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A04902 Lectures of John Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1577 (1577) STC 15042; ESTC S106684 202,339 374

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almightie creator And if there be acknowledgement of superioritie ouer vs to the thing that we shal sweare by as is witnessed by the holie Ghoste then as we may not sweare by Heauen Earthe or any other creature muche lesse may wee by Masse Mattens Roode or such like we will put the honour of the Almightie vpon them and take them as our God who onelie hath superioritie ouer vs to iustifie righteousnesse and to bring the wickednesse of the wicked vpon his head whiche thing in our othe we do acknowledge to belong vnto him by whōe we sweare When Almightie God promiseth by his Prophet Hosea to receiue the Israelites to fauour again after their affliction he saith that he wil take away the names of their Idols out of their mouth thei shuld be no more remēbred by their names These things may suffice to teach vs that the Lord cannot beare the dishonour of his name but will haue that vpholden in honour and reuerence without suffering it either to lie open vnto the cōtempt of godlesse persons or vnto the spoyle of Idolaters who breaking it vpon his glorie do beautifie and set out his creatures with the ornamentes thereof This commaundement likewise reacheth particularly to all of them whiche neglecte any of those meanes that God hath commaunded vs to vse either for the welfare of our soule or bodie For the wordes and workes of his wisedome may not be refused as vaine needelesse but must with all humilitie be imbraced that in our so doeing his wisdome may be honoured who hath appointed those to be the meanes whereby he will conueye his mercie towards vs the neglect whereof chargeth the Lord with want of wisedome in ordeyning them Here falleth to the grounde the wicked and blasphemous opinions of the Anabaptistes Libertines and the feigned Familie of loue who are growen to suche a magnifying of grace brought as they say by the reuelation of the spirit as the wisdome of God in his worde is of small or no account with them in deede but as if it were a needeles matter or had no certeintie in it it is wholy transformed into their spirite made to speake accordingly The nature of man is in this cōmandement corrupted as in the rest doing the thinges which he doeth to God without all awe and feare of his word It behoueth the man therfore that wil truely trie him selfe to searche into his life and wel to consider what manifest contempte there hathe beene in him of the name and honour of God in stubbernely standing againste the authoritie of his word while he hath willingly neglected to be admonished and aduised thereby what contempt of his honour he hath giuen forth in common swearing and vsual oathes that either directly or indirectly reach to the glorie of God euen to the wounding of him in the same Moreouer it behoueth him to consider what carelesnesse there hath beene and what little regard in his best doings to haue them so soundly throughly done as vnto the honour of God doth apperteine where the diligent paines carefull and through dealing in matters that touch his owne name shal be a sufficient light to disclose his halting with the lord For the corruption of mans heart is so great and so hidden that all meanes almost are to few to vtter it therfore it is requisite that we vse al the meanes we may in that behalfe Let a man in this examination wel consider whether there hath beene any suche feare or care to auoide things forbidden and to do things commanded him by the word wherein consisteth the glorie of God as there hath ben while his own honor is in hand and his owne name called to question at any time whether he hath delt in dueties appointed him by God with feare and care lest the Lorde through his infirmitie shuld be foyled his name dishonoured whiche coulde not haue beene wanting if his owne estimation had beene in hazarde that he may be brought to the sight of his Sonne For when it pleaseth God to cal any to the hope of his kingdome hee letteth them see their corruption to be so great in these and suche other kindes of dishonor that they haue done vnto him as that their harte is forced to appeale vnto the mercie of God fastening themselues to it vtterly giuing ouer their owne obedience Whiche mercie of God they so stay vppon and are so comfortable in that it prouoketh them no longer to neglect the name and glorie of their God but with all reuerence to submit themselues to the gouernement of his word alwayes endeuouring to better their obedience towardes his lawe because it tendeth to the glorie of his name wherein howe greate so euer their profiting be yet this corruption whiche cleaueth so fast vnto them cānot but continue in them stil an humbled and lowly harte euen in all their blessings while they clearely perceiue them by the sight of their corruption to be the vndeserued graces and gyftes of their god Their offending also whatsoeuer cannot be without the great grief of their hart because they see it to be with the dishonour of him who hath abased himselfe to the deathe of the Crosse to worke the honour and aduauncement of them We are therefore brethren diligently to learne to waxe wearie of those wayes that would depart from the reuerence and honouring of the Lord in not fearing to offend againste his word because it is written He that despiseth the worde he shal be destroyed but he that feareth the commandement shal be rewarded Let vs learne to become careful in the duties which are appointed vs by the worde for the Lorde will not holde them guiltlesse that are secure therein We can not beare good heart vnto the Lord if we let his honour fall to the ground among vs it is his mercie that doth vouchsafe vs this fauour to be trusted with his honour Can it want then iust reproche if we shal be tried to be senselesse in this point It drewe teares from Dauid that the wicked kept not his lawe can we see our owne liues and the liues of those committed vnto vs wandring from the wayes of life and hungerly in the contempt of the worde pursuing after death and yet for all that neuer to be touched with it especially seeing the dishonour of our God dependeth vpon it It should vexe vs that the gospell hathe beene so long time with so litle fruite among vs that the instruments of his grace that haue gayned so many in former times vnto God shuld not only not preuail in many but euen receiue discredite and dishonour among men and that the litle fruite appearing in our liues shoulde call into question the veritie of Gods gospel being in fruite and effect so vnlike in many vnto that it hathe beene in former times A Christian should go to the dueties laide vpon him by the word with the like minde that a good souldiour goeth
with the Publicane to humble themselues truely and from the sense of their heart in the nature that they haue rebelling against him It is neither great aduauncing of God nor any great abasing of our selues to professe him to haue done vs good when there is no deseruing of ours to the contrarie confessed or acknowleged For euen ciuil men haue this goodnes in them to do wel to them that haue deserued nothing to the contrarie But then is he truly honoured in his goodnesse when it is giuen to vnworthie vndeseruing persons when the loue is so great towarde his enimies Then are we truely humbled when in hart we acknowledge it not only to be vndeserued but also euen contrarie to our deseruing What then Shal we sinne that God may be glorified in our humilitie God forbidde For when we haue taken as good care ouer our wayes as fleshe and bloud possiblie can perfourme there will be matter enoughe of throwing downe our selues in all humilitie before the throne of his mercie By this cōmandement are Papistes Anabaptists and that wicked damnable sect of the familie of loue vpholding free wil their fulfilling of the law found all traitours to Gods glorie which standeth not whole and sound vnles euerie mouth be stopped al the world found culpable faulty before GOD as it is written to the Romanes This commaundement as farre foorth as it is ceremonial nowe is ceased bycause Christe is nowe come by whose death we die to sinne rest from our owne wayes And therefore in that it did admonishe vs of him to come nowe in that he is come it serueth no longer to that ende In asmuche also as the dispensation of those times were as the Apostle saith to the Galathians The minoritie and wardshippe of the Churche during whiche time the heire though Lord of all differeth not from a seruaunt but is vnder gouernours These times that nowe followe Christe must needes bee more free from the bondage of these outward thinges and from that strict obseruing of the outwarde rest that in those times they were in bondage vnto Yet all this notwithstāding in as much as this seuēth day is appointed by the Church for the assembling of the faithfull and for their ioyning together in prayer Sacramentes and hearing of the worde thereby to gette power to ceasse from sinne that is our owne wayes and workes it cannot without great wickednesse and sinne against God be neglected Wherein the wickednesse of this exceedeth in that men commonly no day in the weeke followe so muche their owne wayes and the delightes of their owne hart as on that day which is appointed to learne them howe to ceasse from their owne wayes workes and delightes For a great number those not the worst of all take that day to be ordeined only for the ease of their bodie to be a day of recreation after their trauels labours that haue beene the sixe dayes before and vse it accordingly whereas the Lorde hathe appointed it to the exercise of the word and prayer that beeing vnburdened of their worldly affaires they mighte with free harts and mindes attend vpon the word prayer and meditation of the mercies benefites of God and so profit therein that the other dayes of labour might feele the benefite and commoditie therof they being better armed to stand against the occasions of euil which men who haue daily dealings in the world and so tickle a disposition vnto sin without great grace shal neuer be able to auoyd but must altogether bee ouerwhelmed therewith And likewise it was ordeyned that men by consideration of his mercies should so be ledd to loue him and by faith to waite for the mercies and happynes laide vp for his that they might become the more willing to ceasse from their owne wayes wills and to moderate their inordinate desire after worldly thinges But is this regarded of the moste I cannot say so for common experience would confute mee One sorte as was declared before making the case of the body to be the end thereof An other a great deale worse then they vsing it onely to make good cheere play and sporte themselues on that day Thus the right vse and end of the Sabbaothe is cleane altered and not that only but chaunged into a practise moste contrarie to the institution thereof For beeing appointed to bee as I may call it the market day of the soule to make prouision for the dayes following they are not onely no better holped that way but as if Sathan might boldely open his shoppe windowes then whiche could not bee permitted him before they doe so fasten vppon his wares and stoare them of that prouision that not onely that weeke but many weekes are serued of the abundance thereof In a third sorte we shall see it that if a man haue any matter to deale in that is of smaller importāce then that his ordinarie busines may giue place therevnto those are cast vpon the Lords day and then muste hee and also oftentimes some of his be sent vpon those messages or other matters whatsoeuer to dispatch them These kinde of men vse the Sabbaoth day commonly to make an end of reckonings or other kind of like matters not finished the former weeke and to set matters and busines in a redynes for the week following so that their heads are as ful fraught with the world that day as vpon any other and therfore far from the right vse therof which is to be emptied of all suche thinges that better may haue the place These foure commaundements instruct vs perfectly concerning the glorie of God wherin it doth consist First in acknowledging him alone the author of all our welfare both in body and soule Secondly in taking such comfortes therein that wee be allured by his mercyes to doe the things that are pleasant in his sighte making it the beginning of our seruice Thirdly in hauing no other end then by our carefull doeing of his will to get glorie and praise vnto him Fourthly in all these doings euen the best to humble our selues in true acknoweledging from the heart the corruptiō of our owne heart wayes and workes earnestly trauelling to subdue the same therby aduancing the free mercie and vndeserued goodnes of our God both in iustifying and also sanctifying of vs. In the examination of our selues concerning this cōmaundement we haue to learne that we are by nature corrupted in this commaundement as in the rest that there is nothing so hard as with true humilitie of hart to be humbled in acknowledging and mortifying the corruptions wickednes rebelliōs of our nature against Gods cōmandemēts in somuch that oftentimes he suffereth his children to fall into grosse infirmities that all the world may see it before they can truly be humbled in the sight of their infirmitie and so cast downe as they giue the whole glorie to his mercie earnestly seting vpon their affections for the subduing
lawe and commandements of God thereby to see what infirmities are still in vs that the Lord may haue the praise of his vndeserued mercie as wel for continuing his graces vndeseruedly as for beginning thē without any our desert For when we shal perceiue by true tryal in our selues what iust occasion the lord hath offered him on our part to stay or rather vtterly to giue ouer his merciful dealing towards vs we must acknowledge euen from our heart that the Lord hath taken the occasion to continue his graces towardes vs as well as to beginne them in vs from his free mercies alone and so from an humbled heart yeelde vnto him no lesse prayses for continuing then for beginning true holinesse in our heartes that he may haue whiche by good right doeth apperteine vnto him the whole glorie of our newe birth and regeneration What horrible wickednesse were it with the Chuche of Rome to part the praise of our Christian conuersation betweene God and vs whiche is wholy due vnto his vndeserued grace according as it is written in the Epistle to the Philippians It is God that worketh in you bothe the will and deede euen of his good pleasure This is spoken vnto them that had begone and continued also some good time in Christianitie that they should continue in feare and humilitie because God wrought in them euen of his owne good pleasure and not at the deserte of their obedience whiche may soone be perceiued to be true if we shall examine our selues by the Lawe and commaundementes of our God whiche thundereth out curses against him that shall not continue in all manner of obedience vnto the ende The lawe beeing looked truely vppon will let vs see muche required and commaunded and yet vnperfourmed of vs muche forbidden yet for all that done of vs and therfore many curses due vnto vs by our own deseruinges so that we shal be forced to confesse the greatnesse of his kindenesse that continueth through so great vnkindenesse of oures We may conclude then that in those who haue begone in simplicitie and singlenesse of heart to serue the Lorde the lawe hathe great vse and the often sight of themselues therein is verie necessarie not onely to be humbled vnder the freenesse and vndeseruednesse of his grace but also vnder the greatnesse of his goodnesse whiche is so muche knowen to be the more as our deserte is knowne and perceiued in our selues to be the lesse so muche the more tried to be mightie as it is well perceiued not to haue beene beaten backe by so great force of our sinne as we are well priuie vnto by tryall had of our selues in the lawe to haue stoode in the way against it Therefore to conclude this part the lawe and commandements of God truely beholden and considered do teache vs to giue vnto God the honour that is due vnto him as well for the free vndeserued beginning as for the free and vndeserued continuing of his mercies towardes vs that he that will glorie may glorie in the Lorde Moreouer this vse we haue of the lawe of God that by it we are truely directed into the way of life which of our selues we could neuer haue learned and so forewarned of these by-wayes of our owne deuising and deuotion whiche leade vnto destruction For it can neuer be lawfull that the rule to serue and please a maister by should come from his seruaunt who is to please and not from the maister himselfe who is to be pleased And therefore miserable should our estate haue beene if we should haue imagined that the rule for vs to serue and please God by were to be taken from our good intent and well meaning and not from the Lord our maister his good pleasure and liking If a maister should not haue prescribed his seruant what to doe or to leaue vndone there were more to be saide for his good meaning although it did goe from the good liking of his maister whiche was not vttered vnto him but when the maister shal make knowen his will and pleasure by his woorde there is no excuse lefte vnto good intent or good meaning when his pleasure made knowen and declared vnto the seruaunte from his owne mouthe shal be neglected and not accomplished by him The lawe therefore being the will of our maisster vttered from his owne mouthe teacheth vs truely and safely to serue him and stoppeth vppe that daungerous pitte of our good intente deuotion and good meaning a daungerous pitte to fall into at any time but nowe moste daungerous when we haue learned what is good deuotion and good meaning euen from the Lords owne mouthe There is also an other singular benefite whiche we haue by the lawe and seueral commandements of God which doeth remedie a mischiefe that is ouer rife in these dayes Many not of the worste sort of men content themselues generally to haue a liking of the word of God and a general good meaning towarde his commaundementes but neuer trauell to approue their heartes before GOD by profiting and goeing forwarde in the seuerall dueties of euerie seuerall commaundement whiche is well prouided for in the lawe where wee are charged with seuerall dueties vnto GOD and also vnto man so as the neglecte of any duetie sett foorth by the lawe redoundeth to the contempt of the Lord who is the lawgiuer The often perusing therfore of the seueral commandements doe bring vs from christianitie pretended in generall profession and meaning vnto Christianitie approued in particular practise of seuerall dueties drawing that vaine generall profession and liking vnto particular and seuerall well doeing It were a lewde practise of a seruaunt to pretend good liking of any thing that his maister should commaunde yet neuer to put his hande painefully to the executing of his seuerall charge There is nothing so common among many professours of the worde as to vpholde the credite of professing the Gospel and fauouring it not with careful following after the thinges giuen by name and particularly in charge vnto them but onely with their general liking or rather their not misliking therof as if this were good seruice to giue our maister leaue to commaunde as seemed good vnto him so wee might be at libertie to practise and doe as muche as like vs It is a Christians profession to vpholde Gods honour in what thing soeuer it is assaulted there specially where it is most assaulted in any he most weak to resist which kind of warfare as it is the best so is it well mainteyned by this light of the law For there we se by often true examination which of the walls of Gods glorie are moste battered in vs beat vpon by the aduersaries power whereby if there shal be any care in vs we shal be prouoked to bring all the helpe that we haue or can come by to that parte to strengthen it withall For to what purpose were it for vs the enimies entring in at one parte of the house
tempest or health doeth succeede sicknesse when deliuerance commeth after imprisonment or plentie after pouertie These are so often sene by experience to come one after an other that notwithstanding men haue in their distresse prayed for them yet hardly can they be brought to think that they are blessings graunted to faithful prayer but rather imagine that they are thinges cast heere and there vpon men at aduenture And therefore where men are in those or such like distresses they hardly or not at all conceiue any hope to he heard Seldome doe they make any sute vnto God in faith especially if those afflictions lay sore vpon them but the children of God knowing that they are promised to haue the Lorde neere vnto them in all that they shall call vnto him for and that they shal be heard for the thing of the day vpon his day as their occasion requireth so doe they seeke vnto the Lord beeing sure in continuance to finde comforte at his hands and why they knowe assuredly that the Lord will haue his mercie and power tryed and seene heere vppon the earth in hearing the requestes of his in their distresse that by that meanes hee may bee truely feared and honoured of them according as it is proued in the booke of Kinges and also that by his hearing of their petitions in those their distresses they may be confirmed in the persuasion that GOD fauoureth them remitteth their sinnes and beeing at one with them is fauourably inclined vnto them in all their needfull demaunds Whosoeuer shall diligently consider of the places of Scripture in the olde Testament applied by the Apostle to the forgiuenes of sinns shall easily perceiue that the godlie haue taken their deliueraunce from their distresses as pledges of the remission of their sinnes and assuraunces that God for Christe was at one with them For their temporall blessings were not receiued of them but as confirmations of his reconciliation with them whiche proueth that which was said before that the Lord heareth the prayer of his in their necessitie to strengthē their faith in the remission of sinnes and persuasion that GOD for Christ is beecome fatherly affected towardes them his promises being visibly confirmed to them In Deuteronomie there are promises made vnto them that do giue diligent heede vnto the law and commandements of God to obey them that they shal be blessed in the fruit of their body in the fruit of their cattel in their comming in and going out in all that they shall put their handes vnto in causing their enimies that rise against them to fall before their face and the cause is added in the tenth verse in these wordes Then all the people of the earth shall see that the name of the Lorde is called vppon ouer thee and they shall be affrayde of thee It is therfore moste assured that the Lord will be seene to bee the GOD of his and to haue a kingdome heere vppon earth by graunting them their requestes when they shall call vppon him in their distresse by leauing outwarde blessings as plaine confirmations of his inwarde heartie good will that he beareth towardes them And for this cause doe his people craue those temporall benefites euen that it may bee seene that he ruleth vppon earth standing by his as he hath promised Wherefore whensoeuer their enimies oppresse them or by the want of any his accustomed benefites they seeme not to bee regarded of the Lord they cōplaine vnto him not so much in the consideration of their necessitie as in regarde of his glorie vsing these such like kind of speeches Wherfore should the Heathen say Where is now their GOD As if their chiefe care were to haue the Lorde his glorie vpholden in the confirmation of his goodnesse promised vnto his whiche is called into doubt of the vngodlie while they see those that accounted thēselues for his in affliction and oppression necessitie and want as if they were not regarded of him wherby the vngodly are imboldened the more to oppresse the righteous by calling into question the trueth of his promises made vnto his confirmed the rather in the continuing of their disobedience Very fitly therefore is the hallowing of his name the comming of his kingdome and the doeing of his wil set before the request of outwarde necessities because wee should demaund them rather in respect of his glorie that he might therby haue a name and kingdome here in earth and his wil perfourmed rather then wee to haue therein our alone necessitie releeued The godly in like manner returne the whole praise vnto him euen whē those things are graunted vnto them that seeme to be moste casuall and to come at aduenture Therfore in that Psalme before mentioned they are willed to praise the Lord and to tel vnto others what he hath done for thē when those things which seeme to be meere casuall and comming by fortune and chaunce are obteyned which clause of praysing the Lord and telling vnto others what thinges he hath graunted at the requestes of their prayers is added in the psalme vnto the end of euery seuerall benefite graunted vnto thē But al men cōceiue not this doctrin they are his children alone who in hart are assured that these which cōmonly we cal casual things are disposed by him at the pleasure of his will graūted as pledges of his goodwill to those that in trueth call vpon him and therfore in the last verse of that psalme it is said Who is wise that he may obserue these things because they be onely his children that haue this wisdome to obserue this to mark it to knowe that he disposeth these outwarde things to the good of his as pledges of his fatherly goodnes towards them and therfore they onely call vpon him for them in faith and in receiuing them doe assuredly in their heart reckon them as benefites receiued of him confirming their faith therby in the assurance of his especiall goodwill towards them By this that hath bene said it doth appeare that when we are oppressed with anguish of heart or vexed with any calamitie either of bodie or minde wee haue to seke our remedie at the hands of the Lord by prayer in assured hope to receiue no smal comfort thereby if in faith and hope of his mercies we continue in calling vppon his name It is a very hard matter and the worke of faith alone when a man is sore distressed seeth no means to escape then to call vpon God with faith and hope of beeing heard and if help shall come it is as hard a matter to ascribe it vnto the mercies of God as the fruit of prayer and an assured token of his goodwil rendering from the ground of our hart the praise that is due vnto him for it and strengthening our faith therby in the persuasiō of his mercies towards vs The seruāt of God glorifieth God in these things acknowledging from his hearte that God is the giuer
what wickednesse and contempt of the grace of God That man therfore that learneth not to abate the care for outward daungers and necessities to come can neuer in trueth pray vnto the Lord that he would giue him this day his daily breade For these wordes of daily bread and this day doe cutt off the care and torment of times farre off By the promise whiche in this petition we doe trust and depende vppon the holie Ghost to the Hebrues cureth couetousnesse willing them to be content with that they haue to see that their conuersation be without couetousnesse because the Lorde hath saide I will not leaue thee nor forsake thee This promise of the Lord that he will not forsake his in the day of their necessitie is set as a bulworke to beate backe their feare of want and carefull coueting that ariseth therevpon that they may hold them wel content and apaide with their present state and condition The holie Ghoste maketh a great diuersitie betwene the godlie and wicked touching these earthly thinges for they come to the godlie as it were sleeping for so doeth he tearme their quiet laboure that wayte assuredly for the successe frō the Lord in respect of the careful toile that the vngodly are tormented with as if their liuing lay onely in their trauels There is a secrete blessing of the Lorde which must be sought for at his handes by faithfull prayes without the which all care and trauel that can be taken wil not auaile It is the blessing of the Lord that maketh riche sayeth the holie Ghost There is more in that then our fleshly and mistrustfull heart can easily be persuaded of Let vs therefore learne to lessen our mistrustfull care that we may testifie to the worlde the increase of our faith in the persuasion of his mercie towardes vs according as this petition doeth admonishe vs For in praying vnto him for these outward commodities we doe acknowledge that they be at his disposing and that all the labour in the worlde will not fetche them vnlesse it please him to giue successe Wherefore we may plainely see that when we haue trauelled or vsed those outward meanes wherby commonly benefits are procured we haue but accomplished one part and the least part of that that bringeth the benefite in deed Prayer must also be vsed and the Lorde he is to be intreated and this is not the least but the chiefe parte The godly tempt not the Lord by refusing his meanes but euen then when they doe vse those meanes they are muche in prayer for the successe and going forward of them whether it be labour counsell or friendshippe that they they vse to compasse their matter by For the want of this we see it fall out in common experience that the wisest men haue had suche successe with their deuises as the most foolish man that is could not haue made a madder matche then often times falleth out euen there where their care and counsell hath beene the greatest whiche teacheth vs to giue the Lorde his due to acknowlege him the Lord and gouernour of those temporall commodities to begge them at his handes by true and vnfeigned prayer and by faith to depend vpon him and not vpon our trauel no not where it is the greatest and promiseth the moste vnto vs. Worldly men that depend wholy in the persuasion of their heart vpon the help of their hands their wisdome or their wealth or friendship do dissemble with the Lorde in this request For they seeke that at him as his gift whiche their heart telleth them that they haue alreadie at home Couetous men that wold gather faster then he will giue how can they in trueth seeke it at his hands when they are not at any time content with that measure or portion that he doth giue neither rest in his distribution hauing such a hungrie desire as would prescribe the Lord and not be limited or prescribed by the Lord The oppresser hard cruel dealer that pretendeth to beg his bread temporal cōmodity of the Lord in the meane time is the purueyer and prouider for him selfe by suche oppressing and vnmercifull meanes as the Lorde abhorreth doeth dallie with the Lorde deceiue him selfe and maketh his praier a curse vnto his owne soule and a witnesse in the day of iudgment against his own conscience in that he hath professed in this prayer that to be the Lords gift whiche he sought of sathan by suche wayes and meanes as he approueth but the Lord abhorreth them We pray here for others aswell as for our selues he therfore that professeth to pray for others their good estate concerning temporall thinges and yet conueyeth that whiche is others or withholdeth it eyther by violence or deceipte with what conscience doeth he offer this petition to the Lord The children of God haue their faith declaring it selfe by outward thinges while they doe depende vppon him for them wherein the vngodly bewray their wante howsoeuer they boast of their inward persuasion of his goodnesse For if the Lord speede them not to their contentation they will not sticke to prouide for themselues by suche either open or secrete oppression as he hathe plainely forbidden as if he were onely the God of the soule and not of the bodie also whole man to prouide for both according to the good pleasure of his will and wee by faith to depende and wayte for a speciall blessing from him euen in outward thinges which the vngodly cannot see into For they binde the Lord so vnto the instrumentes whereby hee worketh his will that in truth they haue the glorie and he is altogether depriued thereof They be only his children that in truth acknowledge him the giuer of these outwarde benefites therfore wil vse no meanes besides those which he hathe approued The other in seeking helpe by meanes forbidden of him doe plainely speake in those their doings that they haue no faith nor cōfidēce in him we may in faith good hope aske those thinges because they make for the glorie of God who doth reigne and rule in earth by giuing vnto his their wantes euen in these outward and temporal things according as we may learne in the Psalm Where after many words declaring that God executeth iustice for the oppressed giueth bread to the hungrie loseth the prisoners kepeth the strangers relieueth the fatherlesse ouerthroweth the way of the wicked immediately it followeth The Lord shal reigne for euer ô Sion As if the Lord should not be known to reigne if he should fayle his seruants calling and depending vpon him in their distresses For we may not think that he faileth his seruants when he giueth them better benefites then those which they doe aske As if they craue deliuerance out of present daunger and he by taking them in mercie out of this life worketh a final riddaunce out of all daunger shall we say that the Lord hath not heard them Likewise if their
distresse he sendeth his word and healeth them deliuereth them from their graues It were an infinite worke to recite those places in the booke of Psalmes that proue the mercies of God to remoue punishmentes from the offenders when they shall in true repentaunce turne vnto him It is a harde matter in great affliction to persuade the man that is sore afflicted for his sinne that there is mercy with the lord to remoue his punishment if he shal truly humble him selfe in repētance for his sinne yet we see what plaine proofes there are of the same to increase our faith in the persuasion to haue our sinnes forgiuen when we are truely grieued and penitent for the same This is a doctrine most needefull to be stoode vpon because the blessing that the Lord hath promised to bestowe vpon his by reason of our corruption are rather deliueraunces from euill then preseruations in any continuall course of prosperitie I say they rather come in after our affliction then stande continually with vs to keepe affliction from vs whiche many mistaking haue stumbled at the afflicted estate of the children of God but the worde of the Lord doth guide those that be his to looke to the end of the vpright man Marke the vpright man and beholde the iust for the end of that man is peace saith the Prophet And almoste all those requestes that Solomon maketh for the people of God are to haue blessinges benefites procured vnto them after their troubles afflicted estate We see therefore howe needefull it is to holde this doctrine of forgiuenesse of sinnes that we stumble not at the crosse of Christ that we do not murmur or despaire in our affliction that we should not shake off hope notwithstanding our grief whatsoeuer haue had long continuance and abode with vs that we nourishe no wrong iudgement of the estate of the Church and children of God that we decide not with the vngodly against the seruants saints of god A tentation that had almost shaken the faithful seruant and prophet of God Dauid vntil he went into the sanctuarie of the Lord to inquire the end of those men This doctrine ouerthroweth the heresie of the Nouatians who do denie the forgiuenes of sinns after baptisme That which is ioyned with this petition of our forgiuing them that trespasse against vs noteth not any deseruing to haue our sins forgiuen by reasō of our forgiuing of them that offend against vs for then we should not pray to haue them forgiuen seing we remoue them by deserte but is added for our instruction and for our comfort For our instruction to teache vs that the Lord requireth this at our handes that we should be mercifull because he is mercifull For our comforte to tell vs that if we whiche be men can remitte the wronges and iniuries done against vs much more will our heauenly Father who is without comparison aboue man in mercie and compassion forgiue the offences sinnes of his seruants when they shal in true repentaunce seeke vnto him For the same it is needefull for our infirmitie to receiue persuasion of his mercie especially when his iudgement shal be vppon vs and punishment which is the assured signe of his displeasure shall presse vs it is then a harde matter to conceiue hope that the Lorde will forgiue vs For infidelitie is as deepely rooted in our heartes as any sinne or iniquitie whatsoeuer therefore the Lord hath left vs who are taught by his spirite to forgiue vnto others their offences cōmitted against vs an assured hope to finde fauour at his handes who will neuer be found inferiour vnto man in mercie Therfore is it thus written in Luke Forgiue vnto vs our sinnes for euen we forgiue euerie man that is indebted to vs And as it is necessarie that we should bee vpholden with this hope so is it requisite that we remember that which is written in Matthew If ye doe not forgiue men their trespasses no more will your father forgiue you your trespasses to admonish vs that the Lorde will haue his to resemble him and heare this his image of mercie before the world If we be taught to remitt and forgiue offences vnto others when they shall haue done vs any wrong we may easily perceiue that the Lord will not haue vs to cherish our selues in the hope of beeing heard when wee shall offer vnto other iniurie and wrong For if a Christian be admonished in this petition so far to profite that hee learne to forgiue iniuries done against him much more would the Lorde haue him to be farre from offending others by iniuries done vnto them The last petition wherin we craue that the Lord would not leade vs into temptation but deliuer vs from euill doeth admonish vs that the almightie vseth to punish sinne with sinne that when men shall haue long continued in sinne they shall become so blinde and hardened therein by the iuste iudgemente of GOD that hardly sometime after muche affliction they can bee cured of the same That the godly are subiecte vnto a kinde of hardnesse of heart which is a punishment for their former sinnes laide vpon them from the Lord as may appeare by that prayer of the church of God whereof wee reade in the Prophet Isaie in these wordes O Lorde why haste thou made vs to erre from thy wayes and hardened our heartes from thy feare returne for thy seruaunts sake and for the tribes of thine inheritaunce It is not that hardnesse of heart whiche is peculiar to the reprobate that is mentioned in this place but to bee so taken with the snares of sinne and so ledd into temptation and blinded intangled therein as the godlyest that lyueth may bee and yet afterwarde by affliction or some other meanes deliuered from the same For when it pleaseth the Lorde to lay affliction vpon his no doubt there is in them this erring from his wayes and hardnesse of hearte from his feare which the Churche of GOD complaineth of in this place and whiche the Lorde purposeth to cure For he is not cruel to punish when there is no cause but his meaning is to mollifie their harde heartes thereby that they may be humbled vnder the gouernement of his holie worde We pray therfore in this petition that we may not bee hardened through the deceiptfulnesse of sinne for the auoyding wherof the children of God are admonished in the Epistle to the Hebrues to exhorte one another Exhorte one another sayeth the holie Ghoste while it is called to day least any of you bee hardened through the deceiptfulnesse of sinne This petition of not leading vs into temptation but deliuering vs from euil doth wel followe that of forgiuenesse of sinnes For when it pleaseth the Lord to forgiue sin he deliuereth them from beeing hardened therein giuing them the sight of the deceipt that is in it and also power and maisterie ouer the rage thereof In that prayer of Solomon whiche
think once to escape neglecting so great saluation which at the first begoon to be preached by the Lorde and afterward was cōfirmed by them that heard him God bringing testimony and authoritie thervnto both with signes and woonders and diuers myracles and giftes of the holie Ghost Well did the Lorde vnderstand that words are but winde with men and therefore it was the good pleasure of his will that neither his law nor Gospel should come naked and bare into the world but with the credit of his owne glorie and countenaunce of his owne maiestie For the gospell as now we haue heard was not only preached by the Lorde Iesus but also confirmed by the ministerie of those that heard him with signes woonders and myracles so that to neglect the gouernemēt of the word is to tread vnder feete the maiestie of the Lorde Hauing made this entrance I doe proceede vnto the texte where I am enforced to speake a little of the nature of the wordes because they bring great light to the true vnderstanding and meaning of the cōmaundement The word IEHOVAH which is here englished Lorde is a name of God giuing vnto him his true nature and essence which is so to haue his beginning and being of him selfe as in him by him all thinges that are haue their beeing and therfore it is vsually set before the promises and couenants of the Lorde in the scripture that we shoulde not doubt of the perfourmance thereof seeing it is the couenant promise of that God that hath his beginning and beeing of him self and procureth the beeing and perfourmance of all things vnto them in so much that the Lorde denieth in Exodus that he was knowne to Abraham Isaac and Iacob by his name Iehouah bicause he had not perfourmed in their time the promises made for their deliuerance out of Egypt and for their possession of the lande of Canaan The verbe is not vsually expressed of the Hebrues in the like phrases where the sense is apparant and therefore of some is sette downe before the word Lorde and read thus I am the Lorde thy GOD of other some nexte after the word Lorde and then it is read thus I the Lorde am thy GOD wherin although in sense there be no difference but that both affirme one and the selfe same thinge yet bicause there is more cleare vnderstanding of that one and the same thinge by placing the verbe next after the worde Lorde I see no cause why the practise of some should be preiudiciall in this matter but that it may be said I the Lorde am thy GOD. In affirming that he is their God he assureth them of all mercy and happinesse from him selfe alone both in this life and in the life to come making a league with thē to make himselfe knowne to be their God by the mercies he had to bestowe vpon them and that he would haue the care and charge of their welfare reserued to himselfe alone It remaineth to be proued by the scripture that this manner of speaking to be their God conteyneth promisses in it for this life and for the life to come In the psalme the Prophete hauing made mention of sundry outward blessings in children in increase of corne and cattel peace and freedome from enimies concludeth thus Blessed are the people that bee so blessed are the people whose GOD is the Lorde making these outwarde blessinges to bee conteyned vnder the benefite of hauing the Lord to be their god In Exodus promising their deliueraunce from Aegypt he saith that he wil be their God conteyning that outward deliueraunce within this mercie of being their god And as for the spirituall and inward blessings as writing his lawe in our harts pardoning our sinnes and not remembring them anie more that they are conteyned within this couenant of beeing our God may appeare in the Epistle to the Hebrues After those dayes sayth the Lord I wil put my lawes in their minds and in their hartes I will write them and I will bee their God and they shall be my people For I will be mercifull vnto their vnrighteousnesse their sinnes their iniquities I wil remember no more And in Ezechiel we may cleerly see that the renuing of our stonie hartes the receiuing vs to mercie after we haue transgressed the causing vs to walke in his statutes and lawes are streames that flowe from this free founteine of grace that the Lorde is become our god A newe hart saith the Lorde by his Prophet will I giue you and a newe spirite will I put within you and I will take away the stonie harte out of your body and will giue you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirite within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgementes and doe them and yee shall dwell in the lande that I gaue to your Fathers and you shall be my people and I will bee your GOD Where these benefites receiued are made the fruites that followe of hauing him to be their God whiche is all done freely and vndeseruedly as the Lorde plainely professeth in the same chapiter in these wordes Bee it knowen vnto you that I doe not these thinges for your sake sayth the Lorde therefore O ye house of Israel he ashamed and confounded for your owne wayes Neither doeth this mercy of hauing the Lorde to bee our God conteyne it selfe within the compasse of this life but reacheth vnto the blessinges of the life to come as appeareth in the Gospell after Saincte Luke where our Sauiour Christe proueth that it must needes be well with Abraham and that hee muste rise againe bycause it is written The Lorde is the God of Abraham for he is not the GOD of the dead sayeth our Sauiour Christe but of them that liue In the Epistle to the Hebrues Abraham and others the children of God are reported to haue bene straungers in the land of promise and not to haue sene the promises fulfilled in their time whiche might seeme to make againste this that I haue sayd concerning the blessing of them to whom the Lord is become God but it is answered there that he was not ashamed to bee called their God for he had prepared for them a citie as if that whiche seemed to be wanting in this life were so sufficiently recompēced in that ioye that did abide for them as that the Lord neded not to be ashamed to be called their God so rich was his mercie towardes them By this we learne that the first commaundement conteyneth in it the promises of the Gospel as it is well noted by M. Peeter Martyr contrarie to this damnable opinion of certeine who holde that the fathers of the olde Testament had no promises sauing of the lande of Canaan and temporall thinges We see that the Lorde made promise to be their God which as we haue heard hath promises bothe of this life and of the
some fall to stealinge or seeking vnto witches wisemen or wisewomen as they call them to haue their griefes remedied and their wantes supplied others not vsing the same yet by one vnlawfull meanes or other winde them selues out of daunger not wayting by faith vpon the Lord vntill by lawfull meanes he procure their deliuerance This corruption also of the naturall man is no lesse euident when he is out of danger and hath ordinary meanes to maintaine him by For when a naturall man hath credit wealthe or freendes to compasse matters by either not at all doth he seek to God by prayer to prosper those meanes whiche he vseth either else if hee pray vnto him it is so coldely as that euery man may perceiue but especially his owne conscience may tell him that his hope ariseth rather from the meanes he hath then from the goodnes of God without whose blessing all helps are nothing yet for all that he findeth no fault with him selfe for want of faith but will protest that he taketh God to be his God and looketh for all things from him beleeuing as assuredly in him as the best of them all It is not greatly to bee merueyled at if the naturall man giue so much vnto the meanes for it cōmeth often times to passe that the Lorde is constrayned in dealinge with his Children to withdrawe something from the number or stength euen of his lawfull and ordinary meanes that the glorie may be wholy his A notable example wherof we haue in the booke of the Iudges where the Lorde caused Gedeon to send away the greatest parte of his men when hee shuld go to battail giuing the reason of his doing in these words The people that are with thee are to many for me to giue the Madianites into their handes lest Israel make their vaunt against me and say My handes haue saued me Thus corrupte is the estate that all men are borne in and in this estate doe all men contynue finding no faulte nor mislyking of the same saue that little flock of Christes that by the benefite of his death are exempted from it whome when it pleaseth God to call vnto the hope of euerlasting life by the meanes of his word he cleareth their wit and vnderstanding to conceiue the goodnes of this God to them warde hee purgeth their wil and affection to take comforte in it And therefore when meanes want they are not as the wicked altogether without hope running after vnlawfull meanes but waite better vppon their God and when they haue the ordinarie meanes whereby God vsually bringeth matters to passe they are careful in crauing the successe of it yea with inwarde persuasion of heart to finde no fruite but by his blessing The man that will truely examine himselfe in this commaundement muste well consider with himselfe what euil and vnlawfull shiftes he hath made throughout this life in his distresse and necessitie or what doubtes and feares of not beeing well and in due time prouided for haue arisen at any such in time his hart how tickle his nature is thervnto Likewise when hee hath had the vsuall meanes of Gods mercies he muste consider well how sparing and how colde he hath been in prayer to God for the successe of them which declareth that his trust was rather in them then in God the giuer of them Thus may he easily perceiue in what a miserable condition he should haue beene had not the mediatour and redeemer Christ Iesus aunswered the matter for him It is therefore required that after this māner he throughly examine his infirmitie and disobedience vntill he be truely humbled and brought to Christe to see the benefite of his death and passion how greate it is and how needful for him when by due examining of himselfe he doeth well vnderstand that he is wholy beholden vnto God for the benefite of his saluation because by the lawe they are accurssed that continue not in all things which are written in the booke of the law to doe them then is he forced to acknowledge that it is good right and reason that his life should be ordered after the pleasure and wil of him that by his death hath brought deliuerance vnto him from euerlasting death and destruction and the hope also of a blessed estate to continue for euer Whervpon he proceedeth not only to the misliking of this corrupt nature of his but also to the suppressing of it that it deale not as it was accustomed neither when it wanteth meanes nor yet whē it enioyeth thē calling earnestly vnto God by praier that he may so increase in faith that he may glorifie him in the obedience of this commaundement His profiting in this obedience how great soeuer is alwayes ioyned with true humilitie because hee wel vnderstandeth by the sight that he hath of him self that he standeth by the mercies of God in Christ alone because also he plainly perceiueth that his obedience is not without frailtie and manifolde infirmities cleauing vnto it as his obedience is not with out humility so his falles infirmities ar not without grief vexatiō of hart whilst he seeth in them the dishonour and obedience of that God of whose free goodnes he holdeth al that he hath or hopeth for A great number persuade thē selues that their faith is perfect inough no want in it at all whē notwithstāding in their necessities distresses they are all ready to doubt distrust of cōfort as if they had neuer heard of the Gospell nor learned any thing of the promises made vnto the faithfull Nay which more is they shall no sooner be in any distresse but they are as farre from hope in God and as redy to helpe them selues by one euill shift or other as those ciuil men which haue no religion in them at all And all this notwithstāing they cannot see nor be brought to acknowledge any want in their faith Let a man bee broughte something behinde hand as we say either by losse that he hath had in his sheepe or cattle or by meanes of euill creditors with whome hee hath hadd dealinges and by and by he wil be ready to imagine that he shall not be able to liue vnlesse he vtter his commodyties at a greater price then before he hath done when notwithstanding hee hath gone as farre before as conscyence coulde in any respect giue him leaue Hee thinketh that his former decay doth priuiledge and make lawfull this kinde of dealing and vnderstand by the way that in all this purpose practise he receiueth not any suspition that there should be any wante of faithe or weakenesse in that behalf when as in very deed then is there true tryall of our faith if in our necessitie wee shall thereby stay vs from euill meanes in hope to haue vs prouided for according to his promise albeit we see not any likelyhood therof so far as our reason can reache For in faith there is hope beyonde hope
The Children of God by the eyes of faith see a secret blessing promised which they apprehend by hope when as the common sorte wanting this eye cast away all hope vnlesse by a sensible manner they perceiue and presently may groape the goodnes and help of god The man that will take no knowledge that there is wante of faithe in him but doth professe as the most wil do that he trusteth in God with all his heart and that there is no mistrust of God in any parte or corner thereof is to be sent back to his doeings and thoughts that are and haue beene in him in the time of his troubles dangers pouertie or decay to consider if there haue beene thē in his hart no more doubting fearing or suspecting to bee prouided for from the Lorde then hath beene in other times by this meanes if there bee any sense or iudgement in him he shall be constrained to confesse the weaknesse of his faith so seeke his comfort in Christ beeing conuict within him selfe of suche mistrust and vnbeliefe as the lawe doeth accurse and condemne For if a man wil not willingly be wise in the beguyling of him selfe he may soone see and perceiue a greate diuersitie in him selfe at those times that where so longe as hee had helpes and and holdes to go by he was comfortable bolde confident those beeing taken away hee is become without all courage comforte or hope If there were no want of faith how could there bee any lack of comforte or hope If his confidence were not in the meanes how could he be as a man with out all hart or hope so soone as the meanes are either vtterly taken away or else diminished especially seeing the goodnesse of the Lord whiche is the ground of faith indureth for euer And that the man whiche will take no knowledge of the want of his faith may bee brought to the sighte of himselfe let him well consider with himselfe what shoulde bee the cause that when he hath aboundance and wanteth no necessarie help he is so exceeding sparing and carelesse in his manner of seruing and seeking of the Lorde in respect of the feare and care that he is in so soone as he shall be any way distressed and the paynes also that then he taketh in his manner of seruing the Lorde if his faith be at both times one why shuld his care whiche doth bewray his feare be almoste none at one time and so plentifull at another but onely that there was want of faith before albeit he coulde not espie it the meanes standing as a myst or a cloude betweene him and the light that would teache him truly to discerne The man therefore that boasteth of the perfection of his faith not feeling any want therin denying that he trusteth in his riches friendship authoritie or wealth muste bee willed to sette them a while aside in his thoughts and considerations imagining seriously and in good earnest that he had them not then let him aske his conscience truly serch out his spirits whither he could be as confident comfortable and hopefull in his heart in the wanting as in the hauing thereof his heart will then tell him the contrarie if he search truely and throughly and his deedes will declare no lesse For we shall se such as couragious and as confident as may be in their wealth credit and health and when they are taken away as faint and feeble as men that neither haue hart nor hope Thus must a man be sifted both in abundance and want that in the true sight of his pouertie he may be forced carefully thankfully to lay hould vpon the mercies brought by Iesus Christ As for vs that professe we know Christ are led to magnifie his mercies by the experiēce of sinne that we haue within our selues Let vs remember that it is our parte to declare that we are his and in him by dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse Let vs therefore bee ashamed to beare the name of Christ to carrie the coūtenance of them that loue his gospell and yet in our nccessities to bee as mistrustfull and as readie to helpe it by one vnlawfull shift or other as euer we were or as they are that neither professe nor knowe the gospell Let vs be ashamed to professe the gospell and in the meane time to be at no more mislyking nor warre with our mistrustfull thoughtes then wee haue beene when wee had no knowledge of the same Hath not the Lord therefore died that by his power we might die vnto sinne hath he not appeared to weaken the power and strength of sinne in those that be his that although they cānot driue sinne from being at all in the flesh yet they might driue it from reigning and rulinge in them abeating the power and force thereof How can men thinke then that there is any trueth of Christianitie begunne in them beeing in the same manner affected towarde their mistrustfull thoughtes and euil shiftes that proceede thereof as they were from the beginning ere euer they knewe the word and Gospel of their GOD hauing no more hatred of them nor greater war and strife with them It is true that the Lord in mercie for Christ couereth the sinnes of his but it is as true that the Lorde cureth the sinnes of his It cannot be denyed but that for Christe he doeth pardon the sinnes of his seruantes neither may we deny but that in Christ he doeth also purge the sinnes of his seruants Let vs therefore brethren resorte vnto God by faithful prayer that as he hath taken away the condemnation of sinne so he would more and more abolish the rule and kingdome thereof Our hope is great for our promises are many our capteine is stronge our enemie hath often beene foyled euen in fraile flesh as feeble as we bee but the conquerors haue euer beene careful much giuen to vse the meanes of the word and prayer often in the fielde with their owne affections hauing vpon them the compleate harnesse of a Christian Now let vs pray vnto our heauenly father that wee may so see our wante of faithe that wee may truely magnifie the grace and mercie of GOD in Christe whiche couereth the imperfection thereof and also that we may haue such strength from the power of his death that by the meanes thereof we may more and more preuaile bothe ouer our mistrustful nature in want and also ouer our carelesse and secure estate in plentie and abundance ¶ The second Lecture vpon the thirde fourth fifte and sixte verses 3 Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me 4 Thou shalt make thee no grauen image neither any similitude of things that are in heauen aboue neither that are in the Earth beneath nor that are in the waters vnder the earth 5 Thou shalt not bow downe to them neither serue them for I am the Lorde thy GOD a ielous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vppon the
children vpon the third generation and vpon the fourth of them that hate me 6 And shewing mercie vnto thousandes to them that loue me and keepe my commaundements ALbeit the time would nor permit me to speake the laste day of the third verse but forced me to reserue it vnto this day and to ioyne it with this matter that now you haue heard of not making to our selues any grauen image yet that whiche time hath nowe knitte together is by the iudgement of diuerse godlie and learned men not to be sundered at all For they take that of hauing the Lord our God which hath already beene declared to be the firste commaundement and this Scripture that now I haue read conteyned in these foure verses to be the seconde Of this iudgement was that learned Father Peter Martyr whose wordes are these in his Commentarie vppon the Romanes I suppose the firste commaundement to be that which is sett before the reste in steade of a proheme I am the Lorde thy GOD whiche haue brought thee out of the lande of Aegypt For in these wordes are we commaunded to accompt him for the true God and that we shoulde not thinke that he is to bee worshipped together with other Gods straight way is added the second precepte wherein wee are prohibited to worship straunge Gods and grauen thinges and images and if a man will more narrowly consider the thing he shall see that together with this first comaundemente is offered vnto vs the Gospell for in it GOD promiseth that he will be our god These are the wordes of Peter Martyr Of this iudgement in like manner was that learned and godlie man M. Bucer as appeareth in his exposition vpon 24. Psalme where hee hath these wordes The first thing of all in the matter of our saluation is to beleeue in one Lorde our GOD from whome as the fathers had their deliuerance from Aegypt and all other blessinges beside so wee all receiue the good things that we haue whiche is taught in the firste of the ten commaundementes that is to say in this I the Lord am thy GOD whiche brought thee out of the land of Aegypt The seconde cōmaundement is to ioyne no feigned God with the true GOD which mans madnesse is alwayes accustomed to do neither were these men alone of this iudgement but followed in it the opinion of some of the best learned among the interpreters of the Hebrue who doe thus diuide these two commaundements taking that of making grauen images to be a braunch of the second cōmaundement which forbiddeth vs either to ioyne any false God to the only true Lord or to worship the true God with any false worship deuised of our selues not cōmanded frō him For as it followeth in that place whiche now I cited out of M. Bucer the blindenes of man is accustomed to giue so much to his own deuises in ioyning some in worship with God or to that which he hath deuised for the worship of god that he wil not depend vpon the mere goodnes of God alone And for the moste parte saith he they seke by such ceremonies to pacifie the lord whom they do perceiue to be offended with their wicked life which thing hath greater blasphemie in it then we can conceiue of It is most sure that when once man dare aduenture to put others in the honour of worship with the Lorde whiche thing he hath forbidē he wil not be afraid to bring vpon him an other worship then he hath commaunded these bothe come from one corrupte beginning as shall God willing heereafter more plentifully appeere We are in this commaundement forbidden to worship any together with him or to admitt any worship of him besides his owne whiche he hath lefte vs in his worde the Lorde therefore woulde haue vs to seeke al good things at his hands alone and cannot abide that we should haue other Gods before his face or vppon his face for this interpretation will bothe the wordes and the meaning beare very well as if he should say In as muche as I haue taken vpon me to care for you and to honour my selfe by shewing foorth the treasures of my grace vpon you it shall not be lawfull for to darken the light of my goodnesse by seking to obteine that at the hands of any other the gift wherof I haue reserued to my selfe alone for the glorie and praise of the riches of my grace For I doe you to vnderstand that when soeuer you seeke to any other then me for any parte of your welfare you doe as it were drawe a corteine ouer my face that I cannot be seene in the full shewe of my mercie howe I am affected towardes you while they by stepping betweene conuey some praise of the gifte and mercie to them selues Heere we see all passages to the virgine Marie Angels or Saintes whatsoeuer to be stopped vpp and the way to GOD opened vnto all in their necessities to run thyther with an assured hope of comforte by reason of the promise When Sathan would haue obteyned of our sauiour Christe a parte in the honour of worship he telleth him it was written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God him alone shalt thou serue the answere of our sauiour Christ being according to the question and demaund telleth vs that Sathan would not haue refused to haue had the Lord worshipped so that he might haue obteyned to haue beene partaker with him in it It declareth also that not only the Lord refuseth to haue Sathan but also any other whosoeuer to be worshipped with him for it is written Him alone shalt thou serue Inuocation therefore and prayer beeing a worship that the Lord preferreth aboue sacryfice may not be giuen to any Sainct or Virgin but muste be reserued vnto the Lord alone who will not haue his grace darckened or his glorie parted with any Neither can he suffer that the virgin Marie or any saint or angel should cōe into any opinion of mercy either aboue him or equall with him whiche must be graūted if this be cōfessed that it is lawful to call vpon thē For why should we come in prayer vnto them if he who is of greater power to perfourme our request be also of more mercie to incline fauourably to our demaunds This resorting therefore vnto them by prayer hath in it a plaine profession that they are more redily inclined vnto compassion then the Lord which in deed denieth him to be god For he is not the true God if any do exceede him in mercie and compassion It cannot be that the Lord should be God if any be found his superiour or match in mercie wherein consisteth his chiefe glorie But of this God willing more shall be spoken when I come to speake of prayer And yet it may not be forgotten that in dying for vs when we were enimyes vnto him he lefte that patterne of mercie behinde him the like whereof hath not beene hearde or seene in
obediēce vnder the shadowe of good intent deuotiō occupying it selfe in trifling outwarde thinges and neuer drawing neere vnto the Lord in the dueties laide vpon him by the word he must labour diligently to finde out the wil of God in his word for no other end but that hee may be a doer and follower of the same his profiting how greate so euer it bee is not without infirmitie and therefore hee is not without humilitie in his best doings his offending at any time cannot bee without griefe for hee seeth in it the dishonour of his merciful father whose free mercie is his stay Let vs learne brethren to take heed in seruing the Lord in a deuotiō that agreeth not with his word What will it auayle to say We do it of loue and good meaning towards him when the Lord hath said that all such are haters of him Shall our mening condemne the trueth of his saying Or shall that be good meaning when we come to true reckoning which the Lorde hath pronounced to be hateing Let man be afraid to beare hatred against the Lord and therefore let him feare to serue him with good intents besides his worde If man should bee so obstinate in euill that he feareth no punishment in respect of himselfe imagining his life to make an end of all his affliction yet let him fear the punishmente of this sinne that will not leaue him in the graue but set the marke of his iniquitie vppon his children and posteritie vnto many generations I neede not greatly to speake vnto the moste that be heere that they should leaue those foolish works of deuotion and good meaning as going on Pilgrimage setting vp of shrynes and such like things receiued amongst the Papistes His name be praysed that madnesse is descryed and a great number of them selues begin now to blush at it but the outwarde ceremonies of Religion as resorting to common prayer hearing of Sermons or suche other these haue obteyned now the title of the true seruice of GOD and shut out the obedience vnto the dueties commaunded by the word These hold men now from care of dueties appointed by the word as deuised deuotion kept them in Poperie from true religion These are the good intentes of Gospellers at this day and as the Lorde spake of his sacrifices commaunded in his worde when mē were holden in those without any care of good life He that killeth a Bullock is as if he slue a man they haue chosen out their owne wayes therefore wil I choose out their delusions and bring their feare vpon them So may it truely be said of a greate number that the Lorde hateth their resorting to prayer and sermons they are now become their owne wayes whiche they haue chosen because they are sundred from Christian conuersation and amendment of life for the which they were ordayned The meanes to auoid the dangers of our deuises in the seruice of GOD and to haue disclosed vnto vs the subtilties and snares thereof is to delight in the wisdome of the worde to be much exercised therein according as it is declared in the booke of Prouerbes That when wisdome entreth into the hearte and knowledge delighteth the soule then shall it deliuer vs from the euill way and from the straunge woman whiche forsaketh the guide of her youth Now let vs pray vnto our heauenly father that we may so see our vntowardnesse vnto his true worshippe that we may magnifie his mercies that hath pardoned our transgressions and that wee may receiue strength from the power of his death to shake off all those shadowes of seruing the Lorde beeing truely humbled to serue him in spirite and truethe according to the direction of his worde ¶ The thirde Lecture vpon the seuenthe verse 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not holde him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine IT is manifeste in the Scriptures that by the name of GOD is ment the lawe and commaundement of god For the Lorde wil be honoured and get a name among his people by transforming their affections and deedes into the obedience of his lawe In Leuiticus it is thus written Yee shall keepe my commaundementes and doe them for I am the Lorde Neither shall ye pollute my holie name declaring that his name is prophaned taken in vaine and polluted when his commaundementes are not regarded It is also to bee seene in the Epistle to Timothie that the name of GOD is taken for the doctrine and woorde of god Let Seruants sayth the Apostle account their maisters worthy of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine be not euill spoken of ioyning the name and doctrine of God together as wordes that importe all one matter For the name of GOD cannot but be dishonoured and euil spoken of through vs when suche lawes as all men knowe he hath appointed for vs to walke in are without regarde neglected and contemned of vs. If it bee required why the Lorde speaking of his lawe giueth it the title of his name wee must vnderstand the reason of his so doeing to be very good forceable to procure obedience For what can be more deare vnto vs than the name and glorie of our GOD Or what can binde our obedience vnto more dutifulnesse than when we vnderstand he hath committed his owne name and honour into our handes beeing content to abide without all name and glorie heere in earth if hee may not haue it of his by their obedience to his lawe And therefore as the loue of GOD muste cause vs to begin all dueties so the end wee looke at in all of them must bee by the doeing thereof to get honour and glorie to our God. For it is written to the Corinthes Whether yee eate or drinke or what soeuer ye doe doe all to the glorie of GOD. Heerevppon it commeth that workes commaunded are reiected of the Lorde when they are done to be seene of men for the prayse of our selues and not with a carefull heart to glorifie the Lorde and procure his prayse thereby Take heede saith our Sauiour Christ that ye giue not your almes before men to be seene of them or else yee shall haue no rewarde of your father whiche is in heauen The Lorde him selfe often vseth the credite and glorie of his name not onely in commaunding but also in forbidding things to be done as in Leuiticus 19. almost through the whole chapter when he forbiddeth any thing he addeth these wordes immediatly I am the Lord thy God because the contempt and breach of his commaundement doth reach to the stayning polluting of his name For he hath entred couenant with vs to be our God in causing vs to walke in his wayes that he thereby may be magnified and aduanced as it is written in Deuteronomie Thou haste set vp the Lord this day to be thy God and to walke in
his wayes and to keepe his ordinaunces his commaundements and his lawes and to harken vnto his voyce as if the obseruing of the law were the placing of him in his seate of glorie Now that we haue learned what is ment by this worde Name it remaineth to vnderstand what it is to take his name in vaine This name is saide to be taken in vaine when there is not diligent care watchfull obseruing and greate regarde had to the commaundementes of GOD to doe them It is written in Deuteronomie If thou shalt not obserue to doe for so is the trueth of the Hebrue text all the wordes of the law that is If thou wilt not diligently marke this law for to doe it and feare this glorious and fearefull name the Lorde thy GOD then the Lord wil make thy plagues woonderfull c. Carelesse securitie when men haue no carefull minde of the worde of God to liue thereafter is that which is forbidden by this taking of his name in vaine or vainely For in this place the holie ghost expoundeth the obseruing and taking heede to doe al the commandementes of the lawe to be the fearing of this glorious name The Lorde thy God whiche feare of his name is contrarie to the taking of it in vaine and esteeming of it as a vaine thing In saying He wil not holde them guiltlesse he doth assure them of punishment that are carelesse in keping of his commaundementes wherevppon his name and honour hangeth as it is written in Leuiticus If ye shall despise mine ordinaunces either if your soule abhorre my lawes so that yee will not doe all my commaundementes but breake my couenaunte then will I appoint ouer you fearefulnesse a Consumption c threatening as appeareth in that Chapter to proceed in punishment vntill their vncircumcised heart bee humbled to the carefull keeping of his commaundements For those who minde his commaundementes to doe them are they to whome onelie his mercies are promised in the 103 Psalme The louing kindenesse of the Lorde indureth for euer vppon them that feare him and think vppon his commandements to do them The punishmente of these that haue no carefull regard of the worde to doe it is threatened in the 28. of Deuteronomie beginning at the 15. verse in the which verse it is to be noted that there is the same phrase of speeche in the Hebrue whiche I spake of before that is not obseruing to doe all the commaundements which importeth this want of care in doing pointing out by that speache secure men that take no greate care of the worde for to doe it The same wordes Obserue to do are vsed in the first verse of the same Chapter and therefore not lightlie to be regarded of vs beeing so often noted by the holie ghoste If wee peruse the iudgementes of God throughout the whole Bible wee shal easily perceiue that when the people ceassed to be carefull how to please God then was some one punishmente or other let in vppon them to awake them out of that daungerous sleepe of securitie Send away this care by good life to honour God and then assure thy selfe punishment will not be long absent if thou be not a bastarde ouer whome he hath no fatherly regarde And no meruaile for in very deed God hath no seruice in trueth where this godly care is wanting it is no prayer that is not a careful prayer he neuer obteyneth that hath no desire to obteine When workes of them selues good are done without any great care to haue them doone the same may haue prayse for doeing but the heart can claime nothing for any carefull purposing The scripture therefore is plentiful in teaching vs that a Christians life muste bee a carefull life comparing Christianitie to a trade or occupation that muste be applyed thoroughly or else there is no good to bee doone in it If any man striue for a maisterie saith the holie Ghoste hee is not crowned except he striue as he ought to do The husbandman must laboure before he receiueth the fruite sending vs to learne at husbandry the care and trauail of Christianitie Euery man that proueth maisteries sayth Saincte Paule absteyneth from all things and they doe it to obteyne a corruptible crowne but we for an vncorruptible This commaundement therefore excludeth all feigned carelesse and hypocriticall walking in the wayes of the Lord and telleth vs that the Lorde looketh vnto them as he sayth by the Prophete that doe tremble at his worde It is not lightlie to be passed ouer that requiring this care to be had of Gods glorie he ioyneth to the name of the Lorde those two wordes Thy GOD whiche signifieth that loue to him because he is our God must bring foorth the care of his glorie and this obseruing of his commaundementes to doe them For heerein is the care and feare of a seruaunt distinguished and discerned from the care and feare of a Sonne that the sonnes care and feare he hath of his Father is ioyned with loue and aryseth thereof and proceedeth thereby to please him The Seruauntes care and feare aryseth in respecte of punishment if hee displease his maister or else from the hope of wages if happily hee may please him in his seruice So that euen the true feare and care of GOD is mingled with the loue of him because he is our god And is not that which wrestleth with the conscience and proceedeth to doing onely for this cause to get ease thereof not hauing any respect to glorifie his good God not but that the Lorde hath such beginning euen of his best children but that it is not right before it be seasoned with the loue of his mercie For the feare of GOD is neuer true in vs till wee be drawen vnto him by his goodnesse where through he allureth vs as it is written in the Psalme Mercie is with thee that thou maist be feared In the Booke of Kinges Solomon prayeth that the straunger who is not one of the people of Israel but commeth to the house of GOD hearing of his woonderfull workes may haue his prayers graunted that al people may feare GOD as doeth the people of Israel acknowledging his true feare to spring of his goodnesse The feare of GOD because it ariseth of his goodnesse draweth vs alwayes vnto God and in the Scripture therfore argumentes and reasons are drawen from his feare to bringe vs toward him in some one or other duetie as in the Psalme Yee that feare the Lorde prayse him and the reason is taken from his goodnesse in the next verse following For he hath not despised the affliction of the poore but when he called vnto him he hearde Also in the 115. Psalme Ye that feare the Lorde trust in the Lord for he is their helper and their sheelde c prosecuting his goodnesse as before In the next verse following it is saide The Lord hath bene mindeful of vs he will blesse
our face c. But the godliest man that euer liued was neuer free from all those punishments that there are appointed for the transgressours of the lawe nor yet blessed with all those blessings in all thinges which are promised to them that keepe the lawe and therevppon we may safely conclude that the godliest man that euer liued did neuer fulfill the lawe For then surely the Lorde woulde haue stoode stedfast to his promise both to haue procured all these blessings promised vnto him and also to haue kept euerie part of those punishments from him whiche are appoynted for the transgressours of the commaundements of God. In this manner dothe the Apostle proue that righteousnesse commeth by the mercies of GOD taken holde on by faythe bycause the wrath of GOD is reuealed from heauen againste all vnrighteousnesse and vngodlinesse of men withholding the truth in vnrighteousnesse proceeding to the punishment of the Gentiles ▪ to declare what did befall them declaring also as concerning the Iewes that the name of GOD was euill spoken of for them that calamitie was in their wayes and that they had not knowne the way of peace taking his ground from the punishments that light vpon them to proue that they did holde the truth in vnrighteousnesse that their obedience did not aunswere vnto their knowledge whiche they had of GOD that they coulde clayme nothing in respect of their deedes whiche the Lorde from heauen had reproued by punishmentes brought in vppon them And therefore hee doth strengthen his former affirmation that the iust man shall liue by faythe which was his purpose to proue vnto them and vnto the whiche ende he directeth all his speache in those foure chapters In like manner the Apostle proueth to the Romanes that all men had sinne euen children that did neuer committe any actuall offence bycause death which is the punishment of sinne did take holde vpon all This one punishment therefore if there were no other may suffice to proue that no man euer did keepe the lawe bycause death whiche is a punishment for transgressing the lawe dothe seaze vpon all men of what estate degree or yeares so euer It is the reason of the Apostle in that place that bycause all had sinned therefore death came vpon all prouiding by the dealing of GOD against man in punishing of him that man had dealt against GOD in transgressing of his lawe and commaundements nay prouiding which is yet more that bicause GOD punished al men therefore euerie man hathe offended against him in transgressing his lawes and commaundementes so that there is no man that can say hee hath or doth fulfill the lawe For if it might in trueth be vttered of any man that hee were able to fulfill the lawe it might in like manner as truely bee affirmed and hoped for that the same man should neuer dye or chaunge this corruptible estate Wherefore then serueth the lawe May it stande with the righteousnesse of GOD to commaund any thing that we can not doe Or to make promises of lyfe for the keeping and obseruing of that which hee knewe assuredly wee coulde not perfourme Firste that the Lorde might righteouslye require that kynde of obedience at our handes though it were not possible for vs to perfourme it may bee proued heereby bycause we should haue had power to haue perfourmed it if wee had continued in that estate that he had lefte vs in Oure sinne therefore and weakenesse by the meane of sinne whiche is our owne offence can not nowe make that vnrighteous in GOD whiche before was righteous Our vnrighteousnesse and sinne can not make vs lesse indebted vnto GOD then before we were Is it not blasphemie to say that bycause we had offended more therefore the iustice of GOD should bee lesse then before it had beene Wee confesse it was iust before the fall of man to require all these duties at our hands bycause he had giuē vs power and abilitie to be able to performe them And can our sinne so pull in the iustice of GOD that nowe it shall no longer bee lawfull for him to keepe the same rule of equitie which he did obserue before Moreouer who can lett the Lorde who is indebted vnto no man to promise eternally lyfe vnder what deedes or couenauntes so euer seeme good vnto him Shall it be vnlawfull for a man who hath some portion of lande to sell to saye vnto a poore man who is not able to gyue halfe so muche as hee dothe offer to sell it for and as it is woorth in deede Thus muche I meane to haue for it of him who so euer shall inioy it Is it vnlawfull thus to price it bycause the pore man is not woorth so muche as will purchase it Dothe his pouertie make the lande of lesse value eyther else make it vnlawfull for him to require any thing like as the goodnesse of the ground doth deserue No man will thinke this to haue any equitie or right in it No more surely hath this other that our pouertie and want shoulde make it vnlawfull for the Lorde to esteeme the treasures of his kingdome aboue all the obedience that wee can perfourme and to set them at a greater price then this pouertie and want that wee are in shall euer bee able to reach vnto If it bee further demaunded what meaning the Lorde had in promising lyfe vnto vs for doing of that which hee knewe wee neuer coulde perfourme and bring to passe it is to bee aunswered that the Lorde did it to let vs who are so well persuaded by the nature of our owne abilitie see clearely into our pouertie and wante howe great it is that wee might haue true triall within our selues howe greatly wee are beholden vnto the free mercies of GOD in Iesus Christe When wee shall haue seene plainely by the lawe howe vnable wee are to perfourme that there is required to bee done of so many as hope for wages by reason of their woorke and that if wee will lay clayme to the mercyes of GOD for our woorkes wee remaine accurssed for euerie sinne and offence against the law committed by vs bycause it is the written sentence of the lawe that Hee is curssed that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the booke of the law to do them Then not from the bare speeche of our mouth but from the true tryall of our heart wee are sente to the mercies of GOD alone to stick wholy vnto them acknowledging all our goodnesse to proceede from thence alone and are compelled by the sense and feeling of our owne wantes made knowen vnto vs by the law to let passe all that opinion of our owne workes which we before were so well persuaded of As if some impotent and lame childe that were in deede able to doe nothing towardes the earning of his liueing beeing chargeable to his father not onely for him selfe but also for one that should giue attendaunce vnto him should in the foolish persuasion