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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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to do it yea thy law is in mine hart The which performing of the Lords will rather then the offring of many sacrifices being the principal part of the service of God as it was in some measure done by David ● principall man among the Lords servants and a type and figure of our Saviour Christ so it was most perfectly performed by our Saviour himselfe the accomplishment of all types and figures as the Apostle testifieth Heb. 10. For albeit the curse and condemnation that was laide vpon him in respect of our sinnes was most heavy and grievous vnto his flesh caused him to pray againe againe Father if it be possible let this cuppe passe from me yet for that he knew full well that he therefore came into the worlde to drinke most deepely of this bitter cuppe that by his fathers appointment and will therfore he did most willingly submitte himselfe thereto saying not as I will but as thou wilt not my will but thin● b●… Math. 26. 39. fulfilled therein And so haue all the lively members of Christ from the beginning of the world patiently endured the heavy burden of the crosse being moved thervnto vpon the same reason Whē the Lord had revealed to Samuell his most grievous iudgments that he would execute vpon the house of Ely for the most outragious sinnes of his lewde so●nes howe doth old Elie prepare himselfe to patience It is the Lorde saith hee that hath thus spoken let him doe what seemeth good in his owne eies even what hee 1. Sam. 3. 18 himselfe willeth and what pleaseth him best So when vvicked Abs●lon had conspired against his owne father David and had forced him to flie out of Ierusalem the chiefe seate and city of his kingdome howe is David furnished for the patient enduring of this crosse If saith he I shall finde favour in the sight of the Lord he 2. Sā 15. 26 vvill b●ing me againe But if he say I haue no delight in thee let him doe what seemeth good in his owne eies Likewise Iob the patterne of patience when all manner of losses and crosses came vpon him on an heape what was it that moued him so patiently to endure thē all Naked saith he came I out of my mothers wombe and naked must Iob. 1. 21. I returne thither againe the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord. By the which onsamples wee haue to learne to frame our willes to the Lordes wil to conforme our aff●ctions to his executions and so to square out our workes by his lawe if we will haue our workes good and our service approved and our selues accepted as the Lordes faithfull servants All men by nature in the ordering of their liues and vvorkes would willingly serue themselues by following their owne good intentes and meaninges and by walking after their owne eies the traditions of our elders and fathers and the custo●e of the multitude and the commandemēts of great and mighty men of such as are seated in high dignity and authority doe mightely sway and prevaile with vs. And therfore if we will not suffer our selues to be m●sledde in this matter of the greatest moment of all other it behoveth vs to harken most carefully to the counsel of the wise man Let thine eies saith he behould the right and let thine eie liddes direct the way before Thee ponder the path of thy feete and let Prov. 4. 25. all thy waies be ordered aright Turne not to the right hand nor to the left but r●fraine thy feete from evill That is in these so weighty matters that concerne the glory of God and the salvation of thine owne soule trust not other mens eies nor follow thou other mens ensamples but looke thou thy selfe to thine own steps and be thou assured that thou walke in all those waies which the Lorde thy God hath commanded thee to walke in and see that thou turne Deut. 5. 29. not either to the right hand or to the left or walke one step out of these waies All of vs with our great grandfather Adam since he turned out of the right way of Gods commandements haue wandered and gone astray in crooked pathes and daungerous waies and doe still runne on hastely and speedily therein vntill the Lord of his great mercy doth open our eies and giveth vs wise and vnderstanding harts to behold and to forsake our owne errours and to returne into the waies of his commaundementes The path of the iust is straight for that the Lord doth direct his steps by taking from his eies the veile of folly and by giving him wisedome to walke warely and to forsake his own blind and perverse waies and to walke in the waies of vnderstanding wisedome According vnto the most holesome counsell of the Apostle Saint Paule given to the Ephesians Take heede saith he that Eph. 5. 15. yee walke circumspectly not as vnwise but as wise redeeming the time because the daies are evill We are altogither so corrupt and evil so is the whole world besides and wee are yet so puffed vp with selfeloue and so blinded with our prowd follies that we mistake the broad way that leadeth to death to be the straight way that leadeth to life and we are growne so stiffe also in our owne most foolish conceipts that we will not willingly take any advise and counsell to the contrary or suffer our selues to be broken of our own wils Therefore we haue great neede to be still remembred by the Apostle to take heede that we walke circumspectly not as vnwise but as wise redeeming the time because the da●es are evill And againe bee not v●wise to follow still your own foolish braines but be ye carefull to vnderstand vvhat the will of the Lord is And verely Verse 17. the Lords waies must be our waies and his will must bee our set pricke to aime at in all our workes if that we haue a desire to hit the marke and obtaine the best game And therfore that this will of God might only be respected of vs and might most effectually worke in vs it hath pleased the spirit of God in the holy scripture given by divine inspiration to haue set downe fowre principall motiues for the better effecting thereof whereof two concerne the matter it selfe and two the author of this will For Gods wil is onely to direct vs in al our workes 1 first because it is holy iust and perfect 2 secondly for that it is onely acceptable vnto God 3 thirdly because it is the wil of him that onely hath soveraigne auctority and power to rule over our consciences and soules 4 fourthly and lastly for that it is his wil vnto whō wee owe our selues and al that we enioy as having received all from him and vnto whom our whole service is dubble due in respect of his infinite and vnspeakeable blessings most frankely and freely and yet most largely and
vertue of CHRISTS bloode to vvash and clense the staines of all the sinnes of the faithfull were infidelitie or not to doubt thereof but to doubt vvhether it bee avail●able to purge and clense THINE iniquities sinnes is to bewray thine infidelity in another degree even in that thou beleevest not thy selfe to belong to that number nor yet to bee partaker vvith them of their mercie VVherefore to teach the faithfull that they shoulde bee persvvaded of the remission of their ovvne sinnes through the death of Christ is to plucke vp the rootes of infidelity it is not to teach pride but faith nor to open a gappe to all ●inne and vvickednesse but contrarivvise most effectuallie to provoke to repentance loue and thankefulnesse and to the practise of all other christian dueties A●d in truth we cannot bee rightly offended with our selues for offending so merciful and gracious a God vntill he hath given vs some sense feeling of his vnspeakeable mercy towardes vs in assuring vs of the pardon of our offences and sinnes Neither can vve vnfainedly loue the Lord and desire to be thankfull vnto him as we ought to be vntil we be perswaded that he loueth vs and beareth a kinde affection tovvards vs. Neither yet can we wholy resigne our selues to God vntil we perceiue that we are not our ovvn but that we are bought with a price that so we should 1. Cor. 6. 20 sanctifie the Lorde both in our bodies and in our spirites which are the Lordes My beloued s●ith the spouse is mine and I am his he hath Cant. 2. 16. giuen himselfe to me and hath assured me of his loue and therefore I giue my selfe to him and assure him of mine obedience VVee loue him saith Saint Iohn because he loved vs first For as 1. Ioh. 4 19. one fire kindleth another and one heate raiseth vp another so the ●i●…y heate of the Lords kindnes and loue felt in the hearts of the faithful doth kindle againe the fi●e of their loue and thankefulnesse towards God causing them to busie all their thoughtes and cogitations how they may after the best manner perfourme this there bou●den duety and service to God When the Lord by the prophet had mentioned his great mercies bestowed vpon his people of Israel the prophet stra●t-waies in the person of the people breaketh out into these words Wherewithall shall I come before Mich 6. 6. the Lorde and bowe my selfe before the high God Likevvise David vppon the like consideration VVhat shall I render vnto the Psa 116. 12. 103. 1. Lorde for all his benefites bestovved on mee and againe Praise the LORDE O my soule and all that is within mee praise his holy name praise the LORDE O my soule and forget not all his benefites vvho forgiueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities vvh● saueth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with mercy and loving kindnes In which words we may perceaue that the sence and feeling of the Lords mercies in re●…tting to the prophet David his manifold sinnes was in him as a great vehement flame kindling in his very hart soule a most fervent zealous desire of magnifying and extolling the Lords mercies So Mary loved Luc. 7 47. much because manie sinnes vvere forgiven her ●eeling first the great aboundance of Gods loue tovvardes her selfe in pardon●ng her manifolde and grievous sinnes vvhich caused in her as it vv●re a reflexion and reciprocation of her loue towards God for those his great and endlesse mercies And surely if the small kindenes of a man and that towardes his enimy doth oftentimes ●eape coales of fire on his heade turning malice into meekenesse Rom. 12. 20 and currishnes into kindenes and so overcomming evill with goodnes how much more the infinite loue of God in pardoning our manifold and grievous sinnes being once felt within vs vvill it not possesse our soules with his loue and winne al our affections to his obedience Surely it vvil cause vs to reioyce if wee may suffer any tribulation for his names sake or performe any other duety whatsoeuer that may be grateful and acceptable vnto him We reioice saith the Apostle in tribulations knowing that tribulation Rom. 5. 4. bringeth foorth patience and patience experience and experience hope hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost And to say the truth who euer were greater enimies to carnal security and dissolutenes of life more zealous followers of Christ more religious embracers of true piety and godlines then such as aboue all other haue felt the loue of God most aboundantly towardes themselues in assuring them most vndoubtedly of the forgiuenes of all th●ir sinnes of their inheritance in the kingdome of glory Wherefore this doctrine which teacheth the faithful to raise vp themselues to a stedfast assurance of Gods mercies tendeth neither to pride no● to dissolutnes of life but that doctrine which teacheth to doubt of Gods favour is no better then a flat stepmother to faith and a naturall nurce to infidelity For he that wil rightly come v●to God must come vnto him without doubting whereby we see that faith Iac. 1. 6. and doubtfulnesse cannot wel agree together So vvhen God promised Abraham a sonne in his old age adding further that Rom 4. 2● in his seed al the nations of the earth should be blessed M●t ●4 31. Rom. 14 23 In Gen 4● The popish faith ●…ke to the Infidell Poets he doubted not saith the Apostle through vnbeliefe shewing thereby that doubtfulnes ariseth of infidelity Wherefore for any that professeth himselfe to belong to the number of the faithfull to doubt of the performance of any of the Lordes promis●s in generall or in particular of the promise of forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life made to al that beleeue doth argue a very small faith at the least if it doe not convince the party of ●latte infidelity Non si mihi Iuppiter ipse s●…n ●…at ●…am s●crem hoc contingere pon●… Wherefore as Martin Luther truely avouched if there were no other errors and heresies in the doctrine of the church of Rome but euen this that they teach that the faithful which are iustified before God ought not yet assure themselues of 〈◊〉 owne iustification and of their owne vndoubted calling vnto the estate of grace but remaine stil pensiue and doubtful of the remission of their sinnes and of their interest in the kingdome of glory yet this alone were a sufficient mot●ue to make a separation from her as being the mother of infidelity and not of faith Div. 3. That we ought to beleeue onlie in God and not in the church or in anie creature THose things which the Gentiles offer vp in sacrifice they I beleeue in God I beleeue the church offer to devils not to God the Iews all hereticks beleeue not in the true God but
beleeue though one rose from the deade Signes ●uk 16 31. ●ar 16. 20. ●eb 2. 4. vvrought by diuine power were diuine witnesses to giue testimony to the doctrine that it vvas diuine nowe the doctrine is receaued as a diuine doctrine what neede is there of witnesses stil to testifie the same Hee is a monster saith Austine that as Aug. de civ Dei l. 22. c. 8 yet seeketh for a miracle The doctrine in truth of Antichrist and of all false prophets hath neede of new miracles because their doctrine is straunge and new and the Deuil as the spirite of Mat 24 24. ● Thess 2. 9 ●hrys in Mat. hom ●9 Christ hath foretolde shal be ready to furnish them vvith great variety thereof that so hee may prevaile the more by them and leade the greater number thereby into errour VVherefore in that the church of Rome boasteth greatly of her miracles and taketh exception against our doctrine for vvant thereof thereby shee betrayeth her infidelity and bewrayeth her selfe not to bee the church of Christ but the very seate of the great Antichrist Opposit 4. The faithfull servauntes of Christ by the preaching of the worde of God having their secret sinnes dis●layed and their consciences touched to the quicke and feeling in their hartes the divine power and maiesty purity and perfection thereof lightning their mindes sanctifying their affections and converting their soules doe fall downe as the Apostle saith and worshippe God and say that God is in you of a trueth acknowledging the preachers of that worde to be Gods ministers and 1. Cor 14. 25. the worde it selfe to bee Gods word vvhereof they haue so good proofe and so sufficient warrant in their owne heartes whereas faithlesse hypocrites having felt within them no such divine power of Gods heavenly worde doe not beleeue it to bee the worde of God for the words sake it selfe but for the outwarde testimony and witnes of the church THE mighty and powerfull worde of Christ is the scepter of Heb. 1. 8. 4. 12. Isa 11. 4. Apo 19. 15. his kingdome whereby he ruleth and raigneth in the heartes of his loyal and obedient subiects the most sharpe sword whereby he subdueth and vtterly destroyeth all his enimes By it he beateth downe in the heartes of his chosen infidelity Idolatry pride and vnthankefulnes and whatsoeuer lifteth vp it selfe against God and planteth faith piety humility and an hearty desire of sincere obedience and thankefulnes vnto God In this word being laide open the infinite and inestimable dignity of the sufferings and death of Christ whereby ful reconciliation is obtained with God satisfaction made for sinne to the vttermost and a perfect purchase made of the kingdome of heauen how are the faithful encouraged with ful assurance of faith to come vnto God and to place their whole trust and confidence in him As by the dreadful denunciations of Gods wrath against all iniquity and sinne set downe in this word especially by that seuere execution of the iustice of God in the death of Christ in whom the sins of all the elect were so seuerely punished that in vnspeakeable mercy they might be most freely pardoned vnto themselues how are the faithful touched to the quicke pricked at the very hearts humbled and after a sort cast downe into hell that they might be lifted vp againe by the Lordes mercy tast see how gracious the Lord is So like wise vvhen the infinite wisedome equity iustice righteousnes integritie puritie sanctity vprightnes which is in every one of the commaundementes of God is made knowen in some measure to everie of the faithfull how doth it winne all his affections to the loue of this lawe and cause him to lay it vp fast in his heart as a most precious and invaluable treasure O the● saith he with the prophet David the law of the Lord is an vndefiled law 〈◊〉 19. converting the soule the testimony of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedome vnto the simple the statutes of the Lord are right reioice the hart the commandement of the Lord is pure giueth light vnto the eies the feare of the Lord is cleane indureth for ever the iudgmentes of the Lord are true righteous altogeather And more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also then the hony and the hony combe The Samaritās who at the first were induced to beleeue in Christ vpon the testimony of the womā which said vnto thē come see a man which hath told me all whatsoever I did is not he th● very Christ whē they had heard thēselue the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth had felt in their heartes the power of his doctrine thē they said to the woman that first brought thē to Christ Now we do not beleeue for thy words for we haue heard him our selues ●…h 4. ●…om 13. ●ug Conses ●ib 8. ●ap 12. do beleue that he is the very Christ So Austin whē he was a cōtētious carnall Manichee would not beleue the gospell but for the testimony of the church but when by the divine oracle being admonished to take the booke of God into his hāds to reade therein he had read Let vs walke honestly as in the day-time not in gluttony and drunkennes nor in chambering and wantonnes nor in strife and envying but put yee on the Lord Iesus and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes of it this did seeme so holy heavenly and divine a doctrine vnto him and such an admiration and alteration it wrought in his hart that thē no doubt he did not beleeue for the bare outward testimony of the church but for the divine fruite vertue power puritie of the divine word of God that he himselfe had felt in his own hart VVherefore in that the children of the church of Rome doe teach and avouch that they doe not nay cannot beleeue the divine scripture to be the worde of GOD but for the testimony of the church it is manifest that they haue not felt the divine power thereof in their heartes nor haue beene translated thereby out of the slavery of Satan into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God Opposit 5. The mighty and speedy prevailing of the Gospell of Christ both at the first publication thereof by the Apostles of Christ and also at the renovation of the same in these last daies and that vvithout any earthly helpes or furtherances yea maugre the malice and spite of the Devill who set all the power and pollicy of the world with might and maine to suppresse and to roote out the same declareth the great ●fficacy of this most mighty truth vvhich thus hath hitherto and will still prevaile IT is a thing worthy to be obserued that the mystery of iniquity 2. Thes 2. 7 beganne even in the Apostles times creeping in by little and little being long in working before
in his seruice The bondslaues of Satan seeme sometimes to drawe nigh vnto God to seeke the advaūcemēt of his honor glory but it is either afflictiō that forceth thē to cry that they might be delivered Psal 78. 34. Hos 7. 14. Ioh. 6. 26. out of the hād of the oppressor or they howle vpō their beds for corne wine and follow Christ for more bread the gratious gifts of God already receiued do not allure them to come in sincerity to God For they say not in their heartes O let vs feare the Lord which giueth vs raine ●arely late in due season and reserveth Ierem. 5. 24. for vs the appointed weekes of harvest Neither doe they say vvhere Iob. 35. 10. is the God that made vs that giveth vs songes in the night vvhich teacheth vs more then the beastes of the earth and giveth vs more wisedome then the fowles of the heavens But the sincere servantes of Thankfulnes for benefits already received bringeth the faithfull to God wheras hope of profite to come and their owne necessities force hypocrites sometimes to flie vnto him 2 Reg. 5. 17 Is 38. 20. The contemplation of Gods mercies our owne defectes vnworthines is the proper cause of all sincere devotion especially the manifestation of the endles loue of God in Christ is the peculiar cause of faith by faith of all other parts of piety godlines Christ knowing that God hath advaunced them with honour aboue al the residue of his creatures seeke to advaunce his honour aboue al other yea they most duly weighing with thēselues how deeply they are endebted vnto his divine maiesty for his gracious gifts already receiued desire rather to discharge some of the billes of their former debtes then more more stil to grow in arearages Naaman the Syrian being al his life long brought vp in most grosse blindnes Idolatry when he was cured of his leprosy by the goodnes of the God of Israel that is by the goodnes of the only true God Now saith he I know that there is no God but only in Israel therfore wil I not hēceforth offer any burnt offring or sacrifice to any other God saue to the Lord. So whē Ezechias had obtained of God a great deliverance frō his most dangerous disease howe doth he sing vnto the Lord reioice in his goodnes vow vnto God perpetual homage service The graue saith he cānot cōfesse thee death cānot praise thee but the liuing shall cōfesse thee as I doe this day the father to the children shall declare thy truth The Lord was ready to saue me therfore wil I sing my songs in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life The like may be said of al the residue that haue vnfeinedly given themselues vnto God For how were they drawen therevnto but by the linkes of his loue by the chaine of his blessings Devotion saith Aquinas is a special act of religion importing nothing else but the devoting of a mans hearte to the prompt service of the almighty God the cause wherof is the contemplation meditation of the Lords benefits of our owne defects For if we would duly weigh cōsider with our selues the Lords most bountiful largesse towards vs which are vnworthy of the leasts of his mercies deserue nothing but vengeance and wrath especially if we would religiously record that one invaluable gift of God who so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoever beleeved in him should not perish but haue life everlasting it would not otherwise be but that we should be wounded and pricked at the very hearte for our former contempts disloyalties and rebellions against so good and gratious a GOD and should also be made more careful for the time to come to looke better vnto our steppes and to be more respectiue serviceable vnto our God For so wrought this heavenly phisike in Peter Paule with al the residue of the servants of Christ it purged a way the putrified humours of corrupted affections recovered thē to spiritual health life It is sufficiēt saith St. Peter that wee haue spēt the time past of our life after the lustes of the Gētiles walking in 1. Pet. 4 2. Our defectes Gods loue Our dutie or devotiō vvantonnes lustes drunkennes and in abominable Idolatries But nowe seeing we knowe that Christ hath suffered for sinne we ought also to suffer in the flesh and to cease from sinne and henceforward to liue as much time as remaineth in the flesh not after the lustes of men but after the vvill of God So likewise the Apostle St. Paule Wee also our selues vvere in Tit. 3. 3. Our defectes Gods loue times past vnwise disobedient deceiued serving d●verse lustes and v●l●ptuousnes living in malitiousnes and e●vy hatefull and hating o●… another but when the bo●…t●fulnes and loue of God our Saviour toward man appeared he not onely saved vs from the guilte of our sinnes by giving himselfe a ransome for our soules but also hee destroyed the power Our dutie or devotiō of sinne in vs and so raysed vs vp to newnes of life For albeit the wicked turne the grace of God into wantonnes saying let vs sinne that grace may abound yet the saying grace of God teacheth the godly another lesson even to deny vngodlines and worldly lustes and to live Tit. 2. 11. iustly soberlie and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope appearing of the mighty God and of our S●viour Iesus Christ vvho gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all ●…iquiti● and purge vs to be a peculiar people to himselfe zealous of good workes So likewise albeit the LORDES temporall blessinges are to the wicked as thornes choaking vp the good seedes of pietie and godlines and as baites to snare them and to drawe their heartes from God and as chaines to binde them fast vnto the varities of this wicked world yet to the godlie they are as sweete sauce to make them ●eede more eagerly vppon the foode of their soules and as spurres to make them runne more readilie in the way of Gods commaundementes and as ladders to lifte them vp vnto GOD that so they may come to the fruition of his greater blessinges For to the pure all thinges are pure in so much that their verie sinnes make them to hate sinne the more and the little tast of the LORDES mercies causeth them more vehemently to thirst after a full cuppe of the same mercies yea the more they see their owne wantes and the LORDES fulnes the more they are stirred vp to renoūce themselues to cleaue Eph. 5. 8. Our de fectes Gods loue Our duty or devotiō vnfainedly vnto the Lord. Yee were darknes saith the Apostle but now yee are light in the Lord Walke as children of the light as if he should haue said vnto them Remember your
this wrathfull countenance of God of al other calamities crosses is most grievous burdensome vnto them and doth aboue al other miseries vexe and torment their tender harts casteth thē downe to the gates of hell Then in anguish of soule and bitternes of spirit they powre forth whole streames of complaine● crying out and saying Will the Lord absent himselfe forever and will he be no more entreated Is his mercy cleane gone for ever Psal 77. 7. and is his goodnes come vtterly to an end far evermore ● hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he shut vp his loving kindnes in displeasure Thē said I this is my death againe O Lord how long wilt thou be angrie Psal 80. 4. with thy people that praieth Thou hast fed them with the bread of teares and hast given them plent●…snes of teares to drinke thou haste made vs to be a very strife vnto our neighbours our enemies laugh vs to scorne Turne vs againe O God of hosts shew vs the light of thy countenance and we shall be safe And yet in truth when the Lorde most sharply chasteneth his God is nearest to his servants in their asstictions albeit he seemeth to be then farthest of he sheweth then most of all the effect of his loue allthough they for the present feele it not Psa 119. 71. 75 ver own deare children he is not in wrath offended with them but in great loue most of all then tendreth their good his grace and favour is not absent but then especially is present with them albeit they for the very instāt feele not the same For what is it that in and by their afflictions worketh in them humility repentāce patience obedience an earnest desire to feele the Lord gracious and favourable vnto them aboue all things to behold the light of his countenāce Are not al these the most evident effects of the favourable presence of God with thē of the most neere assistance of his grace Doth he not herein shew thē the light of his coūtenance make manifest vnto them his loue to their great benefit good Surely David did most thākfully acknowledge so much saying It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble that I might learne thy statutes And againe I know O Lorde that thy iudgements are righteous and that thou not of wrath but of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled And therfore Ieremy praied for the Ier. 10 24. same as for a thing beneficiall and good Correct vs O Lord ye● in thy iudgement not in thy fury For God chastiseth his children in loue albeit he punisheth the wicked in wrath And therfore both Iob. 5. 17. Iob David iudge not that the godly when they are afflicted are in a bad but in a right good and blessed estate Blessed is the man say they whom thou chastenest O Lorde and teachest in thy lawe that thou maiest giue him patience in time of adversitie vntill the ●it bee digged vp for the vngodly And therefore the Apostles did reioice in Rom. 5. 3. tribulations knowing that tribulations bring forth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost The loue of God then apprehended by faith not only engendereth Hope Patience Confessiō in vs loue towardes God but also hope that maketh not ashamed and patience that maketh vs to reioice in tribulations and to be couragious and constant in the confession of his truth albeit all manner of crosses accompanye the same For out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and therfore if vvith the hearte wee beleeue to righteousnesse wee will bee ready vvith the mouth to confesse vnto salvation I beleeved saith David Rom. 10. 10 Psal 116. 10 2. Cor. 4. 13 and therefore haue I spoken so vvee also saith the Apostle beleeue and therefore speake And verily if wee doe beleeue that GOD from everlasting hath acknowledged vs and hath written our names in the booke of life howe can it bee but that wee shoulde thankefully acknowledge him before the greate congregation and willingly confesse him before the whole worlde Yea how can it bee but that wee shoulde continually make our resorte to Praier him by praier in all our necessities and craue his gracious aide to assiste and strengthen vs in all those afflictions and crosses which vvee endure for his most holy name sake The vnfaithfull vvho vvill not bee persvvaded of the fatherly loue and favour of God towardes them cannot come with any cheerefulnes to make their praiers vnto God for howe can they call vppon him Rom 10. 14 on whom they haue not beleeved but the faithfull that beleeue that God is become their loving father in Christ that by him they haue such interest in God in al his blessings must needs cōe to him with great cōfidēce hope powre out their whole harts continually before him and present vnto him all their petitions and requests And verily they need not to be ashamed to come into his presence seeing they are cloathed with the most precious garments of Christ their elder brother and haue him to bee their continuall advocate solliciter to pleade their cause In deed the more they behold their owne nakednes and shame take a true view of the rotten ragges fained garments of their owne righteousnes and the more deepely therewithal they meditate vpon that strange and admirable goodnesse of God that would cast the eies of his loue vpō such loathsome wretches they haue great cause as to be ashamed of their abominable corruption so to be waile and lament their intollerable vnthankfulnesse And so the prophet Ezechiel hath testified that the faithful shal Eze. 16. 63. be confounded in themselues and hange downe their heads never open their mouthes for shame when they shal behold the loue of God towards them in Christ which hath freely pardoned all their iniquities and sinnes when I say they shal see on the one side how gracious God is to them on the otherside how grievous they themselues haue bin vnto God An ensample wherof In the praier of Manasse affixed at the end of the bookes of the Chronicles we haue in Manasse king of Iudah vnto whō when the Lorde had given a little taste of his promise of mercy and had givē him some assurance of the remission of his sinnes and of his receiving into favour how doth he debase and cast himselfe downe as if he were the only offender among all the servants of God and all other were as it were no sinners in comparison of him And how doth he exaggerate and amplifie his own transgressions as if they were more then the sande of the sea and togither withall so odious and abominable that he was not worthy to behold the heavens for the same
beginne but also finish our regeneration and new birth seeing all the residue of the gratious giftes of GOD testifying and witnessing his fatherly loue are ayders also and assisters herein being all of them fitte fewel for this heavenly fire and do cause it to burne more fervently to breake out into a greater flame Wee acknowledge O Lord say the penitent Israelites our wickednes and the wickednes of our forefathers for we haue sinned against thee doe not abhorre vs for thy names sake cast not downe the throne of thy glory remēber and breake not thy covenant with vs. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can giue rain●…r can the heavens give showers It is not thou O Lord our God Therfore we will waite vpō thee for thou hast made al these things In which words we may perceive that it was the due consideration of the covenant of God made vnto them in Christ whereby GOD after a sorte had bounde himselfe to bee merciful vnto them whensoever they did repent that caused this people to returne vnto their GOD and to acknowledge and bewaile their owne corruptions and sinnes the which also was vvell forvvarded by the remembrance of the LORDES smaller blessinges even by the due consideration of this that raine and truitfull seasons came onelie from him and all other giftes and blessinges vvhatsoever So Hos 14. vvhere the Prophet exhorteth the people to returne to the LORDE and say Take avvaie all iniquitie and remoove is gratiouslie so vvill vvee render to thee the calues of our lippes Ashur shall not Ho. 14. 3. s●… vs neyther vvill vvee ride vppon horses neither vvill we say any more to the workes of our hands yee are our Gods for in thee the fatherles findeth mercy Now they could not truly hope for pardon fot their sins and iniquities but onely in the promise of the the Messias it was that then that first ledde them vnto God the which was seconded by the due consideration of this that al aide and helpe is also found at his hands who is the helper of the helples And verely we haue no right at al vnto any of the Lords blessings as lōg as we be at warre at emnity with God we must be first recōciled vnto God made heires by Christ before we can lay iust claime to a childes part to haue our portion in that inheritāce that doth descend vnto vs frō our heavenly father And therfore when the Lord would giue vnto Ahaz king of Iudah assurance but of this one temporal blessing even of his bodely deliverāce frō his bodely enemies behould saith he this shal be your The loue of God in Christ is the fountaine and foundatiō of all other blessings signe that I wil bring to passe this thing for you A virgine shall conc●aue beare a sonne she shall call his name Immanuel As if the Lord should haue said I haue boūd my selfe by promise even frō the beginning of the world to giue you my son to be a pledge of my loue to be the conduite of my mercies how shal I not thē with him by him convey them vnto you particularly howe shal I not nowe performe this my promise made in him for your deliverance from these your bodely enemies For the cause that moued God to make this glorious world at the first and to store it with such variety of al manner of blessings was his owne most free and vndeserved loue towards his elect in Christ and therfore when they are actually bestowed vpon them the same proceedeth from the very selfe-same spring The which whē they The Lords gratious giftes are blessings to the faith full onely for to the vnfaithfull they are turned into curses are bestowed vpon the vnfaithful they are not blessings but curses for that they make them more earthly covetous licentious riotous proud cruel vnthākful the like and so encrease their most grievous condēnation whereas to the faithful who are the right heires vnto them they are not curses but blessings for they make them the more to reioice in the Lord to be more obedient thākfull vnto him more beneficial helpful vnto their neighbours and so further their faith repentance and loue and encrease in them all sincere devotion When David was remembred by the Prophet Nathan of his foule faulte committed with Bethshebah the wife of Vrias and of the great dishonour that redounded to God by that his most odious and grievous crime how that the Lord had not so deserved at his hands who had advaunced him from the shepheards crooke to the scepter of the king and had given into his bosome his masters wiues and could would haue done him more honor if that had not bin inough howe did even these smaller blessings worke most effectually in the hart of David peircing wounding his most tender soul causing him with many most bitter teares to bewaile his former most grievous vnthankfulnes And howe did the remembrance of the same mercies cause him also at another time to reioyce in the Lord and to triumph and most vehemently and earnestly to 2. Sam. 7. 18 1. Chro. 17. 16. pray vnto God for an obedient thankful hart What am I ô Lord saith he what is my fathers house that thou hast brought me hitherto And what is this thy people Israel that thou didst after a sorte muster togither al thy armies for their deliverāce out of Aegipt What sawest thou in vs or in our progenitors that thou hast thus laden vs with thy loue and filled vs with such abundance of thy mercies O lett our harts therfore be filled with thy loue and let our hands stil be employed in thy service keepe this in the purpose thoughts of our harts for ever and so prepare our soules to feare thee Neither was he himselfe only thus stirred vp to imploy himselfe al his autority wealth to the promoting furthering of the Lordes service but also with the selfe same argument doth he endevour to perswade his principal subiects servantes to be helpers to his son Solamon in the same worke Is not saith he the Lord your God with you hath given you rest on every side For 1. Chro. 22. 18. he hath given the inhabitantes of the land into mine hand and the lande is subdued before the Lord and his people Now then set your harts and your soules to seeke the Lord your God arise build the Lords sanctuarie So likewise when the Lord had brought the children of Israel into the promised lande and had placed them in the quiette and peaceable possession thereof howe doth godly Iosuah hauing a greate care that after his death they should bee true and faithfull to their GOD who had beene so true and faithful to them make a large recitall of their manifolde mercies so lately receaved and then proposeth this option and choice vnto
their faith may assuredly know that they are Christs that they are the true members of his mysticall body the temples of his h●ly spirit and that God is become their gratious father hath made them inheritours of his heauenly kingdome Now the faithfull being the adopted sonnes of God in Christ hauing God to be their merciful father haue no iust cause to doubt of their continuance in the favour of God in the estate of grace and salvation in Christ Iesus For the fountaine of this grace in them is as a fountaine of liuing water the streames wherof Ioh. 4. 10. 14. Psal 1 3. Ie● ●7 8. 1. Pet. 1. 23. never wax d●ie and they become as good trees planted by the water side whose leaues never wither who never cease from yeelding fruite they are borne againe not of mortall seeae but of the immortall seede of the word of God which liueth and lasteth for ever and they are Ioh. 6 35. fedde also with the incorruptible food of the bread of life the vertue whereof is never consumed he that ea●eth therof doth never hunger and he that drinketh there of doth never thirst Many great enimies indeede they haue but he that is in them is greater 1. Ioh. 4. 4. then he that is in the worlde and therefore they can never be fully vanquished Our Saviour himselfe doth continually appeare to make intercession for them before the throne of his heauenly father Heb. 7. 25. whose petitions the father will never deny Yea he himselfe is alway present with them even to the end of the world walking in the middest Mat● 28. 20. Ap 1. 20. of them and holding them in his right hand neither is there any able to take them out of his hand Yea where this sunne of righteousnes beginneth to shine there the light thereof is never vt●e●ly darkened Esa 60 20. for this sunne never goeth dovvne To the first man saith Austin Aug. de bono qerseu●c 12 was giuē an ability to persevere only if he himselfe would haue vsed the same But to the elect now is giuen perseverance it selfe Christ hath appointed them that they goe and bring forth fruite and that their fruite abide therefore who dareth be so bold as to say pe●adventure it shall not abide The Lord hath setled his fatherly Rom. 11. 29 Ioh 13. 1. Math. 16. 18 1. Ioh. 2 19 loue and affection vppon them he vvill not repent of it nor revoke it but continue it even to the end he hath built them vppon a most sure rocke hell gates shall never prevaile against them hee hath incorporated them into the heavenly Ierusalem the city of GOD they shall alvvay continue members of that society VVho then dareth bee so bolde as to say peradventure GOD vvill not loue his faithfull servantes to the end peradventure hell gates shall prevaile against them peradventure hovvsoever they are novve for the present yet they shall not continue in that celestiall society Verely ●f the faithfull vvere lefte in their ovvne handes to stande by the right and power of their owne strength there might be great doubt of their constancy and perseuerance But they are committed to a more faithfull keeper their life is hid with Christ in God and they are Col. 3 3. 1. Pet. 1. 5. preserued by his power vnto eternall salvation Or if the continuance of the Lords favour and loue did depende vpon the merites and desertes of the faithfull and not vpon the Lords owne most constant and vnchangeable goodnes there might be iust cause of feare lest the LORD vvould vvithdravve his mercy from them But he that knowing the greate frailty and weakenes yea the foule falles and faultes of his elect and chosen children before the foundation of the earth was laide therfore before he had made any promise of good things vnto thē did yet in his vnspeakable mercy goodnes steppe as it were over them all and boūd himselfe being before most free by his gratious promises made vnto them no doubt but the same vnspeakable mercy goodnes vvill cause him being novve bounde and so a debtour in respect of his truth and righteousnes also to steppe over all those stumbling blockes vvhen they are cast in his waie for the stedfast and stable performance of all such thinges as vvere in greate grace and mercy before promised For as the Apostle teacheth the promises made vnto the faithfull are founded vppon grace that so they might bee sure they are not founded Rom. 4 16. vppon the ●ottering stay of mans frailty but vpon the immoveable and vnchaungeable rocke of the LORDES ovvne loue and therefore they are vnmoveable and vnchaungeable Neither is this doctrine as it is vniustly chardged by the enimyes of faith the mother of pride or of carnall securitie and dissolutenes of life but the most sounde doctrine of the christian faith and the most direct way to sincere piety godlines For is not this a necessary due●y of everie true and faithfull christian which is engraffed and incorporated into CHRIST to beleeue confesse that by the vertue of his death he hath full recōciliation with God remission of sinnes and an inheritance in the kingdome of glory yeelding most hearty thankes vnto GOD for this his most gratious callinge vnto the estate of salvation in CHRIST ●esus and magnifying ●is vnspeakable goodnes for the same continually Nay not to acknowledge this willingly were plaine infidelity and gladly not to make profession th●… of were great vnthankefulnes so far is it of that this doctrine can be iustly charged to be the nurce of pride or the mother of haughty and dive●ish presumption being in deede the true nurc● of all sounde comfort and ●oy and the naturall mother of all holy and faithfull presumption Presume saith Saint Austine Aug. s●rm 28. de v● b. ●omini not of thine ovvne doing but of the grace of CHRIST for by grace yee are saved as saith the Apostle this is then not pride but faith to make open profession of that vvhich thou haste re●eaved i● not presumption but ●evotion I vvi●… not glorie saith Ambrose Am● d● lac●b● vi●a b●ata cap. 6. that I am iust but that I am redeemed for that vvill I glorie neither vvill I glory for that I am voide of sinne but for that my sinne● are remitted to my selfe I vvill not glorie for that I haue profited an●e or for that a●…e hath profited m●e but for that CHRIST is an advocate vvith the father for MEE and that his bloode vv●… sh●dde for MEE VVherefore Bernarde speaking to the faithfull If thou saith hee beleevest that thy sinnes cannot bee done avva●e B●rn s●r 1. de annu●iat but by hi●… against vvhome alone thou hal● offended and vvho himselfe cannot offende thou doest vvell but thou must proceede further and beleeue also that thy sinnes are forgiuen even to thy selfe For to doubte of the most singular
the very fountaine it selfe For therefore saith shee he descended and tooke our flesh vpon him and became man that I might be bold to speake vnto him himselfe For as Ambrose also teacheth wee neede not make friends to come vnto God as a Amb. in ep ad rom ca. 1. man must doe that will come vnto a Prince we neede not a spokes-man to procure Gods favour who knoweth right well every ones good deeds but we must bring vnto him a devout minde Where his meaning is that the faithful who are reconciled vnto God by Christ haue no need of any other mediatour to procure thē Gods favor not that they do not still stand in neede of Christ to be their mediatour be they neuer so righteous or never so holy For as he himselfe else where testifieth Amb. lib. de Isaac anim●… Christ is our mouth still whereby we speake to the father our eie by the which we see the father cur right hand which presenteth vs vnto the father without whose intercessiō neither we nor any of the saints haue any communion with God So saith Cyrill also none commeth to the father Cyrill in Ioh. ca. 16. but by the sonne by who● we are brought to the father by the spirite therefore he calleth himselfe a dore and a way and saith none commeth to the father but by me For as there is but one God so there is but one 1. Tim. 2. 5. mediatour betweene God and man even the man Iesus Christ therefore if any man sin we haue not Peter or Paul or the glorious virgin but we haue Iesus Christ our advocate and hee is the propitiation for our 1 Ioh. 2 1. Heb. 7. 27. sins For it is he that hath an eternall priesthoode alwaies living to make intercession for vs and it is he that is ascended into heaven there to appeare on our behoofe before God to be as it were our Lawyer in that celestial court to preferre our petitions to sollicite our suits continually Yea it is he that is that Angell of the covenaunt th●… Apoc. 8. 3. doth put the sweete odours of his obedience vnto our praiers whereby they are accepted before God and made a sacrifice of a sweet savour vnto his divine maiesty And verily in whom should we be accepted before God but in his dearely beloved son in whom hee is well Mat. 3. 17. pleased And for whom should our Saviour make intercession but for them whose redemption he hath wrought by his own blood vvho surely vvill not novv post them of to any other advocate not cōmend their suites to any other sollicitour therfore thrice wretched vvere they if they vvould seeke to any other then only to him vvho hath taken their causes into his owne hands Wherefore if vve looke for a good effect in all our praiers and an happy successe in all our affaires we must commend vs and ours only to God and that in the name of our only mediatour and not in the mediation of any other Div. 5. That it would be an impeachment to the Lordes omnipotency if sin●… shoulde be done himselfe in no respect willing but altogeather nillinge the sam●e THe almighty creator and governour of heaven and earth Almighty Iob 9. 12. Ma h. 8. 8. Eccl. 3. 14. Esa 14 24. Gen. 50 20. Rom. 8. 28. whose wil hath his forth in al things whatsoever whose decrees cannot be reversed no● his power resisted who is even in that selfe same thing most singularly good wherein man is most notoriously evil who can drawlight out of darkenes and turne evill into good hath made sinne it selfe that proceedeth not from himselfe but from the devill not only an occasion to destroy Aug. co●… Pet. l. 3. c. 13 pride and to plant humility in the heartes of his saints but also a way for the manifestation of his most severe iustice in the punishment thereof and of his endles mercy in pardoning the same and of his infinite wisedome in appointing such a meanes for mans delivery from sinne whereby he sheweth himselfe both perfectly merciful and perfectly iust And in these respectes it may be saide that God willeth albeit he never iust●fieth sinne but disalloweth hateth and interdicteth the same and that vpon the Aug. Ench. ad Laur. c. 100. paine of eternall damnation Greate are th● workes of the LORD saith S. Austine and most exquisite in regard of the * in omnes voluntates ●ius manifolde respectes of his will so that by a straunge and vnspeakable manner that is not done BESIDES which is done AGAINST his vvill because it should not be done if he did not suffer it neither doth he suffer it nilling but willing And yet the church of Rome teacheth that God in no respect willeth sinne but that the sinner performeth the same wholy and altogether against his will Contrary to the iudgmēt of the wiseman How might any thing endure if it were not thy vvill Wisd 11. 22. Rom. 9. 19. Aug. Ench. ad La●… c. 96. Contrary to the Apostle who hath resisted his will and greatly preiudicing thereby the Lordes omnipotency according vnto the plaine and direct censure of S. Austine in this very case It is not to be doubted saith he but that God doth well in suffering whatsoever is done evill in that he doth not suffer it but in his iustice now verely that which is iust is good Wherefore albeit these thinges which are evill in that they are evill are not good yet notwithstanding it is a good thing that not only good but that evill should BE also For vnlesse it were good that e● should BE it should not be permitted to BE of the omnipotent good to whō without all doubt as it is an easie matter to doe whatsoever hee will so it is as easye a matter to stay whatsoever he will not The which thinge vnlesse vve firmely beleeue the very first foundation of our christian faith will be greatly shaken wherein we make profession that we beleeue in GOD the father almighty Neither is he for any other cause truely called omnipotent or almighty but for that hee is able to to doe whatsoever he will and the effect of his will is not hindred by the will of any other creature whatsoever So then God willeth the actions of the wicked for he could stay them if he willed them not and had not appointed to draw good out of them by making them a meanes to manifest his iustice in the authors destruction And so the Apostle teacheth in plaine wordes that the wicked and reprobate which are hardened in their sinnes by the malice of Satan and by the corruption of their owne nature are not hardened by the bare permission onely but also by the will and appointment of God He hath mercy saith the Apostle Rom. 9. 18. Nihil si● fr●s●ra Frustra fi● quod fine car●t on whome he WILL and whome he WILL he hardeneth
each one the other therein then how much more ought they to doe it which are appointed to be publik officers for the same purpose How oug●t they especially most carefully to put in practise the exhortation of the prophet by calling continually vnto the people and saying Praise the Lord and call vpon his name and declare his workes among the people Sing vnto him sing praises vnto him and let your talking be of all his wondrous works Reioice in his holy name let the harts of them reioice that se●ke the Lord. Seeke the Lord and his strength se●ke his face continually Remember the ma●ve●lous works that he hath done the wonders and the iudgments of his mouth ●h yee seede of Abraham his servant ye ch●ldren of Iacob his chosen he is the Lord our God ● The 〈…〉 ●…ssistance accord●… to his own covenant And yet if all men faile in their duety the Lorde himselfe will not faile in that covenant which he h●th made with all his chosen wherein hee hath promised that hee himselfe will write his lawes in their heartes and plant them in their mindes and that he will doe the same so sufficiently that it shall not be a matter of absolute necessity for every one to exhort and to admonish his neighbor saying know the Lord for they shall all know me saith the Lord even Ier. 31 34. from the greatest vnto the least So and so beneficiall it is vnto all the Lords people to know the Lord and his gracious blessings to keepe a continuall remembrance of the same and therefore so and so many meanes hath the Lord appointed in his vnspeakeable wisedome and goodnesse for the stirring vp of every one of his faithful servants to the ready and careful performance of this so beneficiall and necessary a worke So and so carefull hath the Lord been that the people devoted vnto his service should want no meanes to strengthen further them in the holy exercise of sincere devotion Now let vs see how the church of Rome which boasteth so highly of her owne great devotions land of the huge multitude of all manner of good works which so and so abounde among her children religiously extolleth the Lords mercies what a carefull remembraunce shee keepeth of his goodnes seeing as it hath beene shewed that is the mother and the nurce of all sound and sincere devotion and the fountain welspring of all good workes The word of God in setting downe the great gracious blessings of God doth declare vnto vs these three pointes First the cause of them even his owne goodnesse and loue secondly the end which is the manifestation of his goodnes and loue thirdly the effect which is the working therby in the harts of his chosen of al inward graces outward dueties also both to God to our neighbour The grace goodnes loue and mercy of God is the full fountaine frō whence all his blessings doe issue flow The great blessed worke of mans redemption issueth from thence as our Saviour testifieth So God loved the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but haue Ioh. 3. 16. life everlasting The great blessed worke of the creation and all the residue of his gracious blessings many of the particulars wherof are set down by the prophet Ps 136. come also from thence even because his mercy endu●eth for ever This mercy loue of God is not o●ly most ample large but also most free vndeserved For every good gift and every perfect giving commeth downe frō Iac. 1. 17. aboue frō the father of light we hold all that wee enioy from this grand vniversal l●ndlord therefore we must pay our whole rent to him performe only to his court our suit service we are endebted vnto him alone for the loane of al that we possesse therfore to him alone we must discharge all our debt His loue also is most free vndeserved he seeketh therin not to gain any thing to himselfe but only to do good to benefit other this doth farther set forth the greatnes of his loue so doth enlarge the bil of our debt Secōdly the end why God bestoweth his blessings is that they might be vnto vs most plaine demōstrations of his loue most certain testimonies of his goodnes Shew me saith St. Iams thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my works Iac 2. 18. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. My childrē saith St. Iohn let vs not loue in word in tōgue but in work in truth That loue thē is in truth that is effectual in works and that faith is soūd right that sheweth it selfe in the fruits Wherfore god who would haue his chosē know be fully perswaded that he loveth thē in truth sheweth it forth to them by his most gracious and manifold blessings as by the effects fruits therof and this is also a great addition vnto his loue Thirdly the Lord maketh his loue manifested by his blessings the meanes to beget and to encrease faith loue repentance and the like in the hearts of his elect and chosen children he putteth them not out to vse nor taketh any encrease for them for his estate cannot be bettered nor his blessednes encreased the profite and encrease accrueth to vs and therefore by them we merite nothing at the hands of God nor make him thereby any way endebted to vs but wee our selues are more and more still in his debt for the free lone francke gift of all his blessings Now then to returne againe to the first point The loue of God is the ful fountaine of all manner of his blessings both bodyly and ghostly and he himselfe is not only the author but also the disposer and bestower of them all the blessings themselues and the meanes are of him and the working also of the one and the other Temporal meanes are in themselues nothing without the speciall power of God working in them by them Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God And life consiseth not in the great aboundance of all such thinges a● doe belong to the maintenance of life The horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither can he deliver any one by his much strength the watchman also waketh but in vaine vnlesse the Lord keepe the citty So spirituall meanes also are nothing without the effectuall power of the almighty working by them for that is the very soule and life of all He that planteth is nothing and hee that watereth is nothing but God that giveth the encrease Iohn the Baptist can baptise but with water Austine can but speake to our bodyly eares Christ baptiseth only with the holy Ghost and he that hath his chaire in heaven is he only that can teach the heart The water in baptisme can
them saying if it seeme evill in your eies to serue the Lorde then chuse ye this day Ios 24. 15. vvhome yee vvill serue c. I and mine house vvill serue the Lorde VVhere vnto they answere as it were with one voice God ●orbid that vvee shoulde forsake the Lorde to serue other Gods for the Lorde our God hath brought vs and our Fathers out of the lande of Aegypt and out of the house of bondage and hee did those greate miracles in our sighte and preserved vs in all the vvaie that vvee vvent and amonge all the people through vvhome vvee came And the LORDE did cast out before vs all the people even the Amorites vvhich dvvelte in the lande therefore vvill vvee also serue the Lorde for hee is our GOD. In vvhich wordes it is evident howe these faithfull servauntes of GOD vvell vveighing vvith themselues that the Lorde vvas their good and gracious God who had ●atified his loue towardes them by his manifolde blessings doe take themselues thereby to bee most straightlye bounde to his service and therevpon doe make a most solemne promise and vow to continue his loyall and obedient people The which promise and vowe beeing made by them vpon so iust and sufficient cause they as faithfully and truely kept and perfourmed For it is re●orded of them not only in the same Chapter but also Iudges the second to their eternall glory and renowne that they served the Lorde all the daies of Iosuah and all the daies of the elders that everlived Iud. 2. 7. Iosuah vvhich had seene all the greate vvorkes that the LORD had As the religious remēbrance of the Lordes mer●ies is the cause of all sincere obedience so the wretchlesse forgetfulnes therof is the cause of al rebellious vngodlines ver 10. done for Israell The cause then that kepte this people sound and vprighte in the service of GOD vvas for that they religiouslie kept an holy remembraunce of the Lordes manifold and greate mercies Now on the contrary side if wee will beholde and see vvhy the bad children of so good parentes revolted and fell away so quickely from the GOD of their fathers and continued not in his service and feare see vvhat followeth in the same Chapter VVhen Iosuah was deade and all that generation vvas gathered to their fathers then there arose another generation after them which neither knevve the Lorde nor yet the vvorkes that hee had done for Israell then they did vvickedlie and served Baalim and forsooke the God of their Fathers vvhich had broughte them out of the lande of Aegypt So in the dayes of the Prophet Ieremie the cause also why the badde posteritie of this backeslyding people departed likewise from the Lorde and vvalked after vanitye and became vaine is this for that none saide in their heartes vvhere is the Lord that broughte vs out of the lande of Aegypt that sedde vs through the Ier. 2. 6. vvildernesse through a des●rte and vvaste lande and through the shadd●vve of death and broughte vs into a good and plentifull land and made vs eate of the fruite thereof So likewise Psalme 78. and the hundred and sixt a like revolte of the same nation and namely of the Ephraemites who descended from holy Ioseph being mētioned the same cause is added of their revolte They forgate God Psal 78. 106. 21. their Saviour vvho had done so greate thinges for them vvonderfull thinges in the lande of Ham and fearefull thinges by the redde sea For as it fared vvith the children of Ioseph and the residue of the Israelites vvhen there arose a nevve king in Aegypt which Exod. 1. 8. knevve not Ioseph nor did remember those greate commodities vvhich all Aegypte enioyed by his meanes then they dealte most vnkindly vvith them and vsed them with all extremitie even so dealte the vngracious and vnthankefull posterity of Ioseph with the GOD of Ioseph who had advaunced him to bee a father to Pharaoh and the greatest state in all his kingdome vvhen th●y forgate the greate mercies of GOD both tovvardes him and tovvardes themselues also then they started aside from his service and fell away from his feare Yea Hos 2. 5. vvhen they ascribed their Corne and VVine and VVooll to B●alim and the fruites of the earth to the hoast of heaven and their deliveraunce from their bodyly enemies to Ashur and Aegypte and their greate plentye to their ovvne pollicie then they forsooke God and followed Baalim and vvorshipped the host of heaven and sente giftes to Ashur and Aegypte and burnt incense to their owne yarne highly magnifying and extolling themselues and leaving of to magnifie God of whom they had not only received all these thinges but thēselues also The which thing also vvhen it vvas forgotten by the wicked Sap. 2. Cap. When they did not beleeue that GOD was their creator that al māner of cōmodities which they enioied were his giftes but imagined that they were borne at al adventure and left to their owne hands to shift for themselues then like filthy swine they trod vnder foote all feare of God gaue themselues over to wallowe in the mire of their owne sensual and vncleane lusts Come said they l●t vs enioie the pleasures that are present Sap. 2. 6. let vs cheerefully vse the creatures as in youth let vs fill our selues with costly wine and ointment and let not the flower of our life passe from vs let vs crowne our selues with rose buds before they be withered and let vs leaue some token of our wantonnes in every place for this is our portiō and this is our lot So daungerous a thing it is either to forget the Lords mercies or not to beleeue him to be the only fountaine of al good things but to ascribe ' thē either to our selues or to chāce fortune or to the dispositiō of any creature for it causeth God to withdraw his favour wholy from vs and to giue vs cleane over to a reprobate sense and to suffer vs vtterly to fall away from his feare Yea it not only maketh the Lord to be most grievously offended with such an abominable sinne but after a sort to be vtterly astonished and amased for that there coulde come to passe any such impiety O yee heavens be astonished at this be afraide and vtterly confounded saith the Lord For my people haue committed two evilles Ier. 2. 12. they haue forsaken mee the founetaine of living waters to digge to themselues pits even broken pits that can hold no water And in the very beginning of Isay Heare O heavens and harken O earth for the Lorde Isa 1. 1. hath spoken I haue nourished and brought vp children and they haue rebelled against me The oxe knoweth his owner the asse his masters crib but my people hath not knowne Israell hath not vnderstoode The oxe the asse albeit they be voide of al reason yet haue so much sense as to be serviceable to them by whom