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A59598 The pourtraiture of the primitive saints in their actings and sufferings according to Saint Paul's canon and catalogue, Heb. 11. By J.S. Presb. Angl. Shaw, John, 1614-1689. 1652 (1652) Wing S3033; ESTC R214014 120,960 164

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the great pretence of world 〈◊〉 why they are so active and stirring in the world so tenaciou● illiberall that they gripe and catch at all give or lend not● to those that truely want ●estow nothing or if any thing small forced token on Gods service Ministers or Members t● wilt as Noah did provide for another world spare neither nor pains for the re-edi●ying of the Arke of Christs Chur● thou wilt by justice mercifulnesse and almes make friend the unrighteous Mammon c. Luke 16.9 Lay up in sto● good foundation against the time to come c. 1 Tim. 6. thou by thy religious practises shall condemne the world and shall not be condemned with it O then shake off careless and security Zeph. 2.15 give over your covering and cour● of the world your cager desires and restlesse pursuites o● with much anxiety and suspension of minde enquire and after the wayes of life and salvation with humility and since● and pursue and follow them with care and conscience then the rightly beleevest truely fearest God and wisely provides for saving of thy selfe and others thou mayest be confident assured of Gods protection favour and everlasting mercy God will Pilot thee through all the stormes and tempests of this World by all the spouts and cataracts of tribulation and perseation and conduct thee to the Harbour of life and salvation ●oubtiesse the end of all Gods judgements threatned or in●icted are to deterre us from sinne to keep us from sinne and ●nisery and to hold us in obedience to make us more considering and better times of distraction and destruction are con●dering times Isay 57.1 and certainly if ever we may justly ●omplain with David Psal 74.3 Usque ad 11. nothing but de●lation and raine in every quarter the Church is desolate and in confusion Jerusalem an heap of stones the sword rageth and is drunk with blood and that which heightens these judgements The Lord hath set every mans sword against his fellow ●ven thoughout all the Land as he did thoughout all the Midia●tish Host And yet which is yet also a greater judgement no man considers it or layes it to heart never more covetousnesse ●uxury profanation wickednesse and all Heathenish impieties there is a generall consumption of Religion and Humanity of Piety and Honesty and it is much to be feared that as Aetas pa●entum pejor annit tulit nos nequiores mox daturos progentem ●itiotiorem the World shall be drowned in Barbarisme A theisme and Infidelity so God in his justice will east us away from ●is presence deprive us of the light of his countenance his Truth and Gospel take away our pound remove our Candlesticke let out his Vineyard to other Husbandmen and make us 〈◊〉 ●ssing a reproach and a Proverbe among the Nations give the Philistines possession of our Arke and we shall wander too and from from Sea to Sea and from the North even to the East shall we runne to seek the Word of the Lord and shall not finde it Amos 8.12 Perhaps we may have fulnesse and plenty to ●at and drink and the want of this is onely feared and the getting of it onely sought marry and give in marriage live pleasantly and according to the now usuall expression comfortably after our own hearts desire when as immediately we not considering are overtaken with wrath and vengeance and have no Arke to save us not a Noah a Preacher of Righteousnesse to instruct us there is no more Vision no Prophets more in the Land the dayly Sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation set up When I reade the sinnes an judgements of Jerusalem Ez. 22. per totum and reflect upon these present times and conditions thereof I see so much their sinnes in use and practise that I cannot but fore-see th● the plagues and punishments thereof will follow us unlesse we returne repent and reforme And O that yet we would repent that the Lord might have compassion on us heale our Land st● the tumults of the People take away all Schisme profanation and heresie which pesters the Church all confusion and disorders which obscures it and we reduced into a setled Christian Peace attended with justice and mercy that all our hearts a● affections may be united in the bands of Religion that o● Arke may be brought back againe that glory may dwell in o● Land and when we shall be removed hence we may be received into the Land of glory One great expression of our Faith in God and feare of him is Invocation of his holy Name an excellent preparative an● sure means to preserve us in the unity of the Arke of Christ Church and save it from the condemnation of the World 〈◊〉 to Petition the Rocke of our Salvation the Author and Finished of our Faith the Founder and Benefactor of his Church And therefore for a Conclusion of this worke Let us Pray The third Part. The Prayer O Most great and glorious Lord God who art wonderfull i● justice terrible in judgement irresistable in power be thou our feare and dread in the perillous time our shield and desence a very present help in the needfull time of trouble Be thou our hope and confidence in the dayes of wickednesse and when the wickednesse of our heeles composse us about thou who hast prepared mercy and truth for these that seck thee prepare us for thy mercy and truth Let all the Earth flare the Lords stand in awe of him all ye that dwell in the World for his salvation is nigh them that feare him O fix thy feare in our hearts that we never turn again to folly Let us see thy mar●●llous loving kindnesse and partake of thy plentifull goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that feare thee even before be Sounes of Men. O let not us dally with thy warnings let ●s not be setled on our lees living in security and sensuality ●t not the sentence of guil●inesse preceed against us let all thy evelations of wrath upon every soule that d th evill all the de●arations of thy righteous judgement upon all sinners and against ●ll sinne worke in us repentance to salvation not to be repented ●f Let it worke an holy indignation displeasure and revenge ●on our selves that we have displeased thee carefulnesse and ●are that we displease thee not againe a zeale and vehemeus ●esire to doe those things that please thee that we may be sin●re and without offence till the day of Christ Let not us have ●ur portion in this condemned World but that it may be with ●e heires of righteousnesse which is by Faith Let thy Word ●ake deep impressions on our spirits take place in our affections And because we are fore-warned to fly from the wrath to come ●ssist us by thy grace that we may bring forth fruits meet for ●pentance Give to us great and dreadfull apprehensions of thy ●lory and immensity thy majesty and thy power that we may ●dore thee and feare thee as
our God and whensoever we make ●ur addresses to thee let us fall low on our knees before thy foot●oole with such humbled spirits and devout postures as may best expresse our conceits of thy greatnesse our reverence to thy presence and our own unworthynesse to appeare before thee Move ●s to serve thee in feare and plant the reverence of thy Name and Laws in our hearts that we may walke in all thy wayes with much diligence great observation and gedly jealousie over all our actions Let the dread and reverence of thee thy justice and thy power thy thrcats and iudgements deelared from Heaven and many times on Earth executed upon disobedient condemners of thy words make us to tremble at the recognition of our sinnes and in consideration of our guilt and demerits and then O Lord let the contemplation and meditation ●f thy sure mercies and gratious promises keep us in a uniforme constant course of obedience let us thus passe from Faith to Feare from Feare to Love from the apprehensions of of thy wrath to the sense and comforts of thy mercies Let thy ●eare take such full possession of our Spirits that we Feare nothing but thee we feare not poverty shame the power and malice men nor any outward disadvantages and discomforts that 〈◊〉 shall not feare though the Earth be moved and the Hills be carried into the midst of the Sea though the waters thereof ra● and swell and the mountains shake at the tempest of the same for his salvation is nigh them that feare he hath an Arke b● holy Church to preser●e and keep them alive O holy Jes● preserve and keep this Church which thou hast founded on t● selfe save and deliver this Arke of thy strength from the str● vings of the people and the insurrections of evill doers defen● her in peace adorne her with holinesse build her up in unity maintain her in safety in all stormes-and against all temptation and enemies that she be not pestered with Heresie Schisme 〈◊〉 Scandall O deliver her from private interpretations innovations of holy things doting about questions and making endless strifes strange Doctrines and the Doctrine of the unlearne● and unstable O thinke upon the Congregation which thou ha● purchased and redeemed of old unite all her members in the bands of Faith Hope and Charity and when thou thinkest first of externall communion Let the dayly Sacrifice of Prayer and Sacramentall Thanksgiving never cease let the Order of thy Ministers which serve at thy Altar stand in Power and sen● thou forth Labourers into thy Harvest such as have Calling a● Aaron and Noah make them farthfully to declare thy Will to the People rightly to dispense thy Sacraments and acceptably to entercede with thee for thy People Preserve thou those whom thou hast placed in the Highest Order of thy Church that they lay Hands suddenly on no Man but on such whose Lips may preserve knowledge and whose Lives adorne the Gospel of Jesus and grave blessed Lord that though the Floods of Persecution and worldly interest have lift their Waves to overwhelme thy Arke yet doe thou Coast her in security over these Seas and Pilot her in safety into the place of thy rest O preserve thou 〈◊〉 in the union and communion of this Church let us have Noahs Preachers of Righteousresse orderly called and fitly qualified for the Function let us still injoy the freedom of thy Gospel the Food of thy Word the sweetnesse and refreshings of thy Sacraments holy discipline publique Communion in thy Church and the benefits of the society of the Saints O let not our sins cause 〈◊〉 to remove the Candlepick from us to give away thy Arke to ●at thy Vineyard to other H●shandmen lest we be condemned and ●sh with the unbeleeving World but doe thou preserve us in times ●●blike-calamities that we may passe over the Waves of this trou●●some World and be harboured in rest O support us with thy ●d that when the foundations of the Earth be out of course ●n the Nations of the Earth are divided and moved so that the ●rts of men shake at the tempests thereof our hearts may be setled thee and thy sure mercies and never-failing compassions thy Spirit move upon these Waters that the Streames goe not ●r our soules the overflowing of ungodlinesse make us not afraid 〈◊〉 the great Waters of persecution or any other affliction drowne not O thou whom even the Windes and the Sea obey now when Ship of thy Church is tossed with tempests covered with Waves ●se and rebuke these Winds and these Seas and let there be a at calme a blessed and universall Peace throughout the Christian ●rld that we may delight and rejoyce in the promised blessings of Gospel our Swords may be converted into Plowshares and our ●ares into Pruninghooks And that we may be prepared for these ●rcies frame our hearts to an holy obedience to thy whole will make Heare 's of righteousnesse which is by Faith and as be●ommeth use who look for that inheritance Teach us by thy grace to dense the World and worldly things to lay up our treasure in Heaven ●charity and actions of Religion that when thou shalt call on us deposit these honses of clay our earthly tabernacles which we now try about us we being Heires of Righteousnesse may dye in the a●tu●● Communion of thy one holy Catholique Church and after death ●ter into our Masters joy and at the Resurrection of the just be ●ly possessed of that Kingdome which thou hast prepared for all at love and feere thee and wait for thy comming Grant this 〈◊〉 Heavenly Father for thy mercies sake and for his sake whom ●ou hast appointed Heire of all things Jesus Christ the Righteous who hath given unto us his Spirit the earnest of our Inhe●●ance who make h intercession for us and by whom we cry 〈◊〉 Father To this Blessed Holy and undivided Trinity be Prayse Glory Worship and Thanksgiving now and ever Amen ABRAHAMS Exile Heb. 11.8.9 By Faith Abraham when he was called to goe into a pl●● which he should after receive for an inheritance obey and he went out not knowing whether he went c. ABraham succeeds Noah in the Catalogue of Beleeve but in the instances and expresses of his Faith he was fore him and all his Progenitors upwards to Adam a●● all that succeeded him till our Lords Incarnation him it is remarkable That through those many darkenesses a●● at such a distance he saw his Lords Day and he rejoyced him for the transcendency of his Faith did that Title of Hon● belong The Father of the Faithfull he only of all of the first tim● merited that stile and to him it is attributed indefinitely Father he was to all his believing fore-fathers and all his a● their following Posterity and consequently upon the same ●● count to him the highest blessing which mortality was capa●●●● of was assigned and assured and that by a thrice repea●● grant and confirmation In thee
this mans Religion is in vain his oblations are in vain t is but dalliance and mockery of God to expresse devotion in their overtures when the designe is interest and passion to weare Gods Livery yet doe the Devils Service to follow Gods Colours and fight the Devils Battels but be not deceived God is not mocked c. O then clense your hands ye sinners and purifie your hearts ye double minded and so draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you look that there be no root of bittornesse in you entertain no distrustfull misprisions of Gods wisedome power or mercy harbour no invenomed malitious thought of hatred or revenge against thy Brother or neighbour sue for Grace at the Throne of Grace and by your actions and conversations give testimony of the reality of your expressions of the sincerity of your hearts and desires and so God will witnesse and testifie that you are faithfull and righteous as Abel then he will accept your burnt offerings and grant all your desires then he will declare and pronounce your Prayers and Oblations excellent Sacrifices as he did to Abels and will reward you with the returne of grace and glory among them who are Sanctified by Faith 5. I shall adde one more Observation onely in this Point which I borrow from Saint Aug. l. 15. de Civ Dei c. 1. Cain and Abel divided the World and still the devision holds betwixt the wicked and godly those who are of the City of God cry and Pray Lord shew unto us the light of thy countenance and those of the City of the World who minde Earthly things the encrease of their Corne and Wine Abel the Founder of the holy City Cain the Master Builder of the profane the way of Cain a dangerous destructive way and the Kainites were those who approved Scelestissimos Sodomitas seditiosum Core Judam proditorem Epiph. haer 38. But Aug there drives further the Observation Cain prior c. Cain the first borne Abel followes to Note the succession of Nature and Grace by Nature we are first Cains by Grace we are after renewed into Abels 2. From the Sacrifice and the first Observation is the same Father Epist 49. 1. Quam sit res antiqua sacrificium quod non nisi uni De● c. non quod illo egout Deus but to tutor and discipline us The first holy man was a Sacrificer and wicked Cain was not so Sacrilegious as to deny God his own God will be worshipped not onely with inward sincerity but by externall rites and bodily performances The case is the same now it was in the beginning God then was a Spirit and would be wo●shipped in Spirit and Truth and if externall services had prejudiced the spirituall God who was a Spirit and required spirituall worship would have wholly rejected and condemned them Abels Sacrifice would have proved criminall as well as Cain● for though chiefly he requires the heart My Son give me thy heart yet not exclusively he who made both Soule and Body exacts a tribute of obedience and worship from both God heareth without Eares can interpret our Prayers without our Tongues and yet for all that it is necessary some times and most times advantagious never sinfull or superstitious to make use of the Tongue and Lips in our devotion its hypocrise when the Lips labour but the Spirit is flat and dull when the body is present and the soule roving and wandering but when body and soule are conjoyned in the performances of holy duties then we present a reasonable service to God The difference here was not betwixt him that Sacrificed and him that Sacrificed not Eccl. 9.2 for both were Sacrificers but between a sincere Sacrificer and him that offered the Sacrifice o● Fooles Eccl. 5 1. So in the Parable in the Gospel Mat. 25. Virgins and no Virgins was not the termes of opposition but Wise and Foolish Virgins Professors and Beleevers Formalists and Live Members of the body of Christ such as seek themselves in their addresses and such as ayme at Gods glory such as make use of God and the formes of godlinesse for their own ends and such as observe them in obedience to Gods will and their intention and designe to Gods glory which sanctifies all their Oblations gives distinction to them and procures acceptance of them Aug. l. 15. de Civ Dei c. 7. makes this difference betwixt a godly and a wicked man Boni ad hoc utuntur mundo ut fruantur Deo mali ut fruantur mundo uti volunt Deo That then which distinguished Abels Sacrifice was the purity and Piety of his intentions without which the bodily exercise though that required also could not profit O then when we come into Gods Presence enter into his Courts let not your bodies and soules be strangers the one in the Temple the other at home or abroad in the World but glorifie God both in your soules and in your bodies for they are Gods give him a bended knee and a broken Spirit let both hands and heart be advanced for with such Sacrifices God is well pleased 2. Reason and Religion taught Abel it was Gods blessing upon his endeavour made them prosperous and indeed so it is Psal 127.2 and therefore to offer to God some part of that which he had blessed him withall in his Civill Calling And this enstructs us to implore Gods assistance in all our enterprizes his blessing upon all our labours his concurrence in all our actions Plin. in his Pan. to Traj observes it Nihil rito nihil prvidenter c. nothing could be prosperously undertaken without Prayer and Supplications to their phantastick gods And Cain here upon the same account and persuasion offered his Sacrifice He that is called a Christian and neglects and omits this duty is short of Cain of a Heathen in Religion O then whatsoever ye doe or whatsoever ye are about to doe commend the successe thereof and commit your selves to Gods wise disposall and gracious providence Phil. 4.6 3. This Sacrifice was Majoris pretii so Beza Plurima hostia so the Vulgar Our contributions to Piety and charitable benevolences ought not to be extorted or squeazed are not to be sparing or pinching but are to be dispenced chearfully and liberally To part with the worst and keep the fat and the best for a sacrifice to our own lusts is not an acceptable Sacrifice to God Almes is a Christian Sacrifice at well as Prayer but it is when they are done in Mercy and Charity with an affection to doe good and a readinesse to communicate Heb. 13 16. to bestow some part of our temporall estate on the outward service of God for we are to honour God with our substance is not onely gratitude but Religion to chuse and stick to that way of Gods service which will occasion least expences which is most cheape and easie and will cost us nothing is not to give unto God the things that are Gods
cannot lie he will superadde such is his goodnesse and mercy certitudinem subjecti we shall be ascertained that they are his Revelations if with humbled hearts devout Prayers and sincere holy obedience we endeavour to know his will God will discover his will Psal 25.9.10 and 14. Ioh. 8.31.32 Ioh. 7.17 give unto us the Spirit of obsignation and knowledge a certainty of adherence as well as of evidence making us not onely to beleeve but even to know and be as fully assured that it is the Word of Christ as those which have heard it with their eares and which saw it with their eyes For as Noah was secure that this warning was no Satanicall suggestion or illusion no private fancy or delusion of his owne braine but a divine revelation so God hath given unto the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles such splendor and sufficiency of light and appointed us such mediums cleare wayes and means for the discovery and comprehension of that light as may make them appear to all not wilfully or maliciously blinde that they are his word and containe in them a full declaration of his will he confirmes and seales in the hearts of all Beleevers the truth of their Writings 1 Ioh. 5.10 He engraves them in the Prophet Jeremies expression Ier. 31.33 In those dayes I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts he sets such impressions and leaves such characters of divine truth in the spirits of his people that they cannot but acknowledge the Scriptures for the Oracles and Dictates of the holy Spirit We have a more sure word of Prophesie God in their Writings hath declared what is sinne and transgression and the severity of his wrath against sinne he hath expressed what godlinesse is and the great rewards and happinesses he hath awarded to them that leade a godly life O then let the heavinesse of his threatnings deterre us from sinne let his gracious Promises invite and incite us to Repentance let his judgements keep us in his feare ●et his invitations and offers of mercy keep us in obedience let us seriously consider that he hath revealed wrath against every soule that doth evill that holds the truth in unrighteousnesse except ye repent ye shall all perish and let us alwayes remember that he hath proposed mercy to all humbled penitents sincere converts he that confessieth and forsaketh his sins shall finde mercy mercy in his life and the whole course thereof at the houre of his death and in the day of judgement God hath done his part to preserve us from wrath and reserve us for mercy and mercy for us if we sleight his judgements undervalue his mercies we have no colour no pretence of plea we are altogether inexcusable our destruction is of our selves because like Jerusalem we would not be warned Observe but Gods method how he cleares himselfe from the ruine of his people how he chargeth it wholly upon themselves First he proposeth to every private mans Conscience his dealing with them and refers it to their judgement Deut. 30.15 See I ha● set before thee this day life and good and death and evill He cal● upon them to observe and to acquit him when they are judged he tells them plainely that they cannot pretend ignorance 〈◊〉 thou deest well shalt thou not be accepted thou shalt be accepted If thou doest evill sinne lyeth at the doore and Dea●● the wages of sinne but if thou wilt not see nor observe th●● he recites his proposals againe offering Life to thee if thou w●● hearken verse 16. denouncing Death if thou refusest to hea●● verse 17.18 and if none of these will serve the turne then 〈◊〉 acquits and justifies himselfe by open Proclamation before 〈◊〉 the World verse 19. I call Heaven and Earth to Record the day against you that I have set c. And the more clearely 〈◊〉 sets it before thee if thou observe not thy contempt is t●● greater thy punishment shall be greater Thou O Christian hast or may have a most plentifull Revelation the way of li●● and death is more distinctly set before thee then before t●● former Age of the World if thou decline the way of life a●● tread in the paths of death thy sinne is so much the mo●● heightned thy judgements shall be more intended and multiplied It is the Apostles affirmation upon the same reason Heb. 10 26. If we sinne c. the consequent is sad and di●mall verse 27. and the reason is a fortiori verse 28.29 an● it is the same Apostles Exhortation grounded on the same reason Heb. 2.1 Therefore we ought to give c. that is his Exhortation and the Reason is verse 2.3.4 For if the Wor● spoken by Angels as perhaps this to Noah was was stedfast are every transgression and disobedience received c. 2. This warning of so long date is a pregnant proofe and remarkeable example of Gods patience and long suffering towards malitious incorrigible sinners For first he doth not a● the first punish but premonisheth them of their sinnes and th● demerits thereof sollicites and invites their repentance An● secondly he allowes them a long time for repentance punisheth them not when in justice he might take vengeance and execute his wrath not as if God were not naturally and immutably just but because he is a most free disposer of hi● judgements and payes them when and in what manner seemeth good to him in his infinite wisedome and forbeares ●he punishment of impieties alwayes upon weighty and important reasons The first is to shew his propensity to the acts of grace and mercy his unwillingnesse and indisposition to our in force the acts of his tevenging justice so he solemnly protests As I live saith the Lord I delight not in the death ●f a sinner c. Ezech. 33.11 which the Apostle seconds 2 Pet. ● 9 The Lord is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that c. in his mercy he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 18.32 meek not irritable not easily provoked 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 gentle easily entreated 2 Cor. 10.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 overseeing looking beyond our sinnes passeth by them dissimulat peccata propter poenitentiam in his mercy there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 2.4 when he cannot but see he forbeares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Neh. 9.30.31 suffers long many times many years 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hos 11.8 9. when he is about to punish he is at a stand asking How shall I c. and then resolves into conditions of mercy I will not execute c. he stayes expectat ut misereatur Es 30.18 And when he executes wrath he doth alienum opus that which his nature declines he doth it with regret and reluctancy For he doth not afflict willingly not from the heart Lam. 3.33 He forgives destroyes not Psal 78.38 and when he punishes he is weary Isay 40.2 The second reason is That God moderating his judgements with such meeknesse and
not resist Or ●●w could Noah conduct and guide it over the tops of Hills and ●●idst the Mountains But true obedience disputes not Gods ●●mmands and if he enjoynes things improper and impertinent humane reason as Goe and wash in Jordan c. Or Let seven ●●iests beare seven trumpets of Rams-hornes c. yet obey we ●●ust our Faith requires our observance and performance And us it holds in the institution of the holy Sacraments which ●●ve no foundation in reason yet because they are the Acts of ●●ods wisedome and he commands their use we are not to Iudge canvas them but to observe and reverence them And as these ●●rrow their successe from their Institution so all our labors ●●d endeavours their blessing from his gracious providence ●●xcept the Lord keep the City c. Psal nothing 〈◊〉 project or enterprise but becomes either prejudiciall or un●ofitable unlesse God give the blessing which we finde experimentally true in some kinde famine when plenty enough of ●●orne for the quantity but extream want in respect of the ●●ourishment when God in his Just Judgement as the Pro●net spea●eth breaketh the Staffe of Bread gives it not a nourishing faculty but it rather occasions faintnesse and decay of ●●irits But that which makes this Observation more home and ●●vident is yet further to observe That this Vessell which he ●●repared was not a Ship made to all advantages of Sayling but an Arke close above without Sayles Oares or any or Engines which man hath invented and employed for the co●● modious passing of Vessells upon the Seas It had no Helme● steere her with no Master or Governor to command handing of Helme or Sayles God reserved to himselfe glory of Noahs Preservation he himselfe was the onely Pi●● to guide it upon the Waters and afterwards to Harbour it Providence the Sailts and Oares to steere and move it 〈◊〉 is many times pleased clearly to demonstrate his Wisedo● Power and goodnesse by using the weaknesses of our inter●tions and employing such mean instruments as have nothing power or wisedome in themselves Give me leave thus to ap●● it If we see the Arke of Christs Church floating like the Is●● Lemnos having no place of settlement If we see her mo●● upon troubled waters tossed to and fro with the waves of c●tention If we see her without a Governor having nothing humane policy or power to direct or protect her if with Sailes having no favour nor respect from the world with Oares any humane assistances or aydes God will supply to the want of all these if she turn to God sincerely beg his m●cy and with a penitent heart purified by Faith crave his P●tection All these deficiencies of secondary causes and want● humane assistances will prove demonstrations of Gods por●● and wisedome when he shall be pleased to deliver her by hand without any wayes or meanes discernable or possible be imagined by humane ingenuity In ordinary wayes of 〈◊〉 liverance there is a concurrent abundance and confluence experimented means the concurrence and ayde of second cau●● the full force and strength of the arme of flesh but in spec●● and extraordinary deliverances when God will shew himself more signally and clearely he effects his designes by weak improper insufficient and defective means 8. Noahs Arke condemned the World because the world wo●● not reforme notwithstanding Gods warnings premonitions a●● exhortations O then while the Arke is in building wh●● grace is offered whilest we are summoned to come to hi●● while this opportunity of repentance lasteth turne you fro●● your evill wayes nothing can hinder or retard your conversion but either your own insensible duinesse and inadvertency which yet is a crime of your wills or your malitious perversenesse If the Arke be finished God deprives you of the opportunities of mercy the advantages of grace the deluge of Gods wrath is ready to fall down upon you there remains nothing but a fearefull looking for of judgement and fiery indignation which shall devoure the adversaties wanton not play not with his word seek the Lord while he may be found for a time there is when he will not be found because we cannot finde a way or place of repentance though with Esan we seek it carefully with tears and be assured that if the Ministery of his Word which answereth to the preparing of the Arke bath not converted thee it will condemn if it quicken not it will kill if this two-edged sword with one edge hath not cut off the evills of your hearts with the other it will peirce us through with eternall paines and never dying deaths If it be not the savour of life unto life it will be of death unto death 9. The World though many regard not Gods warning it s not multitude or numbers will save us in the day of wrath O then follow not a multitude to doe evill lest thou perish with them for company chuse the society of the few the little Frock and strive to get into the Arke with them it is better to be saved alone then perish with the World And here againe let me resume my former exhortation Whilest thou hast the light walk in the light take heed thou be not misled and deceived with the fashions and interests of the World or the examples of worldly men who pretend to be and transforme themselves into Angels of light lest thou perish with the World Follow the orders and discipline of Jesus Christ his holy example in him is no darknesse he is that light which enlightneth every man in the World if we shut our eyes against this light if we hate it or hate to follow it we are already condemned It is Saint Johns sentence John 3.19.20 This is the condemnation that light is come into the World and men loved darknesse rather then light c. But 10. Here is one Observable more The Deluge took not the World on a sudden As they were fore-warned long before so God in his goodnesse so ordered that it should raine also forty dayes and forty nights that seeing they could n● escape with their temporall lives they might in these interva●● and interims take occasion to provide for eternity O th● infinite goodnesse of God who allowed these perishing soul● time and leisure to implore mercy these dying men had a further opportunity of repentance and they might though dead 〈◊〉 the flesh yet live in the spirit I have long dwelt upon Noa● Building and have walked up and down too and fro his Ar●● yet not come to an end What he prepared was for our e●fication to build us up in our most holy Faith It was a gre●● preparation contained much in it upon the waters and y●● affords plentifull matter both for Doctrine and Instruction I shall therefore descend into a more particular applycation and touch a little of the mysticall and this in three considerations In respect of Noahs Person his Arke and the Deluge 1. In respect of Noah All the
waves and tossings of this passing world shall cease and be passed over the Church shall be found 〈◊〉 the Mountaine of Sion that which is Heavenly and above 〈◊〉 glorifie God for ever And as Noah after his deliverance 〈◊〉 offer to him the Sacrifices of Prayses and Thansgivings to all ●●ternity 2. The Morall affords these Instructions following 1. The reiterated and renewed griefes and afflictions which many times the best of men doe suffer are as the great Deluge ●he deep waters that they prevaile not against to drown or sinke them in security and despaire they in these exigents must have timely recourse to God by Prayer and Supplication with 〈◊〉 penitent heart which is the best course to stay them and have the People that are in adversity Psal 32.6.7 But then 2. It is Gods mercy that they are not consumed a speciall worke of his providence and power that the deep waters of the ●roud goe not over their soules it requires the same strength 〈◊〉 settle a madded enraged tumult as to still the waves of a troubled Sea Psal 65.7 which forced the Prophet so panately to Pray Psal 144.7 and Save me O God Psal verses And Psal David attrib the Israelites deliverance from the Red Sea to Gods immed power And therefore Psal 22. He speaking of stormes tempests thunders and floods concludeth The Lord sitteth the Flood verse 10. That Providence and supreme Power wisent the waters of the Deluge and preserved Noah in them the same which disposeth of all things in Nature or the 〈◊〉 verse 3. To beware of forgetfulnesse of God of Pride of He security of Spirit and for this purpose peruse and apply your selves as is very obvious if you will upon many o● sions and in severall circumstances that passage of the God Mat. 24.36 usque ad 40. Know and beleeve that as there an Universall Deluge so there will be a more Universall Co●gration Once all but eight Persons were drowned in the Waters and again all shall nothing accepted be dissolved w● Fire at the great and terrible day of the Lord 2 Peter 3.7.12 But this is not all there is another Fire to devoure condemned world for the perdition of the ungodly prep● for the Devill and his Angels which shall never be extinguish O feare these Fires that thou mayst fly from them Noah warned of God concerning the Deluge thou art warned God also of his comming again to judge the world by Fire Noah did beleeve and feare feare and obey Gods Voyce day even whilest it is called to day lest any of you be harder though the deceitfulnesse of sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 T● is our Faith that we look to that day this our Feare that haste to it our Obedience that we will endeavour to appro our selves Gods faithfull servants by our holy conversation and against that day for if we Beleeve we cannot but Fear and if we Feare we cannot but look for and hasten to this day and as Noah feared and thereupon prepared an Arke c. so we doe feare we will be diligent to be found of him in Pea● 2 Peter 3.14 Fly to Christs holy Church for sanctuary and the being admitted and received into this foundation let us bui● our selves up in our most holy Faith strive with all care and diligence that we be not led away with the error of the wicked ●t we fall not from our own fledfastnesse that we grow in ●ace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ●fecting holinesse in the feare of the Lord that we may be a ●ilding fitly framed together growne into an holy temple of 〈◊〉 Lord an habitation of God through the Spirit Eph. 2.21.22 ●t our Faith be founded on the word of God and the rock of first Jesus and then our Faith shall not faile then we neither ●ed to feare the descent of the rain the irruptions of the ●ods nor the tempests of winds our Building our Arke will we us But if we prepare and provide for the world spend ●r time and labour for it we and our works and all the ●orks of the world and the world it selfe shall parish O then ●ild for eternity labour for Heaven the building of God an ●use not made with hands 2 Cor. 5.1 God will prepare for a City Heb. 11.16 if we thus prepare our selves by holy ●edience to meet him at his comming If we look for the ●orid haste to be rich make our businesse and study to gather 〈◊〉 adde to an estate to fill our Coffers to raise up houses and all them by our names this in a sober mans experience and ●dgement is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Vanity in the signe and project Vexation of Spirit in the prosecution and ●anaging of it Vanity for they labour for that which profiteth at Vexation of Spirit for they fall into temptations and snares ●d many foolish and hurtfull lusts brings upon them a Deluge 〈◊〉 cares and miseries drownes men first in troubles and di●ractions and after in destruction and perdition 2 Tim. 6.9 ●anity in that the plotters and contrivers are wavering and unable in all their wayes apt they are to be off and on they ●e easily seduced from their Faith and Honesty and Vexation 〈◊〉 Spirit in that they peirce them through with many sorrows ●anity in that they promise themselves a name and perpetuity ●ut they are deluded their names shall rot and they shall not ●joy them Deut. 28.30 Vexation of Spirit in that they eat he bread of sorrow to acquire an estate are perplexed how to ●eep it how to dispose of it and what will become of it Vanity for they are vain in their imaginations and their foolish ●earts are darkned their inward thoughts are folly Ps 49 11.12.13 Vexation of Spirit to think they must leave it like sheep must be layd in the Grave verse 14. c. they cannot help t● selves or others with it they cannot ransome their soules ca● recover the health of their bodies nor purcha e a cure for Goute But then they are much more vaine shall be 〈◊〉 more tormented in Spirit who build Sion in Blood and Jer●lem in iniquity Micah 3 0. they that by deceit and inju● extortion and oppression sacriledge and perjury think to themselves though upon the ruines of others they cert● prepare not for the preservation of their houses but for houses fall and their own confusion these properly are said sicare ad genennam a flying roll a swift destruction pu● them both Zach. 5 2.3.4 Even a man and his posterity 33.1 Isay 5.8.9 the more riches they creasure up for t● selves and theirs the more they treasure up wrath but if w● provide well for our selves and our generations raise up a 〈◊〉 and memory which shall not be taken away purchase an I● rita●ce that fadeth not be rich in Faith and abound in 〈◊〉 works beleeve in God and seare him and you shall not want in this world which is
prevailing party Peter notwithstanding his doubting is in the account of Beleevers Why doubtest thou O thou of little Faith God will not quench the smoking flax nor bruise the broken reed Faith even to the pittance and proportion of a graine of mustard-seed shall be accepted with him whose property is to be easte entreated And hereupon he entitles himselfe The good Shepheard because he taketh the weake Sheep in his armes and the weake Beleever is received though not for his weakenesse yet even for that a Beleever Rom. 14.3 God hath received him he is Gods servant verse 4. Sarahs infirmities are covered her Faith commended her vertues extoled her defailings not mentioned Gods goodnesse and long-suffering coloured and concealed Jobs impatience and though ●e murmured yet it is said expressely He sinned not because of his sincerity and faithfulnesse Indeed the Law requires perfect unsinning obedience and approves no Act but what in ●●●bus numeris in every circumstance good without the least ●esect or imperfection bonum est ex integra causa but the Gospel offereth more grace accepts the weake if sincere enleavours of Bele●vers Psal 103.13.14 Mal. 3 17. O then happy we if we but faithfull servants if our workings be bu●●ordiall and upright no evill adhering circumstance shall be ever able to condemne us O that we would imitate this goodnesse of God it s the fashion of the world to extenuate or con●eale our neighbours vertues to proclaime their bad which ●roceeds from a spirit of Pride Se fe-love Envy Detraction or Malice The Character of our Heavenly Father is the Lord good and gracious long-suffering and of great goodnesse pardoning iniquities transgressions and sinnes not imputing covering them O that we were like him in Charity if we were then our Charity would cover a multitude of faults 4. Sarah and many Propheresses the Virgin Mother and many other holy Women recorded for followers of Christ have sufficiently honoured that Sex for their Piety and there hath been from Age to Age such of them as have remonstrated their magnanimity and sincerity Saint Basil relates That ●an Honourable Matron● immediately before her Death used this Exhortation to those of her Sex who were Spectators of her sufferings Remember saith she it was not onely the flesh of Man was taken to make in Women but his bone also so we being bone of his bone have received strength spirit and conrage with and from him which we also should imploy in the ●●●●r●ises of our holy Faith 5. Sarah received strength What is it that thou hast which thou hast not received It is God which raiseth Families an● gives Children Psal 127.3 and if God give them it is 〈◊〉 just and congruous we returne them to him consecrate the●● to God traine them up in his discipline and if he reman● them and call for them as many times he doth freely 〈◊〉 surrender and resigne them 6. God afforded not this happinesse to Abraham and Sarah till their Old Age God many times communicates 〈◊〉 his Grace to us till our strength faile us not that we sh●●● presume that God will doe so because he may and someti●● doth but that we should not at any time diffide his mer●● or driven into despaire Some he calleth at the eleveth ho●● and one Theife upon the Crosse But we must beware 〈◊〉 there is danger in all delayes and no estate more dangero●● then to deferre Repentance till Old Age or the Death-Bed ma●● us unserviceable for the World and unable for the prosecu●●●● of its lusts For though it be certain that true Repentance● never too late yet it is also most true that late repentance ● seldome or never 〈◊〉 7. Sarahs Wombe receiving life and strength to Concei●● represents unto us the manner of our conversion to God Th● Soule naturally is dead in sinne till by Faith in Christ Jesus 〈◊〉 receives life and strength to bring forth fruits of Righteousness there is a plastick fermative vertue in the Immortall Se●● 1 Peter 1.23 which begetteth in us the new Man which ●●ter God is Created in Righteousnesse and true Holinesse An● as Isaac had not his being from his Parents by their natura● generative faculty but by a supernaturall assistance and therefore he is said to be not the Sonne aft●● the Flesh but after the Spirit and of Promise Gal 4.23 So it is not by Natur●● but by a Power from Heaven that Christ is formed in 〈◊〉 and he dwelleth in our hearts by Faith Iohn 1.13 Who 〈◊〉 borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will Man but of God The third Part. The Prayer O Omnipotent Lord the God of all consolations and Father of all mercies who gavest new strength and abilities to the de●ayed bones and impayred members of Abraham even as dead ev●ve our dead spirits give a spirit●all being to our natures ●ead in sinne Create cleane hearis and renew right spirits with●● us that we may dye unto finne and live unto righteousnesse Thou who gavest power to Sarah to conceive and bring forth a ●●ly Seed rayse us by thy mighty power from the corruption of ●ur natures to the renovation of our mind that through the ●●mortall Seed planted and watered in our hearts by the blessed ●pirit we may receive strength and ability of spirit to conceiv● and f●rm● Christ within us to resist sinue and adhere to godlinesse and notwithstanding the barrennesse and weakenesse of our ●●ture to be inabled in the inner to performe all holy daties to ●ho●nd and be fruitfull in all good Workes We beseech thee most gracious God to extend thy goodnesse to thy whole Cathe●●ne Church deliver her from those oppressors that seeke to de●oure her comfort all her desolations make her Desert like Eden and her Wildernesse like the Garden of the Lord to bring ●orth holy Plants i● flonrish in the House of God and to Worship ●iu● in the beauty of holinesse let joy and gladnesse be found ●●erein prayse and the voy●e of singing Rayse up unto her nuring Fathers and nursing Mothers and strengthen her to Con●●e●ve and bring up as many as the Starres of the Ski● in mul●itude and as the Sand of the S●a●sh●re which is innumer●ble ●o offer●up unto thee the dayly sacrifice of prayse and thansgiving and after to sing uncessantly holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was which is and which is to co●e Blessing ●●onour and glory be unto him that fitteth on the Thr●●e and to the Lambe and to the holy Spirit now and for ever Amen ABRAHAMS Offering Heb. By Faith Abraham when he was tryed offered up Isa●● and be that had received the Promises offered up 〈◊〉 onely begotten Sonne c. THis is the tenth and last tryall of Faithfull Abraham Para●● hath Observed from the Hebrews but of others the most grievous dangerous and uncourteous the ●●lusion and complement of them all and though each of th● was sufficiently sad and dismall and required great abilitie● Faith