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A88417 England faithfully watcht with, in her wounds: or, Christ as a father sitting up with his children in their swooning state: which is the summe of severall lecvtures painfully preached upon Colossians 1. / By Nicho. Lockyer, M.A. Published according to order. Lockyer, Nicholas, 1611-1685. 1646 (1646) Wing L2794; Thomason E321_1; ESTC R200573 432,053 511

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Christs army is invisible The devil is true enough to his cause they need not have such hard thoughts of him he is not false to his own kingdome as they are Christs hosts certainly fight against them but when will they see and confesse this their blindnesse and stubbornnesse will break all their backs which is sad but what must to the sword let it to the sword Let us admire justice upon our adversaries and mercy upon ourselves let us all shout and say Christs army is a brave army Christs army is very great Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces as one that is slain thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm Psalm 89.10 by Rahab is meant Egypt the generation which now are slain and the holy Ghost goeth on and telleth us how we should attribute victory to the glory of the invisible power and not to any fleshly arm Thou hast broken Rahab c. A like Scripture you have Hosea 1.7 But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah and will save them by the Lord their God and will not save them by bow nor by sword nor by battell nor by horses nor by horsemen Therefore let us lift up our hearts and tongues now and say to Christ that we are saved by the Lord our God and by his invisible host and not by men Coloss 1.16 All things were created by him and for him c GOd upholdeth our way we have travelled through many things and we are now come to the end of all the end of this verse and the end of the whole creation to wit the glory of Christ for all things that were created by him were created for him Some things are for Christs use and some things for his delight but all for his glory Any motion maketh action but onely such motion maketh divine action as bringeth all to Christs end Christs work is here mentioned and so is mans What is made by Christ must be by us made for him The Law of Gods action we are to stand upon All things must be for Christ Doctr. Things may be distinguished in their kind but not in their last ends There is one kind of flesh of men another of fish another of beasts saith the Apostle and things may be distinguished in their place as some high and some low and things may be distinguished by their parts as some learned and some unlearned but none must be distinguished in their end all creatures all places all parts must be for Christ The Law is universall nothing is absolutely given but all the creation is put out to use for him ten talents five talents one talent not one thing in the world for mans use but must be for Christs not one thing in the world made for man but must be by man made for Christ Christ in a few dayes made man work for all his dayes things are not to be for Christ to day and against him to morrow but for him for ever His praise endureth for ever In good times in bad times all things must be for him as long as they are Christs glory must be everlasting as ours shall be when he cometh to order all the creation for us Scripture expressions must have their extent Men misunderstand this phrase in the Text that think Christ must have all things for him when all advantages serve All things must be for Christ in all times till times shall be no more and then all things are to be for us Man hath a great deal of work upon him and considereth it not he is to take every thing by the hand and lead it home every thing on earth that he medleth with and lead it home to Heaven husband wife children goods meat drink by him and through him and to him are all things Some things are further from God then others and yet all I meddle with I must up with in one notion or other and away with it to him There is but one carrier to Heaven in all the earth and that is man and he is loaded with a witnesse he must carry all that is by God and through him to him and this he must do though he sigh and grone till his back break and he die and then he will have a porters pay You have some carriers for letters and then you have creatures of a lower rank to carry other things but Christ hath but one carrier for all man must carry his words his works his letters and all else here below to him Divinity is high in its scope the glory of Christ is the highest thing and nothing maketh at it but man but he must make at nothing else Man is not to ask what things are made of but what things are made for the former belongeth to Christ and the latter to us 'T is an earthen world this but mans work is to make it heavenly 't is an earthen boul but wants a by as to run right and man is to put in one to make it incline Heaven-ward and to run true to God that made it Low things have a high scope and yet as high as 't is man must make at it upon pain of death we may use any thing but take the glory of nothing if an Herod a King feed on this dish he dieth for it Benjamin must have a dish of dainties alone what fit may be given to instruments but divine glory this is Christs dish he alone must feed on these dainties if any taste of this hony though but with the tip of his staff he dieth for it and worms the meanest creatures shall be strong enough to do it Some points will bear dispute but this will bear none whether I am to give glory to Christ yea or no in all God hath set a King in Sion and 't is sinne to say may I crown him I must crown him with glory though I take off mine own crown to do it The foure and twenty elders fell down before him that sat on the throne and worshipt him that liveth for ever ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying thou art worthie O Lord to receive glory honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4.10 11. There is no place for the dispute of meum and tuum in this point with Christ for all is his all mine are thine as he said to his Father so we are to say to him all ours are his the very crowns we wear the things we have that render us most glorious in the eye of men must be for Christ all our crowns must go to his crown Many will die by this law for every man seeks his own I and mine must live and so must Christ and his Skinne is dear all must go for this but nothing for Christ which is the life of a beast and not of a Christian This time discovers thousands nothing must be for Christ because times call for all for
it and require it Reade these words over and over I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him And it shall come to passe that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him Deut. 18.18 19. Coloss 1.18 He is the head of the body the Church SOmethings have a generall glory look upon a pearl when you will where you will and it shines and sparkles upon you so doth Christ Christ is looked upon before in reference to the world here in reference to such as are taken out of the world in the former he is looked upon with respect to the creation and here with respect to the Church and in both admired as great and glorious Christ wears a garment without seme a generall glory his working-day suit is all full of pearls Consider Christ under any notion in reference to this world and you consider him in his working suit in his countrey cloaths in his travelling apparell and yet in this shining earth heaven the Church is filled with his glory he is head in the one and in other Christ makes a similitude between the worlds between this and that above there he is all fair and so he is here condition suits as the sunne goes in the same height we and they above can see nothing but a perfection in the sunne that shines upon us and no lesse moves desire amongst us Man hath an exact eye though not an exact heart he will see much ere he will love a little Things must be very clean which you swallow persons must be very complete and without exception which we set over us whatever we be our selves which are to move under them The sunne shines in order to draw and gain Nature is full of art to cavill unlesse things have all glory they have no glory if there be any hole in the coat love goes out and gets gone there but there is none in Christs Criticks must be convinced and then they will stand still and consider perfection makes conviction in the most criticall spirit and till the soul can tell no longer how to take exception at others it will not begin to take exception at it self Use Sinners we proffer you gold that is tried gold that hath no drosse gold that is all gold Look upon Christ under any notion and make exception against him if you can look upon him in reference to his words and he shines in them all look upon Christ in reference to the old creation in reference to the new creation or in reference to heaven and what can you except against him nothing Why do you not love Christ then It must be because you will not or because you cannot Some persons are convinced of the worth of Christ yet maintain motion towards other things as dearer and will do this your will shall hang you the thing which you love better then Christ shall be the gallows Stubborn hearts find no compassion Christ will plead for no man that will not love him although he know him and have other encouragements to draw him on to him My people would none of me and I will none of them Persons which are overmastered with a bad heart and cannot do what they would find mercy from the Lord but others are let alone to live as they will and die in their shame complaining hearts Christ is perfect in glory would you love him Christ shines in the world and he shines in the Church in the Church militant and in the Church triumphant he is great every where would you love him Yes This is accepted Christ accepts according to that you have and out of this smoke shall come a flame Holy desires is Christ conceived in the wombe of the soul do but stay a little time and thou wilt feel the babe leap in the wombe doth it not now O how strongly doth that soul come to love Christ which would love him but cannot Coloss 1.18 He is the head of the body HOw God doth suit things is here considerable such a body and such a head Christ is the head os the body God doth nothing at randome divine dispensations are exactly proportioned one thing is fitted to another and this is the thing I would a little stand on The wayes of the Lord are equall mercy runnes into vessels of mercy I have set my king upon my holy hill of Sion Such a body such a head a holy people have a holy king my people have mine anointed over them I have set my king upon my holy hill The world is full of variety of condition so is divine action shaped every one hath as he is Iron hearts have an iron scepter to order them and hearts of a more noble mettall have a scepter of gold every one hath a suitable offendant Gods way in this world is nothing else but a tracing of man you eat but the fruit of your own way when 't is most bitter A people of wrath have a king in wrath there was dispensation exactly suited This is the carriage of God through out the world he doth not work at randome he squares action to the thing he works about and fits one thing to another I am sent to lost sheep saith the Saviour God directs a Saviour to lost man and a Physitian to sick man and to blind and hardned men which think they see Christ is sent to move in justice to them justice naturally suits all her actions to the subject about which she works as mercy doth I am come for judgemen into the world saith Christ to shape action to person to suit dispensation to condition The Deitie speaks out it self in apt action Some men cannot and others will not understand God in his word such must be dealt with another way men that will not reade words have apt works annexed to explain them Divine action suited to humane renders God as it were visible to men born blind let him that did cut off other limbs have his own cut off and be served just as he hath served others and he will see a righteous God presently which could not see it before and you will have him speak good divinity presently by virtue of such apt action annexed to the word which could not understand a word of divinity before As I have dealt with others so God hath requited me said Adonibezek it is a rare artist that can draw out himself and yet this is naturall to God by words and works together he will draw out himself so plain that any one shall runne and reade him God can cut and hew a block so by line so exact by the line of the word and the manners of men that you or any one else the very block it self shall tell who and what hand did it So God hath requited me
and fortunes favour persons as they will troubles may be great but yet your mercy will be certain many may sink under them but surely you will not if the mercy of a God be enough to keep your head above water Others have nothing sure you have all sure the mercy of God sure in which is all If Ephraim be a dear sonne then my bowels are troubled for him and I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord. Dear children of God rejoyce in these sad times your blessednesse hath as sure a foundation as truth it self if God can insure any thing you will never miscarry Your blessednesse will be certain let times and states turn and overturn as they will yea your mercies will be great What God is in heart to any he is in hand where he loves much he gives and forgives much Dear children of God I cannot tell exactly how great you will be you will all have a kingdome let this kingdome stand or fall the naturall sonne and the adopted sonnes have all kingdomes and the one doth not envie the other but joyes in it the naturall sonne is still moving and mediating that this wretched world may have as full a demonstration of this as can be that the naturall sonne and the adopted sonnes may be loved with the same love and honoured with the same honour is one passage of Christs prayer and dear children read it often I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me John 17.23 Your mercies will carry correspondency with Christ and can you tell what felicity the sonne hath in the father And if you can such a felicity will you have in the sonne I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one Dear sonnes of God tell the world your greatnesse in your meannesse that you are beloved as Christ and shall be as happy as he let men and devils do their worst We are ready to impart to you our own souls because you are dear unto us 1. Thess 2.8 God is ready to impart his own soul to you because you are dear the greatest things are given to the dearest souls Coloss 1.14 In whom we have redemption c JUstification hath here a double expression proper and borrowed and so 't is called redemption proper and so 't is called forgivenesse of sinnes The cause of justification hath here likewise a double expression remote and proximate Remote Christ noted in these words in whom c. Proximate his bloud which is not put abstractively but concretly or comprehensively In whom we have redemption through his bloud c. Justification according to its double expression I purpose to prosecute and in that order which here by the holy Ghost laid down beginning first with its borrowed expression Redemption In whom we have redemption c. Redemption notes four things a person in bondage a prise paid a release and a free state all which it may be I may little open to you Redemption notes bondage a destressed state and such a distressed state to wit one thing under the burthensome and destructive power of another so was Israel under Pharaoh Egypt was a house of bondage many together under a burdensome destructive power and it was to preach their spirituall condition and their stubbornnesse occasioned that strong way of instruction God made a fescue of the body to point to the soul fallen man is a soul slave under the burdensome destructive power of sinne and wrath lust carries him captive to sinne sinne carries him captive to wrath and wrath carries him captive to hell which is the great house of bondage for eternitie where many are together under a tormenting destructive power as long as God is Prisons have various rooms but some more sad then others much lower and darker then others hell is the dungeon of the house of bondage which fallen man is in all the rooms are under the same roof under the same power and wrath and doores out of one into another and but a wall between room and room but a wall between a man in sinne and a man in hell this is a sad condition yet universall not a child of Adam free born Jews and Gentiles all are under sinne so many men and so men slaves I am carnall and sold under sinne saith the Apostle As a slave is sold from one bondage to another so one sinne sells my soul to another and all sinne sells me to the displeasure of God me thinks this is the Apostles fancie of the thing I am upon Not a man but in miserie and not a miserie but in sinne sinne is the great house of bondage here in which we are all in which you are and I am I am carnall and sold under sinne and so are you and this is the case of all naturally which is intimated in the text In whom we have redemption the Apostle puts in himself and those to whom he wrote Fallen man is under the power of sinne and under the power of wrath sinne can do what it will with the soul and so can justice with soul and bodie and yet be just Sinne is Gods enemie and hath made God mans enemie man is under the power of the greatest adversarie in the world a punishing power is fallen mans keeper and it follows him whithersoever he goes some dead have a waking ghost to tell under whose custody they are as after a man is brought home to God and goodnesse mercy follows the man to the end of his dayes whereever he goes and the man under the custody of love and of a friend for ever so before brought home to God man is a prisoner to wrath and under the custody of a ruining power and this follows him up and down the world to the end of his dayes They shall follow close after thee Jer. 42.16 Or cleave after you saith God speaking of sword and famine Wrath is ordered to follow close after sinners as its prisoners lest they should escape away before satisfaction be made This as the other I spake of ere while is a generall condition as all are under the power of sinne so are all under the power of wrath and not a man but a captive to divine displeasure naturally ceased upon by justice and under custody for hell if no redemption come The house of bondage hath three rooms sinne wrath and destruction and they all lie one within another There is a bondage of sinne and a bondage of wrath and a bondage of corruption as the Apostle calls the languishing state of the whole creation and all these mutually depending and a common condition the earth perishing every creature upon the earth perishing man the noblest creature under the bondage of sinne wrath and destruction and all hinted here in these words we have redemption that is from sinne wrath
to nothing but bloud Fearfull hearts pursue your Saviour that you may do well or he will pursue you help not on the ruine of a brave kingdome will neglect of the wayes of the Lord keep up you or this tottering kingdomes Coloss 1.18 And he is the head of the body c. CHrist hath many titles and every one speaketh much but this speaketh all head noteth all the offices of Christ As a Priest Christ is head as a Prophet Christ is head as a King Christ is head of the most beautifull body the Church One word of God needeth many words of man to open it Manna lieth of a heap here and if Christ wait to be gracious we shall gather much We must begin with that which is the foundation of office fulnesse Head noteth officium basin officii office and that which maketh sufficience to office Christ is called head quòd omnia in capite sunt ferè dupla as one saith bini oculi binae aures binae nares because all things in the head are as it were double there are two eyes and two eares and two nostrils c. that is a great fulnesse of all exquisite sence and ability for organisation and under this notion I purpose first to handle this tearm Rule is a noble thing Sun-beams weaved into a crown he must be higher by the head then the rest of Israel that is called out to wear this person must be beautifull and parts double and so were Christs he is head 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kaphal duplicavit cùm omnia in capite sunt ferè dupla the head hath two eyes two eares two nostrills doubly organised to act it self and all the rest to supply it self and all the rest so is Christ double endowed not onely for himself but for all that shall need him Leviticall unctions were by pouring and not by dropping enough was poured upon the head to run down to the feet so is Christ anointed as head that is double grace is powred into his lips Doctr. There is store in Christ for all spirituall necessity if any want an eare if any want an eye our head hath two one for himself and another for us if any want an eare Christ hath two he is our head If any man want any other abilitie Christ can furnish for he is head and anointed so Giving is made in order to receiving receptivitie is very vast in Christ Christ can receive what ever God can give the fulnesse of the God-head dwelleth in him God can do no great things in our spirits they are so little In Christ there is proportionable capacity to infinite greatnesse and there God dwelleth furnisheth and moveth as he is double and treble donation is made without end Infinite capacitie will hold infinite fulnesse Giving is made in order to an ultimate end Christ is not the ultimate end of divine donation Christ is not given unto merely to retain but he is given unto to give There is reciprocation in divine donation every thing is given unto to give back again the sea is filled with water to fill the earth with springs and showers things must have much which are to supply many Christ is anointed to anoint Ye have received an unction from the holy one Christ hath what he hath in order to abide and therefore called head Use Necessitous creatures consider your condition and where your supplies lie 't is sad to see how poore many of you are If there were no soul riches to be had your poverty were no sinne but now your poverty is sinfull misery and sinfull misery is sinking misery your poverty will judge you because there is wealth to be had that you have no oyl will shut you out quite because there is oyl to be gotten were you wise to look after it oyl enough to fill your lamps to keep you burning and shining till you go into that place where you shall shine for ever Men in want lay to heart nothing that maketh want utterly undoing thousands live and die damnable poore do I not unawares speak the condition of some of you do soul wants lie heavie upon you Yes the nature of such a condition should be considered soul-pressures are from severall apprehensions all are not kind if this be not looked to fulnesse in Christ will not be looked after though the heart be ready to die with load there is soul-pressure from conscience enlightned guilt by divine ordination looketh back upon the soul dayly howerly and the soul would look away from it and think of no sinne nor no such thing but cannot visions of wrath so haunt him and here lieth his load if any company if any musick would cheere and charm away this evill spirit that so haunteth the man he would get it what ever it did cost life though bad not at all disliked by the man but horribly disliked of God and conscience that the man cannot do what he would he is so plagued within and here lieth the burden that the man cannot keep his sinne and not that he cannot leave his sinne Let such men know that that that arrow which is shot into the heart shall abide and how able and full soever Christ be to power oyl into wounded souls he will power none into these wounds these shall gangrene and destroy the man for they are diaboli ulcera this is the burden of the damned that they cannot prosecute their will but are tormented Pressures are pittied which spring from love to Christ and hatred of sinne I am sick of love Christ is my life more then my life but I cannot enjoy him therefore I sinne sink grone and die such bleeding is staid such wounds have mercy powred into them Oppressed harts do you prize the fulnesse that is in Christ O nothing dearer then blessed are ye for dispensation to you shall be full you shall have flaggons Previous dispositions speak the mercy coming certainly the heavens glimmer in the east the sunne is certainly rising affections stirre the beloved is not farre off the way is strewed the king is coming there will be crying Hosanna and triumphing anon Panting hearts let the king come his own pace and he will get home to you by night he will sup with you and feast with you and what ever he hath to refresh and revive the soul you shall have it ere any temptation shall destroy you Christ feasting is usually at supper his full communications are ordinarily late but never too late fulnesse of mercy comes in fulnesse of time Let passions burn strong but not turbulent if any thing make your beloved make haste and come skipping to you like a young Roe it will be this Christ comes in a still voice and unto still souls that long earnestly but wait patiently for him Simeon waited for the consolation of Israel and he had his bosome full Deep waters come slowly infinite fulnesse is long a emptying it self That which works exactly must have time
you give your hearts to God God will give the hearts of men to you be restlesse about your owne worke be not restlesse about Gods The carriage of God should be imitated and the love of God should be received and admired these are the last things that I will urge upon you Every heart should be taken when divine love breakes forth especially when it breaks forth strongly and restlesly Our climate is more glorious then all the world the Sunne in brightnesse shines continually upon us wisdome cries in every street and cries restlesly cries and dies The Crowner will sit the debt of love will be laid to our charge If you love your soules be as restlesse to receive and admire as God is to proffer Mercie is our Manna our bread from heaven we should feed upon it every good thing comes downe from heaven and should lead our soules thither and then 't is good to us You have not a crum of kindnesse but comes from heaven but love in strength is heaven it selfe descending Who can but admire and receive this who can but enter into heaven when it comes to his dore What will heaven be turned into if turned off at our dore Let sinners tremble such as trample upon restlesse love and gag the mouth of continuall crying mercy but let weake hearts cheare themselves 't is a delightfull thing to God to receive you he is restlesse and will be restlesse till you have rest Broken hearts can make nothing hold together to doe them good with cords of love they hang themselves When mercy in latitude is mentioned 't is turned off God hath no heart to me why I mis-pend and misuse all Why yet thou art invited to eate that which is good and to let thy soule delight it selfe in fatnesse And God is restlesse in this invitation he eyes not what you have neglected no nor what you have abused he eyes your necessitie and his owne grace and it would delight him much if you would now eate that which is good and let your soules delight themselves in fatnesse Esa 45.2 God is not pleased that I sinne but he is pleased that I believe let my sin be what it will dying hearts fetch life from this Text that it pleaseth God to give Christ for you COLOSSIANS 1.19 That in him should all fulnesse dwell O Lord how great are thy workes and thy thoughts are very deep saith the Psalmist Psal 92.5 Wee are vaster in thoughts then wee can be in words or workes 't is not so with God he is as profound in expression as in conception and in action as in either admirable great and deep in both How great are thy workes and thy thoughts very deep The depth of divine expression in action we are now to fathome fulnesse all fulnesse The worke is above us but God will be mercifull to weaknesse if wee lose our selves in him If we can but admire thoughts words and workes of bottomlesse depth as David did and as the Apostle here doth wee shall doe something on-ward of our dutie and follow the footsteps of the flocke For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell c. Man is a creature rather induced then forced as things are indowed so they draw What hath much moves a little what hath very much moves a little more what hath all fetches oft some from all to imbrace this this propertie onely hath Christ he hath all fulnesse The expression speakes admirable perfection reception and fruition unto the highest blessednesse which that Christ hath I will demonstrate to you that I may pursue the scope of the holy Ghost and gaine you all if it may be to love him Communication in relation to Christ is immediate water at the Well-head is purest plentifullest sweetest At the Well-head water is for qualitie and quantitie full one cannot so easily be deceived there in either one cannot drinke a spring dry Christ lies in the bosome of the Father he is in God the Leviathan tumbles in the deepe the heart of God is deepe what is in this Christ onely knowes what he determins and meanes within himselfe Christ imparts and none else What Christ seeth the Father doe that doth he Joh. 5.19 Christ is in word and action the revelation of what was hid in God from the beginning of the world The Apostle to the Ephesians when he would tell you what is the riches of Christ saith that it is immediate riches something that he hath which all the world beside hath not something that lies hid where none can come at but himselfe something that is hid in God Ephes 3.8 9. You have many instructers but Christ hath none Who hath instructed him He dwels in light Nothing is hid from Christ not the things which are in Gods breast for he lies there Christ hath immediate communication which is full as full as God Christ hath vast braines for God is his head and none else I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is man and the head of Christ is God 1 Cor. 11.3 that 's a brave head-piece indeed The like place is that 1 Cor. 3.23 And yee are Christs and Christ is Gods Christ hath immediate reference to none but God Communication in order to Christ is immediate and it is universall All fulnesse empties all into him God is in Christ reconciling the world c. Some things will hold much but are not filled nothing will hold all but Christ and he hath actuall communication according to his utmost capacitie God is in Christ doing what he doth in this world There is communicatio essentiae according to which Christ and his Father are one There be many things have God in them but none as Christ hath none have all God in them none have so much of God as that they can speake and doe as God and so as that without blasphemy they may be called God yet so may Christ 't is no blasphemy to call Christ equall to God to call him God Christ is God and moves as God Whatsoever things the Father doth these also doth the Sonne There is a universalitie of communication you see to Christ Whatsoever things the Father doth c. Life is quid essentiale quid universale it comprehends all As the Father hath this in himselfe so hath he given to the Sonne As the Father hath life in himselfe so hath he given unto the Sonne to have life in himselfe Joh. 5.26 There is a universalitie that lies scattered in many things as well as comprised in one and if you heed this this also is communicated to Christ All the ' promises are in Christ yea and in him amen i. they are fulfilled in him first and then by him to all others Finally Communication is exact Christ is essentially and ornamentally the same with his Father He is the expresse image of his person and the brightnesse of his glory
made peace by the blood of his crosse The blood of the crosse notes the very strength of cruelty malice heightened by art contriving many deaths into one a death for the head a death for the foot a death for the arms a death for the sides an army of tortures divided into parties to go their severall wayes in the body and to meet all at the heart to make as many torments as members and as many hels as drops of blood A forlorn state is here sadly hinted men of parts first rejected Christ and then imploy'd all to cut his throat Apostasie generates tyrannie Doctr. The greatest cruelty is among persons hypocritically professing Christianity The death of the crosse was inflicted upon Christ by them that sate in Moses chaire Christ among his own loseth all friends honours blood betray'd and butcher'd in his own family amongst his own He came to his own but could not get off without the losse of his life Profession is a thing of course light drawes out this where it makes no inward change the heart abiding naught action will be answerable first or last what ever the tongue say Some do worse then they meant a Chieverall heart stretches when reacht further then thought of Morality is too weak to resist sin Divinity is too weak to resist sin if it reach not the soul A man is as the temptation that assaults him that hath not the sword of the Spirit in his spirit if it be to kill to kill cruelly to crucifie Christ if a mans heart be not crucified by his light he will crucifie his Father his Saviour when temptation lies this way Sin is so far from lessening that it heightens it self by notionall light accidentally though not naturally What light takes not hold of the heart the heart can take hold of it to make its own way the stronger by Light is a crutch to help Satans criples to go well Low persons get a stoole and become high light makes men otherwise weaponlesse armed strong and wise to do evill The justice of God also is in this point Conviction makes conversion or hardeneth If Christ come neer a city and cannot get open the gates and get in he throwes in granadoes and sets consciences afire when affection opens not Instructed persons have raging consciences mad men are bloody they will kill any rather then they will be whipt themselves this was the case in reference to the Jews Christ was as John a burning and shining light the light he held forth to hypocrites did burn their consciences and to quench this they cared not what they did to Christ open his own veins and take his own blood to quench his own Spirit Hypocrites will take the blood of Christ out of every member of Christ to quench the Spirit of Christ that burns within them Vse This point is very usefull and very seasonable Count not your externall felicity very secure nor your persons free from barbarism because you live amongst professors of Christianity The Word of God is a draught-net it brings up of all sorts whole Christians half Christians a man almost a Christian will quite condemn you and all out torture you and yet wash his hands as innocent of your blood Truth may do much upon the tongue yea much upon the heart of your neighbour and yet not enough to secure your skin the lives next to him Felix trembled Pilate suffered much in his spirit yet did they make Christ suffer much in his flesh and Spirit The Word is of much power upon conscience when of none at all upon affection affrights sometimes but not reforms an affrighted heart recovers it self and becomes by so much the more resolute and hardened to desperate work You that tremble under our ministry now you will recover many such pangs and be hard-hearted to our death to our crucifixion when times turn another way Let no man promise himself immunity from any misery because he lives where profession is rife The best hearts are oftentimes soonest deceived much goodnesse is ready to trust it self where there is but little and receives a wound A Lark hath but a bad eye to discern a true Sun from a false she sees a Sun in a glasse and comes down to delight in it and is ensnared Sweet spirits know this time you have a double disadvantage now You think all are good because they speak well you will be taken with a Sun in a glasse ensnared with something like a Sun Integrity goes with an open breast Hypocrisie makes advantage of this and stabs to the heart There was never more need of this caution Some out of sweetnesse others out of courage are over credulous Gedeliah lost his life this way England hath almost lost its life through over-much credulousnesse but from whence our credulity hath sprung I know not We have had fair words shews of goodnesse and would not heed reall badnesse and look to our selves 'T was told Gedeliah again and again that such sought his life so ' thath been told us again and again that such and such have been false and base and yet because they have been specious for this and that we have been incredulous and ruiningly venturous Courage degenerates into stupidity when faith builds altogether upon fancy Stupidity speaks destruction decreed all is destroy'd that should prevent destruction Understanding swallows fancies judgement builds its welfare upon these now the heart is asleep amongst Serpents Write Lord have mercy upon this soule he will certainly be stung to death ere he awake I have spoken Englands case ere I was aware Stupidity is a common glague our head is broke our wounds are many and we lay our bleeding state in the bosome of such as have served the times to fetch life in us again Ah Lord may it not make a tender heart shake to see how much we lean upon many that a little while since bended any way Where wealth and advantage abound trust may be venturous with lesse perill because much will bear out a little losse and do well but when all is almost gone then one must be double wary how one trusts in weighty matter This is our case we are at last cast upon the brink of death and ruine making our will in order to all priviledge civill and divine and yet have not that mercy from the Lord to take double heed and care whom we make executors to whom we leave the hope of posterity We look at parts honours more then at truth of grace in those that manage our affaires so there be but profession and specious pretences some court divinity to paint persons over to look fair in the eye of men and something like the Cause we manage we venture all upon them Naked profession is not to be trusted the characters of this I will give you that no man may deceive himself nor others Meer profession is vain-glorious light souls paint words actions their faculty lies this way They do
that might speake matter of hope to thee Despaire in strength is very peremptory in conclusions but never deliberate in examinations of grounds 'T is a soule so tossed and tumbled between Satan and conscience day and night that it hath no power to ponder any thing Pressus ab exemplo discat sperare secunda Thou shalt goe to hell O my soule when thou diest Why I have sinned So did all the Saints that are in Heaven when they were in earth as now thou art did not David sin much in life and yet what a brave hope had he in death Sin enough in life to make him a type of Satan for bloud and unmercifulnesse and yet hope enough in death to make him a type of Christ Thou wilt not leave my soule in grave Yea but some persons sins have a very sad consideration over others have This is a truth but no sin or misery must have any such consideration as to sinke the soule Hold this position all that God doth is to bring us nearer to him If he whip us and strike never so hard or never so strangely 't is to bring us nearer him not to drive us further from him If he strike the body or the soule if he let loose Satan to tempt and let loose the heart to fall 't is to bring the soule nearer to God God doth nothing to drive away thy soule from him nor would he have any thing else doe it and wilt thou doe it thy selfe by every thing thou seest hearest feelest c Despaire makes use of externall senses all together more then of the Bible and construes all things amisse it harpes much upon the intention of God God intends my death he holds me for his enemie fury guides him in all that he doth about me one may run and read his frownes in all his actions Thou frownest alwayes O tempted soule and thou thinkest God doth so Thy soule is precious to Christ he doth not desire its death 't is more precious to Christ then to thy selfe Christ would save it and thou wouldest destroy it he meanes nothing else in the blackest saddest things that are upon thee but love and mercy therefore be not prejudized concerning his intention the saddest things that are upon thee if thou couldest but turne them upside downe thou shouldest see in them the smiling face of God Hold one position more that Gods intentions toward us are accompanied with the readiest means to accomplish them in us Good is long a coming this principle swallowed is destructive to Hope the next step will be this 't will never come Christ long a coming the next crosse makes the soule conclude he will never come Wee may not construe Christ tedious in his motion and yet 't is hard to doe otherwise when much put to it when tryals are sharpest mercy and deliverance is nearest The Heathen rage The Lord of hosts is with us saith the next verse Hold fast I come quickly When 't is as much as ever one can hold tryall being so strong then Christ makes hast and salvation is neare This principle well laid into the soule would make one hope to the end hope to the last man in a battell to the last breath in a sicknesse Jacob comes hindermost of the company Christ comes after all means are done Isaac which signifies laughter is a childe of old age Christ comes out of a withered womb the man-childe that makes us laughter comes out of means given up as barren When Christ throwes a man downe and throwes him very low then is he about to raise him When Christ kills then is he readie to make alive If this were received who could despaire Who would not hope of life when every one gives him over Yea of eternall life Finally hold one position more that Satan and thine own unbelieving heart conspire against thy tranquilitie hope is the joy of a mans life Satan hath none and it addes to his sorrow when he seeth any else have joy it greatens his hell when he sees any else have but a little of Heaven Finall despaire shuts up that cursed spirit and all those that are with him the worme that gnawes me will never die the fire that burnes me is unquenchable the chaines that hold me are everlasting chaines the pit I am in is bottomelesse no possible passage from hence not a drop of mercy falls in here to cole any scorched creature in the space of eternitie this is the tone of Tophet these are the dismall complaints which those restlesse soules below throw out as they role to and fro in that fiery furnace Despairing sinner Satan is fallen in with thy conscience to conjure thy soule into this condition Thou art in hell upon earth as that other phrase is of her that is dead while shee lives Tell me How dost thou sleepe How dost thou eate How dost thou walke How dost thou talke How dost thou looke Is not thy moisture turned into the drought of summer Thy body turned into skin and bones Alas for thee poore soule God never made such a way as this to Heaven 't is Satan and thy owne despairing heart one evill spirit tormenting another just as they doe below and the designe is to seale the soule up for wrath despaire is the black seale of the bottomlesse pit Lay all this together now and doe but thinke how unkindly you deale with Christ for all his love and paines which hath done so much for the tranquilitie of your life to make you hope here and possesse hereafter Christ hath taken upon him your debts there is not a sin that ever you committed not a trespasse against any rule but he will be accountable for it and in your stead and all to make you hope Some friends will undertake for part of ones debt to make one chearfull and this is much love too much to be slighted but then there remaines something behind and that sads and sinkes the heart How shall I pay that Bleeding soule Christ leaves thee no debt to pay no sin to answer for 'T is lively set out in that Parable Luk. 18.32 O wicked servant I forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest it shouldest not thou also have compassion on thy fellow-servant What should make feare when all is discharged If I did know it were so Dost thou not desire it should be so Wouldest thou not have all right and sweet between God and thy soule rather then any thing Yes Why this may be a demonstration to thee that all is right and even between God and thee Did I not forgive thee all thy debt because thou desirest me God forgives debts to Christ upon exact satisfaction but Christ forgives debts to us upon complaining of them and groaning under them and desiring their discharge upon a heart panting to be clean the voice goes forth from Christ I will be thou cleane Panting languishing soule for mercy thou hast obtained mercy thou desirest to
is beastly yet very common The Land is full of mercies and full of nothing but brutes that tread upon them Brutishnesse in a man is sensualitie a sensuall person is one killed with kindnesse one that eats mercies but doth not taste them weares mercies but doth not feele them seeth mercies but doth not understand the loving kindnesse of the Lord nor never will he is cursed to the dust as the seed of the Serpent to goe upon his belly upon his appetite and upon no higher principle through this world to feed onely upon dust and upon no nobler thing for making a God of this world You wonder at the plague and at the sword but this is the greatest judgement in the Land that no man sees the mercie that shines upon him All the judgements that are in the Land are but to cast shadowes upon mercies that you may see them well and carry them and your soules to Heaven together There should not be a judgement more among us did you see mercy as you should there should not a man more die did loving kindnesse live in our hearts The heart of this Land is eaten out with long tillage God now dungs it that things may grow well 'T is so with our soules Our hearts are eaten out with vanities nothing will come up that is divine not spring up as high as Heaven God pluckes up all to pluck up your hearts to Heaven 't will be well if this be effected although it be not till all be dead When all is dead if then a mans soule grow alive to God blessed am I though there be but this one thing alive of all I have England is dead God is burying it Our hearts are quarred with fulnesse and become stones no musick can be playd upon a stone God makes musick to himselfe with justice seeing wee can make none to him with mercie he sets us to throw stones one at another hard heart against hard heart to dash out one anothers braines to kill a companie of men Canini appetitus of a dog appetite whose belly is as the grave and as hell which cry give give but never returne Know the state of the generall and bleed inwardly Doe you see a love returning spirit in any ranke from the highest to the lowest I England am made a mirror of mercie a thousand thousand wounds and yet not dead What pen shall I take and what book Where shall I write this love that it may be ever in Gods eye and mine owne Doe you see such a spirit stirring for the glory of Christ Wee fall in person we fall in purse and we fall and flat in spirit too nothing rises in any man that I see but that which throwes all downe Pride and selfe Ego magnus not ego Paulus I great not I little and low this may be every mans motto Big spirits are the worst in the world to stoop and to take up every thing of Gods and give it to him Big proud spirits admire themselves such as are taken up with admiration of themselves can never be good at this dutie of admiring God Look over all the Kingdome and people in the world and tell me a people more pinned to and doating upon its selfe then we are What a Clergie What Magistracy What an Armie have we So big so acute so perfect as not to be exprest This puts by the other quite what a Christ have we how strong how wise how gracious Do ye heare mens mouths filled with this with admiration of Christ What ornaments doe I weare in my soule or upon my outward man but Christ hath put them on all Know the state of the generall and know your own state in particular Doe you as Paul here admire the goodnesse of Christ in all the goodnesse that is upon you That you are stopped and ceased from wickednesse That you are turned to Christ Yea not nakedly so but turned into noble services for Christ Intrusted with many Talents above your brethren for the good not onely of your selves but many more I would willingly admire this if it were so but alas for me Ob. I am not yet stopped nor turned from my wicked course I am a swearer still a drunkard still a gracelesse uselesse wretch still Why then admire that thou art not in hell Sol. there is no man alive no man of this side hell but hath some mercie yea much mercie to admire say that I a swearer am not yet in hell in the proper place for blasphemers O what a mercie is this That sin and judgement are not closed unseparably all this while in so many yeares O what a wonder is this There is not a greater aptnesse for fire and stubble to close then for sin and judgement in a wicked soule that the cover of the tinder-box should be open and striking of fire a great many yeares and a great many sparkles falling of both sides and some in and yet not take that thou a naked gracelesse soule open to the wrath of God and living in a Land where wrath is powring out by plague sword and other judgements and yet that thou shouldest escape here is a big wonder indeed blind soule canst thou see it No I have no more then others have nor yet so much this cuts the throat of holy admiration How wofully is this creature plagued Others mercies are his judgements he cannot see what he has because others have more Canst thou not see what thou hast thy selfe No hold thy mercies neere thine eyes Canst thou not see them now No. Why then I feare that thou art beside borne-blind mad-blind as those wilfull Pharisees and Scribes this is a sad condition There is no recovery of sight when the eyes are struck out If this be not thy plague there is the more hope for God will take the businesse in hand to make thee see in a more strong way then now 't is done by me if all meanes have not been used alreadie as what a potent course is taken up in this case Hosea 11.3 I taught Ephraim to goe taking them by the armes but they knew not that I healed them I drew them with the cords of a man and with the bands of love and I laid meat unto them God will one time or other take hold upon thy conscience and lead thee about from mercie to mercie and point thee to them particularly one after another O ungratefull soule I did this for thee and I did that I saved thee from breaking thy leg such a time from breaking thy necke such a time from such a desperate sicknesse such a time c. Thus doth God to persons that are asleepe in ingratitude to awaken them and thus he doth to them that are dead Goe and tell David I took thee from the sheepfold c. After that soule miscarriage God set one to talke with him with a witnesse to tell him who raised him and to what and what use was expected of
children cry friends frowne lively-hood did I say nay Life it selfe because of all these is almost gone t is as much as my heart-strings will hold I sigh so oft and so deep and can the heart of God be towards me can all be for me and all against me The Heart of God how it inclines cannot be gathered from the hand no not from the Tongue of God When a man would make demonstration of his state by the hand of God towards him hee had neede weigh things well the wheeles that go over have so many eyes and looke so many wayes one shall be deceived also God can speake against a man and do against him as you call against and yet all that while yearne in heart over him and working about great things for him he can speake against Ephraim a deare child and yet at the same time remember him yea remember him earnestly Since I spake against him I remember him still Affection is subordinate to fancy memory and more noble powers persons and things kept in memory and fancy these powers will work and keepe bowels beating still but when persons and things are throwne out here out of the memory of God then a mans condition is forlorne indeed and never till then thus Saints are never Christ speaking of sharpe troubles killing and bloudy trials saith Feare not him that can kill the body and then comes on thus to shew the tender providence and bowels still work in such times when we thinke not Are not five Sparrowes sould for two farthings and yet not one of them is forgotten before God but even the haires of your head are all numbred feare not therefore you are of more value c. Pretious persons sometimes according to externall condition are of no worth spoild bought sold for naught five of them for two farthings and yet not these not one person no not one haire of these persons forgotten i not without the compasse of tender bowells their haires numbered when upon their head and when they fall off their head T is not safe to calculate kindnesse by the meere motion of outward things or of ones own heart Straites and trialls put weake creatures to it Christ is not extreme to observe in this case Divine compassion dies not so soone as we thinke t is an everlasting thing t is a child of mercy which indures for ever God in all cases of transgression lookes upon Christ strictly then his fury is ceased this ceased whatsoever God does is consistent with bowels tender bowels The bitterest things that befall us should be so construed by looking still to Christ as God doth The Lord speakes of the piercing Serpent and Leviathan the crooked Serpent and the Sea Dragon Esaia 27.1 2 3. and all these in his Vineyard and suffered them all to make terrible worke and yet when hee comes to redresse this saith that fury was not in him all this while they did quite mistake him that did judge these sad afflictions the fruites of a heart turned against them Make use of these things to keepe your hearts setled in the truth of this point that the heart of God specially bends toward you and then milke out the sweet of it to all occasions so all conditions will bee sweete to you death it selfe Life COLOS. 1.25 To fulfill the Word of God THe finall cause of Divine distribution is here doubly set down substantially and circumstantially What is given is to be imparted to whom To Saints to you how much is to be given to them All that is given unto us this last circumstance is prest in this last clause as the other is in the former we must 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fulfill the Word of God i preach fully the word of God The same word is used Romans 15.19 and so translated From Ierusalem round about to Illyricum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have fully preached the Gospell of Christ The matter and the manner of divine ministration fall both here under consideration Sacred constitutions are not stuffed with hay straw stubble things that hold forth onely to sense some humane fading thing they are all of supreame authority and hold forth something of God and nothing else some pure beame of the Sun shines in every sacred Ordinance There were many sorts of instruments about the Tabernacle and yet not a pin but pointed at some great thing some pointed at the wisdome of Christ some at the power some at the mercy of Christ some noted the back-parts some the face some the body some the bloud some the Life some the death some the dying-breath of Christ to wit the word Know the nature and the authority of this Ordinance now managed we breath the dying breath of Christ to fulfill the Word of God 1 Cor. 23.27 i to accomplish his mind who thus made his will By the last words of David were the Levites appointed at such certaine yeares to their worke so by the last words of Christ was this worke put upon our shoulders Whereof J am made a Minister to fulfill the word of God i his last word of institution The dying breath of Section Christ we breath in your faces the nature of this I will open to you what it is naturally what accidentally Naturally t is pure perfectly pure There are three regions of Aire and although one purer then another yet none perfectly pure 'T is a division that pleaseth Schollers Pure but the substance is one So we may distinguish in this matter in hand There be three Regions in that Aire that blowes and breathes upon our soules the brest of the Father the brest of the Sun the brest of the holy Ghost all pure perfectly pure these are personally distinguished but one in essence As things are so they breath Lungs and inwards rotten and breath is answerably corrupt cleane things come not out of the mouth of uncleane wickednesse proceeds out of the mouth of the wicked persons when they are dying their breath is most of all impure all parts within are so over-run and ruined with filth Christ was dying all that time hee lived among us and yet sound in all parts holy and so breathed to the last he gave up his last breath in Hell and yet holy and heavenly and therefore very apt and punctuall is that expression of Solomon Every word of God is pure Prov. 30.5 Christ never had any filth in his mouth the fountaine that gave spring to that out-let was so pure hee never spake a sinfull word if every word of Christ was pure then his dying words were pure his words in Hell Eloi Eloi c. And yet this is not all the emphasis of that Text every word of God is Tserupha purgatus purified Surmo purgatus 'T was a Hell that Christ did speake in all his time here below if this Hell did do any thing it did purge and not pollute his words hee learn'd obedience not disobedience by all he
not we but Christ in us that doth it he is all in all as well as all for all He bids this and that be done and 't is so his words wash us Take away the filthy garments from him set a faire Mitre on his head Zach. 3. Christ lays out all and demands nothing which is admirable Behold I have refined thee but not for silver Esay 48.10 I chose thee in the furnace of affliction c. If one referre this Text to Egypt or to Babylon 't is of much life When I did good to you in Egypt and owned you it could not be for gaine and wealth for yee had none 't was a furnace of affliction a state of oppression and bondage for my owne sake I saved you there and so I will in Babylon and so he doth every sinner that Christ doth good to any sinner purifie cleanse and cloath him cannot be for any thing in him because he chuseth us as the Text saith in a Furnace of affliction in a stript condition in a state of captivity Captives have not store of treasure to ransome themselves this well deserves a note of admiration in the front Behold I have refined thee but not for silver I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction Finally this may be assured thee that Christ will compleat thy purification speedily take speed as the Gospell doth The heart is deep nothing in the world like it things of depth are not emptied nor filled presently as men call presently but allow Christ the liberty of his own Idiome and dialect in speaking and so he is not slack nor long a consummating the acts of mercy no he is not long in consummating the acts of Justice though he be longer ere he accomplish this then that a great deale The Lord is not slack as men call slacknesse saith Peter and yet hee speaks there about wrath consuming wrath and yet he goes a great deale slower about this being as I may say unnaturall to him then about kindnes and mercy being things in which he delights If God be not slack as men count slacknesse in consumamting justice upon wicked men surely he is not slack as you poor sinners count slacknesse in consummating grace and mercy impatient Creatures think a little time a great while unbeleeving Saints do this as well as unbeleeving sinners Doe but allow God so much time in order to all thine enemies internall as Jerome of Prague did in order to all his enemies externall and I will assure thee in such a compasse of time thou shalt triumph over them all cito vos omnes vt respondeatis mihi post centum annos c. thy strongest enemy cannot live above an hundred yeares once in a hundred yeare men devils sins vos omnes as he speaks they shall all answer to you for all the in●ury they have done to you you shall judge and burne them which have burnt you so long COLOS. 1.28 Jn all Wisdome VVHat these expressions as conjoyned with the foregoing import and then the termes of it in themselves may both worthily fall under consideration that which they import as conjoyn'd with the former is that the heart of man is very hardly throughly wrought upon all variety of action warning teaching all duration of action warning teaching termes Participly exprest to note the continuation of those acts all art skill and exactnesse of action wisedome all wisdome all these used to reach the heart throughly and to bring a sinner home to Christ The soule of man is with much difficulty throughly brought home to Christ Doct. There be many devises in the heart of man as Solomon speakes which make this that I say I will note some of them Every thing hath its defence the heart hath many and all usefull by which it beares off the power of Divine things from seasing and taking hold of it the heart will carpe and catch at the Ministery of the Word this is one device by which the power of truth is destroyed the dish that holds the meat is not turn'd well and therefore the meate in it overturnd the braine crackt the minde triffles out it selfe 'tas no power to pitch and fix upon things of weight this habit lost toyes and trifles only sute and take up the heart divine ordinance toyed with their heart is pluckt out that which hath no heart cannot go to the heart if a sinner by any art and craft can pull out the heart of an Ordinance he will abide there is no doubt unstir'd in his sinne There is a spirituall frensy and madnesse is not easily cure'd the old man sits at Table and playes with his fingers hee can scarce see what meat is before him and yet every dish is out of order one speakes too quick another too slow one too plaine an nother too darke the stomack is poysoned a worme is under the tongue the eare itches therefore every thing preached is beside the Text no word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bene significans the soule doth haerere in cortice choke it selfe with a shell teares Sermons into particular sentences sentences into words words into sylables sylables into Letters strips expression starke naked from matter and then hunts a shadow to hell this expression is used Mark 12.13 they sent to Christ certaine of the Pharisees and Herodians to catch him in his words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to hunt him his words so the word signifies that soule that hunts Christ and his Ministers in their words is hunted by the divill from the matter a criticall spirit hath as many dores to run away from Christ and the power of truth as there be words in the Greek Lexicon This brings mee to speake of another device of the heart the old man can evade he can catch others very nimbly and get loose himselfe as nimbly The Serpent that dealt with Eve could turne in and out bend to and againe wrigle every way at pleasure that Serpent is in our bosome it was an emblem of our heart which will turne twenty wayes to evade the power of truth that which hath such a property to bend every way is not easily broken things that will bend double will wave double and treble force ere they will breake The art of evasion that the heart hath to put by the sword of the spirit and to save the life of sinne is of great compasse and depth and runs it selfe into many branches which I cannot run after now summarily see a little of this art shadowed by the carriage of Saul 1 Sam. 19.16 Saul had heard that David was at his house and sent him to kill him there and Michal let him downe at a window and laid an image in the bed and told the messengers that came to search that David was sick and thus turned the messengers away and then they were sent againe to fetch David in his bed that Saul might kill him in his bed and by this time David was gone far
when evil is committed against all means used to avoid it and that case is afflicting but not destroying for 't is the case of the best sometimes The compasse is set to such a haven and all mariners working that way and by force of wind beaten aside As the heart stands to Christ and truth or not so is the man more or lesse carried away some plead against their own hearts as working so and so unruly and side with conscience and Christians as condemning them and wish that as they condemne that which is naught that so they would execute it too and bury it quite that like the body of Moses neither man nor devil might find it to make a resurrection of it again Others plead for an evil engaged affection against Christians yea against conscience and all the art lies to keep along between these two smoothly and well that sinne and the man may enjoy themselves without being notorious both and afraid one of another or both of hell this soul is carried very farre from God if he see it but if not the man is in a desperate condition and yet Christ can bear out of this Does God bear souls heaven-wards load him let him not want imployment cast your burdens upon him Casting our burdens upon God turning off perplexing thoughts making known requests and resting upon God for answers One complains of this and another of that but do you complain of all to Christ that he would give you with his everlasting arms a lift Iniquity is too heavie for the soul and the soul is too heavy for it self when it onely bears it self and makes not to Christ to be born Every thing cracks under the weight of sin our very souls crack under the weight of sinne Sinners thank your selves Why is not Christ of more use with you You would bear all alone that will kill you Christ can carry all alone your souls and the guilt and filth that is in them but none else he did tread the winepresse alone There is art in unloading the soul upon Christ and it lies in this in observing particularly what loads the soul and what Christ hath said particularly to such a case no soul miscarries of being born to heaven that thus does Christians blesse-God he takes much pains with you receive this and I conclude this point Gods arms are as free for you as yours for your children I have often wondred at that expression They shall runne and not be weary but now I see how it comes about we run upon anothers legs Christians that you keep on the way of God so chearfully and so resolutely against all opposition 't is Gods bearing of you blesse him you would wax weary and with-draw to the perdition of your souls else Perseverance in grace is a great deal of pains to Christ though it be little to us When you carry children long in your arms over this stile and over that do not your arms ake Then think of Christ what bearing your souls and your sinnes is and whether it be worth thanks Let him have the burden for the bearing and if it were all gold You pay porters for carrying this and that pay Christ well let him have your souls for the carriage of them Coloss 1.13 Into the kingdome of his dear Sonne CHrist hath double honour from above externall and internall the hand of God and the heart of God and both here one after another to be spoken of Preferment and this as a great favourite A Kingdome and this because dear a sonne of love Into the kingdome of his dear Sonne or Son of his love There is a generall misjudgment of Christ We judged him forsaken of God The Jews generally judge meanly of Christ and so do we Gentiles but all without warrant for God doth not so Christ is high in Gods esteem and hath honour suitable A kingdome here besides a kingdome to come I will make demonstration to you of Christs kingdome here and by such things as are in the kingdomes of men The lambe hath a throne mercy and justice working in power here God sits upon the throne of his holinesse Psal 47.8 Holinesse here speaks mercy and justice and the demonstration of these is Christs throne that upon which he sits Christ hath no other seat nor abiding in this world but as a dispenser of mercy and justice God sits upon the throne of his holinesse Man can sit down upon things without himself but God cannot his own holinesse is his throne the whole world will afford him no rest nor no seat to stay a moment upon but onely what himself doth in it Some are condemned already and by that rule some are saved already some broken in heart and some hardened in heart and all these speak out Christs throne here in the power that doth these sits Christ he sits upon the throne of his holinesse Kingdomes have thrones thrones of judicature and so hath Christ He that rejecteth my words hath one that judgeth him saith Christ All move as if there did none sit and judge but 't is the misjudgment of the world for there is a throne erected here below and not an action done not a word nor a thought but he that sits on the throne judges he hath one that judges him Christs throne is invisible but not a fancie and to many insensible but 't will be the more terrible What is done in the flesh is judged there and what is done in the spirit is judged there within and without you have one that judgeth you senses cannot reach this and pride will not but yet this pulleth not down Christs throne the work goeth on the judicature of a kingdome these Colossians found it they were self-condemned by truth and carried out of themselves to Christ Who hath brought us into the kingdome of his dear sonne Kingdomes have throns of Judicature and thrones of State the Lambe hath a seat of glory in this world Do not abhorre us for thy name sake do not disgrace the throne of thy glory Remember thou break not covenant with us Jeremy 14.21 Dispensation of Justice and Truth is Christs throne of Judicature and so dispensation of Mercy and Truth is his throne of glory by this he sits and abides very glorious in the midst of the Christian world as by the other he sits very terrible in the midst of the wicked Mercy is the most glorious thing that miserable man beholds the least mercy gives Christ a seat of glory in the world every flower in the field every starre in the heavens every grace in your hearts speaks out Christs glorious seat here name a mercy in the world and there sits Christ in glory under this notion is that expression Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory Solomons throne had steps to it one higher then another Mercy is dispensed by degrees here higher and higher and the highest are those which reach the heart and make that glorious and
so doth Christ neither will he be deceived therefore deceive not your selves Death is at your doore do you not see him after him the next dispatch will be for eternity and it will bear but upon the resolution of this question whose image and superscrition is upon this soul If you would seek to delude at that day it will not do in the least for conscience then shall manage its office fully without any confront from an unsound heart it shall speak out then and unmask the face of the inward man to the judge of all Deluded souls I dread to think of you you have used a damnable art a great while to mask a naughty heart and a naughty life this trade must down now the sword of the Lords vengeance is come to rip you up you shall be known as you are judged as you are This man is as like the Devil in heart as he can look let children swimme home to their father in bloud I will make no better conveyance for them Let them have marshall law will the Lord of hosts say slay them in their beds slay them at their doors uggly souls I cannot endure any longer to look upon them But as for you that bear the image of Christ lift up your heads sing for joy of heart now though all the land be so sad Christs image is his mark upon you for mercy he will know you by this in the midst of the bloudiest battell in the midst of a fired citie You being like the Sonne of God you shall have one like the Sonne of God to embrace you in fiery flames as the three children had Coloss 1.15 Who is the image of the invisible God THis is said of Christ eminenter he is what none else are in heaven or in earth for likenesse to God They are exclusive words and make a proper rule for our right apprehension of God When we would conceive of God as he is we are to conceive of him as he holds forth himself in Christ and no where else for God hath no representation for divine adoration but Christ God hath no artificiall similitude nor no naturall similitude nothing grows like him nor nothing can be made like him Nature keeps her compasse and attempts nothing this way and yet art is venturous I admire it much for no man hath seen God at any time that is as he is onely he that lay in his bosome thus saw him Sight is the rule of art fancy cannot work upon nothing not our fancy Folly makes her self visible and not God when the man goes to make the likenesse of him he never saw Fancie is but bad at recollection when at a losse yet a little it can do sometimes this way call to mind such a countenance which at such a time it saw but that which it never saw it can do nothing about that but befool it self No man hath seen God at any time Fancie can draw to the life and it can work at second hand fancy can go after nature and fancie can go after art and make good work she can draw from a thing drawn from a thing it self or from the shape of that thing it can shape again to please it self and continue so contemplative but it hath neither wayes relief respecting God neither the naturall form of God nor any artificiall shape can be got Ye have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape John 5.37 No man hath seen God to draw him to the life nor none hath seen his shape to copie him out ye have neither heard his voice nor seen his shape Christ as man is not the shape of God There was apparition frequently under the old covenant vision was an ordinance and although it were an ordinance yet God did make vision still under the shape of some other thing not of himself under the shape of men or of an eagle or a dove The form of man gives not a shape of the form of God Christ as man was not the image nor the shape of God but called so as he had a divine essence and action as the godhead and the fulnesse of the godhead dwelt in him and wrought by him Though fancy hath no full shape as a copie yet from a little from an eye or from a toe she can form the whole if she hath but the shadow of a shadow any rough draught any ground-work or any glimpse of such a similitude she can with some applause set her self on work but there is not this relief to make the image of God Take good heed for ye saw no manner of similitude when God talked with you in Horeb If there were any times to get some glimpse of God it was in Horeb but yet then there was no manner of similitude The result of all is this There is no image of God but Christ nor can be There is no representation for relief of apprehension in adoration but Christ Use Mens principles are strange which conceive otherwise and yet persons abusing their light make what apprehensions of God they please Look how the heart is engaged so it fancies God and represents him to it self A vain heart makes vain imaginations will guides affection affection guides fancie and fancie guides action when the soul is given up to sinne and death the heart chooseth its way and then fancy other powers set up a god in similitude to this way to go before the man to confirm the man in his way and to seal his destruction and yet thus men generally live and die Some mens principles are strange yet they will venture their souls upon the practise of them the pride of man and the wrath of God is in this what is the idole of any mans heart shall become the idol of his life to his death God will have what is in the heart under the mans hand to condemne him Professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and foure-footed beasts saith the Apostle First they became vain in imagination then in action the idol of the heart begins the idol of the hand and outward man necessarily if you would know any mans conception of God look upon his action if you would know what idol is in any mans heart be but patient a while and he will draw it out himself in his life How Romanists conceive of God they give it you under their hand by the many sensuall helps they use in their devotion their images and multitudes of carnall representations whereas God is a spirit and under the same notion and apprehension alone must be worshipped Carnality speaks corruptibility and that is admirable abominable to relieve apprehension by respecting an incorruptible God and yet this is the abomination of Rome and the persons which we stand to defend our selves against at this day Men which have corrupted their own
Christ we may conclude full successe that is in the thing and in the circumstance of time Christ doth so much as God intends and in such a time in so many dayes he was to make the world and he did it to a punctum of time and rested with his Father and in so many years he is to make a new world First and second resurrection are timed in word so shall be in work the two beloved cities wil be built one after another in their predicted time and he will do it exact to a punctum of time and then give it up all to his Father and rest with him and his Church for ever Time is in Christs hand as well as the work of time the Father hath put all into his hand my times are in thy hand The great world may say to Christ My times was in thy hand in so many dayes didst thou bring me forth and so many years wilt thou uphold me And the new world may say My time is in thy hand in so many years thou wilt bring me forth You murmure that things go no faster on the time of the new world is in Christs hand and it should be rest enough to a saint in all troubles to look up and consider in whose hands worlds are transacted God moveth in one that answers his will exact that observeth his work and his time Lo I come as it is written in the volume of thy book Search how it is written concerning Christs creating this new world and you shall see that he will come and do it exactly Lo I come as it is written saith Christ but not as impatient spirits expect instruments must be blamed when they take not their time I mean instruments which we imploy for our good in this time of distresse but the heart must be quieted in this that Gods agent exactly keeps his time This is not all your consolation you may argue for the choisest mercies upon this ground that God is your Creatour in Christ Thy hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may live Psal 119.73 from such power you may argue to such love from great power you may argue for great love Thou didst create me in Christ according to such a noble being do thou new create me in Christ for the restauration of this being as if the Psalmist had so said this I think may be his meaning and the strength of his argument Many of you are weary of your being you do so sinne but you might have more comfort in your being if you did look up and consider who gave it and what obligement lies upon him by it he gave your being in Christ and he will restore this being in Christ if you plead it to him as David Thine hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may live Thus do thou say to God A child of God may argue love and compassion from any thing that Gods hand doth to him upon this very ground because he doth all that he doth to him in Christ To ungodly persons Sinners the Scripture pressetn obedience to Christ upon you from this point upon pain of death that all things are made in and by him how able is he to take away being from all which gave it to all Reade Proverbs 8.31.32 After that Christ is there mentioned in state as the Creatour of all this he inferreth upon it viz. Now therefore hearken unto me O ye children that is children by creation for blessed are they that keep my wayes Heare instruction and be wise and refuse it not He that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul So he concludeth as Christ is complete to attract love the same will be his sufficiency and advantage to aggravate our sliding off him for thus Christ will say to sinners at the great day I am a first-born I am the Image of the Father I am a Redeemer I am a Creatour and yet though all these thou regardest me not all excellencies sleighted shall be turned into so many rods to lash your dead souls The sins you love will destroy your being and your being being destroyed you will fall into your Creatours hand again and what being do you think he will give you then God dealeth with you as you are you are naturall and he fetcheth argument against you from nature as what is more naturall to you then your being the lower God stoupes to stirre you and you yet unmoved the more obstinate you are you are no new creatures therefore God argueth with you simply as creatures and then you shew your selves blocks you use no art about a block but to burn it and so doth God when sinners become sots and blocks and understand not so much as the principall of their naturall being though opened and urged upon them by a God blockish souls think on this you will have a very hot sermon to warm you when you come to your place Coloss 1.16 And that are in earth BEing and disposition of being are from Christ he createth all and disposeth all You make creatures and then you place your creatures and preferre them as you think good and so doth Christ and he telleth you where some in Heaven and some in earth he suiteth place to person pure persons are placed in Heaven and impure in earth where we are placed is that which I am now come to tell you in earth for by him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are in earth c. What kind of room we live in here these words command me to set out unto you and then to ask you how you like it 1. Low 'T is a low room we are in here the earth is the lowest element lower then the aire lower then the water and yet as earth comprehendeth both these 't is but Gods footstool Swear not by the earth for 't is his footstool a footstool speaketh the lowest service such is the earth and all things in it of the lowest use to God 't is a kitchin below stairs to scour vessels in and 't is a conveyance for the filth that cometh off there is a gutter out of earth into hell to carry away all things that offend hell is the sink which belongeth to the earth God hath more noble service done in one moment in Heaven then in all the earth in all the age of it though it be now many thousand years old In this lower room wherein we are here is nothing done but kitchin work washing and scouring killing stripping and fleaing that which is fat Earth is the slaughter house that belongeth to hell hearts that are made fat are killed on earth and rosted in hell We dwell in Gods kitchin and the devils slaughter-house in earth this is low and this is the first thing earth speaketh a lower room 'T is common Lions and Bears Wolves and Men are all in one room in earth Frogs and
grace that goeth forth in height goes forth very exact Of his fulnesse we receive and grace for grace Fulnesse works exactly to make the recipient fully like it self grace for grace The best wine is kept till last Full dispensations are best the best wine these are kept till last and they are kept by Christ thou hast kept the best wine till last Grace goeth forth free but not without order no soul hath fulnesse presently though Christ be fulnesse alwayes Vessels of mercy are narrow mouthed weak hearts I speak to you to keep you quiet O ye of little faith You have but little faith and yet complain that ye have not great mercy fulnesse comes in by opening the mouth wide that dead soul that can spread himself upon the living neeses seven times perfect life comes in by spreading our souls upon him that is perfect Every thing in Christ is mine when faith saith this in the heart then every thing indeed actually becomes mine The eye of Christ becomes mine to see the hand of Christ becomes mine to work and the feet of Christ becomes mine to walk Our right lies as concealed till faith acts there is much in the fathers house but the soul starves till it remember it self and own its father I will return unto my father and then I know I shall have bread enough what he hath I shall have strong acting of faith makes Christs fulnesse yours Fulnesse would fill your vessells but your hands jogge and that runnes besides which should runne in There is never a time you come to these waters but here is powring out enough to fill you all but every ones hand jogges almost so that much precious water is spilt and every one returns empty Jacob is ready to draw water to water all to fill the bellies of all the cattle but Rachel will do it her self she is shie and modest and will not take help Christ is willing to draw out his fulnesse and to fill every heart but we are shie and modest and will be doing all our selves and not trouble Christ we will be drawing out of this thing and out of that duty to fill our souls and not out of Christ Let my beloved come into his garden and do his work himself for I can do no more Blow O north-wind Blow O south and make my spices flow out for I beat and blow and nothing will come out but sinne and shame this brings in fulnesse fulnesse comes out of nothing I am nothing preaching nothing hearing nothing but Christ all and this makes him all unto the soul the clearer in self deniall the fuller in the fruition of Christ You rest in your works and stagger at the promise through unbelief and how is it possible that fulnesse should fill you You are full of self and you cannot be full of Christ the promises are pipes from the fountain which are laid of purpose to fill you and you stagger at them I would every bleeding heart did know what wounds him and who is his greatest enemy he thinks 't is Christ and alas t is not thou hast not a dearer friend in the world then Christ is nor one that pities thee more thou art the greatest enemy to thy self and thine own unbelief keeps thee low this is the secret leak in the vessell which thou hast not yet found out thou hadst been full else long ere this Christ is full and art not thou full Search thy soul certainly there is some leak unbelief is long ere it be seen but when it is no monster like it 't is more uggly then Sathan then that cage of unclean birds below as that without which Sathan nor sinne could do any hurt A stubborn child that had blasphemed was to be brought forth and those that heard him to blaspheme were to lay their hands on his head and he was to be stoned Unbelief is the frowardnesse of the heart which makes you to blaspheme God and his gracious word bring forth this froward child and lay your hands upon the head of it and cast stones at it at the throne of grace say Lord this is that child that hath blasphemed thee that hath dishonoured thee more then any evil stone it to death from heaven this suit you must pursue and follow which would be filled with the spirit Finally fulnesse speaks such dispensations as make and settle peace in the soul and Christ is King of peace he is King of Salem he hath the command of peace he can still the raging sea with a word of his mouth so he can a raging conscience and he must be looked upon and acknowledged according to such a transcendent abilitie and then he gives out as he hath in him fulnesse to supply the necessity of the soul Lord I know that thou canst do whatever thou wilt Now Christ works richly Christ will have his prerogative acknowledged grace is his own to dispose as he will all his wealth is his own he can advance a soul at his pleasure if there be no word which the soul ever yet heard that hath spoken peace Christ can create words and make them so drop from his lips as to make peace Devils are at the command of Christ and Angels are at the command of Christ yea the holy Ghost is at the command of Christ he can breath and blow with this wind where he lists Christ is met half way as it were when the soul can thus look toward him when Prerogative is fully acknowledged Coloss 1.18 He is the head of the body HEad speaks fulnesse and that which bears upon this to wit Office of the one we have spoken of the other we are now to speak Divine ordination fills vp one vessell and then makes channell out of that for others Office is a conveyance of gifts for a publick good something to draw out one to the use of many Christ doth bear Office to the creature which is more humilitie then can be exprest he is head The word speaks rule Christ hath government upon his shoulders the government of the choisest body which God hath in the the world He is the head of the Church Every corporation hath priviledge but none more then the Church Jerusalem is free yet not lawlesse she hath a head Universall bodies are great the invisible catholick Church takes up heaven and earth and yet not masterlesse all under rule and Christ is the head of this great body Christs rule is universall God ruleth in Jacob to the ends of the earth saith the Psalmist Yea to the ends of heaven There is a throne in the Church militant and Christ sits upon that there is a throne in the Church triumphant and Christ sits upon that We have such an high priest who is let down on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens Hebr. 8.1 There is majesty below and above and Christ sits as head upon them all every knee bows to him The rule of
Persons that cannot reade are set to spell words by works their own works by Gods works God can draw out himself in any attribute to any mans understanding in justice in mercy God can suit action to any person to any condition and so exactly that at first sight every eye shall see himself Divine action is to make conviction Christ worketh so as to convince the world he fitteth his hand to stop any mouth Some are not onely blind but stubborn and dogged and now is man an Asse which was Balaams case and now God opens the mouth of an Asse to rebuke him The Asse rebuked the madnesse of the Prophet An Asse is a dogged wilfull beast and so was Balaam and God suits him in reproof to convince One Asse was upon the back of another and the worst a top and God tooke his advantage as they lay one upon another and useth one Asse to convince the other one is wilfull to go on and the other is wilfull and stops 'T is not easie to convince stubborn souls God must more immediately and more exactly speak then ordinary in this work Divine action suited is an immediate speaking from Heaven and proud hearts fall at the sight of this when nothing else will do it Some must have every thing openly told to their face ere they will be convinced and take shame and God doth use this way with the world to convince them Who shall declare his way to his face and who shall repay him what he hath done saith the Scripture of God in order to wicked men Job 21.31 Justice suited to sinne in word and work speaks sinners sinne to their face that they cannot possibly deny it Sinners look to your selves God will be even with you walk as craftily as you will with the froward he will be froward Some men swell in pride and yet please themselves in their way that they shall carry all before them without controll Lofty hearts you shall find a high and lofty one to deal with you The day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty and this is the speech of a lofty God Esay 2.12 title is advanced brows bended a souldiers face put on by God when flesh swelleth and groweth proud The day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon the proud c. A stern spirit shall see nothing but a stern God Sinne is a lie sinners perish in the heat of their pursuit one fire kindleth another ere firy spirits are aware they are cast into everlasting burning and this is the way of God to fit things one to and for another Tophet is prepared for the King the Kings of Israel made a Tophet for the burning of little ones and God suiteth this wicked action with righteous justice and maketh another Tophet for them you sacrifice your children to the devil and I will sacrifice you as if the Lord had said God maketh burning for burning bloud for bloud tooth for tooth Poore distressed England comfort thy self thy Princes and Nobles make a Tophet for thee they burn thy houses thy goods and sacrifice thy little ones and great ones to devillish men and God will fit them home if they repent not he will make a Tophet for them he will burn their honours their powers and sacrifice all to destruction he will turn them out of all as they turn thee and thine Because thou hast dealt by taking vengeance thou shalt know my vengeance saith God to Edom. In great extremities it is hard to keep poore hearts quiet the spirit woundeth it self when men wound the flesh God is just to me in this and that I was thus and thus Is God just to thee and will he not be just to them that spoyled thee Hath he paid thee home and will he not do it to them that are worse then thee Justice in the exactnesse of it doth but hint her self to the godly it doth but nod upon them as it were but she strikes full blowes at the wicked she prosecuteth her own nature in full strength and maketh a compensation upon these creatures because none made nor to be had any where else Weep not for your selves but weep for them that have spoyled you Heaven and Earth shall reade the justice of God against the bloudy wretches of England and Ireland They that kill with the sword shall be killed with the sword Stand still and be quiet let God alone to suit wicked mens plagues if thou dost not see them paid in their own coyn then do not believe me England justifie Christ he hath fitted one thing to another such a body hath such a head like Priest like people like Prince like people You cry out of your king and I cry out of you Are not Gods wayes equall Say no who dares You will not have a man rule over your bodies according to his will and you let the devil rule your souls as he will Looke into your hearts the best of you all do you not make truth a slave to be at the beck of your reason and at the beck of your lusts you make Christ a slave and he giveth you to be slaves you make your spirituall king a slave and your temporall kings make you slaves Doth not Christ fit you in your kind Our king is so and so misled saith one and siths and whispers take it to thy self so art thou misled by many base lusts every one reapeth as he soweth can a man gather figs of thistles England dost not thou reap as thou hast sowed Hast thou not had the guilt of bloud upon thee a great while hast not thou the guilt of the bloud of many abroad and of many faithfull ministers and Christians at home upon thee which could not swallow thy basenesse Hast thou not made truth bleed this many years and that Christ maketh the bleed a few moneths and a few years is it not fit and right To justifie God is the first step to repentance men that can do nothing but wrangle at divine action forget the main work Do not bite the stone that is thrown at thee but bite thy heart for one is as hard as the other I dare say Pride meriteth much but can bear but little but justice will have its way for all that Men that cannot be silent shall have their mouths stopt misery becometh mortall when impatience groweth strong the burden killeth when the soul will use no shoulders to bear it No life so bitter as that which taketh all ill at Gods hand this is hard and that is hard c. and yet all is no harder then thy heart nor yet so hard God doth not an action without us but to suit it to something within us This point may be usefull respecting time to come and the mercy you look for You look for great things but how are ye fitted for them Christ doth fit one thing to another Great things are already but you prise them
not the doores of Gods house are open but you have no hearts to go in the day of small things is despised and yet you expect great things Israel expected milk and honey flowing and yet could not eat the Manna that was about their tents and did God give them their expectation doth God give great spirituall mercy to full stomacks doth he satisfie the loathing soul The Israelits were judged in the basenesse of their hearts and their bodies fell in a wildernesse Just as they kept their souls Do you not keep your souls in a wildernesse out of the fellowship of the Gospel as the rest of the world do you will be judged where you lie where your souls lie cold and dead their shall your carcases fall and die God is spuing out hovering spirits that are neither hot nor cold but hot and then cold that will and then will not obey Christ Discreet stomacks do not expect great feasts you must have a vomit first you are bid to come into the feast and you have excuses the high wayes and fields shall yield guests to Christ and you shall die in your shame The poore unknown parts of the world possibly may possesse what Christ is now dishing out Simplicity fitteth for great things God maketh such a spirit and then bestoweth all upon it the choycest spirituall favours England thy misery is double were it but single thou mightst soon recover Thou hast no knowledge of God but this is not all if it were means might soon make this but thou hast no truth nor knowledge of God there is no truth nor knowledge of God Some spirits are wanton and they know not what they would have others proud and this and that they must have others politick and they say this we should have but not yet who can expect brave things in the midst of such a base people Christians deceive not your selves with dreams for God is not mocked he will make you open your mouths wide ere he give great things Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it Psal 81.10 You purse up your spirits and wring and squeez your consciences so that there is no capacitie for the reception of full soul-mercies The new heaven will have a new earth the holy land shall have a holy seed come into it Can you cleanse your selves from all your abominations and can you do this speedily Then may you see the good of Gods chosen but otherwise expect as you are Coloss 1.18 Who is the beginning c. THe Apostle is in a rapture every word speaks admiration of Christ he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he is principium praecipuum first and chief The term we are now upon speaks dignity a heart taken with Christ as chief in order to all blessednesse which is a blessed frame He is the head of the body the chief the first born this I think may be the reading of this text Doctr. Divine property sparkles in this expression A gracious heart is taken with Christ as chief No honour no felicity like that which Christ hath and which he gives Some are sonnes Christ is an onely sonne some are kings but Christ is King of kings some are honourable none above Angels but Christ is so To which of the Angels said he c. Some are wealthy Christ hath all the sheep on a thousand hills the utmost parts of the earth some are beautifull Christ is the fairest and so in the eye of those that are best discerning in the eyes of every gracious soul Paul personates all the godly here in admiring Christ as chief Judgement is clear things are discerned as they are where the heart is truly turned to God Bables take fools reall excellencies wise men Gracious hearts are wise none of Christs children are fools all that truly fear him are able to discern things that differ and so call them The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdome assoon as a man becomes a disciple of he is made a good scholar Carnall understanding is enmity to truth it scoffs at what it cannot comprehend with its own power Grace hath a higher reach Christs children have spirituall understanding they admire things not by out-sides but by insides not as they are among men but as they are with God Christ is the lowest amongst men but chiefest with God and therefore so with the godly This is wisdome and all wisdome I may apply the latter to a Christian compared with worldly wise men all wisdome is taken with that which shall be all in another world that which is all and shall be all to all eternity He is the beginning the chief Judgement is clear and love is sincere in a called soul he calls things as he finds them and nothing tasts so sweet as the dainties which Christ gives Sense carries you to call things as your palate relishes them according to this you say This is the sweetest dish at table Love is divine in a divine heart and as things rise in the divinity of their nature so divine affection calls them and admires them One Christian hath much grace I tast it in his discourse and he sits high in my breast another hath much more and he sits much higher but Christ hath most of all and he sits highest he is chief Affection is working if it be carnall it tumbles carnall things and sets its mark upon that which is most carnally advantagious this is best this will serve this time and my turn best if it be divine it will do the like it will tumble divine things and that which is most divinely advantagious this it marks this is best this is chief this will best accomplish my soul Paul personates the godly here they call Christ as they love him as they find him in sweetnesse to their souls in his words and works none speak like him to their souls nor none does like him and therefore they crown him and style him chief Vse Christians consider your condition who is chief with you Times are evil the world ensnares justice kills men loose their souls by thousands Ah Lord what tolling and ringing out is there above for sick and dead souls here below Persons sick after the creature their spirits are dead in the flesh some mens palates are quite out of tast this speaks a foul stomach they cannot savour the things of God Words of Christ harsh rules of Christ scorned these call Christ in their hearts base not chief however they call him with their tongue I know no mans heart but Christ knows all as the creature is preferr'd Christ is undervalued as you love your souls look to this Who will shew us any good some can call nothing good but what is carnally good trading is good money is good but nothing else no nothing else indeed not the heart that sayes so Not Christ but the bag was chief to Judas though he heard so much and saw so
no grace What 's the reason Could he have none or would he have none To one I answer saith God he might have had grace and life and it would have pleased me to have enriched him with these To the other I will answer saith conscience This wretched soul would have no grace he loved iniquity and hated righteousnesse therefore is he here unrighteous he thought himself rich and vvell cloathed and therefore stands here novv poor and naked 'T is remedilesse wickednesse to deny free grace The miseries of man are many and yet there is but one remedy Free grace hath balm for every wound which rejected every wound is mortall The least sinne is death The wages of sinne that is of every sinne is death For bodily distresses there be many remedies if men will not pitty me when I hunger ravens may If Christians will not pitty when I am sore dogges may but in soul distresses there is but one remedy to wit what God will please to do if God will please to do nothing for me none else will or can No eye pittied thee to do any of these for thee Gods eye pitilesse and there is no eye pittifull nor can be to the soul 'T is storied of the balm that it groweth in the Holy-land and no where else which is the reason of that speech Is there no balm in Gilead Mercy for your souls is in the pleasure of God and no where else Sinners make no more of the favour of God then of the favour of man I live not upon one the heart layeth this conclusion and swelleth and lifteth up the heel Ah wretches you cannot say so of God you live upon one yea upon one thing in God upon the smiles of his countenance upon this that he is free in mercy that it pleaseth him to save souls This point hath been applyed to convince and humble and it may also be applyed in the next place to chear and revive There are burdened hearts I beleeve among you but let no distresse discourage you How great soever the wants of any be let them come to God it pleaseth him to lay out for you Are your wants more then Christ hath where withall to supply What ever Christ hath or can do and what is it that he cannot do it pleaseth God to the heart that he should imploy it for you Men under guilt fancy hard thoughts of God my sinnes are great and God will not pardon yes he will he is ready to forgive it pleaseth him to forgive he hath furnished Christ of purpose and laid out all upon this very designe which is reall demonstration of his pleasure this way If distresse lie any otherwise yet it should not distract because free grace speaketh supply to any distresse that you can mention t is a fountain a fountain open every one may draw and yet none draw drie Your straits are many and you cannot tell which way to get out remember the point in hand that it pleaseth God to contrive relief To undo knots is a troublesome thing especially such knots as unbelief knitteth in the soul and yet God is pleased with this work he is a God of peace made up of peace his whole pleasure as well as his whole imployment lieth this way The God of peace establish and strengthen you saith the Apostle The Apostles words are of great emphasis the Godhead bendeth strongly and delightfully this way to settle poore weak souls which can do nothing themselves Doubts cavills and complaints are many and God quieteth all because his pleasure and delight is in the peace and tranquillity of poore souls He is a God of peace his pleasure is to make peace and a Heaven where he cometh 'T is the pleasure of things to do things naturall to them 't is the pleasure of wicked spirits to torment and vexe and to make hell where ever they come and in this sense the devil may be called the God of warre so 't is the pleasure of God to do things naturall to him to comfort and cheere poore souls to strengthen and establish them to make a Heaven where ever he cometh as a God of and a God at this work Coloss 1.19 For it pleased the Father c. THe reason of what Christ is to man is rendered by the Spirit of God in this Text the cause of his greatnesse and fulnesse to maintain it is the will of God it pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell 'T is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word speak will and delight such a pursuit and such action as wherein there is transcendent souls rest Behold my servant which I have chosen my beloved which my soul hath willed Esay 42.1 In whom my soul is at rest saith the Evangelist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is the same word here in my Text which noteth that the will and the delight of God are in the furnishing of Christ for us Scriptures compared the word you see soundeth double the will and the pleasure of God are wrapt up in it which we shall unfold one after another Doctr. God shapeth every thing to man according to his own will The will of God is absolute he moveth by a perfect rule his motion is without errour and yet guided in all by that which is no guide in us his own will We have many things from earth from Heaven and all shaped out to us according to the will of God Things below man Things below man are many and various and yet God turneth and windeth them all according to his will Can you tell how many good bodies come out of the earth to wait upon one bad Not one of them would do this but that God giveth them such bodies and shapeth them by his will to such qualities and properties and to such ends and purposes as to give their life to keep up dying man That which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be but God giveth it a body as he willeth 1. Cor. 15.38 Things equall to man 'T is the like respecting things equall to us No creatures would serve one another man would not serve man member would not serve member the eye would not serve the hand nor the hand any other part were they not all shaped to this by the will of God God hath set the members in the body every one of them as he willeth 1. Corinthians 12.18 A foot with so many toes a hand with so many fingers a head with so many hairs bodies with such variety of members soules with such variety of gifts have all their shape according to divine will But all these worketh that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will 1. Corinthians 12.11 One hath much wisedome another much knowledge another but a little of either onely enough for a toe to be carried and guided by a bigger and nobler member and yet as much
any time Christ makes it up so that the soul is still full full of content full of joy and that 's a blessed life that cannot be made miserable Thou hast no righteousnesse but Christ hath enough which is all thine if thou couldest see it Thou canst not pray but Christ hath the art on 't for he is full of the Spirit and he makes thy requests thou hast no spirituals no corporals but Chist hath all and thou mayst from hence as the Apostle doth conclude that he will supply all thy wants Phil. 4.19 Christ will do for you according to his riches and that will amount to very much to the supply of all your wants let them be what they will But now my God will supply all your wants according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ According to that all fulnesse which now Christ hath in glory will he dispence Lord how full how rich how blessed will all Saints be I leave them to admire this till I can speak of it more COLOS. 1.19 That in him should all fulnesse dwell c. Opportunity and assistance hath continued to pursue our work both beyond our expectation God must have all the glory We spake last day of Christs wealth and we founde his revenue very great we are now to tell you where it lies Much may be nothing so it may be situated situation is the glory of our inheritance Christs inheritance lies very commodiously very blessedly it lies all in him It pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell You dwell in your inheritance but Christs inheritance dwels in him You have a hint here how to raise estimation Doctr. We are to prize persons and things according to the wealth and worth that they have in them Christ hath all worth in him Felicity makes estimation as we contrive things to contribute to this so we put price upon them Mans felicity lies inward as his soul and not as his body is in wealth so is he blessed Sin is a gangrene the bowels are gnawed the plague of man is at his heart health is best wealth that 's wealth indeed that makes the soul well Faculties fight the Devill sets them on the heart cannot still its own stirs if God in this case do nothing within the man is a poor creature for all his riches a million of money cannot give a moments ease the man wil be distracted in the midst of abundance and curse his gold as an Idol god and wish his bags his winding sheet things ill within and nothing can be well without but the spirit full of God though the purse be not full of money the condition is blessed and to be admired as possessing all 'T was Christs case and is here admired by the Apostle It pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell without him he had nothing Internall wealth is great outward things are but seemingly big like watry vapours internall wealth is the Sun himself and no seeming big rayes of the Sun Know ye not that Christ is in you c. So much grace in the heart so much of Christ himself soul-fulnesse is nothing else but one spirit filling up another Magnitude makes admiration a ●rum of grace is great 't is God the great God in you Judgement amongst us is false things should be weighed in an even ballance to make right estimation of persons and things We value the casket only and not what is in it if vastness of estate makes difference in price that 's greatest which lies within The weaknesse of God is stronger then men So may I say the least of God in the heart is more then all the world A thing may take up little compasse and yet be vastly big in price What a great estate lies round together in some little stones can you value one vertue The price of Wisdom is above Rubies and yet the seat of this is within the inner man hath many Jewels about his neck of inestimable price the Bride hath a chain of Pearls given her when married to Christ so had Christ of his Father when married to the flesh which is that according to which he is admired here as so wealthy the Jewels which he had within him in that casket of flesh Internall wealth is delightfullest riches are of two sorts earthly and heavenly base and glorious grace is riches of glory as delightfull as heaven Read how grace is called Colos 3.16 That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit according to the inward man The riches of the inward man are riches of glory Stars twinckle and make the heavens all glorious so Grace sparkles and makes all glorious within Christ is transient in the world but he dwels in the hearts and where he dwels is his chair of State that 's glorious The Kingdome of Christ is glorious that 's within you the killing of sin is sweet the soul drinks the blood of the slain and growes fat 't is heaven to any soul to be conquered by Christ his smitings are precious balm what are his embraces then Not any thing in grace but most contentfull to the soul the bitterest things about grace are sweet the very bark and rind of grace sweet Persons have not heaven as they have much without but as they have much within Heaven is all the person that hath this in him is admirable though never so contemptible in the world It pleased the Father that in him should be all the sweetest delights that are in the bosome of God and therefore admired here by the Apostle Internall wealth is the lastingest Much for yeers begets it self little every hour to think of its end riches yea life is a death under this notion that they will end Life is dated all things here are dated Such a yeer such a moneth such an hour and all mine yea I my self shall die this lies cold about the heart to consider and lessens much Internall wealth is lasting grace is a tree of life Mercy that runs only into the purse runs out again but Mercy that runs into the soule abides there for ever You value estates not as things hazardous but according to what is sure What wealth is in the heart is sure riches leave the bodie but God never leaves the soule Riches and honours are with me yea durable riches and substance Things have a naturall advantage to wit the advantage of their kinde long lived by kinde spirituall life is begotten by him that lives for ever and so long lived by kinde That which is borne of the spirit is spirit so I may say that which is borne of one that is eternall is eternall All wealth within us is borne of the everlastingest Spirit and is everlasting it selfe Things have also an accidentall advantage or an adventitious advantage the advantage of their station In Heaven wealth is sure saith Christ there be no theeves
shall all the nations of the earth be blessed The Sun that shines upon us shines upon thousands more it casteth over the world and shines upon a world so doth the Son of righteousnesse God was in Christ reconciling a world to himself the expression notes quantity in some sense as well as quality a world of worldly men Vse Bounty should be admired 't is so respecting men why should it not be so much more respecting God He whose hand is open to all all mens mouths are open to speak of his goodnesse Christ is a generall good lame blind halt have favour he keeps a table of kindnesse for all commers he reconciles all things Love is destroyed when the heart is not taken with great goodnesse love destroyed there can be no marrying between Christ and the soul 'T was a great judgement when their maids were not given to marry There is no inclination to embrace Christ when his beauty is no whit admired Vanities destroy affection some souls are sots talk of any thing that is spirituall and their hearts grow not amorous by it but die within them like Nabals the curse of God is in strength here these have made themselves Eunuches for the kingdome of darknesse Christ hath no engine to raise love like this to wit his bounty and sweetnesse that he will give every one to drink that is dry that Moses a fair man will marry a Blackmoore that Abraham will lodge a Lazarus in his bosome If goodnesse will not make good if love will not draw love let the soul marry whom he will Christ will have none of him Christ is noble he will gain the heart fully or he will marry no person in the world Persons shall be sick of love or they shall be unmarried to Christ You care not whether persons love you so you can but get their wealth Christ is righteous he seeks us not ours persons not dowry I seek not yours but you He was a friend to the Bride which spake that and spake his heart I know not what hearts you have nor how to wooe for my Masters Son I can say nothing but this he is all love he reconcileth all high low rich poore heavenly things earthly things he takes dust into his bosome and delights in it for ever The contemplation of Christs sweetnesse makes the marriage knot and the solace of the marriage when made When is the soul in heaven but when taken with that love which hath loved him when considering love in its latitude He hath loved me and given himself for me he reconciles all things indeed that would not leave out me Milk and honey is Canaan As the soul feeds upon the riches of love 't is in heaven Man is doubly miserable he is at a losse of satisfying solace and of the right way to acquire it he is taken with creatures and when he comes to lie down in their bosome to solace they vanish and vex a man lies down smiling riseth up howling because that 's nothing which he made so much and this may be the Motto of all earthly beauties That creature is nothing which man makes all Taken with the love of Christ and the longer so the stronger so the more blessed the soul cannot want depth here and tumble it self ashore as it doth when it tumbles in other waters sweetnesse in this way is found bottomlesse O the depth of the riches of the goodnesse of God! c. 'T is a brave thing to dive the depths of kindnesse if there be heaven any where 't is in the bottome of divine love Things have their full solace in their proper element this in reference to the soul of man is the love of God in the extent thereof What did take up Adams soul into Paradise whilest he moved well but the beauty of God the extent of his kindnesse that it reached all that Adam could look upon and all that while had he Paradise in his spirit but when he began to admire the beauty of forbidden things the beauty of Diabolicall fancies then he dyed in his nest presently What takes up those blessed spirits above but the contemplation of the love of God Here lies their full and perpetuall blessednesse that they cannot nor will not look beside love 'T is a very desolate time in which we live many have little left in the world to think upon and yet set not themselves to think of that which might make all to them Such are without solace indeed which have none without nor within how such poor creatures bear up I know not how to keep them up if they sink I know not there is no cordiall in any distresse but the contemplation of the love of Christ and under this notion how large it is This bleeding time makes my heart bleed to think what refreshments to give forth to mourning persons in every corner State is gone friends gone all left me gone this the complaint of thousands Yet he that is all is ready to receive you all and to impart all to you God hath set you free of this world to think of another which is better Make use of the rich proffers of grace and all will do well yet What doth Christ reconcile all things in earth to himself and leave out me Blesse me even me also O my Father so pray Some are froward and will not stir after grace though never so plentifull though Christ will be friends with them yet they will not with him How oft would I have gathered thee and thou wouldst not Take heed of stubbornnesse in sin though Christ shew mercy to thousands yet he will be the death of such a soul I am affraid of some of you lest Satan should harden your hearts against the Lord Jesus Christ Know the disposition of grace Christ treads upon none that stoop Know the season of grace doth Christ knock O then is the time when he would reconcile thee to himself Never let that word of Christ which takes thee be forgotten that 's a kisse of Christs lips to gain thee kisse the Son again Blesse God that he would make any word of his a sword to wound thy hard heart Blesse Christ that hee would come so neer where thou dwellest that he would not once knock but put in his finger by the hole of the dore to make thy bowels yearn after him when he knocks again intreat him to knock all down that hinders his coming in Longing souls after Christ are the blessedst souls in the world who ever die unreconciled to God they will not This point will leave all men without excuse I will touch this and conclude God would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and Christ acts according to this latitude he reconciles all things to himself he desires not the death of one sinner Sinners if you die in your sins blame your selves not God you will die as those that exclude your selves as those that
God will have every one consider what he was and what he is before he hath done England unhappy England thou dost neither therefore dost thou bleed and die daily thou dost not lay to heart what thou wast nor what thou art For twenty yeers together forty fifty yeers and more hast thou been a bitter persecuting kingdome of truth and godlinesse What art thou now France is noted for pride Germany for drunkennesse but England for persecuting the power of godlinesse the last of these is the worst and by so much the more the worst by how much more we lesse think what we have been and are How many Saints suffered under Queen Mary How many under Bishops a Prelaticall spirit is still alive truth and the power of godlinesse persecuted at this day and what suffering is yet behinde for Christ Christ knowes Englands genius and dexterity seems to lie this way alwayes to vex the Saints of the most High Thou hast made many a conscience bleed O England therefore doth thy carkasse bleed Dost thou call to mind thy bitternesse and basenesse against Christ and godlinesse Our ruines are great this lies heavie upon us Many think of what they had and weep but not of what they did when they had such things and weep We are more apt to lay to heart misery then sin though this be the greatest misery in the world 't was Jerusalems case 't is Englands He hath turned aside my wayes and pulled me in pieces he hath made me desolate he hath made his arrows to enter into my reines he hath filled me with bitternesse he hath made me drunk with wormwood and so goes on exactly repeating miserie Lament 3. But observe what she saith vers 19 20. Remember my affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall my soul hath them still in remembrance and is humbled in me c. The gall and the wormwood that God gave Jerusalem this she had still in her remembrance but the gall and vineger which she gave Christ and his servants this not so called to minde 'T is so with us our losses and overthrowes in the West in the North the gall and wormwood which God in divers fights hath given us this is called to mind and dayes of mourning because of it but the gall and wormwood which we have for many yeers and under severall Princes raignes given to Christ and his members we call not this to minde I will give you a sad demonstration that England doth sinfully forget her sin that she does not call to minde what she was in Bishops time The demonstration is this to wit an aptnesse to run into the same sin Sin kindly called to minde melts the heart the heart melted abhors its former course Yea what indignation yea what revenge Where is this to be found now against that barbarous and bloody sin of burthening the conscience with unwarranted things which was the sin of Bishops and for which the Land now mourns Are we not very apt to run into the same courses What is that which wee humbly seek for now in matters of Church-government but divine warrant and where this is not that customes and courses of our own may not be imposed and yet this accounted harsh and refractorinesse by many and persons conscienciously carried but at this height construed and trampled on at mens pleasure because they can stoop to nothing but the will of Christ Consciences are of severall constitutions such as are peevish must be pitied not knocked in head such as are ingenuously tender honoured where neither of these can be found that spirit is Prelaticall and Lording over the conscience let it live in what breast it will Now what pity or what honour tender consciences find at this present in England of all Lands I leave to you to judge Satan rages at us in many God is good to us in a few to bind him up or we should be buried alive again thrown in prisons and dungeons again as bad as ever mens tongues talk freely this way which speaks the heart and what the hand should be if other things did concurre How do mens fingers itch to be tearing our estates and fortunes and whatsoever is dear as formerly Antichrist is set forth in the Scripture under various shapes alteration of times necessitates him to change habite to save his life and livelihood but he never went so like a Lamb as now and yet a Lion still poor hearts can tell you so which feel how bard he pinches name state conscience c. If this be repenting for former ill deeds then England doth not sinfully forget her former sins If inclination to former sins make demonstration of a sinfull forgetting of sin resolution to former courses may much more I beg that this may never gather about thy heart O England for death is in it my heart bleeds for thee when I consider with what violence thou goest in thine own way but in this I spare thee yet and speak more of this to God upon my knees Application hitherto hath been nationall let every one turn it now and make it personall I was a blasphemer a persecutor alienated from God by wicked works but now I have obtained mercy I doubt you cannot all say thus Do you lay your condition past and present to heart and no smiting of breast nor no change it cannot be What you were you are and would be Alas for such souls their condition is more miserable then any they have no mercy nor care for none The first step to conversion is to consider what we have been and are I considered my wayes turned my feet unto thy testimonies The prodigall came to himself and then returned to his father To himself i. to consider what course he had led what state he was in whither that way he was in did lead Would sinners would tread one step in the way to life What is the course I have led What a man or a woman have I been hitherto A sinners hand to the Devils Plough he may look back and do well but Satan is against it so is a mans own heart yet something must be done in this way against both or the soul is unavoidably lost Satan cannot endure that a man should commune with his own heart his wayes have no glosse at a view he hath twenty wayes to prevent the danger of losing a soul What 's past cannot be helped what shouldest thou trouble thy self to think upon 't God forgets thy sin and wilt not thou Sinner Satan is rocking thy soul now if thou look not to it thou will die in a slumber God forgets our sins when we do remember them and lay them upon Christ not otherwise when we examine our selves and judge our selves and go out of our selves to Christ If we confesse our sin God is mercifull to forgive Many that had been thus and thus saith the Text came and confest their deeds and then found mercy from Christ Christ
at an utter distance from the life of God Even amongst them that are far off from God some are neerer then others Thou art not far from the Kingdome of God and yet so far that Christ had no kingdome in the man not simple subjection to his will which is that alienation from the life of God which the Apostle speaks of Finally Alienation speakes a condition without hope At that time you were strangers from the Covenant of promise having no hope Divine priviledge is graduall every step to Heaven a heaven a stranger to God cannot de jure set hiS foot upon one round of Jacobs ladder he cannot without presumption promise himselfe any good and yet nothing more common with persons unacquainted with Christ then to hope for good when bad is upon them I hope all will be better one day but when will that day be They doe not this upon warrantable grounds for alienation is a condition without hope a man in this state may fancy what he will and set his soule at a greater distance from mercie then 't is but he can warrantably expect no felicitie for time to come what ever his present misery be Misery I know is graduall some are neerer hell upon earth then others yet the most is just it merits no pitie neither can the largest head alive argue any pitie from extremitie but from the qualitie of the partie in it if he be a stranger to God 't will be stranger with him yet then 't is and yet neither now nor then must he or may he hope to have things better whilst he abides naught an alien from God The qualitie of persons is all persons neere God let distresse be what it will and seeme to set them never so far from God yet they may and should hope persons farre from God must let his favour lie at the same distance from them which they let himselfe God will have none meddle with his favours in the least kind which let alone himselfe not so much as fancy them as theirs or that ever they shall be theirs if any thing rises in their soule this way God blasts it The hope of Aliens perisheth they have no hope of good if they create any God blasts it 't is a condition without hope All runs into this Alienation is a condition wholly shut out from all divine priviledge Vse Whose condition this is should be laid to heart speedily men far off from God are not far from hell The farther from God the lesse considered that 's the plague of this State Alienation is a graduall thing some God visits very seldome they live so farre from him scarce a lively stirring of heart in many weekes in many moneths together The soule goes one way and God goes another strangers take their leave ah Lord who knows when or where they will meet aliens and strangers what is it to you that God comes so little at you Little or much Nothing more sad to a sensible soule then the losse of divine presence God gone a good heart is broke Woe is me now all is gone now I am undone and never till now Why hidest thou thy face farre away This was the wound that went to the heart and yet this is nothing if other things be present to one that is a stranger Wee little lament the departure of such as we know not wee let strangers come and goe and take no notice Sinners what doe yee injoy of God much or little When was he with you Not a great while When will he againe I know not I doubt whether ever any more Ah Lord how didst thou use Christ then didst thou as the Gaderens thrust him out of dore Alienation is sometime eterniz'd ah tremble at that every heart dogged usage of Christ makes this See my face no more saith Pharaoh to Moses Thou hast well said I will see thy face no more saith Moses and Christ in him What a sad parture was here Such a parture had Saul and Samuel but they lived not long neither of them after this Some say to the Almightie depart ah wretches is not God farre enough from you alreadie Will you have him quite gone This is the sin of this generation our hearts swell against truth wee bid the Almightie depart Sinfull England God is gone very farre from thee dost thou not feele it Thou wilt Wilt thou have God quite gone Woe unto sinners if God judge them in the perversnesse of their hearts If God take a person or a Kingdome at their word he returnes no more till they die he comes no more but to the funerall Mercy is everlasting so is justice and it acts so upon us upon desperate discoveries God doth not alwayes strike Whom God loves he loves to the end and whom he hates he hates to the end when all meanes to gaine love are throwne off Know the state of your soules pervernesse in any sin speakes your soules farre from Gods law Psal 119.150 one far from Gods law is far from God know the danger of your soules God may be so farre gone from you that he will not returne Yee shall die in your sinnes saith Christ or in this your sin you shall die Perverse sinners must have their portion but humble hearts must not wrong themselves Persons never so far off that would be neere verily God is very inclinable conflicts are strong in some hearts sin now and then is too hard and then the soule concludes that condition is desperate God will not take me by the hand and therefore I fall and fall and shall doe so till I fall as low as hell God hath taken something unkindly and is gone far away God hideth his face in wrath sometimes and then he and the soule never meet till the great day that 's my case methinkes I heare some poore sinner say Conscience is out with me that condemnes me God is quite out with me he will not looke towards me but he forbeares condemning till that day in which he will doe it once for all This soule must be told this The naked acting of sin speaks not the condition desperate God finally gone but abiding perversly in it Secondly the medium of returning God to man is Christ throw not off Christ because thou think'st God hath throwne off thee The least degree of faith will turne God about towards a poore sinner and all good that hath forsaken him Wee are made neere by the bloud of Christ i. by believing in it When mercy is thus held out conflicting soules question the latitude of it Christ doth make many afar off neere but he will not doe this for me such must read the latitude of the promise none are excluded I create peace to them that are neere and to them that are farre off persons discourage not Christs undertaking let them be who they will the worke discourages not Christs undertaking though the greatest in the world though it be as the creating of another world
shall minister in the Name of the Lord his God Deut. 18.6 There is preaching but of constraint not with a ready minde not toto desiderio animae i. not with intention nor approbation So there is living and walking in wayes that are divine but not toto desiderio with a whole desire but with constraint As about good things so about bad some sin from a coercive power not with a whole desire of the minde There is reluctatio debilis reluctatio fortis a weak reluctancy and a strong reluctancy in acts of evill with the minde there may be weak reluctation because conscience stings wrath and justice hems about the sinner sometimes so that he goes affrightedly along in his course yet this is consistent with full consent Pharaoh and Judas had this kinde of reluctation in their course and yet were enemies with their minde and fully consenting to what was done against Christ The expression speaks extention all powers fully consenting and all powers to the utmost acting to perform what is chosen and consented to Things naturally grown to bring forth venture one life to bring forth another and all pangs and throws nothing so the birth may be though but a monster when born What is with all the heart is with all the might they are joyned together in expression as they are in order of nature in working Enemies with your minde and enemies with your might with full purpose and with full endeavour if with the heart then with both hands as the Prophet speaks yea with every finger with every toe An enemie with the minde 't is one that fills his hand to the Devill as the expression is in another kinde 1 Chro. 29.5 'T was Davids speech when they were offering of jewels and wealth to the House of the Lord. Who then it willing to consecrate his service this day to the Lord Lemmalloth jado haijom c. to fill his hand this day to the Lord saith the originall An enemy with the heart is one that fills his hand to the Devill that offers like a Prince to the prince of darknesse that fills his hand with his heart in every action that sends forth every spirit the soul and all that is within him into every part without him to stand against Christ 't is one that doth draw out all to accomplish all that a corrupt heart thirsts after he doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 do the wills of the flesh as the Apostle speaks i. not one thing that the flesh lusts after but every thing it lusts after You say of a servant that he is a willing servant when he gives his minde to serve you i. when he doth every thing you bid him not when he does one thing and neglects another thing which you bid him but when he doth your wills when he applies himself to serve you in all your command then you say hee serves you with his minde Vse 'T is a bad state this yet too common as you finde your condition laid open so own it Lust will run its course and then make its own construction of all Every mans last shift is when evill becomes open and ugly he did it against his will 'T were well if a sinners sentence of himself would stand when Christ comes to sentence all things over again 'T is sad when a mans servant shall lie out night after night and told of it and yet continue it and stand in it that all was against his will so doth your souls lie out of Christs bosome day after day and night after night and you have been told of it and whipt for it and yet so you have continued and is all against your will If will be so innocent why are you so unmoved in evill Full of action and yet without any passion you can do any thing to accomplish carnall ends and lay nothing to heart to break your sleep a wink With a light companion and a pipe of Tobacco you can whiffe away any thing that gathers about your heart and yet none must believe that you are not hearty in your way Art will put off bad wares but 't will not a bad heart Let 's hear no more pleading for self there needs no other demonstration of a willing transgressor Own your condition and what is due to it You are enemies with your mindes against God and so he will be against you you shall be punished with plague after plague and God will never repent You sin and sin and never repent so will God judge you When God lays any sad thing upon his people he doth not afflict willingly his people do not sin willingly they repent in like proportion doth God carry himself towards them You do evill with both hands so shall justice fight against you and wo to that soul that God strikes with all his heart and with all his might God will laugh at your destruction hearty sinners God will be very hearty in all those acts which fit you for your home Two in full carreer one against another one will be spoiled and surely 't will be that man that doth run with his mind against the Lord. Remedy must be speedy two enemies that set to it with their minde will dispatch one another quickly if they be not parted Wilfull sinners you cannot strike so desperately against God as he doth against you every blow is upon your heart he is turning that into a stone which work done you will sink presently like Pharaoh Properties are not suspended when you are once sinking ah Lord what will you catch hold on what can you catch hold on to keep you out of hell Doth a stone use any struggling to keep up when 't is falling downe Wilfull sinners this is your judgement written in your foreheads you will goe laughing like Bedlams to everlasting chaines you will have no booke nor aske for none Will as it runs its course swels bigger and bigger and it swels so big at last that it will breake eternally rather then stoop to God or man If this be the case of any sinner here let him tie a handkerchiefe about his eyes the halter is about his neck he will be turned off suddenly ere he is aware Wilfull sinners need remedie speedily but of all sorts are most untractable to it much must be done from heaven to stop a Balaam ere he would give back will was so perverse You that are Balaams must consider how God hath now drawne his sword against you from Heaven and give backe or you cannot long escape Consider how many wilfull sinners God hath slaine in these few moneths Bathe and soak your stubborne hearts in their bloud What a wonder is it that I am not yet cut off My will hath killed many but hath not killed me yet it may be God hath mercy in store for mee it may be he will make me a pattern of long-suffering as he did Saul I have but one thing to say to you all O that
counsell of Gods will is his guide Mercy goes forth and embraces this or that person and not from any respect else but Gods will he does all things according to the counsell of his will Prerogative carries all with him God is free and will be free to give what he will to whom he will he hath no respect nor obligement upon him nor will have I will have mercy upon whom I will men proffer to some persons this or that to induce them to do this or that for them and they say no what we do we will do freely God is such a noble Spirit The whole creation is spiritually turned into a Chaos darknesse is upon the face of the deep upon the deepest understanding every soule under heaven without form and void of God As all things were then materially as clay in the hands of the Potter free for God to shape how he would one to this another to that so are we now spiritually and as then he was led in the old creation by his will so is he now in the new creation and by nothing else the will of none interrupts or swayes a jot with God Of his own will be begat us by the Word of truth Jam. 1.18 Not any thing without God swayes him in what he does in the old creation or in the new and therefore all that comes forth from him is free and can be no otherwise I will give you an argument more of this nature and then the use of all not a creature upon the face of the earth that can present any thing of his own to God to draw love and to make friendship in the least kinde Distance and disparitie is so great between some persons that there is an utter incapacitie in one side to make and ingage the other What can a begger a vagabond present a Prince with to make his favour if he would be made with a gift The case is ours out of naught comes naught we are naught and nothing else and can present nothing else to him who is nothing but good There is no soundnesse in us Esa 1. 'T is a remarkable expression if we had any soundnesse and 't were but very light we might present that to attract and make friendship and love and so with something of our own help by art a bad condition but there is no soundnesse in us from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot What grace doth by degrees in a very long space of time that sin did presently Grace doth purge wholly but 't is long first The God of peace sanctifie you wholly c. Sin corrupts wholly presently as soone as ever Adam transgressed it did as some strong poyson run quite over him presently so that we are become as the Psalmist saith Altogether filthy Psal 14.3 Such as are altogether filthy cannot offer any thing of their own altogether cleane and yet so it must be to him who is altogether so or else it obtaines nothing with him and therefore 't is that the Scripture speakes of our righteousnesse as menstruous ragges Vse I have now shewed you that mercy cannot be merited but justice may The favour of God goes for nothing in man but the wrath of God goes forth alwayes for something in man a course of sin should be trembled at ah Lord what will this bring about My goodnesse extends not to God but my wickednesse doth My grace merits nothing but my sin merits much A man may doe enough to deserve hell quickly The troubles of the whole Land are many every Country dyed with bloud I know how folkes speake of all this yet not a drop of bloud more shed then merited If thy many wounds and much bleeding prove mortall O England thy death will be but just desert 'T were well if what now is upon us were all we have deserved we should then give a guesse when our troubles would end whereas now we can give none A person or Nation pursued according to merit perisheth unavoydably The wages of sin is death Our remedie is free mercy that God breake off from what he is yet but entred upon to wit judgement for if he goe on to doe but justice woe unto us all he will finde matter enough to keep justice alive till every person in the Land be dead See Esa 9. He shall snatch on the right hand and be hungry and he shall eate on the left hand and not be satisfied they shall eate every man the flesh of his own arme Manasseh Ephraim and Ephraim Manasseh c. And for all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still vers 20 21. Justice will finde worke a great while if this be onely imployed about a people 't will eate out all and looke over the hatch for more For all this his anger is not put away c. When justice hath destroyed a whole Land yet not a jot satisfied nor pacified but stands ready to burne it againe and againe Mercy finisheth her worke that consummates the creature justice finisheth her worke too and this consumes the creature When justice doth finish her worke yet then 't is righteous 't is in righteousnesse He will finish his worke in righteousnesse If this be the determination of God upon us that justice shall finish her work in the middest of us we are in a consumption and can never recover He will finish his worke in righteousnesse c. That 's a fatall sentence If free grace intercept not till justice hath finished her worke 't will eate us out all Wee have deserved to die all beate at heaven to know whether the heart of God be hardened as yours is and whether he be onely judiciarily bent against us And whom he will he hardens c. Flint to flint strikes nothing but fire God hardened and we hardened nothing but blowes and fire will or can issue out of this Plead with God for grace and compassion for the Land or we cannot live More particularly I would make application of this point Grace is free in soule distresses let us all feed upon this doctrine God doth not choose us and imbrace us for our beautie as Ahasuerus did Esther and yet this is it that makes many poore soules to shake off what they should take hold on I am very filthy preyed upon with this lust or that should such a one as I kisse the King of glory Is there any reason to thinke that he will take me into his armes and make me his delight Wee may not measure the wayes of God by the wayes of man Grace workes above reason that which we can give no ground for God doth his love passeth knowledge in the breadth length height and depth of it in the spring of it Why is this man or that beloved can any man give a ground more then that which Paul doth It pleased God to reveale his Son in me Nothing can be rendered as
a reason of Gods love to any thing but to Christ if any thing incite him towards us 't is that which deters us from him to wit our desperate condition The poore man that lay wounded when all passed by Christ took compassion upon him Grace doth so worke as best to shew its own nature the lesse you see in your selves the lesse you can say for your selves the likelier to find favour and friendship with God Christ is come of purpose to make favour and friendship for such that see themselves worthy of none Let what will be said of this nature yet tempted soules will put all off something must be on my part to get the favour of God and I can doe nothing I am under the power of darknesse and cannot stirre a limbe what can become of me but ruine I cannot pray nor heare nor believe yet thou maist be blessed When we have no legs to goe forth to fetch in good things they make legs to themselves and come to us As Solomon saith of riches that they make wings to themselves and flie away from us so divine favours make wings and legs to themselves and come to us Salvation is come to thy house Joy comes in the morning I will not leave you orphans I will come to you The doctrine in hand answers this objection too grace is in all points and according to all circumstances free The preparations of the heart in man and the answer of the tongue what to thinke what to say what to doe to make you blessed you shall have all from the Lord. Poore creatures at an utter losse in themselves conclude God is so too otherwise why should you give up your condition as desperate When you can doe no more can Christ doe no more to set the wheele of mercy going Yes he can but he will not for mee Why Because of this and that This is all one to say that his love is not fully free which is a direct contradiction of the doctrine in hand Grace hath riches in it unsearchable riches it workes beyond what you can aske beyond what you can thinke it blots out uncleannesse bloud guilt treason against the highest State grieving quenching resisting the holy Ghost All this is to tempted Christians to men in their carnall condition a word more and this discourse will end Your condition is not supposedly miserable but indeed so You are not the people of God you have not obtained mercy and yet all this may be because grace is in all respects free Conscience though in a dead sleepe is startled now and then and then rages terribly cuts and wounds raves and teares and then lies down againe as your bedlams doe this is a wofull condition and by so much the more wofull because such pangs come and goe and nothing done by them but naked torment and despaire Such distempers of soule are much like those distempers of body which you call convulsions falling sicknesse it takes men by fits upon changes of weather condition and the like such as are troubled with these fits should doe well to have in readinesse such Scriptures as that 1 Pet. 2.10 Which in times past were not a people which in times past had not obtained mercy but now all is otherwise And that Scripture Ezek. 32.36 I will wash you and cleanse you but not for your sakes Though at present you are such and such sinfull livers you may have mercy from the Lord and be changed Diabolicall convulsions wry and wrest your mouthes and eyes gastly against good and make you foame at mouth against Christ and yet as fearfully wicked as you are you may obtaine mercy The Apostle speakes of such a generation as these in the text And yee which were enemies in your minde by wicked workes hath he reconciled God doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and then he doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 beare mens manners and then beares their soules out of them at last If these things harden you in your sins they will hasten your ruine but if they melt you and make you inquire after God who is so sweet so giving and forgiving you will be blessed for ever COLOSSIANS 1.22 In the body of his flesh CHrist can make worke with any instrument out of the dust can he raise seed to Abraham he assumes a body of flesh like ours and in this body saves the soules of men Earth is the basest Element and yet out of this Christ makes a body and doth by it the noblest things The meane and low wayes that God goes in to bring about the greatest and bravest workes is wonderfull he chooseth weake things and with these destroys strong Flesh is weake and with this he destroys spirits the strongest spirits principalities powers all the enemies of our salvation Yea he taketh things which are not to bring to naught things which are One is not meaning Joseph which was slaine and by this one which was not by this despised person were all the rest made to stoop yea by this one that was not was all the rest father and children sav'd Joseph was in this a type of Christ by taking a body a humane body he was sold into bondage slaine one that was not and by this brought to nought things that are sin Satan hell and made the way open to heaven which was shut with everlasting dores 'T is no matter what the instrument is so the power used be vast Sampson with a jaw-bone of an Asse slew heapes upon heapes the arme was mightie though the instrument was weake and unlikely The power Christ hath to worke with is absolute he hath much within him he needeth little without him whether he hath any or none it is all one he is himselfe so mightie he is a Sampson every haire of his head stronger then a Goliah every finger stronger then an arme every glo●e of his eye more terrible then legions of devills Christ is the power of God the great power of God as they falsly said of the Sorcerer he can with his own hand worke salvation That which can doe a thing alone can doe it with a small concurrence if the hand be the hand of Sampson then whether a bone or feather be in that hand 't is all one the worke intended will be accomplished Sampson will be mortall to his enemies and accomplish his will what ever instrument he workes by The things wee use must contribute joyntly with us to the worke we set upon because we are too weak for it we take up no instrument but wee borrow something from it which we need and therefore picke and choose when wee take up tooles lest we faile in our end 'T is not so with Christ he takes up no instrument from necessitie he is so compleat himselfe and therefore any thing that comes next to hand a jaw-bone a sling a nayle a clod of earth a body of flesh like ours weapon enough to overthrow all the powers of darknesse 'T is
sinful mirth into mourning God will turne it into howling God loves not revenge yet what he is exemplarily eminent in he cannot endure that men should altogether slight God layes to heart all that we undergo for him in all our afflictions he is afflicted so should we lay to heart all that he and his undergoe for us 'T is the grand medium of conversion this that I touch What will melt the heart if that love which bleeds to death for us be forgotten Sinners Christ hath suffered the wrath of God for you he left more wealth then this world is worth and became poore he left a mansion in glory and took a body of flesh a house of clay and in this house dyed and left you all that you might live for ever in the fruition of all Is all this nothing Will you regard your sinnes more then this Christ Shall your lust live though Christ have dyed The death and bloud of the Lord Jesus will be upon you Can you looke upon pierced Christ and not mourne He will shew you your owne hardnesse of heart in a like carriage he will looke upon the wounds and torments of your consciences in the houre when you make your will and not be affected When mercy cannot bring forth justice becomes the mid-wife and this cryes save the womb save the womb let what will become of the childe if this childe die and bee puld to pieces between the legges yet another may live if the womb be preserved God much eyes the meanes he uses to doe us good he will preserve the honour of these though thousands die which trample upon them What Christ hath suffered for us shall gain and save thousands though it destroy you though you lay not Christs love to heart yet Christ will have a great many to do it When I am lifted up I will draw all men unto me Christ makes means and then blesseth them to their end men eye not this and so die without the benefit of them What Christ hath suffered for us he hath promised so to order as to make it drawing and winning of us that his lifting up upon the crosse and from thence to heaven shall lift up our souls from sins and from thence to him and to the place where he is These words should be believingly urged and then the work of our welfare would go on an end As mercy stoops lowest it takes up us for God to make means and blesse them is mercy stooping very low to take up them that are quite down Doct. There is one point more I would willingly touch ere I part from these words and that is The mortality of all earthly and fleshly things Death passeth over all now The body of beasts flesh the body of our flesh the body of Christs flesh dies In the body of his flesh through death Some worms are small to look upon and yet will penitrate and consume an Oak Sin is such a thing small in the account of men and yet gnawes asunder the strongest sinews the body of Christ transcendently compacted not of this creation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 9.11 as the Author to the Hebrews speaks and yet sin dissolves moulders this stately fabrick From the greater to the lesse we may argue safely If the body of Christ cannot live in respect of sin surely no body else can The body of Christ would have born more then all the world and not have cracked Vanity of vanity all is vanity the body of Christ dies the body of all other things die which stand further off from sin then the body of Christ and the body of man do The body of Christ and the body of man stand in a more immediate relation to sin and the fruit thereof then other things of the creation do and yet sin eats out every body of the creation those that stand furthest off from it the whole world waxeth old waxeth languishing ' thath made its will 't will die in a moment the glory of this world passeth away the forehead of this world to wit the heavens will become wrinckled and wax old Wisdome will have no heaven here Death shall gnaw the greenest goard the strongest mans body and every body that bears respect to it We and our best friends die your fathers where are they My father my father the chariots and horsemen of Israel c. and yet this would not hold him his dearest friend in the world must be gone It shadowed out Christ he is our Father our Father twice as good and as dear as all other friends that is he is the dearest friend man hath in all the earth and yet a fiery chariot fetches up this Father from his children here Christ goes away I go away and yee shall see me no more So said Paul to his spirituall children and it did cut to the quick Justice doth retaliate We killed God in all and so doth he us we did run away from God and left him solitary and he makes every thing run from us husband wife children one dearer then all Christ and leaves us alone The spirit of the Angels which fell was in us when we fell pride and malice would have puld down God we shew'd our will but could not accomplish it upon God but he hath upon us not we nor any thing in our similitude can live if God see but our shadow and Image he strikes at it as we did at his Christ fared the worse for us he dyes for having to do with us Vse What God means in all this should be inquired into What every carnall thing dying and yet carnall affection alive There is demonstration enough without of the mortality of all things but no demonstration of this within us our inward thoughts are that our habitation shall indure for ever England all over is a demonstration of this point that all things are bleeding and dying Christ had rather that a thousand thousands of bodies should die then one soul one thing is aimed at that all things die to wit the death of your lust the life of faith and this is your lesson from this Doctrine Can you receive it Every thing shall live for ever when you can love all in Christ and admire all in Christ and make an advantage of love by all to Christ All the ruines you behold in this kingdom or in the whole creation all the seas of blood wherin the world is at this day are but to wash our hearts that 's very foul which must have all without even Christ himself turn'd into blood to cleanse it 'T is long ere carnall affections be slain every thing must die and its blood be thrown in the face of conscience ere the man will spit out what offends God The stability of all about you bears much upon the rectitude of your affection Take heed how you love husband wife children you may hug them to death with a sinfull love You complain of Cavalleers for
and bones to feed on we may fetch a dish from heaven to mend the matter well enough if wee be so wise and so heavenly as wee should be We are the ruine of our own life 't is hard to get thoughts high enough Present things are the things onely to be minded we must minde this and we must minde it thus so we necessitate our minds and marre all What must I onely thinke of Shimei that curses Must I onely thinke of povertie and onely thinke of sicknesse that is upon me What necessitie of this There is no necessitie of this but yet I cannot doe otherwise Wouldst thou doe otherwise No I would not do otherwise How canst thou be remedied then Some are married to a Blackmore and will not be divorced to black melancholy spirits and humors c. which they love and will not heare to part with Rachel will not be comforted There is nothing to be said to these spirits till their burdens have more broken and humbled them Others are more ripened and mellowed by the rod to whom my question is Would you have your thoughts taken off from thinking so much of your calamitie Would you have your soules thinke much what you shall be and where you shall be O yes rather then any thing in the world The mercy is neare yea very neare which you thirst after Open your mouth wide and I will fill it Hungring longing and praying this is opening the mouth wide believe it the Lord Jesus is at hand he hath sent his Prodromoi his forerunners to lay in some provision he will sup with you anon and feast with you anon and then all will be well the soule strong and as high and as noble as its work Our strength to high duty is from full presence and full communion The choicest advantages to get this you should carefully use which would doe much in tother world which would be much above and before him where you shall ever be Some workes have a great deale of heaven in them reade them some persons have a great deale of heaven in them look out and read them some ordinances have a great deale of heaven observe them There is a great deale of advantage in ones standing to look a great way When David stood in Gods house he could see into heaven plainly and behold all the glory above and where his place should be for ever and what train should follow yea he was as if actually possessed of all Honour the Institution of Christ how ever despised by men or you cannot be so heavenly and so blessed as you would and should be COLOSS. 1.23 If you continue in the faith c. AS God turnes all to the good of his so Satan labours to turne all to their hurt The best people have one too many still at their table though they are not aware of him and he drops something still into every dish to curdle and sower it in their soules how sweet and precious soever in its own nature When the words of Christ wound Satan then drops in gall and vineger to turne convictions into despaire when they comfort he sophisticates and makes the doctrine of felicitie a medium to forget piety this in some words of this text is hinted in others prevented Heaven lengthens out a holy life to all eternitie it doth so in its proper nature 't is a laying of our soules in his bosome who hath us but by the hand here 't is not in it self nor under any consideration to end grace here or hereafter but to consummate it If you continue c. Two things of weight take up this text the doctrine of perseverance and apostasie cleaving to Christ and casting him off both these circumstanced and so drawne out that their aspect speakes them to the life To abide sweet a while and then to putrifie with the heat of times and smell carrionly this is not perseverance 't is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 permanere continuing in the faith or through abiding of the faith what 's that This is answered in the next words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 founded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fixed One terme alludes to a house founded upon a rock that is unmovable The other term alluding to starres which continue holding forth their glory and vertue let what stirres will be in these lower regions they never fall from their orbe nor faile in it of any influence or lustre for any filthy vapours or fogges that come from the earth they are above them all and are faithfull and firm as the Heavens this is the propertie also of starres of the terrestriall globe Apostasie is also here drawn out to the life every fall doth not kill but falling away falling away from truth received glorious truth truth raising sweet hope glad Gospel expectation and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel c. That truth which hath had its demonstration before all sorts of men Through abiding of or in the faith is the first thing that we are to stand upon By faith is meant the Gospel as is explained in the next clause Christ as revealed in his Word Truth hath a latitude within and without it self the observation of both is a through pursuit Truth hath a latitude within it self that is in the matter of it 'thas many precepts and all these their proper extent Thy commandements are exceeding broad The Gospel hath many rules directory many consolatory when the soul sets before it self all as a rule of life then doth it throughly abide in the faith then are you my Disciples if you do whatsoever I command you The whole bosome of Christ is the seat of the soul hereafter and the whole will of Christ is the seat of the soul here when the soul doth not make it so it is wanton and wilfull and doth not throughly abide in the faith Christ had a materiall garment when materially present and it had many threads but all weaved into one web and robe without seam or signe of one so Christ now spiritually present hath likewise a spirituall garment of like form The Gospel hath many rules when all these are weaved together by a Christian in his life and made a spirituall robe of state for the glory of Christ and not one thread left out when the soul doth put on all Christ and clothes himself with him from head to feet then doth he throughly abide in the faith Truth hath a latitude without it self 't is to live as long as we We are to be faithfull to the death so in every truth no truth is short lived to last a season only as 't is said of them they rejoyced in his light for a season if we make any truth short lived for any temptation whatsoever we abide not throughly in it 'T is in our spirituall marriage as in our naturall we are not freed from the carefull and painfull obligation of it till death The observation of Gods will
and commendation for vertue to some of all sorts in the world to every creature under heaven Which ye have heard and which was preached to every creature under heaven A man advantaged with his own experience and with the experience of all others may notwithstanding run against all Finally things have their stedfastnesse of motion not simply as they are advantaged but as advantages are compleat A Watch that hath some wheels true work and others not will go so long and then stand still run so long and then break if every wheel be not compleat work you have a fault in the motion Persons that have most advantage have none compleat wheels are something mended in Saints and set agoing but not finished The old man is outed but not quite the new man Christ is introduced but not fully What our Saviour said of societies that may I of persons ye are clean but not all Satan when he comes findes much in us and of this takes hold and drawes aside A Christian is neer heaven but not quite in it past danger when quite in heaven and not before Some work about a Christian is compleat some again not The work of justification is now compleat but the work of sanctification is not yet compleat the guilt of sin is done away but the filth of it is not and this rusteth the wheels and makes man in his best state vanity a light and an uncertain creature as in his being so in his motion The point in hand is necessarily true i. so that the thing which I say cannot be otherwise that man advantaged is an uncertain creature in a good course Vse If men advantaged are uncertain towards good what will men be that are altogether disadvantaged men in a state of blindnesse perversnesse unsoundnesse Some hold not on others wil never begin good this is the plague of a blind soul God unknown is bid to depart Christ unknown is bid to leave the coasts to give place to Swine the sweetest wayes of Christ unknown men will never set foot in them The Levites Concubine lay forced to death and her hands saith the Text lay upon the threshold of the door Judg. 19.27 so do many souls Satan forces them to death at the door of good their hands as it were upon the threshold of Gods House so neer entring in and yet there Satan with one wile or other forces them to death Ignorance generates prejudice and now you shall see a blind man fencing to keep off Christ and salvation from coming to his house 'T would make a mans soul bleed to heare with what weak things many ignorant hearts are kept off from making so much as profession of some courses that are good they are fools or knaves all that go in such wayes meaning such persons as strive to come neerest the rule of the Gospel Persons are studied not the way that they go in the men are giddie and of no account therefore away with what they professe this is the proprium of a weak brain If Christ himself were present this man would stumble at him and lose his soul rather then he would take acquaintance of such a silly outside Christ hath his glory within so have Saints and the way they walk in The entrance into it as the Wise-man saith gives understanding to the simple Taste how good Christ is in his wayes begin the life of Christ and the Gospel No I will not Ignorance begets wilfulnesse and now Christ knocks no more Ignorance is a great deal of disadvange to a holy course but wilfulnesse a greater This is the strong hold of Satan the Devill crowned and all powers internall and externall united and fighting to keep the crown upon his head Many things torment but one thing gains a Sinner that is the beauty and sweetnesse of the Lord Jesus High spirits shut their eyes and shut their mouths they will stand in no capacity of remedy they will not come neer such a person nor such a place not they Why Christ is there Let who will be there I will not This is rebellion in open act and the Psalmist explains the nature of it 'T is a man setting his heart awry and such a soul surely can never move well a Watch set wrong cannot be stedfast in following the course of the Sun and time of the day And might not be as their fathers a stubborn and rebellious generation a generation that set not their hearts aright and whose spirit was not stedfast with God Psal 78.8 A heart set awry is a desperate disadvantage to an even course where such a temper is men should think of the patience of Christ his love overcomes a stubborn soul O that goodnesse and mercy should wait to embrace a froward heart that will not continue no not begin good Ignorance is a great disadvantage to a steady course wilfulness a greater but Hypocrisie the greatest of all A double minded man is unstable in all his wayes and yet he hath many more then any sinner besides An hypocrites soul is like some wild Downs that have many cross ways upon them some this way some that but none to Christ and therefore the soul loses it self but cannot fix An Hypocrite is one that observes the winds not sweet gales within but gainfull gales without from the world his principles put him upon uncertainties he is ever about to sow but never sows the wind still turns so crosse when or where he will have a harvest I know not Things must be equally poised to make steady and certain motion and in this an Hypocrite is more disadvantaged then any man for he hath a great sail and a little bottome a great head and a little heart great broad wings and a little light body like a Butterfly and as steady in his flight Have you not observed the flight of a Butterfly how in and out he is The reason may be because body and wings carry no proportion 'thas wings big enough and broad enough for a body of some bulk which wanting it cannot master and steer its course steady in the aire Sinners have their proper punishment here as all sins have one common punishment hereafter to wit hell so they have their proper punishment here I may say of all sins but Hypocrisie that they are simply a not coming to Christ but I may say of an Hypocrite that he is one come and gone seemingly come and really gone and Cains curse is gone after him he ranges in forlorn places and things having seven more forlorn spirits in him then he had Truth and integrity is the soul of the soul this is quite dead in an Hypocrite A lie will choose a lie the heart a lie will choose any lying principles and ah what a many lies be there now in the world I am affraid of mens integrity lies are so generally taking and mis-leading now the spirit is as the things it strongly cleaves to Hitherto we have spoken to persons
no man will say so much as before said in words but thousands say it in deeds say what we will what we can of justice of mercy of the latitude of these yet sinners will drive on in their own courses as long as liberty strength and life will give leave These hearts are dead in trespasses Let what Sun will shine upon the dead it warms them not these sinners are twice dead dead naturally and dead voluntary they have tasted of the sweet of their wayes and they get much wealth and pleasure by it and they are not children to part with a reality for a fancie These are whole and need not a Physician our work is quickly done about these Burthened souls you are the proper subject of mercy and of this discourse the call of this doctrine is to you Come every one of you to Christ and ye shall have ease he excludes none Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavie laden A loded soul is self-condemn'd he cannot stand under the sense of sin and wrath alas who can A soul self-condemned hath a halter about his neck of his own making but do not hang thy self the King of Israel is very mercifull he hangs none that comes to him as thou dost with a halter about his neck hold a parly with him for thy life thou mayst bring him to what terms of mercy thou wilt almost Bid Christ make Propositions of peace Lord what wilt thou have me to do If he say that he wil have thee do this and do that deny thy self and follow him pluck out thy right eye and cut off thy right hand and the like tel him that through him thou canst do all things give me thy self and I will part with any thing lend me thine hand and I will rise draw me and I will run after thee Nothing is vile to me but that which thou forbiddest nothing dear but that which thou commandest only let me touch the hem of thy garment let me take hold of thy skirt and I shall accomplish thy will and mine own This request cannot be denied Make this conclusion and feed upon it under all desertion and temptation Christ is ingaged furnished yea about this very design to give himself to thee Christ is ingaged for thee by petition thou hast put up many petitions to him and he hath put them up all to God he could do no otherwise for he is by place an Advocate to mention and plead such cases as are moved to him Christ is furnished by concession for he is heard in all that he askes my Father heareth me always We ask many things and misse because we ask amisse Christ alwayes asketh well and speeds well therefore conclude of reliefe You that mourne after Christ he will send a Comforter The command of God is upon Christ he shall be a light to the Gentiles When Christ ingages himself by petition for any God doth alwayes ingage him by concession and by accomplishment for it See thou do this poor soul good my Son here is for him according to all that he needs let it be laid out upon him according to all thou sayest will make him happy Must he have my Spirit my comforting Spirit will no lesse nor no cheaper thing make him smile will not a little Saffron mixed with some spirituous liquid make him laugh No must he have my Spirit my Joy●s then here ' t is But be sure my Son that thou give it him The injunction of God is upon Christ He shall be a light to the Gentiles God doth trust no Doctor no Apothecary none but Christ himself about drouping souls and he puts into his hand cordials of infinite price and saith that he shall give them and his blessing with them that he shall be not only means of light but Light it self to dark souls that is the blessing of means as well as means That Christ is about and upon giving himself to thee O soul I will demonstrate to thee thus Christ hath looked upon thee this is the first thing a man doth when he intends to bestow himself upon any Abasuerus viewed the damosels first The Son hath looked upon thee that the Son hath looked upon thee is apparent for the beauty of his countenance hath taken thee and thou wouldest fain have his Image to wear in thy breast and if all thou hadst would buy it how willingly wouldst thou part with it the words which fall from Christs lips are as marrow and those which suit thy state as marrow and fatnesse Surely the King hath looked upon thee and more he hath a liking to thee Thou lovest him thou mayst conclude therefore that he loved thee first We love him because he loved us first the man makes love first Christ wooed thee long ere he thus far gained thee though thou take no notice of it Nay more then this Christ hath bestowed love-tokens upon thee surely he is bestowing himself to thee Christ hath given thee by us his messengers as Abrahams servant a golden eare-ring bracelets for thine hands by the word whch we preach he hath given thee his Spirit thou breathest as Christ doth very sweelty I do not smell it No one cannot smell his own breath when 't is sweet only when it stincks much but others smell it in every room where thou comest Would Christ were mine Is not this the period still of thy expression at the end of every discourse Such an one hath got so much and so much saith one to thee dost not thou reply would Christ were mine and then I had got more then he Dost thou not gaspe only after Christ when thou fetchest breath deepest That 's the Spirit of the Lord Jesus which makes sighs and groans which cannot be expressed he and thee sigh together one in another and one after another Love is mutually set the contract is made only 't is not published to the world some deliberate time is used about this 'T is a distinct thing from being Christs to know that I am his and that he hath bestowed himself upon me and all the wranglings quarrellings and gain-sayings of Satan and a mans own soul will not be quite dead till the soul be quite in the bosome of Christ When one argues from the beams of the Sun that there is a Sun me thinks the cavillingst spirit of unbelief that is should lie still Had no body ever taken notice of any ray of the Sun appearing in the soul to argue from only the word of grace pressed and the man that was al the dayes of his life a vile wretch beholding his own necessity and the riches of goodnesse and laying hold upon it he were bound to believe that Christ accepted of him and bestowed himself upon him I beseech you weak souls know two things and you cannot but be strong Know the riches of the Gospel and know the obligement of the Gospel it tenders mercy 1. freely and so it 2. must be owned
all God will thus speake within to thy conscience sooner or later If this be the potent remedie of ingratitude you speake of I have had this alreadie I cannot sleepe sometimes these things are so whispered in mine eares Why better want sleepe then want instruction from Christ Doth it not yet doe the thing Why beg him then to seale thy instruction God speakes once yea twice yet man perceiveth it not then he openeth the eares of man and sealeth his instruction Sealing instruction is so much of Christ given forth to the soule in his word or workes as leaves the image of Christ plainly upon the soule A thing is sealed when there is such an impresse made as leaves the image of the seale upon the paper Then can we see the image of God plaine without when 't is plaine upon the soule within when one sees two Sunnes then one wonders 't is so spiritually when one can see Christ within and Christ without such are the soules that admire all the kindnesse of God The Apostle saw two Sunnes he looked upon himselfe as a converted man and then as such an intrusted man with office a man cannot see God without well unlesse he can see him within Christians and here be a sweet company of you this worke I see by the course of things fals to your share look that you discharge it well this is my charge upon you Christ hath no active creatures to gather him honey and to bring it home to his dore but you there be some wild Bees that gather a little honey and of a scurvey wild undigested nature but they goe and hide it in holes of the earth and in hollow trees I know not where How doe you bestir your selves Christians in gathering of honey for Christ The garden in which you are was never fragranter with flowers then now Not a man you meet with but you may wonder he is alive not a stone in the streete you tread upon but you may wonder 't is not coloured with bloud not a limbe you have but you may wonder 't is not cut off not a good Minister not a good Magistrate but you may wonder he is not cut in a thousand pieces how ponderously and warily should we goe up and downe every where in England now after all the great things that have been done in it that wee doe not tread wonders in the dirt What a time what a place doe we live in and what advantages have we to bring in rich treasure to the crowne of Christ and so consequently to our own crowne And thinke then what hearts you have which are frothy and wanton now Fatherly providence hath made every mercy a thousand times bigger then 't was that you may see it as you should doe you doe so Christians Our house is sweeter then 't was husband sweeter then he was every thing is renewed a new glosse from an immediate hand put upon every thing 't is strange that things that are so varnisht and inlaid from Heaven should not divinely take us I am jealous of you Christians I am jealous of you that yet Christ is a great loser by you in the glory of his Name Divine heat is wanting in you though God hath rubbed you so much and so long till he hath rubbed off the skin A man may discerne where ever he comes that the goodnesse of the Lord is not in your mouthes is it in your mindes You froth at mouth and bespatter every one that comes neare you with it that one had need downe upon his knees to God to wash his soule from the filth that comes from you these things are against you Christians but I spare you Thinke but what God hath done and what he is now adoing and then thinke what hearts you have that can be frothie now COLOS. 1.24 Now I rejoyce in my sufferings for you DUtie with its issue lieth here together it brings forth twinnes but not like each other misery in the discharge of it joy in the end The better the instrument workes the worse lik't of the world and the worse used this is sorrowfull but the more blessed of God to a gracious successe this is joyfull The childe that comes last out of the wombe of dutie is a pleasant childe Now I rejoyce in my sufferings for you The instrument that faithfully wrought beaten with these stripes many were healed Paul lived to see this this made him forget misery whilst in it for he was in bonds when he spake these words Dutie at last is sweet it comes off with Heaven though Hell dog it for a time Now I rejoyce Esther sighes mournes groanes and then feasteth and rejoyceth at last 't is a true emblem of Christianitie 't is clothed with sackcloth a great time but changes garments at last Blessed are all that die in the Lord Persons when they end actions when they end though they end in bloud and death yet if in the Lord in the discharge of dutie they are blessed with sweet successe they eate the fruit of their travaile 't was so to Christ 't is so to us Successe is the crown of action a crown from God here Can a soule weare a crown from God here or any where and not joy though a great while a putting on This point must be understood When I say dutie ends well it must be understood dutie faithfully discharged Hypocrites are very doing but action never comes off well what ever joy they have in the beginning they have none in the end how much soever they sit up and worke yet they lie down in sorrow what fires and sparkles soever they kindle goe all out ere they goe out and blast and not blesse the soule at last this is a universall truth made so by the hand of justice Behold all yee that kindle a fire and compasse your selves about with the sparkes this yee shall have of my hand yee shall lie downe in sorrow Esa 50. ult Christ crownes no hypocrite neither here nor hereafter neither action nor person all that is unsound rots They shall not eate of the travaile of their soule how painfull soever their travaile be but die in travaile their hope is cut off an hypocrites livery yea his legacy is nothing but a deaths-head obedience faithfully discharged ends well where ever this ends if it be in a prison or any where else it is with joy Obedience is rejected because of its issue 't is a damnable fault they die in travaile that are married to Christ therefore I will never be married to him he clothes his Spouse with mourning garments and her coate is edged at end still with deaths-heads I will never be married to him then thou canst never come to Heaven he brings none but his Spouse thither Though Christ doe not use his Spouse ill himselfe yet he suffereth others to doe it there is nothing but bloud and death in the way of God I dare not set step in it Many speake
of blood of skuls and broken bones among many groning and tumbling to and againe with their bowels out holding up their hands Sir be mercifull I beseech you be mercifull and doe what you can to relieve me No I will not Now says Christ write downe the man for mercilesse What shall I say of this generation they are mourned to and yet lament not I have spoken to them saies Christ I have mourned to them but words teares stirre not when the most speaking things to move compassion move not then are a people written downe for mercilesse They have not remembred the afflictions of Joseph or condoled gnal Sheber over the breaking or the tearing to pieces of Joseph so t is very lively alluding to the state of Joseph whom his father thought to have beene torne with wild beasts When the extremity of misery moves not the least compassion the tearings and rendings of Kingdomes Townes Estates Persons then God writes downe men mercilesse Ye remembred not the tearings of Joseph When persons see the anguish of the soule of Joseph as one with death-pangs upon him and yet compassionate not this is written down We saw the anguish of his soule when he besought us and we would not heare we saw his heart-blood as it were ready to come out and yet we had no heart to pity surely we are judged as mercilesse wretches Genes 42.31 The order of trialls hintes the order of judgements sinners looke to your selves If Saints have their sad boutes their bloudy dayes surely you will have your turne too Men that love their sinnes love not to heare that ever they shall be whipt for them Evill is acted with confidence that it shall never be judged hee that sits in Heaven doth not regard since the beginning all things are as they were I have bin a sinner this twenty yeares and yet all is well This is grosse folly Christ laughes at it but we should mourne that men have no more grace hee sees that your day is comming yea hee sees that you cannot avoid it whilest in this state and therefore makes no more haste to take hold of you A creature that is fast in any Engine we lay we make not hast to come and breake the neck on 't and kill it outright because we know 't is fast and therefore wee come slowly Security is Satans deadly Engine you are fast in the bonds of iniquity justice is sure of you therefore it doth not make haste to come and break your neck and to dispatch you utterly When your day comes it will be a bloudy day indeed a day as long as a yeere as long as eternity a day that will never have night When your prisoning and chaining time comes your chaines will be everlasting your bout will be long mercy makes Justice therefore the longer a comming but if you presumptuously abuse this mercy even this mercy shall be shortned common mercy is shortened to desperate soules as it is lengthned to common penitents when they do but commonly humble themselves that is as poore brutes as in the case of Nineve And therefore you have a day of the Lord mentioned by the Prophet Zephany as hastened the great day of the Lord and hastening greatly to such a Generation of sinners as now I am speaking to Zephany 1.14 The great day of the Lord is neere it is neere it hasteth greatly the mighty man shall cry there bitterly t is a day of wastnesse mens bloud shall be poured out as dust and their flesh as dung the whole Land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousie and hee shall make a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the Land Your day when it comes will be like this day a day of dispatch that will make riddance of you wholly body and soule and if you slight this that I tell you now and goe on in your sinne know that this great day of the Lord hasteth greatly sinners t is neer t is neer But sinners merry sinners can you tell how neere t is How neere your sad day is No you can looke up into the Heavens and when the Skie lookes so and so you can tell what the next day will be and t is so saith Christ There will be stormes to morrow and they are so 't will be a wet afternoone and t is so And observe how our Saviour makes use of all this to a proud secure Generation Yea and why even of your selves judge you not what is right Luke 12.57 you can judge thus and thus and judge right respecting the Heavens why can you not judge thus of your selves Intimating 't were possible if men did but observe themselves their hearts and their lives as they do other things men if they would do this they might be able to give a neere guesse when a storme or a black gloomy day is neere them Looke sinners round about you do you see nothing in your lives that lookes like bloud and death Do you feele nothing in your consciences that speaks a storme a breeding The worme that never dies begins to live crawle and stirre here dost thou feele it knaw terribly now and then what and continue in thy sinne why hell certainly is not far off One may smell some fire sulphurous matter burning one may smell it and if in the next roome one smells it so hot that one can hardly indure the roome The fire below is brimstone dost thou not smell it in thy conscience How hot is the smell so hot as thou canst not indure that roome why then the fire is fast by thou art in the next roome to Hell Consolation issues from this point to all godly people under the Lords hand your turne is come now to pledge Christ hee dranke to you in a bitter Cup a great while agoe and a great many farre better then you have pledged him and you are honoured to do the like 'T is a great honour to drinke of the same Cup that Christ did Can yee be Baptized with the Baptisme that I am Baptised with and this asked when they talked of great honour to fill up that which is behind of his draught let what will be in it things never so bitter t is wholesome t is healthfull life is in our deadly Cup the bravest life springs out of our cruellest death If this be not enough think on this t is but thy turne 't will be over quickly the Cup will be taken out of thy hand and given to another Thou art sad but for a season And now for a season if neede be you are in heavinesse saith Peter there was necessity thou shouldest be in heavinesse for a little time and how long this time and season is the Scripture tells us 't is but a momens and then it resolves it selfe into everlasting consolation COLOS. 1.24 The Afflictions of Christ c. AFflictions are from God immediately or from man God strikes sometimes and uses no hand but his
God to save and so is the word translated 2 Thess 2. Where t is used in order to the wicked having 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pleasure in unrighteousnesse c. You may imagine how much the Word doth import being used to set out a sinners love and strongest affection to sinne What a pleasure is a wicked mans sinne to him Can you expresse it why so says God t is to mee now to looke towards poore lost man and to sit downe in his soule The Word is used by the Apostle elsewhere 't is my hearts desire that Israel might be saved c. Just as if the Apostle should have said it would be my Heaven that Jsrael might come to Heaven t is my Heaven to thinke that ever they shall have Heaven and O that they might be called and he speakes there but in the straine and spirit of the Gospell the riches of the glory of this mystery that I am opening the heart of God and the heart of Christ now to man Vse You see now what is the riches of the glory of this mystery t is the proffer of mercy to man with much strength of affection a proffer of Heaven in Heaven i as one in Heaven a proffer of Life in Life or with Life and so are all the dispensations of the Gospell typified Revel 4. A throne was set in Heaven to set out the things of Heaven Let poore sinners know what is the riches of the glory of this mystery and inrich themselves by it Blessed are they that know the joyfull sound which words point at Aarons bells his going into the holiest of all made a joyfull sound to them that could understand it it pointed at Christ offering up his life for us and yet doing it as it were with Musick cheerfully and delightfully You have had this mystery explained all along my discourse do you understand it sinners then inrich your selves with it The Sunne is the riches and glory of all the World such a Sunne is the Gospell of Christ desire that this Sunne may shine into the little World if the Sun did not shine in this great World it could not inrich it nor glorifie it The Apostle speakes of this very thing to wit the Gospell and under this Metaphor of the Sun and he uses such tearmes as signifie in apparition and illustration But after that the kindnesse and gentlenesse of God appeared 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word is used to expresse the second comming of Christ and that will be bright and glorious indeed 2 Thess 2.8 i in apparition for otherwise it had beene of no force to those effects which he there mentions a like place 2 Tim. 1.10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospell It is plaine by these following words that the apparition here spoken of meanes in apparition death could not be otherwise destroyed nor immortality be brought to light And the learned agree that the word notes a mighty shining light that searches every corner of the heart is the light that you have of such illustration hath it brought life and immortality to light i a holy life that never end There is a great deale of light now in the World but when wee looke how it illustrates it selfe we are sad because it comes to no more ordinarily then the light of a comet that falles and the matter that bore it resolving it selfe into a filthy stinck to the great disgrace of the Gospel to the death of brave persons and Kingdomes What is it that makes such bloudy worke in the Christian World now but this that the riches of the glory of this mystery doth nothing in men this hath made a long night to our brethren the Iewes and is like to doe the like to the Gentiles The Gospell being riches prize Christ and his Ministers let them be glorious in your eye which bring glorious things Know which way the riches of glory comes to you it comes but by one gate Which puts me in mind of a story In the County of Saba which signifies a mystery when Frankinsence was brought into the chiefe City thereof it was ordered by the Priests that it should come in but at one Gate upon paine of death to wit that which they had consecrated for that purpose T is of lively use the riches of glory come in but one way by Christ and by the Ministry of his Word and therefore keepe open this Cate if all the money in your purses will do it if all the bloud in your veines will do it let all goe rather then this and the Gospel when this departeth the glory departeth the riches of glory departeth There is but one thing that is eminently accessary to the destruction of the riches of glory and that is hardnesse of heart The Balme-Trees when they had wounded them to get the vertue of them to drop forth they laid Wooll upon which the drops might fall that so they might be sure to save it so to gaine the riches of the glory of the Gospel to save the drops that fall from Christs mouth you must lay soft hearts tender and fleshy hearts otherwise you will die poore and miserable notwithstanding all the riches of glory that are amongst you COLOS. 1.27 Among the Gentiles or in the Gentiles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ethnick This is the word in the originall by which we are called it may be from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 two words which signify a minde accustomed to some thing a heart evill and onely evill that is stout enough and such neither can nor will be made otherwise it speakes a nature of sinne a body of death one in the flesh and led by the flesh I will discribe a Gentile to you generally and particularly t is one uncircumcised in flesh and spirit that hath not the externall ordinances of Christ nor the internall efficacy this is to speake properly and fully a Gentile though where the latter is wanting under the fruition of the former such are called Gentiles For that he hath brought into my sanctuary strangers uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh to be in my sanctuary to polluate it Ese 44.7 they which are called here strangers were Gentiles and their condition is described they were uncircumcised in heart and flesh and this to speake properly and fully is a Gentile one that is beside all culture that that is without the visible Church and without the invisible grace of such estate There is a Gentile in the flesh and a Gentile in the spirit and a Gentile in both The Apostle makes this destinction and in these termes Wherefore remember that yee being in times past Gentiles in the flesh were called the uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh which is made with hands Eph. 2.11 They were Gentiles in the flesh as well as in the
spirit they were such that had not so much as that circumcision which was made with hands much lesse that circumcision which was made without hands by the spirit A Gentile in the spirit is one ignorant without God in the World that is without the knowledge of God it is explained so by another expression like this that at that time yee were without Christ being Aliens Eph. 2.12 And by another expression to them that are without the Law as without the Law 1 Cor. 9.21 that is such as had no knowledge of the Word of God nor did acknowledge any such thing as a rule of life but their own blind traditions and customes Gentilisme is a meere Chaos a little World lying all in confusion darkenesse upon the face of the deepe the understanding which is as the face of the soule blind not able to finde out God in his Word or Workes what in essence or what in existence what hee is or what he doth in Heaven in Earth in the soule of man nor what hee will doe though all these exprest and told of at large a Gentile in spirit is one that cannot see God nor feele after him that can use neither head nor hand no reason nor sense divinely one that fits in darkenesse and cannot stir any power internall or externall towards the true God One that fits in darknesse wich is an expression I thinke in allusion to the Egyptians who had thicke darkenesse such obscurity of darknesse as the originall saith that they saw not any man his brother neitheir rose any man from his place for three dayes mittacheaif de sub se not from under himselfe or not from off himselfe and these were Gentiles and in this I thinke the lively type of all Gentiles who are in such thick darkenesse spiritually that they sit stock still not one can arise from of himselfe to apprehend any thing out of himselfe and above himselfe that which hee worships is himselfe the imagination of his own brain his zeale is seated in blind principles and this is his God that he knowes no God As I passed by and beheld your devotion I found an Altar with this inscription to the unknowne God and these were Gentiles and this blind principle was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Inn●itten or written in them for the Altar was but an emblem of their heart they did hold out by this what was in them to wit a God adored but no body could tell what no not they themselves any further then selfe some carnall fancies hotly pursued and after no other light would they search with braine or sense The Apostle reproves them in this scope though you have not the Word of God yet you have had the workes of God if you had pursued these as blind men that use their hands in stead of their eyes and make a good shift to finde their way you would certainly have found out God to better purpose then this inscription quotes and then relates the story of the Creation viz. who hath made of one bloud all Nations if happily they might feele after him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word notes touching or groaping with the hand not able to imploy understanding nor sense about the Word or Workes of God to finde out God which is just the state of a brute and so are the Gentiles shadowed to be in Pauls vision there were all manner of Beasts in the sheet that was let downe to him but nothing else A Gentile in spirit is one blinde and obstinate he shuts his eyes against some things and none must open them opens his eyes to other things and none must shut them he loveth darknesse better then light and no body must stir nor wake his love till hee please this obstinacy is well exprest by Christ Mat. 18.17 if hee will not heare the Church let him be as a Heathen an Ethnick which is the same word with the Text I stand on if hee will not heare let him be accounted a Gentile a Gentile is a wilfull person Let a man be in Church-state and under-light yet if wilfull in sinne loving darknesse and against light hee is as a Heathen that is he is a Gentile in spirit hee is formerly and really a Gentile onely he is not outwardly called so he is not called so by men but he is so by God The Jewes the greatest amongst them the Scribes and Pharisees that instructed company although of the Jewish Church and eminent in Office yet as obstinate and raging opposers of Peter and his Ministery are cald by the Spirit of God Ethicks and in the second Psalme where the Prophet speakes of Heathenish great ones opposing Christ applied it to them as fulfilled in them Acts 4.25 when they were let goe they reported to their owne company that is to the rest of the Apostles and Disciples all that the chiefe Priests and Elders had said to them and when the Apostles heard it they lifted up their voice with one accord and said O God which hath made Heaven and Earth who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said Why doe the Heathen rage and so forth and there cals them Ethnicks Gentiles and because of this that they were wilfull and raging in their blindnesse and wickednesse against Christ This property also of stubbornnesse was lively shadowed in that Type of the Gentiles forementioned there were such and such kinds of beasts in the sheet that was let down to Paul and wild beasts saith the Text to note that this is one eminent property in an ethnicall spirit wildnesse headinesse obstinacy in his blinde course Spirituall gentilisme is opened have I not done two works at once opened the Doctrine and opened your condition are ye not Gentiles in heart though not so call'd truth should be own'd whether with us or against us or there is no remedy confession of sinne is a necessary Gospell requisite sinners can have no mercy without it if ye lay not open your sinne to God t will lay open you to God Angels and men and a soule laid open by the word is one found out in the fact when God hath found out and seised upon a sinner for him then to deny the fact or seeke to breake away from him as one that breakes bolts by being more boysterous in sin this man will die for it and not have pardon no not hope on 't hee 'l not have his booke there is not the least tender of grace to the soule whilst convictions are strangled but treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath to burne hornets in their nest seeing they will not come out convictions stifled is like Powder in a mine that when sprung it blowes up all and no fire so terrible as this stifled fire for renting and tearing the soule A mans soule discovered by truth God hath found out the man the effect will be this the man will now prove a deare friend or a desperate enemy to Christ the vision
of convictions make a man fall at the feet of Christ or flee in his face Hast thou found me O mine enemy Wounds that goe to the heart if they let not out corruption and pride they make men desperate and bleed them to death desperately a proud man stab'd to the heart by the word if it be not sanctified to let out his pride he will spet the blood of his soule in the face of him that wounded it Are you Gentiles in heart then be so in name doe not miscall yourselves T is a thousand pities that many are called Christians You doe onely but flatter them that flatter themselves enough and too much you helpe hug soules to death The name of a Christian given to such a one that hath not the nature of a Christian is satans chariot in which he hath carried thousands to hell asleepe Let persons and things be called as they are let us name things according to their nature let Divinity have its name Morality its name Barbarity its name You give men their severall distances as they stand ranked by a common providence one to another but we doe not give men their distance as they stand all rankt by speciall providence in order to God and the highest greatnesse Let us follow Christ in this say some are neere some are far off some are in the Kingdome of God The Kingdome of God is in you saith he to some t is neere you saith he to others t is far off from you saith he to others Let us give all persons and things their due distances in order to God as they discover themselves Doe not waste breath vainely to make a gale a pleasant gale to blow soules faster to hell Iitten gnatsabeth Prov. 10.10 which are sailing thither but too fast of themselves He that winks with his eye causeth sorrow saith Solomon dabit dolorem he will give sorrow he that puts out his owne eyes and others to he will give a great deale of sorrow to others and yet keep a great deale more for himselfe and yet this is common blind lead one another neither knowes whether Make not a bad condition hopelesse t is not so in it selfe here A Gentile simply as a Gentile was without hope because out of roade of God Enter not by the way of the Gentiles and into any City of the Samaritans enter ye not Matth. 10.5 6. but goe rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel said Christ when he sent forth the word The preaching of the word is the meanes of life to whom this is denied death is concluded the people necessarily perish where this vision must not come This was our condition but t is not now the channell of love is turned toward us not from us life is come amongst us as the expression here is the riches of this mystery among the Gentiles or in them saith the originall The expression notes effectuall mercy is now revealed an efficacious proffer a light of life shines amongst us such as makes sight and makes blessednesse to us as much as to the Jewes so is this expression explained Matth. 4.16 t is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a great light and that which they did see they which sat in darknesse saw great light Matth. 4.16 All this was shadowed in giving the promise to Abraham before Circumcision and before the Law to note that the Uncircumcision to wit the Gentiles should be partakers of the promise as well as the Circumcision And the Scripture foreseeing that God would justifie the Heathen through faith preached before the Gospell unto Abraham that is before the Law saying in thee and in thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blest Gentiles you that see your selves such Dogs Wolves Lyons effectuall mercy is tendred to you You that lie in the high way and villages blinde lame halt you are invited the others had their excuses some had bought Oxen others Farmes others had married wives the meaning is covetousnesse and voluptuousnesse carnality did cut off the carnall Jew and nothing but this will cut off you too Undervalue every thing in order to Christ which now invites you to him the creature hath our hearts which is a strange act a man stretching out himselfe for the grave The lust of the Gentiles spoyles them t was shadowed by the Prodigall if any of you be come to your selves like him to returne and looke after Christ you may finde grace and mercy as he did If you finde your hearts averse Christ will by his Word if you attend it perswade them And he reasoned in the Synagogue every Sabbath saith the Scriptures of Paul and perswaded the Jewes and the Greekes Acts 18.4 the Spirit of Christ is a Spirit of perswasion now to the Greekes that is to the Gentiles as well as to the Jewes Perswasion notes the power of the Word the Word carried to the heart and this Christ hath engaged himselfe to doe Hosea 2.14 Gnal libbah Therefore behold I will allure thee and bring her into the wildernesse and speake comfortably to her the word is to the heart I will allure her and speake to her heart God in them ingaged himselfe to us and stands obliged now to every poore soule that complains of his aversnesse to Christ to allure these soules and to speake to their heart COLOS. 1.27 Which is Christ in you AS there is an externall society body with body so there is an internall society spirit with spirit God is a spirit and sutes his society he moves about corporeals but holds communion and fellowship onely with spirits drawes out himselfe here his face and his heart that is communion where one drawes out his heart If any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels of mercy Phil. 2.1 the latter explaines the former what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the communion of the Spirit meanes to wit such an internall operation as whereby the spirit of man is made like the Spirit of God for bowels and mercies and so for all other Divine dispositions a drawing out his owne heart and his nature in ours partakers of the Divine nature 2 Pet. 1.4 There is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a communion of the Spirit and a communion of the Divine nature I thinke the termes are expository and note the Spirit so effectually operating in the soule of man as imparting its owne nature to it such an operation or communication of Christ as this is called Christ in us because he leaves his Image and similitude in us as you say sometimes of children his fathers spirit is in him and this is spoken similitudinaliter not formaliter because of that similitude and onenesse of disposition that is between father and child God was in Christ that expression poynts not at the Divine essence nor cannot be proper speech so applied but at Divine existence noting how the persons in the Trinity doe act one in and by another
have him p. 291 What the word Paul signifies p. 293 The freenesse of God in all dispensations of grace and place should be matter of admiration p. 294 The Land full of mercies and full of nothing but brutes which tread upon them p. 295 The proper worke of Christians to admire the grace of God p. 298 299 Duty at last is sweetest p. 300 Obedience rejected because of its issue a damnable fault p. 301 What magnanimity is p. 302 303 The great need of magnanimity in these times p. 304 The soules of Gods people as well as their bodies suffer in this world p. 306 307 Comfort when paines rage inwardly p. 309 A man should be very long ere he make a positive conclusion upon some workes of God towards him p. 310 Two considerations which may relieve much when trials pinch the soule p. 311 To fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ c. This opened p. 401 The fury of man implacable ibid. Malicious men fire-shovels p. 402 Christ hath left all his prime businesse in this world to Christians ibid. At what height we are to be for Christ p. 403 None should be secure sin and justice will meet any where in a City walled with Brasse ibid. Christ hath drunke of the bloody cup in his turne the next is this Saint or that p. 404 Gods people are not all in prison at once and why p. 404 405 The order of trials to Gods people hints the order of judgements to the wicked p. 407 The sufferings of a Saint but his turne p. 408 A great honour to drinke of the cup that Christ did ibid. All earth beares thernes p. 409 What oppression is p. 410 How many waies oppression is made p. 411 Great men incident to the sin of oppression p. 412 The greatnesse of the evill of oppression the cause of civill war p. 413 The goodnesse of Christ to be admired as delivering from oppressors p. 414 The Church Militant described p. 415 The misery of the Militant Church to be laid to heart p. 419 How Christians finde their hearts moved to wrestle for the land p. 420 The Crosse keeps off some from the Church Militant p. 421 The Church Triumphant p. 423 All cannot be of the Church Triumphant p. 427 The soule that pants for Heaven spoken to p. 428 What 's done for the soules reliefe must be speedy p. 429 Two things incomparably swift in bringing forth p. 430 Of a sudden sinners are undone ibid. Forbidden fruit agrees well enough with some stomacks p. 431 Family distribution mans blessednesse p. 433 We should not content our selves with common mercies p. 434 They that feed on family favours owe much to God ibid. Christ peculiarly applies himselfe in all his dispensations unto his owne people p. 436 Towards whom Christ inclines we should p. 438 The heart of Christ hanging towards his people they should sucke this Honey-combe p. 439 How the heart of God inclines cannot be gathered by his hand p. 441 Not safe to calculate kindnesse by the motion of outward things p. 442 The word of Christ pure pleasant p. 444 The Gospell rejected p. 446 We are spectators of sin and justice in height p. 447 VVho it is within us that speakes and what answers we returne p. 448 There is a power opening and shutting things of eternall consequence in order to man in this life p. 449 VVhat Christ can doe to a perverse soule p. 451 Sweet to consider that sacred concealments are but for a time p. 452 Mercies have their severall demensions p. 453 Love heightens dispensation till the soule be lifted to Heaven ibid. Growth not regarded speaks unsoundnesse of heart p. 454 We have greater things then our fathers and regard them not p. 455 What the demonstrative light of the Gospell is p. 456 Some have Jobs wish they give up the ghost in the wombe p. 458 The most are finally left ibid. Two things hint a soule finally left p. 460 Gods people shall not be utterly forsaken ibid. A Christian is a hungry thirsty soule and the grounds of it p. 464 465 What is a Christians game p. 466 Growing Christians a great blessing to a Land p. 467 Such as would be strong in affection directed p. 469 What the riches of the mystery of the Gospell is p. 470 Heaven proferd as in Heaven p. 474 Christ and his Ministers to be prized p. 475 What a Gentile is p. 477 The danger of conviction stifled p. 461 Gentiles in heart should be so in name p. 480 Mercy for Gentiles p. 481 Christ in man what it is p. 482 Christ chuseth a very forlorne seat in this world p. 483 Our soules are the spirituall grave of Christ and he will be the victory of this grave p. 487 VVhat hope is p. 488 Our felicity lies in Noble principles p. 450 VVhat glory is p. 491 492 Gospell administration makes exact illumination p. 496 Christ slaine his blood cries in conscience p. 498 The vindiction of conscience p. 499 Divine words put themselves into the mind p. 501 VVhere the word is magisterially in the heart p. 504 VVhat to doe when the word is of no spirituall force p. 506 Gospell purification is full p. 508 I am so filthy that I shall never be made clean this objection answered p. 510 The soule of man is with much difficulty brought home to Christ p. 514 The severall waies the heart hath to keep off the power of the word ibid. VVe should consider well to what our hearts are facile p. 516 How we are to put price upon the soule p. 517 All our perfection is in Christ p. 519 Most in their pursuit after a perfect state mistake p. 521 The employment of a Minister of Christ very laborious p. 524 525 The soule very precious to Christ p. 526 How to ease a Ministers labour p. 528 Bad contention what it is p. 531 Good contention what it is p. 532 The divine nature of contention wherein it lies p. 533 The contention of most voyd of divine property p. 535 Efficiency sufficiency alsufficiency in Christ p. 537 Externall inducements nothing to make one truly religious p. 541 Our life beares upon the operation of Christ p. 542 VVhat internall operation is p. 544 Internall operation of eternall force p. 546 Our greatest maladies are internall and yet cureable p. 547 The greatest good is that which Christ loves p. 549 FINIS TABULAE
like his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3.21 no condition desperate to Christ he can give sight to one that is born blinde he 〈◊〉 change the spots of the Leopard plague spots all things touching the fallen condition of man are possible to him 't was spoken you know by himself upon a sad fight which none of Christs Disciples could do good to to wit one rended and torn by Satan which Christ cured with ease There be many thousand impossibilia to us yea in us not a sin in a mans soul the least but is impossible to us to subdue because in our nature Can a Leopard change his spots any one of his spots He may lick at them but can he remove them 'T is as if Christ had said Can a sinner take out any stain in his soul he may lick at them by prayer and the like but he cannot remove them because as a nature to him yet I can do it as if Christ had said I can take out any spot out of any cloth out of any part soul or body He is able to save all that come to God by him Christ hath this vast power and he cannot suspend it If he refuse to do what he can for any distressed creature that comes unto him and be the most miserable in the world he will displease his Father which we know he would not do he would undergo hell first The power that Christ hath for the good of sinners is necessarily acted The Sun shines upon all the world and it cannot do otherwise Christ in the 6th of John when he had discoursed largely according to what latitude and compasse he wrought for the salvation of souls he puts it to this conclusion I can do no lesse saith he for this is the will of my Father that every one that seeth the Son and believeth on him might have everlasting life if it be the tatterdst the forlornst creature in the city that looks pitifully upon me I must look pitifully upon him if he hang about me for soul favour I must in no wayes cast him off but take him out of the jaws of death and carry him in my arms to eternall life What is the will of the Father is the will of Christ the will of Christ naturally not artificially in a way of self-deniall and contest as the will of God is said to be a Saints will so that what the Father would have Christ own Christ cannot but own for the same Spirit is in him and in the same measure and therefore you have him setting himself forth by the Prophet just as I do as one bound by that Spirit which anointed him The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he hath anointed me to preach unto these and these and to comfort all that mourn a Christ doth not say the will of the Lord is nakedly revealed to me how far I shall shew mercy and how far not but the same Spirit that speaks to me saith he is upon me i. in the same measure that it speaks to me 't is in me and so necessitates me to obey or captivates me as my own nature and as my own affection God is captivated with love toward all captives so am I saith Christ he would have all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth Jewes and Gentiles so would I too saith Christ the same bottomlesse sea of love that fluctuates in his breast is in mine the Father and I are one and often Christ uses this expression when he speaks about love to the creature Vse Sinners if ever you would be saved consider this point well how wide the arms of Christ are how big the bosome of mercy is it hath many thousands between her breasts already and yet there is roome for you The love of Christ is not coy 't is not humerous ' thath not naturall antipathy against any but persons that sleight it Sinners sinners I beseech you consider it at what height you love your sins Do you love your sins above your bodies above your estates and names yet there may be hope Do ye love your sins above your souls this is sad yet there may be hope But do ye not love your sins above that love which stands with her arms open to you yet for all this What hope can there be in this case How can you escape the damnation of hell as Christ spake to this generation There is no art to make the soul set open the everlasting dores like telling him of the King of glory which would come in I conclude so because 't is the art the holy Ghost useth Mercy held out in the extent of it is the King in visible glory drunkards swearers adulterers set open your everlasting dores the King of glory would come into you he would forgive your sins against the light of Scripture your sins against the light of nature your beastly sins I those wherein you have been worse then beasts your sins against your own bodies as well as against your own souls Love would get her self a name upon you by cleansing and kissing of Swine by laying a Toad in her bosome by bringing a devill out of hel to heaven Can you spit in the face of this Love now in the sight of all this congregation and turn to your lusts again Mercy comes to all your dores she falls down at all your feet will you tread upon her Mercy shews you what she would have you do Christ humbles himself to the dust laies himself at all your feet if you would but do the like to him not a soul of you should perish We hold out to you now the riches of grace if it work kindly you shall know it by this the soul longs to be partaker of it this grace must be nourished if longing die ere it obtain the soul is guilty of stifling the Spirit What buds in the soul will blossome do but keep it in the Sun all that are weary and heavie laden have ease all that are opprest with the devill are healed 't is the thing we are upon If this grace work not kindly the soul hardens it self in its sin If love be so large I may go on in my sin yet a while longer and do well enough at last God rejects none not young sinners not old sinners I will make as much as I can of my sin and lie as long as I may in the lap of Delilah if I must part with it I will part with it at last when I must part with all Death is seised violently upon this soul he vomits his excrements Would a Judas speak worse then this man I will keep my covetousnesse and treachery as long as I can if I must leave it it shall be at last when I leave this world my master and my hope for ever You cannot imagine the depth of guile that is in our hearts naturally
to plume and prey upon whom they will It doth as the Devill where he raignes there is not a power in Hell but hee makes a fleshhooke on 't to teare and torture and fulfill his bloudy will so not a faculty not an office not any vires within or without but by oppression are all made tormenta killing instruments and to know none no not one like himself a man no not one like God but chaine him and rack him Thy Princes are roaring Lyons thy Iudges are evening Wolfes they know not the bones till the morrow Zephany 3.3 Here are all powers externall and internall combined and seconding one another Vse Matter of caution and matter of admiration may spring from this point Oppression hath beene opened and now wee have seene the nature of it wee should all take heede of so foule an evill especially men of place 't is an Aspe a Frogge that useth to craule up into Princes and great mens bed-chambers where it may lie softest and warmest and be best accommodated Cruelty is nothing without strong instruments it can doe nothing with strawes but vex and burne it selfe The Devill is a great Courtier hee gets among great men and there hee can shew himselfe as hee is play the Devill and make great earthquakes rend and teare whom hee will righteous and wicked what hee will body or soule at what compasse hee will Townes Cities Countries set whole Kingdomes a groaning bleeding dying Parts commend themselves to place place swells the soule too big for any due compass unlesse Christ bee gracious oppression is the first borne of pride in place after it comes to the Crowne 't is that child that will inherit all the outrage of greatnesse They are great mountaines that do crush Who art thou O great Mountaine before Zorubbabell great spirits and parts in great place The Devills children should be all strangled in the wombe or else they prove very long lived we should not have had so many bloudy oppressors at this day if pride had seasonably been bewailed As your naturalia so your praeternaturalia get such nests as to maturate themselves oppression maturates it selfe in high places there it can do all it will strike full blowes home blowes Oppression maturated is the crying'st provocation in a Land and brings downe the cryingest judgement Civill war a body tearing out its owne bowells see Zachary 11.5.6 Thus saith the Lord feede the flocke of slaughter whose possessors sl●y them and hold themselves not guilty and they that sell them say Blessed be the Lord for I am rich and their owne Shepheards pitty them not therefore I will no m●●● pitty the inhabitants of the Land saith the Lord but loe I will deliver the men every one into his Neighbours hand and into the hand of his King and they shall smite the Land and out of their hand I will not deliver them which words meane civill war as the learned interpret which is the greatest judgement of all externall judgement doubly torturing for brother to sheath his sword like those Levites in the bowells of a Brother Father washing hands in the bloud of children and children washing hands in the heart-blood of Fathers wee may guesse our sinne by our punishment oppression set us together by the eares oppression corporall oppression spirituall our possessors to wit Prince Peeres Prelates did slay us as the Prophet speakes body and soule and held not themselves guilty Their steps trod in wrath will continue till it end us all and God will not deliver Matter of admiration also issueth from this point Let 's admire two things the badnesse of men and the goodnesse of God When wee see any praeternatural's any thing that nature did not properly intend any monstrosity in a thing if it bee but in a finger in a hand in a toe much more if in any maine part which maims the shape and almost varies the species wee wonder much as to see a Dove with a Bores tuskes to see a Lambe with a Serpents taile to see a man with a mouth and a throate as wide as a Sepulcher and a Tongue in it a fire of Hell and the spittle under the roofe of this Tongue the poyson of Aspes c. Wee wonder at what nature did never intend should wee not much more wonder at those monsters which grace did never intend such grace as workes toward man We meet a thousand thousand such monsters fore-mentioned in a spirituall sense and never make one thought stand still a jot divinely to consider it Spirituall monstrosity should affect us much to behold so noble a creature as man and his noblest part to wit his heart turned into a beast all his inside like a Wolfe or a Beare and onely his outside and scarce that like a man The worse some are the better others should be to make it up that God may not be altogether a loser in the greatest and costliest workes of his hands A tender heart will admire sigh and bleed over a hard O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets here is a patterne worth the following Christ beholds a company of bloudy tyrants stony-hearted hypocrites and he admires sighs mournes over them 't were but the discharge of our duty to mourne over this malicious bloudy Age wherein we live O England England thou that hast opprest to death many brave Prophets and worthies of other rankes sent unto thee When others kill and crucify Christ we should sit like Mary and weep over them Wee should admire the badnesse of men and the goodnesse of Christ Creatures in our own skin and of our own forme and yet Wolfes and Lyons how great is the power and goodnesse of Christ to preserve his people amongst such These wild beasts differ in their property from all more boundlesse more restlesse every way the more should that power be admired that keepes us Other creatures of prey keepe their place to wit the desert where no noble creatures trade is there range they keepe their time the night is their day Thou makest darknesse and it is night wherein the beasts of the forrests doe creepe forth the Sun ariseth they gather themselves together and lay them downe in Dens Psal 14.22 They are wild creatures and they keepe a wild place and a wild time when and where they may finde prey proper without injury to more noble creatures These wild Beasts before mentioned goe forth at all times when the Sun is downe and when the Sun is up into all places into Cities into Houses up to mens bed-chambers and pull persons out of their beds and sucke their bloud O the providence of God that keepes thee London from these Beasts of prey that hath saved thee and thy little ones from cruel oppressors so long This providence is lengthned and the mercy is by so much the more strengthned upon you the more to be laid to heart How often have these beasts of prey in great droves and with open mouthes
been driving this way and the Majesty and the justice of the Lord hath appeared and preyed upon them that would have preyed upon us fulfilling his word He shall breake in pieces the oppressor Psalm 72.4 As God remembers his word so we should remember him and write down his Noble acts upon our doore-posts bed-posts heart-posts to all which these beasts would have come for their prey These great acts of God prove mercies to men as laid to heart evill will returne and they which have beene so often driven back will be irresistible at length if he be forgotten which hath done all this for us COLOS. 1.24 For his bodies sake which is the Church ALL Christians in and under Heaven are related knit in one body by one soule to wit the same which breathes in God his holy Spirit Sacred society is glorious the Peers of all the world in a body robed and the great King of all the world in the midst of them such a fight as mortall eye never beheld His traine reaches from Earth to Heaven the foremost are in Heaven when the hindmost are here I helped you to a Scaffold to view the forepart the last day I would doe the like now to helpe you to view the latter that part of the traine which is going in at the everlasting doores but not yet quite in You may see a great deale of State at the doore of Heaven in the very hindmost soule of that company which are going in there That part which is gone in with the Bridegroome is mighty great so is that which is going in An innumerable company of believers conflicting with an innumerable company of enemies longing and waiting for the full redemption and liberty of the Sons of God The haires of our mysticall head grow not thin no not in this climate which is the most unhealthy they are thicke and bushy Can you number the haires of your head then may you number that company which Christ hath upon earth Can you number the Starres of Heaven Looke up to the Heavens saith God to Abraham and see if thou canst number the Starres so shall thy seed be which is fulfilled as appeares by the authour to the Hebrewes Therefore sprang there even of one and him as good as dead so many as the Starres of the Skie in multitude and as the Sand which is by the Sea shore innumerable Heb. 11.12 The haires of our mysticall head are many yet all of one colour blacke as a Raven that is beautifull and flourishing Gray haires are not here and there upon this head the Militant Church is for quantity great a Nation for quality holy the foundation of this Nation Christ the cement faith something above the revelation of reason something above the revelation of the best parts something above flesh and blood Peter there are strange carnall apprehensions of me in the world as if Christ had said how doest thou apprehend me My apprehension is vitall Thou art Christ the Sonne of the living God Observe the reply of Christ Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona Bar is a Chalde word and the same with ben an Hebrew word which signifies a sonne and Jona signifies gracious and as some translate a Dove so that t is as if Christ had said in our language Blessed art thou Simon sonne of grace sonne of that same Dove which descended on mee flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven Thou art Peter and upon this Rocke will I build my Church Matth. 16.18 Ben which is the Hebrew word for a sonne is as much as the word building with us because the sonne is the building of the family our Saviour interprets so much himselfe in his allusive words upon this Rocke will I build my Church and Jona signifying gracious the metaphor is the same in sense with the former that Christs building here below is a gracious building foundation gracious to wit himselfe every stone gracious Bar-Jona's an innumerable company of believers I John saw a great company which no man could number 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and all sealed the cement of this building holy to wit faith a holy faith a most holy faith as the Apostle cals it Jud. 20. Conflicting with an innumerable company of enemies The Sea is a big body yet tossed perpetually so is the Church of Christ upon earth t is a body very big and very good and yet t is not so big nor so good but it hath as big and as bad a body to encounter it We are here troubled with Frogs and devouring vermin and the pit out of which they come is bottomlesse The gates of Hell are wide open against the Church of Christ here though they cannot prevaile against it they that take away mens soules come forth freely in what numbers they will and goe what compasse they will here all this world over of an instant and get at which hand they will of the best people when about the best worke they will take the wall of the Noblest soules and when about the Noblest worke get at their right hand The Sonnes of God were assembled and Satan stood at their right hand The locusts below goe forth by Troopes they are so populous in that land of death My name is legion for we are many Though but one speake when a poore soule is tempted yet the traine that attends upon this one is many I believe this roome is full of infernall Spirits and that not a soule of you now present but have a legion of them at your right hand jogging of you though these gates of Hell are not suffered to prevaile If there were no intermixing of Satans family and Christs in this world if those evill spirits which he hath at home by him did never come abroad so farre as into this world yet those that are here resident and weare the same skinne and clothes which Christs family doe are very many They that persecute my soule are many saith the Psalmist And he speakes of incarnate devils devils resident in our flesh and in our earth A doore is open to me a great doore saith the Apostle and there be many enemies how many that he could not tell nor no body else but him that set them on worke One doore open and many devils at it to shut it againe many devils at one doore so at every doore of hope that a Christian hath open to him surely Satans strength is great here that he can begirt every holy person and every holy action upon earth and yet this is the condition of the Church militant Elishaes condition shadowes the state of the Church militant mentioned 2 Kings 6.15 An Host compassed the City with horses and chariots in so much that the servant of Elisha cried out Alasse Master how shall we doe we are begirt with innumerable companies of mortall enemies many thousand deaths waite for us at every doore and this is the state