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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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hearth our moysture is turned to a summers drowth so heavy is his hand vpon vs night and day Then crie we out for grief of hart we ‖ rore like beares and mourn like doves looking for judgment but there is none for salvation but it is far from vs because our trespasses are many both before him and our selves for which his terrors do fight against vs he visiteth vs every morning and trieth vs every moment setteth vs as a mark against him so that we are a burden to our selves Also when we crie shout he shutteth out our prayer and is even angrie against it because our iniquities have separated between vs and him and our syns have hid his face from vs that he will not hear so lothsome are our trespasses vnto him so venemous to our selves is the biting of those fiery serpents 6. Then are we left comfortlesse and desolate cast down in our selves our soul powred out vpō vs and our salvation passed away as a clowd we are kept out of the paradise of God with the terror of his law and judgments as with the blade of the Cherubims brandishing sword we are layd ” in the lowest pit in darknes in the deep where Gods indignation lieth vpon vs and we are vexed with all his waves We ar a reproch to wicked men who because of our misdeeds do blaspheme we ar a scorne to the Divils who insult at our syns cease not to accuse vs before God day and night and hope to hav vs in the end a prey to their teeth Our lovers and our friends stand a side from our plague and our kinsmen stand far off They that should guide direct vs to Christ in sted of good counsel do often smite and wound vs persecuting them whom God hath smitten adding to their sorowes whom he hath wounded The worm of our own conscience continually biteth vs so as when we would forget our complaint and comfort our selves then ar we afrayd of al our sorowes knowing that God wil not judge vs innocent who inquireth of our iniquity and sercheth out our syn yet hideth his face and reputeth vs for his enemies Thus our sowl is farr off from peace we have forgotten prosperity saying Our strength and our hope is perished from the Lord and wherfore is the light given to them that are in miserie and life vnto thē that hav heavy harts for our harp is turned to mourning and our organs into the voice of them that weep 7 But the root of the word which is found in vs and the ●eed of God which remayneth in vs stirreth vp the spark of faith and suffreth it not to dye in these distresses It bringeth to mind Gods ancient mercies his faith confirmed and love sealed towards vs in Christ it telleth vs wher syn aboundeth grace doth abound much more Then remembring our song in the night communing with our own hart our spirit serching diligently we say Wil the Lord absent himself for ever and wil he shew no more favor Is his mercy clean gone for ever doth his promise fayl for evermore hath God forgotten to be merciful hath he shut vp his tender mercies in displesure we hav synned what shal we do vnto thee ô thou preserver of men If thou streightly markest iniquities Lord who shall stand surely then the mountain would fal and come to nought and the rock would be removed from his place neyther shal any that liveth be justified in thy sight But mercy is with thee that thou mayst be feared And now Lord thou art our Father we are the clay and thou art the potter we al are the work of thine hands be not angry ô Lord above measure neyther remēber iniquitie for ever purge thou vs with hyssope and we shal be clean wash vs and we shal be whiter then snow make vs to hear joy and gladnes that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce turne vs againe ô God of hosts and cause thy face to shine that we may be saved 8. When thus we shall submit our selves vnder the mighty hand of God and drawing waters from the well of our harts shall powr them out before the Lord when we shal confesse our iniquities and in faith ask mercy at his hands hūgring and thirsting after his righteousnes and braying for it as the hinde for the rivers of waters the Lord wil repent towards his servants whē he seeth that their power is gone he wil powr water vpon the thirstie floods vpon the drie ground and wil say vnto vs Fear not for I am with you be not afrayd for I am your God I wil strengthen you and help you and susteyn you with the right hand of my justice though your syns were as crimsin they shal be made white as snow though they were red like scarlet they shal be as wool for a little while I have forsaken you but with great compassion will I gather you for a moment in anger I hid my face from you for a little season but with everlasting mercy have I had compassiō on you sayth the Lord your redeemer Then shal we see in the black cloud of our tribulations the bow of the Lord even himself will appear with the rayn-bow about his throne the token of his covenant of grace which he remembreth and as hee sware that the waters of Noah should no more goe over the earth so sweareth he not to be angrie with vs nor rebuke vs though the mountaines remove and the hils fal down yet his mercy shal not depart from vs nor the covenant of his peace fall away 9. Thus God which had woūded vs bindeth vs vp after two dayes troubles he reviveth vs in the third day he raiseth vs vp we live in his sight he healeth our broken harts and bindeth vp our sores For Christ our mediatour that Angel of the covenant hath asked for vs mercy of God his Father who was so long displeased with vs and the Lord hath answered him with good and comfortable words this man is vnto vs as an hiding place from the wind as a secret from the tempest as rivers of waters in a drie place as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land And though our bark hath been tossed in the sea of afflictions where Christ himself seemed to vs a spright and made us afrayd yet now his gracious voyce doth comfort vs and his presence ceaseth al winde tempest It is he even he that putteth away our iniquities for his own sake remēbreth not our syns but restoreth to vs the joy of his salvatiō giveth vs bewty for ashes the oyle of joye for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heavines so that our youth
we shal be the sons and daughters of the Lord Almightie 2. This grace God signified to our fathers when he had freed them from the bondage of Aegipt saying ye have seen what I did to the Aegiptians and how I caried yow vpon eagles wings and hav brought yow vnto me now therfore if ye wil hear my voice in deed and keep my covenant then shal ye be my chief tresure above al peoples though al the earth be mine ye shal be vnto me also a kingdom of priests and a holy nation 3. The manifestation and assurance of this grace is to be seen in that eternal Covenant and Oth which he maketh with vs and wherby he stablisheth vs for a people vnto himself and wil be vnto vs a God as he also sware vnto our fathers Abraham Isaak and Iaakob Who were themselves joyned in league with the Lord that had stablished this everlasting covenant with Abraham and his posterity to be God vnto him and to his seed after him but hath now fully and finally ratified in Christ and by that new Testamental bond confirmed in his blood wherby he hath covenanted that he wil be our God and we shal be his people whervpon it followeth that he being ours and we his assured hereof by faith in his gospel we have communion with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ to the prayse of the glory of his grace our eternal happines Whiles he being our God applieth his wisdō strength grace and al other goodnes vnto vs for good causeth vs agayn to apply our bodies our minds with all the faculties of them to the honour and service of his majestie and this with such mutuall love and neer conjunction as God is sayd to dwelin vs and we in him and with such peace as passeth al vnderstanding that not without cause doth the Psalmist sing Blessed is the people whese God Iehovah is 4. The persons whom God admitteth into this gracious cōmunion are al sorts of people without respect of persons Iewes Gentiles bond men and free male female kings of the earth and al peoples Princes and al judges of the world yong men maydens old men and children wise men and fooles even as many as the Lord our God shal cal The riches of which grace Moses also manifested vnto Israel when he sayd Ye stand this day every one of yow before the Lord your God your heads of your tribes your elders and your officers al the men of Israel your children your wives and thy stranger that is in thy camp from the hewer of thy wood vnto the drawer of thy water that thou shouldest passe into the covenant of the Lord thy God into his oth which the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day c. This ample mercy God shewed even then but hath much inlarged since by the sending of his Sō that it might be seen how he is good to al and his mercies over al his works and that * al flesh might blesse his holy name for ever and ever 5 The original of this grace to the Saincts cometh frō the electiō of God who having set his delight in them to love thē choseth them their seed to be a precious people to himself above al peoples vpon the earth and as he sayth by the Prophet I hav loved thee with an everlasting love therfore with mercy I hav drawn thee From which furder grace proceedeth for they being thus drawen doe run after him and chose him again to be their God and to serv him they chose the way of faith they chose his precepts So is ther a willing joyful covenant made between God and them by mutual agreement vpon most holy and happy conditions which Moses briefly describeth thus Thow hast made the Lord to say this day that is thou hast taken promise of conditioned with and consequently hast chosen him to be to thee for a God and to walk in his wayes and to keep his statutes his commaundements and his iudgements and to hearken vnto his voice And the Lord hath made thee to say this day hath conditioned with chosen thee to be vnto him for a peculiar people even as he spake vnto thee and to keep al his commandments and to set thee high above al nations which he hath made in prayse and in name in glory and that ●hou shouldest be an holy people to the Lord thy God even as he hath spoken 6. The good things communicated with vs of God by that covenant of his grace the Apostle summeth vp when he sayth that his divine power hath given vs al things that perteyn to Life godlines For as he is himself the Living God giver of life vnto al things so is he not the God of the Dead but of the Living To the end therfore that we which wer dead in trespasses and syns and strangers from the Life of God through the ignorance that was in vs and in that estate were not his people might be the sons of the Living God and heyres of the grace of Life it was needful that we should receive from him this grace which els we could not have from any other because with him is the well of life and in his light shall we see light he is our Life and the length of our dayes his precepts and his promises do quickē vs and by al that proceedeth out of his mouth doth a man live as that good king Hezekiah confessed vpon his recoverie from death O Lord by them men live and by all of them is the life of my spirit and thou hast caused me to sleep and hast given life vnto me 7. And when we are made partakers of the life of God then feel we the fellowship and cōmunion spoken of and as our life encreaseth so doth our joy by the perceiving of our happines we give our selves vnto God as they that are alive from the dead walking before him in the light of the living God also himself walketh with vs leading vs by the rivers of waters in a straight way wherein we shall not stumble and our sowl shal be as a watered garden we shal have no more sorow but shal be satisfied with the goodnes of the Lord our hart shal live for ever To the end therefore that we may in some sort discern this incomprehensible grace let vs consider some principal of the many good things that God doth give vs perteyning vnto Life and godlines 8. And first for that Vnderstāding is a welspring of Life vnto them that have it the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of glory giveth vnto vs the Spirit of wisdome and revelation through the knowledge of him
evil that he may know that the fear of the Lord is his tresure as sayth the Prophet 16. But because the end of the Commandement is Love out of a pure hart and of a good cōscience of faith vnfeighned Love is the fulfilling of the Law therfore hath God comprised his whol wil touching our Sanctification and obedience in two precepts 1 Thow shalt Love thy Lord thy God with al thy hart with al thy sowl and with al thy mind 2 Thou shalt Love thy neighbour as thy self on these two commandements hangeth the whol Law and the Prophets As evil therfore is to be hated and eschewed so that which is good ought to be loved and cleaved vnto the head and fountain of al which good is onely God himself who first is to be loved and above all but hath given vs this commandement that he which loveth God should love his brother also 17. And as we have of him this Law of love so have we from him the grace to love both him his law and shal from him receive the fruit therof which is Life This Moses shewed Israel of old saying The Lord thy God wil circumcise thyne hart and the hart of thy seed that thou mayst Love the Lord thy God with al thy hart and with al thy sowl that thou mayst Live Thus we love him because he loved vs first and hath inclined our harts drawn vs after him Again because as Christ sayth he that hath his cōmandements and keepeth them is he that Loveth him therefore have we this rule direction given vs by Moses further joyning these two togeither Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and shalt keep that which he commandeth to be kept that is his ordinances and his lawes and his commandements alway 18. From this ariseth much cōfort to the Saints which finding themselves affected with the Lov of God feeling his love shed abroad in their harts by the holy Ghost which is given vnto thē do grow in this grace keep themselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternal life They lov his commandements above the finest gold therfore have much peace and shal have no hurt or scandal their delight is in his cōmandements which they have loved their hands also doe they lift vp vnto them and herevpon doe expect to be quickened and conserved in life according to the loving kindnes of the Lord who preserveth al them that love him keepeth covenant and mercy towards them and causeth al things to work togither for the best vnto them For God is Love as sayth the disciple whom Iesus loved and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him and grace shal be vnto al them that love him vnto immortalitie Moses in spirit foreseing this sayd vnto Israel I cal heaven and earth to record this day agaynst you that I have set before you Life death the blessing the curse therfore chuse Life that thou and thy seed may live by loving the Lord thy God by obeying his voice and by cleaving vnto him for he is thy Life and the length of thy dayes 19. But because our Life is hid with Christ in God though now we be the sonnes of God yet it doth not appear what we shal be but when Christ which is our Life shal appear then shal we also appear with him in glory be like vnto him and see him as he is therfore hath he given vs another grace perteyning to Life and godlines called a living Hope vnto which God of his aboundāt mercy hath begotten vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead This vertue respecteth our good that is to come our inheritance reserved for vs in heaven yea thither hath it power to come entring as the Apostle saith into that which is within the vail whither the forerunner Iesus is for vs entred in this Hope we have as an anker of the soul both sure stedfast holding it fast in al tempests of tribulations or tentations knowing as Salomon sayth that ther is an end and our hope shal not be cut-off 20. Ther be two companions and as it were sisters of this grace 1 Faith 2 patience Faith goeth before as the guide and susteyner being the subsistance or ground of things hoped for as Abraham by faith even above hope beleeved vnder hope Patience accompanieth it and teacheth to wayt as it is written if we hope for that we see not we doe with patience abide for it And thus is fulfilled that which Isaias sayth he that beleeveth shal not make hast and consequently shal not be ashamed but being assured that he which shal come wil come and wil not delay though he tary yet we wayt as the prophet biddeth vs because the Father which hath loved vs hath given vs everlasting consolation and good hope through grace and hope maketh not ashamed yea we rejoyce in hope as being the thing wherby we ar saved he which is the God of hope filleth vs with al joy and peace in beleeving and causeth vs to abound in hope through the power of the holy Ghost 21. One of the special promises which the anker of Hope layeth hold vpon and that by reason of the Covenant of God with vs is the Resurrection of the Dead For as God caling himself the God of Abraham Isaak Iaakob when they wer dead vnto the world but Living vnto him did teach his people therby that he would rayse them vp again from death as our Saviour expoundeth his Fathers oracle even so we all that are in the same covenant of grace and have him for our God do beleev that after our flesh hath ben sown in dishonour and seen corruption it shal be raysed in glory by the power of God for in our graves we shal heare the voyce of Christ at his appearing shal come forth vnto the resurrection of Life And then shall we injoy all the good promises in that Citie which hath foundations whose buylder and maker is God who is not ashamed of vs to be called our God because he hath prepared for vs a citie 22. Thus have we through the grace of our God those three heavenly vertues mentioned by the Apostle 1 an effectual Faith 2 adiligent Love 3 and the patience of Hope in our Lord Iesus Christ by Faith to beleev the mysteries of life and al his word by Love to cleav vnto him and keep his commandemēts by hope to exspect the fulfilling of al good promises which God that cannot lie hath made vnto vs and these three things doe abide with vs during this present life that walking in them we may
is renewed and we lift vp the winges as the Eagles our flesh is as fresh as a childs strength is increased in our sowles and being now as widowes divorced frō our syns delivered from that law and returned to our Fathers howse like the Priests daughters we eat of our Fathers bread as we did in our youth we shal feel no more hunger nor thirst neyther shall the heat smite on vs nor the sun God wipeth al tears frō our eyes there is no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor payn for the first things are passed 10 Having thus after long seeking found him whom our sowlloveth we take hold vpon him and leav him ●ot til we hav brought him home vnto vs and after this nights wrastling with the Angel we wil not let him goe vntil he blesse vs and giv vnto weak Iaakob the new name of Israel for that by strong faith we have power with God prevaile having wept and prayed vnto him And now he putteth in our mouth a new song of prayse vnto our God our tongues sing joyfully of his justice our sowles do bless him which hath pardoned al our iniquities healed al our infirmities redemed our life from the pit and crowned vs with mercy and compassions And because we beleev therfore we speak and say We shal not die but live and declare the works of the Lord the Lord hath chastened vs sore but hath not delivered vs to death Wherfore after our agonies conflicts with death terrors within and fears round about we repose in Christ our redemer who hath taken away our syns vāquisht al our foes put Satan to flight renewed our peace and quieted our consciences and then we reioyce and say My soul return vnto thy rest for the Lord hath been bountiful vnto thee 11. Then giveth he vs to see how in all these troubles and torments we have most neer cōmunion with Christ and are by them made cōformable vnto him for he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities innumerable troubles compassed him the syns of the elect which by imputatiō were his took such hold vpon him that he was not able to look vp for the Lord layd vpon him the iniquitie of vs al though he had done no wickednes neyther was any deceyt in his mouth yet the Lord would break him and make him subject to infirmities so that he felt terrour and anguish and heavines in his sowl even vnto the death his sweat in his agonie was like drops of blood trickling down to the ground and his cry vnto his God was why hast thou forsaken me And we in our afflictions do but drink of his cup and are baptised but with his baptisme that after we have suffred with him we may also reign with him by many tribulations must we enter into his kingdome And he that was thus smitten of God humbled even to the death thus troubled in sowl and left of his Father for a seasō foūd an yssue out of al tentations not for himself alone but for vs whose surety he was who therefore have this hope for an anker to our sowles that as we now suffer with him so shal we also reign with him notwithstanding that for the present we are brought into the dust of death 12. After this admiring the mercies of our God and the vnserchable depth of his counsels who worketh turneth al things even our own syns vnto our good who leadeth vs in such wayes and wildernesses wher fyrie serpents and scorpions are drought without water which maketh vs folow him when his way is in the sea and his pathes in the great waters and his footsteps ar not knowen in al which dangers he defendeth vs afterwards bringeth vs into his rest we say the Lord dwelleth in a dark clowd Verily thou ô God hidest thy self ô God the saviour of Israel how vnserchable ar thy judgements and thy wayes past finding out Then minding our frayl estate in this flesh how we are sold vnder syn do trespasse against God every day and cannot do the good that we would we abase our hornes vnto the dust and by repētance do die dayly washing Christs feet with our tears knowing that notwithstanding the communion that wee have with him here by faith yet are we but strangers and pilgroms on earth and whiles we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord whiles our flesh is vpō vs we shal be sorowful and whiles our soule is in vs it shal mourn Therefore strengthening our weak hands and comforting our feeble knees we make streight steps vnto our feet being careful circumspect least Satan further circumvent vs seeking to make an end of our salvation with fear trembling giving all diligence to ioyn vertue with our faith and to make our caling and election sure for behold the righteous have for their syns recompence in the earth and are scarcely saved where then shal the vngodly synner appear but we which beleev in Christ exspect with patience our ful redemtion as we have cast our burden on the Lord and cōmitted our poor selves vnto him so we are perswaded that he is able to keep that which is cōmitted vnto him against that day even to keep vs that we fall not and to present vs faultles before the presence of his glory with joy where we shall alwayes behold his face and being quite freed from our syns from al possibilitie of ever synning more shal perpetually serve and honour him with his Angels at his right hand where pleasures ar for evermore He that walketh in darknes hath no light let him trust in the name of the Lord stay vpon his God Isa. 50. 10. CHAPT XV. Of the cōmunion that the Sainctes have in this life with Angels The name of Angel which is in English a Messēger is in the scriptures attributed 1. to our Lord Christ 2. to the spiritual creatures in heaven 3. and to some certaine men on earth imployed in the message and service of God 2. Christ is the Angel whom God sent to bring Israel out of Aegipt in whome Gods name is and is therfore caled the Angel of his Face or Presence even the Face of God it self the Angel of the Covenāt whom the Israelites desired the Angel that delivered Iaakob from al evil the Angel that dwelt in the bush whiles it burned and was not consumed who was the God of Abraham Isaak Iaakob the Angel Iehovah who emboldned Gedeon to battel against the Madianits and was with him in the same the Angel with the golden censer that giveth many odours to the prayers of all Saincts and out of whose hand the odours with the prayers goe vp before God in his throne