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A47631 A treatise of the divine promises in five bookes : in the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong : in the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe .../ by Edvvard Legh ... Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671. 1641 (1641) Wing L1014; ESTC R19654 173,632 533

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for the children of Israel Esay 66.11 That they should sucke and be satisfied with the breasts of consolation A worthy Divine observes well the Emphasis of the originall Two Metaphors are there used one is to milke consolation out of the Promises the meaning is this that the promises are full of comfort as a dugge is full of milke for he repeateth the promise presently after now if thou be ready to faint goe and milke out consolation out of the promises and that will relieve thee and stay thy heart The other Metaphore is to extort the promises as a rich man oppresseth a poore man and gets out of him all that he is worth so deale with the Promises for they are rich there is a price in them now when a man is poore and needy let him goe to the rich promises and be an extortioner to them that is consider them to the utmost see the utmost riches that is contained in them and they will make thee rich Againe draw out the utmost of the milke that is in them and it will exceedingly revive and comfort thee CHAP. IIII. 4. The right Vse of them WEe should labour to work upon our selves to be holy upon Consideration of GODS promises thus is GOD our Father is he holy And are wee his Sonnes and Daughters and professe our selves to be so and shall we be uncleane Hath GOD promised to pardon our sinnes and shall we therefore provoke and grieve him every day more and more by our sinnes shall we thus requite the bounty mercy love and goodnesse of GOD Hath he promised us a Crowne and Kingdome an immortall and eternall Inheritance that can never be shaken nor taken from us and shall not we labour to walke worthy of the s●ne When the LORD renewed the promise of the Land of Canaan to the children of Israel Deut. 10.11 12. He doth inferre this use upon the same And now O Israel saith hee what doth the LORD require of thee but to feare the LORD thy GOD to walke in all his waies and to love him and to serve the LORD thy GOD with all thy heart and with all thy soule As if he should say since GOD hath made thee so large promises there is somewhat required at thy hands to do So Rom. 12.1 I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of GOD since GOD hath beene so mercifull towards you both in promises and performances for so f●rre that may be extended that therefore you gi●e up your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto GOD. But because the right use of the Promise is a meanes to sweeten all our afflictions confirme our faith excite us to well-doing and to breede contentation of minde in all estates and conditions whatsoever something shall be premised generally concerning the use of them and then speciall rules laid downe to direct us how to use them For the generall three things are to be observed 1. We must labour to be acquainted with them 2. Faithfully to remember them 3. Wisely and fitly to apply them 1. We are to acquaint our selves familiarly with those Promises which are most Generall Precious and Fundamentall wherein GODS power and goodnesse is principally seene Such a speech there is in Iob Acquaint thy selfe with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee Receive the law from his mouth and lay up his words in thine heart If we have an herbe in our garden that would ease our griefe and we know it not what are we the nearer So if we know not the Promises though they be in the booke what are we the better 2. We should strive to remember the Promises for that which is not remembred is not knowne David hid GODS promises in his heart Psal. 119.111 and those upheld him in his trouble and he received admirable comfort by them verse 50. The Promises of GOD are the Magna Charta of a Christian his chiefe evidence for Heaven Now if men do so highly prize their Charters and Priviledges and carefully keepe the conveyances and assurances of their Lands how should we then treasure up these promises which unto the Faithfull are in stead of all assurances for his maintenance protection assistance deliverance comfort and everlasting happinesse The Apostle sheweth that the cause of the Hebrewes fainting in their troubles was this they had forgotten the consolation that is the comfortable promises of GOD made unto them for the strengthening of their faith in the fiery triall As a Lamp saith Chrysostome will soone be out if oyle be not continually supplied so faith if it be not nourished with continuall meditation of GODS promises will soone faile 3. We should beleeve the promises and apply them particularly to our selves Faith apprehends the promises not onely as true and so assents but as good and sweet and so adheres and cleaves unto them Thy loving kindnesse apprehended by faith is better then life Psal. 63.3 The apprehension of Faith is with feeling sweetnesse in CHRIST and in the Promises and therefore called The receiving of CHRIST Iohn 1.12 The eating and drinking of his flesh Iohn 6. Psal. 34.8 Taste and see that the LORD is good that is Beleeve in him as appeares by the reason added Blessed is the man that trusteth in him When the understanding hath judged aright of the promises and adjudged them to our selves that they belong to us then the will welcomes them claspes about them hugges them and as it is Heb. 11.13 kisses and embraces them and when the heart thus kindly entertaines the promises then with old Simeon we hold CHRIST in our armes GOD himselfe applieth the promises outwardly in the Word and inwardly by the testimony of his Spirit and is wont to make good his promises unto his children proportionably to their trust in them and dependance upon his truth and goodnesse for a seasonable performance of them Be it unto thee according to thy saith Matth. 9.29 All things are possible to him that beleeveth Mark 9.23 That we may apply GODS Promises we are to use two meanes 1. Fixed Meditation we should ponder well and muse upon the promise Pondering is when a man lifts any thing to see what weight it beares so ought faith to doe with the promise sound the sweetnesse of it to the bottome and that 1. By marking it wee should set a starre upon the Margin of a speciall promise and by the book that culs out promises of note in this kinde 2. Musing of it we should dwell upon it Mary pondered the Angels words in her heart 3. Making the word of promise familiar by frequency we should get it by heart till it be easie so did David make the promise his Counsellor and Companion Psal. 119.24 When we go to prayer we should chew of those promises Rom. 8.26 Iam. 1.5 When we go about our callings we should thinke seriously of that promise Psal 121.8 When any crosse befalleth us we should remember
life from the stock so we have all our life from him 3. GOD is well pleased in CHRIST Mat. 3.17 In whom not with by or through whom but a larger preposition then them all which signifieth two things 1. That GOD is well pleased with CHRIST 2. In and through him with others therefore it is said Ephes. 1.3 GOD hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in CHRIST verse 4. GOD hath chosen us in him ver 6. accepted us in the beloved ver 7. In him wee have redemption through his blood the forgivenesse of sinnes according to the riches of his grace It is said Acts 13.34 I will give you the sure mercies of David that is all those good things which were promised in CHRIST who was of the seed of David 2. Blessings by CHRIST to the Godly 1. Redemption Who gave himselfe for us that hee might redeeme us from all iniquity Tit. 2.14 We have redemption through his blood Ephes. 1.7 And he shall redeeme Israel from all his iniquitie Psal. 130.8 He hath redeemed them from the curse of the law by being made a curse for them Gal. 3.13 CHRIST JESUS by his owne bloud entred into the holy place having obtained eternall redemption for us Heb. 9.12 CHRIST is made unto us Redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 2. Effectuall Calling our particular calling doth interest us in the promises of GOD Acts 2.39 For the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are a farre of even to as many as the LORD our GOD shall call there is the condition 3. Justification By his knowledge shall my righteous servant iustifie many Esay 53.11 By him all that beleeve are iustified Acts 13.39 In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be iustified Esay 45.25 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of GODS Elect it is GOD that iustifieth Rom. 8.33 He iustifieth the ungodly Rom. 4.5 that is saith Beza he makes him righteous in CHRIST who is unrighteous in himselfe 1. Justification consists of two parts 1. Not imputing sinne 2 Cor. 5.19 2. Imputing righteousnes Gal. 3.6 Promises of forgivenesse of sinnes This great benefit of forgivenesse of sinne by CHRIST is plentifully proclaimed unto us miserable sinners Behold the Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes of the world John 1.29 Hee shall beare their iniquities Esay 53.11 Once in the end of the world hath hee appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe Heb. 9.26 He was manifested to take away our sinnes 1 Joh. 3.5 The blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanseth us from all sinne 1 Joh. 1.7 He hath by himselfe purged our sins Heb. 1.3 He bare our sinnes on the tree 1 Pet. 2.24 He loved us and washed us from our sinnes in his owne blood Rev. 1.5 He is the propitiation for our sinnes 1 John 2.2 Hereunto agreeth that invitation of our Saviour Come unto mee all yee that are weary and heavie laden and I will ease you Mat. 11.28 GOD of his rich grace and mercy in JESUS CHRIST doth make offer of free and full forgivenesse of sinnes to every burdened thirstie and penitent soule Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne unto the LORD and hee will have mercy upon him and to our GOD for hee will abundantly pardon Esay 55.7 Returne thou backesliding Israel saith the LORD and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you for I am mercifull saith the LORD and I will not keepe mine anger for ever Jer. 3.22 I will cleanse them from all their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me and I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against mee Jer. 33.8 GOD when he forgiveth us so fully acquitteth us of our sins as if we had committed no sinne at all This appeareth by many Metaphors used in the Scripture I am hee that blotteth out thy transgressions saith the LORD Esay 43.25 It is a Metaphore taken from Creditors who when they purpose never to exact a debt will blot it out of their bookes I have put away thy transgressions as a cloud and thy sinnes as a mist saith the same LORD Esay 44.22 The clouds which are driven away by the windes appeare no more nor the mist which is dried up by the Sunne so the sinnes which GOD forgiveth returne not againe thou hast cast all my sins behind thy backe saith Hezekiah to GOD Esay 38.17 that which a man would not look on or regard that he casteth behind his backe Thou wilt cast all their sinnes into the depths of the Sea saith Micah to the LORD When a man would have a thing utterly forgotten hee will cast it into the bottome of the Sea from whence there is no fetching it againe The Psalmist pronounceth him blessed whose sinne is covered Psal. 32.1 A thing covered is not seene hee hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob nor seene perversenesse in Israel Numb 23.21 The same Psalmist pronounceth him blessed to whom the LORD imputeth not sinne Psal. 32.2 a sinne not imputed is as not committed as Merchants when they will forgive a debt put it not into the reckoning and so do not impute it GOD himselfe saith I will forgive their iniquities and I will remember their sinne no more Ier. 31.34 the latter clause expounds the former to forgive is to remember no more that is never to call that to account which was once remitted Thus GOD blotteth out our sinnes that they condemne us not Putteth them away that they hurt us not Casteth them behind his backe as though he regarded them not And into the Sea that they drowne us not Covers them that they appeare not Doth not impute them as though they were not Forgetteth them so that he punisheth them not All the blessings in the new Covenant are given with remission of sinnes When GOD forgives a mans sinnes then hee gives him all other things Sanctification and whatsoever else as we see at large Ezek. 36.26 The LORD there after he had promised to forgive all their sins hee saith hee will give them a new heart hee will cause them to walke in his waies and then hee comes with outward mercies too hee promiseth them deliverance from their enemies and other good things in the rest of the Chapter but all other things come in with remission of sinnes Acts 10.43 To him give all the Prophets witnesse that through his name we have remission of sinnes The Prophets gave witnesse concerning CHRIST of many other things besides remiss●on of sins that we have in his name which wee have by him but all other things come with this GOD was in CHRIST reconciling the world to himselfe 2 Cor. 5.19 a marvellous great mercy it consists in this that their sinnes were not imputed The priviledges of the new Covenant are chained together Whom hee hath predestinated them also hee called and whom he called them
he hath not 2 Cor. 8.12 I will make them ioyfull in mine house of prayer their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine Altar Esay 56.7 3. GOD will reward the services of his children To him that soweth righteousnesse shall be a sure reward Pro. 11.18 Every man shall receive his owne reward according to his labour 1 Cor. 3.8 Whatsoever good thing any man doth the same shall hee receive of the LORD whether he be bond or free Ephes. 6.8 Behold his reward is with him Esay 40.10 Verily there is a reward for the Righteous Psal. 58.11 I the LORD search the heart I trie the reines even to give every man according to his waies and according to the fruit of his doings Jer. 17.10 Let us not be weary of well-doing for in due season wee shall reape if wee faint not Galat. 6.9 He shall reward every man according to his workes Mat. 16.27 CHAP. XIII The ordinances of GOD. 1. In generall 2. Particular Duties 1. Prayer 2. Preaching 3. Reading Promises 1. To the ordinances of GOD generally THere is a promise to the use of GODS ordinances James 4.8 Draw nigh to GOD and he will draw nigh to you With ioy shall yee draw water out of the wels of salvation Esay 12.3 We may apply this promise when we pray heare conferre or fast in every dutie Promises 2. To particular Duties 1. Prayer 1. GOD will give his children hearts to seeke him by Prayer He shall call upon mee and I will answer hi● Psal. 91.15 Then shall yee call upon mee and yee shall goe and pray unto mee and I will hearken unto you Ier. 29.12 He will prepare their hearts Psal. 10.17 For this cause shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou maist be found Psal. 32.6 See Ier. 31.9 and Hosea 3.5 2. GOD promiseth to helpe us to pray His Spirit shall indite our prayers and helpe us to draw our petitions The Spirit helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered Rom. 8.26 27. I will powre upon the house of David and upon the Inhabitants of Ierusalem the Spirit of grace and supplications Zach. 12.10 So soone as the Spirit of Grace entreth into the heart it makes one plentifull and abundant in supplicating and suing unto GOD for grace and mercy 3. GOD hath bound himselfe by promise to heare his servants when they call upon him The LORD made a promise to Salomon after his prayer saying Mine eyes shall be open and mine eares attentive to the prayer in ●his place 2 Chron. 7.15 The LORD is rich unto all that call upon him Rom. 10. ●2 Be carefull for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thankesgiving let your request bee made knowne unto GOD. And the peace of GOD which passeth all understanding shall keepe your hearts and mindes through CHRIST JESUS Philip. 4.6 7. The prayers of the upright are his delight Pro. 15.8 Hee heareth the prayer of the righteous verse 29. GOD will not onely heare our prayers in generall but our voice Psal. 5.3 our very desires Psal. 10.17 Pro. 10.24 which are effectuall prayers with GOD. He will not despise our prayers Psal. 102.17 He will not reproch us nor upbraid us with what is past or our present frailties Iam. 1.5 It is agreeable to his nature and disposition to heare prayers Psal. 65.12 The thing that hath encouraged GODS children and given them heart in prayer hath beene this hope and assurance that they should finde audience and respect with GOD O thou that hearest prayer or because thou hearest prayer all flesh shall resort unto thee Psal. 65.2 GOD excepts no man all shall be heard For thou LORD art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to all them that call upon thee Ps. 86.5 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth Psal. 145.18 It shall come to passe that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered Ioel 2.32 which is repeated Acts 2.21 and Rom. 10.13 Though our prayers be weake yet let us remember that the promise is made to all We may see the proofe of this in a prayer made in much infirmity Psal. 31.22 GOD is more ready to heare then we to aske to give then we to receive 1 Pet. 3.12 His eares are open as a kinde mother or nurse which useth to be so wakefull that shee will heare the child so soone as ever it begins to cry Dan. 10.11 Feare not Daniel for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand and to humble thy selfe before GOD thy words were heard yea before they call I will answer and while they speake I will heare Esay 65.24 that is in our purpose of Prayer This the faithfull have gloried in Psal. and 38.15 GOD hath specially bound himselfe to heare his children in those prayers that they make unto him in their afflictions the time of trouble is the very set houre of Audience The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous and his eares are open to their cry Psal. 34.15 The righteous cry and the LORD heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles verse 17. Which is repeated foure times in the 107. Psalme 6 13 19. and 28. verses The LORD saith Psal. 50.15 Call upon mee in the day of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Hee will regard the prayer of the destitute a●d not despise their prayer Psal. 102.17 to 21. their teares s●ghes and groanings are not hid from him Psal. 39.12 He will heare in the morning Psal. 5.3 in the very season the due time when we are in trouble Yea so as hee will in our affliction in a speciall manner let us know that hee is our GOD and that he will deliver us Zach. 13.9 The LORD heareth the prayers of his people when they thinke they are cast out of his sight Psal. 31.22 GODS people have found comfort in all their afflictions by powring out their hearts to GOD in prayer Psal. 109.3 4. In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee for thou hearest mee Psal. 86.7 The LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping the LORD hath heard my supplication the Lord will receive my prayer Psal. 6.8 9. A Noble man in this Kingdome had a ring given him by the Queene Elizabeth with this promise that if hee sent that ring to her at any time when he was in distresse shee would remember him and deliver him This was a great priviledge from a Prince and yet that ring though sent might not be delivered GOD hath given his children prayer as that ring and tells them whatsoever distresse they are in let them but send this up to him and he will be sure to relieve them and when they doe send up this it is sure
keepe the Law for GOD must inable to both And true repentance saith hee is never too late GOD hath promised pardon to the penitent there is no exception of sinne times or persons but at what time soever what sinner soever repents him of what sinne soever he shall be forgiven This cannot be denied but yet though true repentance be never too late late repentance is seldome true and though GOD hath promised pardon to the penitent yet hee hath not promised repentance to the sinners Thirdly thou knowest not whether ever thou shalt have time for hee promiseth not tomorrow to the offendour who is alwaies ready to receive the penitent One saith GOD hath left man time past to repent of and time present to repent in but the time to come he hath reserved in his owne hands 3. The Promises are most firme and faithfull GOD is true in all his promises be they never so great or wonderfull heaven and earth shall sooner passe away then one piece of his promise faile Rom. 4.16 GOD cannot lie Tit. 1.2 nor denie himselfe 2 Tim. 2.13 He may as easily denie himselfe as his word David often in 119. Psalme giveth this epithite to GODS Word Iust and righteous Word 106 123 137 144 verses Paul often useth this preface This is a true saying and of all men worthy to be beleeved or this is a faithfull saying 1 Tim. 1.15 1 Tim. 4.9 2 Tim. 2.11 Tit. 3.8 Revel 21.5 22.6 it is called The Word of truth Iam. 1.18 Ephes. 1.13 Col. 1.5 The words of the LORD are pure words as silver tried in a fornace of earth purirified seven times Psal. 12.6 Psal. 18.30 Psal. 119.140 Pro. 30.5 As the gold and silver that hath beene often tried doth never deceive men so the divine promises doe not deceive those that trust in them because the truth and goodnesse of them hath beene continually tried by others and graciously performed by GOD himselfe His Covenant is called a Covenant of salt 2 Chron. 13.5 that is a stable and sure Covenant an everlasting Covenant Gen. 17.7 Esay 55.3 Ezek. 16.60 this phrase is frequently used in Scripture GOD that keepeth Covenant Deut. 7.9 Dan. 9.4 Nehem. 1.5 9.32 2 Chron. 6.14 15. Psal. 89.34 Esay 54.10 All the promises of GOD are Yea and Amen in CHRIST 2 Cor. 1.20 Not onely Yea but Yea and Amen Not onely firme and faithfull in themselves but such as shall be made good to the soules of GODS people in full perfection We may call in experience to witnesse this truth GOD hath not onely made good his Covenant to his friends but to his enemies and strangers Deut. 2. Iosh. 23.5 10 14 15. He kept touch with Iehu for the kingdome for foure generations according to his promise He is faithfull to those that deale perfidiously in the Covenant Rom. 3.3 4. He makes good his promises in the circumstances of them keepes the very houre as it were Gen. 15.13 16. compared with Exod. 12.41 therefore this phrase is often used as the LORD hath said or as the LORD hath promised Deut. 10.9 18.26 27.2 Ioel 2.32 Iosh. 23.5 10. We might instance in particulars and shew how the promises of GOD have still beene fulfilled as that first promise of CHRIST Gen. 3.15 we may see fulfilled Luke 1.68 to 73. Gal. 4.4 and that particular promise to preserve Noah in the Arke Gen. 6.18 fulfilled Gen. 8. those made to Abraham Isaac and Iacob But I leave this to the observation of Christians themselves GODS Love and mercy is the onely reason of making promises but his truth justice fidelity power and glory are the reasons of fulfilling them The LORD did not set his love upon you nor choose you saith Moses to Israel because yee were more in number then any people but because the LORD loved you that is the ground of making the promise and because hee would keepe the oath which he had sworne to your fathers that was the ground of performing his promise For thy words sake and according to thine owne heart saith David hast thou done all these great things according to thine owne heart that is ex mero motu out of pure and unexcited love thou didst give thy Word and promise and for thy Word sake thou hast performed it Thou wilt performe saith the Prophet The truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham which thou hast sworne unto our father from the daies of old Why truth to Jacob and mercy to Abraham the promise after a sort began in Abraham therefore hee is called the Father of the faithfull and when GOD makes a promise it is onely out of mercy but the promise was continued unto Iacob who being Abrahams seed was an heire of the Promise and so the inheritance which was out of mercy given unto Abraham did out of truth and fideli●y descend unto Iacob the seed of Abraham and therefore we shall find Covenant Mercy and Oath joyned together in the Scripture Deut. 7.12 Luke 1.72 73. to note unto us both the ground of making the Covenant Mercy and the ground of performing the Covenant made the Truth and Fidelity of GOD. GODS very name JEHOVAH declareth that he is constant and will performe his promise because as he giveth being to all things so he makes that to be which he hath promised By my Name JEHOVAH was I not knowne to them Exod. 6.3 He meaneth that though he made many promises to them especially concerning their possession of Canaan yet he did not shew himselfe to be JEHOVAH an Accomplisher of his promises that he reserved to future generations ver 8. Therefore whensoever in any of the Prophets GOD promiseth or threatneth any great matter to assure us of the most certaine event of such his promise or threatning he addes unto it his Name JEHOVAH as Ezek. 5.17 Ier. 31.31 in which Chapter being wholy promissorie concerning the New Covenant of grace and free pardon of sinnes which the Church obtaineth thorough CHRIST it is repeated 33 times It was the end 1. Of CHRISTS Incarnation to shew that GOD would be mindfull of his promise Luke 1.72 2. Of his Ministery to assure and confirme the promises made before to the Fathers Romanes 15.8 3. They are sealed with the blood of CHRIST the Testator Heb. 9.16 and therefore are said to be all in him Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 that is sure and infallible They are sealed in his Spirit all beleevers are said to be sealed by the Spirit of promise Ephes. 1.13 and this is GODS privie Seale GOD hath sealed to all his promises in the Sacraments Rom. 4.11 which are given to us as GODS broad Seales to ratifie his Covenant and all his promises made unto his Church they are outward pledges to confirme our faith and make the promises though not more sure yet more credible to us The promises are in some places called in the singular number
give us all things Rom. 8.32 See Matth. 6.25 to the end Phil. 4.6 1 Tim. 4.8 1 Pet. 5.7 4. Promises against Scandales GOD will secure his people and save them from being ensnared by scandals Psal. 119.165 and nothing shall offend them or they shall have no stumbling block Ier. 31.9 CHAP. IIII. Infirmities are 1. Generall as sinfullnesse of nature that remaines though it raigne not 2. Speciall 1. IGnorance 2. Spirituall deafenesse 3. Slips and frailties Here Promises 1. To keepe them from falling 2. To comfort them being fallen and restore them againe 4. Spirituall lamenesse 5. Doubts and feares of losing the love of GOD. 6. Forgetfullnesse 7. Dullnesse and uncheerefullnesse 8. Indisposition to good 9. Distractions in good 10. Evils of good done 11. Feares of falling away from GOD. Comforts to the godly who likewise want the meanes of grace either altogether or in the power of them or having them doe not profit by them 1. Generall or daily Infirmities Comforts to those that do fall though Infirmity The LORD The LORD GOD mercifull and gracious long suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sinne Exod. 34.6 7. Hee is JEHOVAH Alwaies the same unchangeable hee will not alter his love to thee and for the more assurance he repeateth that title twice then followeth his power GOD Though thou be weake he is strong Mercifull or compassionate towards rep●ntant and beleeving sinners and though they be unworthy yet he is Gracious The Hebrew word signifieth to powre out abundance of extraordinary bounty upon a most undeserving and ill deserving partie He will shew mercy not because thou art good but because he is Good not because thou canst please him but because mercy pleaseth him Micah 7.18 though thou offerdest daily yet he is Long-suffering and Abundant in goodnesse and truth 1. In Goodnesse ready to bestow all benefits 2. In Truth ready to fulfill all promises keeping kindnesse for thousands a certaine number for an uncertaine forgiving iniquity transgression and sinne that is sinnes of all sorts kinds and degrees whatsoever It is neither the foulenesse of sinne nor the multitude of sinnes nor the long continuance in sinne that can prejudice his goodnesse GOD upon our prayer will cure our infirmities Esay 40.29 Psal. 103.3 hee pittieth his in their infirmities as an Indulgent ●ather his little ones Mal. 3.17 CHRIST himselfe is affected with the sence of our infirmities Heb. 4.15 16. Matth. 11.28 and Esay 42.3 he was a Pro●itiation for such sinnes and comforts us concerning them before they be committed 1 Iohn 2.12 Rom. 6.14 The Spirit helpes our ●nfirmities Rom. 8.26 helpes ●ogether the Greeke word is decompound and there is a great force in it as two that carry a burden one will carry over ●gainst another and put to his ●and and helpe him so when we begin to sinke GODS Spirit puts under his hand to support ●s which is said in so many words Psal. 37.24 O but I offend daily I sinne againe and againe may some weake Christian say GOD promiseth likewise that he will multiply his pardons so the word signifieth in the Originall as thou hast multiplied thy sinnes for saith he there My thoughts are not as your thoughts nor my waies as your waies but my thoughts goe beyond your thoughts as much as the distance is betweene Heaven and earth He is mercifull and and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy hee will not reward us after our iniquities for as the Heaven is high above the Earth so great is his mercy toward them that feare him Psal. 103.8 10 11. As there is a continuall spring of wickednesse in you so there is a continuall spring of mercy flowing from him both to pardon and wash away this iniquity Speciall Infirmities 1. Ignorance or blindnesse Comforts against ignorance It is a speciall promise of GOD in the new Covenant that Hee will write his lawes in thy heart and hee will make thee to know the LORD He hath promised to leade thee by a way that thou hast not knowne Esay 42.16 wee have such an High Priest as knowes how to have compassion on the ignorant Heb. 5.2 3. The eyes of the blinde shall be opened Esay 35.2 Hee shall open the eyes of the blind Esay 42.2 Luke 4.18 The annointing thou hast received shall teach thee all needfull things and leade thee into all truth 1 Ioh. 2.27 GOD hath made many promises to teach them his way that see their ignorance and mourne for it Hee will guide the meeke in iudgement and will teach the humble his way Psal. 25.9 See 12. 14. verses GOD will fill the hungry with good things Luke 1.53 To him that disposeth his way aright will I shew the salvation of the LORD Psal. 50.23 He that followeth mee shall not walke in darkenesse but shall have the light of life Joh. 8.12 I will manifest my selfe to him John 14.21 The Spirit of truth will guide them into all truth John 16.13 A high way shall be there and fooles shall not erre therein Esay 35.8 2. Spirituall deafenesse Comforts against spirituall deafenesse The cares of the deafe shall be unstopped Esay 35.5 Other sheepe I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall heare my voice Ioh. 10.16 that is the Gentiles not yet called shall understand the voice of GOD. 3. Particular falls through frailty Comforts in regard of slips and frailties 1. GOD will uphold his and keepe them from falling I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldst keepe them from the evill Joh. 17.20 The LORD is faithfull who shall stablish you and keepe you from evill 2 Thess. 3.3 That your whole soule and body may be preserved blamelesse unto the comming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST Faithfull is hee that calleth you who ●lso will doe it 1 Thess. 5.23 24. GOD watcheth over his people to defend them from sinne 2 Tim. 4 17 18. Rom. 7.24 25. Psa. 73.23 24. Ier. 32.39 40. His mercy holdeth up the godly when they say their foot slippeth Psal. 94.18 He will be their confidence and shall keepe their foot from being taken Pro. 3.26 He will keepe the feete of his Saints 1 Sam. 2.9 And guide their feete into the way of peace Luke 1.79 And thine eare shall heare a word behind thee saying This is the way walke yee in it when yee turne to the right hand and when yee turne to the left Esay 30.21 The childe of GOD hath a promise of preservation from the sinne unpardonable 1 Iohn 5.18 2. Comforts to those that doe fall through infirmity But of this I have spoken already when I treated of the daily and generall Infirmities of Christians therefore I will tanquam can●s ad Nilum runne over it hastily GODS people after relapse into some old or fall into some new sinne when their heart is smitten
for it may comfort themselves with such precious places as these 1 Ioh. 2.1 Luke 17.4 1 Sam. 12.20 22. 1 Iohn 1.9 From this last place a reverend Divine collects this comfort If wee see our unworthinesse and with broken hearts acknowledge it GOD is faithfull and iust to forgive it be it never so great Thou hast played the harlot with many lovers yet returne againe to mee saith the LORD Ier. 3.1 3. The LORD will restore them and raise them up againe by repentance The LORD will heale thy backesliding if thou take unto thee words to confesse thy falling away Hosea 14.2 3 4. There is healing in the wings of the Sonne of righteousnesse and you shall grow up as the calves of the stall Mal. 4.2 The LORD upholdeth all that fall and raiseth up all those that are bowed downe Psal. 145.14 Behold I will bring it health and cure and I will cure them and will reveale unto them the abundance of peace and truth Ier. 32.6 Hee speakes Ezek. 34.16 of the time of the Gospell when CHRIST should bee the Shepheard and shewes the Covenant that he will make with those that are his if any thing be lost saith he if a Sheepe lose it selfe this is my Covenant I will finde it If it be driven away by any violence of temptation I will bring it backe againe If there be a breach made into their hearts by any occasion through sinne and lust I will heale them and binde them up GODS Covenant is to make us faithfull in his Covenant the actions of faith and repentance are ours but the power of doing them GODS 4. Spirituall Lamenesse Comforts against Spirituall Lamenesse or weaknesses of graces Then shall the lame man leape as an Hart Esay 35.6 And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe them Ezek. 36.27 They shall runne and not be wearie they shall walke and not be saint Esay 40.31 See ver 29. The LORD will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel Joel 3 16. In our Spirituall infancie we may comfort our selves by those cordi●ll refreshing promises I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountaine of the water of life freely Rev. 21.6 A bruised reede shall he not breake and the smoaking flaxe shall he not quench Esay 42.3 though grace be in us but like the heate in the weeke of the candle when the light is out yet GOD hath taken order that it shall not be extinguished Hee shall feede his flocke like a shepheard he shall gather the lambes with his arme and carry them in his bosome and shall gently leade those that are with young Esay 40.11 Hee will use all compassion with a tender respect of our weakenesse In love in care in pittie he will redeeme us and carry us as in the daies of old Esay 63.9 As he hath borne us from the wombe so will he be the same still unto old age even unto the gray haires hee will carry us in the armes of his compassion hee hath made us hee will beare even hee will carry and deliver us Esay 46.3 4. Since thou art a branch of his planting he may glorifie himselfe in thee so as thy little one may be as a thousand and thy small one as a strong nation GOD can performe it in his due time Esay 60.21 22. CHRIST graciously receiveth and tenderly cherisheth weake Christians Zach. 13.7 Matth. 18.5 Hee giveth charge against the contempt of them verse 10. and will not have the day of small things despised Zach. 4.10 The obedience o● the faithfull is weake and imperfect but pleasing and acceptable unto GOD. The Psalmist saith Psal. 147.11 149.4 The LORD taketh pleasure in his people the prayers of the upright are his delight GOD will reckon of so much good done by us as wee desired and endeavoured to doe the preparations of our hearts are reckoned with GOD as great things Esay 55.1 This is a great comfort to GODS children that doe their best indeavour to keepe all his Commandements for though they faile in that obedience which they ought to performe yet GOD promiseth to shew mercy to them Exod. 26.6 so long as their heart is true he will beare with their infirmities Wee are not under the law saith the Apostle but under grace Rom. 6.14 We are delivered from the rigour of the Law GOD hath received us to the benefit of that Covenant in which perfection is onely required in CHRIST uprightnesse in us GOD accepts of the will for the deed 2 Cor. 8.12 and the will above the deed as appeareth by the 10. verse Who hath not onely begunne to doe but also to be forward a yeare agoe making it a greater grace to be willing and desirous to doe well then it is to doe a good thing 5. Doubts and Feares of losing the love of GOD. Comforts against doubts and feares of loosing the love of GOD. In the affliction of thy minde and losse of the feeling of GODS favour acquaint thy selfe with those promises Iohn 13.1 Having loved his owne which were in the world he loved them unto the end and without end The gifts and calling of GOD are without repentance that is such gifts as accompany an effectuall calling are such as GOD never repenteth of or taketh away I will not forsake my people 1 King 6.13 Heb. 13.5 Behold GOD will not cast away a perfect man Iob 8.20 The love of GOD unto his childe in respect of tendernesse is infinitely dearer then that of a most loving mother to her little one Esay 49.15 stronger then the stony mountaines and rockes of flint Esay 54.10 as constant as the waters of Noah ver 9. as the ordinances of Heaven Ier. 33.20 and ver 25. nay as sure as GOD himselfe Psal. 89.33 34 35. 6. Forgetfullnesse A promise against forgetfullnesse But the Comforter which is the HOLY GHOST whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you Iohn 14.26 7. Vncheerefullnesse Comforts against dullnesse and uncheerefullnesse The wildernesse and solitary place shall be glad for them and the desart shall reioyce and blossome as the rose it shall blossome abundantly and reioyce even with ioy and singing Esay 35.1 2. Then shall yee sucke yee shall be borne upon her sides and be dandled upon her knees As one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and yee shall be comforted in Ierusalem And when yee see this your heart shall reioyce and your bones shall flourish like an herbe Jer. 66.12 13 14. Thou shalt reioyce in the LORD Esay 41.16 Thou shalt have thy delight in the Almighty Iob 22.26 The godly have a spring of joy within them Iohn 4.14 In thy name shall they reioyce all the day
Psal. 91.14 The LORD compareth himselfe to an Eagle which safely carrieth her young Deut. 1.31 32.11 and to a carefull Shepheard Ezek. 34.12 Psal. 23.1 2 3. Iohn 16.12 Esay 30.21 The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous Psal. 34.15 a mans eye is upon one that hee loves ubi amor ibi oculus The LORD hath a care of them he loves defends and protects them He saith Psal. 32.8 I will guide thee with mine eye Hee will guide his children by his speciall providence in all their waies Psal. 121.8 Esay 46 4. He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous but with Kings are they on the throne yea hee doth establish them for ever and they are exalted Job 36.7 Hee keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken Psal. 34.20 There shall not a haire of your head perish Luke 21 18. Matth. 10.30 Acts 27.34 Hee that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye Zach. 2.8 To expresse the tendernesse of his love he named the tenderest part of the body saith Salvian that he might shew that hee is troubled with the least contamelie offered to his Saints as we are with the least hurt of our eye Nay hee saith not hee that toucheth you toucheth his eye but the apple of his eye the tenderest piece of the tenderest part the Chrystall humour as the Philosophers call it Ishon in Hebrew of Ish pupilla in Latine of pupa because therein appeareth the resemblance of a little man or because as a man is to be prized above all other creatures so GOD esteemeth his people above all the world David found by his owne experience Psal. 17.8 Psal. 63.7 and 41.12 that GOD preserved him as the apple of his eye and so may all Christians What was said to Iacob Gen. 28.15 and to Ioshua by Moses Deut. 31.8 and by GOD himselfe Iosh. 1.5 Paul applieth generally to all Christians Heb. 13.5 I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Hee guides them in all their waies Hee that hath mercy on them saith the Prophet shall leade them even by the springs of water shall hee guide them Esay 49.16 2. Christians have the guard of Angels He shall give his Angels charge ov●r thee to keepe thee in all thy waies they shall beare thee up in their hands least thou dash thy foot against a stone Psal. 91.11 12. The Angels keepe us and that universally in all our waies they keepe us and that very charily and tenderly they beare us in their hands and they keepe us very safely and surely so that we dash not our feete against a stone The Angell of the LORD encampeth about them that feare him and delivereth them Psal. 34.7 CHAP. VII 2. CHRIST himselfe and many blessings by him are promised to the Godly 1. Redemption 2. Vocation 3. Iustification which hath two parts 1. Not imputing sin 2 Imputing righteousnes 4. Reconciliation 5. Adoption 1. CHRIST is promised to the godly THe first promise made to man and the foundation of all other was th●t Gen. 3.15 It shall bruise thy head It or He that is CHRIST shall bruise thy head that is breake the power and dominion of Satan The first Promise was made concerning CHRIST because GOD intended to make good every promise in CHRIST In all ages the LORD renewed this promise of sending CHRIST the promised seed as immediately after the floud Noah by prophesie blessing his two sonnes said GOD shall enlarge Iaphet and hee shall dwell in the tents of Shem Gen. 9.27 He meaneth that we the Gentiles should be called to be one body with the Jewes in CHRIST The same was afterwards oft renewed to Abraham In thy Seed that is CHRIST thou thy selfe and all the nations of the earth that is the faithfull in all nations shall be blessed Gen. 12.3 Gen. 13.14 15.4 18. Gen. 17.4 22. The like was after promised to Isaac Gen. 26.4 and Iacob Gen. 28.14 and Gen. 49.10 it is said The Scepter shall not depart from Iuda untill Shiloh come that is the Messias come for Shiloh signifieth the tunicle or skinne that lappeth the Infant in the Mothers wombe called by Physitians the secundine because it grieves the woman that is with child the second time as it were a second birth in French arriere fais in English the after-birth or after-burden and by a kind of figure is put for the Sonne of GOD in the wombe of the Virgin made man to note him to be of the flesh of Mary and his birth to be like the birth of other children sinne onely excepted There shall come a Starre out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel Numb 24.17 In all succeeding ages Moses and all the Prophets in their times foretold of CHRIST Acts 3.24 10.43 The LORD thy GOD will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto mee unto him shall yee hearken Deut. 18.15 like unto mee both in the participation of nature and office saith Iunius a true man and a true Mediator CHRIST is there meant Acts 3.22 7.37 That evangelicall Prophet Esay spake of him then as already come For unto us a childe is borne unto us a Sonne is given and the Governement shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderfull Counsellor the mighty GOD the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Esay 9.6 See Esay 2. 53.2 3 4. Ezek 37.24 34.24 Ier. 33.15 16. Ier. 23.5 6. Micah 5.2 Zach. 3.8 6.12 13. 9.9 10. He is called the messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3.1 For in him GOD reconciled the world to himselfe 2 Cor. 5.19 There are multitudes of promises also concerning CHRIST and the generall benefits by him in the New Testament 1. That he shall save us The Evangelist Matthew gives this reason of his name JESUS For hee shall save his people from their sinnes from the guiltinesse power and punishment of them The Sonne of man is come to seeke and save that which was lost Luke 19.10 GOD sent his Sonne into the world that the world through him might be saved Iohn 3.17 The Apostle with a vehement asseveration affirmeth this This is a faithfull saying and worthy of all acceptation that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 Hence CHRIST is often called our Saviour Esay 49.26 Esay 60.16 Luke 2.11 1 Tim. 1.1 1 Tim. 2.3 2. CHRIST is said to be A light to the Gentiles Matth. 4.16 The light of the world John 8.13 9.5 under this comparison of Light all benefits which CHRIST brings us are contained light of knowledge grace and glory Hitherto belong all such Scriptures as shew CHRIST to be our Life Col. 3.4 Iohn 6.33 Ioh. 14.6 CHRIST also cals himselfe The bread of life Ioh. 6.35 51. Compares himselfe to a Vine Iohn 15.1 to teach that as the branch hath his whole
hearts discouraged by the little strength we finde to master our speciall corruptions then we may apply to our selves any of these promises wherein the LORD himselfe doth undertake this worke which is too hard for us That he will subdue our iniquities cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse Though a strong and importunate lust hang upon us an hereditary disease a lust that is naturall to us which we think wee shall never be able to conquer yet GOD hath promised to breake the dominion of every sinne That hee will crucifie the flesh with the affections thereof Hee can heale the strongest lusts CHRIST could cure those that were borne blinde and lame therefore when we grapple with a strong lust we should goe to the LORD and pleade the Covenant and say to him LORD I feele this temptation is too strong for mee such a lust I cannot overcome thou hast said Thou wilt circumcise my heart that thou wilt dissolve these lusts I beseech thee to doe it If we truly hate and detest sinne though it doe sometimes stirre in us we should not be discouraged for our Sanctification here is but in fieri it is but in doing yet Rev. 6.2 CHRIST rides about conquering and will yet goe on to conquer sinne in us He will not subdue our corrupt lusts unto us at once but as he did the Cananites to his people Israel by little and little Exod. 23.30 Deut. 7.22 That promise which GOD made to Paul in the stirrings and conflicts of his concupiscence is made unto all of his temper my grace is sufficient for thee 2 Cor. 12.9 There are two things in that promise grace to make it and sufficiency to fulfill it The LORD doth sometimes descend to particulars as that Hee will cleanse them from their Idols and that hee will take away the stony heart out of them But wee may apply the former generall promises to our particular occasions and they will be as comfortable as if the LORD had said in particular hee will kill our pride our unbeleefe our hypocrisie Promises 2. To Mortification The benefits the LORD will bestow upon us if in obedience and love to him wee can be content to cast away our sinfull lusts He that forsaketh any profit credit or comfort for CHRISTS sake shall be rewarded an hundred fold Mar. 10.29 30. Mat. 19.28 Hee shall receive not ten in the hundred but a hundred for ten If yee mortifie the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit yee shall live Rom. 8.13 Without it there is no living it is a necessary condition required to the attainement of salvation 4. Turning from sinne Promises 1. Of Turning from sinne Then thou shalt remember thy waies and be ashamed Ezek. 16.61 Yee shall remember your waies and all your doings wherein yee have beene defiled and you shall lothe your selves in your owne sight for all your evills that yee have committed Ezek. 20.43 the like is repeated 36.31 Vnto you hath GOD raised up his Sonne JESUS and sent him to blesse you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities Acts 3.26 GOD promiseth to the Gentiles in their conversion Then will I change in the people their lip that it may be pure so Iunius reads it with the which all may call upon the name of the LORD that is I will call them to repentance and then followes a promise of taking away the staine of sinne In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy workes The remnant of Israel shall stay upon the LORD the holy one of Israel in truth The remnant shall returne c. Then shall shee say I will goe and returne to my first husband for then was it better with mee then now Hos. 2.7 They shall returne unto mee with their whole heart Ier. 24 7. Promises 2. To turning from sinne Turning unto GOD by repentance procureth his mercies upon us 1. Temporall Returne unto mee and I will returne unto you saith the LORD of hostes Malac 3.7 See Deut. 30.1 2 Nehem. 1.9 Iob 22.23 24 25 28. Ier. 7.3 5 7 14 15. 18.8 2. Spirituall the promises of remission to repentance are very frequent in Scripture So the Prophet Esay promiseth pardon to the penitent Wash you make you cleane put away the evill of your workes from you that is repent and then followes Though your sinnes were as crimson they shall be made as white as snow that is yee shall be pardoned If wee acknowledge our sinnes that is if wee repent hee is faithfull and iust to forgive us our sinnes Hence repentance and remission of sinnes are joyned together by our Saviour Luke 24.47 Acts 2.38 Repent and be converted that your sinnes may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come Acts 3.19 Let the wicked forsake his way and returne unto the LORD and hee will have mercy on him Esay 55.7 3. Eternall O Hierusalem wash thy heart from wickednesse that thou maist be saved Ier. 4.14 10. Humility Promises To Humility The LORD inricheth the humble with all his gifts both Temporall Spirituall and Eternall 1. He will reward them with temporall benefits By humility and the feare of the LORD are riches and honour and life Pro. 22.4 2. GOD promiseth deliverance to the humble 2 Chron. 12.7 Iob 22.29 3. Honour Before honour is humility Pro. 15.33 18.12 Iob 5.11 Iam. 4.6 10. Luke 18.14 Matth. 23 12. 2. Spirituall graces GOD giveth grace unto the humble Iam. 4.6 1 Pet. 5.5 Pro. 3.24 1. Pardon of sinne 2 Chron. 7.14 2. GOD teacheth them his waies Psal. 25.9 Mat. 11.25 He revealeth to them the secrets of his Kingdome making them thereby wise unto their salvation Pro 11.2 3. GOD blesseth them with his presence taking delight to dwell with them Esay 57.15 3. GOD will crowne the humble in the life to come with eternall glory Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heaven Mat. 5.3 Austen and Chrysostome expound it of inward humility 11. Meekenesse Promises 1. Of Meekenesse The Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard shall lie downe with the Kid and the Calfe and the young Lyon and the falling together and a little child shall leade them And the Cow and the Beare shall feed their young ones shall lie downe together c. Esay 11.6 7 8. whereby is signified that men once converted shall be so changed and altered that if they were never so fierce and cruell against the Church and one against another before yet they shall be framed to a peaceable and meeke disposition towards all men Promises 2. To Meekenesse 1. Protection The meeke are under GODS protection in a speciall manner Psal. 76.9 He will beautifie the meeke with salvation Psal. 149.4 They shall be hid in the day of the LORDS wrath Zeph. 2.3 Hee will rebuke aright for all the meeke of the earth Esay 11.4 2. Advancement The LORD lifteth up the meeke Psal.
147.6 3. Instruction The meeke will hee guide in iudgement and the meeke will he teach his way Psal. 25.9 4. The inheritance of the whole earth this appeares both in the Old and New Testament Psal. 37.11 Mat 5.5 Such a man shall have the earth as an heyre he shall hold it by right of adoption as the word in the Originall signifieth 5. Blessednesse Mat. 5.5 Blessed are the meeke 12. Patience Promise 1. Of it Patience is a gift which GOD hath promised freely and liberally without grudging or upbraiding Iam. 1.5 If any of you lacke wisedome that is to beare the crosse let him aske it of GOD that giveth to all men liberally and up braideth not and it shal be given him Promises 2. To it The patient abiding of the righteous shall be gladnesse Prov. 10.28 Humble your selves under the mighty hand of GOD that is bow and buckle under it with meekenesse and silence that hee may exalt you in due time 1 Pet. 5.6 Yee have need of patience that after yee have done the will of GOD yee might receive the promise Heb. 10.36 Behold we count them happy which endure Jam. 5.11 To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seeke for glory and honour and immortality eternall life Rom. 2.7 13. Righteousnesse Promises To Righteousnesse 1. Generally Psal. 11.7 Pro. 11.3 4 5 6 18 19. 2. Particularly for the righteous person 1. Himselfe 2. His posterity Psal. 37.25 Psal. 112.2 Prov. 11.21 Himselfe 1. In this life He shall have 1. Peace and protection in time of danger Esay 32.17 Psal. 5.12 Prov. 12.21 deliverance out of danger Psal. 34.19 Psal. 125.3 Pro. 11.8 2. Provision in time of want Psal. 34.15 1 Pet. 3.12 Psal. 37.25 29. 3. Joy Psal. 68.3 Let the righteous be glad let them rejoyce before GOD yea let them exceedingly rejoyce 2. For his death the righteous hath hope in his death Pro. 14.32 3. After death the memory of the just is blessed Pro. 10.7 the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance Psal. 112.6 4. At the resurrection the righteous shall goe into life eternall Mat. 25.46 See 14. Chap. 43. 14. Vprightnesse Promises 1. Of Vprightnesse Hee shall put his law in thy minde and write it in thine heart Jer. 31.33 The truth dwelleth in us and shall be with us for ever 2 Epist. of Iohn 2. Promises 2. To Vprightnesse GOD rewards it with the blessines of this life and that which is to come hee will give them grace in this life and glory in the life to come Psal. 84.11 No good thing will bee withho●d from them In this life GOD multiplieth his favours upon those who s●rve him in sincerity Psal. 73.1 Psal. 125.4 GOD hath promised to be good to them 1. In their habitations and families Pro. 14.11 2. In their children and posterity Psal. 112.2 3. In all the comforts of this life Psal. 84.11 4. In times of common calamity and combustion Psal. 37.19 Prov. 2.7 Psal. 112.4 11. 5. Peace joy and security are promised to it Hee that walketh uprightly walketh surely Pro. 10.9 2 Chron. 16.9 Psal. 97.11 Prov. 11.28 GOD performeth all his gracious promises upon this condition onely so hee promiseth unto the Kings of Israel and Iudah 1 King 2.4 9.4.5 that hee will confirme their Kingdome unto them and their posterity after them If they would walke before him in truth with all their heart and with all their soule therefore Hezekiah intreateth GOD to performe his promise unto him and his posterity grounding his faith on this seeing hee had walked c. Esay 38. 3. Psal. 145.18 He will save and deliver them from all perils and out of the hands of all their enemies Psal. 7.10 Prov. 11.6 which makes them bold and confident as Lions in pe●illous times Pro. 28.1 6. Promotion Pro. 22.11 Hee that loveth purenesse of heart for the grace of his lips the King shall be his friend 7. GOD is delighted with it 1 Chron. 29.17 Pro. 12.22 Psal. 51.6 Psal. 11.7 By sincerity and truth wee come to be in league with GOD hee smites a covenant with us Gen. 17.1 2. 8. A peaceable end marke the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace Psal. 37.37 Three speciall blessings are promised them 1. Such shall never fall away nor loose GODS favour and grace Psal. 36.10 a Propheticall prayer hath the nature of a promise Psal. 112.6.2 Such shall have strength given them of GOD to endure any triall hee shall be pleased to bring them unto 2 Chron. 16.9.3 Such shall be sure to have a comfortable issue and a joyfull deliverance ●ut of all their tentations Psal. 37. 37. Psal. 97.11 Psal. 126.5 In the life to come GOD also crowneth the sincere and upright services of the faithfull with joy and happinesse Salomon saith Hee who walketh uprightly shall be saved Pro. 28.18 and David affirmeth that the upright is bl●ssed and shall dwell in GODS presence Psal. 32.2 119.1 Psal. 15.2 our Saviour affirmeth that he shall be blessed in the vision and fruition of GOD Mat. 5.8 15. Peace Promises Of Peace of conscience Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you Iohn 14.27 Our Saviour 1. Challengeth peace to be his owne having dearely purchased it 2. His owne to give men may wish the peace of GOD or CHRIST but hee gives it as his owne 3. He sheweth that this peace cannot be else-where had not as the world giveth plainely distinguishing his peace from the worlds both in the gift and manner of giving The peace of GOD which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and mindes through CHRIST JESUS Phil. 4.7 It is called the Peace of GOD 1. Because it hath GOD for its Object it is a peace with GOD. 2. Because GOD by his Spirit is the Author of it it is peace from GOD and therefore said to be a fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 It is said to passe all understanding because 1. The understanding of ma● cannot sufficiently conceive it 2. Mans understanding canno● sufficiently esteeme or prize 〈◊〉 according to its worth shall kee● your hearts keepe as with guard or strong garrison th● same greeke word is used 2 Cor. 11.32 your hearts that is your will and affections and minds your intellectuall faculties your whole soules shall be kept in the knowledge and faith of CHRIST JESUS As many as walke according to this rule peace shall be upon them and mercy Gal. 6.16 By peace we are to understand outward peace as prosperity and good successe in all things wee goe about and peace with the creatures but the peace which is principally meant in this place is peace of conscience which is peace with GOD and our selves 16. Zeale The care of being Zealous 1. Hath a singular promise of the presence and communion of GOD in CHRIST Rev. 3.19 20. 2. Zeale makes all our