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A10213 The treasure of trueth touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in .38. short aphorismes. VVritten in Latin by Theodore Beza, and nevvly turned into English by Iohn Stockvvood. VVhereunto are added, these godly treatises. One of the learned and godlie Father. Maister I. Foxe. In the which the chiefest poyntes of the doctrine of God his election, are so plainely set foorth, as the verie simplest may easily vnderstand it, and reape great profite thereby. The other of Maister Anthonie Gylbie, wherein the doctrine of God his election and reprobation, is both godly and learnedlie handeled. Seene and alovved, according to the order appoynted.; Summa totius Christianismi. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Stockwood, John, d. 1610.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. Briefe treatyse of election and reprobacion. 1576 (1576) STC 2049; ESTC S113223 100,323 280

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daylie against distrust vvith heauenlie armour 15 vve maie learne not to behaue our selues negligentlie but to continue stoutlie to honour him to loue feare and call vppon him 16 so that vve maie daylie more and more as touching vs as Peter sayeth Make our callinge and election sure And moreouer howe shall hee abyde sure and stedfaste against so many noisome temptacions vvithin and vvithout and against so many as the vvorlde termeth them assaultes of Fortune vvhiche hath not firste assuredlie grounded in his minde that vvhiche is moste true to vvyt that God according to his good pleasure doeth all thinges vvhatsoeuer they bee and vvhat instrumentes so euer hee vse to the profite of those that are his amongst vvhose number he must bee reckoned vvhich is set in this daunger Proues out of the worde of God. Rom. 8. 29. For whome he hath fore● knowne those also hath he foreordeyned to bée made lyke vnto the Image of his sonne that he might be the fyrst borne among many brethren 30. And whome he hath forehordeined those also hath he called an whome he hath called those also hath hée iustified or made righteous and whome he hath iustified those also hath hée glorified Eph. 1. 4. As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the worlde were layd that wee shoulde be holy and vn blameable before him through loue 5. Who hath foreordeined vs whome he would adopt or chose vnto his sonnes through Christ in him selfe according to the good pleasure of his wyll 9. The mistery or secréete of his wyl being opened vnto vs according vnto his frée good will which he had purposed in him selfe Ioh. 10. 27. My shepe heare my voice and I knowe they follow mée Rom. 5. 2. Through whome also by ●aith we had this entry into this grace ●y which we stand and glory vnder the hope of the glory of God. Rom. 8. 38. For I am persuaded that neyther death nor lyfe neyther Angels ●or principalities neither powers neither things present nor things to come 39. Neyther height nor depth neyther any other thing creat●d can separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. ● Cor. 2. 10. But God hath reuealed or op●ned them vnto vs by his spirit For the spirit searcheth all thinges euen the depthes of God. 1. Iohn 3. 24. Hée tht kéepeth his cōmaundementes dwelleth in him and h● in him And by this doo we knowe that he dwelleth in vs towyt by his spirite which he hath geuen vs. Psal. 95. 7. 8. To day if ye wyll heare his voice harden not your hearts as in Meriba as in the day of Massa in the wildernes Ioh. 10. 27. My ●héepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow mée 2. Cor. 13. 5. Trye your selues whe●ther you bée in fayth or no proue your selues Whether you knowe your sel●es or no to wyt Iesus Christ to be in you Gal. 4. 6. Because you are the sonnes of God God hath sent forth the Spirit of his sonne into your heartes crying Abba Father 1. Ioh. 3. 24. He that kéepeth his commaundementes dwelleth in hym and he in him and by this do we know that he dwelleth in vs to wit by the spyryt which he hath geuen vs. 1. Cor. 2. 10. But vnto vs hath God reueled or opened them by his spirite For the spirit searcheth al things euen the very depthes of God c. Rom. 6. All most in the whole Chapter 1. Iohn 3. 9. Whosoeuer is borne of God doeth not commytte sinne because his seede abideth in him neyther can he sinne because that he is borne of God. Rom. 6. 11. Lykewise gather ye also that ye your selues are both dead vnto s●nne and do also liue vnto God through Christ Iesu our Lord. 12. Let not sinne therefore reigne in your mortall body that you should obey sinne in the lustes of the body Ephes. 4. 29. Let no filthie speache come foorth of your mouth but if any be profitable for the vse of edifying that it maye mynyster grace vnto the hearers 30. And doo yée not make sadde that holy spirite of God by which ye are sealed vnto the daye of redemption Rom. 8. 26. Lykewise the spyrite also helpeth our infirmyties or we a●●enesses for we knowe not what to praye as wée ought but the spyrite it selfe ma●eth request for vs with sighes that can not be expressed Rom. 7. 24. Wretche that I am who shal delyuer mée from this bodie of death Rom. 8. 15. For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage vnto ●eare but ye haue receyued the spyrite of adoption through whome wée crye Abba Father 16. Which verie spirite beareth witnesse togeather with our spirite that we are the sonnes of God. Rom. 8. 27. But he that searcheth the heartes knoweth what is the meaning of the spirite because that hée maketh request for the Saints according to the wyll of God. Eph. 1. 13. In whome ye also haue hoped hauing heard the word of truth c. 14. Which is the earnest of our inheritaunce c. Eph. 4. 30. And make not sadde that holye spirite of God by whome you are sealed vnto the daye of redemption 2. Cor. 1. 22. Who also hath sealed vs and hath geuen the earnest of the spirite in our hearts Rom. 11. 29. For the gifte and calling of God are such that he can not repent him of them Hebr. 6. 17. Wherein God wylling abundauntly to shewe vnto the heyre● of promyse the v●chaungeablenesse of his counsel bound him self by an oath 2. Tim. 2. 19. But the foundation of God standeth sure hauing this seale The Lorde knoweth who are his And let euery one that nameth the name of of Christ depart from vnrightousnesse Rom. 8. 38. For I am persuaded that neither death nor lyfe neither Angels nor principalytyes nor powers neither things present nor thinges to come 39. Neyther height nor depth neyther any thing created can separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. Ioh. 3. 33. He that receyueth his witnesse hath sealed that God is true Rom. 4. 20. But he was made strong by fayth geuing the glory vnto God. 21. And being fully persuaded that h● was also able to doo that which hée had promised Rom. 5. 5. Hope maketh not a shamed because the loue of God is shed abroade in our● heartes by the holy ghost which is geuen vs. Heb. 4. 16. Let vs therefore boldly approche vnto the throne of grace that we maie obtaine mercie and finde grace to helpe in tyme of néede 1. Cor. 1. 9. God is faithfull by whome ye are called into the fellowshippe of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. 1. Thes. 5. 24. He is faithful which hath called you who also wyll bring it to passe Heb. 10. 22. Let vs approche with a true heart and certaine perswasion of faith with pure heartes from an euyll conscience 23. And hauing our body washed with pure water let vs holde fast the
of Christ crucifyed which fayth to defyne is this To beléeue Iesus Christ to bée the sonne of the lyuing God sent into this worlde by his death to satisfye for our sinnes and so to receaue the same And thus much touching election and fayth with the order and explycation of the causes necessary to bée considered in our saluation whereby maye appeare howe for tho pretenced Catholiques doo swarue from the ryght minde of the Scriptures For where the Scriptures in declaring the causes of saluation doo sende vs onely to fayth as the onely condition whereby these causes haue theyr workyng these Catholiques doo quyte leaue out fayth and in stéed● thereof place in other condicions of merytes wylworkes pardons masses and especiall auricular confession with penaunce and satisfaction for our sinnes c. FINIS ¶ A briefe Treatise wit● certayne Answers to the Obiections of the Aduersaries of this doctrine written by Anthonie Gylbie ●Hereas three yeeres ago dearely beloued I did write of this matter of Election Reprobation whiche is called Predestination in a certayn Commentarie vpon the Prophet Malachie by the occasion of this text I haue lou●d Iacob and I haue hated Esau. The whiche Treatise by the rage of persecution partly perished and part dyd come of late to my handes accompting this doctrine so necessarie that vppon all occasions it ought with reuerence to bee vttred to the glory of God whiche so wonderfully appeareth in this his riche mercie towarde vs whome he chooseth from the fylthe of sinne to serue him in righteousnesse and to the beating downe of our corrupt nature whiche without this eyther moūteth by pride vnto presumption or falleth by infidelyty to desperation Because that without some taste of this diuine prouidence in Predestination there can bee no fayth but eyther a doubtfull wauering leading to dispayre which wée haue lefte in the Papisterye wyles wée looked to our owne weakenesse and infirmitie not able to endure one houre in the way of righteousnesse or else a vayne presumption of feyned holynesse whyles wee beeholde our owne beleefe and good works or the perfection that we doo imagine in our owne selues as doo the Annabaptistes Therefore I thoughte it good according to my simple Talent to testifie this truthe agayne vnto the worlde at the Printing of this worthy Table of the great lerned man Master Beza which is set forth in French Latin and Italian and now into Englyshe translated by our brother VV. VVhittingham wherein is most euidēntly set forth before our eies the chyefe ground of this doctryne and the principall poyntes thereof are so deepely opened that there seemed to wante nothing that was possible in fewe lynes to be vttered yet for the shortnesse therein all thinges can not be conteyned but that some briefe lessons for the vnlearned who hath not theyr sences fully exercised wyth such déepe sentences may well be adioyned as euery man hereafter shall héerevnto be moued by the spirit of God working in their hartes that many bearing wytnesse to the truthe of this most profitable doctrine nowe reuealed the mercies of God in choosing his chyldren may more and more daye by daye be disclosed and by the witnesse of dyuers consentyng togyther in one God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ may be gloryfyed For heerein chyefly standeth his prayse honor and glory that these his wonderfull mercyes toward hys Electe maye be praysed Nowe there is no meane more apte nor doctrine more conuenient to establysh the fayth of the Sayncts than to certyfye by the Scryptures that God hath chosen them before the begynnyng of the world● to be holy to hym selfe and so wrytten theyr names in the booke of lyfe in the heanens that all theyr saluatyon resteth wholy vpon his handes and holy counsell that can by no meanes be altered or chaūged so that neyther death Diuell no●●ell dare nowe accuse them that are by adoption grafted in Christ who are called of the eternall purpose bicause it is God that iustifieth and who dare condempne them It is Christ that is giuen for them how shall not all things with him be geuen to them also For them that he knew before them he ordeyned before that they should be lyke fashioned to the image of his sonne and whome hee appoynted before those also hee called and whome hée called those also he iustified and whom he iustifyed those also be glorifyed that his eternall purpose and counsell of God béeing once reuealed to his Saincts by the effectuall vocation and calling whiche is the iustifycation of fayth wrought in their heartes by the holy spirite they can no longer doubt neyther of Election Predestination saluation or glorifycation Neither can any thing more beate downe mans nature and the pride of his vayne heart than to behold the maiestie of God making them by grace so farre vnlyke one to the other who were bothe one altogither by nature the chyldren of wraths of vengeance damnation as the wonderful example of Iacob Esau doeth declare of whom the Lord pronounceth that he loueth the one hateth the other before they were borne and the terrible sentence agaynst Pharao whome the Scripture affyrmeth that God raysed vp to shewe vppon him his power and hardened hys hart to make his name knowne and such like which euery where are set before our eyes to cause man to fall downe before God and to feare his iudgementes But our Aduersaries obiect agaynst vs that this doctrine is an offence to many and that some abuse it to carnall lybertie I doo answere that Christe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●umbling stone to many and all the 〈◊〉 of the Gospell is lykewise slaundered by the euill conuersation of others yet may we not prohibite the sweete floures from the Bées bicause Spiders sucke thence their poyson no more than wée maye stoppe the sunne to shyne bycause it hurteth sore eyes But that it may bée the glad tydings of saluation to the assurance of the fayth of the one and a cleare testymony of cōdemnation of the other to the beating downe of the pryde of man thys glorious counsel of the mightie God ought vnto all in this cleare reuelation of the Gospell to bee offered opened and publyshed Wherefore by the good wyll of God we entende to speake of this greate matter none other wayes neyther in any other sorte then the open Scriptures shall approue our sayings Therfore we say with the holy Apostle Sayncte Paule Blessed bee God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche hath blessed vs with all spirytuall blessinges in heauenlye thinges vnto Christ lyke as he hath elected and ch●sen vs in him before the foundations of the worlde were layde that wée shoulde be holy and blamelesse before him by loue who hath predestinate vs that hee myghte freely choose vs to bee hys chyldren by Iesus Christ. Ephes. ● And thoughe there come some wycked men whiche were long before apoynted to this iudgement whiche doo turne the grace of our
beloued from the begyning from before the foundations of the world frō euerlasting to euerlasting For there is no chaunge of tyme with God seeing that all thinges are present in his syght For vnto him a thousande yeares are but one day but the course change of times are in vs our déedes our knowledge in mans chaungeable wisdome This Election must of necessitie driue downe the pryde wée haue of our owne strength our owne power our owne nature our owne frée wil our owne merites our owne iustification of our owne workes and bryng vs to the feelynge of the mighty power of God which worketh all in all things to the restoring of all things in our Christ both in Heauen and Earth by whome wée are called into this state long before appointed accordyng to his purposed pleasure by whose power all things are wrought that we may boldly say wyth the Apostle who dare laye any thing to the charge of the Elect of God It is God that iustifieth who is hée that can condemne Who can seperate vs whiche are this chosen Iacob from the loue of God. Can affliction Can anguish Can persecution Can hunger Can nakednes Can peryll Can the sword For I am perswaded sayeth he that neyther death nor life nor Angel nor power nor things present eyther thinges to come neyther heyght nor depth neyther any creature can separate vs frō the loue of God in Christ Iesu our Lorde Loe this is the loue wherwith the Lorde loueth his Iacob whereby we saye O heauenly Father Lord of heauen and earth it hath pleased thée that thou myght shewe thy great goodnesse most lyberally and freely towards vs before that we were and therfore before we had done eyther good or euyl without any our merytes or deseruinges onely through thy frée mercy to elect and choose ordaine and appoint vs heyres of euerlasting lyfe and thereby to make all things pertayning to our saluation so fyrme and sure that they cannot stagger wauer nor fayle Where contrariwise if they dyd hang of our worthynesse we should euer be doubtfull because euery man is a lyar al our righteousnesse is lyke a spotted cloath and nothing but counterfayte hypocrisie wayed in the ballaunce of thy seuere iustice But the grace of this thy frée Election maketh vs most certaine sure séeing no creature is able to take out of thy hande O god Wherefore wée doo lawde and magnifye thy name worlde without ende So bee it Now after this doctrine of election and loue of God towarde Iacob the hating and Reprobation of Esau must lykewise be declared and though the aduersaries of this doctrine doo seeme to denie that there is any such Reprobation of the wycked yet the wordes are so plaine in Malachie and Romanes 9. that nothing can be more euident For what can be more plainely spoken for this purpose then that God shoulde saye before the chyldren were borne that he hated Esau. What was this b●tred but the Reprobation Reiection and condemnation by God his owne mo●th of this wicked Esau lyke as in the last verse of the fyrst Psalme where it is sayde that the Lorde knoweth the wayes of the ius●e● that is he hath them wrytten in his booke in the Heauens ●e loueth them as is sayd of Iacob he hath such care ouer them that they can not fall but vnto the glorye of God and theyr owne commodity and by the course of the contraries compared together in that Psalm it should be added the Lord knoweth not the wicked like as Christ sayth it shall bée answered vnto them I knowe you not the latter parte of the verse is that the way of the wicked shall perishe so that it appeareth to bee all one not to bee elected accepted and knowne of God and to perish and to be as a Reprobate condemned And Felinus foorthe of Kimhy doth note that that parte of the laste verse of the. 2. Psalme God beeing angrye you shall perishe foorthe of the waye dothe expounde this of the fyrste Psalme so that the Election knowledge loue and fauour of God and eternall saluation cannot be separate Like as his anger and hatred reprobation and condemnation consequently doo followe in Caine Esau Pharao Iudas the Pharisées and lyke obdurate persons so manifestly vttering them selues to bée of that sort whome God alwayes hated The chyldren not of Abraham but as Christ answereth vnto them of their father the deuyl who was a murtherer from the begynning lyke as his chyldren haue bene also euer syth the begynning of the world and therefore must of necessitie be hated of the most mercifull Lorde who is compelled by the order of his workes to vse these wicked roddes and cruel scourges for the chastisement of his childrē doing many times the works straunge from his nature that he may doo his worke of his mercy peculyar vnto his nature And than vtterly breake hate reiect and cast away into euerlasting fyre vtter destruction this rodde and scourge lyke a most merciful Father fauoring his children and hating the rodde Lyke as he sayth by his prophet Woo vnto Assur the rodde of my fury and the staffe of my indignation and after promyseth to breake the staffe and cast away the rodde Psal. 10. Suffering in the meane season yet these instruments of his wrath prepared vnto destruction with great patience for this ende that he maye vtter the ryches of his glory towards the vessels of glory which he hath prepared vnto glory Thus was Pharao the manifest scourge and rodde of God to correct to chastice to exercyse the Israelytes and to spreads the power of God through all the worlde Therefore was Moyses sent vnto him with the rodde of God his mighty mercy to breake in sunder this rodde of chastisement And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses I haue appoynted thée to bée the God of Pharao and Aaron thy brother shall be thy Prophete thou shalt speake vnto him all that I commaunde thée And he shall speake vnto Pharao to let go the chyldren of Israel forth of his lande But I wyll harden his harte sayeth the Lorde and I wyll multyplie my sygnes and wonders in Egypt and hée shall not heare you And I wyll bryng myne Armie and people ●oorth of the Lande of Egypte by most greate iudgementes and the Egyptians shall know that I am the lord Exod 12. Againe the Lorde sayth Nowe shall I stretche my hande to stryke thée and thy people with a plague and thou shalt peryshe from the earth for therefore haue I caused thée to stande for so is the Hebrewe worde that I maye shewe in thée my strength and that my name maye bée renowned through all the earth Exod 9. Then the Lorde sendeth a great hayle so that feelyng the hande of God the tenth tyme Pharao was compelled to crye The Lorde is iuste and I and my people are synners as followeth in the same Chapter Yet for all this the Lorde hardeneth his harte that hée pursueth the chyldren
commaundement of God and what so euer lawe is not the mynde wyll and commaundement of God as was the lawes of the Scribes and Phariseys and of the cursed Papists the same be wicked who of necessitie were set vp the body of Antichrist to vtter theyr vnrighteousnesse that Christe the sonne of righteousnesse the head of his body in his manyfolde mercies more playnely might appeare and shine with more glory Agayne to define sinne to be the affection motion or operation of any reasonable creature agaynst the lawe of God his maiestie must needes be secluded and excused who is the lawe maker the creator no creature hauing no euill motion nor ledde with any affection whiche mighte make his worke euyll Like as the creature is for the most part blame worthie because euen when it doth the best of all It is subiect to some affection eyther selfeloue or hatred of some other yea the Lorde God maye vse any of his creatures in any worke without the blame of any euill as well as the Smith may make his coles to flame or to quenche them eyther the same peece of yron sometimes his hammer sometime his tongs or stithy Wherefore though very muche might be sayde in this parte that as the potter may make of one peece of clay what hym liketh the Smith mays make of hys yron diuers instrumentes yet following the godly wisdome of S. Paule● I thinke it more meete to beate downe mans subtilties with the contemplation of the Maiestie of the mightie God pronouncing boldly that suche as saye if my lyes and sinne set foorth his glory why am I then iudged as a sinner let vs doo euyll that good may come and so in their wycked words dare make God the author of euyl hath their worthy damnation alreadye as Paule sayth Rom. 3. For of necessitye whiche their eyes can not sée suche diuersitie of sinne and grace of righteousness● and vnrighteousnesse of the contrarietie and chaunge of things must be in this wōderfull creation of heauen and earth by the high maiestie of God appoynted and ordeyned For what needed the goodly creature of lyghte If there had bene no darknesse or howe shoulde this benefite haue bene felt or perceyued what matter or cause of vttering iustice mighte haue bene found without sinne and vnrighteousnesse how should grace haue bene shewed if no wrath had bene deserued No the mightie God thereby most euidently vttereth his maiestie in that he sheweth how the heauens fal into darknesse without him the earth into dust the Angels into deuyls the men into sinne and so finally without him all thinges to come to nought that he might be magnified creating all things his sonne our sauiour renowmed who hath redéemed vs all hys holy spirite exalted who hath renewed all vs that be his elect and chosen Nowe to what creature is the maiestie of God bounde and founde debter of his spirite If he withholde it from any his dreadfull maiestie may rightly withhold it for who hath giuen him first to aske any thinge agayne of debt or dutie If his maiestie doo giue his spirite it is of his free mercy and grace If the earth fal into dust if man fal into sinne that all things may be knowne to be nothing without God what blame deserueth God or who dare accuse hym No let all flesh fall downe before his maiestie and confesse All thinges doth onely rest vpon thee O Lorde thou hast created all things of nothing so that without thee they all do fall to their originall to she we them selues vayne and nothing worth● weake wretched miserable wherfore if we haue any good thing it commeth of thy mercy if we haue any weaknesse sinne or infirmitie it commeth of our owne con●●piscence lusts vanity our perditiō is of our selues our sinne is of our selues onely of thée is our saluation thou made vs clay potts vessels to thine vse Do thou with vs as thou shalt think good in thine eyes and the shame shall fall vpon our own faces The second cause which concerneth man wherby many mistake this doctrin is that God exhorteth man alwayes in his Scriptures to good and forbiddeth euyll with many terrible threatnings whiche things seemeth not to be needful say they seeing the Ele●●e shall be saued the Reprobate condēned by decree sentence giuen vpon them before they be borne To this we do answere that these exhortatiōs and cōmunications are very necessary to both twaine bicause God leadeth vs men alwayes like reasonable creatures not like insensible ste●ks or stones And to the Elect they are most necessarie prickes and spurres to stirre the dull flesh toward his dutie as all good men feeleth can beare witnesse To the Reprobate they are testimonies of the good wyll of the almighty God to them opened and vttered but openly resisted and refused and reiected accordinge to the saying of oure Sauioure Christ If I had not come and spoken to them they had had no sinne but nowe they haue no pretence or excuse for theyr sinne Paraduenture you wyll answere mée They can not obey vnto it What is the cause thereof I pray you bicause they lacke the spirite of Christe to leade them you wyll say I dare easily graunt you but wyll they graunt this wyll they thinke you submite them selues vnder poore Christe and the foolyshnesse of the crosse and not rather boast and brag their wisedome their knowledge and their vpright dealyng and righteousnesse Are not these the men that dare thus boast Wée knowe as well as the Preacher can tell vs Is the spirite of God departed from vs to speake with him As was sayde to Micha 2. of the Kings 22. chapter Or as the Pharisies did answere vnto Christe are we blynde To whome our Sauiour sayth agayne If you were blinde you had no sinne but nowe you say you see therefore your sinne remayneth Ioh. 9. Thus doubtlesse they are so farre from the submission subiection to poore Christ that contrariwise they doo willingly and naturally followe their Father Lucifer who did lift him selfe arrogantly aboue Christ the sonne of righteousnesse and euermore fyghteth against Christ though the mightie power and high wisedome of God turneth his euyll wyll and all theyrs to his glory good purposes None other wayes than bodily and naturall darknesse which by the wonderfull wisdome of God clearly setteth forth the bright Sunshyne and yet laboureth by continuall course to shadowe the Sunne and to couer the whole earth Wherefore the Lord God to driu● away this naturall darknesse from man exhorteth to iustice and equitie which is his nature and the Image which man ought to counterfayte And alwayes commaundeth thinges therevnto agréeable And forbyddeth that hee is not that is to s●ye iniquitie and dehorteth therefrom by his Prophetes and Preachers publyshing his wyll and pleasure which is the lyght and lawe most perfecte to man his noble creature whome he hath made for his honour and glory whome he hath appointed
of and thou standest by ●ayth be not hye minde● but feare 2. Cor. 4. 3. But if our gospell be hidden it is hyoden to them that perishe 4. In whome the God of this worlde hath blynded their myndes that is in the vnfaithfull least the light of the gospell of the glory of Christ which is the Image of God shoulde not shine vnto them Hebr. 12. 16. Let there be no fornicatour nor prophane or vncleane person as Esau which for one messe of meate solde his byrth right 17. For ye knowe howe that afterwarde also when he woulde haue obtained the blessing by the ryght of inherytaunce he was cast of for he founde no place of repentance although he sought that blessing with teares The seuenth Aphorisme SO when as the question of the sorting of the causes of saluatiō into degrees placing of thē as it were in a certaine new order in the saluation of the elect we do distinguish or make a differēce between the purpose of electing or chosing the whiche God hath decreed in him selfe and the election or chosing it selfe the which is ordained in Christ so that this purpose of God in the rule and order of causes goeth before this election and all other thinges which follow after Proues out of the word● of God. Rom. 8. 30. And whome he hath Predestinate or foreordained those also hath he called whome he hath called those also hath he iustified or made righteous And whome hée hath iustified or made righteous those also hath he gloryfied Ephe 1. 4. As he chose vs in him before the foundation of the worlde were layde c. 5. Who hath Predestinate or foreordained vs whome he woulde adopte or ●●ose for his sonnes through Christ vn●● him selfe according to the good plea●●re of his wyll The third Chap. ¶ Of the execution or fulfylling of the euerlasting counsaile in that which is common both to the elect or chosen and also to the reprobates or ofcastes The first Aphorism● THe Lorde to the ende he might execute or fulfyll that euerlasting counsayle vnto his glorie prepared him selfe away according vnto his infinite or endlesse wisedome which is common both to them which were to bee chosen and also to them which were to bee ofcastes For when as he had determined to shew forth a notable example of his mercie in the saluation of the chosen and also to make manifest his iust iudgement in condemning the ofcastes 1 It was of neces●itie that he shoulde shutte vp both of them vnder contumacie or disobedience and sinne that he might haue mercie on all the beleeuers 2 that is on the elect or chosen 3 for faith is a gifte of God peculiar or proper vnto the elect ● 4 and contra●y wise that he might finde matter of iust dampn●tion in those vnto whom it is geuen neither to beleeue neither yet to know the misteries or secretes of God. Proues out of the word of God. Rom. 11. 32. For God hath shut vp al vnder disobedience that he might haue mercy on all Gal 3 22. But the Scr●pture hath shut vp all things vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be geuen to them that beléeue Act. 13 48 And the Gentiles hearing these things reioyced and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordeyned vnto e●e●lasting life beléeued Eph. 2. 8. For ye are saued by grace through sayth and that not of your selues it is the gifte of God. 2. Thes. 3. 2. Fayth is not of all men or all men haue not fayth Tit 1. 1. According to the fayth of Gods elect or chosen and the knowledge of the tr●th which is according vnto Godlynes 2. Unto the hope of eternall lyfe the which God that can not lye hath promised before the world beganne Phil. 1. 29. For vnto you it is geue● in Christ his cause not onely● to beleeue in him but also to suffer for him Gal 3. 22. But the frute of the spirit is loue ioye peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse fayth c. Math. 13. 11. For vnto you it is not geuen to know the secréets of the kingdom of heauen but to them it is not geuen loh. 12. 37. And though he had done so many myracles before them yet they beleeued not in him 38. That the saying of Esay the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord ●oho beleued our saying and vnto whom ●is the arme of the Lord opened 39. Therfore they could not beléeue becau● that Esay sayth againe 40. He hath blynded their eyes and hardened theyr hearts that they should not see with theyr eyes and vnderstand with theyr heart and should be conuerted and I should heale them The second Aphorisme THis therefore he did vvith such vvisdom that the whole faultes of the reprobates or ofcastes damnation resteth in themselues and that the vvhole praise of the saluation of the electe or chosen is vvholie to to be referred vnto his mercy for he dyd not create man in sinne for so vvhich God forbyd should he him selfe haue beene the Author of sinne and of his iustice he might not punishe it but rather hee made him after his owne Image that is in cleanesle and holynesse Proues out of the worde of God. Gen 1. 27. Therfore god created man after his owne image after the Image of god created he him male and female created he them Ephes. 4. 24. And put on that new man which after God is created in righteousnes and true holynes The thyrd Aphorisme HE afterwardes constrayned by none at all and driuen also by no necessity of concupiscence or luste● as concerning his vvyl for as yet it vvas not bond vnto finne of his owne accorde and freely rebelling against God bequeathed himself vnto sinne and vnto both deaths That is of bodie and soule Proues out of the worde of God. Gen 2. 17. In the daye that thou eatest of it dying thou shalt dye Ro. 7. 20. But yet if I doo that I would not then is it not I that doo it but sinne that dwelleth in mée Rom. 5. 12. Wherefore as by one man sinne entered into the worlde and death by the meanes of sinne and so death went ouer all men insomuch as all men haue sinned The fourth Aphorisme YEt vve must confesse that this fall of man happened not by chaunce vvhen as the prouidence of God is stretched forth euen vnto the verie smallest things neither can any thing be saide to come to passe God not knowing of it o● else altogeather vvynking at it for so thinking the vvhich God forbyd vvee must be of the opinion of the Epicures Proues out of the worde of God. Mat. 10. 29. Are not two sparowes sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father 50. But the verie heyres of your hea● are all numbred Prou. 16. 33. The lotte is cast into the lappe but the whole iudgement of it
Christ. The twelfth Aphorisme FOR 1 whosoeuer hath obtained the gifte of true faith the same also trusting vnto the lyke lyberalitie of God ought in deede to bee carefull for perceuerance or continuance to the ende but not to stande in doubt of the same but rather in all kinde of temptations and afflictions to call vppon God 2 vvith assured hope to obtaine that which hee asketh so farre forth as is expedient or meete for asmuch as hee knoweth him selfe to be the sonne of God who cannot disceaue him 3 Furthermore he doth neuer goe so farre astray out of the right waye but that through the benefite of the same grace at the length hee commeth into the way againe But be it that sometimes faith lye buried in the chosen for a season insomuch that it may seeme to be wholie extinguished or quenched to wyt that thereby they maye knowe their owne imbicilitie or weaknesse yet it neuer goeth so farre awaie that the loue of God and their neighbour is vtterlie plucked out of their mindes For no man is iustified or made righteous in Christ but hee is also sanctified or made holie in him 4 yea and moreouer is created vnto good vvorkes the vvhich the Lord hath ordained that vve should vvalke in them Proues out of the word of God Numb 23. 19. God is not man that he can lye nor the sonne of man that he can repent hath he sayd and shal he not doo it Hath he spoken and shall he not performe it Psal. 23. 6. Yet kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my lyfe and I shall remaine in the house of the Lord along season Psal 27. 1. The Lord is my light and my saluation of whom shall I be afraid the Lord is the strength of my lyfe of whome shall I stand in feare 3. Though they pitch Tentes against me my heart shall not feare if warre be raysed agaist mée I doo trust in him Ioh. 6. 37. What soeuer my father geueth mee shall come vnto mée and him that commeth vnto mée doo I not cast forth Ioh. 17. 15. I pray not that thou take thē out of the world but that thou kéepe them from euyll Ioh. 10. 28. And I geue vnto them euerlasting lyfe and they shall not perish for euer neither shal any man take them out of my hande 29. My father which gaue them vnto mee is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand Rom. 5. 2. Through whom also we had this entrance by faith into this grace by the which we stand and doo glory vnder hope of the glory of God. 3. And not that only but also we doo glory in afflictions knowing that affliction worketh patience 4. And patience experience and experyence hope 5. And hope maketh not ashamed because that the loue of God is shed abrode is geuen vnto vs. Rom. 11. 20. Thou standest by faith be not hye minded but feare 1. Cor. 2. 12. But we haue not receyued the spirite of the worlde but the spirite which is of God that we maye knowe what things God hath fréelie bestowed vpon vs. 16. For who hath knowen the minde of the Lorde that he wyll instruct him but we haue the minde of Christ. 1. Cor. 10. 12. He that seemeth vnto him selfe to stande let him take héede least he fall Eph. 1. 9. The mysterie or secréete of his wyll being opened vnto vs according vnto his frée good pleasure which he had purposed in him selfe Phil. 1. 6. Being perswaded of this same thing that hee that hath begonne this good worke in you wyll performe it vntyll the day of Iesus Christ. 1. Thes. 5. 24. Hée is faithfull which hath called you which also wyll bring it to passe 2. Cor. 1. 21 Moreouer it is God which confirmeth or strengthneth vs with you into Christ which hath annointed vs. Heb. 4. 16. Let vs approche therfore with boldnesse vnto the throne of grace that wée may obtaine mercie and finde fauour to helpe in tyme of néede Heb. 10. 22. Let vs drawe néere with a true heart and certaine perswasion of fayth hauing our heartes pure from an euyll conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water 23. Let vs kéepe the confession of our faith without wauering for he is faithfull which hath promised Iam. 1. 6. But let him aske in fayth doubting nothing I. Ioh. 5. 14. And this the boldnesse whiche we haue with God to wyt that hée heareth vs if we aske any thing according vnto his wyll 15. But if wée knowe that hée heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske we knowe that we haue the requests that we haue asked of him So erred Abraham Moyses Aaron Dauid Peter c. 1. Ioh. 1. 8. If wée saye wée haue no ●●nne we disceaue our selues and theyr is no truth in vs. 10. If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in vs. Luc. 22. 32. But I haue prayed for thée that thy fayth should not fayle● therefore when thou art conuerted strenghthen thy brethren I. Ioh. 3. 9. Whosoeuer is borne of God committeth not sinne because that his seade abideth in him and he can not sinne because he is borne of God. 10. By this are the sonnes of God and the sōnes of the Deuyl manifest Whosoeuer exerciseth not righteousnesse is not of God nor he which loueth not his brother Rom. 6. 1. What shall we say then shall we remayne in sinne that grace may the more abounde 2. God forbid we that are dead in sinne howe shall we yet liue in it c. 1. Ioh. 4. 20 If a man say I loue God and hate his brother he is a lyar for hee that loueth not his brother whome hee hath séene how can he loue God whome he hath not seene 2. Pet. 1. 5. And geuing all dylygence vnto this thing ioyne vertue vnto your fayth vnto vertue knowledge 6. And vnto knowlege temperance and vnto temperaunce patience And vnto patience godlynesse 7. And vnto godlynesse brotherly kindnes vnto brotherly kindnes loue 8. For if these things bée among you ●hoūd they wyl make you that you neither shal be idle nor vnfruitful vnto the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ. 9. For he that hath not these things is ●lynd séeing nothing farre of forgetting that he was clensed from his old sinnes Ephes. 1. 4. As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundations of the world were layd that we shoulde be holy and without blame before him through loue Eph. 2. 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes the whiche God hath ordeyned that we should walke in them The thirtene Aphorisme THis therefore is the vvaie vvhereby God ordaineth those his elect or chosen vnto the full execution or perfourmance of his counselles vvhome it pleaseth him to bring vp amongste men so long tyll they growe vp to full age But as touching those vvhome he calleth out vnto his
24. Reade the Parrable of the Sower Act. 1. 16. Men and brethren this Scripture must needes haue beene fulfylled which the holie ghost foretolde by the mouth of Dauid as concerning Iudas c. 17. For he was numbred with vs and had obtained part of his ministerie Ioh. 6. 37. Whatsoeuer my Father geueth mee shall come vnto mee and him that cōmeth vnto mée I cast not away Ezec. 13. 9. And mine hande shall be vpon the Prophets that sée vanity and diuine lyes they shall not bée in the assemblye of my people neither shal they be written in the writing of the house of Israell c. 1. Ioh. 2. 19. They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had béene of vs they would doubtles haue continued with vs c. Ioh. 8. 34. Uerily veryly I say vnto you whosoeuer committeth sinne is the seruaunt of sinne Rom. 5. 12. Therefore like as by one man sinne hath entred into the world and by sinne death and so death went ouer all men in as much as al men haue sinned Rom. 6. 20. For when as ye were ser●auntes of sinne ye were fréede from righteousnesse Rom. 7. 14. We know that the law is spirituall but I am carnall or fleshly sould to be subiect vnto sinne Rom. 8. 7. Because that the vnderstanding of the fleshe is enmitie against god For it is not subiecte vnto the lawe of God neyther in deede can bée 2. Pet. 2. 22. But it happeneth vnto thē which is wont to be sayd in the prouerb the dogge is turned againe vnto his vomyt and the sowe that was washed to hyr wallowing in the myre 1. Tim. 4. 1. For the spirit sayth plainly that it shall come to passe that in the latter times some shall fall from the fayth geuing héede vnto disceauing spirites and vnto doctrines of Deuyls Math. 12. 43. Read the parable of the seuen spirites Rom. 9. 19. Thou wilt then say vnto mee why is he yet angry For who hath withstood his wyll 2. Thes. 2. 6. Whose comming is by the working of Sathan with al power and signes and lying wonders 10. And wyth all diceit of vnrighteousnes in them that perish for that they haue not receaued the loue of the truth that they might be saued 11. And therefore God shall send● them strengthe of disceyuing that they should beleeue lyes Ioh. 3. 19. And this is the condemnation that light is commen in the worlde but men haue loued darknes more then light because their workes are euyl Esa. 63. 1● Wherefore hast thou O Lorde made vs to goo a straye from thy wayes thou haste made our hearte goo backe from thy feare Exod. 4. 21. Sée that thou doo all the wonders before Pharaoh which I haue put in thine hande and wyll harden his hearte that hée shall not let the people goe ¶ There are also moe● places vvhiche vve haue rehearted aboue Chap. 2. Aphorisme 1. Esa. 6. 10. Harden the hearte of this people and make his eares heauy and daube his eyes leste happyly he should see with his eyes and heare with his eares and his heart should vnderstand and when he is conuerted there should 〈◊〉 ●●aling vnto him Rom. 11. 32. For God hath shut vp all 〈◊〉 vnder dissobedience that he might 〈◊〉 mercy on all Exod. 8 32 And Pharaoh hardened his 〈◊〉 this time also and let not the 〈◊〉 c. 〈◊〉 9● 8. Harden not your heartes as 〈◊〉 Meri●ah as in the day of Massah in the Wildernesse Act. 7. 42. And God turned him selfe away and gaue them vp into the seruice of 〈◊〉 hoast of heauen as it is written in booke of the prophets Rom. 1. 29. Wherefore the Lord gaue th●● ouer vnto filthy lustes 2. Reg. 22. 23. Now therefore beholde 〈◊〉 Lord hath put a spirit of lying in the 〈◊〉 of al thy Prophets and the Lord 〈◊〉 spoken euil vpon thee ●oh 1. 3. 2. The Deuyll put in the heart of Iudas to betray Iesus 2. Cor. 43. 4. But if our gospell bée hidden it is hidden in them that perish in whome the God of this worlde hath ●●nded their mindes that is to say in the Infidelles or vnbeléeuers that the lyght of the glorious gospell of Christ who is the Image of God shoulde not shine vpon them 2. Tim 2. 26. And that being escaped out of the snare of the Deuyl by whome they are kepte prisoners they might receyue health of minde to his wyll 1. Tim. 1. 19. Hauing fayth and a good conscience which some haue put away and as concerning fayth haue made ●hypwracke Prouer. 16. 4. God hath made al things for him selfe yea euen the wicked man for an euyll daye Exod. 9. 16. And truely for this cause haue I ordayned thée that I might shew vnto thée my power and that they shoulde declare my name in the whole yearth Rom. 9. 21. Hath not the potter power ouer the clay to make of the same lump one vessell vnto honour and an other to dishonour 22. What and if God wyllyng to shew forth his wrath and to make knowen ●is power suffered with much gentle●esse the vesselles of wrath prepared to ●estruction The sixt Chap. Of the laste and full execution or performing of the counsell of God● both in the chosen and also in the ofcastes The first Aphorisme FOrasmuch as God is verie righteousnesse it selfe it is meete that he should saue the ryghteous and condempne the vnrighteous 1 But they onelie amongste men are righteous vvho being vnyted and graffed in Christe by saith yea and also rooted in him and being made one bodie vvith him 2 are in him and by him iustifyed and sanctified that is made righteous and holie VVhereby it is proued 3 that the lyfe wherevnto they are ordained to the glorie of God doeth by a certaine right appertaine vnto them onelie Proues out of the word of God. Ioh. 17. 21. That all may be one as thou Father arte in mee and I in thee that they also maye bee one in vs that the worlde maye beleeue that thou hast sent mee Rom. 9. 5. For if being planted with him we haue growne in the likenesse of his death euen so shall we growe in the lykenesse of his resurrection or rysing againe Col. 2. 7. Rooted and buylt in him and stablished in the faith as ye haue beene taught abounding therein with thankes geuing 1. Cor. 10. 16. The cuppe of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ Rom. 8. 50. And whome he hath predestinated or foreordained these also hath he called and whome he hath cal●ed those also hath hée iustified or made ●ighteous And whome he hath iustified 〈◊〉 made righteous those also hath hee ●●lorifyed 1 Cor. 1. 30. But ye are of him in Christ ●esus who of God is made vnto vs wis●om and righteousnesse and sanctiūca●on and redemtion 2 Cor. ● 5.
this inequalytie of grace in men onlie Furthermore vvhen as vve know this gifte of faith to be speciall That is such as is not geuen genera●lie vnto all but particularlie to some sha● vve not take it more cheerefullie vvhe● it is offered and bee much more carefull for the increase of it than if vvit● many vvee shoulde surmise it to bee i● all mennes power as ofte as they vvy● repent because God as they saye vvy haue all men saued and vvyll not the death of a sinner Finallie vvhen as vvee see the doctrine of the gospell not onelie to be despised almost of the whole vvorlde but also to be most cruellie persecuted vvhen as vvee beholde the notable treacherie and falling awaie of so●many men vvhat shall better strengththen vs then if vve make our sure reckoning that nothing commeth to passe at all aduentures that God knoweth those that are his and that those that doo these thinges vnlesse it bee geuen to them to repent are they vvhich are ordained not by chaunce but by the assured and euerlasting counsell of God in vvhome as in looking glasses the iust vvrath and power of God should appeare Proues out of the word of God. Philip. 2. 12. Wherefore my beloued ●s ye haue alwayes obeyed not in my presence onely but nowe much more in mine absence with feare and trembling ende your saluation 1 Pet. 1. 17. With feare bée y●e conuersaunt in the tyme of your dwellyng héere Rom. 11. 20. Well through vnbeléefe they are broken of and thou standest by saith bée not high mynded but feare Rom. 9. 23. And that hée might make knowne the riches of his glory towards the vesselles of mercy the which he hath prepared vnto glorie The fifth Aphorisme YEt a man can neuer speake so fytly of these thinges but that man his reason wyll pratle against it yea and also wyll call the Lord him selfe as the chiefe Authour of all into accoumpts for it But albeit the Deuyll chafe and all the wycked kicke against the pricke 1 yet their owne conscience shal reproue them and condemne them 2 But our mind bein● strengthned vvith the mercie of God● shall acquite vs in that daie of Christ t● vvhome vvith the Father and the hol● ghost be geuen glory praise and honou● for euer Amen Proues out of the word of God. Rom. 2. 15. As they which shewe th● effect of the law written in their hartes● their conscience also bearing them witnesse and their thoughtes accusing one another or excusing 1. Pet. 3. 21. To the which also the figure of Baptisme agreeing saueth vs also not the putting awaye of the fylth of the fleshe but in that a good conscience maketh request vnto God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. FINIS For the stopping of the mouthes of the s●landerous as also for the further instructing of the ignoraunt in this both necessarie and comfortable doctrine of God his election I haue thought good heere to set downe a shorte summe of the whole matter contained in certaine briefe and plaine Aphorismes Translated out of a learned Treatise of Theodorus Beza against Castalion GOD worketh effectuallie or bringeth all thinges to passe accordinge to the counsell of ●ys owne wyll ¶ This counsell doeth God execus● 〈◊〉 fulfyl at certaine moments of times yet the counsell it selfe is euerlasting and going ●efore all thinges not onely in tyme in asmuch as it is before all tyme but also in order For otherwyse the wyll of God should not be the chief● rule of the co●nsell of God but rather the quallyties of thinges foreséene an●● foreknowen and dr●●●g God to take this or that counsell shoulde prescribe or appoint a rule to the wyll of God. ¶ This counsell can not bée separated from the wyll of God but that we must robbe God of his diuinitie or god● head ¶ This counsel is not put only in the gouerning and guiding of the euent or that that commeth to passe as Pallas is feigned of the Poet to turne away Pandarus Dart from Menelaus brest vnto his nether partes fenced with his belte but hath a workinge and effectuall strength in all thinges which Paule hath declared by this worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Energein whiche signif●eth to worke effectually ¶ This strength and effica●ye is attributed vnto God his working but is not sayd to be of god Therefore by this worde is not declared any naturall power geuen by God the cr●atour to the thinges hée hath created that they shoulde doo this or that ●● but by this worde is vnderstande the power of God which hée hath in hym selfe to doo all thinges ¶ This vniuersal particle All in the saying of Paule can by no maner of exception at all bée restreyned but that God in that poynt must bée made to bee ●dle accordyng to the opinion of Epy●urus And yf we shall say that any thing is done against his wyll hée shall bee robbed of his infinite or endlesse power ¶ The conclusion therfore standeth that God him selfe according as it pleased him to decrée all thinges to come to passe from euerlasting euen so also hée bringeth them to passe by his power in their time as he wylleth ¶ Yet of these things doth there fol●owe none of these blasphemyes to ●●yt eyther that God is the Author of ●●●ne eyther is delyted wyth iniquity eyther wylleth iniquity or that Sathan 〈◊〉 men in doing of euyll doo obey God 〈◊〉 in that they doo euyll they doo that ●hat God wyll and therefore are wythout blame Let all such blasphemies ●● these bee most ●arre not only from o●● tounges but also from our cogitation or thougthes ¶ And thus it maye bée proued th● these sequéeles and conclusions th●● they would gather of our doctrine an● of no force God doth execute or perfourme the counsels of his wyll by second causes and instrumentes not a● bound vnto them as the Stoikes did suppose but fréely and mightylye making mouing and guiding them as it pleased him ¶ Of these i●strumentes there are two principal kynds For some of them haue lyfe to wyt such as are styrred by an inner mouing of theyr owne others are without lyfe and are onely carryed of an outwarde force by others rather then of them selues Those instrumentes that haue lyfe are also in a doubble difference For some of them are indued with iudgement and reason others are without reason and are carryed with a blynd force of nature ¶ The instrumentes whiche are without life yea and also they that haue ●●fe but are voide of reason are sayd to ●oo neyther well nor yll because that ●hey are rather caused to doo than to doo ●f them selues but they which vse those ●nstrumentes are sayd to do eyther wel ●r yll ¶ Instrumentes indued with rea●on and iudgement are eyther Angels ●r men and the same agayne of twoo ●ortes For Angels some are good some ●re bad and men by nature are al euyl ●ut by grace there is such difference ●ade betwéene them
of Israel to his owne destruction Exod. 14. So that resysting the power of God he perysheth in this worlde and in the worlde to come hee is appoynted to the euerlasting fyre prepared for the Deuyll and his Angelles by the iust iudgement of the almighty Lorde who being refused and so openly resysted iustlye doeth geue ouer the wycked to theyr owne Reprobate myndes with greedynesse to fulfyll theyr fleshlie desyres and obstinate purpose to prosecute that which the Deuyll and the worlde wylleth them to doo and causeth them to heape vpon theyr owne heades theyr owne dampnation treasuring and storing vp al theyr lyfe long workes deseruing the wrath of God against the daye of his wrath and vengeaunce as the Apostle sayth to the Romaines This Reprobation then is the declaration of God his seuere iustice and iust iudgement against the Serpent and his séede whome by the worde of his eternall wisedome hée hath accursed from the begynning and appoynted to euerlasting torment The which worke necessarie for the procéeding of God his holy prouidēce Eternall and neuer ceasing regyment and gouernaunce because it is the worke of the wyll of the myghtie God which is the verie lawe equity and iustice it selfe frée from all affections farre from all faulte cryme or sinne It ought to bee knowne vnto vs all that all fleshe maye tremble and consider before whome it standeth euen before that great Lord and mighty God who hath power both ouer the bodie and Soule to cast into hell fyre To whome no man may saye what doest thou Being lyke the claye in the Potters hande or the staffe or axe in the hande of the smyter Who offendeth against no lawe bicause his godly wyll is the lawe it selfe and to knowe his pleasure is to know the lawe to follow his wyl is to doo the lawe so that of necessitye this great Lorde is so farre frée from al sinne that nothing is good but that which is wrought by him nothing can be euyll that he worketh in his creatures No the fall of Lucifer the father of the reprobate doth vtter his maiestie doth shew his iustice which olde Satan and Father Deuyl was worthily cast downe into the bottome of Hell and eternally condempned to euerlasting payne and torment because he dyd so ambiciously and proudly climbe vp aboue his apointed place in the heauens And where the mallice of this olde serpent caused Adam the first man to mount aboue his estate to desyre to know good euyl lyke a God the maruellous mercy of God and inestimable loue towardes mankind caused compelled this wicked worke of the Serpent to serue his glory and to turne to our great commodity and profyte in that he rayseth of the seede of man another Adam most innocent and holy agaynst whom no Diuel neyther any helly power may preuayle by whome we are not only reconciled vnto God and doo obteyne pardon for this offence but wée are borne a newe and as it were agayne created into greater glory by farre than wée were at the first for the first man had onely a promise to lyue in 〈◊〉 earthly garden to long as 〈◊〉 dyd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the for bidden frute wée haue the ●● of the heauenly Paradice and euerlasting pleasures He had earthly meate and fru●● we haue the heauenly 〈◊〉 which ●●deth into life euerlasting He was created to worke in the Garden workes naturall we are renewed vnto workes supernaturall aboue nature heauenly and celestiall He was 〈◊〉 by the Serpent● wee doo ouercome and triump●e ouer the Serpent s●nne Diuell Death and Hell. He had the gifte of reason and vnderstanding we haue the rich wisdome of God his holy spirite whereby wée discerne our owne infirmity and weaknesse and his almightie power mercy and goodnesse To bee shorte where hee dyd runne from God ●id him● sowed Figge leaues to couer his shame following his ●ond fantasie We doo boldly beholde the course of Gods working in our nakednesse sinne and infirmitie and magnifie renowme and prayse our Lord God which sheweth his grace by our sinne which vttereth his power by our weaknesse his wisedome by our foolishnesse which setteth forth his elect vessels his chosen● Abels by Caynits the vessels of his wrath In which Cayn the first murtherer and therfore manifestly of the serpentes seede appeareth euidently the iust iudgement of the Almightie God accu●sing and condemning in Satan and Cayn all sinnes and wickednesse To vtter that he abhorreth sinne and hateth it béeing so farre contrarie from his nature which is iustice it selfe contrarie from his wyll which is equitie and his lawe which is iudgement In Pharao a childe of the same father reprobate indurate and accursed whome God stirred vp for the declaration of his great power and mightie arme as well in the manyfolde myracles wrought for his people which nothing had needed neither had ben occasioned if there had not bene such a tyraunt soo indurate and so obstinate to withstande God his seruants as also by the subuersion drouning of him his people in the red Sea a signe taken first of the eternall and i●e●itable destruction damnation whervnto the wicked are appoynted than of the saluation assigned sealed vp for the elect chosen● we do learne héerby also y power of God which the very Sorcerers the enimies of God were compelled to confesse before Pharao Exod. 8. Wée doo learne moreouer the iustice of God which iustice Pharao him selfe was compelled agaynste him selfe to denounce and affirme Exod. 9. And finally wée may sée expressed moste manifestly the fatherly mercy of the God of Iacob whiche dyd giue the king and the whole people of Egypt a pryce for his chosen Iacob ●o the loue towardes Iacob and the hatred towardes Esa● What shall wee speake of Iudas and other manifestlye reprobate whiche are compelled by the testimonye of theyr owne consciences to pronounce them selues wicked and therefore to feare god his seuere iustice and iust iudgement to flye the refrom by the terrour of their euill consciences which is more sore than a thousand witnesses agaynst suche as God doth leaue to their owne selues The which terrible examples the elect of God● hauing before their eyes hath great cause to prayse their heauēly father through his sonne Christ who hath sent them his holy spirit of comfort which will neuer suffer them to be tempted aboue that they are able to suffer and to beare But where we haue two kinde of men that be aduersaries to this doctrine of Reprobation The one sorte vttering them selues most manifest Reprobate obstinate and wylfully wicked crying and blaspheming we wyll followe our lusts what neede we to care howe we lyue or what we doo If we be elected with Iacob wee shall bée saued if wée bée reiecte and cursed with Cham wée shall bée damned These Lucifers not submitting themselues to the gouernance of God carelesse what becommeth of them must be heat● downe with the consideration of the
maiestie and mightie power of God whiche suffereth not one sparrowe to fall vppon the earth without his wyll prouidence neyther one hear to fall from the head of his elect and chosen howe fiercely so euer they shall rage agaynst them Wherefore O you Serpentes séede howe soeuer you shall be offended with this that I shall speake knowe this that as the mightie God hathe made the scattered sandes able inoughe to stay the raging Seas so shall your proude waues of your boyling stomacks and our busie heades be broken and brought full lowe where and when it shall like the Lorde of all fleshe by these his weake vessels And licence must you aske as did your father the diuel● executing his tyrannie vpon the good mā Iob as we reade in the first chapter of that Hystorie before you can lay hands eyther of body or goods of his chosen and therein shall you be limitted and appoynted as there appeareth how farre you shall be able to extend your violence For God holdeth your hartes in his hand be you neuer so great tyrants can soone cause you to faynt fayle from your furie turning your harts round about as him liketh best And bicause you thus blaspheme God in words déedes following your father Lucifer abusing Gods creatures and despising his benefytes his tollerance and his long sufferan●e which might moue you to repentance as holy Paule warneth you treasure vp for your selues euen wrath vengeance agaynst the day of vengeance I doo feare nothing at all to offende you with my writing neither do you passe any thinge at all what is written or spoken though you vse to sweare stampe stare for a little space in a furious rage when you heare and feele things contrarie to your poyson But the scriptures of God all good writinges all truthe vnto suche dogs and hogs are vttered to this purpose that they may be a testimony of condemnation of the light of Gods truth reiected and despised Therefore for the elect of God that they may vnderstand the course of Gods working in al his creatures reuerence his maiestie and magnifie and renoume his holy name is this written Yet doubtlesse doo I know amongst the chiefe vessels chosen children of God there bée many whiche haue not attayned to this poynt of doctrine of Electiō Reprobatiō whom I am very loth to offend and therfore I desire thē for the loue of God to suffer me quietly without their griefe to vtter vnto other the cōfort of my conscience which I haue hereby vndoubtedly receyued like as I haue many times harkened vnto them in the cōtrarie First praying thus both of vs together vnto our heauenly father knowledging our owne infirmitie weaknesse O father in the heauens whatsoeuer we are whatsoeuer we haue whatsoeuer we knowe it is onely by thy frée grace for we were by nature the childrē of wrath we are not borne a new of fleshe blood eyther of the séede of man or of the wyl of man flesh blood can not reueale the misteries of thy heauenly kingdome vnto vs But by thy blessed wyl are we that we are by the same knowe we that we know therefore O father doo we commyt into thy handes onely our saluation If our knowledge be small yet we doubte nothing but that we are the chyldren of thy euerlasting kyngdome and therefore by thy mightye power we shall growe when it shall be thy pleasure to a more full and ryuer knowledge of a more perfyte age wherein our fayth shall bee fully able to comprehend and receyue the breadth depth heyght largenesse of thy great mercyes and gracious promyses But séeing this power of full knowledge and perfecte reuelation passeth all power naturall and remayneth onely in thy power and the light of thy spirite O Lord Doo thou what shall please thée to open to vs thy seruaunts and chyldren depending of thy handes so much of the lyght of thy countenaunce and at such tymes as shall seeme good to thy wisedome and fatherly mercye In the meane tyme thus re●tyng wholy vpon thée neyther can we dispaire neyther wyll we ●be too much carefull although wee can not attayne to the knowledge of many of thy workes neyther to the vnderstanding of many places of the scriptures but we wyll confesse vnto thé● the weakenesse of our fayth wayting alwayes for further reuelation of thy glorious lyght to be vttred vnto vs when thou shalt think of thy Fatherly beneuolence goodnesse méete and conuenient knowing most surely that thou wylt pitie our chyldishe infanci● and cause the same to serue for thy glory and our greate commoditie séeing that we doo erre and are chyldishe as sonnes before such a Father which can not put off his Fatherlye pytie but rather as thou hast brought vs vnto thée to be the heyres of thy kingdome by the blood of thy naturall sonne so we bée most sure that thou wylt lighten vs in the end with the full fruition of the bryght lyght of thy countenaunce that we maye see thée and know thée as this thy sonne our redéemer knoweth thée yea sée thée our Father face to face and know as we be knowne Thus rest wée onely of thy hande to increase our knowledge at thy good pleasure O mighty Lorde and most mercyful Father So be it If you can thus submytte your selues good brethren to the wisedome of God working in vs weakelyngs what him lyketh All the stumblyng stockes whiche might offend you may eas●ly be remoue● There be two things especially which doo séeme to stande against this doctrine of Election and Reprobation or of God his gouernaunce and prouidence for all is one in effect the one toucheth God the other man The fyrst and pryncipall is leaste that the wicked doo make God the Aucthour of synne in the Reprobate● the which doubt we maye remoue fowre maner of wayes Fyrst by the aucthoritie of Scriptures Secondlye by the testimonie of theyr own consciences which be the reprobate Thirdly by the nature of sinne Fowrthly by the maiestie of God which is bound to none of his creatures to make hym this or that vessell For the fyrst Saint Iames sayeth Let no man saye when he is tempted that he is tempted of God for God as he can not bée tempted with euyll so neyther doeth hée tempte any man But euerye man is tempted drawne awaye and entysed of his owne luste and concup●scence Then the luste when it hath conceyued bryngeth foorth synne Iames. ● And euen thus it appeared in the fyrste fall of mankynde Fyrste though the Lorde our God had warned and commaunded the contrary oure olde enemye styrreth the concupiscence and lust of the Woman with the goodnesse pleasauntnesse and beautie of the Apple then her lust conceyuing this bringeth foorth synne entysing also her husband to the breaking of God his commaundementes Genes 3. But contrarywise sayeth Iames in the same place Iam. 1. least you should erre and
conceyue any euyll opinion of God euery good gyfte and euerie perfyte gyfte is from aboue descending from the Father of lyght with whom is no variablenesse neither change into darkenesse that hée shoulde geue nowe good things nowe euyll now lyght nowe darkenesse No sayth the Apostle Paule let God be true and all men lyars Can God be vniust Howe shall he then iudge the worlde Rom. 3. Againe God sayeth by his Prophete Ezechiel I wyll not the death of a sinner but I wyl rather that the sinner conuert repent and lyue And vnto wicked Ierusalem sayth our sauiour Christ O Ierusalem Ierusalem which slayest the Prophetes and stonest them that are sent vnto thée Howe ofte would I haue gathered together thy chyldren as the Hen gathereth her Chickins vnder her wings and thou wouldest not Loe thy house therefore is left desolate Mat. 23. Loe héere appeareth the goodnesse of the lyuing Lord so dillygently callyng the wicked to him by his worde by his Prophetes by his messengers and at the length by his owne sonne that he can not in any case be accoumpted the Aucthor of theyr euyl nor cause of theyr fal But contrary wise theyr owne wylfull and wycked stubbernesse is the cause of their euyl and the onely occasion of theyr fall as it is written Thy perdition and destruction is of thine owne selfe but onely of me is thy saluation And infinite scriptures to the same purpose appertayning That wée may saye with Daniel vnto thée O Lord belongeth ryghteousnesse and to vs the shame and couering of our faces Daniel 9. Secondly The testimony of the consciences of the wycked which shall accuse or excuse them at the great day● which is alwayes of the force and valure of a thousande wytnesses which is the worme that shall neuer dye but gnawe the wycked for euer Esai 46. This conscience I say of theyrs shall condempne the wycked and what shall God then doo Or wherein is his dreadfull maiestie to bée charged Caine by his owne conscience is compelled to confesse greater is my wickednesse then can be r●●ytted Thou castest mée from the face of the earth sayth hée and I must hyde mée from thy face Loe the iust iudgement of God and his worthy condempnation openly confessed Who dare then blame God Caine dare in no wyse doo it Neyther yet prowde Pharao who condempned in his owne harte and conscience accuseth him selfe and his people and iusti●yeth God delyuering all men from this wicked blasphemy saying openlye I haue sinned nowe the Lord is iust and I and my people are wycked Exo. 9. What doeth Iudas Doeth hee not crye lykewyse I haue synned betraying this innocent blood Math. 27. And to vtter in d●●de that thing he felt within his br●ast he is compelled to take aduengaunce and execute a iudgement moste terryble against him selfe vttering to all the world him selfe most wicked and that the iustice of God punishing suche wycked Traytours and murtherers ought most worthily to bée feared magnifyed and re●erenced throughout the whole worlde Lyke as all the other wycked and desperate persons which for anguishe of harte and terrour of conscience doo murther themseluos doth euidently and continually witnesse vnto the worldes ende that there is a iust Lorde the God of iudgement whome they doo feare and before whose face they dare not appeare to accuse him of any sinne but rather taking the crime blame shame and punishment vnto them selues who worthily by theyr owne conscience haue deserued it doeth thus torment themselues and with violent hande● aduenge the sinne they haue commytted in theyr owne synfull soule● and bodyes Thus must God alwayes bée founde iust and ouercome when he is iudged by the testimony of our owne conscience which shall accuse or excuse vs at the great daye Roma 2. Wherefore let no man be so foolyshe to saye that God is the Author of euyll vnlesse he wyll bée accompted worse than Cain more proude than Pharao more wycked than Iudas or any other the Reprobate from the begynning●● Thirdly the nature of sinne being de●yned by the authorytie of Scriptures to bée a thought worde or deede contrary to the wyl of god For such things onely defyle the man as Christ our master sayth Math. 15. And therefore are onely to bée accompted sinne No such thought can bée attrybuted or ascrybed vnto God as can be against his wyll therefore no sinne can bée his worke Neyther can he bée the Aucthour of euyll which therefore is called God because he is the Aucthour and geuer of all good and so farre from euyll that he turneth all our euyll to some good our sinne to the vttering of his grace our lyes to the declaration of his trueth No this is the perfit workemaster which worketh all things without fault or trespasse all other doo fayle faul●e ●●espasse and sinne in al their workes that he may be iustifyed in all his dooings and al creatures fal down before his face presence Who though he doo worke al in al things yet doth he worke the same to such godlye ende and purpose knowne onely to his maiestie that though we be compelled to say God is the author of the fa●t yet must we answere but not of the cryme Because he is the Maister of the house and Lorde ouer the family and therefore may doo any thing without the blame of his seruaunts And lyke as that which is no faulte in the maister of the house is a great faulte many tymes in any of his seruaunts because it is the breaking of theyr maisters commaundement Euen so doubtlesse the selfe same worke is sinne in God his seruaunts and creatures which to God is no ●●nne but an ordinary worke appoynted ●or some speciall purpose eyther for the manifestation of his power as was the hardeninge of Pharao or for the declaration of his mercye as was the fall of Dauid of Peter of Marie Magdalen and all other repentant sinners And where●ore I pray you may not this Lorde thus vse his owne seruauntes without any blame of sinne seeing that hée hath created and made them all onely to serue hys glorye hys iustice and hys mercye Or howe can hee bee vniuste or the authour of anye synne by whome all the worlde muste bee iudged and broughte to the balance of iustice and equitye When the first worlde shall be condemned for their sinne and iniquitye and wée nowe lyuinge shall bee iudged for ●ure sinnes specially all those whiche not onely doe euyll them selues but are Authors and ●aultors to wicked doers Romaines 1. Fourthly The maiestie of God can bée subiect to no sinne bicause it can be vnder no lawe And that onely is worthely called sinne whiche is done agaynst a Lawe therefore no worke that God dothe oughte to be accompted euyll eyther that he is the occasion of any euyll whiche onely is the minde sence spirite and power of the Lawe wythout whome no lawe of it selfe is good For euerie good lawe is the minde wyll and
all things were set in their places and by the spyrite of his mouth all the powers that be in them And Paule consydering m●st déepely and pronouncinge moste playnlye this diuine gouernaunce of the creatures and godly prouidence of the creatour in all things for his Electe and chosen sayth thus Roma 8. Wée knowe that all thinges worke for the best vnto them that loue God who also are called of purpose for those which he knewe before he also predestinate that they should be like fashioned to the shape of hys Sonne Moreouer whome he hath predestinate those hath he called whome he called thē he also hath iustified whome hee hath instifyed those also hath hee glorifyed So that thys appeareth to be no newe learning or vaine doctrine of Gods prouidence and Election But the only ground of fayth and certainty of conscience in al conflictes agaynst the worlde the fleshe and the deuil agaynst Sinne Death and Hell as the Apostle vseth it in the latter end of the same chapter and all the Fathers from the beginning hath felt it For how coulde Adam by any other worke or creature eyther by comfort of any other doctrine stay hys conscience But in that the Lorde God promised to prouyde for hym and to saue him from his enemye who once had ouercome hym by the blessed seed which not by merites but by mercie and grace and therfore of his frée purpose before appoynted shoulde bée sente vnto hym to breake the headde of the Serpent Why Should Abraham haue lefte hys countrey and his owne Father● house if he had not felt this diuine prouidence fatherly care frée choyse and Election of him and his s●de By the whiche liuely feling of God his careful prouidēce and frée choyse sending him seede when he was past hope of seede cōcerning his dead bodye all the workes of nature and by the stedfastnes of faith in the temptations about the same ●éede to be made a slayne sacrifice other gréeuous temptations and aduersities from time to time layde vpon hym this chosen vessell Abraham is called the father of all faythful As by his hystorie appereth a fatherly care of our God for all his people both for bodies soules for wife and childe and all togither And Isack his sonne that chosen seed in whom all the Nations of the earth were promised to be blessed longe before the chylde was borne hath this promise of enheritaunce gyuen hym by fauour that the promise mighte be sure to all the séede as Paule sayth Rom. 14. vnto whome and his faythful seede this frée promise fatherly Election and Predestination or what else you wyll call it was againe reuealed and opened Genes 26. In these wordes thorowe thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed And the liuely sence and feelyng of this Election and fatherly care of God for him did then especially shine in his hart when the Lord said vnto him Go not into Egipt ●arie heere I wyll be with ●hée and wyl blesse thee thorow thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Ge. 26. And after that greeuous temptation vndoubtedly wherein he was compelled for feare of the Philistines to denye his wife and call her sister after the manifolde contentions with the Philistines wherin his God dyd preserue him and at the ende in the wonderfull myracle of his chyldren whose byrthright was altered by the vnsearcheable prouidence of God the manyfest notes and tokens of the free Election and choyce of God dyd appeare And Iacob chosen and beloued in his mothers wombe felte thys free worke of God his great fauour who had chosen hym before h●e was borne and takynge occasion of the necessitie of his brother seeketh the byrthright the which God had vnto him before appoynted and promysed renouncing the course of nature then doth hée leaue and forsake his fathers house and paciently taketh all troubles offred vnto him In the which often tymes vndoubtedly he féeleth the heauy and gréeuous temptations that his fathers Abraham and Isaac had before for no creature more often suffereth trouble than the very Elect of God for the experyment of his fayth whereby the lyuely sence and vndoubted tokens of his fauourable election after many battels and victories might be made certaine sure thorough present comfort alwayes ministred vnto him eyther by secrete inspiration or manifest reuelation witnessing the singular care of his heauenly Father ouer him his dearely beloued and chosen chylde as his wonderful vision of the ladder and the Angels descending from heauen doth declare and the other vision wherein the Angell dyd shewe him the partie coloured sheepe for his portion to multiplie and encrease his substaunce as also when God biddeth him goe into his owne countreye from his d●●eytfull Laban and defendeth hys Iacob from hym And finally the glorious victory giuen vnto him ouer the ●●gell comforting him agaynst the feate of his brother Esau dooth bring foorth vnto his heart and conscience the assured signe and token of the fauour of his heauenly father first election and choosing and after euermore gouerning g●i●ing and preseruing by the frée mercy of his diuine prouidence Ieremye also chosen in his Mothers wombe as appeareth in the first chapter of his Prophecie where it is sayd from the mouth of God before I fashioned thée in thy Mothers wombe I did know thee and or euer thou wast borne I did sanctifie thée and ordeyned thee to be a Prophet vnto this people then felte the moste lyuely signes and t●kens of his Election when his ●leshe repined grudged and feared to take in hande the execution of this greate and da●ngerous embassage the power of God his spirite dothe touche his heart and openeth his mouthe to the planting and rooting vp of all people and kingdoms to breake destroy and make waste and raysed hym as a fenced towne a brasen wall and yron pyller agaynst the kinges priestes and people of the lande Nowe though sometymes hys flesh doth grudge for the burthen of his offyce and anguishe of hart as though he had beene an abiecte or Reprobate yet alwayes after the brunt of temptations vttering his weaknesse he findeth the mercyfull prouidence of his heauenly father to take a continuall care of hym and not onely comforte and assist hym but also most euidently to punish his enimies And to be short all the electe of God are thus chosen and called guided and gouerned from their mothers wombe according to the sayinge of the princely Prophete Thou arte hée that takeste mée from my Mothers wombe thou wast my hope yet when I hanged vppon my Mothers brestes I haue bene left vnto thée euer since I was borne thou art my God euen from my Mothers wombe And then doe they féele most sensibly liuely this theyr Election when temptations and aduersities doth a●aile and assault them in the which conflicts of the flesh and the spirite of sinne and grace of lighte and darknes they are
compelled to crye and call to sigh and sobbe before theyr heauenly Father for the deliueraunce of this mortall and sinful booy subdued to vanitie and though they do most euidently perceyue how they are called from darknesse to lighte from loue of iniquitie to the hatred of the same from obedience somtime giuen to Sathan and to the lustes of the flesh to the obedience of the spirit whiche fighteth against the flesh and though I say they perceyuing this be not able to quench these raging lustes yet do they mourne and dayly lament calling for the grace of their heauenly father which lamentations sighings and sorowyngs of theyr sinnes bée the sensible féelings and liuely signes and tokens of Gods infallible and sure Election Wherefore whosoeuer shal féele these secret sighes and mournings thereby hating ●●nne desiring therfrō to be delyuered considering theyr owne weaknes and by the fruite and a good man forth of the good treasure of his harte doth bring foorth good workes the euyll man euyl works This doth Iames byd vs to shewe our fayth of our workes and sayth that Abraham did thus vtter his faith by his works and Rahab by her workes and were iustifyed Where we are compelled with all the godly learned to expounde the worde iustifyed declared to bée iust or else we doo make Iames contrary to him selfe contrary to Moyses whose sentence he in the same place alledgeth contrarie to Paule and the whole course of Scriptures And thus muste all the generall sentence of woorkes bée vnderstoode that by these woorkes wherein God wyll haue vs to walke we are knowne to haue his spirite to be good trees so iudged by our fruites as is the good Apple tree by the Apples not that the Apples make hym good but testifye that hee is good and that it hath within it selfe a kindly power of good iui●● and norishment So we féeling the power of the spyryte workinge in our hartes Godlye motions and so brynging forth good fruites of fayth and good workes doo cōfirme our Election and vocation as Peter speaketh to our selues and others The seconde vse of workes is that God in vs by them may be gloryfied Whereof our sauiour Christ sayth Mat. 5. Let your lyght so shine before men that they séeing your good works may glorifie your father which is in heauen And this is the chiefe vse of good workes the laude and glorye of God where vnto wée were fyrst created in the earthy Adam now are a new restored by the heauenly Adam Christ Iesu to walke in good works to be holy blamelesse and without fault And to this ende that God in them might bee gloryfied doth scripture commend vnto vs good works setteth forth the crowne of glory to them that therin are exercised So rūne that ye may obtaine sayth the Apostle labor for the crowne incorruptible 1. Cor. 9. Nowe because these latter dayes are the tymes wherein our Sauiour Christ dyd saye that ●ayth should fayle and charytie shoulde ware colde we that haue so cleare reuelation of Gods great mercyes wishing alwaies to be of more perfection let them with all thankes geeuinge vnto God reioyce knowing that this procedeth not from flesh nor bloud but frō the spirite of our head Iesus Christ who maketh intercession for his afflicted members who are his Sainctes with vnspeakeable gronings Whome though for a time hee doo permit to be afflicted both in spirite and bodie as sometimes he did Iob Ionas Ieremie and other yet at the ende hee giueth vnto them most triumphant victorie accordinge to the euerlasting purpose of his diuine prouidence who is to be feared reuerenced renowmed and praysed for euer So be it Heretofore haue we answered generally to them that woulde make God the Author of euyll and to them which do say that this doctrine taketh away exhortations and threatninges and the preachyng of the worde Nowe by the grace of God we wyl more briefly answere to some arguments whiche they bryng foorthe of the scriptures setting aparte all such cauyllations as mans reason whiche in Gods mysteries can neuer bée satisfyed by the craft of the deuyl doth excogitate inuēt But first we wyl speake somthing of good workes the true vnderstanding of those scriptures which commend them vnto vs lest we should seeme to dissuade men from the same or exte●●ate the meaning of the holy ghost in such sentences as our aduersaries doo wickedly peruert for the maintenance of mans power against this doctrine of grace free Election which dare affirme that by works they purchase part of theyr saluation the which as we haue sayde is freely geuen by this Election in Christ Iesu before the foundation of the world was lay●● The good works which are so in déede that is to say which proceede of the spirite of adoption the feeling of Gods mercies in electing calling iustifying fyrst of all haue this vse y they declare the power of God to bee in vs and the spyrite of Christ which doth conforme vs to his image and this is the ende whervnto we are Elected and Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his sonne Rom. 8. Elected before the foundation of the world to be holy and blamelesse Eph. 1. Created vnto good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke therein Eph. 2. These haue the reward as Paul sayth not onely of this lyfe but of the world to come Therefore sayth our Sauiour Christ. Math. 25. Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the begynning of the world I was hungry and ye gaue me meate I was thyrstie and ye gaue me drinke c. Of this excellent commendation and rewarde of good workes we do learne the dignity of the same not of the worthinesse of thēselues which are neuer able to stand in Gods iudgementes for our very righteousnesses are as Esay sayth as clothes fylthily polluted but of the dignitie of the grace of the promise of God who worketh them in vs For it is God sayth Paul that worketh in vs both the wyll and also the worke euen of his purpose Phi. 2. Therefore all is of grace not of works least any should glory Ephes. 2. For if there were any power in our selues or dignity in the workes then had we some thing to glory but now that all is confessed to be of Gods free mercies and nothing of our selues we conclude that God crowneth and rewardeth his owne workes in vs that who so gloryeth should glory in the lord 1. Cor. 1 ●n● where some ●●edge this place Ma. 26 so to commende workes that they shoulde bee the cause of the Election and the fauor of God they doo not consyder the fyrst wordes Come you blessed of my Father inheryte the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Wherin we may note that they beeing the blessed and beloued of the father are called to the inheritance of the heauenly kingdom not wonne by
of reprobation or ofcasting in acte or deede * Cap. ● God his iudgemen● vpon lytle children The fyrst declaration of reprobation or ofcasting No vocation or calling vnto the gospell Some of the reprobates or of castes are neuer called vnto the gosell A calling not effectuall Sinne in the reprobates or ofcastes in necessary that is such as cā nor be auoyded but yet they sinne vvyllinglie and vvyttinglie Esai 6. 10. The verie reprobates or ofcastes sometimes doo seeme for a season to bee planted in the Church of God and do reach others the● vvaie to saluation Reade Mar 7. verse 21. 22. 23. The cause vvhy some of the reprobates or ofcastes vvhich seemed for a time to bee of the Church of God are fynallie destroied is their vvylling departure from that state vvhich before they vvere in vnto vvieked●es and sinne The means vvhich God vseth in ●●dening the ofcastes Prou. 26. ●● The full performing of the iudgementes of God. VVho are righteous * Hee ●eaneth Infants vvho although they die before they commit actuall sinne yet are they from their mothers vvom●e defiled vvith origi●al sin vvhich is inough to condempne them In the ch●●sen In th● ofcas●e● The glorie hath of God. M●st exceeding iust ●e●cifull Most ex●eeding iust The cause vvhy this most necessarie and comfortable doctrine of God his election seemeth to many to be so hard and straunge VVee must not feare to vtter God his trueth because ey●her of the number or authoritie of the obstinate and stubborne A choyce in matter and vvordes Curious and vaine questions in this doctrin especiallye to bee auoided Such mane● of speaches as are vnusuall in the scriptures ought as● muchas ma●e bee to be refrained from A choice in ●ersons Hovve vve● must goe forevvard The middle causes are not to bee vvithout great confideration ouerpassed Hovve this doctrine is to bee applyed Hovve the Ministers must deale vvith troubled conscience The doctrine of faith is vnp●ofitable if it be separated from ●lection peace of conscience dependeth vpon predestination ● Cor. 2. 14. Hovv a sure vvitnesse of our election maie bee had By vvhat ●okens true faith maie be knovvne The effectes of the holie ghost in the elect The efficacie or vertue of our calling is vnderstoode by faith and by our calling our predestinatiō or fore-ordaining There is certaine hope in the chosen of continuance and saluation The doctrin of predestination ouer throvveth vaine secu●itie or carelesnesse Onelie election mynistreth sur● comfort The doc●●rine of reprobation or ofcasting is not to be buried Reprobatiō or ofcasting vvarelie to bee considered Reprobatiō or ofcasting neyther can or ought to be particularlie applied not adding any condition A differēce betvveene election and reprobation VVe must labour to vvinne allmen Of the co●●sideration of reprob●tion or ofcasting h●militie is learned It causeth the goodnesse of ●od to bee the better vnderstood● of the chosen● The con●ideration of reprobation or ofcasting engendreth a godly carefulnesse in the chosen It strengthneth them against all offences * Efficacie or strenght Blasphemies that vve are most falsely charged vvithal the vvhiche notvvithstāding cannot any vvay be truly proued to grovve of our doctrine A n●cess●ry note to bee marked Calu. instit lib. 1. Cap. 18. Sec. 3. Difference betvveene predestination and Election Definition of predestination Election defined The partes of defi●●tion examined Mercy and grace Free mercy and grace The free mercy and grace of God in his ovvne vvyll Rom. 9. Ma●h 20 Luke 18 Luke 15 Ioh. 1. ●ods mercy in sau●ng the elect ouer in●ludeth the condicion of faith in ●n Ch●●st The free mercy and grace of God in his ovvne good vvyll through faith in christ his sonne o●r Lord. Faith is the onlie condition vvhereby Gods grace doth saue vs. Act. 16. Fayth only is the immediate cause of our iustifiyng The second consideration Grace Election Vocation Fayth Iustificatiō ●lo●ification Mans fr●● vvyll Blinde fortune Mans vvisedome Mans learnning Mans merites VVorkes of the lavv excluded from the causes of our saluation Papi●ts ●onfound the doctrine of election Election● That vocation he meaneth here vvhich is after purpose Vocation bringeth ●ayth Iustification by faith only The ●apist● falselie pretendeth that Actus credendi is in mannes povver Col. 1. lyn 4. Hovv faith ●nd el●ction are linked together in the act of iustifying The third considera●●n Election knovvn● to ●od ●●mply Election knovven to man by meanes Faith is th● meanes vvhereby vve be certified of our saluation De electione iudicandum est A posteriore● Election first knovvn to God and last opened to man. Euerie man to sta●e him selfe vpon Gods generall promise ●●vvhat faith is●● Diuerse kindes of faith Euery truth hath his faith But euerie truth iustifieth not no more doeth euerie faith● Faith the action ●● vv Christ the● obiect● of faith Faith and Christ are relatiues Christ vvith out faith saueth not Faith vvithout Christ● saueth no● ●●orace Election Vocation Christes death causes externe of our saluation ●aith onelie intern cause of mans saluation Faith is an action in man but not of man. Vertues and vvorkes of charitie though they bee good gifts of God in man yet they serue not to iustification Faith looketh his dignitie of his obiect Looking vp to the brasē Serpent and beleeuing vppon the bodie of Christ compared The errour of the Papistes periecting the minde of Gods Testament hovve and vvherein Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke d●●●ling in Poules Church yarde at the sygne of the blacke Beare