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A22474 The badges of Christianity. Or, A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... By William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Principles of Christian religion. aut 1606 (1606) STC 889; ESTC S115827 366,439 472

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sunder the corrupt heresie of the Anabaptistes then the wooden dagger of humaine tradition which the church of Rome draweth out against them The Scripture is all sufficient to proue all truth and to beate downe all false doctrin that lifteth vp it selfe against God Wherefore we hold their traditions to be superstitions their vnwritten 〈◊〉 are written lies As we retaine the baptisme of children so wee haue alwaies beene ready to maintaine it by the old and new testament as by the sword of the spirit against all the aduersaries thereof Secondly let vs learne from hence 〈◊〉 acknowledge a difference betweene 〈◊〉 and the Lords supper For in baptizing of children 〈◊〉 faith not 〈◊〉 not regeneration is required but onely to bee borne in the couenant but the supper of the Lord requireth knowledge discerning trying and examining of our selues which are not required neither can be performed of young children who know not light from darkenesse nor good from euill Thirdly if infants haue interest in baptisme then hence it floweth that all are conceiued and borne in originall sin and whatsoeuer is of the flesh is flesh So the apostle saith As in Adam all dy euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue There is no difference all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorious kingdome of God we must be iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ Iesus by nature all are the children of wrath and borne dead in sins and trespasses infants not excepted We learne therfore that whatsoeuer is begotten of man is sinfull and corrupt it must be cut and pared away we must be renewed and borne again by the spirit of God clensing vs from our sins yea the children of the faithfull parents whose corruptions are mortified whose lustes are subdued whose flesh is tamed and brought vnder the obedience of the will of God are notwithstanding brought forth in sin because they are born by carnall generation and not by spirituall regeneration as corne winnowed from the chaffe yet groweth vp againe with it and as the foreskin cut off from the parents recurneth in the child Again haue infants of the faithful right to be baptized Then acknowledge heereby the difference betweene them and the children of infidels Iewes Pagans and Turkes As the children of the Iewes being heires of the couenant were separated distinguished from other children of the wicked Idolatrous nations and were therefore accounted the holy seed so for the same cause and reason the children of christians are called holy borne of either party and parent being faithful and a beleeuer and do differ from the prophane seede of idolatrous people Indeede whosoeuer maketh a true profession of the faith which he holdeth and is ready to lead his life according to that confession though he be not the seede 〈◊〉 child of the faithful yet is to bee baptized though hee came of the race of Turks or pagan●s as appeareth by the speach of Phillip to the Eunuch If thou beleeuest thou maiest Thus we see that the childrē of those that professe the faith belong to the church of God the children of Pagans belong not to the church of God loe how great a difference there is betweene them Heerby then the children of the faithfull are discerned and distinguished from the prophane multitude of Atheists Epicures Libertines Arrians Anabaptistes Turkes Sarazens Persians and other barbarous nations which are without christ without hope without God in the world wheras the holy seede of all the faithfull belong to the church of God and are reckoned in the company of the church For this cause the Apostle calleth the whole posterity of Abraham holy that is consecrated and halowed to God If the roote be holy the branches are also holy Not that the children of the faithfull do want originall sinne or that they gather any actuall holinesse or inherent righteousnesse by carnall generation and propagation from their parents but because by benefit of the couenant of God and by force of his gratious promise they are separated from prophane infidels and brought into the bosome of the church as Noah was into the Arke Fiftly this doctrine setteth forth the honor and glory of God For is not God greatly glorified when he sheweth himselfe true in his promises and hath mercy vpon the faithfull for a thousand generations And is not occasion offered to vs continually to glorifie him Can we deserue that God should be our God Nay do we not deserue that hee should not be our god And yet behold he will be the God of our children also Let vs therfore neuer forget his mercies let vs fil our mouthes or rather our heartes with his praises let vs confesse before the Lorde his louing kindnesse and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men Sixtly all parents are heereby wonderfully comforted they haue their faith strengthened and are confirmed in the loue of GOD when they see themselues so beloued of GOD that it descendeth and floweth euen to their Children as they are assured by this visible signe This is that worthye and wonderfull promise which wee must receiue by faith I will be thy God and the God of thy seed after thee I will establish my couenant betweene me and thee and thy seed after thee A sentence to be written not onely in Golde but in the tables of our hearts to dwell with vs for euer When we must leaue the worlde and our families in poore estate behind vs and go vnto the father let vs not be dismayed discoraged or discomfited this is the stay of our hope this is the staffe of our cófort this is our Anker-hold that he wil not shut vp his mercy towarde our children but be a gracious God to them as he hath bene to ourselues so that wee may assuredly say vnto them with faithfull Abraham My sonne God will prouide Let vs be content with those things that we haue for he hath saide I will not 〈◊〉 thee neither for sake thee so that we may boldly say The Lord is my helper neither will I feare what man can do vnto me Godlines is great gaine and he that is truely godly is truely rich He that hath Christ hath all things he that wanteth him wanteth all things Heauen and earth are the Lords all the gold and siluer are his who hath promised to be an husbande to the Widdow eyes to the blind a couering to the naked a father to the fatherlesse and he will not forget his kindenesse towards vs for euer Wherefore let vs lift vp our hands and our harts which hang downe let vs strengthen our weake knees and make straight steps vnto our feet God is able to worke contentednes in all his seruants whose power is best seene in our weakenes 〈◊〉 whose glorie shineth brightest in our greatest wants Remember what the prophet saith Psal 37 25 I am young and now am olde
Scripture and nothing by them is added to the Scripture Now as the fathers of the Greeke Church called these holy rites by name of Misteries because the substance of them was onely knowne to the members of the Church and hidden from others so the ancient teachers of the Latine Church called them Sacraments in respect of the affinity and neerenesse betweene them and a Sacrament For a Sacrament properly is that solemne othe in Warre by which Souldiers bound themselues to their chiefe Captaine Such a regard had the old Romaines in the discipline of their Warres that it was not lawfull for any to kill an enemy or enter into the battell to fight vnlesse he were sworne a Souldier So when we are partakers of these holy signes which God hath appointed in his Church by which he bestoweth vpon vs spirituall gifts we do bind our selues to him wee professe openly his true religion we vowe to fight vnder his banner against our enimies so that they are testimonies and tokens of the couenant betweene God and vs that he is our god and we bind our selues to be his people to serue him and no other god So circumcision was a seale of Gods promise to Abraham and a seal of Abrahams faith and obedience toward god By them man is bound to God and God vouchsafeth to bind himselfe to man Wherfore the word sacrament being translated from the campe to the Church from the soldiour to a christian from a ciuill vse to an holy let vs see in this sence and signification what it is Now the word being borrowed from warres is taken two waies first in a generall signification and may comprehend al maner of signes whether naturall or myraculous or voluntary which God commanded men to vse to assure them of the vndoubted truth of his promise as when he gaue to Adam in the Garden the tree of life to be a pledge of his immortality the Rain-bow to Noah and his posterity sometimes he gaue them miraculous signes as light in a smoaking Furnace to Abraham the fleece wet the earth being dry and the earth wet the fleece being dry to Gideon to promise and performe victory to Gedeon In this large acception of the worde we do not intreat of the Sacraments we speak properly of those which God hath left to be ordinary in his Church to bee seales of our communion with Christ and of the righteousnes which is by faith A Sacrament thus considered is a visible signe and seale ordained of God whereby Christ and all his sauing graces by certaine outward rites are signified exhibited and sealed vp vnto vs. In this description we are to consider these 3. things First the whole kind or general secondly the cause or author thereof and lastly the vse of this doctrine deliuered Touching the first wheras it is said that a sacrament is a visible signe and seale this is prooued and confirmed in sundry places of the scripture as Gen. 17. speaking of circumcision he saith It shall be a signe of the 〈◊〉 betweene me and thee And Rom. 4. speaking of Abraham he saith he receyued the signe of circvmcision as a seale of the righteousnesse of faith Indeed a signe and a seale differ one from another as the generall from the especiall for euery seale is a signe but euery signe is not a seale A seale certifieth assureth and confirmeth a thing a signe only sheweth it but a Sacrament doth both It is a signe to signifie and represent a seale to ratifie and assure an instrument to confer and conueigh Christ with al his benifits to them that truely beleeue in him a pledge vnto vs of Gods promises a visible word and as a notable glasse wherein we may behold assured testimonies of Gods eternall fauour of the riches of his grace which he bestoweth vpon vs. This teacheth vs to acknowlege there is more inthe Sacraments then is seen with the eies or felt with the hands therfore we must not conceiue vnreueretly of them nor come negligenly vnto them making them meere carnal and outward things but we must thinke reuerently speake soberly receiue humbly and penitently these holy misteries Againe heereby we are brought to beleeue the promises of god for if the Sacraments be not only signes of his fauour but seales of our faith can we doubt of his mercy and good meaning toward vs hauing left such pawnes and pledges thereof with vs that we might haue assured comfort and comfortable assurance of saluation and eternall life Is it not among men matter of assurance and a note of true dealing to haue a pledge left with vs But behold God hath left vnto vs two pawnes of his promises as it were an earnest-penny that our faith should not wauer If then his alone word be al suffycient hauing a noble addition of the Sacramentes as of his seales let vs beleeue his promises and in all tentations rest vpon them with all confidence and consolation Secondly it is saide a sacrament is a diuine ordinance Not any Angell or Arch-angell not any Prince or prelat but onely God himselfe is the author and ordainer of the Sacramentes This appeareth by many witnesses out of the worde of God I haue set my bow in the cloud and is shall be for a signe of the couenant betweene me and the earth and when I shall couer the earth with a cloud and the bow shall be seene in the cloud then wil I remember my couenant which is between me and you Where we see that when God determined to be mercyfull vnto the world and neuer to drowne the same with water againe as he had drowned it he gaue them a signe of his promise to wit His bow in the cloudes When God would witnesse and stablish to Abraham and his seede after him the promise of his mercy he ordained a Sacrament to confirme the same Gen. 17. This is my couenant which ye shall keepe betweene me and you let euery man child among you be circumcised And the Apostle saith I haue receiued of the Lord that which I haue deliuered vnto you And Christ himselfe instituted Baptisme sent forth his disciples to preach the Gospell All these testimonies as a cloud of witnesses do confirm vs in this truth that non hath power autority in the church to institute a Sacrament but God only And the reasons are apparant First the Sacraments belong to the seruice worship of god now it resteth not in man to appoint prescribe a seruice of God but to retaine and embrace that which is taught by him For in vain they worship him teaching for doctrines mens precepts Againe the Sacramentall signes haue Gods promises annexed vnto them confirming vs in the same which they could not doe but by the blessyng and benefit of him that promiseth so that God onely is able to bestow grace and he alone can appoint true signes of grace For as he only
acceptation of vs to be his children ioyned with the promise of his continuall fauor loue grace and protection as Ier. 31. Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a newe couenant with the house of Israell and with the house of Iudah not according to the couenant that I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the Land of Egipt the which my couenant they brake although I was an husband vnto them saith the Lorde but this shall be the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israell after those dates saith the Lord I will put my Lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people Be hold the indenture of couenants written by the finger of God wherein for better assurance he hath bound himselfe to forgiue our sinnes and promised to be our mercifull God And to the ende there might be a paire of these indentures interchangeably giuen each to other party the Lord by the hand of the Apostle hath drawne as it wer the counterpane of the former word for word expressed as it is in the Prophet so that we haue a pair of indentures of couenants to shew the stablenes of Gods counsel The 3 part of the couenant in respect of god is the promise of the full possession of the heauenly inheritaunce and of eternall glory after this life God shall wipe away all teares from their eies and there shall bee no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine for the first things are passed he that ouercommeth shal inherit al things Again to him that ouercommeth will I giue to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paraolice of God he shall not be hurt of the second death he shall haue power giuen him ouer the Nations and rule them with a rod of iron he shall be cloaethed with white array and I will not put his name out of the booke of life he shal be a pillar in the temple of God and shall go no more out I will grant to him to sit with me in my throne euen as I ouercam sit with my father in his throne Thus we see how God on his part by writinges and euidences promiseth to giue to his people remission of sins adoption of sons and possession of heauen he hath couenanted by word and by oth to perform these things neither is he as man that he should lie nor as the son of man that he shold deceiue These are great grāts of great blessings by our great god to the great good and comfort of his children For what greter blessings can ther be then being miserable sinners to be gratiously pardond being 〈◊〉 enimies to be freely accepted as sonnes being bondslaues and prisoners of hel we are made heirs of heauen and saluation Againe the couenant on our part requireth 3. conditions First faith to God to beleeue his promises God so loued the worlde that hee hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish hut haue euerlastiug life Again let not your hart bee troubled ye beleeue in God beleeue also in me And with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation for the scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed Secondly god requireth of vs loue towarde our brethren for seeing he hath shewed so great loue toward vs he exacteth loue of us again as Io. exhorteth Beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God heerein was the loue of God made in unfest among vs because God sent his onely begotten son into this world that we might liue through him beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another Thirdly he requireth as a necessary couenant to be kept on our part holines and true obedience throughout the whole course of our life and conuersation This is repeated and vrged in many places of the word of God when they said they would serue the L. their God and obey his voice Ioshua made a couenant with them the same day ioyning God and the people togither So also 〈◊〉 stood by the pillar and made a couenant before the L. that they shold walk after the L. and keep his commandements and his testimonies and his statutes withal their hart withal their soul. Likewse to the same purpose we read 2 Chron. 15. They made 〈◊〉 to seek the L. God of their fathers and whosoeuer wil not seek the L God of Israel shal be 〈◊〉 whether he be sinal or great man or woman Thus we see the conditions of the couenaunt both what hee promiseth to doe and what hee looketh for at our hands Hee requireth of vs faith loue and obedience to become his people if we will haue him to be our God All these three parts of the couenant are mentiioned and expressed This is his commandement that we heleeue its the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commaundement for he that keepeth his commaundements 〈◊〉 in him and he in him and hcereby we know that he adideth in vs euen by the spirit that he hath giuen vs. The vses of the seconde end of a Sacrament are first to beholde the exceeding loue of god to ward his people vnworthy of his fauour Can there be a greater loue then this Certainely such as know the great rigour of the Law the infinit Iustice of God and the heauy burthen of sin and feele god to arraigne them the law to endite them their consciences to accuse them and their hearts to condemne them do finde nothing sweeter then to be eased of that burden to be acquitted of that iudge and to be freed from that condemnation For of all burdens sinne is the heauiest of all afslictions it is the greatest of all paines it is the sharpest and often presseth downe to the gates of hell Wherefore such as feele gods mercy in their misery May cry out with the Prophet in the reioysing of their spirit Blessed is he whose wickednes is lightned and u hose sinne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitse Againe let euery one be carefull to keepe the former conditions of the Couenant which are to loue him againe and our brethren for his sake and to walke in holines and righ eousnes before him all the daies of our life Our sauiour Christ directing our loue to our brethren and teaching that the ftreames there of shoulde slow vnto our enemies she weth that if we loue them which loue vs the Publicans doe the same and if we be friendly to our brethren onely this is no singular thing Behold what loue the father
toucheth the bodie and bloode of Christ signified by them Euen as if a man shoulde rent disgrace deface spit vppon tread and trample vnder his feet and villanouslie abuse the image seale and letters patents of a Prince he should be adiudged guilty of a grieuous crime against the person of the Prince himselfe not which hee receiueth but despiteth so such as come vnthankefully and vnworthily to this supper are guilty of his body not which they haue eaten but which they haue refused and reiected being offered vnto them and therefore are guilty of their owne death inasmuch as God with the signes offereth his owne sonne Wherefore seeing the presence of God moueth seeing our owne profit perswadeth seeing our owne practise furthereth seeing the defiling of the Sacrament and the danger of vnworthy receiving teacheth and lastly seeing our owne iudgement in humane affaires when the daunger is not so great nor the losse so certaine cryeth out for this necessary preparation it standeth vs vpon before we enter into this holy worke whereunto of our selues wee are more vnfit and vnto warde and which in it owne nature is most profitable to set our selus before the Lord who shal examine and iudge the quicke and the dead to search into our owne wayes and to keepe a sessions in our own soules to looke into our secret and hidden corruptions how wee haue gone forward or backward in golinesse to try whether we haue a knowledge feeling and disliking of our sinnes and whether we haue any feare of Gods iudgments or faith in his promises or hope in his mercie to iudge our selues that we may not be iudged of the Lord to labour to find out our speciall sinnes striuing against them by earnest praier to God and condemning them for euer in our selues If we would thus iudge our selues wee should not be condemned with the world Let vs be grieued for our naturall blindnes Let vs acknoledge confusion of faces to be due vnto vs. Let vs deepely imprint in our owne harts the horror of our sins past and present The more wee perceiue and discerne our own vnworthinesse the greater shal be our fitnes to come to this Sacrament and the lesse we espy our owne imperfections the more we incuire the danger of Gods iudgements So then to touch vs with true 〈◊〉 and to break our stony hearts in pieces with remembrance of our daily offences let vs often meditate on the death and passion of Christ who was forsaken scorned buffeted and crucified for vs he was led as a lambe to the slaughter and shunned not the shame of the Crosse then the powers of heauen 〈◊〉 wer moued Iudea was darkned the earth quaked the stones claue in sunder the the graues opened the Sunne was in the ful-moone eclipsed the vaile of the temple was rent the dead were raysed the theese repented the centurion glorified God and the whole order of nature was changed All these thinges 〈◊〉 set before vs the he inousnesse of our sins and the greatnesse of gods wrath which could not be appeased but by crucifieng of the body and by shedding of the blood of Christ which is represented to vs as in a glasse in this Supper Thus wee haue shewed by testimonies and effectuall reasons that as in the passe-ouer they were commanded to chuse them a lambe on the tenth day but to kill him on the fourteenth so that they had 4. daies liberty betweene the separating and the killing of him for preparation and sanctification of themselues in like manner in the supper which is the same to vs that the passe-ouer was to the 〈◊〉 the spirit of God chargeth this duty vpon vs that we prepare our harts reuerently thereunto Now as we haue seene the necessity of this examination let vs consider what vses are to be made thereof Is it required of all communicants that come to the Lords table 〈◊〉 to examine themselues Then from hence it follo weth that all men are bound to know the word of God and to be skilfull in the scripture that thereby they 〈◊〉 be able to try their owne hearts and examine themselues by that rule But if the rule be vnknowne the tryall spoken off cannot be made the examination commaunded cannot be practised Especially there is required of vs the knowledge in the doctrine of the law not onely to be able to rchearse the words but to know the end and mcaning of them the speciall branches of them what are the duties commaunded what are the sinnes condemned for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne and the Apostle had not knowne sinne but by the law for hee had not knowne last except the law had sayd thou shait not lust As then he that will try Golde from copper must haue his touch stone so he that will rightly examine his obedience must familiarly be acquainted with the Canon of the scriptures This our Sauiour teacheth Ioh. 5. Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternalllife and they are they which testisie of me 〈◊〉 then we search them they will giue vs light to search our 〈◊〉 And the Apostle requireth the Colossians to haue the word of God dwell plentifully in them in al wisedome Wherefore he that said examine your selues ment we should also know the scriptures and especially the law of God which must be the glasse of our liues to behold our offences and the very ground-worke of this examination Againe we are charged to try out our waies and examine our selues Then we learne from hence to acknowledge a difference between baptisme and the lords supper For baptisme is due to the whole church and euery member thereof whether old or young to all infants who are the children of faithful parents that haue giuen their names to Christ and are entred into the profession of the Gospell And howsoeuer confession of faith fruits of repentance are required of the elder sorte as wee haue shewed yet touching infants it is susficiēt if they be born in the church of such as are members of the church But the Supper of the Lord belongeth only to such as are able to examine themselues to try their owne harts and to remember his death which things cannot agree with children As we see in the passe-ouer not all the children of the faithfull were admitted thereunto but onely such as could enquire and require a reason thereof and did desire to be instructed of their parents and such as had learned to make the law a frontlet before their eies and a signe vpon their hands that so the doctrine of God might not depait out of their mouths Besides if we consider the outward workes in both the Sacraments aright we shall plainely see the truth of this diuersity For in Baptisme the action of the minister is to wash the body with water which requireth not discretion in him that is to be baptized fo rasmuch as we
present or things to come recouering in him the possession of those thinges which wee lost in Adam being the beloued sonne of the father hee maketh vs acceptable and wel pleasing vnto him leading captiuity captiue and giuing gifts to men hauing Dominion ouer the Deuil sin hell the world the flesh and all our enemies hee protecteth vs that they cannot ouerthrow vs and hath made vs kings and Priests to god euen his father in that he is happy and immortal he maketh vs partakers of his blessednes and immortality When we shall seuerally and particularly apply al the actions and benefits of Christ our lorde vnto our selues we may boldely come to the lordes table where wee shall fiude christ and enioy him to our endlesse comfort Neither are we to abstaine and hang backe from comming to the Supper nor to dispaire of our selues nor to be to much cast downe when wee feele sundry defectes and wantes in our faith For there is a weake and feeble faith which is yet a true faith as well as the stronge faith There are two degrees offaith profitable to be knowne and comfortable to be considered The weake faith is an earnest and vnfained desire to be reconciled vnto GOD in christ which willing desire in vs GOD accepteth as the deede it selfe hee accounteth the defire of faith as faith it selfe the desire of reconciliation and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the death of CHRIST shall be auaileable to worke out our attonement and redemption The stronge faith is a full perswasion and assurance of the mercyes of GOD when the faithful can truely say with the Apostle Rom. 8 38. 39. I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor thinges present nor thinges to come neither Angels nor principalities nor powers neither height nor depth nor any other creature shall separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. This is the greatest measure and highest degree of faith this is the top strength and full ripenesse of faith heereunto wee are to striue and indeuour and neuer to giue rest vnto our soules vntill wee bee resouled and setled in our consciences that all our sinnes are assuredly pardoned and wee accepted to euerlasting life This greatenesse of faith was in Abraham who was not weak but strengthened in faith being fully perswaded He that had promised was also able to doe it All that liue in the bosome of the Church doe not attaine to this full measure of a perfect faith but euen as it is in the estate of the body we are babes before we come to be men of ripe yeares first we be weake before we be strong first we are fed with milke before we can digest strong meat We see corne first is in the grasse then in the blade before it come to the stalke and to haue ripe corne in the eare There must be in all thinges a beginning before there can be a proceeding to perfection The tree sendeth forth his tender braunches and putteth forth his leaues before the fruit commeth So is it with euery christian Man and Woman first they are babes in Christ and haue certaine seedes and beginnings of faith springing in them to eternall life afterward they grow from strength to strength from grace to grace from degree to degree and from faith to faith vntill they come to a full perswasion and assurance without wauering which ariseth after many experiences of Gods ' manifold mercies and fauours in the course of our liues as we see Psal. 23. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Wherefore let vs not be 〈◊〉 ed and discouraged when our faith is feeble for a feeble faith wil apply Christ as well as a strong faith it wil draw Christ home to dwell in our hartes through whom we shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Hee that had but a weake eie and a dimme sight to behold the brasen Serpent in the wildernesse was healed from the deadly stinging of the fiery Serpents as wel as he that saw cleerly and perfectly a farre off He that hath but a Leprous and sickly hand is able to hold that which is offered vnto it as well as a sound and strong hand So hee that hath a little faith in the Sonne of God shall neuer haue his saluation denied nor forgiuenesse of his sinnes kept from him if with an humble heart he pray to God to haue them pardoned The Apostles beleeued that Christ was the Sauiour of the world yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the chiefe meanes of saluation and they are saide to be men of little faith So our sauiour when the Disciples had asked increase of their faith declareth that if our faith be in quantity but as a graine of mustard-seede it should be powerfull and effectuall seeing he will not quench the smooking flaxe nor breake the bruised reede but cherish the least sparke and measure of grace giuen vnto vs from aboue This likewise was the faith of that father whose child was possessed with a dumbe and deafe spirit when christ said to him If thou canst beleau all things are possible to him that beleeueth straight way he cryed with teares saying Lord I beleeue help mine vnbeleefe Christ doth not reiect him for his weaknes of knowledge and faith to teach that we should not dispaire or be dismaid when we finde wauering wantes distrust and imperfection in our selues but rather confessing our frailty with that father in this place pray to be strengthned and to haue our faith increased For whosoeuer vnfainedly desireth any grace of God tending to saluation shal receiue it if he continue knocking at the gate of his mercy it shall bee opened and his prayer shal be granted as Christ hath promised I wilgiue to him that is a thirst of the wel of the water of life Thus if wee long after the graces wanting vnto vs as the earth after a great drouth for the comfortable shewers of refreshing rain vsing the meanes appointed of God to attaine them as earnest praier reuerent attending on the continuall hearing of his word diligent receiung of the sacraments being carefull to giue honor and glory to him for his gifts we haue already of his onely mercy obtained and enioyed wee shall be satisfied and replenished for then He that hath 〈◊〉 his good worke in vs will perfect the same in our harts vntill the day of Iesus Christ. Thus much of faith the sec. part of true examination which is the instrument whereby wee lay hold vpon Christ and are made liuely members of him withont which whosoeuer come to the Lords Supper depart away without fruit and comfort Chap. 18. Of Repentance the third part of examination THe next thing in this tryall to be considered is repētance which is a
day with feasting playing sporting drinking idelnes and other vanities Wee haue not yealded reuerence to superiors for conscience sake nor bin affraid to offend them as god hath commaunded we haue not alwaies spoken of them and their gouernment as wee should wee haue not had such a reuerent opinon and perswasion of our pastors teachers as we ought which haue the charge of our soules and labor among vs in the lord Againe we haue not beene careful to teach and instruct such as are vnder vs as our Children seruantes and whole famylie as wee are bound praying with them in our houses exorting them in all wisedome conferring with them in all gentlenesse and furthering them in all the waies of Godlynesse Touching the sixt Commaundement we haue not loued our Neighbours as our selues procuring their good as our own we haue broken out through debate contention chiding reuiling brauling quarrelling and reuenging we haue not reioyced at the good and prosperity of our brethren but when Gods eie hath beene good towarde them in blessing them we haue repined and grudged at it We haue not possessed the vessels of our bodies in holines and honour as the Temples of the Holyeghost knowing we are bought with a price we haue not tamed and brought into subiection this flesh as we should to make it in all respectes subiecte and obedient vnto the spirit wee haue not made a couenant with our eies with our eares with our tongues to turne them from all vncleane sights wanton words and filthy communication but haue suffered them to wander after vnlawful lust and concupisence neither haue we vsed such sobriety abstinence and temperancy as hath bene fit to keepe vnder our affections but riotousnes excesse in apparrell surfetting slouthfulnes idlenes pride and fulnesse of breade which were the sinnes of Sodome Ezek. 16 are vsed in many places as for drunkennes it hath taken away the hearts and euen washed a way the braines of many Wee must confesse that our dealinges with our neighbours in buying selling bargaining and contracting haue not bin with such vprightnes soundenes iustice sincerity and truth as God requireth we haue bene giuen to oppreffion couetousnes and hard dealing one toward another not considered that godlines is great gaine if a man be contented with that he hath that if we haue food and raiment we must be content and can carry nothing with vs out of this world we haue not at all times beene giuen to mercy and compassion to ward the poor for the maintenance of them and their families especially in times of famine dearth pestilence sickenesse and other mortalities and necessities Wee must acknowledge that we haue not loued the truth in the inward partes neither maintained the credire and good name of men as wee ought but haue beene addicted to lying enuying backebiting flattering or defaming one of another and to heare others with comforte and delight to do the like we haue not bene couragious and constant to confesse and defend the truth against the enimies thereof but haue bene ashamed to set our selues against lies errours and slaunders we haue kindled the coales of contention by false surmises carrying of tales and publishing of infirmities to the hurt and hinderance of our brethren Lastly we must remember to shut vppe this confession that our whole narure is vile and wretched the heart of man is deceitfull aboue all things and past finding out we are sinfull as an euill tree which can bring foorth nothinge but euil fruit our thoughts are vaine and corrupt our first motions and immaginations are euill against the lawe of God that saith Thou shalt not lust requiring a pure heart to ward our neighbors holy cogitations of the spirit and a continuall conflict against euil affections and lusts of the flesh Thus must euery one of vs arraigne and endite our selus Thus we must accuse our selues and condemne our owne workes Thus we must search our owne waies confessinge that if our owne heartes accuse vs God is greater then our hearts and knoweth all things Then let vs appeale to the throne of grace let vs desire saluation in Christ for his mercies sake let vs cast al out comfort vpon him couering our faces through shame of our sinnes that are past humbling our selues through greefe of them that are present and working out our saluation with a feare of that which may come heereafter If thus we iudge our selues God will acquite vs if thus we condemne our selues God wil iustifie vs if we accuse our selues hee wil discharge vs if we be displeased with our selues for our sinnes God wil be wel pleased with vs and cloath vs with the righteousnes of Christ. But if we stande vpon our owne righteousnesse and worthines if we say we haue need of nothing if we flatter and deceiue our selus comparing our selues with our selues or with others and not with the rule of Gods word God wil examin vs and sit in iudgement vppon vs. If hee enter into iudgement with vs no flesh shall bee iustified in his sight for if thou O Lorde streightly markest iniquities O Lorde who shal stande He wil bee reuenged of our sinnes and 〈◊〉 many plagues vpon vs he will send sundry diseases vpon our bodies and a troubled spirit vpon our soules he will adde one punishment to another vntill we repent as he teacheth by many examples in the scriptures The Apostle 1 cor saith he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh iudgement to himselfe For this cause many are weak and sick among you and many sleep for if we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged But when we are iudged we are chastned of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world So the Israelites being myraculously fed by the Lords own hand lusted and became vnthankeful and therefore while the meat was yet in their mouths The wrath of God fell dovvne vppon them and sle vv the strongest of them and smote dovvne the chosen men of Israel Iudas chosen to be one of the twelue comming vnworthily to the Passeouer Satan entered further into him wrought in him his owne confusion and brought vpon him swift damnation The ghest in the gospell that pressed vnto the supper without his weddinge garment was taken speechlesse bound hand and foot and cast in to vtter darkenes where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Let no man therefore put off and deferre his repentance from day to day least he draw vppon himselfe finall destruction of soule and body and find his hart exceedly hardned through continuance in sinne but while the acceptable time is let vs both purpose and endeuour to forsake our euil waies our wicked works and all knowne sinnes reueled vnto vs by the sacred oracle of the Word of God And because we haue daily wants and do commit dayly and new sinnes through infirmity of the flesh we must haue renewed
the signe for the thing nor the thing for the signe seeing the parts are distinguished in nature though ioyned in the person Againe albeit by gods ordinance these parts be so vnited that by taking of the signe the faithfull are made partakers of the thing signified no lesse truely then the outward signes are receiued of our bodily senses yet we must conceiue consider that these outward and inward parts remaine distinct and vnconfounded and therefore wee must take heede we take not one for another we must not ascribe to much to the outward parts and so take them for the inward which hath beene the occasion of sundry errors from time to time Some attribut too little to the outward sign and some ascribe too much both waies the Sacrament is abused and the partes are misapplied Hence sprang as a ranke weed in the Lords corne the doctrine of transubstantiation or carnall turning of the substance of bread into the body whereby the signe is swallowed vp and the outward substance with them quite abolished for their fained Christ hath consumed the outward signe as the rich deuoureth and eateth the poore Thus the signe is consumed to little regarded Others on the other side cleaue to much too the outward signe and rest in the externall worke placing holinesse and remission of sinnes in the deed done and thus the thing signified is little regarded and wholly abolished as the euill fauored and lean-fleshed kine did eat vp the fat and wel-fauored this was 〈◊〉 dreame and the other is mans deuise For these men giue all to the outward receiuing placing holynesse and remission of sinnes therein and thinking themselues sure and secure when the bread and wine is taken at the Lords table Thus all hypocrites libertines and carnall Gospellers do for all the religion deuotion and godlinesse of these idle and ignorant professors standeth in outward resorting to the Church and in an outward taking of the communion of the body and blood of Christ which is to make an Idol of the signe and to flatter themselues in their euils to their own destruction For albeit a man haue been baptized and haue receiued the Lords supper yet if he liue wickedly and walke after his owne lusts the Sacramentes shall auaile and aduantage him nothing at all but further his condemnation Lastly hath the Sacrament some parts outward and some inward some seene and some not seene with bodily eies Then it giueth occasion both to parents to teach their children the meaning of these misteries and to declare vnto them the ordinances of God as likewise to children and the younger sort to aske and inquire of their parents to heare and learne of them the doctrine of the Sacraments thereby to know the mercifull promises that God hath made to his people This appeareth directly where the the fathers are forewarned ro teach their childrē the hidden mistery of the Passeouer When your children aske you what seruice is this ye keepe then ye shal say It is the sacrifice of the Lords passeouer which passed ouer the houses of the children of Israell in Egypt when he smote the Egyptians and preserued our houses So likewise Ch. 13. 14. speaking of separating sanctifiing the firste borne for the seruice of God he chargeth parents to whet this doctrine on their children and to instruct them how God with a mighty hand and outstretched arme brought them out of Egypt out of the house of bondage Againe we see when the Lord had parted the waters of Iordan that the people might passe hee commaunded Ioshua to set vppe 12. stones in memoriall of the mighty and miraculous worke of God for his people against their enemies and when their children should aske them in time to come what was 〈◊〉 by those stones they should answer that the waters of Iordan were cut off before the Arke of the Couenant of the Lord. He would not onely haue themselues to profit by 〈◊〉 wonderfull workes but to retaine the remembrance of them he wold haue their posterity to know the cause and 〈◊〉 thereof and so g'orifie 〈◊〉 name for euer Heereunto we may fitly ioyne what the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will open my mouth in a parable I will declare high sentences of old which we haue heard and knowne and our fathers haue told us we will not hide them from their children but to the generation to come we will shew the praises of the Lord his power also and his wonderfull workes that he hath done that the posterity might know it and the children which should be borne should stand vp and declare it to their children that they might set their hope on God and not forget the workes of God but keepe his commaundements All these things serue to this purpose to shew that it is a duty and burden laid on the shoulders of all parents to acquaint their children 〈◊〉 the works of God especially with the benefits of our redemption wrought by Christ for our saluation If they aske the question why infants are baptized and washed with water into the name of the holy Trinity we must make plaine vnto them the meaning of that mistery We must say vnto them My children this is a signe of the Couenant of Gods mercy to vs and our 〈◊〉 to God it is a mistery of our saluation and teacheth that being in our selues vncleane vnrighteous 〈◊〉 y and sinful our soules are washed by the blood of Christ euen as the water in Baptisme washeth our bodyes 〈◊〉 in the mercy of God is so much the more marueilous in our cies insomuch as the 〈◊〉 were entred into the couenant by cutting lancing and effusion of blood in circumcision Againe before they come to yeares to receiue the holy Supper of the Lord we must informe them at home and declare the institution of that Sacrament and the comfortable vses therof to them so they may afterward come to this Communion with better warrant of their worke with greater comfort to themselues with lesse danger to their souls We must teach them that as the bread is broken and the Wine poured out so the body of Christ was crucified and his blood shed for the remission of our sins and that if we beleeue in the Lord Iesus we are nourished in our souls to eternal life by the passion of Christ our Sauior as certainly as our bodies are norished with the creaturs of bred 〈◊〉 wine Notwithstanding there is a generall defect of this duty in many parents neither are children readye to enquire and learne at home neither are parentes able to answere anye thing in these matters of God way wardnesse in the one and wordlines in the other and ignoraunce in them both hath taken away all care and conscience from them touching these holy duties and heauenly misteries so that neither the one teacheth nor the other learneth neyther the child enquireth nor the father answereth CHAP. 4. Of the first outward part of
seed dependeth vppon the sower which if it light in good ground will bring forth plentifull fruit 〈◊〉 it be 〈◊〉 of an vngodly and vnskilfull man Chap. 10. Of the second inward part of a Sacrament HItherto of the first in ward part the second part of a sacrament is the holy spirit as Math. 3. Hee shall baptize you with the holy ghest and fire So in Christes Baptisme when he was baptized and prayed the holy-ghost discended in a visible shape like a Doue vppon him And By one spirit we are al baptizd into one body whether we be Iewes or greacians whether we bee bond or free and haue bene all made to drinke into one spirit And the Apostle layeth down the circumcision of the hart by the spirit He is a Iew which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the spirit So the same A postle Tit. 3. 5. 6 According to the mercy of God he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy-ghost which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour Nothing can be fruitfull and profitable without his gratious worke in vs he worketh and setteth the word of promise in our hearts and therefore we must necessarily hold the blessed spirit to an inward part of the Sacrament Now let vs proceed to the vses of this point being the second inward part Is the spirit of God the sealer vp of the promises after that we beleeue according to the doctrine of the Apostle After that ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise then as often as we heare the promise vttered by the Minister it confirmeth vs that the father by his spirit woorketh the same in our harts The Water in baptisme cannot by any force and vertue inherent in it wash our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God as it hath power to wash away the filth and corruption of our bodies The bread and wine in the Lords supper haue no inherent strength to nourish the soule to eternall life as they haue to strengthen the body they are instruments of the Holy-ghost who worketh by them to the great comfort of the faithfull Grace is not contained and shut vp in them as water in a vessell or as a medicine in a boxe the spirit helpeth our infirmities sealing vppe to our consciences the fruite of the word that is heard and of the Sacrament all signes that are seene Againe is the spirit of God an inward part of the Sacramentes then we must learne and remember that wee can neuer heare the worde or receiue the sacraments with fruite and comfort without the speciall assistance and inward operation of the spirit of God Therefore the Prophet ioyneth the spirit word together I will make this my couenant with thee saith the Lord my spirit that is vpon thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed from henceforth and for euer A man indeed hath power to heare the word and to receiue the sacramentes his will is free in these outwarde workes but he hath no power or strength to do them with profitte and comfott except it be giuen him from aboue Though we heare neuer somuch though wee communicate neuer so osten the spirit must open our hearts as he opened the hart of Lydia So 1 Ioh. 2. that 〈◊〉 h which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teach you but as that same annointing teacheth you of all thinges and it is true and is not lying Likewise Act 10. Peter preached the Gospell to Cornelius and his houshold and while he yet spake to them The Holy-ghost fell on them all which heard the word So also the Apost being sent out with their commission and commanded to preach the Gospell to euery creature it is noted that they went forth and preached euery where and the Lord wrought with them and confirmed the worde with signes that followed And Ioh. 14. The comforter which is the Holy-ghost whom the father wil send in my name he shal teach you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembrance which I haue told you Pharaoh often heard Moses and Aaron but he harkened not but hardned his heart because there was no inward touching or teaching of the spirit The Israelites had hearde and seene the wonderfull things of God yet they profited not in faith in repentance in regeneration and the reason is rendered 〈◊〉 29. Yee haue seene all that the Lord did before your eies in the Lands of Egypt vnto Pharoah and vnto all his seruants and vnto al his Land the great tentations which thine cies haue seene those great mycacles and wonders yet the Lord hath not giuen you an hart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this day When we come to heare the word which is a word of power of life and of saluation when wee come to receiue the sacramentes which are signes of Gods graces and seales of his promises we see many returne as ignorant peruers corrupt froward rebellious hard-harted and disobedient as they came to these ordinances of God and whence commeth this How falleth it out And what may be the reason heereof Surely it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy who giueth eies to see eares to heare and heart to vnderstand to whom he thinketh good in heauenly pleasure Wherefore our duty is seeing the naturall man perceiueth not the things that are of the spirit of God to pray vnto him to giue vs wisedome to see our corruptions blindnes ignorance and hardnesse of hart Thirdly doth the spirit worke in vs by the word Are the word and spirit ioyned together And doth he teach vs by means of the word and Sacra then we must not separate the spirit from the worde and Sacraments as the Anabaptistes do which depend vpon reuelations and inward inspirations vpon priuate motions and diuine illuminations without the word They will not be taught by the word they will not be strengthned by the Sacramentes but take away the vse of both following their owne foolish fansies and deuilish dreames They boast of the spirit of God and are led by the spirit of the deuill Wee must for our direction and practise learne that as to rest vpon the spirit without the word is phantasticall and heriticall and the mother of all errors so the word and sacraments without the spirit are no 〈◊〉 then a dead carcasse without life an empty sound without substance a naked shew without truth an empty casket without the 〈◊〉 and there sore we must knit them together and assure our selues that the spirite speaketh euidently in the scriptures the spirit worketh effectually
the remission of his sins and neuer rest vntil he giue him peace of conscience and restore him to the ioyof his saluation Chap 13. Of the fir st v se ofa Sacrament HItherto of the parts of a Sacra both outward and inward now we come to the vses therof For vnlesse we know the vse and vnderstand the end why they were ordained it shal not profit vs to know the parts Every thing must be referred to his right vses and propper endes so must the Sacramentes be The endes are especially these three First to strengthen faith Secondly to seale the Couenant betweene God and vs. Thirdly to bee a badge of our profession Touching the first end the Sacraments serue for the better confirmation of our faith as appeareth Where the Apostle hauing set down the drowning of the world and the preseruing of Noah by the Arke he saith our baptisme directly answereth that tipe which is a taking to witnesse of a good conscience and sauing vs by the resurrection of Christ. So then by faith confirmed in Baptisme we haue an infallible assurance in the death of Christ of our saluation Many indeed come to the sacraments are present at Baptisme are partakers of the Lords supper that feele no strength of faith no increase of Gods graces no spiritual groth in the body of christ so that they worke not saluation in them but further their condemnation For the sacramentes as we haue shewed giue not grace but more firmely surely and comfortably confirme faith they apply and seale vp Christ crucified The sacraments cannot giue faith to the faithlesse neither were they instituted to the end men should beleeue but because they do beleeue as meat was not giuen that men should learne to eate but that the eating might be nourished Faith indeede receiueth them and then they serue to nourish it And they confirme not faith by any inherent power included in them but the holy spirit applyeth Christ to vs and frameth this comfortable conclusion in our hearts All such as are conuerted and do rightly vse the sacraments shal receiue Christ and al his sauing graces But I am conuerted do rightly vse the sacraments Therfore I shal receiue christ his graces Thus doth the cōforter comfort al those that come rightly religiously to the Lords table Now if we would enquire and search after the reasons of this first end we should find that one cause why they confirme faith is because god is true in his promises he confirmeth and maketh good that which is gone out of his mouth All the promises of God in Christ are yea and are in him Amen vnto the glory of God through vs. For 〈◊〉 Princes seales confirme their charters assure their grantes and make certaine their pardons so do gods sacraments witnesse to our hearts and consciences that his words and promises are true and are established to continue for euer For as he declareth his mercies by his word so he sealeth and assureth them by his sacraments Againe this appeareth by the example of Abraham who first beleeued the promise and it was imputed to him for righteousnes being yet vncircumcised and afterward receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnes of faith as the Apostle teacheth We say that faith was imputed vnto Abraham for righteousnes How was it then imputed when he was circumcised or vncircumcised Not when he was circumcised but when hee was vncircumcised c. Where he sheweth that Abraham was iustified in vncircumcision but yet was afterwarde circumcised that the gifte of righteousnes might be confirmed in him The Eunuche likewise beleeued before hee receiued baptisme and therefore it sealed vp the increase of his faith and of Gods graces And Act 2. They that gladlie receiued the wordes of Peter were baptized And. as Peter preached to Cornelius and others of the Gentlies The Holy-ghost fel on them all which heard the word and he said Can any forbid water that these shoulde not bee baptized which haue receiued the Holy-ghost as wel as we So he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Wherefore when the minister washeth with water it representeth our buriall with Christ into his death and our rising again with him into newnes of life As bread norisheth and strengthneth man so the body of christ taken by faith feedeth the soule We take the bread and cup into our hands we eat we drink we are refreshed so we feed on Christ whose flesh is meat indeed and whose bloud is drink indeed and we are comforted Let vs nowe come to the vses as we haue seene the reasons And first of all do the sacraments serue to strengthen our faith then let vs all acknowledge our failings and infirmities Let vs labor more and more to feele the weakenes and wantes of our owne faith True it is if our faith were perfect and entire lacking nothing we should not neede the sacraments We must not therefore abstaine from them for the weakenes of our faith but for that cause come to God and to the Sacramēts of God praying for strength and confirmation thereof as that father did whose sonne was possessed with a dumbe spirit when Christ saide to him If thou canst beleeue all things are possible to him that beleeueth he answered crying with teares Lord I beleeue help mine vnbeleese And Luk. 17. the Apostles say to the Lord Increase our faith Vndoubtedly he that neuer doubted neuer beleeued For whosoeuer in truth beleeueth feeleth sometimes doubrings and wauerings of his faith Even as the sound body feeleth oftentimes the grudginges of a feuer and distemperature of the body which if he had not health he could neuer finde and feele so the faithfull soule findeth sundry doubtings which if his faith were not sound he covld not diseerne For we feele not corruption by corruption nor sinne by finne because when the strong man possesseth the house all things are in peace but we feele sinne and perceiue corruption in vs by a contrary grace of gods spirit The lesser and smaller measure of grace we haue the lesser is our feeling and the more grace we haue the more quick we are in feeling of corruption What is the reason that many haue no light of sinne no feeling of their corruption no tentations no trembling no terror no feare of gods wrath but wholly liue lie and dye in their lustes Surely because they are without grace without gods spirit and without his inward worke in them But the faithfull who are not led by the slesh but liue by the spirit are often tempted assailed tormoyled tryed and prouoked to many euils according to the words of our blessed sauiour Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to winnow you as wheat but I haue prayed for thee that thy faith faile not therefore when thou art conuerted strengthen thy bretheren Asa man carried vp and set vpon an high to wer or on
hath my mother conceiued mee And psal 38. There is nothing sound in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne for mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head and as a weighty burden they are too heauy for me This practise we see also in Daniell in Nehemia in Ezra in Manasses and in many others We mooue them to labour to be at one with God to be reconciled to their brethren and to remember the poore Especially we stirre them vp to prayer in regard of their present necessities and of the mercifull promises of God resting themselues on the perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ. Gratious and precious are the promises that God hath made to al that come to the throne of his mercy as p. al. 145. The Lorde is neere to all that call vpon him yea to all that call vpon him in truth he will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he will also heare their cry and wil saue them And psal 50. Call vpon me in the daye of trouble so wil I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And our sauiour Math 7. Aske and it shall be giuen you seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shal be opened vnto you for whosoeuer asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened So the Apo. Iames. The praier of faith shal saue the sicke and the Lorde shall raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shall bee forgiuen him acknowledge your faults one to another that ye may be healed for the praier of a righteous man auaileth much if it be feruent Now when they are sufficiently humbled for their sinnes wee moue them to hunger and thirst after the merits of Christ who of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption We alledge vnto them these and such like comfortable places of Scripture Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and heauie laden and I will ease yon This is a a true saying and by all meanes woorthy to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe These things write I vnto you that ye sinne not if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust whose blood clenseth vs from all sinne he is the 〈◊〉 for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world He is euermore about those that are his he maketh their bed in all their sicknesse his left hand vnder their heads and with his right hand he doth imbrace them so that whether they liue they liue vnto the Lord or whether they die they dye vnto the Lord whether they liue or dye they are the Lords This is true happines Furthermore we raise them vp with sweet comforts and consolations of the word of god against alterror and feare of death Death is swallowed vp in victory ô death where is thy sting ô graue where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law but thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. And Rom. 8. Ther is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels principalities powers nor things present nor things to come neither any creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Christ is to vs aduantage whether in life or in death Such as beleeue in him yea though they were dead shall liue Death is to vs as a sleepe and the graue as a bed of rest A crowne of righteousnesse is laid vp for vs which the righteous iudge shall giue vnto vs so that an euill death can neuer follow where a good life hath gone before forasmuch as he cannot possible die ill who hath liued wel Death indeede is a Scorpion or serpent but his sting is pulled out he may wel hisse but he cannot hurt he may wel threaten but he cannot destroy for Christ hath quelled and conquered him Now to put away the griefe and tediousnes of sicknes we wil and wish them to meditate on the things they haue heard and learned by the ministry of the word from time to time in their health to consider with themselues how God sometimes suffereth the wicked to prosper for a time and florish like a greene bay tree and how he punisheth them in the 〈◊〉 wrath and iudgement for them how he blesseth or correcteth his children in this life how he hath prepared eternall torments for the wicked and vnspeakeable glory for the Godly but aboue all the workes of God we teach them deepely to thinke vpon the glorious and gratious work of our redemption wherein the infinite mercy and iustice of God do meete together and kisse each other taking delight and comfort therein withall thanksgiuing Wherefore we perswade them to beare the paines and griefes of sicknes with patience constant perseuerance because all sicknes is Gods hand who being the god of the spirits of al flesh killeth maketh aliue bringeth down to the graue and raiseth vp again There by we are indeed chastened for our sins but they are nothing in comparison of that anguish and agony which Christ suffered for vs neither are they worthy of the exceeding glory which shal be shewed vnto vs. God hath predestinated vs to be like the image of his son so that the deeper we sinke downe in sorrowes the more perfectly we resemble christ it is the great mercy of God we are not vtterly consumed and that his louing kindnes is not at an end toward vs. The sicknes of the body is physick for the soule for the striking of the one is the healing of the other by the Crosse wee must enter the kingdome of heauen and learne to loath the pleasures and profits of this present life If they fall to dispaire and doubting of Gods fauour and loue toward them in Christ we labour to strengthen the weake and bind vp the broken hearted we are ready to leaue ninety and nine in the wildernes and seeke that lost one We bring them to God that hath striken them and made the wound considering that the sonne of man is come To seeke and to saue that which is lost God is mercifull and his mercy endureth for euer hee desireth not the death of a sinner but that hee turne vnto him His mercy is ouer all the workes of his hands it is like the Ocean-sea wher no bottom can be found or founded It is the expresse commaundement of God that we should beleeue in Christ who hath tryumphed gloriously against sinne against Satan against hel against death against damnation against desperation The promises of the
Sacrament are confuted and condemned as their creame their tapers their crosses their censors their salt their spittle their holy-water their exorcisinges and conjurations hauing also an opinion of saluation and worshippe annexed vnto them These men as if it were a base and contemptible thing to baptize with Water onely according to Christes commaundement haue brought in a new word and new elements 〈◊〉 that is new drosse and new filth into the church and into the sacraments of the church as salt that we may bee seasoned with wisedome and bee kept from purrifying in sinne oyle that we may bee safe from euill suggestions spittle that our eares may be opeto heare the word and our Nostrils to discerne the smell of good and euill crosses that all our sences may bee defended against the euill spirit True it is if all the other partes and actions be obserued these inuentions and additions which are so many abuses make not baptisme void neither bring a nullity therof notwithstanding these beggerly ceremonies as they are destitute of the testimony and aprobation of the first and auncient Churches so they corrupt the pure simple and sincere institution of Christ None were vsed when Christe was baptised neither gaue he any such thinge in charge to his Apostles neither were they in vse in the Apostles times neither did they deliuer them to the pastors and teachers which they ordained in euery citty For Peter saith Can anie man forbidde water that these should not be baptized Hee calleth not for oyle salt spittle creame or any such thinge but only for plaine common and ordinary water Thus in one sacra they find many sacraments and inuent tipes shadows similitudes and significations in the immediate seruice of God wheras we haue the body itselfe that is christ alredy They make these outward things able to giue grace power and strength against the deuill But the Apostle teacheth that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they are spiritual that must defend vs from euill If they refer al this trash and trumpery not to the substance of the sacram but to order and comelinesse do they not thereby blasphemously accuse the baptisme of Iohn and of the Apostles of Christ of vncomlinesse and disorder Whereas the comlinesse and dignity of the sacraments is to be esteemed by the word of God by the institution of christ by the simplicity of the gospel and by the 〈◊〉 of the Apostles Nothing is more comely decent and orderly then that which christ commaundeth and aloweth nothing is more vncomly or vnseemely then that which man inuenteth in the seruice of God and in the celebration of the Sacraments thereby inuerting and peruerting the holy ordinances of God Thirdly if washing with water be an outward part of baptisme which pertaineth to the flesh but teacheth not to the conscience which toucheth the body but clenseth not the soule then the bare want of externall purification cannot bring the danger of eternal condemnation Wherefore children dying without baptisme are not reiected because they want baptisme for children that are elected are saued though they dy before baptisme and they that are not elected are condemned though they be baptized For it is not the want but the continual contempt thereof that is damnable Circumcision was as necessary to the Iewes as baptisme is vnto vs. But all did not perish that died vncircumcised therefore all perish not that dy vnbaptized And if the saluation of the child did depend vpon the outward sacrament it had beene an hard thing in the Lord who wil not the death of a sinner to haue required the deferring of it one weeke one day one houre one minute We see in Ioshuae it was omitted 40. yeares while they were in the wildernesse through their continuall iournies and vncertaine abode in euery place yet it were an hard cruell and bloody conclusion to determine thereupon that whosoeuer among them during that time dying before he was circumcised was damned When Dauids child died the seuenth day which was before he could be circumcised circumcision being limited to the 8. day he did not cry out pittifully it is damned it is damned but arose from the earth washed himselfe anointed his bodie chaunged his apparrell refreshed himselfe cheared his wife came into the house of the Lord worshipped God praised him for al his doings made his seruants that attended on him wonder at his comfortable behauiour and said he should go to his child but not his child return to him againe But if he had thought all condemned that die vncircumcised his lamentation would haue exceeded for he had cause to haue sorrowed more after his death then he did in the childes sicknes and if circumcision had bene of such absolute necessity he might haue said The child being now dead why should I not fast why should I not weepe why shoulde I not afflict my soule seeing I cannot bring him againe or restore him to life to be circumcised But because he sorrowed not as one without hope and hee 〈◊〉 not on this or any like manner it appeareth that his faith apprehended the saluation of the childe and feared not his damnation through vntimely want of the outward sacrament Now God is not streighter and harder to vs vnder the gospell then he was to the Israelites vnder the law he is no lesse able and willing to saue now without baptisme then in those dayes he was without circumcision Againe how foolish vaine and vnreasonable a thing is it to put life and death saluation and damnation into the hands and libertie of mortall men as of the parents that shoulde bring them or of the minister that shoulde baptize them or of others that performe other duties vnto them whereas eternall life and saluation standeth sure and setled vpon the brazen pillar of Gods election who knoweth who are his and vpon his mercifull promise in his couenant and not vppon the lust and pleasure of any man as we see in the example of Iacob of whom God saide I haue loued him before he was circumcised nay before he was born or had done either good or euill Furthermore we haue shewed before that many beleeued repented and had the Holy-ghost before they were baptized Yea the theefe vppon the crosse repented of his sins and beleeued in Christ yet was neuer baptised notwithstanding he was receiued to mercy and certainely saued as Christ saith This day shalt thou be with me in Paradice Besides there is no greater necessity of baptisme then of the Lordes supper but we maie be saued without the Lords supper therefore also without baptisme Lastly if al persons dying without baptism bee condemned then infinite multitudes of children shold or may perish and be damnd without their owne fault through the carelesnes of others but none perish without their owne fault therefore all dying without baptisme are not condemnd To these we might 〈◊〉 the testimony and
receiuing and laying hold vppon Christ and all his benefits Euen as the hand stretched forth layeth hold vpon a thing and pulleth the same vnto it so doth saith apply the sauing promises of the Gospell to the soule as the Apostle teacheth Gal. 3. That the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Iesus Christ that wee might receiue the promise of the spirit through faith Where he teacheth that we embrace and receiue the precious promises of saluation and forgiuenesse of our sinnes by faith beleeuinge the same to belong vnto our selues The scripture calleth Christ a redeemer indefinitely Iob calleth him his redeemer particularly Iob 19. I knowe that my redeemer lyueth The Scriptur setteth out the lord as the god of his church Thomas vpon a special feeling of Christs fauor toward him acknowledgeth him to be his Lord and his god Iohn 20 Thou art my Lord and my god The Scripture propoundeth Christ as the Sauiour of his people the blessed virgin taketh this as spoken to her selfe an accounteth him her sauiour Luke 1. My spirit reioyceth in god my sauiour The Scriptur maketh Christ the L. and protector of his church Elizabeth maketh a speciall application thereof calling him her lord Luk. 1 Whence commeth this to me that the mother of my Lord should come vnto me It is an Article of our holy and christian faith to beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes this must euery one beleeue this must euery one hold this must euery one apply as christ did to the sick man of the Palsey Mathew 9. sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee It is the hardest thing in the worlde thus to beleeue whether we respect Christ or our selues It is an easie matter for a man when he neither knoweth nor feeleth the burden of sin to say he hath faith and beleeueth in gods mercy but when Satan shall fift him when his owne hart shall accuse him when sinne shall he heauy vpon his soule when the vnsupportable and vnsufferable anger of God shall presse his conscience to the nethermost hell and the flame thereof consume his bones and turne his moisture into the drought of Summer if then he can stand vpright and build himselfe vpon the rock when the floods come when the winds blow and beat vpon his house and when the ground shaketh vnder his feet this man with boldnesse and confidence may truely say and seale it vppe for an euerlasting truth My sinnes are forgiuen me For if then he can comfort himselfe in his God and apply his gratious mercies to his owne fainting hart and cry out Though the Lorde would kill me yet still I wil trust in him this is the property of a sounde faith against which the strongest gates of hel shal not preuaile This appeareth euidently vnto vs in the example of Abraham who beleeued that of his old weake withered and as it were dead body should spring children like the sande on the sea-shore and like the starres of heauen for multitude and that he should haue a seede in whom himselfe and all the nations of the world should be blessed If hee had consulted with flesh and blood what discourses might a naturall man alledge to 〈◊〉 the crediting of this promise yet hee doubted not hee disputeth not the matter but beleeued that the weake shoulde bee made strong that the barren should be made fruitfull and a ioyfull mother of children that the dead should be made aliue to dwell with a family springing out of his owne body which was to reason as vnlikely and vnpossible as for a dry and dead tree pulled vp by the rootes to bud bear and bring foorth plentifull 〈◊〉 So what can bee more difficult and hard then for vs to beleeue and be perswaded that by the death of Christ we shall haue euerlastinge life by his shame and dishonour we shall haue glory and praise that by his wounds and reproaches we shall haue the curing and healing of our 〈◊〉 that by his agonies and bloody sweate wee shall haue peace and rest by his condemnation we shall haue saluation Is not this after a sort in hell to see heauen in cursing to see blessing in humiliation to see exaltation in death to see life in condemnation to lay holde of saluation in feeling of sin to beleeue the pardon of sinnes lastly in out vnrighteousnes and misery to bee both righteous and accepted to eternall life and in the breach of the lawe to beleeue the fulfilling of the law This is indeede to haue the sauing faith of Gods elect And to say that this is an easie matter or a small thinge is plainely to betray and difcouer that wee never knew what true faith meaneth For this faith let euery one of vs labour that we may specially and particularly apprehend the promises as the Apostle declareth Galatians 2 I am crucified with Christ but I liue yet not I any more but christdiueth in me and in that that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the sonne of God who hath loued mee and giuen himselfe for me And againe I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith hencefoorth is 〈◊〉 vppe for me a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lorde the righteous iudge shall giue vnto me at that day Where wee see a speciall application to himselfe of the benefits of Christ and therefore it is not sufficient to beleeue that Christ came into the world that he was crucified died was buried rose againe from the dead and ascended into heauen for this is a general faith this is the faith of the reprobates yea the Deuils know it and haue as great a part and portion therein as we yet they tremble at the remembrance of their iudgement to come as Iames sheweth Thou beleeuest there is one god thou doest well the deuils also beleeue and tremble There is more required of vs then to beleeue the Histories and doctrine of the scriptures to be true and to make an outward profession of it to vnderstand and assent vnto the couenant of grace made by christ that it is certain and shal be verified in the members of the church we must besides this generall and confused faith apply and appropriate vnto our selues the promises of saluation We must not onely see them a farre off but feele them in our harts We must beleeue not onely that christ is a sauior but that he is our sauior and our redeemer Thus we must euery one of vs for his owne part make proper to himselfe all the riches and graces that are in chist Iesus because in giuing himselfe to vs he giueth al his benefits in that he is God he maketh vs after a sort partakers of the diuine nature being heir of al things in heauen and earth and Lord of the world he maketh al things ours whether life or death whether things
promise the partakers of the same hope the members of the same bodye and the professors of the same faith to contend and striue one against another to delight in brauling fighting quarrelling and to norish hatred malice rancour spite enuy biting and backbiting one of another If Ephraim be set against Manasses and Manasses against Ephraim if Brother be diuided against brother if we bite one at another let vs take heed least we be consumed one of another The sonnes of God are renewed into the image ofGod to resemble their heauenly father in true holines and doe all weare the same cognizance and liuery For the Sacraments are the marks of Ch. sheepe whereby they are knowne and discerned so that all our discentions diuisions railings reuilings disgracings and defacings one of another tend to the reproch and dishonour of our common father and do giue an heauy testimony against our souls with God and his elect Angels For how do we approach vnto God how do we come into his presence With what harts do we pray before him and vnto him Are we not taught to aske forgiuenes of our sins as we forgiue the trespasses done vnto vs It then we be malicious and enuious and carry the fresh remembrance of wronges in our hearts to pursue them with reuenge do we not pray against our selues Do we not beseech God to poure out vengance vpon vs Do we not open our mouths to our owne destruction For when wee vse our tongues to say Lord forgiue vs for euen we forgiue is it not asmuch as if we should pray forgiue vs not Lord for we do not we will not forgiue others Therefore after the forme of prayer giuen to the Disciples Christ addeth If ye do forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father will also forgiue you but if ye do not forgiue men their trepasses no more will your father forgiue you your trespasses And as he exhorteth that when they stand and appeare before the Altar they must forgiue so when we appeare at the Lords table we must forgiue if we haue any thing against any man that our father also which is in heauen may forgiue vs our trespasses Now if we woulde be directed to knowe whether this loue be is vs or not wee may try our owne hearts by these holy properties and blessed effectes described by the Apostle 1 cor xiii Loue saith he suffereth long it is bountifull loue enuieth not loue doth not boast itselfe it is not puffed vp it disdaineth not it seeketh not her owne things it is not prouoked to anger it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth it suffereth all things it beleeueth al thinges it hopeth al things it endureth al things Heere we may see what manner of loue ought to be in vs. Euery one of vs must indeuour that all the parts of this description may rightly agree to euery one of vs and truely be found in vs toward all men euen our enimies as we see Iesus Christ hath left vs an example of his loue when he praied for his enimies that crucified and cruelly entreated him father forgiue them for they know what they do and this did stephen to those that stoned him Lord lay not this sin to their charge This is the way let vs walke in it this was their practise let vs follow it Thus we haue shewed the necessity of examination of ourselues before we come to the Lordes supper and declared the parts wherein it standeth and the manner how it is to be performed If we come furnished with these things with sauing knoledg with iustifieng faith with vnfained repentance with a louing and longing reconciliation towarde our brethren among whom we liue hauing as much as is possible Peace with all men yea euen our enimies let vs not abstaine from the Lordes table by reason of some frailties and infirmities in vs for God couereth them and will not bring them into remembrance as we see 2. Chron 30. A multitude of people had not clensed themselues yet did eate the passeouer but not as it was writen wherfore Hezekiah praied for them saying The good God be merciful toward him that prepareth his whole hart to seeke the Lord god the god of his fathers though he be not clensed according to the purification of the sanctuarie and the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people Where we see that because their hart was vpright and sincere their wants and imperfections were not imputed vnto them For God respecteth the truth of the inward partes and pard oneth their sinnes that thus prepare their harts to seeke him So then they were greatly deceiued that thoght they honoured the Sacrament by abstaining from it it is not honoured but dishonoured not hallowed but prophaned not regarded reuerently but reproched greeuously by our wilfull abstinence as the Apostle teacheth 1 cor 11. let a man examin himself and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. He doth not say let him proue himselfe and so let him abstaine For the Sacrament is abused as well by forbearing hauing examined our selues as by not examining our selues and receiuing vnworthily And thus much of examination and the manner to be obserued therein Chap. 20. The conclusion containing an abridgement of the whole treatise THe effect of that which hath bene deliuered hitherto in these Books may thus be gathred into a short sum and abridgement We haue declared that God in al times and ages of the church from the first being of our first parents hath to his word and promises anexed sacraments as seales of assurance for the confirmation of them therby magnifieng his owne mercy toward his people shewing our weaknes and vnworthines and condemning such as oftentimes desire to come to the Lordes table but esteeme little of the preaching of the word whereas the word and Sacraments haue one and the same author they are instruments of the same grace their whole force and effect dependeth on God they require faith to be mingled with them they profit not alway at the very moment of hearing and receiuing Notwithstanding some differences wee find betweene them as namely in the greater necessity of the worde then of the Sacramentes Infidels were neuer barred from hearing the word when they would become hearers thereof and whereas the word affecteth one only of the sences to wit the hearing the Sacraments 〈◊〉 offered to the eies as well as to the eares and so in some sort become more effectuall then the word Touching the worde Sacrament it is drawne from martiall discipline and properly signifieth the Souldiers othe whereby hee bindeth himselfe to his Captaine which worde being vsed by the olde Latine interpreter is now become ordinary and common in the Church which is not mentioned in so many sillables in the Scriptures And howsoeuer the word be often taken in a large and generall signification yet
chew not the cud they should haue sinned because it was not sanctified and therefore albeit they had prayed for a blessing all the day longe and giuen thankes neuer so much yet could it not make their practise lawfull which the word of God had made vnlawfull Or if they had offered a cleane and holy sacrifice and not made humble and earnest prayers to God to accept them and their oblations it could not haue due effect but the worde of God had beene hindred by their vnworthynesse So in the administration of the Lordes sacred Supper we vse the word of God which warranteth vs to take the bread and Wine out of this word wee alledge the promises of God to the true beleeuer and heerevnto wee ioyne prayers and thankesgiuing that God would 〈◊〉 vs and 〈◊〉 vs in the participation of his owne ordinance Thus albeit we haue no forged transubstantiation wee haue a true consecration if the word of God and prayer of the church can worke it which are the meanes left vnto vs for this purpose if wee be any way deceiued it is the Scripture which hath deceiued vs. It remaineth now to marke the vses of this point for our farther instruction If by vsing the whole 〈◊〉 of Christ according to his commaundement we confesse a change and conuersion wrought in the vse of the signes then we are falsely charged and slandered to haue no consecration We pronounce the same wordes of consecration that christ pronounced we obserue the same thinges that christ obserued and charged vs to do we shew forth plainly the death of Christ as it he were described in our sight and among vs crucified we speak openly in a known tongue and the people vnderstand vs we pray vnto God to accept vs and render him thankes for the worke of our redemption lastly we take the outward elementes and ioyne the word vnto them and thus they are made to vs a sacrament Nay if to offer vp to God our selues our soules our bodies our almes for the poore our prayers and thanksgiuinges vnto God the father for our redemption be an oblatiou and a sacrifice We haue both a Sacrament and a sacrifice in our Churchés though we offer not vp Christs body to be a propitiatory sacrifice for the quicke and dead vnto his father We offer vp as much as Christ commaunded vs to offer but that sacrifice was once offered vp vpon the Crosse he wasthe priest hee was the altar he was the sacrifice there is no other sacrifice left to be offered for sinne and he which presumeth to offer him againe is an enemy to the Crosse of Christ treadeth the sonne of God vnder his foote counteth the blood of the new Testament vnholy and hath renounced saluation by Iesus Christ. Now if we cleaning precisely to the institution of Christ doe not consecrate what may be thought of the Popish priestes who whisper their wordes closely that no man heareth vse a strange tongue that no man vnderstandeth bring in pryuate Masses whereat none communicate deliuer dry Communions wherein no man drinketh exhorte no man speake to no man and if they doe consecrate they consecrate onelye for themselues and not for others Wherefore we detest the opprobrious and blasphemous speaches of the prophane pistes who in the spirit of Shemei and of Kahshaketh raile falsely vilely and slanderously against our communions affirming that they are no other then common bread and wine without grace without vertue without sanctification bare signes of Christ absent no better then our common breakfasts dinners and suppers Thus they speak basely proudly and scornefully of our communions but all the world knoweth they speake vntruely We hold an effectuall consecration in both the sacramentes though we deny a reall conuersion into the body and blood of Christ the water in baptisme is no more common water it is not void of a spirituall effect it is not without grace and sanctification So the bread and wine are changed not from one substance into another but from one vse to another not in themselues but to vs not in their owne nature but in their end and thus they are not the same they were before Againe are these signes sanctified and consecrated that are deliuered and receiued then heereby wee learne what is to be thought of the remnants and leauings remaining after the Lordes Supper For who seeth not heereby that the bread and wine of the holy vse and lawfull participation appointed are not a Sacrament They differ nothing from common bread and wine sold in other places and taken in our houses Therfore among diuerse the remainder was accustomably vsed to be burned among some it was giuen to little children that were in the schooles among others they did eate in the common assembly at their feastes of loue so that out of the sacred vse of the Sacrament they did eate it as common bread they did drinke it as common wine We see in baptisme the water remaining and not vsed is no part of the Sacrament but may be applyed to common vses So it is in the Lords Supper for the Sacramentes of the new testament are alike and of the same worthinesse no more is consecrated then is receiued and applied This also is euident by the rock in the wildernesse where the waters flowing from thence represented the blood of Christ to the Isralites that dranke thereof not to the beastes and cattell that were 〈◊〉 by it So much was consecrated water as they receiued not all the rest So when Iohn baptized in Iordan not all the Rvuer but all that which was applyed was sanctified So when he baptized in Enon because there was much water 〈◊〉 not the whole streame was hallowed but so much as he vsed Wherefore whatsoeuer remaineth after the celebration of the sacraments may be 〈◊〉 lawful y to common and ordinary vses Moreouer if the sanctification of euery creature whether in the sacraments or out of the sacramentes be by the word and prayer as appeareth by the Apostle it teacheth a profitable instruction namely that no creature of God is to be receiued no gift to be vsed no blessing to be enioyed tending to the health of the body or comfort of the soule without this duty of prayer and thankesgiuing to the Lord. Indeede euery creature of God in it seife is good and euery gift is holy yet if we partake them without praysing the name of the giuer and creator to vs they become vnholy vncleane and vnpure Now if this be needefull in vsing the common creatures and guiftes of God much more is it necessary in receiuing these pledges and 〈◊〉 of feeding our soules to eternall life Beholde heere the cause that moued Christ when he had taken the bread to giue thanks to his father wherin he sheweth what belongeth to the duty of the minister and of the communicantes to wit that we ought to lift vp our hearts to God
to praise him fo giuing his onely begotten Sonne to bee our redeemer and humbly to pray vnto him that our vnworthynesse hinder not the effectuall working of his Sacrametnes but that through his goodnesse and mercy they may haue their full force in our heartes for the pardoning of our sinnes for the increase of his graces for the confirming of our faith for the quickning of our obedience and for the preseruing of body and soule to eternall life Thus wee blesse God when we praise him and giue him the honour due vnto his name We blesse the meates we eate the drinkes we drinke the thinges wee receiue as Paule saith The cup of blessing which wee blesse when prayer is made to God that they may be healthfull to vs and we thankefull for them Lastly if in the Sacrament there bee a consecration and separation of the outward elementes to so holy an end it warneth vs to be carefull to vse and receiue oftentimes this Sacrament of the Lordes Supper For heere are not bare signes bare tokens bare figures without fiuite and without grace they are consecrated signes and hallowed elements effectually sealing vppe remission of sinnes And what is more plaine then that which the Apostle teacheth 1 Cor. 11. As often as ye shall eate of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shew the Lordes death till he come Thus the Lord Iesus speaketh Doe this as oft as ye shall drinks it in remembrance of me And haue we not many worthy and effectuall considerations to moue such as professe the same doctrine to resorte oftentimes to the same Table of the Lorde It is the commaundement of Christ so that we ought to make some conscience of this duty as of other commaundementes prescribed vnto vs. It is a commaundement of God Thou shalt not steale Few but to make some conscience thereof because it is Gods commaundement So is this heere often to come to the Lordes Table yet what little account is made heereof all the yeare long euery one seeth and the faithfull soule agreeueth The high God possessor of heauen and earth hath required and commaunded it yet who regardeth The Lorde hath spoken and yet who obeyeth If a father should command a duty of his son or a maister of his seruant he could not patiently endure to be disobeyed and shal we not thinke that God will require his lawes at our hands Againe to his commaundement he hath annexed a promise which maketh our sin and vnthankfulnes the greater if we shew not our selues ready in yeelding to this duty Besides seeing this sacra is a speciall prop to stay vp our faith and geth with it Christ and all his merits and heauenly treasurs we are vtter enemies to our owne selues to our own souls and to our owne saluation if we neglect ●o great mercy offe●e● vnto vs. Wherefore it is not left free vnto vs and committed to our discretion to receiue or not receiue this were no lawfull liberty but vnlawfull lycentiousnesse Heere in the faithfull find very great comfort and an effectuall meanes to strengthen their faith Euen as the sicke man that feeleth his sickenes and knoweth his own weaknes shoulde haue a speciall care to looke to his stomacke that therby he may receiue norishment gather strength so we are all spiritually diseased assaulted of Satan tempted of the flesh ouercome after●imes of sin and must seeke strength of saith from this heauenly nourishment God of his compassion hath set vp his Sacrament as a signe vpon an high hill whence it may be seene farre and neere on euery side to raise vp such as are fallen to strengthen such as stand to comfort such as are weak and to call vnto him such as run away from him whereby hee gathereth them vnder his winges It is as the brazen Sepent that comming vnto it with a faith to be healed we might liue and not perish It is a banner displayed that euery Ch●●stian souldi●r should resort vnto it as vnto his owne comfortable Supper to be had in often vse and continuall remembrance to put vs in mind of his continuall mercy laid vp for vs in the blood of Christ and to ratifie and seale vp the same farre more liuely then the ba●e word onely When the words of Christs institution are spoken This is my body which is broken for you this is my blood which was shed for you When these words I say are reade vnto vs our of the scriptures they confirme our faith but much more when the Sacrament is seene with our eyes that we behold the bred broken and looke vpon the wine poured out but most of all when we tast and handle when we eate and drinke the outwarde signes We see when one maketh a bare promise to another with wordes onely betweene themselues he beginneth to doubt to whome the promise is made of the performance thereof if he adde an oath for confirmation the promise is more assuredly ratified but if he giue his hande writing and seale it to the party the matter is made out of doubt Thus we doe reason and helpe our faith We haue the promises of God wee haue the oath of God we haue the wordes and writinges of God we haue the seales and Sacramentes of God these are not reserued in the Lords keeping but are put into our owne handes to see them to keepe them to vse them for our comfort and assurance I speake after the manner of men if wee haue a free promise from an honest man penned fairely in writing ratified vnder his owne hand and seale and all giuen vnto vs to locke and lay vp we doubt not of the possession Now let vs consider the Lords doing and see what hee hath done for vs who is not as man that he shoulde lie nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue God sent his sonne into the world to take our nature vpon him to be like vs euen in his infirmities hee named himselfe Iesus that is a Sauiour because he shoulde saue his people from their sinnes after his death he sent his Apostles to preach the glad tidings of remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation he ordained his last supper immediately before his death to testifie and assure them vnto vs not onely by sounding them in our eares but by beholding tasting smelling feeling and feeding to seale them in our hearts and also daily to be repeated and ministred vnto vs. Seeing then we haue both his promises and oath his worde and writings his seales and Sacramentes in our keeping what would we haue more He would not make halfe so much adoin assuring his promises if he loued vs not he would not set such authentike seals to his deede and obligations vnlesse he ment good earnest His bare worde and naked promise is verie good paiment but he respecteth our weakenes whose mercifull kindnesse must not be neglected through our vnthankefulnes