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A09831 The refutation of an epistle, written by a certain doctor of the Augustins order within the citie of Leige together with the arguments, which he hath borrowed from Robert Bellarmine, to proue the inuocation of Saints. By Iohn Polyander, minister vnto the French Church in Dort: and now translated by Henry Hexham, out of French into English. Polyander à Kerckhoven, Johannes, 1568-1646.; Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650? 1610 (1610) STC 20096; ESTC S100869 112,398 138

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you equal hir with our redeemer in calling hit Reparatrix and Sal●atrix of mankind The queene of mercy the valiant woman which hath broken the serpents head and she alone that hath rooted out all the heresi●s in the world Cardinall B●nauenture makes no conscience to appropriate to hit all that Dauid in his psalmes hath attributed to God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost Blessed● is that man saith he which liueth Mary which giueth praise vnto 〈◊〉 name which putteth his trust in hir which hopeth in hit Come vnto hir all ye that are wearie and she will giue rest vnto your soules The heauens declare thy glorie The earth and hir fulnesse is thine thou raignest eternally with God blessed are those which make much of thee because in thy mercies thou wilt wash their sins haue mercie on me mother of mercie and according to the bowels of thy mercies wash me from all mine iniquities Wicked serpent whereof bostest thou thy selfe put thy necke vnder Mary ô Ladie bruse him by the vertue of thy foot cast him down by thy force into the bottomlesse pu Saue me in thy name and deliuer me from mine vnrighteousnesse take pitie on me for my heart is readie to receiue thy will Lord for our sinnes thou hast repulsed vs and because of the virgin Marie hast taken pitie on vs. Let Marie arise and all hir enemies shall be destroyed Lord giue thy iudgement to thy sonne and thy mercy to the queene his mother God is the God of vengance Ladie saluation and life consists in thy hand O how good is God vnto them that worship his mother Come and let vs adore the Ladie let us giue praise vnto the virgin that hath saued vs. Let vs worship hir and confesse vnto hir our sinnes The Lord reigneth Mary fitteth vpon the Cherubins at his right hand wh● dwelleth vnder hir wing is vnder a safe protection haue remembrance ô Ladie of Dauid and of all those which call vpon thy name The Lord said to my Ladie sit my mother at my right hand thou hast taken pleasure in goodnesse and holinesse and therefore shalt thou raigne with me Praise the Lord because he is good for his mercie is giuen by Mary You transferre in like manner to the Virgin that which in all humilitie of heart she sung to the honor of her Creator and Sauiour And in stead of that which she sung as the Euangelist S. Luke witnesseth in the first chapter and 45. verse My soule magnifieth the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour c. Because he that is mighty hath done for me great things c. you say My soule magnifieth my Ladie and my heart reioyceth in my Ladie because hee that is mightie hath done for mee great things through Mary his mother What should I say more You celebrate in your Canticles the Virgin Mary as Lady of the Angels espouse and Mother of the eternall king Promise of the Patriarches Veritie of the Prophets Teacher of the Apostles Mistr●s of the Euangelists Lady of the Word and Queene of Heauen And hereupon you beseech her that she would saue her people Likewise you craue of her in expresse tearmes all that which God himselfe will or can giue vnto vs by his onely sonne Iesus Christ Impetra nobis veniam applica nobis grattam prapar● nobis gloriam that is to say Obtaine pardon for vs applie grace vnto vs prepare glorie for vs. You haue corrupted Simeons song and in stead of that which the Euangelist Saint Luke reciteth in the second chapter and 29 verse how this good Father holding the Sauiour of the world in his armes blesseth God and saith Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people you misturne these his words to the handmaide of the Virgin Mary saying Lord now lettest thou depart in peace the handmaid of the Virgin Mary for mine eyes haue seene the saluation of Mary which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to inlighten the Gentiles c. You hold her for the true saluation the true felicitie the greatnesse of charitie the largenesse of pietie vnto whom the Angels obey as by one of your Letanies appeareth Which is worse your Cardinals and Bishops assembled in the Councel of Constance in which they condemned to death Iohn Hus and Ierome of Prague both of them Bohemians constant in the true faith to adde vnto the heape of their crueltie against these Martyrs some token of their impietie and hatred against the holy Ghost which had endowed these two witnesses with his truth and with such a mouth and wisedome against which these good fathers were not able to resist they thought good to applie vnto the Virgin Mary that prayer which is made to the honour of the holie Ghost and in stead of saying as before Veni sancte Spiritus c. to haue made them sing Veni maier gratiae fons misericordiae miseris remedium veni lux Ecclesiae tristibus laetiti● ●●ne infund● radium Simonis nanicula fi●y tunicula 〈◊〉 scindatur prohibe quae Deū hominibus 〈◊〉 inngis ô puerpera Hereses interime schismataque reprime firm● pacis f●●era That is to say Come mother of grace fountains of mercie remedie of the wretched c●●e light of the Church shed vpon these heauie soules the beame of ioy the small ship of Simon surnamed Peter suffer not the little coat● of thy sonne to be torne in peeces ô mother in childbed which co●ioynest God with men and the inferiour creatures with the celestiall ab●lish Heresies represse Schismes and establish the couenants of peace I am astonished at the blasphemies of Barnardine de Busto and Anthonine Archbishop of Florence who set the Virgin Mary aboue the onely sonne of God for see what Barnardin● saith of her in his Mariall Men may say of the Virgin Mary that she is the light of the Gen●les and the glory of her people Israel For God at her natiuitie said vnto her I haue giuen thee as a light to the Gentiles to the end thou maist be our saluation to the ends of the earth a light to lighten the Gentiles All graces saith he come downe vpon vs from the Father and the Sonne by the Virgin Mary mediatrix between God and men no grace cōmeth from heauen but by her hands All graces enter into her and come foorth from her They are in Christ ●s in the head from whence they flow they are in Mary as in the neck which distributeth them Moreouer If any man feele himselfe grieued at Gods iustice hee may appeale to the Virgin Mary which hath been signified in the booke of Ester chap. 5. where it is said that King Abashueros● being in anger and wroth against the Iewes Queene Ester came to appease him and found such fauour with the King that hee said vnto her What
and heare our supplications And albeit that God in his word hath cōmanded vs to succour one another with our mutuall prayers with promise to heare vs notwithstanding hee sheweth vs that to purchase the fauour of God wee haue no neede of any other helpe then by addressing our selues to our only Sauiour Iesus Christ we haue free accesse vnto his grace and stand sure in the same God saith he in his fifth sermon vpon the 8. chapter of S. Matthew will not grant vs so much of his grace at the request of them which pray for vs as when wee our selues pray to the end wee might vse freedome in speaking to him and that desiring to reconcile him vnto vs we may reforme our selues For so tooke he pitie on the Canaanitish woman so on the theefe without either the intercession of aduocate or mediatour And wilt thou learne this that we in praying for our selues do more good with God then when others pray for vs The Canaanitish woman cried and as the disciples came vnto him they besought Christ saying Send her away for she crieth after vs and Christ Iesus answered I am not sent but vnto the lost sheepe of the house of Israel but when she came her selfe and continued on her crying saying Truth Lord yet indeed the whelps eate of the crummes which fall from their masters table then hee did her good and said Be it vnto thee as thou desirest Thou maist see ho● hee put her off when others prayed for her and heard her when she her selfe prayed In like manner in his 16. sermon vpon certain texts of the Gospel according to S. Matthew he saith Is God farre from thee that thou goest to seeke him in some place He is not shut vp in any place but alwaies he is by thee And he which no place can containe faith will containe him For if thou wilt pray vnto a man thou enquirest what he doth and he to whom thou speakest heareth thee dreamingly or hath not the leisure or will not vouchsafe to answere thee With God all this is needlesse but in what place soeuer thou art if thou callest on him hee is at hand Thou ●ast no neede of an vsher mediatour or seruant doe but say take pitie on me and as soone as thou hast spoken he is there neither canst thou haue finished thy speech but hee will say here I am Againe in his discourse vpon the Canaanitish woman Tell me woman how durst thou addresse thy selfe to Iesus Christ thou which art sinfull and wicked I knew well what I doe answered she Behold the wisedome of the woman she prayeth not to Iames she addresseth not her selfe to Peter she cares not for all the Apostles she seeketh no Mediatour but in stead of all these she taketh repentance along with her for her con●vanion which was in place of a Mediatour for her and so is gone vnto the souraigne fountaine For said she therefore is he descended from heauen therefore tooke he flesh vpon him and made himselfe man that I might dare to speake to him aboue in heauen the Cherubims tremble before him the Seraphi●s feare him and heere beneath on earth a woman of a wicked life speaketh vnto him and saith haue mercie on me ô admirable aboue trembling beneath boldnesse haue mercie on me I haue no need of a Mediatour He repeateth this doctrine in his treatise of Repentance God only saith he can cure the heart who hath made the heart of euery one and who euery day vnderstandeth our affaires He then can enter into our consciences which is not possible for the Angels and Saints departed to touch our spirits and bow our soules Knowing then these things let vs haue our recourse vnto God who will and can separate our vexations For when wee haue to doe with men to obtaine any thing at their hands we must first meete with porters then perswade flatterers and oftentimes take a great iourney With God there is no such thing without either mediatour or spokesman he is inclined to heare thee without either money or charge he yeeldeth to thy prayer It is sufficient if thou criest only to him with thy heart or sheadest thy teares he is then quickly moued to mercie He addeth vpon the fourth Psalme Thou canst not say I am afraid to come neere and pray vnto God for thou hast no need of any vshers which should bring thee vnto him nor guards nor friends but when thou art alone by thy selfe then is the principall time in which he will heare thee for euen so did he with the Canaanitish woman when Peter and Iames came vnto him he did not grant her request but when she persisted on then he gaue her that which she craued From whence he draweth this conclusion in his sermon of the profit and aduancement of the Gospell Thou hast no need of any aduocates vnto God nor of any long discourse but although thou beest alone without an aduocate and praiest thy selfe vnto God thou shalt obtaine thy desire Touching the intercession of the Saints departed he determineth nothing thereof particularly but writing to R●parius he admonisheth vs in general● that we ought not to worship neither Reliques Angels nor any other creature whatsoeuer And so oft as he treateth of prayer he exhorteth vs not to haue our recourse to any creature but vnto God only and to follow in our prayers that forme of prayer and instruction of our Lord Iesus Christ which hee recommendeth vnto vs in his 14 Sermon vpon S. Matthew where hee saith that hee which prayeth not as Christ hath taught is none of Christs disciples and that the Father willingly heareth the prayer which his Sonne hath indited because the Father knoweth the intention and words of his Sonne neither receiueth any thing but what his wisedome hath expounded reiecting all that men haue inuented and followed through custome and vsurpation So is it then that Iesus Christ the only Sonne of God hath taught vs to call vpon our heauenly Father but in his name And S. Chrysostome expounding the fifth verse of the first Epistle to Timothy Chap. 2. There is one God and one Mediatour betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus noteth vpon this place that Christ to be our Mediatour ought to be ioyned with God and Man and that if hee were separated from the substance of the Father and had no naturall communion therewith he could in no wise be our Mediatour And to the end wee should not thinke that God is pleased with doing vs good and giuing ●are to our requests for the sake and merit of any other Saint he signifieth to vs that all men except our Redeemer Iesus Christ haue been defiled here with some sinne God saith he in his 40. Sermon on Genesis permitted that sometimes the righteous through their owne will should fall into sinne to the intent that he alone should be without sinne From hence it chanced that Abraham hath sinned
the loue of their children Euen so almightie Father through the loue thou bearest to thy almightie Sonne I beseech thee draw my soule out of prison to the end it may confesse thy name deliuer me from the bands of sinne through the intercession of this thy precious Sonne which sitteth at thy right hand For surely I know not what other intercessor I could addresse towards thee for me but only he which is the propitiation for our sinnes who sitteth at thy right hand who through the glorie which is common to him with thee soliciteth thy goodnesse for vs. Behold O God and Father my Aduocate with thee behold my High-priest which hath no need of being cleansed through the blood of any one because hee shineth being sprinkled with his owne blood I haue addressed thy welbeloued Sonne for my Aduocate I haue made him a Mediatour betweene thee and me an Intercessor through whom I am sure to obtaine pardon behold he is my hope l●e in him is all my confidence If thou rereiect me for mine iniquitie as I haue deserued regard me yet at the least in thy Sonne that propitiation which thou hast prepared by one that serued thee Remember what thy Sonne hath suffered and forget that which a wicked wretch hath done In like manner we finde in his Epistles another forme made for the instruction and consolation of the sick which prepare themselues to die in forme of a discourse wherein the Pastor demandeth and the sick person answereth Art thou glad in thy selfe saith the Pastor to the sick that thou diest in thy Christian faith Yea answered the sicke P. Doest thou confesse to haue liued so ill as thou hast merited eternall punishment S. Yea. P. Beleeuest thou that our Lord Iesus Christ died for thee S. Yea. P. Doest thou giue him thankes therefore S. Yea. P. Beleeuest thou that thou canst not bee saued but by his death S. Yea. P. Got to then whilest yet thy soule is in thee set all thy saluation only in his death Haue confidence in no other thing trust and commit thy selfe wholly to this death couer thy selfe only therewith and with it wrap thy selfe round about And if the Lord would iudge thee say Lord I oppose the death of Iesus Christ our Lord betweene me and thy iudgement otherwise I could not debate with thee And if hee say vnto thee that thou art a sinner say Lord I put the death of Iesus Christ our Lord betweene thee and my sinnes And if hee should say once more vnto thee thou hast merited damnation say Lord I put the death of our Lord Iesus betweene thee and my damnation I offer vnto thee his merit in stead of that which ought to be in me in whom there is none And if hee should say yet vnto thee that he is angrie against thee say Lord I put the death of our Lord Iesus betweene me and thy anger This being accomplished let the sicke say three times Lord I recommend my spirit into thy hands Thus Saint Bernard hath oftentimes exhorted the people in his sermons not to stand vpon the Apostles nor any other Saint which is but a man neither to any Angel but to goe straight forward vnto the Father of lights who is the only iudge and witnesse of our thoughts and to his Sonne Iesus Christ the only Sauiour and Bridegrome of the Church For in his 23. Sermon expounding this sentence of our Lord Iesus Christ I am the way the truth the life Who will saith he making Christ himselfe speake come let come after me let him come by me let him come to me After me saith the Lord for I am the truth by me for I am the way to me for I am the life And in his 15. Sermon on the 91. Psalme The Church saith he is excellent well described in the Canticle of Canticles that hauing found the watchmen or rather being found by them for she sought them not she staieth not with those watchmen neither contenteth her selfe in their companie but hauing enquired after her welbeloued flies right towards him for her heart had no trust in those watchmen but in her Lord and it may be she would haue said to those which should haue counselled her otherwise I haue my confidence in the Lord which the Corinthians did not well obserue when they met with those watchmen but staied with them and passed no further I am said they of Cephas and I of Paul and I of Apollo but what haue these sober and well aduised watchmen done For they would not take to them the Bride they which were ielous about her euen with a godly ielousie who had vowed to render her as a chast virgin to her husband And if I deceiue not my selfe they pushed her forward to the end she might passe further to finde out her welbeloued And it is to be considered with what arrowes the Apostle S. Paul woundeth those which some to stay with the watchmen Paul hath he been crucified for you or haue yee been baptized in the name of Paul And immediatly after I will deliuer him saith the Lord in the 91 Psalme because hee hopeth in me not saith hee in the watchmen not in man not in Angel but in me Expect no good from any but from me and not by them for euery good gift is from aboue comming downe from the Father of lights for through me the watchmen are profitable But for the rest the watch of the secret intention which is in the bottome of the heart must not only be of me but also is made by me because the eye of man cannot penetrate so deepe nor likewise the eye of an Angel Also in his 174 epistle he admonisheth the Monks of his time that the Vrgin Mary would be honoured with iudgement because she hath no need of false honors being adorned aboue in heauen with true honors She takes no delight saith he in a proud noueltie the mother of rushnesse and sister of lightnesse to honor her in such a sort is not to honor her but to take away honor from her Moreouer manifesting his faith to be only in God in his 61 Sermon vpon the Canticle of Canticles My merit saith he is the mercie of the Lord for I haue no want of merit so long as he hath no want of mercie I boldly take from the bowels of the Lord what I want because they are full of mercie Besides he died in this beleefe saying I confesse that I am not worthie of the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen and the which through ●ine owne merits I cannot obtaine but my Lord which holdeth it by a double right that is both by the inheritance of his Father and through the merit of his owne passion content with one he giueth me the other And if I attribute it to my selfe by vertue of the gift which he hath giuen me I am not confounded It is not yet fiue hundred yeeres since S.