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A19988 Christian prayers and meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greeke, and Latine. Day, Richard, b. 1552, attributed name.; Day, John, 1522-1584, attributed name. 1569 (1569) STC 6428; ESTC S105219 107,331 687

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humilitie and payedst the price of our raunsome by thy most bitter death and passion for the which I most hartely geue thankes to thee so of the same thy loue towardes vs in thy good time thou wilt come againe in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glory with flaming fire with thousandes of saintes with angels of thy power with a mighty cry shoute of an Archangell and blast of a trumpe sodenly as a lightning which shineth from the East c. when men thinke least euen as a thiefe in the night when mē be a slepe thou wilt so come I say thus sodainly in the twincklyng of an eie all men that euer haue bene be and shall be with women and children appearyng before thy tribunall iudgemēt seat to render an accompt of all thinges which they haue thought spoken and done against thy law openly and before all Aungels saintes and Deuils and so to receiue the iust reward of thy vengeaunce if that they haue not repented obeyed the gospell and so depart from thee to the Deuill his angels and all the wicked which euer haue bene be or shall be into hell fire which is vnquencheable and of paynes intolerable easeles endeles hopeles euen from the feare of thy glorious mighty power But if they haue repented and beleued thy gospel if they be found watching with their lampes oyle in their handes if they be found ready appareled with the wedding garmēt of innocency if they haue not hardened their hartes hourded vp the treasure of thy vengeaunce in the day of wrath to be reuealed but haue vsed the tyme of grace the acceptable tyme the time of saluatiō that is the time of this lyfe in the which thou stretchest out thy hande and spreadest thine armes calling and crying vnto vs to come vnto thee which art meeke in hart and lowly for thou wilt ease all that labour and are heauy loden if they haue visited the sicke and prisoners comforted the comfortlesse fedde the hungry clothed the naked lodged the harbourles if they haue not loden their hartes with glotony and surfeting and carefulnes of this life if they haue not digged and hid their talent in the ground doing no good therwith but haue bene faithfull to occupy thy gifts to thy glory and here washed their garmentes in thy bloud by harty repentance then shal thy aungels gather them together not as the wicked which shall be collected as fagots cast into the fire but as the good wheate that is gathered into thy barne then shall they be caught vp to meete thee in the clouds then shall their corruptible body put on incorruption then shall they be indued with immortality and glory then shall they be with thee and goe whether thou goest then shal they heare Come blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning c. then shall they be set on seates of maiestie iudging the whole worlde then shall they raigne with thee for euer then shall God be all in all with them and to them thē shal they enter and enherite the heauenly Jerusalem and the glorious restfull land of Canaan where is alwayes day and neuer night where is no maner of weping teares infirmitie hunger colde sickenes enuy malice nor sinne but alwayes ioy wtout sorow mirth without measure pleasure wtout paine heauenly harmony most pleasant melody saying and singing holy holy Lorde God of hostes c. Finally the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither hath it entred into the harte of man that they shall then enherite and most surely enioy althogh here they be tormented prisoned burned sollicited of Sathan tempted of the flesh and entangled with the worlde wherethrough they are enforced to cry Thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesu c. How amiable are thy tabernacles Lyke as the harte desireth the water brookes c. Now let thy seruaunt departe in peace I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ We mourne in our selues wayting for the deliueraunce of our bodies c. Oh gracious Lord when shall I find such mercy with thee that I may repent beleue hope and looke for these thinges with the full fruition of those heauenly ioyes which thou hast prepared for all thē that feare thee and so rest with thee for euermore ❧ A meditation concerning the lyfe euerlastyng the place where it is and the incomparable ioyes therof THat there is an enerlasting life none wil deny but such as wil deny God For if he be true iust which he must needes be or els he is not God then can there not be but an eternall life That he hath both spoken it and promised it in Math. 25. 1. Cor. 16. Hebr. 4. 11. 13. 1. Petr. 1. it plainly appeareth and els where in very many places So that to deny an euerlasting lyfe is to deny God to deny Christ and all that euer he did also to deny all pietie religion to condemne of foolishnes all good men martyrs confessors Euangelistes Prophetes Patriarckes Finally the deniall of eternal life is no thing els but a deniall of the immortalitie of the soule and so a plaine making of man no thing better then beastes If it be so let vs then eate and drinke for to morow we shall die Lord preserue vs frō this Saduceal and Epicureall impietie and graunt vs for thy mercies sake deare God that we may be assuredly perswaded that there is in deede an eternall life and blisse wyth thee for them that put their trust in thee amongst whome accompt me for thy mercies sake Agayne this eternall lyfe and the place appoynted for them that be thy seruauntes all men do graunt to be wyth thee Albeit they do not think that because thou art euery where therfore eternall life is euery where For they by thy worde do know that in as much as no man can see thee and liue this eternall lyfe and thy blessed presence is most pleasant and had in fruition after in an other world wher unto by corporall death they do depart and are translated to a place aboue them where thou dwellest in a light whervnto no man can approche Abrahams bosome they read was aboue as the place for the wicked was a lowe and beneath Helias was caught vp into heauen and thy sonne our deare sauiour prayed that where he is those also might be which thou hadst geuē him and might se his glory Now he deare father we learne by thy spirite was ascended and taken vp in his very body into heauen whether Steuen loked vp and sawe thy Christ standing on thy right hand to whom he prayed Oh Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Graunt I beseche thee gracious god and father that I may haue a cleane hart more more to see thee and so in spirite to see and loke often vpō this place whether bring me at the length in body also I humbly pray thee Now what a thyng this
our owne strengthes and deseruinges but by thy louing and mercifull working we pray to be saued and restored thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Deprofundis cla PSALME CXXX ¶ The people of God from their bottomles miseries do cry vnto God and are heard They confesse their sinnes and flee vnto Gods mercy OUt of the depe haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voyce O let thine eares consider wel the voyce of my cōplaint If thou Lorde wilt be extreme marke what is done amisse oh Lord who may abyde it For there is mercy with thee therfore shalt thou be feared I looke for the Lorde my soule doth wait for him in his word is my trust My soule flyeth vnto the Lorde before the mornyng watch I say before the morning watch O Israell trust in the Lord for with the lord there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel from all his sinnes ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalme THou art oft wont O almighty God greuously to afflict thy faythfull people that thereby they may retourne to thee with feruent and perfect repentaunce whereof nowe in thy churche we haue experience in these most troublesome times For we that heretofore haue infinite wayes bene vnthankfull to thee haue daily broken thy law are oftentimes so vexed with the fiercenes of the diuell and his seruantes that we are constrained to cry to thee out of the most depe pitte of our miseries to pray thee that thou wilt not so seuerely punishe our sinnes If thou O God be determined to marke and punish our iniquities according to their deseruinges which of vs shall be so cleane and holy that he shall be able to stand before thy righteousnes But sith we knowe that thou art full of exceding mercy we do both morning euening loke vp for thy helpe Although therefore our offences be many yet it may please thee of thy most plentifull goodnes and mercy to succour vs that beyng deliuered from these instant perils and from the miseries that oppresse vs we may both beleue and report that with thee alone is true redemption through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An other prayer taken out of the same psalme FOrasmuch as O almighty God we are continually tossed in the depe sea of temptations ▪ and are not able of our selues to withstand them we do for our great necessitie beseche thee mercifully to relieue vs. For if thou beyng iudge and examiner of all our doynges shalt narrowly marke all our offences against thee and rigorously punish them who shall be able to stand before thy throne Wherefore sithe there is with thee great and infinite clemency as our only trust is therin so we beseche thee that our iniquities may therby be redeemed With this onely confidence we are daily hourely nourished and do trust that thou wilt neuer forget the true Israell that is thy church Graunt therfore we pray thee that we may obtayne of thee pardon of our sinnes as the true and perfect fruite of this affiaunce thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine exaudi PSALME CXLIII ¶ An earnest prayer for remission of sinnes acknowledging that the enemies did thus cruelly persecute hym by Gods iust iudgement He desireth to be restored to grace to be gouerned by his holy spirite that he maye spende the remnaunt of his life in the true feare and seruice of God HEare my praier O lord and consider my desire hearken vnto me for thy truth righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall no man liuyng be iustified For the enemy hath persecuted my soule he hath smiten my life downe to the ground he hath layd me in the darkenes as the men that haue bene long dead Therfore is my spirit vexed within me and my hart with in me is desolate Yet doo I remember the tyme past I muse vppon all thy workes yea I exercise my selfe in the workes of thy handes I stretch forth my handes vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirite waxeth faint hide not thy face frō me least I be like vnto them that go downe into the pit O let me heare thy louyng kindnes betymes in the mornyng for in thee is my trust shew thou me the way that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies for I flie vnto thee to hide me Teache me to do the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my god let thy louyng spirite lead me forth into the land of righteousnes Quicken me O Lorde for thy names sake and for thy righteousnesse sake bryng my soule vnto thee And of thy goodnes slea myne enemies and destroy all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt ¶ A prayer taken out of the 143. Psalme WE do earnestly desire O lord God that thou wilt encline to our common petitions and for thy truth and mercies sake heare the prayers that we poure out before thee And we deny not that the sinnes wherwith we haue greuously offēded thee do not so deserue But if thou wouldest deale with vs by extremitie of thy law iudgement and dryue vs to seuere trial forasmuch as no mortall man yea no creature be the same neuer so pure and holy were able to abide it we also without doubte must nedes be condemned and not able to stand before thy iudgemēt seat in thy presence It may therefore please thee with thine accustomed clemency and pity to behold how vehemently our ennemy pursueth our soules wherby we are so vexed and ouercome that our case semeth litle to differ from the estate of the dead so sore is our spirit accombred within vs and our harte astonied Yet do we wel remember of thy former and auncient mercy wherby thou art wont wondrously to succour thine elect whē theyr cases are most dispaired Wherefore now we doo not onely lift vp our handes but also with all our hartes we crye to thee that thou wilt deliuer thy church frō thyne enemies and so gouerne vs wyth thy good spirit that hereafter we may accordyng to thy wil good pleasure faithfully do those things that are vpright and holy beyng brought out of this distresse reuiued by thy strengthe and helpe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ An other out of the same Psalme SO great O Lorde is our wante of righteousnesse that all such as are well in structed with thy spirite do well know how vnable we are to stande before thy iudgement Therfore when we wey our deseruinges our spirite fayleth and our harte is amased But by and by we turne to thy mercy and do confesse that our vnrighteousnesse commeth not of our self but is thy worke Vpholden and encouraged with thee we flie to thy fauour in our perils of this lyfe For vnlesse thou doo helpe vs we
beyng hurt by no persecutions may euermore geue thankes vnto thee in thy holy Church thorough Jesu Christ our Lord. O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard wyth our eares our Fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou didest in theyr dayes and in the olde time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy honour Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now c. Amen From our enemies defend vs O Christ Gratiously looke vpon our afllictions Pitifully behold the sorrowes of our hartes Mercifully forgeue the sinnes of thy people Fauorably with mercy heare our prayers O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ Gratiously heare vs O Christ gratiously heare vs O Lord Christ. O Lord let thy mercy be sheshed vpon vs. As we do put our trust in thee Let vs pray WE humbly besech thee O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne from vs all those euils that we most righteously haue deserued and graunt that in al our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy and euermore serue thee in holines and purenes of liuing to thy honor and glory through our onely mediatour and aduocate Jesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer for the Queenes Maiestie O Lord our heauenly father high and mighty king of kings Lord of Lords the only ruler of Princes which doest frō thy throne behold all the dwellers vpon the earth most hartely we besech thee with thy fauour to beholde our most gracious soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth so replenish her with the grace of thy holy spirite that she may alway incline to thy will walke in thy way Indue her plentifully with heauenly giftes Graunt her in health and wealth long to liue Strēgthen her that she may vanquishe and ouercome all her enemies and finally after thys life she may attaine euerlasting ioy felicitie through Christ our Lord Amen In the tyme of any common plague or sicknes O Almighty God which in thy wrath in the tyme of king Dauid diddest slea with the plague of pestilence three score and ten thousand and yet remembring thy mercy diddest saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with great sicknes and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then commaunde thyne Aungell to cease from punishing So it may please thee to withdraw frō vs this plague and greuous sicknes through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A prayer of Chrisostome ALmighty God which hast geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accorde to make our common supplications vnto thee and doost promise that when two or three be gathered together in thy name thou wilt graunt theyr requestes fulfil now O Lord the desires and petitions of thy seruauntes as may be most expedient for them graunting vs in this worlde knowledge of thy truth and in the world to come life euerlasting Amen ¶ In time of sicknes MOst mercifull redemer thou art alwais merciful who art alwaies the Sauiour whether thou doest send health or sicknes wealth or aduersitie ioy or sorow For it is of great mercy whē by outward afflictions as it were by bitter but yet wholsome medicines thou doest heale the inward diseases of the soule and by temporarie troubles which do last but for a short time doest prepare vs to eternall ioyes which endure for euer And thy self O gratious Sauiour passing into thy glory through the greatest afflictions of thys worlde hast trodē out vnto vs by thy steps that way to true and perfect felicitie in the which no humble and true seruant ought eyther to disdaine or to shrincke to followe after hys Lord and Master so going before hym But for so much as without thee we can doe nothyng that good is I besech thee to endue me with thy heauenly grace that I may take vp willingly obediently thys crosse which thou hast appoynted vnto me and folow after thee and that I may drinke of as it were this medicinable cup though bitter vnto the flesh which thou the heauenly phisitian doest thus offer vnto me patiently without grndging or murmuring agaynst thee and that I may with thy faithfull seruant Job and with vnfayned lips and hart say the Lord hath geuen the Lord hath taken away as it hath pleased the Lorde so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lord. For if I haue receiued gladly youth health riches honour and ioy at thy handes O lord why should I refuse patiently to take age sicknes aduersitie and sorrowe at thy handes also These thinges be in dede very greuous vnto fraile nature and fleshe but thou my Lorde though most perfectly innocent infinitely hast suffered more greuous thinges for me and I haue deserued infinitely more greuous thinges who haue so oft deserued hell But yet thou knowest the frailtie of our humane condition and nature Wherefore I besech thee as thou pourest sharpe wine into our woūdes to bite away the corruption of our sinnes so after the example of the mercifull Samaritane set forth in thy holy Gospell to resemble thy selfe adde vnto the sharpe wyne of thy correction the suppling oyle of thy mercifull comfort wherby I may be able to suffer things which otherwise are intolerable vnto me And if it bee thy pleasure to encrease sorow vpon me encrease also thy grace and gift of patience in me and turne these worldly and bodily afflictions to the profite of my soule by mine acknowledging of thy iustice in punishing me worthely and thy mercy in correcting me graciously euen like as a father hath pitie vpon hys children whē he beateth them and by my submitting of my owne will vnto thy holy will patiently taking of this thy prouing and trying of me whether I loue thee or no may offer that sacrifice of obedience which is acceptable vnto thee And when thy fatherly pietie shall be contented with thy meeke chastising of me then I besech thee send calme after thys tempest quietnes after thys trouble and ioy after thys sorrow that I may render thākes vnto thee for double causes both that thou hast first corrected and amended me an vnprofitable seruaunt and afterward hast taken away the bitternes of affliction with the softnes of thy comfort in the one hauing regard of necessitie in the other not forgetting my infirmitie and in both as in all thinges alwaies remembring thy mercy vnto the which I doe commend and betake my self both body and soule now and for euer Vnto thee with the father and the holy ghost one God of most excellent maiestie be all prayse honour and thankesgeuing for euer and euer Amē ¶ An other in sicknes ALmightie God and most mercifull father who doest correct all those whō thou doest receaue bringing euen vnto the very
in Christ and by Christ O father of glory geue vnto vs the spirite of wisdom and bryng vs into the true knowledge of this thy beloued sonne Jesus Christ and the knowledge of thy selfe Open and lighten the eyes of our myndes and vnderstandyng that we may know what the hope is whereunto thou hast called vs and how riche the glory of thine enheritance is vpon thy saintes and the excedyng greatnes of thy power towards vs that by true faith by vnderstanding and knowledge of thine eternal wisdom which is Jesus Christ we may be in dede as we are called true christians and vnfeyned professoures of thy holy name to worship thee in spirite and truth and to set forth the glory of thy grace geuen vnto vs in Christ Jesus our Lord Amen O deare Father wryte in our hartes loue of thy law hate to all sinne thankfulnes of hart and continuall heat of thy holy spirite for thy sonne Jesus christes sake To whom with thee and thy holy spirit be all honour maiestie glory thankes rule empire and dominion for euermore ❧ A forme of thanks-geuing for our redemption and prayer for strength and encrease of faith ETernal praise thanks bee geuen vnto thee deare God father of our Lord Jesus Christ which hast blessed vs with all spirituall blessinges in heauenly thinges by Christ in that thou hast chosen vs in hym before the foundation of the worlde was layd that we should be wythout blame before thee through him by whome we haue redemption through hys bloud euen the forgeuenes of our sinnes In whom after we heard the worde of truth the Gospell of our saluation wherein we beleued we were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance which spirite hath and doth beare witnes vnto our spirites that we are thy children and therefore cryeth in our hartes Abba Father And thus most gracious father when thou hast once geuen the earnest peny of our saluatiō into our hartes thou doost not repent of thy gift calling neither wilt thou at any time breake thy couenant of grace and mercy in Christ thy sonnes merites confirmed in vs by that seale and loue token For what though we be weake in our beliefe shall our vnbeliefe make thy promise of no effect No thou wilt alwayes be found true but all men be liers And yet Lorde thou doost most graciously behold and accept be it neuer so little a sparke of fayth We say therefore cry vnto thee with one that wept and said I beleue Lord helpe my vnbeliefe Yea that little be it neuer so little is thy mere gift also The which as thou hast begon so most merciful Lord encrease the same more and more to the peace and comfort of our conscience and the glory of thy name through Jesus Christ Amen ❧ A meditation for the exercise of true mortification HE that wil be ready in waighty matters to deny hys owne will and to be obedient to the will of God the same had neede to accustome himselfe to deny his desires in matters of lesse waight and to exercise the mortificatiō of his owne wil in trifles For if that our affections by this daily custome be not as it were halfe slaine surely surely whē the plunge shall come we shall finde the more to do If we cannot watch with Christ one houre as he sayth to Peter we vndoutedly can much lesse go to death with him Wherfore that in great temptatiōs we may be ready to say wyth Christ Not my wyll but thyne be done in that this commonly commeth not to passe but where the rootes of our lustes by thy grace deare father are almost rotten and rooted out by a daily deniall of that they desire I humbly beseche thee for Christes sake to helpe meherein First pardon me my cherishing and as it were watering of mine affectiōs obeying them in their deuises and superfluous desires wherethrough in that they haue taken deepe roote and are to liuely in me I secondly do beseche thee to pull them vp by the rootes out of my hart and so henceforthe to order me that I may continually accustome my self to weaken the principall roote that they by rootes and braunches may loose all their power Graunt me I beseche thee that thy grace may daily mortify my concupiscence of pleasure in thinges that is of wealth riches glory liberty fauour of mē meates drinkes apparel ease yea and life it selfe that the horror and impaciency of more greuous things may be weakened and I made more pacient in aduersitie Wherunto I further desire and pray thy goodnes dere father that thou wilt adde this namely that I may for euer become obedient and ready to do thy good will in all things hartely and willingly to serue thee and do whatsoeuer may pleàse thee For doubtles although we accustome our selues in the pleasaunt thinges of this life to a mortification and deniall of our selues yet we shal finde enough to do when more bitter and weighty crosses come For if thy sonne our Sauiour euer wont to obey thy good will prayed so hartely and often Not my will but thy will be done wherby he declareth him selfe to be very man how can it be but we whose nature is corrupt not only in natiuitie but in the rest of our whole life also shal find both our handes full in great and greuous temtations wholy to resigne our selues vnto thee Graunt therfore deare father for thy christes sake I most hartely beseche thee thy grace and holy spirite to be effectuall in me that daily I may accustome my selfe to deny my will in more easy and pleasant things of this lyfe that when neede shal be I may come vnto thee with a resigned will alwayes stedfastly expecting thy mercy and in the meane season cōtinually obeying thee with readines and willïngnes doing whatsoeuer may most please thee through Christ our lord which liueth with thee c ¶ A meditation of the comming of Christ to iudgement and of the rewarde both of the faithful vnfaithful OH Lord Jesus Christ the sonne of the euerliuing God by whō all thinges were made are ruled and gouerned as of thy loue for our redemption thou didst not disdaine to be our mediatour and to take vppon thee our nature in the wombe of a virgine purely and without sinne by the operation of the holy spirite that both thou mightest in thine owne person wōderfully beautifie and exalte our nature and worke the same in vs also first abolishing the giltines of sinne by remission then sinne it selfe by death and last of all death by raysing vp againe these our bodies that they may be like vnto thyne owne glorious and immortall body according to the power wherewith thou art able to subiect all thinges vnto thee as I say of thy loue for our redemption thou becamest man and that most poore and afflicted vpon earth by the space of xxxiii yeres at the least in most
enemies Away frō me all that worke vanitie for the Lorde hath heard the voyce of my weping The Lorde hath heard my petition the Lord will heare my prayer All mine enemies shall be confounded sore vexed they shall be turned backe and put to shame sodainly ¶ A prayer taken out of the VI. Psalme WE deserue without dout O almighty God for our wicked offences and infinite sinnes to be seuerely chastised of thee but trustyng to thy great mercy we most humbly beseeche thee that thou wilte not punishe vs in thy wrath nor in thy heauye displeasure We tremble O our good father and be in manner astonied with feare when we call to mynde our owne sinnes and thy righteousnes Do not therfore we besech thee as we haue with our euill deedes deserued throw vs downe to hell for there we shall not be able to sing to thy glory nor to set forth thy prayse Our enemies do gredily desire to haue it so but thou O God looke backe vpon the teares of them that trust in thee make the workers of wickednes to depart from vs. Finally so heare vs that they all may be ashamed confounded that are enemies to our safetie and to thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ❧ Beati quorum PSALME XXXII ¶ Dauid punished with greuous sicknes for his sinnes counteth them blessed to whome God doth not impute their transgressions And after that he had confessed his sinnes and obteined pardon he exhorteth the wicked men to liue godly and the good to reioyce BLessed is he whose vnrighteousnes is forgeuen and whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the Lorde imputeth no sinne and in whose spirite there is no guile For while I helde my tong my bones consumed awaye thorough my daily complayning For thy hand is heauy vpon me day night and my moysture is lyke the droughte in sommer I will knowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine vnrighteousnes haue I not hid I sayde I will confesse my sinnes vnto the Lord and so thou forgauest the wickednes of my sinne For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in a tyme when thou mayst be found but in the great water floudes they shall not come nigh hym Thou art a place to hide me in thou shalt preserue me from trouble thou shalte compasse me about with songes of deliuerance I will enforme thee teach thee in the way wherein thou shaltgo and I wil guide thee with mine eye Be ye not lyke to horse and mule which haue no vnderstanding whose mouths must be holden with bit and bridle lest they fall vpon thee Great plages remayne for the vngodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lord mercy embraceth hym on euery syde Be glad O ye righteous reioyce in the Lord be ioyful all ye that are true of harte ¶ A prayer taken out of the XXXII Psalme WE are taught by thee O our most good and mighty God that here in standeth the true felicitie of those that be thyne that their sinnes be forgeuen couered and not layd to their charge in thy iudgement Of the obtaining whereof if euer there were neede now it appeareth that we haue greatest neede of it when the calamities of this present time do set our sinnes before our eyes For we feele that thy hand waxeth heauy vppon thy church wherefore we haue thought it best for vs not to cloke our synnes but to confesse them openly before thee and we distrust not that thou of thy great goodnes wilt forth with pardon forgeue vs our offences Wherfore being thine owne we beseche thee at this tyme when we doubte not that thou wilte be founde that thou wilt not suffer thy people to be ouerwhelmed of the vngodly which now abounde like vnto ouerflowing waters Be thou to vs a place of succour refuge in these afflictions Do thou instruct and teach vs the wayes of saluation and whatsoeuer portion of brutish and vntamed lust remaineth in vs do thou with the bitte and bridle of thy spirite so subdue and restraine that we be not for it throwne hedlong into euerlasting destruction And at length O Lord let the sorrowes and miseries be poured out vpon the enemies of thy glory but let those that trust in thee be fenced and defended with thy singuler bountifulnes that they which be zelous louers of thy name and vpright in harte may reioyce in thee and triumphe with perfect gladnes through Iesus Christ our Lord. ❧ An other out of the same Psalme THey are vndoubtedly blessed O almighty GOD to whom of thy mercy thou hast vouchsaued to pardon their sinnes and not to impute to them but to couer and forgeue all the wickednes and misdoing what so euer it be that hath heretofore defiled them We do most certainly know that it is impossible for vs to obteine so great a benefite vnlesse we do first onely see our owne euils and bewray them to thee and poure forth into thy bosome what so euer we haue sinnefully wickedly and shamefully committed against thy law Wherefore we confesse to thee O our heauenly father that our vnrighteousnes is most haynous and that our consciences are most miserably ouerburdened with the weight of our wickednes Thou therefore with thy mercy do now relieue vs and whatsoeuer misdoyng and iniquitie remaineth in vs we besech thee that thou wilt louingly and mercifully wipe it away from vs. Deliuer vs from the miseries hangyng ouer vs instruct vs with true vnderstanding and with thy prudent care so gouerne vs that we do not with euill affections runne out of kinde and become as most folishe brute beastes but that being garnished with thy goodnes we may be cheared with true gladnes and perfect ioy before thee thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine in PSALME XXXVIII ¶ Dauid lying sicke of some greuous disease acknowledgeth himselfe to be chastised of the Lorde for his sinnes and therfore prayeth God to turne away his wrath He vttereth the greatnes of his griefe by many wordes and circumstances as wounded with the arrowes of Gods ire forsaken of hys frendes euill intreated of his enemies But in the end with firme confidence he commendeth his cause to God and hopeth for spedy helpe at his hand PUt me not to rebuke O Lord in thine anger neyther chasten me in thy heauy displeasure For thine arrowes stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sinne For my wickednes are gone ouer my head and are lyke a sore burthen to heauy for me to beare My woundes stincke and are corrupt through my folishnes I am brought into so great trouble and misery that I go mourning all the day long For my loines are filled with a sore disease and there is no whole part in my body I am feble and sore smitten I haue
plainly see our saluation past recouerie Shew vs the way wherein we may safely go and teach vs the manner how to performe thy wyll and with thy holy spirit that procedeth from thee gouerne all our doings thoughts through Iesus Christ our lord Amen * §§* ❧ Here beginneth the Letany and Suffrages O God the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father of hea c. O God the sonne redemer of the world haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the sonne redemer of c. O God the holy Ghost proceding from the father and the sonne haue mercy vpō vs miserable sinners O God the holy Ghost proceding c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinity thre persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengeance of our sins Spare vs good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thy most precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Spare vs good Lord. From all euill and mischiefe from sinne from the craftes and assaultes of the deuill frō thy wrath and from euerlasting damnation Good Lord deliuer vs. From all blindnes of hart frō pride vayne glory and hipocrisy from enuy hatred and malice all vncharitablenes Good Lord deliuer vs. From fornicatiō and all other deadly sinne and from all the deceites of the world the flesh and the Deuill Good Lord deliuer vs. From lightninges and tempestes from plague pestilence and famine from battaile and murder from sodaine death Good Lord deliuer vs. From all sedition and priuie conspiracie from all false doctrine and heresy frō all hardnes of hart and contempt of thy word commaundement Good Lord deliuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnation by thy holy Natiuitie and circumcision by thy Baptisme fasting and temptation Good Lord deliuer vs. By thyne agony and bloudy sweat by thy crosse and passion by thy precious death and buriall by thy glorious resurrection and ascension and by the comming of the holy Ghost Good Lord deliuer vs. In al time of our tribulation in all tyme of our wealth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lord deliuer vs. Me sinners do beseche thee to heare vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Church vniuersally in the right way We beseech thee to heare vs good Lord. That it may please thee to keepe and strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnes and holynes of life thy seruant Elizabeth our most gracious Queene and gouernour We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to rule her hart in thy faith feare and loue that she may euermore haue affiaunce in thee and euer seeke thy honor and glory We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to be her defender and keeper geuing her the victory ouer all her enemyes We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishoppes Pastoures and ministers of the Church wyth true knowledge vnderstanding of thy word and that both by their preachyng and lyuyng they may set it forth and shew it accordingly We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to indue the Lordes of the Counsell and all the nobility with grace wisdome and vnderstanding We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe the Maiestrates geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truth We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe all thy people We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue to al nations vnity peace and concord We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue all thy people encrease of grace to heare meekely thy worde and to receiue it with pure affection and to bring forth the fruites of the spirit We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to bring into the way of truth all such as haue erred and are deceaued We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to strenghthen such as do stand and to comfort and helpe the weake harted and to rayse vp them that fall and finally to beate downe Sathan vnder our feete We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to succour helpe and comfort all that be in daunger necessitie and tribulation We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to preserue all that trauell by land or by water all women labouring with childe al sicke persons and yong children and to shew thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to defend and prouide for the fatherles children and widowes and all that be desolate and oppressed We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to haue mercy vpon all men We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to forgeue our enemyes persecutors and slaunderers and to turne their hartes We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue and preserue to our vse the kindly fruites of the earth so as in due tyme we may enioy them We beseech thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue vs true repentance to forgeue vs al our sinnes negligēces and ignorances and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite to amend our liues according to thy holy worde We beseech thee to heare vs. c. ¶ Sonne of God we beseche thee to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseech thee to heare vs. O lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art c. And lead vs not into tēptatiō But deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ The virsicle O Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes Aunswere Neither reward vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father that dispisest not the sighing of a contrite hart nor the desire of such as be sorowfull mercfully assist our prayers that we make before thee in al our troubles aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs and gratiously heare vs that those euils which the craft and subtiltie of the Deuil or mā worketh agaynst vs may be brought to nought by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that we thy seruauntes
gates of death and yet reducing backe againe I besech thee that as thou hast with thy sharpe visitation and greuous sicknes already corrected me thy disobedient seruaunt so thou wilt also after thys thy fatherly correction mercifully relieue and restore me if it may so stand with thy gratious goodnes euen as thy beloued sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ vppon earnest sute and prayer as in hys holy Gospell is mentioned relieued and restored vnto health the rulers sonne being in extreme sicknes and at the very poynt of death which my most humble sute I likewise entirely make vnto thee most mercifull father in the name of the same thy dearlybeloued sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost world without end Amen ¶ In time of sicknes O Most mightie most mercifull Sauior Jesu Christ the onely sonne of the liuing God who being here vpon the earth amongest mortall men by the healing of all diseases and pardoning of the sinnes of such as put theyr trust in thee diddest declare vnto the world that thou art that onely heauenly and perfect Physition as well of our soules as of our bodyes and when such as trusted in theyr owne righteousnes did lay it to thy charge as a fault that thou diddest keepe company with sinners thou diddest expressely testifie that not such as were in health but such as were sicke had nede of the Physitian Beholde O heauenly Physitian here in me a matter most worthy of thy diuine cure most meete to shew both thy power and mercy vppon Behold a person sore oppressed both with the sickenes of my soule and body Beholde me thy handmaiden vpon whom from my tender yeares vnto thys day thou hast heaped so great so many and almost infinite benefites of thy gratious goodnes whom being borne of a king and Queene thou hast not onely endued with giftes of grace meete for a kingdome but also hast deliuered me from many great daungers out of the handes of my enemies from the snares of death which they had set for my life hast exalted me vnto the dignitie of a Queene and placed me in the high estate of honour amongest mortall persons and that not through any my deseruyng but onely of thy free goodnes and mere liberalitie But now O Lord either lest too much worldly prosperitie should cary my minde astray and cause me to forget my selfe and my boūden dutie towardes thee or els for that I being by thee made a Queene ouer thy people haue neuer as I ought to doe from my hart acknowledged and confessed my self to be the subiecte and handmaiden of thy Maiestie neither behaued my selfe towardes thee accordingly as became thy bond maiden neither being thankfull towardes thee as my most gratious Sauiour nor obedient vnto thee as my most dreadfull Lord or els for other causes vnto thy diuine wisedome best knowen now I say eyther wholesomly to admonish or most iustly to punishe thy disobedient seruant and so gratiously to correcte and amend me thou hast stricken me with a greuous sicknes of my body and very daūgerous vnto my life and also troubled abashed my minde with terrours and anguishes of my soule and withall thou hast by my daunger sore flighted and amased thy people of England whose safetie quietnes next after thee seemeth to stay vppon me aboue all other worldly creatures and vpon my life and continuance amongest them Wherfore as well I as thy people cōmitted ▪ vnto me bowing the knees of our hartes before thy maiestie do hūbly besech thee most gratious Sauiour in thy iudgement to remember thy mercy and according to thy accustomed goodnes to deliuer me thy handmaiden from thys present perill of daungerous sicknes And first O heauenly Physitian I besech thee heale my soule pardoning my vnkindnes towardes thee forgeuing my forgetfulnes of thee and of my selfe vtterly blotting out and putting cleane away all other my sinnes committed agaynst thy Maiestie Heale my minde reforming and instructing me with thy heauenly grace that I may take thys sicknes which thou hast most iustly punished me withall contentedly and paciently as a bitter but wholesome medicine of all the diseases of my minde offered vnto me by thee as it were by the handes of the best Physician And withall heale my body also making it sound and pure frō all infirmities remnantes of sicknes that I may be throughly cured by the hauing of a whole minde in a whole body and that I hauing obteyned perfect health of both by thy only benefite not onely my self but also all thy people of England with me may both be taught by the perill past hereafter to geue due reuerence and obedience vnto thy maiestie and for the deliuerie from so great a daunger and benefite of perfect health may magnifie thy goodnes and mercy with perpetuall prayses and continuall thankesgeuing who with thy heauenly father and the holy Ghost are one immortall and most glorious God to whom belongeth all Empyre power and maiestie worlde without end Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayd after sicknes or any other kinde of crosse or affliction ALmightie most mercifull father I thy poore creature worke of thyne handes acknowledge and confesse vnto thee my manifolde sinnes and offences which I frō my youth vp vnto thys day haue cōmitted agaynst thee in thought word and deede am taught and moued by thy worde and grace to be hartely sory for the same beseching thee for Jesus Christ thy deare sonnes sake to haue mercy vpon me and to forgeue me all these myne offences according to thy great mercy and promise which hast sayd At what time so euer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne frō the bottome of hys hart I will put all hys wickednes out of my remembraunce Ezech. xviij O Lord I confesse that I was borne in sinne and conceaued in wickednes and am by nature a childe of wrath for in my fleshe dwelleth no good thyng and of my selfe I am not able to thinke a good thought much lesse to do that thou in thy lawe requirest of me which hast sayd Cursed is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the lawe to doe them Again thy law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sinne Therfore O Lorde I come vnto thee for grace which hast sayd Aske ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you to preuent and draw my will vnto all goodnes for none can come vnto thee except he bee drawen and except we bee borne from aboue we can not see the kingdome of God Therfore O Lorde renue in me a right spirite that I may receaue strength and ablenes to do thy righteous will Assist me with thy grace that I may be strengthened with power in the inward man and be armed with thy holy armour which is the brestplate of righteousnes the shield of fayth the hope of
CHRISTIAN Prayers and Meditations in English French Italian Spanish Greeke and Latine IMPRINTED at London by Iohn Daye An. 1569. IESSE DAVID SALOMŌ ABIA 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 IORAM OSIAS IOATAM AHAS ESECHIA Manss● E R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Elizabeth Regina 2. PARALIPOM 6. Domine Deus Israel non est similis tui Deus in coelo in terra qui pacta custodis misericordiam cum seruis tuis qui ambulant coram te in toto corde suo ❧ Prayers to be sayd in the mornyng and first when you awake out of your sleepe pray thus MOste mercifull God and father of our Sauior Jesus Christ I moste humbly thanke thee for the sweete sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast geuen me this night past besechyng thee that lyke as thou hast now awaked my body from sleepe so thou wouldest awake my soule from the slepe of sinne and darkenes of thys world and that which thou hast now awaked out of slepe thou wouldest after deathe wherof this sleepe is but an image restore rayse agayne to life euerlasting Oh gracious God make my body I hartely pray thee such a companion or rather a minister of godlines to my soule this day and all the tyme of this present lyfe that in the lyfe to come it may be pertaker with the same of euerlasting happines thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. * Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall shew light vnto thee Eph. 5 ¶ Occasions to meditate HEre call to mynd the great mirth and blessednes of the euerlasting resurrectiō Also remember to muse vpō that most clere light that bright mornyng and new clearenes of our bodies after the long darknes which they haue bene in All then shall be ful of vnspeakable ioyes and felicitie ❧ When you behold the day light pray O Lord God thou most glorious true lyght from whēce this light of the day sunne doth spring and shyne vnto vs O lyght which lightnest euery mā that commeth into this world O light which knowst no night nor euening but art alway a midday most cleare and fayre without whome all is most horrible darknes and by whō all things are most splendent O thou wisdome of the eternall father of mercies lighten my mynd that I may see those thynges onely which please thee and may be blynded to all other thynges Graunt me so to walke in thy wayes by the light of thy holy worde that nothing els may be lyght and pleasaunt vnto me * Lighten mine eyes O Lorde that I sleepe not in death least mine enemies say I haue preuailed against him Psal 30. ¶ Occasions to meditate MVse a while how much the light and eye of the mynde and soule is better then of the body Also how much more we ought to care for the soule that it may see wel then for the body Moreouer that beastes haue bodely eyes as well as men but men only haue eies of the mind and that such as are godly wise ❧ When you arise pray OVr first parentes cast downe themselues from a most excellent high honorable estate in to shame and misery and in to the deepe sea of all wickednesse and mischiefe but oh Christ thou puttyng forth thy hande didst rayse them vp agayne Euen so we except we be raysed vp by thee shall lye still for euer O good Christ our most gracious redemer as thou doost mercifully rayse vp now this my body euen so I beseeche thee rayse vp my mynde and harte to the true knowledge and loue of thee that my conversation may be in heauen where thou art * If you be risen with Christ thinke vpon those thinges that be aboue Colloss 3. ¶ Occasions to meditate THinke how foule the fall of Adam was by reason of sinne and so of euery one of vs from the height of gods grace Againe thinke vppon the inestimable benefite of Christ by whose helpe we daily arise agayne from our fallynges ❧ When you are made redy to begin the day withall pray O Almighty God most mercifull father thou knowest hast taught vs also somethyng to knowe that the weaknes of man and woman is great that without thy grace they can neither do nor thinke any good thing Haue mercy vpon me I hūbly beseche thee thy most weake fraile and vnworthy chylde Lighten my mynde that I may with pleasure looke vpon good thinges onely Enflame my hart with the loue therof that I may carefully couete them and at the last by thy gracious cōducting may happely attayne them thorough Jesus Christ our Lorde I distrustyng altogether myne owne weakenes commende and offer my selfe both soule and body into thy handes * Thy louyng spirite leade me forth into the lande of righteousnes Psal 143. ❧ Cogitations meete to begin the day withall THinke first that man consisteth of soule body and that the soule is from heauen heauenly firme and immortall but the body is from the earth earthly fraile and mortall Agayne thinke that though by reason of sinne wherein you are conceyued and borne the partes of the soule which do vnderstand and desire be so corrupte that without speciall grace to both partes you can neither know nor loue any good thyng in gods sight much lesse then do that is good yet this notwithstandyng thynke that you are regenerate by Christes resurrection which your baptisme requireth you to beleue and therefore to do also some good in the sight of God through Christ for whose sake our poore doynges are accepted for good the euill and infirmitie cleauing therunto not beyng imputed through faith Thinke that by fayth which is gods séede for they which beleue are of God and made Gods children geuen to those that be ordeyned to eternall life thinke I say that by fayth you receiue more and more the spirit of sanctification through the vse of Gods worde and sacramentes and earnest prayer to illuminate your minde vnderstanding iudgement and reason and to bow forme frame and inflame your affections with loue and power to do that that good is and therfore vse you the means aforesaid accordingly Thinke that by this spirite you are thorough faith coupled to Christ as a liuely member and so to God and as it were made one with hym and by loue which springeth out of this faith you are made one also with all that be of God and so you haue fellowship with God and all good men that euer were or shall be in all the good that God and all his saintes haue or shall haue Thinke that as by faith and loue through the spirite of God you are now entred into this communion the blessednes whereof no tounge can expresse so after thys lyfe you shall first in soule and in the last day in body also enioy for euer the same societie most perfectly which now is but begonne in you Thinke in consideration of your heauenly estate how your body is the temple of
euerlasting life is no man is able to conceiue much lesse able to vtter For the peace of god which is eternall life passeth all vnderstanding The eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither can mans harte conceiue those thinges which thou deare God hast prepared for them that loue thee Whatsoeuer therfore can be spoken or imagined of thy kingdom of the clearenes ioy and felicitie of the same is nothyng in comparison as we may see by the Prophets which because they could not otherwise vnder corporall things haue shadowed the same So that the confidence of eternall life what a thing it is can in no wise be told Howbeit some what we may be brought into some sight of it by earthly thinges to thinke on this sort If God hath geuē here so many thinges in a strange place how many are the great good thinges that be at home If in a prison are so many mercies how many are they in the palace If the wicked haue so many benefites what is the store prepared for thy seruāts O Lord If thy children finde such comfortes in the day of teares and mournyng what shall they finde in the day of the mariage If with beastes men beyng haue the vse of so innumerable blessings oh how many are the blessinges whiche they shall enioy with thy Angels and with thee thy selfe O dere God when they shal see thee and haue the fruition of thee in whome is fulnes without lothing of all good faire thinges so that nothyng can be more desired and that for euermore This thy children do not so see as they now beleue it I say that euen in their bodies they shal see it for euer as Job sayd They heleue that they shall see thee and their owne eyes beholde thee when these our corporall eyes our bodies beyng raised shall do their duties Such a knowledge of thee they beleue to haue as shall not be onely intellectuall and by faith as now it is but euen a full sight and fruition yea a comunction and felowship with thee Now they see but in a glasse euen in a darke speaking but thē they shal see face to face For faith though it be the substaunce of thinges hoped for and a certain darke sight of thee yet it may not be compared to the rewarde of faith glorious sight which we shall see in the life to come when fayth hope shall cease Now thy children know that they be thy children though it yet appeare not what they shall be We know say they that whē our Christ God and man shall appeare then shall we be lyke vnto hym for we shall see him euen as he is Oh great prerogatiue to see Christ as he is Which is not to be considered so much for the māhoode as for the Godhead it self as Paule doth also write that when all thinges are subiect vnto the sonne then shall he be subiect vnto thee deare Father also that God may be all in all And therfore Christ our sauiour praied for vs that we might know thee the onely true God Not that our Christ thy sonne is not with thee the true coequal and substanciall god but that we might know how that after the iudgement such a mystery of hys mediatourship shall not be in heauē as is now in earth Then thou blessed trinitie God the Father God the sonne and God the holy ghost shalt be all in all thou shalt be the end of our desires thou shalt be loked vpon without ende thou shalt be loued without lothyng thou shalt bee praysed without wearinesse Althoughe lothsomues be wont to folow fulnes yet our fulnes in the contemplatiō of thy pleasures shall bring with it no kinde at all of lothsomnes Sacietie of ioyes shall be in the beholding of thee Pleasures are on thy right hand for euer We shal be satiffied when we arise after thyne image I meane in the resurrection Oh deare father shew thy self vnto vs and we aske no more Oh graunt vs with thy Saintes in euerlasting lyfe to prayse wyth perpetual prayses thy holy name Happy then and happy again wer we if that day wer come that we myght sing wyth thy aungels elders and innumerable thousandes a new song say thou Christ Jesu which wast slayne art worthy to receyue power and riches and wisdome and strength honour and glory and blessyng In thys blessed lyfe all kynde of maladies griefes sorrowes and euils be farre away and all ful of all kinde of mirth ioy pleasure Oh that we might see now a litle with S. John that holy Citie new Jerusalē descending frō heauen prepared of god as a bride trimmed for her husbande Oh that we might now somethyng heare the great voyce speakyng out of the throne behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be hys people and he shal be vnto them their god he will wipe away all teares from their eies and death shal be no more nor wepyng nor crying nor sorrow for the former thinges are gone ¶ An other meditation of the blessed state and felicitie of the life to come THis body is but a prison wherein the soule is kept and that verely not beautifull nor bright but most foule and darke disquiet fraile and filled vp with much vermine and venemous vipers I meane it cōcerning our affections standing in an ayre most vnwholesome and prospect most lothsome if a man consider the excrementes of it by the eyes nose mouth eares hands feete and all the other partes So that no Bocardo no Little ease no Dungeon no Bishops prison no gatehouse no sincke no pit may be cōpared in any point to be so euill a prison for the body as the body is for and of the soule wherethrough the children of God haue bene occasioned to cry lament their long being in it Oh saith Dauid how long shall I lye in this prison Oh wretch that I am sayth Paule who shall deliuer me out of this body of sinne which is an heauie burden vnto the soule as the wise man sayth And therefore the godly cry now let thy seruant depart in peace Oh that I were dissolued and had put of this earthly and fraile tabernacle Take me vnto thee and bring my soule out of thys prison that it may geue thankes vnto thee O Lord. For so long as we be in thys body we can not see the Lord yea it is as an heauy habitation and depresseth downe sore the spirite fro the familiaritie which it els should haue with God This world life is an exile a vale of misery a wildernes of it self being voide of all vertues and necessaryes for eternall life full of ennemies sorrowes sighings sobbings gronings miseries c In daunger to hūger cold heate thirst sores sicknes tentations trouble death and innumerable calamities being momentanye short vnstable and nothing but vaine and therfore is cōpared to a warfare a womās trauaile a
awaked thē thou wentest agayne to pray but thou foundest no comfort at all therfore didst returne agayne for some comforte at thy dearest frendes handes But yet againe alas they are fast a sleepe Wherupon thou art enforced to go agayne to thy heauenly father for some sparckle of comfort in these thy wonderfull crosses agonies Now here thou wast so discouraged and so comfortles that euē streames of bloud came runnyng from thine eies and eares and other partes of thy body But who is able to expresse the infinitenes of thy crosses euen at thy beyng in the garden All which thou sufferedst for my sake as well to satisfy thy fathers wrath for my sinnes as also to sanctify all my sufferinges the more gladly to be susteyned of me After thy bloudy prayer thou camest and yet agayne foundest thy disciples a sleepe and before thou canst well awake them loe Judas cōmeth with a great bande of men to apprehend thee as a theefe and so doth leadyng thee away bound to that hie Bishops house Annas so from him to Cayphas Here now to augment this thy misery behold thy disciples flie from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemy Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly striken for answering lawfully thou art blindefield striken and buffeted all the whole nyght in the bishop Cayphas house of their cruell seruauntes In the mornyng betymes thou art condemned agayne of the priestes of blasphemy therfore they bring thee before the secular power to Pilate by whom thou art openly arrayned as other theeues and malefactors were and when he saw that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not dismisse thee but did sende thee to Herode where thou wast derided shamefully in commyng and goyng to hym and from hym all the way especially after Herode had appareled thee as a foole Afore Pilate agayne therfore thou wast brought and accused falsly no mā did take thy part or speak a good word for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged and to be handled most pitifully to se if any pitie might apeare with the Prelates but no man at all pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee all the people head and taile was against thee cryed hang thee vp vniustly to death wast thou iudged thou wast crowned with thornes that pearced thy braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentst through Jerusalem to the place of execution euen to the mount Caluery a great crosse to hange thee on was layde vppon thy backe to beare and drawe as long as thou wast able Thy body was racked to be nayled to the tree thy hāds were bored thorow thy feete also nayles were put thorow them to fasten thee thereon thou wast hanged betwene heauen earth as one spewed out of heauē and vomited out of the earth vnworthy of any place the high priest laughed thee to scorne the elders blasphemed thee and sayd God hath no care for thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thrist oppressed thee but vineger onely gall was geuen thee to drinke heauen shined not on thee the Sunne gaue thee no lyght the earth was afrayd to beare thee Sathan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to cry out My God my GOD why hast thou forsaken me Oh wonderfull passions which thou suffredst In them thou teachest me in them thou comfortest me for by thē God is my father my sinnes are forgeuen By thē I should learne to feare God to loue God to hope in God to hate synne to be patient to call vppon God and neuer to leaue hym for any temptations but with thee to cry Father into thy handes I commende my spirite A meditation of Gods power beautie goodnes c. BEcause thou lord woul dest haue vs to loue thee not onely doost thou will entice allure prouoke vs but also doost commaund vs so to do promisyng thy self vnto such as loue thee and threatning vs with damnation if we doo otherwyse wherby we may see both our great corruption and noughtines and also thine excedyng great mercy towardes vs. First concerning our corruptiō and noughtines what a thing is it that power riches authoritie beautie goodnes liberalitie truth iustice which all thou art good lord cannot moue vs to loue thee Whatsoeuer thynges we see fayre good wyse mighty are but euen sparkles of that power beautie goodnes wisdom which thou art For to the end thou mightst declare thy riches beuty power wisdom thou hast not only made but still doost conserue all creatures to be as Dauid sayth of the heauens declarers and setters forth of thy glory and as a booke to teach vs to know thee How fayre thou art the beautie of the Sunne Moone Stars light flowers riuers fieldes hils birdes beastes men and all creatures yea the goodly shape and forme of the whole world doth declare How mighty thou art we are taught by the creation of this world euen of nought by gouerning the same by punishing the wicked mighty Giants therof by ouerthrowing their deuises by repressing the rages of the sea wtin her bounds by stormes by tempestes by fires these and such lyke declare vnto vs thine inuisible almighty and terrible power whereby thou subduest all thinges vnto thee How riche thou art thys worlde thy great and infinite treasurehouse doth well declare What plenty is there not onely of thinges but also of euery kinde of things Yea how doost thou yearely and daily multiply these kyndes How many seedes doost thou make of one seede yea what great increse doost thou bring it vnto These cannot but put vs in remembraunce of the exceedyng riches that thou hast For if to thyne enemies which loue thee not as the most part in this world be if to thē thou geuest so plentifully thy riches here what shal we thinke that with thy selfe thou hast layde vp for thy frendes How good thou art all creatures generally and perticularly do teach What creature is there in the worlde which thou hast not made for our cōmoditie I will not say how that thou mightst haue made vs creatures without sense or reason if thou haddest would But amongst al things none doth teach vs so thy great loue towardes vs as doth the death of thy most dearely beloued sonne who suffred the paynes and terrours thereof yea and hell it selfe for our sakes If this thy loue had bene but a smal loue it would neuer haue lasted so long nor Christ shold neuer haue died ❧ A prayer to Christ crucified AS thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseeche thee crucify me with thee that I may ryse agayne with thee to euerlasting lyfe Thy flesh was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christ the kingdom of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put of the olde Adam and by newnes of lyfe may be transformed
into thee that second Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tiranny of Sathan beyng vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and painefull sufferyng thy yoke may be to me made light and thy burden easy that willingly and gladly following thee I may come whether thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortall from whom nothing shall afterwardes be able to seperate vs. * God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world ❧ A prayer to Christ ascended and reigning in glory OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender harted Joseph oh naturall sonne of that Father to whome we are made children of adoption through thee oh our head reigning on high in glory forget not vs thy poore members here on earth wherinto abasyng thy selfe thou camest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of maiestie and glory thou put test vs in assured hope confidence that we also shall attain to that blessed place whether thou art gone before to take possession for vs. Oh our strong tower of defence and succor what can hurt vs now trusting in thee Most vnhappy are they which are ignorant of thee Most happy are they which alwayes beholde thee Blessed are they which haue knowen thee here in the dayes of their mortalitie but more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee raigning with thy father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lord the onely ioy and comfort of our soules shew vs thy louing countenance embrace vs with the armes of thy mercy receiue vs O good Joseph thy younger brethern with the kisse of comfort poure into our hartes thy holy spirit plucke vs vp from the earth earthly things open our eies and lift them vp vnto thee open thy mouth and call vs vnto thee open our eares that we may heare thee so that whatsoeuer we do speake or thinke it may be directed vnto thee alone our redemer mediatour and aduocate ¶ If ye be risen agayne with Christ seke the thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right haud of God set your affection on thinges that are aboue and not on things which are on the earth ❧ A prayer for the auoyding of Gods deserued wrath and vengeaunce for our sinne WHen we looke backe behold our sinfull lyfe past what a dungeon of errors vice and wickednes openeth it selfe vnto vs so that there is no man but he must needes be ashamed of himself when he calleth to mind what he hath bene and tremble when he considereth the wickednes and sinfull course of hys life to come For who shal vndertake that the rest of our lyfe shall be any better then that is past How can we then sufficiently magnifie prayse thy great mercy which hast differred thy punishment so long Beholding therfore this our daungerous and miserable state we come vnto thee O thou great and mighty iudge in trembling feare humbly beseching thee not to heape vppon vs thy deserued vengeance but let thy tender kindenes and loue thou bearest to Jesus Christ thy deare sonne our gracious Lord and redemer couer our iniquities for whose sake though we deserue all extremity thou doost pardon vs. ¶ If thou Lord shalt straitly marke our iniquities O Lord who shall be able to abide it ¶ A prayer to God for his helpe and protection against the obstinate enemies of the truth MOst righteous iudge God of all mercy and comfort which by thy secret iudgement and wisdom doost suffer the wicked to triumph and increase for a tyme for trial of the faith of thy welbeloued little flocke and the mortifying of their lustes but at length to the vtter confuliō of the enemies and ioyfull deliuerance of thy people looke down we besech thee on thy dispersed sheepe out of thy holy habitation in heauen and strengthen our weakenes against their furious rages abate their pryde asswage their malice confound their deuises wherwith they lift vp thēselues agaynst Christ Jesus thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour to deface his glory and set vp Antichrist We be not able of our selues to thynke a good thought much lesse to stand against their assaultes except thy vndeserued grace and mighty arme defend and deliuer vs. Performe thy promises made to Jacob and stop the mouthes of the cursed Edomites Call them to repentance whom thou hast appoin-to saluation bring home them that runne astray lighten the blynde and teache the ignoraunt forgeue all those that wilfully and obstinately rebel not against thy holy will let thy feareful threatnings pierce our stony hartes and make vs tremble at thy iudgemēts Make the examples of them whom thou hast ouerthrowne in their own deuises as Cain Cham Nemrod Esau Pharao Saule Achitophell Judas such other to be a warning for vs that we set not vp our selues agaynst thy holy will Graunt free passage to thy holy worde that it may worke effectually in vs the worke of lyfe and blessed hope of our saluation to the eternal praise of thy maiestie through our mediatour Christ Jesus to whome with thee and the holy ghost three persons and one God be prayse thanksgeuyng in all congregations world without end So be it ¶ A Prayer for the afflicted and persecuted vnder the tyranny of Antichrist O Mercifull father who neuer dost forsake such as put their trust in thee stretch forth thy mighty arme to the defence of our brethren by the rage of enemies persecuted and greuously tormented in sundry places for the true profes1ion of thy holy Gospell who in theyr extreme necessitie cry for comfort vnto thee Let not thy long suffering O Lorde be an occasion eyther to encrease the tyranny of thy enemies or to discourage thy children but with speede O Lorde consider their great miseries and afflictions Preuent the cruell deuise of Aman stay the rage of Holophernes breake of the counsell of Achitophell Let not the wicked say Where is now their God Let thy afflicted flocke feele present ayde and reliefe from thee O Lord looke downe vpon them with thy pitifull eye from thy holy habitation send terrour and trembling among their enemies make an end of their outragious tyrāny beate backe their boldnes in suppressing thy truth in destroying thy true seruantes in defacing thy glory in setting vp Antichrist Let them not thus proudly aduaunce them selues agaynst thee and thy Christ but let them vnderstand and feele that agaynst thee they fight Preserue and defend the vine which thy right hād hath planted and let all nations see the glory of thine annointed Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayd before the receauing of the Communion O Father of mercy and God of all consolation seing all creatures do knowledge and cōfesse thee to be their gouernour Lord it becōmeth vs the workmanship of thine owne handes at all times
to reuerence magnifie thy godly maiestie First for that thou hast created vs to thine owne Image and similitude but chiefly because thou hast deliuered vs frō that euerlasting death and damnation into the which Sathan drew mankind by the meanes of sinne from the bondage wherof neyther man nor Angell was able to make vs free but thou O Lorde riche in mercy and infinite in goodnes hast prouided our redemption to stand in thine onely and welbeloued sonne whom of very loue thou didst geue to be made man like vnto vs in all thinges sinne excepted that in hys body he might receaue the punishment of our transgression by hys death to make satisfaction to thy iustice and by hys resurrection to destroy him that was author of death and so to bring againe life to the worlde from which the whole ofspring of Adam was most iustly exiled O Lord we acknowledge that no creature was able to comprehend the length and breadth the deepenes and height of that thy most excellent loue which moued thee to shewe mercy where none was deserued to promise and geue lyfe where death had gotten victory to receaue vs into thy grace when we could doe nothing but rebell against thy maiestie O Lord the blind dulnes of our corrupt nature will not suffer vs sufficiently to weigh these thy most ample benefites yet neuertheles at the commaundement of Jesus Christ our Lorde we present our selues to thys hys table which he hath left to be vsed in remembraunce of hys death vntill hys comming agayne to declare and witnes before the world that by hym alone we haue receaued libertie and life that by hym alone thou doest acknowledge vs to bee thy children and heyres that by hym alone we haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone we are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his table with whom we haue our conuersation presently in heauen and by whom our bodyes shall be raised vp agayne from the duste and shall bee placed with hym in that endles ioy which thou O father of mercy hast prepared for thine elect before the foundation of the world was layde And these most inestimable benefites we acknowledge and confesse to haue receaued of thy free mercy and grace by thine onely beloued sonne Jesus Christ For the which therfore we thy congregation moued by thy holy spirite render to thee all thankes praise and glory for euer and euer ¶ A thankesgeuing after the receauiug of the holy Communion TOst mercifull father we render vnto thee all prayse thankes honour glory for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to graunt vs miserable sinners so excellent a gift and treasure as to receaue vs into the fellowship company of thy deare sonne Jesus Christ our Lord whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs hast geuen hym vnto vs as a necessary foode and nourishment vnto euerlasting lyfe And now we besech thee also O heauenly father to graunt vs thys request that thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthy benefites but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hartes that we may grow encrease dayly more and more in true fayth which continually is exercised in all maner of good workes and so much the rather O Lord confirme vs in these perillous dayes and rages of Sathan that we may constantly stand and continue in the confession of the same to the aduauncemēt of thy glory which art God ouer al things blessed for euer So be it ¶ A Prayer for wisedome to gouerne the Realme ALmightie God King of all Kinges Lorde of heauē earth by whose ordinaunce Princes haue gouernance of mortal mē wheras the wisest King Salomon plainly confesseth him self vnable to gouerne his kingdome without thy helpe assistance how much lesse shall I thy handmaide being by kinde a weake womā haue sufficient abilitie to rule these thy kingdomes of England and Ireland an innumerable warlike nation or how shall I possibly be able to beare the infinite weight of so great a burden vnlesse thou O most mercifull father as thou hast of thine own liberalitie without my deseruing and agaynst the expectation of many geuen me a kingdome and made me to reigne doe also in my reigning endue and helpe me with thy heauenly grace without which none euen the wisest among the childrē of men can once thinke a right thought Thou therefore O endlesse foūtaine of all wisedome send downe from thy holy heauen and frō the soueraigne throne of thy maiestie thy wisedome to be euer with me and alway to assist me to watch and labour with me in gouerning the common weale and that it may so teach and instruct me thy hādmaide that I may discerne betwene good euill and betwene right wronge that I may euer haue willingnes boldnes power to geue deserued punishment to the giltie louingly to defend the innocent liberally to cherish the painefull and profitable members of the common weale finally without regard of persons wtout accompt of worldly respectes take in hand execute and performe that which I shall know to please thee alone that when thou the rightfull iudge that shalt require many great thynges at their handes to whom many and great thinges are committed shalt call vs all to a straite reckening I be not condemned as giltie of euill gouernaunce but if I thy handmaide by naturall frailtie weaknes and want of cōsideration shall in any thing haue swarued from the right way it may please thee of thy great mercy most soueraigne king and most louing father for Jesus Christ thy sonnes sake to pardon me and graunt that after this earthly kingdome expired I may with thee enioy the heauenly and euerlasting kingdome through the same Jesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde and Mediator to whom with thee and with the holy ghost the only king of all worldes immortall inuisible onely wise God be all honour and glory for euer ⸫ Domine ne in furore PSALME VI. ¶ When Dauid by his sinnes had prouoked Gods wrath and now felte not onely his hand against him but also conceyued the horrors of death euerlasting he desireth forgeuenes bewailing that if God tooke him away in his indignation he should lacke occasion to prayse him as he was wont to do whiles he was among mē Then sodenly feeling Gods mercy he sharply rebuketh his enemies which reioyced in his affliction O Lorde rebuke me not in thine indignatiō neither chasten me in thy displeasure My soule is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remēbreth thee and who will geue thee thankes in the pit I am wery of my groning euery night wash I my bedde and water my couch with teares My beautie is gone for very trouble and worne away because of all mine
rored for the very disquietnes of my hart Lord thou knowest all my desire and my groning is not hid from thee My hart panteth my strēgth hath failed me and the lyght of mine eyes is gone from me My louers and my neighbours did stand looking vpon my trouble and my kinsmen stoode a farre of They also that sought after my life laid snares for me and they that wente about to doo me euill talked of wickednes and imagined deceipt all the day long As for me I was like a deafe man and heard not as one that is dombe which doth not open his mouth I became euen as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofes For in thee O Lorde haue I put my trust thou shalt answer for me O Lord my God I haue required that they euen myne enemies should not triumph ouer me for whē my foote slipte they reioyced greatly against me And I truely am set in the plague and my heauines is euer in my sight For I wil consider my wickednes and bee sory for my sinne But mine enemies liue and are mighty they that hate me wrongfully are many in number They also that reward euil for good are agaynst me because I know the thyng that is good Forsake me not O Lord my God be not thou far fro me Hast thee to helpe me O lord God my saluation A prayer taken out of the XXXVIII Psalme REbuke and chastice vs O Lord as children but withdrawe thy wrath and heauy hand from our present distresses For we feele thy hande and the daungers wherin we be we perceyue them to be past the cure of mans remedy which happeneth vnto vs not vnworthely for our deseruing For sinnes and wickednesses haue euery way ouerwhelmed vs wherwith we are ouerburdened and pressed downe farre more then we be able to beare Hereof commeth our sorow and that we be in maner fainted with griefefulnes of harte We see our neighbours and frendes estranged from vs our enemies to lay snares for vs and to attempt all the wayes to our destruction Thou therefore O God for thy great mercy first reconcile vs to thy selfe in pardonyng all those thinges that we haue most wickedly committed against thee and thē make hast to helpe vs. We loke for no other refuge but thee whose wont it is to be at hand to succour them that call vppon thee to satisfie their petitions Thou art not ignoraunt how while we are thus shakē with aduersities antichristes do triumphe against vs and they daily increase in strength number that do wrongfully hate vs. Wherefore we beseche thee good father forsake vs not in so great afflictions sith thou art our onely safety make hast we pray thee to helpe thy church and to succor her now beyng in extremest perill for Iesus Christes his sake Amen Miserere mei deus PSALME LI. ¶ When Dauid was rebuked by the prophet Nathan for his great offences he dyd not onelye acknowledge the same to God with protestation of his naturall corruption and iniquitie but also lefte a memoriall thereof to his posteritie Therfore first he desired God to forgeue his sinnes and to renue in him his holy spirit with promise that he will not be vnmindfull of those great graees Finally fearyng least God would punishe the whole church for his faut he requireth that he would rather increase his graces towardes the same HAue mercy vppon me O God after thy great goodnes accordyng vnto the multitude of thy mercies do away myne offences Washe me throughly from my wickednes and cleanse me from my sinne For I knowledge my faultes my sinne is euer before me Against thee onely haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art indged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me But lo thou requirest truth in the inwarde partes shalt make me to vnderstande wisdome secretly Thou shalt purge me with Jsope and I shall be cleane thou shalte washe me and I shall be whiter then snow Thou shalt make me heare ioy and gladnes that the bones whiche thou hast broken may reioyce Turne thy face from my sinnes and blotte out all my misdeedes Make me a cleane hart O God and renue a right spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comforte of thy helpe againe and stablish me with thy free spirite Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wycked and sinners shall he conuerted vnto thee Deliuer me from bloudgiltines O god thou that art the God of my health my tonge shall sing of thy righteousnes Thou shalt open my lippes O Lord and my mouthe shall shew thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els would I geue it thee but thou delightst not in burnt offringes The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirite a broken and contrite hart O god shalt thou not despise O be fauourable and gratious vnto Sion builde thou the walles of Jerusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightousnes with the burnt offringes and oblations then shall they offer young bullockes vppon thine aulter A prayer taken out of the LI. Psalme WE do with one whole consent and with harty prayers craue of thy mercy O almightye God that we maye be cleansed washed and wyped from our wickednesses sinnes and offences We acknowledge and confesse how we haue heretofore done euil in thy sight but our sinnes shal neuer be able to make thee vniust or vnfaithfull We do well vnderstande that we deserue not that thou shouldest performe to vs the noble and most honorable promises that thou hast made vs but herein we haue neede to be relieued and our case to be supplied with thy truthe and constancie Thou seest how we are borne into the world corrupt and defiled euen from our birth which were also before our birth conceyued in wickednes Cleanse therfore our soules and vouchsaue to beautifie them with that cleannes that is pleasaunt in thy sight Geue vs a pure hart a spirit vpright holy and couragiously well disposed that we may not be cast away from thee as vngodly persons but may receyue true ioyes and perfect gladnes If thou shalt haue deliuered vs from sinnes whiche do accuse vs as guilty of eternall death then shall our lippes be opened to prayse thee with cherefulnes Graunt we beseche thee that we may come to thee with the sacrifice wherwith thou art principally debated that is of a broken spirite an abaced and humbled courage There both our present sorowes shal be eased and thou shalt be pleased with the prayses wherwith we shall magnify thy name Shew forth thy good will to Zion that is to thy church Thou seest in how great daunger she is tossed she is oppressed both within and without We beseche thee deliuer her not onely from outward enemies but
also inwardly so reforme and renew her that she may be accōpted worthy of thee her spouse through Iesus Christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalme WE acknowledge O Almighty God wyth how daungerous spotte of sinnes we haue defiled our soules which beyng most greuous and sorrowfull vnto vs and we not able with our owne power nor by any kinde of good workes to washe away the same spottes this onely refuge is left vs to flie vnto thee the fountaine of mercy that it may please thee to haue pitie vpon vs to washe away our iniquities to blot out our sinnes and cleanse the corruptions wherunto we are from our birth and conception subiect For when thou shalt haue freely liberally pardoned the offences and misdoinges wher with we are loden then shalt thou appeare most true faithful constant in thy promises Vouchsaue to sprinckle vs with the bloude of of thine onely sonne by which alone our body and soule may be restored to perfect and healthfull gladnes We craue to haue a new hart created in our bodies and to haue a principall spirite geuen vs wherby not as by constraint but earnestly hartily and willingly we may offer to thee the sacrifice of an afflicted and abased courage which thou art wont neuer to despise Finally that so beyng made cleane and purified by thy fauour and mercy we may alway offer to thee sacrifices of prayse through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine exaudi PSALME CII I It seemeth that this prayer was appoynted to the faithfull to pray in the captiuitie of Babilon A consolation for the buildyng of the churche whereof followeth the prayse of God to be published vnto all posterities The conuersion of the Gentiles and the stabilitie of the church HEare my prayer O Lord and let my cry come in vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in the tyme of trouble encline thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke my bones are brent vp as with a firebrand My hart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eat my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scant cleaue to my flesh I am become lyke a Pellicane in the wildernes lyke an Owle that is in the desert I haue watched and am euen as a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were breade and mingled my teares with weping And that because of thyne indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone lyke a shadow and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lorde shalt endure for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercy vppon Sion for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the tyme is come And why thy seruauntes thinke vppon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust The heathen shall feare thy name O Lorde and all the kinges of the earth thy maiestie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glory shall appeare When he turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and despiseth not theyr desire This shall be written for those that come after and the people whiche shall be borne shall prayse the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his sanctuary out of the heauen did the Lord beholde the earth That he might heare the mourninges of suche as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the lord in Sion and his worship at Jerusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngdomes also to serue the Lord. He broughte downe my strength to my iourney and shortned my dayes But I said O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age as for thy yeares they endure throughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast layde the foundations of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall perish but thou shalt endure they shal all wax olde as doth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seede shall stand fast in thy sight A prayer taken out of the CII Psalme OF our selues O almighty God we are vnwoorthy that our prayers shoulde haue accesse vnto thee forasmuch as we haue daily broken thy law and commaundemēts and haue liued not accordyng to thy gospell and our vocation But thou of thy mercifulnes hide not away thy face from our prayers supplications For we are greuously vexed and assaulted with great perils Wherfore bow down thine eare vnto vs and spedily graunt fauour to vs that call vppon thee First we craue to be releued of our sinnes and offences that our feble hart may be strengthened in thy way and that thou do moisten the consumed strength of our soule with thy holy spirite that we may liue to thee and being restored renewed we may make thy name and thy gospell to be well reported Then we pray thee to turne thy force and power against those that slaunder and blaspheme the name of thy sonne and his holy doctrine Haue mercy now we beseche thee on Zion that is thy churche for now it seemes to be tyme that thou shew her thy fauour Looke downe we pray thee from thy hie habitation and behold our calamities Heare the groning of those that be bound beaten and in maruelous wise tormēted for thy names sake Saue thy sheepe out of so great daungers which are not onely put to death but also cursedly threatened with extreme damnation by Antichrist that yet at length thy childrē may liue with rest and quietnes in thy presence through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ An other out of the same Psalme OAlmighty father the company of the faithfull craueth thy helpe which is cruelly oppressed wyth the tiranny of sinne so as the oily moisture of godlines is almost dried vp in them their mouth is stopped that it cannot syng thy prayses and there is in a maner in the whole body no one member that doth his duetie to relieue an other Wherfore thou that art alwayes one rise vp to succour vs for now we thinke it tyme for thee to helpe thy afflicted church This if we shall obtaine we doubt not that the feare of thy name true godlines shall be largely spread abroad For if thou shalt rescue the people from so greuous miseries thou shalt make men know that thy truth endureth alway cōstant and vnremoued which euer remaneth one toward thine elect how so euer heauen and earth be tossed with chaunges and shaken til they perishe By this thy truth not of
criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forth with ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josne commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to The women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vii deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwinde c. 2. Reg. 2 Behold a woman a Cananite came out of the sea coastes and cried saying vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord c. Math. 15. A certayne man was diseased 38. yeares when Jesus saw him lie and knew c. John 5. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went vnto them walkyng on the sea c. Math. 14. Mary stoode at the sepulcher wepyng and as she wept she bowed her selfe into the sepulchre and saw two aungels in white sitting the one c. John 20. Ruben returned to the pit and behold Joseph was not in the pit c. Gen. 37. I will seeke him that my soule loueth I sought him but I found him not c. Cant. 3. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu botrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Cob. 6. And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the held of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke i. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and sayd to hym I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name Was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was concerned c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ve shall circumcise the foreskin of
with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwind c 2. Reg. 2 Behold a woman a Cananite came out of the sea coastes and cried saying vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord c. Math. 15. A certayne man was diseased 38. yeares when Jesus saw him lie and knew c. John 5. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went vnto them walkyng on the sea c Math. 14 Mary stoode at the sepulcher wepyng and as she wept she bowed her selfe into the sepulcher and saw two aungels in white sitting the one c. John 20. Ruben returned to the pit and behold Joseph was not in the pit c. Gen. 37. I will seeke him that my soule loueth I sought him but I found him not c. Cant. 3. And he tooke the v. loaues and two fishes and looked vp to heauen and blessed and brake and gaue the loaues to his disciples and the disciples c. Math. 14. He that is without fault let him cast the first stone c. John 8. Jesus seyng their faith said to the sicke of the palsey sonne c. Math. 9. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall ryse of Israell c Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen ther to wife For to thee doth the light of ber c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6 And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke 1. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Ero. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ye shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sent his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 1. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hands vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand