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A14801 Microbiblion or The Bibles epitome: in verse Digested according to the alphabet, that the Scriptures we reade may more happily be remembred, and things forgotten more easily recalled. By Simon Wastell somtimes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. Wastell, Simon, d. 1632.; Wastell, Simon, d. 1632. True Christians daily delight. aut; Shaw, John, 1559-1625. Biblii summula. 1629 (1629) STC 25102; ESTC S119488 184,772 543

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preuaile And yet his confidence in God did neuer faint nor faile MAking the mercies of the Lord the cause of his saluation NEw prayses he will sing to God for his safe preseruation Chapt. 14 OBserue mans crooked nature here who shew by their behauiour That they in heart perswaded are there is no God nor Sauiour PEruerse they are in all their wayes corrupt in all their deeds They pray not still one sinfull act another sinne succeedes QVite void of all true feare of God This grieued Dauid sore ●et he in heart perswaded is that God would all restore REioycing in his confidence himselfe he comforts well And prayeth for saluation vnto whole Israel Chapt. 15 SEe here on what condition God did the Iewes so grace As for his people them to choose and Temple with them place THe which was to th' intent that they by liuing godly and well Might witnesse to the world that they were his owne Israel VPrightnesse first the Lord requires for life and conuersation Then doing well to other men with pure communication Chapt. 16 ATtend how Dauid vnto God doth hearty prayers make For succour not for his deserts but for his mercies sake BY protestation he declares that he doth deadly hate All Idols yea their very names his lippes will not rolate COnsent in heart consent in mouth he vtterly denyes Abhorring all apparent shewes of all Idolatries An. Mundi Exod. 23.13 Ephes 5 3. DEsiring that the Lord should be his comfort in distresse Who to his Church and chosen folke his loue he doth expresse Chapt. 17 EXceedingly good Dauid here complaineth to the Lord Of Sauls great pride and cruelty of God and man abhorr'd FIerce cruell foes besides King Saul against him rage and throng Without all cause giuen on his part he neuer did them wrong GOd to reuenge his righteous cause he therefore here requires And eke to rid him from their rage he heartily desires Chapt. 18 HEre Dauid entring his Kingdome doth greatly gratulate And prayse the Lord with all his heart for blessing his estate IN his reioycing he extolls the Lords exceeding grace Who from so many perills brought him to that regall place KEeping and still protecting him in all his warres and strife Preseruing him from all his foes who hunted for his life LEarne further that of Christs Kingdome the image here is plaine Who in despite of all the world shall conquer ● still and raigne Chapt. 19 MArke how the prophet to th' intent he might the faithfull moue To deepe consideration of Gods great power and loue NOw setteth forth before their eyes the workemanship most rare Of heau'n with the proportion and ornaments so faire ORdinances and Gods lawes he calleth to their mind Wherein he doth reueale himselfe to be a God most kind PReseruing still his chosen folke with his peculiar grace Which by commending of this law is set forth in this place Chapt. 20 QVickly the people flee to God by prayer and request When as the wicked Ammonites King Dauid did molest REquesting him that it would please his Maiestie to heare Their King and take his sacrifice which he did offer there SAuing him from his cruell foes and strengthning him with all That he might saue and succour send when they for ayd should call THen he declares that heathen folke in horses put their trust But they trust onely in his name who holy is and iust VNto destruction therefore they most certainly shall fall But both the King and his people shall stand and prosper all Chapt. 21 AGainst the cruell Ammonites An. Mundi 1 Sam. 21 who did full sore assaile King Dauid and his people did victoriously preuaile BY God and not by strength of man he saith this conquest came In person of the people he doth magnifie Gods name CHrist is the King to whom we are by holy Ghost directed By him the Kingdome of the Church is blessedly perfected Chapt. 22 DAuid in great extremity and neare to desperation Hauing no feeling of his faith no hope of his saluation EXtreamely handled with great griefe of heart he doth complaine That he was forced night and day in anguish to remaine FVll long he fainted yet at last in faith and hope he growes Christs figure in his person here King Dauid plainly showes GOd by the spirit of prophesie to Dauid had foretold That Christs should suffer for our sakes afflictions manifold Chapt. 23 HAuing Gods mercies and his grace in sundry manners prou'd The Prophet gathers certainly that he is dearly lou'd IN this assurance fully he perswades himselfe in heart That his great goodnesse and his loue from him should neuer part Chapt. 24 KIng Dauid when the grace of God was vtter'd and declar'd More glorious in his temple then was of old prepar'd LOng time before in Tabernacle which wonder he sets forth The price and dignitie thereof as thing of precious worth MOuing all men to thinke vpon and to consider well Th' eternall mansions in heauen where righteous men shall dwell NOte that although the temple was prepar'd for Abrahams seed Yet onely they that purely liue must enter there indeed Chapt. 25 OBserue how Dauid being grieu'd for sinne and with his foes By feruent prayer vnto the Lord for helpe and pardon goes PArdon he chiefly craues for sinnes which in his youthfull dayes He did commit against the Lord he then for Israel praies REad how he doth begin each verse which in this Psalms is set Excepting two or three of them with th' Ebrew Alphabet Chapt. 26 SAul did good Dauid sore oppresse with many miseries He finding no helpe in the world to God for succour cryes THen being well assured of his owne integrity Desireth God to iudge his cause and plead his purity VPrightly then he promiseth to liue and to aduance The power of God and praise his name for his deliuerance A Great desire he saith he hath to be among the Saints When he was banished by Saul he mournes for his restraints Chapt. 27 BEcause the Prophet Dauid was assur'd of good successe He feared not the tyranny of foes in his distresse COnstant he was and perswaded by spirit of prophesie That he should ouercome them all and get the victory DEsire he did a longer life and Gods safe preseruation To this end that he might praise God in his great congregation Chapt. 28 EXceeding pensiue Dauid is and in perplexing feare To see the Lord by wicked men dishonor'd euery where FOr riddance of them and for plagues to light vpon them all He cryes and is at last assur'd that God hath heard his call GOd was his strength he saith and shield who did him still defend To whom he doth his people all most heartily commend Chapt. 29 HEre Dauid wills all gouernors occasion iust to take To feare the Lord omnipotent euen for his thunders sake IN all the earth nought is so stout but thunders makes afraid They breake the Cedars cause both men and beasts to be dismaid KNowne dreadfull
those foes did quell They for their sinnes were all cast out thou alwayes didst rebell Chapt. 10 A Trend Gods loue in that he doth the tables here restore Continues Priesthood Moses heares loue feare his name therefore Chapt. 11 BE louing to the Lord thy God his wondrous workes thou saw Let blessings or his curse preuaile still study in his law COmmandements keepe and Canaan land which Egypt farre doth passe Ye shall enioy where raine doth fall in Egypt no raine was Chapt. 12 DEstroy all Idoll monuments see Altars ouerthrowne Worship both where and how he bids adde nothing of thine owne FAte thou no blood inquire not how those people seru'd their God Thou shalt not worship thy God so for feare thou feele his rod. Chapt. 13 FRiends neerest deerest of thy kinne if they thy heart will turne Or Citie to a false worship such kill and City burne Chapt. 14 GOds children must not shaue thēselues these meats vncleane refuse These holy feasts keepe to the Lord learne how all tithes to vse Chapt. 15 HElpe needy brother with reliefe let seruants now goe free If he will stay then bore his eare let firstlings holy be Chapt. 16 IN due time keepe these solemne feasts be franck when you appeare Choose Iudges iust but plant no groue neare God nor pillar reare Chapt. 17 KIngs must not horse money or wiues increase nor multiply But read and keepe the Law of God and so liue blessedly LEt spotlesse things be giuen to God let no Idolater liue In doubtfull cases let the Priest and Iudge their sentence giue MEn that refuse to condiscend to their iudgement shall dye So other will be sore affraid to deale presumptuously Chapt. 18 NOte here the Priests and Leuites due the Nations fashions flye Christ must be heard who preacheth ought that God bids not must dye Chapt. 19 OF Cities set apart for him that kills against his will Stirre no landmarkes two must witnesse to false the like fulfill Chapt. 20 PVt hartenings in the souldiers hearts let such and such be free Grant peace to them that peace accept let them thy seruants be QVite spoile and kill those cities males that dare thee to withstand The townes remote kill Cananites let fruit-tres grow and ● stand Chapt. 21 REad how to deale with man found plaine and how with captiue maid Regard first-borne stone stubborne child on tree let none be staid Chapt. 22 SEe how to deale with neighbours beast let none weare womans weed For meest rape adultery is death by God decreed THe dam and young thou must not take make house with battlement Make fringes of adulterers soule marke what 's their punishment Chapt. 23 VNcleannesse in the campe auoide and let no bastard venter Into the congregation till such a time to enter AFfraid who is of Masters house such one doe not oppresse These sacrifices deadly hate and Sodoms filthinesse BEware of biting vsury thy vowes God will require Nor grapes nor coine beare thou away eate what thou dost desire Chapt. 24 COncerning bills of diuorcement obserue what here is said Of pledges which thou must not take when hire is to be paid DIscharge new maried man from warre man stealers all must dye Let iustice still be done to all iudge right in leprosie Chapt. 25 EXceed not forty stripes to giue to brothers wife be kind The oxe must not be muzzeled blot Am'lecke out of mind FRom shamelesse and immodest wife thou must cut off her hand False weights and measures God abhorres let none be in thy land Chapt. 26 GIue thy first fruits in time to God his loue to thee declare Confesse and say he is our God and we his people are HE that doth pay his third yeares tithes must such confession make If wee serue him he sure will vs for his owne people take Chapt. 27 ISrael here commanded is on stones the Law to write Twelue tribes diuided six must blesse and six the curse recited KIll offer eate peace offerings before the Lord reioyce Build altar alwayes of whole stones ●eare and obey his voyce Chapt. 28 LOue feare obey the Lord thy God and he will greatly blesse If not he will such curses send as no tongue can expresse Chapt. 29 MY mercies great and workes ye saw fulfill then my desire If any blesse himselfe ● in sinne I le plague him in mine ire NOw stand they all before the Lord his people they shall see All secret things belong to God reuealed things to thee Chapt. 30 OBserue great mercyes promised to such as leaue their sinne The Law is cleare eternall death for such as laie therein Chapt. 31 POssesse yee shall all Can'an Land the Lord with you will goe Be strong ô Ioshua God will daunt the force of euery foe QVickly you will corrupt your waies when I am dead and gone And cause the Lord for backsliding to plague you euery one Chapt. 32 REad ye the law hear Iosuah chargd a song doth Moses giue To testifie against all those that should vngodly liue SEe Moses song which shewes Gods loue to them that will doe well But direfull vengeance to his foes and them that will rebell THeir hearts they must set on these words which he did testifie God sends him vp to Nebo mount to see the land and dye Chapt. 33 VPon his folke Gods glory shines this doth good Moses tell Before his death and then doth blesse the tribes of Israel ALl haue their seuerall blessings here as God of old decreed He is their God and therefore they all nations farre exceed Chapt. 34 BEholding Canan from the mount there Moses ends his dayes His age and buriall both obserue and his exceeding praise CHildren of Isr'el thirty dayes doe mourne in dolefull case Then Iosuah full of heauenly skill succedeth in his place IOSHVA Chapt. 1 ARise now Ioshua I le thee aide obserue my lawes aright Be valiant stout couragious An. Mundi 1493 and I thy foes will fright BEhold the land I promised is yours both farre and neare Euen all where euer you shall tread or shall in sight appeare COmmanded are the people here themselues for to prepare To passe floud Iordan Rubenites confesse they ready are DVely their promise made to keepe to giue their brethren rest Their fealty then to Ioshua they promise and protest Chapt. 2 EXceeding carefull Rahab is the spies to hide and saue From cruell King of Iericho who sought their liues to haue FOr this they make a couenant they promise life and sweare They hide in hills they bring ● good newes the land doth faint for feare Chapt. 3 GOe after th'arke then campes remoue and priests in Iordan stay The waters part ● the riuer's dry with ioy they passe away Chapt. 4 HEnce take twelue stones for Gilgal mount twelue more in Iordan set Tell sonnes that this is done that they Gods workes should not forget Chapt. 5 IOshua will'd to circumcise the Kings doe quake and feare The Passeouer no Manna more an Angell doth
strength dare any proue ESteeming yron euen as straw and laughing at the speare Swords darts stones and habergions this monster doth not feare FArre mightier Iehouah is who did this monster make This answer doth this good man Iob for satisfaction take Chapt. 42 GOd can doe all things here Iob saith his heart doth now relent He doth submit himselfe to God and from his heart repent HE for his friends doth prayers make Iobs cause the Lords preferres He makes his friends submit to him who were so full of iarres IN mercy he accepteth Iob his goods he doth restore So that he was made twice as rich as e're he was before KNow his seuen sonnes and daughters three the fairest in that nation He after liued seuenscore yeares and saw foure generations PSALMES Chapt. 1 A Preface this first Psalme doth seeme to be of all the rest To stirre up all to godly life whereby they might be blest BEcause that all who in the word themselues doe exercise The Lord doth blesse exceedingly and makes them heauenly wise COntemners of God and his word although they prosper well Here for a time yet they as chaffe shall all be blowne to hell Chapt. 2 DAuid reioyceth in this Psalme that though his foes doe rage● Yet God his kingdome will preserue and that from age to age EXtolling and aduancing it vntill the world shall end And therefore he exhorteth Kings to Christ to bow and bend FOr though that wicked rulers rage and Gods yoke will not beare Yet he disdaines and scornes their spite and makes them quake for feare Chapt. 3 GOod Dauid from his kingdome driuen was greatly grieu'd in mind For his great sinne against the Lord and could small comfort find HE calleth therefore on the Lord and after waxeth bold Against the terrours of his foes and railings manifold IN hope of helpe he on the Lord for succour still relies Euen then when nought but cruell death was set before his eyes KNowing the truth of Gods promise his faith did much increase That God would plague his enemies but grant his people peace Chapt. 4 LEarne how when Saul did persecute good Dauid then did pray And on Gods faithfull promises did firmely trust and stay MOst boldly therefore he reproues his enemies each one Who wilfully did still resist This iust dominion NO worldly wealth nor earthly ioy doth Dauid seeme to craue It is the fauour of the Lord that he desires to haue Chapt. 5 OPprest with cruell enemies and of worse plagues afraid Dauid did call vpon the Lord for succour helpe and ayde PErswading that it is most iust and requisite also That he should plague malicious men and punish euery foe QVickly he then conceiues comfort assur'd of good successe By comming to his holy house his faith he doth expresse RElying thus vpon the Lord he maketh this conclusion That when his cruell foes are brought to ruine and confusion SEtting him free from all their force that God will doe no lesse To other men that feare his name whom he will likewise blesse Chapt. 6 THe Prophet Dauid when he had by sinne prouokt Gods wrath And felt his hand against him sore fearing the second death VNto the Lord with troubled soule and humble heart he goes Desiring pardon for his sinne and freedome from his woes 〈…〉 AFfirming with an heauy heart that if in indignation ●e should destroy him he could not prayse him in congregation BEing perplexed thus in mind then suddenly with speed ●od sends him ioy and confidence in his extreamest need COuragiously and sharply then he did rebuke those foes ●hat laughed at his miseries reioycing in his woes Chapt. ● DAuid most falsly here accus'd by Chush kinsman to Saul ●o God to be his fence and aide most heartily doth call EArnestly then his harmlesse heart to God he doth commend ●hewing that he against King Saul no malice did intend FOr Gods glory he saith it makes iust sentence to award ●gainst such men as neither God nor good men doe regard GOds mercies and his promises then weighing in his mind ●e waxeth bold and scornes the spite of furious foes vnkind HE threatneth them that all that euill shall light vpon their head Which they for good and godly men through spite imagined ●N ioyful wise vnto the Lord due prayses he will sing For keeping promise faithfully and granting his wishing Chapt. 8 KIng Dauid pondering in mind Gods bounty loue and care His prouidence toward mankind most wonderfull and rare LEading him with his benefits making him Lord of all To praise and magnifie his name be presently doth fall MVch wondring at his mercies great who like God did him frame He saith O Lord how excellent is thy most noble name Chapt. 9 NOw after Dauid had giuen thanks for many victories Which God had giuen and granted him against his enemies OFt hauing had experience of his defence and loue Which he in all extremities did manifestly proue PVrsued now againe afresh by his most cruell foe Desireth God to helpe againe as he was wont to doe QVite to destroy malicious men that are on mischiefe set And turne the wicked into hell which doe the Lord forget Chapt. 10 REad how of fraud and tyranny and of all kinde of wrongs Which worldly men were wont to doe with hearts or hands or tongues SPurning the poore despising God read Dauids sore complaints And see the cause why such bad men admit of no restraints THe cause is this they are so drunke with worldly wealth and pleasure That they despise all feare of God and sinne without all measure VNto the Lord he therefore calls that he some helpe would send Against these deuillish wicked men that had no grace to mend AT length he comforteth himselfe with hope of good successe That he will succour and defend the poore and fatherlesse Chapt. 11 BEhold two parts in this same Psalme the first it doth containe The anguish and tentations that Dauid did sustaine COmplaining in how great distresse he was and griefe of minde When Saul did persecute him sore and shew'd himselfe vnkind DEclared then is Dauids ioy to whom God in his need Did alwayes helpe and succour send with all conuenient speed EXtolling here Gods righteousnesse who good and bad doth guide Who ruleth all the things that are within this world so wide Chapt. 12 FVll sore the Prophet here laments the peoples wofull state When godly men are dead and gone and goodnesse all doe hate GOds helpe he speedily requires to succour and releeue His poore distressed childeren whom wicked men doe grieue HE then doth comfort both himselfe and godly Christians all With full assurance of Gods helpe when they on him did call IN keeping of his promises Dauid doth here commend Gods constant course and veritie his children to defend Chapt. 13 KIng Dauid as it were subdued with sundry sorts of griefe And new assaults doth flee to God for succour and reliefe LOng time did his afflictions last long did his foes
God his mercies manifold to his doth still reueale KNow here the frailtie of mans life his dayes like grasse and flowers But vnto them that feare the Lord his mercy still endures LOe how the Angels are stir'd vp to praise the liuing Lord Marke how his seruants and himselfe thereto doe all accord Chapt. 104 MOst excellently in this Psalme the Prophet doth set forth Gods making of this world so wide with all his workes of worth NOte how he stirreth vp his soule to magnifie his name For his admired prouidence in gouerning the same OBserue how Dauid here doth pray against the wicked traine Who are the cause why God from vs his blessings doth detaine Chapt. 105 PSalmes of thanksgiuing Dauid bids all people here to sing Vnto the Lord and for his loue to feare him as their King QVickly to seek him in his workes and to remember well His loue his care and prouidence ouer all Israel REcord his care of Abraham and further vnderstand His loue to Ioseph and Iacob declar'd in Aegypt land SEe also ouer Moses mild his ● prouidence and care By whom his people Israell from bondage freed were THen see how through the Wildernesse they were by Moses led And how full forty yeares from heauen the were with Manna fed VNtill they came to Canaan that fruitfull promis'd land These things and more thou in this Psalme may'st fully vnderstand Chapt. 106 ATtend how that the Psalmist doth exhort all men to prayse The Lord for all his mercies great which doe endure alwayes BOuntefully he blest the iust who made their supplication To be againe brought to their land by his kind visitation CAlling to mind the wonders great which were in Aegypt wrought ' The peoples great ingratitude is to rehearsall brought DEuoutly they pray to be brought the Heathens from among That they might in their countrey praise the Lord with heart and tongue Chapt. 107 EXhorted by the Prophet here are all both young and old That are redeemed by the Lord and brought to his sheepfold FOr many mercies to giue thankes for his good prouidence Who ruleth all things and is still his Childrens sure defence GOod things and ill he sends to men that he might winne them so Prosperitie aduersitie he sends both wealth and woe HEreat as good and vpright men shall ioy and much reioyce Soe shall all ill mens mouthes be stopt not muttering any voyce Chapt. 108 IN this Psalme these things ● are contain'd first Dauid doth accord With heart prepared and with tongue to praise the liuing Lord. KNowing his promise to be sure concerning Israel That he should be the King thereof and other kingdomes quell LEarne that although God for a time his children seeme to hate Yet will he fight against his foes and ruinate their state Chapt. 109 MAliciously good Dauid was accused vnto Saul By flatterers he prayes that God would kill such enemies all NOw here of Iudas he doth speake who Iesus did betray And eke of all such traytrous foes that would Gods people slay OBserue that Dauid so desires to be set free from thrall That euen his enemies might know that God doth worke it all PRaises he then will giue to God not onely priuately But euen among the multitude and people publikely Chapt. 110 QVickned and much inlightned with sp'rit of Prophecy Of Christ our Prophet Priest and King Dauid doth testifie REad how Herod of his great power from Sion forth is sent Read how the Lord an oath hath made and neuer will repent SEe how of Leuies Priesthood here a finall end is made See how that Christ our king shall rule whole Kingdome shall not fade Chapt. 111 THe Psalmist stirreth all men vp by his ● example rare To praise the Lord for his great workes and for his loue and care VNto his Church and children shew'd whom he doth still maintaine With all things fitting for this life and which may soules sustaine ANd then he doth declare wherein true wisdome doth consist In fearing God obedience and faith in Iesus Christ Chapt. 112 BLest is that man the Psalmist saith that doth Iehouah feare Who doth delight in Godlinesse to whom his lawes are deare CVrst is the state of all those men that doe contemne the same They shall be grieued at the good and melt away with shame DAuid doth here expresly proue great gaine in godlinesse And of this life and that to come to haue the promises Chapt. 113 EXceeding earnest Dauid is to stirre vp our dull sense To magnifie the name of God for his good prouidence FOr that he workes quite contrary to natures course and order In sauing of the Church from harme in euery land and border GOD made vs for that very end that we his name should praise Who makes the barren women beare and poore mans state doth raise Chapt. 114 HEare how the Israelites were brought from out of Aegypt land Obserue the wonders that were wrought by great Iehouahs hand IN that the Sea in Iordan fled and Mountaines skipt like Rammes The Rocke gaue water earth did quake the Hils did leape like Lambes KNow therefore that we are to keepe Gods loue in memorie Who when the course of nature failes presetues miraculously Chapt. 115 LEarne how the Church doth beg of God for honour of his name To be preseru'd and Tyrants all to be destroy'd with shame MOlested by Idolaters they helpe and succour craue And trust in God most constantly that they his helpe shall haue NOt doubting thereof at their need sith he hath them redeem'd And as adopted sonnes receiu'd and fatherly esteem'd O How the godly are stir'd vp to trust in God their shield Who gaue the earth to sonnes of men and blessings dayly yeeld PRomise is made that they will praise his name for euermore If he will free them from their foes and them to peace restore Chapt. 116 QVite freed from danger and distresse when cruell Saul opprest Dauid doth magnifie the Lord who gaue him peace and rest REsolu'd he is to yeeld to him the sacrifice of praise To walke with him to pay his vowes to worship him alwayes SEe here the care Iehouah hath of all that doe him feare Their death is precious in his sight as of his Saints most deare Chapt. 117 THe Prophet Dauid here exhorts the Gentiles to accord And all the people of the world to praise the highest Lord. VNto them all as well as to his people Israel The promise made of life in Christ fulfilled is right well Chapt. 118 A Long time Dauid tipe of Christ was of King Saul reiected As also of his people all he was no whit respected BVt at the time which God had set he was made Isr'els King For which he bids all fearing God all thankfull praises sing CHrist Iesus King and his kingdome is vnder Dauid here Who was refused of his owne made manifest and cleare Chapt. 119 DAuid distressed grieuously doth comfort much his minde With this same Psalme and shewes wherein
Of faith and of the sacraments and of the resurrection MOre forward he would haue them led he would not haue them faint ●ut to be stedfast in the faith in troubles patient NOte here the danger of all those that after truth receiu d ●auing once tasted heauenly gifts are afterward deceiu'd O How impossible it is that they that fall away ●hould by repentance be renew'd they Christ againe doe slay PRaised and blessed is the earth that drinkes in store of raine And for the dresser bringeth forth hearbes fruits and store of graine QVestionlesse that earth that thornes and bryers bringeth forth Is neer to cursing must be burn'd as earth that 's nothing worth RIghteous in his promises the Lord is alwaies found He still rewards their workes of loue that in good workes abound SEe here how God euen by himselfe to Abraham did sweare That he would blesse him wrondrously and still his loue declare TO him and to the heires of life he plainly shewes to both The stablenesse of his counsell and binds himselfe by oath VNpossible it is that God should deale vnfaithfully Sith by his word and oath he binds himselfe so stedfastly WHereby we haue a refuge sure and most strong consolation Most firmely for to hold that hope we haue of our saluation A Stedfast anchor of the soule which enters in through grace Where Christ is entred to prepare for vs a holy place Chapt. 7 BY Melchisedecke King of peace and Priest of God most high Is father Abraham blest when he return'd form victory COnsider how that he is said to want a pedigree That he vnto the Sonne of God might well resembled be DOe well consider the greatnesse of this High Priest I say To whom the Patriarch Abraham the tithes of spoyles did pay EVen by commandement by the law the Leuites tithes possest But Abraham to Melchisedeck did pay them and was blest FOr Leui to Melchisedeck did Abraham also pay Because that he when they two met in ioynes of Abraham lay GReater is this his Priesthood then and of far more perfection Then that of Leuies or of that which was of Aaron HE euen our Lord of Iuda came no speech did Moses make That either Iuda or his tribe should holy Priesthood take IT is a thing most euident most manifest and cleare That he was made Priest by an oath by whom we all draw neere KEeping the faith to Gods owne throne he is our surety sure Of a farre better covenant he euer doth endu●e LIuing for euer he is of power to saue all those from thrall That unto God doe come by him and for his mercy call MOst perfectly he doth them saue and intercession makes An holy harmlesse Priest is he who for vs vndertakes Chapt. 8 NOte well the summe of all that 's said we haue a Priest most high That fits at Gods right hand in heauen in glory and maiesty OF holy things and tabernacle which is the body of Christ A Minister who offreth gifts as well as did high Priest PRiests offer gifts euen so doth he Moses was bid to make All things according to patterne which he from God did take QVestionlesse a ministry that 's farre more excellent He hath a mediatour of a better testament REad that for second couenant place should not haue beene sought If that the first had faultlesse beene and could haue safety wrought SVch couenant with Israel and Iuhah hee 'll not make As with their fathers when he did them out of Egypt take THey therin did not long persist and he from them 〈◊〉 But in their minds hee 'll put his lawes and write them in their hearts VNto them I will be their God and they my folks shall bee Thus saith the Lord both great and small shall knowledge haue of mee WIth mercy I will them behold to them I will be kinde Their sinnes and their transgressions I will blot out of minde Chapt. 9 A Large description here is made of outward legall rites Which God taught Moses and which he did teach the Israelites BEhold both rites and Sanctuary which first old test'ment had Not heauenly nor spirituall which made mens hearts more glad CAndlestick table and shew-bread were therein set and plac't With name of holy places was that tabernacle grac't DIspos'd and plac'd within the vaile which holiest place is call'd Was golden censer and the Arke about with gold o'relayd EVen Aarons rod and golden pot that Manna had therein The tables and the Cherubins were put the vaile within FIrst tabernacle thus ordain'd the Priests did dayly goe There for to offer sacrifice the Lord commanded to GOD bad the high Priest for to goe alone once euery yeare Into the holy place of all with blood to offer there HE for himselfe and peoples sinnes did offer there alone Which seruice did not sanctifie himselfe nor any one IN conscience for it did consist in sacrificing rites Which were commanded till Christ came who cleanseth sinners quite KNow here that Christ is our high Priest of good things yet to come Who not by blood of Goats nor Calues did pay our soules ransome LEarne that that blood did outwardly the body putrifie O how much more shall Christ his blood our conscience sanctifie MAking vs serue the liuing God and all dead workes to hate Hee is the Mediatour true which brings to blessed state NEw Testament he hath confirm'd euen by his death alone And entred hath the holyest place for he to heauen is gone ONce hath he offered vp himselfe our sinnes to take away And shall againe come iudge his folke to life at latter day Chapt. 10 POwer for to clense away our sinnes the law had none at all To Christs body once offered that vertue did befall QVite impossible a thing it is to take away our sinnes By blood of Buls or by the blood of Goates or such like things REdeem'd we are from death and hell by Christs blood which hee shed Once for vs all when he on crosse his body offered SO that he hath for euermore their sinnes wash't all away That are elect and sanctifi'd and doe his will obey THis doth the holy Ghost witnesse and thus hath said before My law I will write in their hearts their sinnes thinke on no more VNto him then let vs draw neere with hearts made pure by faith Still hoping in his promises he will doe what he saith WEE willed are here to consider each one his Christian brother And vnto loue and to good workes to stirre vp one another ALL are exhorted thus to doe because the day drawes neere When Christ to iudge the quicke and dead will second time appeare BVT if we shall sinne willingly when we this truth haue knowne Wee haue no sacrifice for sinne but must in hell be throwne CHrist who forsakes and doth despise and treads him under foot And doth despise the spirit of grace the Lord will root ● him out DAyes that are past he bids call backe and bring into
Samuel laid to sleepe he heares the wofull fall Of Elies house then he though loath to Ely tells it all HOw God appear'd to Samuel how he in credit grew And was his holy Prophet made all Isr'els people knew Chapt. 4 ISra'lites by the Philistins are first foure thousand slaine They fetch the Arke into the campe then cry and shout amaine KIll'd then were thirty thousand moe Philistine take the Arke Hophni and Phineas both are slaine here Elies iudgements marke LOe Phineas wise in trauell falls and comfort could finde none Her sonne she nameth Ichabod the glory of God was gone Chapt. 5 MArke Ashdod in with Emrods smit their Dagon falleth downe Before the Arke Gath's plagued and Eckron that wicked towne Chapt. 6 NOw feare doth force them cart the Arke with gifts it 's sent away For looking in * An. Mundi 285● it God doth moe then fifty thousand slay Chapt. 7 OF th' Arke brought to Abinadab his sonne is sanctifide Put for to keepe it twenty yeares the same doth there abide PRepare your hearts serue God alone false worships put away Saith Samuel to th'Isra'lites they his commands obey QVite were the Philistins subdude when Isr'el did repent For after Samuels sacrifice Iehouah succour sent REstor'd are Isr'els Cities then all things doe prosper well And * An. Mundi 2850. Samuel religiously doth rule all Israel Chapt. 8 SEe Samuels sonnes bad gouernment the people aske a King An. Mundi 2875 He shewes his manners God's cast off God yeelds but hates the thing Chapt. 9 THen seeking Fathers * An. Mundi 2880 Asses out Saul comes to Samuel He feasts him counts him chiefest guest doth certaine secrets ● tell Chapt. 10 V●all of oyle is pour'd on 's head three signes to him reueal'd By them confirm'd his heart is chang'd f om's vncle thing 's conceal'd AMong the Prophets he is one at Mizpeh chose by lot His subiects are of diuers minds for some respect him not Chapt. 11 BArbarian like fierce Naash would thrust out all the right eyes Of men of Iabesh Gilead which caused teares and cryes COmming to Saul to certifie he kills the foes out right Great ioy at this his kingdome is renewed in all their sight Chapt. 12 DEclare saith Samuel whom I wrong'd they all his life doe cleare He checked their ingratitude and frighteth them with feare EVen in wheat haruest God shall send great thunder and great raine For asking King refusing him hee 'l make you all complaine FEaring the Lord and Samuel they doe their sinnes confesse He comforts them in Gods mercies bids them their wayes redresse Chapt. 13 GReat number of Philistins smite they muster a mighty hoast The men of Isr'el feare and fly and some forsake that coast HEre Saul will offer sacrifice and 's checkt of Samuel Three spoiling bands of Philistins no Smith in Israel Chapt. 14 IN wondrous sort stout Ionathan the Philistines defeats A diuine terror makes them quake and one another beates KIng Saul assaults the Priests answer for hast he would not stay The captiue Hebrewes people hid all ioyne with him that day LEwd Sauls rash adiuration hinders the victory He doth restraine from eating ought here Ionathan must dye MAny there are that rescue him and say he shall not dye So Saul surceaseth marke his might and all his family Chapt. 15 NOw goe destroy th' Amalekites he fauours Kenies kinne He spareth Agag and best things and so God wrath doth winne OBedience passeth sacrifice Saul seemeth to repent Agag is slaine by Samuel kingdome from Saul is rent Chapt. 16 PRetend a sacrifice and goe to Bethlem Iesse's Towne And there anoynt whom I appoint his sonne to weare the Crowne QVite otherwise God lookes then man Dauid's annoynted King Saul sends for Dauid for to play and he great ease doth bring Chapt. 17 REady to fight Goliah frights but Dauid arm'd with faith Encountreth and with sling and stone the monstrous Gyant slai'th Chapt. 18 SAul feareth Dauid hates his prayse and seekes to take ● his life His sonne him loues his daughter 's giuen as snare to be his wife TWo hundred foreskinnes he doth giue Sauls hatred doth not cease But Dauids fame and glorious praise doth more and more encrease Chapt. 19 VNto his sonne here Saul doth sweare that Dauid shall not die Yet sends to kill at Rama he and seruants prophesie Chapt. 20 A Secret consultation for Dauids safety had For Dauids troubles Ionathan is grieued and full sad BY oath their cou'nant they renew and Saul would Ionathan kill He token giues and farewell takes and loues good Dauid still Chapt. 21 COmming to Nob he eates shew-bread damn'd Doeg saw him there He takes Goliahs sword at Gath he madnesse fain'd for feare Chapt. 22 DIstressed men to Dauid come for parents he prouides Saul chides the priests Abiathar with Dauid now abides EDomite Doeg is content Kings pleasure to fulfill To kill the Priests but Sauls footmen would not obey his will Chapt. 23 FRom Keila chasing Philistins false Keila Dauid saues Thence flies to Ziph thence to Maon there sau'd to Engedi cau●s Chapt. 24 GOod Dauid cuts Sauls skirt and robe and faithfull there is prou'd Saul weepes and prayes when he is King his seed may be belou'd Chapt. 25 HEre Samuel dyes and Nabal churle to ● Dauid food denies He would haue kill'd him Abigail his anger pacifies IN short time after Nabal dyes he marieth Abigail To Phalti Saul gaue Dauids wife his daughter nam'd Michal Chapt. 26 KIng Saul pursues his sonne againe he finds Saul fast asleepe Checks Abner that he did not guard and King farre better keepe LEt wrath sure ease and in thy fight O let my life be deare Thus Dauid saith and bids Saul send to fetch away his speare MY sonne returne saith Saul againe I will no more assaile I haue beene foolish blest be thou for thou shalt still preuaile Chapt. 27 NO more doth Saul for Dauid seek Ziglag is beg'd o' th King Dauid destroying other lands Achish thinks no such thing Chapt. 28 O● Achish trust in Dauid put Saul feares to see his foes All witches he had once destroy'd and yet to one he goes PVt in great feare when he did heare of his last dismall day He faints but is aduis'd to eate refresht he goes away Chapt. 29 Q●arrelling Princes chide the king for praysing Dauid so He and his men are all dismist to warre they must not goe Chapt. 30 REturning they found Ziklag burn'd which made their hearts to rue Dauid consulteth with the Lord and doth his foes pursue SIcke man receiu'd directs them to their foes whom they doe foyle The most are slaine their owne are safe they haue rich prey and spoyle THen Dauid sends gifts to his friends and makes a law fullright Who keepe the stuffe haue iust as much as they that goe to fight Chapt. 31 VExed full sore Saul lost the field all his three sonnes are slaine Isra'lites flye for sake their townes
his helpe would still afford SVre trust he had from his yong yeares confirmed by his loue Which he in his distresse and feares did alwayes feele and proue THe malice of his foes was great whereof he doth complaine And prayes that Gods good grace and loue might still with him remaine VNto him then he thanks will giue and glorifie his name He saith that he in thankfull sort will still record the same Chapt. 72 A Prayer made for Solomon who was Christs type and figure Vnder whom shall be happy peace which euer shall endure BY iustice shall he rule and raigne both Kings and nations all Shall doe their homage vnto him and downe before him fall CHrists name and power shall firme endure from east vnto the west In him all nations of the world shall euermore be blest Chapt. 73 DOubtlesse the flourishing estate of wicked worldly men Nor yet the afflictions of the iust should dant Gods deare children EXpressely Dauid teacheth this by his example rare● And that we should consider well our heauenly Fathers care FOr his owne folke which thing should cause vs reuerence and feare His iudgement which are sanctified to all his children deare GIuing vs all to vnderstand that wicked workers all Doe quickly perish and in pit most fearfully doe fall HIm with his counsell God will guide and will good Dauid bring After a while to glory great and ioy euerlasting IN hope whereof with full consent of heart he doth incline Himselfe into the hands of God with comfort to resigne Chapt. 74 KNow that the faithfull make to God most grieuous ● plaint and moane For the destruction of the Church and true Religion LEwd aduersaries then did roore amids the congregation The Temple and the sanctuary came both to desolation MVch trust yet all the faithfull haue both in Gods power and loue Which he did after promise ● them and they full oft did proue NOting this well they succour craue for honor of his name For the saluation of his Saints and for his enemies shame Chapt. 75 OBserue how here the faithfull praise the name of God the Lord Who will at his appointed time come iudge this wicked world PLaguing the wicked workers all who of his wrathfull cup Most certainly must drinke each one and dregs thereof sup vp QVite then abated shall their pride and mighty malice be But godly men shall be aduanc'd and plac'd in high degree Chapt. 76 REmarke how in defending his Gods power is exprest When they in Salem by their foes were fearfully distrest SToutest he then did make to stoope he horse and man annoy'd All those that rose against his Church with plagues he quite destroy'd THerefore doth Dauid here exhort that they should faithfull be And thankfull to this mighty God whose mercies are so free Chapt. 77 VNto the Lord in Churches name his troubles and tentations The Prophet shewes which makes him thinke on 's former conuersation AForetime how he call'd on God in all his great distresse And being heard how he did sing the songs of thankfulnesse BY that same constant course of God in Churches preseruation His trust in God is strengthened in euery great tentation Chapt. 78 CHrists Church from out of Abrahams seed whom he did loue so deare Iehouah chose as Dauid saith of his owne mercy meere DEepe falshood and hypocrisie yet in this seed was found Which to their finall ouerthrow did at the last redound EVill liues of fathers Dauid here doth much reproach and blame That so their children might be drawne to hate and shun the same FOr all that God both led and fed and gaue to them his Law Yet sires and sonnes did still rebell though wonders great they saw Chapt. 79 GOds peoples greatly here complaine of plagues and grieuous woes Calamities oppressions sustain'd by cruell foes HAstily they then flee to God and doe confesse their sinne With griefe of heart and are in hope full freedome for to winne IN this perswasion they are brought because their griefe and shame Was ioyned with the great ● contempt of his most holy name KInd thankfulnesse obedience they promise then before And that they will performe the same to him for euermore Chapt. 80 LAmenting much by Dauid is a dolefull player made That God in Churches miseries would send his helpe and aide MAking it like vnto a vine which he from Egypt brought Which wicked men like cruell boares did seeke to bring to nought NOw he desires their first estate that God would haue in minde When as his face did shine on them and when he was most kinde OLd fauour here he prayeth for that he would perfect make That worke he had so well begun euen for his owne names sake Chapt. 81 PIthily Dauid doth exhort to praise with voice and heart The Lord for all his benefits which he doth still impart QVickly come O my people deare and worship me alone And I will fill you ● full saith God let all false Gods be gone REad here how hee condemnes them all for their great wickednesse And shewes what good things they had lost through their vnthankfulnesse Chapt. 82 SEe here how God is said to be among the Iudge all And magistrates whom Dauid doth reproue as partiall THen faithfully he bids them deale and poore from proud defend He stiles them Gods but plainly sees that none of them did mend VNto the Lord then Dau●d doth his hearty prayers make That he himselfe would iudge the earth and causes vndertake Chapt. 83 ATtend how Israel people prayes to be deliuered here From all their enemies abroad and from those foes were neare BEcause that they imagined nothing in mind nor thought But how the people of the Lord to ruine might be brought CRauing most earnestly of God that all such cruell foes Might as before he vs'd to doe be strucke with stormes and woes DEaling so that they might well know that God is most of might And that no power can preuaile against him in his sight Chapt. 84 ENuious men had Dauid driuen out of his Country ●eare He here desires he might againe before the Lord appeare FOr blest he counts them that may come and sit amongst the Saints To serue the Lord he doth bewaile his owne vniust restraints GReatly he prayseth all them here that walke from strength to strength And are not weary till they come to Gods owne house at length Chapt. 85 HIs people freed from captiue state the Lord corrected still Because that they did still transgresse his law and holy will IN humble wise they aske him then if he would euer frowne They pray him for his mercies sake to shower his fauours downe KNowing full well that happinesse which he had promised They rest in hope reioyce in heart and are much comforted Chapt. 86 LOaden with great afflictions forsaken eke of all The Prophet prayeth feruently quite to be freed from thrall MAking his moane to God he doth his miseries relate Sometime the mercies he receiu'd in
The bruised reed he will not breake to th'blind he shall giue sight KEepe thee will I all creatures sing and shew his worthy prayse Great shame shall light vpon all those that choose Idolatrous wayes LEt deafe and blind now heare and see who is so blind as mine Who heare and see but to obserue their hearts will not incline MY people rob'd and spoyl'd because they would not heare my voyce His Law he will make honourable in right he doth reioyce Chapt. 43 NO riuer shall thee ouerflow feare nothing thou art mine No fire shall kindle vpon thee I am and will be thine OVt of my hand no man can saue I am your Lord and King To Babell for your sake I sent forget the former things PLead thou with me for my name sake I will forget thy sinne Yet gaue I Iacob to the curse for sinnes he liued in Chapt. 44 QVite banish feare ô Iacob deare I le power vpon thy seed My spirit and they each one shall say I am the Lords indeed REdeemer first and last I am there is no God but I The Image and the maker both are shamelesse vanitie SIng seruant Iacob all thy sinnes as clouds are blotted out I formed thee and all things else the heauens and earth about THe lyers tokens I frustrate the wise men fooles I make My seruants words I doe confirme and Cyrus shepherd take Chapt. 45 VNloose for him the loynes of Kings and breake the gates of brasse For Iacobs sake I call'd him so before he euer was ALL light and darknesse peace and euill euen I Iehouah made No God but I I le cause him build the Citie ● sore deca●d BRing forth saluation heauens and earth curst who with God contends All Idoll makers God confounds to his great ioy he sends COme ne are and know that they are foole● that set vp wood and stone Looke vp to me and saue your soules for I am God alone Chapt. 46 DOwne fals false Bell the beasts did bear such Idols on their backs I cary you from youth to age mine no deliuerance lacks EQuall to me whom will you make dead Idols cannot moue O sinners thinke on former times my power and grace yee proue Chapt. 47 FOr cruell pride is Babell plagu'd g eat sinnes the Lord prouokes They shewed no mercy to his folke But laid on grieuous yoakes GIuen to delights and carelesse life she said she was a Queene But shee shall haue such plagues for sinne as seldome haue beene seene HElpe of th' Astrologers seeke and craue thou who said none can see Who trusted in thy wickednesse as stubble shalt thou be Chapt. 48 ISraell sweares but not in truth stifneck't with browes of brasse I often taught and told them things before they came to passe KNowing that they were treacherous he saues for his owne sake O Israel heare I will thee teach mee for thy leader take LIke sands of sea thy seed had beene thou blest with great increase If thou hadst hearkned to my voyce thou hadst had store of peace MAke hast goe out of Babylon say ye the Lord doth saue His seruant Iacob wicked ones no peace at all shall haue Chapt. 49 NAm'd was I from my mothers wombe my mouth made like a sword I spake and spent my strength in vaine my worke is with the Lord. O Mountaines sing th' afflicted he will comfort and defend Th' art giuen to light the Gentiles all a Sauiour toth'worlds end PRinces shall rise and worship thee thou shalt a couenant bee To lighten men in darknesse set and set the prisoners free QVietly then thou shalt them lead no hunger thirst nor heat Shall smite or hurt thy holy ones thou canst not them forget REstored shall thy people be great troupes to thee resort Both Kings and Queenes with humble hearts shall yeeld thee great comfort SAue thee and thine will I from foes that had thy death decreed With their owne blood they shall be drunke and on their flesh shall feed Chapt. 50 TO whom haue I your mother sold your sinnes haue made you fall My power can saue my tongue doth cheare the weary sinners all VNto the smiters did I giue my backe and face to shame The Lord doth helpe and iustifie who can condemne or blame ALl ye that heare and feare the Lord trust in his holy name Who needs will stay vpon themselues shall lye them downe in shame Chapt. 51 BEhold your father Abraham in Christ belieue as he To Zion he will comfort send in her all ioy shall be COme heare my law which is your light the heauens and earth behold My sauing health endures for aye those vanish and wax old DEare people who regard my law feare not what raylers say The moth and worme shall them consume my iustice dures for aye EVen as of old stretch out thine arme thou makst deepe seas be dry Then mortall man why shouldst thou feare we shall sing ioyfully FOrget not God thy Creator nor furious foes doe feare My word I will put in thy mouth thee in mine hand I le beare GReat dregs of dolour hast thou drunke and hast no comfort had But I that plead my peoples cause will make thy foes full sad Chapt. 52 HEare Zion beautifie thy selfe th' vncleane shall come no more Within thy courts thou hast beene sold but I will thee restore IN thee who shall saluation preach and ioyfull tydings bring Their feet shall be most beautifull they shall in Zion sing KIngs then shall shut their mouthes at Christ astonish't all shall be Sing ioyfully Ierusalem the Lord hath set thee free LOrds vessell bearers be ye cleane poluted things abhorre Depart from thence the Lord doth goe behind you and before Chapt. 53 MEn did despise and Christ reiect the Prophet so complaines But as a plant he did grow vp induring griefes and paines NO fraud was found in him nor sin yet was he plagued sore And wounded for our wickednesse increased more and more ON him was all our lewdnesse layd as lambe to slaughter brought So hee to death by which he hath our full redemption wrought PRosper shall still the Lords good will which he doth take in hand He doth triumph doth iustifie as intercessor stand Chapt. 54 QViet your selues ô Gentiles all God shall your Church enlarge Feare not he is your husband deare of you he taketh charge REdeemer saith though I haue seem'd a while thee to forsake Yet with an euerlasting loue for mine I will thee take SWorne haue I that I will thee saue ô thou with tempest tost Thy foes shall gather thee against but greatly to their cost THy children shall be taught of God the ● mountaines then shall moue But tongues nor weapons shall thee hurt my peace thou still shalt proue Chapt. 55 VNto the waters euery one that thirsteth come and buy Drinke freely heare beleeue in me your soules I le satisfie A Couenant will I make with you of Dauids mercies sure A leader to my folke
I haue giuen Christ their sinnes to cure BE Priest to seeke and call on God betime while he is neare Forsake your sinnes returne to him then he will helpe and heare COnsider that my wayes and thoughts are nothing like to yours My word doth not returne in vaine on his all ioy he powres Chapt. 56 DOe Justice keepe the sabbaths pure from euill workes abstaine My sauing health is neare to those that in these workes remaine EVen Eunuches strangers and their sonnes that doe themselues addresse To doe the things that I command shall lasting ioyes possesse FEild for●est beasts come and deuoure his watchmen all are blind Dumbe greedy dogs sleepe gaine and wine are all that they doe mind Chapt. 57 GRieu'd hearts none haue when good men dye but they are freed from wo They rest in peace yea witches sonnes against whom raile ye so High mountaine hast thou offered on thy vaine workes I le decare There is no peace to wicked men the mourners well shall fare Chapt. 58 IAcobs transgressions cry against yet they will fast and pray And seeme to loue and like my lawes but care not to obey KNow that the fast that God doth choose is to reli●ue the poore Yee fast to strife and wickednesse and are not heard therefore LOdge cloath and feed the fatherlesse obserue the Sabbath dayes Then God will blesse and guide thee still and heare thee when thou prayes Chapt. 59 MVch murther and such monstrous sinnes wherein you still remaine Hath caus'd the Lord to hide his face and from all helpe refraine NOne stands for truth nor calls for right they speake and trust in lyes I could and would haue help'd and sau'd but you did me despise OVr sinnes against vs testifie like doues we mourne full sore We roare like Beares we looke for ayde but thou dost send no more PEruerted is all iudgement quite truth is falne cleane away And who so doth depart from euill doth make himselfe a prey QVickly did his owne arme faile when all did him forsake And wondring at their want of zeale he made his foes to quake REdeemer shall to Zion come to them of humble heart My spirit and word shall not from thee nor from thy seed depart Chapt. 60 SHine glorious Church the Gentiles all shall come to see thy light Euen royall Kings shall come from far to see thy rising bright THeir flocks their siluer and their gold they then shall bring to thee And who their seruice will not yeeld shall wholly wasted be VIolence shall no more be heard the Lord shall be thy light A little small one shall be come a thousand then in sight Chapt. 61 ANointed am I for to preach glad tyding to the meeke To Zion mourners bruis'd in heart who mee their Sauiour feeke BVilding the old wast places all Gods Priests they shall be nam'd And double ioy they shall possesse though they before were sham'd COnfirmed couenant will I make their workes in truth direct Who see them and their seed shall say the Lord doth them respect DEarely doe I loue righteousnesse but robberie deadly hate Though for burnt offerings made and done beleeuers blessed state Chapt. 62 Exceeding zealous will I be to speake for Zions peace Vntill her brightnesse shall breake forth and righteousnesse increase FOr famous shall thy new name be a crowne in Gods owne hand In thee he doth reioyce and will be maryed to thy land GIue him no rest vntill hemke Ierusalem a praise Gatherers shall eate in my courts and thanke the Lord alwaies HIgh waies cast vp a standard set the peoples way prepare Saluation God proclaimes to his they holy called are Chapt. 63 I Haue the wine presse trod alone Redeeming time is come And I will trample vnder foot my foes both all and some KIndled fury did me vphold mine arme saluation brought When I with wondring did behold that none my glory sought LOrd of thy loue and goodnesse great make mention still will I Thou saidst they are thy people deare Children that will not lie MVch vex't was he when they rebell'd and did against him fight Then thought he on his ancient loue how Moses rul'd them right NOne knew vs Lord in heauen but thou not Abraham nor his seed Looke downe and helpe what is thy loue restrain'd in time of need O Lord why hast thou made vs erre and hearts kept from thy feare Thy foes and ours tread downe thy Church returne Lord helpe and heare Chapt. 64 POwre down thy plagues vpon thy foes no eye did euer see Nor eare hath heard what thou prepar'st for them that wait on thee QVickly thou Lord dost meet the man that worketh righteousnesse But thou art wroth for wee haue sinn'd our best work 's filthinesse REmember not our sinnes for aye afflict not very sore Our holy house thy foes haue burnt wilt thou not plague therefore Chapt. 65 SOught am I of a nation that did not aske for mee I called daily on mine owne they fell to Idolatrie THey walked after their owne thoughts the Hypocrites did say O come not neere for I am pure these I with plagues will pay VNto a remnant that me sought a blessing will I giue But you forsooke me when I call'd and would not godly liue ALL things wherein I tooke no ioy those did ye still pursue My seruants therefore shall be blest but ye shall dearly rue BEhold new heauens and earth I make in which I will reioyce No want of blessings there shall be nor heard a mourners voyce CVrst wolfe then with the Lambs shall eate they shalt not hurt at all I then will heare and answer make before my people call Chapt. 66 DOgges necke cut off killing a man I count as worthy praise As when you offer Oxe or Lambe and follow your owne wayes EArth is my footstoole heauen ' n y th●n what house will you afford To poore and contrite soules I looke who tremble at my word FOr my name sake who cast you out your brethren full of hate Said God be prais'd but he will bring them into wofull state GReatly reioyce at Churches growth and at their blessings store Transgressors worme shall neuer die they burne for euermore IEREMIAH Chapt. 1 AH Lord I am but as a child the people will me scorne Goe I a Prophet thee ordain'd before that thou was borne BE not afraid of any thing I will deliuer thee To pull downe Kingdomes built and plant declare what thou dost fee. COme from the North shall mightie Kings they shall not Iudah spare But plague them for their false worships this rod and pot declare DIsmay not at their furious lookes lest thou confounded be I le thee defend and fight with those that doe contend with thee Chapt. 2 EVill shall betide all Israels foes the fruits of Gods increase What haue I done that you so soone to serue mee should surcease FRom Aegypt who did you bring out into a fruitfull land You neuer ask't nor yet your Priests my