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A26810 Spiritual perfection, unfolded and enforced from 2 Cor. VII, 1 having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God / by William Bates ... Bates, William, 1625-1699. 1699 (1699) Wing B1128; ESTC R4307 200,199 485

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its Exaltation 2. There is a Fear of Caution that is always joyn'd with the other and excites us to walk circumspectly and exactly that we may be always approved and accepted of God The fear of the Lord is clean effectively This will prevent secret Sins which are only known to God Thou shalt not curse the deaf nor lay a stumbling-block before the blind but fear the Lord. Fear is an Internal Guardian that keeps the Heart pure of which God is the inspector and judge It will not suffer us to Sin freely in Thought nor foully in Act. When Fear draws the Lines of our Duty our Steps will be Regular Fear keeps us close to God by the perswasion of his All-seeing Eye and is oppos'd to the forgetfulness of God the cause of all the Errors of our Lives Holy Fear will make us to perform our Duty in those degrees that are commanded to please God 'T is the Principle of Perseverance thus God assures his People I will put my fear in their hearts and they shall never depart from me The Causes of back-sliding are Allurements and Terrors pleasant Temptations sometimes so strongly insinuate into the Affections that Love calls in Fear to its Assistance to repel them for strong Fear and Delight are inconsistent If Terrors are objected to drive us from our Duty the greater Fear will over-rule the less the Fear of God will expel the fearfulness of Man For the most flaming Anger of Men is more tolerable than a spark of his Displeasure From hence 't is evident that the Fear of God is the Fountain of heroick Courage and fortifies the Spirit that the threatenings of Men cannot supplant our constancy If our residence were perpetual in this World it were a point of Wisdom to secure the Favour of Men but since we must shortly dye as surely as we live 't is extreme folly by compliance and low respects to Men to lose our interest in God and provoke him with whom we must be either in his favourable and felicitating presence or in his terrible presence for ever The Rage of Man cannot reach beyond the Grave but the Wrath of God extends to Eternity 'T is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God who lives for ever and can punish for ever Let us therefore be exhorted to pass the time of our sojourning in fear Temptations are frequent and we are frail and are never safe without circumspection The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom the principal part of it Wisdom is not imployed about trivial things but affairs of moment Now what is there of such consequence in the World as the directing the Soul to Eternal Blessedness How to escape the most imminent and destructive Evil and to obtain the most desirable Good Indeed the Passion of Fear when exorbitant and overwhelming causes a wretched neglect of the means of Salvation If a Ship springs a leak and the Waters pour faster into it than the Mariners can pump it out and they see nothing but the Sea ready to swallow them up their Hearts and Hands faint and they give over all labour If Men are desperate they will be disobedient But we can never raise our Fears of God too high if we retain a firm belief of his Mercy that rejoices over Judgment This will not infringe our Liberty but inlarge it for 't is the most ignominious slavery to be under the dominion of Sin and the just apprehensions of its terrible Consequences The Fear of God ingages him to be our Friend and rescues us from all the perplexities to which we are lyable in this open slate Many Sins are committed for the fear of the Anger of Men and presumption of the Mercy of God but 't is often found that a Religious Constancy gains more Friends than Carnal Obsequiousness When a Man's ways please the Lord he will make his enemies to be at peace with him Especially in all acts of Worship this Grace should be in its highest exercise 'T is the Apostle's direction Let us draw near with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire We must solemnly consider the Greatness of God who dwells in Light inaccessible and is a consuming Fire to all that disparage him by slight and careless Addresses Shall not his Excellency make us afraid In Prayer let us draw near to his Throne in the deepest sense of our meanness and unworthiness and tremble at the hearing of his Word This dispositin will make us acceptable in his Eyes The Lord saith The Heaven is my throne and the Earth is my footstool to him will I look who is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembles at my word And in times of Temptation when pleasing Lusts are imperious and violent then 't is necessary to controul them by the fearful remembrance that for all these things God will bring us to Judgment This will clear the Mind from the eclipses and clouds of the Carnal Passions and keep the Senses under the dominion of the superiour and surer Faculties Blessed is the Man that fears always that is continually vigilant in secret and society who considers that God's Eyes are always upon him in order to Judgment and whose Eyes are always upon God in order to Acceptance CHAP. X. The Promise that God will be our Father a powerful inducement to strive after the Perfection of Holiness The dignity and happiness of the Relation The Pardon of Sin an adoptive freedom in Prayer an interest in the Eternal Inheritance are the Priviledges of God's Children The influence of this Relation to make us entirely holy considered An Inquiry whether we are proceeding to Perfection The vanquishing Sin an indication of the Power of Grace The habitual frame of the Heart and fixed regularity of the Life discovers our progress in Holiness According to our Love to God and things that have the nearest resemblance to him we may judge of our Spirituality The Spiritual Law of God the Spiritual Worship of God the Spiritual Image of God in the Saints are the principal Objects of the Love of the Spiritually-minded To preserve an equal temper of Mind in the changes of the present state discover excellent degrees of Holiness I Am now come to the Third General Head the Motives to inforce the Duty of striving after pure and perfect Holiness the Promises specified in the antecedent Chapter That the Lord Almighty will receive us and we shall be his Sons and Daughters that he will dwell in us his living Temples and walk in us This divine Relation and Communion the consequent of it should keep the state of Perfection always in our design and view and inspire us with unchangable resolutions to endeavour the obtaining it I will consider the Dignity and Happiness of this Relation 1. The Dignity Secular Nobility that is transfused from the Veins of Progenitors into the Veins of their Progeny derives its lustre from Flesh and Blood and the glory of the
Government of the VVorld his VVord is as Powerful Lift up your Eyes on high and behold who hath created these things that bringeth out their host by number he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might for that he is strong in power not one faileth He is not only the God of the hills but of the valleys There is nothing so inconsiderable but is under the immediate disposal of his Providence A Sparrow worth but half a farthing does not fall to the ground nor a hair of our heads without his disposal All the Casualties and Contingencies in the World are order'd by him The Arrow shot at a venture was directed by an Invisible Eye and Hand to smite the King of Israel between the Joynts of his Harness and wound him to Death The most arbitrary and free Causes are under his determining Influence The Hearts of kings are in his hands and are turn'd by him as rivers of waters which a Gardiner turns into several Channels for to make his Ground fruitful Sin that is directly contrary to his Law is not only permitted and restrain'd but order'd as a means to illustrate his Providence Justice and Goodness Joseph's malicious brethren sold him into Egypt but God sent him to make provision for the Family of Jacob in a time of extreme Famine He permitted the lying Spirit to deceive Ahab by inspiring his false Prophets to encourage him to go to Ramoth Gilead that he might Fall in Battle He gives Riches and Honour to his Enemies who presumptuously break his Laws of the greatest Consequence and foresees they will abuse them and prodigally perish It was an incredible Conception to the Heathen that One God was able to govern the World But his Power and Understanding are truly infinite and 't is more easie to him than for a Man to lift a Feather The Accidents in this World are innumerable but cannot distract an infinite eternal Mind nor cause weariness in the Almighty Every Agent must be united by active Power with the Objects upon which it immediately works The Power of God is his Essence not a separable quality he is intimate and present with all things One Sun is sufficient to measure Times distinguish Seasons and to preserve an intire World of living Creatures the meanest Worm or Herb is cherish'd by its Heat as if all its Influences were confin'd for their preserving And is not an infinite God sufficient to support and dispose all things 3. Divine Providence is more special and tender towards God's peculiar People The Eyes of the Lord run to and ●ro through the whole Earth to shew himself strong in behalf of those whose Hearts are perfect towards him His tender Mercies his extensive Attribute is over all his Works But more eminently exercised according to their degrees of Goodness and his Propriety in them Our Saviour inferrs by the clearest Consequence that the Divine Providence that reaches to the falling of a Sparrow is much more concern'd for his People accordingly encourages his Disciples Fear not ye are of more value than many Sparrows God is the Saviour of all Men especially of those who believe Now as when the reason of a Command has a direct aspect upon us it more strongly binds us to obey God so when the reason of a Promise has a peculiar respect to us it engages God more strongly to preserve us God has a Right to all Mankind by a general Tenure but a special Interest in the Godly He is the King of Nations and the King of Saints 'T is his dearest Title above all the Titles of Majesty ascribed to him They are precious in his esteem his Treasure his Jewels the most valuable part of his Treasure the Jewels of his Crown the most radiant and rich Jewels Propriety and preciousness engage his powerful and propitious Providence for their Good They are exposed to many Evils for their Relation to him their Heavenly Father and for his Image shining in them For thy sake we are killed all the day long They are like a flock of Sheep among Wolves and Tigers unable to defend themselves His compassionate Love excites his Power for their preservation The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall do this His Love inclines him and his Promise ingages him never to leave nor forsake them When they are ready to despair he is ready to deliver Now the firm belief of the universal Providence of God and his special Care for his People is like a Rudder to a Ship without which 't is constrained to yield to every Storm but guided by it sails with every Wind to it s design'd Port. When God enter'd into a Covenant with Abraham he assures him I am the almighty God walk before me and be perfect Every deflection from our Duty proceeds either from the hope of obtaining some temporal Good or the fear of incurring some temporal Evil These Passions are very forcible in Mens Breasts We see how powerful they are in sensitive Creatures even in a Grey-hounds coarsing a Hare Hope adds Wings to the Feet of the one and Fear adds Wings to the Feet of the other Men without Faith in God will break through his Laws when Temptations work on their Hope or Fear for they are under the dominion of Sense But the belief of God's All-sufficiency that he is a Sun to supply us with all truly desirable good things a Shield to secure us from all destructive Evils confirms our Dependance on him and ingages our Obedience to him This conduces to our present Peace and future Blessedness There are secret springs of Providence that work sometimes in an extraordinary manner for the preserving his People Joseph was raised from a Prison to a Principality The poor Prophet was fed by a Raven when the wicked King was like to starve in his Palace The malicious design of Haman to destroy the whole Nation of the Jews was frustrated and reflexively pernicious to himself by a strange concurrence of Circumstances ordered by Divine Providence The faithful Companions of Daniel who resign'd themselves to his Will and Wisdom were rescued from the Furnace and Fury of the proud King by an Angel But many times the Saints of God are involved in common Calamities Inundations Earthquakes the Pestilential Air Sword Famine make no difference between the innocent and the guilty The Sun rises upon the evil and the good the Thunder falls on the good and evil Nay as our Saviour tells his Disciples They shall weep and lament when the World rejoyces But he comforts them with the assurance that their Sorrow shall be turned into Joy The Apostle declares We know all things work together for good to them that love God There are mysterious depths in the Oeconomy of Providence that the short Line of our Reason cannot sound But we may rely upon the Promise of God who can bring Light out of Darkness We have an illustrious proof of his
nearness of an Evil and the apprehensions of it the stronger is the Fear In the turning of Sinners the impressions of it are different Stronger degrees are requisite to rouse the obdurate and to make them fly from the Wrath to come The Jaylor surprised with Terrors cryes out Sirs what shall I do to be saved 'T is said The Lord open'd the heart of Lydia as with an oyl'd Key but an Earthquake was necessary to open the Jaylors Till there is felt something more tormenting than carnal sweets are pleasing Men will not mortifie their Lusts. One will not suffer a part of his Body to be cut off unless an incureable Gangrene threatens speedy Death The World is present and sensible and continually diverts men from the consideration of their Souls unless Eternal things are by a strong application impress'd on their Minds Till urged by the Terrors of Everlasting Death they will reject the offers of Everlasting Life While Carnal Men are in Prosperity they hate Instruction to prevent Sin and despise Reproof to correct Sin they slight the fearful report of Thunder and do no more tremble at the Torments of Hell threaten'd in the Word of God than at Squibs and Crackers the sport of Boys But in sharp Afflictions and the approaches of Death when Conscience draws near to God's Tribunal it becomes bold and resumes the Government and calls them to an account for all their Rebellions and forces them to Confess what they would fain Conceal their fears of Eternal Judgment 2. Holy Fear preserves and increases Religion This may be consider'd as it includes Reverence of God with Circumspection and Caution The Fear of Reverence is an inseparable Affection and Character of a Saint Hear the prayers of thy servants who desire to fear thy name The desires include the sincerity of this Grace in opposition to Hypocrisie and pretences for they are the unfeigned Issues of the Soul and the freeness of the Affection in opposition to Violence and Constraint The Name of God implies his Excellent Attributes the proper Motives of Holy Fear His Majesty is ador'd by the Angels in their humble posture before his high Throne His Purity wherein God does so excel and we are so defective excites the most awful respects of him Who would not fear thee for thou art holy Holy and reverend is his name His Goodness to a Holy ingenuous Soul is a motive of fear they shall fear the Lord and his goodness If Fear declines and slumbers there is present danger of losing the purest sweetness of Love and Joy that proceed from intercourse and Communion with God His Omniscience and the recompences of his Justice and Power keeps the Soul Cautious lest we should offend him What Stupidity what fury to provoke so dreadful an Adversary who can dispatch a Sinner to the Grave and Hell in a Moment Some object that 't is unsuitable to the gracious dispensation of the Gospel for the Children of God to reflect upon his Terrible Attributes But are they wiser than God who uses this Discipline as Medicinal either to prevent Sin or to correct them into their Duty Are they more Evangelical than our Saviour who counsell'd his Disciples I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that can kill the body and after that have no more that they can do But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which after he hath kill'd hath power to cast into hell I say unto you fear him Are they more Spiritual than St. Paul who from the Consideration of our being accountable for all things done in the Body before the inlightned Tribunal of Christ infers Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we perswade men This Influenc'd him to a zealous discharge of his Duty It may seem very difficult to reconcile the exercise of holy Fear with Faith and the Sanctified Affections of Love Hope and Joy But it will appear they are very consistent 1. Fear is the product of Faith and assurance of God's Favour is preserved by the Fear of his Displeasure Fear is not contrary to Faith but to Presumption Be not high-minded but fear A jealousie of our selves lest we should provoke God is joyn'd with a more entire and pure Trust in his Grace and Mercy 2. The Love and Fear of God have a mutual Causality on each other The Love of God excites Thoughts of his continual Presence and Perfections that cause an awful esteem of him by which Love is maintain'd Desires proceed from Love and 't is express'd in the forecited place thy Servants who desire to fear thy Name The fear of the Lord is their Treasure not their Torment for their fear to Offend him is from their pure Love to Please him Indeed servile Fear that is meerly from the consideration of his Anger and Power is consistent with the Love of Sin and inconsistent with the Love of God 't is a judicial and violent impression on Conscience that Carnal Men would sain deface that they might freely enjoy their desir'd Objects and 't is by Fits for God sometimes thunders in the Conscience as well as in the Air. But filial Fear is the Habitual Constitution of a Saint he is voluntary and active to preserve it in continual Exercise 3. The Fear of God and Hope are joyn'd in Scripture and in the Hearts of Believers The Lord delights in those that fear him and hope in his mercy Fear and Hope contemper each other Fear without Hope is slavish and Hope without Fear is secure As the growth of things in Nature Flowers and Fruits is from the heat of the Days and the cold moisture of the Nights so growth in Grace is by the warm encouragements of Hope and the chilling influence of Fear A regular Hope in the Promises is joyn'd with an humble Fear and Subjection to his Commands 4. Holy Fear is mixed with Joy Serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling Carnal Joy and Carnal Fear and Sorrow are contrary Extremes that proceed from contrary Causes A prosperous State in this World and the Satisfaction of the Sensual Desires is the root from whence carnal Joy springs and is nourisht and the being deprived of Temporal good things disabled by Sickness to enjoy them or the prospect of some imminent Disaster are the cause of Fear and Guilt But the exercise of Spiritual Joy and Holy Fear are consistent at the same time for the serious reflection on the Divine Attributes excite both those Affections We read that when Mary Magdalen with the other Mary came to the Sepulchre of Christ at the bright appearance of an Angel that declar'd his Resurrection they went away with fear and great joy Sinful Affections are opposite to Grace but Gracious Affections are inseparable The fear of offending God is a preservative of our Joy in him as a Hedge of Thorns is a Fence to a Garden of Roses In the Kingdom of Love and Joy the Reverent Fear of God is in
is transplanted from the Body to the Soul The intemperate Person remembers with delight the wild Society wherein he has been ingaged the rich Wines wherein he quench'd his Cares the ungracious Wit and Mirth that made the hours slide away without observation Now 't is a Rule concerning Remedies applyed for the recovery of the Sick that Physick is ineffectual without the assistance of Nature but the case of the Sick is desperate when the only Medicine proper for his Cure increases the Disease and brings Death more certainly and speedily Those who are defil'd by Carnal Lusts have a special Curse they provoke God to withdraw his Grace according to that fearful Threatning my Spirit shall not always strive with Man for he is Flesh and after so desperate a forfeiture they are seldom redeemed and released from the Chains of Darkness wherein they are bound Accordingly Solomon frequently repeats this Observation The strange Woman flatters with her words Her house inclines to the dead and her paths to the dead None that go unto her return again neither take they hold of the path of Life The mouth of a strange Woman is a deep pit he that is abhorred of the Lord shall irrecoverably fall therein If it be said that this representation of the deplorable state of the unclean seems to cut off all hopes of their reclaiming and Salvation and may induce Despair I answer with our Saviour in another instance With Men it is impossible and not with God for with God all things are possible He can open and cleanse adorn and beautifie the most obstinate and impure Heart He can by omnipotent Grace change a Brutish Soul into an Angelick and plant a Divine Nature that abhors and escapes the Corruption in the World through Lust. Notwithstanding the Severity of the Threatning yet the Divine Mercy and Grace has been exercised and magnified in the renewing such polluted Creatures The Apostle tells the Corinthians they were Fornicators and Adulterers but they were washed sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1. Let them address their Requests to God that he would cleanse them from the guilt of their Sins in the Blood of Christ the only Fountain of Life and baptize them with the Holy Ghost as with Fire to purge away their Dross and Pollutions An unholy Life is the off-spring of an unclean Heart The loose vibrations of the impure Eye the inticing words of the impure Tongue the external caresses and incentives of Lust are from the Heart The Heart must be purified or the Hands cannot be cleansed 2. Suppress the first risings of Sin in the Thoughts and Desires Sins at first are easily resisted but indulged for a time are difficultly retracted 3. Abstain from all Temptations to these Sins As Wax near the Fire is easily melted so the Carnal Affections are suddenly kindled by tempting Objects The neglect of this Duty fills the World with so many incorrigible Sinners and Hell with so many lost Souls Men venture to walk among snares and serpents without fear and perish for the neglect of circumspection 4. Do not presume that you will forsake those Sins hereafter which you are unwilling to forsake at present There is in many a Conflict between Conviction and Corruption They love Sin and hate it they delight in it and are sorry for it they cannot live without it nor with it in several respects Now to quiet Conscience and indulge their Lusts they please themselves with resolutions of a future Reformation The Tempter often excites Men to consent for once and obtains his aim But 't is a voluntary distraction to think Men may without apparent danger yield to a present Temptation resolving to resist future Temptations For if when the Strength is intire a Temptation captivates a Person how much more easily will he be kept in bondage when the Enemy is more tyrannous and usurping more bold and powerful and treads upon his neck and he is more disabled to rescue himself The inlightned natural Conscience is arm'd against Sin and if Men regarded its dictates if they believed and valued Eternity they might preserve themselves from many Defilements But God has never promised to recover Sinners by special Grace who have neglected to make use of common Grace In short consider what is more tormenting than all the Pleasures of Sin that are but for a season can be delightful the reflection of the guilty accusing Conscience and the terrible impression of an angry God for ever CHAP. II. Anger is a Lust of the Flesh. No Passion less capable of Counsel Directions to prevent its rise and reign Motives to extinguish it The Lust of the Eyes and Pride of Life are joined with the Lusts of the Flesh. Covetousness consider'd 'T is radically in the Understanding principally in the Will vertually in the Actions The love of it produces many vicious Affections 'T is discovered in getting saving and using an Estate The difficulty of curing Covetousness made evident from the Causes of it and the unsuccessfulnss of Means in order to it 'T is the root of all Evil. Excludes from Heaven 'T is the most unreasonable Passion The present World cannot afford Perfection or Satisfaction to the Immortal Soul The proper Means to mortifie Covetousness 2. ANger is another Lust of the Flesh. Of all the Passions none is less capable of Counsel nor more rebellious against the Empire of Reason It darkens the Mind and causes such a fierce agitation of the Spirits as when a Storm fills the Air with black Clouds and terrible flashes of Lightning It often breaks forth so suddenly that as some acute Diseases if check'd at first become more violent there is no time for remedy nor place for cure so there is such an irrevocable precipitancy of the Passions that the indeavour to repress their Fury inrages them 'T is astonishing what enormous Excesses and Mischiefs are caused by it How many Houses are turned into Dens of Dragons how many Kingdoms into Fields of Blood by this fierce Passion To prevent its rise and reign the most necessary Counsel is if possible to quench the first Sparks that appear which are seeds pregnant with Fire But if it be kindled do not feed the Fire by exasperating Words A prudent silence will be more effectual to end a Quarrel than the most sharp and piercing reply that confounds the Adversary Julius Caesar would never assault those Enemies with Arms whom he could subdue by Hunger He that injuriously reviles us if we revile not again and he has not a word from us to feed his Rage will cease of himself and like those who dye with pure Hunger will tear himself Hezekiah commanded his Counsellors not to say a word to Rabshekah 2. Try by gentle and meek addresses to compose the ruffled Minds of those who are provoked 'T is the observation of the wisest of Men that a soft Answer breaks the Bones 'T is usually successful to
his actual concurrence For every Creature is maintain'd by a successive continual production To affect us consider the preserver of Men brought us safely into the World through the dark Valley of Death where thousands are strangled in the birth We are born by him from the belly and carried from the womb How compassionate was his Goodness to us in our Infancy the state of wants and weakness when we were absolutely incapable of procuring supplies or securing our selves from many dangers surrounding us The preparing the Milk for our Nourishment is the work of the God of Nature The Blood of the Mother by the secret channels of the Veins is transfused into the Breasts and is a living Spring there They are but two because 't is the ordinary Law of Nature to have but two Children at a Birth They are planted near the Heart which is the Forge of Natural Heat and transforms the Blood collected in the Breasts into Milk And there is a mystery of Love in it for the Mother in the same time nourishes her Child with delight regards and embraces it From Infancy his Mercy grows up with us and never forsakes us He is the God of our Lives He draws a Curtain of Protection and Rest about us in the Night and repairs our faint Faculties otherwise our Bodies would soon decay into a dissolution He spreads our Table and fills our Cup. He is the length of our days There is such a composition of Contrarieties in the Humours of the Body so many Veins and Arteries and Nerves that derive the vital and animal Spirits from the Heart and Head to all the parts we are exposed to so many destructive accidents that were not the tender Providence of our true Father always watchful over us we should presently fail and dye The Lord is a Sun and a Shield As the Sun is a universal Principle of Life and Motion and pours forth his treasures of Light and Heat without any loss and impoverishing Thus God communicates his Blessings to all the progeny of Men. He is a Shield protecting us from innumerable Evils unforeseen and inevitable without his preventing Goodness Were we only kept alive and sighed out our days in Grief and Pain were our passage to the next State through a barren Wilderness without any refreshing Springs and Showers this were infinite Mercy For if we duely consider his Greatness and our Meanness his Holiness and Justice and our Sinfulness it would cause us to look up to God with admiration and down to our selves with confusion that our Lives so frail and so often forfeited are preserved The Church in a desolate state acknowledges 'T is the Lord's Mercy that we are not consumed because his Mercies are renewed every morning 'T is Mercy upon Mercy all is Mercy Our Saviour with respect to his humble state says I am a Worm and no Man but we are Serpents and no Worms And as 't is usual to destroy venomous Creatures in the egg before they have done actual mischief we that are Children of Wrath by Nature whose Constitution is Poyson might have been justly destroyed in the Conception This ravish'd the Psalmist into an extasie of Wonder whilst he contemplated the glorious Lights of Heaven What is Man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of Man that thou shouldst regard and relieve him He bestows innumerable and inestimable Benefits upon a race of Rebels that boldly break his Laws and abuse his Favours He not only suspends his Judgments but dispenses his Blessings to those that infinitely provoke him Now can we be unaffected with his indulgent Clemency his immense Bounty his condescending and compassionate Goodness Why does he load us with his Benefits every day but for his Goodness sake and to endear himself to us For he is always ready to open his bountiful Hand if we do not shut our Breasts and harden our Hearts not to receive his Gifts His Mercy is like the Widows miraculous Oyl that never ceas'd in pouring out while there was any Vessel to receive it Then the flowing Vein was stop'd How is it possible such rich and continued Goodness should not insinuate it self into our Souls and engage our Love to our blessed Benefactor Can we degenerate so far from Humane Nature nay below the Sensitive for the dull Ox and stupid Ass serve those that feed them as to be Enemies to God How prodigious and astonishing is this degeneracy 3. The Love of God appears in its full Force and Glory in our Redemption The Eloquence of an Angel would be very dis-proportion'd to the dignity and greatness of this Argument much more the weak Expressions of Men. That we may the more distinctly conceive it I will briefly consider the greatness of the benefit and the means of obtaining it Man in his state of unstain'd Innocence was furnisht with power to persevere but left in the hand of his own Counsel He was drawn by a soft Seducer to eat of the forbidden Tree and in that single Instance was guilty of universal Dis-obedience He was ingaged in a deep Revolture with the Apostate Spirits and incurr'd the Sentence of a double Death both of the Body and of the Soul Now where was the Miraculous Physician to be found that could save us from Eternal Death Who could Appease God and Abolish Sin God was affected with tender pity at the sight of our Misery and though the morning Stars that fell from heaven are now wandring Stars for whom the blackness of darkness is reserv'd for ever yet he was pleased to recover Man from that desperate state in a way becoming his Perfections This was the Product of his most free Love God's Will and Christ's Willingness were the Springs of our Redemption for he might have pari jure with the same just Severity have dealt with us as with the Rebellious Angels There was no legal constraint upon our Saviour to dye for us for he was holy harmless undefiled and separate from Sinners There was no violent Constraint for he could with one Word have destroy'd his Enemies The depth of his Wisdom the strength of his Power the Glory of his Holiness and Justice were illustriously reveal'd in this great work but Love was the Regent Attribute that call'd forth the other into their distinct Exercise and acts Most Wise Omnipotent and Holy Love saved us What the Psalmist speaks of the Divine Perfections in making us I am fearfully and wonderfully made is in a nobler Sense verified in our Salvation we are fearfully and wonderfully Redeem'd by the Concord of those seeming irreconcileable Attributes Vindictive Justice and Saving Mercy Our Rebellion was to be expiated by the highest perfection of Obedience and thereby the honour of God's Moral Government to be repair'd For this end the Son of God dis-rob'd himself of his Glory and put on the Livery of our frail Flesh and in the form of a Servant became obedient to the Death of the Cross to rescue us
the dear Memorial of his purchasing blessedness for us His precious Blood appeas'd the just Anger of God and shall it not Cool and Calm our Inflam'd Passions In imitation of God and Christ we must abstain from all Revenge of the greatest Evils suffered by us We must extinguish any inclination to Revenge Sin begins in the Desire and ends in the Action We must not take the least pleasure that Evil befalls one that has been injurious to us for the root of it is Devilish Though the reparation of an Injury may in some cases be necessary yet Revenge is absolutely forbidden To retaliate an Evil without any reparation of our Losses is to do Mischief for Mischiefs sake which is the property of Satan As on the contrary to do Good for Evil is such a Divine Perfection that the Devil does not assume the resemblance of it 't is so contrary to his cursed Disposition Some will conceal their Anger for a time waiting for an Opportunity to take Revenge without the appearance of Passion Their Malice like slow Poyson does not cause violent Symptoms but destroys Life insensibly Some have such fierce Passions that strike Fire out of the least Provocation their Breasts are changed into a Tophet Some inflame their Resentments by considering every Circumstance that will exasperate their Spirits But the Command is Be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good The Duty is so pleasant in its exercise and attended with such comfortable Consequences that 't is recommended to our Reason and our Affections Love suffers long Love bears all things endures all things And what is more ingaging than the delightful disposition of Love The doing Good for Evil often gains the Heart of an Enemy If there be any vital spark of Humanity it cannot be resisted There is an Instance of it recorded in Scripture Saul the unrighteous and implacable Enemy of David yet being spar'd when he was entirely at his Mercy was moved and melted into tenderness Is this thy voice my Son David Before he in Contempt called him the Son of Jesse Thou art more righteous than I I will do thee no more evil How will some of the Heathens condemn Christians both as to the Rule and Practice of this Duty for whereas 't is esteem'd to be the Character of Pusillanimity or Stupidity to bear frequent and great Injuries unrevenged One of their Poets mixed this Counsel among other excellent Rules of Morality That Man is arrived at an heroick degree of Goodness who is instructed in a dispassionate manner to bear great Injuries And when Phocion who had deserved so highly of the Athenians was condemned unjustly to dye his Son attending him to receive his last Commands immediately before his Death he charged him never to revenge it on the Athenians CHAP. IX Divine Hope has an eminent Causality in the Life of a Christian. The nature of Christian Hope 'T is the Character of a Saint 'T is natural congruous and necessary to a Saint in the present state 'T is distinguish'd from carnal Presumption by its purifying Vertue Fear considered in its nature and cleansing Vertue The Attributes of God the motives of holy Fear There is a Fear of Reverence and of Caution 'T is consistent with Faith and the affections of Love Hope and Joy 'T is the fountain of Fortitude 3. DIvine Hope has an eminent Causality and Influence in the Life of a Christian. St. John speaking of the glorious likeness of the Saints to Christ in the Divine World inferrs from it Every Man that has this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure Three things are observable in the words 1. The Character of a Christian by his Hope Every Man that has this hope in him 2. The distinction of this Hope from its counterfeit by its inseparable effect Purifies himself 3. The regulating of the effect by its Pattern Even as he is pure 1. Christian Hope is a firm expectation of future Happiness 'T is distinguish'd from Worldly Hopes by the excellency of the Object and the stability of its Foundation The Object is an eternal state of Glory and Joy wherein we shall be conform'd to the Son of God Worldly Hopes are terminated on empty vanishing things gilded over with the thin appearance of Good The foundation of Divine Hope are the unchangable Truth of God and his Almighty Power that always seconds his Word God cannot lye and consequently neither deceive our Faith nor disappoint our Hopes and he can do all things The Apostle declares the ground of his Confidence I know in whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day All the Persons in the Deity are ingaged for our assurance and comfort Sometimes 't is said That our hope may be in God and Our Lord Jesus Christ our hope and That we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost Worldly Hopes are always uncertain in this sphere of mutability There is so much of impotence or deceit in all the means used to obtain Humane Desires that the success is doubtful Fear mixes with the Desires and often Despair with Fear Young Men are flush with Hopes and of bolder Expectations than ancient Men who from Experience of many unforeseen and inevitable Difficulties that have travers'd their Hopes are inclin'd to Fear But Experience incourages and fortifies the Hopes of Christians which are attended with Patience and Joy If we hope we with patience wait for it Notwithstanding the distance of time and intervening difficulties before the accomplishment of what we expected no undiscernable Accidents can blast their assurance The interval of a thousand Years did not weaken Abraham's Hope of the promised Messiah Comfort is mix'd with the patience of Hope The Apostle saith That we through patience and comfort of the Scripture might have hope The final security of the Blessedness promised is very joyful in an afflicted Condition This Hope is the Character by which a sincere Christian is denominated and distinguish'd from Heathens who are without God without Christ and without hope For God is the Object of it as our soveraign Good and Christ is the Means whereby we obtain and enjoy him This Grace is most natural congruous and necessary to a Christian in the present state 1. Natural Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant Mercy hath begotten us to a lively hope by the Resurrection of Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled and that fades not away reserved in heaven for you The supernatural Birth entitles to the supernatural Inheritance if Sons then heirs and the hope of Heaven is a consequent Affection As in the Natural Life the most early exercise of Reason excites desires and hopes to obtain what may supply the wants of it So in the Spiritual Life when Faith discovers to us Coelestial Blessendness revealed in
few have a Natural Generosity or Christian Mercy and Means to express and exercise it The Necessities of others do not affect Men with so quick a sense as the parting with their Money to relieve them As the Balsam Tree does not drop its healing Liquor till the Bark is Cut. Sometimes the great number of Suiters is a pretence to excuse from the exercise of Bounty None of these can be Conceived of God There is nothing more Divine in the Deity and becoming his Nature than his Inclination to do good As the Mother with equal Pleasure nourishes the Child with her Milk as the Child draws it For the breast is uneasie till emptied God much more rejoices in doing Good than we in receiving it We are also assur'd of obtaining Spiritual Blessings by the Intercession of the Mediator The dignity of his Person who is higher than the Heavens the Son of his Love the Merits of his Obedience and Sufferings assure us of his Power with God He takes us by the hand and brings as to the Father perfumes and presents our Requests to obtain a favourable Reception When we are under impressions of Fear that God will deny our Prayers for Spiritual Blessings 't is as if there were no Love in the Mediator nor prevalency in his Mediation Besides the Spirit of Holiness is plenteously Conveyed under the Dispensation of the Gospel The gift of the Spirit in the richest degrees was reserved as an Honour to Christ in his Ascension 'T is said The Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified The Blood of Christ was liberally shed that the Spirit might be liberally poured forth But the bestowing of the Spirit was at the Triumphant Ascension of Christ. Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive and received gifts for men that is from the Father as the Reward of his Victory that he might dispense them to Men. The Principal Gift is the Holy Ghost comprehensive of all good things The Promise is perform'd under the Gospel I will pour forth of my Spirit the Spirit of grace and supplication upon all flesh There were some Sprinklings of it under the Law and confin'd to a separate Nation but now showers are poured down upon all Nations to purifie them and make them fruitful in Good Works The Apostle declares the admirable Efficacy of the Gospel The Law of the Spirit of Life has freed me from the Law of Sin and Death The Spirit of the Fiery Law so call'd with respect to its Original and Operations convinc'd of Sin and constrain'd Conscience to inflict tormenting impressions on the Soul the Presages of Future Judgment but afforded no Spiritual Grace to obey it Therefore 't is said to be weak and unprofitable But the Gospel conveys Supernatural Strength to obtain Supernatural Happiness 'T is foretold concerning the state of the Church in the times of the Gospel He that is feeble among them shall be as David and the house of David shall be as God as the Angel of the Lord before them Add farther the Holy Spirit directs our desires and God knows the mind of the Spirit who makes intercession for us according to the will of God Christ is our Advocate in Heaven and the Spirit in our Hearts by inflaming our Affections and exciting in us filial Trust in the Divine Mercy They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength If we are impotent in resisting Temptations and in doing the Will of God when Divine Assistance is ready upon our desires to confirm us our Impotence is voluntary and does not excuse us from Consequent Sin but is an antecedent Sin The sharpest Reproof we read from our Saviour to his Disciples was for their guilty Impotence Jesus answer'd and said O faithless and perverse generation How long shall I be with you How long shall I suffer you He had given them Power to heal Diseases and expel Evil Spirits but they had not used the means of Prayer and Fasting that was requisite for the exercise of that Power How justly do we deserve that stinging Reproach who notwithstanding the Gospel is the ministration of the Spirit do not by continual fervent Prayer apply our selves to God to partake of a rich abundance of Grace from the Holy Spirit I shall only add that as Prayer is a means to obtain more Grace by impatration so by the exercise of Grace in Prayer 't is increas'd Frequent Prayer has a cleansing Vertue in that as those who often come into the King's Presence to speak to him are careful to be in decent Habits that they may not be disparag'd in his sight so those who draw near to God will cleanse themselves from Sin that they may be prepar'd to appear before his Holy Majesty Humility Faith Reverence Love Zeal Resignation to the Divine Will Compassion to the Afflicted and other excellent Graces are exercised in Prayer as the sphere of their activity and as acquir'd Habits so infused are improved by exercise Frequent shooting not only makes persons more skilful in directing the Arrow to the Mark but more able to draw a stronger Bow None are more holy in Conversation than those that give themselves to Prayer Our Saviour prayed himself into Heaven and a Divine Lustre appear'd in his Countenance By our drawing near to God the beauty of Holiness will be impress'd upon us and brighten our Conversations Briefly according to the raised operations of Grace in Prayer we shall obtain more excellent degrees of it from Heaven for in bestowing the first Grace God is a pure Giver but in dispensing new degrees of Grace he is a Rewarder according to the Promise To him that hath shall be given 3. Frequent and attentive Hearing and Reading the Word and serious Meditation of it is a means appointed by the Divine Wisdom and Goodness for our growth in Grace The conception and propagation the sustaining and increasing the Spiritual Life is by the Word of Truth 'T is therefore compar'd to those things that are the productive and preserving Causes of the Natural Life 'T is the incorruptible Seed and Food to beget and nourish the Spiritual Life 'T is Milk for Babes Wine for the faint and strong Meat to confirm those of maturer Age. There is an objective Vertue in it whereby 't is apt and sufficient to regenerate us and to increase the vigour and activity of the new Life The Apostle calls it The Power of God to our Salvation The word of Grace is able to build us up to an inheritance among them that are sanctified 'T is a kind of Miracle in Nature that a Sience of a good Tree grafted into a sowre Stock draws the vital Moisture from the Root and converts it for the producing generous and pleasant Fruit The ingrafted Word being a Divine Doctrine over-rules the Carnal Nature and makes the Mind Will Affections and Actions holy and heavenly answerable to its quality The Commands of
when he leaves this World and enter naked and solitary into the next World where he will be poor for ever He is rich that carries with him Divine Graces and Comforts the Treasures of the Soul when he dyes and takes possession of the Inheritance undefiled that passes not away How often do Worldly Men in their last hours when the thoughts of the Heart are declared with most feeling and least affectation condemn their unaccountable Folly for their having set their Affections on things below and neglecting things above that with such fervour and constancy they prosecuted their secular ends and were so coldly affected to eternal things as unworthy of their care and diligence Those forlorn Wretches in their Extremities with what significant and lively Expressions do they decry the Vanity of this World and the Vanity of their Hearts in seeking it 'T is related of Philip King of the Macedonians that while one was pleading before him he drop'd asleep and waking on a sudden past Sentence against the righteous Cause Upon this the injur'd Person cryed out I appeal The King with Indignation ask'd To whom He reply'd From your self sleeping to your self waking and had the Judgment revers'd that was against him Thus in matters of eternal moment if there be an Appeal from the sleeping to the waking Thoughts of Men when Death opens their Eyes to see the Dross of false Treasures and the Glory of the true what a change would it make in their Minds Affections and Actions But O Folly and Misery they but superficially consider things till constrain'd when 't is too late From these Considerations we understand the Reasons of our Saviour's declaring 'T is as easie for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle as for a rich Man that trusts in his Riches to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven But what is impossible with Men is possible with God He can by so strong a Light represent the Eternal Kingdom to Mens Minds and purifie their Affections that they shall so use the World that they may enjoy God We should from hence be excited to watchfulness against this Sin Our Saviour gave a double Caution to his Disciples Take heed and beware of Covetousness In some the Leprosie appears in their Foreheads their Company their Conversation make it evident that the World is set in their Hearts In others the Leprosie is in their Bosoms their Affections are intensly and entirely set on the World though the discovery is not so visible None but the circumspect can be safe In order to the mortifying this Lust the following means with the Divine Blessing will be very useful The inward causes of the greedy desires and tenacious humour of the Covetous are the irregular esteem of Riches and consequently the jealousie of losing what is so highly valued and sollicitude to prevent all possible future wants Now to take away these causes consider 1. There are Treasures infinitely more precious and durable and more worthy of our esteem and love than all the Gold that is drawn from the Mines in Peru the true inrichments of the Soul without which a Man possess'd of all the Wealth of the Flota is not rich towards God but wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked God offers himself to be our Portion who is rich in all Perfections whose Treasures are unsearchable and unwasted If we seek his Love and Grace to love him we shall inherit substance and durable Riches The Apostle when the scales were fallen from his Eyes discovered such an excellency in the knowledge of Christ that he counted all things loss and dung that he might have an interest in him This eminent advantage there is in seeking Heavenly Treasures we shall certainly obtain them and never be deprived of them whereas the most eager pursuit of Earthly Riches is uncertainly successful and if we do acquire them they will certainly be lost Now as inward bleeding that endangers Life is stop'd by revulsion in opening a Vein so if the stream of our Affections be directed to things above it will stop their impetuous current to things below 2. The liberal use of Riches for the Glory of God and in Charity to others is the best means to secure the tenure of our Temporal Possessions For the neglect of paying the Tribute we owe to God makes a forfeiture of our Estates and he can by Right and Power resume them in a moment Besides there is no Epithet more proper to be joyn'd with Riches than uncertain Is that Man certainly rich whose entire Estate is in a Ship sailing through dangerous Seas and open to frequent Piracies There is no greater a distance between a Tempest and a Shipwrack than between often and always Innumerable Disasters are imminent and nearly threaten the undoing of the richest Man But God who commands the Winds and the Seas and governs the Wills of Men whose Providence orders the most fortuitous Events has promised that the liberal Man who deviseth liberal things he shall stand He has a special Protection and as he is like to God in giving so he shall be in not being poorer for his giving The Apostle incourages Christians not to be covetous by this Argument God has said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee We may firmly rely on his Promise for Truth is the foundation of trust and rest on his Providence which is Omnipotent Add to this Consideration there is an accessional security to the Charitable from the assistance of others Man is sociable by instinct and the civil Life that is proper to him will be dissolv'd without mutual assistance 'T is order'd by the Rule of Providence that there is no Man so compleatly sufficient in himself so absolutely and independently happy but he wants the Counsel the Courage the Help of others 'T is usual that he who possesses most can do less and that he that has less can do more From hence it follows that the Wealth of the one and the Strength of the other the giving that wherein one abounds and the receiving that which the other wants makes such an equipoise between the Rich and the Poor that they cannot be disjoyn'd Experience declares there is nothing does more endear and engage the Affections of others to us than acts of Kindness Beneficence joyn'd with Innocence render Men venerable and amiable conciliate Esteem and Love for a good Man one would even dare to dye Whereas the Covetous and Incompassionate not only provoke God for he that abuses a Benefit despises the Benefactor and by imprisoning their Treasures without doing Good the abuse is as real as by riotous wasting them but are exposed to Hatred and Contempt and if a Disaster surprises them a secret Joy touches the Hearts of others 2. 'T is a means to increase Riches 'T is a Rule not only in Spirituals but in Temporals As a Man sows so he shall reap both in the Recompences of Justice and the Rewards of
Mercy He that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully Charity is a productive Grace that enriches the giver more than the receiver Honour the Lord with thy substance and the first fruits of thy increase so shall thy Barns be filled with plenty and thy Presses burst out with new Wine He that gives to the Poor lends to the Lord He signs himself our Debtor for what is laid out for him and he will pay it with Interest not only with Eternal Treasures hereafter but in outward Blessings here Riches obtain'd by regular means are the effects and effusions of his Bounty but sometimes by admirable ways he gives a present Reward as by his own Hand As there are numerous Examples of God's blasting the Covetous either by a gangrene in their Estates that consumes them before their Eyes or by the Luxury and Profuseness of their Children so 't is as visible he prospers the Merciful sometimes by a secret Blessing dispensed by an invisible Hand and sometimes in succeeding their diligent Endeavours in their Callings But 't is objected the Liberal are not always prosperous To this a clear Answer may be given 1. External Acts of Charity may be performed from vicious motives without a mixture of internal Affections which make them accepted of God 2. Supposing a Christian abounds in Works of Charity and is not rewarded here this special Case does not infringe the truth of God's Promise for Temporal Promises are to be interpreted with an exception unless the Wisdom and Love of God sees it better not to bestow them But he always rewards them in kind or eminently in giving more excellent Blessings The Crown of Life is a reward more worthy the desires of a Christian than the things of this World Our Saviour assures the young Man Sell all and give to the Poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven Eternal Hopes are infinitely more desirable than Temporal Possessions The Apostle charges the Rich to do good to be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate laying up for themselves a good foundation not of merit but assurance against the time to come laying hold of Eternal Life If I could direct the Covetous how to exchange a weight of Silver for an equal weight of Gold or a weight of Gold for an equal weight of Diamonds how attentively would they hear and earnestly follow such profitable Counsel But what comparison is there between Earthly and Heavenly Treasures Godliness of which the Grace of Charity is an excellent part is profitable for all things it makes our Profit eternally profitable 'T is the Wisdom as well as Duty of Believers to lay up Treasures not on Earth the Land of their Banishment but in the Coelestial Country the Place of their Nativity CHAP. III. Pride considered in its nature kinds and degrees It consists in an immoderate Appetite of Superiority 'T is Moral or Spiritual Arrogance Vain-glory and Ambition are branches of it A secret undue conceit of our own Excellencies the inordinate desire of Praise the aspiring after high Places and Titles of Honour are the effects of Pride Spiritual Pride considered A presuming upon self-fufficiency to obtain Mens Ends A relyance upon their own direction and ability to accomplish their Designs Sins committed with design and deliberation are from Insolence A vain Presumption of the goodness of Mens Spiritual Estates Pride is in the front of those Sins that God hates Pride is odious in the sight of Men. The difficulty of the Cure apparent from many Considerations The proper means to allay the Tumour of Pride 4. PRide of Life is join'd with the Lusts of the Flesh and the Lust of the Eyes Pride destroyed both Worlds it transformed Angels into Devils and expelled them from Heaven it degraded Man from the honour of his Creation into the condition of the Beasts that perish and expell'd him from Paradise I will consider the nature several kinds and degrees of it and the means to purge us from it The nature of this Vice consists in an irregular and immoderate appetite of Superiority and has two parts The one is the affectation of Honour Dignity and Power beyond their true value and worth the other is the arrogating them as due to a person beyond his just desert The kinds of it are Moral and Spiritual which are sometimes concealed in the Mind and Will but often declar'd in the Aspect and Actions Accordingly 't is either Arrogance that attributes an undue preheminence to a Mans self and exacts undue respects from others or Vain-glory that affects and is fed with Praise or Ambition that hotly aspires after high Places and Titles of Precedency and Power All which are comprised in the universal name of Pride 1. Pride includes a secret conceit of our own Excellencies which is the root of all its branches Self love is so natural and deeply impress'd in the Heart that there is no Flatterer more subtle and conceal'd more easily and willingly believ'd than this Affection Love is blind towards others and more towards ones self Nothing can be so intimate and dear as when the Lover and the Person beloved are the same This is the Principle of the high Opinion and secret Sentiments Men entertain of their own special worth The Heart is deceitful above all things and above all things deceitful to it self Men look into the inchanting glass of their own Fancies and are vainly enamour'd with the false reflection of their excellencies Self love hinders the sight of those Imperfections which discovered would lessen the liberal esteem of themselves The Soul is a more obscure Object to its Eye than the most distant Stars in the Heavens Seneca tells of some that had a strange Infirmity in their Eyes that where-ever they turn'd they encountered the visible moving image of themselves Of which he gives this Reason It proceeds from the weakness of the visive Faculty that for want of Spirits derived from the Brain cannot penetrate through the diaphonous Air to see Objects but every part of the Air is a reflecting glass of themselves That which he conjectured to be the cause of the Natural Infirmity is most true of the Moral the Subject of our Discourse 'T is from the weakness of the Mind that the judicative Faculty does not discover the worth of others but sees only a Man's self as singular in Perfections and none superiour or equal or near to him A proud Man will take a rise from any advantage to foment Pride Some from the perfections of the Body Beauty or Strength some from the circumstance of their Condition Riches or Honour and every one thinks himself sufficiently furnish'd with Understanding For Reason being the distinguishing excellency of a Man from the Brutes a defectiveness in that is very disgraceful and the title of Fool the most stinging reproach as is evident by our Saviour's gradation Whoever is angry with his Brother without a cause is liable to Judgment whoever says racha