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A19498 A holy alphabet for Sion's scholars full of spiritual instructions, and heauenly consolations, to direct and encourage them in their progresse towards the new Ierusalem: deliuered, by way of commentary vpon the whole 119. Psalme. By William Covvper ... Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1613 (1613) STC 5926; ESTC S108977 239,299 430

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able to doe abundantly aboue all that we can aske or thinke Example hereof we haue in Zaccheus he desired but to see Christ and hee got not onely a sight of him but familiar speech of him yea Christ went to his house and dined with him and made him by grace the childe of Abraham So shall the Lord do to all his children he shall giue them more then eyther they desired or looked for at his hands For the heart cannot vnderstand those things which God hath prepared for them that loue him Thy commandements He saith not I haue done thy commandements but I desire to do them Let this serue as a Commentarie to other places wherein he makes protestation of his begun obedience so gratious is the Lord that in his children he accepts their will for a deed There is no man so wicked but he desires mercie but the godly doe so desire mercy that first they desire the way to mercy They know that without sanctification no man can see the Lord therefore all their care is to purge themselues euen as God is pure as here ye see for this end Dauid prayeth for the grace of obedience It was a preposterous desire of Balaam who wished the death of the righteous and would not liue the life of the righteous no better are the desires of wicked men Quicken me He acknowledgeth that his desires were nothing vnlesse the Lord gaue him life As a false conception which evanisheth and comes not to the birth so is the desire of man not quickned nor continued by the grace of God More of this see ver 149. 159. VAV VER 41. And let thy louing kindnesse come vnto me O Lord and thy saluation according to thy promise OVt of this Psalme we see how feruent and continuall Dauid was in prayer Euery third Verse hee turnes him to prayer No maruell he was inriched with a great measure of spirituall grace for hee sought it diligently Not like the colde professors of our time to whom a colde morning prayer is sufficient for the whole day and of that also oftentimes they are weary before they haue done it A lamentable euill that hauing all good for the seeking yet we should not seeke If we would consider how many sinnes we haue contracted which we must craue to be forgiuen would offer vp but one supplication for euery one of them and againe that albeit all our sinnes vvere presently forgiuen yet hovv readily should we fall into new sinnes if we get no grace daily to reforme vs and thirdly how difficil a thing it is against so many strong enemies as Principalities Powers and spiritual wickednes which with restlesse tentations pursue vs vpon the right hand the left to enter through them all into the kingdome of God and lastly how our time is short and when it is done no more place of supplication will be left vnto vs If all these with many moe wee did consider they would waken in vs a more earnest care to call vpon our God while we haue time This whole section consists of petitions and promises Petitions are two ver 41. 43. Promises are six This among many is a difference betweene godly men and others all men seeke from GOD but the wicked so seeke that they giue him nothing backe againe nor yet wil promise in sinceritie to giue Their prayers must be vnprofitable because they proceed from loue of themselues and not of the Lord. If so be they obtaine that which is for their necessitie they haue no regard to giue to the Lord that which is for his glory but the godly as they seek so they giue praise to God when they haue gotten and returne the vse of things receiued to the glorie of God who gaue them They loue not themselues for themselues but for the Lord vvhat they seeke from him they seeke it for this end that they may be the more able to serue him Let vs take heed vnto it because this is a cleere token whereby such as are truly religious are distinguished from counterfet dissemblers Let thy louing kindnes c. In his first prayer he ioynes these two Gods louing kindnes and his saluation and so it is they goe together inseparably As for the kindnes of man thou maist haue it and not be the better for it the friend may loue his friend and not be able to help him yea the Father may looke with compassion vpon his child in danger and not be able to relieue him but the kindnes of the Lord euer works saluation he can doe what he will and none is able to resist him All creatures in heauen earth are vnder his commaund health sicknes life death heauen and hell for he hath the keyes of both Let vs seek his fauour that we may be saued let vs feele his loue and none euill present nor to come temporall nor eternall shall make vs afraid According to thy promise As Dauid seekes his comfort in GOD onely so seekes hee it for Gods sake alleaging nothing in himselfe for which hee should obtaine it but that the Lord as of his mercie hee had promised so of his truth hee vvould performe And this is first for Papists who either doe seeke from others beside the Lord or if they seek from him they seeke for others sake then for his founding their prayers vpō the merits of others not vpon the mercie of God and merits of Christ onelie And next it giues this vvarning vnto all men that seeing the chiefest argument vvee can vse in prayer to mooue the Lord to pittie is his own promise vvee should remember alwaie to make conscience of our promise of seruice and obedience vvhich vve haue made to the Lord otherwise vvee can not vvith boldnesse seeke comfort in that promise which God hath made vnto vs. VER 42. So shall I make aunswer to my blasphemers for I trust in thy word SEe what great effects the sense of Gods louing kindnes works in the harts of his children hee feares no malice nor power of man vvho finds the Lord kind and mercifull to him This works gloriation against euill men a bold confession before all men as after followes and toward God an holy conuersation in all his obedience to the law For I trust Confidence in the promises of Gods word is the anchor of the soule vvhich holdeth it fast that it abide stable not driuen to and fro with the wind of tentations nay not with the feares terrors of death I know whom I haue belieued VER 43. And take not the word of truth vtterly out of my mouth for I wait for thy iudgements BY the word of truth Euthymius vnderstands the grace of prophecie by which Dauid comforted his owne hart and was able to speake to the edification of others and to stop the mouthes of his Aduersaries This grace
message sake esteeme them alwayesarorthy to be welcomed And sith they pray vnto God for your L. be loth to refuse them in their reasonable requests to you remembring that reason which Ambrose vsed to Theodose the Emperour Si dignus non sum qui à te audiar nec etiam dignus qui pro te à deo exaudiar If I be not worthy that I should be heard of thee when I speake vnto thee farre lesse am I worthy that I should be heard of God when I speake to him for thee The third is that ye haue a continuall care of your selfe Nature can teach you to care for those things which are yours but it is grace must learne you to care for your selfe Satan is a restlesse tempter but yet so subtill that he can frame his temptations according to the ages and states of men he tempts not children as he doth young men neyther tempts hee young men as hee doth the aged neyther tempts he the aged as he doth any of the other two Hee tempts children with folly and playes with them as the Prouerb is at the belly blinde seeking no more of that age but that it be passed ouer with foolish and friuolous things Young men againe he tempts to wickednesse many wayes by the fury of their inordinate concupiscence these are called by the Apostle The noysome lusts of youth Aged men most commonly he tempts them with couetousnesse and excessiue cares of the vvorld Omnia in homine cùmsenescunt vitia sola iuuenescit auaritia When all other sinnes waxe olde and feeble in a man onely couetousnesse waxeth young and increaseth her strength And who can tell how miserable that man is vvho in his childehood liued like a foole in his youth vva●… filthy in his olde age a vvorldling vnlesse God by grace bring him out of that fearfull bondage I speake not this as if I for ba●… the vse of this vvorld or ●…id condemne all care thereof or those lawfull pleasures your L. takes in building planting or other such 〈◊〉 vertues wherein ye stand vnto all that are about you a patterne of policy but to warne you that ye walke cere ●…spectly vsing this world as if ye vsed it not What-euer your actions be about it set your affections vpon better things knowing as saith the Apostle that the shape and figure of this world goes away It is vvisedome to forsake this vvorld vvith our vvill before we be forced to forsake it against our vvill to leaue it euen when we do possesse it Abraham liued not so long as did many of his fathers yet when he died it is said of him that he died full of dayes because he desired no mo Sith ye know ye must remoue be prepared like Israel in Egypt with their loines girded and their staues in their handes ready to march forward from Egypt to Canaan Be content with the dayes ye haue gotten line so as not needing any moe but vse euery day as if it were your last day after which if God giue you another take it as a super-plus and be thankefull to him for it For all these causes which I haue premitted and that the seed of godlinesse which these many yeares I haue knowen in you breeding spirituall remorse with teares and godly holy desires may at length be cherished and brought forward both to the flourishing and further fructifying I hau●… here presented to your L. these Meditations which I ordinarily deliuered to my people in time of their euening Prayers and haue 〈◊〉 it A holy Alphabet or A. B. C. of godsinesse so plaine in it selfe that children may vnderstand it and yet 〈◊〉 plentifull in heauenly instruction that the mest 〈◊〉 godly and auncient may euery day learne something by it Accept it reade it practise it right Honourable steppe forward in the godd course which now ye haue happ●…y begun and these good conclusions which I know ye haue 〈◊〉 with your selfe may 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…orth ●…to 〈◊〉 that so the world may see by the fruit that the tree growes euerth longer the better Such of your waies and workes as your L. ●…nowes haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 others 〈◊〉 now ●…o amend them that all rea●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 satisfaction and such as before mistiked you for your euill may now thanke God for your good and you by wel-doing bringing forth fruits worthy of amendment of life may make sure to your selfe your calling and election Which mercie the Lord more and more confirme towards you for Christ●… sake Amen Your L. in Christ Iesus William Cowper B. of Galloway A HOLY ALPHAbet for Sions Scholars My helpe is in the Name of the Lord. THere is no way by which a man may learne but by the same God doth teach him by precepts he instructs by requests he exhorts by promises hee allures by threatnings he terrifies and ●…herfore hath he sent his seruants of sundry qua●…ities according to their seuerall gifts vnto vs ●…ome like Moses to teach vs some like Esay to ●…omfort vs some like Ieremie mourning to vs ●…om like Dauid singing to vs. If when they teach we learne not if when they mourne we lament not if when they pipe we dance not yea if the sweetest songs of the sweet Singer of I●…rael Qut noster Orpheus est delight vs not to ra●…e vp our affections to the Lord are we not inexcusable By the deceit of vaine pleasure Sathan steales the heart of man from God and the Lord most artificially by the sweetnesse of true pleasure al●…lures him home againe What could the Lord haue done any more vnto vs that he hath not done He propones most profitable things for vs in his word and to make them the more welcome he seasons them with pleasures Nam quod gratum est iucundius recipitur constantius ret●…netur Vnto this vse serues the whole booke of the Psalmes which is Commune quoddam medicinae promptuarium but in speciall this Psalme which in the iudgement of Ambrose exceeds the rest as farre as the light of the Sunne excels the light of the Moone It was written by one of the Saints of God but in so maruellous a manner that the wordes therof convene and agree vnto all Quod huius operis proprium est So that it is Veluti penu doctrinae publicum vnicuique apta conuenientia distribuens and therefore should be in no lesse account with those who loue the spirituall lise then is the vse of the Sunne the ayre and the fire for the entertainment of this naturall life The Author of this Psalme was most properly called by Euthymius Primi regis cor lingua calamus for he receiued this testimony from the heauenly Oracle That hee was a man after Gods heart Now because no greater ioy can come to the children of God then to know that God esteemes of them as he esteemed of Dauid that they are also men after the heart of God let
them here learne a ready way whereby they may know it It was promised that vnder the Kingdome of Christ the meanest or least should be like vnto Dauid If therefore by grace thou be partaker of Dauids disposition recorded to thee in this Psalme thou maist be out of doubt thou art also partaker of his approbation for the Lord is no accepter of persons what he approues in one he will also approue in another This is it which Pontius the Deacon records of Cyprian that when euer he heard or read any person commended in the Booke of God hee warned vs to make diligent inquisition of their actions for which they were commended as namely when we heare said he that Iob receiued this praise from God that he was an vpright and ●…ust man one that seared God and eschued euill and how none was like him on the earth let vs turne ouer to the 31. chapter where we haue a short compend of his life and let vs endeuour to order our lise as he did his Vt dum nos paria facimus simile in nos Dei testimonium prouoce●…us We need not then goe vp to the counsell of God to enquire there whether or not we be beloued of him let vs come downe to our selues Make sure our calling and election by wel doing let vs trie our selues by this disposition which here is in Dauid where we finde a conformity let vs giue thankes for the beginnings of Gods grace in vs where not let vs prease to amend being assured vnlesse wee follow Dauid in the practise of piety we cannot be partakers of his praise which hee receiued from God Now among many points of godlinesse manifest in him there is one here throughout the whole Psalme more euident then the rest and that is his feruent affection toward the word of God for in euery verse except one onely to wit the 122. he makes mention of the word of God vnder some of these names Lawe Statutes Precepts Testimonies Commandements Word Promises Wayes Iudgements Name Righteousnesse Truth the reason hereof is because in euery state of life he found light life comfort in the word of God and therefore was his affection inflamed toward it Euen as children new borne by the instinct of nature haue an appetite to milk for conseruation of their life so the children of God once regenerate by the instinct of grace haue a spirituall appetite to the word of God according to that of Saint Peter As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that yee may growe thereby Neyther is it possible that any man can esteeme of that worde as a foode for their nourishment but they to whom first it hath beene a seede of their newe birth and the onely cause why the cold professors of this age esteemes it not as a food for which they hunger and thirst but rather be weary of it more then Israel was of Manna is that it was neuer vnto them a liuely seed of their new birth and so sith they haue neyther gotten life nor light by it what maruell is it they haue no delight in it As to the order of this Psalme it is diuided into two and twenty Sections euery Section hath in it eight Verses and euery Verse beginnes in the Hebrew with that letter wherewith the Section is intituled as all the Verses of the first Section begin with Aleph the Verses of the second with Beth and so forward according to the Hebrew Alphabet for which wee may call this Psalme an A. B. C. of godlinesse Another method of this Psalme can we not lay saue that euery Verse containes in it eyther a praise of Gods word from some excellent quality of it or a protestation of Dauid his vnfayned affection toward it or else a prayer for grace to conforme himselfe vnto it for vnto one of these three Prayses Prayers or Protestations may all the Verses of this Psalme be reduced And so we enter into it ALEPH. VERS 1. Blessed are these that are vpright in their way and walke in the Lawe of the Lord. THis verse beginnes the Psalme with a summary proposition of the blessed estate of all Gods children Properly onely God is blessed God ouer all blessed for euer For this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies Immortalē vt sit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 idē quod 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 id est immortalis the letter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in both the syllables being turn'd into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the pleasantnes of the sound yet this name is also attributed to Gods children who of his mercy are deliuered from death and allotted vnto eternall life The blessednesse of man is foure manner of wayes described in holy Scripture First from the originall thereof and fountaine from which it flowes and that is our election so the Apostle when he blesses the Lord who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in Christ he begins at this As he hath chosen vs. Secondly from the beginning thereof in vs and that is our calling and iustification Blessed is the man whom thou chusest and causest to come vnto thee Againe Blessed is he whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Thirdly from the progresse thereof which is made by sanctification as Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousnesse and so here Blessed are they that are vpright in way Lastly from the perfection therof which shall be done in our finall glorification vnto one of these may be referred euery sentence of holy Scripture which makes mention of the happinesse and felicity of man Vpright in their way We haue here first to see what is this Way next who are vpright in it By the Way vnderstand Transitoriam hanc vitam and so indeed properly mans life on earth is called a Way for in it man walkes from the wombe to the graue by so continuall a motion that there is no resting nor returning for him into it But as a Ship which goes right before the winde makes haste without staying toward her hauening place what-euer they doe that are in her whether they eate or they walke or they rest still the Barke that carries them goes on to her proposed end so is it with man in the body so soone as he comes out of the wombe he is carried by a continuall course to the graue whether he sleepe or walke whether he haue minde of it or not he is carried on in his course to his end without intermission And in this sense the life of euery man whether good or euill is a Way Via vita est hanc siquidem ab vtero ad sepulchrum ambulamus omnes But in this Way there is a great difference for some are vpright in it these are exponed to be such as walke in the way of the Lord others againe
dedicated themselues vnto Sathan As the sonnes of Eli despised the rebuke of their father so young men now for the most part are impatient of the rebukes of the word contemning the medicine which Dauid by experience found most effectuall to cure the disordered affections of youth Among those sacrifices where-with God was honored in the law he required their first fruits to be consecrate to him eares of corne dryed by the fire and wheat beaten out of the green eares teaching vs to honour the Lord not onely with the first fruits of our increase but of our selues also It is an euill diuision that is made by many who giue their young age to Satan by the seruice of sin and behight their old age to the Lord for so they incurre that curse of Malachie Cursed be hee that hath a strong beast in his slocke and vowes and sacrificeth a corrupt thing vnto the Lord. The feruency strength of youth should be imploied not in the satisfaction of their lusts but in the seruice of their God in fighting against Sathan This is it which that youngest Disciple of our Lord requires of young men that hauing the Word of God abiding in them they may be strong to ouercom the wicked not louing the world nor things that are in the world such as lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and pride of life These are not of the Father but of the world and the world passeth away and the lust therof but he that fulfils the word of God abides for euer But how-euer mention be made here of young men only yet as no age is without the owne tentations and blemishes so haue they all need to take heed to the word that they may learne to redresle their wayes It is a double shame and sinne for an old man to be of an vncleane life or ignorant of the word Such as had liued long without making progresse in knowledge and godlinesse were properly called by Philo Longaeui pueri The neerer we drawe vnto Canaan the further should we be from the delights of Egypt otherwise it shall come to passe in God his righteous iudgements that when in regard of thy long iourney thou art at the very borders of Canaan thou shouldest be put further backe againe with these carnall Israelites yea neuer suffered to enter into it O miserable condition of that man whose body is declyning to the graue but his spirit hath not learned to ascend to him that gaue it he comes as I said to the border of Cana●…n to the very point of time wherein Gods children make their happy transmigration but by reason of his sinnes he is thrust backe againe when he should die and ascend to the blessed fellowship of God the Father of light he dies and descends to the pit of vtter darkenesse where is weeping and gnashing of teeth Now the maner of the answer which he makes to his former Interrogatiue commends the certainty of his counsell for he answers by turning his speech to the Lord from whom he had obtained by praier this knowledge How to gouern his life Vt sic non praesumptionis humanae sed dignationis diuinae remedium crederetur that so it might be knowne vnto others that this remedy came not from humane presumption but diuine reuelation VER 10. With mine whole hart haue I sought thee let me not wander from thy Commandements WHat Dauid deliuered by way of instruction vnto other yong men he now shewes that he practised himselfe for this Verse contaynes a protestation of that earnest desire hee had to haue his life ordered by the written worde of God That hee sayes I haue sought thee with my whole heart imports no presumptuous boasting of his owne perfection but rather a sense and feeling of his owne wants which made him the more earnestly to seek for seeking is of those things which a man wants faine would haue And where he saith he sought the Lord with his whole hart he speakes it by comparison Ad differentiam eorum qui Deum non toto corde quaerunt sed illud in curas seculares et concupiscentias absurdas partiuntur Let me not wander As our first calling so our cōtinuing in the state of grace is of the Lord for hee is both the author and finisher of our faith Customablie in holy Scripture elect men are called the Sheepe of Christ to tell vs that all our welfare consists in the prouident care of our Pastor who first must keepe vs that we wander not and next when of infirmitie vvee wander must reduce and bring vs home againe VER 11. I haue hid thy promises in mine heart that I might not sinne against thee IT is not Dauids meaning that hee had hid the talent vvhich hee receiued from the Lord after the manner of that vnprofitable seruaunt for that he did put his talent to the vttermost profit for the edification of others he witnesseth both by this Psalme and many other specially Psal. 40. I haue declared thy righteousnesse vnto the great Congregation lo I will not refraine my lippes O Lorde thou knowest I haue not hid thy righteousnesse within my heart but I haue declared thy truth and thy saluation I haue not concealed thy mercy and truth from the great Congregation What is this then Dauid affirmes that he hath not hid Gods righteousnesse within his heart Here he protests that hee hid Gods promises in his heart Surely here is no contradiction for in the one he shewes how his first care was to comfort and confirme himselfe by the promises of GOD and next to benefite others And truely he that doth not first edifie his owne heart in the assurance of Gods mercy can neuer be a meet instrument to declare the mercies of God vnto others There is great difference betweene Christians and Worldlings The Worldling hath his Treasures and Iewels without him the Christian hath them within Neyther indeede is there any recepracle wherein to receiue and keepe the word of consolation but the heart onely If thou haue it in thy mouth onely it shall be taken from thee if thou haue it in thy Booke onely thou shalt misse it when thou hast most to doe with it but if thou lay it vp in thy heart as Marie did the wordes of the Angel no enemie shall euer be able to take it from thee and thou shalt finde it a comfortable treasure in time of thy need They who possesse earthly riches expose them not to the eyes and hands of euery one they locke them vp in their surest places to conserue them from theeues and robbers it is euen so here with holy Dauid he knew no good spirituall can be possessed here in this earth without temptation That subtill Serpent who stole from our first parents the glorious Image of God wherein consisted their originall felicity and happinesse doth
the power of Grace preuailing but this comfort wee haue that at length Grace shall preuaile the power of corrupt Nature shal be captiued vnder the obedience of Christ. Quicken me Dauid being sore oppressed as I said and dead in himselfe doth now beseech the Lord to quicken him raise him vp againe for he knew that not onely the beginnings but the continuance of our life must come from the Lord. Thus we see how the children of God are wakened by their wants stirred vp by their falls and decaies to a greater feruencie in prayer And truely these changes of our life which this manner of waie wakens vs and prouokes vs to prayer we are to account them as the mercifull hand of God stretched out toward vs to drawe vs home to himselfe ●…et no man thinke euill of that trouble that chaseth him to the Lord. Yea I may say his falls which make him more humble and feruent in prayer are of Gods dispensation who when he will in most maruailous manner can bring light out of darknes But seeing hee was aliue how prayes hee that God would quicken him I answere The godly esteeme of life not according to that they haue in the body but in their soule If the soule want the sense of mercie and a heauenly disposition to spirituall thinges they lament ouer it as a dead soule for sure it is temporall desertions are more heauie to the godlie then temporall death According thy word This is a great faith that vvhere in respect of his present feeling he found himself d●…ad yet he hopes for life frō God according to his promise Such was the faith of Abraham who vnder hope belieued aboue hope And truly many times are Gods children brought to this estate that they haue nothing to vphold them but the word of God no sense of mercie no spirituall disposition but on the contrarie great darknes horrible feares and terrors Onely they are sustained by looking to the promise of God and kept in some hope that he will restore them to life againe because it is his praise to finish the worke which he beginnes VER 26. I haue declared my waies and thou heardest me teach me thy statutes THis verse containes a prayer vvith a reason after this forme O Lord I haue oft before declared vnto thee the whole state and course of my life my wandrings my wants my doubts my griefes I hid nothing srō thee thou according to my necessity didst alway hear me therfore now Lord I pray thee to teach me by thy light illuminate me that I may know thy st●…tutes receiue grace to walk in thē This is a good argument in dealing vvith the Lord I haue gotten many mercies and fauourable answers from thee therefore Lord I pray thee to giue memo sor whom he loues he loues to the end where he begins to shew mercy he ceaseth not til he crown his children with mercy And ●…o gratious is the Lord that he esteemes he●… is honoured as oft as we giue him the praise that we haue found comfort in him and therefore come to seeke more It is farre otherwise with men if they doe vnto vs any small good they thinke it vncourteous importunity to require them to do any more But as the Strand is easily emptied where the Ocean can neuer be exhau●…ted so mans liberality is soon dried vp but the goodnes of the Lord remains for euer who hath not the less because he hath giuen but stil delights ●…o giue more to such as are thankefull vnto him Next is to be marked how he saith I haue declared my wayes and thou heardst me these two go well together Mercy Truth Truth in the near●… of man confessing Mercy in God hearing forgiuing happy is the soule wherin these two meete together Many there are who want this comfort they cannot say God hath heard me ●…nd all because they deale not plainely and truely with the Lord in declaring their waies vnto him For the wicked neyther will nor dare manifest heir wayes vnto the Lord. As the eye which is ●…urt dare not look to the light so the conscience of him that doth euill dare not look to the Lord ●…ea they doe what they can to hide their wayes ●…rom him and to conceale the iniquity of their bosome against such the Prophet denounces a wo ●…o to them that seeke in the deepe to hide their counsell from the Lord their workes are in secret and they who sees it Their turning of deuises and flying to refuges of vanity in the infidelity of their hearts will no more auaile them then the figge leaues did Adam to hide his nakednes For the Lord will bring euery worke to iudgement Better were it for vs to iudge our selues in time and with Dauid to examin our harts in our secret chamber to declare truely our wayes vnto the Lord that if they be good he would by his grace confirm vs in them if they be euill he would diuert vs from them then that otherwise we should sleep securely in our sins tarry till our aduersary accuse vs and the Lord enter into iudgement with vs nay rather let vs tell our sins our selues that the Lord who is gratious may forgiue and Sathan who is a most shameless and malitious accuser may be confounded Qui se accusauerit vocem parati accusatoris excludit qui solet acer●…are peccata vniuscuiusque exaggerare ●…agitia obstruit ●…s eius qui de seipso fuerit ante confessus This is the great vantage we haue by declaring our own sins to the Lord Qui sua delicta non ta●…uit videtur in se doluisse quod fecit in diabolo prodidisse quod suasit that in so doing wee shewe our selues sorrowfull and penitent for the euill we haue done and therwithall also becom accusers of Sathan by whose subtile instigation we did the euill Last of all we learne here that then our life is well gouerned when we declare the course of it to the Lord lay open our harts nakedly before him This Dauid protests of himselfe Acta mea tibi Domine manifestani omnia and in another place that he set the Lord alway before him And this is it which is praised in Henoch that he walked with God Happy is the man whose wayes are so ordered that before his actions he consults with the Lord in his actions he remembers the Lord when he hath done presents them to the Lord if they be good seeking his approbation if they be euil seeking pardon forgiuene ●…of thē Teach me thy Statutes Now follows his prayer wherein he seekes light from God to direct him in his waies Non satis est vt confiteamur errorem verumetiam si corrigi volumus à Domino postulemus vt doceat nos iustificationes suas ne postea errare possimus It is
not enough to confesse and declare our former errours to the Lord but ●…e should seeke to be coriected by his grace in ●…ime to come These two benefits the Lord giues them together ●…emission of sinnes and renoua●…ion of their sinfull nature and his Saints seeke them together Mercy and Grace Mercy for remission of former sinnes and Grace for renoua●…ion of their hearts in time to come And this is to be marked for carelesse and carnall professors who seek pardon of former sinnes but haue no care of amendment for the time to com these ●…buse the mercy of God and turne his grace into wantonnesse seeking as it were a libertie to sin and not a deliuerance from sinne More concerning this petition see out of the twelfth Verse in the second Section Beth. VER 27. Make me to vnderstand the way of thy precepts and I will meditate in thy wondrous workes DAVID yet continues in his former supplication for further illumination of his vnderstanding If the light that is in thee be darknes how great is the darknes Where the mind is darkned the heart can neuer be rightly ordered therefore prayes he the more instantly for light vnto his minde The wayes of sinne we know them and can walke in them without a teacher yea man out of his owne corruption hath been the first inuenter of many sinfull waies which before him haue not beene knowne but as for the wayes of God we can neyther know them nor walke in them vnlesse we be taught of God Againe in this continual opposition which he makes betweene his wayes and Gods wayes let vs remember how by nature man hath a way of his own different from the way of God This diuision began by the first transgression wherein man preferred the way of Sathan to the way o●… God yet the diuision continues because man naturally is enclined to walke in a way contrary to that which God commaunds him which if in time it be not remedied will not faile to bring man to a miserable and vnhappy end for he who walkes not in the way of God can neuer come where God is but must be diuided frō the light ioyes of God and haue his portion in vtter darkneesse in that lake that burneth with fire brimstone And I will meditate If we seeke good things from God we should secke them for good ends specially that we may be enabled by them to serue God so will the Lord be intreated to giue them when he sees we seek them that we may return them to himselfe Ye aske saith S. Iames and receiue not because ye aske amisse that ye may consume them on your own lusts therfore Dauid seeking knowledge from God promiseth to vse it well not as many doe who by knowledge waxe proud seeking knowledge to get glory to themselues Dauid seeks it that he may be the more able to meditate on the workes of God and in them to shew forth his glory He stiles the works of God maruellous works and so indeed they are both his works of creation whereby he made the things which are and of his administration or prouidence whereby he conserues them but most of all maruellous are his works of mans redemption that is the Great mysterie of godlines But som of them we admire not because we know them not others of them custom drawes in contempt VER 28. My soule melteth for heauinesse raise me vp according to thy Word THe meaning is that he was sore weakned by the greatnes of his griefe therfore prayeth the Lord to reuiue strengthen confirm him Euen as a thing which melteth consumes away by piece-meale till nothing be left Vires eius paulatim difflu●…hant sicut aquae so did he finde the life strength of his soule docaying through the extremity of his griefe In the first part of the verse his eye is vpon him selfe in the second it is vp to the Lord. Happy is the man whose whole care is about one of these two that eyther he is looking to himselfe considering his necessities or looking to the Lord attending his mercies Heauiness There is nothing may comfort a naturall man but Dauid had it yet cannot all these keepe him from that heauinesse wherunto as witnesseth St. Peter the children of God are subiect in this life through their manifold tentations The men of the world are so farre from this disposition that if they haue health and wealth they maruell what it is should make a man heauie they are not acquainted with the exercises of a feeling conscience they know not the defects of the spirituall life are not grieued at them being dead in sinne they feele not that they want life all their care is to eate and drink and make merry But miserable are they for in their best estate they are as Oxen fedde for the slaughter Wo be to them who laugh now they shal mourne but blessed are they who mourne now for they shall be comforted The particular causes of the heauinesse of a Christian are according to their particular tentations which no man is able to rehearse where because it is a common disease to them all that euery one of them thinkes his own tentations singular let them remember that warning of the Apostle No tentation hath ouertaken you but that which appertaines to men But seeing our Sauiour saith that His yoake is easie and his burden light how is it that his children finde such heauinesse in bearing of it and following him It is true indeede the burden of Christ is light Quidenim leuius eo o●…ere quod non solum non oneraet sed portat omnom cui portandum imponitur for it is such a burden as is not burdensome but rather bears vp euery man who bears it not vnlike the wings of a fowle which are so borne by the body that they beare it and make it more agile or light If then we finde any heauinesse it is because our corrupt nature will not conforme her selfe to the similitude of Christ and refuseth to submit her neck vnto his yoke This is it that breeds in vs heauinesse and griefe that wee finde a power of corruption in vs which will not subiect it selfe to him whom our soule loueth Raise me vp according to thy word They haue not all learned to pray who vse prayer many in this age send vp vnto God confused prayers rising from the sense of their miseries whereof they desire to be relieued Pagans doe as much when they are in trouble they lift vp their eyes to God and desire to be deliuered from it But we must remember first to offer vp our prayers in the name of CHRIST whom because Pagans know not the Father cannot bee well pleased with them Next to frame our petitions according to Gods promises as heere Dauid doth otherwise to offer prayers for
promise to Dauid The meaning is I knowe ô Lord that thy promise is sure enough in it selfe but I pray thee make it sure to me Sure it is the promises of God are most cercertaine the earth may mooue and mountaines may fall yea the earth at length shal be shaken and the heauens wimpled vp like a garment but one iot of the word of GOD shall not faile This is the maine poynt vvhereat in all our life vvee should aime To make sure our calling election that the promises of God most sure in themselues may be made sure vnto vs. Many waies hath GOD confirmed his promise to vs First by the blood of his sonne Next by his owne oath he hath not onely spoken that he will giue mercie to the penitent belieuer but hee hath sworne it that by two immutable things wherin it is impossible that hee should lie he might shew to the heires of promise the stabilitie of his counsell But for all this neuer is his promise sure vnto vs till we receiue the seale of the spirit of adoption For this let vs pray For so long as we are in this body of sinne our infidelitie will euer be sending out feares and doubtings and distrusts against vvhich vvee haue neede to pray the Lord alwaies to confirme vs. Omnes enim Dei benignitate indigemus et qui extremum consequutus est virtut is apicem hac indiget continuò No man hath made such progresse in faith but hee hath neede further to be confirmed Lord incrcase our faith Lord helpe our vnbeliefe And therefore let not our wants and great weakenesse driue vs to despaire but so much the more vvaken and prouoke vs to feruent prayer To thy seruant Dauid frequently vseth this stile as very honourable and indeed so it is The seruaunt of God onely is a free man yea and a King but hee who is not the Lords seruaunt though hee were a Monarch and ruler of the whole earth he is but Satans captiue and a seruaunt of seruaunts O quam multos Dominos habet qui vnum non habet Because hee feares thee Hee who hath receiued from the Lord grace to feare him with loue may be bold to seeke any necessary good thing from him because the feare of GOD hath annexed the promises of all other blessings vvith it Sometime Dauid brings the reason of his petition from the Lord as from his mercy or his truth sometime from himselfe as from this that hee trusts in the Lord ver 42 or that hee hath a great desire toward the Lord ver 40 or that he feares God as heere All the promises of God are conditionall if the condition bee no way in vs how shall the promise be performed vnto vs It is true the Lord is gracious mercifull readie to forgiue c. But what is that to thee who repentst not belieuest him not louest him not and trustest not in him VER 39. Take away my rebuke that I feare for thy iudgements are good THere is a rebuke which comes vpon the godly from men without a cause and this suppose it grieue the godly yet they feare it not but rather reioyce in it according to that of our Sauiour Blessed are yee when men reuile you and speake all manner euill of you for my names sake be glad and reioyce for great is your reward in heauen With this meditation did Augustine confirme himselfe against the detractions of his Aduersarie who sought to empair the credit of his name Quisquis volens detrahit famaemeae nolens addit mercedi meae Hee that willingly would empaire my name against his will increaseth my reward And Dauid glorieth in this that the rebukes of them who rebuked the Lord had fallen vpon him There is againe a rebuke and shame comming from God as the fruite and iust punishment of sin for this the godly are afraid if they looke to their begun sinnes they know they haue deserued it they feare it and therefore pray vvith Dauid Psalmo 6 Lord rebuke mee not in thine anger If againe they looke to the time to come they feare least their infirmities bring them to shame euery one of them according to their seuerall tentations And this also they preuent by prayer as heere Dauid doth For it is to be marked that a godlie man is more afraid for sinnes vvhich hee may doe then a vvicked man is for sinnes that he hath done as hee liues in a continuall sorrow for begun sinnes so also in a continuall feare of sinnes wherein he may fall Semper est in dolore et tremore the one for repenting of sinne the other for preuenting of sinne For thy iudgements are good This reason heere subioyned declares that the rebuke which he feared was Gods rebuke The meaning is As to man his iudgement it is so peruerse that I passe not for it at all I knowe hee condemnes vvhere thou vvilt absolue It is high many a time in mans eye vvhich is abhomination to thee but as to thy rebuke I know Lord it comes neuer vndeserued for thy iudgement is good And therefore prayes he that the Lord vvould keepe him from those sinnes which may bring shame and reproach vpon him VER 40. Behold I desire thy commandements quicken me in thy righteousnesse SOmetime he confesseth his naturall inclination to euill as yee may see out of his prayers in the verses preceding sometime his new disposition by grace vnto that which is good The children of God finde in themselues motions of sinne but not without motions of grace to restrain them the one fights against the other and in this battell are we militant here vpon earth let vs mourne for the one and giue thankes for the other with the Apostle Rom. 7. He offers his desires to the Lord to be looked vpon It is an argument of a well set and disposed heart when a man dare present it vnto the Lord that hee may looke vpon the desires and intention thereof An euill conscience dare not doe this for as an eye when it is hurt craues some couering to hide it from the light so the guiltie conscience flies from the Lord and hath no desire to come before him let vs refuse to liue in that course of life wherein we dare not be bold to looke to the Lord nor content that he should looke vnto vs. I desire Our perfection in this life is rather in godly desires then in a full obtayning of things desired Phil. 3. yet haue the godly this comfort that where desires goe before satisfaction shall follow for the Lord hath promised to fulfill the desires of them that feare him Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousnesse for they shall be satisfied yea sure it is how great soeuer our desires be we cannot desire so much as the Lord hath to giue vs for he is rich in mercy
The Lord when hee exhorts to repentance cryes My sonne delay not to turne to the Lord. This day vvhile it is called vpon you harden not your harts but Satans voice is Tarry till the morne Let me first goe and kisse my father that is delight yet a space in the pleasures of this life It was offred by Moses to Pharao When shall I pray for thee and he answered To morrow It is offred by the Lord to man When wilt thou that I haue mercie on thee and in effect it is answered by many Not till mine old daies Miserable was Pharao who delayed Moses but one day and more miserable are they vvho delay the Lord for many yeeres vvhen hee offers them mercy I knowe no difference betweene the vvise Virgins and the foolish but that the one did that in time which the other would faine haue done out of time and could not The most profane men of the world are forced in death to make their refuge to the Lord then the eye and the hand are lifted vp vnto him then they cry for mercie and desire all others to pray for them If wee be wise let vs doe that in time which al men are faine to doe at the length VER 61. The bands of the wicked haue robbed me but I haue not forsaken thy law TRue godliness will indure great tentations euen as trees wel rooted abides the blast of strong winds and gold that is fine abides the triall of fire Many waies was Dauid tempted and among the rest the wicked by troupes and multitudes combined against him yet did he not forsake the law of the Lord. The godly liue in this world like sheep among vvolues euery wicked man in whom Satan ruleth is like a Cananite to an Israelite a thorne in our eye a prick in our side yea and as a dart of Satan shot at vs to driue vs away from the fear of God if so wee can take them it should greatly strengthen vs to indure all troubles that come from them There will neuer be peace among those two parties between whom the Lord himselfe in Paradise proclaimed inimity And howsoeuer to strengthen themselues in an euill cause the wicked goe together by bands and companies yet shall it not availe them nor hurt vs. Babels builders Moab Ammon Edom conspyring in one may tell vs Though hand ioyne in hand the wicked shall not escape vnpunished the wickd are like thornes before the fire their multitude may well embolden it but cannot resist it VER 62. At midnight will Irise to giue thanks vnto thee because of thy righteous iudgements IN this verse we haue a protestation of Dauid his thankfull affection toward the Lord wherein we haue three things 1. The dutie promsed namely to giue thanks 2. The time at midnight 3. The cause because of thy righteous iudgements As for the dutie of thanksgiuing wee spake of it verse 7. As for the time hee saith hee will rise at midnight and giue thanks to God We pray that we may doe Gods will on earth as it is done in heauen now in heauen we know they praise God continually without ceasing we should doe so vpon earth but our necessities of sleeping eating and such like interrupt vs that wee cannot doe it as we should yet happy shall we be if wee season all our dyets and doings with prayer and thanksgiuing That as God in nature hath made the knee to bow at euery step so the hart in euery action might bow and blesse the Lord acknowledging our Maker and Redeemer and directing all our dooings to his glory When Salomon made harps and other musicall instruments for the praise of God he made them of Almuggim trees that is of such trees as rotte not Teaching vs by like signification how induring should bee those instruments of our heart and affections wherewith wee praise God that we should not suffer them to decay But alas how soone do we faile Oftentimes we begin the day with some feruencie in praysing and prayer but wee faintere euen yet shall we haue great comfort if when our performance faileth our purpose remaine for this will reuiue our former zeale and make vs to returne vnto an earnest calling vpon God and that with the greater feruencie That we finde our great infirmity hath carried vs away from our former purpose Let vs againe consider here how Dauid spends the time of his life that we may learne at him to be wise Time is a most pretious thing not such a jewell among all things perteyning to this life By this it may be esteemed that in a small point of time an infinite weight of glory may be acquired and men who haue beene prodigall of it spending yeares and moneths without consideration would haue giuen great riches yea all the jewels of the world if they had beene in their possession for prorogation of their life one year yea one moneth Let vs therefore learne at Dauid how he vsed his time when he lay downe at night he watered his couch with teares after the examination of his heart At midnight againe he rose vp to giue thankes there-after he preuented the morning watch that he might meditate on the word of the Lorde then in the day time morning noone and even hee made a noise to the Lord yea seauen times in the day he called vpon God Our Sauiour hath commended the like care vnto vs both by his precept and practise in the Temple at the table in the garden in the mountaine did he pray all night Vt te proprio ad de precandum inuitaret exemplo Happy were we if so we could spend our dayes for certaine it is when our last day coms we shal haue comfort of no by-gone time but that which we haue spent in the seruice of God Sleepe is most necessary for the intertainment of bodily health it is Ros naturae the dewe of nature more necessary then meate or drinke yet as Dauid protests ver that hee loued the word of God more then his appointed food so heere hee preferres the prayses of God to his sleepe and rest in the night This may make vs ashamed when we see how wicked men cannot rest except they haue done euill and how they defraud themselues of sleep that they may commit iniquity and how againe the superstitious Priests of Baal can wake in the night to attend vpon their Idols that Christians professing Gods true worship should so pamper themselues that they will not rise out o●… the bedde to bowe their knee to the Lord yea scarsely lying still with their bodies will raise vp their spirits to praise him Sleepe is compared by one to a sory customer that eyther takes vp more then wee should giue or then his Master allowes him The Lord allowes a certaine time for our sleepe and rest as he doth to all the
rest of his creatures Psal. 104. But this is intollerable That vnder pretence of a little time allowed vnto vs the halfe of our time should bee exacted from vs. Ethniques in this point may make vs ashamed It is written of Alexander and Caesar among many moe that they parted the night in three the first they tooke vnto rest the second to the workes of Nature the third to their studies for encrease of knowledge and learning and that because they were forced to spend the day time in gouernment of their Kingdomes and administration of their warlike affaires Yet we haue now such a number whom wee may call Monsters of Nature who are not content to spend all the night ouer in works of darknesse such as Drunkennesse and Gluttonie and Chambring and slumbring but they turne also the noon-tyde of the day into midnight Per diem illis fit media nox yea not sparing the holy Sabboths of the Lord they sleepe by themselues like Howlets in their holes when the Saints of God are assembled together to praise him but miserable are they for as they tooke no part of Gods seruice so shall they bee strangers from the recompence The third circumstance pointing out the cause or matter of his thankesgiuing is here because of Thy righteous iudgements Where by iudgements he vnderstands Gods iust working according to his word both in executing threatned plagues vpon the wicked and performing promised mercies to the godly And for this cause Dauid praiseth God because he found him alwayes as good as his word and what he promised with his mouth hee performed with his hand And this cause which moued Dauid to praise God should moue vs all for wee haue felt his promises kept to our selues and his iudgements executed on the wicked in so manifest a manner that men might say as in the Psalme Verely there is a God that iudgeth righteously on earth and there is fruit for the righteous There is no transgression of Gods law which in som wicked men we haue not seene punished If the Lord did only speake and neuer punish men would say There is not a God and if on the other hand all transgressions were punished here men might say we need not look for a iudgement to come Of such sinnes as we haue seene punished let vs learn that there is a Iudge and of such sinfull men as we see spared let vs also learne that there is a iudgement to come VER 63. I am companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy precepts HE said in the first verse of this Section that God was his portiō now he saith All the Saints of God are his companions These two goe together the loue of God and the loue of his Saints He that loueth not his brother made to Gods image whom hee seeth how shall he say he loueth God whom hee hath not seen Seeing our goodnes extends not to the Lord if it be shewed to his Saints and excellen●… ones vpon earth for his sake it shall be no small argument of our louing affection toward him selfe Godly Dauid when Ionathan was dead made diligent inquisition Is there none of Ionathans posteritie to whom I may shew kindnes for Ionathans sake and at length he found a silly lame Mephiboseth So if we enquire diligently Is there none vpon earth to whom I may shew kindnesse for Christs sake who is in heauen wee shall euer find some to whom whatsoeuer wee doe shall be allowed as done to himselfe Euery mans company wherein hee delights tells what manner of man he is himselfe Qualiscunque quis fuerit cum tali se coniungit The fowles of heauen flocke together according to their kinds ye shal not see Doues assembling with Rauens Inter dispares mores quae potest esse amicitia What fellowship or friendship can be among men of inequall manners Non potest homini amicus esse qui Deo fuerit infidus he can neuer be friendly to man who is false vnto God But there is yet a greater argument the Lord IESVS hath honoured vs to be his companions so wee are called Psal. 44. God hath anointed thee aboue thy fellowes To worke this fellowship he assumed our nature he abased himselfe he was baptized as we are he died as vvee doe hee rose againe as we shall doe hee walked in all our waies that hee might traine vs vp to walke in his waies and might euery way make vs like himselfe and shal we thinke it a derogation to our honor to humble our selues for Christs sake to men of a rank inferior to vs and euen for the feare and loue of God that is in them to account them our companions Yet further his great modestie is to bee marked Non dixit imitantium te sed timentium he saith not I am companion to all that follow thee but to all that feare thee The feare of God is the beginning of wisedom Inter rudes se constituit humilitate cum veteranos superaret deuotione hee placeth himselfe among nouices in humilitie when he excelled antients in pietie That feare thee The godly are commonly described by this grace That they fear God but so that they also loue and obey him therefore Dauid ioynes these two together That fear thee and keepe thy precepts Apostat Angels saith S. Iames feare GOD but there-withall they hate him and rebell against him In the Godly feare prepares a way to loue when loue is perfected then feare shall cease but in the wicked fear prepares a way to despaire restlesse perturbation Abraham looked for no good in Gerar because he thought the fear of God was not there on the contrary Ioseph confirmed the timorous harts of his brethren that they should looke for none euil at his hands because said he I feare God Therby letting vs know that this is a sufficient reason to assure vs of all good duties from a man if truly it may be said of him He feareth God VER 64. The earth O Lord is full of thy mercies teach mee thy statutes HEere is a prayer with a reason Seeing ô Lord thou art good to all thy creatures shew thy goodnes also to mee in this that thou teach me thy statutes Gods generall benignitie is extended to all his creatures his speciall benignity is for his children and this is it that Dauid here craueth And indeed Gods generall goodness vnto all his creatures should serue to confirme his children in the assurance of his more speciall fauour toward them as heere Dauid vseth it If hee care for sparrowes if he feed the young Rauens when they cry if hee clothe the Lilies of the fielde are not his own children much more worth will he not much more care for them Seeing of his goodnesse he sends raine to the wicked makes his sunne to shine on the vniust will he not of his mercie lift vp the
light of his countenaunce vpon his owne and make the dewe of his grace to fall vpon them Yea if we our selues when we were enemies were reconciled how much more now beeing reconciled shall we be saued And this as it serues to confirme the godlie that the whole earth is full of Gods goodnes so doth it also convince the wicked of a blind stupiditie Euery creature hath in it some note of Gods goodnes and yet they cannot see it they looke to heauen they walke vpon earth they breathe in the ayre they warme at the fire euery moment they vse Gods creatures but neuer see nor feele his his goodnesse in them to lift vp their harts and praise him for them TETH VER 65. O Lord thou hast dealt graciously with thy seruaunt according to thy word IN the verse following Dauid seekes mercy in this hee giues thankes for mercy receiued Mercies receiued as they should be returned with praise to him who gaue thē so should they confirme our harts in an expectation of greater to bee receiued It is not with God as it is with man a man the more he giueth the lesse he hath it is not so with the Lord. Among men this is a reason as they alledge why they should not giue I haue giuen you already why then doe yee trouble mee any more but it is not so with God the treasures of his grace can neuer be emptied whom he loues he loues vnto the end and to him that hath hee giueth more Yea all that now wee get hee willeth vs to receiue as an earnest or a pledge of greater good hee hath to giue vs. So Dauid confirmes himselfe Psalme 23. that because the Lord had beene a Shepheard to him in time by-gone hee gathers this conclusion Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow me all the daies of my life But how saith Dauid did God deale graciously with him seeing hee did humble him from his youth with many sore afflictions These agree very well together for the Lord is most louing when he chastiseth Etiā in seueritate est bonitas Dei vt recurrat vnusquisque castigatus pedem referat à peccatis ad tramitem bonamque conuersationem reuertatur euen in seueritie Gods gracious goodnesse appeares in that hee vvho is chastised returnes from his sinnes to the right trade of a godlie conuersation Will any man accuse a Physition of cruelty because hee cutteth away the rotten member vvith yron or burnes with fire a fretting canker Or shall the Master bee blamed for correcting his negligent Disciple that hee may make him more diligent and attentiue to learning Sic castigare amantis est non execrantis ideo bonitatis est noncrudelitatis so to chastise is the vvorke of one that loueth not that hateth there is no crueltie in that but gratious goodnesse And albeit these chastisements seeme not sweete for the present yet afterward as the Apostle saith they bring the quiet fruite of righteousnesse to them vvho are thereby exercised And therefore Dauid still craueth to bee taught of GOD the same manner of way Sciebat namque Propheta disciplinae vtilitatem because hee had learned by experience vvhat great good Gods discipline doth to the soule of a man Yee may perceiue by this how Dauid kept remembrances of the seuerall proofes of Gods fauour shewed vnto him in performing to him the promised kingdome and in deliuering him from many outward and inward temptations Thus the children of GOD keepe with themselues memorials of mercie receiued for albeit the time of the full performance of Gods promises bee not yet come yet doth he performe so much of them as binds vs in all conscience to remember his praises who is a most true and mercifull God vnto vs. Thy seruaunt Dauid frequently delights in this stile Hee found that his greatest comfort stood in the seruing of GOD in a good conscience and if we do not so with what boldnes can we looke for comfort from him in the day of our trouble or houre of death who made no conscience of his seruice Yea rather iustly may the Lord giue vs that fearefull answer which he gaue to the rebellious Iewes whē they sought his help in the day of their distresse Goe vnto the gods whō yee haue serued and let them deliuer you According to thy vvord Naturall men will not belieue that GOD will doe according to his vvord they haue it in derision The vision say they is but wind In so dooing they highly offend the maiestie of GOD imputing this note of dishonestie vnto him That hee is not so good as his word but in experience they shall find the contrary The godly shall find the truth of his word in mercie as Ezechias did so shall they praise him The Lord hath said it and the Lord hath done it but the wicked shal find it in iudgement Your Fathers vvhere are they and doe the Prophets liue for euer But did not my word and my Statutes vvhich I commaunded by my seruaunts the Prophets take hold on your Fathers And they returned and said As the Lord of hosts hath determined to doe vnto vs according to our ovvne waies and works so assuredly hath he dealt with vs. So shall all the wicked find at the length that as God hath a mouth to speak so hath he a hand to execute it Then shall they discerne betweene the righteous and the wicked between him that serueth God and him that serueth him not VER 66. Teach mee good iudgement knowledge for I haue beleeued thy cōmaundements THis verse containes a prayer with a reason In the prayer he beseecheth God to teach him good iudgement The word Tob Tagnam signifieth the goodnesse of taste so Vatablus Bonitatem sensus doce me The naturall sense of tasting is heere by a Metaphortranslated to signifie iudgement and vnderstanding and that because as taste discernes meat makes choise of vvhat is to bee sent into the stomacke ●…o the vnderstanding discernes betweene truth to be embraced and falshood to be reiected This is the grace for which the Apostle prayeth to the Philippians I pray that yee may abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement that yee may discerne things which are excellent This is a rare grace For many by the iudgement of light knowes what is good and what is euill who knowe it not by the iudgement of taste for if by sense they felt the bitternesse of sinne and sweetnesse of righteousnesse they wold not so loue the one set light by the other as they doe And againe this puts a difference between that knowledge which wee haue in this life and that which we shall haue in the life to come Now we haue but a taste then shall we be filled and satisfied with his image now wee knowe but in part heereafter wee shall knowe fully now we
Commended for the truth and righteousnes thereof 357. Euery thing contrary thereto is falsehood 366. It is the keeper of religious order 389. It is like Manna 392. Gods Works are wondrous 77. All his Works serue him 217. Worldlings treasure is without them The Christians is within them 33. The Worldlings ioy The Godlies griefe 69 Y YOuth and Old age both to be godly 30. To be considered 234. Z THe Zeale of the godly to Gods word not soon satisfied 317. The nature of Zeale ibid. Sundry sorts of Zeale 318. The effects of Zeale ibid. Zeale and Knowledge twowings of the Soule 319. The Tryall of Zeale ibid. Zeale in Prayer 328. What may seem wanting in this Table the references of certaine verses will supply FINIS Iob 31. Heb. 13. So many waie●… doth God te●…ch man that man is inexcusable if he learn not Matth. 11. 17. Euthym. Gods courle in dealing with man contrary to Sathans Esa. 5. 4. A commendation of the booke of the Psalmes A●…ib Dauid both the heart and the tongue and the pen of the great King If we be partakers of Dauids disposition we shall also be partakers of his approbation ☜ A notable sentence of Cyprian to this purpole Iob 1. 1. 8. Pontius We should marke these ver●…es for which God hath commended his seruants In euery verse of this Psalme except one Dauid makes mention of Gods word Vatablus Such as are regenerate by the word liue by it as by the food of their soules Others cannot account of it ☜ The order and diuision of this Psalme The felicity of man stands in a conformity with God Basil. prae●…in Psal. Rom. 9. 5. Foure wayes is mans felicity described in holy Scripture Ephes. 1. 3. Psalme Psal. 3●… 1. Matth. 5. Euthym. Euery mans life is a Way wherein without intermission he walkes to the graue Basil. Psal. 125. The different courses of good and euill men in it For there is one common to them both which is seene one other proper to each of them which is secret A godly man directs his course by the word 〈◊〉 3. 1●… Mans felicity stands in God his approbation No malice of Sathan no wrath of man can curse where God hath blessed Why Gods word is called the Testimony of God Euery man should take heed what Gods word testifies to him Mich. 2. 7. ☞ Aug. How the children of God keepe his word in mind affection and action Rom. 8. How necessary it is for vs to seeke the Lord. Psal. 73 27. Ver. 28. Miserable are they who seeke him not With what affection God should be sought Chrysost. in mat hom 24. Euthym. ☞ Six conditions to be obserued in the seeking of God 1 Seeke him in Christ. Heb. 7. 25. 2 Seeke him in truth Ier. 10 10. Ioh. 4. 2●… P●…l 51. 3 Seeke him in holinesse Heb 12. 1 Ioh. 3. 4 S●…eke him aboue all things and for himselfe Hos. Aug. ☞ 5 Seeke him by his owne light Rom. 1. 21. 6 Seek him without wearying Psal. 34. 5. If we keepe Gods word it keepes vs. How it is that the Saints of God worke no iniquity Rom. 7. Three things concurre to the working of iniquity ☞ 1. Ioh. 3. Why the life of a godly man is called Gods way The sinnes of this age are either of obliuion or rebellion excuse of ignorance is taken from them By obliuion men are easily caried to rebellion Psal. 123. 2. Three reasons to moue vs to a carefull diligence to obey the Lord. The godly answer Gods pre●…epts with a prayer It cannot be well with man when his way is contrary to Gods way It is a worke of Gods mercy and power to draw a man from his owne way to Gods way Euthym. The miserable effects of sin Iam. 1. It offends both God and man but hurts him most that did ●…ommit it Ierem. ●…asil Wee should make conscience of all God his commaundements The halfe obe●…ience of the wicked is like the voice of an Eccho Iam. 2. 10. Thankfulnes to God commended for foure causes Psalme First for the equitie of it sith wee take good things from God why should we not giue him glory Secondly for the obiect thereof which is God the treasure of all good Thirdly for the associates wee haue in this exercise namely Angels our elder brethren Lastly for the great good we get by it The best musicall instrument for Gods prayses is an vprigh ●…are Both the matter the grace of thankfulnes is from God Purposes wold be seconded with prayers A resolution to be godly is a great beginning of a godly life A fearefull plague to be forsaken of God ●…asil Gods children many times exercised with temporall desertions To a godly man a ●…hort time of Gods absence is long Gods word is a glasse representing to vs both Gods image and our owne As words and sentences cannot be without letters so no good in religiō or manners without the word ☞ Dauid edifies others with that which had done himselfe good The word is needfull for all specially for young men and why Amb. lib. de viduis Nazi●…n orat 46. in Ecclesiast Prou. 22. 15. Lam. 3. 27. Youth commonly most profane Amos. 2. It is an euill diuision when young yeeres are giuen to Satan and olde age to the Lord. Leuit. 2. 14. Malach. How the strength of young age should be declared 1. Ioh. 2. 14 15 16. It a double sin and shame for old men to be vngodly A miserable euill to come to Canaans borders and be put backe againe ☜ Knowledge to gouern the life aright is the good gift of God Amb. Dauid practised that which he taught to others Hee was far frō Pharisaicall boasting of his owne perfection Basil. The beginning continuing and perfecting of our saluation is of God Heb. 12. Dauid hid not the talent hee receiued Psal. He that edifies not his owne heart with mercy is not meet to speake of it vnto others Christians haue their treasure within Worldlings without them The godly make not a vaine shew of grace but lock it vp in the heart to hide it from their enemies Basil. Worldlings carelesse of the heauenly treasure conuinced If we keepe the word it will keepe vs. The soule of the godly cannot be satisfied in this life Men are carelesse to seeke God because they know not what a iewell he is But seeke the creatures as if their happines stood in them To be taught by man is nothing if God teach not Amb. Doctrine shold be deliuered and receiued with prayer ☜ Such as haue solid knowledge of saluation desire to know more And none thinke they know enough but they who know nothing Bern. Benefits receiued being well vsed may make vs bold to seek more How sayth Dauid he declared Gods iudgements 〈◊〉 the Apostle saith they are vnsearchable Psal. 35. Rom. 11. Ambrose Iudgements of God are twofold secret and reuealed Men should learne before they teach Bern. Man made with such wisedome that no member in the body
your Master My Lord at yee haue learned to serue most faithfully a King on earth and for good seruice haue receiued the recompence of his Princely liberality so thinke with your selfe how greatly ye shall be conuinced if ye doe not learne to serue the King of heauen whose wage to his seruants doth as farre exceed any thing yee haue as the heauens are aboue the earth The third is Ye are now striken in yeares your Almond tree is flourished these fiftie and eight yeares hath God spared you and not taken you away in your ignorances and sinnes as he hath done many others both at your right hand and at the left My Lord the patience of God is called long but his mercy euerlasting the vse of his mercy toward his owne is to beare with them till they be deliuered into the hands of his mercie then are they out of all danger for his mercy endures for euer and whom once he receiues he neuer casts away again But wo is to the wicked for they abuse Gods patience to fulfill the measure of their iniquity heaping vp wrath to themselues by the multiplication of sinnes as it were in a treasure against the day of wrath Thus as the Fish of Iorden goe sprinkling and playing in the streame thereof till at length they fall into the Loch or salt Sea of Sodome where they die so are all the wicked abusing Gods patience carried on by their deceitfull pleasures of sin to a miserable end For where in their young yeares they will not repent in their olde age custome of sinne so confirmes them in euill that they cannot repent no more then a Leopard can change his spots or a Blacke Moore his colour Of this your ●…may perceiue that God his long pattence whereby he spares a man is not a blessing if mercy to pardon sins past and grace to renne for the time to come doe not follow it yea rather quo diutius expectat districtius iudicabit the longer he tarie and spare the sharper will he strike when he comes Let this waken in your L. a care to redeeme the time and a resolution to sacrifice the residue of your few yeares vnto the Lord your God For which cause it shall not be vnprofitable your L. remember these counsels first that ye examine diligently your by-gon life No man knowes the things of a man but the spirit of a man this will tell you more of your selfe then all the world can tell you In this examination spare not your selfe if you would haue God to spare you iudge your selfe accuse your selfe correct your selfe and GOD shall not iudge you Remember when yee come to iudgement there will be none to stand against you if it be not your owne sinnes so long therfore as you haue time fall vpon them fight with them and doe all that ye can to vndoe them Where if your L. would know how is it that a man may vndoe the euill which he hath done The answer is that two manner of waies ye may doe it first if with good Ezechia ye recount your by-gon sinnes in the bitternesse of your heart mourning for them euer when ye thinke vpon them and with the eyes of faith looke to him who being righteous died for our sinnes sending vp strong supplications to God that by the merit of Christs death your sinnes may be buried in the graue and haue neuer place to stand against you in iudgement If they be such as may be m●…nded by restitution faile not to do it after the manner of good Zaccheus if they be not of that nature mend them by doing the contrarie good This is that holie reuenge which the Apostle commends as a not able effect of repentance That we should be reuenged of our by-gon euils by doing the good which we know is most contrarie vnto them This being done for annulling of your by-gon sinnes let your next care be to rectifie your life for the time to come Salomon saies The end of a thing is better thē the beginning thereof His meaning is of good things for euill men waxe worse and worse but an elect man by grace makes his latter end better then his beginning and they who are planted in the Courts of the Lords house flourish and bring forth fruit euen in their olde daies And here againe I recommend to your L. a three fold duetie First remember how manie are the obligation vvherein ye stand bound to the Lord your God thinke vppon that question of godlie Dauid What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me Take an answer for it out of these vvords of Salomon My sonne giue me thine heart Euerie morning offer vnto the Lord Primitias cordis oris tui the first fruits of your heart and mouth thinke vpon nothing before yee thinke on him speake of nothing till first yee speake vnto him be feruent and continuall in prayer Si non semper precamur semper debemus habere paratum precantis affectu●… ●…f we be not alway praying we should alway haue readie a heart disposed to pray The vessels of mercy should smell of mercie and the Temples of God should neuer want the sacrifices of God giue to the Lord both the thankes and the seruice of all the good ye haue receiued from him Many giue him verball thankes for his benefites acknowledging themselues debitors to him for the good which they haue who will not serue him with his owne benefites Let these men know that their thanks are not acceptable to him The second point of your care I would haue entended to the poore and needy as ye haue receiued mercy from God or looke to get it shew mercy for Gods sake to such as are vnder you Salomon saith The mercies of the wicked are crueltie but the mercies of a righteous man extend euen toward his beast how much more then will he be mercifull to his Christian brother Remember what comfort Iob found in the day of his trouble arising from this That he restrained not the poore of their desire and caused not the eyes of the widdow to faile that he did not eate his morsels alone but the fatherlesse eat thereof that he saw none perish for want of clothing nor suffered the poore to be without a couering that the loynes of the poore blessed him because hee was warmed with the fleece of his sheepe It is a great grace where a man not onely sets his owne heart to praise God but hyreth the heart and tongue of others to praise God with him and for him therfore To do good and to distribute forget not for with such sacrifices God is pleased And with these thinke it a peece of your honour to honor the seruants of the Lord. Beautifull saith Esay are the feet of those who bring the glad tidings of peace If their feet be beautifull what should their face be Looke not to their weakenesse but for their Master and their
that which GOD hath not promised or are not according to the word it is to offer vncouth fire to the Lorde as Chore Dathan and Abiram did to their owne destruction VER 29. Take from me the way of lying and gratiously grant me thy Lawe IN the remanent foure Verses of this Section there is a continued praier wherin Dauid craueth grace of God to order his life not according to the counsell of Nature which is a lying way but according to the word which he onely acknowledgeth to be the way of truth adding these protestations that he had chosen it his hart cleaned to it and he would continue in it In this Verse we haue first to see what is this way of lying that we may vnderstand the meaning of his petition By the way of lying is to be vnderstood all that is in man his nature not agreeable to the word whether it be counsels or conclusions of the heart or externall actions and it is called a lying way because nature promises a good to be gotten by sinne which man shall not finde in it And vnto this deceit of sinne Dauid acknowledgeth himselfe subiect with the rest for why he would not pray the Lord to take that away from him which were not in him In nobis est interius manet via iniquitatis ideoque studiose agendum est vt eam à nobis separemus Dauid was a regenerate man but there are none so well renewed in this life who may not finde something in themselues that need further reformation Sed quia haereditarium iniquitatis glutinum mentibus inhaesit humanis opus est liberantis auxilio but this separation of a man from the way of iniquitie is a worke of great difficulty to be done only by the power of God both because the way of sinne is within vs and as an heritable euil is glewed to our minds For as it is Maiorum nostr●…rum attrita vestigijs pathed and trod with the footesteps of our fathers so are wee naturally enclined without a teacher or counseller to follow them in it Ideoque quia vulnus grande ac vetus est diu serpens perfectioris medicinae remedia deposcit And therefore because it is a great wound an old it requires the remedie of more perfect medicine then the wit or power of man is able to affoord which Dauid vvell knowing beseecheth God of his mercie to take away this euill from him And further we see heere that what-euer vvas Dauid his disposition hee gathers alwaies out of it an argument to mooue him to prayer It is wisedom for a man aboue all things to take heed to himselfe But sure hee hath neuer learned this aright who when hee hath looked to himselfe lookes not incontinent vp to God moued vvith the sight of his manifold necessities to seek mercie and grace to supply them And grant mee graciously thy law Hee oppones the law of God to the way of lying First because it is the onely rule of all truth both in religion and manners that which is not agreeable to it is but a lye vvhich shall deceiue men Secondly it destroyes and shall at length vtterlie destroy all contrary errors As the rodde of Aaron deuoured the rods of the Enchaunters so the word which is the rodde of the mouth of God shall in the end eate vp and consume all vntruthes whatsoeuer Thirdly according to the sentence of this vvord so shall it be vnto euerie man it deceiues none Men shall find by experience it is true he who walkes in a way condemned by the word shall come to a miserable end And on the contrary it cannot be but well vvith them who liue according to this rule Non est via veritatis honor saeculi sollicitudo mundi vanitas temporalium est veritas aeternorum But had not Dauid the law already No doubt he wanted not the booke of the law Hee heard it he read it he professed it yea some-way hee vnderstood it What then is it hee craues Surely that the law might be so imprinted in his hart that it might abolish that naturall vanitie and deceit of sinne which carried him to the offence of God A necessary petition for these dayes vvherin the knowledge of the word is exceeding great but the zeale spirituall life and feeling of the harts of men is not answerable vnto it They thinke all is vvell in that publiquely they professe it They hear it with their eares they speak of it with their mouthes they read it in their bookes finely bound though in that dutie many faile also But certainly vvhen they thinke they haue it they want it so long as it is not printed in the table of their hart to frame their motions affections and actions conformable to it And this is it which Dauid heere craues VER 30. I haue chosen the way of truth and thy iudgements haue I laid before me IN these last three verses we haue the reason of his former petition from his honest affection toward the word of God wherein he declares that he had chosen it he did cleaue vnto it and was determined in al time to com more and more to cleaue vnto it therefore praieth he God more and more to confirme him in this purpose Non enim diuina gratia datur bonū propositū non habentibus the grace of God is not giuen to such as in their heart purpose not to do good and yet this purpose and desire to doe well is not in the heart of man by nature vnlesse God worke it by grace for we are not of our selues sufficient to think a good thought It is God who works in vs both the will and the deed Nos volumus sed Deus operatur in nobis velle nos operamur sed Deus in nobis operatur operari hoc nobis expedit credere dicere hoc pium hoc verum vt sit humilis submissa confessio detur totum Deo We will indeede but it is God who workes in vs that will also we worke but it is God who workes in vs that working of good also it is expedient for vs both to beleeue and to say so this is godly this is true that there may be in vs a submisse and humble confession the whole prais of wel-doing may be ascribd to God And because man is ingenious to defraud God of the praise of grace and to magnifie the arme of Nature let vs marke another notable testimonie this same Father giues to this truth whereby the idle distinctions of the Aduersaries are dissolued Deus qui lux est interior is hominis plus illi praestat quam lux oculo nam lux oculum ad se conuersum illuminat auersumà se clausum deserit Deus vero non solum mentem ad se conuersum illuminat sed etiam mentem ad
him who is aboue vs who hath not onely bought vs with a deer price and promised to vs excellent things heereafter but daily rewards vs with wages that farre surmounts our seruice And this dutie should the more willinglie be discharged by vs because the seruice is honourable where-vnto the Lord imployes vs for it is not to doe any base or seruile thing as to worke in brick and clay which way the Israelites serued Pharao and common seruants serue their Lord and Master No Pretiosa h●…c seruitus virtutum constat expensis this pretious and honourable seruice stands in the practice of vertue in prayer and prayses of the Lord thy God These are the principall poynts of this seruice in this wee haue the Angels to bee our companions for in these same things they serue GOD with vs and serue vs for Gods sake And shame will be vnto vs if wee bee ashamed to serue GOD vvith them and one of vs to serue another for Gods sake VER 123. Mine eyes haue failed in waiting for thy saluation and for thy iust promise DAuid here renues the protestation of his earnest desire he had of Gods saluation Et vt desider ij vehemētiam significet and to expresse the vehemencie of his desire he protests that his eyes failed in waiting meaning Oculos mentis as Euthymius thinkes of the eyes of his mind So also Ambrose expounds it Oculi animae tota fidei intentione in Deum defixi erant that the eyes of his soule and whole intention of his faith were fixed vpon God But what is this saluation for which he waited so earnestly Not that temporall deliuerance from his enemies for which also many times he prayeth to the Lord his God but especially here he prayeth for that saluation mentioned Ps. 106. Visit me with the saluation of thy people that I may reioyce with the ioy of thine inheritance and for which also he prayeth Many say Who will shew vs any good but Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon me And this is it wherevpon the desires of our soule should alway be intended If a man shall separate himselfe in his cogitation and take a view of mens actions in the world he shall see them running with insatiable desires som after one thing som after another they are all in a restlesse businesse like rauening birds and beasts of the earth pursuing their prey But is not their laboura wandring after vanitie Will the fruite of their actions remaine with them Are they not fooles to be busie about many things with Martha carelesse about one thing which is ●…eedfull with Mary Let vs be wise in time Happy is he whose heart is well set to couet the best things if with Dauid we can waite and hunger and thirst for Gods saluation God will not faile in his owne time to satisfie vs. And for thy iust promise He sheweth here vpon what warrant he did wait for Gods saluation namely his promise There is no people who know there is a God but they wait for som good things from him neuerthelesse all these walke in vncertainties only we haue Gods warrant for our hope which is his sure promise hee hath made and sealed to vs in Christ Iesus But in this point also the vnthankfulnesse of this age is manifest for who now delight in the promises of God No no as if they were but vaine wordes men now account more of one of his temporall gifts presently giuen them then they doe of the most excellent promises of better things to come which he hath made to them and therefore is it they waite not for those which are to come but let loose their hearts to delight in these which are present An vnthankful vnfruitfull back-slyding generation is this wherein we are fallen God be mercifull vnto it VER 124. Deale with thy seruaunt according to thy mercy and teach me thy statutes HE protests now as oft before that hee was Gods seruant that he did not liue according to his owne will but depended on the will of God Euen as the eyes of a seruant looke to the Master and the eyes of a handmaid to her Mistresse so did hee looke vnto the Lord his God But because he was priuie to the conscience of his owne sinnes and that his seruice was not such as it should haue been therefore he appeales to mercy praying GOD not to deale with him after his seruice but after Gods mercie Non vno facto seruus Dei absoluitur It is not one dutie which completes the seruice wee owe vnto God Yea when we haue done all that we can we are but vnprofitable seruants for who can serue so great a Master as the Lord is according as he should be serued Yea to let be himselfe who can serue him worthy of that wage we haue receiued from him Quis tanta naturae munera vitae salutisque seruatae diuina beneficia digno possit aequare seruitio Quis potest soluere quod accepit ideoque misericordiam petit Dauid VVho can giue equall seruice for so great benefits of nature life and saluation which we haue receiued from God who can recompence him that which hee hath giuen or pay him that which he oweth vnto him And therefore Dauid knowing all these he cryeth for mercy And yet shall we not be defrauded of the comfortable stile of Gods seruaunts if wee find these two things First that wee are glad to doe any thing in his seruice that wee knowe is according to his will Next that wee are sorrowfull for the euill which wee doe and for the good which of weakenesse we leaue vndone Teach mee Dauid had Nathan and Gad the Prophets and beside them the ordinary Leuites to teach him He read the word of God diligently and did meditate in the law night day but hee acknowledgeth all this was nothing vnlesse God did teach him Other teachers speake to the eare but God speakes to the hart so Paul preached to Lydia but God opened her hart Let vs pray for this grace VER 125. I am thy seruant grant me therefore vnderstanding that I may know thy testimonies IN this verse his former petition is renewed with a reason The thing he seeks is vnderstanding Intellectus spiritale munus est ideo quod Dei est à Domino postulatur vnderstanding is a spirituall gift Dauid seekes it from God because it is at his Donation The reason he vseth I am thy seruant Non quasi extraneus poscit I am not a stranger to thee but thine own domestique seruant let me want no grace may enable mee to serue thee Omnes homines natura sunt serui Dei adoptione verò illi qui dominationem Dei cupidè sunt amplexi All men by nature are Gods seruants by adoption onely they who are glad to come vnder his Dominion these serue him not by
men knew this or could apprehend it they would not redeeme the pleasures of sinne so deerely as for them to defraude their ownesoules of saluation despising against themselues the counsell of God And this Oracle of God should confirme vs against all these tentations which arise vnto vs by looking to the prosperity peace and worldly pompe of the wicked What is the glory of their outward state to be regarded so long as this fearfull sentence lies vpon them that the saluation of God is farre from them This sustained the Apostle S. Paul when he saw the great pompe of Agrippa he would not for all that exchange estates with him he wished not to be like vnto Agrippa but rather that hee had beene such as he was Because they seeke not thy Statutes Heere is noted the cause of all their misery namely the contempt of Gods word they did not so much as seeke the Lords Statutes An argument they esteemed nothing of it for who will seeke that whereof they account not or who will despise that which they esteeme pretious and necessary to them This is much more then if he had only said They transgresse thy Statutes The children of God may be guilty of the one transgression for in many things we sinne all And if any man say he sinnes not he is a l●…ar and the truth is not in him but they are farre from the other to dis-esteeme of Gods word and cast off all care to seeke it VER 156. Great are thy tender mercies O Lord quicken me according to thy iudgements NOw Dauid turns his consideration from wicked men vnto himselfe acknowledging that he was no better by nature then they but that Gods his mercy had made a difference between him and them where there was none by nature And therefore prayes he that the work of Gods mercy may be continued with him to quicken him and giue him life that he defile not his conscience by dead workes as they doe nor yet haue fellowship with them in their vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse but that being quickned by God he may liue the life of God from which he saw them to be strangers Thus we see that how-euer the godly exercise somtime their consideration about other things yet in the end they returne still to themselues What-euer they heare or see or speake of others they enter into their owne hearts and edifie themselues by it if they looke to such as are godly they are confirmed to follow them●… if they looke to the manners of wicked men they are affraid of their owne weakenesse runne to Gods mercy praysing him who hath preserued them from the like impiety and praying also for grace to keep them that their harts incline not to walk with them Thus of euery thing they reape some profit to themselues but naturall men look so to things which are without them that they enter not into their owne hearts to edifie themselues by that which they heare or see in others Againe the manner of the children of God in their prayers is to flie alway to Gods mercy it is of mercy that they begin well of mercy that they continue well of mercy that they looke for any good at the hands of God let them leane to merits who will we wil depend vpon mercy Are we able to giue vnto God himselfe Are we able to requite his benefites which we haue gotten Quis potest debitum referre naturae debitum salutis gratiae Can any man requite him for benefits of nature which we haue receiued farre lesse for benefites of grace saluation these are debts which wee are neuer able to pay Where then are thy merits Quis nostrûm sine diuina potest miseratione subsistere Who among vs all can subsist without diuine miseration Quid possumus dignū facere praemijs coelestibus Or what can we do worthy of a heauenly reward Let vs therfore learnat Dauid to send vp our requests Non secundum merita nostra sed misericordiam Dei not according to our merits but his mercies Two Epithets he ascribes to Gods mercies first he cals them great and then he cals them tender mercies They are great in many respects for cōtinuance they endure sor euer for largenes they reach vnto the heauens are higher then they yea they are aboue all the workes of God And this is for the comfort of poore sinners whose sinnes are many and great let them not despaire his mercies are greater and moe for sith they are greater then all his works how much more greater then thou and all thy sinsull workes All the Nations of the earth are but like the droppe of a bucket or as a graine of sand compared with his Maiestie what art thou then that thou shouldst magnifie thy deedes aboue his rich mercie as if thy sinnes were so great that his mercie could not compasse them Onely doe not abuse his mercy neyther turne thou his grace into wantonnesse but if thou vnfeinedly repent then doe thou also stedfastly beleeue that thy sinnes were they neuer so great shall easily be swallowed vp by his infinite mercies As the Ocean when it flowes couers sands and rockes and all that they are not seene so where the floud of Gods compassions breaks out how easily doth it ouerflow and couer all thy transgressions This is the meditation of the Apostle that where before he had beene many manner of wayes sinfull and ignorant a blasphemer an oppressor a persecuter yet the grace of our Lord had beene exceeding abundant toward him where sinne had abounded grace had superabounded to ouer flow and couer it And in this he stands for an example to all that will beleeue that they should neuer distrust Gods great mercies for the greatnesse of their sinnes The other Epithet he giues them is That they are tender mercies because the Lord is easie to be intreated for he is slowe vnto wrath but ready to shew mercy S. Iames saith that the wisdom which is from aboue is gentle peaceable easie to be intreated If his grace in his children make them gentle and easie to be intreated what shall we thinke of him selfe Sith he will haue such pitie in vs poore creatures that seauenty times seauen times in the day hee will haue vs to forgiue the offences of our brethren O what pitie compassion abounds in himselfe Thus we see our comfort is increased that as his mercies are great so are they tender easily obtained where they are earnestly craued Quicken me Dauid found the life of grace in himselfe continually hindred impugned yea oft-times sore weakened by the power of his corrupt nature and therefore the more frequent is he in this petition that God would quicken him VER 157. My persecuters and my oppressors are many yet doe I not swerue from thy testimonies A New protestation of his constancy vnder affliction that albeit
can say to another I need thee not Speech taken from good men for two causes Iob 12. 1 For punishment of their people 2 For correction of themselues The ioy gotten by Gods word surmounts all worldly ioy whatsoeuer Basil. Ambrose In a miserable estate are they to whom Gods word is a wearinesse Sathans baits ●…e pleasure or profit but we should not be moued with any of them and why Amb. 1. Cor. 1. It is not the hearing or reading of Gods word that will worke vs ioy if we practise it not ☞ Basil. Of the vexation and vanity of worldly riches Ambros. in Luc. cap. 16. They flie farthest from vs when we haue most need of comforts A threefold internall action of the soule about the word ☜ How a godly man is euer fruitfull in good The necessity and vtility of meditation The minde of man is restlesse and vexes it selfe with euill if it be not exercised with good Gods word should be the matter of our meditation August Marcellin●… Iob 22. The word is Gods way because by it God commeth to vs and we go to him The more good a godly man doth the more he desires to do The graces of the Spirit are linked together lose one lose all keepe one keep all ☞ Our best estate vpon earth is that we haue not that which we should and yet want not altogether The strength of a Christian is in his prayer The greatest benefit men receiue from God is grace to obey him Constantine the great his notable saying It is more to be a Christian then a Monarch of the world So Dauid reioyceth more in this that he was Gods seruant then king of Israel Sith Angels serue him shal we think shame to serue him Naturall life makes a reprobate man in a worse case then if he had neuer been But to an elect man euen naturall life is a great benefit This life without grace is but a death Num. 19. Math. 8. Eph. 5. Miserable are they who desire to liue for loue of the pleasures of sin A worthy meditation of Nazianzen Satan by experience is found a false deceiuer How blind mā is by nature ☜ Our regeneratiō is wrought by degrees Ambrose If we be ignorant of the word the blame is in our darke mind not in it Vatab. 2. Cor. 3. 14. Why many learned men attaine not to the knowledge of the truth ☞ Basil. Illumination of the mind is Gods worke Psal. 104. Luk 24. 2. Cor. 3. 16. Euery Article of our faith ●…s a wonderful mysterie Man on earth is a stranger knowes not the way hee should walk till God shewes it vnto him Ambrose Worldling●… shal not continue on earth yet cannot say they are strangers in it And that because in affection they be content with this desire not a better Phil. Reuel 8. Psal. 17. Worldlings ●…e inhabitants of the earth Christians are ●…ut strangers in it Basil. Luke The whole earth is but a place of banishment Nazian in vita Basil. A man euen in his owne house should esteeme himselfe a strāger This world can neither wil nor teach men a way to go out of her selfe we must seeke a guide frō heauen ☞ The right knowledge of the ten Commandements Two things required in true obedience Both the word and the plagues of God are called his iudgments how Such as are not moued by the first shall be confounded by the second A hart full of spirituall desires is an argument of great grace Ambr. Ambrose Comfort against cōtempt of men wherby they scorne the godly for sighing and teares The begunne wrath of God on them shold confirme vs against their contempt But many wax worse with Lamech when they see euill men spared Gene. 4. 24. Few become better with Dauid when they see them punished Eccles. Wicked men cōmonly styled proud men and why Proud Satan hath made disciples prouder then himselfe Esay 14. Ambr. The miserable condition of a proud man Iam. ☞ Ambrose Euery error is dangerous but proud error accursed Sinnes of pride and of infirmitie should be distinguished Curse of God on the wicked is like a secret consumption Dauid his appellation to God from the wrongful iudgments of men How Dauid iustifies himselfe before God and man A triall of true religion A hard tentation to be troubled by men of great authority for two causes 1. For their power Prou. Rom. 13. 2. 〈◊〉 place Psalm Princes godly and r●…us are a great blessing of God Great cause haue we to be thankfull for the King hee hath set ouer vs. Psalm christians measure not the veritie of religion by the number or greatnes of them that are with it or against it Such as persecure the godlie with their tongues will not faile to loose their hands against them if they may Where we find that God binds their hands we should beare their tongues the more patiently ☜ Ierem. 12. Armour of godly men is the word and prayer Ambrose ☞ The word renders vs both counsell for gouernment pleasure for delectation Comfort gotten by other recreations continues not ☜ No wisedome without the word The word of God is conuenient for euery state of life Dauid sore troubled with a spirituall oppression Tentations of the godly somtimes cannot be told sometimes it is not expedient they should be told In a worldling the very heauenly part is becom earthly Ambrose The contrary disposition of Christians Ambr. Cant. 4. 4. The royall towre of christ is a soule mo●●ting vp to heauen Change of estates wherevnto the godly are subiect ☞ Godly men by 〈◊〉 wāts falls infirmities become more godly The life of a Christiā wherin stands it It is great faith to belieu●… when there is no feeling of mercie Dauids argument to moue the Lord vnto mercie Where God begins to shew mercy he cea●… not t●…ll hee crowne with ●…cie Mans liberality is but like a Strand Gods like the great Ocean Happy is the soule wherein mercy truth meet together An euill conscience hides it self from God Esa. What a great benefit it is to manifest our wayes to God in time Ambrose Sathan confounded when we confesse our sinnes ☞ A profitable rule to make vs liue godly Basil. After confession he ioynes prayer for amendment Ambros. See ver 12. Remission and renouation are two inseparable benefits ☜ We haue great need to pray for further light We can walke the wayes of sinne without a teacher not so the wayes of God Miserable is man so long as his way and Gods way are different Good things should be sought from God for good ends Iam 4. The works of God are all maruellous The godly sore humbled by affliction A Christian is eyther looking to his owne necessities or to God his mercies Naturall comforts cannot sustaine a man i●… spirituall troubles 1. Pet. 1. Luk. 6. Christians should not thinke that their tentations are singular 1. Cor. 10. Christs crosse is such a burden is easeth them on whō
The other of loue and obedience Adam indued with many graces but not with perseuerance ☜ The prayers of godly mē how they are framed Gods promises are made on a cōditiō which we must regard Iudg. 10. Many thinke they haue life who are but dead Amb. in Psalm 119. In the life vegetatiue trees excell man In the life sensitiue beasts excell man In the life rationall reprobates excell Christians ☜ Wherein then stands the life of a Christian by which hee excells all Wisedom prouides for the time to come But the foolish are so snared with things present that they see not what is to com Lamentable that we should want when wee may haue grace for th●… seeking Iohn 4. Words without affection a dead sacrifice Three things caused Dauid to fear least hee should fall 1. Tentation 2. Corruption 3. The falls of others The iudgemēts of God executed on wicked men should be awe-bands vnto vs. Eccles. The Lord strikes not the godly as hee doth the wicked Sin is a departing frō God Ambr. in Psal. 119. Deceit of sin is two-fold The fall of the wicked is Gods worke who-euer be the instrument The wicked are restlesse in raging now but God shall bridle them The fruit of temporall sin is eternall paine Naturall man cannot mount aboue the earth Comfort whē the godly are disesteemed of the wicked The testimonies of God what they are and for whom Euerything that a godly m●…n s●…es sends him back to consider himselfe Greg. moral Our loue not without feare Loue of God conserued in our hart by feare Ambr. in Psal. 119. Gene. 6. Familiaritie with God breeds no contempt of him but greater reuerence ●…ith the godly are not freed from feare what horrible feare abides the wicked A good conscience makes boldnes in prayer Amb. in Ps. 119 Iudgement and iustice how distinguished Basil in Psalm 119. We cannot in 〈◊〉 life be 〈◊〉 o●… trouble by wicked men How should we pray against our soules oppressors Calumnies of men heauy crosses Psal. 35. 16. Basil. God is a partaker with his owne in their innocent sufferings 1. Pet. 4. Dangerous to commend a wrong cause to Gods protection Gen. 19. Or yet were our cause neuer so good we must not think to beare it out by our wisedome Psal. 37. 34. 1. Pet. 5. 7. Mans greatest honor is to be Gods seruant The seruice is not base but honourable wherein God imployes vs. Ambrose Dauids seruent desire of Gods saluation Basil. Saluation is of two sortes Dauid seekes the best Psal. 4. The restlesse vanity of worldlings ☜ Gods promise is the warrant of our hope Small present gifts more esteemed by worldlings then promises of greater things to com ☜ We cannot serue God as we should Yea our best seruice is far●…e inferior to his wages Amb. in Psalm 119. Two things proue a man to be Gods seruaunt Outward and ordinary teachers are nothing if God teach not They may lawfully seeke all good from God who can truely say they are his owne Amb. in Ps. 119 Basil. in Ps. 119. The godly can not learne so much but they would still vnderstand more Ambrose Statutes and Testimonies of God would be learned together Dauids complaint against his enemies God is a continuall working vertue euen when we think he is resting How Dauid prescribes a time to the Lord. Some promises made with a time when they shall be performed Some without a time In these wee should haue patience waiting till Gods time come ☜ When the godly may vse this reason in their prayer The time is come Offences done against God should grieue vs more then our owne iniuries Godly mē haue no enemies but such as are enemies to God Seeing Gods law can not be destroyed how are the wicked charged with this crime The law written in the Bible they cannot destroy The law written in the conscience they can neuer destroy Yet because their malice would doe it if they might they shall be charged with it ☜ There is a time appointed for the punishmēt of euil men Basil. Ambrose True religion cannot be tryed without trouble Loue of Gods obedience an argument of true godlinesse With what cōditions Gods creatures may be loued As the minde esteemes of any thing the affections go after it The word of God called iust in two respects 〈◊〉 of euill ●…s a ●…val of our 〈◊〉 to God The perfection of the godly is in parts not in degrees Ambrose It is sufficient to mans damnation if he be captiued by any one sinne If we heare not God when hee speakes in his word we shall not be welcom when we pray If men seek not from God it is because they know him not Our manifold necessities require manifolde prayers To continue long in praier and be feruent also is a difficult thing August ad Probam Prayers would be short frequent ☜ Praiers should be made long or short according to our disposition Good to deale with God by teares more then by talke Two things in this verse Commendatiō of Gods word Euery article of our faith is a mystery 1. Tim. 3 ☞ The word serues for food and light to the soule Without the word men walk in darknes Shame it is now to see aged men children in vnderstanding Vatab. Onely simple men and not they who are high minded profit by the word No maruaile Papists profit not by it Papists calumnie of the obscu●…ity of scripture confuted Basil. Euthym. Iren. l. 2. c. 46 Lactan. l. 6. c. 21 How a moued mind affects the body The feruent desire of godly men toward the word When God opens his mouth to giue wee should open our hearts to receiue Psalme In our best estate we haue need to seeke mercy A good conscience presents it selfe vnto God Godly exercised with spirituall desertions To some God looks in mercy to others in w●…th Examples of Gods mercy o●… others should confirme vs. Mercy grac●… are benefits in diuisible foolish are they who seek the first and not the second ☞ The steps of the Soule are motions of the affections Al creatures except man and apostate Angels are ruled by Gods word Satan an vnreasonable Tyrant Seruice to Satan hurtfull to them who yeeld it Satans officer can neuer be satisfied ☜ Armour of the godly is patience prayer The wicked are but roddes in the hand of God They who persecute with their tongues will not faile if they might to persecute with their hands also Man by sinne is become a weake and silly creature A preseruatiue against pride ☜ Benefits should binde vs to the loue and obedience of God who gaue them A common light externall A common light internall A speciall light internall Basil. in Ps. 119. Angry face of God most fearfull Prou. 16. How God forsakes his children Not according to his truth but our sense Gods countenance illuminates the ●…inde and changes the heart of him vpon whom he lookes Amb. ●… Cor. 4. 6. No ioy in this life
without griefe nor yet griefe without ioy ☜ Of the right gouernement of our eyes Reasons mouing vs to mourning 1. If we mourn not for other mens sinnes they become ours 2. If we mourn many blessings follow it ☜ A three-fold comfort that sustained Dauid 1. A meditation of the righteousnesse of God 2. A meditation of the equity of Gods commands flowing from his righteous nature The Lawe of God represents to vs the image of God How horrible an euill sinne is ☞ If any man desire to know what will be his end let him inquire at Gods word The loue which godly men carry to the word cannot be satisfied in this l●…fe The nature of zeale Sund●…y sorts of zeale ☞ Rom. 10. 2. Ambrose The effects of holy zeale Rom. 12. Knowledge Zeale two wings of the soule How true zeale may be tried from false ☜ Who are enemies to godly men 3. A meditation of Gods constant and continual working according to his word As God hath a mouth to speake so a hand to doe as continuall experience hath proued ☞ Loue in God the fountaine of all his benefites Loue in man the fountaine of all his seruice ☞ Temporizers in Religion Carol. Sigon de rep 〈◊〉 lib. 1. c. 3 ☞ They are little esteemed of men who are great in the account of God Macar ●…om ●…●… 1. Ioh. 3. Persons should ●…e regarded for heir faith Iam. 2. Obliuion of our duety is the first steppe to defection What a sure comfort we haue by the word of God The Crosse is necessary for a Pilgrime and why The kindly sonnes of God cannot want a Crosse. Carnal and spirituall ioy consist not together Delight in the word an argument of true Godline The fearefull recompence of them who loue not Gods word Vatab. Three things in this verse Praier is a seede which now wee should sowe plentifully that in haruest wee may reap the fruit thereof ☞ Feruency and zeale of heart required in praier Ambrose Psal. 119. Euery crying pearces not heauen The voice of the wicked in praier ●…uailes not Great things should be asked from the great God Praier a seruice due to God only He that seeks from God should also offer to him Continuance in praier recōmended vnto vs Ambrose in Psal. 119. ☜ How time posts away and we should striue with it ☞ How a man on earth may imitate the life of Angels Ambrose The first fruits of our hart and tongue euery morning shold be offered to God ☜ Gold professors reproued who spend all their time on the world If they cannot giue all at least they should giue the halfe of it vnto God Prayer mitigates trouble The common argument of al Gods children in Prayer Amb●…n Ps. 119 Is from his mercy not from their merit How Dauid desires God should deale with him in iudgement The godly are a mark of contradiction to Satan and al his instruments Comfort against the contempt of men No enemy so neere to hurt vs as God is neere to helpe vs. Comfortable examples therof Vpon what condition will the Lord be neere vnto vs. Amb. in Psalm 119. If we in our heart be also neere vnto him They that in affection goe farre from the Lord hurt themselues ☜ The word is a ●…affe to sutaine vs in trouble Man commands without reason he pro●…es without performance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without effect not to the L●… Experience of the truth of Gods word doth greatly comfort vs. The Word an Anchor of the soule The prouidence of God by stable order ruleth all things ☜ Eurip. Aug. in Matth. Ephes. 1. Dauids prayers proper to euery member of the Church How God is a spectator and partaker with vs in all our afflictions ☞ A good conscience makes a man familiar with God An appellation from men to God To be vsed of them who are wronged by men A warning to Iudges 2. Chron. 19. ☞ Wicked men are the authors of their owne wracke Amb. in Psalm 119. Basil. in Ps. 119. The word of God and his saluation are conioyned together Externall prosperity of wicked men not to be regarded Acts 26. The godly guilty of transgression but not of contēpt It is grace only by which one man differs frō another in godlinesse Godly men edifie their harts by euery thing they see in others In Gods mercy not in our merit stands our comfort Ambrose The mercies of God why they ●…re called great Esa. 40. Comfort against the greatnesse of our sinnes ☜ 1. Tim. 1. The mercies of God are called tender why Iam. 3. ☞ Life of grace should be cherished continually Constancy in Religion Trouble a tryall of true Religion Iob 1. Such as are not sincere worshippers will not continue ☞ Manifold were Dauids troubles There is one persecuter of the godly Satan but he hath many instruments Corrupt affections sore persecutors 1. Cor. 6. ☞ By visible enemies also he persecutes vs. ☜ The godly esteeme more of Gods glory then their owne liues A good thing that a man can desire God to look vpon him Ambrose Psal. 119. Vanity to hide our way from the Lord. Loue of Gods word in the godly is inuincible Not only Gods promises but his precepts also are loued of the godly Rom. 7. 8 Worldly things sought earnestly by worldlie men May make vs ashamed that cannot seek excellent things with an excellent affection Perswasion of the truth of Gods word brings out obedience Vatab. 2. Pet. 1. 19 The iudgement by-gon should warne the wicked of iudgements to come Euery man feares when iudgement comes Onely godly men feare before it come Euery example of godlie men learnes vs some lesson How Dauid saith he was persecuted without cause He compares not himselfe with God but with men Princes suppose they were wicked yet should they be reuerenced ☜ Murther of Kings is from the spirit of Sa●…au 1. Sam. 24 The feare of Gods wrath ouercomes the feare of man his displeasure Psal. ●… The awe-band of wicked men is without them The awe-band of godly men is within them ☜ Ambrose Psal. 119. With what affection Gods word should be receiued ☞ Why naturall men esteeme not of Gods word The godly find ioyfull tydings by the word and therfore esteeme of it But the wicked finde it a message of their damnation What maruaile then they like it not Euery thing contrary to Gods word is a falsehood and why Col●… hatred of euill shortly turnes into a liking of euill ☜ Bodily vncleannes vnseemely for Gods people Ambrose Much more spirituall vncleannes He that hateth sinne must loue Gods law Affections if they be strong cannot lurke but will breake forth in actiōs Ambrose Such is our coldnesse that we scarse pray so frequently on the Sabboth as Dauid did euery day Yet on the sabboth the daily sacrifice should be doubled ☜ It is not for one but for all the godly what euer comfort is in Gods word Godly men many wayes described in holy Scripture and why ☞ Yet are they