sinne and death all which were sunke like a stone into the bottomelesse pit of hell Other obseruations concerning this day might be inserted out of authors which because I see no sound ground for them out of the Scriptures I will omit them that I may now come to the lessons which out of this circumstance wee may drawe for our further instruction First we learne hence that all the promises of God shal be in due season accomplished whatsoeuer may seeme to come betweene them and vs For seeing Christ beeing dead both could and did performe his promise to his Church will not hee much more beeing aliue and in his glorie doe it The Israelites had a promise of a good land they must in the meane time suffer much oppression in Egypt for the space of 430. yeares together but the selfe same night when the tearme was expired they went out against the heart and yet at the entreatie of Pharaoh and his people In like sort Ioseph had a dreame that the Sunne and Moone and the 12. starres should worship him in the meane time he must be cast into the pit and dungeon where he can see neither sunne moone nor starre many dayes and yeares passed wherein he saw nothing but the cleane contrarie yet in the due season of it this dreame was accomplished And the reason is because 1. God is true of his word hee cannot lie nor repent and 2. he is able to fulfill whatsoeuer passeth from his mouth for shall any thing be hard or impossible to God or shall any power or death or the graue it selfe falsifie it Leane thy selfe then vpon this truth of God hast thou a promise of outward or inward peace health wealth or any other good thing which thy heart can wish hold this promise fast in the midst of thy heart wait for the accomplishment of it it shall not faile thee so farre as thy Father seeth good for thee if it be delaied and deferred euen this also shall turne to thy best Hast thou a promise of life euerlasting hold it by the faith of thy soule as the ayme and end of all thy faith religion for all the miseries of this present life shall not be able to defeat thee of it Hast thou the promise of the resurrection of the bodie after death sticke to this article of thy faith also nothing could hinder the rising of thy head no more can let but the members shall be where the head is not the graue not fire not water not the bellyes of beasts or fishes but they shall giue vp their dead and further the accomplishment of the word of their Creator The second obseruation is that as the Lord of life raised not his Sonne as soone as he was dead but he must lie in the graue two dayes yea and the third also till his case seemed desparate to the Disciples themselues euen so may the members of Christ lie long in the graues of their miserie yea so long as their case seemeth desperate and all that while the Lord not onely deferreth but seemeth to denie their helpe and vtterly to neglect them Abraham had the promise of a sonne by Sarah he looked euery yeare for him ten twenty yeares together nay till the thirtieth yeare till it was not with Sarah as with childing-women in so much as she laught when she heard it the case in nature was desperate who would haue thought but that God had forgotten his promise which Abraham himselfe in all that time if God had not shoared vp his faith might haue forgotten but though long first yet at length the Lord found out a time fit enough to bring his word to passe Dauid in like manner had the promise of the kingdome but in the meane time hee was so traced and hunted by Saul that he said in himselfe I shall surely one day fall by the hands of Saul but howsoeuer the Lord still deferred his promise he knewe not how to breake it the kingdome was rent from Saul and giuen to him that was better then he Now the cheife reasons of this dealing of the Lords with his children are these 1. In Gods delayes there is a seasonable time for all the graces which he giueth to be set on worke such as are faith patience hope prayer all which cease in the accomplishment Secondly he will haue his childrens case often desperate that his owne hand may be acknowledged in giuing them vnexpected deliuerance How could Israel but acknowledge his outstreached arme in their deliuerie when they saw nothing but the mountaines before them the enemies behind thē and the sea as a wall on either side and if the Lord had deliuered them before they came into the bottome of the sea as he easily could haue done the glorie of his worke had been obscured which all ages since haue admired and extolled till this day How did Ionah and the Niniuites acknowledge the finger of God in calling him to that ministerie when as he seemed vtterly cast away beeing buried in the whales belly three dayes and three nights for when by the powerfull word of God the fish was commanded to cast him on the drie ground what a worthy fruit of conversion it had in them generally the history doth declare What great glorie the Lord wonne to himselfe by sauing Daniel not from the den but from the lyons teeth in the denne and the three children not from the furnace but the verie fire in the furnace it appeareth in that the verie heathen Kings themselues made publike edicts that no God but Daniels and no God but Sadrachs c. should be worshipped through all their dominions because no God could deliuer their worshippers as he had done Thirdly the Lord often longer absenteth himselfe from his owne children that when he is returned they might make
good heart but much thankfulnesse for apprehension of much mercie how Dauid in the sence of mercie reaching to the pardon of his sinnes melteth into the praises of God see Psal. 103.1 2 3. c. And the Apostle Paul considering what a weight of corruption did still oppresse him whereof hee expected to be fully eased concludeth his comfort with thankes vnto God in Iesus Christ. And remembring what a bloodie persecutor and an extreame waster of the Church hee had beene formerly yea what an enemie vnto God what a blasphemer of his name he breaketh with vehemēce into the praises of God for his happy chāge But I thanke him who hath counted mee faithfull and put mee in his seruice and the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant towards mee The fourth is a sound and sincere heart hating and striuing against all sinne euen secret and small aswell as open and greater Dauid in the Psal. 32.1 pronouncing him a blessed man whose iniquitie is couered and whose sinne is pardoned true but it might be asked how shall I know such a blessed man or my selfe to haue attained that blessednesse The Prophet giueth vs this note to know him by in the next words and in whose spirit is no guile namely to hide and foster any sinne of which guile hee there directly speaketh The fifth note or companion is a tender affection to forgiue our brethren priuate wrongs and iniuries euen great as well as small hee that hath ten thousand tallents forgiuen him will not easily take his brother by the throat for two pence The commandement is to forgiue one another euen as God for Christs sake forgaue vs. The example is set downe Luk. 6.36 Be mercifull as your heauenly Father is mercifull but hee forgiueth all and freely is the first in forgiuenes and perfectly he forgiueth and forgetteth too The forme of our petition of mercie is forgiue vs as we forgiue c. Thou wouldst haue God to forgiue thee all and forget all and to make thy wrongs against him as though they had neuer beene goe then and doe so to thy brother otherwise the threatning will meet thee Iam. 2.13 Iudgement mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercie Vse 1. All this doctrine concerning this Article sheweth that there is no other meanes in the world to be free from sinne but by Gods free remission of it Whence it is that remission of sinne is called the couering of sinne in that the faith of the heart laieth hold on Christ and his righteousnesse who is our propitiatorie couering vs and our sinnes against the two tables as the propitiatorie couered the arke in which those tables were without which couer euery sinner is next to the deuill and his Angels the most vile and lothsome creature in the eyes of God This vse must the rather be thought of because neither the Papists nor yet the common and carnall Protestant yeeld consent vnto it The Papist he beleeueth that many sinnes are veniall and properly no sinnes among which hee reckoneth concupiscence which indeed is the mother sinne of all and these need no remission Hee holdeth also that men redeemed by Christ and hauing receiued the first grace of God are now fitted to merit by their workes remission of their sinnes And further hee thinketh that because no man knoweth whether hee haue workes inough to please God no man can know that his sinnes are remitted All which with many moe assertions like to these are most blasphemous heresies against this most comfortable article of free remission of sinnes through beleefe in the name of the Sonne of God which so long as thus they hold them cut themselues off from the remission of their sinnes by Christ and consequently from the grace of life But the common Protestant also contenteth himselfe with simple defences against his sinne like Adams couer and garment of figgeleaues which will scarce hold the sewing Some will hide their sins from mens eyes and then all is safe others striue to forget them and hauing choked the voice of their conscience they lie them downe securely and neuer thinke to heare of them any more Others couer grosse and foule sinnes such as are ignorance of God contempt of his word hardnesse of heart hatred of the light and all irreligion with an outward ciuill life and an honest conuersation as it seemeth to be not thinking that God seeth many a wicked heart through a ciuill life Others will goe beyond the former in acknowledging themselues sinners and will make some shew of making vp their peace but it is with some ceremonie or bodily exercise they will fast and pray and giue some almes or some mony to good vses when they die but as for the grace of faith which should be as a soule to quicken these actions they neuer knew what that meant But howsoeuer most men are carried headlong with such strong delusions as these let no man that would not deceiue himselfe wilfully thinke in any such course to meete with sound peace nothing but the blood of Iesus his Sonne that clenseth from all sinne In the garment of our elder brother only we can carrie away the blessing and our text teacheth vs that remission of sinnes standeth not in the doing of any thing but in the receiuing of it at the hands of Christ by so many as beleeue in his name Vse 2. Is this so worthy a grace of so excellent vse and sweetenesse through the whole life then it standeth euery man in hand to labour and giue all diligence to make sure vnto himselfe the pardon of his owne sinnes But lamentable it is to note the generall carelesnesse of men in a matter of such moment and consequence as this is And surely it will prooue the great condemnation of the world that whereas the whole liues of men are thought too short and all their time too little to be eaten vp in worldly cares which breake their sleepe their strength and often their braines yea and their very hearts onely the last day of all and their dying day is scarcely deuoted to this care of seeking remission of sinne and the way to life euerlasting See we not how busie and earnest most men are in the infinite incumbrances of the world whilest this one thing is the only thing neglected May we not obserue how sure men deuise by learned counsell at their great charge to make to thēselues their deedes leases bonds and other instruments and assurances of the things of this life who in all their liues scarse euer dreamed of this assurance Oh how wilfully herein doe men forsake their own mercie how carelesly do they cast out of their hands the onely comfort of their life and death Whosoeuer therefore thou art that hast hitherto dispised so great saluation that hast set light by Gods gratious invitings to repentance that hast frowardly reiected his kindest offers of mercy now at lēgth begin to take vp
shame in thy face and sorrowe into thy heart in earnest accuse the securitie of thy soule the deadnesse of thy spirit the hardnesse of thy heart the vnthankefulnes of thy whole life say with thy selfe Ah my folly that haue neglected my mercie so long alas how haue I hated instruction how vnkindly haue I dealt with so louing and patient a God I see now that it is high time to looke to the maine businesse of my life to make vp my peace with God to get my pardon sealed I will hie me to the throne of grace I will henceforth lay hold of life eternall I see now that there is one thing necessarie and that is the good part which I will choose and which shall neuer be taken from me Now we come to the second point propounded which is the last of this worthy sermon namely what is the condition of euery one that hath attained this excellent grace of remission of sinnes and that is to be a blessed and happie man for such a one hath part in Christ and with him of forgiuenesse of sinnes in which Dauid Psal. 32.1 placeth blessednesse Quest. But how can this man be a blessed man seeing hee is compassed with a bodie of sinne and death and subiect vnto infinite afflictions then whom no man is in this life more miserable no sort of men more perplexed inwardly with sence of sinne none more outwardly disgraced for well doing Answ. There be three degrees of blessednesse 1. In this life when God bringeth his children into the kingdom of grace and giueth them his Sonne and with him their whole iustification and sanctification in part 2. The second degree is in the end of this life when God brings the soules of the faithfull to heauen and their bodies to the earth safely to be kept vntill the last day 3. The third in and after the day of iudgement when hee bringeth both soule and bodie into the glorie prepared for the elect Of this last which is happinesse by way of eminencie the two former are certaine forerunners he that hath attained the first hath also assurance of the last and must needs be a blessed man not only in time to come but euen for the present whether we respect his outward estate or inward For his outward estate Gods blessing neuer faileth him but affoardeth him all good things and that in due season and in due measure his riches are often not great but euer pretious and his little shall nourish him and make him as well liking as the water and pulse did the Iewish children in Chaldaea The same prouidence which watcheth to supplie all his good keepeth him from all euill it pitcheth the Angels round about him to guard his life let him be persecuted hee is not forsaken his losses become his gaine his sicknesse is his phisicke his heart is cheared euen in trouble which maketh that part of his life comfortable his soule is bound vp in the bundle of life with God death shall not come before hee can bidde it heartily welcome yea let violent death come it shall not be to him deadly slaine he may be but not ouercome victorie attendeth him and blessednesse euery where abideth him But all this is the least part of his blessednesse for if we looke yet a little more inwardly into him we shall see the boundlesse extent of his happinesse farre more large whether we respect the spirituall miserie hee hath escaped or else the spirituall good which with the pardon of his sinnes hee hath attained for on the one hand hee hath escaped the heauie wrath of God due to sinne and so is discharged of an infinit debt healed of a most deadly poyson and pardoned from a fearefull sentence of eternall death and perdition readie to be executed vpon him and on the other hee hath obtained a plentifull redemption hee hath purchased the pearle receiued Christ with his merits and graces such as are wisedome faith hope whence issue our peace and ioy of heart which is heauen before heauen for in these stand the kingdome of God and the comfort of a good conscience which is a continuall feast By all which it appeareth that hee is no small gainer that hath got his part in Gods mercie reaching to the remission of his sinnes Vse 1. We are here admonished to open our eyes that we may more clearely see and growe in loue with the felicitie of the Saints which the most see not because 1. it is inward the glorie of the spouse is like her head and husbands glorie she is all glorious within 2. because of their infirmities frailties which wicked eyes altogether gaze vpon 3. because of their afflictions wherewith they are continually exercised If the tower of Siloam fall on any of them they are thenceforth greater sinners then all other men holy Iob because hee was afflicted cannot avoid the note of an hypocrit euen among his owne friends and visiters And no meruaile if the members looke thus blacke when the sunne looketh vpon them seeing their head Christ himselfe was reiected because they sawe and iudged him to be plagued and smitten of God But we must looke beyond all these as the Lord himselfe doth who in his iudgement goeth beyond the outside and pronounceth sentence according to the grace which himselfe worketh within Let vs imitate our Lord Iesus who notwithstanding all the infirmities yea and deformities of his Church pronounceth of her that shee is all faire and no spot is in her not because there are none but because all are couered and none are reckoned and imputed vnto her yea let vs remember that the pure and holy spirit of God is contented notwithstanding much blackenesse to take vp his lodging in those hearts where he findeth raigning sinne dispossessed Now how farre are they from the mind and iudgement of this blessed Father Sonne and Spirit who haue nimble eies to spie out euery infirmitie of Gods children to blase them nay rather then they will not accuse and slander them can of themselues coine raise vp and impute vnto them that wherof they are most innocent Assuredly these are of neere kindred to the devill who is the accuser of the brethren And surely were Christ on earth againe euen this most innocent lambe of God should not want accusers wherein are so many of Cains constitution who hate their brethren because their workes are good and so many sonnes of men who seeke to turne the glorie of God in his children into shame Alas religion is at a lowe ebbe alreadie and not so reckoned of as it should be by the forwardest and yet so malitious is the deuill in his instruments as vnlesse this smoaking flaxe also be quenched we can see nor heare of any hope or treatie of peace the beautie of Gods people goeth disgraced vnder titles of nicenesse precisenesse puritie holy brotherhood and the like To goe ordinarily to sermons is to bee a sermon-munger
not to sweare is the next way for a man not to bee trusted and except a man be as blacke and deformed as either the deuill is or can make him by drinking swearing gaming sabbath-breaking and casting off all care of ciuill honestie as well as godlines he may sit alone well enough he hath a great many neighbours that care but a little for his companie What can make it more euidently appeare that numbers there are in this age who neuer knewe and without Gods infinite mercie in their timely conuersion are neuer like to knowe what the blessednesse of remission of sinne meaneth neither in others nor yet in themselues Vse 2. Let no man be discouraged in the pure wayes of God but walke on without wearinesse or faintnesse seeing that whatsoeuer the blinde world may deeme to the contrarie thou who art a beleeuer in the name of Christ hast blessednesse betweene thy hands for thy sinnes are remitted thou must goe in peace And this happinesse by the grace wherein thou standest is surer then that of nature which Adam had in his innocencie that was lost because it was in his owne keeping this is seated in the vnchangeable fauour of God by whose mightie power thou shalt be preserued to the full fruition of it Get faith in thy heart and thou shalt clearely behold thy happinesse if all the world should set it selfe to make thee miserable Get faith into thy soule and thou shalt thinke him only happie whom God so esteemeth although it be the miserie of the world to place happinesse only in miserie Get assurance of faith to claspe the sure promise and word of God and thou shalt possesse in miserie felicitie in sorrow ioy in trouble peace in nothing all things and in death it selfe life eternall FINIS A SHORT ALPHABETICALL TABLE TO LEAD THE Reader more easily into the cheife things contained in this Exposition A Basement of Christ is the Christians advancement 145 A bundle of Popish blasphemies 333 Account must be giuen to God of all things done by vs and receiued of vs. 269 Administration of Iudgement laid vpon the Sonne for sundrie reasons 253 Afflictions though lingring no signe of Gods hatred 203 Agreement of the life of the Saints vpon earth with the life of the Saints in heauen 187 All diligence must be giuen to make our pardon of sinne sure vnto ourselues 359 Anointing of three sorts of persons what it signified 73 Antiquitie of the Gospel and of our religon 48 Apostles peculiar witnesses of Christ and why 217 A proofe by induction that all the Prophets beare witnesse vnto Christ. 288 Attendants and companions of faith 4. 309 A strong motiue to hold on in weldoing 365 B BAptisme often put for doctrine 60 Beleeuers are fellow seruants vnder one Lord. 58 Beleeuers may know they haue faith by fowre marks 306 Beleeuers may and must knowe the pardon of their owne sinnes 345 Benefits flowing from remission of sinne 4. 339 Better to goe to heauen alone then to hell with companie 351 C CAre of Christians must bee to suffer as Christians 135 Care must be had of our receits and expences because we must bee counteable for them 273 Chiefe dutie of euerie Christian whilest he is in this world 337 Children of God delayed often but not denyed in their suits 200 Christ acknowledged our Lord by 4. practises 54 Christ alreadie come prooued 70 Christ his life not monasticall 93 Christ preached to the Israelites two wayes 43 Christ first preached to the children of Israel for 3. reasons 44 Christ Lord of all two wayes 50 Christ both a Lord and a seruant how 51 Christ is not a Iesus but to whom he is a Lord. 53 Christ no sooner receiued gifts and calling but did good with them for our example 81 Christ seasonably preached after Iohns baptisme that is Iohns doctrine of repentance 65 Christ proued the onely Messiah because he was Iesus of Nazareth 69 Christ his dietie prooued by his glorious resurrection 158 Christ by dying offereth and by rising applyeth his one onely sacrifice 162 Christ went about doing good two wayes 82 Christ sent of his Father and came not before he was sent 70 Christ his righteousnesse notably witnessed 127 Christ his two natures liuely set out 128 Christ reputed an arch-traytor in his life and death 137 Christ submitted to the lowest estate of death reasons 5. 151 Christ the Lambe slaine from the beginning how 163 Christ hath powerfully trodden Satan vnder his feete and vnder our feete how 114 Christ rose early in the morning and what we learne thence 198 Christ in respect of himselfe neeedeth not any witnesses and yet he vseth them 218 Christ must be the matter of all our preaching 247 Christians must partake of Christs annointing 77 Christiās must become Kings priests and Prophets 78 c. Christians must imitate Christ in doing good 95 Chosen witnesses of Christ who 214 Comfort of the godly who meet with strange entertainement in the world wher they are strangers 32 Comfort that Christ is stronger then all 124 Common Protestant beleeueth not the Article of free remission of sinnes 358 Communication in sinne sundrie waies but all to be auoided 132 Companions of remission of sinnes 353 Consent of the Church to any doctrine to be required and receiued with fiue seuerall cautions 291 Conditions of reconciliation two 178 Consideration of the last iudgement a ground of the godlies patience 265 Consolations from Christs resurrection 180 Consolation of Gods children that their Sauiour shall be their iudge 255 Consolation issuing from pardon of sinne 244 Crosse of Christ an honourable chariot of our triumph 143 Crosses some more smart and durable why 204 D DAnger of sinne 338 Dauids sinne and punishment both forgiuen though the child must die 330 Death of Christ after a speciall manner infamous 138 Death of Christ hath more power in it then all the liues of men and Angels 142 Death of Christ a destroier of death and all destroyers 164 Death though it remaine after sinne is pardoned both the fault and punishment is notwithstanding remooued 333 Degrees of blessednesse 36● Devill not cast out but by Christs power 115 Differences betweene Christian and worldly peace 40 Differences betweene Christs annointing and all other 73 Difference betweene Christs miracles and miracles of the Prophets and Apostles 87 Difference betweene the miracles of the Prophets and Apostles those wonders wrought by Satan in three things 89 Difference betweene the life of the naturall and regenerate man in matters both ciuill religious 184 Difference betweene Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall power 222 Difference betweene the kingdome of Christ and Antichrist 223 Diuinitie of Scripture prooued 46 ENemies euen spirituall not only foyled by Christ but made after a sort freindly 175 Essentiall properties of faith 3. 308 Evangelists all large in the Article of Christ his resurrection Why. 155 Euery thing must be esteemed in the measure and degree of the goodnes of it 348