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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33251 The Protestant school-master containing, plain and easie directions for spelling and reading English, with all necessary rules for the true reading of the English tongue : together with a brief and true account of the bloody persecutions, massacres, plots, treasons, and most inhumane tortures committed by the papists upon Protestants, for near six hundred years past, to this very time, in all countries where they have usurped authority to exercise their cruelties ...: with a description of the variety of their tortures, curiously engraven upon copper plates ... / by Edw. Clark. Clark, Edw. (Edward) 1680 (1680) Wing C4437; ESTC R39367 111,345 217

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and Disport but being resolved in the midst and heat of the Battel to live and dye amongst you all to lay down for my God and for my Kingdom and for my People my Honour and my Blood even in the dust I know I have the Body but of a weak and feeble Woman yet I have the Heart and Courage of a King and of a King of England too and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain or any Prince of Europe should dare to invade the Borders of my Kingdom to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me I my self will take up Arms I my self will be your General Judg and Rewarder of every one of your Virtues in the Field I know that already for your forwardness you have deserved rewards and Crowns and we do assure you in the Word of a Prince they shall be duly paid you In the mean time my Lievtenant General Leicester shall be in my stead than whom never Prince commanded a more Noble or worthy Subject not doubting but by your obedience to your General by your concord in the Camp and Valour in the Field we shall shortly obtain a Famous Victory over these Enemies of my God of my Kingdom and of my People A Prayer for the Morning BLessed and Glorious Lord God thy Mercies are Infinite and thy long suff ring and patience is exc eding great else had not I poor wretched miserable sinner been spared so long considering my manifold provocations a-against thee Blessed be thy Name that thou hast been graciously pleased to preserve me the night past and that thou hast once more vouchsafed me the Light of the morning O Lord preserve me this day and keep me in all my ways give unto me the repose of a quiet Conscience and the clear Light of the Gospel Turn mine eyes away from Vanity and strengthen me in thy ways Protect and defend our Soveraign Lord the King Bind up his soul in the bundle of Life and let no weapon form'd against him prosper Preserve thy Church and the True Protestant Religion and discover more and more the snares of death and Popish Treachery and let us never fall into the hands of those men whose mercyes are cruel Bless my Relations kindred and friends and all others whom I am bound to pray for All which I humbly beg in the Name and through the Mediation of Jesus Christ thy Son our Saviour Amen A Prayer for the Evening MOst Gracious God and merciful Father I wretched sinner do beseech thee to look upon me with the eyes of thy mercy and let thy Holy Spirit work in me such a serious Repentance as that I may with Tears lament my sins past with grief of heart be humbled for my sins present and with all my endeavours resist them for the time to come And now O Lord I bless thee for my health food and raiment and that thou hast defended me this day now past from all dangers and Perils and as thou hast ordained the day for man to Travel in and the night for him to take his rest so I beseech thee sanctify unto me this Nights rest that being refreshed with moderate sleep I may be the better enabled to serve thee and 〈…〉 in the profession of thy True Religion and 〈…〉 Gracious Soveraign preserve him as the Apple 〈…〉 hide him under the sha low of thy wings 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 with shame and let them never prevail against him Protect thy Church and these Kingdom from Popery Superstition and Idolatry and unite our hearts in the profession of the True Religon which thine own right hand hath planted amongst us Bless the whole People of this Land and be merciful to all our Kinsfolks Families and Neighbours These and all other blessings we beg of thee for the sake of Jesus Christ in whose blessed Name and words we further pray Our Father c. Grace before meat LOrd lift up our hearts to look unto thee for a blessing upon our meats that we may comfortably use thy Creatures as pledges of thy Favour through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After meat AS thou hast filled our Bodies O Lord with thy good Creatures far above our desert so be pleased to endue our Souls with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Before meat MOst gracious God and Loving Father we humbly beseech thee to forgive us all our Sins and Bless thy good Creatures provided for us and give us Grace to receive them as from thine hand and to use them soberly as in thy sight to thy Glory and our Comfort through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After meat ETernal Thanks and Praise be ascribed unto thee O Blessed Lord who hast opened thy hand at this time and made us partakers of thy Benefits Lord let us never cease to Offer unto thee the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS
and Elijah brought them down to the Brook Kishon and Slew them there PSALM 79. O God the Heathen are come into thine Inheritance thy holy Temple have they Defiled they have laid Jerusalem in heaps The dead Bodies of thy Servants have they given to be Meat unto the Fowls of the Heaven the Flesh of thy Saints unto the Beasts of the Earth Their Bloud have they shed like Water round about Jerusalem and there was none to Bury them We are become a Reproach to our Neighbours a Scorn and Derision to them that are round about us How long O Lord wilt thou be angry forever Shall thy Iealousy burn like Fire Pour out thy VVrath on the Heathen that have not known thee and on the Kingdoms that have not called on thy Name For they have devoured Jacob and laid wast his Dwelling place O Remember not against us former Iniquities let thy tender Mercies speedily prevent us for we are brought very low Help us O Lord our Salvation for the Glory of thy Name and deliver us and purge away our Sins for thy Names sake Wherefore should the Heathen say where is their God Let him be known among the Heathens in our sight by the Revenging the Bloud of thy Servants which is shed Let the Sighing of the Prisoners come before thee according to the greatness of thy Power preserve thou those that are appointed to Dye And render unto our Neighbours Seven-fold into their Bosom their Reproach wherewith they have Reproached thee O Lord. So we thy People and Sheep of thy Pasture will give thee Thanks for ever we will shew forth thy Praise to all Generations 11 Kings 10.18 And Je-hu ga-the-red all the Peo-ple to-ge-ther and said unto them A-hab Ser-ved Ba-al but a lit-tle but Je-hu shall serve him much Now there-fore call un-to me all the Pro-phets of Ba-al all his Ser-vants and all his Priests let none be want-ing for I have a great Sa-cri-fice to do un-to Ba-al who-so-e-ver shall be want-ing he shall not Live But Je-hu did it in Sub-ti-li-ty to the in-tent that he might De-stroy the Wor-ship-pers of Ba-al And Je-hu said Pro-claim a So-lemn As-sem-bly for Ba-al and they pro-claim-ed it and Je-hu sent through all Is-ra-el and all the Wor-ship-pers of Ba-al came so that there was not a man left that came not and they came in-to the House of Ba-al and the House of Ba-al was full from one end to a-no-ther And Je-hu said un-to him that was o-ver the Vest-ry bring forth Vest-ments for all the Wor-ship-pers of Ba-al and he brought them forth Vest-ments And Je-hu went and Je-ho-na-dab the Son of Re-chab in-to the House of Ba-al and said un-to the Wor-ship-pers of Ba-al Search and look that there be here with you none of the Ser-vants of the Lord but the Worshippers of Ba-al on-ly And when they went in to offer Sa-cri-fi-ces and burnt Of-fe-rings Je-hu ap-point-ed Four-score Men with-out and said If a-ny of the Men whom I have brought in-to your hands es-cape he that let-teth him go his Life shall be for the Life of him And it came to pass as soon as he had made an end of Of-fe-ring the Burnt-Of-fe-ring That Je-hu said un-to the Guard and to the Cap-tains Go in and Slay them let none come forth and they Smote them with the Edge of the Sword and the Guard and the Cap-tains cast them out and went to the Ci-ty of the House of Ba-al and they brought forth the I-ma-ges out of the House of Ba-al and Burnt them And they brake down the I-mage of Ba-al and brake down the House of Ba-al and made it a Draught House un-to this Day Thus Je-hu de-stroy-ed Ba-al out of Is-ra-el Jehu Crown'd King Jehu the King must fall To Ahabs God Jehu must Worship Baal The God Divided people must go call Baals Sacred priests Jehu must Worship Baal None must be left behind they must come all Jehu must burn a Sacrifice to Baal The priests come puffing in both Great and Small Must wait on Jehu and must Worship Baal Baal's house is fill'd and crowded to the Wall With people that are come to Worship Baal What must there now be done what Odours shall Perfume Baals Nostrills Even the Priests of Baal Baal's holy Temple 's now become a Stall Of priestly flesh of fleshly priests to Baal How would our Gospel flourish if that all Princes like Jehu would but Worship Baal St. Matthew Chap. 10. Ver. 16. BEhold I send you forth as Sheep in the midst of Wolves be ye therefore Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves But beware of Men for they will deliver you up to the Councils and they will Scourge you in their Synagogues And ye shall be brought before Governours and Kings for my sake for a Testimony against them and the Gentiles but when they deliver you up take no thought how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same Hour what you shall speak For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you And the brother shall deliver up the brother to Death and the Father the Children and the Children shall rise up against their Parents and cause them to be put to death And ye shall be Hated of all Men for my Names sake but he that endureth to the end shall be Saved But when they Persecute you in this City Flee ye into another for verily I say unto you ye shall not have gone over the Cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come The Disciple is not above his Master nor the Servant above his Lord. And fear not them that can Kill the Body but are not able to Kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell Whosoever therefore shall Confess me before Men him will I also Confess before my Father which is in Heaven But whosoever shall deny me before Men him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven Think not that I am come to send Peace on Earth I came not to send Peace but a Sword For I am come to set a Man at Variance against his Father and the Daughter against her Mother and the Daughter in Law against her Mother in Law And a Mans Foes shall be they of his own Household He that Loveth Father or Mother more then me is not worthy of me and he that loveth Son and Daughter more then me is not worthy of me And he that taketh not his Cross and followeth me is not worthy of me He that findeth his Life shall lose it and he that loseth his Life for my sake shall find it St. Luke 3.23 AND Je-sus him-self be-gan to be a-bout Thir-ty Years of Age be-ing as was sup-po-sed the Son of Jo-seph which was the Son of He-li which was the Son of Mat-that which was the Son of Le-vi which was the Son of Mel-chi which was the Son of Jan-na which was the
Cacalla a man of Excellent Learning and one Rochus a skilful Graver of Images who turned Protestants and died for the same also one John Pontio Gónsalvo a Priest Juliano Leon Arias Losada a Physician Together with a Lady and several VVomen and Virgins who were burnt at several times in divers places and Twenty others besides who were burnt in one Fire after they had endured all the horrid torments of the Rack the Pully the Trough the Barnacle the Twisting Cord and the rest of the barbarous Tortures and Inventions of the cursed Inquisition Nay divers English men being betrayed by the Insinuation of wicked Informers were likewise burnt in Spain as Nicholas Burton Merchant of London was burnt at Sevil and another English man with him and not long after two more named John Baker and Villiam Burgate and about the same time William Burges Master of an English Ship was burnt there likewise and one William Hooker a youth of about sixteen years old was stoned to death for the bold profession of the Truth As Portugal is but a little Kingdom and the power of the Pope and his Clergy very considerable there as well as in Spain they have wonderfully supprest the power of the Truth with their Tortures yet some have their likewise suffered for the Gospel and among others William Gardner an English man whom they put to death with most exquisite Tortures at Lisbon in the year 1552 for taking the Host out of a Cardinals Hand and stamping it under his Feet He boldly asserting to the King himself That he did it out of Conscience as not being able to endure to see the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper irreverently used to so great Idolatry and although all manner of cruelty was used toward him yet he dyed with extraordinary Constancy singing Psalms in the Flames to the very last moment of his life The Rage and Fury of Papists in the Low-Countreys or Netherlands was no less then in other places For the Inquisition being introduced there it was accompanied with all manner of cruelty At Antwerp one Nicholas an Holy good man was bound up in a Sack and drown'd In Holland a Learned Preacher called Pistorius was burnt being carryed to the stake with a Fools Coat on his back Wendel muta a Widow likewise suffered death with much Constancy Several Ministers were beheaded among the rest one George Scherter who after his head had been cut off for some time and his body lying on his Belly he turning himself on his Back and crossing his Right Foot over the left and his right hand over the left continued so to the great admiration of the Spectators and the Conversion of many Several were drowned others were made away in Prisons others shut up in dark and noisom places and none suffered to come at them being fed only with Bread and Water till they were famished At Lorain several were Martyred some by Fire others beheaded There was a very great Persecution all over Flanders about the year 1544 so that there was hardly a Town or City in all the Countrey wherein some were not banished beheaded or condemned to perpetual Imprisonment neither was there any respect either to Age or Sex but especially at Gaunt many of the chief Persons were burned for being Protestants and several others in Brabant and Artois insomuch that Two Hundred Men and VVomen were cruelly destroyed at one time some of them being drowned some burned alive and some privately murdered so that the Hangman began to be tyred and wearied out with such continual Executions At the Town of Mecklin Dornick and Delden several were put to death and among the rest two Noble Virgins who were Sisters and likewise a Mother and her three Sons who all dyed owning the Gospel and zealously exclaiming against the Cruelty and Idolatry of the Papists And about the same time they miserably tormented one Bertrand for trampling the Host under his Feet whom they thrice put to the Rack and because he would not recant in the Market place of Dornick they put a Ball of Iron into his Mouth to keep him from speaking and then crushed his Right hand between two flat Red hot Irons till the form of it was changed and then did the like by his Foot which he endured with admirable patience then tying him round the wast by a Pully and making a Fire underneath they hoisted him up and down till he was burnt to Ashes which they cast into the River There were several Martyred at Valence and Lisle and one of the Judges pronouncing sentence against these good People said This Day you shall go to dwell with all the Devils in Hell Fire But the greatest Instrument of the Devil in those Countreys was the Duke of Alva who was sent by the King of Spain to Root the Protestants out of the Low-Countreys This Duke boasted one time at his own Table That he had been diligent to root out Heresie for besides those he had slain in the Wars He had put into the hands of the Common Hangman to be Executed within the space of six years no less then Eighteen Thousand Persons And to complete this sad Catastrophe we may also remember that William of Nastaw Prince of Orang was shot by a Villain called Joanville who was encouraged by a Jacobine Fryar to do it the Rascal was thrust through with an Halbert and the Fryar was hang'd But this wound not proving mortal they hired one Gerard a Burgundion who standing behind the Pillar in a Room shot the Prince dead as he past by PSALM 105. WE nothing can of merit claim Not for our sakes thy aid afford But for the Honour of thy Name Thy Mercy and unfailing Word Why should th' insulting Heathen cry Where 's now the God they vainly Praise Our Lord inthron'd above the Sky All underneath at pleasure swayes Their Gods but Gold and Silver be Made by a frail Artificer For they have eyes that cannot see Dumb Mouths and Ears that cannot hear Fools on their Altars Incense throw Who nothing smell their feet are bound Nor have they Power to move or go Their throats give Passage to no sound Their hands can neither give nor take Unapt to punish or defend As senseless they who Idols make Or to their carved Statues bend Your hopes in God O Israel place He is your help and strong defence Be he you Priests of Aarons Race The Object of your Confidence In him all you that fear him Trust He shall protect you in destress The Lord is of his Promise Just And will his Faithfull Servants Bless He in the Heaven of Heavens resides And over all his Creatures reigns Among the Sons of men divides The Earth and all that Earth contains Who sleep within the Vaults of Death No Offerings to his Altars bring O Praise his Name while we have Breath And loudly Halelu-jah sing Mr. Wischard burnt A 1000 drown in a River Candles made of Mens fatt Irish Children Kill