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A17690 Diuers sermons of Master Iohn Caluin, concerning the diuinitie, humanitie, and natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus Christe as also touching his passion, death, resurection, ascention: togeather with the comming downe of the holy Ghoste vpon his Apostles: and the first sermon of S. Peter. The order of which you shall finde in the page ensuing.; Plusieurs sermons touchant la divinité, humanité et nativité de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1581 (1581) STC 4437; ESTC S107259 368,049 418

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before saide after the example of Dauid My God my God why hast thou forsaken mée Euen so likewise taketh hée at this present the prayer which Dauid made in the one and thirtie Psalme Into thy handes I commend my spirite In very déede Dauid saide these wordes when he was in the middest of all his dangers Psal 31.6 as if hée shoulde haue saide O Lorde I beséeche thée receiue mée into thy protection for my soule is as it were in my hands is there euen at randon for I sée how I am thrust out to all hazardes and my life hangeth as by a thréed and therefore thou must protect mée Wée sée héere then that Dauid by this prayer made God his protector and yet gaue hée not ouer but still called on him whenas he was at the point of death alwayes assuring himselfe that God woulde saue his chosen not only in defending thē héere in this worlde but also when hée calleth them vnto himselfe For the chiefest regarde that God hath on vs is this that when hée hath taken vs out of this worlde hee hideth vs vnder his winges that we might inioy his presence 2. Cor. 5.8 according to the saying of Saint Paule to the Corinthes For when our Lorde Iesus made this prayer hée sheweth that he died quietly whenas he ouercame all the combates which hee susteined for vs and triumpheth in our behalfes both for our profite and for our saluation And a none after he declareth by the same meanes that God is his Sauiour kéepeth his soule as a sufficient pledge For this much his request imported when he said My God thou shalt preserue my soule euen when I am dead When our Lorde Iesus speaketh after this sort it is as muche as if hée assured vs all that wee cannot doe amisse in submitting our selues vnto our GOD séeing that hée for the defending of vs vouchsafeth to take the charge of vs and that we shall neuer perish vnder his hand Now we haue eftsoones to consider that when Iesus Christ saide Into thy handes O Lorde I commend my spirite that hee obteined this priuiledge which Saint Stéeuen gaue him in the seuenth of the Acts Acts. 7.59 which is hée was made the preseruer of all our soules For what was it that S. Stéeuen saide when hee went to his death Forsooth these were his wordes Into thy hands O Lorde I commende my spirite And héere wée sée that Saint Stéeuen shewed the benefite of the request which Iesus Christe made to wit that wée may nowe come vnto him and that wee ought to doe so declaring that since God his Father had made him a Shephearde for vs that wee shoulde not doubt but to bée at peace come life come death knowing that all shall bee for our profite and turne to our benefite and as Saint Paule saieth that when hee had Iesus Christe hee had riches enough Phil. 1.21 and cared neither for life nor death for all shoulde be gayne vnto him Wherfore let vs nowe learne that when death shall assaile vs that Iesus Christe hath broken the sting which might haue stoong vs deadly to the heart and that death shall no longer hurte vs and that when our Lorde Iesus yéelded vp his Spirite vnto God his Father it was not onely to haue it conserued in his owne person but that hee myght haue this Priuiledge that ours might bee preserued eftsoones by the power of this request whenas wee shall come vnto him as vnto one vnder whose protection we cannot peryshe as hee himselfe declareth And this is that triumph wherof wee haue spoken which alreadie profiteth vs. For our Lorde Iesus sheweth howe precious his death is when as hee went so fréely vnto his Father as that wee might bee brought vnto him and to shewe vs the way But the principall point is this that wee might vnderstande what benefite wée receiue thereby because he hath cancelled the Obligation that was against vs that hée hath so purchased full satisfaction for our sinnes as that wee may bee bolde to come before God his Father so that death it selfe is no way able to harme nor hurt vs. And although wee see many thinges in vs which might make vs afearde through the féeling of our miseries let vs not for all that cease to glory in him who so abased himselfe for vs to the ende hée myght rayse vs vp with himselfe And although there is nothing in vs but shame and rebuke yet séeing that Iesus Christe hung vpon the Crosse God woulde haue him by the mouth of Pilate to bee called a King And so although the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christe is nothing estéemed of héere in this worlde yet let vs account it to bée the foundation of all our glory and let vs also vnderstande that although wée be put to shame vnder his conduct yet that wee haue whereof to reioyce because our estate shall be alwayes blessed forsomuch as that whatsoeuer miseries afflictions and rebukes wée shall abide are more honorable and precious before God then all the Scepters pompes and the most honourable thinges wherein wée take any pleasure and delight Thus wée sée how wee must come vnto our Lorde Iesus Christe and so stick vnto him as that we might vnderstand of what valure the riches are which he bringeth vs but especially when hée guideth vs by his Gospell let vs forsake all the commodities and pleasures of this world and also abhorre them whenas they shal withdrawe vs frō the right way To be short let our Lord Iesus haue the honor which he deserueth let not vs for our parts be like vnto Réedes carried with euery wind but being established in him let vs call vpon God we shall haue victory ouer life death ouer which he hath alreadie triumphed And besides let vs whiles we are yet in this worlde yéeld him this honour to wit euen to acknowledge that he is our defender which he will do whenas we truly come vnto him neither wil he I say doe it after an ordinary maner but euen myraculously For although death shoulde cast vs downe headlong yet is it his office to drawe vs out of it and guide vs vnto the heauenly inheritance which he so dearely hath purchased for vs. Let vs nowe fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God acknowledge our offences beséeching him that hee will make vs féele them otherwise then we haue done And that we might bee so touched with the lothing of them as that we might returne vnto our God with heartie repentance And not for a day onely but to cōtinue it with sighing and groning And although we shall beheld within this prison of bondage yet let vs alwayes lift vp our harts vnto the heauens and come familiarly vnto our God since he is so enclined to mercy and calleth vs of his owne accord without tarrying till wée séeke him And when wée see that our Lorde Iesus doeth not onely come néere vs to
wit reason doo become euen very brutish But the faithfull although they bee terrified yet ar they reléeued and take good courage because that God comforteth and gladdeth them And therfore the feare wherew t the presence of the maiestie of God terrifieth the faithfull is but a preparatiue to humble them to the ende they might reuerence and obey him as he is worthy and confesse themselues to be nothinge that they might looke for al their blessednes in him alone Héere then we sée why the Angell saide feare not Now this sayinge is worthy the noting for it is as muche as if hee had saide I wyll clearely giue ouer these faithlesse and scombe of the world for they are not worthy of any mercye and I direct my speache vnto you and bring you glad tidinges Be not you therfore afeard because yée come to séeke Iesus Christ Nowe when wee sée this let vs learne to séeke our Lorde Iesus but not as I haue sayde thus grosely as these women of whom we haue spoken did as indéede there is now no occasiō to séeke the sepulchre but let vs go directly without hipocyisie vnto him by faith And let vs vnderstand that this message appertaineth to vs and is spoken to vs that wée might bouldly and without feare come vnto him and not in contemptuous maner for we ought to worship the maiesty of GOD in feare and trembling but how euer it is let vs not be so sauadge as though distrust had oppressed vs. And therfore let vs vnderstād that the sonne of God will conforme him selfe like vnto vs whenas we come vnto him by faith yea and wee shall bee sure to finde wherwith to comfort and glad our selues because he hath purchased the kingdome and principalytie of euerlasting life for our profit and welfare And yet notwithstandinge the women departed quicklye with feare and great ioy Loe how the weaknesse of their faith appeared I haue saide that the thing which they went about was to a good ende but they kept not the right course as may be séene by their feare for they were not fully resolued and assured of the resurrection And yet they had hearde it many times spoken of but their mindes were not so setled as to conclude for a truth that there was no looking for our lord Iesus in the sepulchre We sée then from whence this feare came And hereby wee may perceiue that this is a sinful affection Indéede wee must as I haue saide feare GOD reuerence his maiestie obey him and wholy be humbled to the end he might be gloriously exalted and all mouthes be stopped he therby be known to be the only iust wise omnipotēt god But this feare wherof mentiō is made in the 2. place is wicked dānable for it turned to the shame of these séely womē bicause that although they both sée heard the Angel speake yet they thought it to be but a dreame as it were Now by this we are aduertised the god oftētimes so worketh in vs as that we do not perceue as a man would say whether we haue profited any whit or not for we ar so ignorant so fantastical as that we are ouershadowed as with clouds wherby we are not able to behold the clere light to be short all the doctrine of God séemeth to vs very vnprofitable yet wée find some tast amongst which maketh vs féele that god hath wrought in our harts For although ther be but a spark of grace in vs let vs not be discouraged but beséeche the Lord to encrease that litle that he hath begun vntil such time as we be brought to a ful perfection frō the which we are as yet very far of And although the feare and ioy which these women had be accomted and condemned for a falt yet we sée that God continually gouerned them by his holy spirit and that the message which the Angel deliuered vnto them was not altogether vnprofitable We are now to looke farder into the matter and that is this that Lord Iesus appeared in the way vnto them and said feare ye not but goe and tell my Brethren that they meete altogether in Galile and there they shall see mee We see héere in this place a great deale more how that the sonne of God draweth vs vnto him by degrées vntill such time as we be throughly confirmed whereof wee haue great néede Now this was sufficient enough that the women had hard the message deliuered by the mouth of the Angel the signes and tokens wer such as that they could not chuse but think that he was sent from God for his face did shine as it were In very déede the whit garment and such like was not liuely to expresse the maiestie of God howbeit the women had an assured testimony that it was not a mortall man which spake but an Angell from heauen And therfore this was a sufficiēt testimony vnto thē but yet they were a great deale the more assured whenas they had séene our Lord Iesus whom they before knew to be the sonne of God his vnchaungable truth And this more fully ratified the thing which they had before heard by the mouth of the Angel And thus wee sée how we may encrease in faith for at the first we shal not be able to vnderstand what power and effect is in the worde of God but if we be taught well somthing we learne by it and yet is this litle or nothing God wat howbeit God by litle and litle toucheth vs with his holy spirit in the end sheweth vs that it is he himselfe which speaketh And then are we fully resolued insomuch as we haue not only some knowledge but we are also so perswaded as that when the deuill shall go about to deuise whatsoeuer he can possibly yet shall he neuer be able to shake our faith because we hold this principle that the sonne of God is our teacher vpon whom we stay because we know him to haue all mastership ouer vs is worthy of most excellent authority And this we sée was in these women Indéede God worketh not alike in al men For God wil so cal some euen at the first as that we shall perceue that he hath powred vpon thē wonderful extraordinary power yet we shal be oftentimes so taught as that we may plainly sée our grossenes and weaknes to the end we might therby so much the more gloryfy our God acknowledge that whatsoeuer we haue commeth al from him Let vs now come to the saying which hath bene already spoken of Go tel my Brethrē that they meete all together in Galile We see then héere that the son of God appeared not to Mary and to the company which were with her only as to show himself to seuen or eight persons but his meaning was that this message should be published vnto the Apostles the it should be at this present deliuered vnto vs that we might be
the persō of our Lord Iesus Christ in that he is clothed with our nature is become our brother this is a matter of great importāce for if we should be iustified by the diuine essēce or nature of our lord Iesus Christ we must néeds be far of frō his righteousnes and wee were neuer able to come néere it But when we are tolde that the righteousnesse which he bestoweth on vs was fulfilled in his humane nature marke then howe much more familiarly wee may come vnto him Cōsider also why Satā would so fain cōfound this doctrine and there are likewise some fantastical spirits which fondly dreame that our Lord Iesus Christ as he is God iustifieth the faithful But wee must as I haue already saide séeke for our righteousnes very farre of that were ynough to make vs faint-hearted to make vs also vanish away before wee came at him But cōtrariwise as he is a mortal mā he calleth vs vnto himselfe and made himself a Mediator because we might séeke for our righteousnes therein And this is a point worthy the obseruation besides let vs alwayes come vnto this knowledge And because the faithlesse shut the gate vpon themselues and so spoyle thēselues of the benefit which they should receiue by our Lord Iesus Christ let vs therfore be diligēt to receiue the testimonie which is geuē vnto vs by the Gospel We bring you saith S Paule the Ambassade in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ beséeching you to reconcile yourselues vnto God S. Paule setteth downe a double reconciliation 2. Cor. 5.10 the one is the sacrifice which our Lord Iesus Christ made for vs in his owne person the other is that which wée dailie obtayne through fayth when as GOD telleth vs that although wée haue mooued him to anger yet is hée continually readye to forget our faults and tread them vnder his féete so that we make accompt of the benefit which he offreth vs. And therefore let vs learne too esteeme of the Gospell a greate deale more then heeretofore wee haue done and vnderstande that it is to this ende too make vs Partakers of the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christe For wee are ingraffed into his bodie made his members and al whatsoeuer is his is also ours and that through the aptnesse of the Gospell and for this cause it is that Saint Paul saith Rom. 1.16 that the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all that beléeue shewing héereby that if we refuse to be saued by the Gospell it is as much as if we reiected the saluation which God woulde obtaine for vs in the person of his Sonne and wherunto hée dayly bideth and exhorteth vs. And this is the summe and effect of that which we haue héere to obserue And therefore we ought so much the more make estimation of the Gospell whenas we sée that it was in popery so darkned yea and in such sorte altogether defaced as that the poore soules were vtterly famished For although it was somewhat slightly preached yet left they alwaies the poore people doubtfull and supersticious without hauing any assueraunce of the mercy of God Yea and the Papistes saye that wee must not presume to assure our selues of the loue of God but onely liue vpon coniectures and gesses Howbeit this is to make the fruite of the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ of none effect And therefore let vs learne so to benefite our selues by the Gospell as that we may bee certified that God loueth vs and taketh vs for his owne deare children Wherfore let vs as I haue already sayde so much the more praise and magnifye this grace whenas wée sée the greatest part of the world to be so farre from it Now it remaineth that the Prophet addeth and saieth that he layde downe his soule for many Whereby he signifieth that wee are not iustified by a certaine vaine imaginatiue faith in onely beléeuing that there is a God and by a confused knowledge and generall conceit to vnderstande that Iesus Christ hath suffered death and passion but because wée are made partakers by fayth of the sacrifice that was offered for vs to the ende God might bée fauourable vnto vs and not impute our sinnes and iniquities any more vnto vs. Surely the Papists are so blockish and brutishe as that when they would shew that we are not iustified by Faith only they reason after this maner we are say they iustified by the mercy of God and therefore not by faith onely Moreouer they say we are iustified by the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ and therefore no more by faith onelye it is much like as if a man woulde say we are made warme by heate and therefore not by the Sunne wée are lightned by the light and therefore not by the Sunne Now let vs héere note that when we speake of faith it is to this end to bring vs back to the Gospell for as I haue already saide héere are two kindes of righteousnesse For we are saide to be iustified by the law whenas wee haue fulfilled all whatsoeuer God hath commaunded vs therein Now it is impossible to come to the perfection thereof and therefore wée sée that wée are bare of this righteousnesse and vtterly cut of from it There is also another kinde of righteousnesse and that is the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ for after wee haue bene throughlye examined and tried we are sure to be founde guilty of malice and wickednesse so that wée must needes bée afearde bicause wee feele God to be so armed in wrath against vs as that he doth nothing els but thunder out vengeance vpon vs to throw vs down into the pitte of hell And therefore when we are driuen to this so great an extremitie beholde how Christ graunteth vs a remedy to mitigate and assawge all our sorrowes which is this he certefieth vs that hée him selfe alone will be altogether sufficient to bring vs the sauing helth which he hath purchased for vs. Thus we sée that wée are iustified by faith wherefore wée may perceiue that the Prophet speaketh after the selfe same manner that Saint Paul spake after his time that is hee maketh vs in the first place to come vnto the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ beholding him crucified for our sakes and besides that wee are assured by the Gospell that whatsoeuer Iesus Christe dyd and suffered belongeth and is to be applyed to vs at this day because the Father would not haue this his death to be vnprofitable but that it should bée a Sacrifice full of power and effect to fruictifie dayly in vs. And this is the summe of that which wée haue to remember out of this place But by the way let vs héere note that this knowledge of our Lorde Iesus Christ is no vaine thing as many when the knowledge of the Gospell is tolde them of vnderstande it for they think it sufficient
second That wée should abhorre our sinnes as we ought and to bée truely ashamed to humble our selues before the Maiestie of our GOD. The thirde that wée might in such sorte estéeme of our saluation as that it might make vs forsake the worlde and whatsoeuer thinge else belongeth vnto this transitorie lyfe and to bée in loue with this enheritaunce which was so déerely purchased for vs. And héere we sée whereon we must cast our eies and bestow all our senses when it is told vs that the Sonne of GOD hath redéemed vs from euerlasting death and purchased for vs euerlasting lyfe Wée must therefore in the first place learne to render vnto God the prayse due vnto him Now to say truely he might if hée had pleased haue deliuered vs from the bottomelesse depthes of death after an other sorte But his good will was largely to bestow and powre vpon vs the treasures of his infinite goodnesse when as hée spared not his onely sonne And our Lord Iesus would héerein giue vs an excellent pawne of his wonderful care towardes vs when as he offred himselfe willingly to death For we shal neuer bée touched to the quick nor enflamed to praise our God without we on the other side doe examine our estate and be as it were throwne downe into the bottomlesse pit of hell knowing what a thing it is to haue prouoke his wrath and to becom our mortall enimie hauing him as a terrible and fearefull Iudge so that it were a great deale better that heauen and earth and all the creatures had conspyred against vs then that wée shoulde once come néere his Maiestie so long as he is against vs. Wherfore it is very méete that sinners should be wounded with the féeling and conceiuing of their sinnes that they might know themselues to bée most miserable and feare their estate to the end they might thereby knowe how greatly they are beholden and bounde vnto God in that he hath compassion vpon them and séeing them in a desperate case hath very good will to helpe them without regard of any their worthinesse but onlie for their myseries sake And so also is it as we haue already saide because we are too too much intangled here below and when as God calleth vs vnto him our mindes and affections so kéepe vs backe as that we had néed to make much of the heauenly life as it is woorthy and knowe with how déere a price it was purchased for vs. And héere wée sée why it is told vs that our Lorde Iesus Christ did not only meane to suffer death and offered himselfe a Sacrifice to appease the the wrath of God his Father but also to the ende that hée might truely and indéede be our pledge he refused not to abide the anguishes and griefes which were prepared for all such as in conscience are touched and féele themselues guiltie of euerlasting death and condemnation before God Let vs then heare rightly note that the Sonne of God was not contented to offer vp his fleshe and blood and yéeld himselfe vnto death but would withall appeare before the iudgement seate of GOD in the name and person of all sinners ready there to be condemned and that because he beare our burden And therefore we must not be ashamed séeing the sonne of God hath submitted him selfe to such an infirmitie Neither was it without cause that Saint Paule exhorteth vs not to be ashamed of the preaching of the Crosse albeit it be to some foolishnesse and an offence to many For the more that our Lord Iesus Christ was humbled we sée thereby that the offences for the which wée were in arrerages and behinde with God could not be abolished without great extremitie And in déed we know that he was made weake that wée might be made strong by his power and besides hée would abide all our sufferinges sinne excepted to the ende hée might be readie at this day to helpe vs. For if hée had not felte in his owne person the feares doubtes and torments which we endure he would not be so enclined to be mercifull vnto vs as hée is Wée say that he who knoweth not what hunger and thirst meaneth will neuer be stirred vp to haue compassion vpon those that féele it because they haue alwayes taken their ease and liued in pleasure Now it is true that although God in his owne nature suffereth not any of our passions yet ceaseth hée not for all that to be curteous vnto vs but that is because hée is the fountayne of all goodnesse and mercy Neuerthelesse to the end we might be assured that our Lord Iesus Christ knoweth our weaknes to help it that we might come the boldlier vnto him haue a more familiar accesse The apostle saith Hebr. 2.10 that he would for the same cause be tēpted euen as we are So then we haue to obserue in this text which we haue read that whē our Lord Iesus was come into this village of Gethsamene namely into the Mount Oliuet it was to offer him self willingly to death And herein his will was to be discharged of the office charge that was committed vnto him For why cloathed he him self with our flesh nature without it were to repaire all our rebellions through his obedience to the end to purchase vs full perfect righteousnes before God his Father And therefore offered he him self to death because we might not be reconciled by any other meane neither yet appease the wrath of God prouoked by sin but by this onely obedience Thus we sée why the Sonne of God came fréely vnto the place where he knew that Iudas should finde him And let vs knowe that it so fell out because our father Adam through his transgression had throwne vs all downe headlōg into the bottomlesse depth that the sonne of God who had power ouer all creatures might be subiect and take vpon him the state of a seruant as he is likewise called the seruant of God of all his Sée also why S. Paul Isaiah 42.1 in shewing vs how we must stay our selues when we call vpon God with full assurance be heard as his children saith that we are reputed righteous through the obedience of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 5.19 For this is as it were a cloake to couer all our sinnes offences so that the thing that might hinder vs for the obteining of grace might not come into a reckoning before God But we on the contrary part sée that the price of our redemption cost very deare when as our Lord Iesus Christ was so tormented that hee aboad the very terror feare of death insomuch that hée sweat droppes of blood was as it were lyke one besides himselfe desiring if it were possible that hée might escape that distresse And therfore since we sée it to be thus it is good for vs to come to the acknowledging of our sinnes For it is no time for vs to rocke our selues here
dealt with him whom God had appoynted to bee the euerlastinge Shepheard of this people And this is most certaine that because the people could not abide that God shoulde bee their Gouernour yet our Lorde Iesus hath alwaies played the office of a mediator although he neuer shewed him selfe in our humane nature And this is it which we ought héere still to remember to the ende that we for our partes might learne séeinge that God hath bene so fauourable vnto vs to gather vs together as it were vnder his protection and to take vs to be of his fould and deliuereth vnto vs our Lord Iesus Christ for our shepherd let not vs in such sort wound him as to gréeue his spirit through our rebellious and vnthankful dealing and not pay him as we saye with nifles and trifles but let vs take him for our God and Kinge since he hath pleased so to vouchsafe it and consecrate our selues vnto him all the dayes of our lyfe and not pay hym with counterfet coyne but yéelde vnto him both our bodies and soules For it is good reason that wee should yéelde vnto him all gouernment ouer vs and we to be only his séeing he séeketh onely our saluation Now to conclude it is sayd that when our Lorde Iesus was brought before Pylate hee made no answer and that Pylate asked him saying why speakest thou not doest not thou see that these men witnesse against thee and that he held his peace insomuch that the Iudge wondered at hym Now wee are héere in the first place to call to minde that when our Lorde Iesus Christ appeared before an earthly Iudge it was to this ende that we might be deliuered from the condemnation which we haue deserued to féele Isai 45.23 before the heauenly Iudge For we know that we cannot goe from that which is spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah that euery knée must bowe before the maiestie of God And therefore since God is the Iudge of the whole world how is it possible that wee can stande before his face for there is none of vs all but must needes be enforced to say that we are worthy to be condemned an hundred thousand times And although we haue lyued but one yeare yet haue we committed an hundred thousand faults which deserue euerlasting condemnation and is so engraued in our hartes as that we cannot denie it Wherefore since God is clearer sighted then we how can it bee that he should not condemne vs séeing euery of vs must néedes in sundrye wise condemne hym selfe howbeit we sée our Lord Iesus Christ to bée driuen to this extremitie as that he was accused before an earthly Iudge and so prophane a man as that there was nothing in hym but couetuousnesse and ambition And therefore since the sonne of God was brought thus lowe it was to this ende that wee might vnderstand and know that wee might bouldlye present our selues before the maiesti of God for the receiuing of vs so that we should neuer néede to feare couragiously to come before his tribunal seat because we are sure that he wyll haue mercy vpon vs. Moreouer we know that Iesus Christ hath power authoritie dominion to be Iudge ouer the whole world and that when Pylate had thus condēned him it was to this end that we might bouldly come vnto him because we know that he shall come to be our Iudge And againe that we might vnderstand because he held his peace that his meaning was to abide to be condemned for vs and not answere for his iustification since hee knewe hee must bee condemned for our sakes For although he was without fal● yet bare hee all our sins vpon him And therfore it is no wonder though he helde his peace and were ouercome for otherwise hee could not haue performed the office of a Mediator without he had bene condemned and confessed that he was worthy to dye for our cause And this is the meaning why our Lorde Iesus Christ held his peace that wee might with open mouth call vpon God and beséech him of pardon for all our sins and transgressions Let vs now fall downe before the maiestie of our good God and acknowledge our offences beséeching him to touch vs vnfeynedly and to the quick that wee might grone and wéepe before him for the same And although they be great and gréeuous yet that hee would not suffer vs to be desperately shut out but to bee alwayes subiect runne vnto him And forsomuche as of our selues we are blockish and shall be neuer able to attayne thereto let vs beséeche hym to looke vpon vs with his eye of mercye as hee hath ordayned our Lorde Iesus Christ to haue care ouer vs as a Shepharde hath ouer his Shéepe that he woulde also so gather vs vnto himselfe as that we folow not the war of destruction from the which he hath pulled vs but walke in that good way wherinto hee hath brought vs. Let vs also beséeche him so to continue vs in it as that we prouoke not his heauy wrath against vs and therby forsake vs for being any longer our Shepherd But to defend vs with his favour and grace and offer vp such sacryfices vnto him as that wee might know that he hath not lost his labour in gouerninge of vs but that we might answere his holy calling And for somuch as it hath pleased him to draw vs vnto him and ch●se vs for his people and enheritance although we are no waye able to satisfie the hundreth part of our duty yet that it would please him to vpholde vs through his goodnesse and that we might alwayes make an estimation of the benefit of the death and passion whiche our Lorde Iesus Christ hath suffered vntill such time as we are rydde of all our sinnes and bee clothed with the perfection whereunto he hath at this day called vs. That hée woulde not onely bestow this grace vpon vs but vp on all people and nations of the worlde c. The fyfth Sermon of the passion Matthew xxvii 11 And Iesus stood before the Gouernour and the Gouernour asked him saying arte thou the King of the Iewes Iesus sayde vnto him thou saiest it 12 And when he was accused of the chiefe priest and Elders hee answeared nothing 13 Then sayd Pylate vnto him hearest thou not how many thinges they lay agaynst thee 14 But he answeared hym not one worde insomuch that the Gouernour marueled greatly 15 Now at the feast the Gouernour was wonted to delyuer vnto the people a prisoner whom they woulde 16 And they had then a notable prysoner called Barabbas 17 When they were gathered together Pylate sayde vnto them whether will yee that I let lose vnto you Barabbas or Iesus which is called Christ 18 For hee knewe well that for enuy they had delyuered him 19 Also when hee was set downe vpon the iudgement seate his wife sent to hym sayinge haue thou nothinge to do with that iust man for I haue suffered many
but miserable wretched ca●tifes yet let vs not for all that cease to reioyce in God by reason of the tast which he giueth vs by faith of the heauenly glory enheritance which hée hath so dearely purchased for vs from the which we cannot be put if we hope for it Let vs now fall downe before the maiestie of our good God and acknowledge our offēces beséeching him to make vs more more to féele the gréeuousnes of them to be so touched with thē as that our repentance might continually be mightiller cōfirmed that we might grone for them and so walk in the feare of our God as that he might be glorified by vs to the end we might shew wherfore hée hath redéemed vs and learne to consecrate our selues in all puritie to him and to this great Sauiour who hath sanctified him selfe that we might also be pertakers of his holinesse And that it would please him to poure the graces of his holie spirite vpon vs that by the same meanes wée might be cleansed of all the infirmities and corruptions of our flesh That hée would not onely graunt vs this grace but vnto all people c. The seuenth Sermon of the passion Matthew xxvii 45 ANd from the sixt houre there was darknesse ouer all the lande vnto the nineth houre 46 And about the ninth houre Iesus cryed out with a loude voice saying Eli Eli Lamasabachthani That is to say My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee 47 Then some of them which stood there when they heard that saide This man calleth for Elias 48 And by and by one of them ranne and tooke a spoonge and when hee had filled it full of vineger and put it on a reede hee gaue him to drinke 49 The rest saide Let bee Let vs see whether Elias will come to saue him 50 When Iesus had cryed againe with a loude voice hee yeelded vp the Ghost 51 And behold the vayle of the Temple was rent in two peeces from the toppe to the bottome and the earth did quake and the stones rent 52 And graues were opened and many bodies of Saintes which slept arose 53 And after they were come out of the graues after his resurrection came into the holie Citie and appeared vnto many 54 When the Centurion and they that were with him who watched Iesus sawe the Earth quake and the thinges that were done they feared greatly saying Truely this was the Sonne of God WE saw and heard yesterday that al the scorners and blasphemers of the Maiestie of God were no wayes able to hinder and let that the death passion of our lord Iesus should not bring foorth and manifest the power force thereof euen amiddest the most horrible cōtemners and vnthankful people of the world For marke and beholde that notwithstanding the hornorablest of the Iewes chiefliest scorned the sonne of God yet had hée compassion of the poore and miserable théefe and graunted him euerlasting life And therefore no man ought to darken and lessen the glorie of the Sonne of God Nowe if any man alledge say that the state of the miserable théefe is not to be compared with the chiefe Gouernours of the Church being the Priestly trybe whom God had chosen for the teaching of the lawe it is out of all doubt that when we speake of the saluation which God of his fré mercy purchased for vs we must not looke for any worthinesse that is to be founde in vs But rather agrée to that saying of Saint Paule 1. Tim. 1.13 That this is a true doctrine that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners And therefore when wée consider of the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ it is méete that all men should yéeld and confesse them selues to be most miserable and shameful to the end God might poure vpon them by that meanes the treasures of his mercy without any other regard to helpe vs saue that he seeth vs most miserably to be plunged ouer head and eares And because that this théefe was a most abiect man and that God had so sodeinly called him yet séeing the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hée suffred for all mankinde was auaileable vnto him the same should a great deale the rather confirme vs. Wherefore it is out of all question that God here thrusteth out his hand as it were to all those who thinke them selues worthie thereof and deserue it or at the least to such as the common people thought the most excellent But when hée pulleth damned soules out of the pyt of hell and when hée sheweth himselfe merciful vnto those who were vtterly voide of all hope of life herein shyneth his wonderful goodnes And this is it which giueth vs an entrance into saluation for although hypocrites confesse that they are greatly beholden vnto God for his grace and fauour yet shut they the gate vpon them selues by reason of their arrogancy for their pride is such as that they cannot submit them selues vnto our Lord Iesus Christ And therfore let vs in the first place be fully resolued that Iesus Christ calleth vnto him miserable sinners which are ashamed of themselues stretcheth out his armes to receiue them For if this be not in vs we shal neuer haue the heart to come vnto him But when we shal be throughly persuaded that hée purchased saluation for those who would acknowledge and submit thēselues to be most miserable and wretched sinners and be vtterly ashamed cōfesse their giltines as in déed they ought before the iudgement seate of God let vs be well assured that we shal soone attain to be partakers of the righteousnes which is héere offred vs which is the obteining of fauour and grace at the handes of God Now héere vpon followeth That from the sixt houre vnto the nineth there was darknesse ouer all the lande Hée speaketh thus cleane contrary to our common maner of spéech for wee woulde say from six houres to nine houres But the Euangelist hath followed the ordinary maner of spéech that was then vsed For whē he speaketh of the third houre hée meaneth not at thrée of the clocke but the fore part of the day And here in summe are two things to be considered of The one is that they counted the houres otherwise then we doe at this day for they reckoned the day to beginne from the Sunne rising vnto the going downe which was twelue houres where we take the day to be foure and twentie houres accounting from midnight vntill midnight folowing And therfore the clocks were to be set in such sort as that the houres in Sommer shoulde not be longer then they were in Winter and as the dayes were longer or shorter euen so were the houres longer or shorter The other point is this They deuided the day into foure partes quartered it frō thrée houres to thrée houres calling euery quarter by the beginning of the first houre Insomuch that the time
Iesus was taken from the crosse to wit that hée was thrust into the side to sée whether he had yéelded vp the Ghoste or not For they hastened not his death so fast as they dyd the two Théeues But when they thought him to bee dead they thrust a Speare into him and then they knewe that he was dead which pleased well the souldiers Now it is true that if we shoulde not be able to bring in the lawe for a testimonie we should haue somewhat a cold pull of it But S. Iohn giueth vs a full proofe that our Lorde Iesus Christe was the true Paschall Lambe since he was by the wonderfull prouidence and counsell of God preserued that there was not abone of him broken Exod. 12.46 Num. 9.12 For it said in Exodus that the Paschal lambe should bée eaten but there should not one bone of him bée broken And why were not the bones of Iesus Christe crushed since it was the common maner at those dayes Surely their will was not to spare him and hée was hanged betwéene two Théeues because they thought him to be the most vyle and detestable person Wée sée then héere that this was the worke of God in kéeping backe the handes of the Souldiers and his will also was that his Sonne should make a spéedie dispatch to the ende hée woulde preserue him and that it might bée an euident signe vnto vs in this place that in him the trueth of this auncient figure shoulde be fulfilled Héere then are wée to obserue that the bones of the Sonne of God were preserued from breaking because we might take him for our Paschall Lambe who shoulde preserue vs from the wrath of God whenas wée are marked with his blood And therefore must wée come to this point that since he is our Paschall Lamb wée must eftsoones bee dewed and sprinckled with his blood for without that the shedding of it will doe vs no good But when we shall accept him with this Sacrifice and séeke remission of our sinnes also thereby because we know that vntyll hée hath washed and cleansed vs wée are very filthie then are wee be dewed with his blood through the spinckling of the holy ghost vpon our soules and so are made cleane and God accepteth and taketh vs for his people and we are assured that although his wrath and vengeance bée ouer all the worlde yet looketh hée on vs with his eye of mercy and alloweth vs for his children Wée sée then in this place what wée are to consider when it is saide That the bones of our Lorde Iesus were not broken to the end we might vnderstand that the thing which was declared by figure in the law was verified in his body And besides it is also saide That water and blood issued out of his side and hee that sawe it beare witnesse thereof When wée sée that water blood issued so out wée must remember that it was hee as Saint Iohn sayeth in his Canonicall Epistle 1. Iohn 5.6 who by his sacrifice wrought our purgation and peace for the blotting out of all our sinnes In very déede Blood when one is dead wil waxe thicke by nature and from it will very thinne water come because the colour and thickest of the blood wil goe from it But howeuer it is Saint Iohn saieth that GOD woulde shewe for what cause the death of his sonne profiteth vs to wit Heb. 9 2● in the first place hée is at peace with vs by reason of the shedding of blood for as it is saide There can bée no remission of sinnes without the effusion of blood For beholde why Sacrifices were vsed from the beginning of the worlde And God hath saide that hée would be mercifull to all miserable sinners which put their truste in him But yet he woulde haue sacrifices to bee offered as if hée should haue said that men should be fréely forgiuen their sinnes because they can bring nothing of their own with them to obteine it But must haue a mediator to recompence it Wée sée then that the blood which ranne downe from the side of our Lorde Iesus witnesseth vnto vs that the Sacrifice which hée offered was a satisfaction for all our iniquities so that we are discharged of them before God True it is we must cōtinually féele our selues to be gilty that we might bée humbled and brought to true repentance and bée cléerely voide of all presumption But howeuer it is wée are assured that God acquitteth and pardoneth vs in the name of his sonne when we come to acknowledge our sinnes and iniquities And why so Because the sacrifice of his death is sufficient to blot out the memory of al our transgressions It is the water then that cleanseth Wherefore to the end we might be washed from all our spots let vs vnderstande that the meaning of our Lord Iesus Christe was that water shoulde issue out of his side to declare that hée is in very déede our puritie and that wée must séeke for none other remedy to washe vs from all our filthinesse And thus wée sée howe water and blood came from him by which meane wee are throughly saued in him and therefore must make no wandlesses to séeke our ayde els where But when wée shall consider more néerely of the matter wée shall sée a very notable similitude betwéene the blood and the water which issued out of the side of our Lorde Iesus Christe and the Sacraments of the Church in which the thing that was perfourmed in his death is allowed and sealed vnto vs. For after hée had suffered whatsoeuer was requisite for our saluation and fully satisfied GOD his Father by sanctifiyng and purchasing vs full righteousnesse hée would that all the whole matter should bée witnessed vnto vs in the two sacraments of his owne institution I speake of two because there are no moe instituted in his worde But Baptisme and the Supper For all the reste is but a vaine imagination deuised by the rashe boldenesse of men Thus wee see that our Lorde Iesus Christe powreth out the vertue of his death and passion aswel vpon Baptisme as on the holy Supper For Baptisme is a witnesse vnto vs that hée hath so washed and cleansed vs from all our filthinesse as that God receiueth vs vnto his fauour as if wée came cleane and neate before him Now wée must vnderstand that the water in Baptisme worketh not this effect For howe can a corruptible Element washe and cleanse our soules But the matter is because water issued out of the side of our Lorde Iesus Christ And therefore when wée woulde that Baptisme should doe vs good let vs goe vnto him who was crucified for vs and when we would féele the fruit therof let vs runne vnto our Lord Iesus Christ who would haue vs séeke for euerie parte and parcell of our saluation in him without wandring and whéeling hither and thither And besides wée haue in the holie Supper a testimony that Iesus Christ is our
because wée were stubborne that none of vs thought once to humble our selues before God but were altogether blinded in our offēces Howbeit we sée that this is the naturall meaning of the Prophet that for the obtaining of peace at the handes of God it must néedes be that we were to be reconciled by an other meane I haue alredie said that God being the iudge of the world could not choose but of verie right hate and detest vs for as shall be soone after declared what haue we brought out from the wombe of the sea and what treasure haue wée gathered together all our life long Surely wée doe nothing els but prouoke the wrath of God as if wée had made a league with Satan continually to encrease more and more his fury Sée nowe in what sorte wée haue deserued to bée hated and reiected at the handes of God Beholde how his wrath is kindled against vs and it is impossible but that hée must néedes be our enemy because wée fight against him and with might and mayne make suche warres as that we vyolate and breake all order of iustice And therefore I say must God in this respect ryse vp in iudgement agaynst vs because wée knowe it to bée his verie office to maintaine and defende equitie and right Wherfore since it is so that he seeth vs to be ful of iniquitie and corruption and altogether rebellious it is meete hée shoulde stretch foorth his arme and shewe that because we are his enemyes hée will render vs the lyke And therefore wée had néede to haue peace and our consciences will alwayes witnesse agaynst vs and although wée goe about carelesly to sleape in our flatteryes yet will GOD so pricke and spurre vs and make vs féele in despight of our téeth that wee are altogether malicious and vnthankfull Wherefore it is impossible that GOD shoulde bée mercifull vnto vs and wée to bée assured to finde fauoure with him vntill such tyme as wée féele his correction Not that GOD is desirous of reuenge as men are For a man when he is in an heate woulde haue the fault that is committed to bee amended and some redresse and punishment to be made and had that hee might be reuenged Howbeit there are no suche passions in God But how euer the case standeth God will haue his iustice and iudgement to be knowne and feared to the ende wée might the rather bée afearde of our sinnes and learne to abhorre and detest them For if GOD woulde haue forgiuen vs except Iesus Christ had made intercession and pawned him selfe for vs wée woulde haue made no account of the matter and euerie of vs woulde haue smoothed him selfe and woulde haue taken also a greater occasion of lycense to sinne But when we sée that God hath not spared so rigorously and extreamely to handle his onely Sonne as that hée did not onely cause him to suffer the most gréeuous torments in body that might bée but also so extremely afflicted his soule as that hée made him to crye out and say My God My God why haste thou forsaken mée Mat. 27.46 When wée sée all these thinges I say it is impossible except our heartes bée harder then flynt stones but that wée must bée gréeued and conceiue suche a feare as that it must vtterly confounde vs and neyther will nor choose but detest our sinnes and iniquities since they so prouoke the heauy wrath of God against vs. Thus wée sée why it was requisite that our whole correction of peace shoulde bée layde vpon Iesus Christ to the ende wée might finde fauour before God his Father that is to say that we might be at such a league with him as that we might at this day be bold and frée to call vpon God as our Father although of very right hée is our enemy and hateth vs as wée are in our owne nature Wée sée then at this present what the Prophet his meanyng is when hée sayeth that our Lorde Iesus Christ was afflicted by the hande of God disfigured and forsaken of all men and that no man once vouchsafed to looke vpon him by reason of his merueylous deformitie Howbeit hée sayeth that it was because God had kindled his wrath against vs and was armed and bent to cōfounde and throwe vs downe headlong into the pit of hell vntill such time as that attonement was made And which way came it to passe Forsooth God of his méere mercy and goodnesse fréely forgiueth vs our sinnes howbeit the price of our redemption was in the person of his onely Sonne Now we haue héere to note that by reason of the condemnation of our Lord Iesus Christ we are pardoned and al our sinnes buried shal neuer again rise vp against vs before the maiesty of God whē we speak of the forgiuenes of our sins it is not spokē as though God had so discharged vs as if we had throughly cōtented payde him but we are acquited by his méere liberality And although we are guilty before him yet forgetteth he al receiueth vs to mercie Mat. 7.19 because as the prophet saith he casteth our sins into the bottome of the sea but by the way we haue also here to note that this was no frée forgiuenes vnto the persō of our lord Iesus Christ for it cost him the setting on as we say Now if we cōsider what a grieuous cruel slanderous death this was which he abode besides what anguishes his soule endured whē he was called before the iudgemēt seat of God his father to abide our condēnation if we cōsider wel of all this geare I say we shal find that our Lord Iesus Christ hath made a woonderful paymēt for the discharging of our sins Loe here howe we at this day are fréed of thē And héerof we are throughly to cōsider for the diuel hath cōtinually gone about to darkē this doctrine because it is the chiefest article of our faith In the beginning of the world God would haue sacrifices offred vnto him for the forgiuenesse of sinnes And why was that Forsooth it was to this ende and purpose that men should not trust vnto him but by the meane of a sacrifice and the shedding of blood And therefore they all protested in their sacrifices that they were not able to come néere vnto god except they had béen redéemed by the purging of their sinnes iniquities which was to be done by our Lord Iesus Christ And yet by the way neither Iew nor Gentile but trusted to their own merits thought themselues able to make satisfaction vnto God by thē Here then we sée that the diuel euē at the time wtdrew miserable sinners frō our lord Iesus Christ frō the payment which he had made by his death passiō And yet now sée in what case the papists are For they wil cōfesse that wee haue full remission of our sinnes by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ yea but that is as they
wée might be exempt from it and that now in the middest of al our weaknes we should haue neuertheles life euerlasting which must be obtained by fayth vntil such time as it be throughly manifested vnto vs at his comming in the last day And this is the effect of that which wée are to learne out of this place Now the Prophet goeth on further and saieth That hee was cut of from out of the lande of the liuing receued the wounds which were due to his people This is a confirmation of that which wée lately handeled to wyt that the age of our Lorde Iesus Christ should not serue for himself alone but also for the whole body of his Church wherevnto hee is vnited and bounde as it were with an inseperable bonde For the Prophet sheweth that without it it might be saide that the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ should be vnprofitable Now this were a blasphemie not to be borne to think that the son of God came downe into the world to abide so cruel a death and to haue the iudgement of God fall so on his head as that he beare the punishment for our sinnes and was taken to bee the greatest malefactor in the world yet al this not to profit his faithful seruants ani thing at all yt might well inough be saide that this were as a man would say a very iest Wherfore the prophet bringeth vs back to this cōsideration that we should well vnderstand for what end purpose our Lord Iesus was thus scourged beaten And this came not by fortune as hath ben before declared Nether must wée looke only vnto that which men did and to those which vniustly slew him but wée must lift vp the eies of our faith vnto the counsell of God by which he had ordained that Iesus Christ should be sacrificed to the ende hée might purchase remission of our sinnes for vs. Wherefore since it is so we are alwaies to conclude that Iesus Christ suffered not for himselfe but receyued the woundes which were due to vs we are héere in this first place exhorted to enter into the knowledge and examination of our sins whenas the death passion of our Lord Iesus Christ is set before vs. It is very true the God therein powreth out the infinit treasures of his goodnes for indéede when S. Paul hath saide that we ar iustified by our lord Iesus that in staying our selues vpon his death passion we may boldly present our selues before god be glad that hée wil alwaies except of vs. After Saint Paul I say hath handled this doctrin that although we be miserable sinners yet wil not God cast vs off but vpholde vs because hée receiueth vs in the name of his only son he goeth on farther sayeth I beséech you Brethren euen in the bowels of the goodnes and mercie of God Wherin he sheweth that in the suffering of Iesus Christ we haue a testimony of the infinit loue of god as if he wold lay open his hart and shew vs his bowels to testefye vnto vs how deare and precious wée and our soules are vnto him Howbeit this is not sett downe to the ende wée shoulde sléepe and take pleasure in our sins For the more that God sheweth himself lyberal in the person of our Lorde Iesus Christ so much the more ought wee to féele what a gréeuous thing it is for vs to become his enemies and fight against his iustice and cause him to set himselfe against vs for the grace which God sheweth vs in our Lord Iesus Christ ought to draw vs continually to repentaunce Now the papistes at this day go about falsely to accuse vs of the doctrine which we preach which is this that we must be saued by the frée mercy of God haue our whole recourse vnto Iesus Christ bicause we knowe that therein wee haue all our perfection of rightuousnes Now forsooth Sir say they you haue made a great speake for then euery man may liue as he lust and they néede neuer care any more for the offending of God Indéed these dogs may bark thus because they neuer knew what it is to tast of the forgiuenesse of sinnes For these hipocrites make a skorne at God and at all religion and haue neuer learned what it is to transgres the law of God And wee also sée how iollily they thinke themselues discharged if they haue once song a Masse bleated and masked and they think that God is as well pleased with this as a young Child is pleased with a pudding Thus we sée how these skorners of God can blaspheme the gospell but when we haue come once to the acknowledgment of our sins and know to what ende the inestimable grace of God is preached vnto vs without doubt wée shoulde bee touched with repentance and be mortally wounded with the horror of anguishe and payne when wée sée God to bee our enimie because wée haue prouoked him to wrath And this is héere the meaning of the prophet that Iesus Christ hath sustained the wonds which were due to vs. Wherin he sheweth that we can neuer liuely féele what good the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ hath done vs except we be inwardly throughly touched with the offending of our God wherby wee haue made him to become as our Iudge enemy vntill such time as we be reconciled vnto him by his méere goodnesse and mercy Now this is sufficiently declared to vs in the holy Scripture but héerein resteth the whole matter that wée applye our witte and studie thereto Math. 11.28 Neuerthelesse be as be may we sée that our Lorde Iesus Christ calleth none but such as doo labor and are heauy laden By this he excludeth all such as sléepe in their iniquities and flatter them selues in them or els which giue them selues to al lycenciousnesse without any feare of God And therefore they which are thus giuen ouer to all wickednesse cannot possibly come néere vnto our Lord Iesus Christ for who shall giue vs an entraunce vnto him but the voyce whiche calleth vs Euen so fareth it with them who are so proude and presumptiouslye blinde as that they make them selues beléeue that they are righteous through their owne deserts and surely he shutteth the gate against all such kind of people so that they can haue no hope that our Lord Iesus christ bringeth them any comfort or solace And why so forsooth because he thus saith come vnto mée who are they All the world Indéed this is true that he calleth all the worlde howbeit hee maketh a distinction of it for thus he saithe all yée that labor and are heauy loden For after he had called all such as had néede of his helpe hée sheweth that none can be partakers thereof but such as doo labor and are heauy loden And therfore when we shall féele our burden and so groane vnder it as that we are able to beare no more sée what a way
is no doubt but that we shall all be linked together in this prayer in all the prayses thankes giuing vnto the Lord and that Iesus Christ doth as a man would say powre out and become as it were the chiefe chaunter to bring vs into our prayers so that by his meane the sound of our voices do in such sort ioyne together as that they make very swéet pleasāt harmony For when we the Angels of heauen shal pray together to God will not this be a most excellent priuiledge But when the sonne of God wil vouchsafe to be so familiar with vs as to say come your wayes I will be your spokes man would not this meruellously rauish vs Moreouer his was figured in the Lawe whenas the high Priest did not onely offer vnto God the Sacrifices but ioined also with them prayers supplications And therfore vnder the auncient shadowes no Priest could make intercessiō vnto god and be made acceptable without the sheading of blood howbeit hée ioyned also with blood prayers that the sinnes of the people might be forgiuen and that God might receiue such to mercy as were worthie to be reiected Thus we sée that our Lord Iesus Christ hath taken away the figures of the lawe and hath fulfilled and ended them in his owne person That is hée hath offred vp blood for the washing away of our sinnes not the blood of Calues Hebr. 9.14 and shéepe as the maner was in the lawe but euen his owne precious blood which was consecrated by the holie Ghost to the ende wée might be wholly sanctified by him And yet hée ioyned prayers with the effusion of blood And therefore we sée why at this day he is called our Mediatour and maketh intercession for vs. And when Saint Paule speaketh of prayers hée saieth 1. Tim. 2.5 That there is one God and Mediatour euen the man Iesus Christ Hée might verie well haue sayde There is one God and one Iesus Christ who is the eternall word of God and of the selfe same essence glorie and maiestie Nowe hée vseth not this kinde of spéech But hée saieth there is one God and one Mediatour betwéene God and men euen the man Iesus Christ As if hée should haue sayde Hebr. 4.15 Hebr. 7.27 9.7 Behold the Sonne of God who after hee had taken vpon him our nature and was made man lyke vnto vs sinne except maketh now intercession for vs. Nowe the Priestes in the olde time néeded to pray for them selues and so they did and for the sinnes of all the people in which number they were also comprehended But our Lord Iesus as touching him selfe néeded not so to doe neither is there any cause why he should for his parte craue pardon for any sinnes that hée had committed but maketh intercession for vs. Rom. 8.31 And therefore when Saint Paule would enbolden vs to come vnto God hée namely saith If God be on our side who shall be against vs For although we haue many enemies yet let vs not be afeard and vnto whom must we yéeld an account of the bestowing of our whole life Who also is our Iudge Forsooth euen the man Iesus Christ and he him selfe also is our Aduocate to make intercession and an agréement betwéene God and vs. It is euen he that must obtayne grace for vs. Wherfore we may with good courage come before the maiestie of God yea boldly present our selues before his iudgement seat since we haue Iesus Christ to stand there betwéene him and vs. Thus then we sée what is the effect of that which we haue to consider of when as this saying of intercession is here spoken of To be short as often as the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ is talked of let vs ioyne theretoo eftsoones the prayer which he made once for all to the ende it might remaine for euer and woorke his effect For it is not nowe needfull for our Lorde Iesus Christ to kneele on his knees before God his Father to pray vnto him In deede it is saide that he will make alwayes intercession for vs. But howe Forsooth euen by the power of his death and passion and by the prayer that is made at this day For through the power thereof we are heard as if he him selfe at this day spake for vs and besides as I haue saide all our prayers are sanctified by him otherwise they should be but prophane And to say truely as often as the faithfull prepare themselues to pray vnto God They where the Papists sprinkle holy water as they call it about and charme coniure or rather mask mumme should féele that their praiers are besprinckled with the blood of Iesus Christ to the ende they might be pure and cleane and that God might receiue them as a swéete smelling sacrifice And herevpon let vs vnderstande that our Lorde Iesus Christ was not a sacrificing Priest for a day onely but kéepeth that office still euen vnto this day and for euer that we might alwayes féele the fruit therof Now if this had been rightly knowne men woulde not haue exceeded as hath come to passe in so many villainies superstitions For we sée howe the Papists at this day wander about lyke miserable stray beasts not knowing which way or path to take to pray vnto God For they haue an infinite number of Patrones and Aduocates and euerie man buildeth vpon his owne Patrone and Aduocate In déede they haue many common and ordinarie ones but yet after al their kyries as they say euerie man will say his deuotions to the Saint which he hath forged vnto him self Thus we see how Iesus Christ is robbed of his honour and glorie And this is out of all doubt that when they are not contented with Iesus Christe it must bee that the Deuill hath possessed them and put them in such a furie as it were to despight God who speaking of Iesus Christ in giuing him that office they haue giuen the right of it to this bodie that As the Papistes as this day call the virgine Marie their Mediatrix Nowe the Deuill goe with all their prayers For this is as much as if they forsooke God and our lord Iesus Christ And it cannot be chosen but that the virgine Mary her selfe cryeth out for vengeance against them Iohn 5.45 because they haue made a detestable Idoll of her and robbed Iesus Christ of the honour of this sacrifice ratefied by God with a solemne oth and haue done all they can to falsefie the whole scripture The Papistes think that the virgine Mary will help them but shée will rather as I haue alredie saide call for vengeance against them for the wrong which they haue done her For if they should spit on her do her all the villainies that were possible to be done without doubt they could not deuise to do her a greater shame then to call her a Mediatrix And why so Psal 110. ●