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A09935 Certeine prayers and godly meditacyons very nedefull for euery Christen Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. aut; Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498. aut 1538 (1538) STC 20193; ESTC S101031 109,462 278

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despayre God forbid full mercyfull is god / and my souyoure is meake / and louynge / therfore onlye god is my refuge he will not despise his creature nother forsake his awne ymage vnto the therfore most meke and mercifull good come I all sad and sorowfull for thou onlye arte my hope / and thou arte on lye the toure of my defēce But whate shall I saye vnto the fyth I dare not lyfte vppe mine yies I wyll poure out the wordes of sorow / I will hartelye besech the for mercye and wyll saye Haue mercye apon me oh god accordinge to thy grace mercye God which dwellest in light that no man can attayne / God whych are hid and canst not be sene with bodelye yies / nor comprehended with any vnderstondinge that euer was made nether expressed with the tōgues of mē or angels My god the / whych arte incomprehēsible do I seke the / which cāst not be expressed do I call vppon what tinge so euer thou arte / which arte in euerye place I knowe that thou arte the most hye and excellēt thinge / yf thou be a thinge and not rather the cause of all thinge / yf I maye so calle the / for I finde no name by the which I maye name or expresse thyne inenarrable magestye God I saye which arte all thinges that are in the / for thou arte euen thyne awne wysdom / thy power and thy most gloryouse felycyte Seynge therfore that thou arte mercyfull / what arte thou but euen the verye mercye it selfe And what am I / but verye miserye Behold therfore o god which arte mercye / behold myserye is before the / what shalt thou do mercye truelye thy worke canst thou do otherwise then thy nature is And whāte is thy worke verelye to take awaye myserye / and to lifte vpp them that are in wretched condicyon / therfore haue mercye on me oh god God I saye which arte mercye take a waye my miserye / take a waye my synnes / for they are myne extreme myserye Lift vppe me which am so miserable shew thy worke in me / and exercyse thy power apon me One depth requyreth another / the depth of myserye requyreth the depth of mercye The depth of synne areth the depth of grace and fauoure Greater is the depth of mercye then the depth of myserye Let therfore the one depth swalow vppe the other Let the bottomlesse depth of mercye swalow vp the profounde depth of myserye Haue mercye on me oh god accordynge to thy greate mercye Not after the mercye of men whych is but smalle / but after thyne awne mercye which is greate / which is vnmesurable / which is incomprehensible / which passeth all synnes without comparison Accordynge to that thy greate mercye wyth the whych thou hast so loued the world / that thou woldest geue thyne onlye sonne / what mercie cā be greater what loue cā be more / who cā despayre who shuld not haue good confidence god was made man / crucefied for mē therfore haue mercye on me oh God accordynge to this thy greate mercye bi the which thou hast geuen thy sonne for vs by whych thorow hym thou hast takē awaie the synne of the worlde bi which thorow his crosse thou hast lyghtened all mē by whē thorow hī thou hast redressed all thinges in heauē and erth wash me oh Lorde in his bloude / lighten me in his humilite / redresse me in his resurreccion Haue mercie on me oh God not after thy smal mercie for that is but thy smal mercie in cōparison whē thou helpest mē of their bodelie euylles but it is great whē thou forgeuest synnes dost eleuate mē by thy fauoure aboue the toppe of the erth Euē so Lord haue mercie on me accordīge to this thi greate mercie that thou turne me vnto the that thou put out my synnes and that thou iustefie me bi thi grace fauoure And accordinge to the mustitude of thy compassiōs wype awaye myne iniquyte Thy mercye Lorde is the habundaūce of thy pytye / by the which thou lokest gentlye on the poore and wretched Thy compassyons are the workes ād processes of thy mercye Marye magdalene came vnto thy fete good Iesu she wasshed them wither teares / and wyped them with her here / thou forgauest her and sentest her a waye in peace / this was Lorde one of thy compassions / Petre denyed the ād forsoke the with an oth / thou lokedst apon him and he wepte bitterlye / thou forgauest him and madest hym one of the chefe amonge thyne Apostles this was lorde another of thy compassyons The these on the crosse was saued with one worde Paule in the furious wodnes of his persecution was called ād by and by fulfylled wyth the holye goste / these are Lorde thy compassyons The tyme shuld faile me yf I shuld enumbre all thy merciable compassyons / for loke how manye ryghtwyse men there be / ād so manye are thy godlye compassions / There is none that can glorye in hym selfe Let them all come that are ryghtwyse other in erth or in heauen and let vs axe them before the whether they be saued by theyr awne power and vertue And surelye all they will answere with one harte / and one mouth sayenge Not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs / but vnto thi name geue all the prayse / for thy mercye for thy truthes sake for they in theyr awneswerde possessed not the lande / and theyr awne arme or power saued them not but thy right hande and thyne arme ād the lighteninge of thy councenaunce for thou delitedst in the / that is / they are not saued for their awne deseruynges lest any man shuld boste him selfe / but because it pleased the so to be whych thynge the Prophete doth also more expresselye witnesse of the whē he sayeth he saued me because he wold haue me Sith therfore that thou arth the me god wyth whome is no alteracyon or variablenesse nether art thou chaūged vnto darknesse and we thy creatures as wel as oute fathers whych were borne vnder concupyscence synners as well as we and sith there is but one mediatore and a tonement betwene god and man that is chryst Iesus whych endureth for euer / why dost thou not poure on thy plentuous compassions vppon vs / as well as thou didest vppon oure fathers hast thou forgotē vs or are we onelye synners did not crist die for vs Are all thy mercyes spent none lefte Lorde oure god I desyre hartelye besech the / to put out myne iniquite accordinge vnto the multitude of thy compassions for manye yee infinite are thy compassiōs that accordynge I saye to the multytude of thy cōpassions thou vouchsafe to quēch my synne that as thouhast draune receaued innumerable synners / hast made thē rightuous euen so that thou wilt drawe take me make me rightwyse thorow thy grace fauoure / therfore accordinge to the multitude of thy compassions wype
but that of thy gracyous mercye thou makest vs promises / fulfyllest them for thy truthes sake Thou dyst promyse vnto Abraham a sonne when he was aged / thou falfylledst thy promyse in olde and baren Sara / because thou louedst truth Thou promysest vnto the children of Israell a lande that flowed with milke and honye / and at the last dydst geue it them / for thy truthes sake Thou madest a promyse to Dauid sayenge I shall set vppon thy sete regall one of the frute of thy bodye / and it came euen so to passe / because thou woldest be founde true There are other innumerable promyses in which thou hast euer bene faythfull because thou louedst truth Thou hast promysed to synners which wyll come vnto the / forgeuenesse and fauoure / and thou hast neuer defrauded man / for thou hast loued truth That vnthryftye sonne Luc. xv that toke his iorney in to a farre cōtre and wasted all his goodes with covetous lyuinge / when he came to hym self / he retouened vnto the sayenge Father I haue synned agenst heauen and before the / now am I not worthye to be called thy sonne / make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes / When he was yet a greate waye of / thou sawest hym and haddest cōpassyon on hym and rannest vnto hym / fallynge vppon his necke and kyssynge hym / thou broughtest forth the best garmenth and puttest a rynge on his fynger and showes on his fete / Thou kylledst that fatted calfe and madest all the house merye sayenge / Let vs eate be merye / for this my sonne was deed and is alyue agayne / he was lost and is now founde Why dydst thou all this Lorde God surelye because thou louedst truth Loue therfore o father of mercyes this truth in me / which retorne vnto the from a farre countre / runne towardes me geue me a kysse of thy mouth / geue me those chefe garmētes / drawe me in to thy house / kylle that fatted calfe that all which trust in the maye reioyce in me / and lette vs eate to gether in spirituall feastes Oh Lorde wilt thou exclude me alone and wilt thou not kepe this truth vnto me yf thou shuldest loke narowlye on oure wykednesse o lorde lorde who myght abyde the But Lord thou wilt not be so strayght vnto vs / for thou louest truth yee and that with a feruent incomprehensible loue Which is the truth that thou so louest is it not thy sonne that sayde Ioan .xiiij. I am the waye / truth / and lyfe he is the verye truth of whom all truth is named in heauen and in erth / this is it that thou hast loued and in it onlye hast thou delyted for thou dydest fynde it pure with out spotte and woldest that it shuld dye for synners / kepe therfore Oh God this truth / behold I am a greate synner in whom thou maist kepe it / to whom thou maist forgeue manie synnes / whom thou mayst purefye in the bloude of thy Christ / whom thou mayst redeme thorow his passyō why Oh lorde hast thou geuen me this knowlege of thy sonne / this fayth of hym Because I shuld se my redēpcyon and not to attayne it that I myght by that meanes be the more vexed with sorow God forbydde / but rather that I maye perceaue the remissyon of my synnes purchased by Christes bloude / and so by his grace maye obtayne it Purge me therfore and redeme me oh Lorde for thou hast vttered vnto me the vnknowne and secrete poyntes of thy wysdom that this knowlege maye helpe me brīge me vnto helth for trulie the philosofers neuer knew these thinges / they were vnknowne vnto hē / yee vtterlye hid frō thē and no mā knewe these thīges except a fewe whō thou lonest entyrelie before thy sonnes incarnaciō The most curyous serchers of the world / I meane the wysemen of this world lyfted vp their yies aboue heauen yet coulde not fynde this thy wysdom / for thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse prudent / and hast opened them vnto babes / that is / to humble fishers and thy holye prophetes which also haue vttered thē vnto vs. And so hast thou vttered the vnknowne and secrete thinges of thy wysdom of thy scriptures vnto me / why do I know thē in vayne I know them surelye in vayne yf they profytte me not vnto my helth and saluacyon For the Philosophers when they knewe God by his meruelous creatures they glorifyed hym not as god nether were thākefull / but wexed full of vanityes in theyr ymaginacyons and their folish hartes were blinded / when they counted them selues wyse / they became soles / wylt thou suffer me Lorde to be of their numbre God forbyd / for thou arte euē mercye it selfe which doth neuer vtterlye forsake any man / fauoure therfore Lorde fauoure and spare thy seruaunt / and commaunde hym to be of the numbre of thy babes / that the vnknowne secretes of thy wysdom / which thou hast opened to hym maye leade hym vnto the fountayne of wysdom which is an hye / that thou mayst be praysed in the worke of thy mercye which thou dost exercyse towardes thy seruaunte Lorde which neuer forsakest them that trust in the. Sprinkle me Lorde with hysope / and so shall be clene / thou shalt wash me / and then shall I be whitther then snowe Because Lorde that thou hast loued the truth hast opened vnto me the vnknowne secretes of thy wysdome / I am well cōforted and I trust that thou wilt not cast me out of thy fauoure / but thou shalt sprinkle me with hysope and so shall I be clensed Hysope is a lowe herbe / it is hote and of a good sauoure / which sygnifyeth nothynge els / but thy onlye sonne oure lorde Iesu Christ / which humbled hym selfe vnto deeth / euen vnto the deeth of the crosse / which with the heate of his feruent charite loued vs / and washed vs from oure synnes in his bloude / which with the redolent sauoure of his beneuolence and rightuousnes replenyshed the hole worlde Therfore with this hysope shalt thou sprincle me / when thou pourest apon me the vertue of his bloude when Christ thorow fayth shal dwell in me when thorow loue I am ioyned with hym when I shall countre fayte his humylite and passyon / then shal I be clensed frō all myne vnclennesse Then shalt thou wash me with mine awne teares which flowe out of the loue of Christ / then shall I sygh vntyll I be werye I shall water my bed euerye nyght with my teares / so that it shall swymme in them and then shalt thou wash me and I shall be whyter then snowe Snowe is whyte and colde / but Lorde yf thou sprinkle me with hysope I shal be more whyte then snowe for I shall be thorowlye endued with thy splendent lyght which passeth all bodelye whytenesse And when I am enflamed
trinite may we worshypper He therfore that wyll be saued / let hym vnderstande thus of the trinite But it is necessary vnto euerlastynge health / that euery christian beleue also faythfully the incarnacyon of oure Lorde Iesu Chryste It is therfore the ryght fayth that we be leue● confesse that our lorde Iesu Chryste the Sone of God / is God and man He is God by the substāce of the Father goten before all worldes / and he is man by the substance of his mother / borne in the worlde Perfyte God / perfyte man / beynge of a soule reasonable / and of flesshe humayne Equall to the Father by his godhed lesse then the Father by his manhed Whiche thoughe he be God and man / yet is there not twayne but one Chryste Truely he is one not by turnyng of his godhed in to manhed / but by assumptynge of his manhed in to godhed Beynge out to all intentes / not by confusyon of substance / but by vnite of person For as the reasonable soule the flesshely body is or maketh one man / so God and man is one Chryste Whiche suffered death for our saluacyon descended to helle / and rose from death the thyrde daye Whiche ascended to heuens / sytteth at the ryght hande of God the Father almyghty frō thense shall he come to iudge the quycke and dead At whose comynge all men muste ryse with theyr bodyes shall gyue accompt of theyr owne propre dedes And they that haue done well shall go in to euerlastyng lyfe / they that haue done euyll in to euerlastynge fyre This is the Catholyke sayth / whiche excepte euery man faythfully / and stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued ¶ Finis ¶ The offyce of all Estates i. Timothe .iij. A Bysshop muste be fautlesse / the husbande of one wyfe sober discrete honestly appareled herberous / apte to teache / not dronkē not fyghter not gyuen to fylthy lucrebut gentyl / abhorringe fyghtynge / abhorringe couetousnesse / and one that ruleth his owne house honestly / hauynge chyldren vnder obedyence / with all honeste ¶ Rulers Sapien. i. Ye that are rulers of the earth / se that you loue ryghteousnes / and that you commyt none vnryghteousnes in iudgement Leui. ix Thou shalte not fauour the poore / nor honoure the myghty / but shalt iugge thy neyghbour ryghtteously ¶ The cōmens Leui. xix Ye shall not deceyue youre brethren neither with weyght nor measure / but shall haue true balances / and true weyghtes / for I am the Lorde your God ¶ Husbandes Ephe. v ¶ Husbandes loue your wyues euen as Chryst loued the congregacyon / and gaue hym selfe for it to sanctyfy it and clensed it in the foūtayne of water thorowe the worde / to make it vnto hym selfe / a gloryous congregacyon with out spot or wrencle / or any suche thinge So ought men to loue theyr wyues / as theyr owne bodyes He that loueth his wyfe / loueth hym selfe For no man euer yet hated his owne flesshe / but norrysshed it c. ¶ Wyues Ephe. v. Wyues submit youre selues to your owne husbandes / as to the lorde For the husbande is te wyues heed / euen as Chryst is the heed of the congregacyon Therfore as the cōgregacyō is in subiection to Chryste lykewyse lette the wyues be in subiectyon to theyr husbandes in all thynges ¶ Fathers and Mothers Ephe. v. Ye fathers moue not your chyldren vnto wrath but brynge them vp with the nurture and informacyon of the lorde ¶ Chyldren Ephe. vi Chyldren obey youre fathers mothers in the Lorde for so it is ryght Honour the Father and mother that is the fyrst commaundement that hathe any promyse that thou mayste be in good estate and lyue longe on the earthe Maysters Colles .iij. Ye maysters / do to youre seruaūtes that whiche is iuste and equall puttyng away all bytternisse and threatenynges knowinge that euen ye also haue a mayster in heuē Seruauntes Collos .iij. Seruauntes / be obedyent to youre bodyly maysters in all thinges not with eye seruyce as men pleasers / but in synglenesse of herte / fearynge God And what soeuer ye do / do it hertely as thoughe ye dyd it vnto the lorde / not vnto men for as moche as ye knowe that of the lorde ye shall receyue the rewarde of enherytaunce for ye serue the Lorde Chryst Wydowes 1. Timo. v. She that is a very wydowe frendlesse putteth heth truste in god / and contynueth in supplicasyon and prayer nyght and day ¶ The somme of all LOue thy neyghbour as thy selfe And whatsoeuer ye wolde that other shulde do to you do you euen the same to them what ye wolde not that other men shulde do to you / se that ye do it not to them ¶ A prayer for wysdom Sapien .ix. chapiter Deus patrum nostrorum / et dominus misericordie O The God of our fathers / god of mercy / whiche hast made al with thy worde / and with thy wysdome haste constytuded man / to haue dominyon vpon the creature whiche was made of the / to order the world with equyte and iustyce / and with a dyrecte herte for to iudge iudgementes / gyue me the assystent wysdome of thy seates and reproue me not from thy chyldren For thy seruaunt am I / the sone of thy hāde mayde / a man weyke of lytle tyme vnsuffycyent to the vnderstandynge of thy iudgement lawes And yf any shall be of moost perfyte wysdome amōge the sones of men / yf thy wysdome ones flye frō him he shall be counted regarded at nought Sende thy wysdome frō thy holy heuyns / frō the seate of thy myghtynes that it maye be with me / laboure with me / and that I may know what is acceptable before the. For she knoweth all / and vnderstandeth all and shall conduyt me sobrely in my workes / shall ●epe me in her power And my wordes shal be acceptable So be it ¶ The prayer of Salomon for wysdom ij Reg. iij. Chapter Tu fecisti domine cum seruo tuo THou hast done lorde with thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercy so that he walked in thy syght in trueth and iustyce ryght herte with the. Thou sauedest vnto hym thy great mercy / and gauest hym a sone syttinge vpon his trone / as it is at this day And nowe lorde god thou hast made thy seruaūt to reygne in the roume of Dauid my father I am a very babe and knowe not myne entrynge / nor my comynge out / and thy seruaunt is in the myddest of an infinite people / whiche thou hast chosen / whiche can not be nombred nor counted for the m● l●ytude Wherfore thou shalte gyue to thy seruaunt an herte apt to be taught / to the entent he maye iudge thy people / and discerne bytwyxte good and euyll For who can iudge this people this thy people so many ¶ For cōpetency of lyuynge the prayer of Salomon Prouer.
the .xxx. chapiter Duo rogaui te / ne deneges mihi TWo thinges lorde haue I requyred the that thou woldest not deny me vntyll I dye Vanite and wordes of lesynge make farre frō me Pouerty or ryches gyue me not Onely gyue that is necessary for my lyuinge / lest per chaunche beynge in full habundaunce I myght be prouoked to deny the / and saye who is the lorde Or cōpelled by necessyte I myght steale and for sweare the name of my God So be it ¶ A prayer of the churche of the faythfull / for the worde of God to be spoken with boldenes of herte Actes the .xiiij Chapter Dn̄e tu fecisti celum terram mare c. LOrde thou hast made heuyn earth / see / and all that be in them / whiche with thy holy spirit by the mouth of our father Dauid thy seruaunt saydest Why do the gentylles fume lyke wilde bores / and why do the people attempt thynges in vayne The kynges of the earth be assembled the princes be gathered togyther agaynst the lorde agaynst his Christe / for with out sayle there assembled in this cyte agaynst thy holy chylde Iesu whom thou dydest anoynt Herode and Ponce Pylate with the gentylles and people of Israhel to do the thynges with thy power and thy counseyl dydde determyne before to be done And nowe lorde caste thyne iye vpon their manasses / gyue to thy seruauntes with all boldenes / power to speake thy worde extendyng thy hande io healynges / and sygnes / and wonders to be wrought in the name of thy holy sone Iesu ¶ The prayer of Chryst before his passyon for his churche in this worlde Iohan .xviij. Chapiter Pater venit hora / clarifica filium FAther the houre is come / glorifye thy sone / that thy sone maye glorifye the As thou gauest hym power of euery flesshe to the entente that all that thou gauest hī he myght gyue the euerlastynge lyfe And this is euerlastyng lyfe that they knowe onely the for the true god and whome thou sendest Iesu Chryste I haue glorifyed the in earthe I haue perfourmed the worke whiche thou gauest me to do And new glorifye thou me Father with thy selfe / wyth the glory whiche I had before this worlde was made of the I haue publysshed thy name of the men / whome thou gauest me of the worlde They were thyne / and thou gauest them to me / and they kepte my worde Nowe they knowe that all that thou gauest me come from the. For the wordes which thou gauest me I haue them / they toke them / and knew verily that they came from the / and they beleued that thou sentest me For them I aske / for the worlde I aske not / but for theym whiche thou gauest me because they be thyne and all myne be thyne / and thyne myne / and I am glorifyed in them And I am nowe no longer in to worlde But they be in the worlde styll For I come to the / holy Father saue theym for thy names sake whome thou haste gyuen me / that they maye be one as we be one When I was with thē in the worlde I dyd kepe thē in thy name Whome thou gauest me I kepte and none of them peryshed / but onely the sone of perdicyon that the scrypture myght be fulfylled But nowe I come to the / and these I speke in the world that they may haue my ioy replenyshed in them I gaue them thy worde / and the world hated them bycause they be not of the worlde lyke as I am not of the worlde I asked not that thou shuldest take thē away out of the worlde but that thou kepe them from the wycked They be not of the worlde / lyke as I am not of the worlde Make thē holy in thy trueth Lyke as thou hast sent me in to the worlde / so haue I seme thē in to the worlde / and for thē I do sanctifye my selfe / that they also may be sanctifyed in the trueth And I pray not only for them / but also for them that shall beleue in me through theyr preachynges so that all they maye be one Lyke as thou father arte in me and I in the / that they also maye be in vs / that the worlde may beleue that thou hast sent me And the glorye / whiche thou hast gyuen me / I gaue it thē that they myght be one lyke as we be one / I in them / and thou in me / that they may be made perfyte in one / and that the worlde may know that thou hast sent me / and loued them as thou loued me Father / they whome thou haste gyuen me / I wyll that where I be / they maye also be with me that they maye se my glorye / whiche thou gauest me / for thou hast loued me before the makinge of the worlde Iuste father / the worlde knoweth the not but I know the these know that thou hast sent me / I haue made knowen vnto them thy name / and I wyll make it knowen to the entent / that the loue wherwith thou louest me myght be in thē and I in them ¶ The prayer of the church for synners Sapience the .xv. Chapiter Tu deus noster / suauis et verus es THou our God arte gentyll true pacyent with mercy orderyng al thynges For yf we synne / we be thyne knowinge thy greatnes / yf we synne not / we knowe that with the we be rekened For to know the is perfyt and consumate ryghtwysnes / and to knowe thy iustice and vertue is the rote of immortalite So be it ¶ The prayer and blyssynge of Iob in his moost tribulacyon takynge away of his goodes Iob .ij. Chapiter In tonso capite corruens in terram IOb his heade clypped fallynge flatte on the grounde worshipped god sayenge Naked I entred out of my mothers wōbe / and naked I shall retourne The lorde hath gyuen the goodes / and the lorde hath taken them away As it pleased the lorde so it is done Blyssed be the name of the lorde So be it ¶ When we be shorged of God eyther for our synnes / or that we may be proued by hym / the prayer of Thobie iiij Chapiter Iustus es domine / et omnia iudicia tua THou arte iuste lorde / and all thy iudgementes are true / and all thy wayes mercy truth and iustyce And now lorde remembre me / and take not vengeaunce of my synnes / nor thynke not on my offences / nor the synnes of my parentes Because we haue not obcyed thy preceptes therfore thou haste delyuered vs vp in to these euylles / in to confusyon and reproche an to be a fable to all people and the gentles And now lorde great be thy iudgementes / for we haue not done accordynge to that preceptes / we haue not walked purely before the. And now lorde accordynge to thy pleasure do with me cheyfly
the father / for it is he / whiche with the father / bi christ in christ workith and quyckenyth all thinges I beleue that in all the we ●ide / be hit neuer so greate / there is but one comune christen church whiche is none other thing but the cōgregacyon cōmunyon of holy men that is of ryghtuous faithfull men on the erth And that this churche by this holy sprete is gathered maintened Thorough whome also it is gouerned and encreased dayly by the sacramentes and worde of god I beleue that no man can euer be saued / whiche is not foūde agreable consenting with this congregaciō / in one faith in one worde / in one sacrament / hope and charyte And that none of the Iewes or gentyles can be saued with this cherche except they reconcyle theym self vnto it / and come in fauoure wich it / confirmyng theym selues in all poyntes therunto I beleue that in this communion or Christen te all the prayers and good workes of this congregation do necessarily helpe me / waye om my syde and comfort me in all tymes of lyfe and deth I beleue that in this congregation comēwelth and in none other place is gorgeuenesse of synnes And that without this all greate and good workes / how many so euer there are of theym do nothyng profyt to forgeuenesse of synne And contrarywyse in thys congregatyon / the multytute / greatnesse / and often commyttyng of synnes / do nothyng hurte / nether lette the forgheuenesse of synne / but that this forgyuenesse doth contynue whersoeuer / and howe song / thys excellent churche doth endure To whome alsoo Cryst ghyueth hys keyes / and sayeth in the xviij of Mathewe what soeuer ye lose vppon erthe / it shal be losed in heuen lykewise he saith to Peter alone / in the name and stede of this onely one churche in the xvi of Mat. Whatsoeuer thou lose vppon erthe it shall losed in heuen I beleue that there shal be arrysing of theym that are deade / in the whiche rysing the holy gost shall sturre vppe all fleshe / that is all men concernyng the body and flesshe good onell / so that the very flesshe whyche was dead buryed and consumed or by other wayes destroyed shal retourne / and lyue agayn I beleue that after this resurrectiō shal be eternall lyfe of good men / and eternall deth of synners Of all these thinges I doubt not but euery one of theym shal come vnto me frō the father bi the sonne Iesu chryst oure lord with and in the holy goost Amen that signifieth that in good fayth wythout doubt all these thinges are trewe ¶ The prayer of the lorde called the Pater noster wheryn are conteyned .vij. peticions ¶ The preface and introduccion to ar● these .vij. peticions is conteyned in these wordes Oure father whiche art in heuen The vnderstonding of the wordes ALmyghty god sith thou of thyne intynyte beneuolence and mercy hast not onely admytted vs / but also taught / ye and commaūded by the onely / and dere son oure lorde Iesu christ that we trusting in his mery●es and protection / he beyng oure intercessor shulde beleue that thou were a louig father vnto vs. And that we shulde also call the father / though worthyly and bi great ryghte thou mightest haue byn a cruell iuge agaynst vs sinners whiche so oft and abhominably haue done agaynst thy godly and most holi will / and haue gyuen the occasion of displeasure agaynst vs. Gyue vs we beseche the / by the fame beniuolence and mercy / that we may haue in oure hertes sure trust without feare of thy fatherly loue And make vs feare this acceptable smelle swetnesse / whiche the most sure / and chyldly trust doth gete vnto vs / that we may with glad mynde call the father / knowlege / loue / and crye on the in al leoperdyes kepe vs I desire the that we may contynue thy louynge chyldren / and not deserue to make the most mekest father oure horrible iudge nor suffer vs not to be thyne enemyes / whyche ought to be thy chyldren and heyres Thou wilt also / not onely symply / be called a father / but that we with a comē voyce shuld call the oure father And so with a speciall prayer of vnyte pray for euery man Wherfore gyue vnto vs anagreyng / and brotherly loue / so that we may perceyue euery one of vs that we are truely brothers / and sisters / and may pray to the as to oure comen and mercyfull father / euery on for other / euen as kynd chyldren entreate they re father one for another Graunte / that none of vs seke that whiche is his owne or els forget other / in thy sight but that auoyding all hete / enuye / discētion / as it becomith the trewe childrē of god we may loue to gyther with dewe fauoure so that we may say with a faithfull harte not my father but oure father Syth truely thou arte no bodyly nor erthly father / whome we may se in erthe / but art ī hauyn oure spiritual father which dyeth not / nether are vncerteyn or doubtfull / or such which art not able to helpe thy selfe as is an erthly bodyly father wherby it is euidēt vnto vs howe moche thow art a better father / whiche reachist this tēporall father odes cūtrey / frēdes / rychesse / flesshe / blode / to be dispysed for the. Graunt vs dere father that we may be thy heuynly chyldren Teach vs to regard none other thing then oure foule helith / and the euerlasting heritage / so that this tēporall cōtrey worldli heritage whiche cōpasseth noyeth vs / labouring to make vs erthly lyke vnto it selfe deceyue vs not so that we maye saye truely with a faithful here O oure heuynly father gyue vs thy grace that we may be thy heuynly children ¶ The first peticion Thy name be halowed O God almyghty / oure most dere heuen the father / thy godly name / euen now in this tyme / in thys vale of mysery Alas for shame so many wayes is slaundered / with checkes / and iniuryes myserably rebuked / applyed to many thynges wheryn stondyth not thy honour and glorie ye and manye abuse it / to they re greate confusion / whyche thyng is so comen often vsed / that this fylthy life may well be called a slaunder and dishonesting of thy most gloryouse name Therfore endowe vs with thy godli grace / that we may auoyde suche thinges as are agaynst the honoure prayse of thy most holy name Make thou all witther aftes and falce charmes shortly to decaye Cause all coniuringes by the whiche satan or other creatures / are enchaunced to cease by thy blyssed name Make that all false fayth by the whyche other we distrust the / or put more confydence in other then is nedefull / may quyckly be distroyed Make that all heresies and false
cōfesse / that thou suffryst iustly for thy synnes / thou arte ryghtuouse and holye as the thefe on the ryghthonde The knoweleging of thy synne / because it is truthe dothe iustifye and make the holy And euē then immediatly after this knowelegyng of thy synne thou doest not suffer for thy synne / but for thy truthe and innocency For a ryghtuous man can not suffer / but for the truthe and innocently Nowe art thou iustifyed by the knoweleginge of thy synne / and suffering pacyently Therfore and that truely and worthyly is thy passyon and suffering to de cōpared to the sufferyng of the sayntes euen as the knowelegyng of thy synnes is to be cōpared vnto theyrs For there is but one truthe of all men the knouwelegyng of synne / sufferyng pacyently of all euylles / and true cōmunyon of holy men in all and by all thinges ¶ The seuenth Chaptre of the seuenth ymage whiche is the euyll aboue vs. IN this last ymage we must lifte vp oure hart and assence vp in to the mountayne of Myrthe with the spouse Here is Iesus Chryst crucifyed the hed of all chrysten / the capteyn of all theym that suffer / of whome many haue wryten many thinges And all men as it is cōuenyent haue wryten all thinges His memorye is cōmended vnto the spouse / where as it is sayde Put ●e as a sygne vpon thyne arme The bloud of this lambe marked on the post doth put awey the stryking aungell The spouse of hym is commended / because her here is lyke the purpure of a kyng That is her meditacyon is redde and of purpure coloure by remembryng the passyō of Christ This is the wodde that Moyses was commaunded to put in to the waters of Marath that is to say / the bitter passions and they were made swete There is nothīg but this passyon maketh it swere / ye deth As the spouse doth say his lyppes are lylyes distillyng the chief and pure Myrrhe What proporcyon is there bytwene lylyes and lyppes syth these are redde and they whyte Truely it is spoken mystycally / bycause his wordes are most whyte / and pure in the whiche is no bloude bytternesse of enuye or malyce / but they are swete and mylde / with the whiche neuerthelesse he doth distyll the most pure and chief myrrhe / that is to say / persuadeth most bitter death / whiche euen as the most pure and chiefe Mirrhe at one taketh awey all corrupcyō and stynking of the body taketh awey the corrupcyon and stynking of synne Of grete power are these most swettest lyppes that are able to make the most bitter deth / swete / pure / whyte and acceptable But howe shall this be done Truely whyle thou herest that Iesu Christ the sonne of god hath by his most holy touching and passyon consecrate and halowed all oure euylles / and suffrynges / ye the deth it selfe most extremest and grettest of all other / hath blyssed the curse / glorifyed the slaunder made ryche the pouertye / so that deth is compelled to be the gate of lyfe / Curse / the begynnyng of blyssyng And slaunder the father of glorie / howe canst thou nowe be so harde vnkynde that thou wilt not both loue ye also desyre all passyōs troubles / whiche are deped purified in the most clene holy flesshe bloude of Christ / so made vnto the holy / innocent / holsome / blessed / glorifyed For yf he by the touchinge of his clene flesshe hath halowed al waters for baptesme ye al creatures Howe moche more bi the touchīge of his moste pure flesshe bloude had he sanctified al dethes / all passiōs / al iniuries all curses / al slaunders / for the baptesme of the sprete or bloude As he sayeth of the same baptesme or passyō in the .xij. of Luke I must be baptysed with a baptesme / howe I am payned tyll it be ended Thou seest how he is payned howe he pantith / how he thirsteth to sanctifye and make loued passyon and deth For he seeth that we are feared with passyons / he seeth that deth is feared and abhorred Wherfore he as a most meke sheperd / and most faythfull phisiseō goyng aboute to cure oure euyl / doth hast and is payned vntyll his dye that by his deth he myght make theym acceptable welcome to vs. So that the deth of a Christen is to be counted lykē to the brasen serpent of Moses which in all poyntes had the facyon of a serpent / but it was clene without lyfe / without mouyng / without venome / without bytyng So the ryghtuous do apere to theym that a soles to dye / howe be it they lyue in peace We are like to thinges which dye / Nether is there any other face outwardly of oure deth then of the deth of other thinges Howe be it the thinges in dede are other wyse For to vs deth is deed Lykewyse all oure other troubles and vexacyons are lyke the troubles of other thīges / but that is onely in the face outwardly For in very dede oure sufferynges at the begynning of impassibilite / euen as deth is the begynnynge of lyfe And this is it that Ihon speaketh of in the viij If a man kepe my sayenges / he shall neuer so deth How shal he not se deth Truely for dying he begynneth lyfe So that for the lyfe whiche he seeth he can not see deth / here the nyght as the day shall belyghtened / for there is moche more clere lyght of the lyfe whyche we begynne then there is of the lyfe from whyche we be exyled by deth And all these thynges are confyrmed and stablisshed to theym whiche beleue in Christ / but it is contrary to theym that beleue not Therfore if thou kysse / loue / and embrace the cote of Chryst vesselles / water pottes / and suche other that Christ did touche and vse / countyng theym grete and swete relykes / as though they were consecrated halowed by this thouchyng / whye doest thou not moche more loue / embrace and kysse / the paynes euylles of this worlde slaunder and deth whiche were not onely halowed by his touching / but also clensed and blissed in his pure bloude / ye and embraced with the will of his hert / his enfamming charyte and mercy mouing hym therunto / seyng that in these are moche greater merytes / rewardes / and goodnesse / thē in those relykes for in these are obsteyned for the / the victory of deth and heel / and of all synnes / and so is it not in the relyques O that we myght se / and beholde the hert of Chryst / when that hangyng on the crosse he was payned to make death deade and despysed howe feruently / swetely he toke vppon hym paynes and deth for vs that were feerfull and dyd abhorre paynes and deth howe gladly he began to drynk thys cuppe to vs that were dyseased / that we shulde not
feare after hym to drynke syth we do so that there chaunced none euyll to hym but onely good by rysing agayn No doubt chat chyef pure myrrhe Crystes lyppes distillyng it and his wordes cōmending it shulde be moste acceptable ād swete euen as the smell of lylses So writeth Petre in the fyrste pystle for asmuche as Chryst hath suffer for vs in flesshe Arme your selues lykewyse with the same mynde Paule also in the .xij. to the Hebrues Consyder howe that he endured suche speaking agaynst hym of synners / lest ye shulde be weryed ēd saynt in your myndes Therfore yf we haue lerned in the ymages byfore whiche were byneth vs and nere vnto vs to suffer euylles paciently / cruely in this last ymage which is set aboue vs we being rauysshed in christ lyft vp and set hygher them all euylles ought not onely to suffer theym / but also to loue / desyre and seke theym And the ferther of that a man is frome this mynde desyre / the lesse he hath of Christes passion As they which vse the sygnes and armure of Christ against euylles and deth / that they might nether suffer nether dye / whyche desires are clene contrary to the crosse and deth of Christ wherfore it is necessary that what euylles so euer we suffer be consumed clene brought to nought in this seuenth ymage / so that it shulde not greue vs but rather delite vs and make vs glad yf this ymage perse and entre in to oure her●s / or do remayn and sure in oure inward desire and mynde ¶ This mothe haue we spoken of the fyrst table Nowe foloweth the secunde TO the secunde table we shal also assygne seuē ymages contrarye to they me that were made bifore The first shall be of the inward goodnesse The secunde of the goodnesse to come The thyrd of the goodnesse passed The fourth of the goodnesse beneth vs. The fyft of the goodnesse on the lyft honde The syxt of the goodnesse on the ryght honde The ses venthe of the goodnesse aboue vs. ¶ The first chapter of the fyrst ymage whiche is the goodnesse with in vs. WHo is a bill to numbre the goodnesse whyche euery man possesseth in his owne person fyrst howe grete are the gyftes of the bodie as beutye streinght helt / q̄cknesse / witte besydes these in the male the most ꝑfai● noble kynde nature / by the whyche he is mete to exercyse and take vpon hym many thinges priuate / comune and other excellēt actes / whiche woman is nothing mete nor apt to / whathe merueyle is it / yf thou vsing these giftes thorough the fauoure of god cenne twenty / or thyrty yere with pleasure shuld suffer be payned in one of theym for the space of tēne dayes whate shal we do whiche haue had manye good houres / and will not be cōtent to suffer one euell here may we se howe we be endued by hepe with the goodly giftes of god And agayn with howe fewe euylles many of vs be oppressed or touched Howe be it god almyghtye not thynking it sufficiēt to haue done this moche for vs dyd also cast vnto vs rychesse plenteous abundaunce of all thinges / though not to all men yet truely to many / to theym specially that are impotent weake to suffer euyll for as I sayde bifore to theym he gyueth more of the sprete / to whome he gaue lesse worldly bodyly goodes that there shuld be a certeyn equalite in all thynges he the ryghtuouse iuge of al thinges Nether do grete rychesse so moche comfort a man as a mery glad sprete Bisides this / to some he gyueth yssue children whiche is a grete pleasure power / imperye / honour a name / glory / fauoure / and suche other whyche yf a man vse a longe season ye though he vse theym but a smal season they shall sone declare vnto hym whate he shal do in a lytell euyll The gyftes of the soule are more excelēc then all these as witte / connyng iudgemēt eloquence / wysdom / and these also as he dyd the other he deuideth after an equalyte so that he hath recompensed it in the other / by gyuing theym more quietnesse and gladnesse of mynde In all these thynges the most liberall hond of god must be considered with gyuyng thankes and oure infirmite must be comforted that in this multitude and gretnesse of goodes we merueyl not / though some sowernesse be admyxt / for vnto voluptuous men / there is no meate acceptable whiche of his nature hath not other some sharpe tast / or elles hys sawce prepared for hym / so that contynuall and onely swetnesse is a thing intollerabill Therfore it was well sayd euery pleasure by his perseueraunce maketh a man full of it / and to disdayn it And agayn / it is said Euen pleasure hir self is a payne bycause this lyfe is to weke and impotent to suffre cōtinually goodnesse without the temperature of euyll for the abūdant copie of the goodnesse wherof spryngeth thys prouerbe They re bones must be strong whyche shall suffer good dayes whiche prouerbe I haue often considered merueyling at the merueylous true sentence of it / howe all the purposes and desires of men are clene contrary vnto it / whyche seke nothyng but good dayes / ye when they haue gotte theym they can worse bere theym thē the euyll For whāte doth god cōmend vnto vs in those thinges / but that the crosse shulde be merueylous / euen in the enemyes of the crosse Insomoche that we ought to tempore and halowe all thynges by it / euen as we powdre flesshe with salte that it do not putrifie wareful of wormes werfore thē do not we receyue with a glad hert / thys temperature sent of god / whyche yf he dyd not sente / yet oure lyfe whiche is not able to endure with thys contynuall pleasure and goodnesse / wolde desire it of his owne will Nowe we perceiue howe truely the wise mā sayed of god he that contynueth from the one ende to the other strongly / and dysposeth all thynges swetely / for yf we consider these good thynges / it shall appere that it is also true whiche is spoken of Moses in the. xxxij of Deuteronomyon / he bare hym Vppon hys shulders / he ledde hym about and kept hym as the balle of hys eye wyth thys saying we may stoppe they re mouthes whyche vnkyndly chatter that there are mo euilles in this lyfe them good thynges for surely / we neuer lacke goodnesse nor pleasures / full of proufit swetnesse but we do moche lacke suche people as shuld vnderstond it with the Prophete saying The Erthe is full with the mercy of god And agayn the erth is full of hys prayse / in the .ciij. psal The erth is replenysshed with thy possession / thou hast delyted me Lorde in tese creatures for this cause we syng dayly in the
oure self care for oure selfe whate do we els then goo about to let the prouisyon of God and to make also oure lyfe sadde / labourouse / bered with many feares / cares / and troubles and that in vayne / for we do nothyng profit here with / but as the Ecclesiastique sayeth This is the vanyte of all vanytyes / veryng of the sprete / For thorow his hole boke he speakith in experyence of this thīg whiche he hath moche laboured and attēpted for hym selfe Howe be it in all his laboure he founde nothyng but payne vanyte and vexacyon of the sprete / so that he cōcludeth that is the gyfte of God yf a man eate / drynke / and be mery with his wyfe / that is to say yf he lyue without care and thought / and so be taketh hym selfe to god whiche caryth for all Wherfore we ought to take none other care vpon vs but this that we take no thought for oure selfe but cōmytte and leue all oure care thought to God All there thinges as I sayed a mā may sone gather by the cōtrary ymage / and by remembraunce of his lyfe passed ¶ The fourth Chaptre of the .iiij. ymage whiche is the good beneth vs. HEtherto we haue cōsydered the goodes whiche are in vs and oures / here after let vs exteme these goodes which are set without vs and in other And first theym whiche are byneth vs / that is to say deade and dampned Paraduēture ye wolde merueyle whate good thinges coude be founde in theym whiche are deade dampned / howe be it the power of the godly goodnesse is so greate in euery place that he she with vs goodnesse and his glory in the most euilles that be Let vs cōpare theym vnto oure selfe then so we oure inestimable and infinite profites / and cōmodytyes as we may also easily perceyue by the contrary ymage of euylles For the moo euylles of death and hell we see in theym the moo profite we perceyue in vs. And the more vehement and extreme theyr euylles be the more we count oure aduauntage whiche are not lyghtly to be dispysed and set at nought for they commend to vs the hyghe and bounteous mercy of God And the ieoperdye is / lest we vnking settyng lytell by it be founde worthy to be dampned with theym or worse to be tormented Therfore the more we se theym sorowe and lament / the more we ought to reioyse in oure selfe of the goodnesse of God / accordyng to the sayng of Esay Behold my seruauntes shall eate and you shall be hungry Beholde my seruauntes shall drynke / and you shal be tristye Beholde my seruauntes shall be mery and you shall be confounded Beholde my seruaūtes shall prayse for the reioysyng of they re hartes / and you shall crye for the sorowe of youre hartes and you shall howle for the contricion of your sprete / and you shall put downe youre name in an other to my elect and so furth / fynally as I sayde The examples of theym that do euyll dye and are dampned / as saynt Gregory doth shewe in a dialoge / do profyt vs to be a monysshement / and an instructyon that he may be happye whome other mennes perylles do make wise Truly this good bycause it is comenly knowen doth but litel moue vs / although it ought to be numbred amōge the chyef / is of greate reputacyon to theym that haue good iugement / syth that a great part of holy scripture where he speaketh of the wrath iugementes / and thretenynges of God perteyne to this place These holsome instruccyōs / the examples of wretched persones do profitably cōfirme in vs / whiche them chyefly be of power and efficacyte / yf we put on vs the mynde of theym whiche suffer theym / and cōuict oure selfe in they re stede and place / them shall they flurre vs vp and moue vs to the prayse of the goodnesse of God / whiche hath kept vs from theym Let vs also cōferre theym to God hym selfe / so that we may cōfyder the iustice of god in theym Though this he harde / yet let vs go about it / for syth that god is a iust iuge / it is expedyent that his iustice be loued and praysed And so then ought we to reioyse in God / when he distroyeth euyll men both in body and soule / for in all these thinges his hyghe and ineffable iustice she wyth hym selfe Therfore verey helle also is full of god and hyghe goodnesse / no lesse then heuen / for the iustice of god is god him selfe / and god is the hyghe goodnesse Wherfore as his mercy / euen so his iustice and iugement / most hyghly are to beloued / praysed and preached This ment Dauid saying the ryghtuoꝰ man shall be glad when he shall se auengement / he shall wasshe his hondes in the bloude of a synner For this cause dyd the Lord forbid Samuel that he shuld no more lament Saul / saying howe lōg mornest thou for Saul / syth I haue cast hym downe that he shuld not reygne ouer Israel As though he shuld say / doth my wyll so displease the / that thou wilt preferre a mānes with before myne fynally This is the voyce of prayse and gladnesse thorough all the Psalter / that the Lord is iuge of widowes / and father of fatherles chyldren / that he shall auenge the pore / that his enemyes shall be cōfounded the wikked shall be distroyed / and many suche other And yf that any man thorough folisshe mercy will haue pytye on that wyked bloudy nacyō and hope of infidels whiche kylled the ryghtuous / ye the sonne of god / by by / he shal be founde to reioyce in they re iniquite / and to allowe and fauoure those thinges whiche they dyd / and so to be verey worthy to perisshe with theim whose offences he wolde not haue punysshed Let vs therfore heare this tex● Thou ●oest loue theym that bate the and hatest theym that loue the. A● Ioas sayde to Dauid when he dyd ouer moche lament his wyked son an homycyde Absalon .ij. of the kynges .xix. wherfore in this ymage we must reioyce in the pitye of holy men and in the iustice of God whiche most ryghtuously doth punisshe the pursuer of pytye / to delyuer his chosen people from theym And so thou seyst that there appereth not a lytle but a great deale of good in theym that are dede and dampned for in theym is aduenged all the iniuryes of the holy men / and thyne also yf thou be ryghtuouse emōg theyrs Whate merueyle is it then yf by thy present euyll he punysshe thyne enemye / that is to say the synne of thy body Ye thou must reioyse in this act of the most noble iustice of God / whiche though thou desire hym not doth kyll and distroye thy mischeuous enemye / that is to saye / thy synne in thy selfe / whiche yf thou fauoure thou shalt be founde a
awaie myne iniquyte Clense purefye myne harte after all myne iniquyte is put out / and all my vnclennesse clensed it maye be as a clene table in the whych the fynger of god may wryte the lawe of his loue ād cheryte wyth the whych can none inyquyte contynue Yet wash me more from myne iniquite clense me frō my synne I graunte and knowlege oh Lorde thou hast once put out myne iniquyte thou hast put it out agayne / And hast wasshed me a thousande tymes / how be it yet wash me from myne inyquyte / for I am fallen agayne Dost thou vse to spare a synfull man vntyll a certayne numbre of his synne / whych when Peter enquyred / how of then shall my brother offende agenst me and I shall forgeue hym / whether seuen tymes thou answeredst I saye not seuen tymes but seuentye tymes seuen tymes takynge that certeyne numbre / for an infynyte numbre / syth then that a man must forgeue so often / shalt thou in pardoninge and forgeuenesse be passed of a man is not god more then man is he not better then man yee rather god is the greate Lorde / and euerye man lyuynghe is nothynge but all vanyte And onlie god is good and euerye man a lyar / hast thou not sayed In what houre so euer the synner doth repent I will not remēbre any of his iniquities Behold I a synner do repent and morne / for myne old preuye sores festred within and now are they brokē forth for myne awne folyshnesse I am depressed and fore broken / I walke in contynuall mornynge I am feble / and verye weake / I roored for the sorow of myne harte Lord all my desyres are before the my sorowfull syghes are not vnknowne vnto the. Myne harie trembleth and panteth for sorow / my strength fayleth me and euen the verye sight of myne yies cease from theyr office / wherfore them oh Lord dost thou not put awaye mine iniquitie And yf thou put it out accordinge to the multitude of the multitude of thy mercyes / yet wash me more from myne iniquyte for yet am I not perfeytlye purefyed / finysh thy worke / take awaye the hole offence and also the payne that is due vnto the cryme encrease thy lyght with in me / kendle myne harte with thy loue and cheryte put out all feare Let the loue of the worlde / the loue of the flesh the loue of vayne glorye / and the loue of myselfe vtterlye departe fro me / yet styll more and more wash me from mine iniquite by the whych I haue offended agenst my neyghbour / and clense me from my synne that I haue commytted agenst god I wold haue the put awaye not onelye the faute and payne that foloweth it / but also the occasion and nourishmēt of synne wash me I saye with the water of thy gracyous fauoure / with water of which he that drinketh shall not thirst for euer / but it shall be made in hym a fontayne of lyuinge water runninge in to euerlastynge lyfe Wash me with the water of my teares Wash me with the comfortable waters of thy holye scriptures that I may be enumbred amonge thē vnto whom thou saydest Now are ye clene for my wordes which I haue spoken vnto you / Ioan. xiij For I knowlege mine iniquite my synne is euer before mine yies Although thorow the beholdinge of thy mercye and cōpassyons I maye be bolde to flye vnto the oh Lord yet will I not come as the pharise which prayed not but rather praysed hym selfe and despysed his neyghboure but I come vnto the as the publicane Luc. xviij which durst not lyfte vppe his yies vnto heauen For I also do knowlege myne iniquite / and whyles I pōdre my synnes I dare not lyfte vppe myne yies / but humblinge my selfe with the publicane I saye God be mercyfull to me a synner My soule wauereth betwene hope and feare / and somtyme for the feare of my synnes which I feale and knowelege to be in me I am ready to despayre / somtyme thorow the hope of thy mercye / I am lifted vp and comforted Neuerthelesse because that thy mercye is greater then my myserie I wyll euer Lorde trust in the and wil singe out thy plentuous cōpassyons for euer / for I know that thou desyrest not the deth of a synner / but rather that he were cōuerted and that he wold knowlege his iniquite and forsake his synne / and so come to the that he maye lyue My god graunte me that I maye lyue in the / for I knowlege my wykednesse / I know what a greuous burthen it is / how copyous / and how ieoperdyous I am ignoraunce of it / I hyde it not but sette it euē before myne yies / that I maye wash it with my teares and knowlege vnto the Lorde myne vnrightwysnes agenst my self also my synne which I haue proudlye done agenst the / is euer agenst me / therfore is it agenst me / because I haue synned agēst the And it is trulye agenst me / for it is euen agenst my soule accuseth me euer before the ●●y iudge condemneth me euer in euery place and it is so agenst me that it is euer before my face and stondeth butte agenst me that my prayer maye not perce thorow vnto the / that it myght take thy mercye frome and hynder thy mercye that it can not come at me therfore do I tremble and therfore do I morne besechinge thy mercye Therfore oh Lord as thou hast geuē this grace vnto me to knowe my wykednesse and to bewayle my synne euen so accomplysh this thy beneuolence geuynge me a parfayte fayth / and drawynge me vnto thy sonne which hath made a full satisfaccyon for all my synnes Geue me Lord this precyous gyfte / for euerye good gyfte and euerye parfeyte gyfte is from aboue comynge from the father of lyght Agenst the only haue I synned haue done that which is euell in thy sight that thou mayst be iustefyed in thy wordes mayst haue the victorie whē thou arte iudged I haue ouermoch synned vnto the alone for thou cōmaundedst me that I shuld loue the for thy selfe / and shuld loue all creatures for thy sake But I haue loued a creature more then the / louinge it euen for it selfe Whate is synne / but to loue a creature for it selfe what is that / but to do ageynst the Surelye he that loueth a creature for it selfe maketh that creature his god And therfore haue I synned agenst the onlye / for I haue made a creature my god So haue I cast the awaye / and haue bene iniurious onlye to the / for I haue not offended agenst any creature in that I haue set my trust or cōfidence in it For it was not cōmaunded me that I shuld loue anye creature for it self Yf thou haddest cōmaunded me that I shuld haue loued an angell onlye for hym self / I had loued monye for
it selfe / then no doute I had offended agenst the angell But syth that thou only art to be loued for thy selfe that is to saye without any respecte other of good or euell and euerye creature is to be loued in the for thy sake / therfore haue I surelye offended onlye agenst the / for I haue loued a creature for it selfe But yet haue I worse done / for I haue synned euen in thy syght I was nothinge ashamed to synne before thy face Oh mercyfull god / how manye synnes haue I done in thy syght which I wold in no wise haue done before mortall men / yee that I wold not in any case that men shuld knowe I feared men more then the / for I was blynde and loued blyndnesse / and so dyd I nother se nor once cōsydre the I had onlye fleshlye yies / therfore dyd I onlye feare loke on men which are flesh But thou lokedst on all my synnes numbred thē / therfore I can nother hyd them frō the / nether turne my backe and flye from thy face Whother shall I go from thy spryte and whother shall I flye from thy face what shall I then do whother shall I turne me whom shall I fynde to be my defender whom I praye you but the my God who is so good who is so gentle who is so mercyfull for thou passest with out cōparison all creatures in gentlenesse It is one of thy chefest propertyes to forgeue be mercyfull / for thorow mercye and forgeuenesse thou dost most declare thy almyghtinesse I graunte Lorde that I haue offended onlye agenst the / and haue done that which is euell in thy syght / haue mercye therfore on me expresse thy puysaunce in me / that thou mayst be iustefyed in thy wordes for thou hast sayed that thou camest not to calle the rightwyse / but synners vnto repentaunce Iustefye me Lorde accordinge to thy wordes call me / receaue me / and geue me grace to do true workes of repentaunce For this cause wast thou crucifyed / deed and buryed Thou saydest also Ioan .iij. When I am lyfted vp from of the erth / I will drawe all vnto my selfe / verefye thy wordes / drawe me after the let vs runne to gether in the swetenesse of thyne oyntmentes Besides that thou saydest Mat. xi Come vnto me al ye that laboure / and are laden / and I will ease you Loo I come vnto the laden with synnes / labouringe daye and nyght in the sorow of myne harte refresh and ease me lorde that thou mayste be iustefyed and proued true in thy wordes / and mayst ouercome when thou art iudged for there are manye that saye he shal haue no socoure of his god God hath forsaken hym Ouercome lorde these persones whē thou arte thus iudged of them and forsake me not at anye tyme. Geue me thy mercye and holesome socoure / then are they vaynqueshed They saye / that thou wilt haue no mercye on me / and that thou wilt cast me clene out of thy fauoure and no more receaue me / thus art thou iudged of men / thus do men speake of the / these are their determinacyons / but thou which arte meke and mercyfull haue mercye on me / and ouercome their iudgementes / shewe thy mercye on me and let thy godlye pitye be praysed in me Make me a vessell of thy mercye / that thou mayst be iustefyed in thy wordes and haue the victorye when men do iudge the for men do iudge the to be firce and inflexible Ouercome their iudgement with mekenesse and beneuolence / so that men maye lerne to haue compassyon on synners / and that malefactours maye be enflamed vnto repentaunce / seynge in me / thy pytye and mercye Loo I was fashoned in wekednes and my mother conceaued me polluted with synne Behold not Lorde the greuousnesse of my synnes / consyder not the multitude / but loke mercyfullye on me which am thy creature ☞ Remembre that I am dust / and that all flesh is as wythred haye / for Loo I am fashoned in wekednes in synne hath my mother cōceaued me My naturall mother I saye hath cōceaued me of cōcupiscence / in her am I polluted with original sinne What is original synne / but the lacke of originall iustice of the ryght and pure innocencye which man had at his creacyon therfore a man cōceaued borne in suche sinne is hole croked and out of frame The flesh coueteth agenst the sprete Reason is slender / the wyll is weake / man is frayle and lyke vanite / his senses deceaue hym / his ymaginacyon fayleth hym his ignoraunce leadeth him out of the right waye / he hath infinite impedymētes which plucke hym frō goodnes and dryue hym in to euel Therfore original synne is the roote of all synnes and the nurse of all wikednesse / for all be it that in euerye man of the awne nature it is but one synne yet in power it is all synnes Thou seyst therfore Lorde what I am / and of whence I am for in originall synne which cōteyneth al synnes and iniquites in it am I fashoned / in it hath my mother conceaued me / syth then I am hole in synnes and enuyroned with snares one ●erye syde how shall I escape for what I wold that do I not / but the euell that I wold not that do I / for I fynde a nother lawe in my membres rebellinge agenst the lawe of my mynde / subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne deth Therfore the more frayle and entangled thy godlye beneuolence seeth me / so moch the more let it lyft vppe cōfort me Who wold not pitye one that is syke who wold not haue cōpassyon on hym that is dyseased Come / come thou swete Samaritane and take vppe the wounded and halfe deed cure my woundes / poure in wyne and oyle sette me vppon thy beest / bringe me in to the hostrye / cōmitte me vnto the host / take out two pence and saye vnto him what so euer thou spendest aboue this / when I come agayne I wyll recompence the. Loo thou hast loued truth / the vnknowne secrete thinges of thy wysdō / hast thou vttered vnto me Come most swete Samaritane / for behold thou hast loued truth / the truth I saye of thy promyses which thou hast made vnto mankynde / then hast thou trulye loued for thou hast made and kepte them / so that thy loue is nothinge els but euen to do good for in thy selfe thou arte inuaryable immutable / thou vsest not now to loue and a none not to loue as men doo nether doth thy loue so come goo / but thou art such a louer as doth neuer chaunge for thy loue is verye god Thy loue therfore wherwith thou louest a creature / is to do it good / whom thou most louest / to them arte thou most beneficyall Therfore what meaneth that thou louest truth /
with that lyght / I shall for sake all my carnall cōcupiscences colde vnto wordlye thinges / and enflamed vnto heuenlye Vnto my hearinge shalt thou geue ioye and gladnes and my brosed bones shall be refreshed Then Lord shall I pray vnto the / etlye that is in the begynnīge of thy light shalt thou heare my voyce I shall heare what the lorde god shall speake in me for he shalt speake peace for his people and shall geue me peace Lorde thou shalt geue me peace for I haue trusted in the / vnto my hearinge shalt thou geue ioye / and gladnesse / when I shal heare that cōfortable wordes that marye herde And what herd marye I speake of that marye / whych sate at the fete of Iesus Mat. xxvi what herde she Thy faith hath saued the / goo thy wayes in peace Let me also heare that the thefe herde this daye shalt thou be with me in paradyse / then shall I haue ioye for the remission of my synnes / and gladnesse for thy bounteous and liberall promyses shall I not reioyce / and be glad / when thou shalt geue me two fold for all my synnes them shall I beginne to taste how swete the Lorde is then shall I lerne to be conuersaunte in heuenly thinges and shall saye with the Pro●hete how greate and copious is that swe●enesse Lorde / which thou hast layde vppe for them that feare the / then shall I reioyse and be glad and my brosed bones shal be refresshed What are the bones which sustayne the flesh but the powers of oure soule and reason that bere vpp the fraylte of oure flesh that he runne not hedlonge in to all vyces / that a man falle not hole in to vanyte and so consume awaye These bones I saye are sore brosed / for the reason is verye weake / and the will is prone and readye to all myscheue / for euen now the the flesh obeyeth not reason / but reason must obaye the fles●e / so that I can not resist vice / for mi bones are brosed And why are they brosed for they haue forsaken the / the fountayne of liuynge water / and haue digged for them selues casterns ful of thynnes which can hold no waters / for they are not filled with thy grace with out wich no man can lyue well / for without the we cā do no thinge They trusted in their aw●e power which is no power and therfore decayed they in theyr awne folyshnesses Therfore let thy power come Oh Lorde and then shall these brosed bones be refresshed let thy grace come that faith which worketh thorow loue Let thy powers giftes assiste me / thē mi brosed bones shal be refresshed for my reason shal be merye / my memorye glad my will full of ioye / thus shall they all reioyse / for aboue theyr awne naturall strength / whē they goo aboute any good worke they shall procede prospere well / nether shall they leaue it vnperfeyte / but thorow thy helpe shall they brynge it to good passe and effecte Turne thy face from off my synnes / and wype awaye all my wykednesse Why lokest thou Lorde vppon my sinnes why numbrest thou them why consyder 〈◊〉 them so dyligentlye dost thou not know● that man is euen as a floure of the feld● / why dost thou not rather loke in the face of thy Christ Alas wretch that I am / why se I the angrye agenst me I graunte I haue sinned / how be it for thy gentlenesse haue mercye on me Turne thy face from off my synnes Thy face is nothynge but thy knowlege turne awaye therfore thy knowlege frō my sinnes I meane not that knowlege where with thou seist and perceauest all thinges / but that wherbye thou approuest disalowest all thinges / wherbye thou alowest the workes of the ryghtwyse and condemnest the reprouable synnes of the wyked / know not my synnes on that maner that thou woldest impute them vnto me and laye them to my charge But rather turne away thy face from my synnes that thorow thy mercye they maye be quenched loke Lorde on the ceeatuere whom thou hast wrought / loke vpon thyne awne ymage For I poore wretch haue put vpon me the image of the deuell that is synne turne awaye thy face from the ymage of the deuell and be not angrye with me / and behold thyne awne ymage that thou mayst haue mercye on me O mercyfull Lorde / remembre that thou lokedst apon zacheum which dyd clym vppe in to a wilde figge tre to se the. Lu. xix and thou entredst in to his house whych thou woldest neuer haue done yf thou haddest loked on the image of the deuell which he had put on him / but because thou sauest thyne awne ymage in hym / thou haddest cōpassion on hym and heledst hym He promised to geue the halfe of his goodes to the poore / and yf he had falslye deceaued any man to restore it foure folde and he obtayned mercye and health And I bequeth my selfe euen hole vnto the nothynge reserued And promyse to serue the for euer wyth a pure harte / and will fulfylle my promyse all dayes of my lyfe wherfore then Lorde dost thou not loke on thyne ymage in me also why dost thou yet consider my synnes Turne I besech the thy face from my synnes wype awaye all my wykednesse / wype awaye all I pray the that none remayne / for it is writen he that kepeth the hol● lawe offendeth in one poynte is gyltye in the hole / that is to saye / hath deserued damnacyon / whych is the payne of all synnes that lead vnto deth Put out therfore all my wykednesse / that none offēde the which shuld brynge me to condemnacion A pure harte create in me oh god and an vpright sprete make a newe within mee For my harte hath forsaken me / and goeth astraye vtterlye forgettinge his awne helth it is wādred in to straunge countres ensueth vanities his yies / are in the vtmost coostes of the world I called it againe but it answered me not It is gone / loste solde vnder synne What nv lorde what shall I saye A pure harte create ī me god / an hūble harte / a curteous harte / a peaceable harte / a gentle harte / a deuoute harte / soch an harte as wil nether do a nother man hurte / nether yet auēge him selfe whē he is offended but rather do god agēst euill And soch an harte as will loue the aboue all thinge which will thinke of the / speake of the and thanke the which will delyte in hymnes spretuall songes and be hole conuersaunte in heuenlye thinges Create this harte in me Oh God treate it of nothynge / that it maye be of such effi●acite thorow grace as nature is neuer able to make it This grace cometh onlye frō the in to the soule thorow thy creacyon it is the beautye of a pure harte
/ it draweth vnto hym all vertue and expelleth all vyce / therfore create ī me Oh god a pure harte thorow thy grace / make a newe an vpryght sprete in mi bowels For thy sprete shall leade me in to a right waye / which shal purge me from all erthy affectes and shall lyfte me vpp vnto heuēlie thynges The louer the thynge that is loued are both of one nature He that loueth bodelie thinges is wordlye but he that loueth spretuall thīges is spretuall Geue me a sprete that maye loue the worshyppe the / the most hye sprete / for god is a sprete they whych worshyppe hym / must worshyppe hym in the sprete verite Geue me an vpright sprete not schinge his awne profyte and glorye / but the will and glorie of god renewe an vpryght sprete wyth in me renewe it For my synnes haue qwenched the fyrst that thou gauest me Geue me now a new sprete that it maye redresse that thinge whych is inueterate my soule is also a sprete so made of the that of her selfe she is ryght for of her awne nature she loueth the aboue her selfe and desyreth all thynges for thy glorye / so that her awne naturall loue is ryght / for it cometh of the / but of her awne frowarde will is it īueterate polluted causinge her natural loue to decaye Make new therfore this s●te this loue thorow thy grace that it maye walke ī the right waye accordīge to his nature renue it I saye that it maye euer enflame me with heuēlye loue that it maye euer cause me to sighe vnto the / to enbrace the continuallye and neuer to forsake the. Cast me not awaye from thy face / and thy holye goste take not from me Behold Lorde I stande before thy face that I maye fynde mercye I stonde before thy benigne goodnes lokinge for thy fauourable āswere cast me not cōfused frō thy face who came euer Lorde vnto the and went awaye confused Who euer desyred thy fauoure / and went wyth out it Surelye thou passest in thy aboundant pytye both the deseruinges and also the desires of thē that praye vnto the / for thou geuest more then men can desyre yee or vnderstonde whē they haue it It was neuer harde that thou dydst cast awaye from they face any man that euer came vnto the Shall I Oh Lorde be the first that shall be cast awaye from thy face and vtterlye confoūded wilt thou beginne at me to confounde them that come vnto the wilt thou neuer more haue mercye and cōpassion God forbidde The woman of Canane folowed the / she cryed and made a pytuous noyse / she moued thy dysciples / vnto compassion / and thou hyldest thy peace / she contynued knockynge / she worshipped the and sayd Lorde helpe me / nether yet woldest thou answere Thy dyscyples entreated for her sayenge let her goo for she cryeth after vs. But what was thyne answere Lorde I praye the / what dydst thou answere for south that she wepte in vayne / and laboured for nought / for thou saydst that thou wast not sent but vnto the shepe that were perysshed of the house of Israel What shuld this woman do when she hade these wordes verelye euen despayre as concerninge the grace that she requyred yet despayred she not / but trustynge in thy mercye prayed agayne sayenge Lorde helpe me / vnto wose importunite Lorde thou answeredst / it is not good to take the chyldrens brede and cast it to hondes as though thou shuldest haue sayed departe from me you Canaanites are dogges / ye are Idolatres / the precyous gyftes of he ven●ye fauoure partayne not vnto you I ought not to take them a waye from the Iues whych worshyppe the true and liuynge god / and to geue thē to soch dogges as ye are which worshuppe ydolles and deuels what shalt thou now doo thou woman of Canaan thou mayst now be a shamed and gette the awaye / for the Lorde is angrye not wyth the alone / but also thy hole nacyon Oh Lorde god / who wold not haue bene confounded and haue pyked hym awaye at these thy wordes who wold not haue mumbled and grugged agenst the who wolde not haue iudged the to be cruell And yet did thys woman contynue stille in prayer She cast not away her confidence / she toke not these harde wordes heuelye / she was n●● angrye / but she humbled her selfe the more and abode stylle in her petycion and sayde with good fyaunce It is truth Lorde that thou sayest / but I axe nobrred / I axe not the fauoure that thchyldren shuld haue I am a litle whe elpe and desyre the tromes whyth falle from thy chyldrens table Let them storys● and abounde with miracles / and other gracyous fauours / but let not me be destytute of thys trumme of grace / that my douhter maye be delyuered from the fendes possession for the whelpes do rate of the trummes whych faile from theyr masters tables Behold wat fayth / whate trust / and what humylyte was in thys women therfore thou / not dyspleased with her ymportunate instaunce but reioysinge in her excellēt constauncie dydst saye O woman greate is thy fayth / be it vnto the as thou wilt Why are these thynges wryten Lord god that we maye lerne to trust in the / that me maye humblye and deuoutlye continue in prayer / for thou wil● geue it yf men be greadye But the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence / and they that make violence vnto is catche it / for what thinges so euer are writen are writen for oure lerninge that thorow pacience and comforte of the scriptures we maye haue hope Cast me not therfore lorde frō thy face which stond wepinge and way linge daye night before thy face / not that thou shuldest deliuer me frō the bodelye oppression of deuyls / but that thou wilt delyuer my soule frō his spirituall power dominion Let me not be shamed O swete Iesu for in the onlye haue I trusted I haue no helth or comforte but in the o Lorde / for al haue forsakē me / euē my brothrē children haue cast me of and myne awne bowels abhorre me I haue no nother helper / but onlye the. Cast me not therfore awaye from thy face / take no● thy holye sprete for me There is nomā which can saye that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holye gost therfore yf I call vppon the lord Iesu / that do I in the holye gost / yf I be sorye for my synnes which are passed / yf I are forgeuenesse / this do I verelye by the holye gost Therfore I besech the take not fro me thy holye gost / but that it maye be with me / and laboure wyth me / for we wote not what to desyre as we ough to do But the sprete helpeth oure infirmityes and maketh intercession for vs / that is / maketh vs to praie with such sorowfull
he knew the not / what thinke you he sayed I suppose that he sware by god and by the lawe of Moses that he knewe the not / addīge such wordes Thinke you that I am the disciple of this Sama●●ane which / deceaueth the people which is inspired with the deuil and destroyeth oure lawe I am the disciple of Moyses / and knowe not frō when●● this felowe is Blissed be God that they acused enquyrīge any further / for els wold he neuer haue ceased denyenge the / so that a thousande interrogacyons wolde haue made a thousand staite negacyons yee a thousand curses and periuryes yet were these interrogacyons but wordes / what wold he haue done I praie the yf they had scourged hym buffeted hym well Trulye he wold haue sought proued all meanes / denyenge / forsweringe / cursinge / and blaspheminge vntyll that he had escaped their handes But thou most meke Lorde lokedst backe vppon hym and by and by he knowleged his offence Nether yet durst he lepe in to the myddes of them and confesse the to be the sonne of God / for he was not yet strengthed with power from aboue / so that with our doute he wold haue denyed the agayne / yf he had sene any ieopardye at hande / therfore as it was most mere for hym / he went● forth and wepte bitterlye But thou after thy resurrecyon appearedst vnto hym and confortedst hym / yet kyd he hym selfe for feare of the Iues he sawe the so gloryouslye assendynge vnto heauē was strengthed by the syght and comforte of Angels / yet durst he not go abroade / for he had lerned by experyence to knowe his awne fragilite / and had proued his wekenesse ¶ Therfore dyd be tarye and wayte for the holye ghost which was promysed / whē he was come and had fylled Peters harte with grace / then stepte he forth then beganne he to speake / and then with greate power and sygnes bare he wytnesse of thy resurreccyon Then feared he nether the hyt preastes nether yet kynges / but reioysed in tribulacyons receaued the crosse with all m●●th and gladnes Therfore strengthen me Lorde with a principall sprete that I maye contynuallye reioyce in thy sauynge helth / or els can I not beare so manye assautes agenst me The flessh coueteth contrarye to the sprete The worlde assayleth me on eueryesyde The deuell slepeth not Geue me the strenght of thy sprete that the there maye fallely my syde a thousand an● then thousande by my right hande that I maye be a sure and stronge witnesse of thy sayth For yf Peter whom thou enduedst with so manye fauourable gyftes / dyd fall so wretchedlye / what shuld I doo Lorde which haue nether sene thy naturall presence nether haue tasted of thy glorie in the mountayne nether haue sene thy gracious myracles ye and haue scarcelye perceaued thy meruelous workes / haue neuer hard thy voyce / but haue bene euer subdued vnder synne therfore strength me with a principall sprete that I maye perseuer / in thy seruyce and geue my lyffe for thy sake I will enstructe the wyked that they maye knowethy wayes / and the vngodlye shal be conuerted vnto the. Ascribe not this oh Lorde vnto presumcyō / yf I go aboute to the teach the vngodlye thy wayes / for I desyre not to teach thē as I now am wyked / vngodlye / and vnder the bōdes of synne / but yf thou make me agayne to reioyce in thy sauīge helth yf thou strenghten me with a principal sprete and yf also thou sette me fre / then shall I teach the vngodlye thy wayes ¶ Nether is this harde vnto the / which of verye stones canst rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham / nether can my synnes be impedimēt vnto the yf thou wilt do this / but rather where sinne is so abundaunte / there aboundeth grace Paule yet brethinge out threateninges and slaughter agenst the disciples of the lorde receaued cōmissyon that yf he founde any whether they were men or wemē which folowed the professed thy fayth / he shuld bringe them presoners to Hierusalē And forth was he goynge lyke a mad harebrayne and as a raueninge volfe / for to straye abrode / rauysh and kylle thy shepe But whylles he was yet in his iorney euen in the hete of his persecucyon / and in actuall doynge of his synne / whyles he was persecutinge the and wold haue slayne thy chosen / hauynge no maner of preparatyue vnto grace / nether yet knowlege of his synne / when with harte and will he was thyne aduersarye / blasphemed and cursed the. Behold the voyce of thy merciable pitye vnto hym sayeng Saute / Saule why persecute●● me by the which voyce he was immedyatlye both sayed alonge and raysed vp he was layede alonge and ouerthrowne as concernynge his bodye / but he was raysed vppe with the mynde thou raysedst hym vp that was in the slepe of darke ygnorauncye and pouredst in thy gloryous lyght in to those yies which were oppressed with this blynde slepe thou shewedst hym thy sauourable face and endued hym with thy gracyous mercye Then was he raysed as it had bene from deeth / he opened his yies / he sawe the and sayed Lorde what wilt thou that I doo And after dydst thou sende a shepe to his wolfe / for thou commaundedst Ananias to go vnto hym And then was he baptysed and anon was he replenyshed with the holye ghoste and was made a chosen vessell to beare thy name before kynges / nacyons and the childer of Israel And with out delaye he entred in to the synagoges preached thy name stoutelye / affirmīge that thou arte Christe / He disputed / preuayled and confounded the Iues. Behold Lorde euen streyte of a persecutoure / thou madest hym a preacher and such a preacher that laboured more thē all the other apostles O / how greate is thy power / yf thou wylt of a wyked man make a ryght wyse / or of a persequntoure a preacher / who shall forbyd the who shall resyst the who maye saye vnto the / why dost thou so All thinges that thou woldest haue thou made in heauen and in erth / 〈◊〉 these and in all bottomlesse depth Therfore impute it not to arrogācye yf I couete thorow thy power not thorow myne awne to teach the wyked thy wayes for I knowe that I can offer nothynge which cā be so acceptable ī thy godlye sight this is the most pleasaunte sacrifice / also for my singulare profite / now yf thou chaūge me in to a nother man / thē wyll I teach the wyked thy wayes / not the wayes of Plato Aristotle / not the intricate so●le proposycyōs of mānes witte / not the instructions of philosophie / not the paynted wordes vayne coloures of the rethoricyans Not wordlye maters policyes / not vnfrutefull wayes of vanitye / not wayes that l●ad men īto deeth but thy wayes thy p̄ceptes which
lead vnto lyffe / nother wil I teach thē ōlye one waye but manie waies for manye are thy cōmaundmentes / how be it all the wayes ende in one / that is in loue charite / which doth so cōbynde the faythfull hartes / that they haue one mynde and one will in god Or els maye we vnderstāde by thy manye wayes / the diuerse maner of lyuinge / wherin euerye man walketh accordinge to his vocacyō some maryed / some lyuinge chaste in wedowhod / some virgyns and so forth / these walke after diuerse wayes vnto their heuenlye inheritaunce euerye man chosynge one in the which he maye best subdue his rebellious membres Thus will I teach the wyked thy wayes accordinge to their capacite and cōdicyon And the vngodlye shal be cōuerted vnto the for I will preach vnto them not my selfe / but Christ crucyfied and they shal be conuerted not vnto my prayse / but vnto the geuynge the all honoure and prayse / they shal leaue their awne wayes and come vnto thyne / that they may walke in them and so cōsequentlye attayne vnto the. Delyuer me from bloudes oh God the God of my hefth / and me tongue shall triumphe vppon thy ryghtwysenes I am stifled in moch bloude / and frō the depth of it shall I crye vnto the Lorde / lorde herke vnto my voyce Tarye not lorde for I am euen at the wynte of deeth / this bloude that I speake of are my synnes / for as the bodelye lyffe cōsysteth in bloude / euē so is the lyffe of a synner in his synne poure out the bloude / and the beest dyeth poure out the synne knowleginge it vnto God / the synner dyeth and is made rightwyse Nether am I wropped in bloude / but ouer whelmed drouned in bloudes / full streames of bloudes do driue me vnto helle / helpe me Lorde / lest I perysh Oh god which gouernest all thinges / which onlye cāst delyuer me / in whose hande is the sprete of lyffe / tyd and purge me frō these bloudes Delyuer me from bloudes oh God the auctor of my helth / God in whom onlye cōsysteth my saluacyō Delyuer me Lorde / as thou delyuerest Noe from the waters of the floude Delyuer me as thou delyuerest Loth from the fyre of Sodom Delyuer me as thou delyueredst the chyldren of Israell from the depth of the red see / delyuer me as thou deliueredst Ionas from the belye of the whale / delyuer me as thou deliuerest the thre children from the furnace of burninge fyre Delyuer me as thou deliueredst Peter frō the peryll of the see Deliuer me as thou deliueredst Paule frō the depe of the see Deliuer me as thou hast deliueredst infinite synners frō the power of deeth / from the gates of hell And then shall my tōgue triumphe thy ryghtwysenes / that is / for thy ryghtwysenes which I shall feale and perceaue in me thorow thy gracious fauoure For thy rightwysenes as thappostle sayeth Roma .iij. cometh by the fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all vppon all thē that beleue in hym / then shall my tōgue triūphe in praysinge this thy ryghtwysnes / cōmendinge thy fauoure / magnifyenge thy pitye knowleginge my sinnes / that thy mercye maie be declared in me which wold vouchsaffe to iustefye soch a greate synner / that all men maye knowe that thou sauest them which trust in the deliuerest thē frō extreme anguysh aduersyte o lorde oure God ¶ Lorde open thou my lyppes and then my mouth shall shewe forth thy prayse Thy prayse is a greate thinge o Lorde / for it proceadeth out of thy foūtayne wherof no synner drinketh It is no gloryous prayse that cometh of a synners mouth / deliuer me therfore frō bloude oh God the god of my helth my tōgue shall magnifye thy rightwysenes And thē shalt thou lorde open my lippes my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse / for thou hast the kaye of Dauid which shettest no mā openeth / openest and no man shetteth / therfore open thou my lyppes as thou openedst the mouthes of infantes and suckelinges / out of whose mouthes thou hast stablyshed thy prayse These trulye were thy Prophetes / Apostles and other sayntes which haue praysed the with a syngle and pure harte mouth / and not the Phylosophers and oratoures which haue sayed / We wyll magnefye oure tongue / oure lyppes be in oure awne power / who is oure god They opened their awne mouthes / and thou openedst them not / nether yet stablishedst thy prayse out of their mouthes Thy infauntes Lorde praysed the and despysed them selues The Philosophers went aboute to praise them selues and magnifye their awne name Thy suckelinges extolied thy fame glorye which they knew thorow heuenlie fauoure The philosophers knowinge the onlye by naturall creatures / coulde neuer perfeytlye expresse thy renowne Thy sayntes magnefied the with their harte / mouth good workes The Philosophers onlye with wordes and theyr awne sotle ymaginacyōs / thy chyldren haue spred thy glorye thorow out all the world The Philosophers haue enstructe but a fewe of theyr awne adherentes Thy frendes with spredinge thy glorie haue cōuerted innumerable men from synne vnto vertue and vnto true felicite The Philosophers nether knewe true vertues nether yet true felycite Thy beloued haue preached openlye thy bounteous gentlenes and merciable fauoure / which thou shewedst in thy deare sonne vnto all the worlde But the Philosophers coulde neuer attayne to knowe it Therfore out of the mouth of infauntes suckelinges hast thou stablyshed thy prayse For it hath euer pleased the to exalte the humble and bringe lowe the proude / now seynge thou dost euer resyst the proude / geue me true humilite that thou maist stablish thy prayse by my mouth Geue me a chyldes harte / for excepte I turne backe become as a chyld I can not entre in to the kyngdome of heauen / make me as one of thy infauntes or suckelinges / that I maye euer hange on the teates of thy wysdome for thy teates are better then wyne / and thy wysdome better then all rychesse / so that nothynge can be compared vnto it / for it is to men an infinite treasure which they that vse are made parte takers of the frendshippe of God / therfore yf thou make me a child then shalt thou stablish thy prayse in mouth for then shalt thou open my lyppes and my mouth shall shewe forth thy prayse shall perfeytlye declare it euen as thou hast published it by the mouth of thyne infauntes and suckelinges If thou hadst desyred sacrifices I had suresye offered thē but thou delightedst not in burnt sacrifices My mouth lorde shall shew for thy glorious fame / for I knowe that this thingeis most acceptable vnto the / syth thou sayest by the Prophete Psalme .xlix. the sacrifice of prayse shall glorifye me / and by that meanes shall I be entysed to shew hym my sauynge helth /
the holye gost beholdeth a farre off the glorye of God accordynge to the capacite of this lifte / and therfore sayed the Apostle .ij. Corinth .iij. all we with an vncouered face beholdynge as in a glasse the glorye of the Lorde / after the same ymage are transformed from glorye to glorye as by the sprete of the Lorde Lord god how small is thy church at thys daye almost the hole world is fallen from the there are many mo myscreauntes then christen And yet emonge the chrysten how many are there which forsake worldlie thīges seke the glorie of the Lorde Surulye ye shal finde fewe / in comparyson of them which are addicte to wordlye thīges whose god is theyr belye glorye to theyr shame and confusyon / Deale gentlye Lorde of thy fauourable beneuolence wyth zyon that it maye be encreased both in multitude in good lyuynge Beholde frō heauē deale gentlye as thou arte wont to do that thou wilt send emonge vs the fyre of thy cheryte / whych maye consume all oure sunnes Deale Lorde accordynge to thy fauourable beneuolence / and do not with vs after oure deseruinge / nether yelde thou vs agayne accordynge to oure iniquytyes but ordre vs accordinge to thy greate mercye Thou arte Lorde oure father and redemer / thou arte oure hope / and euerlastynge helth Euerye man desyreth goodnes of he / yf thou geue it them / then shall they gather it yf thou open thy hande all shal be fylled wyth plentye / when thou turnest awaye thy face / then are they astōnyed whē thou gatherest in theyr breth then are they deed and returne in to erth And agayne when thou brethest on them / then are they created a new and thus renuest thou the face of the erth Psalme .ciiij. Lorde I praye the whate profyte is there in the damnacyon of so manye thousande men Hell is fylled and thy church doth daylye decrease Aryse Lorde / why slepest thou so longe Aryse / and differe not vnto the ende / Deale gentlye of thy fauourable beneuolence with zyon / that the walles of Hierusalem maye be buylded agayne / what is Hierusalem whych by interpretacyon signifieth the vysion of peace but the holye congregacion and citye of the blessed whych is oure mother Her walles were decayed whē Lucifer with his aungels fell / in to whose places are the rightwyse men receaued Deale therfore gentlye oh Lorde with zyon / that he numbre of thy chosen maye shortlye be fulfylled / that the walles of Hyerusalē maye be edefyed and finyshed with newe stones whych shall euer prayse the and endure euerlastinglye Then shalt thou accepte the sacrifice of ryghtwysnes / obsaeions burnt offeringes them shal they laye vppon thyne altare wanton casues When thou hast delt gentlye of thy fauourable will beneuolence with zyon / then shalt thou accepte the sacrifice of rightwisnes / for thou shalt consume it with burninge fyre of thy loue cheryte / so acceptedst thou the sacryfyces of Moses and Helias And then acceptest thou the sacrifyces of rightwysnes / whē thou fattenest with thy grace the soules which endeuoure them selues to lyue ryghtwyslye / what profiteth to offer sacrifices vnto the whē thou acceptest thē not oh Lorde How many sacryfices offer we now a dayes whych are not pleasaunte vnto the but rather abhominable for we offer not the sacrifices of ryght wysnes / but oure awne ceremonyes and therfore are they not accepted Where is now the glorye of the Apostlee where is the valyaunte perseueraunce of martyrs where is the frute of preachers where is that holye simplycyte of them that vsed to lyue solitarye where are the vertues and workes of the Chrysten which were in olde tyme Then shalt thou accepte theyr sacrifyces / when thou shalt decke and garnish them with thy grace and vertues Also yf thou deale gentlye with zyon of thy fauourable beneuolēce / then shalt thou delight in sacrifices of ryghtwysnes / for the people shall beginne to lyue well / to kepe thy cōmaundemētes to deale iustlye so shall thy people be endued wyth thy benefyted blessinge Thē shall the oblacious of the preastes of the clergye be acceptable vnto the / for they shal forsake their carnall affeccyon endeuoure thē selues vnto a more perfeyte liffe / so shall the oyntmēt of thy blyssinge descende vppon theyr heddes Then shall the burnt offerynges of the relygious be pleasaunt to the / for they shall cast out all drousye sluggeshnes and false confidence / and be hoellye enflamed and made perfayte with the burninge fyre of goddes loue Thē shall the bisshoppes and preachers put calues vppon thyne altare / for after they are consummate in all kynde of vertue and replenysshed wyth thy holye sprete / they shall not feare to geue theyr lyues for theyr shepe what is thyne altare swete Iesu but thy crosse where vppō thou wast offered what sygnifyeth a wanton calfe / but oure bodye Therfore thē shall they put calues on thyne altare / whē thei shal offer theyr awne bodies vnto the crosse / that is vnto all afflictions euē vnto the verye deeth for thy names sake Then shall the church florish and dilate her coostes / then shall thy prayse be noysed from the last ende of the worlde / then shall ioye / and gladnesse fulfyll the hole worlde Then shall thy sayntes reioyce in glorye shall make mirth in their māciōs waytinge for vs in the loude of the lyuynge Accōplish in me euē now Lorde that thē / which I so ofte name / that thou maist haue compassiō on me accordinge to thy greate mercye / that thou mayst receaue me for aburnt sacrifice of rightwisnes for a holie oblaciō for a sacrifice of good lyuinge / and for a calfe to be offered on thyne altare or crosse / by the which I maye passe from thy vale of miserye vnto that ioye which thou hast prepared for them that loue the. Amen ¶ To fyll vp the leffe we haue touched certayne places which we thou most necessarye to edefie the congregacion of Christ ¶ Of fayth FIrst dere brethren ye ought to geue diligent hede that you maye purelye vnderstonde what fayth is and what frutes procede out of her / And to cōclude the summe in fewe wordes / fayth is a sure persuasyon full knowlege that God for his truth and ryghtwysnes sake wyll fulfyll such promyses / as he hath made vnto vs of his mercye and sauoure / which sure persuasyon must be geuen from god .i. Corin. xij For it can nother be goien by mannes power / nether yet retayned Therfore with feare and tremblinge performe that helth which is begōne in you / for it is God that worketh in you both the wyll and also the deed / euē at his awne pleasure And se that with all mekenes ye submitte youre selues vnto the vocacyon of god / not sekynge the libertye of the flesh / nether yet despysinge good workes / for