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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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God or by viewing the commandements or by any meanes what souer that may bee good and profitable to this effect And thinke with your selues that if these chosē vessels notwithstanding so greate graces giuen them yet groaned vnder such waight of deadly sinnes alasse what may wee doe that want many thousand degrees of theyr goodnesse saue onely that we feele not through a deadnesse of heart the burthen of iniquitie that is vpon vs. By theyr feeling then iudge what you ought to feele by theyr confessions what you should confesse and by theyr shiuering feares what you may many millions of times more iustly feare Think also of the punishment temporall and of the death eternal in that flaming lake of dreadful wo due and assured to all sinfull creatures for euermore And see then if it be not sweete to heare of remission of all this euill See if this petition be not thrice needfull to cōsciences crying our Lord is great O deerest God that woulde bidde vs aske teach vs and tell vs yea will and commaunde vs euerie daie and houre to praie for pardon for iniquitie For thus do we see thy willingnesse to giue neuer vsing to bidde vs aske but what thou art ready to grant euen before we aske Thus do we see our pardon is readie and though worthie wee bee neuer once to feele anie inwarde ioy or outward comfort yet in thy mercie wee shall finde both by thy gracious forgiuenesse of our sinnes And Lorde of mercie make vs thankfull The Prayer O Lord and Father sweete mercifull we fall down in our heartes heere before thy maiestie beg thy mercie For we haue sinned O Lord wee haue sinned done wickedly our consciences crieth thy wrath is due if we find not mercy Our thoughtes our words and workes haue bene against thy blessed will and commaundement and stil still our most grieuous corruption pulleth vs from thy wayes We may bee ashamed and confounded to lifte vp our eyes to thee so increased ouer our heads are our iniquities and our sinnes so grieuous euen to the heauens But with thee there is mercie and therfore thou shalt bee feared O LORDE in that mercie lifte vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs and saue vs. Let that precious bloud of Iesus Christ dash and wash out al our offences for we flie vnto it and with the armes of our faith clasping fast that deere Sauiour wee set him before thee as our attonement peace and propitiation for euer auaileable with thee For his sake not for ours O Lord heare O Lord forgiue O Lord consider and doo it deferre not for thy mercie sake Comfort our consciences with that sweet and dropping dew of mercie and grace for they shake tremble at thy iudgementes Strengthen our steppes heereafter for Iesus Christ his sake more more that they may be streighter and we possesse these vessels of ours in more cleannesse holinesse and righteousnesse than we haue done And forasmuch as it is all repugnant and contrarie to our sinful nature and rebelling bloud to forgiue other mē theyr trespasses committed against vs without reuenge and to loue them that hate vs to praie for them that persecute vs as thou hast willed deere Father we beseech thee helpe vs therein and by thy working power within vs make our hearts so meeke and gentle that we may gladly vnfainedly heartely wholy forgiue all men that haue hated or hurted vs by word or deed that wee may behaue our selues vnto al men friends and foes with such mercy gentlenesse and kindnesse as we would desire not only that they but also that thou good Lord shouldest vse vnto vs. Finally deere Father in life haue mercie in death haue mercy and euermore haue mercie vppon vs in that blessed kingdome of thine for Iesus Christ his sake our blessed Lord Sauiour Amen The sixt and last petition Leade vs not into temptation c. We drawe now neere an end of this labour and are come to the last request in this prayer wherein proceeding as you haue done in the former I praie you first shew the order of it THE order is meruailous fit that after we haue in a stinging wo for them begged of the Lorde our God most heartely and earnestly the forgiuenesse of all our sinnes and trespasses alreadie past and done we should next as obedient children not agayne to grieue so déere good a Father beseeche him for his mercies sake to aide and strengthen vs against that which is to come that wee may not offend and fault as wee haue done but by an happie new birth and spirite of power vouchsafed from his heauēly grace vnto vs be able to fight agaynst all sinfull corruption daylie and euer vexing vs more and more For in this order speaketh the Lord still still in his word that if we be made whole wee should sinne no more That if the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto al men hath appeared we should thereby learne to denie vngodlynes and worldly lusts and that wee should liue soberly righteously godly in this present world And in this order reasoneth euen the spouse her self I haue washed my feet and therefore how should I foule them agayne Wherefore I say as concerning order after pardon begged for passed sin most fitly doe wee aske next the power of his grace against what is to come Surely it is not onely fit in regard of order but most necessary also in respect of the thing In deed it is and that for these causes first in respect of our owne corruption and vilenesse of whome the spirit of God hath sayd by Iob that man is abhominable and filthie drinking iniquitie lyke water that is euen so desiring to sinne as hée that is thirstie to drinke Secondly in respect of the infinite allurementes and delights that sin hath to pull vs on to it from God which we are so far from repulsing gayne standing that wee readily and most willingly yeelde to them except the Lorde assist vs and inable vs by his spirite Yet are those delicates our death both in bodie and soule for euer if we followe them For it is true of al men which the Apostle speaketh of the widow that she liuing in pleasure is dead whilest she liueth so And agayn If ye liue after the flesh ye shal die Of these alluremēts and delights in sinne spake the holy Ghost when he called them the pleasures of sinne And Dauid when hee sayde Incline not my heart to euill that I shoulde commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie and let mee not eate of their delicates There is also a subtiltie in sinne to deceiue vs a deceitfulnesse in riches to choke vs and therfore most needfull this prayer that we be not hindered through the deceitfulnesse of sinne Thirdly in respect of the power of the enimie which is verie greate For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloud
bewitched with the flattery of thē that cried the voyce of God and not of a man reueyled what hee was in his most fearefull and soden fall The Lorde smote him and he was eaten of lice Charge therfore them that are rich in this worlde sayth the holy Apostle that they bee not high minded and that they trust not in vncertain riches but in the liuing God c. as if he should say they haue need not of gentle and soft admonition but euen of deepe and dreadfull charges to take heede So daungerous a thing is prosperitie to a frayle man When thou shalt come into the good land that I shal giue thee that floweth with milke and hony that is with all blessings wherein are riuers of waters and fountaines and depths that spring out of valeyes and mountaines a land of wheat barley of vineyardes figgetrees and pomegranats a lande of oyle oliue and honey a lande wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarcitie neither shalt thou lacke any thing therin a land whose stones are iron and out of whose mountaines thou shalt digge brasse and when thou hast eaten art filled comming to houses that thou buildedst not and vineyards or gardēs that thou plantedst not then then beware thou forget not thy God and him that gaue thee al neither bee lifted vp sayth the Lord. As if he should say then is the daunger if euer that thou wilt waxe wanton bathe thy selfe in pleasures melt away in daintie curiositie or curious dayntines and lift vp thy heele against a kinde God bid him adieu and take thy leaue of true and due obedience for all these mercies And therefore then then take heede beware Which assuredly that wise Agur remembring and considering well prayed that hee might not haue too litle least I steale saith he and take the name of my God in vayne neither yet too much least I be ful and deny thee and say who is the Lord. Others in their tymes knewe it and therefore wrote diuers thinges this way Faelicitas moderatio diuiduum contubernium habent Prosperitie and moderation dwell in two houses His meaning is hardly they are founde dwelling together Raro bona fortuna bonaque mēs homini datur Seldome is good fortune that is prosperitie and a good heart giuen to a mā together Magnae faelicitatis est a felicitate non vinci It is a great felicitie not to be ouercome of felicitie With a number such like sayings Wherefore to go no further we see how the Lord tempteth vs trieth vs by prosperitie to the discouering opening of our hidden secrets either good or euil and for the Lords sake thinking seriously of it let euery man and woman particularly view what breaketh out of them for al the mercies that are vpon them And I say no more You sayd an other of the Lords temptations or tryalles of man was aduersitie therefore I pray you also touch that True it is sometimes y e Lord trieth one way sometime an other many often times by this déepe gager of mēs harts aduersity the crosse For so saith y e scripture Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee this fourtie yeeres in the wildernes for to humble thee and to prooue thee to know what was in thy hart whether thou wouldest keepe his commandements or no. And Feare none of these things which thou shalt suffer beholde it shall come to passe that the deuill shall cast some of you into prison that ye may bee tried and ye shall haue tribulation ten daies bee thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee a crowne of life Againe Because thou hast kept the word of my patience therefore I will deliuer thee from the houre of tentation which will come vppon all the world to trie them that are on the earth Which places with many mo that might be alleaged teach vs euidently that thus the Lorde trieth his children when it pleaseth him euen in the furnace of aduersitie causing them therby not vnto him who knoweth all things before but vnto themselues and the world to discouer and open what before was not so knowne namely either patience or grudging against the Lords visitation as in examples plainly wee may see Abraham wayted a long time for his wished childe and that delay of the Lords was his great triall What opened it in Abraham but a most singular faith before not so well knowen to men that euen aboue hope hee beleeued vnder hope that hee should haue what was promised not weake in faith considered neither his own bodie which was now dead being almost an hundred yeres old neither the deadnes of Saraes wōbe but without doubting rested fully assured that what the Lord had sayd he was able to do Iacob wōderfully tossed with the waues of much bitter aduersitie by his wiues by his children by his friends and euery day almost by one thing or other yet euer shewed forth a patient hart a beleeuing hart and many great vertues of all Gods children to bee many times thought of And so was affliction a discouerer of his good graces to the praise of God the giuer the true commendation of himselfe the receiuer and all our examples that consider them How did aduersitie manifest in Ioseph againe y e gifts of God What a faith did affliction in her daughter bewray and lay open to all men in the woman of Canaan when the Lord Iesus gaue this testimonie of her O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee as thou wilt So that you see where the Lord had wrought any good there this trier and gager of the Lords aduersitie opened it and reueiled it to his glorie Now looke at other some and you shal see an other course or other effects of this temptation The childrē of Israels case in Aegipt is knowne vnto vs how greeuous and euen marueilous their bondage was as also how the Lorde sent Moses and Aaron to deliuer them Who at their first comming were welcommed and reuerenced of all the Elders greatly they then expecting by them a release from those woes But after a while when the King increased their affliction and charged the taskmaisters to deliuer them no more straw and yet to require the whole number of bricke vpon sharpe punishment if they performed it not what then bewrayed this tryall in them O see and consider They flye vpon the Lords Ministers and messengers with an open mouth with raging passions the Lord looke vpon you and iudge you say they For you haue made our sauour stincke before Pharoh and before his seruants in that ye haue put a sword in his hande to slay vs. When they were in feare of Pharaohs host pursuing them after they were deliuered they did the like when they wanted water they did the like when they wanted victuals they did the like and their murmurings grudgings and
and if you seeke him hee will bee found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you The like hath dying Dauid to his deere sonne to be left behinde him And thou Salomon my sonne know the God of thy father and serue him with a perfit hart and a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all harts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts Jf thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he wil cast thee away for euer But what spēd J speech where many giuen graces say spare thy speech J know it wel Then stay J so to you both Right H. J adde but this that as duetie bindeth and many great and honorable fauours both to me and mine require and charge me I rest before my God in praier that goeth out of vnfained lips that it may bee thus with your H. both thus stil I say and thus more thus more agayne and thus still and thus both still more continually during life That those wordes of endlesse comfort may reach vnto you in iudging day Come ye blessed of my father and possesse eternall ioy If this poore trauell of mine may auayle any thing to this effect it is your Honors own proceeded from your owne most deeply bound for euer to be your owne and therefore bold to present it in this sort because he is your owne It was begun in your Honors hearing being that part of the Catechisme that then fell to my course both the lawe and faith hauing bene expounded before the one by my selfe the other by my fellowe that followed because it could not at that time be gone forwarde withall J haue since as J could layd it downe in this sort if it please the Lord for the good of mo VVho all shall welcome it by thus much more as they did the other by how much it bringeth countenance from your Honors both vnto them and is a gift deriued euen from your selues vnto them The Christian Reader els whosoeuer I should wrong too much if I should not comfortably hope he will accept it well since alreadie he hath shewed his loue in the like respect Therefore most humbly beseeching you both Right Honorable to accept my dutie to weigh my hart and to pardon my boldnesse J beseech the Lord againe and againe to multiplie his mercies towardes you both giuing honor here and honor euer in his happie kingdome of eternal comfort VVilton the 11. of May. 1588. Your Honors most humble bounden to death Geruase Babington A PROFITABLE EXPOSITION of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers ¶ Of Prayer in generalitie MAny things are spoken by many men of Prayer in generalitie and gladly would I heare what you think conuenient of the same Yet would I not prescribe by any questions for feare my want of iudgement in asking might procure in you any needlesse answering Your care is very good yet spare not to speake if I omit any thing whereof you would willingly heare Trueth it is that much is spoken and much may bee spoken of this matter at large but a fewe things may suffice vs at this time hauing fuller discourses to goe to when we will First then let vs consider that Prayer hath a foundation euen in our nature as we are men and is so taught vs by the very instinct and testimonie of reason and conscience that looke what or whomsoeuer we acknowledge and thinke to bee God that and the same wee also willingly confesse ought to be prayed vnto For a perswasion of Godhead standeth not without a confession of Prayer done to the same So wee see in the 14. Psalme where with the deniall of God which the foole maketh in his hart is ioyned an vtter want of prayer and inuocation Contrariwise in the 139. Psal with the confession of God an earnest hartie and often calling vpon his name So that a necessarie consequence the Spirit of GOD maketh it vppon the confession of a God euen by the instinct of nature to vse prayer to the same And contrariwise if we should neuer pray then necessarily must we be euen in the number of those fooles which say in their harts there is no God Which if it were duely and effectually considered of vs it would rowze vs assuredly out of our dead and damnable negligence in this behalfe if there were any spirite of life and feeling in vs and cause vs to acquaint our soules more often and earnestly with this heauenly exercise Fearing euen with a great feare the vengeance of ingratitude towards God for innumerable benefites the plagues in hell due to Atheists and such as denie GOD and the same amongst men that of force must fall vppon vs when being men yet we abhorre from the very nature of man All which three greeuous conditions the want of Prayer forcibly prooueth vpon vs as now wee see Againe the Apostle Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes teaching how the Gentils doing by nature the thinges contayned in the lawe shewe the effect of the lawe written in their harts is a witnesse in steade of many moe sufficient and strong that to pray to God being a thing comprised in the lawe was then is now and euer shall bee whilst man hath mans nature a thing ingrafted and planted of God in the same nature And many other reasons might be brought but these suffice Secondly let vs consider the necessitie of this Christian exercise of Prayer which wee shall euidently see if either we respect the Lord our selues or our brethren For vnto the Lord wee knowe is due euer and eternally here and in the worlde to come praise and thanksgiuing that is Prayer Praise the Lorde all ye people for it is a good thing to sing praises vnto our God O giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious O thanke the Lord of all Lordes c. Yea let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lorde And as long as I haue any being I wil sing praises vnto my God In the world to come see the Scriptures Holy holy Lord God almightie which was and which is and which is to come Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glory and honor power for thou hast created al things and for thy will sake they are and haue bene created Beside many other places Vnto the Lorde is due worship and seruice of all them that looke for a place in his kingdom of which worship and seruice Prayer is a notable part and therefore necessary Vnto the Lorde is due obedience to his Commaundements if we bee the Lordes for they are holy and iust But this is one that we should pray vnto him and therfore in respect of God Prayer is necessary Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I wil heare thee thou shalt glorifie me saith the Lorde And in an other place
people that no let might be to their vnderstanding of the common prayers The same Father againe in an other place saying that wee neede not any vtterance of words alwayes to pray vnto God because the Sacrifice of Iustice is sanctified in the Temple of the mind and in the secret chambers of the hart by and by obiecteth to him selfe wherefore then doth the Priest lift vp his voyce and pray aloude in the open assemblie in the Church and then answereth to the same thus Not that God but that men may heare him and that the people by the sounde of his voyce and vnderstanding of his meaning may be put in minde and by consent ioyned together and lift vp to God Againe he sayth Quid prodest loquutionis integritas quam non sequitur intellectus audientis Cum loquendi omnino nulla sit causa si quod loquimur non intelligunt propter quos vt intelligant loquimur What profite is there in speech be it neuer so perfect if the vnderstanding of the hearer cannot attaine it For there is no cause why wee should speake at all if they vnderstand not what we speake for whose sake wee speake that they may vnderstande vs. Againe Mens mea sine fructu est hoc ait quando id quod dicitur non intelligitur My minde is without fruite This the Apostle S. Paul sayth when the thing that is spoken is not perceyued And again Si intellectum mentis remoueas nemo aedificatur audiendo quod non intelligit Set apart the vnderstanding of the mind and no man hath fruite or profite of the thing that hee peeceiueth not Quid opus est iubilare non intelligere iubilationem vt vox nostra sola iubilet cor non iubilet Sonus enim cordis intellectus est What needeth vs to sing if we vnderstand not what wee sing to sing with our voyce and not with our heart For vnderstanding is the sounde or voyce of the heart These are most playne testimonies and worthy consideration if we desire a truth Origen againe very plainely sayth of such things as are read in the Church Non fuisset necessarium legi haec in ecclesia nisi ex his aedificatio aliqua audientibus praeberetur It should neuer need to reade them vnlesse some edification shoulde come by them to the hearers But without vnderstanding we know not what edification is therfore Origens iudgement is openly this that if Scriptures and prayers shoulde bee in a strange tongue then it were as good that there were neuer any at all of either of thē O marke it Cyprian next as flatly again Not the sound of the voyce but the mind vnderstanding must pray vnto the Lorde with pure intention But my vnderstanding to pray the language to be straunge to me that I pray in is impossible therfore farre was Cyprian from this folly Saint Chrisostome againe the like and many mo that I spare to name in this briefe treatise The fauorers of Rome in latter dayes sawe this trueth and yelded their testimonies plainely for it Lyra and Thomas of Aquin spare not to auouch it that the common seruice in the Primatiue Church was euer in the common vulgar tongue that the people did vnderstande That earnest as some thinke strong defender of the contrary to this by the power of a trueth is drawen to these very woordes that in the Primatiue Church the prayers were made in a commō tongue knowne to the people for cause of their further instruction and it was so necessary to be and againe in an other place It were good the people hauing humble and reuerent heartes vnderstoode the seruice I deny it not And whereas they say they can as heartily as earnestly and with as vehement an affection pray although they knowe not what they say may they not see their owne Doctor say the contrary flatly and a man of no common learning Si populus intelligit orationem Sacerdotis melius reducitur ad Deū deuotius respondet Amen that is If the people vnderstand the prayer of the Priest they are the better brought vnto God with more deuotion farre answer Amen Now there is the same reason of their deuotion openly and of our owne priuatly May they not see it playnely affirmed Quo modo potest debitè Deo psallere qui non intelligit quid psallit How can he rightly sing vnto God that vnderstandeth not himselfe what hee singeth as if hee should say it cannot bee it is impossible and not to be hoped for Last of all is it not an olde saying grounded vppon true reason Jgnoti nulla est cupido there is no desire of the thing that wee knowe not and no desire I thinke is a very colde affection Let vs ende then this poynt of the practise and iudgement of men with that decree of Pope Innocent the third in the Councel of Laterane about the yeere of our Lorde 1200. that in such Cities as should bee concurse of people of diuers nations the Bishop shoulde take order that euery people should haue a Pastor of their owne language which might serue them and minister vnto them in the same A thing very worthy obseruing that euen with the Pope himselfe the trueth of this cause that prayers ought to be vnderstood should preuaile We haue seene then God and wee haue seene men against this great corruption and hinderance of our prayer and men both in practise and iudgement What if we ioyne nowe for conclusion of all verie open reason against it It may doe good For truely euen this striketh so deepe in in this behalfe as any Christian heart may feare euer to come before the Lorde with prayer in this order For it is not one and a verie singular vse of our prayers to strengthen and frame our faith by the experience of mercies asked and receiued at our God his handes It working euer in vs a trust an hope yea an vnspeakeable comfort that he will be as he hath beene being no changeling in himselfe and that whome he hath heard so graciously so readely and so often with graunt of their desires those hee will euer heare and still heare in their right and lawfull prayers to the prayse of his mercie and the ioye of them his seruauntes in their distresses Now this singular vse and profite as I say of prayer are they depriued of that vse to pray in a straunge tongue for if any particular benefite be giuen them they knowe not whether it hath come at their intreaty or no because they know not what they haue prayed for and so receiue they no sure and certaine testimonie of the Lords helpe and goodnesse to them to the comfort of their hartes at all times when they shall néede againe to call vpon him And therefore if this be a blessing to haue true experience nay thousands of experiences of the Lordes swéete fauour to vs
of flesh And I wil put my spirit within you cause you to walke in my statutes you shall keepe my iudgements and do them So that then is the greate name of the Lord sanctified you see and hallowed when we doe not onely knowe but doe the things that redound vnto his praise For then they that see our good workes are thereby caused to glorifie God in the daie of the visitation And euen contrariwise agayne if we do not we pollute the name of the Lorde in causing it to sounde euill amongst the wicked and the sinne is grieuous Of which complayneth the Lord by his Prophet Esaie when he saith his name all the daie continuallie is blasphemed and by his Apostle to y e Romanes in diuers other places And the same Apostle charging seruaunts that are vnder the yoake to account their maisters worthy of all honor maketh this the reason why Least the name of God and his doctrine bee euill spoken of And therefore thirdly as wee seeke the one so wee desire to bee able to shun the other in this petition beseeching him in the sense of these wordes that all those things may be remoued ouerturned and taken awaie which prophane blemish or blot that glorie of his either in himselfe or in his workes or in his worde and doctrine Such as are these damnable Atheists of these latter dayes which with theyr ieasts scoffes and mockes deriding all goodnesse do not onely discouer the name of God but to their euerlasting woe in the flames of the burning bottomelesse pit affirming it flatlie in their hearts that there is no God at all Such are they that with their censures will correcte the workes of God and speake euill of them complayne of his prouidence murmure at his iudgmentes carpe and cauill at his worde allure vnto loosenesse and dayly worke disdaine of commaunded obedience which al if they be not reformed are prayed agaynst throughout the world by all the children of God dayly in this petition to the vnspeakable terrour of them if they had grace to thinke of it For how certayne is that vengeaunce which hee that sendeth it biddeth aske and how dreadfull must it needes be and euen importable when it commeth which is so often so earnestlie and by such a number as the whole Church of God on earth is in so many places asked begged and cried for O woe not once thought vpon and yet to be trembled at shall it not be remembred in deede Shall these painted dayes so poyson vs quite with the loue of this world and the fading follyes of a most vncertayne estate that all grace and goodnesse shall be contemned of vs. And whereas the Prophet of God sayde One daie in the courtes of the Lordes house is better than a thousand Wee saie the contrarie that but one houre there is too much though it be but once a weeke nay once in many weekes and one daie in the course of this worlde to the which yet the Apostle sayth Fashion not your selues is better and sweeter and more beseeming a man especiallie a greate man than a thousand in the other Is it likely that euer we wil wish our selues with that Prophet rather doore kéepers in this house of GOD than to dwel in great renowm in the tents of the vngodlie when wee either loure or laugh to be tolde we should come in Can it be hoped that eyther now we doe thinke God often punishing such great contempt with lasting blindnes that they are blessed that dwell in the house of the Lord beeing euer praising of God yea that the verie Swallowes and Sparows that are there are as it were happie and blessed O it is to be feared no. And therefore not Dauids prayer not Dauids spirite neither consequently that election to life whereof that spirit is a certaine pledge Which is terririble inough if God were in vs. Thinke of it and thinke of this agayne with it that al the Church of God through the worlde as I haue sayd praie against vs when wee are thus irreligious and prophane saying Halowed be thy name that is O Lord confound with speedie curse of death and woe eternal all those that not liuing in the laws of thy will cause thy name to heare euil and to be blasphemed in this world Let them perish O Lord let them perish in the lusts of their own hearts and giue thy name his glorie Which if hell haue not alreadie taken possession of vs will pearce vs and make vs think of reformatiō of our selues the Lord in mercy grant it Amen Amen And if it do not tyme passeth and tyme commeth the which two times shal differ as mercy iudgement differ fauour and fury loue and loathing And the worde of the Lorde shall not deceiue vs saying vengeaunce is myne and J wil repay but how soone that knowe not we But well we knowe the Lord is not slacke concerning his promise as some men count slackenes but he is patient toward vs and would haue all men come to repentance and one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeeres and a thousand yeres as one day and this day will come But now I pray you let me moue a doubt or two vnto you And first why the Church of God should pray that the Lords name may bee halowed which is already euer was and shalbe most holy pure and glorious Because we do not pray it in respect of him but of our selues and others such as we are for the Lord in deed is holy neither can any thing be added to that holines or glory of him to make it more but wee doe not know it so much as we should do neither speak of it and imitate it as we ought and therfore we pray that as he is in déede so more and more it may appeare and shine out to the world all lettes and hinderances being taken away that his due prayse may bee giuen vnto him of vs that is wee pray not in this petition that any holynes may bee added to his name that already it hath not but that as it is in it selfe in deede and euer so we may haue grace to see and confesse and more and more dayly may be reueiled and manifested to this worlde For the Lord is sayde to sanctifie vs either inwardly or outwardly Inwardly by his spirit outwardly by his word and this againe either by seperating vs from our sinnes quickning vs by his holy Spirit or continuance of them both An other doubt is why it shoulde be sayd in that place And he that is vniust let him be vniust still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still Seeing here we are taught to pray and all men that our liues may be holy and pure euer to the end his glorious name may haue prayse thereby That place you meane is not so
vs. How came it to passe that the Iewish people so seeing dayly the wonderfull workes of God for them the proofes of his power mercie and goodnesse aboue all the nations of the world yet persisted vnfaithfull stubburne and wayward to so good a God O sayth Moses these things being done for you yet hath the Lorde giuen you an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie teaching vs playnly that such hart such eyes and eares are onely the Lords to giue and without such gift we profite nothing no not by the verie euident extraordinarie mercies of God In another place agayne The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart the heart of thy seede that thou mayest loue the Lord thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou mayest liue As if hee shoulde saie neuer thinke of anie loue of GOD faythfull and true as possible to be within thee and consequently no obedience loue being the root of all excepte the Lorde circumcise thine heart that is purge all thy wicked affections giue hearing reading a blessing which thing is not in thine owne power to doe It is I sayth the Lord by the prophet Esaie that receiue the spirite of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite heart If the Lorde worke in one he worketh in all the spirites of men are ruled and gouerned vnto good onelie by him If he touch vs we are touched if hee turne vs wee are turned and if hee reuiue not and giue life we sinke in all our sinnes as vnfeeling wretches and abide in death How playnly sayth it agayne the Prophet Ezekiel I wil giue you a newe heart and I will put a newe Spirit within you and will take away the stony heart out of your body giue you an heart of flesh And I will put my spirit within you and and cause you to walke in my statutes c. O see and marke howe all lets bee remooued and all grace giuen by the Lorde alone in mercy seeking our saluation And therefore knowe it true as the truth is true that neither hearing nor reading preaching or priuat speaking auaileth euer to doe vs good except the guiding grace of the Lorde direct vs to it by a blessing giuen to them all or any when they are vsed And therefore as for the word so for the blessing of it by the Spirit of God do we euer pray when we say these words Thy kingdom come Then opened he their vnderstanding sayth the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ that they might vnderstand the Scripture And Lydia attended to those thinges which Paul spake because the Lord opened her heart So that neither one nor other Lydia nor the disciples of Christ see heare or vnderstand except the Lorde giue the eye the eare and the heart It is the holy Spirit that teacheth teacheth into all trueth and without whome still still all meanes remaine vnprofitable There is an oyntment sayth Saint Iohn from him that is holy and that anoynting teacheth you all things that is the grace of the holy ghost Wherefore I cease not to make mencion of you in my prayers sayth the holy Apostle and to bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ that he would giue vnto you the Spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the knowledge of him that the eyes of your vnderstanding may bee lightned that we may knowe what the hope of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is in the Saints c. And that yee may bee strengthened by his Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts by fayth and yee may bee able to comprehend with all Saynts what is the bredth and length and depth and height c. See Pauls refuge for profitte to his preaching for life and light for these Ephesians euen to the Lorde for his holy Spirite to soften and supple their stony heartes to illuminate and lighten their darke mindes and to make that sweete to them that is sower to many and fruitefull to them by his mightie power that is neuer so to any without the same Wherefore to goe no further knowe it for conclusion that wee praying for Gods kingdome to come vnto vs in this petition by the hearing and preaching of his worde the meanes appoynted of him to erect the same and seeing well by all this that hath bene said that neither one nor other of these meanes cā preuaile with vs any thing vnlesse the Lorde also with them giue the power of his Spirit and the blessing of his grace in our hearts by them therefore there is included herein also euen praier for this grace and the petition being vnderstoode of vs is thus much with the Lord as we should in playne termes say O Lord giue vs not onely thy worde to reade and heare but the heauenly grace of thy holy Spirit also to sanctifie blesse and make fruitefull to vs both our reading and hearing that so reading and so hearing thy kingdome may come vnto vs and thou ruling and wee ruled wee may liue for euer with thee according to thy promise See then still further matter of this petition And since the Lord hath taught vs thus to pray for the helpe of his hande and the blessing of his grace to all the meanes of good vnto vs and so guided the tongues of his children euer before this forme was layde downe vnto them though in other wordes Let vs brethren looke vpon this occasion into our corruption for truely the Lorde reueileth a secret vnto vs of our natures that thousands sée not when hee thus teacheth vs that without his Spirite no meanes profite vs. We trust to our witts to our skill to our yeres and youth and I know not what and wee thinke wee haue wings of nature aboue our fellowes many of vs to flye aloft and to sée the secretes of the Lord but truely it is not so we haue all sinned and sinne hath cut our wings that wee cannot flye aboue wee haue all in our first parentes transgressed and that transgression hath dazeled and darkened our eyes closed our eares and benummed our heartes that we can neither see heare nor feele except it bee giuen vs from aboue as wee haue now fully bene taught As naturall men we perceyue not the thinges that are of GOD we are not able to thinke a thought that is good but all our sufficiencie is of God and by his grace only we are what we are that good is if any trueth bee opened to vs the Lord hath done it and cōcerning life eternall flesh and blood reueileth nothing to vs but the father in heauen reade without this spirit and the booke is sealed to vs heare without this Spirite and it is a pleasant song that sinketh not but passeth with the time pray without this
soules but that thankfull to thy maiestie for the thing they may hate the persons in singular loue for their work sake obeying them and submitting themselues to them as their appointed ouerseers of them that they may giue their accountes with ioy and not with griefe If it fall out otherwise thy iust purpose being to slay those disobedient scorners O Lord O Lorde make strong thy seruants to indure this griefe and not fearing the face of anie whose harts feare nothing nor weighing the godlesse loue of them that loue not the cheerfulnesse to go on through all pikes of worldly vnthankfulnesse through good report and ill report and all snubbes knowing in a sweet feeling that they are vnto thee a sweete sauour of Christ in them that perish as well as in them that are saued And let it neuer be said of vs O heauenly Father as once it was of others that these things beeing done for vs and we professors of thy great mercyes yet thou hast not giuen vs an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie but giue vs heart eyes eares for thy mercie sake Circumcise our hearts and the harts of our seed that we may loue thee much our Lord and God and liue with thee for euer Reuiue the spirites of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite hart Take awaie our stony harts out of our bodies giue vs harts of flesh Open our vnderstāding as thou didst thy disciples that wee may vnderstand both by reading and preaching to our cōfort Giue vs merciful father that heauēly spirit that leadeth into al truth that happy annointing that teacheth al things that spirit of wisdōe reuelatiō that the eies of our minds may be lightned that wee may know what y e hope of our calling is the riches of that glorious inheritāce prepared for thy Saints That wee may bee strengthened by thy Spirite in the inner man that Christ thy sonne may dwell in our hearts by fayth we able in some measure to comprehend thy louing kindnesse to all penitent weeping and wayling sinners For O Father we haue sinned and darknesse hath entred to rule both bodie and soule if thou helpe not Lord in that mercie that hath no measure looke vppon vs let not his malice destroy the workes that thy mercie hath made His kingdom is death thy kingdom is life ioy for euermore O heauenly God thē let thy kingdome come that wee ruled here by that sauing hand of thine may tast and feele inioy and haue for euer the reward that foloweth such subiectiō in thy glorious kingdome not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake with thee and the holy spirite one maiestie mightie and glorious euer blessed and praised from generation to generation eternally Amen The third Petition Thy will be done c. why followeth this next THE order if we marke it is most fit and good for in the former we prayed that the Lord might rule in vs but that cannot he do if we euer remaine vnwilling stirring and wresting against him and his will inter inuitos enim reluctantes nemo commodè regnare potest therefore very rightly doe wee pray now in the next place that his will may be done And truely very duetie bindeth al children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers and not contrariwise the parents to conforme themselues to the will of their children In the volume of thy booke sayth Dauid it is written of me that I should doe thy will So is it of vs all for this is a matter that concerneth not Dauid only but euery man that hopeth and looketh for the place that Dauid now hath and therefore with Dauid we must all and euery one say most hartely O my God I am content to doe it yea thy law is within my hart that is not ordinarily or superficially thought vpon by me but it is euen my earnest and vehement meditation and desire continually I seeke not mine owne will sayth our Sauiour Christ but the will of the father who hath sent me And let vs thinke that if he did thus that was subiect to no sinne but had receiued all power of God and himselfe was Lord of all what excuse may we haue before his gloriouse face in that high Court of his at the latter day if called into the Kingdom of God and receiued into the adoption of the Sonnes of God we doe not as good children the will of our father but as rebellious wretches euery one his owne will Agayne I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but his will which hath sent me Thus did he as a sonne to his father and thus must we doe if we be sonnes with him And therfore pray we euer and pray we hartely to our heauenly father as here wee are taught Thy will be done For not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Why pray wee that Gods will may bee done and not ours may be done Because our wickednesse is still great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of our harts by nature are onely euill continually And because the natural man as saith the Apostle perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee knowe them because they are spiritually discerned That is because in truth we are so fallen by our first sinne and our will so corrupted thereby that of our selues wee cannot will the thing that is good no not thinke it but both the will and deede if it be good yea and all our sufficiencie is of him But on the other side the Lords will is all holie and euer holie yea holinesse it selfe and the rule of right for euer Wherfore by good reason we pray as we do Thy will bee done And this being the true ground in deede of our doing let vs by the way consider whether euen this petition assureth not our consciences of their error that say it and of our truth that deny it that in vs or any is left by nature a free will to doe good For are wee not there taught to pray that his will may bee done and not ours We see it And may we contrary to this order pray that our will may bee done that is our owne proper and naturall will Who will say it But I will say it that if I were by nature and of my selfe able to will the thing that is good then might I lawfully and rightly pray that my will might be done Wherefore we see and the world may see how euen this prayer if there were no further proofe yet satisfieth the consciences of men as touching this losse in vs namely of freewill to do or wish good of our selues till the Lord
Preacher say that he had beheld an euill vnder the sunne and it was a great one much amongst men euē a man to whom God hath giuen riches and treasures honour and hee wanteth nothing for his soule of all that it desireth but God giueth him not power to eat therof but a straunge man shall eate it vp Sée you and marke it howe God is not onely the giuer of riches but euen of the vse also power to eat of them which gift he bestoweth and withholdeth at his pleasure The rich man layd vp for many yeeres but the Lord would not haue him to liue and inioy then the things he had the vse hee had not longer then God gaue it But euen when hee least thought his soule was called for and then like a foole he had heaped too much vp for other men This is that which the wise Syrach sayth Some man is rich by his care and nigardship and this is the portion of his wages meaning his reward is to haue them but not to vse them for when he should beginne to eate of them the time draweth neere that hee must leaue al these things vnto other men and dye him selfe Wherefore I say praying in this petition not onely for the things but euen also for the vse comfort Whē we say giue wee are taught that euen the vse also is of the Lord. And thus do you see what great profite this one worde hath in this petition and what we may learne by it Why do wee say giue vs and not giue me First to teach vs to remember our brethren as well as our selues to bee carefull for them and to wish them all needfull things as to our selues according to the true nature of Christian charitie which seeketh not her owne things onely but euen other mens also as well Which when it is considered what O Lord may those men say for the quiet of their consciences that haue neuer enough themselues but euen as if God and all his blessing belonged only to them and that they only should dwell in the world alone rake and scrape to themselues with might and mayne but of their brethren they neuer thinke No so farre are they from praying for them that God would giue them their daylie bread as that if they haue any part or portion of it they are hartely desirous to haue it from them yea sicke vpon their beddes often as was wicked Achab till they haue gotten Naboths vineyard inheritance do these men pray Da nobis Giue vs good Lorde our daylie bread that is giue my brethren as well as to my owne soule what is néedfull to them giue al thy children as to me their daylie wants No no if they might say it for shame they would say giue mée all and let the rest receiue of me if they will haue ought But what they shame to say they shame not to wish and therefore as often as they say this prayer they abuse the Lord and it is his mercie that presently hée striketh not so great hypocrisie as to say vs with lippes as if they meant many and mee with heart meaning but themselues Learne therefore beloued by a common word to haue a common hart It liketh the Lord that wee loue our brethren and it liketh him not that we loue only our selues We say not giue me but giue vs and let vs doe thereafter euen ioyne them in prayer with our selues and wish them bread as to our selues that is all necessaries Secondly wee are by this maner of speaking taught the true vse of such portion as God giueth vs namely so to haue it as that others haue part with vs. For wee are but Stewards of the Lords gifts And non tibi soli datur quod habes sed per te dat Deus alijs It is not giuen what thou hast to thy selfe alone but by thee GOD giueth the same to others His minde being that thou shouldest so impart them Thy meate is giuen to comfort others as thou mayst and a ioy it will be if thou canst say with Iob I haue not eaten my morsels alone but the fatherlesse hath eaten with me Thy wooll is giuen thée to clothe the naked and a comfort great it is when a man may say with Iob againe I haue seene none perish for want of clothing neither any poore without a couering but their loynes haue blessed me because they were clothed with y e fliece of my sheepe Iob had lodging and he thought it giuen to releeue the straunger he had authoritie and he thought it giuen to helpe the poore in iudgement not to oppresse them And so euer haue others of Gods children possessed for others not onely for themselues what the Lorde bestowed vppon them Wherefore if no other mouth should euer iudge thē their owne mouthes sufficiently charge all miserable wretches and wretched misers of this earth as often as they pray this prayer because they say giue vs in the plurall number and yet where they haue receiued they vse it scarce in the singular number being so farre from releeuing others with any comfort they haue as that they little may finde in their harts often to reléeue themselues Let vs be warned before wee smart for wretchednesse Wee pray not for our selues alone but for others we receiue not for our selues alone but for others and therefore let vs impart the Lords giuen graces both to our selues and to others So shal we shew our selues children of our heauenly father who is bountifull to all and hard to none dealing his gifts in such fauour and fulnesse euer that all tongues may speake of his praise and all harts conceiue of his mercie That God and Father make vs like him in this and all our dueties Amen The Prayer MIghtie GOD most louing Lorde after thinges concerning thy glorie it is thy gracious fauour to vs frayle wretches that we should boldly aske what concerneth our necessities and wants promising euen therein also to be merciful vnto vs and to heare our prayers Wherefore both in obedience to thy commaundement and faith in thy promises wee throw downe our selues here before thee beseech thee to giue vs this day our daily bread that is good Lord as thou hast taught vs all things needfull to the maintenance of this life Giue vs meate drinke and clothing for our bodies Giue vs of the dew of heauen and fatnesse of the earth as thy blessed pleasure shall vouchsafe vs to our good If it please thee to giue more O Lorde make vs thankfull and faithful stewards to dispose thy mercies to our brethren that shall haue neede If it please thee to giue lesse chaunging thy hand to bring vs with thy seruaunt Moses out of the Court to keepe a flock of sheepe and with Dauid from high fauours to many feares O God and father mercifull euen with that portion of bread
more pitie And yet doth the Lorde so in deede whensoeuer he powreth his mercies vpon man or woman in this world For as with a gager he gageth them by those blessings openeth and reueyleth what maner of stuffe they are within thankfull or vnthankfull kinde or vnkinde humble or proude carefull or carelesse to please the giuer finally whether good or bad he maketh it seene Wherfore a little to helpe vs in this tryall it is good to consider many times of these poyntes First how in truth I come by the blessings that I inioy secondly to what manner of persons the continuance of them is promised thirdly the true ende and right vse of them and lastly the fearefull examples of abuse These things will profite vs if wee knowe them well Concerning the first therfore it is too common with both great and small to sticke in second causes and to light short of the chiefe fountayne and well head in deed Why we haue health welth friendes mariages honor credit offices children and a thousand of Gods comfortable fauours in this life we can alleage many reasons that I wil not stand to repeat But the reason of reasons either wee alleage not euer or it pearceth no further within the teeth than the tip of the tongue is The Lorde hath giuen Whereas in deede the whole course of Scripture teacheth that this is the head and roote of all our ioyfull daies and dealings and euer was and onely is and can bée either for our good if we vse them well or for our plague if we do the contrary Ioseph a poore mans childe came to a great place in the lande of Aegipt if we marke it well when the King sayd to him onely in the Kings throne will I be aboue thee When he was ouer all the Kings Court and ouer all the land when the King commaunded al his people to bee armed at his worde tooke his owne ring of his owne finger and put it vpon his hand arayed him in garments then of the richest with a chayne of golde about his necke set him vpon the best Charret he had saue one and all the people cryed before him as he ridde for honor sake vppon their knees tender Father Ioseph was also wise and full of the spirit of God Yet least wee should prattle prophanely of Fortune and lucke or dote vndutifully vppon his gifts and so robbe the Lorde of his due honor it is expressely sayde that the Lorde was with Ioseph and made all that hee did to prosper in his hand The Lorde therefore author of all his prosperitie and aduauncement whatsoeuer Dauid the yongest brother that little ruddie cheeked Shepheard from his hooke and his cloake his Sling and Scrip came to the famous kingdome of Israel and therein ruled with great honor and princely maiestie for his time yet neither by wisedome nor pollicie of himself or his frends but the Lord tooke him from following the Ewes great with young and made him ruler of his people And Dauid prospered and grewe for the Lord God of Hostes was with him sayth the text So that God was the fountayne of all his good Which as a true childe and thankfull to his God the same Dauid afterwarde remēbred to his sonne Salomon when hee tolde him that hee should build a house for the Lord and should therfore prosper because the Lord should bee with him Salomon againe confessed it when he sayd that euerie man eateth and drinketh seeth the commoditie of his labor this is the gift of God Beholde I will sende you corne and wine and oyle and you shall be satisfied therewith and I will no more make you a reproche among the Heathen sayth the Lord. And againe by another Prophet The seede shal be prosperous the vine shall giue her fruit and the ground shall giue her increase and the heauens shall giue their dew and I will cause the remnant of this people to possesse all things So euer it is the note that the Scripture keepeth that all prosperitte and well doing in this world is the gift of God and cannot be attayned agaynst his will Which lykewise might be shewed in anie particular that can bee named if we wold take that course Al which we note not nowe so much to teach a thing vnknowen as to remember a thing not thought of or at the least not so duely and often and earnestly thought of as it should be I speake what I knowe and what hidden consciences must needes confesse to be too true For coulde it be if wee did thus thinke that there should bee so little care of such a GOD in many as there is whose backes be laden yea and euen pressed as it were downe to the ground with the hope of God his mercies Whose tables richly hee hath deckte in despight of their foes whose head with balme he hath refreshed whose cuppes doe ouerflow No no. But if our wretches hearts did feele it and that with a power as these motiōs vse to heaue in Gods Saincts O my sweete God and deere Father this is thy dooing for thy wretche and all these things that I inioye goe to particulars they are thy giftes who mightest haue sette mee at the doore with my pitcher to begge my foode and farre otherwise haue dealt with me if thou wouldest I tell you it would wring foorth other loue and fruits to such a God again than appeare in many And therefore assuredly wee thinke not of the fountaine and giuer of these things as we should Amend then what is amisse and giue the Lord his due It is he that hath lifted out of y e mire and set any with the Princes euen with the Princes of the people It is hee that blesseth the basket and the dow it is he that hath giuen whatsoeuer good thing wee inioy and cursed we if we denie it or carelesly neglect the sweete meditation of it euer But to what end now hath he done all these thinges Truely euen to proue mee and trye me what I wil do to him againe and that it may appeare to the world and to mine owne eyes what maner of man or woman I am within and in déede one that will bee puft vp and forget both God and my selfe in prosperitie or one that will euen weepe water of myne eyes in y e zeale of my soule to please such a father grieue that I cannot as I wish and most hartely would And if I bee the former that the Lordes iustice may bee warranted if hee change my copie if the later that my soule may feele comfort in so sweete a God not onely heaping his mercies vpon me greatly but giuing mee further a childes heart withall to loue my kind father so much the more which is aboue al. And which in déed is the very end of Gods mercies and blessings Let Dauid speake that man according to the Lordes owne heart What did Gods
and that is thus not to meditate of sinne but still with an eye to the salue of sinne Christ Iesus and then though it be neuer so terrible by his foule shape seeme neuer so strong to giue vs a fearefull fall yet shall it bee founde too weake and wee receiue after a mazing feare true comfort agaynst it and the deadly sting thereof If a man were vppon the top of a high tower without battlements it would seeme fearefull vnto him to looke downe but if he haue high strong battlements that he may take holde on not so Euen so it is with sinne looke vppon it without our strength agaynst it and it astonisheth to death but with him it vanisheth as too weake to condemne Gods chosen Dauids adulterie and murder were great sinnes yet repentance found mercie and they were pardoned Peters denyals were great sinnes yet in Christ rased out when he wept bitterly for them Paules persecuting and making hauocke of the congregation was no smal offence yet a wounded hart found a forgiuing God when opened eyes sawe what was done Those murmuring Iewes after so many strange workes and wonders wrought of the Lord for their deliuerance making a question whether he were amongst them or no did they lightly offend Or doth not the Scripture euery where speake of it as a most horrible and dreadfull offence Yet was there mercie with God and pardon to repentance But this course might bee long if I should note all particulars Let vs stay therefore with those murdring Iewes not of a malefactor but of a iust one not of the sonne of a man but of the sonne of God Christ Iesus and consider well whether the earth hath yeelded since her first creation a greater indignitie or whether the heauens haue behelde a more vggly transgression Surely no neither any whit comparable yet in Christ was this pardonable and euen then when their handes were red with the innocent bloud of Christ Iesus the speare scarse washed that pearced his holy heart euen then I say preached Peter pardon to repentance and as many as repented had mercie To the greatnesse of their sinne adde the vnfeelingnesse of their heart that had no remorse for any thing they had done And then consider will the Lord offer mercie before it be sought and shut vp mercie when it is sought Will he so graciously seeke to drawe men to repentance and shewe no pitie when we repent Will the Lorde forgiue the death of his deere sonne to the bloudie murderers of him and neuer be intreated for sinnes though greeuous yet not comparable O God forbid that after this example of mercie to these crucifiers of the Sonne of GOD Satan should euer shake our faith by feare of any sinne to be vnpardonable which with wai●ing harts wee lament that euer wee committed agaynst our deare God Therefore take fast holde of it and print it deepely in your memorie I omit Iacobs children I omit Manasses I omit many that might be named peruse their sinnes and beholde with ioye in a gracious God their full remission When the Spirit of truth sayth were thy sinnes as red as scarlet doth he meane to comfort agaynst small and fewe offences or against great and many Truly euen against all must you needes confesse And if you will not S. Iohn will reprooue you who sayth that bloud shall cleanse vs from all sinne making no distinction of fewe or many great or little Some not all And if the Lord distinguish not that must shewe mee mercie I defie a distinguishing deuill of whom I seeke no mercie Consider it often that the same Apostle saith If we acknowledge our sinne God is faithfull to forgiue vs. Making the assurance of pardon to a confessing sinner no lesse sure than it is that GOD is faithfull O beloued can God bee vnfaithfull if he can then feare if not be of good comfort for so certaine is mercie to a bleeding hart as he is faithfull that can bee no other O sweete foundation of our wished ioy the essence of our God Agayne is it not an article of our faith that our sinnes shalbe pardoned Will you say little sins God forbid restrayne not Gods mercie deny not your faith and then must you bée comfortable Remember agayne what the Lord Iesus sayth All that the Father giueth me shall come to me and him that commeth to me I cast not away What a speech is this if wee marke it And what a comfort and ioy is there in it if wee haue but euen a peece of an heart to receiue it For to let passe the former part so plainly taking away distinction of Iewe or Gentill of bond or free in affirming that al that the father giueth him shall come to Christ what nation or language soeuer they bée of how sweet is the second part to a sinfull soule groaning and sighing vnder the burden of iniquitie sore laden and euen pressed downe with thoughts words and deedes in the sight of the Lorde damnable For what might be your case looke at your self Haue you read in the lawe that if God enter into iudgement with you sinne is so great that you are but gone Doe your transgressions pricke you and loose course of life begin to sting you What then are you dead and wil you not liue are you ill and will you be no better Smarteth your soule within through the deepe wounde of sinne and will you haue no ease O yes full faine say you but my sinnes my sinnes are so out of measure great and horrible that I feare the Lord hath cast me off and hath no mercie for me Ah deuell auant Doth my Sauiour say here he that commeth to me and is not a very great sinner I cast not away No no Satan my God and Lord my Christ and ioy speaketh indefinitely of any man of any woman in any case he that commeth vnto mee bee he Iewe be he Gentill be he bond be he frée Greeke or Barbarian and what sinne or sinnes so euer hee bee troubled for how weake and fraile so euer how poore vile so euer yea be his sinnes mo than y e heares of his head mo than the sand of the sea so that his heart fayle him with Dauid for them yet if he come to him he is welcome he is accepted and hee will not cast him away O soule awake then be of good cheare within me cast away the mourning wéede and hearken to thy most gracious GOD may you say Sorrowing and sighing for that which is past as my duetie is to him will I go knowing that he is the same yesterday to day and for euer His pitie decreaseth not his mercie fadeth not others haue found it and why should I doubt of it Neuer came sinner with sorrowe and faith but hee was accepted and his owne mouth in this place sayth it No man that commeth to me will I cast away Nay see further comfort here
all others that receiue with him knowe him But God forbid Then was euer the Sacrament more holy purely administred than Christ Iesus him-selfe did with his disciples Yet euen there and then sayth Ambrose Chrysostome Austen others was wicked Iudas For the Euangelistes say he sate downe with the twelue and Luke maketh mention that Christ admonished him partly before and partly after Supper which the Lord Iesus would neuer haue suffered if his company might haue defiled the other worthy receyuers there present And concerning Iudas I pray you consider what the scripture saith First it was sayde of him before the Supper that he was a thiefe and caried the bag and for that cause grudged the expence of the oyntment and sayd it might haue bene sold and giuen to the poore not in deede trueth caring for the poore In regarde wherof Austen sayth Iudas was not then first euell when hee made his match to betray him for so much money but before euen from the first beginning neuer folowing Christ corde sed corpore with heart but with body Secondly it is testified in Luke that before the Supper the Deuill was entred into him and that hee had beene with the high Priestes and Captaines and made his matche with them communing with them howe hee might betray Christe vnto them Thirdly euen to the Disciples them-selues openly at table was manifested by giuing of a soppe that hee was a Traytor and should shewe it vpon his owne master Therefore it was not altogether hid what manner of man Iudas was Yet saith S. Austen Talis Iudas cū sanctis discipulis vndecim intrabat exibat ad ipsam dominicā coenā pariter accessit de vno pane Petrus Iudas accepit Such a Iudas went in and came out with the eleuen came to the same supper of the Lord with them and of the one breade receiued both Peter and Iudas Quid ergo voluit Dominus noster Iesus Christus fratres mei admonere ecclesiam suam quando vnum perditum inter duodecim habere voluit nisi vt malos toleremus ne corpus Christi diuidamus What therefore would the Lord Iesus Christ my Brethren admonish and teach his Church when amongst his twelue he would haue one lost and bad one but that in the Church militant heere we must indure some euil ones least in not doing it wee should rent asunder and deuide the body of Christe Conuersari enim cum eis potuit Judas eos inquinare non potuit For be in theyr company Iudas might but defile them he coulde not Wee see therefore this fathers iudgement touching this matter plainly and to it may be added this question howe the faythfull wife may abide with an vnfaythfull husband all the dayes of her life and not bee the worse and we may not come to Gods table or to prayers for an hower in y e company of vnreformed ones but their sinnes shal cleaue to vs. The companyings together differeth most greatly if wee marke the seuerall circumstances of a wife with her husband and of two men in the church together How then may we be warranted to refrayne that most holy comfortable sacrament for their sakes who thogh they be trespassers yet ask they mercy at Gods hands Et hoc testantur eo ipso quod accedunt ad coenā And testify as much euen by their very comming and offering themselues to the Lordes table To iudge rightly of our Brethren our corruption assuredly is great and we should often thinke of it and feare it greatly By nature we are full of suspition and aswell where no cause in trueth is as where cause is Wee beleeue euill too fast and good too slowly We amplify things and make smal matters great matters iudging men many times worse through our corruption than indeede they are before God by their transgression And how dangerous a rule then is this to measure them by that must bee alowed to the Lords table if we receiue with them Whē this temptation was strong in the minds of the Anabaptistes remember how crookedly this line guided them in the choyse of worthy receiuers If any man sayth Bullinger hang down his head and counterfet humilitie although in minde hee bee most polluted filthy and foule and despise the word yet shall he bee accounted a most holy and good one and worthy to receiue the sacrament But if he be more open and mery and subiect to the common faults of humane frayltie yet farre from any dissimulation trusting in his heart and soule firmely to the Lords mercy single and sincere towardes God that that he is confessing his sinnes such an one forasmuch as hee hath not yet satisfied the Anabaptistes for his faults neither is alowed of them thought as yet worthy ynough shal bee seperated from the Lords table And yet the sinful publican smiting his brest was better alowed of the Lord Iesus than the iust Pharisie with all his righteousnes When many vncleane did eate of the passeouer which Ezekias the king caused to be kept did their Brethren refuse to eate because they did eat also or did their company pollute them that were clean any thing Consider it wel and see if you can finde either yet the parties themselues that were not sanctified and cleansed faulted and were prayed for Wherefore we may say with Saint Austen Non propter malos bonos deseramus sed propter bonos malos sufferamus Let vs not forsake the good for the euil but let vs indure the euill for the good Yet must we thinke Saint Austen and all good men wisheth their seperation as farre as may be without plucking vp the wheat also renting a sunder the body of Christ And so playnely shewe those woordes Si non possunt excludi excludantur vel de corde If they cannot bee excluded exclude them at least in thy heart that is approue not in heart and iudgement their fault Cyprianus alia frumenta dominica cum auaris rapacibus cum his qui regnū Dei non possidebunt non laicis vel quibuscunque clericis sed ipsis episcopis panem Domini manducabant Cyprian and others of the Lordes wheate did eate the breade of the Lord and drinke his cuppe with the couetous and raueners with them that shal not possesse Gods kingdome not lay men or common Clergie men but euen with the Bishops themselues And it sufficed them to bee separated from such in heart in life and manners in a great regarde to keepe peace and vnitie for the good of the weake least they should teare the members of the body of Christ by sacrilegious schismes Caluin writeth to Farellus in an Epistle that being asked this question whether it was lawfull to receiue the communion at a bad ministers handes and with bad company admitted thereunto hee answered to both in effect as followeth Tantum debere inter Christianos esse odium schismatis
then must it needes be a daungerous thing to our faith that robbeth vs of all and euery tryall of our God Therefore let but euen reason speak in this cause and it will conclude vnto our consciences thus that forasmuch as petitions knowen of vs to bee made by vs to the Lorde and of him graunted to vs which is done when we vnderstande our prayers doe strengthen our faith in comfort euer to rest vpon the Lord and the contrarie which is when we pray in a strange tongue doth weaken the same and rob vs of that comfort that groweth by experience therefore it is profitable to pray in the one and most dangerous to praie in the other Againe is not the remembraunce of Caligulaes fact in this respect most fit and presseth anie honest mind in the world with sight of fruitlesse labour in such kindes of praiers Caligula the Emperour set golden leaues before his guestes and all other seruices in forme of meats of beaten gold bad them eate But their dainties were too hard for all y t glorious shew they rose an hungered And doth not this Romish practise in very like sort set before the people of God whose souls are déere to y e Lord that made them a glistering seruice of Hebrew Greeke Latine bid them feed But alas what should they feed vpon A goodly shew there is to stir vp wonder astonishment in the people but to receiue or tast of either to moue thē to repentāce or to cōfort quiet their conscience they haue nothing And how passing well speaketh Austen in like case Quid prodest clauis aurea si aperire quod volumus nō potest aut quid obest lignea si hoc potest quando nihil quarimus nisi patere quod clausū erat What auaileth a golden key if it cannot open y t we woulde haue opened Or what hurteth a woodden key if it be able to opē seeing we desire nothing but that y t thing that is shut may be opened The wrong is apparant to the church of God though I say no more but it passeth a frensie for men women in their priuate praiers to deale thus w t thēselues For I trust to refresh their hungrie bodies they would set no such hard meate as gold before thēselues and skilleth it not how it feedeth the soule that should feed it so it be glorious to the shew O consider it whosoeuer seeke to starue vs let vs not be guilty of our own spiritual death our selues Again if y e brute beasts or birds discouer this follie let vs not refuse them If they could speak as Democritus y e philosopher somtime thought as Lactantius a Christian writer semeth partly to say they do yet being birdes beastes voide of reason they wold not speak they know not what The very sense of nature therfore is against this folly But let their soūd be a sound without sense vnderstanding as Plinies rauē that could saie Aue Caesar Imperator All haile Emperor Caesar or the Cardinals Popiniay that could pronounce distinctlie all the Articles of the Créed yet knew not what they sayd shame we not to be like them Hauing the gift of reason giuen vs of God aboue all the creatures that he made to distinguish vs from them in the rule of all our actions Let the olde Father Saint Augustine speak both for the cause and for this reason Quid hoc sit quod precati sumus intelligere debemus vt humana ratione non quasiauium voce cantemus Nam et meruli et psitaci et corui et picae et huiusmodi volucres saepe ab hominibus docentur sonare quod nesciunt Scienter autem cantare naturae hominis diuina voluntate concessum est What this is that wee haue praied wee must vnderstande that wee may sing with reason agréeable to a man and not chatter with voice as birds doe For Owsels and Popiniayes and Rauens and Pies and such like birdes are often taught of men to pronounce that which they doe not vnderstand But to sing with knowledge is giuen by God to mans nature What testimonie plainer or reproofe more waightie may there be But I forget my selfe and purposing but to touch matters make too long abode in this thing Conclude we thē with an effectuall thought in our hearts as men women that are not sworne against the Lord and past all recouerie whether euer anie person in this world dared or wée our selues durst speake to an earthly man for a sute of waight belonging vnto this bodie in this world and know not what we saie O our care in the one and carelesnes in the other our feare in the one euen ouer tittles and sillables and our want o● féeling in the other in large speech what a witnesse will it beare against our soules before the Lord in that dreadfull daie if wee take not warning and leauing betimes the waie that God condemneth man misliketh reason reproueth and very nature abhorreth make choice of the other which in all these respects is commended and by no meanes can euer doe harme To day if we heare the truth let vs harden no heartes against it Saie not God is mercifull and I hope the best for as he hath mercie so commeth wrath from him when we are wilful Woe to the eare that will not heare sayth the Lord often Larger discourses may be liked of if neede be this serueth for a taste of truth in a short treatise Yea Sir but God vnderstandeth what soeuer we saie in what tongue so euer we speake and that is sufficient No indeede For can you affirme that praier was ordained for God alone or for vs to make our mone to God by also If it were so and is so then ought we as well to vnderstande our selues as the Lorde to vnderstande vs. And is there no matter what we speake or how we speake so that God vnderstand vs Could we so content our selues towarde a man Let the one teach vs in the other and let desperate conclusions haue deserued confusions before our eyes euer We may as well reason agaynst spéech of tongue because God knoweth our hearts as against vnderstanding of our praiers because God vnderstandeth them But inough is said Goe you then to the causes of our prayers which is next in order of our verse These haue in effecte also sufficientlie bene touched alreadie in this that hath ben spoken For wee haue hearde causes in respect of God in respect of our selues and in respect of our brethren Which you maye turne backe vnto again if you will and peruse all causes vrgent and weightie of our prayers that are God hath commaunded vs to pray God hath promised to heare vs if we pray threatens to punish vs if we doo not our faith is then confirmed by it our dangers preuented our wantes reléeued our loue to the Lorde increased our liues ordred to
Spirit and we pray wee knowe not what for it is the Spirit that helpeth our infirmities and that maketh request for vs with sighs which cannot bee expressed And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is y e meaning of the spirit for hee maketh request for the Saintes according to the will of God Haue not this spirit and be none of Christes for as many as are led by the Spirite of God they are the sonnes of God Want this Spirit feare againe the seuere threatning of the Lawe but haue it and cry in comfort Abba Father the same Spirite bearing witnesse with our Spirits that we are the children of God sealing our adoptiō in our minds and therefore opening our mouthes This blessed Spirite and sweete grace is that heauenly water that our sauiour speaketh of in his dialogue with the woman of Samaria when sitting vpon the wel with her hee sayde whosoeuer drinke of this water shall thirst againe but the water that I shal giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life And O my brethren how differeth all earthly water from this if wee marke it let a man thirst for the honors titles pleasures places and dignities of this paynted world and if he inioy thē euen in great measure do they quench his thirst No truely but if this other water bee away I meane this moderating grace of Gods blessed Spirit whereof we speake they increase his thirst a thousand fold of a sound man before he inioyed such heapes hee is striken into a loathsome and deadly disease euen a spirituall dropsie that the more hee drinketh the more drye he is and neuer satisfied Playing dayly and hourely the parte of Achsah in seeking springs of water to her South countrey that is more to much and still something else to that that is had already But this water of Gods holy spirit springing not out of the veynes of the earth but from the highest heauens runneth about our hearts continually with a diuine vertue most comfortably cooling al our Spiritual heats refreshing vs against all burning temptations quenching the firy dartes of Satan and finally quickning vs to eternall life This water therefore let vs make accompt of pray for a true faith for he that beleeueth in me out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life sayth the Scripture Quench not this Spirit then neither grieue him by whome we are sealed vnto the day of redemption But remember the good that commeth by him to this wretched frame of our sinnefull harts the ground is hard if this dewe drop not and vtterly vnfruitefull if this grace blesse not Lende mee therefore not thy tongue and lips only but thy soule heart chiefly to pray with mee to the throne of mercy for our selues and all O Lorde O Lord create a cleane heart renew a right Spirit within vs euermore Cast vs not away from thy presence neither take thy holy Spirit from vs. Giue vs the comfort of thy helpe for euer and establish vs with thy free Spirit Amen What else is concluded in this prayer Another good meanes to further this kingdome is a godly zealous and carefull Magistrate and therefore we praie for him also and the blessing of his seruice This teacheth the Lord vs when hée biddeth vs praie for kings and all that are in authoritie that we may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie They are the means the Lord giues the blessing The lyke doth the Apostle when he telleth vs that Princes are not to bee feared for good workes but for euill And therefore if we will bee without feare of the power that we must doe wel and so shall we haue praise of the same For hee is the minister of God for our wealth But if we do euill that then we must feare for he beareth not the sword for naught but is the minister of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill Charging vs as well for these good vses of him as also for the author of his office and authoritie which is the Lord for there is no power sayth he but of GOD and the powers y t are be ordained of God that euery soule of vs be subiect to the higher powers and that we resist not for if wee doe we resist the ordinance of God they that so resist receiue to themselues damnation This benefite of a magistrate to the increase of Gods kingdome appeared in Asa who tooke awaie the Sodomites out of the land and put away all the Idols his Father had made displaced his mother for her idolatrie and destroyed her idolls The like appeared in Ezekiah Iosiah and all the rest Read what they did sée what authoritie may do nay ought to doe Vertue flourisheth by iust incouragements vice flieth and dieth by iust punishmentes if the magistrate bee good and then ruleth God when this is so Blessed therefore wel may be said is the lande when the king is the sonne of Nobles and when the Princes eate in time for strength and not for dronkennesse That is when the higher and lower and all powers in a land are famous for vertue and wisedome and with the giftes of God And why so Surely because these being thus the Lord is king in such a place and his heauenly power is more and more dayly spread ouer and into the heartes of men by these meanes Contrariwise Woe to the land whē the king is a childe and the Princes eate in the morning that is when the chiefe of all wanteth wisedome and counsayle and the inferiors are giuen to their lusts and pleasures And why so agayne surely because then for want of so forcible a meanes as carefull magistracie is to represse it Vice floweth vertue flieth and God ruleth not Finally therefore doe we praie here in this petition and aske of the Lorde as a greate mercie that he would giue vs godly carefull and zealous Magistrates to the better setting vp of his blessed kingdome amōgst vs. And truly beloued would God the iust often consideration of these might worke in vs a faithful loue to thē for their pains and a flaming thankfulnesse to the Lorde for them when we haue them O that wee would meditate of it vpon our beddes and and thinke vppon it when wee are waking what Moses felt when he sayd How can I beare your comberance your charge and your strife alone Or what hee felte that sayde to his regall Crowne or Scepter that he which knew the carke and care the woes and griefes the toyles and labours and the infinit perils and feares that are incident to it would not take it vp if he found it in the streete Then woulde wee feele what it is to gouerne and to be alofte Then assuredly would wee honour Magistrates more loue them more obey them more and contend
agaynst them lesse in a verie true cōscience to deale vnkindly with a meanes ordayned in heauen of so much good to man God giue vs eyes God giue vs hearts and God giue vs the blessing we speake of still Will you goe anie further in this Petition No in deede this may suffice for my briefe purpose I hope and therefore this onely will I adde that which I told you of in the beginning that as we praie for these mercies when we saie these words so pray we as effectually in sense agaynst the contraries of them For if Gods kingdome come then must bee done awaie whatsoeuer lette eyther hindereth or obscureth the same Contrarie to the vse of the wordes that fearefull famine the Prophet speaketh of contrarie to godly and profitable reading is barbarisme ignoraunce and contempt or neglect of good letters contrarie to carefull hearing is that adderlike stopping of our eares agaynst the charmer contrarie to the sweete melting motions of Gods holy spirite in vs hardnesse dulnesse deadnesse and vnfeelingnesse of hart prophanenesse and whatsoeuer is the propertie of bad groūd contrary to preaching dumbnesse to playne preaching vnprofitable curiositie to painfull and often neglygent and rare preaching Contrarie to a magistracie is auaricie to a godly a wicked to a good a bad and to a faythfull and carefull a neglygent and an Idoll Magistrate And to conclude contrarie to the kingdome of God in anie of vs is the diuel and all his workes the vaine pompe and glorie of the world with all couetous desires of the same and the carnall desires of the flesh to follow and be lead by them All these therefore we pray as heartely truly against as we 〈◊〉 for the other whē we say Thy kingdom come And let al that heare me consider of it what we see to day namely thus much that if we feele no true testimonies in our soules that wee are the children of this kingdome but enimies to it hinderers letters obscurers of it by our workes wordes and thoughts our owne tongues and hearts and all the tongues heartes vnder heauen praying this prayer rise vp agaynst vs and if we will not be reformed desire of the Lorde that hee will take vs away confound vs and destroy vs by his iudgemēts that his kingdome may increase and rise And what fearefull thing is this To our owne lippes the Lord wil grant the confusion of our selues the prayer of one shall bee heard of two or three by faithfull promise but the prayer of thousands and ten thousand thousands euen of all the Churches and chosen throughout the worlde yea of whatsoeuer millions in them that praie this prayer what a shrike maketh it in the heauens to the Lorde and how will hee rushe vp in his iust conceiued anger and accomplishe what they aske Therefore with shaking hearts at so great a perill let vs consider of it Wee feeders and Fathers spirituall of the Lordes people let vs thinke vpon it and enter into accountes how wee doe further we or hinder we this kingdome of the Lord speake wee or spare we sound we or sinne wee labour we or loyter wee for Gods sake what doe we Wo to vs if we do not worke blessed is that seruant whō when his maister commeth he shall finde so doing Magistrates and powers consider of it put you forward or put you backward Gods kingdome sleep you or wake you are you nurses or none to the Church of Christ to vertue and pietie destroyers diligent of sin and wickednesse iudge you the cause of the afflicted and poore that you may prosper or doe you contrarie that you may perish what doe you Priuate men iudge and euerie particular person one by one consider of it What do you ruleth GOD in you by his holy spirite working faith to God and loue to men with daily and sundrie fruites of them both Doe you set vp in your owne houses places charges this holy kingdome as much as lyeth in you by priuate admonitions by vertuous examples and by such meanes as you may or do you plucke and pull downe hinder and let by the contraries greatly As you loue your selues thinke of it and then shall wee eache of vs see whether wee praie for our selues or agaynst our selues when we saie this praier and what hope we may haue of the rest whatsoeuer throughout this earth Thy kingdome come is sayd often and in many places if it bee well with vs for our measure in our seuerall places then so often is the Lorde sollicited to be good vnto vs and there is a communion of good vnto the godly by theyr praiers if it bee otherwise alas the time we perish as we liue if we change not speedilie and in some fearefull sort to the testimonie of Gods iustice for the prayer of his chosen so many so often making it and with such spirite of desire must be heard at last Thus praie wee for the kingdome of God and for all the meanes that it ariseth by in the heartes of men thus praie we agaynst whatsoeuer hindereth or withholdeth the same when we saie this petition and in stead of much more that might be saide lette this suffice The iniquitie of our times and the feareful loosenesse of these daies if it be considered will tell al Christian hearts how ne●dfull euen nowe especially is this prai●● to be made often Let vs pray A Prayer O Diuine Maiestie most mightie GOD heare vs we beseech thee thy hūble seruants heere gathered together and in that mercie that hath no measure subdue all power of Satan sin in vs still more and more and rule thou euer ouer bodie and soule ouer hart and minde ouer word and worke for Christ his sake and not onely ouer vs but ouer many moe euen that number that thou hast appointed to eternall lyfe To this ende giue thee meanes appoynted by thee thy holy blessed and eternall word Make vs carefull readers of it and carefull hearers of it read vnto vs and giue thy blessing as thou hast done of olde to this indeauour Make vs blessed with them that meditate in thy lawe faythful beleeuers as that Eunuch that had his Bible in the Chariot with him and read in it as he trauayled Profiting searchers with those good Beraeans Feede our faith rayse vp our affiance fasten our hope increase godly knowledge in vs as thou hast done by this meanes in thy children euer Increase the number of able teachers to thy Church O gracious GOD and blesse their labors a more mightie meanes to inlarge thy kingdome than reading is Adde to thy Church by them thousands thousands Cast downe by thy mightie power all holdes and imaginations and euerie thing that is exalted agaynst the knowledge of thee and bring into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of thee Strengthen thy people that they neuer despise thy appointed meanes to saue theyr
make vs wel content thankfull also euer to thee for it Remēbring well with our selues how thou caredst for these thy seruants and others many in their estate hast euen by this word bread taught vs to bee content with a little Thy mercies O Lord we beseech thee giue vs according to our charges thou knowest our number and our needes and thou feedest the very Rauens that call vpon thee The eyes of all things wayt vpon thee O God thou giuest them meate in due season Thou openest thy hande and fillest all things liuing with plenteousnesse To these fauours O Lord graunt peace and quietnesse priuate at home and publique abroade Let there bee no going out no leading into captiuitie nor any complayning in our streates Peace be within the walles of Hierusalem O Lord to thy good pleasure and plenteousnesse in her Palaces that is to thy Church mercie and fauour we beseech thee To this end giue vs O heauenly father the blessing of prudent and godly gouernours Confirme their harts in zeale and loue to thee and make them euer carefull of thy glorie Confirme our obedience and truth agayne to them in thee and both one and other make vs thankfull greatly for thy present mercy in this behalfe vpon vs. If euer people found fauour at thy maiesties hands O Lord our portion hath bene great must wee say and this daylie bread with a liberall hande aboue other nations now many yeeres giuen vnto vs. O deare father touch vs with the feeling of it and make vs thankfull and continue this mercie and louing kindnesse still vppon vs giuing vs still these cōforts of thine What wee haue neede of denie vs not and what wee haue with thy fauour O Lord and to our good let vs euer haue it not to our harme and iudgement So we that be thy people and sheepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thankes for euer Heare vs O Lord O God father gracious not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen The fifth petition And forgiue vs our trespasses c. Now are you come to a petition as our estate standeth most sweete comfortable most necessary and profitable wherefore I pray you euen as fully as you shall thinke conuenient speake of it and first of the order as you haue done in the former Touching the order of it Tertullian saith very well Quid alimenta proderunt si illis reputamur re vera quasi taurus ad victimam what will any nourishments in this life profit vs if with them we be accompted as Oxen to the slaughter Cyprian more playnely Post subsidium cibi petitur venia delicti vt qui a deo pascitur in deo viuat nec tantum praesenti et temporali vitae sed aeternae consulatur ad quam veniri potest si peccata dimittātur after the ayd of meat is begged pardon of offence that he which of God is fed in God may liue and care had aswell of eternall life as of temporall vnto which eternall life then is the way open when all sins be forgiuen Wherefore since in the former we haue craued of the Lorde what concerneth this life in these two latter we begge what concerneth that hereafter In the former desiring him to forgiue what is past in the latter to strengthen against what is to come Both which our requests haue grounde vpon his owne promise and are directed thereby For the Lorde in the couenaunt which it pleased him to make with his Church hath promised both saying their iniquitie will I forgiue and remember their sinnes no more which is the thing we now begge And I will put my lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shalbe my people c. that is I will assist them with a newe power of Spirit confirme them with a further strength to stand hereafter which is the matter of our next question It might seeme to some by the order of the former petition and this that the remission of our sinnes were a matter lesse to be cared for than our dayly breade because it is set after in this prayer If it had not bene sayd before in the beginning of the former petition that this order is obserued of the Lord in regard of our rudenes that he might lead vs from a matter better known to a matter lesse known yet truely should they bee very rawe in religion that would thinke thinges onely respecting this life to bee preferred before things touching life eternall God forbid therefore but this order of these petitions notwithstanding euery Christian man and woman should make it their chiefe care to finde mercy with the Lorde for their transgressions rather then to inioye ten thousande worlds with all the glory that might be in them for what would al these worlds profite them when they had lost their owne soules in them all not able to finde what to giue for the recompence of the same again But without remission of sinne there can be no saluation God not so much as hearing sinners much lesse sauing them And therfore iustly our chiefe care to haue sinne pardoned that we may be saued If you would conclude any thing of the order of this petition following the other conclude this and that you may doe both truely and profitably namely that true religion is not the cause of want of daily bread but our sinnes And therefore presently after request to the Lord for that we adioyne the other as the true stoppe and let of the former if it be not taken away by his mercy as if wee shoulde say we request Lord the comforts of this life the fruites of the ground and the fruites of our Cattell butter of Kyne and milke of sheepe with fat of Lambes and Rammes fed in Bashan the blessing of wheate and the red licour of the grape but neither these nor any such may we looke for except in mercy thou take away our sinne the very stay of all thy goodnes from vs if thou deale in iustice And therefore Lord forgiue vs our trepasses Let no man then accuse religion for dearth and scarsetie for famine and hunger but consider his owne desertes and the desertes of thousandes more and remember euer both howe these petitions lye and what also for more playnnes the Lorde himselfe hath spoken by his Prophet Ieremy saying Your iniquities haue turned away these earthly blessings from you as rayne both earely and late in due season with a pleasant haruest such like yea your sinnes haue hindred good things from you Againe by Esay Behold the Lordes hād is not shortned that it cannot saue neither is his eare heauy that it cannot heare but your iniquities haue separated betwixt you and your God and your sinnes haue hid his face from you that he will not heare For your handes are defiled with
bloud and your fingers with iniquitie c. Nowe then to the wordes themselues if you thinke good and of them in order for that is playne The first word is Forgiue of it selfe so playne that it needeth not any explication and therefore not standing in that sort vpon it let vs consider the conclusions that arise thereof to a Christian mind that carefully weigheth what GOD hath spoken First then it containeth a playne confession of our miserable estate vnto the Lorde and so teacheth vs that before pardon and forgiuenes ought to goe a true faithfull and vnfayned acknowledging of our euill whatsoeuer For why shoulde God vouchsafe to pardon what we not able in truth to hyde from him as being God yet in the strong corruption of our vntamed hearts indeuor to cloke and doe not lay open in woe and godly sorrow before him Very mortal mā looketh for confession of a faulte and wee vse to say that halfe the amendes is made when it is so done yet may we couer from man very great offences howe much more may the Lord our God iustly require that being notable to blind him we seeke not to do it but in al reuerence of his maiesty and all vehement dislike of our selues and our sinnes we lay them at his foote and begge his mercy It is a notable place in the Psame of Dauid teacheth vs this When he sayth Whilst I helde my tongue my bones consumed or when I roared al the day long for thy hand is heauy vpon me day and night and my moysture is turned into the drought of Summer then I acknowledged my sinne neither hid I mine iniquitie For I thought I wil confesse against my selfe my wickednes vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne See howe before he confessed he found no comfort and after confession howe hee found no punishment Looke in the Law of the Lord and marke these wordes to Moses When a man or woman shall commit any sinne that mē commit and transgresse against the Lord when that person shall trespasse then they shall confesse their sin which they haue done and shall restore the damage c. Confession God required and confession they performed Although the Lord should kill me sayth faythfull Iob yet will I put my trust in him but I will reprooue my wayes for all that in his sight that is I will confesse my euil freely and fully with a single heart as a wretched sinner should do He that hydeth his sinne sayth the wise Salomon shall not prosper but he that confesseth them forsaketh them shall haue mercy If wee say we haue no sinne then wee deceiue our selues and there is no trueth in vs but if wee acknowledge and confesse our sinne God is faithfull to forgiue vs our sinne and the blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne This is not that filthy shrift in the eare of a filthy liuer inuented in Rome and throwne downe in Constantinople vppon iust experience of vggly pollution by it but this is the Lords ordynaunce performed euer of the Lordes people to the Lorde himselfe Dauid a sinner hydeth it not when the Prophet spake but cryed peccaui with a feeling heart and a grieued mind that he had so fallen That Dauid when hee had numbred the people and the Lord offended had sent a plague amongst them cryed in his wo. It is I it is I Lorde that haue offended and these seely sheepe what haue they done and againe in an other place Therfore I said Lorde 〈◊〉 mercy vpon mee and heale my sou●●●r I haue sinned against thee The straying sonne returning to himselfe and to the estate of sonne seeth and sigheth for passed folly and confesseth it freely as his bounden duetie Father Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and I am no more worthy to bee called thy sonne The humble publicane beseecheth God to be mercifull to him not a iust proud Pharisie but a poore sinnefull and wretched Publicane Wee are here iustly sayd the thiefe on the crosse wee receiue things worthie of y t wee haue done but this mā hath done nothing amisse a very plaine confession of a féeling hart Whē Paul had preached against coniuring and sorcery as we read in that place what was the fruite of his speaking their hearing but this Many that beleeued came and confessed shewed their workes Iohn also baptized in the wildernes but whom such as confessed their sinnes against the Lorde Euer therefore before pardon must goe confession for so euer hath it done as by all these proofes is now plaine Priuat to God if the sinne be priuat Publique to the Church if the sinne bee such as shall more appeare hereafter in an other place Wherefore let vs end this note vpon this first word Forgiue and knowe it euer that wee are taught if wee seeke mercy not to hide sinne For the Lords pardon requireth the sinners confession Couers and clokes they do but couer the light of Gods countenance that it shyne not vpon vs and yet do what we can wee can couer nothing in deede from his eyes Wee shewe our will and wee want our wish sinne vnto sinne we grieuously adde and we deale with our soules as some sory ones with their bodies concealing their sore till the time bee past the body perished Wherfore euen as often as we shal euer hereafter say this prayer let vs adde this confession to it O Lord our grieuous trespasses our many great transgressions this blot of our bodies or spot of our soules whatsoeuer it is in that mercy that hath no measure forgiue it dash it and wash it out that it neuer appeare againe before thee What Secondly Secondly it teacheth vs the long suffering of the Lord wonderfull and vnspeakable towards mankind Whereby hee beareth and beareth with vs wretched creatures and although we daily and hourely euer and continually sinne against him yet casteth hee not away so vnprofitable seruants but deferreth his anger spareth his iudgements and if we turne to him he turneth most mercifully to vs and forgiueth heapes of vggly sinne against him If we wormes and dust should be vsed of any as he is vsed of many we would shew our corruption quickly and recken vp the faultes committed and pardoned by vs thinking we had shewed great fauour done much for our brethren if wee had twise or thrise bene intreated by them to forgiue them we would deny at the last and say playnely to them we might not euer forgiue if they so euer would offende Yet what are we as bad as they If not to them yet to others and therefore no such cause we should be so strickt in measure When often our selues must neede the same curtesie and request a fauourable hand to strike but softly But sée the Lorde His puritie blotteth both Sunne and Moone the heauen
into it through frailtie yet God giuing mee true repentance for it Credo remissionem I beleeue the forgiuenes of it Yea it is the cōfort spirituall that cannot bee spoken of that God woulde haue his children so sure of the pardon of their sinnes euen of all their sinnes without exception whereof hee giueth them a dislike true abhorring as that he would haue it an article of their fayth so that they should not be sound christians if they beleeued it not Lastly euen this petition of the Lordes prayer crauing dayly forgiuenes of dayly trespasses dare you restrayne it to trespasses committed onely before repentance and exempt all second falles after such repentance and purpose to amend the Lord forbid And therefore take it also with the former as a sure proofe of pardon also for these offences So doe you see what answere your question hath out of Gods booke onely therefore beware presumption beware loosenes beware negligence and due care to auoyd these seconde falles say not God is mercifull and therefore I will sinne For as hee is gratious to a sorowfull sinner so is hee dreadfull to a presumptuous offender and frailtie shall finde mercy when boldnes shall find iudgement and wrath for euer Surely I see it is a great comfort to a Christian conscience that the Lord hath put into our daylie prayer this petition and it mightely assureth vs of his mercie In deede it is so but yet this appeareth nothing so much as it would if our eyes sawe or our harts felt what loathsomnesse lodged in vs and what iust matter of eternall confusion wee haue both in bodie and soule if mercy were not For this is it that giueth a feeling of the sweetnesse of this prayer when the Lorde shall graunt vs a true sight of our owne estate and pearcing eyes into our inwarde deepes When the Lorde shall inable vs truely to see what a masse of corruption wee are how vile how miserable how polluted in our thoughtes workes and deedes in bodie and soule in hart and minde within and without and all ouer how filthie how loathsome and how abhominable wee are and when hee shall ioyne vnto this sight a terrour and a trembling at the true view of Gods most fearefull iudgement due vnto this estate and most firmely tyed vnto it euen as God is iust And I say when the Lord granteth it for most assuredly wee haue it not of our selues nay wee flatter and deceiue euery man his owne hart in this point we thinke all is well with vs and wee knowe not our selues But what are we O my beloued my heart vnderstandeth not the sinnes of man and therefore my tongue cannot lay them open before you I say with Dauid myne owne sinnes are secret vnto me and therefore much more all your sinnes and most of all the sinnes of all mankinde Yet somewhat heare you of the meditation of my hart to the better opening of the necessitie and goodnesse of this petition and learne by this little to thinke of more and to wade your selues into the deepes that you knowe and I knowe not when I haue led you the way as farre as I doe knowe I haue before in this petition shewed you the Herauld of heauen blazeth our armes and expresseth our colours namely that we are all become abhominable and there is none y t doth good no not one That no flesh liuing is able to bee iustified in his sight that none can say my hart is cleane I am pure from sinne That the very imaginations of our harts are euill euen from our youth that we are not able to thinke a good thought of our selues with a number such All which places are not so to bee taken as if they charged any of vs with a little euill or fewe sinnes and small but they conuince vs of huge and great sinne and of generall corruption euen in our wayes which will verie well appeare if alyke wee compare our selues with the Lordes choyce children commended to vs in the word Stand before me then I pray thee whose hart quaketh not for any sinne you knowe in your selues and tell mee whether you dare eyther with your tongues say or with your hearts thinke that you are in as great a measure sanctified as Dauid was If you dare not consider well then what Dauid notwithstanding his greate graces giuen him sayth of himselfe in his Psalmes There is no rest in my bones because of my sinne for mine iniquitie is gone ouer mine head and as a waightie burthen they are too heauie for me to beare Had Dauid no rest in his bones for his sin and haue you rest in your selfe and yet dare not compare with him in sanctification How commeth this to passe but because you neyther see nor feele what is in your selfe as hee did Innumerable troubles sayth he agayne haue compassed mee about my sinnes haue taken such holde on me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are mo in number than the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me O the dulnesse of our feeling howe shoulde I laie it before vs better than by such examples If Dauids sinnes were mo than his haires how many are ours thinke you Surely moe than the sand of the sea if they had taken holde on him what haue ours done on vs If he could not for them looke vp how may we looke downe And finally if his heart began to shake how Lorde may ours but shake and quake if wee knew our selues Iudge euen your selfe anie one that is here if it be not so seeing you grant me you dare not compare with Dauid Wounded then are wee euen to many deaths and yet we knowe it not Ponder it with your selfe also what that great seruant of God Ezra sayth of himselfe in this case O my GOD sayth he I am confounded and ashamed to lifte vp mine eyes vnto thee my God for our iniquities are increased ouer our head our trespasses are growen vp to the heauen and wee cannot stande before thee because of our sinne And Daniel againe We haue sinned wee haue committed iniquitie we haue done wickedly yea wee haue rebelled agaynst thee and departed from thy precepts See how no words can contēt him to expresse his guilt withall Therfore I saie when the Scripture chargeth vs with sinne it is no small sinne that we must dreame of but monsterous corruption and horrible before the Lord if we could see it all Yet doth euery one deceiue his owne heart and being in this most dreadfull and desperate case feeleth it not but thinketh all is wel till euen the last houre ouertake vs then Satan chargeth vs to the full we despaire But trulie if we learn to charge our selues now in the time of health our burthen shall not be so great in the time of sicknesse And therefore I praie you do it either by many times comparing your liues with these great Saintes of
kindnes worke in him whilst the spirit preuailed O my God what shall I render againe vnto thee for al the mercies that thou hast bestowed vpon me What I say shall I render render againe as if he should say I know these blessings require a duetie of mee a loue a zeale a heart a soule a mind a life to the glory and prayse of such a God And in trueth it is so For we our selues for our petite benefites require men to be ours in all lawfull sort faithfully firmely with tongue and heart and hand with body and goods and al. And what comparison with the Lord O louing God what can man do for vs like thee and yet howe care we to please them and forget thee O Lorde awake Remember also what the Prophet complaineth of saying But this people hath an vnfaythful and rebellious heart they are departed and gone And why for they say not in their heart let vs nowe feare the Lorde our God that giueth rayne both earely late in due season hee reserueth vnto vs the appoynted weekes of the haruest As if he should haue sayd this effect shoulde Gods blessings vpon them haue euen earnestly and hartely to make them seeke the Lorde and serue him and with many a feruent motion to thinke of so good a GOD as in mercy poureth so many comforts vppon vnworthy wretches And especially marke it that because they did not thus therefore he saith they had rebellious harts and were gone away A fearefull sentence of a true iudge concerning all vnthankfull vsers of prosperitie Againe the same Prophet in an other place They shal come reioyce in the light of Sion shal come to the bountifulnes of the Lord why euen for the wheate and for the wyne and for the oyle and for the increase of sheepe and bullockes and their soule shall be as a watered garden c. Sée still what Gods mercies should woorke in vs euen a reioysing in so deare a Father and not a going but a running to his seruice worship that is so kind vnto vs. Knowest thou not saith the Apostle that the riches of his bountifulnes and patience and long suffering leadeth thee vnto repentance In effect knowest thou not that if God be thy deare sweete and tender Father that thou againe art bound to bee his louing carefull and obedient childe In trueth it should be so And if the Lord were not in his goodnesse past the reach of any mortall braine he might say also his benefites had caught a goodly reward or catch of my goodnes for alas what are wee or what is our loue yet since it is his mercy vnmeasurable and vnsearchable to stande so contented and to seeke no more pardoning in his deare Iesus all imperfections O my bleloued fathers and brethren what soeuer that vouchsafe your eyes to reade these papers let vs not deny him what if he were not such a God as he is were not worth hauing when wee gaue it namely our poore hearts our weake loue our harty obedience our care and diligence to bee what with so many mighty mercies receiued we are bound to bee For truely if giuing man must haue of all honest receiuers not the words onely of mouth but the sincere affection of the soule our giuing God must haue the very soule of our soule and all that is within vs for his goodnes to vs. And blessed is that man and woman that loued of the Lord aboue all measure by his giuen grace loue him againe in their measure as they can Truely to such shall be euen a continuance of mercy as shalbe good For then shalt thou prosper if thou obserue his statuts sayth Dauid to his sonne Salomon and therefore my sonne the Lord giue thee only wisedome and vnderstanding to do this Vzziah sought y e Lord the Lord made him prosper sayth y e text Iotham became mightie because hee directed his way before the Lord his God What man is he that feareth the Lord him will he teach the way that hee shall choose His soule shal dwel at ease his seede shall inherite the land If ye consent and obey yee shall eate the good things of the lande but if ye refuse and bee rebellious you shall bee deuoured with the swoorde for the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it With a number such places in the Scripture Finally there is no good thing saith the Prophet that he shall with-hold from them that liue a godly life But I will euen mary thee vnto me for euer sayth the Lorde yea I will mary thee vnto me in righteousnes in iudgement in mercy compassion I will euen mary thee vnto me in faithfulnes and thou shalt know the Lord and I will heare the heauens and they shall heare the earth and the earth shall heare the corne and the wyne the oyle and they shall heare Israel c. But if prosperitie and the Lords blessings haue not this effect in vs then are they the Lordes gagers to discouer worse matter than happely either the worlde or wee our selues did thinke before to bee in vs or at least so much to bee in vs as pride enuye disdayne spite malice crueltie vnthankefulnes wantonnes vncleannes with a number such So that still our ground-worke standeth fast that prosperitie is one of Gods temptations that is one of Gods tryers and teachers of man what he is and will be that way It discouered in Dauid both to the world and to Dauids own eies his great wickednes For in his prosperitie he sayd tush tush this wealth weale shall not decay in his prosperitie peace and rest from many former griefes he looked from his turresse vpō Bersabe Vriahs wife with a sinful thought and deede in the end It discouered in Salomon ouermuch loosenes weakenes of minde vnkindnes to God For his wiues were not as they shoulde haue bene they were chosen amisse of him he made an Idolater by thē c. Manasses exalted to a kingdome bewrayed manners farre vnseemely for the meanest in the worlde The Israelites in their prosperitie how euer euer forgat they God and waxed wantons yea grieuous sinners against his maiestie Howe sad was that yong man that was so wealthie when hee was bidden sell all So that what shoulde haue lift vp both heart and soule to a good God that pressed downe mightily and reueyled a secret both to himselfe and others euen an vnwillingnes to forgoe for God what God in mercy had lent vpon that condition what bewrayed that rich glutton in his prosperity but pride couetousnes wanton delicacie contempt of the poore such like Those vnkind guestes bidden to the wedding what bewrayed they in their prosperitie the rich farmer the wealthie marchant they would not come and the maried man drowned in his pleasures he could not come Herod in his robes and chayre of estate
the contrary and heartily wish the contrary There is no helpe for them Onely stande you out of their way that the faster they runne the sooner they may come thither and the worlde bee rid of them for surely they are in hast a number and they seeme to feare nothing more than that hell gates should be shut and the play begunne before they come The Lord will be glorified by their death and the Lord make vs glorifie him by our patience and by our carefull shunning of all iust cause of any euill report That suffring this bitter poyson of Aspes that is vnder their tongues vppon their tongues and in their tongues not for euill doing but vndeseruedly our ioy may bee true and our comfort breede a contented patience euer Amen Diuers complayne they are rewarded with euill for good and they fret at it sore to haue true good will and many honest testimonies of a friendly minde so badly so vnkindly yea so vildly requited And in deede it is true that such vndeserued vnkindnes pearceth deepe and hath preuailed with some euen to the breaking of their hearts and the ending of their dayes But alas it should not bee so hote in vs if God gaue gouernement ouer frayle flesh according to true reason For if false man turne his backe vpon GOD that hath in such wonderfull and vnsearchable fauour vsed him and with such an incomprehensible vnmeasurable heape of mercies filled his cuppe from his cradle and before what maruell though hee turne vppon one of vs whose fauours though great yet cannot be like these both backe and heart and tongue and teeth and all the powers hee hath any way Truely this onely shoulde content vs when we finde such measure in the worlde But we haue beside the company in this crosse of such great and deere ones to the Lorde that we should be euen glad we may go along with them and partake with them in no worse thing than the Lord thought good to lay vpon them Dauid complaineth they rewarded me euill for good to the great discomfort of my soule neuerthelesse when they were sicke I put on sackeloth and humbled my soule with fasting I behaued my self as though it had ben my friend or brother I went heauily as one that mourneth for his mother But in mine aduersitie marke it they reioyced and gathered themselues together yea the very abiects came together against me vnawares making mowes at mee and ceased not We haue Iacob a companion in this crosse with vs who was ill rewarded both by affection and action of Laban and his children we haue Ioseph with vs Moses and Aaron with vs all the Prophets and Apostles with vs and Christ our master with vs whose loue was lost to thousāds except a crucifige be a kinde requitall and against whom hee that sate at his table lift vp his heele betrayed him O weigh it not much but be content and possesse your soule in patience For it is euen one of the most common sinnes of this world in these latter dayes especially Vnthankfull men without naturall affection trucebreakers false accusers no louers at all of them that be good Traytors and so foorth they are the flowres that florish too faire in this end of the world saith the Apostle And what man or woman almost liueth that hath not drunke of this cuppe to bee vnkindly requited for their true good will and to haue the backes of them towardes them whose faces by good right they should haue and their mouthes filled with many louing thankes If then company bee comfortable as the saying is let vs plucke vp our heartes and bee content especially hauing such company in this crosse as I haue nowe named This course would be long if I should follow it fully you see by this and I purposed neuer treatises but touches onely of these matters What shoulde I say some the Lord exerciseth with diseases and sicknes of themselues and their owne bodies and so did he Dauid with chastising reines in the night season the poore woman with her paynefull issue by the space of twelue yeeres and many others whom he dearely loued of their children or familie and so did hee that faythfull woman with her daughter that kinde Father with his lunaticke sonne the ruler with his daughter the Centurion with his seruant and numbers mo Some with imprisonment wrongfull and vniust and so did he Ioseph Ieremy Micheas and many mo Some with their mariage and match often bitter So did he Iob Tobiah Abigael and others Dauid had ill children and Iacob before him many a heauy heart by their behauiours The good Prophet had a bad seruaunt a vild Gehazi that practised more than he euer learned of his master and our Sauiour Christ himselfe had a theeuish Iudas a full bad bird to come out of such a nest as he had his time in Some be rymed on by drunken tossepottes and so was Dauid though hee litle deserued it And who can name the aduersities of the godly Many many sayth the Prophet are the troubles of the righteous but the Lorde deliuereth them out of all By this example whosoeuer readeth the scriptures may find out mo obserue and marke them and gather comfort by them if the Lord shal please so to deale with them And to that further trauell I referre vs all not following this course nowe any further onely this I adde that if you can find no example of your case fully in the Scripture and therupon Satan would be busie and say see thou art an odde person from all others I warrant thee God neuer dealt so with any of his c. then beleeue Peter rather than him and tel him hee lyeth like a false deuill For you are taught there that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world although you knowe them not 1. Pet. 5.9 And therefore you are no odde one neither chastised any otherwise than with the rod of the righteous whose saluation is sure and they the Lords O but you must needes giue mee leaue to remember yet one thing ere you make an end and that is this These examples are comfortable I heartely confesse and sweete when wee finde them in our seuerall tryals but yet Satan hath an other tricke to trouble many mindes with all and that is with the measure of our trouble He will till wee find an example say none are so dealt with all that God loueth but when wee haue founde one then hee shifteth his foote and suggesteth not in that measure and so grieuously and greatly as wee are Nowe what shoulde wee say to this Truely euen still search the scriptures And as wee haue founde there matter so shal we find measure I warrāt you greater than wee beare any And to this ende marke what Iob sayth in his 16. chapter His archers compasse me round about hee cutteth my
by this temptation that now we handle seeketh to perswade Therfore I pray you let vs all note it and thinke of it And as hee did not forbid others such communion so himself did not breake that felowship as already hath appeared and more may if wee marke his practise For hee sayth to the Philippians that he had no body like Timotheus but al did séeke their own and not that which is Iesus Christs Yet neuer do we find that he separated him selfe from their company for feare of partaking with their sinnes And diuers such other places there are What might be added of those famous Churches in the Reuelation Ephesus Pergamus Thyatira and others Doth not the Spirit of God lay downe their blemishes and sheweth what he had against them and those no litle things some of them and yet yeldeth them the names and titles of Churches and calleth their ministers angels What then if a man in those dayes shoulde haue taken offence at these wants of these Churches weakenesses of men and haue sayde they haue preaching but they are not reformed as they should be and therefore I will cut my selfe from them and communicate no longer with them would it haue bene alowed Consider the Lord Iesus his preaching with more holynes and power than euer any else could or shall Were all reformed that heard him nay were his owne disciples reformed wholy How then were they so often rebuked of the Lorde and that iustly Consider the Prophets that were hidden prophesie and did it carefully and yet were told that the people would not obey them Consider the Apostle that sayth we are a sweete sauour to God in some that perish Consider that hee which willeth Paul to plant and Apollo to water reserueth the gift of increase to himselfe and giueth it where when and so farre as he pleaseth So that if the Lords ministers in very great heauines and continuall sorow of heart would wish themselues euen separated from Christ for their brethrens winning yet shall no moe come to the father than Christ will drawe and this happy change must bee at his good pleasure not at their desire How then may we safely fall out with the preaching and preacher and with the Church and her children for want of that which onely GOD must giue and the best preachers haue fayled to obtaine though faithfully doing their dueties namely a full reformation as wee would Shall that holy worde not reforme me because it reformeth not others shall it not be a sauour to me of life to life because to others it is a sauour of death to death If hee offer mee a penny shall I bid him keepe it except hee will giue others as much at my direction May not the Lorde doe with his owne as it pleaseth him for mee or shall I grudge to the Spirite his blowing where he listeth O fearefull falling out with the Lord and his offred goodnes if it bee considered earnestly Wee should remember againe when wee looke so after the fruites of amendment in a Church and stumble so dangerously for wāt of what we wish that Pharisees make greater shewes to some mens eyes than poore Publicanes doe and yet the one iustified more than the other with a righteous God We should remember that Elias was deceyued when hee thought that there were no mo that were reformed but himselfe Our eyes cannot see all men neither can we euer know the worke of the worde preached Inward graces are often where we thought not and outwarde carie more then we know Some iudged lead proues fined golde and glistring gold that seemed to bee proues drossie lead A tender conscience sweete feeling an hope in Christ and his promises inward cryings by faythfull prayer holy thoughtes and meditations sweete prickes and melting motions remorse for sinne and spirituall fights humilitie of heart and peace of mind patience ioy and a number such they bee secret graces not alwayes knowne and discerned of euery man where in truth they are at least not in such measure as in deede they are And therefore since we cannot knowe all either people or graces wrought by the worde preached and there may bee a want aswell in our not seeing all with Elias as in mens misdoings greatly should we feare to condemne and iudge the Churches of GOD for not answering their teaching with any reformation It is an earnest charge and of a mightie God See that ye despise not one of these litle ones For I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels alwayes behold the face of my Father which is in heauen What greater contempt than to thinke that Publicane is not like me I am reformed I am sanctified I haue receyued the holy Ghost others haue not and these by name haue not so O take heede Iudge not thus rashly an other mans seruant All is not gold that glistereth neither all bowers of their knees to Baal that are yet so thought to be euen of a Prophet Lastly wee should lift vp our heads and open our eyes in a louing heart a little wider that we may see the profites of the worde and the gracious mercies of the Lorde to any Church euer and with as hungrie a heart delight to discerne the graces of men as the faults of men Yea much more And if wee see many superstitions banished many abuses amended many snared consciences and fettered soules inlarged true loue of diuers good things and true hatred of diuers euil things wrought Ougly and often othes in many decayed knowledge both in youth and age increased the hearing of the word with Prayers and Sacraments diligently frequented priuate regarde of families in the gouernours of them greatly amended diet and apparell tempred the poore reléeued Princes obeyed peace maintayned c. to confesse then to the due glorie of a gracious God that this is something and this measure some although not all Loue spieth any good wher it loueth loue couereth many things that are not well Surely it doth not for wants denie the good neither for some condemne all And thus if we would looke at Churches children of the Churches no doubt no doubt Satans combe would be cut touching this temptation If any man will say shewe me these reformed ones and good ones in a Church what answereth a learned father Quid hac re opus est Annon satis est eos in ecclesia esse Quāobrem cùm ipsa communionem habetote manete in ecclesia ad sacros coetus sacramenta quemadmodum oportet accedite Etiamsi enim multi impuri publici peccatores non mundati in ea sint tamen vos ab illis non polluemini non magis quam Apostolos Iudaei polluerunt Quin potiùs videte ne à vobis ipsis polluamini propterea quòd multum vobis tribuitis iudicatis omnes plurimum vobis placetis Itaque spiritualis superbia contemptus nimium vestris animis insidet
not of all And what least is spoken yet let it not least bee thought of For who so is wise will consider these thinges it is a saying often repeated in Scripture Do wee thinke Manasses felt when hee was first moued to sinne what he felt in a strength when God reclaimed Peruse his repentance and prayer iudge your selfe if he had found sinne first as hee founde it last whether euer hee woulde so greatly haue folowed the cause of his woe Did that thriftlesse youth find all as faire when his bag was spent a lewde course runne as when hee first receiued it and began to sinne No no his pleasure had paine both without and within and a short vagare beyond the lists of the Lords good liking layde a grinding a griefe vpon his conscience during life Peter felt not when hee denied what hee felt when hee wept for woe and that most bitterly that euer hee had denied The Iewes felt not when they crucified Christ what they felt ful sharpe when they were pricked in their hearts Neuer neuer shall we bee without smart in the end bee the beginning or processe neuer so sweete And the Lord knoweth the measure For circumstances of action may pull greater and greater measure of plagues from a iust God that hateth impuritie Happy is the soule that sinneth least next that returneth soonest and most dreadfull is the estate of them that both for qualitie and time are left to the deuils malice and their owne corruption One droppe of water to coole my tongue was a wofull cry and beware the like All temptations of this kinde bring vs most readily to this perplexitie Thinke not you shall when you will if you will not when you may Herod and Pilate had their warnings with many mo Herod and Pilate woulde not bee warned with many moe Therefore Herod and Pilate were truely plagued with many moe The longer you let your ship leake when once she leaketh the greater danger and the hardlier emptied The ruinous house doth shewe the like The further the nayle of sinne and some vile delight is driuen in with the deuils hammer the hardlier got out with y e Lords aduise which yet not profiting killeth because it was not suffered to plucke it out The Poet also sayde it well If thou beest sicke preuent the worst and seeke for remedy at the first for when a sickenes hath taken roote if thou take phisicke it wil not boote Thus thinke you then of all temptations in life together and their ende considered they shal bee weake through God that helpeth Nowe I pray you what meane these wordes But deliuer vs from euill It is an explication as hath bin said of the former the first word Deliuer teacheth vs playnly that we are the seruantes of sinne and euen sold vnder sinne as the Apostle sayth The fall of our first parēts hath so made vs and humilitie of heart euer so confesseth it Secondly that our deliuerance therehence commeth not from our selfe or the power of any will or might in vs but onely and euer from this God that we pray to from his power from his goodnesse and mercy that hath no measure We are dead in trespasses and sinnes of our selues and wee can no more helpe our selues from sinne than from death If that sonne shall make you free sayth the Gospel then shall you be free indeede By the second word Euill some vnderstande Satan some sinne some death but the best is to comprehende in it all euilles both of crime and paine whether they bee present or to come Cyprian so expoundeth it in these wordes In the last place wee put but deliuer vs from euill comprehending all kindes of aduersities which the enimy worketh against vs in this world Augustin so expoundeth it saying When we say Deliuer vs from euill we admonish to consider that wee are not as yet in that good case where we shall suffer no euill and this which is last placed in the Lordes Prayer is extended so farre and so playnely that a Christian man mooued with any kind of tribulation may in this petition sigh in this shed his teares beginne heerein continue heerein and end his prayer heerein Bucer Musculus Vrsinus many mo thus expounde it If any man will vnderstand in it cheefely or by a principalitie as it were the deuil let him so do For in deede he is the greatest euill and most pestilent euill that wee neede to pray to be deliuered from Therfore say some when we desire y t God will deliuer vs from euill we desire that he wil send no euill on vs but deliuer vs from all euils present and to come both of crime paine Secondly that if he send on vs any eulles yet that he would mitigate them in this life and turne them vnto our saluation that they may bee good and profitable vnto vs. Thirdly that he will at length in the life to come fully and perfectly deliuer vs and wipe away euery teare from our eyes Others say we begge of the Lorde that he would in mercie renewe vs dayly that is powre into our hearts more and more a most true liking and longing after all righteousnesse and a most vnfained hatred of all euill by what name soeuer it may be tearmed And in the same vpholde vs stil that we may increase and neuer go backwarde Sweete therefore euery way is this as all else that hath bene sayde before and beseeming well the mouth heart and soule of euery man and woman desirouse to please God Deliuer vs O blessed God from all euill For if thou turne thy face away we shall be troubled yea sore troubled dismayde and feared though but euen now wee sayd tush this wealth shall neuer decay The Lord stand with vs giue vs faith in our seuerall dangers to cleaue vnto him For what hee biddeth aske we may well assure our selues we shal receiue if we aske and that is a great comfort Thus much contenteth me nowe of this prayer The Conclusion onelie remaineth which if you will a little open your labour is ended to my good and the Lord repay it The conclusion is this For thine is the kingdome the power and glory for euer and euer Which being expressed of Mathew though of others it bee omitted yet must it carry his place with vs as many mo things doe which one Euangelist noteth and not another The thing it selfe yeeldeth very great strength to our fayth as touching the receiuing of that we aske conteining in it three notable reasons to that effect The first is drawne from the duety of a King which is to heare his subiectes to defende and preserue them And therefore thine is the kindome is as much as if we should say O Lorde graunt our petitions since thou art King and hast all thinges vnder thy rule euen all euill to suppresse it and all good to giue it so farre as with